#character analyzation
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acourtofquestions · 9 months ago
I keep on thinking about the “You left me” scene…
As painful as it is (and NOT one of Rowan & Aelin’s finer or healthiest moments; probably one of if not my LEAST favorite for them) there is something so guttural, telling, & crucial beneath the surface. … Especially the more I analyze many aspects of this VERY layered scene…
So, let’s break it down:
Now this may be my own abandonment issues talking😅but as someone that knows I see this argument (as drastically different as they sound) as two sides of the same coin (as Rowaelin often/always is) both sides rooted in abandonment issues & a consequential fear of love/the loss of it; hence ending up in one of two responses (even in a situation as seemingly ‘simple’ as this; triggering) either: clinging to someone with everything you have, begging, fighting, desperately trying to stop it from happening again. Or being the one to leave so you are not the one left saying “I didn’t care anyway” so you don’t have to feel like you lost anything to begin with.
… Sound familiar? It’s what’s happening here.
Unfortunately, this is one of the moments where these two are too much alike; it’s triggering them both (two people who can go from 0-180 & when it comes to flight or fight triggers are very prone to fight) they are arguing with themselves & their own fear/self-loathing more than each-other (thus hitting exactly where it hurts; because they are hurting themselves; for Rowan it’s punishment through self-sabotage, for Aelin it’s proving she’s unworthy of anyone’s care even someone who could be cruel to her) while also simultaneously using it as a form of ‘self-protection’ (they are trying not to care (further mad at themselves for already caring) & terrified for the other because every person they love has left; loving them feels like a death sentence & they have to protect the other by making themselves unlovable; before they get hurt again).
For Aelin, it’s a last resort; fear is a crucial part of her mindset, (upbringing), & survival. She lives in fight or flight, fawn or freeze, (leaning towards the natural inclination of the first latters) this is her fighting, desperately clawing (like a wounded animal), & on her last leg; because if he cannot choose her, cannot stay, will not; if as she describes, “She didn't know why it happened, because she had been so dead set on hating him, but... it would have been nice, she supposed. It would have been nice to have one person who knew the absolute truth about her--and didn't hate her for it. It would have been really, really nice.” If he who knows her unlike anyone ever has or could (from best to worst) has seen it all and found nothing there worthwhile then how can she possibly argue that with herself/anyone? Right then, you see how little she cares for herself (how she stays even when it’s hurting her because she doesn’t know anything else (how would she?) & because she believes every word of it (he doesn’t realize until later just how much she meant every word; because he didn’t, not fully at least, not in the same way she did). She feels that she has “nowhere else to go” because as she said “I have no one left. No one.”) you see how desperate she is for an end to the same trapping heartbreak that keeps repeating again & again. & If she loses him than there is truly nothing left. She is drowning, and this is all of it catching up to her at once — she’s screaming at him as much as everyone she’s ever lost — she’s pleading with Sam to let her look out for him, screaming at Chaol to let her in to trust her (& be worthy of his trust) so she could’ve saved Nehemia; an extremely raw wound (as shown in the broken echoing words she finally gives voice to in the next chapter), screaming at Nehemia for choosing to leave her, at Arobynn for betraying her (even if she can’t admit it yet, unleashing one begins unleashing them all) screaming at the very universe itself (the world that already broke every ‘natural’ promise; stolen all the ones she wasn’t ‘supposed’ to lose) screaming for her parents, her Aedion, her kingdom, herself. — At herself for not being able to save them, to stop it, to be fast enough- -to be enough. And begging for it, for anyone- -anything not to take this too because this is a final breaking for her.
