#c: tsuyoshi
koushirouizumi · 8 months
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{R.E.B.O.R.N!} ~ Y A M A M O T O vs S Q U A L O + T S U Y O S H I + 80x27 (Relevant) Moments
"It seems it was created
while its successor was rescuing A GOOD F R I E N D of his..."
"I did it to {W I N} against you. {NOT} to {KILL} you."
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{Caps by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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sunlightfeeling · 4 months
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tsuyoshi’s grand plan as nakai’s director is…🥰…
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…ahem…it’s not going too great actually :(
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aph-japan · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure tri. : Kokuhaku {2k16} x Katekyō (H i t m a n) {R E B O R N!} #180 {2k10} + Q u o t e's to Know {KOUSHIRO}/{Y a m a m o t o} By + F R A M I N G (+T h e m a t i c)/(S t o r y t e l l i n g) P a r a l l e l s
"It's about WHAT YOU W I L L DO" (Implied): {"From here"}+{"NOW!"}
"It's NOT AN ISSUE of WHAT YOU ' S H O U L D ' 'DO'," - T s u y o s h i Y a m a m o t o
{Cap'd by Me} {DO NOT RE-P O S T} {DO NOT COPY} (Please ASK to Use!)
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psink · 1 month
Saiki K characters' statistics from the Guidebook/Handbook:
(The characters were ranked from G to S on physical strength [STR] intelligence [INT] and a 3rd metric that varies)
Kusuo Saiki: INT: S STR: S Motivation: G
Sai: INT: S STR: A Punch power: S
Kuriko Saiki: INT S STR: S Charm: G
Kuniharu Saiki: INT: C STR: D Communication skills: S
Kurumi Saiki: INT: D STR: E Personality: S
Anpu: INT: E STR: B Ease of care: G
Kuusuke Saiki: INT: S STR: B Attachment/obsession: S
Kumi Saiki: INT: C STR: E Personality: A
Kumagoro Saiki: INT: C STR: F Love/affection: S
Yuuta Iridatsu: INT: F STR: E Cuteness: A
Shun Kaidou: INT: B STR: G Public perception*: G [TN: 器量 has multiple meanings, it could also mean "capabiltiy" or "appearance", but based on the rating, I don't think it's the latter]
Kaidou's mother: INT: A STR: F Academic ability: A
Kokomi Teruhashi: INT: A STR: C Appearance: S
Makoto Teruhashi: INT: D STR: C Acting skills: D
Metori Saiko: INT: C STR: C Financial resources: S
Kineshi Hairo: INT: A STR: A Energy: S
Aren Kuboyasu: INT: E STR: A Fight: S
Takahashi: INT: E STR: E Personality: E
Riki Nendou: INT: G STR: S Appearance: G
Nendou's father: INT: G STR: S Personality: B
Midori Nendou: INT: B STR: B Luck with men: A
Michael: INT: D STR: A Life skills: A
Uryoku Chouno: INT: C STR: C Luck: G
Chiyo Yumehara: INT: D STR: D Power of delusions: S
Sawakita: INT: C STR: D Personality: C
Tsuyoshi Kongou: INT: A STR: A Personality: D
Arisu Makino: INT: B STR: F Magic power: C
Imu Rifuta: INT: D STR: E Appearance: A
Matsuzaki: INT: D STR: A Leadership skills: S
Chisato Mera: INT: D STR: A Appetite: S
Reita Toritsuka: INT: E STR: D Erotic: S
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megaderping · 4 months
