#cactus answers
Hi! I've just gotten into naruto and I was wondering if you have an fic recommendations based in other villages?
OKAY hi yes. meant to answer this yesterday, oops. Welcome! while currently I am writing and reading in a more DC-focused direction, I definitely still have a lot of Naruto fic recs. because i'm not sure exactly what you're looking for in terms of genre or content, some of these vary widely and might not be what you're after. so! here's some stuff from my AO3 bookmarks. (you do have to be a registered user to read some of these.)
The One Where An OC Moves In With Kakuzu by Tozette is about 10k words and takes place in Ame. it's pretty straightforward, a little cracky, and very enjoyable. this author has a very good grip on Kakuzu's characterization, i highly recommend everything else they've written as well.
a study in demons by saintbedo is 2k words and technically takes place in Kiri. it's a short and bittersweet character study of zabuza.
he wants to be tender and merciful by nithenoel is 40k. it's a time travel fic with Gaara. it's been a long time since I read this one, but i'm certain that at least the majority of it takes place in Suna, if not all of it. i'm a sucker for Gaara-centric stuff, and this fic is all about him trying to repair his relationship with his siblings.
look twice by tciddaemina is about 9k, a soulmate fic with itachi/kisame pre-canon. it's from kisame's perspective, so at least the first part is in Kiri.
denizens of the sands of time by CherShare is 42k, another time travel fic with Gaara but to the Warring States period or directly after the formation of Konoha, i forget. iirc Gaara sort of starts building his own village and adjudicates for the wandering desert clans and stuff, so... technically takes place in early early early Suna? it's tagged Tobirama/Gaara.
To Stay the Tides by TheDroidsYoureLookingFor is 126k and the majority takes place in the Land of Waves. SI-OC and soulmate AU, i think the main pairing is the OC and Kisame. I don't remember how many canon characters come into play here, i think there's a lot of OCs and worldbuilding with Wave and Uzushio and stuff.
I Never Sharpened My Teeth by DrDiabolical is 25k and probably darker than most of the other stuff on this list. it's young Kakashi-centric, in a world where he gets kidnapped to Kiri and experimented on. mind the tags and rating; it's explicit and a lot of stuff happens. But as far as i remember the author tags accurately and clearly.
Steam by Ornery Otter is 62k and it's only on this list because of how much i enjoy it. it's an SI-OC from Yugakure, but only the first few chapters take place in Yu. so this one is maybe disqualified. but i like it a lot so :p
Plasticity by Mixelation is 177k and again, maybe doesn't count? but it's another fic near and dear to my heart. SI-OC gets kidnapped by the Akatsuki, so some of the fic takes place in Ame. this is another author that just writes bangers, and has a killer (ha) grasp on Akatsuki characterizations. i'd recommend pretty much everything they've written too. (there are also nearly endless AUs and spinoffs of this AU that you can find on Mixelation's tumblr, increasing in whackiness and fun as they go).
a dog and a shark walk into a bar by cloudycats is 42k and once more, maybe doesn't count since it doesn't really take place in a village. this is an AU where canon Kakashi wakes up in a noncanon world where he committed the Uchiha Massacre and is partnered to Kisame in the Akatsuki. i really enjoy this one.
Deadbeat. by Tozette is 33k and i just read it today actually. it's an SI-OC who is Kakuzu's daughter. i cannot describe how much i fucking love this fic. whatever youre thinking, its almost certainly better. its on here because it doesn't happen in any big village.
man, i sort of lost the thread with these last 4 recs, they're more like 'doesnt happen in konoha' than 'happens in another village'. anyway! thanks for the ask and I hope these help. feel free to ask for more recs anytime. welcome to the fandom!
Cheers <3
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dwtdog · 2 months
this bit dream did 😭 fuck i miss him
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canisalbus · 1 year
Not sure if it'd be canon, but i like to think of the modern au as reincarnation.
That no matter what Machete and Vasco go through in the main story, they get another chance to live their lives without all the tension and politics.
A happily ever after, a brand new adventure, free from their old narrative. Together.
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honestcactusblog · 1 year
Just finished Good Omens S2
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thepersonperson · 3 months
Sukuna's You Pronouns
Someone pointed out that Sukuna doesn't exclusively use the you pronoun Kisama for Gojo in the tags as a response to this post. Sukuna also uses it for Kashimo.
This prompted me to go back and double-check his you pronoun usage with everyone since I focused on people he openly likes (Gojo, Higurama, Jogo, Megumi, Maki, Uraume).
And that, of course, spiraled out of control. Please enjoy my findings. (Someone made a formal response to this post if you want an alternate perspective.)
-Written as of JJK 262.5.
-Mangareader(.)to for the raws.
-TCBscans for everything else.
(Click images for captions/citations.)
Here's a shorthand for how Sukuna addresses characters with you pronouns. Not when he's speaking about them to other people, but when talking to them directly.
No You Pronouns: Haruta, Higurama, Kenjaku, Kusakabe, Mahito, Miguel, Ui Ui, Uraume
Omae: Finger Bearer, Gojo, Jogo, Mahoraga, Maki, Mimiko/Nanako, Megumi, Ryu, Yorozu, Yuji, Yuta
Kisama: Gojo, Kashimo, Yorozu
What does 'no you pronouns' mean?
