#cole lives AU
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einradi · 2 months ago
This idea has been bouncing around in my empty head for a while, and I really love your writing style . I would love to see how you would interpret it!
It's mostly just a Cole Anderson Lives au. With some things changed (ex: during the eden club chapter Machine connor doesn't stumble upon a drunk Hank, etc etc)
Summary: One planned meeting leads to an unplanned one, but that’s alright. The RK800 was made to adapt to his surroundings, and this was merely a way to learn faster.
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veilder · 2 years ago
Yoooooo! It's been a hot minute since I posted a new prompt, but here's something I've been thinking about for a few days now? Consider:
AU where Cole was born much earlier, back before Hank's career really kicked off. He follows his ol' dad into the police force, joining the DPD the summer of 2035. However, that same year, a freak ice storm takes the city. Hank had been planning to visit Cole in his first apartment, promising him that "the roads aren't that bad, don't worry about it." The next call Cole receives is from Detroit Regional Hospital, asking for a next of kin. Cole rushes there himself, heedless of the horrible state of the roads, to find his father in surgery, a medical android operating. Anxiously, he waits through the night, fidgeting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs outside the operating theater.
He receives the news the next morning. Hank had suffered some serious injuries including multiple concussions, and had fallen into a coma during the surgeries. He's told there's no way to know when or if he might wake. The sight of the medical android leaving the theater with the same placid expression on its face as off of the things haunts him long after that night.
For three long years, he's consoled with platitudes of "it might be any day now." For three long years, he visits his father regularly, hoping to spark some change in the man. For three long years, he throws himself into his work, hoping to forget that this was all his fault. That Hank had been out because of him. That he was laid up in a sterile room for years because of him.
And almost three years later, his hard work pays off. His promotion to detective coincides with a surge in deviancy cases. And Cole Anderson, professional workaholic, newly-instated rookie, who's father's big shoes he will fill or die trying, has a proposition for the captain:
"Assign me this case," he demands.
"This is high profile, rookie. The sergeant will handle it," Fowler replies.
"Sir, the sergeant hates androids. I can work with it. Perhaps even mediate."
"Seem to recall you not being a fan either, Anderson."
And Cole grits his teeth, flashbacks of an android in bloody scrubs running through his mind. But he says, "I'm not, sir. But I need…" And here he hesitates, looking away from Fowler's piercing gaze. "… I need something… substantial… at this time of year…"
And the office is quiet for a few seconds more before he hears Fowler sigh. And Cole knows he's won this. "Alright, Anderson. Alright. I'll add you to the case. But Reed takes lead, you hear me? No going off on your own, kid."
Smartly, Cole salutes, knowing when to let sleeping dogs lie. "Thank you, Captain. You won't regret it."
"But Reed might," he hears the man mutter as he closes the door behind him.
Cole smirks, returning to his desk and the case files he'd been finishing up. Deviancy, he thinks. Perhaps this is the missing link. The key to proving androids can't be trusted in sensitive situations. That his father's condition was a result of malpractice, not routine. That they, too, shoulder some of the blame.
Two days later, Cole meets Connor. And that is when he knows his theory is right.
Or! The one where Hank is out of commission and an adult Cole Anderson is assigned to the deviancy case alongside Connor and Gavin. Through peril and hardship, the three must learn to work together to solve the greatest mystery Detroit has ever known, or risk letting the menace known as deviancy roam free. And meanwhile, tempers flare, worldviews shift, and all three learn there's perhaps more to life than just being human.
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fried-muffins · 4 months ago
Cole lives Au, because I'm surprised there isn't much that aren't Hankcon💀 I covered it up so it doesn't clog the timeline! It's unfinished, I do not know how to continue this so you're getting WIP😭
Anderson, Cole 
Its knuckles rapped against the hard wood of the front door, impatience bleeding through the android in waves. It had received a report of a murder that happened at the Eden club, that was 43 minutes, 10 seconds, and 24 milliseconds ago. The lieutenant was not at his work desk, nor was he at Jimmy's bar, and so Connor, after a quick search in the Police database, inserted the Lieutenant's address and waited. It shook its head to rid of the distracting memory. it waited for a grumble or a shout, something that tells the android it was heard, but none came, only the muffled sound of the television playing something was registered by its audio processor. It sighed before moving their finger to the doorbell, making sure to hold it for longer than is usually comfortable for humans. There was a startled shout from somewhere inside the house, followed by a big thud and then little patters on the floor. Connor's frown deepened, the footsteps not matching the usual heavy footfalls of the Lieutenant. It stepped back when it heard the lock mechanism unlocking, it took 0.5 seconds to realize that there was no face to meet him at eye level, looking down to meet the big round eyes of a child: 
Born: 09/23/2029 
 It opened its mouth, closed it, going through the motion looking like a gasping fish, before finally deciding on something to say, 
"you..... are not Lieutenant Anderson....." 
