#child genius
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afrotumble · 11 months ago
Anne-Marie Imafidon - child genius to tech leader - BBC Ideas
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familythings · 5 months ago
Three-Year-Old German Prodigy Opens First Art Exhibition, Sells Painting for €270,000!
At just three years old, German artist Laurent Schwartz is gaining attention in the art world with his first exhibition in Neubeuern. His story is inspiring, as his acrylic paintings attract both audiences and collectors. His artworks are priced between €10,000 and €270,000, and his first piece has seen bids as high as $325,000. This recognition of a child artist is rare, raising questions about…
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kit-middleton · 1 year ago
I would like a set of these measuring cups, please. This kid is a genius.
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monarch-apostate · 11 months ago
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Recovering Child Prodigy
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azrail-has-a-vendetta · 6 months ago
I think I need a “Kid Tim Drake gets kidnapped and held for ransom but his parents don’t even pick up the phone so now these criminals are like whelp, this kid is ours now. Sucks to suck.” Fic.
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kangals · 2 months ago
have definitely harped on this before but it really does just drive me absoluely insane when you see a dog breeder talking the big talk of "well i dont breed my dogs FOR DOG SHOWS because i dont BELIEVE in showing, dog shows are just BEAUTY PAGEANTS and mean NOTHING, i breed my dogs for WHAT MATTERS which means HEALTH and TEMPERAMENT and GREAT FAMILY PETS!!" and then you go to look at their dog for more info and it's the most poorly-structured off-type albino lilac double merle dog you've ever seen with zero titles and a single Embark panel as proof of health testing.
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shawsimmer · 2 months ago
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subcultureblues · 3 months ago
Don't You Want Me (Baby?) Pt 4
Steve and Eddie are either hooking up or dating - and are about as bad at keeping a secret as they are dealing with their feelings. (Dustin POV)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
“I don’t know Dustybuns…. I know you mean well but - “
“But? I mean well, but what?”
“But sometimes, well sometimes you get these ideas in your head. And really once you think you’re right, there’s just no convincing you otherwise. I just wonder if maybe - you don’t have a full picture of what’s going on with those two.”
“Seriously? They’re my friends, Suzie. I think I understand them just fine. I mean it’s not thermal dynamics. And even that, I’ve got an understanding of the basic fundamentals!”
When Dustin got home that night he blew through his homework within the hour. He’s a sophomore - advanced placements even! Still, the work they’re giving out this year is child’s play.
He grazed on snacks until he was slightly less bored. Read the X-Men issue that came out this week - guess Jean Grey alive again. Wonder how long that’ll last…
He tried calling the Wheeler house to see what Mike was up to but he was out, over at Will’s apparently. He tried Lucas after that but he couldn’t really talk since he’d had to put Max on hold just to pick up.
Dustin had to kill a few more hours but eventually he was able to get on the radio with Suzie. Hearing her voice - it’s like seeing the clouds part and the sun light up the sky. Never really gets old.
“That! That tramp!” She said, when Dustin told her about the Flower Situation.
“Right!?” Dustin huffed.
He told Suzie he planned to give Steve a serious talking to, even though Robin had kinda, sorta expressly asked against it. To Dustin’s shock, however, Suzie took Robin’s side.
“I don’t know Dustybuns…. I know you mean well but - “
“But? I mean well, but what?”
“But sometimes, well sometimes you get these ideas in your head. And really once you think you’re right, there’s just no convincing you otherwise. I just wonder if maybe - you don’t have a full picture of what’s going on with those two.”
“Seriously? They’re my friends, Suzie. I think I understand them just fine. I mean it’s not thermal dynamics. And even that, I’ve got an understanding of the basic fundamentals!”
“Oh, Dusty…. Oop. I hear footsteps downstairs.” She whispered. “I think they’re doing a bed check. I gotta go.”
“Bye Suzie. I love you.”
“Love you too.” He could hear her smiling through the crackling radio transmission. Even from this many miles away he couldn’t help but smile back. Suzie paused. “And Dusty, just - be careful. Promise?”
