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toprecipe24 · 2 months ago
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2 cups of bread crumbs
1 cup of cooked turkey, shredded
1/2 cup of dried cranberries, chopped
1/2 cup of onion, finely diced
1/2 cup of celery, diced
1/4 cup of fresh parsley, chopped
1/4 cup of chicken broth
1 teaspoon of dried thyme
Must express something to keep getting my recipes.... Thank you.
Full Recipe
#cooking #cookingram #cookingtime #cookingclass #cookingvideo #cookingatHome #cookingwithlove #cookingschool #cookingmama #cookingforfamilyandfriends #cookingtips #cookingshow #cookingchannel #cookingwithkids #cookingisfun #cookingwithfire #cookingdemo #cookinglove #cookinglife #cookingrecipesrepost #cookingfromscratch #cookingclasses #cookinglover #cookinglight #cookinggram #cookingoutdoors #cookingoutside #cookinglesson #cookingismypassion #cookingforhusband
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hemascookingworldsblog · 3 years ago
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thekitchentube · 4 years ago
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🥕Fʀɪᴛᴛᴀᴛᴀ ᴀʟ ғᴏʀɴᴏ ᴅɪ Cɪᴘᴏʟʟᴀ ᴅɪ Tʀᴏᴘᴇᴀ ᴇ ғᴏɢʟɪᴇ ᴅɪ Cᴀʀᴏᴛᴀ ᴄᴏɴ Gᴜᴀɴᴄɪᴀʟᴇ ᴇ Cᴀᴄɪᴏᴄᴀᴠᴀʟʟᴏ sɪʟᴀɴᴏ Oggi vi presentiamo una ricetta veramente semplice, ma con un tocco di originalità che, vedrete, saprà stupirvi all'assaggio 😋 Dovrete solo procurarvi delle Carote fresche, a mazzo, con le foglie di un bel verde scuro e far attenzione che provengano da coltivazioni biologiche e controllate. Ora basterà eliminare con cura i gambi, lavare accuratamente le foglioline e tritarle finemente assieme a succo di Limone, Aglio e Olio evo, per ottenere un bellissimo e saporitissimo pesto (che potrà esservi utile anche semplicemente per condire un ottimo piatto di Spaghetti 😉). La particolarità del piatto di oggi è quella di essere realizzato con Uova 🥚🥚🥚sbattute assieme a un cucchiaio di Pesto di Foglie di Carota 🥕, Sale e Pepe nero. Il tutto mescolato con Cipolle di Tropea tagliate finemente, Caciocavallo silano grattugiato e pezzettini di Guanciale. ⏳Si cuoce in forno in teglia per una mezz'ora, fino a che non diventa di un bel colore brunito, e si può servire calda o fredda, magari accompagnata da una buona insalata fresca. Fantastica anche a cubetti come sfizioso finger food da aperitivo 🥂 🥕L'aggiunta del pesto di Carote dona a questa Frittata un colore inusuale 🌱ed un gusto davvero unico e delizioso, provate e vedrete che ci darete ragione ! La ricetta presto sul blog, dove potete già trovare tante altre proposte sfiziose ed originali, vi consigliamo di andare a dare una sbirciatina 👀 ! Buona giornata a tutti voi 🙋‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️😘 #thekitchentube #frittata #frittatalaforno #mahlzeit #foodstagram #carote #pestodicarote #foodshot #ifpgallery #ilovecooking #cookingismypassion #ricetteestive #gesundundlecker #infoodwetrust #foodfhotography #recipes #rezepte #ricette #cucinaitaliana #italianfood (presso Merano, Trentino Alto Adige, Südtirol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSLrD4cMSYD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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singsousmel · 4 years ago
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Meatless Monday Meal!! Smothered Meatless Pieces atop Garlic Butter Rice with Sauteed Brussel Sprouts #foodie #foodphotography #foodporn #foodgasm #food #cheflife #icook #cookingismytherapy #cookingismypassion #meatlessmonday #privatechef #blackchefsoninstagram #brusselsprouts #butteredrice (at Highland Historic District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO_09LejInb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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seemamohammedi · 4 years ago
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Spaghetti in Cauliflower Sauce #kitchenismyhappyplace #kitchenismyfavplacetobe #kitchenismyplayground #cookingismypassion #cookingmadness #cookingistherapy #cookingismyzentime #cookinglover #cookingwithlove #foodlover #foodislove #homemade #tasteofhome #tastemademedoit #crazyfoodie #stayhomeandenjoythefood #theletdiaries #cookathomechallenge #cookingascopingmechanism #lifeisallaboutfood #foodiswheretheheartis #homecook #flavorzoflife #anythingthatsuitsthepalette #livetoeat #madeathome #fromaround #zaika #theworldonmyplate #cookeatrepeat (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMwlMgKHunR/?igshid=17re8kd1q16l7
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revolutionbbq · 5 years ago
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Final product shot 📸... Wagyu Plate Ribs from @midlandmeatco that we had delivered by our great friends @proudsoulsbarbecue ❤️ We have these ribs rubbed down with our Texas Brisket BBQ Rub. Served the ribs with #homemade potato salad and a glass of @federalistwines Zinfandel🔥 We smoked these on our @traegergrills Timberline 850 with oak wood pellets for 8 hours at 300° 🐮 We are enjoying our #stayhomecookout Saturday... we hope you are too!⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #powertothepig #stayhome #stayhealthy #traegergrills #traegernation #wagyu #wagyubeef #5280eats #303eats #beef #beefribs #cookingismypassion #quarantineandchill #quarantinelife