Not using you pronouns or someone's name is the most polite and formal way to go about addressing someone in Japanese. Using you pronouns invites certain assumptions about the relationship between the speaker and the addressee. In most cases it's informal or rude. Sukuna going out of his way not to use pronouns for someone suggests he views them with some amount of respect. (Except for Haruta. To this day, this is the only character Sukuna has called trash.)
What does Omae and Kisama mean?
お前 (Omae), often written as オマエ in JJK, is a masculine, informal, and indicates the speaker's higher status to the addressee. It can also be used as a causal you between peers of equal standing (Gojo, Yuji, and Megumi use Omae for everyone in this way).
There is a third use in the context of love. It's the male equivalent of あなた (Anata aka the wife pronoun you could translate as "You, Dear") when used by a man to their lover. This usage seems to have conflicted usage irl. It might be too intimate or informal depending on the relationship. (Basically it pisses some people off or is a massive turn on.)
貴様 (Kisama) is historically formal and respectful, and modernly an extremely informal and hostile insult that is far more rude than Omae.
Which way does Sukuna mean his Omaes and Kisamas? Well, context is everything. He is 1,000 years old, rude as hell, and a hater. In most instances, he means the rude version. Trying to figure out when he's not being a bastard is the hard part and what I'm interested in.
Why does this matter?
Pronouns in Japanese indicate how the speaker views themself and how they view their relationship to the addressee. In other words, pronoun usage in Japanese carries characterization that gets lost in translation. I'm trying to figure out Sukuna's internal logic and his particular brand of communication so this is a helpful thing to consider.
For example, when Gojo first trash talks Sukuna out of the box, Uraume gets pissed and insults him. And guess what they use as the insult—Kisama.
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I put this side by side with an English translation for context. If you noticed, there is no kanji for "Swine" in the raws. That was added in by the localization to carry over the tone of the original. Since English doesn't have a you (derogatory), this is where localizations will vary the greatest. To get across the hostility of Kisama, translators will add extra things with or without the creator's direction for their language's audience.
Uraume is extremely polite to Sukuna and uses high level vocabulary in Japanese. The only time their politeness drops is when they're being hostile (especially with Kenjaku), but their elegant manner of speech doesn't deteriorate with their mood. In my opinion, "Swine" is a great word to pick that carries that insulting, yet dignified pattern of speech. Someone less snobby might use pig.
Gojo replies by referring to Uraume with てめえ (Temee) which is even more rude than Kisama. (Sometimes this you is spelled as てまえ (Temae) instead.)
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This stands out because Gojo either uses Omae (friends and enemies), no you pronouns (everyone), or 君 Kimi (students—this one is cute because it's an affectionate way to dote on your juniors). (Gojo also exclusively uses アンタ Anta with Toji but that deserves its own post.) Not just that, but he ends his sentence with だよ (Dayo). This is a combination of the particles だ (Da) and よ (Yo) that emphasizes what ever the speaker is saying without respect.
Both TCBsans and Viz localize this as "Who are you?" That's a direct translation that in my opinion doesn't get across how pissed Gojo is. If it were up to me, I think it would be better as "Who the FUCK are you?"
Anyways I hope this explains why I'm so obsessed with how Sukuna uses you pronouns. There's characterization and tone that translators may or may not pick up on. Figuring out why Sukuna uses certain yous helps with understanding how he views others.
As you saw in the list, Sukuna uses Omae for just about everyone. It ranges from people he openly hates (Yuji) to characters he massively respects (Mahoraga). The easy way to resolve this is to assume that Sukuna looks down on everyone so that's what he means at all times.
I don't think that's the case. Sukuna is a very complex character with weird motivations that don't fit neatly into black/white boxes. Reading his words a single way at all times seems to be a disservice to him. So I'll be presenting my theories on what determines the meaning of Sukuna's Omae.
Omae (Deragatory)
Itadori Yuji
When Sukuna uses Omae for Yuji, it's coupled by insults. That's not surprising, Sukuna despises Yuji so much that he's devoted a good deal of his time to making his poor little nephew suffer. I can confidently say the Omaes are derogatory. Here is one of many instances.
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No matter how angry Sukuna gets at Yuji, he has never deviated from Omae. This is interesting to me because the more hostile and ruder you pronouns Kisama and Temae/Temee exist. In fact, Yuji uses Temee for Sukuna most of the time. And he uses Temee for no one else, not even Mahito, who gets Omae like Yuji’s friends. This special pronoun usage for Sukuna shows how much Yuji hates him compared to any other character.
Anyways, this is a good starting point for determining how he means Omae. When Sukuna means Omae in a rude way, it'll be combined with an insult and/or accompanied by an aggravated facial expression. He also will avoid addressing the character by name and instead use nomers (such as Brat) externally and internally.
Finger Bearer
Despite trying to befriend this curse for the sole purpose of bullying children, Sukuna doesn’t show the Finger Bearer a lot of respect. He tries to kill it, insults it at every turn, and gives it a few nasty faces for attacking him. It’s no surprise he uses Omae for this thing.
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He treats this curse like he treats Yuji, which is a pretty good sign that the Omae usage is disrespectful. This is also helps establish a pattern for Sukuna’s behavior when he chooses to engage with other beings. It should be noted that he calls the Finger Bearer an insect and refuses to address it by anything that's dignified.
Hasaba Mimiko & Nanako
Sukuna addresses Mimiko and Nanako as you kids and with Omae for bringing him a finger. He also demands they bow before him to acknowledge just how far beneath him they are.
