#community aid request
Hi, my name is al-Rasher from Gaza thank you so much for reaching out this fundraisers but is low. 😭 Please donate any amount you can, share my story with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know, the better chance I have of reaching my goal thanks.🕊📢🇵🇸
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pinkhairswagtourney · 7 months
my friend harmony is a disabled trans lesbian who has been homeless for almost two months now , relying solely on the kindness of strangers to make ends meet . after all this time , she’s finally caught a break – her cousin has extended an invitation to live with her and has offered to help her get a job at her place of work . this is absolutely fantastic news and i’m so so excited for harmony to get back on her feet !! 
the only issue is that her cousin lives roughly 2000 miles across the country . harmony is ready to go whenever , she just needs a little more help: she’s disabled and cannot drive for super long periods of time , so she will need to stop and stay at a hotel a few times along the way ( ~$200 ) . she also needs gas to fill up her tank ( ~$250 ) and food to eat ( ~$50 ) .
all together , she only needs about $500 to make this trip . if you can spare anything at all , please send a few dollars her way ! i know we’re all struggling , so if you can’t afford to help monetarily , please boost this post !! harmony is so so close to finally being in a stable situation again . thank you for reading !!!
p-yp-l ( her only way of accepting money )
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genderqueerdykes · 3 months
disabled intersex trans lesbian saving up for necessary internet bill during pride month
hello, my name is equinox, i'm a schizophrenic autistic trans intersex person dealing with hypermobile ehlers danlos, degenerative disco disease, fibromyalgia, and other health problems. i am a queer & disabled rights activist & humanitiarian who is stabilizing after 6 months of homelessness. all of my business is done online- i have a shop where i sell jewelry, paintings and zines, and my blog is also an important part of my support network- i need to be able to access the internet reliably for my job. i also have a gofundme as well. thank you so much to everyone who helped us pay our electric bill! you are awesome. we have an internet bill coming up and we need help putting aside some money for that as well as shipping labels, ink for our printer, june's rent, etc.
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i appreciate everyone who helps us either by supporting or interacting! you all are amazing people. thank you for keeping me housed and safe!
pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail.com cash app: $glitterGraphix ven mo: $equinoxian chime: $equinoxian
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mousedetective · 8 months
So I can't edit this to show what it is exactly, but I basically just got shamed by a Facebook "friend" for offering to share this link to get laundry supplies for my birthday. So now I'm miserable and that wasn't what I'd wanted to happen at all.
So if anyone would like to cheer me up, this is my family's Homeless Supplies list. I need as much of the laundry and disinfectant stuff as I can get. Clothes for me (or even my mom, because she still needs pants) would be a huge help, as I lost 40 pounds last year and most of my stuff is too big or it's full of holes. Food is much appreciated by all three of us.
Can't help? Reblog. Don't care/don't want to help? Don't be an asshole about it. Just ignore me or block me or whatever. But I am thankful to everyone who has helped, everyone who continues to help us, and everyone who is inspired to help. It's basically a waiting game with disability at this point for us to get housing, so all I can do is wait and hope.
But yeah. If you can help, or even just reblog, it would remind me there are good people in the world, and I sorely need that as much as I need anything on the list.
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kiradical · 2 months
I’ve just been informed, 5 days before my lease ends, that my lease cannot be renewed. This means I need to get me and my cats out of here by August 1st. I am disabled and haven’t been able to find a job, and I don’t have anywhere local I can go. My only option other than literally being on the streets is to pack my life into either a rental car or moving truck and go back to Virginia with my family. 
I need to raise money FAST. I will need at least $800 but $1000 is better to cover a rental and help loading the truck here since it’s just me. 
I am alone, I am scared, this is literally the most scared I have ever been in my life. I am truly about to be homeless if I cannot get this. I don’t even have a car to live out of. I am desperate. Please please help me. 
Please donate to kiradical on cashapp and Venmo, message me for PayPal. These are the only ways I can accept payment right now.
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camryn-aisling · 2 months
Crosspost from cohost
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runeberry · 7 months
This is extremely difficult for me to ask, but I need some help. Wife and I do the best we can, but this is a long term issue for me, and I just need a boost so I can get on top of everything.
