#by way of being highly intelligent and communicative but not human or able to use human language
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Me During the Day: Okay. I have daylight. I have time. I have tools for both handwriting and writing on my computer. Do I have inspiration and permission to use it for writing?
My Brain: Let me check... I can give you a few non-commital fragments of inspiration, but not permission to use them. Sorry. Try again later.
Me at Night: I'm out of daylight. I'm out of free time. My writing tools are all put away, and I physically can't access them. Nothing to do but save it for tomorrow.
My Brain: Hey, remember that inspiration you wanted? Here's some mostly fleshed-out ideas and the strongest drive to write them you've felt in weeks. I'm able to give you permission to use them, too. Go ahead and write to your heart's content!
Me, still without tools or lights or a phone app that would sync my writing to my computer: ... You do this on purpose. Why do you do this to me? On purpose?
#writing#well not writing in this case#writing problems#my ideas are mostly fanfic#mostly about giving characters very emotional bonds with Pokemon companions#I'm playing a Digimon game right now so it's weird that I didn't pick that#but Pokemon seems more fitting for the things I want to do#some of my fic ideas are for well-known fandoms#one is for a fandom I'm only in because my parents watch the show#and I watch it with them#and there are characters with guilt complexes#I'm easily pulled in by characters with guilt complexes#but all of the fandoms I've chosen have characters who question themselves in some way#and it's nice to imagine Pokemon wordlessly answering those questions#by way of being highly intelligent and communicative but not human or able to use human language#and still being loyal and loving despite being able to understand their trainers on a level mundane pets couldn't quite achieve#it's cathartic#I want that for these characters#and vicariously#for myself as well#but no#I have to hope I still have these ideas when I wake up tomorrow#because I can't write any of them right now#frustrating
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I go you already have my apologies but can you re explain your ideal bird that you are breeding for. From the looks of your loft updates you prefer standard non exaggerated features and minimal muffs and normal length beaks
No worries. ^v^
I've been reworking a few things while we've been stuck on hiatus, so there have been some changes to the plans for the future, and I don't mind going over them.
I am trying to develop a unique breed specifically for therapy work.
As many of my long term followers know: A feral pigeon, found in a parking lot on the brink of starvation, taught himself to alert me for anxiety attacks of crippling severity.
If he could not alert me fast enough to prevent me going catatonic, he knew to go get my husband.
And he worked out a series of behaviors to draw me back out of that state if my husband was not with me.
He later developed an alert specific to blood sugar spikes.
That's far beyond the scope of an Emotional Support Animal!
And I believe that if a pigeon off the literal street was naturally inclined to develop these behaviors, then temperament traits conducive to such service work can be selected for.
I aim to do that by combining highly intelligent Performance breeds like Homers, Rollers, and Tumblers with structurally sound exhibition breeds possessing a demonstrably heritable mellow temperament.
And I want this breed to have a unique look that easily identifies it so that it will be hard for feather merchants to counterfeit. (Yes, that is a thing that happens.)
So, my favorite embellishments in the breeds we are already using are going to be enhanced by a few exhibition breeds who exemplify those traits, and one specifically for color.
To that end, we will be utilizing these performance breeds:

I can get into whether or not this is a breed in itself in another post. This is going to be a long one as it is.
There are several risks to working with ferals, absolutely.
You can pretty much guarantee that any you may find have lice, one or two species of worms, at least two protozoan parasites, and could potentially have a whole host of other bacterial or viral pathogens with out showing any outward sign.
Anyone who works with ferals as a first responder must be prepared to quarantine them carefully, vaccinate them, and test them to find out what all you will need to treat.
But there are three huge advantages for the Assistance Pigeon Project:
They are the epitome of structural soundness. That slight, agile little body has come to be through surviving generations of environmental pressures from having to travel long distances to find food to having to dodge a wide range of predators like cats and hawks.
There is no better source of intelligence than the descendent of birds that have survived for generations on their wits and luck alone.
And no better source of an excellent immune system than the result of generations living with the host of parasites and pathogens that they are so often loaded down with in the wild. There is a reason you won't see any outward sign that a feral has anything!
Once a feral's parasites and pathogens are cleaned out, they are incredibly sturdy!
Being a domesticated animal, the offspring of ferals in human care tend to focus all the inquisitive brightness that kept their line alive in the wild on bonding and communicating with their care taker.

Racing Homer
The thoroughbred of pigeons.
If you do not count Ferals as a breed, this is the most structurally sound and intelligent of all pure breeds.
Hands down the single most athletic!
They are stockier, more aerodynamic, and far more muscular than the average feral, because they were bred to be able to find their way home from drop points up to and over 500 miles away.
It takes not just fine tuned musculature and metabolism, but an excellent memory and keen intelligence to adapt on the literal fly to the changes in environment and predator populations over such distances.
Because of their exposure in races to hundreds or even thousands of other birds from lofts all across the country, Racers also have the strongest immune system of any purebred.

Birmingham Roller
This is not a breed that flies long distances like Racers or Ferals, but as a performer, it is still required to be structurally sound.
Performances consist of flying in a small flock called a Kit to perform a waterfall effect of staggered rolls where birds backflip 15-20 times in a row in midair, straighten from the roll, and rejoin the kit, one after another.
They are less flighty than Ferals and less independent than Racers, typically working much more closely with their trainer: keeping within sight of the loft and earshot of the person.
This makes them a little more human focused and naturally inclined to be biddable.
Though many traits vary wildly by line, these tend to be very small birds; energetic, jaunty, and playful.
Aside from adding that wonderful temperament, they will help keep the end result small.

Portuguese Tumbler
I waffled on these for quite a while, mostly because of their very small size and absolute breeding overdrive.
But they are excellent parents despite being the second smallest breed of pigeon in the world, and, unlike the Valencian Figurita, generally don't need one of their nestlings fostered.
And that speaks very highly of just how physically fit they are.
There are a few big breeds among the ones selected specifically for temperament, so Ports and Birms should help bring the size down and improve the parenting ability of the blend.
But the real push was just how Exuberantly friendly and playful this gleeful little breed is!
There are two performance breeds I have no hands on experience with yet that I would like to add:

Oriental Roller
This one is a dual purpose:
Once again, a structurally sound bird of moderate build, because it is still flown in competition.
But what interests me is the tail.
This breed is one of the major components of the Mindian (Miniature Indian) Fantail, Bred to Indian Fantails too small to compete with in order to improve the structural soundness and preserve the fan.
And as one of the embellishments I want in this breed is a slight fan, this body type is ideal to help display it comfortably.

Turkish Takla
The Takla is a Roller breed, still flown in competition, and becoming popular in the US for its docile, biddable temperament.
It comes with or without crest or muffs, and I very much like the grouse muffs of this breed.
We'll have to see what the temperament is really like, but the bird is gorgeous, and I expect it will blend well in terms of structure, temperament, and moderate embellishments that are still eye catching.
Breeds selected for temperament:

Show Line Danzig Highflier
This breed is the single best investment I have ever made towards the temperament of my breeding flock!
They are intensely friendly! Every bird I have raised with any amount of Danzig in them has gone on to be a beloved cuddle bug of a pet.
My Husband's ESA, Cotta, is the closest we have gotten so far to the behaviors we want in a bird bred for Service work.
Not only is he my Husband's devoted ESA, he also acts as mine when I need regulation, and even Cheeto's when he struggles with impulse control or obsessive behaviors.
Cotta is so intensely human focused that he has organized Cheeto and another bird who was only with us temporarily to provide me aid during a very severe episode of vertigo.
That temperament has passed so reliable through Satin's family that I would have to be an idiot not to incorporate this breed.

A shockingly mellow breed!
And not just because they could only be less aerodynamic if you gave them parachutes..
A great test to rule out learned helplessness being the root of any big or showy breed's apparent mellowness is to cross them with a smaller breed that flies well so the offspring will be more maneuverable than the big or highly embellished parent.
If the offspring that can physically evade you is flighty and nervous by nature, then the "mellow docility" of the parent is just learned helplessness.
But if that more maneuverable offspring is just as docile and tractable as the parent, then you can be pretty well assured that that really is the parent's temperament.
Frillbacks fall so soundly into the "genuinely that sweet tempered" category that it has passed on into multiple generations of my flock.
I won't use this breed much, because the curls are a little much and it's hard to find clean legged birds or lines with only moderate muffs.
But their temperament is so fantastic that it would be remiss of me not to use them at all.