I'm seeing a few more Akechi in Inaba/P4 fics popping up, and tbh, I'm all for it. I don't really feel like I have ownership of the idea with The Crow Cries at Midnight because it's just a loose premise that anyone can give their own creative spin on. I think the extensive canon divergence TCCAM is building to is fairly uniquely tied to the fic itself and the personal creative decisions I have made. The amount of breaking the plot of Persona 4 that's kinda just happened in the unreleased segments I'm writing kinda just were a domino effect, which is leading it in a direction that is very different from, say, Throw Away Your Mask's P4 section. We have some commonalities, like Akechi and Kanji friendship, but then some of our ideas are very different, and I think that's super cool! A fic like TAYM has a very different feeling because its Akechi a) remembers canon, b) went through a divergent version of P3, c) TAYM includes things like "Tsuyoshi," Akira in Inaba, and d) Akechi arriving in Inaba partway into Persona 4's plot rather than being there since before Yu's arrival. My fic gives Namatame and the Moel Gas Station Attendant a ton of time in the spotlight, whereas TAYM does a fantastic job giving Kanji's mother screentime in a way that is really fun and satisfying. Recently, a fic called If You Want Peace (Win it Yourself) popped up that has Chisato as Goro's aunt who takes him in after his mother's death, so Goro is actually a blood relative to Nanako and Chisato, which is very different from TCCAM where he has no blood relation and that lack of blood relation plays into a lot of his apprehension with his initial starting place in the Dojima household. And I just think that's neat. I read the first chapter and thought the creative choices were really cool and distinct from both TCCAM and TAYM's P4 segment, and I look forward to seeing how this story develops in contrast to both my story and TAYM. There are so many unique Joker and Akechi roleswap fics, multiple takes on Joker in Inaba. A trope or concept for an AU can be spun in so many unique ways, and I really like to compare and contrast and enjoy each of these stories for what they bring to the table.
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myheroclass1c · 10 months
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Tsuyoshi Ichigo, U.A First Year Hero Course Class 1-C
Quirk: Team
Being able to split into 4 other sentient variants, Tsuyoshi is often regarded as a one man operation. However with each separate version of himself taking on specific characteristics and thusly different methods of approaching hero work, his teamwork amongst himself leaves much to be desired.
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claudiosuenaga · 11 months
A Teoria dos Zeroides: Seriam alguns dos OVNIs criaturas vivas ou bioformas?
Antes de tudo, faço questão de deixar bem claro que mesmo que esta teoria venha a ser confirmada, ela não explica o Fenômeno OVNI em sua totalidade, mas só uma ínfima parte dele.
Uma teoria muito pouco discutida na ufologia é a de que os OVNIs possam ser Zeroides, termo genérico para bioformas ou criaturas vivas que habitam os recônditos do espaço.
Assistia aqui no canal, o vídeo em que o ufólogo, criptozoologista e físico nuclear Dr. Franklin Ruehl (1950-2015) fala sobre a Teoria dos Zeroides: https://youtu.be/TmOwSq3UnO4
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✅ Adquira "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas", meu primeiro livro traduzido em espanhol, na Amazon:
Amazon.com (envios a todo o mundo desde os EUA): https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb
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Amazon.co.uk (envios dentro do Reino Unido): https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/
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✅ Adquira "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?" https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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pureegrosburst04 · 5 months
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香氣04「俺が1人残らず切り捨てている理由は本人が身◯なせいだからって言いたいのか?統合失調症ってつまり身◯と同じだろ 俺の現在の敵はみんな身◯故の悲しい設定、健常な評価に一方的で理不尽な名誉毀損をする薄汚い攻撃本能を隠しながら救うって訳か なるほど、立派だぜ 霧島狩魔だったらこんなもんじゃねえぞ」
御茶ヶ滝「…これってさ……香氣04さんの頭…おかしいんだ」超電波油「もう、精神病とか何の関係もなく ぶっ壊れてる 誰にも犯罪をせずにサイレントテロを盛り上げて……なんか、だめなんだわ。」
ある日、高級ゴールドキング/バラバズー500Fに奴隷として支配されていて、人格排泄の薬を飲まされて媚薬を嗅がされた少女は自分の股から溢れてきた人格ゼリーの透明な男性器を扱き出した、そうするしかなかった 高級ゴールドキング/バラバズー500F「頑張れ🧡 女の子の大事なところを取り戻したまえ(笑)」  しばらくしてびゅるるるるっ🧡 絶頂に達すると同時にゼリーは一つのスライムになって落ちて、少女は自分の体を���全に無くした
スライムを入れられたバーコードハゲのミニロボットの股間辺りには爪楊枝のような折りたたみ式の棒が生えていた 高級ゴールドクイーン/ガッチャ「これを折ると巨根をすり潰された痛みを感じるのじゃぞ❤️(赤き真実)」ぽきっ バーコードハゲミニロボット(14)「☠️あああああああ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️🏴‍☠️」7萬レッド/No55「あそーれ、ぽきっぽきwww」ミニロボ少女(14)「☠️あ、あああああ‼️‼️🏴‍☠️」
ある日、ミニロボ少女が浴槽に持っていかれるとそこには……おいしい🎵おいしい♫と母の体を溶かしながらチューチュー吸う化け物、絶句してる間にリビングに戻された、無数の蛭のような口があったお風呂場から聴こえてきた声「君のお母さん、おいしかったよ❣️」ミニロボ少女(14)「いやあああああ……」ゴールドバズー「もともと奴隷家族なんだからまあいいじゃん🎶これで風呂に入る時間、王子様が代わってずっと節約出来るぜ🧡 お前の抜け殻で500本のしらないペニスを抜き抜きしてやるからな(笑)」
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ゴールドバズー「バアアアアーーカW‼️‼️w その焼かれたドブに捨てられるボロクズはお前の大切な味方だよ❗️❗️❗️WW(赤き真実)WW」ゴールドバラバズー500F「我々の役に立つ事を自発的に考えるよう、少しは危機感というモノをもちたまえ(笑)」 ゴールドガッチャ「明日は我が身…次にゴミクズになる負け組は、どこかの誰かさんかもしれないのじゃぞ?///❤️」
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モコロン「メェ(何でそんな事言うの)」ゴールドガッチャ「我らは弱いものイジメが大好きなのじゃぞ💛」ポイ、グチャ ゴールドバズー「劣等生物が口答えをしたせいで、折角の手料理はなくなってしまいましたとさ……w」7筒ブルーNo429「可愛いマスコットを死に追い込む娯楽に何か理由がいるのかよ?いつだって悪い奴が勝つんだよ お前に残された道はサンドバッグ奴隷として惨めに終わるだけだよ(笑)」
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表版仮想大鉱山の小学一年生A「押さえてて霧島04様を越えるプレイヤーさんww 何本包丁を突き刺したら死ぬか試したい(笑)」小学一年生B「女の子のはだかの方が、こんな虫ケラで遊ぶより楽しいよ(笑) 小学一年生C「ヒーローなんてきれいなザコいらないwww」
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身長186cm 体重90キロ 筋肉質 イケメン 完全に勃ったちんこ➡︎3cm たまたまの直径5mm 前立腺➡︎ゴミクズ 性病35種類以上
“”””ラオウ様””””がTSUYOSHI 誰も勝てないアイツなら、”””””真の裏ストボス様”””””は…ワンパンマンの立ち位置(究極の赤き真実)
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Meet Shinichi Saruhara~! He's just a small town boy... with a super wacky family life~! His parents look identical, his sister is caught up in a love triangle, and his delivery man is super hot~! All this and more on Meet the Donbros! Premiering Sunday, December 24th on ABC~!
Been far too long since we had a Shinichi focus episode, so I'm looking forward to this~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Ain't no breaks for the Donbros.
-Is it like -chwan, the honorific Gaon uses to refer to humans/smol animals?
-Damn Saruhara, do you not work out?
-Oh, why'd you give Tsuyoshi the Hitler mustache hjlklhg
-Coupled with the glasses and combover, he gives me serious Bruno Ganz in Downfall vibes.
-Don Don Brothers!
-Okay so for this episode I'm watching the TV Anon subs, and they call it "Cringe Family" and... yeah <3
-"Yo, Kaito... are all of my beloved companions family? ...without me?"
