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wickedsrest-rp · 25 days ago
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Cults & Organizations
Though the majority of Wicked’s Rest’s citizens are non-powered humans, the abundance of mystical and supernatural occurrences around town have led to a culture that may be seen as “odd” to those on the outside of it. Included in this culture are a disproportionate number of largely human-led cults around town. For the most part, these groups neither refer to nor consider themselves to be cults; more likely, they view themselves as religious groups, organizations, or even “families.” 
Some of these cults may have something supernatural at the center of them – a demon, a cryptid, or even just a person of supernatural origin – while others may have been built around something more mundane. The amount of knowledge the members of these groups have about the supernatural world may also vary. While some may have limited knowledge about the things they’re worshiping, others may adhere to explanations completely separate from the truth. Additionally, although the majority of these cults have a human leader in place, a few may be led by someone nonhuman, either taking advantage of humans’ ignorance for their own nefarious purposes or simply basking in the attention that may come with leading a group of such magnitude. The activities these organizations take part in vary from group to group, ranging from harmless to potentially very dangerous. 
You can read about a few of the different cults and organizations in town below.
Wicked’s Rest’s Cults
Following ancient texts found in a cave in Gatlin Fields, the Chosen Ones of Prygando worship the demon Prygando, an ancient being said to live in the underground cave network throughout town. Earthquakes, shifting ground, and cave-ins are often attributed to Prygando’s displeasure by the Chosen Ones, and it is during these times that they may be at their most dangerous. Following events perceived by their leadership to be signs of the demon’s unhappiness, the Chosen Ones often seek to appease Prygando with rituals. These rituals may start small, including things such as small rock structures being built in Prygando’s honor, but if the perceived displeasure isn’t rectified with these small offerings, the Chosen Ones will move on to bigger displays. This can include human sacrifice. Typically, the sacrifice is chosen from within the group. Often, it’s a volunteer. After the sacrificial ritual is complete, the group’s leadership determines whether Prygando has been appeased. If they find the demon to still be uneasy, they may repeat the process until they are certain. They often determine the demon to be uneasy.
A newer organization in town, the Creed of Terramoist was founded shortly after the worm citizens of the kingdom of Terramoist gained access to enough technology to make their wet voices heard. Interestingly, the leader of this group is not a human, but rather a citizen of Terramoist himself. The cult’s leader, a skinny grey worm named Mudglas Wigglesworth, holds a position within Terramoist’s royal court as the technological coordinator. As such, he is tasked with obtaining advanced technology for Terramoist to reverse engineer. This is how the cult came to be – while attempting to talk a passing human out of their wireless headphones, Mudglas found he had a knack for convincing humans, and used it to his advantage. Though not currently considered dangerous, the relative newness of the Creed as well as the unpredictable nature of their wormy leader makes the cult one to watch, as they could develop dangerous tendencies in the near future.
With an alarmingly high number of members in the Seven Peaks, the Keepers of Tendrilla are one of the more active cults found throughout the town of Wicked’s Rest. This group’s activities are etched into the very culture of the town itself, from Tendrilla murals found on the sides of local businesses (both those owned by Keepers and those whose owners neither requested nor desired such decor) to shrines spread throughout all seven of the titular Seven Peaks. While not typically violent, members of this organization may lash out at those who they believe disrespect or dishonor Tendrilla, the cryptid they worship. They will also go to great lengths to protect the shrines throughout Seven Peaks, meaning even accidentally stumbling upon one with no ill will can be a dangerous endeavor. 
Made up entirely of non-powered humans and largely longtime Wicked’s Rest residents, this organization is dedicated to the safety of humankind… by any means necessary. Perspective members have to pass a series of tests to prove their humanity before being required to complete an initiation ritual: returning to the cult with something supernatural in tow. Most hopeful Protectors elect to find something small and easy to capture, such as a gnome or a supernatural plant, but others strive to impress by bringing back something a little more sentient. Whatever they return with is swiftly taken by the cult’s leaders, a pair of siblings named Natalie and Julius Little. It is unknown what happens to these things afterwards, though none of the sentient beings taken by this cult are ever seen again. If the Littles are satisfied with the sacrifice, the new member is allowed entry into the group. The Protectors consider themselves to be just that – a protective force that looks out for humanity in areas where hunters and Scribes have failed. They share information with varying levels of accuracy among themselves, and hold recruitment events in the Common fairly often.