This elegant Swiss breed borders on too mellow for its own good.
There are lines with peeps so quiet that they fail to trigger the parent's feeding response. Paired with another breed, though, even completely oblivious Lucerne will respond correctly once they see their mate feeding.
My first pair, despite hating me with the fury of a thousand suns, were so perfectly tractable that working with them was a breeze.
Some of my most out going individuals are crossed with this breed.
I love their structure and their very moderate Grouse muffs.
They have a shorter beak than I like, but it's long enough to be functional, and the other breeds will keep the beak from getting too short.

Show Type Racing Homer
This is another show breed famed for their docility.
While it isn't as absolutely incredible as the breeds higher on the list, I will be incorporating them for their very simple, elegant structure, and bold, out going curiosity.

Classic Old Frill
This breed is somewhat of an indulgence, I admit.
Of the breeds included for temperament, this is the one most likely to be flighty or skittish.
But I have such a deep and abiding love for what they are: A return to form to the original standard of the Turkish Hunkari from the now beakless Modern and Oriental Frills.
Basically, the avian version of the Retromops (If you love Pugs, you should look this breed up. It's a return to the original standard: a pug with a muzzle, that can breathe normally and regulate its body temperature.)
This breed was my first love, and I want to continue to support the breeders that loved them enough to write preventative measures into the breed standard requiring that their beaks never get so short that they can't feed their peeps unaided.
There is one other breed I want to add for temperament entirely because of the temperament of mixed progeny I have purchased for the breeding program:

American Show Racer
Titan and her Mother, Ibis, take very strongly after their ASR Grandmother/Mother, respectively.
Ibis was so friendly and outgoing on arrival that I was sorely tempted to keep her as a personal pet instead of having her join the breeding flock.
Titan, despite being very defensive when she was little, grew up to be so much like her mother it takes my breath away.
I am curious to see if this breed is really that sweet tempered and it really passes so reliably, or if Ibis and her line inherited their temperament from the Lucerne side.
There are only two breeds added purely for their embellishments:

Old Dutch Capuchin
I love the Danzig's mane, and I think a little touch of ODC will add some luxury to it.
My experience with this breed was not the best temperament wise, but I have read that not to be the norm and hope to have better luck with a different line.

Garden Fantail
This is the most structurally sound of all fantails, able to fully close the fan when not displaying to fly and walk comfortably.
I do not want a full fan in this breed, but Fans seem to be a partial dominant with variable expression, if my two half fantails,

Sher and

Soiree, are any indication.
Not a necessity, by any stretch, but I really like the look of a moderate fan.
Finally, there is a single breed I plan to incorporate for color.