-Suzuki-san, you are rockin' that dress.
-Kameda Tsutomu.
-Of course, of course, this guy's our Hitotsu-ki!
-...did he scam an entire family out of nowhere?
-Soooo, Shinichi... what's your deal with this guy?
-Ohhhhhh, you're pulling a gigachad brain move.
-Good look scamming a dude with no money.
-I see the Professor's still beloved in his neighborhood :)
-Fake spiritualist... just like Kanedama from that Ep. 13 of Kakuranger. ...wonder if that's where we got his
-We had the boss lie for us~!
-Oh Jesus Christ, he followed us
-Oh here we go~!
-Outswindle the swindler.
-Good on Tsubasa for just like
-Instantly agreeing to help out.
-Damn, Sonoi.
-"What the dog doing with the shark?"
-Sonoza seems very proud of Murasame carving out his own path, how sweet :)
-"If the dog and the shark become friends... they must trigger some sort of game changing event."
-Aaaah, I see that smile too, Sononi~!
-Free Vegetables~!
-Daaaaaamn, Haruka, okay!
-Love how she picked both guys with girlfriends.
-"Look man, we're in too deep now, you gotta help us."
-While I do respect Haruka Saruhara establishing her right to date whoever however, I absolutely do not respect the way you worded that lmao
-"Hahaha, wow Tsubasa-san, we sure are the best rivals of all time, eh buddy~? Goku and Vegeta! Yusuke and Hiei! Deku and Bakugou! Naruto and Sasuke! Luffy and... I haven't really seen One Piece in a while, would you prefer to be Zoro, Ace, Law, Katakuri, or do you wanna pick for yourself?"
-"I might as well be Buggy, this is already humiliating enough."
-Everybody is haunted!
-Ah yep, classic cold reading.
-Haruka I swear, if you actually had a cat named Stroganoff-
-Gave the poor thing a shoe hat.
-"My older sister was born at a very young age. :("
-"And you'll get the spoon if you kill her off again!"
-Government assigned Dog. Tsubasa Inuzuka.
-Ooooooooh, Shurikeeeen!
-Ignored Jirou! How dare you!
-That is a masterclass t pose, Beppu-san.
-...Shinichi fucking would t-pose without prompt.
-Tarou in da house!
-"I brought the meat."
-Oh I'm sure you did.
-Seems like Kameda is catching on.
-Imagine how much funnier it'd be if it cut off at "Tsubasa and I are dating".
-"Oh... good for you. I don't care."
-"Okaaaay, thank you for the meat, get the fuck out now, please~!"
-"I want meat."
-See, Tarou knows they're lying, but they don't know how they're lying.
-"Oh my God, Saruhara's mom is related to the salaryman!"
-Tarou is experiencing accidental neurodivergent-on-neurodivergent violence.
-Surrender your prized possession to be free of darkness!
-Haiku Meat.
-Worthless, worthless!
-"Noooooooooo, my dinner!"
-"Jesus Christ, fine I'll bring more meat, just calm down!"
-"Because reasons... It's quite alright Haruka, I think I understand."
-He only has death allergy hiccups
-There's a demon.
-And his name is Momoi Tarou.
-Gotta know when to fold 'em, I guess.
-Ah nope, just straight up robbery!
-Made them think they're even crazier than
-Doggy man take an oolong nap :)
-Tiger Jirou with the steel chair!
-Himitsu-ki! You have been exposed for all from Earth to the farthest reaches of the Cassiopeia constellation to see! It's time for you to repent from your swindler's ways once and for all!
-Oh sure, kick a girl in naptime land, real nice
-Love this mix of the theme song btw
-Getting fired uuuuuuuup! Chozetsu Ninja!
-Time for the finale, it'd seem!
-Seiya seiya seiya seiya!
-25 points!
-Tsuyoshi ujhklhg
-Ah yep, time for the iconic Gorenger Hurricane!
-End Ball!
-Gotta build it all up!