Headed by ex-fisherman Darrell Walsh, the Shrimplets of the Prawn are based out of Harborside and hold the neighborhood’s shrimp-like deity, Krillios, in high regard. Darrell started the cult after spotting Krillios while fishing on his boat one day, so moved by the cryptid’s presence that he retired from his career in favor of taking an oath never to harm another prawn again. This is an oath all new members of the Shrimplets of the Prawn take upon initiation. They consider themselves to be protectors of shellfish, and can often be found “sticking up for the little guy”. Activities include frequent protests of local seafood restaurants (and perhaps sabotage, though none that has been proven by authorities as of yet). Physically, the Shrimplets of the Prawn are considered to be a low-threat cult, with most Wicked’s Rest citizens and authorities viewing them as more of a nuisance than anything else. Crusty’s Prawn Shop is a locus of activity for the Shrimplets. 
Named after Wicked’s Rest’s giant “walking” mushroom known as the Mushvroom, the Walkers are fanatically devoted to mushrooms of all kinds. On the face of it, they can seem more like a mushroom club, circling around to the town’s strangest mushrooms, like the ones in Eternal Light Cemetery, the Mush Room, and even especially well-formed “fairy rings” on peoples’ front lawns. But dig a little deeper, and you might notice that some members are fae. Many of the others are humans who were at some point trapped in a fairy ring with the fae, and now concern themselves only with mushrooms. There are some more normal mushroom-loving individuals in The Walkers, even budding mycologists, and the group is not usually considered to be a high threat. But if you encounter them at a mushroom locale, keep your wits about you and don’t step into any mushroom circles with them.
One of the oldest organizations in town is the Watchers of the Face, a group dedicated to the Watchin’ Face. No one quite remembers who founded this group, though it’s said that it was founded shortly after the formation of the Face centuries ago. Nowadays, leaders are elected democratically after long campaigns. Occasionally, these campaigns may involve throwing enemies of the Watchin’ Face into the Devil’s Gullet. The current leader, Betsy Baxter, allegedly tossed three Face enemies into the Gullet for her campaign. The Watchers of the Face organize the frequent Watch Parties, and often use these events as recruitment opportunities. The Watchers believe that there is a literal “man in the mountain” whose face is the Watchin’ Face in question, and their ultimate goal is to free the man, so that he (or the entity) may usher in an age of prosperity and faces.
Probably Not Cults
The buzz about cryptids in town does more than just draw in tourists and vloggers alike. Cryptids have inspired merch, art, and so much more, but some have more appreciation for them than others. The place you’ll find the most enthusiasm for these creatures is Club Cryptid HQ. This group of cryptozoologists is dedicated to learning everything they can about the various cryptids in town. While their theories can be grandiose and most of the time off base, some are surprisingly spot on. They’re always trying to set up cameras in different cryptid haunts around time, many of which end up in Wicked’s Rest State Park only to be taken down when a park ranger discovers them.
Founded in the year 1868, the Scribes are an organization trying to learn more about the supernatural world, and can be seen behind books as well as out in the field. They remain relatively neutral when it comes to conflicts between supernatural conflicts and focus more on issues that affect the town as a whole, passing along knowledge and teaming up with hunters, spellcasters, and various supernatural humanoids to take down threats as needed.
As investigative science improves and the world becomes more connected with cameras everywhere, it is harder and harder to keep the supernatural a secret. For that, we have the Whistlers, a loosely organized network of powered humans that operate across North America with the aim of suppressing the supernatural. With little formal hierarchy and individual members who tend to work alone, it can’t fully be called an organization or a society, but in the case of a major incident, several members may swarm to a scene for a coverup. The group is incredibly secretive, with not even their own members aware of everyone involved. Membership is possible only by invitation, which is extended most frequently to hunters but occasionally to other powered humans as well, but never to non-powered humans. This strict belief that non-powered humans should remain completely unaware of the supernatural often finds them butting heads with the Scribes.
