#cal rambles about sw
wombatttttt · 6 days
First of all, I'm living for your Rep Com musings. 😍 As a relatively new fan to the series, I've been wondering how the Skirata gang would handle some of the "official" canon stuff like the inhibitor chips. If you ever have time or inclination, I'd love to know your thoughts. 🥰
K'oyacyi! 😊
Thank you, vod!! I have DO have a lot of thoughts. I've only just bEGUN with my Repcomm BS
So new canon and Republic Commando/Legends canon...
I think a lot of what’s in current SW canon is just incompatible with Repcomm/Legends. Like even entertaining the idea of inhibitor chips in Repcomm, I think the Nulls would have found out when they hacked the systems on Kamino. That derails like a looot of the book plot. Even if they didn't know what the chips would be used for, the idea that there's a way to control all of the clones against their will would make it impossible to continue supporting the war.
I also don't like the inhibitor chips. I think it's a lazy plot device. It also ignores the very easy totally applicable reality that by the third year of the war, there could have been widespread discontent with how the war's been conducted and talk of clones being a 'slave army' to the Jedi.
I think Repcomm did a really good job laying out how Order 66 was totally possible just based on the conduct of the Jedi during the war. And I'm not a Jedi hater! The Jedi Order had its motivations and loyalty the Republic for many reasons. And the moral high ground of thinking they're 'doing the right thing' by keeping the Republic intact.
TCW was a kids show that didn't dig into the morality of the situation and slapped inhibitor chips in the clones.
I have thoughts about the Jedi pertaining to Zey's storyline/motivations, but another time!
The only current SW canon stuff that could have been interesting to see written into the Repcomm series if it was written now is if we had the New Mandalorians/Kryze government and also the diaspora of surviving exiled True Mandalorians with Jango Fett as Manda'lor calling upon the Cuy'val Dar to train the clone army for the Republic. There would be a loooot of explaining to do, I think it would be really hard to argue Jango would do something like that for the Republic when they instilled a 'pacifist' government on Mandalore, even if it was for revenge on the Jedi. But with the right motivations/set pieces it could have been a way to tell the story of the true Mandalorian's cultural genocide and the after effects.
All right, that's enough, getting off my soapbox now~
Idk, I am very happy writing my silly little fics, OCs, and headcanons in the Repcomm/legends canon.
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scottysketches · 7 months
jedi survivor spoilers below the cut because I'm playing through it again and I have some Thoughts and Feelings
doesn't matter how many times I play through this game, every time I reach the point where Bode betrays you and kills Cordova I feel the same betrayal Cal feels, and when Vader kills Cere and she dies in Cal's arms and he's crying because now he's lost not just a friend but his second Master to (Imperial) treachery I also cry
the fact that this is all preluded by Cal and Merrin affirming their relationship (which I have wanted since they became allies/friends in fallen order) makes this despair all the sweeter
also I know I'm not the only person to point this out, but it certainly seems as though jedi with the psychometry ability (Quinlan Vos, Cal Kestis) have a natural inclination towards being with Nightsisters (Asajj Ventress, Merrin)
also, going into the game, I already knew that Cordova was going to die
I knew that Cere was going to die
and after the prologue mission on Coruscant I knew that Bode would end up betraying Cal
but I didn't expect to see another Cere v Vader match (let alone actually get to play it this time)
(it's kind of a shame that Cere apparently didn't hear about Obi-Wan breaking into the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur to rescue Leia and then goad Vader about his not-so-impenetrable fortress after having done it herself with Cal five years earlier, but then I suppose we don't know at what point in the year survivor takes place with regards to the Obi-Wan mini series - both take place in the same year, after all, 9 BBY)
I didn't expect Bode to shoot Cordova point blank in the chest (twice!)
I didn't expect BD-1's agonised mechanical screams as his original master is killed in front of him
yeah, this game makes me Feel Things and I just needed to write them down
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zorosdimples · 3 months
i really appreciate you holding on for the wild ride, it ended up being much more of a word vomit than i anticipated 😅 this is also gonna be long to explain it all but:
okay so my OC, calrik, is from an original fantasy fiction work i have tentatively called ‘homeward bound’; it’s been a passion project for like idk 10+ years and the characters in it are like the original 4 OCs for me lol. he (funnily enough) resembles laios physically (blonde, 6’4, a guard so Fit, brown eyes) but also has freckles and is a wolf shapeshifter (simply put, but it’s more complicated than that) (which is probably that’s why I love laios, your honor). premise of that WIP’s world is an empress (ilantha) of celestial blood and her three closest and highest ranked guards (saelihn, merric, and calrik) (none of which start out in those positions except the empress) up being divinely intertwined in changing the course of the empires’ history. fated love, fated loss, coronations and galas and sneaking away to not get caught, fae and wolf shapeshifters, personified celestial bodies and primordial / ancient spirits, heinous war crimes, children with trauma responsible for way too much, not a parent in sight lmfao. that being said, the kidnapping was happening from the Big Baddie™️ in that world and calrik busted in.