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He doesn’t ask for their names and he kills them the second he finds them too annoying. There’s a clear lack of respect for the twins here that makes the Omae appear to be very deragatory.
Jogo starts in the same category as Mimiko wnd Nanako. That much is obvious with Sukuna cutting off the top of his head for mot bowing low enough. Sukuna uses Omae to both address and insult him, so it can be assumed he’s being deragatory.
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But what separates Jogo from everyone on this Derogatory Omae list, was his fight changing how Sukuna viewed him and therefore the usage of Omae.
Omae (Complimentary)
Jogo is never addressed by name, Sukuna never asks for it and refers to him as Cursed Spirit throughout their interactions. This seems more in line with something Sukuna does to someone he dislikes, however, he bothered with seeing Jogo off into the afterlife to gain a better understanding of him.
When Sukuna learns that Jogo and his friends wanted to become human, he doesn’t mock their dream but their methodology. The criticisms he levies at Jogo are constructive. If Jogo wanted to obtain his goals he should’ve been more like Gojo and burned everything to the ground, etc.
Sukuna goes onto complimenting Jogo using Omae, ending on the iconic, “Stand proud, you’re strong.”
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If this is enough to move Jogo to tears, the Omae here unlikely to be meant as something rude. This shows that Sukuna is capable of using Omae in a friendly manner and that the intent behind it can change with the same character over time.
Fushiguro Megumi
Before Sukuna realizes Megumi's potential with Mahoraga he is still quite friendly with him compared to other characters. (As friendly as you can get beating the life out of someone that is.) He compliments his Cursed Technique (CT) and shows interest in his internal logical as he tries to teach him how to be a better sorcerer. Omae is used as he does this.
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When he senses Mahoraga, he starts calling Megumi by his full name, which is the most respectful way to directly address someone in Japanese. I'm pretty sure the Omae he uses from the start is well-meaning. It should be noted that he stops using you pronouns for Megumi after this, upping the ante when it comes to showing respect for him. (Outside of murdering his sister and caretaker with his body you know.)
When Sukuna first fights Mahoraga, he avoids using you pronouns entirely. He has fun and very much values its strength so this is definitely a show of respect. The only time Sukuna uses a you pronoun for Mahoraga is during his fight with Gojo. He uses Omae after addressing Mahoraga by name. "You (Omae) are not Fushiguro Megumi's shadow, you're mine."
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I'm pretty confident the Omae is friendly here, albeit very possessive. It almost reads like Sukuna's composure slightly breaking to show his excitement. His manner of speech does seem to get rougher the more into a fight he gets, and so far the wildest we've seen him is with Mahoraga and Maki.
Zenin Maki
Sukuna has yet to address Maki by name. He calls her The Woman when thinks about her or speaks of her to other people. However, since meeting her in Ch 215, he has always been impressed with her. Sukuna has not once insulted her prowess and has exclusively complimented her, just like Mahoraga. He dodges using you pronouns with her, a sign of respect, until he starts flipping out over her in Ch 253.
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Similar to Mahoraga, his excitement appears to have made his manner of speech deteriorate. Combined with those expressions, the Omae usage here can’t possibly be coming from a place of hatred. Sukuna seems to like people similar to himself and Maki did “eat” her twin to gain power. She rejected her fate as a twin to survive. I think Sukuna recognizes that and admires it immensely.
Omae (Unknown)
Ishigori Ryu
When Sukuna first tries to kill Ryu, he doesn’t die. This impresses him so much that he apologizes for taking him lightly. The Omae he uses while doing this is probably complimentary.
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However, Sukuna is kind of a dick and not above sarcasm. He doesn’t ask for Ryu’s name and doesn’t bother watching him die like he does with most other named characters. And if you noticed, he tried cutting him into 3 pieces like he did with the Finger Bearer to gauge his strength. That cursed spirit is barely above Yuji on Sukuna’s tolerance scale. I’m not sure if he’s being genuine here.
Okkotsu Yuta
Before Yuta takes over Gojo’s body, Sukuna doesn’t seem impressed with him. He doesn’t address him by name and uses the nomer Cursed Brat when thinking of him. Being called a Brat puts him on the same level as Yuji. I think the Omae here is derogatory.
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He does seem to enjoy fighting Rika so there’s a little more respect than what he has for Yuji. But prior to Ch 261? I think he means it in a rude way.
Similar to Ryu, Yuta got Sukuna to apologize to him after impressing him. But unlike Ryu, Sukuna makes direct eye contact with Yuta and addresses him by name. The excitement on his face is almost identical to what he had for Maki. If Sukuna continues to use Omae for Yuta, it will be complementary. Especially since his internal dialogue now uses Okkotsu Yuta in the same way he uses Fushiguro Megumi.
For reasons I’ll get into, there’s also a strong chance Sukuna might swap to Kisama for Yuta. And if he does, it’ll be very significant.
In a different post, I proposed that because Sukuna is old and hates Yuji the most, who he exclusively uses Omae with, that his usage of Kisama with Gojo is the formal version. But after learning that Sukuna uses Kisama with Yorozu and Kashimo, I want to reevaluate that interpretation.
Uraume using Kisama as an insult towards Gojo means that Sukuna is aware of and therefore capable of using the polite and hostile versions. If this is because of vessel memories or both meanings being present in Heian era I don't know. Regardless, just like Omae, additional context will be needed to determine which way he means it.