Her line cut out. Dustin switched off the ham radio and frowned. Usually Suzie was so smart. Literally the smartest person he knows. How is it possible she couldn’t see that his friends were in dire need of help?
No way was he gonna abandon them to make a mess of things by themselves.
Though. Maybe there was something he was missing. Some unknown element.
Earlier today… Eddie seemed to know more than he was letting on. Dustin frowned harder.
He creeped downstairs to the landline. Wayne’s at work and Eddie’s a nightwalker so he didn’t feel bad about calling at almost 9pm. He didn’t even feel bad about calling four separate times.
He shook his head when he was sent to voicemail again. He put the phone back in the receiver.
Dustin huffed.
Only then he remembered - the walkie talkie. It had ended up in Eddie’s trailer after the whole Vecna fiasco… Dustin never did get it back. In fact, he’d totally forgotten about it. And if Dustin forgot about it, Eddie definitely had too.
“Eddie. It’s Dustin. Come in, Eddie. Over.”
It took a few tries but eventually he heard a crackly - “sus Christ, how does this thing work, again?”
“Dustin?” Eddie said, deadly serious. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you home right now, over?”
“Uh, yeah.”
Dustin waited.
“Yes, I’m home. Over.”
“Then why the hell aren’t you picking up the damn phone?” Dustin said. “Over.”
“I uh - must be off the line or something.”
“Whatever, look I just got a few questions about - “
“Dustin! Is the world ending right now this exact second or what?”
“No but - “
“Jesus…”. Eddie sighed in relief. Then he muttered, “The last thing I need right now is The Monster-pocalypse Part 2 : Electric Boogaloo.”
“We are well past that by now. Gotta be on the fourth or fifth straight to TV sequel at least.”
“Well whatever it is, it can wait. I gotta a lot of - I got enough shit going on right now.”
“You know, you’ve been pulling that card a lot recently.”
“Tell me about it.” To Eddie’s credit, he did sound stressed out. “Anyway - if this is about D&D, sessions canceled tomorrow.”
“Wait, what?” Immediately switching course, Dustin’s thoughts of Steve vanished like smoke.
“Yeah, sorry. Jeff was gonna tell you guys tomorrow at school. There’s this bar in town, their Friday gig canceled on them. Unlucky for them, our merry band of metalheads were the only ones they could find to fill the time slot on short notice.”
“What? Eddie that’s awesome!”
“Yeah, fucking big place too. Me and the boys are there a lot when we’re in the area - The Squeaky Wheel down in Indie. Probably gonna be the biggest crowd we’ve ever played for.”
“Well, I’m definitely coming then.”
“You’re definitely not. We need to be there early. Leaving for town 2pm, sharp.”
“Jeff won’t still be in school?”
“Not if he cuts last period he won’t.”
“Well, what if I - “
“Are you kidding?” Steve’ll fucking kill me.”
“But I still haven’t seen you guys perform for real yet!”
“Maybe next time, little man. Look I gotta go, I’ve been trying to actually get some fucking sleep and having the phone going off all night really isn’t helping.”
“I thought you said it was off the line?”
“Huh? Right, yeah.”
“Nevermind that. You nervous?”
“So fucking nervous I feel like I’m gonna puke or something. Just like, go full exorcist. All over the stage.”
“Ok yeah, don’t do that.” Dustin suggested.
“Hah. Yeah.” Eddie chuckled.
“Come on, you guys are amazing! You’re gonna be great!”
“No, you’re right. It’s gonna be good.” Eddie said, clearly trying to psyche himself up.
“Well, I guess good luck. Over and out.”
“Break a leg you mean. Over and out.”
Dustin sat there fiddling with his walkie for a long couple minutes. There was something kicking around in his brain. A plan, formulating. Even Dustin himself was shocked by its elegant efficiency.
Get to see Corroded Coffin perform? Check. Bring a mob of Eddie’s friends out to support him? Check. Finally get a chance to meet this super secret girlfriend (because who would miss their boyfriend’s bands biggest show yet?) Check! And he can get Robin and Steve on a fun night out together and hopefully smooth over the ‘flower incident’? Check check check!
