#child resident visa
immigrationz · 1 year
Expert Advice for Dependent Visa: Immigration Adviser New Zealand
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Trust Immigration Adviser New Zealand for professional guidance on obtaining a dependent visa. 
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This is not a drill
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This is IMPORTANT especially if you live in the USA or use the internet REGULATED by the USA!!!!
Do not scroll. Signal boost. Reblog.
Reblog WITHOUT reading if you really can't right now, I promise all the links and proof are here. People NEED to know this.
( I tried to make this accessible but you can't cater to EVERYONE so please just try your best to get through this or do your own research 🙏)
TLDR: Homeland Security has been tying our social media to our IPs, licenses, posts, emails, selfies, cloud, apps, location, etc through our phones without a warrant using Babel X and will hold that information gathered for 75 years. Certain aspects of it were hushed because law enforcement will/does/has used it and it would give away confidential information about ongoing operations.
This gets renewed in September.
Between this, Agincourt (a VR simulator for cops Directly related to this project), cop city, and widespread demonization of abortions, sex workers, & queer people mixed with qanon/Trumpism, and fascism in Florida, and the return of child labor, & removed abortion rights fresh on our tails it's time for alarms to be raised and it's time for everyone to stop calling us paranoid and start showing up to protest and mutual aid groups.
These are the same feds who want to build cop city and recreate civilian houses en masse and use facial recognition. The same feds that want cop city to also be a training ground for police across the country. Cop city where they will build civilian neighborhoods to train in.
Widespread mass surveillance against us.
Now let's cut to some parts of the article. May 17th from Vice:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is using an invasive, AI-powered monitoring tool to screen travelers, including U.S. citizens, refugees, and people seeking asylum, which can in some cases link their social media posts to their Social Security number and location data, according to an internal CBP document obtained by Motherboard.
Called Babel X, the system lets a user input a piece of information about a target—their name, email address, or telephone number—and receive a bevy of data in return, according to the document. Results can include their social media posts, linked IP address, employment history, and unique advertising identifiers associated with their mobile phone. The monitoring can apply to U.S. persons, including citizens and permanent residents, as well as refugees and asylum seekers, according to the document.
“Babel data will be used/captured/stored in support of CBP targeting, vetting, operations and analysis,” the document reads. Babel X will be used to “identify potential derogatory and confirmatory information” associated with travelers, persons of interest, and “persons seeking benefits.” The document then says results from Babel X will be stored in other CBP operated systems for 75 years.
"The U.S. government’s ever-expanding social media dragnet is certain to chill people from engaging in protected speech and association online. And CBP’s use of this social media surveillance technology is especially concerning in connection with existing rules requiring millions of visa applicants each year to register their social media handles with the government. As we’ve argued in a related lawsuit, the government simply has no legitimate interest in collecting and retaining such sensitive information on this immense scale,” Carrie DeCell, senior staff attorney at the Knight First Amendment Institute, told Motherboard in an email.
The full list of information that Babel X may provide to CBP analysts is a target’s name, date of birth, address, usernames, email address, phone number, social media content, images, IP address, Social Security number, driver’s license number, employment history, and location data based on geolocation tags in public posts.
Bennett Cyphers, a special advisor to activist
organization the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told Motherboard in an online chat “the data isn’t limited to public posts made under someone’s real name on Facebook or Twitter.”
The document says CBP also has access to AdID information through an add-on called Locate X, which includes smartphone location data. AdID information is data such as a device’s unique advertising ID, which can act as an useful identifier for tracking a phone and, by extension, a person’s movements. Babel Street obtains location information from a long supply chain of data. Ordinary apps installed on peoples’ smartphones provide data to a company called Gravy Analytics, which repackages that location data and sells it to law enforcement agencies via its related company Venntel. But Babel Street also repackages Venntel’s data for its own Locate X product."
The PTA obtained by Motherboard says that Locate X is covered by a separate “commercial telemetry” PTA. CBP denied Motherboard’s FOIA request for a copy of this document, claiming it “would disclose techniques and/or procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions”.
A former Babel Street employee previously told Motherboard how users of Locate X can draw a shape on a map known as a geofence, see all devices Babel Street has data on for that location, and then follow a specific device to see where else it has been.
Cyphers from the EFF added “most of the people whose location data is collected in this way likely have no idea it’s happening.”
CBP has been purchasing access to location data without a warrant, a practice that critics say violates the Fourth Amendment. Under a ruling from the Supreme Court, law enforcement agencies need court approval before accessing location data generated by a cell phone tower; those critics believe this applies to location data generated by smartphone apps too.
“Homeland Security needs to come clean to the American people about how it believes it can legally purchase and use U.S. location data without any kind of court order. Americans' privacy shouldn't depend on whether the government uses a court order or credit card,” Senator Ron Wyden told Motherboard in a statement. “DHS should stop violating Americans' rights, and Congress should pass my bipartisan legislation to prohibit the government's purchase of Americans' data." CBP has refused to tell Congress what legal authority it is following when using commercially bought smartphone location data to track Americans without a warrant.
Neither CBP or Babel Street responded to a request for comment. Motherboard visited the Babel X section of Babel Street’s website on Tuesday. On Wednesday before publication, that product page was replaced with a message that said “page not found.”
Do you know anything else about how Babel X is being used by government or private clients? Do you work for Babel Street? We'd love to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Joseph Cox securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, Wickr on josephcox, or email [email protected].
Wow that sounds bad right.
Be a shame if it got worse.
It does.
