#coach carol
turned-the-page · 2 years
A little praise for I.AM.O
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coachbeards · 5 months
good morning. james tartt almost beat beard to death <3
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
One thing that I was not able to add into this beast of a fic was any Higgins & Jamie bonding and I am honestly so sad about it. Jamie literally can not have enough good replacement dads in his life
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incorrecthsrquotes · 9 months
Marzipan: I suppose that on the blessed day of Decemberween, one must to drink to the health of, uh, Strong Bad, even though he is odious…
Strong Sad: (nods) Mm-hmm.
Marzipan: Stingy…
Strong Sad: (nods) Mm-hmm.
Marzipan: Wicked…
Strong Sad: (nods) Mm-hmm.
Marzipan: And unfeeling…
Strong Sad: (nods) Mm-hmm.
Marzipan: And badly dressed!
Strong Sad: (gasps in shock)
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cryptidkreates · 6 months
man i cant believe aaron minyard is jim caroll from the basket ball diaries
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dailypepe · 2 years
In 2021, the Muppets sang carols on the Muppets Christmas Caroling Coach in Disneyland, and Pepe's performance of "Feliz Navidad" is such a delight
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caroldantops · 10 months
have definitely thought about hockey kate, bc it's very sexy and also perfect for her as a sport that both requires a ridiculous level of skill/accuracy and also involves so much hitting and violence
but i also have to suggest hockey carol, both bc I got the carol danvers hockey jersey and it's so fucking cool, and also bc it's exactly what i imagined carol playing+coaching in the coach carol/kate au from like a month ago
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gritsandbrits · 10 months
Blue wearing jerk who resents the main protagonist for having a happy ending plots steal their title & take over, trains an unassuming oc with musical talent as part of the plan only to come to genuinely fall for her
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thetarttfuldickhead · 10 months
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A Jamie-centric pre-OT3 Christmas story told in 25 short chapters.
Masterpost / AO3
Everything was not all right. Bleary-eyed and with the beginnings of a headache brewing, Jamie slumped down on the bench by his cubby, ignoring the excited chatter of the dressing room and politely (he hoped) brushing off Dani’s attempt at getting his in-depth opinions on Dani’s new socks. (They were decent. Little bland, but the colours went nicely with Dani’s skin tone.)
Evidently, making nice with Coach Nate had not been enough to appease the universe, because Jamie had spent the better part of last night staring at his phone, trying to work up the courage to call his mum without any success, and now he’d spent the better part of training trying to figure out what the matter was, also without any success.
It was fucking weird. It shouldn’t have been hard, calling her. It wasn’t like they never talked or anything, he’d spoken to her just last month. But it was different now, somehow, when he knew he wouldn’t just be talking to her, but actually talking to her.
Fuck. He’d been so sure that saying sorry to Nate would do the trick.
More out of desperation than anything else, Jamie stuck his head into the head coaches’ office. Ted wasn’t around, but Coach Beard was sat by his desk, feet up on it and with a book in his hands.  
”Do I need to apologise to you?” Jamie asked without preamble.
Beard looked up from his book, fixing Jamie with that unnerving stare of his. “What for?”
“I dunno.” He couldn’t actually remember ever speaking much to the man before, but maybe he’d managed to somehow wrong him anyway.
“Then I guess not.” Sounding supremely unimpressed, Beard returned to his book.
Well. Jamie made a face. It had been a long shot anyway.
He undressed; he showered; he changed. He agreed to a beer with Jeff and Arlo later that night. He wasn’t really in the mood, but he figured he still wasn’t in a position to turn down invitations. Wanted to show willing and all that. Besides, Jeff had always been easy company. Only one of the team that hadn’t thrown a fit about him coming back.
As he made his way to out of the building he passed by Keeley’s office, and paused. Keeley was by far the smartest person he knew, and dead good to talk to. She’d probably have some ideas about what he should do next.
Though the last time he’d gone to her for advice, she’d sent him off to Dr. Sharon and Dr. Sharon was home with the flu so that was no good.
He went into Keeley’s office anyway. She wasn’t there, but the room smelled like her, sweet and floral, and the familiar fragrance was both soothing and a little painful for the pang of longing it brought. He fucking missed her, in a way he hadn’t expected to when she dumped him. Back then he’d mostly been disappointed about not having the Keeley Jones for a girlfriend anymore and missing out on more of the frankly mindblowing sex, but the more time passed, the more he started to miss other things. How clever she was. Funny. Kind.