-Oh no you don't!
-You ignored Jirou scammer man
-100 Point Shot!
-He has many things clinging to him indeed! They're called his companions~!
-And this cool robot bird he found.
-Get fucked!
-Awwwwww, Tarou :(
-Have a drink, shake your head.
-Poor Tsubasa, huh fellas?
-It's okay, he had a really fun time :)
-Shiina Naoki
-Well... I suppose I'll see you all next time, when Donbrothers does as it does
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bancho-zx · 10 months
【Mega CD】
Shadowrun | シャドウラン ~Intro
// Music: LMS Music / Tomonori Minami | BA.M | 南智紀 / Einosuke Nagao | 長尾英之助 / Tsuyoshi Matsushima | 松島剛史
// MiSTer FPGA / MegaCD core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 CRT TV
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#Return to the Source 1997(24 May 2013)
ハルオさんよろしくと言っていました。M・A さんです。よろしくお願いします。
「Return to the Source」
のパーティーの話をした。すると彼女も偶然そのパーティーに行っていた事が判った。そして彼女の誕生日とパーティーの開催日(5月24日)が重なっている事を知った。それ以来、毎年Mちゃんの誕生日が来ると「Return to the Source」のパーティーも同時に思い出した。「Return to the Source」は、1997年5月24日(土)〜25日(日)、現在僕が住む
僕は、「今日は君と出会った日、「Return to the Source」の日だよ」と伝えた。
すると「Wow - great synchronicity ne!! Good timing!!」と返事が来た。
トランシーな出来事 (Synchronicity)は、
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koushirouizumi · 8 months
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Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Ep. #180 ~ Takeshi Yamamoto & Tsunayoshi Sawada {YamaTsuna} / 8027 + Moments & Interactions + Important Dialogues {Anime Ver.} + Character Development Parallels + Yamamoto's (& Tsuna's) Character Development{s} ~ +Yamamoto vs. Asari Ugetsu + Tsuyoshi Yamamoto (Yamamoto's Parent) as Support
“I put unnecessary 'Pressure' on you without realizing it…” - Tsuna, Initially
{“…I want you to stop.”} - Tsuna, Later
Happy belated Birthday, Yamamoto! {Apr. 24th} This set acts as a continuation of this set!
{Gifs by Me} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Re-produce Without My Permission} (Please ASK to Use)
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#Return to the Source 1997(24 May 2013)
ハルオさんよろしくと言っていました。M・A さんです。よろしくお願いします。
「Return to the Source」
のパーティーの話をした。すると彼女も偶然そのパーティーに行っていた事が判った。そして彼女の誕生日とパーティーの開催日(5月24日)が重なっている事を知った。それ以来、毎年Mちゃんの誕生日が来ると「Return to the Source」のパーティーも同時に思い出した。「Return to the Source」は、1997年5月24日(土)〜25日(日)、現在僕が住む
僕は、「今日は君と出会った日、「Return to the Source」の日だよ」と伝えた。
すると「Wow - great synchronicity ne!! Good timing!!」と返事が来た。
トランシーな出来事 (Synchronicity)は、
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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maggiezw · 6 years
e a r g a s m  ✨
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hyerinrose · 3 years
Artificial Love♡
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«Yandere!Lonesome master X Android!GN reader»
T/W : nothing rlly, this yandere is pretty chill
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The world felt cold around you as you patiently waits for your owner to activate you. Everything around you are blurred and muffled as you still hasn't fully regained your consciousness.
You are AL001, the first model of many that was sold to the market by BrightFuture; the company that made you.
Your sole purpose is to serve for your owner and lend them an assistance if needed.
The couple who bought you were the Matsushima's, they intended for you to be their son's companion as he is a loner and have no friends; making him a shut-in.
After they had explained and gave you a brief tour through the house, you heard a male voice complaining to his mother.
"But Mother! I don't need a piece of metal to be mㅡ" he was cut short by his mother who commands for you to activate yourself.