The software (previously Agincourt Solutions) is sold by AI data company Babel Street, was led by Jeffrey Chapman, a former Treasury Department official,, Navy retiree & Earlier in his career a White House aide and intelligence officer at the Department of Defense, according to LinkedIn.
So what's Agincourt Solutions then right now?
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In essence, synthetic BATTLEVR training is a mixture of all three realities – virtual, augmented and physical. It is flexible enough to allow for mission rehearsals of most types and be intuitive enough to make training effective.
Anyway the new CEO of Babel Street (Babel X) as of April is a guy named Michael Southworth and I couldn't find much more on him than that tbh, it's all very vague and missing. That's the most detail I've seen on him.
And the detail says he has a history of tech startups that scanned paperwork and sent it elsewhere, good with numbers, and has a lot of knowledge about cell networks probably.
Every inch more of this I learn as I continue to Google the names and companies popping up... It gets worse.
Monitor phone use. Quit photobombing and filming strangers and for the love of fucking God quit sending apps photos of your actual legal ID to prove your age. Just don't use that site, you'll be fine I swear. And quit posting your private info online. For activists/leftists NO personally identifiable info at least AND DEFINITELY leave your phone at home to Work™!!!
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #23
June 14-21 2024.
On the 12th anniversary of President Obama's DACA program President Biden announced a new pathway to legal status and eventual citizenship for Dreamers. DACA was an executive action by President Obama which deferred any deportation of persons brought to the US as children without legal status. While DACA allowed Dreamers to work legally in the US for the first time, it didn't give them permanent legal status. Now the Biden administration is streamlining the process for employers to apply for work Visas for Dreamers. With Visas Dreamers will for the first time have legal status, the ability to leave and reenter the US legally, and a pathway to a Green Card and eventual citizenship.
President Biden also announced protections for the undocumented spouses and children of US citizens. The new rule allows the spouse, or step-child of a US citizen to apply for lawful permanent residency without having to leaving the country. It's estimated this will help 500,000 undocumented people married to Americans, and 50,000 children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to an American citizen. Current law forces spouses to leave the United States if they're here illegally and wait and unclear period of probation before being allowed to return, but being allowed back is not assured.
The IRS announced that it'll close a tax loophole used by the ultra rich and corporations and believes it'll raise $50 billion in revenue. Known as a "pass-through" has allowed the rich to move money around to avoid taxes in a move the Treasury is calling a shell-game. Pass-throughs have grown by 70% between 2010 and 2019 and the IRS believes it helped the rich avoid paying $160 billion dollars in taxes during that time. The IRS estimates its crack down on these will raise $50 billion in tax revenue over the next 10 years.
The EPA and Department of Energy announced $850 million to monitor, measure, quantify and reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Methane is the second most common greenhouse gas, responsible for 1/3rd of the global warming. The funding will focus on helping small operators significantly reduce emissions, as well as help more quickly detect and cap methane leaks from low-producing wells. All this comes after the EPA finalized rules to reduce methane emissions by 80% from oil and gas.
The Biden Administration took steps to protect the nations Old Growth Forests. The move will greatly restrict any logging against the 41 million acres of protected land owned by the federal government. The Administration also touted the 20% of America's forests that are in urban settings as parks and the $1.4 billion invested in their protection through the President’s Investing in America agenda.
The Biden Administration released new rules tying government support for clean energy to good paying jobs. If companies want to qualify for massive tax credits they'll have to offer higher wages and better conditions. This move will push union level wages across the green energy sector.
The Department of Education announced large reductions in student loan payments, and even a pause for some, starting in July. For millions of Americans enrolled in the Biden Administration's SAVE plan, starting in July, monthly payments on loans borrowed for undergraduate will be reduced from 10% to 5% of discretionary income. As the department hasn't been able to fully calculate the change for all borrowers at this point it will pause payment for those it hasn't finalized the formula for and they won't have to make a payment till DoE figures it out. The SAVE plan allows many borrowers to make payments as low as $0 a month toward having their loans forgiven. So far the Biden Administration has forgiven $5.5 billion wiping out the debt of 414,000 people enrolled in SAVE.
The Biden Administration celebrated the 1 Millionth pension protected under the American Rescue Plan. Senator Bob Casey joined Biden Administration officials and Union official to announce that thanks to the Butch Lewis Act passed in 2021 the government would be stepping in to secure the pensions of 103,000 Bakery and Confectionery Union workers which were facing a devastating 45% cut. This brings to 1 million the number of workers and retirees whose pensions have been secured by the Biden Administration, which has supported 83 different pension funds protecting them from an average of 37% cut.
The Department of Energy announced $900 million for the next generation of nuclear power. This investment in Gen III+ Small Modular Reactor will help bring about smaller and more flexible nuclear reactors with smaller footprints. Congress also passed a bill meant to streamline nuclear power and help push on to the 4th generation of reactors
Vice President Harris announced a $1.5 billion dollar aid package to Ukraine. $500 million will go toward repairing Ukraine's devastated energy sector which has been disrupted by Russian bombing. $324 million will go toward emergency energy infrastructure repair. $379 million in humanitarian assistance from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to help refugees and other people impacted by the war.
America pledged $315 million in new aid for Sudan. Sudan's on-going civil war has lead to nearly apocalyptic conditions in the country. Director of USAID, Samantha Power, warned that Sudan could quickly become the largest famine the world has seen since Ethiopia in the early 1980s when a million people died over 2 years. The US aid includes food and water aid as well as malnutrition screening and treatment for young children.
