#Utmv headcanons
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vantagrapes · 1 day ago
Expression Challenge!
Featuring the filthy gremlin (Killer)
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Chat he isn't well-
He is a skittery creatur
Fact about him is that he roams throughout the catacombs of The Palace.
Usually, he does not come up due to Nightmare not letting him in..
..Unless if he's actually clean for once-
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 days ago
Color's house in OT is certainly full of things: paintings, furniture, flower vases, pillows, rugs, photographs, souvenirs from his travels, EVERYTHING! All of this, besides being a way of expressing himself, is also for him to disconnect from the memory of living in the void, in such a monotonous and empty place
And everything is so vibrant and colorful, like those maximalist rooms (i think thats what its called?)
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Things like this? Totally. No empty spaces. He cannot stand empty space, there has to be something there and he cannot stand to feel alone. There has to be enough light and warmth too, I feel. It can’t be as dark and as cold as the Void was.
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Also I was looking at this outdated map of the Omega Timeline on the Wiki, trying to figure out where Delta’s apartment would be, and if Color eventually moves out on his own when Killer comes around, where that’d be.
Maybe Delta’s apartment is in the Old Town, because it’s closer to both the door area and the hospital grounds, which means he’s an ideal candidate of people Color can stay with while still being close to his doctors or care team.
And then when Killer comes around, either he and Color move on their own, or the whole Chromatic Crew move somewhere else either in the same house or close to each other.
They could move to the Village, but the Green Fields are far enough away from people to accommodate Killer (and anyone who doesn’t want Killer living next door to them).
And it’s right in the middle of the Omega Timeline, to accommodate Color and avoid making him feel trapped or too alone, as well as to accommodate the extroverts of the crew and make supply runs into town easier. Maintains connections and community.
There’s also the library, the gardens, and the mirror lake nearby. Not to mention the forest, where color and killer are definitely going to be hunting each other in and the crew could play around in there. The coliseum is nearby for cross and delta as well.
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buubonita · 2 days ago
I love the idea that all the Sans treat their gaster blasters like dumb pets. I also like that there are female gaster blasters (like Cross's) or male gaster blasters, though the parameters that determine that are probably subtle.
That being said, what do you think the names of these huge giant skulls that are like deadly puppies are? I wanna read yall suggestions...
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stellocchia · 3 days ago
I was thinking about the possibility of Killer encouraging Color to reconnect with his siblings (originally thinking about it as a way to prove to him that he wouldn't wanna hang out with him anymore if someone better and who also required time and energy came around) and that resulting in him getting dragged along as well.
I know for a fact that Killer would struggle being anywhere near Othertale!Paps (don't remember his nickname rn) because of him being a Papyrus. His not different enough from his own brother to not trigger him.
Othertale!Undyne (I think her nickname is Ivory?) however... I think the two of them could get along. I feel like Killer would be the type to find piano music relaxing. And I don't think Ivory would be bothered by having this overgrown cat just curled up next to her as she plays.
Of course, getting to that point wouldn't be immediate nor easy considering the fact that neither Undyne nor Papyrus remember Color. And the fact that Color is bound to have some issues regarding them, starting from the fact that he'd definitely feel hella insecure about what role he should occupy for them considering the fact that he did raise at least Papyrus (that's the reason why I feel like he'd bring Killer with. Buddy needs someone he knows well as a steadying presence).
They would eventually reach some kind of balance though. I believe in them.
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ossiethegreat · 3 months ago
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transgender yaoi blast
Cross belongs to jakei95
Epic belongs to yogogeer012
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julia-jck · 1 month ago
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Dream and Blue being doorks ^w^
Dream doing that "autistic arm thingy"
I don't even ship them, but they somehow became my version's canon.
Meanwhile Ink:
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My version of Ink is neutral, but he works with the Stars cause it benifits him the most and he likes Dream and Blue. So I kinda think he sometimes just hangs out with Nightmare and annoys him often and Nightmare lets him cause he can't be bothered at the moment and it's kinda nice to have someone that shows emotion without Nightmare feeling them or effecting them with his powers
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toffeebrews · 8 months ago
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I have this hc that when error gets emotional and glitches, sometimes it stretches like those stretch glitches you see in video games.
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yakutarts · 5 months ago
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Dream and Nightmare on their light ball form but slightly different
Dream and Nightmare belong to @jokublog
I plan on making a version of them were they never needed bodies to hold their magic, I have seen a lot of people do this trend and I wanna do it too, but different. All the interpretations that I have seen have a humanoid/anthro from, I wanna do a full feral one.