& For Rowan, this feels like a loaded gun. It's his connection to her (despite his trying & denying it; he realizes it had already become a relationship & not just to him but to her) it’s him screaming “You are nothing to me, and I do not care.” to try and make it true because after centuries of not caring about anything or anyone (of feeling only ice), of not having anyone care (or need him for that matter; he’s realizing for better or worse she does)… Here it is (someone who cares & someone who needs him; someone who he cannot turn away because she can bear all of his ice & still understand him; he hates her for it, he hates himself for it “There is nothing that I can give to you. Nothing I want to give to you.”)… Here she is… Begging him to stay (just like Lyria), wanting him to stay (something he does not feel he deserves — “Aelin, you deserve better than this-than me.” — & is trying to prove to her as protection & punishment; to be the monster), caring enough about him to want him to stay in the first place (something he truly thinks they are better off without; he's reminding himself as much as warning her when he says, “The people you love are just weapons that will be used against you”— another key word will —he believes it all is already inevitably doomed. So, while she is desperately giving a last try, he has already given up on trying.) He is a wild animal trapped into a corner; if she cares—if he cares; because it will end (she will leave; because she is capable & will learn & be back on her way, gone again while he will still be stuck with Maeve the same as before (he twists it to sound different but the meaning is the same when he says, “the sooner I can be rid of you”.); or worse she may very well get herself killed (the way she’s going) the way he knows why, (why do you think he spends so much time trying to get her to fight for her own life?- -To scare her, provoke her, anger her- -anything to shake her from her stupor… he says as much later on “You're learning.” “You get baited by me every now and then, too, you know.” He gave her a look that said, I let you bait me, in case you haven't noticed."… anything to make her make it out alive) & he has not helped that either because he can’t help himself. So, either way, he feels stuck in the same mistake again & again; is he failing her the same as he did Lyria? Is he failing Lyria by repeating it (worse; is he betraying Lyria in the fact he may care for someone else?) — if he is, how does he survive that?). … He has been trying to tell himself 'she's just another soldier', yet, here he is again raw with Gavriel tattooing even more names of grief (because 'just a soldier' doesn't make it hurt less). & She is not just another soldier; he (an ‘all-knowing-immortal’) was wrong; he is missing something about her (this “girl” doesn’t add up; this fight doesn’t add up) & He is feeling the weight of every mistake; even as he makes another one; to hurt her now thinking; it’s better than getting her killed, (it’s better than him caring & losing her) It’s what he ‘deserves’ (he hates himself for it, even as he breaks her heart; it’s why he says, “and for a heartbeat he hoped she’d left, if only so he didn’t have to face what he’d said yesterday.” because he knew he was wrong & he hated himself for it; he does it to punish himself as much as to protect himself & her). It's his last attempt at pushing her away (and ultimately the one that makes him realize he cannot).
It's not an excuse, but it is a reason. One that makes sense the more I read, re-read, & continue the series. This fight is in some ways their first real fight; because they are both vulnerable because this is more than a biting surface (because they have always been more than that). And it forces them to realize & reconcile; to go to their true worst until there is nothing left but to piece together something else.
For two people so fearful & without option they needed to hit the rock bottom together; to have no doubt that they were chosen at their true worst; to learn almost losing the other did not leave them better off; & know that they cannot turn away, & will not because if it would have happened, it would have been then (& there is no more point in being afraid anymore; it is too late to take back what’s been forged; “Something molten rushed through her, pouring over every crack and fracture still left gaping and open. Not to hurt or mar--but to weld.”)… Without it Rowan would never have checked himself, he would have trained her on nothing more than begrudging orders of Maeve, & he would never have cared to ask or learn more… She would have either bet everything on him & thrown herself into another relationship to outrun everything else, & end up broken again because she cannot learn to sit with (nor accept) herself. She was forced to pick life or endless nothing, to stop freezing or fawning or running, to care & fight for it; & find something more worth fighting for (to accept her anger & also learn to be more than just angry) To let it out & let go; to stop drowning on the words that have been suffocating her for months; to stop being afraid to say them. … And while they cannot quite say all those words; I’m sorry, I care about you… They can know they won’t say the other again… They are not expected to be more than they can give. There is finally an understanding (the start of a friendship… & maybe ‘more than’ friends) because they stop running from it & instead run in headfirst. … Through the most dividing thing they are finally not alone. The final stand stands. There is no more fight against each-other. It cannot get worse, they can survive it, and now they are really what they are.