"AL001 at your service, what shall I assist you?" your cold robotic voice echoed in the empty living room.
Your dull [E/C] opens as your eyes scanned your surrounding before you turned to your master(s) and greeted them with an empty but warm smile, it is written in the protocol that you must keep smiling as to not scare the humans.
The male's mother, Minako Matsushima returned your smile with her own as she gently pushed her son in front of you.
"AL001, this is my son Tsuyoshi, you will be serving as his companion and assist around the house if needed. However, he is your main priority as he will be your master from now on" Minako explained to you and you processed her order.
"Order accepted. greetings Master Tsuyoshi, I am AL001, it is a pleasure to meet you" You say as you extended your hand to him.
Tsuyoshi hesitantly shook your hand and he instantly jerked his back to his side upon touching your smooth and cold hand.
His mother then left the two of you alone in the living room as she had to answer an urgent call. She gave her son a sympathetic look before closing the door behind her.
The two of you sat there in silence until it was broken by him.
"What's your name again?" he asked.
"My name is AL001ㅡ" You were cut of by him as he spoke again.
"Your name is too robotic to be a companion for a human" Tsuyoshi said as he snorted, leaning against the wall.
You looked at him with your dull eyes, your [H/L] [H/C] framing your figure perfectly as you asked in a faux friendly voice.
"Then what shall you name me, master?"
He thought for a moment and you wait patiently for his next command. He hummed as an imaginary light bulb lit up on top of his head.
"Your name now shall be [Name]"
Your eyes dulled into white for a moment before returning back into it's normal shade.
"Command accepted, I shall now be addressed as [Name]" You smiled again though it did nothing but creep the male out.
"Yeah whatever now go on and clean the house or something, don't bother me" Tsuyoshi said as he made his way back to his room.
You followed suit to which irritated him and he turns to you again with a scowl.
"Didn't I say to not bother me?"
You stopped in your tracks and gave him a closed eye smile.
"It is in the protocol for me to stay near my master so that if they needed my assistanceㅡ"
"But I don't need your assistance or dumb companionship! It's really stupid of my parents and the people who created you androids to become a human's friend when you don't even have a simple thing that makes you a human" Tsuyoshi cut you off mid sentence again with an angry rant.
The white haired male then looked at you who continued to watch him throw another fit with a frown on your face.
"Master I think you should take a rest to clear your head off" You said with your hand on your hips, looking af him as if you were a parent scolding their kid.
He grunted in response as you pushed him into his room, you immediately notice your charging pad was at the corner of the room and excused yourself.
"Do excuse me master Tsuyoshi, but my power is running low and I must returned to my charging pad otherwis i will collapse"
Tsuyoshi waves you off as he layed on his bed with a book in hand, ignoring your presence that is also in the same room as you walked your way to the charging pad and set yourself into sleep mode.
"[Name] entering sleep mode"
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Tsuyoshi felt the sense of melancholy enveloping him as he stared up at his ceiling walls.
The night has fallen yet he couldn't bring himself to sleep as insecurity and sadness occupy his thoughts, keeping him awake.
The empty and soundless night with the exception for the cricketsㅡ reminding him of the fact that he is alone and has nobody he could call a friend, moreover a significant other.
It has been like this for years by now. Why couldn't he get used to it already?
His icy turquoise's eye stings as tears slowly trickled down his face, dampening the sheet below him with his tears as he cried.
Tsuyoshi's breath hitched in his throat as he felt a cold hand placed itself onto his shoulder to comfort him.
He knew who it belongs to but didn't bother to make a move to acknowledge them. The figure then shuffled closer to him and pulls him into a hug.
It felt stiff and awkward as their hand places itself on his back to soothes his sob and provide a comfort. He stayed in their embraceㅡ to tired and sad to care that he was being held by an android of all thing.
It has been too long since he last felt comforted by any other presence other than his parents. He crumpled their uniform in his hand as he cried onto them like how a child would to their parent when distressed.