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qin-qin16 · 3 months ago
Reaper Sans headcanon!
When the god of death isn't floating, his feet end up leaving trails of dead vegetation wherever he goes, much like the god from “Princess Mononoke”! I like to think that he doesn't wear shoes, so he ends up stepping directly on the grass wherever he goes, but he doesn't just kill the vegetation, no no.
For a moment, flowers and grass grow around his feet, before wilting and turning brownish, only to die within seconds as Reaper's feet start walking again, leaving behind footprints well marked by earth and death.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days ago
Would Killer like Yuri or Monika more from Doki Doki literature club.
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pigeonstab · 21 days ago
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I subscribe to the headcanon that outertale Grillby's head is just round and blue
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stellocchia · 2 months ago
I need more Sanses to be able to be absolute nerds. Like, the non Swapped Sanses all have PHDs, they're scientists, canon Sans has a bunch more hobbies too (he likes stars, he reads car magazines, even if it's just for his brother, he's a comedian).
Like, these guys have gotta be passionate about what they like.
Like, imagine Color having in depth knowledge about the history of photography. Delta being an absolute nerd when it comes to metal welding. Epic is just a nerd from every point of view. Killer has a knack for biology, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of everything regarding cats, and he's interested in coding. Dust to me feels like a probability kinda guy (he's gonna be a nerd about it when it comes to playing card games) and also a chemistry kinda guy, he probably makes drugs in his basement. Horror I don't know, but whatever he's a nerd about is gonna be freaky.
Man... I need to write these guys forget that not everyone else is obsessed with their specific interest. I need them to be cringe (affectionate)
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ossiethegreat · 6 months ago
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color having a splitting headache and dying on the floor
I’m projecting again but color content is color content 🙏
Color belongs to superyoumna
I actually have some headcanons to go with this
First aval, I think when he’s overwhelmed his flames get rlly hot and hurt his head and it causes headaches, but I also think the flames start to seep out of his other eye kind of like tears and he can’t see very well bcz of it :3 (it could also come out of his mouth too)
it also seeps out of other cracks in his body so it’s like a burning sensation everywhere and it makes overstimulation worse 💗
atp he and killer have something in common coughs
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julia-jck · 4 months ago
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Some random and quick drawings as I am bored out of my mind waiting for the time to take the buss (55 minutes left).
I once, or twice, saw a drawing of Ink coming out of Nightmare's goop. So I think I wanna make that canon in my version, lol. But Nightmare is able to block it from happening using his magics, and Ink can tell when Nightmare isn't blocking it.
I'm going back home for the autumn break and will not bring my drawing tablet with me. Aka no digital art for at least a week.
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toffeebrews · 5 months ago
Killer would stand in the mirror with Color behind him, and Color would have his wings out. And they'd share wings.
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darkmuffinstudios · 4 months ago
Strange train of thought but
I sometimes wonder if Killer actually sees the people around him as people. Like thinking, sentient people.
Kind of when you're in a public place, and you look at someone near you and think, "Oh wow. They have their own life and their own journey that just so happened to cross my own."
Because I'd like to think that part of the reason his SOUL became something neither human nor monster is because he adopted the POV/mentality of the PLAYER.
After enough resets (doesn't matter if its genocide, neutral, or pacifist), I wonder if Killer would start to slowly see people as the player does. The same lines of dialogue. The same reactions. The same habits, routines, everything. It becomes monotonous. It starts to feel like a dream. Like all of this isn't real, because he is outside of the loop.
That's why he can be apathetic when he cuts people down. Why he can be attached to certain characters/people if they make him happy. Why he is so hellbent on seeing how different "characters" tick. How they work, what they'd look like in this situation, how they would respond to this, etc.
He is used to predictability. He is thrilled when something different or something unexpected happens, like a person playing a video game and getting surprised by a sneak attack or change in dialogue.
There's no tangibility, nothing to ground him to this place because he already doesn't see the people as people.
When his SOUL unwinds and becomes unstable, he's like... in his body but not. He's in a weird, daydream like state where nothing is real. The disconnected feeling he feels towards his peers and enemy escalates, to the point that his own senses don't feel like his own.
The pain he feels isn't real. The people dying aren't real.
And his SOUL allows him to essentially disassociate.
Other times, his SOUL elicits horrible dread and agony. I mean, if he was daydreaming all the time, he'd forget that he was alive in the world he lived in. His actions still had consequences.
He's either feeling near nothing or every horrible thing imaginable.
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