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seven-oomen · 1 year ago
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Jangobitine au for B:
In order to save their system from civil war and political fallout, Duchess Satine Kyrze and Mand'alor Jango Fett enter an arranged marriage to unify the True Mandalorians and the New Mandalorians.
An act that serves its purpose, but causes unrest among the other clans scattered over Mandalore. And gives an opening for Death Watch (Kyr'tsad) to put its claws further into the system
Both sides make compromises in order to make their marriage work. They're cordial in public, but behind closed doors they constantly bicker and snap at each other.
Satine tends to most of the political aspects in their marriage, as she's very familiar in the game of politics. Where her husband busies himself with the day-to-day operations of the system. Helping his people with the logistics of farming, setting up medical facilities, building schools, training facilities, etc.
Satine feels as if she's giving up her pacifist nature and values for a man hellbent on death and destruction. Even though she's well too aware that her arranged husband is actually a rather honorable, kind, and fair man. She's just too stubborn to ever admit that to him.
Jango feels as if Satine just doesn't understand her Mandalorian heritage as a proud warrior and protector. And although he sees that many of their values align and that middle ground is not only possible, but probable, he's too stubborn to ever admit that to her.
Enter young Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. The order's most skilled negotiator. Who's sent to the Mandalore system to broker peace between the scattered factions, and the Mand'alor and his Rid'alor.
At first, both Satine and Jango are very skeptical of this Jetii. What does a Jetii know of Mandalore anyway? But as days pass and weeks fly by they come to realize that his political skills and battle insights is exactly what Mandalore needs.
Husband and wife find themselves falling for the Jetii, and each other, the more time Obi-Wan spends among their people. They come to see the best in the Jetii and in each other.
When they catch Obi-Wan reading and singing to a group of ade from the orphanage, for the Jetii loves to teach the younglings about the force, it's a done deal. They cook up a plan to capture a young Jetii's heart and lure him into their marriage.
Unbeknownst to them, Obi-Wan has been trying his hardest not to catch feelings for the snappy, quick-witted, beautiful Lady Satine, or her sulky, strong, bull-headed, but secretly soft husband.
And then a night of passion leads them into their next adventure; parenthood and the brink of civil war.
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levitatingbiscuits · 4 years ago
Anyway continuing my sinbad ot3 bullshit: Satine as the noble princess of Mandalore dedicated to preserving the (book of) peace who sees a scrappy kid get into a fight and climbs down the castle wall to help him. Jango as the morally ambiguous pirate with a heart of gold who left long ago but once dreamed of serving side by side with his childhood friend. Obi-Wan as the classy, sassy ambassador engaged to Satine, with an adventurous wild side. They fall in love.
Dynamics: Satango as the childhood friends who know each other better than anyone else and deeply care for each other despite their different ideals and stations. Obitine with the classical courtly love, real Lancelot and Guinevere vibes. Kenfetti starting out bickering constantly but coming to trust and adore each other thru shared adventures, with the reveal that JANGO LEFT SATINE BECAUSE HE WAS JEALOUS THAT SHE HAD SUCH A BEAUTIFUL AND CAPTIVATING FIANCÉ WHO HE COULD NEVER HAVE OH THE DRAMA OF IT ALL
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thebisexualmandalorian · 5 years ago
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Force Healing, Cuddling & Snuggling
Summary: Jango comes home late one night, injured and needing help.