If I can just pay down a couple bills/loans, I can start to make a dent in the bigger pieces, like my student loans. But if we hope to buy a house someday, and I hope to get some much needed future medical treatments (braces/gender affirming surgery); I need to be able to get over the hill of debt.
Every cent is deeply appreciated, and I will pay it forward when I can. Signal boosts are appreciated, so, so much.
Thank you everyone. ♥
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Life's been a rollercoaster lately, and I've hit a bump without insurance. Long story short, I can't manage the $300 for my Zoloft prescription right now (I suffer with schizophrenia).
If you've got a few bucks to spare, it would seriously make a world of difference. I don't usually do this, but thanks for even considering it.
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Hello, my name is Amira, and I am a university lecturer and an app developer from Gaza🍉🍉. Since the beginning of the war, we have been moving from place to place in search of safety, but there is no safe place😥. We appeal for your help through sharing our story or donating to help us escape this danger that threatens our lives. Any assistance you provide, whether financial or by spreading our story, could help save my family and provide us with a better future. Thank you for your support and compassion🙏🙏.
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pinkhairswagtourney · 8 months
my friend harmony is a disabled trans lesbian who was recently kicked out twice by transphobic relatives and friends . she’s been applying for jobs but she hasn’t had any luck yet . she currently has no source of income and nowhere to rest her head at night except her car , and it’s been below freezing where she lives . 
this is ongoing and will be ongoing until further notice – she needs money to eat , to fill her car with gas , and to rent a hotel room . even a few dollars would help her so much at this point . if you can’t help monetarily , please please boost this post !! i am so worried about her , this has been going on for over a month and she isn’t doing well ]:
p-yp-l ( her only way of receiving money rn )
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caffeinatedcarny · 21 days
Alright, I genuinely didn't want to resort to this, but I desperately need financial help right now
I don't talk much about my personal life, but i'm at immediate risk of homelessness, with a week left to leave this place, and I would so so greatly appreciate any amount anybody can offer right now! If i can at least get over 60$ by tomorrow I can immediately work on securing a new home. My paypal My Ko-Fi I can definitely try and make art for anyone donating, but reblogging this is also unbelievably appreciated!!
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balljointcutie · 7 months
i was kicked out by my transphobic step-father , consider helping me stay afloat for the next few months
hi  everyone  ..  my  name  is  amara  and  i’m  an  eighteen  year  old  nonbinary  person  who  just  got  kicked  out  of  my  home  .  my  step-father  somehow  logged  into  my  personal  computer  while  i  was  away  from  the  house  and  went  through  everything  .  he  knows  everything  ,  he  knows  that  i’m  queer  ,  he  knows  about  my  partner  ,  every  little  secret  that  i  kept  hidden  about  myself  to  protect  myself  …  when  i  got  home  ,  he  was  in  the  process  of  ransacking  my  room  ..  started  calling  me  horrible  transphobic  and homophobic names , said i'm no longer allowed to  live  under  his  roof  .  he  told  me  to  get  the  fuck  out  ,  all  while  my  mom  watched  and  didn’t  do  or  say  anything  to  defend  me  or  stop  him  .
my  older  sister  is  letting  me  stay  with  her  which  i  appreciate  so  much  but  she  is  a  single  mom  and  she’s  already  struggling  without  me  adding  more  to  her  plate  .  i’m  trying  to  finish  this  final  year  of  high  school  so  i  can  get  my  diploma  and  go  to  live  with  my  partner  .  i  have  $75  saved  up  from  babysitting  but  that’s  going  to  go  so  fast  with buying  my  own  groceries  and  necessities  .  i’m  going  to  start  selling  my  art  soon  but  in  the  meantime  ,  i  could  really  use  some  help  ..  if  anyone  can  send  a  few  dollars  to  help  me  stay  afloat  until  i  graduate  ,  it  would  mean  absolutely  everything  to  me  ! 
moneyapp + payfriend
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mousedetective · 8 months
Please Help A Mentally Ill/Disabled/Mostly Queer Family Get Temporary Housing For My Birthday?
VENMO: @penaltywaltz | CASHAPP: $afteriwake23 | ZELLE: DM me for email address
01/20/24 - New Post!
