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sourfacedlemon · 9 months ago
Follow Me Out of the Black
Gifted to me for the 2024 Anakin-Clone Appreciation Exchange!
“Chancellor’s a Sith Lord.”
Skywalker stares at him. Fox takes off his helmet to show his face, just so Skywalker knows that he is, in fact, a clone.
“Chancellor’s a Sith Lord,” Fox repeats. “I don’t have real proof. You are going to help me get it.”
“The Chancellor,” Skywalker says, slowly, like he’s convinced Fox is the crazy one, “is not a Sith Lord. The Jedi would know.”
“Jedi are busy, and Sidious is a good liar,” Fox dismisses. “You, he likes you. He wants to make you his next apprentice, after he has Dooku taken out. He’ll call you Vader. The armor is going to be stupid.”
Skywalker just stares at him.
“I’m not crazy,” Fox says, even though that does in fact make him sound crazy. “I’m from the future.”
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Relationship: CC-1010 | Fox/Anakin Skywalker
Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Anakin Skywalker
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Kidnapping, Memory Magic, Memory Transfer, Accidental Force Bond (Star Wars), Mentioned Canon Child Death, (Tuskens Jedi and Clones), Bad Plans, keep it simple stupid, Background Padme Amidala/Anakin Skywalker - Freeform, Open Relationships, Pre-Slash, I wanted to have them kiss by the end but uh. Fox was not cooperating., I think this counts as ship though
Words: 5,396
Collections: 2024 Anakin-Clone Appreciation Exchange
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months ago
This post (very indirectly) inspired this fic I wrote. I only really used "found out about Palpatine, kidnaps Anakin about it", but I cannot deny the influence!
I think it would be neat if Fox found out about Palpatines plans to make Anakin evil. He would totally use anakin as a hostage to negotiate human rights for him and his brothers. I bet he could even drag Rex into it.
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kanskje-kaffe · 2 years ago
What are your thoughts on cloneshipping? I recently got into it not really as a ship but I feel more like a crack ship that I sometimes go back too cause some of the art and stories are really cool. I also havent really watched much of tcw (I am busy and cant binge 7 seasons ) and i can see it in some fics but other fics i see them and the found family/brothers/brothers in arms. Sorry kinda rambling
Heyyyy no problem, ramble away haha! I love cloneships! I don’t really have any cloneship OTPs - I really go to bat for Rexakin and Foxakin and so far no cloneships have quite hit that height - but there’s some I really enjoy. I think the military culture and kinship makes for fantastic dynamics around trust and intensity, as well as belonging to a subculture that no one else shares or even can share. There’s a reason Val Kilmer said he considered Top Gun to be his first gay role LMAO! And you’re right, some of the cloneship artists and writers are SO talented. Amazing people!!
My favorite clones are Rex, Gregor, Fox, Howzer, Fordo, Echo, Wrecker and Tech from TBB, and Fi from Repcomm, but I’d basically give my life for any of the boys and I love hearing about other people’s special favorites!
(I’m guessing this is maybe off the back of the found family post I reblogged (sorry if it isn’t tho haha!) and I wanna make it extra clear on this post too that my view of “found family” is non-nuclear. A found-family that slots people into mom/dad/big bro/youngest sibling/etc slots is my idea of hell. I don’t like it for the Jedi or the clones. A group consisting of parents and their children is just called “a family”, and it’s great, and it’s completely not what found-family is. Found family is metaphorical - you get the love and support normally associated with family from a different source, ie, not family. A secret second thing.
I love the dynamic of clones as found-family and as military brothers in arms, both of which can become romantic relationships and do in real life, and while I can see familial dynamics between some individual clones I think the insistence some people have on viewing them as literal siblings is super weird. Like first of all there’s five million of them… this isn’t Ratatouille LOLLL Also I think it kind of flattens them from the vividity of this rich life and full culture and the unthinkable hardships they’ve endured together into like… Malcolm in the Middle in Space. (I also don’t think the literal-family reading is reflected in the text at all.))
