#call quality
rinyamashita · 6 months
Mobile disaster 2023 edition
Hello everyone, Huawei Mate 20 lite, this was my mobile phone since February 2020. I bought it from a reselling website called rebuy. I loved and enjoyed it immensely. However, it had come into its age and had gotten slow, and the burn ins into the display while using it had taken overhand. Therefore, I started to look around which phone I wanted to use next. After research and consideration…
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phonesuitedirect · 9 months
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IEEE 802.11 is a set of standards for wireless local area networks (WLANs), commonly known as Wi-Fi. These standards define the specifications for wireless communication. Let’s take a look at how far this wonderful technology has come over the past 20 years and what marketers can do to leverage its advanced capabilities in their everyday lives. Read More...
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homolobotomized · 10 months
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hot dog or hamburger style, captain
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captain-flint · 2 months
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Tommy 'my priority is Evan' Kinard
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mue-te · 1 month
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Still on the farcille train.
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maajul444 · 10 months
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tripleefs · 5 months
One of my fav og sbi moments thats not in any compilation vids since it takes place over the course of a heated mexican lmanberg negotiations stream and completely off camera...
(I finally compiled it myself because I couldn't find it anywhere and for your viewing pleasure!)
Edit: keeping this up for technoblade crumbs but f wilbur soot
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rhymewithrachel · 7 months
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Keegan: “watch and learn, kid”
(Drives armoured vehicle into the ocean almost immediately rendering it useless)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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Tis but a flesh wound!
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spoksstuff · 8 months
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pro-hero kaccha... ehm dynamight 💥
all credits to the original artist @nik0ru_art on ig
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yumethefrostypanda · 3 months
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Scope shots 😘 // Ghost
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ohgeesoap · 8 months
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Gaz and Ghost
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daniel-bruehl · 2 years
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"Show my face?... Negative."
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wyrmwright · 2 months
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bro he does NOT want to hear you practice your villain monologue
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Eddie explains the whole battle vest process and history to Steve one night when they’re hanging out, Robin passed out somewhere in the house because it’s nearly three in the morning and they should ALL be asleep, but it’s always worth the exhaustion the next day to get to talk with Eddie alone.
Steve hangs onto every word, asking questions about the patches he’s seen on Eddie’s and if he wants to add more and which ones would he add if he could find them and Eddie answers them all because Steve is showing interest in his interests so how could he not?
He doesn’t think about it the next day or any of the days after
Until Christmas morning, the first Christmas after Vecna, the first one that they all agreed they should spend together even if they don’t give gifts.
But Steve gives everyone a package, all the same size, all the same wrapping paper, just labeled with first names to know who gets what. Even Eddie gets one.
He tells them all to open them at the same time.
And they all just stare at what they’re holding in their laps.
Eddie tells himself not to cry as he looks at his own gift and then everyone else’s.
They’re battle vests. Everyone’s is personalized for what they like, patches and pins special to the things they care about regardless of how “metal” it is.
It’s not until five minutes later they all realize that they all have one button on the front that’s the same. Its just a pin in the shape of a party hat. It’s funny. Confusing, but funny.
And then Steve explains that he thought it was a good way to show that they’re all part of this group, all part of the party, whether they’ve been around since day one or just joined this year.
Of course everyone loves it, loves that Steve put this effort into their gifts.
Nobody notices that Eddie’s vest has an even more special button, clearly handmade.
It says ‘property of s.h.’ And Eddie keeps it to wear forever, including on his tux when they can finally get married
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whirlandco · 1 year
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here’s how knockout-in-disguise can still win
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