He tuned his walkie to the open line the party was synced into.
“Everybody, come in. It’s Dustin. We got a code blue which means all hands on deck. We’re going on a field trip…”
Dustin had spent the rest of Thursday night and Friday morning making sure everything was in perfect order.
He didn’t call until Friday, after he got confirmation from Max, the last person he was waiting on.
Only then did he call Steve.
“Corroded Coffin has a show tonight.” He said as soon as Steve picked up.
It was lunch hour and him, Mike, and Will were outside the school building standing around the pay phone. Lucas and Max were on a lunch table near by arm wrestling - those weirdo’s version of PDA.
“Hello to you too.” Steve said, vaguely amused.
“Hello. Corroded Coffin has a show tonight and we’re going.” Mike gave him a thumbs up and Will, an encouraging smile.
“Oh yeah?”
“And before you ask, yes we’ve gotten permission from our parents, yes we have a curfew but - we don’t have to be home till midnight, the bar is 16 and up, I called, itsallthewayinindianapolis but wait ok, before you say no - “
“What time are we leaving?” Steve said.
“I - really? That easy?” He glanced at Will and Mike who blinked at him with hesitant excitement.
“No. This… this is actually perfect.”
“Come on man. I had a whole - thing, prepared. I practiced for this. Flashcards! I made flashcards.”
“What time are we leaving?”
Dustin sighed.
“Six o’clock. If we leave Hawkins by then, we can get there twenty minutes before their show starts. Plenty of time to find parking and get into the venue. Were you wondering how everyone’s gonna fit in your car?”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve humored him.
Dustin flipped to the corresponding flash card. “They don’t have to.” He read verbatim. “I’ve already taken the time to ensure Jonathan could accompany us as well - also Joyce wouldn’t let Will come if he didn’t. Jonathan and Nancy are driving Will and Mike. You just have to grab me, Lucas, and Max. Leaving one seat open for you to bring a plus one.”
“Robin.” Steve said, impressed. “Very thorough.”
“I’ll see you at my house at 5:30 on the dot. We need to be on the road by 6. And Steve? Please try not to dress like a dork.”
Steve laughed.
“Funny how I could say the exact same thing.”
“Also don’t tell Eddie.” Dustin ordered. “It’s a surprise.”
“Dustin, you’re a genius...” Dustin could hear him grinning through the phone.
“I know, I meticulously organized everything down to the last detail.”
“Yeah, uh huh.” Steve said, distractedly. “Shit, ok, I gotta go - and shower pretty much right now if I want enough time to airdry my hair…“
“Well. That was easy.” He said, hanging up the phone rather anticlimatically.
“But he said yes?”
“Oh, we’re going!” Dustin confirmed.
Just a few hours later Steve’s Beemer sat on the street out front of Dustin’s house.
Dustin emerged from the house at 5:36 in a huff. He got a few steps before he remembered his mom was out and backtracked to lock up behind him.
Dustin jumped, almost dropping his keys.
“I’m coming!” Dustin shouted over his shoulder. When he turned Steve was grinning at him, snickering to himself. He peered over his douche-glasses and gave Dustin a goofy little wave.
Dustin rolled his eyes and tugged at the car’s door handle. It didn’t budge. Steve hit the button for the passenger side window and Dustin was forced to wait for it to slowly roll down.
“Taxi to Indianapolis for a Mr. Henderson. Got the right address?”
“Open the door, Steve.”
“Sorry, I’m gonna need you to confirm the passphrase. Company policy.” He shrugged.
“Is it, we’re already running late so open the goddamn door?”
Steve rolled his eyes but unlocked the door so Dustin could finally get in already.
“And whose fault is that?” Steve asked as he started them down the road. Dustin huffed. He was still mad at Steve.
“Yours. You said you’d have Robin already - so now we’re behind schedule.”
“It was please by the way.” Steve glanced his way grinning as he turned on the radio. “Wanted to pick something you’d never in a million years guess.”