If you do get time to watch some more TCW even in small doses I hiiighly recommend it, and the Repcomm books have amazing clone stories and characters too! You should message me off anon, I’d love to talk more about the crack cloneships you like too! 🤗🤗❤️
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almiarangers · 3 years ago
I’m just saying we definitely missed out by not calling the Fox/Anakin ship Skyfox
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cabezadeperro · 3 years ago
Hi! Can I ask for foxakin or codex with post/664023223667703808 (I'm hoping this will be enough and it won't eat my ask djdkshsk) 🧡
hello i chose the foxakin one even though it fought me SO MUCH that i had to write it three (3) times lmao
anyway. never a jedi!anakin au, not a fix it in that everything else happens the same way, post order 66, 593w, G, based on this post
The man’s waiting right on the other side of the door when Anakin steps out of the back room. He’s wearing a headscarf hastily tied around his head, and the skin revealed by his rolled up sleeves is tan and heavily scarred, burns and long pale cuts criss crossing his arms. There’s a blaster hanging at his hip, and his dark eyes are sharp and inscrutable, and—
And he’s a clone. Anakin watches him quietly for one long beat before stuffing the rag he was cleaning his hands with in his back pocket.
It’s not the first time he’s met one—it won’t be the last. They may keep to the newly built Imperial garrison on Mos Espa, and they all feel different, but they’re recognisable, and then there are the deserters. Rarely alone, in twos or threes, smuggling their way off planet in freighters and shuttles, working for their tickets or worse.
Anakin watches him looking at what used to be Watto’s shop and is now his, at the mess of mechanical limbs and droid swoopbike parts, at Anakin himself: his gaze is cold, assessing, and when he doesn’t find whatever it is he’s looking for, he relaxes slightly.
“Can I help you with something?” Anakin asks him after a beat. “I’m busy.”
The clone lifts his eyebrows but says nothing. He tugs at his headscarf until it pools over his shoulders and rubs his face, his hair, before reaching inside one of his trouser pockets.
There’s a big, white scar on his throat. Old and very ugly. Suddenly, his silence feels different, heavier: he may not be able to talk at all.
“I need this part,” he says. His voice is hoarse, low, very quiet. Anakin finds himself leaning closer to him and scowls. He keeps his eyes on the clone, and doesn’t miss the way he glances at his mechno arm and away. Anakin huffs, rolling his eyes, and drags the pad closer with his metal fingers, the bright blue paint almost garish against the dark grey of the beat up casing.
GAR issue. Ha.
The piece is not common; it’s not that hard to find, either. Anakin hums thoughtfully, and sneaks a look at the clone, trying to gauge if—nah. He’s looking at Anakin with a knowing tilt to his head, his face blank but his eyes sharp.
They’re dangerous. Good fighters, and karking ruthless.
“Yeah, I can get it for you. I can fix your ship, too. Can you pay?”
The clone places a credit chip on the counter.
“I can fix my ship myself,” he says with his gravelly voice.
Anakin raps his fingers on the pad's casing before pushing it towards the clone across the counter.
“I’ll need a few days,” he warns him. “This isn’t the army. And the longer it takes, the more it’ll cost you. Are you fine with that?”
The clone stares at him. His alarm tastes like bile and feels like a punch to the head. Anakin shakes off the feeling.
“Yours is a famous face, trooper,” he drawls. Anakin sighs. “If anyone asks, I haven’t seen you.”
The clone blinks, just once, and his hands flex. “Will it cost me,” he asks, monotone.
Anakin hums thoughtfully. He has a good feeling about this. He stares at the clone, and the man stares back, jaw clenched and shoulders tense, looking at everything with eyes that see too much, and Anakin wants to shake himself, because suddenly he feels like he just missed a step. He clears his throat.
“I guess we’ll see.”
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jebiknights · 3 years ago
me: I don't get why people always make Cody actively dislike Anakin, especially in certain shipping fics, you'd think they work together enough that he would at least respect him even if they aren't friendly
also me: makes it a running gag whenever one of his batchmates falls in love or sleeps with Anakin that Cody is baffled and confused that any of them would ever want to kark Skywalker of all people
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aces-to-apples · 2 years ago
For the ship ask game: Ahsoka/Echo and/or Anakin/Fox
Don’t Ship It
1. Why don’t you ship it?
Hmmm, Fives and Echo as characters just don't do much for me in any ships in general? Something about there not being much room for creative interpretation, or Making Up Funny Lies in my case, to make the ship fun. Plus as much as I like Ahsoka and Echo individually, neither of them are really in the Blorbo Zone for me, so active shipping from me is out.