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potato-lord-but-not · 10 months ago
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put all the podcast guys in a room together for group therapy
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mabbbish · 3 months ago
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s9 noodles and leftovers
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don't know much about furry fiction but surely there is an established trope wherein some furries are allergic to other characters' dander? like say a gecko scalie falls in love with a cat furry but is allergic to cat hair. trials & tribulations & claritin ensure
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months ago
Tim: I'm bi
Jason: Cool. I hooked up with Roy once. Don't tell Dick.
Tim: Jason this is the batfamily group chat
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welcometogrouchland · 8 months ago
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Extremely bad batgirls comic I made featuring Steph's sex life and Cass' ability to read everything but the room
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year ago
I am actually a Native person who has always gone by animal names, both my deadname and every name I've used as a trans person, and I think if you have a Native character who you feel would have a nature name (because of hippy parents or because they're trans or whatever), then you can avoid stereotypes by having ~more than one Native character~
I know, it's a shocking concept, but it's actually pretty easy to avoid contributing to stereotypes in your works when you remember that you are allowed to have more than one character from the same ethnic and/or racial group. Just have a different Native character with a "normal" name. Problem solved. Have fun.
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pinazee · 8 days ago
Let me tell you something, never has a show made me love all the interpersonal dynamics like Leverage.
The flirty will they/ can they of parker/hardison- oh i am down bad for that.
The unlikely older brother-little brotherhood of hardison/elliot- im cuddled up next to it with a bowl of popcorn.
The grieving king protective knight that is Elliot/nate- you have my sword.
The classic enemies-who-want-to-bang to lovers-who-do-bang that is nate/sophie- its a classic for a reason.
The aunt who has no idea what their nephew does but is proud and supportive anyways and the exasperated nephew who’s trying his best to explain it for the fifth time that is sophie/hardison- rare and under appreciated but not by me
The father figure pushing the child he cares for to be his very best and prove how incredibly brilliant they actually are that is hardison/nate- so freaking sweet.
The protective dad neurodivergent child that is nate/parker-in tears.
The older sister teaching the younger sister how to interact with the world that is parker/sophie-i think a hole in my heart healed.
The growth of a genuine deep friendship between sophie/elliot- im eating it like a five course meal
The exasperated, yet, super protective eldest sibling and rascally poking-you-with-a-stick-for-fun younger sibling that is elliot/parker- i need that stored for rainy days
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wickedsrest-rp · 26 days ago
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Aos Sí (pronounced ace-she)
The fae are famously poor at organization, but they have managed to organize themselves into small communities spread all over the world, referred to as aos sí. About 75% of fae worldwide come from these communities. They are highly variable in size, appearance, setting, and social norms. However, they all have one thing in common: they’re completely and utterly lawless, and lack forms of official leadership. Conflicts tend to be settled with word binding and trickery, perhaps followed by some mutual respect. Aos sí often still heavily frown upon certain things, and individual fae may take it upon themselves to punish transgressors in whatever way they see fit.
Wicked’s Rest has a number of aos sí communities in town and nearby – some are in the town proper, others might be out in the woods, mountain, or ocean, or their own dimension. They may have a number of fae species within, or may be exclusive or accessible only to a couple. These communities may be hidden with a sort of “mass glamour” that makes it harder for wardens to pin down the precise location, and may not be visible or obvious to others unless certain criteria are met. Some have sentry fae to turn others away. These powerful protective glamours are not consciously made, and are subject to dissolve if the fae within the community become discontented or weakened.
While there used to be many prominent ancient fae languages with a variety of roots, they’ve largely fallen out of favor. Most aos sí communities simply speak the prominent language from wherever they are geographically located. Even the secluded ones aren’t so cut off that cultural transmission is impossible. It’s also common for fae to learn and use the language in their country of origin or where the ancestry of their species hails from, but there’s a lot of blending of different influences and cultures.
You can read about a few of the different aos sí below.