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iamrorydonnelly-blog · 5 years ago
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One of my first loves when it comes to cuisine is middle eastern. I have to thank the people who first gave me my first creative outlet in a kitchen @arboreal_kitchen with there support I paid homage to there Lebanese heritage and taught myself about the flavours and techniques of this diverse food culture. For that I will always be grateful. Pictured is hummus, baba ganoush, tabouleh, and fattoush. ___________ L'un de mes premiers amours en matière de cuisine est le Moyen-Orient. Je dois remercier les gens qui m'ont donné mon premier exutoire créatif dans une cuisine @arboreal_kitchen avec leur soutien. J'ai rendu hommage à leur héritage libanais et je me suis familiarisé avec les saveurs et les techniques de cette culture alimentaire diversifiée. Je leur en serai toujours reconnaissant. Sur la photo, on voit de l'houmous, de la ganoush au baba, du taboulé et du fattoush. #homecookedfood #homecookedmeals #homemadewithlove #homemademeals #homemadeisbest #learnsomethingnew #cookingtips #cookingfromscratch #cookingismypassion #cookingislove #cookingadventures #cookinglesson #cookingislove #cheffood #cheftime #quickrecipe #cookingwithrory #cookingathomewithrory #roryshomecooks #madefromtheheart #simplerecipe #foodrecipes #recettes #healthyrecettes #recettesimple #middleeasternfood #arborealkitchen (at Midi-Pyrenees, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_dP3IUIgmj/?igshid=i4ci33hzn7ri
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iambewitched · 5 years ago
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DAY 51: Ginataang Sitaw Kalabasa with Daing na Bangus #thefrustratedchef #food #foodporn #foodstagram #foodph #foodphotography #whattoeatph #mealsph #homecooking #homecookedmeals #homemade #cookingismypassion #ginataangsitawatkalabasa #daingnabangus #pinoyfavorites #comfortfood #filipinofood #mealplan #acceptingorders #menufortoday https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xAJQDHzYj/?igshid=10hk4xg38yh8j
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smotable · 6 years ago
Who’s ready for their plated sous vide ribeye with sautéed rainbow Swiss chard and Smokey tomato coulis 😁 . . #privatechef #personalchef #orlandoprivatechef #orlandopersonalchef #orlandofood #orlandofoodie #catering #horsdoeuvres #bookme #cheflife #orlandocatering #foodie #foodporn #cookingismypassion #mealplans #orlandomealplans #culinaryarts #orlando #florida #foodphotography #vip #vipdinner #orl #privatecheforl #personalcheforl (at Encore Resort Vacation Homes) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1B0RepA_nA/?igshid=1asmin8dx7ea
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crazyhomecooking · 5 years ago
What’s Colorful and healthy against mood low and dreary days! Like today’s weather. With this colorful couscous and vegetable pan, I will show you that this is quick and easy. You can snip with knife everything straight forward in the pan. Feta cheese provides creaminess, and cares our soul too. This recipe yields 2 to 4 persons. Happy prepping and Guten Appetit! • • • • • • • #cookingvideo #cookingvideos #cooking #icooked #mealprepping #mealprepping #lunchtime #lunch #cookingblog #cookingblogger #cookingismypassion #couscous #vegetable #huffpostfood #whatscooking #ilovecooking #homecookingisthebest #spotmyfood #homecookedmeal #homecookedfood #cookingathome #awesomerecipe #recipesharing #tastytasty #tasty😋 #yummyyummy #colorfulicious #delicious_food #delicious😋 #fetacheese #fetakäse https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LST-Yp2fh/?igshid=7g3dl870plul
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acsec · 2 years ago
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I just finished wrapping 160 pcs of lumpiang shanghai (nem philippins) for this Saturday’s lunch — i invited the whole lab (Biomaterials group, around 16 pax) to the Lunar New Year « mini-feast », also a way to thank them for their warm welcome to me in the lab ❤️ then next Saturday (28 January), i’ll prepare lunch for the missionaries, everyone is free to come, just PM me in advance if you want to join so I can prepare « enough » food for everyone 😅 my new mission is to feed people 😅 i’m happy seeing others happily eating the food I prepare 🥰 #amazingadventuresofbeaujethro #lumpia #lumpiafactory #thanksgiving #chefjethro #everydayisthanksgivingday #cooking #cookingismypassion #filipinocuisine #lunarnewyear (at Mulhouse, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkmB1uLdGp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gloriousgal81 · 6 years ago