2. What would have made you like it?
*shrug* Ahsoka and Echo are fun characters, I like them fine, just together they don't really crunch between my teeth, you know? Like they're friends, they're comrades, they're cool, I support them but iyam moving on.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Like I said I like them both individually and, again, if you're into "childhood friends-to-lovers"-type ships then this seems up your alley and I'll probably read fic or meta or reblog art of them if I come across them!
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
I think during one of the Rarepair Exchanges I saw @cabezadeperro request them and I thought they'd be fun to try my hand at! I ended up not finishing the fic because it was very, hmmm, syrupy in a way that I was sure María wouldn't particularly enjoy, but the attempt solidified the ship in my brain as something to eventually try again.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I always like Anakin/Clone ships because for all Anakin's flaws he's genuinely caring, especially of the clones, and I wish we'd seen more courting or married behavior with Padmé in the movies because I think he'd be a good boyfriend/husband. And we don't know much about Fox but we do know that he's charged with pretty much the protection of the heart of the Republic and probably sees a bunch of crazy shit just patrolling on Coruscant or whatever. So mixing the two is fun because Anakin already feels a sense of connection and camaraderie with clones while Fox has been home guard basically the entire war and has become much more accustomed to nat-born civilians than the 501st or 212th, so it'd be like. Hilarious attempts to meet each other where they are but bypassing each other because they're actually coming at it from, like, opposite angles or something. Like culture clash squared because they're each assuming the other's culture is the same as what they're used to. Idk the potential's just fun imo.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Well, Anakin isn't fucking stupid or oblivious and my version of Fox is neither particularly stoic nor stim-addicted nor 12-seconds away from a nervous breakdown.
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hornet394 · 4 years ago
ao3 selected works
all my works!
Star Wars
fire forged, metal bound - aka the babysith!anakin verse
ripe with severed faith - in which qui-gon picks up ventress instead and anakin was abducted by palpatine, but is brought back to light by love and all those mushy emotions. rexanidala.
upcoming wip - the ccs are brought to serenno and trained alongside babysith!anakin, knowing that when the day comes they will betray the jedi. foxakin(?)foxwalker(?)
AUs in Which I Give Faramir Functioning Parent(s) - as titled, includes Dad!Aragorn, Alive!Finduilas, Dad!Smaug etc.
Squire’s Tales
Squire’s Galaxy AU  - aka the weird squire’s tales fic that takes place in star wars universe
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year ago
We've gotten to author reveals for @swrarepairs! I wrote four fics this year:
Aspire to Be (Aspire to Do) for @isaakandreyevs (whom I cannot seem to tag) -- Padme/Satine
Padmé Naberrie is eleven years old the first time she encounters Duchess Satine Kryze.
Small Talk for Sleepy_fan (whose tumblr I cannot find) -- Fox/Anakin/Padme
It starts simply, just small talk initiated by Skywalker in the anteroom to the Chancellor’s offices. Fox isn’t exactly opposed to this, because guard duty can be boring, and the Chancellor doesn’t usually object to someone entertaining his favorite Jedi. Skywalker is awkward and earnest, and a little emotionally volatile. Fox is too tired for his shit most of the time, though, so they end up talking about the most random things.
Familiar Face (Face Me Now) for @ibissal -- Anakin/Jango
There's a probably-Jedi hanging around the True Mandalorians, and Jango is intrigued.
This Child of Ours for @spyscrapper and @theredshirtsarecoming -- pre-ship Mace/Shmi
Shmi has been alone for a very long time. Not lonely; she’s had Anakin, after all. But as far as adult romantic companionship is concerned, she’s been rather bereft. She’s had a few flirtations, but between her busy life as a working slave and also that of a mother, time for a partner had been scarce. Then Ani left. And a few months later, he came back.
I also received a few gifts! Big thanks to the following:
Jango Breaks Into Satine's House (And Judges Her Jedi) by @ossidae-passeridae, which was to my delight written as a continuation of my own fic!