with the SW AU, it’s an AU of my own work (lmfao). calrik is an inquisitor, brother to merric (supreme leader); sae is a force sensitive rebel (not proper Jedi) and tasked with transporting / protecting ilantha (actual Jedi, Princess of Alderaan). the girls get captured, put on star killer base, and interrogated by the guys. of course they pair bc where else would the enemies to lovers come in. cal interrogates sae, and she’s restrained. since sabers turn on, they have an activation mechanism hums. so while he’s interrogating her, choking her, calling her pet and telling her to speak up, he traces the humming, vibrating end of the saber—while ignited—along her body until its against her thrumming cunt. hence: a lightsaber vibrator as means of an interrogation method.
now Laios…… holy shit yeah. that’s exactly what im thinking about!!!! an aphrodisiac that the longer the body doesn’t register you’re breeding (aka using it), the worse it gets. teaching him how to touch you, and he ends up being exactly the touch you’ve always imagined having. its so innocently perfect, and before he’s even had his turn, a glob of cum has stained his pants. he’s panting, pupils swollen; at one point you have to remind him to take the armor off because he’s so into you, enraptured. now imagine you’re the monster that hit him with the pollen……………….. like a fae dryad or somethin………. holy shit yeah.
thank you for indulging me 🙂‍↕️ im so sorry this is a damn novel lol
putting this under the cut since i rambled A LOT!
sav what the FUCK that world you’ve built sounds so incredible and well thought out; i LOVE fantasy but it’s daunting to write/create fantastical worlds because there are so many elements you must consider and balance. effective world building is a feat—and you have so many interesting characters that you’ve also created to boot! i’m obsessed with how similar cal is to laios ooohuuhgghhhhhh i will lose my mind (go insanely horny) over him.
AND THE STAR WARS AU???????? okay first of all: brilliant, show-stopping, incredible. putting your own ocs from an original story into a pre-existing fictional universe is so big brained of you i don’t even know what to say. and enemies to lovers…my favorite flavor, truly. can i just say i wanna be in sae’s place because oh my god? i’m seeing the vibrating lightsaber vision and i want to experience it so desperately it’s not even funny.
finally LAIOS, MY LOVE! i have a bit of a reputation on my blog for being a virgin killer because there’s nothing more sexy and delicious to me than teaching someone inexperienced how to touch you; molding their concept of sexuality, exploring their interests, and leaving a lasting impression on them (even if you don’t stay together because they will never, never forget their first). and laios is the perfect virgin in my mind because he’s eager to please and he’s utterly shameless. he will lick your armpits and spit on your clit and suck on your tongue without a second thought because it feels and tastes so good; he has a one-track mind and it makes sex with him almost a religious experience. the sex pollen trope on top of that makes him feral for you…i don’t even know what to say about the idea of you being the monster—like…UGH. he gives you a run for your money!
anyway thank you for sharing with me; i’m kissing you and your gorgeous brain <3
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About me ♥
My name is Bellsy & I'm 17
I have 2 small dogs (they love being held like babies!! they're so cute!!
I recently shaved by head & it's half brown, half pink bc my roots are growing out
I've been homeschooled for the past 2 years (grades 10-11)
I adore sweet smells & tastes, I'm obsessed w/ fruits
I have OCD & depression (and physical stuff like IBS)
My favorite games are animal crossing (especially hhp), sims 4, and minecraft
I have a bunch of random fears, like boars & moldy food
I'm amazing at rambling (as you can prob tell)
Feel free to message me or send asks even though I'm garbage at responding
cw: ed content, please don't use this to trigger urself, & if you're not struggling, please leave. regardless, stay safe ♡
Please block, don't report
Numbers below
Height: 5'4 (exactly 162 cm somehow??)
Sw: 163 (74 kg)
Gw1: 155 (70 kg)
Gw2: 145 (66 kg)
Gw3: 130 (59 kg)
Gw4: 115 (52 kg)
Ugw: 108 (49 kg)
I'm high res, 600-1200 cals
Also idk what kcals are and I'm too lazy to learn lol
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seven-oomen · 10 months
Hi, Ben!  I hope your day is going well!  Had a further thought I forgot to include in my last msg.  So, speaking of Moulin Rouge, and that episode of My Life Is Murder where Tem plays an aspiring musician (I would include a video or picture, but YT and Google are not cooperating today), imagine one of the three walking in on another singing a lullaby to which ever little one you decide on (or just a random foundling, even.)  I feel the best potential options here would be Satine or Jango walking in on the other (especially if the sexin’s have happened but the feels are still a WIP), both of them walking in on Obi-Wan, or Obi-Wan walking in on the two of them doing a duet.