There are exactly two traits I want from the Archangel:
The dominant half of its bronzing, which results in a robin like rusty breast in heterozygous form
And the intense sheen of its recessive grease quill.
With luck and patience, I hope for these nine breeds; six for performance, six for temperament, two for embellishments, and one for color...
Add up to a healthy, long lived Therapy breed whose intelligence is not blunted by their laid back mellow docility and whose unique look sacrifices none of their structural integrity.
The breeder cap will remain at ten pair, hatch controlled between evaluation periods.
Babies will be evaluated for six months.
If neither is an improvement over one or both parents, both will be classed as pets and adopted out.
If one is an improvement over which ever parent fits the program the least well, or better yet the ideal blend of their parents beneficial traits, then that one will stay, the parents will retire and go up for adoption as a bonded pair, and the sibling will be made available to the public.
New blood will come in to improve what ever trait is most lacking after each evaluation period.
Offspring we produce may become available at younger than six months once the temperament I want is reliably consistent.
But I expect that to take a fair few generations.
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This year, I am celebrating five years if being fully submerged into Twisted Wonderland 🥺 I love this game and it's helped me get through dark times. I am also celebrating five years since I started writing my OC Asami and Leona's love story!
So I thought I'd make a headcanon + cultural/world-building index!
If you were able to read my stuff when I used to post here or if you havent or if you read my stuff over at AO3, Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy this index. This is all the HC I have for TWST specifically for Leona and the Royal Family. I follow these HC when writing even a oneshot so I'm quite devoted to this index.
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think! 😳💖
Other AUs that follow this Index
EYES NOSE LIPS archiveofourown.org/works/25322554/chapters/61396324
Almost Her archiveofourown.org/works/31552400
Casablancas archiveofourown.org/works/32076625/chapters/79462633
Nectar archiveofourown.org/works/55402189/chapters/140569939
Where the acacia archiveofourown.org/works/62641702/chapters/160350640
EYES STAND STILL archiveofourown.org/works/34411123/chapters/85635874
EYES NOSE LIPS Afterstory ( to be posted)
Not all Beastmen inherit magic.
In some rare cases, some Beastmen do not inherit human speech. Magic can be used as a way of communication, similar to telepathy. Overuse can lead to minor overblot.
Beastmen have the ability to heart heartbeats within a certain distance.
Beastmen can bear and have children with normal humans. Their beast blood isn’t diluted by human blood and the beast capabilities and genetics are directly inherited. But most of the time, there is a 50/50 chance the offspring may not inherit the beast parent’s magic.
Jack Howl struggles with controlling his tail, especially when he gets excited or when Asami is around.
To improve his tail-wagging control, he undergoes a year-long tail training program to mask his emotions, control his reactions and maintain a disciplined stance.
This is a common practice for Beastmen in noble or formal settings ensuring they appear dignified and composed.
While Jack’s tail wagging improves a lot, his tail still betrays him when Asami is nearby.
CRIMSON The Dark Arcane Order
A secret organisation that operates in the shadows of Twisted Wonderland. They occupy unclaimed territory. They are involved with organised crime, assassinations, intelligence and forbidden magic.
Kiros (OC) is one of the main gang leaders of the organisation though no direct evidence have been found.
Crimson is said to be recruiting mages with special unique magic. Specifically eyeing Malleus Draconia, Kalim Al Asim and Leona Kingscholar.
CURIOSA The Apothecary
A hidden place of curiosities and an apothecary infamous for catering to noble patrons and sometimes even the claws of CRIMSON.
CURIOSA is a place for rare potions, enchanted herbs, illicit magical remedies and other “healing” rituals that are forbidden in the arcane laws of Twisted Wonderland.
Also houses and is a liaison for discreet cures, beast transformations, bdsm, elixirs.
Kingscholar Royal Family & Culture (in order of appearance in Eyes Nose Lips)
Kingscholar Royal Family Values
Excellence through Enlightenment, Unity through Understanding
Old Sarabian
An ancient, almost forgotten language that is used exclusively by the Kingscholar Royal family.
Unlike modern Sunset dialects and neighbouring savannah dialects, it is highly formal and poetic.
This ancient language is used in royal decrees, sacred texts, ancestral records and in rare cases, old magical archives housed in the Royal Kingscholar Library.
The language can hold power and even memories; it’s necessary when performing royal rites, ceremonies and spells.
Old Sarabian inscriptions can sometimes be found in forged Sarabian gold and are also scattered around Kivuli Hall.
Sarabian Gold
Metals don’t usually hold magic in Twisted Wonderland. Sarabian gold is a rare gold found exclusively in Sunset Savannah.
It is found deep in the ancestral mines and the Royal Family does not allow its mining. Selling or forging Sarabian is currently forbidden unless it is performed directly under the request of a Royal family member.
Sarabian Gold is the only metal known in Twisted Wonderland that is able to hold generational power. It is rare and highly coveted.
Only Royal artisans can forge items from Sarabian gold and only under the direction and request from one of the Royal Family.
Legends say that the mines have been found by the first king of Sunset, it made him king, blessed by the sun.
Kivuli Hall
A secret chamber within the palace lined with ancient crystals that act like curtains. These crystals have old sarabian inscriptions in them and they can hold and store memories of the inhabitants.
The crystals can bounce magic, light and retain voices, visions and whispers of its past inhabitants.
Kivuli Hall is a recent addition to the centuries-old palace, it was originally built to house and contain Leona’s magic and “curse”.
When Asami spent the summer there, the hall absorbed their shared memories and moments, preserving them like reflections on glass.
The hall’s inscriptions and crystals can react to Leona’s magic, his emotions, thoughts and desires.
Kivuli Hall is a sacred and personal space for Leona.
The Pride Pendant
A symbol (a necklace) traditionally passed to male-born children of the savannah.
The Pride Pendant was adapted from the ancient royal tradition of the Kingscholar Royal family.
This piece of jewelry is a sacred symbol gifted to any beastperson born from the savannah. Upon reaching maturity, the holder of the pendant must offer their Pride as a symbol of an unbreakable bond of loyalty and/or love.
Traditionally, Pride Pendants were carried by lions and were forged from Sarabian gold. In these modern times however, people from the savannah adapted this practice. Crafting their own pride pendants from ordinary gold, other metals and precious stones, these prides are offered when making a proposal.
Anyone who isn’t wearing a “pride” is considered single/unmarried.
Not all Beastmen carry this ancient tradition.
Succession Laws & Female heirs
Sunset Savannah has a king because the previous king (Leona & Farena’s father) is male. But it is not strictly patrilineal and in the absence of male heirs, the first female daughter inherits the crown.
If Leona becomes King, his first-born daughter, Crown Princess Asami would be the first female heir in generations.
If the Sun Queen Regnant marries, her husband is not automatically King— he is titled Prince Consort depending on his lineage.
The Royal Kingscholar Library
A world-famous library containing the world’s biggest scholastic collection (scrolls, books and artifacts) there are three branches in Sunset Savannah and two other grand libraries in other continents. The Royal Kingsholar Main Library is the biggest and houses the Great Kingscholar Royal Archives.
It is said that the second prince, Leona, used to own most of the books that are now housed in this great library. He used to spend hours and days here in his youth.
The Royal Kingsholar Library strictly employs only non-magic persons. This is because magic can seep into books, tools and materials leaving “residue” that could alter or affect the information stored in them.
Any newly returned artifacts and materials are “neutralised” by the Magical Police before being returned to the library.
Any newly excavated materials, artifacts and/or weapons are “neutralised” by the Magical Police before being stored into the library.
Non-Magic employees preserve the integrity of the texts, enduring that no residue contaminates records or distort historical text.
The Three halls of the Library
Ukumbi Hall (the Face of the library) - used as a tourist attraction, art gallery and exhibition hall. Any member of the public may use the space. Tours and other events are also held here.
Grand Maarifa Hall (The Heart of the library) - the main library where scholars gather, study and work. Eighteen floors of materials.
The Garden an inner garden where scholars, students, library card holders and members can enjoy nature and tranquility in the middle of Sunrise City.
*terms have been derived from Swahili
Travel & Magic
Mirrors and Magic Travel
Magical Mirrors require a magic user to stabilise the journey. The stronger the magic, the faster and easier the travel can be. Amateurs and students can still struggle when traveling by mirrors. Supervision is highly recommended in non-school settings.
Without a magic user-s control, traveling is unstable much like walking on a plank on water.
Because of this when Asami wants to travel and Kifaji cannot escort her, she needs to take public transportation (trains, planes, buses, broom if available)
Magical Police
The Magical Police are striclt prohibited from using magic when off-duty or when they are not wearing their uniform.
They are responsible for neutralising magical artifacts and there is a specific department for that within the force.
Magical Police regulate magic use in public spaces to ensure and maintain order and safety.
2. Others
The Golden Sigil - a golden sticker imbued with magic that is used by women of Twisted Wonderland (specifically in the savannah and those with beastman partner/s) to prevent pregnancy.
Ambrosia - a golden liquid (liquor) specifically for beastmen. This liquor is too strong for normal humans who possess magical energy. Although it is safe for consumption in small quantities, it is not recommended if you're not an experienced drinker.
Spectré - A potent and highly addictive hallucinogen, it blurs the line between physical and metaphysical experiences. Its use is not fully legalised in Twisted Wonderland, there is a tolerance policy with regard to its use and retail in small quantities and non-commercial purposes. It is often used by those seeking to amplify effects of other psychoactive substances particularly potions related to divination, hallucinations and altered states of consciousness.
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Hey sorry for intruding but just wanted to ask. What are your thoughts on Cero's identity being an AI? An AI who wants to conquer Cyberaya? Because in my opinion, the whole point of Ejen Ali series is that technology keeps developing. I mean we have a guy who can create a helmet that can use telekinesis.
My theory about Cero is that he was once an AI created as one of Cyberaya's defenses. However, the project was canceled because it is possible that creating an AI to serve as a protector of Cyberaya will make things worse.
After the project's cancellation, they are about to delete or decommission Cero but someone saved him from deletion in order to continue the project in secret.
And I think the proof on why Cero is an AI is because the meaning of it's name, Cero. Cero means Zero in Spanish. Zero means empty, unknown, or in this case none. What if he doesn't have a physical appearance because he doesn't have a body?
And that's why he used Microbugs as a way of communication by possessing its members of Numeros like what happened to Trez and Nueve? Love your artworks of Ejen Ali btw.
Hey there too ~ ! :D
Your theory is quite interesting as it relates to Cero's identity.
Even though he appears unphysically in Season 3, I still regard Cero as a human figure in my opinion and thoughts.
Cero, the main leader of Numerous, is capable of managing his plans without having to go in person. Which is that he has already formed his own allies; Uno, Dos, Trez, Cuatro, Cinco, Seis, Seis, Siete, Ocho, and Nueve.
Cero's secretive organization known as Numerous has been in existence for a lot of time, and Uno was the first one he hired. So, I do not consider Cero to be an artificial intelligence (AI).
Cinco and Cero were able to communicate due to Cinco's planting of a 'blue azurium parasite' in their allies' bodies. Including Rizwan, a former member of Numerous allies known as Diez, number 10.
As long as the 'blue azurium parasite' is still in their bodies, Cero can access it whenever he wants and see anything through them. AI technology is incapable of such abilities.
However, your thought can still be considered since none of the theories about Cero are canon yet.