Satine calls her Jedi. Jango discovers this when, nearly a month later, he once again wanders in via the window to discover the Jedi in question in her bed.
written on my skin (held within my soul) by @luxcuriousao3
Fox doesn't want a soulmate, but he needs one. Badly. Padmé thinks her soulmate has a silly name. She knows she'll love them anyway.
Open your hands and set me free by @depressed-sock -- Padme/Asajj
It's nearing the end, it's coming to a close. She's going to save her. She's going to save her.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years ago
Fics for @smut-wars-exchange are no longer anonymous! I did four:
Sweet and Pretty for Me for @huntressdarkness - Cody/Anakin, Cody/Anakin/Rex, and Anakin/501st, omegaverse AU
Lazy Morning for @silverxsakura, and @extrapenguin - Mace/Anakin, post-war no66
(We Both Know Why) You Come to Me for @a-aristippus - Fox/Anakin, post-war no66, more BDSM than actual smut lmao
A Wedding Night to Remember for @chocmarss - Jango/Shaak, vaguely historical fantasy AU, arranged/political marriage
I'll make Actual Posts with summaries etc in the morning, but hey! Author reveals!
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sourfacedlemon · 1 year ago
"The Realm before Yourself" 🔒
Gifted to me for the Parental Discretion 2024 Flash Exchange!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Underage Category: M/M Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Anakin Skywalker, CC-1010 | Fox & Savage Opress Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Savage Opress, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Arla Fett Additional Tags: Historical Fantasy, Political Alliances, Arranged Marriage, First Crush Words: 6,919 Chapters: 2/2
Collections: Parental Discretion FLASH [Jan 2024], Anonymous
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phoenixyfriend · 11 months ago
Star Wars: Tag-Teamed AUs
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Maul is brought to the light through the power of dick (nsfw)
The ShmiHan thing, which started as asks to @willowcrowned​ but kinda... snowballed... Starting on Willow’s Blog: initial ask, relevant post, the moment I realized that ShmiHan was an option, Ben and Qui-Gon, Me going absolutely feral over the crackship: Post, Anon Ask
Qui-Gon Stealing Kamino Babies
The... the Chewku thing (plus ship birth certificate) (we ended up on a Coley video)
Toddler-ized Qui-Gon in TCW
Qui-Gon Marries Palpatine in an insane bid for custody of Anakin and the clones
Jaster vs. Qui-Gon on child-rearing (with @atagotiak and @stardust2flame)
Assassin Anakin Quasi-Fixit by @atagotiak​
Rexwalker with @nevertheless-moving​
Does Feemor fuck? with @willowcrowned
Obi-Wan Claims He’s Taken for @nevertheless-moving‘s Pop Star AU
Anakin ships ranked by how well the other party responds to an "I would die for you. I would kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you."  with @willowcrowned
Anakin’s teenage rebellion
Qui-Gon turns into a tree, again with @willowcrowned​
Leverage crossover (ft. Fox, Maul, Katooni), started by @sergeant-angels-trashcan​ and including @epicmusic42​
Rex/Sabe from @epicmusic42
Anakin keeps itemized receipts for the accountants, original post by @obiwanobi
The opposite: @names-are-fucking-hard wrote an AITA about Foxakin based on my fics
Ben Kenobi steals some tubies, AU belongs to @ahsoka-in-a-hood
Modern AU Anakin votes, but only because Padme tells him to, original from @jebiknights
Din/Bo in the background of @jebiknights‘ Luke/Boba/Fennec AU
How do Togs sleep
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
My approach to clone ships is very heavily colored by my belief that the clones should be able to have Shenanigans appropriate to twenty-somethings that have gone from constant monitoring and regimented lifestyles to... still heavily monitored and regimented, sure, but with at least a little freedom and access to the wider galaxy, and often Jedi that are very eager to let them Experience Things.
Like yeah that 22yo is a very competent and highly trained individual who can keep his cool in a wide variety of horrible situations, but he's also going to get blush-stammery when talked to by a Pretty Girl and doing bottle flip tricks and trying to have 'who can handstand for longer' competitions.
One does something dangerous and sure, one of the brothers might tell them to knock it off, but five more are yelling "YOOOOOOO" because he fuckin' nailed that, bro!