“Har har.” Dustin said, humorlessly as he buckled in. He eyed Steve. “You’re in a good mood.”
“I am.” Steve said, checking his hair in his review mirror and flashing himself a grin.
Dustin did a double take when he noticed - Steve was wearing Eddie’s vest. It definitely looked like it had been dragged through the Upside Down. But he had to admit the battle worn look suited it. To Dustin’s surprise, it kind of suited Steve too. He had a white T-shirt underneath, blue jeans, and red converse sneakers. His hair was tall and meticulously coiffed.
Dustin spent quite a while on his own hair tonight, though it wasn’t nearly as expertly styled. Never gonna beat the master at their own game right?
Dustin was glad Steve made an effort to blend at least. The rest of the party had too. Dustin was wearing a black tshirt with ‘Corroded Coffin’ painted in angular white lettering across the front. Dustin had made sure they all brought shirts to school today for Will to paint. He’s glad he put Will in charge of that because they actually came out pretty awesome.
“What’s up man?” Steve asked, taking off his sunglasses when he noticed Dustin’s sour face.
“How’s Robin?” Dustin asked pointedly.
“Uh, she’s fine, thanks.” Dustin glared at him, unimpressed.
“Uh huh.” He said shortly. There was a moment of silence before Steve spoke again.
“So uh, how’s Eddie?”
“Why do you care?” Dustin said.
“I don’t.” Steve shrugged. “Just makin’ conversation.” He said. There was another pause. Steve was drumming along to the radio on the steering wheel. “You guys have been hanging out a lot this week.”
How would Steve even know that?
“What? Did Robin tell you after we came by the store?” Steve looked over at him, as if confused by his antagonist tone.
“Uh, nope. I- “
“She knows about the flowers, Steve.” Dustin said. Steve squinted side long at him, opening his mouth and closing it again.
“Ok?” He said. Waiting for Dustin to continue. Dustin waited until they rolled to a stop at a stop sign.
“What the hell Steve!” Dustin said, smacking him in the arm.
“Hey! You what the hell.” Steve said, holding a palm up to shield himself from further abuse.
“I can’t believe you! I asked her how she liked the flowers you got her and she had no idea what I was talking about!”
“What? Ok, Jesus Christ. Dude, how many times do I have to tell you, we aren’t dating. It’s - it’s not like that, alright. We’re just - Robin’s my best friend.”
“Yeah well have you told her that? She seemed really hurt Steve.” Dustin scolded him.
“Man, I don’t know what you thinks going on but it’s not. I promise.”
“Just, talk to her ok?”
“What, suddenly your the love guru?” Steve huffed.
“Yes!” Dustin cried. “You have a really good thing, Steve. Don’t fuck this up. Have you guys even had an actual conversation about this shit? Like talked about what you guys are in plain words even once.”
Steve sighed, beleaguered. Steve stopped at a red light, fully turning to face Dustin. As if he thought looking him in the eye would better get his point across. Or more likely, finally get Dustin to shut up.
“I’m not having this conversation. You’re a kid, alright. You just don’t get it. You don’t always need to - spell everything out. We’re on the same page, trust me.”
“I don’t know Steve. That sounds like a really easy way for someone to get hurt.”
“I - “ Steve started but then he stopped himself. He paused for a moment, staring into space. The light turned green.
“Steve.” Dustin said, and Steve’s head jerked back up. “The light.”
“Yeah. Right.” He turned onto Lucas’ street.
“So you’ll talk to her?”
“God, is there a reason you have to be so nosey. Me and Robin have nothing to talk about. We are definitely on the same page.”
“Definitley.” He assured Dustin. Dustin continued to glare at him.
“Look, I’ll - “ Steve sighed, passing a hand through is hair before quickly checking it’s structural integrity in the mirror. “I’ll think about what you said ok?”
“You better.” Dustin huffed, trying to keep up his stone cold front at least a few seconds longer. “I don’t want to see you fuck this up. You seem, I dunno - happy? Or - whatever.”