"Don't cry master, you are not alone. I am here with you. You are loved" They said as they continue to rub circle onto his back.
At their word, he cried even more as his hold on them tightened.
"Iㅡdon't believe you..I have nobody to call a friend. Nobody likes me and wanted to be around me.." he says in between sobs.
Their cold hand then moved from his back to his hair as they gently stroked it.
"That is not true. You have your parents and me don't you?"
Tsuyoshi laughed bitterly at that and lowered his head onto their shoulder.
"Mother and Father are always too busy for me, maybe they don't even love meㅡthat's why they give you to me as a replacement for them"
The android frowned at their master as they pushed him gently back from them to stare into his eyes.
His well kept long white locks now a mess as tears stained his face. They tucked a loose strand on his face aside and spoke in their cold but soft voice.
"That is not true master. I may not understand you fully as I only knew the basis of human's emotion and I could only provide you with assuring words and comfort"
"Your parents loved you and care for you, they gifted me to you just so that you won't be alone anymore since they can't always be with you"
Tsuyoshi bitterly laugh again while wiping his tears away.
"..Haha it seems I have gone insane haven't I? what am I doing crying to a piece of metal..it's not as if they will understand me"
"Save it. I'm fine now that I let it all out, I'll probably go to sleep and you can go back to charging or whatever" He says as he shifted and pull the cover to his head, turning away from them.
The android nodded and walked back to their charging pad silently until Tsuyoshi spoke again.
"Also..thanks I guess" He says in a low voice before closing his eyes and pretending to fall asleep.
"Your welcome master. Goodnight" They say as they set themselves to sleep mode afterward.
The silence gradually lulled him to sleep as he uttered a sleepy,
"Goodnight [Name].."
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Months has passed since your arrival and his parents were delighted to discover that their son have started to warm up to you and accepted you as his friend.
From the time he spent around youㅡhis personal android friend, he learnt that you are much more human-like than he thought.
You were always there for him to rely on wether if he needed an emotional support or assistance for his school work.
He even found a new hobby he likes after you suggested that he should start exploring more about himself. Tsuyoshi found a love in art, more specifically in visual art.
The white haired male would spend his leisure time sketching a scenery and sometimes even you. Something about your dull piercing [E/C] that draws him in everytime he'd stare at you or how your [H/L] [H/C] sways in the wind as you gazed at sky with wonder.
Tsuyoshi would have never guessed that he would be so interested and focused on his android friendㅡor a piece of metal as he would call them before.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw [Name] twitching uncomfortably in their spot as their eyes dulled into white before collapsing onto the floor.
The chair scrapped loudly as he ran over to the fallen android and called for his staff to help them. He tried to command them to activate but they did not budge and remained unconscious.
It was later revealed that [Name] was infected by a virus that had caused a glitch in their systems and almost costed them their memory. The android was supposed to be sent away for maintenance and Tsuyoshi was more than eager to do so, it's for the better good of them.
The time spent away from [Name] made Tsuyoshi realized how important they are to him and how miserable he is without them. If he dare to, he may even say that he has fallen for them.
The drawings and sketches of them, the constant demands for their time and display of affection proved of his infatuation for them. He was just too blind to see how much he care for them in a way a friend would not.
They were his first friend, the one who help him discover things about himself that he would'nt know had they not been there to guide him.
Tsuyoshi is sure that [Name] loves him too as they cared for him in a way a robot would not. They've become sentient just to love him, how wonderful is that.
If his past self were to hear that he would fall in loveㅡand with a machine of all thing, he would've laughed and thought that it was ridiculous. But he is a fool for not realizing sooner of his love for you.
He layed on his bed on another sleepless night as he longily stared at your charging pad, vacant of your presence.
He know what to do once you return, he would confess his love for you and the two of you would be lovers.
Tsuyoshi sigh as he felt himself falling asleep where he dreamed of you.
"I love you [Name].."
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Note : this is my first fic ·ᴗ· please lmk what you think♡
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