(Original goal mostly met, now edited for additional room help and other things needed)
If I can get the entire amount still needed, I can do the following:
Get a nice dinner for my birthday
Get a bigger framed pair of glasses, as my current frame is too small, and get a replacement pair of prescription sunglasses as my regular sunglasses just aren't cutting it
Get a few more supplies for the room (a broom/standing dustpan, paper towels, NeutraAir spray) and for the cats (cat litter and cat food, including the special dry food they need)
We currently have the room until the morning of the 27th, but my birthday is on the 23rd and I'd love to get the room for a few extra days if possible so that we can relax until we get our disability.
We'll be going to the LGBTQA center to get Lena transferred to a gender-affirming care GP and we'll go to Exodus as well next week as well, so any help with gas to get there would be amazing.
So please reblog this version if you can, and help with money or wishlist items if you can (the restaurant gift cards go a long way, plus I desperately need the clothing for me because I've lost 40 pounds this last year and most of my stuff is now too big). Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have an awesome day!
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efangamez · 5 months
Only 10 days left to snag this AWESOME TTRPG bundle!! 💛💛
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Hey y'all! All of the help you've given me thus far has been truly amazing, and I really wanted to thank you for that 💛 I have used the money this far as a safety net for emergencies and to just enjoy life, whether that means going to the movies once a month or buying an Arizona each day with my walk as I build my strength back up.
We are, however, falling a bit short of our goal. I really want to be able to afford therapy more than anything right now, and visits cost about 100 per visit out of pocket with my insurance. So, if I'm looking to get expensive therapy and psychiatric appointments and official diagnosis, it will cost upward of 2,000+ dollars.
Also, I would really like to have some money to pay off my taxes I owe from 2022. I owe, still, about 3,500+ taxes, which I pay off each month. I pay the absolute minimum so I don't have to dig too deep in monthly costs. If I could pay off a chunk of it in one fell swoop, I could save nearly $500 a year and could nip interest accrued from my taxes in the bud.
Finally, and not as important, I need a new desktop computer. My current one is slowly dying, and the fans are giving out. My power supply is also a bit wonky, and my graphics card is and CPU is outdated, meaning I can't stream games well, nor can I play some games that give me solace. It's not imperative right now, but to have this as an option would be wonderful.
So please, if you would, could you purchase a game bundle? It's countless hours of entertainment with your friends for only $25, almost a FOURTH the cost of a AAA video game with HUNDREDS of hours of content. Not only are you snagging games, but you're also helping out a person in need. It's a win win!!!
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Snag the games below, and if you can't purchase anything right now, please kindly reblog!
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 3 months
I'm going to need a bit of help this month...
Let me start by saying that I'm very glad that it's been more than a month since I've needed to ask for help. This was due in a large part to some assistance I received from a dear family member, and a moderate reduction in my monthly expenses. However, things have now gotten a bit worse.
For at least the next few weeks, my employer is cutting hours--even though we're already critically understaffed in all areas of the store. Corporate is tightening its belt so to maximize their own bonuses (the disconnect between the six & seven figure execs and the galley slaves rowing the boat has never been more pronounced) as the poor economy is affecting business. Frankly, this is the slowest I've ever seen things in my entire retail career.
As a result, I'm going to be coming up short to pay for my lodging for the rest of June (at least). I'm fine through this Saturday, the 16th, but need to come up with at least half of the weekly payment for the next few weeks. Hopefully, my hours will be restored by the beginning of July. I want to try to raise $600 overall, so about $200/week.
Fortunately, a couple of very dear Mutuals sent me some funds in celebration of my birthday yesterday (tysm my lovely friends!🥰🥰), so I've already made a good start...
As in the past, I am deeply appreciative and humbled by whatever help people can manage, and very grateful for any signal boosts of the post!
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lavendertentacle · 4 months
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Hello! My girlfriend Trillian is a trans woman that is the sole caretaker of her disabled mother. Already in a precarious financial position, she had to suddenly replace her mobile phone, which completely died on her and she needs for work. Any help would be appreciated, and my art commissions are also open over at my art @awhekate!
Here's my Paypal and Ko-fi!
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