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twinterrors29 · 2 years ago
Star Wars-Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl AU
Mando'ade are the pirates
Death Watch are the cursed Black Pearl pirates, led by the Vizslas, who have been cursed by the Ghost of Tarre Vizsla for misusing his Darksaber
their only lead for breaking the curse is that they will need the blood of a Jetii Manda, the very idea of whose existence is galling to every one of them
they settle on the idea of kidnapping a Jedi, forcing them to learn and then swear the Resol'nare, and then figure out some ritual to spill their blood
unfortunately, who they find is Satine is the Lady Duchess of Kalevala, who is confused for her Jedi protector, Senior Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, due to the fact that she was wearing his robe and carrying his lightsaber on her belt after he dropped it (again) while he was off fighting more of the bounty hunters out for her head
Satine cites the ancient rite of Parlay immediately upon her capture, which the commandos who caught her are all too happy to comply with as this allows them to bring her to their base without any further resistance from her
Obi-Wan, of course, returns from his fight just in time to see their ship taking off with Satine inside, and is left without his charge and no clear way to find where she was taken to rescue her
enter Jango Fett, the pissed off elected (but now somewhat disgraced) former Mand'alor, freshly returned from his escape from slavery after the massacre at Galidraan and still smarting from the loss of Jaster Mereel's legacy
Obi-Wan quickly identifies their common enemy in Death Watch and manages to convince Fett to form an alliance to rescue the Duchess, ritually restoring Jango's honor by defeating Tor Vizsla and opening the door for peace in their system
however, their efforts are hindered by the pursuit of the Kalevalan Navy led by Admiral Bo-Katan, who is hunting Obi-Wan down for failing to protect her sister (despite her own under-the-table deal with Death Watch allowing them to have acted so boldly against the Duchy in the first place)
(something something jangobitine pirate polycule triumvirate something something)
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meantforinfinitesadness · 4 years ago
Fic Rec List Requests
Yes, I’ve made a post about this! I love making fic rec lists! I think it’s very fun and I don’t know, I thought I would make a post about kind of what rec lists I make! In case you ever wanna, you know, send in a request! I’m always down to make lists. Keep in mind that I do work and I started a new job where I only work nights so it could be a few days before your ask gets answered, but I will answer it!
This did take away my other pinned post which was my master post of fics.
Under the cut has all the info you need
Characters: Mainly Obi-Wan, disaster lineage, Cody, Fox (newly obsessed with him)
Ships: codywan, codexwan, obiclones, jangobi, rexobi, obitine, jangobitine, obiquin, obikin, quiobi, maulobi, bailobi, bailbrehaobi, maceobi LISTEN IF IT’S GOT OBI-WAN IN THE SHIP, I PROBABLY SHIP IT (except obidala....i have a few, but not many) OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT alphobi, alphobicody, jastobi
Again, I ship pretty much anyone with Obi-Wan, but if I don’t, I’ll let you know!
 Feel free to request literally anything. If you’ve been to my ao3, you know what I write and you know what I read lol. If I don’t have fics of what you request, I’ll let you know. 
SPICY fic rec list requests are always welcome, but I only read bottom Obi-Wan lol. I don’t read MCD fics because they make me sad. 
But that’s about it! Thank you!!!
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year ago
We've gotten to author reveals for @swrarepairs! I wrote four fics this year:
Aspire to Be (Aspire to Do) for @isaakandreyevs (whom I cannot seem to tag) -- Padme/Satine
Padmé Naberrie is eleven years old the first time she encounters Duchess Satine Kryze.
Small Talk for Sleepy_fan (whose tumblr I cannot find) -- Fox/Anakin/Padme
It starts simply, just small talk initiated by Skywalker in the anteroom to the Chancellor’s offices. Fox isn’t exactly opposed to this, because guard duty can be boring, and the Chancellor doesn’t usually object to someone entertaining his favorite Jedi. Skywalker is awkward and earnest, and a little emotionally volatile. Fox is too tired for his shit most of the time, though, so they end up talking about the most random things.
Familiar Face (Face Me Now) for @ibissal -- Anakin/Jango
There's a probably-Jedi hanging around the True Mandalorians, and Jango is intrigued.
This Child of Ours for @spyscrapper and @theredshirtsarecoming -- pre-ship Mace/Shmi
Shmi has been alone for a very long time. Not lonely; she’s had Anakin, after all. But as far as adult romantic companionship is concerned, she’s been rather bereft. She’s had a few flirtations, but between her busy life as a working slave and also that of a mother, time for a partner had been scarce. Then Ani left. And a few months later, he came back.
I also received a few gifts! Big thanks to the following:
Jango Breaks Into Satine's House (And Judges Her Jedi) by @ossidae-passeridae, which was to my delight written as a continuation of my own fic!