Steve hummed, looking out at the road with a contemplative smile.
They stopped at Lucas’ house to grab him and Max, and then headed to Family Video.
“Dude, are you wearing Eddie’s vest?” Lucas said as he and Max climbed into the back seat. Lucas was wearing a matching Corroded Coffin shirt. Max was not. She’s too cool to participate in things.
“You know, just once you could say something like, hey Steve, thanks for the ride. Maybe? Just to keep things interesting.”
“Yeah did you really never give that back?” Max said, ignoring him.
“No, Eddie, he uh, told me to hold onto it.” Steve said, smiling and adjusting the collar in the mirror.
Max scoffed a little laugh, but kept her eyes out the window.
Next they went to pick Robin up from her late shift.
It took a few honks before Robin emerged from the building, calling “Thanks, Todd!” over her shoulder.
She crossed the parking lot, struggling to get into her denim jacket.
“Sorry it took so long Steve, I had to change in the bathroom and let me tell you, that little - “ she managed to crawl into her jacket, then halted when she looked up and saw Dustin in the front.
“You didn’t pick me up first.” She said, standing outside the passenger side door.
Steve shrugged half heartedly apologetic.
“Out of my seat, Gremlin’s 2.” She opened the door and jerked her head in a motion that made it clear she expected Dustin to clear out.
“Yeesh. Not even the original?” He said, reluctantly acquiescing and going to jam in with the others in the back.
Robin got into the car stared at Steve intently.
“You didn’t pick me up first.” She repeated. “I told you to come get me first.”
“I - yeah. The kids were closer. Didn’t want to waste time backtracking in case there’s traffic.”
“Pft. He was just running late.” Dustin said.
“I bet it was because he spent like, 2 hours doing his hair.” Max snorted.
“Alright, that’s enough - from the peanut gallery. Sorry, Robbie.” Robin frownedz. “Don’t worry, you’re still my favorite.”
“Why, what’s up?” Steve said, pulling out of the parking lot so they could finally get on the rode. It was already 6:07! The whole night was turning out to be a disaster.
“Nothing. Nothing. Just was hoping to chat.”
“I literally just called you.” Steve raised an eyebrow.
“Just - Nevermind.” She grimaced.
Dustin caught her eye in the rearview mirror and winked.
Her face paled in a mask of frustration and horror. A look that said, what did you do now, if Dustin’s ever seen one.
“Jesus Christ.” She murmured quietly.
“Hmm?” Steve titled his head towards Robin.
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ALSO just as a little treat for me, comment w what the fuck YOU think is going on with Steddie. I Really wanna know if I’ve done a decent job conveying That Whole Mess via second hand subtext
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numberonetribble · 1 month ago
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This goes on for a week until Bee caves and starts doing it too
(raise your hand if you too have been harmed by Tumblr's sizing limits (click image for higher quality!))
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0vergrowngraveyard · 1 month ago
pet peeve: when people draw the sonic characters as actual animals but they make tails a full grown fox instead of a fox kit
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hoodedjelly · 10 months ago
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Me and my friends Nicktoons fankids!!
✨ random disclaimer ✨ I wanna make something clear since I don't want people to be weird about this. One of the biggest comforts when getting into shows is relationships - in this instance, happy, healthy families. It's also very important to me (us) to represent and explore varying degrees and types of transness, as it makes us happy.
All of these kids are from trans parents, and are their biological children in one way or another. If you are going to be weird/transphobic about it, I will block you. If you don't like it, then please just say nothing. Thank you.
P.S. be respectful with my ships <:)
IM ACTUALLY SO NERVOUS ABOUT POSTING THESE AAA. if any of you have any questions about any of the kids/families/ships, ASK AWAY (nicely please). me and my friend have a LOTT of hcs with all of them its crazy so anything goes.
cause i also realize, before this i never posted about eustace and remy but they are VERY important to me! and its another crack ship that i want people to understand so badly 😭both stupid rich kids that got no one but themself
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THANK YOU ^__^ (art by @chocowhomps ) also design help by him too
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stubz · 4 months ago
Black out
"I want that backup generator up and running! All power on essentials only! Engines, med-bay, defenses, everything else is secondary!" the Captain roared to all those in the command room.