It was good, though, the way they could still be friends. He was pretty sure Keeley wasn’t the one he was needed to make things up to; he knew she wasn’t upset with him anymore, in spite of him not treating her as good as she had deserved. He hadn’t ever meant to hurt her, he just hadn’t thought.
In a fit of inspiration, he dug out his phone and after several seconds of careful consideration  put together a quick text to Amy.
Sorry I was a prick on the show. Didn’t mean to hurt you. Hope you’re all right
Then, lest she get the wrong idea, he quickly added:
Not trying to get back together or anything.
Somewhat to his surprise, he received an answer in less than a minute:
i wouldn’t get back with you if you begged me to
i’m engaged to david now
you’re a poophead but i’m paying for the wedding with the money i made selling my story to the papers so we’re square
Jamie’s gut twisted at that. As much as he loved attention and as much as he hadn’t any qualms about getting naked and fucking around on the show, the idea of Amy crying about how he’d cheated on her and dishing out all the sorted details that hadn’t made it into the final cut made him queasy. At least it meant they were cool, though, so he sent a thumbs up and tried to put it out of his mind.
He didn’t put the phone away. He scrolled through his contacts until he landed on “Mummy”. Let his finger hover over it for a long time, but it was no good. Apparently texting Amy hadn’t helped either.
Fuck, he wished Keeley was here. Even if she couldn’t or wouldn’t help him with his problem just talking to her would have made him feel better. Always did.
His eyes fell on the a life-size cutout of Roy Keeley, in spite of her otherwise impeccable taste, kept by the wall, and his lips curled into a sneer. Odds were Keeley was over talking to him right now, maybe even curling up next to him and petting his hair, though what she saw in that decrepit wanker was a fucking mystery. Sure, Roy was fit, but anyone who’d spent more than two minutes in a room with the man knew he was a miserable old twat, and if there was one person Jamie wasn’t sorry about being a prick to it was—
Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Hang on. Wait a minute.
Oh. Fuck.
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scarletwix · 10 months
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I can't believe a meme pose is my first official post for this au
Carol & Pietro shit talking during their weird "are we/aren't we" friendship journey
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kajmasterclass · 17 days
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thedaimoncoach · 3 months
Il potere della pratica: come la crescita personale trasforma le relazioni
Quando si tratta di crescita personale, spesso ci concentriamo su teorie e concetti astratti. Tuttavia, secondo due studiose rinomate, Angela Duckworth e Carol Dweck, il vero cambiamento avviene attraverso la pratica. In questo articolo esploreremo come la pratica efficace possa trasformare le nostre relazioni. 1. Angela Duckworth e il Concetto di “Grit” La psicologa Angela Duckworth ha…
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celestialstreamline · 4 months
Unlocking Professional Potential: The Power of Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Career Success
Having the right mindset can be the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving career success. A growth mindset, which embraces challenges, values effort, and thrives on continuous learning, is a powerful tool that can propel you forward in your professional journey. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of cultivating a growth mindset, practical steps to develop it, and how it…
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rickollie · 5 months
Meet: Carolina Suarez
Meet: Carolina Suarez Cancer Survivor, Tennis Player, Entrepeneur and Coach Carolina's a wonderful soul that never let cancer slow her down. Instead she battled on and became an inspiration to all. #CarolinaSuarez #CancerSurvivor #TennisPlayer and more
Cancer Survivor, Tennis Player, Entrepeneur and Coach When I highlighted Carolina back in February in an Instagram Story for National Women in Sports Day, I had no idea what an inspiration and supporter of mine she’d become. What I seen was a woman with a tennis racquet, playing a game I love to watch and even played a bit as a teen. Add the two together and it made logical sense to story…
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macaroni-rascal · 8 months
Carol Lane choosing to go to Europeans with S/F instead of to Canadian Nats is making me laugh a little bit, she's been there done that with nationals, but I don't think she's ever gone to euros with a team before, so I get it lmao
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dailypepe · 2 years
Christmas jokes followed by a performance of “Let It Snow” (from the Muppets Christmas Caroling Coach in Disneyland, 2021)
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