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terimariedegree 5 years ago
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#moses I think about him more than most folks in the #bible and am currently making my way through a #bibleplan which calls for reading every word of #exodus something I haven't done before and it's been enlightening to say the least. #poetweet from June #2015 a couple days before my birthday that year. If I had to pull a #favoriteverse from this it'd be "found was he who hid" 馃挏 #allthingsworktogether #theexodus #biblestudy #bibleinspiration #burningbush #favoriteversefriday #flashbackpoem #fromthearchives #throwbackpoem #poetryisnotdead #igpoets #poetsandwritersofinstagram #igpoet #writersandpoets #flashbackpoetry #happyfriday #catapult #bewhatyoudream https://www.instagram.com/p/B7uLxDdFKgS/?igshid=1rzx0ajmqsozr
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terimariedegree 6 years ago
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#favoriteversefriday a little #writing #revision to end the day #tootiredforhashtags #wellalmost 馃槉 #igpoet #poetsandwriters #writersofinstagram #writersandpoets #sugarcane #throwbackwriting #aging #reflection #mysterybox #drunkwritersmke https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3j4IjlMaW/?igshid=98ivxdb6646v
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terimariedegree 5 years ago
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A dear poet friend who follows my work said my #nicodemus poem reminded her of #thispoem "A pocket survival guide for black boys" Having this poem published was bittersweet, it affirmed me in so many ways being my first print publication but it also laid bare my heart and how I process #blackmotherhood People said they had no idea, they never thought of things in this way, never realized how not having these concerns for their sons meant they had #privilege And yet years later #herewestillare I shared about #tulsa and #blackwallstreet on my #facebook page (again bc I have mentioned it and the #philadelphiabombing in #1985 before) and yet still I get thanked because someone #neverknew I just can't fully grasp how in this age of information how little folks know and the fact that people aren't more outraged that their ignorance is a byproduct of intention like now that you've learned one thing you realize you should have learned in school are you going to seek out more information or wait for more to fall into your lap??? #sigh Anyway, this book connected me to so many good people of all generations and heritages and I'm super thankful for that and that this pain expressed as art was seen as such, the vulnerability to share it has #blessed me many times over. #lifeofapoet #notamorningperson #butimawake 馃様馃槾 #poetryisnotdead #flashbackpoetry #favoriteversefriday #igpoet #poetsandwriters #instagrampoets #poetsandwritersofinstagram #igpoets #bymepoetry #currentevents #throwbackpoem #flashbackpoem #catapult #bewhatyoudream https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVQ3XElSOc/?igshid=q08v85ezlpq
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terimariedegree 7 years ago
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#FavoriteVerseFriday #poetsandwriters #deaddream #mypoem #mypoetry #poembyme #poetry #poet #throwbackpoem #igpoets #igpoetsandwriters #poetryisnotdead #poem #disappointment #poetweet #fromtwitter #poetsandwritersofinstagram #deadpoetssociety #haunting #stench #rotted #clenched
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terimariedegree 5 years ago
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#favoriteversefriday One element of this poem is from 1995, I was 14. I wrote this 22 years later. I love the interconnectedness of real life and imagination in general but especially in #art Sometimes #mypoetry is a blend of the two like this piece, other times it's 100% real or fake. I like the reader not knowing the difference although wrestle with that especially when I perform live. #anyway #happyfriday #basedonscriptures and #mentalhealthmusings #poolofsiloam #bookofjohn #newinternationalversion #mentalhealthandthechurch #madonnastatue #legion #gardensetting #poetry #poetryofig #instagrampoetry #igpoet #throwbackpoem #poetryisnotdead #poetsandwritersofinstagram #igpoets #poetsandwriters https://www.instagram.com/p/B64sAlFFdyV/?igshid=ikl09ddm2hzx
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terimariedegree 6 years ago
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#favoriteversefriday I won a contest with this #poem the challenge was to write something based on #blackgirlmagic After thinking for a while I landed on actual #magic and #magicwords #abracadabra has some pretty interesting #history plus I'd already had the idea to #write something using #abracafuckindabra before I knew it, everything came together #anyway I'm finally done cleaning and ready for #houseguests 馃挏 #family + #bbq is usually a grand time 馃榿 #enjoytheholiday #igpoet #poetsandwriters #poetsandwritersofinstagram #instagrampoets #writersandpoets #poetrycontest #poetryisnotdead #bymepoetry https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zjzUAlRtu/?igshid=agxa7inh3w9y
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terimariedegree 6 years ago
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#favoriteversefriday #poemexcerpt #upcomingevent #swandaymke #artandpoetry Very thankful the Swan Day Milwaukee organizers said yes when I asked to share #mypoetry during the #opencallforartists Starting tomorrow through June 1st folks can take in all sorts of #visualart along with my piece, "Drops of Inequity" here are some lines from it. I really appreciate how along with the #poem visitors will get to read how I was #inspired as well as #acknowledgments of my #innercircle for #supportingme 馃挏 (at Urban Ecology Center, Menomonee Valley) https://www.instagram.com/litrockstar/p/BvU5yWoB5ZE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qhmj8a0q5g87
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terimariedegree 6 years ago
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#oklisten #FavoriteVerseFriday is terribly delayed but #igotdistracted thanks to #nintendo 馃槉 playing as myself is #theultimate #itipmyhat to them. #anyhow i don't read as much as a writer should but i actually read some great articles & blog posts by #poets who are also #professors this week and each has my mind racing in different directions. @tianaclarkypants piece mentions #blackgirlmagic in a way that reminded me of #mypoem #abracafuckindabra and @freesiamckee inspires me to share my writing more frequently and more diversely. #ineedtowrite #writingandresting #lotsofhashtags #poetryisnotdead https://freesiamckee.com/2019/01/08/rejection-city-here-i-come-trying-to-accrue-100-rejections-in-2018/ https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tianaclarkpoet/millennial-burnout-black-women-self-care-anxiety-depression http://americahates.us/poetry/2018/3/30/black-history-month-poetry-contest-winners https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsjh6GRhMKc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pcgqhmk7uuwt
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terimariedegree 7 years ago
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#FavoriteVerseFriday #lovelost #couchcrumbs #poetry #poem #mypoem #poetryisnotdead #igpoets #igpoetscommunity #poetsofig #igpoets #poetsofinsta #poetsandwriters #behindsilence #silence
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terimariedegree 7 years ago
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#FavoriteVerseFriday #garden #lovegonewrong #secretgraveyard #murder #throwbackpoem #bymepoetry #mypoem #poem #poetry #lovescorned #gardenshed #morninglight #secretgrave #rotting #goodbyeforgood #igpoetscommunity #igpoem #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #poetweet #fromtwitter #dontcrossme #jk #wellnotreally
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