"Calis! What's our status?"
"Generator is 5 mekrons away from being ready, dispatch has covered 30% of the ship already and distributed lights. No report of any injuries yet, although there are several dozen passengers stuck in the elevators. We are in contact with them and they are all alright."
"And the-"
"The youngling centre is fine, Kim and Max have reported to me that they are fine as are the younglings." the first mate smiled knowingly.
"...good. Alert me should anything change."
"Of course Captain."
"10 mekrons away from the station Captain. Repair workers are already at the dock ready to board and fix our power and the station has prepared board for us."
"Excellent. Calis!"
"Yes Captain!"
"Care to join me in getting our young?" the first mate smiles and nods.
"How do you think they faired?"
"Well, it's hard to say. According to Kim and Max they have light, probably flashlights, but for the children to be stuck in a mostly dark room for 6 horvaths..." Calis shrugged.
"True...I assume that Nova is a tad nervous by now...she never liked the dark. Even if we can see well enough in the dark." Captain lightly smiled.
"I am certain that the humans have thought of something to keep her and the others calm."
"Without a doubt!" He laughed. "Probably introduced them to some new game I'll be no doubt playing for the next few weeks."
"As will I, Dali will no doubt-what on earth is that light?" as the two got closer they noticed a warm orange glow seeping out from under the door. The entrance to the youngling centre.
"...that's not a flashlight..."
"...do you smell smoke?"
The two adults looked to one another before rushing the door.
"Papa! Look look! We're roasting mars-millows!"
"...Captain...Calis...care to try a marshmallow?" asked a sheepishly smiling Max.
For a moment neither the captain or first mate spoke, too confused by the sight before them. A circle of younglings sat in the middle of the centre, all of them holding out little sticks with marsh-mell-ohs on the end. In the centre sat a youngling whose head and shoulders were on fire holding his own stick and marsh-mell-oh.
"...Max, is that...is that youngling a Fyreian?" slowly asked Calis.
"Yes, yes he is."
"And are you using him...to cook?"
"...he said it was fine." the youngling in the middle of the circle of younglings eagerly nodded.
"...good to know but why are you...roasting marsh-mell-ohs on him?"
"...it was Kim's idea!"
"Hey! ...Okay yeah it was my idea and in my defense we've kept the kids busy like this about 2 hours and it was a last resort."
"...alright. Now how does one roast one of these white squishy things?"
"So how did you come up with this idea?" the captain asked, glancing away from his roasting marshmallow.
"Well after doing every game we could think of we had to take a break to think of what else we could do. That's when the first kid actually had time to realize that we're stuck in the dark...and then we had a mass panic."
"We tried everything to calm them down but the both of us were too tired to do that properly," winced Max apologetically. "since well, we're well past our usual shifts. But luckily Kim came up with this idea!"
"Marshmallows! Now obviously we couldn't use a real fire and we can't just let 20 kids use candles to roast them so-"
"Wait wait wait...a candle?" Calis asked.
"Yea, during blackouts I would light a candle and roast marshmallows with it."
"...carry on."
"So we decided to use Fure since he can control how hot he gets and he's easier to manage than a fire."
"Told you they would have the younglings entertained." Calis whispered to their captain who snorted.
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otaku553 · 2 years ago
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athena-xox · 7 months ago
Being an Apple defender is one thing but diminishing Raven’s trauma to justify Apple is INSANE
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antiquepearlss · 22 days ago
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No one gets them like I do
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thorn-rosed · 1 month ago
boxer au.
sirius black against barty crouch jr.
sirius' trainer is remus, barty's is regulus.
evan trying to sabotage them both to cause chaos.
james (cop), trying to find out who is behind it all.
time: 2000's
ships: (at the start) wolfstar, (at the start) bartylus, moonwater, bitchkiller, sunrose
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