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love #Koreanfood today I made myself some #porkbelly #japchae #homecooking #personalchef #food #foodie #gloriousgalstudio #gloriousgal #foodphotography #foodmadefromtheheart #madefromscratch #livetoeat #cooks #cooking #feedme #foodismypassion #cookingismypassion #cookingismylife #lifeofafoodlove #lifeofacook #lifeofapersonalchef (at Cornelius, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqs-UJUA1Pk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18fbnbqkugv4z
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hemascookingworldsblog · 3 years ago
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thekitchentube · 4 years ago
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ғᴏɢʟɪᴇ ᴅ'ᴜʟɪᴠᴏ sᴀʟᴍᴏɴᴇ ᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴄᴏ ᴄᴏɴ ᴘᴇᴘᴇ ʀᴏsᴀ, ᴀɴᴇᴛᴏ ᴇ ʟᴇɴᴛɪᴄᴄʜɪᴇ ᴠᴇʀᴅɪ ᴄʀᴏᴄᴄᴀɴᴛɪ 🛎️Oggi vi presentiamo una versione leggermente rivisitata di una nostra ricetta dello scorso anno, che ha avuto un gran successo☺️ soprattutto sul blog💪🏻 Si tratta di una pasta di semola di grano duro agli spinaci, che abbiamo scovato nella nostra visita nello Store @aldi_italia di Merano, che è stata accompagnata con una salsa di Salmone 🐟al naturale ripassato con Aglio fresco e quindi aggiunto a latte di Cocco e Aneto🌿 Questo abbinamento tra Cocco e Salmone, che molti di voi troveranno singolare 😏 e magari potranno avvertire come strano, è invece assolutamente vincente ed è molto difficile accorgersi che quella crema così saporita e leggera sia stata realizzata con il Cocco (invece che con la ben più grassa e comune Panna da cucina 😉) 💡Per valorizzare ancor più i sapori e aggiungere una parte croccante e piccante, abbiamo utilizzato poi delle bacche di Pepe Rosa assieme a un trito ottenuto con Lenticchie Verdi canadesi, bollite e fatte asciugare prima di essere ripassate in Forno a 160°C per 20 min e quindi raffreddate e ridotte in granella grossolana L'utilizzo della Pasta agli Spinaci e della granella di Lenticchie croccante, dona al piatto un gusto ancora più particolare e spiccato...dovete assolutamente provarlo in questa nuova versione e dirci cosa ne pensate ! 🥰💕 Trovate la ricetta originale sul Blog, a cui dovrete solo apportare le modifiche descritte 😉👨‍🍳 Ovviamente accompagnate il tutto con un buon Pinot Bianco 🥂 e...buon appetito. A presto 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️😘 #thekitchentube #foodstagram #mahlzeit #pastapassion #pastalovers #primipiatti #recipes #rezepte #ricette #cucinaitaliana #italianfood #ricetteitaliane #ilovecooking #cookingismypassion #ilovecooking #ifpgallery #salmone #foodshot #lecker #leckerschmecker #cookingideas #mittagessen (presso Merano, Trentino Alto Adige, Südtirol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR-8w5IgvIx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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1936coffee · 3 years ago
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1936 meatballs . We put coffee in everything! Are you looking for an interesting way to add some flavour to your meatballs? Try adding our 1936 Cubano Silver instant coffee! This recipe is easy to follow and the coffee gives the meatballs a delicious flavour. Link to recipe on top. Estás buscando una forma interesante de agregar un poco de sabor a tus albóndigas? ¡Prueba agregar nuestro café instantáneo 1936 Cubano Silver! Esta receta es fácil de seguir y el café le da un sabor delicioso a las albóndigas. Enlace a la receta en la parte superior. #torrefactocoffee #cookingwithlove #cookingblog #cookbooks #risotto #homecooked #food #buzzfeedtasty #amateurchef #cookingismypassion #foodforfoodie #ilovecooking❤️ #beef #eatingwell #myopenkitchen #f52 #cookingathome #bolognese #instafeast #italianfood #yummy😋😋 #appetitejournal #cookingideas #cookingvideos #mycommontable (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcoPKisvCYb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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revolutionbbq · 5 years ago
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We are hanging out at home today and smoking up some Wagyu Plate Ribs from @midlandmeatco that we had delivered by our great friends @proudsoulsbarbecue ❤️ We have these ribs rubbed down with our Texas Brisket BBQ Rub. 🔥 We are smoking these on our @traegergrills Timberline 850 with oak wood pellets. 🐮 We are enjoying our #stayhomecookout Saturday... we hope you are too!⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #powertothepig #stayhome #stayhealthy #traegergrills #traegernation #wagyu #wagyubeef #5280eats #303eats #beef #beefribs #cookingismypassion #quarantineandchill #quarantinelife
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