Bonus: Maryland Governor Wes Moore pardoned more than 175,000 people for marijuana convictions. This mirrors President Biden's pardoning of people convicted of federal marijuana charges in 2022 and December 2023. President Biden is not able to pardon people for state level crimes so called on Governors to copy his action and pardon people in their own state. Wes Moore, a Democrat, was elected in 2022 replacing Republican Larry Hogan.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Here is some hot tea...As always take with a grain of salt. by u/Meegainnyc
Here is some hot tea...As always take with a grain of salt.
I made it text for ease of reading and thanks OP for the scoop! 🧂
THE VIEW FROM THE U.K. I count two Royal reporters as friends. The private view in the U.K. is this:
1. ⁠The Palaces (that is, the institutional faces of the Royal Family) are content that the facts surrounding the Markles slowly but surely come into the public domain with as little "push" as possible from the Palaces. A slow revelation of the facts is considered more powerful and comprehensively final that big leaks which the Markles can counter
2. ⁠The Press in the U.K. is staffed by anti-Monarchists who receive their story feeds from the Markles and play them off against the formal releases to the Royal Rota in the U.K. and elsewher
3. ⁠Archie certainly exists - or, at the very least, a child represented to the Late Queen and Duke of Edinburgh as Archie.
4. ⁠The Late Queen never visited Frogmore Cottage in 2022 and never met any child represented as the daughter of the Markles. She said as too I'll to make such a journey. There is no diary evidence of any meeting whatsoever
5. ⁠The Palaces and the Royal Family collectively are determined never to meet or be in the same place as the Markle woman
6. ⁠The Markle woman's husband is very subtly discouraged from setting foot on any Royal property until he is rid of his for-now wife
7. ⁠The REAL crisis for the Markle woman's husband is a looming tax crunch. By 6 April 2026 he will be non-resident for U.K. tax purposes to the extent that he can return to the U.K. and not pay tax on his American earnings here in the U.K. Alas, he will run out of money before then and the only way he will get any more is if he takes up residence (tax residence) here in the U.K. in order to receive his bequests from Diana/Queen Mother. They CANNIT be paid to an overseas tax resident. Thank you so much this insight. This couple are in a pickle aren't they? Here in the US, in focus is the dodgy business Archewell and it's misappropriating funds & Tax, as well as the other stuff that I have talked about with the US government, if people have been paying attention. There is a reason why the visa info is on hold, but I won't get into right now aside from saying that it is not good, if it turns out to be true. We will have news soon and it most likely be broken by an independent Journalist, international news, and or YouTuber as MSM outlets here in the US will not cover it to avoid diplomacy issues with the UK, and drawing attention of Russia & China for use in foreign propaganda. It's safe to say there are crisis on both sides of the pond looming. These two have made a mess and no doubt Meghan will throw Harry under the bus to save herself when the time comes. James Holt is a fool for taking the liability for Archewell finances as it is only a matter of time before he is called into question.
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https://ift.tt/Ud5VeOu post link: https://ift.tt/slMr4Py author: Meegainnyc submitted: May 30, 2024 at 02:05PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Saturn 🪐Transit in Aquarius 2023- What you should be careful with?
Saturn moved to sidereal Aquarius on 17th Jan 2023 bringing changes for each one of us. Here is what each rising/Moon sign should be careful with.
Aries : Existing friendships may get severed. Relations with elder siblings and close friends may be strained. Health needs to be watched out for. Investments and speculation need care.
Taurus: Relations with boss may be tested. Travels to foreign countries could be delayed. Your employer could change. Partner could be under some work stress. You may not get much reward for your efforts now.
Gemini: Relations with father could be strained. Your luck could come slowly now. Travel to foreign countries or other states may prove challenging or challenges arise during travel. Visa renewal issues could arise. Relations with siblings are difficult. Your co workers may not be very supportive now.
Cancer : Relations with spouse and spouse's family could be under stress now. Not the time for making entry into stock markets as Saturn hits both 8th and 5th house. Conceiving children could be delayed and relations with children could be burdensome. Your partner's income could be restricted.
Leo: Relations with spouse , father and family could be strained. Spouse could have some stress (with their job or health). Legal issues could drag on and divorce cases may prolong. Your own health needs attention with Saturn aspecting ascendant.
Virgo: Relations with co workers will be tested. You could change your employer now. You may have to carry out other's work too. Your health could be in focus now. Relations with in laws and father in law is strained now. Journeys to foreign countries will be delayed. Some block in your regular exercise or gym could arise.
Libra: Relations with children can be strained. Your love life can be seriously blocked now and any advances made will tend to get rejected. Not a time for dating but persons older in age could approach you. Delay could be there in conceiving child. Investments and speculation may give losses.
Scorpio: Relations with family and mother could be strained. Mother's health needs care and attention. If you are in school, studies could be affected. There is possibility of change in residences. Your own health needs care and attention. Relatives may be cold now.
Sagittarius: Relations with younger siblings could be strained or they may physically move to faraway places. Your love life could be blocked. Plans to conceive children would be met with delays. If you are in school/college your studies could get affected. You may take some short term courses if you are employed.
Capricorn: Money matters will be tested. Personal finances could be under strain. You may not have money to spend. Relations with family could turn sour. Your own plans to start your family will be delayed. Relation with in laws, your income and partner's income could be restricted. Tough time for cash flow.
Aquarius: Your health will be tested as Saturn is on your ascendant. Relations with team mates and younger siblings could be difficult. You may change your employer now or you may be unhappy with your workplace.
Pisces: Your sleep cycle would get affected. You may have to wander in foreign countries. Your work is restricted now and your income could be under strain. Your relations with elder siblings or friends could become distant. You may move away from your family.