Satine calls her Jedi. Jango discovers this when, nearly a month later, he once again wanders in via the window to discover the Jedi in question in her bed.
written on my skin (held within my soul) by @luxcuriousao3
Fox doesn't want a soulmate, but he needs one. Badly. Padmé thinks her soulmate has a silly name. She knows she'll love them anyway.
Open your hands and set me free by @depressed-sock -- Padme/Asajj
It's nearing the end, it's coming to a close. She's going to save her. She's going to save her.
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seven-oomen · 1 year ago
Hi, Ben!  I hope your day is going well!  Had a further thought I forgot to include in my last msg.  So, speaking of Moulin Rouge, and that episode of My Life Is Murder where Tem plays an aspiring musician (I would include a video or picture, but YT and Google are not cooperating today), imagine one of the three walking in on another singing a lullaby to which ever little one you decide on (or just a random foundling, even.)  I feel the best potential options here would be Satine or Jango walking in on the other (especially if the sexin’s have happened but the feels are still a WIP), both of them walking in on Obi-Wan, or Obi-Wan walking in on the two of them doing a duet.
Similarly, for the whole FIL thing; presuming that you’re going the “unexpected encounter lead to unplanned consequences of the natal variety” route, this could also work with him sending the two of them to check on the little one only to find Obi-Wan singing to him, or even just “accidentally” leaving a baby monitor turned on so they overhear it.  (Do I maybe have a thing about dudes who can sing?  That’s not important right now.  XD )  Hell, if you haven’t used it yet in Caught Somewhere In Time, I imagine one finding the other singing Cal to sleep would cause a rather powerful heart boner.  XD 
I feel like I had other thoughts, but I have to clock back in from lunch, so I will hush for now.  I hope you’re feeling good and the writing is flowing!  Take care!  *HUGS!*
Hi B! I have lots of thoughts, so In this one I’m just gonna wish you a good day at work and then write out an entire post for our little Jangobitine au. Because I have inspiration. And yes I am going to count my ramblings into my wordcount for nano cause I’ve only been editing and formatting today and I haven’t been writing. (Though I already passed 50K, I still want to get my 30 day badge XD).
I know I don’t have a way to tag you, but I will mail you the link. Promise.
And including your last message so I can answer both in one ask:
And oh, yes, I LOVE Moulin Rouge.  I remember seeing it in the theater when it first came out, and the soundtrack was in fairly regular rotation in my CD player (not to age myself or anything XD ).  Literally as soon as I hit send, my brain went "did you really just space on the fact that Ewan was in that, too?" XD  And the two of them were one of my favorite parts of Aquaman.  Everything about the two of them was just adorable, and I loved that they let her be taller than her love interest.  I'd seen jokes about two Satines in Ewan's character past before, but I think it was seeing her with the paler hair in Aquaman that made me go "wait..." and look up Satine Kryze's height on Wookipedia (which I'm pretty sure is Nicole's rl height, too.)  Hmm...her as Boba's mother just amuses the hell out of me for some reason, while her as Omega's mom could definitely explain the blond hair.
Speaking of nephews, a fair amount of SW fic I've read mentions Bo-Katan's nephew/Satine's son in ways that either heavily imply or outright state that he's Obi-Wan's son, and I don't know if he's technically alive at this point in canon (and I doubt they'd ever actually make that lineage real), but I'd love to see him roll up to Luke's Island of Misfit Jedi and watch the fallout of them all learning who he is, and also for more crossing of the Mandalorian/Jedi streams.  XD
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
I want. Arranged marriage Jangobitine
I need it to be vaguely insane but in a fun way. I have dynamics in my brain but none of the fics I've been reading really scratch the itch the way I'd like it to.
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thebisexualmandalorian · 6 years ago
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze Additional Tags: Flashbacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Slavery, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Summary: Jango hates the cold.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years ago
“You did what you had to do.” & Obitine for the angst/fluff prompt meme? Or Jangobitine, if you'd prefer.
