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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey, TBALrs! Don’t forget to listen to our interview with special guest Louis Shulman,
E19. TANGLED WEB: Psychology of Sanity in the Bitcoin Age
It’s on your favorite Pod Player (links below)! Thanks for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB, Louis!
Get your own Louis merch here: https://therapybites.myshopify.com/collections/podcast-special-guest-interview-merch
Find the Episode here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7f8Qyv8PfveG0IAhfy7pns
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/therapybites-/episode/e19-tangled-web-psychology-of-sanity-in-the-bitcoin-age-210162531
Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/therapybitestm/e19-tangled-web-psychology-of-sanity-in-the-bitcoin-age/PE:1210162531
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/0f8b0c0a-0802-469f-ab08-a6e9b564f624/episodes/9b9416ac-630c-435f-99e1-4f3f914c454a/therapybites%E2%84%A2-e19-tangled-web-psychology-of-sanity-in-the-bitcoin-age
Castbox:  https://castbox.fm/episode/E19.-TANGLED-WEB%3A-Psychology-of-Sanity-in-the-Bitcoin-Age-id5178208-id558097367?country=us
IHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-therapybites-103312046/episode/e19-tangled-web-psychology-of-sanity-106300473/
Podchaser:  https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/therapybites-4930848/episodes/e19-tangled-web-psychology-of-158565488
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/therapybites/id1649997206?i=1000590931585
Podbean:  https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/sanity/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnSBVDPS73g&list=PLmqF7fNL4DWDIuYG2Yjpy0K7P4YAAAWMA&index=12
First Come First Serve Code: bfjp c6cx rqjx k6by
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terimariedegree · 7 years ago
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#FavoriteVerseFriday #lovelost #couchcrumbs #poetry #poem #mypoem #poetryisnotdead #igpoets #igpoetscommunity #poetsofig #igpoets #poetsofinsta #poetsandwriters #behindsilence #silence
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couch-crumbs · 3 years ago
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Welcome to CouchCrumbs!
Made just for you by TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB!
We showcase stories of regret & resilience, tragedy & triumph, helping, hurting, healing, and bite into the most common myths and misperceptions of psychotherapy along with the surprising neuroscience of real life from the bright upper side of the couch and sometimes the darker spaces beneath. And, oh yeah! We’re gonna get crumbs on the couch!
Connect with the TBAL Team:
Text 1(870) 686-4196
Join us on the Clubhouse app each Wednesday @ 12pm CST as we discuss actual strategies to improve your thinking & your life.
Join us on the Volley app each Friday @ 11am CST as we bat around actual stories and strategies of helping & healing.
Grab your coffee & bagel! Join us for the TBAL Community Breakfast each Saturday @ 9am CST for support, sharing, and evidence that you’re not alone. Just text 1(870) 686-4196 to join the team. Our compliments!
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey TBALrs! Check out E43 - “Life Masterpiece: Psychology of Surviving & Thriving” (P. 1) with Special Guest & Survival Sage, Rodolfo De Angeli!
Check it out on your favorite Pod Player! Thanks for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB, Rodolfo!
Get your own Rodolfo merch here: https://therapybites.myshopify.com/collections/podcast-special-guest-interview-merch
First Come First Serve Code:
gytd 8gmv rjrt ypvv
0 notes
therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey TBAL Team! Check out E42 - “Owning Your Value: The Psychology of Self-Concept & Building Your Brand in Business, Home, & Life” w/special guest Jason Cercone!
Go check it out on your favorite pod player! Thanks, Jason, for joining us on the TherapyBites Podcast in the A.R.T. LAB!