That's surprising, Sukuna is using Kisama with Yorozu when he has otherwise demonstrated that his usage of it with Gojo is formal. Does that mean he secretly likes her? Sukuna outwardly despises Yorozu, so it wouldn't be wrong to read his Kisama with her as hostile. Does that mean he hates her more than Yuji? Does that mean he hates Gojo?
Let's start with how he greets her. Sukuna initially uses Omae and addresses Yorozu by her name with a slight smile. All signs that his Omae is further towards friendliness than hostility even though he's here to kill her. (Sukuna communicates with violence this is normal for him.)
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But the moment she brings up love? Sukuna swaps to Kisama. He uses it to insult her love too.
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Sukuna is not showing respect here, he is actively being hostile with this use of Kisama. Of all characters, Yorozu would be the one who reads into Sukuna's words the most if it would frame things more romantically. The fact she sees this pronoun change as a part of the rejection and pursues him harder further supports this reading.
As she's dying Sukuna switches back to Omae. This can be read as him believing he's effectively told Yorozu to piss off with the love talk and is being a little nicer as she passes. It wouldn't be out of character for him to do this.
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Still, he's insulting her CT and lack of battle intellect. She's definitely not amongst the likes of Jogo. Yorozu reads into his parting words as affection anyways and this is how Sukuna feels about that.
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I'm comfortable marking down Sukuna's use of Kisama with Yorozu as one of disrespect, and Omae as slightly derogatory.
For Kashimo, Sukuna exclusively uses Kisama when addressing him. Now that would seem a bit sus given the exclusivity, but once again, context is everything. What separates Kashimo from everyone else he uses Kisama with is Sukuna's refusal to know or even speak his name. And if he checked Culling Game player names prior as a participant, this is pretty significant.
When Sukuna really likes someone, he addresses them by their full name, if possible. In fact, he pauses his fight with Higuruma to ensure he got his name correctly.
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No such thing occurs for Kashimo. Additionally, he brings up love, which Yorozu has established as something that makes Sukuna more hostile. His entire love speech uses nothing but Kisama and Sukuna goes from cordial to visibly irritated. There's a strong chance he meant it in the piss off way.
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As an aside, Kashimo first addresses Sukuna with Omae at the start of their battle and switches to あんた (Anta) when they discuss love and satisfaction 満足 (Manzoku).
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Now this fascinates me because Anta is a contraction of Anata. It usually indicates the lack of class in the speaker, but is otherwise used just like Anata. Since Kashimo is talking about love and uses Omae for everyone else, this reads as Kashimo hitting on Sukuna. (In other words: Are you, dear, satisfied?)
And this is Sukuna's response to that.
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I'm mostly comfortable marking this down as a hostile use of Kisama. Not sure if this means Sukuna hates Kashimo more than Yuji though. They did have a civilized conversation that wasn't exclusively insults. The worst Sukuna called him was greedy, and he briefly expressed annoyance with the loudness of his CT. It’s not like Yorozu where he mocked every aspect of it and her love to the end. He humored the loved talk even though it seemed to make him miserable. Not really sure what to do with this.
Gojo Satoru
Well, now that I know Sukuna is aware of the hostile meaning, there is a good chance when he promised to kill Gojo he meant it in the piss off way for humiliating him earlier. He didn't bother addressing Gojo by his full name despite knowing it at that point.
If Jogo showed us that Sukuna’s use of Omae can change over time, this means that his use of Kisama is capable of evolving too. That being said, it is still pretty confusing when it comes to Gojo because Sukuna combines his hostile and friendly mannerisms at the same time.
The Gojo fish speech showcases this frankly bizarre contradiction the best. He addresses Gojo by his full name and then insults him for being a nameless fish with the use of Kisama.
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Prior to this scene, Sukuna has been thinking of him and speaking to other characters of him as Gojo Satoru. When Sukuna thinks about Yuji? His inner dialogue keeps calling him Brat. Maki, who he likes, is just The Woman (so far). If someone is nameless to Sukuna, they stay just that—nameless. He’s blatantly lying about how he views Gojo here and I have no idea why.
What’s even weirder is that for a single instance, Sukuna swaps to Omae for Gojo during their fight. The usage of Omae appears to be playful in this context as Sukuna uses an English word alongside it.
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If you didn't know, it's cool to use English words in Japanese. Randomly sprinkling them in is something youths like to do a lot. Gojo himself is one of the people who does this. Not just in normal speech, but specifically when he’s engaging in “play” with other sorcerers.
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What’s weird about Sukuna doing this to Gojo is the fact that English didn’t make it to Japan until the 1600s. Sukuna very much speaks like a weird out of touch old man from the wrong century. To my knowledge, (correct me if I’m wrong) he hasn’t used English like this prior.
Omae is the go-to you pronoun Gojo uses for most people. He also uses English when engaging in sorcery “play”. This almost seems like Sukuna is mimicking Gojo’s style of speech as either a form of flattery or as an insult (most likely flattery given that he is still copying Gojo's moves obsessively). Regardless, Gojo seems to pick up on Sukuna being playful since this is his response.