It mentally cringed at the obvious observation while the child—9 years old, its mind 'helpfully' supplied— only looked much more confused, before his eyes lit up and he shut the door in the android's face. It stood there as he heard a shout, a thud then quiet. It pulled its coin out, rolling it methodically as it waited. Hurried footsteps sounded back up and it straightened, catching the coin in its left hand, pocketing it as the door unlocked again. The child looked up at it in child-like wonder, side stepping as the child [Cole] opened the door wider. 
"Dad said he will be out in a minute!" 
The android nodded its thanks as it entered, stopping for 2.4 seconds to decide whether to take its shoes off or not. toeing its shoes off, looking at its socked feet in a sort of fascination. Connor never took its shoes off outside of Cyberlife™ and even then, it was always for maintenance, never for comfortability. It looked around, analyzing and backlogging details of the lieutenant’s house, the classic literature collection on the far wall, with some non-fiction books thrown in every now and then. The dog bed in the far-left corner. The Floor is littered with a mixture of Dog and children's toys.  Connor looks up, seeing Lieutenant Anderson step out of what was most likely a hot shower, wavy hair wet and tangled as he towel-dried it. Side-eyeing the android with a scowl, he disappeared— into what is most likely his bedroom— with a grumble, disappearing as quickly as he appeared. Connor looked down in alarm as the sensation of a wet snout was shoved into his palm. It was met with large, pleading eyes, it stared at the [Saint Bernard, Male] dog, hesitantly putting its hand on top of the dog’s head (Connor never really seen a dog in person, much less pet one). Cole decided to stand beside the Saint Bernard, ruffling the fur with a smile 
“His name is Sumo, and he’s the bestest dog ever” He looked up at the android, toothy grin somehow becoming wider when he caught the way the android was awkwardly patting the dog, as if the android was afraid of the newly named Sumo. He giggled, seemingly changing the way he was petting sumo, “that’s not how you pet him! Here, let me show you”  
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Suddenly, bell bottoms aren't so bad
Bonus sketch, because I had to vv
"Stop checking out my assistant, Stanley."
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laufeysan · 10 months ago
Criston, dressed like Santa and lying on the floor of Aemond's room: Ouch Alicent: What's wrong? Criston: I try to give Aemond his gifts, but the moment I got through the window he hit me with his toy and kicked me in the balls yelling: “go away creep!” I’m both proud and concerned
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coleroz · 1 month ago
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skrunklydoo · 13 days ago
jadewing au where harumi ends up in shintaro after the merge and vania, taking pity on her because she looks pretty messed up, lets her stay in a spare room in the palace. after all, like i said, harumi isn’t really that okay (possibly some minor injuries, though idk yet) and it’s the flipping merge
initially vania’s quite distrustful of harumi because she knows what happened between her and the ninja, even though she’s also aware (through chats with and updates from her long-distance best friend cole) that she’s been redeemed
however vania eventually gets past this but almost immediately after starts having a crisis because she’s realised “OH FSM SHE’S HOT” (harumi has this crisis too btw). eventually they work their feelings for eachother out and start dating yay yay yippee!!!!!!!!!!!
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thecatundertheladder · 5 months ago
So fsm really likes Kai, how does he feel about the other ninja, especially since Cole and Zane are a like Wu(especially Zane), also I’m curious does fsm have a favorite of the ninja(besides Lloyd of course)
The FSM: Of course I don't have a favourite, I love all Lloyds and non-Lloyds equally
Context: FSM only really starts to observe the Ninja when they show up to the Monastery, prior to that he just checks in every few years to make sure they're all still healthy. They meet properly in between seasons 5-6
He/they/she pronouns for FSM
Nyad has her memories
First of all it goes without saying that the FSM likes all the Ninja, he hand-picked them all for a reason. But I'll go into the specifics.
Jay: When Jay first showed up to the Monastery, he didn't have a lot of self confidence, and would try to hide it through jokes and just generally being loud. This wasn't a bad thing, FSM had had many times over the years where their self-confidence was pretty low, their main concern was that it would affect his training (and it did for a time) so they made sure to mention it to Wu so he could start working on it.
FSM really enjoys Jay's varying interests and liked that despite his lack of self esteem, he still tried everything he could. When Jay and FSM finally met in person they started having long (and I mean long) conversations about almost everything under the sun.
Overall all she finds Jay a very interesting person, and is proud to see how far he's come both as a ninja and a person in general.
Cole: He was the first person to arrive at the Monastery, and quite frankly, FSM was glad it was him. He was calm but lively and it was great to have him to be the one to introduce ninja training to the other's rather than just Morro (who was temporarily kicked out by FSM when Cole arrived).
It wasn't until Cole and Wu got closer that FSM started to see similarities. Both were generally disapproving impulsiveness but still impulsive themselves, caring and mostly calm people. Cole, at times, acts like a mini Wu, and she finds that very adorable.
Nya: The FSM wasn't entirely sure about Nya when she first arrived at the Monastery, mostly because he hadn't chosen her like he did the others. Don't get me wrong she still plays a vital role but it was less a part of the prophecy and more that Nyad saw that Kai was going to have a sister and took the opportunity to get a water elemental in the game as well. This meant that while FSM was mostly sure Nya was going to be a good match he didn't know a lot about her.