Get your own Jason merch here: https://therapybites.myshopify.com/collections/podcast-special-guest-interview-merch
Check out the episode on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/23oC2qdCNyJfI8lLbnH9ED?si=XbYyREVgSz2PtrWunIwaLw
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/therapybites-/episode/e42-owning-your-value-the-psychology-of-self-concept-building-your-brand-in-business-home-life-211915545
Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/therapybitestm/e42-owning-your-value-the-psychology-of-self-concept-and-building-your-brand-in-business-home-and-life/PE:1211915545
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/0f8b0c0a-0802-469f-ab08-a6e9b564f624/episodes/de1e7f5e-8cca-46f5-a405-99b673c4f7ce/therapybites%E2%84%A2-e42-owning-your-value-the-psychology-of-self-concept-building-your-brand-in-business-home-life
Castbox: https://castbox.fm/episode/E42.-Owning-Your-Value%3A-The-Psychology-of-Self-Concept-%26-Building-Your-Brand-in-Business%2C-Home%2C-%26-Life-id5178208-id571183648
IHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-therapybites-103312046/episode/e42-owning-your-value-the-psychology-of-self-concept-building-your-brand-in-business-home-life-108889908?cmp=ios_share&sc=ios_social_share&pr=false
Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/therapybites-4930848/episodes/e42-owning-your-value-the-psyc-163385685
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/e42-owning-your-value-the-psychology-of-self/id1649997206?i=1000599516945
Podbean: https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/selfconcept/
Youtube: https://youtu.be/Pl5GEKNkfbY
FCFS Code: k3ym gq73 jrq6 dbyt
0 notes
therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey, TBAL Team! Don’t forget to check out E18. ENTREPRENEUR YOUR LIFE: Psychology of Self-Development with our special guest Jack Brickhouse! Listen to it on your favorite pod player, links available below! Thanks for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB, Jack!
Get your own Jack merch here: https://therapybites.myshopify.com/collections/podcast-special-guest-interview-merch
Check out the episode here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3xJed56QqaUDrU54Qgsegw
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/therapybites-/episode/e18-entrepreneur-your-life-psychology-of-self-development-210086926
Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/therapybitestm/e18-entrepreneur-your-life-psychology-of-self-development/PE:1210086926
CastBox: https://castbox.fm/episode/E18.-Entrepreneur-Your-Life%3A-Psychology-of-Self-Development-id5178208-id558097362?country=us
iHeartRadio:  https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-therapybites-103312046/episode/e18-entrepreneur-your-life-psychology-of-106247021/
Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/therapybites-4930848/episodes/e18-entrepreneur-your-life-psy-158463663
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3RoZXJhcHliaXRlcy9mZWVkLnhtbA/episode/dGhlcmFweWJpdGVzLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2VkNzg3NTg0LWVhYjYtMzliZi04YzdmLTEwNjAyZTZhMGZhZg?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjA16XP6pL9AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQLA
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/therapybites/id1649997206?i=1000590798501
Podbean: https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/self-development/
Code (FCFS): jf67 m3gd qt3j t7fc
0 notes
therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey TBALrs! Check out E41 w/special guest Dr. Denise Moore Revel!
“Super-Charged Living: Psychology of Personal Power”
on your favorite Pod Player (Stitcher, Pandora, CastBox, Podchaser, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcast, Apple Podcasts, and more)!
Thank you for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB Dr. Denise!
Super-Secret Gift Card Code (FCFS): t966 g6tp cmvb kfcx
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey, TBAL Team! If you haven’t checked out E17. Leaping Tall Buildings: Psychology of Superheroes with our special guest Ahmard Vital, head on over to your favorite PodPlayer and get some Superhero-level wisdom! Thanks for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB, Ahmard!