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From his perspective, the guy calling him Kisama (aka you bastard) has started calling him Omae (you, but neutral), which would come across as Sukuna deliberately being more respectful towards him. It seems to put Gojo in such a good mood that loverboy Kashimo looks at this and goes:
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Which starts to make me wonder. Did Sukuna mean Omae in the Anata way? After all, the previous chapter ended on this:
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It ended on Sukuna thinking of Gojo as Anata. This fight can be framed as a date too, so it’s really sus that Sukuna swapped to Omae for an event that can be read as romantic.
The only reason I'm looking so closely at this usage is because it's sandwiched between Kisamas. It stands out enough for Gojo of all people to notice. To him it signified that Sukuna’s view of him had changed. That probably means this Omae is telling us something about Sukuna’s character.
Surrounding this Omae is the use of Kisama in the kill context a total of 8 times. Either as "I'm going to kill you." or "This is how I killed you." (Fish speech not included in this collage.)
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What stands out to me compared to other characters is how happy Sukuna looks while describing how he’ll get past Infinity. It’s so persistent and detailed sometimes... (To be fair he did spend 6 months on this.)
The use of Kisama with "You cleared my skies." is definitely the respectful way. He addresses Gojo by name with a happy expression while showering him in praise.
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The rest of the Kisamas? I don’t know. You could read it either way and it's not being used in the same way for Yorozu and Kashimo. The takeaway here is that Sukuna doesn’t usually use this pronoun, which means it’s significant when he does.
What did Sukuna mean by this?
The problem, once again, is Sukuna priming others to read him a certain way. Way back when Sukuna and Gojo first met? Probably hostile. During their rematch? Kisama was coupled with contradictory insults and/or death threats up until the very last second. And that still doesn’t explain the Omae.
He only used Kisama for Kashimo. Why did he briefly swap to Omae for Gojo? He swapped to Omae for Yorozu as she died. Why did he swap in the middle of their fight instead of the end for Gojo?
And this still doesn't address the massive elephant in the room—Sukuna only using Kisama for Yorozu and Kashimo because they had the audacity to bring up love to him. Gojo didn't try to do that. Not once. The only time the word "love" has explicitly come out of his mouth to another character was when he told Yuta love was the most twisted curse of all. What does this mean? Is this implying Sukuna has associated Gojo with love from the start? Am I reading too much into this pronoun usage?
One of the most prominent themes of JJK is love being a curse. Whether its Yuji's love for other people driving him forward after they die or Gojo's love for Geto screwing everything up. Yuta's entire deal is him cursing a loved one into a semi-immortal monster creature. It would not be out of the ballpark to have the main antagonist motivated by a very fudged up obsessive love in the same way Kenjaku's parental love speedruns Mommy and Daddy issues at the same time.
Yuta fighting Sukuna in Gojo’s body is significant for all these reasons. Sukuna is either going to stick to Omae, or he’s going to start using Kisama. With how happy he is at seeing Yugo, it’ll be meant positively.
If he keeps using Omae that’s not too weird. That’s normal Sukuna behavior. If he swaps to Kisama when it has been strongly suggested that in 2/3 instances it’s in relation to love… I’m going to be sus on why he’s using it for The Love is the Most Twisted Curse of All Poster Child, Yuta, who is piloting Gojo’s body.
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pixelartparker · 2 months
Wait so I’ve seen your pixel art before and it’s so so so very pretty! I’ve seen your Gregory Horror Show art and I love it so much so….Would you ever do one of Cactus Gunman? 🥺👉👈 He’s my favorite. Absolutely no pressure please ignore me also fuck yeah fellow aro ace
🖤🩶🤍💜 💚💚🤍🩶🖤 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
Thank you so much! Yeah another Aroace! That’s awesome ^^ I love the little cactus gun this guy has it’s so cute!
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I hope you like it :)
Suggestions, tips, and requests are welcome!!! I don't do any NSFW but I'll create for any fandom. Feel free to use this for something if you want. A like, reblog, or follow if you do would be appreciated!
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shitpostingkats · 1 month
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Very simple question if you had to make a filler episode about aki what would it be about?
Ooh! There are many good answers to this!
I loved the Akiza gets her license arc, it will be pretty hard to top that. But if I had to narrow down the oodles of Akiza ideas I have to just one, and make it filler, I'd say I'd make a filler episode dealing with the ramifications of the fall of Arcadia. Not just the emotional damage, but like. The physical cost.
Filler episode where Akiza is struggling with the fact that when the building collapsed, all her stuff was destroyed. And the actual possessions, she doesn't care that much about, but her plants. She kept a whole room of plants at Arcadia that she absolutely doted on, and now that she's moved back in with her parents she has nothing to care for, and it's really weighing on her.
So someone (Probably Carly, because give me CarlyAkiza interactions Konami, GIVE THEM TO ME) takes her to Yugioh Home Depot and then they run into some crabby gardener who doesn't want to sell them plants for Yugioh Filler Antagonist Reasons, and Akiza solves this the only logical way by asking to duel for it, and they have an awesome Plant Deck Vs Plant Deck smackdown and Akiza wins and they jam pack Carly's van with flowers and shrubs and succulents and it looks like a greenhouse on wheels and in the end Akiza has a new room in her house full of greenery, and as thanks, she gifts Carly a single potted cactus.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
“Claude in Hopes is exactly the same way he is in Houses! He’s always been like that and has the same feelings/morals!”