The technological advancements in the Ejen Ali series are due to Cyberaya being one of the cities that is ahead of its time. Cyberaya consistently produces technological devices that are rare and highly advanced.
Besides, Cero has a huge objective to achieve and he doesn't want MATA to be aware of his secret plan.
If he's an AI creature, how can he accomplish his goal if he's a non-human figure? He even spoke like a human when he casually talked to Rizwan and Cinco in Season 3.
AI cannot speak in that manner as they lack human sanity and sense.
To sum up, that's my current thoughts. And, thank you for always loving my EA fanart! :D
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I really love all your Vincent analysis, I get very excited whenever you post them. I was wondering something, Grimoire has always seemed a very distant figure in canon, (yet he affects so much) and it is very likely that his and Vincent's relationship wasn't the best. But I am curious as to what you think his reaction to the experiments Hojo and Lucretia put him through would be if he was informed? Especially given that Grimoire knew Lu well. (I know this is completely non-canon)
Believe it or not, way back in 2011 I posted a hastily-drawn Ask Vincent Valentine entry that addresses exactly this! It's been a really long time, and my opinion there hasn't really changed, but I'm more than happy to expand on the concept in more detail now.
We don't actually have a lot of information on Grimoire as a character, and even less on his relationship with Vincent, so most of my opinion here is definitely headcanon, and I'll be tagging this post accordingly. That said, we do know a few things, and establishing the details of their relationship as I understand it is pretty integral to my opinion of how Grimoire would handle Vincent's inclusion in Lucrecia's terrifying thesis project.
First, Grimoire and Vincent seem to have had some kind of falling out in the past. Although it's impossible to say what caused it or how recent this was, it's fairly clear based on Grimoire's last words being a request for Lucrecia to apologize to Vincent on his behalf, and Vincent being unaware of the circumstances of his father's death until finding his file open on Lucrecia's computer. (I've seen it argued that Vincent may not even have been aware that his father was dead until that point—I don't generally subscribe to that idea, but this may actually be the case.)
Secondly, although this is more up for interpretation, Vincent's feeling toward his father appear to be somewhat...harsh? I reach this conclusion based on the word he uses to refer to him in the original Japanese, which is 親父 (oyaji). While this is a term for "father," it's also colloquially used as equivalent to "old man," and is kind of a catch-all term for middle-aged men in general. It's pretty rough in comparison to other terms that could have been used here, and also seems fairly out of place for how Vincent speaks otherwise, making it seem to me that he uses this harsher term in order to indicate either a lack of formality or a lack of respect for his father.
In headcanon territory, my take on their relationship has always been that Grimoire is extremely disappointed in Vincent for failing to pursue a career in academia, opting instead for the Turks—a role in which he excelled to such a degree that the Turk Vincent sim battle in Dirge PlayOnline indicates the assessment and training records he set were still standing when the Crisis took place. We know that Vincent is intelligent and highly educated (there is a complex series of interconnected equations scrawled on the wall of the Shinra Manor basement in Rebirth that was canonically written by Vincent, he's obviously very smart), so he could certainly have pursued the same career path as his father, and for whatever reason he chose not to.
One thing that isn't up in the air is whether or not Grimoire loved his son. Vincent was the last thing on his mind, as Chaos ate away at his body and ripped him apart into pyreflies, the last thing that mattered was that Vincent know he was sorry. Grimoire loved Vincent, even if they didn't always get along.
But Grimoire was, unfortunately, a Shinra scientist. According to Dirge PlayOnline, Grimoire was the first Shinra scientist to theorize about using foreign energies and excavated materials in the creation of an otherwise human child, with the goal of creating a hybrid able to communicate with humankind with ease. Grimoire loved his son, but he was comfortable with the idea of turning someone else's into a monster in utero if it meant that science could progress. This hypothesis is probably one of the leading reasons that Lucrecia volunteered for her role in Project S; she loved her mentor very much, and what better way to honor his memory than to prove at least one part of his theory right?
At the end of the day, it's the expansion of human knowledge that mattered to Grimoire. He would have been thrilled to know that he was right—proven with Sephiroth, with Vincent, and eventually with Nero. The three of them exist, even if only in part, because of Grimoire's thirst to understand the world beyond humanity, and all three of them changed the face of scientific progress. Sephiroth and Vincent's projects both helped to facilitate the creation of SOLDIER, while Nero literally proved the existence of a secondary plane of reality which had only ever been considered theoretical—if not simply written off as a myth—prior to his birth. That's amazing. That's wonderful.
The only problem Grimoire would have with any of it is that it was his child in the tank. Also unfortunate is that the other two were technically his grandchildren—Nero is pretty much undeniably made from genetic material harvested from Vincent, and my headcanon for why Vincent was assigned to Nibelheim at all is that Gast also wanted some way to honor the memory of the late Professor Grimoire Valentine, and selected Vincent to be the "sire" to the main subject of Project S. Vincent was never meant to know, and Lucrecia was never meant to care. It did not work out that way.
Grimoire would initially be horrified to realize what Lucrecia had done—and then fall right into complete understanding, because she did it to her own child too. She experimented on Vincent, yes, but it was in an attempt to save him! Who could blame her for using what she learned in her thesis? Two birds with one stone, salvation and enlightenment both from a single questionable act. He might disagree with her methods, with her disorganization and her lack of foresight, but he couldn't blame her.
He'd be devastated to know how his theories had ruined his child in every possible respect—but only because it was his child, not because of what was actually done. He'd grieve the loss of those grandchildren that neither he nor Vincent ever had a chance to know—but only because they were Vincent's children, torn away before he ever got to know they existed at all.
And, deep down, Grimoire would feel the slightest swell of pride that the only subjects that worked, the only ones that survived and excelled, the few that could literally call themselves gods even if only for a short period of time, were part of his bloodline.
It turns out that Valentines are amazing at anything they do, whether they choose to do anything or not. Vincent rejected science, and science took him anyway, because science is what Valentines do. It's what all of them do, and they do it better than anyone. How could he not be proud of that?
#headcanon warning#fandom ramble#grimoire valentine#vincent valentine#lucrecia crescent#sephiroth#nero the sable#dirge of cerberus
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"Voice Log #1. Species Analysis."
"This would be Biology Researcher [DATA EXPUNGED]. I usually do written out documents on paper; However, HQ has commanded me to do a digital version of this. I don't know neither understand the reasoning of such. But here we are."
"Well, let's see. . ."
(The sounds of folding paper can be heard. As long as the wheels of a wheelchair moving around. The Researcher Grunts. Struggling to find the small script they made for this occasion. Its not much. But it should please HQ for Whatever Reason they Need this for. The Researcher finds the paper. Making his way back over to the voice recorder)
"Ah; Here we go."
"This Document; If you can even call it that; Will be covering the Species Aureum Angullia. More Widely know by Corporate and The Public as Goldens. These Deep-to-Shallow Water Amphibians can vary in size, being able to be found basically everywhere. Only not being found in places where most species wouldn't go. Such as the Poles due to its temperature."
"Commonly refereed as Pests. These Creatures have the ability to travel Ground and Water at a quick pace. With Agility we still don't understand how it can be achieved. "This species is highly regarded for its intelligence; Having a Human-Level of Such. Being able to make tools out of metal. Commonly with Gold, Therefor their name. Even if different materials have been seen used. Such as Ruby. A problem arrives with this Species high regard for Stealing from Human Supplies. Which was something that very rarely happened before Subject 'Aureum Angullia Deus' had appeared. After such. Their society saw rapid growth. And therefor. Made Allies with Graveyard and Fallen Kingdom. Which caused a enormous spike in violence between Humans and Them. And are now regarded as one of the most powerful Enemy Factions we have to Deal with."
"Hmmph. So, This species has a range of different traits that differ a lot from most found in the oceans. With its Closest Relative Species being assumed to being Ambystoma Mexicanum; The Axolotl. Having the same Frilled structure in the sides of their head and neck. Having the same sensitive skin. These frills are used for communication and feeling differences in the environment. One of the components for it being able to 'see' without eyes. The other being the Luminescent Stripes it has on its body. These stripes not only serve for baiting potential Prey into approaching it. But can also be used for communication. Being able to reproduce vibrations; Which is unknown how; Of various different Creatures, Even Human Speech. They also seem to have small globes placed around the structure. Serving as small eyes."
(The Researcher gives a deep breath. Flipping a page.)
"Next to cover would be its Mouth; Closely resembling that of plant petals. Demogorgon Copycat. Being able to open all the way to 90 Degrees from its original position. There are four bigger teeth formations at the front. Having blunt, more resistant teeth at the front used for digging and chewing and hard shells of small animals like crustaceans. And Three sharper teeth used for cutting flesh and holding bigger prey in place. Which they use to make the prey struggle in their mouth and end up impaling themselves onto the rows of smaller teeth to slowly bleed the prey out. Even if most cases. Such slow and painful death is rare to happen. As mostly they will impale the prey in the neck or vital organ using its tongue. Its tongue is a around the same as their body size. being able to be fully moved, like a Elephants trunk. Having four tentacle-like structures at the end with sharp, almost harpoon like tip. These smaller tentacles are as capable as the tongue itself. being able to effectively grab and move things. This tongue seems to have a mechanism at the back of the mouth which is used like a ballista. Being able to shoot the tongue at an impressive 25km/hr."
"What else. . . Ah yes."
"It also has a Claw besides its body. These are connected to the body by a appendage that can retract into its own body, having a quite agile speed for doing so. These Claws are quite simple in nature. Used for moving around in the ground, digging and impaling prey."
"And that would be most of the information we currently have. So that would be all I have to say about this Species. I will probably make a document on the different types later on. But for now. This is it. End Log."
#tower defense simulator#art#roblox#roblox blog#rp blog#roleplay blog#roblox fanart#roblox game#roblox art#biology
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My Siren AU
Exists on Trappist 1-E, but there's always the possibility in the AU of humanity yoinking a couple sirens and taking them back to earth.
Alien Species - Sirens
Quick overview:
Sirens are elusive, curious, and dangerous. While not inherently aggressive, they also won’t hesitate to attack if threatened.
They are aquatic creatures and quite generally far larger than any human– with the exception of guppies.
Sirens possess a strange, alluring quality to them that tends to draw in Humans and Monsters alike. They have webbed hands (that are quite commonly bioluminescent), a long tail, a sail that goes up their back, fin-like ears, scaly upper-bodies, and sharp claws. Their teeth are also very sharp, as the vast majority are very high on the food chain and are carnivorous.
Sirens are highly intelligent, sentient and sapient creatures; they’re quick to learn and capable of complex thoughts and emotions. Though they may have a little difficulty understanding most human languages, they’re quite good at knowing what direction the conversation may be going in.
They are modelled similarly to the aquatic creatures back on earth such as; Sharks, Whales, Squid, Jellyfish, Stingrays, etc. Though there’s plenty of Human and Monster scientists wanting to give a name to them, they are incapable of doing so, and instead they compare them to this “danger level” that has 7 different levels.