Deep in the forests of Wicked’s Rest, lies an aos sí somewhat hidden behind a cloud of mist. If you look into the mist, you can see a Burning Man sign, stolen by the fae who live here, and modified to say Burning huMan. The fae here live what most would call a very natural lifestyle, which includes not bothering with clothes, and spending a lot of time in gnome-formed mushroom circles, dancing and partying. At first glance, humans would assume this aos sí is full of hippies singing sweet songs (or at times a weird rager), though that’d probably be the last glance they ever take.
Once, Fatesworm was an average aos sí called Greensphere. It was a little weird, a little chaotic, but nothing special. Then the banshee, Femura, came. She made the aos sí her own, relocated the re-named “Fatesworm” to the Wormwoods and espoused her philosophy to the fae around her. Fate had an amazing future in store for Fatesworm, she said. But only if She is served, which primarily meant serving Femura. Some of the more impressionable fae were quick to take Femura’s views to heart, especially after a couple close calls with wardens, and their lives now revolve around death. Specifically, collecting dead things for Femura, and even solemnly engaging in twisted rituals to please her and, in turn, Fate. While aos sí rarely have official leadership, Femura is certainly the figurehead, and all of the fae who live in Fatesworm do their best to cater to the banshee, firmly believing that Fate will smile upon them if they keep Her earthly vessel content, nourished, and moist with worm slime.
Not all fae want to be out there with the mushrooms and the magic. Some are far more comfortable in their cozy “human” homes – it puts them closer to their food sources, after all. Muses, faun, and other more humanoid fae (especially those that feed on humans) have formed a network of homes on Lark Street in Deersprings. These fae stay connected as a single aos sí through use of specific doors in their homes, which take them to a shared (possibly liminal) space. The sense of community can be helpful, as blending in with humanity comes with its challenges, though attitudes toward humans themselves differ. Many times arguments have broken out over whether the “Door Space” can be used for keeping fresh food. Despite the name of the aos sí, some fae who don’t live on Lark Street still have access to the Door Space if they have the correct kind of door installed.
After a group of fae discovered a plethora of cowboy memorabilia and Old Western movies, they took a liking to the genre and concept and shifted the core “focus” of their aos sí to reflect it. This aos sí’s love for things like “horse” riding and “bull” wrangling borders on an obsession, leading to a few nymph-made vine lassos flying around at all times and humans hog-tied for food sources (or general fun, for those who may not rely on humans for food). Located in Gatlin Fields, members of this aos sí can often be found terrorizing farmers (to immerse themselves in the life!) and making unwelcome visits to the Mane Event (to see horses!), though no outsiders know where the entrance to the aos sí truly lies. 
This surreal little pocket dimension is home to a community of varied fae species that prefer to be as far removed from humans as possible. The Mirrored District can be accessed by jumping into one’s reflection in certain, large surfaces of water at night, though some mirrors in town provide alternative means of entrance and exit when the light is at just the right angle. Some fall into the Mirrored District accidentally and get stuck. The Mirrored District has a dream-like beauty but can be disorienting due to everything being upside-down, the sky stretching out below. The shops sell truly strange supernatural fae goods. Many residents are aware of Wicked’s Rest and seem to be under the impression they are connected to the rest of the town normally. They refer to visitors as being “from the other side of town,” and tend to greet other fae as “cousin” but don’t explain why. The District is only as big as Wicked’s Rest and terminates at an abrupt perimeter. Those who walk into the strange fog rolling off the edges of town are rarely seen again. Terrible things happen to non-fae who linger in the Mirrored District for too long.
Having experienced the radical shift of living in the Bleak Point neighborhood before it was overtaken by the mineral abnormality that forced it underground, the fae of this aos sí can be a little… odd, even by fae standards. As a community, Netherlanders have an odd relationship with the tunnel system and take part in many rituals regarding it. With every meal, be it that of a fae species that feeds on some sort of human energy (such as muses and faun) or the more mundane food-types of fae with normal dietary habits (like nymphs), an offering is made to Netherville itself. Some of the older members of the aos sí remember a time when the community existed entirely above ground, while others were born into the darkness of Netherville and have never known anything outside of it. The generational gap tends to lead to some different approaches when it comes to rituals the aos sí takes part in, but only in regards to the reasons behind those rituals. This aos sí has a variety of fae species living among it, but the bugganes within the group are considered especially renowned due to their connection to Netherville. 