Results depend on your individual time periods and scores of Saturn. For complete Saturn Transit Reading- DM
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palmtreepalmtree · 10 months
It is so frustrating that the LA Times does not have a gift article option, because this article is an incredible snapshot of the U.S. immigration system from the immigrants' perspective. Everyone should read this.
We live in a country where so many people are living half-lives, lives of deep uncertainty, instability, and fear. Their lives are paralyzed. Every story told in this article is a story I have encountered time and time again.
In the (too) many years I have been working in immigration law, it always stuns me how little American citizens understand about the process and what it takes to become a legal resident here. A friend once said to me, totally sincerely, that before he had met me he thought that the only thing keeping undocumented immigrants from becoming legal was that they didn't want to fill out the paperwork and pay a fee.
In reality, the U.S. immigration system is a sprawling network of laws that have been built one on top of the other to create a labyrinthine process that takes years to navigate and is impossible without expensive legal assistance.
Here is a snapshot of the process from the article:
The U.S. caps the number of permanent employment-based immigrants at 140,000 annually, with no more than 7% allowed from any one country. As a result, people in countries with large numbers of applicants could wait a lifetime. The wait for an employment-based green card for residents of India is 134 years, according to Cato’s estimate, based on government data. A U.S. citizen who wants legal permission for their married adult child to immigrate to the U.S. from Mexico would have to wait 160 years at the current rate of approval.
One of the more recent developments I have observed since the Trump administration is a growing fear among people who have already successfully navigated the process that their status--even among naturalized citizens--continues to be perilous and liable to be snatched away at any given moment.
And this has a real impact on our communities - on our ability to enforce the laws that are supposed to make all of us safe and successful.
About 4 in 10 poll respondents said they had avoided things like talking to the police, applying for a job or traveling out of fear of drawing attention to their status or the status of someone in their family.
I could go on and on about this. I don't have all the solutions, but I would say a good start would be to at least double the number of immigrant visas available annually in all categories. The very least we can do is to stop artificially throttling the process.
The immigrants are already here. They are contributing to our society in enormous ways. They are our colleagues and classmates. They are our neighbors. There is no reason not to give them the true freedom that we all enjoy and take for granted.
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Dears, My name is Doaa and I live currently in the UK, while my entire family resides in Gaza, enduring harrowing conditions. The situation is extremely devastating, with people being killed, and infrastructure destroyed, rendering Gaza almost uninhabitable. I had no choice but to start this campaign aimed at saving the lives of my family members by supporting their temporary relocation to Egypt. They have only Palestinian passports, which means I have to pay to facilitate their exit from Gaza. This is the only viable option to guarantee their safety and bring an end to the ongoing struggles they face. My only hope now is to be reunited with them again. I kindly ask for your support in donating to and/or sharing my campaign within your networks. No one in Gaza has been untouched by loss – not even myself. I have experienced the tragic loss of three cousins, along with their partners and children. There are too many heartbreaking stories, and my greatest wish is to prevent such tragedies from befalling my own family. This morning, I had the chance to speak with my 12-year-old nephew, Yamen. He is particularly close to me among my nephews and nieces, he used to regularly text and call me. He loves drumming and I vividly recall the joy he expressed when I gifted him drums for his birthday last year. However, his voice this morning trembled with weakness as he expressed his exhaustion, missing school, and his strong desire for an end to this ongoing nightmare. This breaks my heart.
The most recent time I was reunited with my family was in June of last year. I relished our time together at the seaside, engaging in activities and playing with my nieces and nephews.
My two sisters deserve to witness their children's growth and success, just like mothers everywhere in the world. My brother, Seif and his family, shown in the picture below, are facing the ongoing hardships of war, which has taken a toll on them. His daughters, in particular, are unable to experience the simple joys of childhood that they once experienced. My heart is heavy for my nieces and nephews, who have grown up amidst perpetual wars since birth. These children deserve a life of peace, where they can play, embrace the innocence of childhood, and pursue their dreams without the constant fear of war casting a shadow over their lives. Tragically, my two sisters have lost their homes, which were obliterated by Israeli tank shells.
In order to leave Gaza via the Rafah border, people are required to pay fees of US$5,000 per adult and US$2,500 per child to Hala Company in Egypt, totaling approximately GBP71,400. Donations will not only cover these fees but also expenses such as transportation, visa fees, accommodation, and living costs in Cairo, Egypt. Additionally, the funds will account for the GoFundMe transaction fee, which amounts to 2.9% plus 25p per donation. I am organising this campaign to facilitate the evacuation of my family from Gaza. With the people of Gaza left feeling abandoned and no political leader intervening for more than seven months to halt the ongoing atrocities, I was left with no option but to take this action. My family and I long for a safe haven and the chance to live a normal life. The situation unfolding for my family in Gaza surpasses any imaginable horror. While we have endured wars in the past, this one is uniquely devastating. Words simply cannot capture the depth of horror, disappointment, and sorrow I feel. The encouragement I received to start this campaign and your assistance signifies more than just financial help; it's about rescuing my family. Please consider donating to and spreading the word about my campaign within your network. Alternatively, you can donate to the account registered at: Doaa Althalathini Monzo Bank Sort code: 04-00-03 Account: 39864307 BIC number: MONZGB2L IBAN: GB60 MONZ 0400 0339 8643 07 Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your love and support. I hope to soon share happier news about my family with your invaluable support. With deepest appreciation, Doaa
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unhonestlymirror · 10 months
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I look at photos of "Ukrainians" evacuated from Gaza and remember our former consul in Dubai. I adore him. The most in the world he hated Muscovites, Syrians, and Egyptians with forged Ukrainian passports. In second place, he hated women who came to the consulate for a certificate of marital status because they were going to marry Syrians, Palestinians, or Egyptians.