The different Kinships can be confusing at times to be able to tell apart, but if you pay enough attention to the specific trinkets they have in their hair– or the patterns on their skin/tail– you’ll be able to tell where they came from.
Notable Features/Appearance Description
Adult sirens are very rarely smaller than 18 ft long, and have a humanoid upper body. While their entire body is scaled– save for their hair– it can change feeling and colour.
Depending on how deep the siren’s kinship lives, their scales will be a certain colour.
A Siren’s bioluminescent patterns can change depending on which Kinship they come from, and the kind of decorative accessories they wear will also change depending on what level of the ocean they come from.
Gills — Sirens have gills that move when they breathe.
Reflective Eyes — Sirens eyes are reflective, similar to the way a cat’s eyes are reflective.
Bioluminescent/Luminous Markings — Sirens typically spend a lot of time in deeper water, and along with being underwater, they’ve adapted to communicate using bioluminescent or luminous markings on their tails, arms, and torso.
Nictitating Membrane — Similar to crocodiles, Sirens have a nictitating membrane, a transparent third eyelid which protects and moistens their eyes whilst underwater.
Aquatic Habitation — Sirens can survive and adapt to underwater environments such as high water pressure and extreme water temperatures.
Speed Swimming — A Siren's powerful and streamlined tail and huge flukes can propel them through the roughest waters with incredible speed, grace and agility with minimal restrictions to water resistance. Like a dolphin, their fins can propel them high out of the water.
Extraordinary Strength and Speed - Sirens are naturally stronger and faster than humans.
Enhanced Senses — Sirens have better hearing, sight, and smell than humans. They’re also particularly sensitive to changes in pressure, weather, and their environment.
Siren Song — Sirens are able to emit a captivating singing voice that lures anyone who hears it toward the singer. Apparently those who are exposed to it have lingering side effects; the exact nature of these symptoms are as of yet not clearly defined. It’s been compared to a drug, describing it as something one needs. Eventually, the Siren Song leads the person that hears it to hallucinate seeing that Siren everywhere and hearing their Siren Song out in the ocean. The person will then be driven into the water to find that Siren and eventually drown. The song can be effective on anything or anyone, including men, women, and even animals.
Voice Mimicry — Sirens are able to mimic the voices of others or imitate sounds such as animal noises and explosions. Any sound a Siren hears, they can replicate with perfect clarity along with any manner the sound was made.
Echolocation — Sirens can emit sound waves and use the echoes that return from various objects to locate and identify the objects. Alternatively, they can use ambient sounds to do the same. Sirens can perceive one's surroundings by making a noise and listening for the reverberating sound waves. They can determine the location of objects or other individuals in the environment by use of reflected sound or sound waves. Echolocating animals emit calls out to the environment and listen to the echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them. They use these echoes to locate and identify the objects. Echolocation is used for navigation and for foraging or hunting in various environments.
Empathic Voice — Sirens can manipulate the emotions of other sentient beings through their voice. The effects depend on the Siren’s tone and intention: a joyful or mournful tone instils the same feelings in their listeners, etc. Evolved Sirens have been known to be able to enter someone’s mind and alter what they see, hear, and feel to their will, either as a defence mechanism or a way to protect whoever’s mind they’ve entered.
Fearful Scream — Sirens can utilise a scream attack that causes a shocking and paralysing fear in others.
Concussive Scream — Sirens can channel the force of a Banshee-like scream to create concussive bursts of air, almost like telekinetic force capable of breaking through solid steel doors, throwing grown men many metres away, and shattering glass, ear drums, and even skulls at their highest level.
Regeneration — Sirens possess greater regenerative capabilities than those of humans. They heal quickly from non-fatal injuries within a short period.
Rhythm Detection — Sirens have intuitive knowledge of the rhythm of soundwaves, enabling them to easily understand what kind of sound is being projected, where it comes from, where it is going, decipher the sound for any sort of code, etc.
Aquatic Zoopathy — Sirens can control aquatic creatures, along with the ability to create a deep bond with them.
Water Dependency — Sirens are at their strongest and healthiest in seawater, they need ocean water to survive. Sirens can substitute sea water when above land with lake/river/rain/bath/shower water, although they become significantly weaker, more prone to illnesses and the substitution effects will eventually begin to fade – usually after 2 years – and the Siren will begin to die. Sirens can only last around 2-3 months from complete water deprivation(example; being held hostage without any access to any form of water).
Harpoons & Spears — Due to their regenerative properties, most weapons do not harm Sirens, harpoons and spears, things that stay embedded, are harmful to Sirens, as they have to be removed in order for the Siren to heal.
Bronze Dagger Coated in the Blood of Victim — A Siren can be killed by a bronze dagger coated in the blood of one of its victims.
Magic — Sirens are susceptible to the powers of magic.
Sensitive Necks — Due to having gills in both forms, Sirens have quite sensitive necks, specifically where their gills are situated. Siren’s gills are quite delicate and take longer to heal than other injuries. Sirens cannot transform to their natural form if their gills are injured in human form.
Light Sensitivity — Sirens are sensitive to sudden flashes or bursts of light. And most take a while to adapt to lighter environments, especially if said Siren is from a more colder ocean or from much deeper water than another.
Vulnerability to Love — Believe it or not, sirens are also vulnerable to love. Although they may be powerful and seductive, they are not immune to falling in love. Also, if a siren falls in love with a mortal or a non-siren creature, they can lose their powers and become mortal themselves.
Vulnerability to Reason — Lastly, sirens are vulnerable to reason. Their enchanting songs can cloud the judgement of their victims, but if someone is able to think clearly and logically, they can resist the sirens’ calls.
The leader of a Kinship will always be the most experienced and strongest. As soon as the leader is not strong enough to lead once more, they become the advisor, and a new leader steps up to take their place.
Siren Laws
Attack Only When Threatened - Sirens have a very genocidal backstory, so the Ancients came up with this law that all abide by.
Don’t Harm The Young – Sirens have a moral code, and no one dares to break this rule. All Young– whether Guppies, Cubs, Or Babies– from any species will not be harmed.
Respect Territory - To make sure no all-out wars break out once more, this law has been erected.
Siren “Families”
Sirens don’t have the concept of last names, though they do have family. Siren families can be deciphered by the colour, kinship songs, and the scale quality of their tails. As every different family has their own way of scale care.
An unbreakable connection between two Sirens of any gender or Kinship. Siren Weddings vary depending on where they’re from.
As customary, when courting another Siren, you give each other gifts. The type of gift you give them describes the strength of the relationship.
Pearls — Pearls are typically given at the start of a relationship. The pearls signify that you hold affection for your partner. And depending on the quality of the pearl, it shows how much affection you hold and how you hope the relationship will progress.
Sea Shells — Sea shells are usually given to your partner on important dates, like birthdays, new tide cycles, and full moon celebrations, or just, dates. Though they can also be gifted at any time throughout the relationship. They’re like little presents.
Conch Shells — Conch shells are gifted on anniversaries. They’re meant to signify the strength of the relationship and how deep the bond has become. They also symbolise how your affection for your partner has deepend.
Serpentines — Serpentines are lovely gifts for full moon celebrations. It symbolises connection, exploration, and rebirth.
Ocean Jaspers — Ocean jaspers are engagement gifts, they’re given to your partner when you want to propose Union.
Live Sea Creatures — Live sea creatures are gifted the night of the Union, depending on the environment, the creature gifted can be a whale, manatee or orca calf, any kind of juvenile shark, stingray, manta ray, or turtle.
Scales — The most intimate gift a Siren can give their partner. It signifies the absolute deepest and most affectionate connection one can have.
Sayings and Phrases
“I have sea foam in my veins, I understand the language of waves.” — SAYING
“The sea is full of lost souls this night.” — SAYING
“I have found much beauty in the Dark as I have found a lot of horror in light.” — SAYING
“There is an unspoken rule amongst Sirens, one we all follow, like a natural instinct. Preservation.” — SAYING
“We are bound to the sea as much as you are bound to oxygen.” — SAYING
Danger Catagories
Similar to Sea Levels, there are Siren Danger Catagories.
Sunzone Sirens are your “Reef Sirens” who are very generally passive– though will get violent if threatened. They’re the least dangerous and are the most willing to show the Landborn their ways.
These have reef-fish like patterns.
Those who are defined as “Shadowzone Siren” likely exist within the Shadowzone area. They’re not particularly dangerous– more of a Neutral area– and they’re willing to communicate with Landborn. However, they do tend to prefer to stay away from their crafts.
They have warm colours– such as orange, yellow, pinks and warm blues.
Twilightzone Siren are considered to be fully neutral. They will accept mild and small intrusions into their territory, but will immediately get territorial if too many Landborn get close to it.
These have varying autumn-like colours. Any “Warm” colours will be muted and usually have a bit of a colder aspect to them.
Midnightzone Siren are territorial and don’t appreciate others pushing their boundaries. Any Landborn crafts that enter their territories are usually damaged or forcefully shoved back into another’s waters.
They have very dark colouring, but vibrant bioluminescent patterns.
Voidzone Siren are, for want of no better words, dangerous. Though they do not usually travel in Kinships, they are highly dangerous just by themselves. Most of the time they take the shape of Jellyfish or Squids, but the rarest and most deceptive form they can take is that of a Shark’s. Deceptive because they can pass as a Twilightzone– sometimes even a Shadowzone– Siren, while being incredibly dangerous.
The colours down here can vary from vibrant to really dark colours, considering it’s already so deep that nothing can see anything.
Trappist 1
This Deity is that of the Sun, which shines light upon the Solar System. It is seen as the Mother, who embraces all of it’s children. Those in Trappist 1-G believe that The Mother once had another parent, The Pa. Mother and Parent had 7 children:
Trappist 1-b
Trappist 1-c
Trappist 1-d
Trappist 1-e
Trappist 1-f
Trappist 1-g
Trappist 1-h
And you can tell how old they are by how far away from The Mother they are.
The Mother is warm-hearted now and loves all of her children very much, but she was once narcassistic, pessimistic, and very angry. 1-H recieved the brunt of this, as The Mother was wracked with grief after The Parent died which turned her into what she was.
She regrets everything she did to 1-H and 1-G, but knows she cannot take it back, so she will offer as much warmth as she can until they either fully break away or come back to her.
Trappist 1-b
The youngest of them all. Trappist 1-b is considered to be clingy towards The Mother and had the closest relationship to it. Trappist 1-b has a firey temper and always has its eyes turned towards The Mother.
Trappist 1-b feels as if all but C have abandoned The Mother and don’t see her enough, causing a vengeful spirit to rise up within it.
Trappist 1-c
Trappist 1-c is the second youngest and craves attention from The Mother. They have a good relationship with The Mother, and is slowly being prepared to be sent out into the world. Trappist 1-c is anxious, nervous, but also optimistic. It’s also know for having a bit of a temper.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-d
Trappist 1-d, the third youngest, is known for it’s resilience. Although it can be very stubborn, it’s caring, and depicted as a hard-working Deity. Its relationship with The Mother is good.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-e
Trappist 1-e, the fourth youngest, is known for its kindness and peacefulness. It has a stubbornness about it and a sense of power, but it prefers to relax and chat with The Mother and its siblings, rather than being furious at the world.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-f