Anyway, any clone I ship with Anakin is either daring him to drink a bottle of tabasco for their own amusement, or joining in to make it a competition.
You don't get to enjoy this post if you don't like Anakin. You don't gotta ship it but you don't get to hate him. Shoo. Get your negativity out of my tags. Several people were polite about "I don't ship it but hey this rocks." You can also be polite! And just not be mean about characters I clearly love!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
I feel like the running theme here with people's relationships (including Barriss, because that's hilarious) to Anakin can be summed up as below.
Obi-Wan: I could make him better.
Padme: I could accept him for who he is.
Ahsoka: I could poke him with a stick and throw peanuts at him.
Rex: I could help Ahsoka.
Cody: I could study him. Not sure for which field, but any of them is good.
Barriss: I could make him so much worse. *mild maniacal cackling*
Fox: I can point him at things and watch him kill the problem.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
The biggest fault of the Foxakin fic is that, being set in a never-a-jedi AU, Anakin hasn't had his worst traits fanned and flamed by Palpatine, and so we miss out on the quintessential Foxakin exchange:
"Do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because I will totally kill that--"
"Yes, I have a list."
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years ago
Not Quite as Clever as a Fox
(Read now on AO3)
Another one for Anakin rarepair week! This was Fox/Anakin for the prompt "Never a Jedi"
Someone's telling the shinies they need to unionize.
Someone's telling the shinies things that are going to get them killed if they don't shut the kriff up right now.
“Hey, so like… unionizing is definitely treason, right?”
Fox closes his eyes. He counts to ten. He opens them. “What?”
“Unionizing clones,” Thorn repeats. “That’s treason?”
“Do you want to unionize?” Fox asks, utterly baffled. It’s not like doing so would succeed at anything while brothers are still in the field and at the Senate’s whims for supplies. All they’d get is higher death rates until they folded.
“I just want to have an easy answer for when I have to deal with the Tatooine delegation.”
Here is what Fox learns, poking at his resources. Those resources are, in turn: Thorn, Hound, and the pain in his ass that is Jedi Vos.
From Thorn, he learns:
1. Tatooine was, until about four years before the war, under Hutt control. This, he already knew, but it’s important to confirm.
2. The delegation from the system is unpopular with the Chancellor and his party. The Tatoo folk don’t like the Trade Federation, they don’t like the Banking Clans, and they really don’t like any system they see as being too friendly with the Hutts.
3. Half of the Tatooine delegation are former slaves, and two-thirds of the rest are freeborns who’d worked the underground trails. What remains are representatives from the wild-dwellers and nomadic communities, the Jawas and Tuskens. All of this unnerves the more ‘civilized’ planets.
4. When Tatoo folk say ‘freeborn,’ the shape and spirit are no different from when clones say ‘natborn.’ It’s not an indictment, not automatically, but it’s a promise that trust must be earned.
5. The senator is Whitesun. The aides are Depthseeker, Singerwake, Dunefire, Moonhuntser. These are all slave names, if not always quite so recently, and they are carried with defiance.
From Hound, he learns:
1. Tatooine does not have resources or capital, and as a result, few are keen to spend time gaining their favor. They are a key strategic point in securing a major hyperlane route to, as the natural defenses make it difficult for the CIS to get a foothold, and it’s closest to Geonosis. The GAR needs it to keep Ryloth, and so the Senate needs to keep Tatooine happier with the Republic than they are with the CIS.
2. Tatooine does not play at politics in the same ways as most. They are blunt and polite enough, but when pretty words are used, they ask for plainer terms, and do not drop the topic until an answer is given. Some of the other senators like this. Most do not. Tatooine does not care.
3. For all that the Chancellor is not a fan, Naboo adores Tatooine, and is their closest ally. When Tatooine speaks on behalf of the clones, using the language of slaves that tore out their own chains, it is with Naboo at their back, and through them, Alderaan and Chandrila and dozens others. Whitesun does not have Amidala’s rhetoric, but when he speaks of the chains half his delegation has carried in the chips under their skin, it is difficult for any other senator to claim expertise.