After the traditional greeting, "Are you stupid?" there was an obligatory conversation about, "You will come to me again in a year, wearing a hijab and sobbing that the child is being taken away." 50% came in a year wearing a hijab and wrote statements that a child was being taken away from a Ukrainian citizen, the rest came in the second year.
The most spectacular case was a woman who brought her child's Jordanian passport and demanded that the Ukrainian be returned to her. The child did not have a Ukrainian passport because she did not need one, and they did not make it. But the child is UKRAINIAN!!!!! Help, Mr. Consul, we have rights!!!
He told her that until she brings him a passport of a citizen of Ukraine with a residence visa pasted there, she is not in his jurisdiction at all and can apply to the Jordanian consulate. "Are you normal at all?" said the woman and began scribbling complaints to Ministry of International Affairs.
I remember a case when a Ukrainian woman came to demand "to prevent her husband from obtaining Ukrainian citizenship", because they found out that he has another family in Syria, and he just wanted a Ukrainian passport, so he got married, gave her a child, and actually planed to transport from Syria his first family with 3 children and therefore applied for citizenship without her knowledge. Because when she got married, she didn't know about the second family, and that's why she doesn't want a passport for him now)))))
If anyone is wondering how this case ended, the dude didn't get a Ukrainian passport because he died suddenly. He had a heart attack. In Syria, when he went to his second family. His Ukrainian wife cried a lot. She wrote him poems about eternal love and an image forever in the memory in the heart. And she got married a second time. For a citizen of Egypt, but 20 years younger than the first husband. They live in Brazil as war refugees.
A separate category was made up of Ukrainian women who came with their children's Syrian and Egyptian passports and demanded visas for their children. The consul explained that you just need to make a Ukrainian passport for the child. Because according to the law, a child born to a citizen of Ukraine is a citizen of Ukraine, and it is stupid to issue a visa to Ukraine to a citizen of Ukraine!!!! But they said "fuuuuuu nooooo who needs it".
The most difficult case was the case of a Ukrainian woman who worked in Jordan, got married there, and gave birth to a child. Her husband beat her, so one day she took the child and went to Ukraine, and four years later, she signed a work contract in Dubai, where she was arrested by Interpol right at the airport. It was very difficult for the consul to get permission to visit, because it turned out that all these 4 years she was wanted internationally for kidnapping. The husband woke up and found neither his wife nor his child. And turned to Interpol. The girl's mother went to all ministries and wrote down complaints.
The ministries transferred the complaint to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they wrote a demand to the Consulate "to prevent the extradition of a citizen of Ukraine to Jordan." The consul submitted a note to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Emirates. There they said, Ukrainians are you fucking crazy???? Do you mind, that they are still married and he is looking for his wife?? When the Consul asked this question to the woman, she said: "T'hu!!! Was it marriage? We just stayed in the mosque for a little while. It doesn't count, and it was a joke in general. I do not consider myself married. He insulted me." That day the Consul bursted out. He said he couldn't do it anymore. This is pyzda and he will go to ATO. About how he mobilized after the start of the full-scale and to which brigade I will never say even under tortures.)))))
By the way, the standard "you will come to speak in a hijab" always had a standard answer: "Oh well, you know... But he is completely different, not like other traditionalists. He's from a good family. You don't know him at all. My Mohammed is Different."
By the way, after the start of full-scale worlwide problems, the new consul's job became much less stressful. Because all the Syrians, Jews and Palestinians en masse made Canadian visas, like Ukrainian refugees, and went to Canada.
Well, to be objective, I do know one case of a marriage between a Ukrainian woman and a Syrian man, where the woman was the queen. And not just as a queen, this woman came to her husband's family once a year with an inspection from Lviv, where she and her husband lived, and made the whole family dance. "Everyone dances"!!!! The man, as a proud eastern testosterone alpha male, realized that the only way to crawl out from under that heel is to the grave. He did it when he got cancer. That's why. International marriages of distant cultures are possible. But they need a special character from a woman. Ukrainian women demonstrate such traits, unfortunately, rarely.
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joshxmorgan · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ 𓂃 ( jacob elorid. cis male. he/him ). meet joshua morgan, a twenty nine year old, who has been in cloyne for his whole life. they are a the owner at the garage, known for being flirtatious and manipulative. they are often heard humming along to it boy by bbno$. residents would describe them as the lothario. ( dani, 28, she/her, gmt )
Full Name: Joshua James Morgan
Nickname: Josh
Age: 29
DOB: October 23rd 1994
Parents: James & Amanda Morgan
Siblings: n/a
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Piercings & Tattoos: here
Sexuality: Heterosexual
character playlist
tw: post natal depression, parental loss, cancer
Josh grew up in Cloyne to Amanda and James.
His parents met when his mother was on a gap year at 18 and travelling America with her friends. She was half way through her trip when she met James in his hometown in Cloyne, the plan was she and her friends would be there a week to visit a few things but James convinced them to stay an extra week. After that he joined them on their trip because he wanted to spend more time with Amanda.
Once their trip came to an end and she was to fly back home he was devastated. He only lasted a month away from her before he hopped on a plane to visit her in Manchester, England. That trip them became a permanent stay, the only time he spent away from her was whenever he had to fly home for a short amount of time before coming back until his work visa was approved and he could stay longer.
Life quickly changed when Amanda fell pregnant after 4 months and she decided to drop out of university. This is when things rapidly changed. What Amanda's parents assumed was the honeymoon period of a short relationship, something that would be over with soon and James would move back to the states now became more real. They were furious. Their 18 year old daughter was now pregnant, dropping out of her education and ruining her future in their eyes.