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its-vamber · 2 years ago
Do you think that asagiri will leave questions unanswered about dazai or tell us by the end of the manga? It will leave things really interesting if we never know the holes in his character but it could also be not fulfilling.
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aurae-rori · 9 months ago
my roman empire is the fact that dr. ratio couldn't get into the genius society because of how much he cares for others. my roman empire is the fact that the way that he loves and has too much empathy will be his own downfall. my roman empire is the fact that he spent so long thinking that he was enough only to be hit with the reality that the world and life is cruel and his heart is too soft for the universe he was born into.
my roman empire is that dr. ratio cares. he cares so damn much. he loved too much that it held him back from his ultimate goal.
dr. ratio they could never make me hate you.
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cutter-kirby · 8 months ago
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obligatory “cool characterization, still murder” like I’m not excusing him but it does make him incredibly interesting
(*girl gender neutral edition)
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porkymcsly · 2 months ago
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More Maul studies! Slowly but surely I’m dialing him in. I’m trying to work towards more expressiveness. his proportions are really tricky, but I really enjoy the gaunt look of Rebles Maul. Experimenting with different ways to draw the eyes…just playing as usual. Just love him a lot.
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linkcharacter · 2 months ago
thanks for being one of the few mouthwashing artists who is like.. normal about jimmy, is the only way i can describe it. for treating his character just as seriously as all the other tulpar members, not being afraid to analyze/explore his character and relationships with the others; for not outright refusing to draw him etc. i feel like a lot of people think that including him in fanart/analysis is equal to excusing his actions and it really sucks to see that, so it's always refreshing to see someone give him as much thought and appreciation as any other well written character.
Thank you, but it makes me wonder how cooked this fandom is, if I'm getting praise for treating the central protagonist and main character of the story as just A Character In The Story. And he isn't even my favorite. I understand the aversion to Jimmy obviously, but a lot of people act so immature about him.
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pinep-ne · 2 months ago
If one more person misconstrues Arthur's journal entry about how he should have married Abigail as genuine romantic attraction I will actually lose it. OBVIOUSLY IT WAS TO SUPPORT HER AND JACK AND FILL THE ROLE JOHN RAN FROM!!! Marriage for the sake of convenience and support is nothing new folks. It was not lust nor love. I personally don't even think Arthur had anything with Abigail at any point. They were just two troubled souls that had leant on each other in a desperate situation. Y'all are stirring a hollow pot talking about how John would've felt reading that entry. He probably didn't even give a damn because he knew well Arthur's insistence on giving Abby and her boy at least some semblance of stability.
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risetherivermoon · 5 months ago
i dont really like it when people dumb down Curly's characterization to just the guy enabling Jimmy. I get that that makes it easier to not like him, so that's why a lot of people do that, because they feel guilty about sympathizing with someone who's done smth fucked up like that, but i really don't think it's giving Curly the justice he deserves.
regardless of if you like him as a person or not, Curly is still a victim and he suffered greatly at Jimmy's hand. Just because he did something fucked up doesn't make him a 'monster' (sorry because i saw someone say that he looks like a monster post-crash and thats sticking with me because why TF are we saying disabled burn victims look like LITERAL MONSTERS- yall use some common sense I BEG)
Dumbing down characters is what fandom does best, but i think it particularly irks me in Mouthwashing because of the nature of the story. Jimmy already thinks of the rest of the crew poorly and doesn't see them for how they really are, we don't need to be doing that too.
I also feel like people don't really recognize the fact Jimmy manipulates and abuses Curly too, even before the crash. What Curly did was fucked up but for the love, don't dumb him down to just this one thing he did.