Similarly, for the whole FIL thing; presuming that you’re going the “unexpected encounter lead to unplanned consequences of the natal variety” route, this could also work with him sending the two of them to check on the little one only to find Obi-Wan singing to him, or even just “accidentally” leaving a baby monitor turned on so they overhear it.  (Do I maybe have a thing about dudes who can sing?  That’s not important right now.  XD )  Hell, if you haven’t used it yet in Caught Somewhere In Time, I imagine one finding the other singing Cal to sleep would cause a rather powerful heart boner.  XD 
I feel like I had other thoughts, but I have to clock back in from lunch, so I will hush for now.  I hope you’re feeling good and the writing is flowing!  Take care!  *HUGS!*
Hi B! I have lots of thoughts, so In this one I’m just gonna wish you a good day at work and then write out an entire post for our little Jangobitine au. Because I have inspiration. And yes I am going to count my ramblings into my wordcount for nano cause I’ve only been editing and formatting today and I haven’t been writing. (Though I already passed 50K, I still want to get my 30 day badge XD).
I know I don’t have a way to tag you, but I will mail you the link. Promise.
And including your last message so I can answer both in one ask:
And oh, yes, I LOVE Moulin Rouge.  I remember seeing it in the theater when it first came out, and the soundtrack was in fairly regular rotation in my CD player (not to age myself or anything XD ).  Literally as soon as I hit send, my brain went "did you really just space on the fact that Ewan was in that, too?" XD  And the two of them were one of my favorite parts of Aquaman.  Everything about the two of them was just adorable, and I loved that they let her be taller than her love interest.  I'd seen jokes about two Satines in Ewan's character past before, but I think it was seeing her with the paler hair in Aquaman that made me go "wait..." and look up Satine Kryze's height on Wookipedia (which I'm pretty sure is Nicole's rl height, too.)  Hmm...her as Boba's mother just amuses the hell out of me for some reason, while her as Omega's mom could definitely explain the blond hair.
Speaking of nephews, a fair amount of SW fic I've read mentions Bo-Katan's nephew/Satine's son in ways that either heavily imply or outright state that he's Obi-Wan's son, and I don't know if he's technically alive at this point in canon (and I doubt they'd ever actually make that lineage real), but I'd love to see him roll up to Luke's Island of Misfit Jedi and watch the fallout of them all learning who he is, and also for more crossing of the Mandalorian/Jedi streams.  XD
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jeromefart · 1 year
Jedi survivor comes out TOMORROW! heres my current thoughts n shit
im excited. not exactly hyped as i could be as im more excited for totk coming out in a few weeks. but ik this game is gonna be awesome. ign and some other game critics rated this game suuuper high. the lowest rating so far is 81% on metacritic, which was bombed by one random whiny 50/100 review. so i think its safe to say its gonna be good lol
i saw another review and i didnt wanna read much for spoilery things, but i read the first 2 sentences which said they wanted to focus on the important quest but kept deviating to explore elsewhere, and said “that doesn’t feel very jedi knight.” but from the interviews i’ve read with cameron, the point he emphasized most was that these are trying times in the universe and we are going to see cal do unconventional things that aren’t what a classic jedi would do, because he can’t do that. plus it’s a video game, if you feel bad about doing side quests, then that’s your problem. games need extra content other than a main story (this was fallen order’s biggest flaw in my opinion).
i have a slight feeling the negative reviews are from people who aren’t exactly attached to the previous characters. a big part of fallen order that made it as fantastic of an experience as it was for me was that i immediately connected with the protagonist and other characters. their emotional journeys meant something to me, and it was a very emotionally impactful experience to see it play out as i progressed. watching cal come to term with his fears and dark past, he was able to reach a new level of strength needed to face darth vader and escape with his life. and while it’s not a dramatic end to the story, they end up back in square one, it’s still important. it’s easy to dream big and want to restore the jedi order. but finding these kids puts them at risk. when they reach the end of the story, they realize they should let the force decide the futures of the force sensitives, instead of deciding it for themselves. i believe cal’s mentality was along the lines of “i don’t want others to experience the same suffering i’ve been through because of my own actions.” and he has visions of himself turning to the dark side and having to kill what he sought out in the first place. the fear and likelihood of failure is too much of a risk, even if it’s the only option they have left.