Get your own Ahmard merch here: https://therapybites.myshopify.com/collections/podcast-special-guest-interview-merch
Check out the episode here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0FGvEGlITH7NnvamDu9Xod
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/therapybites-/episode/e17-leaping-tall-buildings-psychology-of-superheroes-209889699
Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/therapybitestm/e17-leaping-tall-buildings-psychology-of-superheroes/PE:1209889699
CastBox: https://castbox.fm/episode/E17.-Leaping-Tall-Buildings%3A-Psychology-of-Superheroes-id5178208-id556459588?country=us
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-therapybites-103312046/episode/e17-leaping-tall-buildings-psychology-of-106049152/
Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/therapybites-4930848/episodes/e17-leaping-tall-buildings-psy-158084599
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3RoZXJhcHliaXRlcy9mZWVkLnhtbA/episode/dGhlcmFweWJpdGVzLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tLzhjOTE1NjJmLWRmOGYtMzcxNi05ZGRkLTJjYzJhZTVlZjY2OQ?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwj46tarvYn9AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQLA
 Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/therapybites/id1649997206?i=1000590342967
Podbean: https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/superheroes/
Super-secret gift card code (FCFS):
dvbj fqmp hpwr xg68
0 notes
therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey TBAL Team! Checkout E40 - “Crazy Socks: Psychology of Inspiration Beyond Limitation” with a PAIR of SOCKSpirational guys Mark X. & John Cronin, founders & owners of John’s Crazy Socks! It’s on your favorite Pod Player (Stitcher, Pandora, CastBox, Podchaser, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcast, Apple Podcasts, and more)! Thank you, Mark & John, for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB! We had a crazy (socks) good time!
Super-Secret Gift Card Code (FCFS): dj3c trtx gmbx 8pmt
#evalongoria #bobdylan #johnstamos #presidentClinton #presidentbiden #justintrudeau #humanpotential #presidentbush #barbarabush #ADA #americanswithdisabilitiesact #neuroatypical #familybusiness #johnscrazysocks #selfefficacy #diversity #downsyndrome #fragilex #disablity #differentlyabled #TherapyBites #DocHeath #mindsetmatters #successmindset #mentalhealthmatters
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB —-3rd Consecutive WIN as Top 10 Podcast - A big thanks to our listeners from the TBAL Team for joining us on this amazing journey & congratulations to our fellow podcasters for being in the PodMatch top 10! Share out the HEALTHY to those who could use a mental BOOST! It's an honor to serve the world through great content! Here’s to “Nutritious Listening!” Let our team know if there is anything we can do for you! 😃
0 notes
therapy-bites · 2 years ago
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Hey, TBAL Team! If you haven’t checked out E16. OVERCOMING: Psychology of STRENGTH with our special guest Austin Wheeler, boy are you missing out! Go listen to it on your favorite pod player, links are available below!
Thanks for joining us in the A.R.T. LAB, Austin!
Get your own Austin merch here: https://therapybites.myshopify.com/collections/podcast-special-guest-interview-merch
Check out the episode here:
 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/58slH0dCkJYtSjMiQbltRz?si=6c6ba2c11ac5437e
 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/therapybites-/episode/e16-overcoming-psychology-of-strength-209844519
 Pandora: https://pandora.app.link/HdRKK4mNcxb
 CastBox: https://castbox.fm/episode/E16.-OVERCOMING%3A-Psychology-of-Strength!-id5178208-id555955749?country=us
 iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/338-therapybites-103312046/episode/e16-overcoming-psychology-of-strength-106005102/
 Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/therapybites-4930848/episodes/e16-overcoming-psychology-of-s-157974053
 Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3RoZXJhcHliaXRlcy9mZWVkLnhtbA/episode/dGhlcmFweWJpdGVzLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2IyZjAxMzBmLTRhMjMtM2RlOS04NWJkLThmYjgwYmVmZjVkOQ?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjI9oiG04H9AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQLA
 Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/therapybites/id1649997206?i=1000590225227
Podbean: https://therapybites.podbean.com/e/overcoming/
Super-secret gift card code (FCFS): gr38 9jp3 prjb jrjk
0 notes
therapy-bites · 2 years ago
Happy Halloween Half-Way!!!
Doc Heath here; your friendly Neighborhood NeuroMechanic!
Spooky season is a great time for the young AND the young at heart to PRACTICE “FEAR”. That’s right! Practicing experiencing difficult emotions when we know we’re in a safe environment can help us program our minds to understand emotions - even the difficult ones - are not harmful to us.
Go ahead and enter the creaky doors of that Haunted House. Watch that spooky movie and let the CHILLS run up and down your spine. Decorate your home and yard with ghosts and monsters and witches and zombies; later imagining them all coming to life in the dark of the night.
Guess what will happen when you experience that FEAR? N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
Fear can never harm you though it can be a difficult emotion.