Of course the blame was completely put on James. Her family hated him. It didn't matter how much he tried to convince them he loved their daughter, how much work he did to provide for her and their future baby it was just never good enough.
The two of them moved back to the states and bought a home in Cloyne once Amanda had grown tired of how her parents treated James. Josh was born and he was everything they could have ever asked for. However, things weren't so easy for Amanda. She had Post natal depression and really struggled to bond with her baby for at least a year. She was sad, angry and scared to even be alone with her child because she worried what she might do. She blamed Josh, she blamed James, her parents she blamed the world. Her life was ruined and there was no coming back from it. James did whatever he could to help her through this but it was a rough year for all of them.
The next few years were better. Despite what he felt was a constant battle with Josh's grandparents even from across the pond things were on the up, money was tight but James did what he could, they got Josh into nursery and then school, their little family felt complete and even Amanda was finally happy too. She got herself a part time job that worked around Josh's school hours and at weekends they did family trips to things like water parks, zoo's and more.
This was all until Amanda was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer when Josh was just 9 years old. It was a late diagnosis and she was given treatment to help control the cancer for a number of months, enough to see Josh turn 10 and give him a little party. She was very sick but wanted him to remember something nice around these tough times. They booked out a fun house for him and his friends, had a nice meal and celebrated and then went home. Amanda only held out for a few more weeks after that until she passed.
His school years became a blur once he hit his teens, he became more confident and started enjoying his time. He started drinking once he hit high school age, became a bit of a class clown and then once girls became a thing he was interested in there was no stopping him.
is a lover of gaming and enjoys bullying kids online ngl
he is a swiftie
started a twitch account that he streams on twice a week, he doesn't have the biggest following but he enjoys it
he was actually was banned from a gta rp server permanently for saying and I quote "fuck you, you're all a bunch of bitches. If you look at me one more time and aim that gun at me one more time I will hit you so hard you land in a whole new server." Then proceeded to hit everyone with his car.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
Surrogacy agreements are not enforceable by UK law, even if you have a signed document with your surrogate and have paid their expenses. You cannot pay a surrogate in the UK, except for their reasonable expenses.
Surrogacy is legal in the UK, but if you make a surrogacy agreement it cannot be enforced by the law.
If you use a surrogate, they will be the child’s legal parent at birth.
If the surrogate is married or in a civil partnership, their spouse or civil partner will be the child’s second parent at birth, unless they did not give their permission.
Legal parenthood can be transferred by parental order or adoption after the child is born.
If there is disagreement about who the child’s legal parents should be, the courts will make a decision based on the best interests of the child.
You must apply for a parental order or adoption if you want to become the legal parent of the child.
You can apply for a parental order with a partner or on your own. One of you must be genetically related to the child - in other words, be the egg or sperm donor. You must be one of the following:
civil partners
living as partners
have the child living with you
reside permanently in either the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man
You must apply within 6 months of the child’s birth. In the case of Archie this would by November 2019 and Lili by December 2021
It is a criminal offence to advertise that you are looking for a surrogate or willing to act as a surrogate.
It is a criminal offence for third parties (that is, not the surrogate or IP(s)) to advertise that they facilitate surrogacy, although there are some exemptions for not-for-profit organisations.
It is a criminal offence for third parties to negotiate the terms of a surrogacy agreement for any payment (for example a solicitor cannot represent IP(s) or surrogates in agreeing the terms).
The surrogate (and, if she is married or in a civil partnership, her consenting spouse or civil partner) will be the legal parent(s) of the child at birth.
Following the birth, there is a legal process – the parental order process – to transfer legal parenthood from the surrogate to the IP(s).
In order to apply for a parental order and transfer legal parenthood, at least one of the IPs or the IP, in the case of an individual applicant, must be genetically related to the baby.
You must fill in a ‘C51 application form for a parental order’ and take or send it to a family court. You do not have to use your local family court, but you’ll need to explain why if you do not.
You’ll need to provide the child’s full birth certificate and will also be charged a court fee of £232.
The court will then set a date for the hearing and issue you with a ‘C52 acknowledgement form’ that you must give to the child’s legal parent, in other words, your surrogate.
The surrogate and anyone else who’s a parent of the child must agree to the parental order by filling in form A101A.
If your surrogate gives birth abroad, you can only apply for a parental order if you and your partner are living in the UK.
If the child is not a UK or EU national, they will need a visa to enter the UK during this process.
Using a surrogate abroad can be complicated because different countries have different rules.
Some hospital trusts will allow the surrogate and baby to be discharged separately, but this may be different depending on individual hospital policy. It is important before the birth, to be clear about what the hospital policy is in the event that the baby needs to stay in hospital longer than the surrogate. Would the hospital allow the surrogate to be discharged with the IP(s) taking over the care?
Discharge from hospital should be mutually agreed between healthcare staff and the surrogate and IP(s), recognising that it will be the IP(s) who will be the main caregivers to the child.
There is no reason why the ‘hand over’ of the baby to the IP(s) should take place outside hospital premises and hospital staff should not suggest this.
In the absence of other concerns or factors, there is also no need for a referral to be made to social services simply because the child is being handed over to the IP(s) as part of a surrogacy arrangement.
Parental orders transfer the legal parenthood for children born through surrogacy, and are considered the optimum legal and psychological solution for a child born through surrogacy.