This aos sí has taken up residence in the downtown area, thanks to a promise bind with Sal, the hapless former owner of a nondescript used car shop, Sal’s Used Car Shop. The interior of the dealership has been split into two parts: an “art gallery” where the various muses share the art made by their meals and a “dance floor” where the faun of the aos sí have their nightly dinner. Outside in the parking lot, the nymphs have returned the dealership — including much of the remaining inventory — to nature. The fact that the cars left over in the dealership are all entirely overgrown with plantlife doesn’t stop the pixies who live within the aos sí from attempting to “sell” them to passersby, of course. Humans walking by the dealership should be cautious – if the pixies can convince a person to come inside the dealership, it’s unlikely that they’ll ever leave again. This is how the muses and faun obtain most of their meals. The sign to the actual dealership has degraded over time, through a mixture of the nymphs’ natural living and the pixies’ chaotic meddling, lending the aos sí its name.
While not supernaturally hidden, Veilpeak is named as such because it’s high up in Wicked’s Rest’s Seven Peaks, obscured by both its elevation, and the fact that the only way to walk there is to navigate through an intense cave system. The aos sí is located on a large ledge, unable to be seen from below, making it most readily accessed by flight or by cave. This community is rumored to have developed their own human farm in the caves, though some of the fae may have fondly taken them into their homes as rescues.
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kittykatninja321 · 10 months ago
The reason why I always emphasize that utrh era Jason is 18/19 and refuse to let people forget that Jason and Tim are canonically 2 years apart is because the concept of Jason as a fairly young adult with little to no support system is a fascinating concept to me and it goes under explored in both canon and fanon. I think it adds such an interesting wrinkle to the everything and is a great contrast to all the Red Hood shit. I’m thinking about New Earth Jason specifically here, he’s both younger than post-nu52 Jason and more isolated. Most people at 19, even if they can afford to be out on their own in this economy, still have contact with their family of origin for support. Jason is not only estranged from his family with little to no support system (depending on how much you interpret Talia being involved after Lost Days), he’s also doing mob boss shit while he’s still technically young enough to be somebody’s prom date. He didn’t go to his prom because he was probably in Russia learning how to make bombs or something (and because, yknow, the whole dying thing).
Jason is someone who both had to grow up too fast and by all means should be somewhat emotionally stunted. Not only does trauma stunt you he was catatonic for long enough that he’s missing literal years from his adolescence. He’s young enough that he’s still reeling from trauma from childhood and adolescence (late teens/ early twenties are peak ‘desperately trying to recover from childhood’ era).
I think underneath the rough Red Hood exterior that Jason should be naive in ways that people wouldn’t really expect. He doesn’t have much experience with relationships (both romantic and friendships), and it’s been years since he’s socialized much with people his age (he doesn’t socialize much at all he’s pretty isolated). I think even if he doesn’t look young that at times he would slip up and show that he is
Also I just love the contrast. I like the idea that sometimes you’ll hear Red Hood cackle without the helmet on and you’ll recognize traces of that 15 year old kid and then he’ll shoot someone immediately after. Like imagine if utrh was a Boy King of the underworld sorta deal
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quinns-art-box · 9 months ago
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my piece for the danganronpa-themed movie zine held by @winterzines go check it out!! i did a silly redraw of a poster for disney's alice in wonderland
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hinamie · 10 months ago
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off on an adventure ! this au turns 1 week old today
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
pose ref [x]
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mourning-tides · 9 months ago
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Some Wondie doodles to go with the Arrowette I drew yesterday, I need to draw her stupid wig outfit more
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fantastic-nonsense · 11 months ago
"Inej is the mom fri—" *loud incorrect buzzer noise* Wrong. You are looking for Matthias Helvar.
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crypticscarecrow · 4 months ago
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"Just take it from US!"
WOTFI 2024
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