But he was pleasantly surprised by her. She was caring, confident, and determined, and reminded FSM of her namesake. When she became a ninja she fit well into the team. Of course he's aware that she has her flaws, they all do. But she learns to overcome them (eventually)
Lloyd: The favourite, the precious grandson. FSM absolutely adores Lloyd and would defend him at all costs. Lloyd, particularly when he was younger, reminded FSM a lot of herself, you know, causing problems and chaos while really just wanting a family.
FSM is very proud of how Lloyd stepped into his position as green ninja despite how difficult it was. Later when they actually met, FSM realises just how little Lloyd thinks of himself, and sets about to change that.
Kai: Unlike with Cole, it was immediately after seeing Kai and Garmadon next to each other that FSM realises how similar they are, and it amuses them to no end. Both are brash and argumentative, but when it comes down to it, they will always stick to their morals and do what is best for Ninjago. So yeah, FSM quite likes Kai, even if they think he needs some more character development when he first starts to train as a ninja.
Zane: Now this is very interesting, because when he was first writing the prophecy and foresaw Zane, he was very confused. Zane was the first of his kind after all, and while FSM had seen some stuff, he hadn't seen this. Nevertheless he still picked him as the EM of ice.
FSM actually relates to Zane a lot, not fitting in or understanding how other people work (autistic spinjitzu fam for the W) only to discover just how different you are (well, it's pretty obvious from the get go for FSM but same thing) and then learning to accept that.
And, as you mentioned he is also quite similar to Wu, both eccentric, calm and with a strong moral compass. So, if FSM had to pick one
Pixal: She was completely unexpected. FSM hadn't seen into the future past the Final Battle which meant they were completely blindsided when they first actually met by Zane having two souls in his body. After learning about Pixal they offer to create a new body for her but she declines, saying she would rather do it herself, which gained her the instant respect of FSM.
They only really start talking once she gains a new body but they hit it off immediately. FSM loves her attitude and ability to learn and accept new things.
Thank you so much for the ask! This one made me think a lot and was an opportunity to work out some more in-depth stuff for this au! If you have anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask!
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saline-coelacanth · 1 year ago
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Just some random comic/doodles based on chapters 4 and 5 from "Lightning in the Storm" aka just another excuse to draw Storm Vessel Jay lol
These were really fun though, I might do more fic related doodles in the future
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lepusrufus · 1 year ago
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Sore loser
Angela is losing too but she's just happy to hang out
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gardenjays · 5 months ago
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stereotypical hockey player x figure skater au but probably not the way you expected
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blondeaxolotl · 1 year ago
Remembering this and uhh...
Fox noises are weird-
Like here-
So now picture Maurice being a shit (almost wrote bottom whoops -) and Doll just screams
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She screams to get Maurice's attention but forgets that it scares the others around them as well (Joanne and McMillan feel the need to apologize even though they weren't the ones being screamed at)
Also bonus doodle:
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nyaskitten · 2 years ago
here r some concept doodles for my Jiang Dragon AU lol
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I was wondering, does Fiddleford still have a wife in your Halloween au? And if yes, does she know about him being a vampire?
I've been sitting on this ask for a bit, but I think I should finally answer.
In my AU, Fidds is actually pretty old-- not like ancient or anything, but surely a few centuries?
Anyway, so way back, when he was human, he did have a wife and a kid!! But when he got bit and became a vampire, he actually outlived them :(
He tries to think about them often, but it's definitely one of the things he chooses to erase when he creates the memory gun
#if you were a bored immortal what's the first thing you're doing?#exactly-- wait around until the 1970s to go to a college that happens to be no one's first choice where you get a roomate that you befriend#and after graduating with an engineering degree and waiting a few years you get a call from him while workin in your garage#and he ropes you into coming to live with him to help him with this big project#and then you really DO get roped into his project literally and you're traumatized by the experience so you quit and leave#but y'know it just so happens that you received an invite to a vampire “meeting” that really is just a party#and you don't have a good time but on the way back to your motel you run into this guy that looks a little like your buddy but he's greasie#chubbier just grosser in general-- oh yeah and a werewolf#and then it turns out that your buddy actually managed to fall into the nightmare portal and his brother the werewolf#wants to get him out and he finds out that you helped build it originally#so you get tied in to domestic hijinks with the brother of your friend while you both try to work together to build the portal#and you accidentally fall in love with your friend's twin brother- the werewolf#or well that's what i would do if i was a cursed immortal y'know#cole's answering#gravity falls#grunkle stan#stanley pines#fiddleford mcgucket#fiddleford hadron mcgucket#stan is really only mentioned in the tags they kinda got away from me sorry guys this always happens#werewolf stan pines#vampire fiddleford#gravity falls au#gravity falls halloween au
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eegnm · 4 months ago
This is the vibe for Team Targ when Cole was still on it but after the Rhaenyra/Criston fall out
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coleroz · 23 days ago
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