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bread-that-draws · 2 years ago
Flowey’s so funny and has me so fucked up like he’s a talking flower. He tries to kill you upon your first interaction. He is ten years old. He is damaged beyond repair. He’s a flower named Flowey. He’s become friends with every single character. He’s killed all of them countless times. He knows everything about everyone. He doesn’t care anymore. He takes care of his mom when she can’t take care of herself. He’s killed her before. He doesn’t care if you kill her. He thinks she’s trying to replace him. He just wants to be himself again. He wants to destroy everything. He hates you. You’re the only one who understands him. He wants his best friend back. He’s terrified of them. He believes in kill or be killed because he died by giving mercy to the wrong person. He believes himself to be the wrong person. He doesn’t understand when you show him that kindness he showed others, even when you know he could kill you for it. He’s tried every route. He asks you if you have anything better to do when you try to do the same. He’s a direct reflection of the player. He’s a fucking talking flower named flowey and his only voice line is by Ronald McDonald and his officially licensed plush does a little dance for you
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detectiveposting · 7 months ago
my stages of watching columbo
1: hahah hes just a silly detective ;)
2: columbo is actually a cunning manipulative liar that hides his true persona behind the facade of a slow and clumsy middle class detective
3: hahah hes just a silly detective ;)
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briefhottubcoffee · 8 months ago
I was flipping through the manga today. Check out Twilight’s very consistent little sigh and smile he has whenever he is proud or fond of his family members:
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Bond got two smiles in just one chapter! Which I think is interesting, because Twilight is most “himself” with Bond because, well, Bond is a dog and there is no need to hide anything.
A theory I’ve heard, and very much agree with is… at this point in the manga, Twilight is trying to distance himself from his family. This is because of what happened with Wheeler and Yuri. He’s struggling with his emotions because he thinks they are a weakness, and, deep down, he doesn’t believe he is allowed to be feeling any affection for his fake family. He’s been a little colder, to Anya specifically.
Nevertheless, he had a small version of his proud/fond smile for Anya recently, bro can’t help himself:
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I hesitate to include this one, because it’s right after his fight with Wheeler and Yuri, my man is going through some stuff, and I’m not sure how genuine this smile is. But I still think it’s important. Directed at Yor:
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So yeah, I think these are the most authentic smiles of the man underneath all the fake personas and acting. And it’s a smile full of genuine affection and care, directed at only three individuals in the entire series. He doesn’t smile like this for anyone else, ever. There are a bunch of other smiles he gives his family that I think are still very much real, but these little ones are my favorite. I think Endo is drawing these little smiles throughout the series on purpose, it’s not hard to imagine why.
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waitineedaname · 7 months ago
feeling insane about the deep dream extra again. I like to make jokes about shen qingqiu seeing binghe hugging his corpse and deciding to fuck that man to qi deviation, but when I think about the emotions communicated in that moment it's so much more. shen qingqiu just got insight into a moment he wasn't around for, when binghe was grieving him so terribly, when binghe still didn't have answers for sqq's actions, when he kept reenacting a moment of nonsexual physical intimacy that left such a profound effect on his psyche
and shen qingqiu obviously can't change what happened in the past, but what he can do upon waking up is kiss binghe, press his hand to his beating heart, affirm (out loud!! a big deal for shen qingqiu!!!) that he wants him -- communicating with his actions that "I was gone then, but I'm here now, I'm alive, I won't be leaving, I love you and want you even when it hurts"
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justaz · 15 days ago
Thinking about Percy’s relationship with the Underworld children in comparison to his relationships with the sky children and how it all relates to the hierarchy and experiences Percy has been through.
Yap fest incoming
Now, first of all, Percy is the victim of bullying at home and in school. His bully at home is Gabe and then he has all these bullies at school that pick on him and the other “weird kids” and Percy takes some of the other “weird kids” under his wing and protects them - like Grover and Tyson. Grover because of his crutches and disability and Tyson because of his mental delay and disability.
Percy takes those who can’t protect themselves as well as Percy can protect himself and he protects them from their bullies. Because no one protected him at home - no one was really there to see the abuse, granted, especially because Percy never made it known to his mom that we can tell from the canon material but even if Sally knew of the arguments Gabe and Percy got into, she never left him because she knew he needed Gabe’s scent to keep him safe, but from his pov that might be his mom failing to step in and protect him.
And so he’s not comfortable at home and prefers to be with his mom alone at Montauk. But my point is he doesn’t feel like he belongs at home with Gabe. Then he makes either one or no friends at his schools and then is bullied and blamed for everything before getting kicked out. He never has a place to call his own, to feel as if he belongs. He knows what it is to be judges and to be discarded and deemed unworthy.