4. Tatooine’s delegation revolves not around its senator, but around the senator’s bodyguard. The most famous man on Tatooine, the most famous man among slaves, is one Anakin Skywalker. He’s young, but there are senators younger than him. He is, everyone reports, very clever with machines and not at all clever with people, and does not know enough about politics to take part directly, nor is he interested in doing so. He is just there to guard Whitesun.
5. Skywalker, at age nine, saved Naboo from the Trade Federation. Skywalker, at age fourteen, led and secured a rebellion against the Hutts, and with the help of Naboo and Alderaan and—somehow—some traditional Mandalorians, kept it from being retaken. Tatooine adores him for this, and would have voted himto represent them to the Republic if he’d had any interest in running. Instead, he’d thrown the weight of his popularity behind someone he trusted, and is now here to keep the man safe.
From Vos, he learns:
1. Skywalker is Force Sensitive, and was almost a Jedi. Obi-Wan Kenobi is his favorite person on Coruscant, and even Padmé Amidala does not quite measure up in his eyes.
2. If Amidala and Skywalker aren’t married in the next five years, everyone is going to be very surprised… except for Vos and everyone who actually knows the two, because anyone with trust already knows that this ship sank before it ever sailed; Amidala’s always seen Skywalker as a child, and they slid into the role of honorary siblings before they grew out of that. She dotes on him, and he adores her, and Vos says that Skywalker would probably kill entire cities for her, if she phrased it right. He doesn’t seem worried about this.
3. The reason Skywalker is such a terrifyingly good bodyguard is because he is Force Sensitive and has had several years of protecting Whitesun from innumerable assassination attempts by the Hutts. Don’t take it personally when Tatooine insists on having him even with clones already there. He’s not a Jedi, but he’s close enough for government work.
4. Skywalker, and everyone else from that delegation, see the clones as fellow slaves in need of help. No, they will not consider changing their minds, even if the clones insist they aren’t slaves, because they have words and warnings about slaves that are all but literally programmed to follow the wishes of their owners. They will argue about recovery programs and collective action and about just what the clones should be demanding, once they can organize the demand for their own humanity to be recognized. No, they don’t blame the Jedi. Thank Skywalker for that part. He was the one that went and found Obi-Wan on Geonosis in the first place. Yes, that Skywalker, did you really not realize, Commander?
5. Yes, Skywalker lost his arm trying to fight Dooku with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. Yes, he built his own prosthesis. Yes, he also tried to fistfight the man after he lost the saber. No, he’s not very sensible, it’s fine, he’s aware enough to not try to do politics and stick to fighting things that try to kill Whitesun, usually.
Fox reaches out to Cody. If Skywalker’s the source of the recent mutterings he’s hearing in the barracks, and Skywalker’s favorite person is Kenobi, then Cody is the one that will have the best information.
Fox does not comment on how close his brother is sitting to his general. It’s not his business. He’s got more important things to focus on. Kenobi being in the call is a bonus.
“Once Anakin gets an idea into his head, it gets rather difficult to dissuade him,” Kenobi says. He strokes his beard.
(Fox refrains from jealousy. He can’t grow more than a few scraggly patches. It’s not that he wants a beard, really. He’d just liked the option.)
“Unionizing?” Cody asks, nose wrinkling with distaste. “We’re not civilians.”
“No, it’s a very palatable phrasing for what would be a mass revolt,” Kenobi says. “I’ll talk to him. The situation on Ryloth is technically classified from the public, but he works in the Senate, so he has the rights to that information, if barely. If he knows that the war would mean entire planets getting enslaved without the troopers there to interfere, he’ll ease back and ask for what you think you need to do, instead of just barreling ahead with his own ideas.”
“Are you sure?” Cody asks, hand drifting over Obi-Wan’s. Fox ignores this.
(Mostly. He does judge them a little. They are on a live call, now really, gentlemen.)
Obi-Wan suddenly looks very, very amused. Resigned, perhaps, and wry, and a little tired, but mostly amused. “I’ve known that boy since he was nine. Yes, I’m sure I can get him to reel it in a little and realize he’s being… overbearing and presumptive.”
“I would appreciate it, General,” Fox says.
(It doesn’t quite work out like that.)
Continue on AO3
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