Angst/Fluff Prompt List Part 4
Oh dear. I have a terrible thought. I’m sorry.
Satine finds out her sister is alive the day after she comes to the public with a claim that Jango Fett, the last Mand’alor, is willing to work with her to bridge the gaps between Old Mandalore and New.
Satine is publicly married to a Jedi she’s mostly in love with, and working with a True Mandalorian whom she may yet pull into their bed. They are political, through and through, all three working to save a planet damned by the fates. Bo-Katan stands at the shoulder of Pre Vizsla when he calls them all out in a broadcast across the system, coldly glaring at the camera as if she knows her eyes will land on the sister she’s cut off for the better part of a decade.
Satine holds her sister’s cooling body a week later, choking on her sobs and the memory of poisoned, hateful words leveled at her by the only blood she has left, accusations of traitor and dar’vod and hypocrite.
(Korkie is a dear, but he is her cousin’s child, and he is little more than a toddler. He isn’t... he’s not...)
(Oh, Bo-Katan.)
It’s not unexpected, that Bo-Katan dies in the same attack as Pre Vizsla. She’s a terrorist. Her death is... it’s sad, yes, but Satine has guards, and she’s just publicly aligned herself with people who may not seek to reestablish a Mandalorian empire, but are much more keen on the violent side of self-defense than Satine’s pacifist cohort.
No, what’s unexpected, what’s horrible, is that the last-second kill shot is by Jango Fett.
Satine’s grief is not private. Her screaming and tears are filmed and shared across systems, sectors, the entire damned galaxy. Pre had hoped to broadcast his victory against Fett, after all.
There is betrayal in Satine’s eyes, for all that Bo-Katan has been half a second from kliling Satine, for all that Jango had killed one Kryze to save the other, for all that this is defense of another and as close to justified as any could hope.
But it is her sister.
Obi-Wan leads Jango away, when he tries to explain. It’s too early to apologize for the pain caused.
“You did what you had to do,” Kenobi tells him, as if he hadn’t killed or dismembered half a dozen assassins in the last three days alone. Their eyes meet. “But if you try to tell her that now, she will hate you for the rest of your lives. Give her time.”
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levitatingbiscuits · 4 years ago
OKAY BUT JANGOBI AS RIVAL KNIGHTS?? obi-wan, a travelling knight of the jedi order, has a very proper courtly love thing goin on with duchess satine of mandalore, all longing glances and favors and hand kisses, but he’s also fucking his rival the masked knight (aka jango) on the side because he’s a slut. unbeknownst to him, jango is secretly the rightful king there to fuck shit up/commit a hostile takeover/win the tournament for satine’s hand specifically to reject her in front of god and everyone just to be a prick. 
ALSO unbeknownst to him is that fighting then fucking is the ACTUAL mandalorian tradition of romance, and jango thinks he’s found his prince consort and the love of his life etc etc. mayhaps his lordly love will finally consent to a kiss on the (blush) mouth after a solid month of banging in the stables. it’s a little fast for mouth kisses, they haven’t even tried every position yet, but jango is in love!!!
meanwhile the mandalorian court is watching the action avidly. such a lewd foreign knight is using his ACTUAL MOUTH for hand kisses instead of his forehead! he hasn’t even punched the duchess out or let her fuck him yet as is right and proper!!! satine is all aflutter at these passionate foreign republic customs. how scandalous! all the other knights vying for his hand by trying (and failing) to beat him in a fight must be seething with jealousy. only the masked knight is a proper rival for the duchess, but they all know that a little thing like third base has nothing on HAND KISSES.
Having feelings about courtly love today? :D
all day every day lmao
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thebisexualmandalorian · 5 years ago
The patching up wounds prompt for jangobi or jangobitine?
Answered here!