And then he arrives at camp full of other kids like him. And while he’s unclaimed, he feels as if he finally finds a place he belongs and begins to make more friends. Then he’s claimed and shoved into a cabin all alone and avoided by all of camp besides Luke, Annabeth, Grover, and Chiron (from what I can remember and even then I’m pretty sure I recall a line about Annabeth barely tolerating his existence because she would always look at him as if he were stupid before ignoring him entirely or something along those lines correct me if I’m wrong).
So he finally finds a place he belongs only that no he really hasn’t because no one wants to touch him with a ten foot pole after being claimed. And then he completes a quest and is welcomed back with open arms - finding his place again. Only for next summer to roll around and Tyson is claimed as his brother as he is once again cast aside by camp for having a monster for a brother.
Then Thalia to comes back and take his place and is then respected and revered after a few months, taken under Chiron’s wing and trained personally by him and looked to for guidance by Annabeth and Grover and just completely respected and idolized despite the fact that she never even made it to camp and never completed a quest - she was just a child of Zeus.
So his place is toppled once more and he has to find where he belongs again. But then Thalia joins the Hunters and he settles back in to his position as sort of “leader” within camp. And he rides that position into war, working his ass off to prove time and time again that he can be trusted and respected like Thalia was.
NOW bringing in the children of the Underworld. Percy and Bianca clashed a bit in the beginning because of the Hunter thing but got over that pretty quick and Percy was somewhat protective of her in the sense that he cared deeply about what she was going through, and promising Nico to look out for her. See: the conversation on the porch of that one shop in New Mexico, Percy’s reluctance to let her go forward with his plan, the multiple lines of Percy blaming himself/saying it should’ve been him instead.
Percy and Nico have an admittedly rocky relationship with the whole Bianca thing and then Nico’s repressed gay crush on him, but they truly did care about each other and I’m sick of the animosity people insist is between them lol. Percy was always protective of Nico (though you only see that after the quest when Annabeth is back safe and sound and his mental state has recovered lmfao) and he took on the prophecy to protect him, everything Percy did was to protect Nico from the traumas of the godly world as best he could. Trying to get Nico to run from the skeletons, searching in the woods for him for hours, claiming the prophecy as his own and hid his identity from the Olympians and Chiron to keep him safe. And thats just in The Titan’s Curse.
Percy and Hazel have the most wholesome relationship out of the three, I will say. Percy is immediately protective of Hazel when he sees Octavian blackmailing and threatening her for her vote for praetor and he grips Riptide in preparation for a fight, reassuring her she wasn’t like Phineas, their conversation in Alaska where they both reassure each other :(( aww I love them sm okay okay let me move on.
Anyways, Percy always takes the Underworld kids under his wing just like he did Grover and Tyson, protecting them and looking out for them as best he can from those who would harm them whether it be bullies like Nancy or Mark or Octavian to prophecies and death. In comparison to his relationships with Thalia and Jason where they clash horribly before finding middle ground and becoming friends eventually.
And then the hierarchy between the big three kids where children of Hades/Pluto were always avoided like the plague and feared and seen as a bad omen and can work their asses off and fight endlessly for camp but will still only be seen as children of H/P by most. While children of Poseidon/Neptune make people wary but dont bring respect. I think theres also a hint of fear because of how powerful and temperamental P/N is and how that could transfer over along with P/N being known as the “father of monsters”. And Percy has to work his ass off to prove himself time and time again before being trusted and looked up to the way Percy is. And then theres children of Zeus/Jupiter who are completely and immediately revered and respected whether or not they’ve done anything of note simply because of who their father is.