Use this Half-Way to Halloween to create a space for fear that YOU control.
Feel the fear and THEN pay attention to your THINKING. After all, it is your THINKING that is CREATING the fear in the first place.
Change your thinking; change your feelings. Master your thinking; master your life.
TherapyBites Podcast NOW AVAILABLE on your favorite pod player!
It’s all about the Psychology of EveryDay Life & Relationships.
SIX BRAND NEW episodes:
E1. Bonus Intro Episode
E2. Scary Stories from the DARK RECESSES Beneath the Therapy Couch
E3. Spooky Tales, Scary Therapy, & Staying Psychologically Safe
E4. Barking Werewolf Ruins the Day
E5. Zombies & Depression Quicksand
E6. Spirits, Unsafe Spaces, & Other Tales of Terror
E7. Myths, Monsters, & Scary Stress
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB World Premiere LIVE WATCH PARTY
JOIN US this Saturday
October 15 @ 6pm CST
TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB 🎙️Podcast 🌎 World Premiere 📺WATCH PARTY!!!
🏆Prizes 🎁Giveaways
😱REAL LIFE😱 stories fresh from the 🛋️THERAPY COUCH 🛋️ & the 💀dark recesses beneath 👻
(mugs-mouse pads-hoodies-tees-gift cards & MORE)
For the LIVE ACTION on Saturday at 6pm Central just go to:
#TherapyBites #DocHeath #BiteSizedTherapy #couchcrumbs #NeuroMechanic #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #therapytiktok #therapysessions #radical #radicalselfacceptance #revolution #revolutionary #neuroscience #therapistsontiktok #therapistsofinstagram #therapistsoftiktok❤️ #psychologyfacts #psychologytricks #truth #truthtok #truthbetold #truthoflife #philosophytiktok #philosophytok
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
NEWSFLASH! TherapyBites YouTube LIVE Watch Party! 6pm CST, October 15, 2022. Great Fun & Healthy Living Info - Games - GiveAways - Gift Cards - Scavenger Hunts - PRIZES of ALL SIZES
Hey, TBALr's, Sarah here! Adventure-seeker, book-worm, & associate to Doc Heath, your friendly neighborhood NeuroMechanic!
It's definitely one of those "Oh Jinkies!" moments! You're sitting outside your therapist's office awaiting your appointment. Then, you remember... you had homework! Oh, no! What will my therapist think? You scramble to write down as much as you can before COUCH TIME!
Sound familiar? I know we’ve definitely seen it; even done it ourselves!
During YOUR next session, put a homework reminder in your phone. Make scheduling that reminder a part of the therapy session. Also, share this plan with your therapist! Make it part of your treatment plan.
Great clinicians will help YOU develop a healthier MINDSET by reviewing your homework with you DURING each session.
Don't forget YOUR homework! Keep moving FORWARD!
REMEMBER: TherapyBites YouTube LIVE Watch Party! 6pm CST, October 15, 2022
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
(Sat. - 6pm CST - 10/15)
TherapyBites A.R.T. LAB 🎙️Podcast 🌎 World Premiere 📺WATCH PARTY!!!
😱REAL LIFE😱 stories fresh from the 🛋️THERAPY COUCH 🛋️ & the 💀dark recesses beneath 👻
(mugs-mouse pads-hoodies-tees-gift cards & MORE)
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therapy-bites · 2 years ago
TherapyBites Podcast NOW AVAILABLE on your favorite pod player!
It’s all about the Psychology of EveryDay Life & Relationships.
BRAND NEW episodes + BONUS:
E8. Ghosts, Ghouls, & Scary Faces: The Psychology of Halloween (p. 1)
E7. Myths, Monsters, & Scary Stress
E6. Spirits, Unsafe Spaces, & Other Tales of Terror
E5. Zombies & Depression Quicksand
E4. Barking Werewolf Ruins the Day
E3. Spooky Tales, Scary Therapy, & Staying Psychologically Safe
E2. Scary Stories from the DARK RECESSES Beneath the Therapy Couch
E1. Bonus Intro Episode
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