the whole point of this series is how these characters are entering dark times where they need to make increasingly harder decisions. lines are blurring and survival is slimming. having some sort of attachment to these characters is important. who these characters are and what compels them to do what they do is vital to appreciating any story. so in short, anyone who’s giving an extra low rating probably didn’t understand it.. or care about it. i understand just wanting to play a game, but when reviewing something, you can’t ride off the plot because it didn’t spell out everything for you. im sure this game will also have a heavy deal of nuance, which we saw a lot of in andor as well (which gained the same sort of criticism. people not caring enough to fully understand. just wanting cool action sequences). and we know sw fans aren’t exactly the brightest sometimes😊
anyway im totally just rambling for the sake of making this post longer. i don’t have any predictions, i already know its gonna be good 🤷‍♀️
things i dont want: romance. we just dont need it. (and fans of a certain ship can SHUT UP AND DIE)
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eggdrawsthings · 2 years
Anymore info/art you can offer up on that padawan, i really really like their design (sorry if youve already answered this somewhere, im new)
oh hhahah dw anon, i dont think i ever talk about them here. I only rambling about Phong to my friends in our group chat, and rotating them in my head sometimes lmao. i gotta admit that i made them out of a whim cos i wanted to have an OC to work on my pose studies. Also i wanted to see our traditional clothing (this particular one is called áo tấc/áo ngũ thân) mixed w the Jedi robe. So yeh other than some random tidbits, i dont have any elaborated background story for them like other cool SW OCs u saw on this hellsite YvY Well a bit about Phong is they r an ace enby, goes by he/they. They prob existed around the same time as Cal, maybe a bit b4 the war started, so they def met Cal and Grogu before (prob even Ahsoka on some rare gathering occasions but they r a quiet little lad so i dont think they have the gut to approach her out of nowhere haha). They are headstrong tho, and is very interested in learning about other civilizations that also wield the Force (a bit of a nerd i would say). They def look up to Eno Cordova, and later on Chirrut (they met during a mission on Jedha) I dont have that many sketches of Phong. they mostly exist in my brain and i only have the drive to actually work on them again lately lmao.
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racco0nriotgrrrl · 4 years
Hey everyone! I just kinda wanted to share the story of how I developed an ed because I’ve never actually told this to anyone before. WARNING: it might be triggering to some!!! This is a very long ramble of over sharing so if you don’t wanna read it, no worries.
I was underweight for almost all my childhood after 1st grade because I was on anxiety and ADD meds that supressed my appetite and I ran cross country and did swim team. It wasn’t until I stopped taking these medications around 7th grade because my parents finally listened to me when I told them I had insomnia and falling asleep at 11pm after laying awake for hours and then waking up at 3am multiple times a week wasn’t a normal sleep cycle and insomnia was a side effect of these meds. After this I gained weight, reached a healthy weight and my parents weighed me periodically as they always had when I was underweight and having, been indoctrinated with diet culture from the media already, seeing the pounds go on upset me, despite the fact that my parents were happy I was at a healthy weight. My newly un-medicated anxiety didn’t help. I was about 12 at this point and thought I was fat. I eventually started to grow more comfortable with my body by the time I started highschool but I missed hearing “you’re underweight” at the doctor or having people say “wow you weight nothing!” When I was picked up. I’ve also always hated having boobs. I always wished I was flat chested and as I gained weight my chest had gotten bigger of course which made me uncomfortable. But It wasn’t until I was 15 that I one day mentioned in conversation to a friend that I thought I was thin. My friend responded with “...I mean I wouldn’t say you’re thin... but like thinnish.” I was devastated. I thought I had gotten fat. How could I not have seen it in the mirror before? I was huge. I thought I should have never let myself gain weight after I stopped my meds. I was at a healthy weight already (the SW in my bio) but I decided I needed to lose. I started restricting. I skipped meals, didn’t pack myself lunch or stayed at school and did homework so I could miss dinner and then lied that I was with my friends if I knew my family had a high cal dinner planned. I started exercising whenever I could when no one was home. I weighed myself daily on the scale in my parents’ bathroom after they left for work in the morning. After this I’ve always had terrible anxiety about gaining weight. The numbers started to go down and of course that became addicting to see. My ed had developed and my restricting got more and more extreme until I reached the point where I am now. I’m back to the same weight I was right before I stopped my meds. I’m now trying to maintain my weight and really not lose anymore because I realize how unhealthy I am. I still feel a lot of guilt when I try to eat more because I’m still terrified of gaining weight. I’m scared I’ll end up back at my SW again and I still have body dysmorphia that makes it hard for me to be happy with my appearance. Anyways thanks for reading my story of you did. Stay safe everyone and please recover if you can <3
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wombatttttt · 5 days
Kal vs. Satine would be funny as hell. She's everything he absolutely loathes in one taller than him package. 😂
I first read this as 'what if they were in a gladiatorial style fight?' And I was like, oh that would not be a spectacle! It would be taking a lamb to the slaughterhouse. An execution. Just plain murder.
But did you mean a verbal confrontation?? 😂
Definitely would depend on the context they meet, but Kal doesn't give any respect that isn't earned, so it would probably get a little ugly and result in him walking out (before he can be escorted out). But yeah I'd pay to see his short ass exchanging words with Satine who is half a foot taller than him AND wearing a headdress that gives her another half foot on him.
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