Claude in GW/Hopes:
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Claude, literally, in Houses:
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Let that speak for the fact that Claude was written with a 180 characterization in Hopes.
Claude wants peace and to bring everyone together; not to tear them further apart. That is his character.
#I’m still in the middle of answering this ask I got but yeah#even Edelgard noticed Claude really loves bringing ppl together in WC#when she says ''you really value that sort of thing don't you'' after the Eagle/Lion (+Deer >.> ) battle#like if Claude's goal was to destroy Fodlan and just leave a mess of it A+++ you did an astounding show stopping brilliantly done job#if your goal was peace well you fucked that up pretty good buddy#in Hopes too like he's literally arguing with Lorenz about it while Lorenz is like ??? bruh wtf ???#literally who cares what some politicians did 300 years ago certainly not Houses Claude#in fact Claude said fuck our history sideways with a cactus let's make peace and be friends#AND he got the approval from the whole roundtable and that's all we know on the topic bc it's all we needed to know#versus in GW where it's explicitly stated that it took some doing for them to allow Claude to be king#meaning the roundtable was not up for what he was suggesting and needed to be convinced#they needed it enough that Lorenz pointed it out to everyone and from a narrative standpoint#AM Claude doesn't need to say how the meeting went and all we need to know is that it worked out#but in GW it's told to us that the meeting was very long and it took some doing for them to trust Claude's judgment#the meeting is presented in a more uncertain light with how the lords felt abt it whereas in AM#it's not told to us how things went bc it's not important. a negative aspect (i.e. the roundtable not being able to come to an agreement)#is an important thing to note and if there was any negative aspect of it in AM they would've put it in there#meaning the roundtable trusts AM Claude's judgment enough when he tells them he wants to put their two nations together again#idk how else to explain that so I hope you get what I mean lol#I just find it completely baffling that people actually say both Claudes are the same person and that he was always like how he is in Hopes#like you can like his character in Hopes and enjoy that portrayal of him but at least admit he's written differently you know?#I hate when I see people say that Claude fans didn't understand his character in Houses at all bc they don't like him in Hopes#when you have literal staunch polar opposite sentences coming out of his mouth in these two scenes#the Claude we get in AM is the same Claude - the same person at his core - as he is in VW and all the routes#Houses Claude does not blame whatever the fuck Leicester and Faerghus did 300 years ago on the people living in their present#he also doesn't blame Dimitri or anyone else presently in power for Daphnel#GW Claude there is just grasping at unimportant and insignificant straws to justify his invasion#pretty sure AM Claude would be like ''hey dimi lemme borrow failnaught back real quick'' and smack GW Claude with it#then kindly hand it back to Dimi and smile and wave
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Hello :D
So the next question is a hard one:
What is your favourite Dream video?
I don’t know if I could answer this one myself 😅 But I’m excited to read your answers :D
Yesterday’s answers were way more diverse than for the George videos but one was mentioned quite often: We tried the Minecraft cookbook in real life! I guess we all like irl Dteam :D
Have a wonderful day 💙💚🧡
- 🌵
My favorite Dream video ever is The Truth.
I know, I know: why
It’s such a beautiful video. It is so well done, well thought out, with so many great visuals and audio clips. That video single-handedly told every creator who thought it was easy to pick on him to shut up and leave him alone. He kicked ass and took names with that video, and I’m so proud of him for it.
It’s also the video that got us the Drummy Scar, and any of my friends can attest that I am super normal and not super horny about it. Moreover, we got to see Teen Dream, which is always a delight :)
Anyway, thank u sm for these asks cactus nonnie!
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crispywisp · 9 months
This has nothing to do with anything, but for your consideration:
Colombo in Lupin ii's art style would feel so right
lucky for you, lupin iii technically had a columbo cameo in part 2, but it's his son, boronco
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Is the answer 42?
to life, the universe, and everything? I couldn’t say.
to the question “what’s the sum of 20 and 22”? Yes.
knowing the answer before the question is cheating. the key to life is to find a purpose and pursue it. that can be as simple as loving a pet or as complicated as world peace. is that encompassed in the number 42? that’s up to you.
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i remembered that one ask that said you look like a cactus if you stretch out your arms
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help...... i cant tell if its a cactus or a rock lee from the hidden leaf in the land of fire handsome demon....
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canisalbus · 1 year
For how much Machete is described by others as off-putting, he really is a beautiful dog. Does Vasco ever tell him so? That his eyes make him look earnest, his fur the most comforting shade of white like cream, the way his ears catch light like stained glass? If someone doesn't tell him so, he'd forever think he was ugliest duckling
I think Vasco definitely tries, sincerely and often, but Machete is very reluctant to accept compliments and positive feedback. Especially if it's about something as personal and innate as his looks.