Anyways all this yapping to say that Percy definitely sees himself in the Underworld kids and takes them under his wing to protect them as best he can while simultaneously arguing and fighting with children of Z/J because he sees his bullies in them simply from the hierarchy and power imbalance between the cousins (“power imbalance” being used loosely here). This is also no Thalia or Jason hate btw,, just character study I guess. I love Thalia and Jason is. There. I guess. (Kidding. He’s a cool character and concept but def not my fav lol)
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itsahotminuteinbetween · 1 month ago
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two of many sunspot doodles because my brain decided to latch onto him for some reason
sunspot is by @venomous-qwille ofc! (Feel free to ignore the tag sorry!)
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mellosdrawings · 2 months ago
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Alrighty, let's tackle the second part of this request!
Here's a tuto on how to draw the nightmare that is Azul's hair!
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First, a few observations.
Contrary to other characters like Jamil, Riddle, or Sebek, Azul's hair doesn't immediately tell you everything about his personality. For someone as calculating and (trying to be) mature as Azul, you'd expect his hair to be slick and and each strand to be at it's proper place.
It's the contrary here. Azul has wavy, almost curly hair that is completely all over the place.
It's because that's his own struggle that is shown here. Azul has always fought against himself, being his octopus nature, his weight, or even his hair that won't stick down. That boy is just cursed to forever have something about himself that doesn't fit his aesthetic.
(Personally whenever I look at Azul upside down, I really feel like it'd be the kind of hair for a cool extroverted guy in an Idol gacha game)
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Step 1. Hairline
Azul has a simple round hairline so simply draw an arch.
Step 2. Hair root
Azul's hair all comes from a point right above the left side of his left iris, so I would suggest you draw Azul's face (and even glasses) first.
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Step 3. Bangs
Azul has two strands that fall between his eyes, just a bit to the right. Start from the root point you placed earlier, and draw two wavy lines intersecting. The first will stop at the upper rim of his glasses, above his right iris area. The second will stop at the lower rim of his glasses, below his right iris area.
All of Azul's hair will be made with soft waves that fork back up, so train yourself to do that move flowingly. You're not done using it.
Step 4. Front hair 1
There are two strands that seem closer to us and frame the other bangs, so let's draw them first. In my example I drew the lower strand a bit too high, it should come right above Azul's right eye. The upper one thought will almost be horizontal. Both of those will reach the area above the right ear.
Once more, waves.
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Step 5. Front hair 2
Now the two strands between the last two. They will go further than the ear.
Step 6. Side strand
Azul's tentacle-like strand. It is composed by the only strand of hair that forks towards his face, instead of outward. It goes around the eye and reaches lower than the middle strand.
The second part is the actual tentacle. It hides the ear entirely and reaches down to Azul's chin level.
Still, always a wave that forks outward.
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Step 7. Ahoge
Yup. "Mature" and calculating Azul has an ahoge. That might be the only part of his hair that does indeed reflect his personality. Azul can be quite immature and stupid at times. (For those who don't know, "ahoge" literally means "stupid hair" and it's usually used on stupid or immature characters)
Simply make it start at the root point. It's about the size of Azul's hairline to eyes, but globally just make it go up above where the rest of his hair would go.
Step 8. Right side
That is the part that people (even Yana if we trust the notes she made) struggle with. There is a volume here that can't be too fluffy or not big enough. It's actually just the size of half his face. Put your mark and do your best to fill it without going further.
From there, draw about 4 or 5 waves. Connecting each tip should make an arch, with the further point being the strands at Azul's eye level.
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Step 9. Behind the ear
The only part of Azul's hair that is well groomed is those few strands of hair, that look like they were pushed behind his ear. This is also the only part (alongside the ahoge) that isn't made using a wave.
Step 10. Left side
And we're back to drawing waves, this time forking left. There is about 3 waves to do. These strands won't be as fluffy as the right side, sticking closer to the skull, but still add some volume. Wavy/curly hair just can't stick to the skull (I'd know it *sigh*)
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Step 11. Details
Time to check your proportions, add a few lines within the strands, add more lines at the roots to show that his hair go from here.
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So. Idol!Azul when? (One day. One day I'll do that Housewarden Idol AU)
(Last note: he does have an undercut. I'll forever go crazy about Azul of all people having a fuckboi (/affectionate) haircut)
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(Official pic from the Magical Archives)
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