Without a parental order IP(s) may not be the child’s legal parent in the UK unless parenthood is obtained through adoption. This means that the IP(s) may:
not have the authority to make decisions about their child’s education and medical care
not be able to travel abroad with the child
face legal complications should they separate or divorce
face difficulties with issues of inheritance and pensions
need to find and involve the surrogate in future decisions involving their child
Thank you for all of this. What if all the arrangement were made outside of the UK though? Say the Canada or US where the laws are very different. Remember how Harry let it slip in the Archie photo call how much babies can change in two weeks? What if Archie was born outside the UK, it took two weeks to complete the paperwork and to obtain a passport for travel.
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immigrationz · 1 year
Simplify Your Child Resident Visa Application with Immigration Adviser New Zealand
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Trust Immigration Adviser New Zealand to guide you through the child resident visa process effortlessly. https://nzimmigration.info/residence-visa/child-visa/
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nightbringer24 · 1 year
I randomly decided to watch the intro for the 2004 Dawn of the Dead, and after watching the original, and also doing a read on the Raccoon City Destruction Incident from Resident Evil, I do very much feel that the latter two (disregarding the latter's use of the Umbrella Corps B.O.Ws) make for a more compelling and scarier zombie outbreak, and story regarding zombies in general.
Like, in the original Dawn of the Dead, there's the scene where the SWAT raid a tenement building where the people inside have been keeping their undead instead of handing them over to the authorities to be disposed of. Now, this highlights a good bit of the human factor since these people just... don't know what to do. Their relatives, their loved ones are dead... but also, they're not dead. But they can't kill them! It would be hard for a loving wife or husband to kill their spouse, or a parent to kill their child or visa versa. So, this creates a source of tension, which then spirals out of control as the SWAT enter, and because of the general breakdown of good societal order, one SWAT member goes berserk and just starts gunning innocent people down, thus then creating the potential for more undead to arise (I do subscribe to the theory in the film that the outbreak is because of something other-worldly; the "no more room in hell" speech), which then forces his fellow cops to shoot him, thus creating more chaos and break down, before some members just desert.
And then we have Resident Evil, which while approaching from the other and more fantastical covers an equal element that, before it was known that Umbrella Corps was behind the outbreak with their T-Virus, no-one had a clue what was going on. It was reports of cannibalistic attacks and random murders, people disappearing in the mountains around. Then, when the virus entered the city, it was first known as monsters appearing in the city. Then it became people being affected by an unknown disease as the hospital became swamped with patients and calls to police escalated as random acts of violence and even so-called 'riots' began to spread across the city until *BOOM* zombie outbreak. And also, throughout this process, the Raccoon City police, the fire department and the hospital are still doing what they can to help the citizens of the city. The firefighters were still trying to put out fires, the police were still trying to evacuate people to possible safe zones, and the hospital staff were doing their best to try and find a possible cure to this unknown virus.
And all of these match the zombies: it's a slow process. It's not instantaneous, it doesn't just happen overnight. It's a slow build, a kind of tipping scale as the numbers of zombies go up, society spirals downwards.
In the Dawn of the Dead remake... yes, we see A collapse of society with the news footage at the beginning, which is a part I actually enjoyed, especially the dialogue of:
Reporter: Is this an international health hazard or a military concern? CDC guy: Both. Reporter: Are these people alive or dead? CDC guy: *pauses* We don't know.
And then the film starts proper... and there's nothing. No news about it, no-one talking about it, no-one commenting on it. It just... happens. it's fast, it's slick, it's gorey and bloody. And that's all the remake has going for it.
It's horrifying, but it's not horror.
Don't quite know what prompted me to make this but there we go.
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Immigration Services
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Best Overseas Immigration Services
Europe is a desirable location to live, work, study, run a business, and raise a family. Additionally, it’s among the most significant choices you will ever make. Any fresh start in a foreign nation can be challenging, drawn out, and difficult. An accomplished immigration lawyer can assist in facilitating the process and reducing ambiguity.
Our team is committed to meeting the specific needs of individuals who contact us for assistance with European immigration. We have offered many people seeking immigration to Europe and the United States a source of guidance. Our Service has extensive expertise in the intricate and rapidly changing field of immigration law. We offer assistance with immigration concerns in general as well as citizenship and visa applications for Europe. Additionally, we have gained proficiency in the fields of citizenship problems, business immigration, and refugee claims.
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benj-hyun · 10 months
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Full Name:  Benjamin Hyun Nicknames: Ben, Benj (close friends), Benny (parents) Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male Age and Birthday: 39 years old, June 10th Birth place: Dallas, TX  Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual Occupation: Microbial Ecologist Education: Masters in Ecology, minor in Environmental Science Residence: Crystal Cove Condominiums Time in Aurora Bay: 15 years Face claim: Steven Yeun
tw: bullying mildly mentioned, infidelity, very brief mention of racism
Born to immigrant parents, Benjamin came to be three years after they’d moved to the States from South Korea with their work visas. They’d settled down in Dallas, Texas.
His father was a boilermaker, and his mother had started with an easy, secretarial job part time until she ended up pregnant. Once Ben was born, she became a stay-at-home mother.
Ben had been raised with nothing short of care and love and all the support he could ever need. There was an expectation for him to go to college so he wouldn’t have to work like his father, but that was the only pressure he received. For that reason, they were big on him not working through the school months, only summer in between grades, and pinched pennies to save up for his tuition.
He also may have been an only child, but he met Ricardo living in the same complex as him when he was very young. He was very much so like an older brother to Ben.
Ben had been a basketball player through high school, starting on the Varsity in his senior year. Along with his time in after school clubs and encouraged volunteer hours put him on the path to success.
The hardest he had was the occasional comment made about his ethnicity from someone closed-minded as he did grow up in Texas, but bullying hadn’t been a real problem. The nineties into the two-thousands had been more kind to him than what his parents put up with in the early years of their residency in America.