#he quietly spends a lot of time and effort trying to make himself look his best so appearances aren't a trivial thing for him#he's always very clean and neat and presentable#except on those occasions when he's soaked in blood but that's totally besides the point#white fur is kind of high maintenance any tiny bit of dirt or staining becomes an eyesore and if it dries it may be hard to remove#he bathes very frequently way more than average considering the time period#some of the outfits he wears are worth more than the combined lifetime earnings of like six generations of his family#silk was outrageously expensive and the brightest red dye came from pulverized cochineal insects that had to be imported from America#which had been colonized less than a century ago so those tiny little cactus bugs were really troublesome to get and the demand was huge#he doesn't quite have the nerve to wear perfume despite it's widespread popularity at the time#but he makes sure the smell of frankincense burned during church services sticks to his fur and clothes#in general when you spend your entire life around strict emotionally congested highly religious men#you might not end up developing a very healthy self-esteem or body image#once you've internalized that sense of inferiority it's hard to unlearn it#he's so thirsty for approval and praise but when he receives some he immediately gets uncomfortable and distrustful and vaguely angry#he absolutely struggles to compliment people back as well at least on any meaningful and personal level so there's that#answered#anonymous#Machete
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skeletalheartattack · 10 months
Im soooooo hungry i neeed.... gaming trivia. tO live 😺
i mostly just have TF2 trivia, as its history has always been something ive always been fascinated with, so i hope these suffice:
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The Pyro's Beta Head: While 8 of the 9 classes had their heads redone throughout development (to better show off Valve's new facial flex system), only the Pyro was left untouched, leaving them as the only class to still have their beta head.
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Reference Posing Medics: In "Trailer 2", there are two Medics who are in their reference pose, during the first-person sequence of the Scout running through RED's base. While their role isn't clear, one likely theory is that they were meant to be camera positions for shots that were ultimately removed, in favour of the Scouts perspective, and Valve just forgot to remove or hide them. The second Medic even turns to look at the Scout as he runs by, maybe further proving their original purpose.
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The Teaser Corkboard: While we don't have a clear idea as to what Valve had been planning with the "Teaser Corkboard", one likely theory is that it was created for the proposed update that would've included both Asteroid and Cactus Canyon, due to the few mentions of "Future", the blueprint of the rocket engine from Half Life 2 Episode 2, and Poopy Joe. Also worth noting, the two posters that were added with the corkboard share similar styles Asteroid and Cactus Canyon.
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The Balls of Steel Taunt: Originally, The Love & War update was meant to include a lot more taunts than what ultimately shipped. One of the few to get scrapped is a taunt called "Balls of Steel", where the initiator would dare other players to kick them in the groin. While we don't have footage of this taunt, we do have voiceline files that reference the taunt's intention, as well as the name. The few files that remain were reused for other contexts, such as the Soldiers Conga taunt, where his "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" lines were originally his pain sounds for the taunt.
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tavina-writes · 10 months
i find it extremely funny that we (mxtx fandoms in general but mdzs especially) will get into huge shouting matches about timelines and research and accuracy and meanwhile she was like "the death of the nie bros' dad, an event extremely important to explaining the buildup to the war that affected literally every single member of the cast, could have happened anywhere in these five whole-ass years" and "yeah they totally had potatoes don't worry about it lol". truly airplane was an autobiographical character.
You know nonny, I DO find this intensely funny at times. My uh, main source of "shaking my head at this" happens when inevitably, meta goes around and we rush back and forth going "X WAS A GOOD PERSON" and "X WAS EVIL! EVIL!" etc, which happens every now and again and always makes me a bit like "ah, yes, it's difficult to convey nuance and also differing points of view that may in whole or in part also be legitimate and valuable to discuss on a place like tumblr/the internet in general because it is difficult to grapple with uncertainties and we often want to nail things down one way or another so we can figure out if we're right or not" <- but this often comes out as me writing a joke post. Or a saltier post than I intended. Sometimes because I'm tired and sometimes because I just happen to be a salty individual on main.
And I do think fandom is a place where like, multiple interpretations of an event or a statement or a character's "morality" and themes and choices are often equally valid. And fandom should be a place for that, that's what makes fandom fun. If there was a One True Interpretation of the text there'd be no need for interpreting text at all, and that's distinctly sad for me. That's no fun. Anyone who tries to use their knowledge to cudgel people into the One True Interpretation is wrong, btw.
Though I think, and here's where I feel that research and accuracy is a nuanced thing and should actually be of consideration for meta/fic/engaging with fandom in general, and why perhaps people strive for it -- the "lol, potatoes" and "poetry from whatever era I want" is fun! MXTX, however, is still writing about a fantasy version of her own culture, which offers along with it a foundational basis of knowledge that makes this...easier? And again, here's where the part of me that does enjoy these anachronisms and inaccuracies (because they're fun and since we have flying swords why not potatoes) wars with the part of me that's also like, "okay but there is a difference between 'not knowing enough to be respectful of the background surrounding the characters and why that might inform their actions' and 'I've decided that peppers, which did not exist in Eurasia prior to the Columbian Exchange are a big thing here now.'" The difference is respect. Different members of fandom will draw this line in different places and it hits different on different days.
And this is one of the struggles of engaging with foreign language media a lot of the time - we try to strike a balance between engaging with it based on our own experiences and backgrounds and not accidentally saying anything offensive or strange or 'that would totally never happen' or 'he would not fucking talk like that' and I've found, with my time in this fandom, most people who are concerned with accuracy and research are largely trying to be respectful and avoid such gaffes.
Over the two or so years I've been here, I've also reacted to people who've insisted their interpretation is the correct one when it was definitely a case of 'the version Chinese culture that I'm familiar with 200% does not work like that', and saltily wandered off to vent about how 'this is inaccurate and also rude' or try to explain why it wouldn't happen like that. Maybe this comes off as preachy at times, or overly concerned with "accuracy," but that is typically where that sort of reaction comes from for me. I expect this is probably true for other people as well!