Trappist 1-f, the Fifth youngest, is known for its exhaustion. 1-f is depicted as tired and numb, choosing not to talk much to its other siblings. This is due to their Moons crashing together in anger at each other before dissipating and creating a small ring around 1-F. Pieces of its friends, never to fully recover.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-g
The saddest sibling, Trappist 1-g is the sixth youngest and perhaps the one with the most terrible tale. It had one moon, and they loved each other very much, but one day they got too close when the Moon attempted to hide from The Mother’s disapproving gaze and smashed into 1-G. Tears broke through the walls 1-G had created as it cried and cried now that it had lost its loved one. Moon’s remnants carried enough intent to create children, and the salty tears 1-G cried created a vast ocean covering its entirety for them to grow in. It’s melancholy and wistful, symbolising Lost Love and Sadness.
1-G does not have a very good relationship with The Mother, which is why their eye will face away from The Mother for the entirety of a Sol.
Trappist 1-h
Trappist 1-H, the oldest sibling, is cold-hearted and angry. It strongly dislikes The Mother, which is why it is the furthest away from Her light. The Mother was still learning how to parent when 1-H was born, which means many very wrong methods were used to teach 1-H lessons.
1-H is steadily looking away from The Mother constantly, while The Mother pines for the child she ruined. She regrets very much of it, and she was going through the grief of losing The Parent at the time of 1-H’s existence, but that is no excuse and 1-H continues to hate her.
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I also like it when the werewolf can communicate and maybe even speak cause i feel like that adds a extra level of horror to it. It's very uncommon for stories to make a werewolf speak from what I've seen but I just like the idea. We already know this creature is highly intelligent but for it to able to talk is way scarier, also begs the question who's talking is it like the wolf is its own separate entity or is it still you but due to you know changing into something otherworldly and primal you talk like your not you but you are?
I really wanted the werewolves to speak, partially because in an audio-only story ots very limited to have them only growl, but mostly because there's something very unsettling about seeing them go from animalistic communication of snarls and canine body language to clear speech. Just as barbaric and savage as ever, but with human-level intelligence. The fact that certain species (Blutschreibers) are actually MORE intelligent than the average human makes it even scarier. I like the design too. If you look closely at Johann's art in episode four, you'll notice that behind his canine teeth, he has a second mouth with human teeth and a human tongue. When they speak, their canine mouth opens wide and holds still, while the human mouth articulates inside their throat.
To answer your question: it's the wolf talking. Not because the wolf is a separate entity that takes over when they transform, but because there is no human there in the first place. They simply *are* wolves. Andrea (Johann's wife) touches on the strange and drastic changes to Johann's personality, but I'm eventually going to make a bonus audio for Patreon where Johann reads his entire unabridged diary. You'll see that even before his first transformation he lost his humanity, and there is now something very primal and strange behind his eyes.
None of them see themselves as human at all. Reißzhan-Wut are born as wolves and don't gain the ability to take human form until they reach adolescence. Mondheulers undergo drastic changes to their personalities between receiving the curse and their first transformation. Blutschreibers undergo a completely different (and far stranger) transition altogether.
If you pay close attention, you'll notice that the word "werewolf" is almost never used. Jäger uses the word almost sarcastically and only once when speaking to an outsider who doesn't understand their nature. He refers to them either as monsters, wolves, or their individual species name (Mondheuler, Reißzhan-Wut, Blutschreiber). None of the werewolves call themselves human or even use the word "werewolf", they simply call themselves wolves. Jäger mentions in episode three that they never stop being wolves, even when in their human form. Johann also declares in his diary that he is a wolf, and when he's defeated he pleas with Jäger to finish him off before the moon goes down so that he can die as a beast. In Matador Gothic, Rampage does affirm that he is a "werewolf" to Alfonso, but when Alfonso asks him to transform into a man and reveal his true form Rampage rebukes him, saying that his wolf form *is* his true form.
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Alright. Here goes. Long post ahead.
Leo. Sweet, beautiful, tender hearted little Leo. I didn't value you enough. I should have taken more time to look out for you and make sure you were okay. I should have been a better friend. We all should have been. I miss you. I should have done more. I should have let you feel safe enough to open up to me. Festus shouldn't have been your only form of security. You risked your life for us, said it was for Calypso, and then she didn't even truly value how big of a heart you really had. And I could see that it hurt you, but I didn't do enough to be there when you felt most alone. I'm sorry. Please let me back in. I'm looking for you just as much as anyone else in the Seven. I miss the companionship. Our friendship reminded me that we were still mortal, still had vulnerabilities, still had parts of us that just needed to feel human with each other. You were one of the things that kept me human. Thank you.
Piper. My fiesty little dove. I wish I could remember more about you. Everything is a blurr, just like it was back when we first met. I am so, so sorry that even now, people still paint you as something you're not. This fandom still tries to shape you into a narrative instead of letting you just be your authentic self. The biphobia that people have about headcanons of you and I is disgusting, and I know you would probably feel the same. I don't blame you if you feel a need to step away from the fandom or stop looking for me as a result of any confusion or discomfort. I wish I'd been more loyal to you and helped you better process any of your feelings about your identity. Because you're still beautiful to me no matter what you choose. You never let anyone push you into a box, and you were so powerful and real for that. Wherever you are now, I hope you're still proud of yourself and shining as radiant and empowering as ever. Never, ever, ever doubt your ability not just to give love, but to be loved as well. Whatever we were, whatever we are or could be, it doesn't matter what it was called or could be called, because that love I have for you transcends labels.
Will. I know it was difficult for us at first. I was protective of Nico, and didn't want him to get hurt, and hounded both of you while I was getting defensive and overbearing. I did a lot of projecting instead of letting you both have the space to figure things out for yourselves. You were excited to have your first boyfriend, so was he, and I was fearful of seeing it potentially go wrong. It had to go its full course though, and I'm truly sorry if my jealousy or possessiveness over Nico got in the way. You'll always be my little brother though, and I wish only the best for you. I wish I had been more patient and kind. Thank you for being so understanding and patient for me, and allowing me the space to feel welcomed by the Apollo cabin and like I was part of the Camp Halfblood community. It was an escape from the heavy energy and responsibility of New Rome, and there's a lot I could have learned from you if I'd just taken the time to shut up and listen.
Annabeth. I know you didn't trust me. My intentions were never to take Percy from you. I'm sorry for making you feel insecure or intruded upon. Much like with Will and Nico, I guess I was just afraid. You and Percy went through so much together. I can never expect to understand the experiences you shared, and I admittedly feel like I will always be second to you in a lot of ways. I never wanted you to feel second to me. You are a bright, bold, intelligent, courageous and highly diplomatic young woman who I have always had a deep respect for. I only ever wanted for us to be friends, had we ever been able to talk it out and establish those boundaries and vulnerabilities with each other. It's okay, though. Don't ever, ever doubt that Percy loves you. I swear that.
Frank. You're a good guy. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing great. I know your upbringing and heritage made a lot of your position in society quite scary and heavy to carry, and I could have been more available to support you in shouldering all of that responsibility, but you show a maturity and kindness that many could learn from. I have no doubt in my mind that you'd make a brilliant father and a fantastic pioneer for change in New Rome, and I trust that had you carried on after I was gone, you were making the right decisions. Fighting alongside you was an honour, soldier. Be a little nicer to Leo though, okay? He means well.
Hazel. I have nothing but respect for you. I wish I'd gotten to know you better. Thank you for looking after Nico when he needed a sister in his life. You were everyone's sister, and your compassion and kindness never went unnoticed by any of us. Keep on shining.
Clarisse. I know we butted heads, you butted heads with everyone, but it's okay to show your soft side. Not everything has to be a battle. It's okay. You're not alone. Nobody really hated you. You're so much tougher than you give yourself credit for. I enjoyed our friendly banter and sparring. You were a good buddy. Your music taste is still fantastic. Never stop rocking, queen.
Rachel. Thanks for letting me vent. You were invaluable in my times of need. Bless your heart.
Reyna. Get yourself that damn vacation you've been dreaming of all your life. Kick your feet up. Have a margarita. Reward yourself from time to time. You work so so so hard. It's okay. Let yourself rest. The legion will keep going even jf you take a break for yourself. You've earned it. Let yourself rest. More importantly, let yourself sleep girl!
Thalia. Thalia, Thalia, Thalia. What would I have ever done without you? I am... so, so, so sorry I had those fights with you. It's ironic how I turned to the sun and you to the moon, huh? So similar yet so different. But we were always pack, always family. I shouldn't have lashed out when you needed support of your own, even if it did come from someone like Luke. I still feel hurt and like you chose him over me, like how I guess Nico felt about Bianca choosing Artemis as well sometimes... but it never made me hate you, if anything it just made my admiration for you so much stronger. I wish, with all my heart, that I could have been there with you and Grover to prevent those things happening to you, to stop Luke turning on everyone, but I guess destiny just called us in different directions, huh? I can't say I'm happy about how things turned out, but I don't blame you for being angry at our parents about it. Just know that I forgive you, if you have it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sad that we never really reconnected after we found each other again, but I know that you were in good hands with the Huntresses. If we ever reconnect in this life... I want my sister back, and I hope you want your brother back as well. If nothing else, to at least find closure and patch up loose ends. I miss you. I love you. Please be safe.
- Jason Grace #🖤⚡️🦅
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There is a magazine published by a group of Nigerian creatives that I have been watching grow. The latest issue had the theme of anger, and, though I haven't read it in full, some of the excerpts I saw felt really thoughtful, and also got me thinking about what I have been observing about how anger manifests as an emotion and thought process.
Specifically, the case it made for anger as a necessary tool, particularly in practices that center liberation and decolonial thinking.
One of the often repeated arguments is that oppressed people are invalidated for reactive anger, which usually comes at the result of continuous patterns of aggression against them.
I think that this is true, but I also think that the issue is not anger.
Anger, as with any other emotion, is valid because it works to reveal something about a situation or interaction that felt unpleasant or out of alignment.
Sometimes it is what tells you that a boundary has been transgressed, or that you've discovered a new boundary - someone or something has interacted with you in a way that has made you feel unsafe, unheard, unappreciated, taken advantage of, or any number of things.
Now, I think the real issue is that when this happens, even in circumstances that feel oppressive, one must learn to decode this anger so that it can be properly directed towards movement that can lead to actionable solutions.
The issue with reactive anger is that, often, it finds the wrong target.
And, in the case of people whose anger stems from situations that are indeed oppressive, sometimes that anger is redirected inwards or at those who are equally disadvantaged, because being angry at the real source of the problem feels impossible.
But, in fact, learning to identify, feel anger towards, and name the real source of this anger is the first step toward change.