When he graduated high school, he’d done so a year early, and he ended up pursuing a degree in Ecology with a minor in Environmental Science at Berkeley College in California. By twenty-one, he earned his bachelor’s, and then by twenty-three, his Master’s.
Ben had fallen in love with the West Coast. Not only for the dry heat, which had been a relief in comparison to the Texas summers, but the shoreline, palm trees, and the mountains. Added in the open-mindedness of California communities, and the higher pay rates, he sought employment in the Golden State.
He did help to move his parents out to the West Coast, and he’s even used some of his salary to get them settled and comfortable in San Diego. That made it easy for him to decide to settle in Aurora Bay, so he isn’t far away.
+ Flexible, sociable
+/- Empathetic, tactful
- Inconsistent, moody
⊹ Ben has had a series of relationships, short to long-term, but no matter the length or reason for how they come to an end, he always finds the best course of action following a break-up is to hide in his room listening to Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper on repeat.
⊹ he never learned how to ride a bike. When he was a kid, he always stood on the back of ricardo’s. the training wheels never came off.
⊹ moths scare him. He hates the idea of mothman.
⊹ he can speak Korean, and he also knows beginner level sign language.
⊹ he will 100% eat your leftovers if they’re put in his fridge, but in the same breath be extremely moody if someone eats his.
Ben has been in Aurora Bay for fifteen years, so he will need any sort of connection that comes to mind. Friends, rivals, frenemies, hook-ups, ex-romantic conquests, etc.
♡ @castellcnos - ben met ricardo down in texas. their parents lived in the same apartment complex, and they swiftly became best friends. ben even followed him out to berkeley college in california. after ricardo's marriage fell apart, ben has invited him to live with him in aurora bay to get back on his feet.
♡ @santiagodeleons - santi is ben's other close friend, and at times, more the voice of reason than ricardo. despite his feelings about what happened with his marriage, ben does stay steadfastly by his side.
♡ @maura-cortes - the niece ben never expected to obtain, he's grown to love her like family. he also has a bit of a soft spot when it comes to her asking for things, like money. (not in game but canon)
♡ @laureljacobs - when ricardo first left for college, ben had no other friends. he saw laurel off to the side by herself, figured it would be the easiest friendship to make. he was wrong. she was extremely stubborn about letting him in, but it did give him something to do every day until he graduated and left..
♡ @bradley-banner - their friendship has long since shifted into an awkward one being she is santiago's ex-wife, but ben respects both sides by talking about neither to the other. (not in game but canon)
♡ @auggievillanueva - his first serious relationship in aurora bay, ben had been all in. but when everything in auggie's life became too much and overwhelming, and he decided to break things off, ben took it too heart that he didn't want to try and extent the extra effort to make things work.
♡ @delilahcarreno - it was some time after auggie ben met delilah, and though he didn't fall into this one as fast he definitely fell harder. she had been 'the one' if asked by anyone, but when she cheated it ripped his heart out.
♡ @esmemaxwcll - an awkward tinder date gone bad, benj feels bad about it but he also knows it's just because they didn't click.
⊹ pinterest
⊹ inspo
⊹ playlist about Ben
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merriblu · 11 months
Yay for not being deported!!
Two years with my “fake visa” (literal translation is fiction visa so I like to call it my fake visa) and my residency is finally renewed!!
Next step is permanent residency after the official integration course (because I’m a USA citizen and Germany’s like… 👀 let us teach you our European ways sweet child). Also… I need to take the dreaded B1 language test…
Then I think I’m going to apply for German citizenship. They’re allowing dual citizenship so why not haha. It’ll certainly beneficial for investing and banking.
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ladypeck · 1 year
10 Facts About Michael Jackson's Child Abuse Investigation
1. There is no dispute that, at age 34, Michael Jackson slept more than 30 nights in a row in the same bed with 13-year-old Jordie Chandler at the boy’s house with Chandler’s mother present. He also slept in the same bed with Jordie Chandler at Chandler’s father’s house. The parents were divorced.
2. So far, five boys Michael Jackson shared beds with have accused him of abuse: Jordie Chandler, Jason Francia, Gavin Arvizo, Wade Robson, and Jimmy Safechuck. Jackson had the same nickname for Chandler and Arvizo: “Rubba.” He called Robson “Little One” and Safechuck “Applehead.”
3. Jackson paid $25 million to settle the Chandlers’ lawsuit, with $18 million going to Jordie, $2.5 million to each of the parents, and the rest to lawyers. Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something “long and drawn out.” Francia also received $2.4 million from Jackson.
4. Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.
5. The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.
6. Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there.
7. According to the Neverland staff interviewed by the Santa Barbara authorities, no one ever saw or knew of a woman spending the night with Michael Jackson, including his two spouses, Debbie Rowe or Lisa Marie Presley. Rowe, the mother of two of Jackson’s children, made it clear to the Santa Barbara authorities that she never had sex with Jackson.
8. The parents of boys Jackson shared beds with were courted assiduously and given myriad expensive gifts. Wade Robson’s mother testified in the 2005 trial that she funneled wages through Jackson’s company and was given a permanent resident visa. Jimmy Safechuck’s parents got a house. Jordie Chandler’s mother got a diamond bracelet.
9. Two of the fathers of those who have accused Jackson, Jordie Chandler and Wade Robson, committed suicide. Both were estranged from their sons at the time.
10. In a 2002 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson told Martin Bashir there was nothing wrong with sharing his bed with boys.
Taken from an article in Vanity Fair that was written by Maureen Orth.
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