And by no means like, do we only engage in fandom because we want to be educated or educate others, and by no means is that an obligation of any fic writer or meta writer or casual fandom goer. We engage with media because it engages us, and we engage with fandom because we love community, and sometimes its no more complex than that.
I enjoy research and art history so that's typically why this appears in my fic, and I started out on doing it to better connect with my own heritage, which I've found more important to me as I've gotten older, so that's where it comes from for me.
Apologies nonny, this was probably not the answer you were looking for and I do commiserate, I'm just chronically unable to be funny on main. 😔
TLDR: there's always nuance in everything unfortunately. Even if this is the no nuance webbed site.
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justhere4thevibez · 1 year
46. that was you?
This turned into almost a whole fic and I might've teared up a little while writing it. I hope you enjoy!
Today was the day. They were finally moving out of the trailer and into their very own apartment, just them two. They were really going to make it out of Hawkins.
Eddie wiped the sweat from his brow, pausing to admire Chrissy’s ass as she dug out a box from under the bed. He was a weak and simple man, alright? And Chrissy had an ass that just begged to be worshipped.
“What’s all this?” she asked as she opened the box to reveal what looked like a pile of junk.
Ticket stubs, notes from friends, half-finished drawings of D&D characters—to anyone else, it really was a pile of junk. But to Eddie, it was pieces of his life he never wanted to forget.
“See this?” He plucked out a small rectangle of paper with a scrawled signature on the back. “My first Metallica concert. I got it signed later.” He fished around for a second longer and pulled out a wrinkled card with a fish on the front that said Great! You’re Eight in gold letters. “My first birthday card, from Wayne.”
Chrissy plucked a sheet of notebook paper from the pile, her forehead wrinkled in deep thought.
Eddie smiled when he saw that one. It might be one of his most treasured possessions. Someone had scrawled a cartoony picture of a cactus on the page, anatomically dubious but a cactus nonetheless. At the bottom, a single line had been scrawled: I think cactuses are cool.
“That’s the reason I graduated,” he said, plucking the paper from her grip.
“What?” she asked, astonished.
“Yup.” He traced the lines of the cactus, smiling softly. “When I was in eighth grade, I had this really shitty teacher, Mr. Garmel. For some reason, he fucking hated me. I was never great at school, but he always managed to make me look twice as dumb as I actually was, and always in front of the whole class.”
“Oh, Eddie,” Chrissy said sorrowfully, squeezing his hand.
“It’s fine,” he said with a shrug. And it was fine. Now. “But, uh, at the end of the school year, we all had to do a presentation in front of the school. Big deal, at least to me.” He smiled at her, but he couldn’t keep the sadness out of his voice. “I did my presentation on cactuses. I thought they were so fucking cool, and for once I was excited about school, you know? But… I kind of fumbled it, and Mr. Garmel came right up on the stage and yelled at me.”
“I remember that,” she whispered, squeezing his hand.
“Really?” He looked at her and saw that her eyes were a little red. They probably matched his own. “Yeah, I guess we were still both in middle school then.” He cleared his throat, ready to get this story over with. “Anyway, he said something about how I was dumb as the cactuses I was presenting on. I don’t know, it was something really stupid and I shouldn’t have let it get to me. But I ran out of the school and cried on the playground.”
Chrissy climbed into his lap, wrapping herself around him like a koala bear.
“I want to kill him,” she whispered fiercely. God, he loved her, his soft warrior princess.
“I hid outside all day, and I only came back in once the last bell rang,” he said, nestling into her hold. “I’d decided I was going to pack up all my stuff and never come back to school. And I started to, but, uh, when I opened my locker, that fell out.” He brushed the curling edge of the paper fondly. “I carried that fucker around with me for the next six years. So many times when I wanted to quit school and get my GED instead, I’d look at that picture and just… keep going.” He laughed, a little watery, but happy all the same. “It’s just a piece of paper but, I don’t know, it made a difference that someone out there believed in me, someone I didn’t even know.”
Chrissy sniffled in his arms, and suddenly he realized she was crying.
“Whoa, baby, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, stroking her back gently. “It’s okay, really, it doesn’t bother me anymore.”
“I almost couldn’t get it in,” she said between hiccupy little sobs. “Your locker was on the top row, and I was so short in sixth grade. I—I had to stand on my backpack to reach.”
“That was you?” he whispered incredulously.
His secret encourager, the unknown motivating force behind his high school diploma, was his girlfriend of three years?
“It was right after the talent show,” she said, still sniffling back tears. “I had such a crush on you, and when he said those awful things I wanted to go right up to you on that stage and tell you how amazing you were. But I was too scared.” She giggled a little. “So, I put the note in your locker. I just w-wanted you to feel better. I didn’t know—”
She started crying again, and he kissed her, crying a little himself.
“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered fiercely between kisses. “You’re so smart, and wonderful, and I want to punch Mr. Garmel in the nuts right now for what he did to you.”
“Well, he died last year, so you’re a little too late,” he said, making her laugh.
“Good.” She gave him one last bruising, loving kiss. “Let’s go dance on his fucking grave.”
“How about we postpone the grave-dancing until our packing is done,” said, pulling her to her feet. “But thank you,” he added, wrapping his arms around her waist once more. “For thinking my cactuses were cool.”
She leaned her head against his chest, soaking in his warmth. “Thank you for not giving up on yourself.”
Ask me things!
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