#cops and crime
ocalapost · 2 years
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Six Marion County Sheriff's Office detention deputies are under investigation following inmate's death
Photo; Ocala Post
Ocala, Florida -- Six Marion County Sheriff's Office detention deputies are under investigation after an inmate at the Marion County jail died while being subdued. The officers are being considered "victims" and Sheriff Billy Woods is concealing their identities under Marsy’s Law. Article c
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What FNAF movie Vanessa’s REAL job is..
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mysharona1987 · 27 days
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Shameful, yes. Surprising, not at all.
But the guy literally woke up and people were breaking into his home with no warning? His sleeping girlfriend is right next to him, and he grabs his gun to protect them both?
I thought this is how most gun owners justified relaxed gun laws.
You know, a burglar might come in and you have to protect you and your loved ones.
Oh, right. But his explanation doesn’t count because he isn’t white.
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rjptalk · 1 year
FLASHBACK FRIDAY, APRIL 2017 I discovered Forever Knight when it was in reruns on the Sci Fi channel. It was showing around 2 in the morning. Garry was working the dawn patrol and had already left for work by the time the show came on. I was working from home, allowing me to sometimes see my husband before he was off to work … and indulge my taste for weird TV shows you can only see in the…
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demanding a series in the same vein (heh, vein) as Dexter/Hannibal wherein a prolific serial killer plays cat & mouse with the police--except the serial killer in question is a preteen schoolgirl. this would make for compelling television due to the fact that middle school frequently causes girls to become deranged, and more media should reflect this
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sunny-aster · 2 months
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They're such wildly different examples of what an emotionally tired person looks like
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taffywabbit · 8 months
a cover of "Panic Station" by Muse, ideally suited for chases through futuristic train platforms full of loop-de-loops and hostile robots!
usually I have a really hard time doing arrangements of existing songs, but I felt unusually motivated to tackle this one and managed to see it thought to completion! (took me a while because I kept spending too much time jamming out to what I already had done instead of working on the next parts lol)
♫ made with OpenMPT! ✎ cover art by me! ► SoundCloud link: https://soundcloud.com/taffywabbit/turmoil-terminus-zone ★ original song (for comparison): https://youtu.be/vk24UKKI4yY?si=RdQkA4BAHoRX1d7P
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and here's the full-size cover art, while i'm at it!
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
END the copaganda that not giving your DNA to your cops makes you more suspicious.
END the copaganda that if you don't tell your side of the story to a cop you're going to be arrested.
END the copaganda that not allowing the cops into your home without a warrant is criminal behavior.
END the copaganda that not allowing cops to interrogate you without an attorney present is inherently more suspicious.
END the copaganda that if you don't speak to a cop that stops you on the street, you are breaking a law.
this is all bullshit and it is framed in a way that destroys your constitutional right to be protected from unreasonable intrusions into your life and into your home. it is a way for cops and the law enforcement system to intrude on your privacy in ways they are legally not allowed to, by making YOU feel like YOU will be seen as a bad guy for standing up for your rights.*
demand to see a warrant. if they stop you on the street, ask if you're being detained and if so, why. do not speak to cops without your attorney present. that is WHY miranda rights exist. you are ALLOWED to keep your mouth shut.
*ALL of this is stuff that will be more dangerous to do if you are black or brown or visibly trans or queer or disabled. if at ANY POINT you feel that you are going to be at risk of harm for doing these things, you are NOT at fault for complying. your rights are important but they are not more important than preserving your life. stay safe out there y'all.
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ocalapost · 2 months
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Deputy fractured disabled man's shoulder, lawsuit filed
Photo; Ocala Post
You can view the full video, here. Marion County -- A Dunnellon man has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Billy Woods. 59-year-old George Nathansen filed the lawsuit after being wrongfully arrested in July of 2021 for filming a car accident a
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I was on a heist/road trip to escape the cops after I stole a bunch of cupcakes from Walmart. I decided to hide the evidence of the theft by eating all of the cupcakes by myself.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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teaboot · 4 months
Was in the car with a few of my brothers when I (oldest, riding shotgun) told one (upper middle, driving) that our mutual brother (youngest, back seat) had Damian Wayne vibes.
This started an excellent conversation about the virtues of various Robins that abruptly ended when I admitted Jason Todd was my favourite, upon which my brother (the one driving) groaned loud enough to alarm truckers in the other lane
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rustystars · 2 years
shawngus is so good the most dynamic ever. local weirdo who's only weird because he's angry at his father is in love with mr. normal upstanding citizen whose side gig is being the most neurotic man ever & their top love language is committing to the bit. if you put them in a situation where they can either follow the law or wear silly little costumes they will choose door #2 every single time & manage to destroy several other doors in the process
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charlesoberonn · 10 months
When you're so much of a bootlicker you even lie about licking the boots of a made up video game police
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lightbulb-warning · 11 months
I survived Danganronpa and all I got was this hoodie...
he got one (1): hoodie and one (1): unimaginable amount of survivior's guilt.
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