Nikki Giovanni and James Baldwin briefly touch on this in their much referenced conversation. I don't think they reach any specific conclusion, but I get the sense that the need for this process of decoding anger is what they are trying to put language to.
One thing I do maintain is that anger does not give anyone the right to be abusive.
I think a far more constructive thing to do is to acknowledge the feelings that arise and identify what about your material reality is causing those feelings, and consider what can or needs to be done from there.
One thing I have observed closely of late, which makes me quite angry, is the weaponization of "niceness" as a means of silencing valid and thoughtful critique.
Every person is owed respectful communication. And, to be whole and thoughtful is to have the ability to identify one's emotional state and communicate your needs to those you are in conversation with.
However, I do think that when you are in a situation in which this is being impeded, ignored or abused, the communication in fact needs to change.
You cannot communicate respectfully with someone who is fundamentally disrespecting you or denying you of your humanity.
Such a person has already shown you that they are not capable of seeing you as a whole because to do so would require a level of accountability that they may not be willing to find in themselves.
Often, I think when certain groups of people are perceived as being rude, it is not always because they truly are.
I think sometimes it is because they've seen the scam. They're not buying it, and it makes the people who have been able to hide behind the confusion and disorientation of the people they are taking advantage of embarrassed and uncomfortable.
For instance, misogynoir and pervasive myth of the angry black woman. I think about how often this has been used to silence those who try to raise valid concerns.
And, how often this label is applied to black women who are in fact highly intelligent and communicating truthfully, effectively, factually, and directly.
It is this style of communication that also leads to attempts to tell them that they need to "be nice".
In the same way that Toni Morrison talks about racism being a distraction, I think the idea that black women need to sweeten up their communication to make themselves more palatable, functions as the same sort of distraction.
There are a handful of very famous women that come to mind when I think about the weaponization of "niceness", specifically because I've observed that they frequently pitch their voices to sound child-like, which, to me, seems like an effort to signal helplessness or being harmless.
But, when you actually closely watch their behavior and how their style of communication changes in accordance to who they are speaking to and what they want from a conversation, you become aware that presenting as helpless is by design.
Now, I understand that there is complexity where sexism, racism, and a number of other isms meet. However, I do think it is important to note that the women in question are able to leverage this perception partly because they are white, and the narrative around white women has historically been quite different than that of black women.
These women are also immensely wealthy. Well connected, and, could not have achieved this without a certain level of business acumen, intelligence, and social privilege.
The latter being something that they are deeply invested in keeping, which, so long as this remains true, is why they cannot be effective or honest partners or collaborators to marginalized individuals.
To do so would require renouncing the privileges of class and wealth that are also tied to race, and, truly being invested in listening to and being in conversation with rather than benefiting from or exploiting those who are in the process of self-determination.
It should also be noted that at several points throughout their career, they deeply benefited from proximity to what some may deem as "black culture".
This association with black people or an idea of "black culture", has almost always been fairly narrow and male-centered, meaning mostly rappers and athletes.
As a result, they have platformed an idea of black culture and black people that has subconsciously served to reinforce a very specific perspective of blackness that does not acknowledge its multidimensionality.
To be clear, there is nothing wrong with undertaking a career as a musician or a professional athlete. The level of effort it takes to hone either of these crafts and do them exceptionally well, like with any other skill set, requires focus, and many people, whether due to circumstance or a myriad of other things, do not achieve these careers at a professional level.
But, someone's career does not represent the fullness of who they are, and if they are being platformed as such for the consumption of racist fantasies, that is harmful.
When black women have expressed concerns around some of these representations, they have often been silenced as "haters", or told that it is this standoffishness or lack of "niceness" that makes them "undesirable" to black men, among other things.
And yet it is also this lack of "niceness" that people come expect to be able to call upon when things aren't going well.
And, then, suddenly, there is the myth of the "strong black woman", who is expected to clean up the messes of the very people who wanted her to believe that her perspective was one of bitterness and jealousy, and not of love and concern.
It should be noted that some of the same black men who have benefited from platforming colorism and anti-blackness, specifically targeted at black women, are the same men who demand the support of "the black community" when they begin to realize that you can't buy, marry, procreate, or assimilate your way out of racism.
You've got to dismantle it. Starting by purging it from within.
#boybrotherfriend#anger#random thoughts#nikki giovanni#james baldwin#decolonization#misogynoir#toni morrison
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Friendly reminder that this headcanon specifically applies only to this RP blog and character, it's not meant to be used as a theory for the series as a whole.
It's widely known that only those with the 'blood of the dragon' are able of riding dragons, though the reason behind this is up for debate, but it hints to some kind of connection ( be it to the genetic level or through bloodmagic sorcery, which I expand on over here ) between Valyrians ( specifically, Dragonlords ) and dragons.
What is also known is that Dragonlords did use magical objects such as horns, to more effectively control their dragons. These were intelligent creatures with their own wills and whims, so they did disobey their riders often enough, especially if the bond was still weak. In time, as the bond is fortified, then these instances occurred less. Horns and spells were sung in an attempt to fortify that bond and prevent this 'disobedience' through magical control. However, it was not necessary, as Targaryens and their 'dragonseed' could bond with dragons without the use of them.
A dragon bond is in itself a magical connection, which is why Valyrian Dragonlords practiced incest to preserve the magical quality of their blood as pure as possible, to maintain that ability to bond with and ride dragons ( aside from political reasons, of course ). The bond does not only involve the rider but the dragon, so this means that the dragon also must 'choose' the rider, and this depends on each of them individually. For the rider, the bond may begin first as an allure of sorts, an affinity to a certain dragon or even a developed interest, which can happen when they have been exposed to the frequent company of one. An example of this can be how Targaryens placed dragon eggs in the cradles and the dragons that hatched ( if they did ) were bonded to the babies.
Aside from being able to ride dragons, the bond allowed for the pair to be connected on an emotional and subconscious level. Dragons learn commands initially through the emotional communication with their riders as they are being taught/trained, associating the words with what they can subconsciously perceive from the rider ( their 'will' pretty much ) when the word is spoken. Afterwards, as highly intelligent ( in ways people cannot understand ) creatures, this will enable them to better learn and understand the human language of their rider. They would also grow aware of where the other is and call for them ( though very large distances may hinder this to an extent ), if they are in danger or alarmed, as well as feel their pain as their own. This merger also seems to benefit the rider's health, perhaps triggering magical properties in their blood, which could render them resistant to diseases or illnesses. They can even feel as the other passes away, which would be an incredibly tormenting and traumatic event.
From this subconsciously emotional connection can also come new challenges for both of them. When the bond is being developed, there is a clash of 'wills' so to speak, in which one part may push against the subconscious of the other, influencing their actions or even moods. For example, while a dragon is in the middle of the hunt, its rider may feel hunger, a surge of adrenaline, more violent tendencies, or altogether be repulsed by certain foods due to what the dragon is eating. If the rider is upset, the dragon may become violent and prone to 'disobedience', as it may confuse the emotional turmoil and act on it or against it. As the bond develops and solidifies, a balance will eventually come in which both dragon and rider will be able to distinguish their individual 'wills' by consolidating them into the bond. It will form a more effective communication, to the point where those more deeply forged bonds will allow for the rider to fly upon the dragon without even needing to voice instructions or commands of where to go or what to do.
Usually, the stronger bonds are formed when both rider and dragon have grown together, since they were an infant and a hatchling, respectively. But there have been instances where older riders have bonded to mature dragons, and developed a strong and deeper connection quickly. Since the bond tends to depend on each individual rider and dragon's character and circumstances, then it's near impossible to set a standard for its intricacies. But what is known is how a rider may not claim another dragon, even if their own has perished, although a dragon may accept another rider if their previous one died. This may be due to the differences in the lifespans of human and dragon, the former expected to not reach old age and the latter being able to live over two centuries ( likely longer still ). Or it could also have to do with how the rider's blood has already forged a connection with the one dragon, and is unable of doing so again with another. It's yet another of the mysteries surrounding this bond.
#yes i took lots of inspo from the inheritance cycle books xD#just tried to twist it around with the asoiaf stuff that is known cuz ofc dragons don't telepathically talk here#but the riders do seem to know how their dragons feel to an extent so i just splashed it with eragon and saphira bond stuff#as always the headcanons are works in progress and can be changed depending on interactions and such#vae hcs#headcanons#[ f i r e made f l e s h ] dragons#[ d r a g o n l o r d ] vaedar
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balanced characters: spy family & phantombusters
something that i love about phantom busters when i was reading it, it reminded me a lot of how spy family’s characters are also flawed and integral to the plot! the way the characters are made to move the plot forward by creating conflicts, or their character being flawed, to solve and work around. this is just a long winded ramble about how i noticed why liked how the characters are crafted well for the stories they carry out!
spy family, has a spy, assassin, and telepath living all under one roof. but what aids the plot in moving forward and kept interesting, is that arguably the most powerful character is a young girl who doesn’t understand the intricacies of all the adult internal workings of consequences yet. anya can’t bestow the knowledge that she knows out of fear of putting herself in danger, and because she’s probably younger than 6, and why would anyone believe a child?
all of the spy family characters have a debuff one way or another that makes them feel more balanced and not insanely overpowered. yor is described to be physically stronger than loid, but has her clumsy side that’s still learning how to cook and care for a family. this isn’t to push her into the box of “powerful but clumsy”, because yor is shown to be highly emotionally intelligent and observant of those around her.
loid’s issue is that he has to raise a family as a disguise and allow more of a humane approach back into his life, when the majority of his spy life has been very emotionally detached work. all of this helps aid to entertaining character growth and a way to move the plot forward by creating conflicts that are started by small flaws in the characters. the fact that they're all keeping this from a secret from each other further aids and adds suspense to the plot!
now moving over to phantom busters. this manga only had 10 chapters out that i know of, but the set up of plot and characters is very clear! each of the main boys have one ability that allows them to interact with ghosts. 3/4 actually have paranormal abilities, so while eugene doesn’t have any powers, he plays a big role in acting as the glue and brain of the group.

