Any fics that include portray cas’ otherness? It doesn’t have to be the focal point.
This is an exciting but rather wide topic and definitely a YMMV one. So, we are just pointing to the tags where you could start looking and then reccing some of our faves from those tags. Our main criteria for Cas’ othernessfics on this rec list is his way of thinking, not just his appearance.
canon verse/ SU tag (read reviews, we usually mention if Cas characterization has elements of angelic nature)
I. Fics from SU (canon verse) tag and trueform!cas tag that pay special attention to Cas angelic nature/ memories/ bewilderment with humanity
A Crash Course in Someone Else’s History by scaramouche
Broadway Musical by griftings
Castiel Rising by phate-phoenix
Everyone Is Trying to Get to the Bar by balder12
How A Righteous Man Raises A Rose by swordofmymouth
In Eridu by takadainmate
In the Shuffling Madness by araftatsea
Jubilees by ghostyouknow
Nestfallen Verse by glassyskies
Oneiroi by mclachlan
Something Stupid by zatnikatel
This Thing Called Free Will by tracy_loo_who
Then I Am, Yes, The Bible That Teaches You Of Freedom by ORPHAN
The Soul Piece by cloudyjenn
The Way Back by rainylemons
The Way Out by awed_frog
II. Fics from Supernatural AU tag, wingfic tag and creature!cas tag. Cas may have corporeal wings/ is a creature/ has an elaborate past different from canon.
A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead by suspiciousflashlight
A Distant Mirror by zatnikatel
Aurora Borealis by unoshot
Carnival Oasis by violue
Clipped and Unbound by garrisonbabe
Convenient Husbands by scaramouche
Hunting a Dragon (submitted rec) by tridom
The Marshland by shipperslist
The Mensch by Aerlalaith
Pacific by moosefeels
Pulling Out The Nails by todisturbtheuniverse
The Request by cloudyjenn
Sleeper, Awake! (submitted rec) by overlordofthebees
III. Fics from sci-fi tag - robot, android, AI Cas
A Soliloquy for Two by inferification
C-S-T-L by komodobits
Our Solid State by dedpai
The Parts of Our Sum by scaramouche
Qualia (submitted rec) by imogenbynight
Note: After five years and nearly 1500 reviews and recs, this is by no means an inclusive list - that is what our tags page is for! Instead, these are a selection of favorite fics that in our opinion fit the ask.
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#misha on tumblr
right now on Tumblr :
normal Supernatural fans :
Destiel shippers :
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Because Love always win. <3
Happy Pride month everyone !!
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Colored by misterintoxicate07 line art by me
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Supernatural Saturday: 2
I loved the fact that it has gender swap Destiel in it as well.
Credithttp:msloveless //
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Omg Cas is so cute! His little pout!
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love me some destiel
*squeaks* happy -early-. SAN VALENTINE DAY(ish) some destiel (nooo really?) for you all <3
poses from!
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source: (x)
For the request I received asking for wings, here you go! (Love this pic, incredible wings!)
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Resting at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere
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kitty boop
the owner was killed by a poltergeist and Cas gets to keep it as long as it stays inside his room at the bunker, but of course it gets out constantly and her favorite place is Dean’s pillow. So Dean’s constantly sneezing and carrying around boxes of tissues but he hardly ever complains because there’s no use since he’d never have the heart to make him get rid of it anyway, and it makes Cas happy, so.
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