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cha0s-cat · 3 years ago
I love all of this! (JangObiTine) What if Obi-wan had previous affairs with both Satine and Jango. And so both of them are trying to "win his affection" (the jedi order is a nice bonus) and Obi-wan misunderstands and thinks that Jango and Satine have a thing going on. The fact that he caught them in a closet (they were arguing) does not help his confusion. Shenanigans happen (Satine and Jango being petty at each other) before they eventually talk like the adults that they are. Everything comes to a head when deathwatch attacks and kidnaps some younglings including initiates. Action stuff happens. Obi-wan, Satine, and Jango all accidentally become the rightful owner of the Darksaber
Jedi arranged/political marriage pretext I'd like to see more of: Jedi DO leave the Republic, and the marriage is of a Jedi, probably a council member, to secure the safety of their members on their new home planet.
The Mandalorian angle has the benefit of being less closely tied to Republic rule, and could be very tasty and easy to justify with either Obitine or Jangobi, both of which I enjoy. Depending on where in the timeline it happens, the spouse varies.
But I think that if it's Mandalore, especially Jangobi, a heavy part of the argument for getting the Jedi settled and making up for 'draining resources' is shoveling as many people as possible into Agricorp work on the deserts of Manda'yaim.
As an Obitine fic that takes place between TPM and AotC, it's really easy to justify?
Like just. The Jedi Council going "okay do we have any planets where we could move, and there's a primary ruler that would be open to marrying a Jedi for protection from the Republic and… wait. Someone get Kenobi."
(This also works for BailObi, but Alderaan is unfortunately still staunchly Republic territory, while Mandalore's status is a lot more vague.)
With the Jangobi angle, it would be a lot more "Mand'alor Fett captures a Jedi because he's been hearing rumors about them expanding their influence, gets the story that they're actually looking to move, and are basically going to be refugees, and decides that there would be no power move that would secure Mandalore's independence from Republic bullshit like getting their best warriors on his side, but he needs to prove that he's in control to the Death Watch-style extremists, so he's going to have to marry a Jedi for. Reasons."
IDK it's arranged marriage fic, we don't need a whole lot of justification.
God it's so easy to make these about Obi-Wan (consider: Quinlan/that one force-sensitive Stewjoni prince he saved and messed around with a few years ago), but it would be really funny to make this Anidala by shifting ages around a bit or starting the war later. Just like.
Naboo, the planet the Chancellor of the Republic is from, has taken in the Jedi, threatening secession, and refusing to give them back. Senator Amidala has married one of them. Everyone has questions but none of those questions are getting answered. Count Dooku of Serreno has made overtures to join the CIS but Naboo is uninterested. Amidala has been unavailable for her comment due to being on her honeymoon. Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi has only offered that this entire situation is a headache and he'd love to know where he went wrong.
I'm trying to figure out what other ships I could do with this. I think "senior padawan Barriss saves Tatooine's accidental ruler-through-incredible-violence Anakin from an attempt at retaking the planet by the Hutts, spills some personal woes while tending to his wounds (she can't leave the planet yet anyway and wasn't even supposed to be here), and he wakes up like 'hey if you need to move somewhere you can come to Tatooine, I'd marry you in a heartbeat'" would be a fun one, and also immediately collapse as like. A'Sharad overhears Barriss's report and goes to fight Anakin about it personally for inviting more settlers to a planet that's already trying to crowd out the native populace. That would need some tweaking... maybe Anakin's actually already done something similar, and led an exodus of Hutt slaves from Tatooine and settling them on a new planet, and needs help keeping Hutts and other slavers away from trying to take back their slaves? Not sure Anakin would suggest a marriage, though. Someone else might, but not him.
I considered Blyla, but IMO the plot only works if the Jedi are in decent standing (instead of suffering from war propaganda) with the galaxy at large and only need to escape the Senate's influence, not widespread hate.
OH wait if Anakin took over Tatooine when he was a teenager and then gave control to his mom, because she's the smartest obviously, and Qui-Gon survived Naboo, then maybe Qui-Gon/Shmi???
I'm struggling to think of more ships or pick one to drag on an AU adventure. Help. My brain is trying to argue that Obi-Wan marries Hondo and the entire Temple ups and leaves for Florrum.
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cyhiraeth · 4 years ago
i smell jangobitine drama in my future lmao
Having feelings about courtly love today? :D
all day every day lmao
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