tamon can hear ghosts, but can’t see them. kanzaki can see ghosts but can’t hear them. mogari can exorcise ghosts, but can’t perceive them at all without someone’s help. he normally will touch someone with such abilities and be able to use their powers to see the ghost and then exorcise them.
people could argue that the ability to hear ghosts could be overlooked, however not all ghosts are malicious with their presence and intent. being able to hear them out, in turn can allow the the group to peacefully settle with the ghost and help them move on, rather than immediately jumping to exorcising them (sometimes it can prove more difficult when they fight back). all of the members of this group can technically work on their own individually, however mogari is the most disadvantaged with needing someone to aid his exorcisms.
tamon can hear. kanzaki can see. mogari has to eat the ghosts, which is tied to taste. while smell and touch aren’t mentioned explicitly, i find it super nice to split apart the senses amongst the boys to force them come together and work alongside one another to be a functional group. they’re all missing a sense from the 5 basic ones that most humans have. coming together it allows them to overcome their problems that they had without having all the senses to communicate, see, and get rid of ghosts.
this isn’t really case where in the real world where if you are disabled and have one of your senses not available to you, that your other senses enhance further to make up for the lack of that sense. these boys essentially are stronger together because only they have access to that power and sense to the paranormal!
phantombusters is still fairly new, but i can't wait to see how the author goes on with the story because they have a very interesting setup so far with how their characters work with each other!!

#spy family#phantombusters#phantombusters manga#spy family manga#spy x family#literary analysis#rambles#character analysis
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Could you please talk about sto?
I tried to search for him in the tags but maybe they're not working for me and I'd like to know more about the man (🪱 worm🪱)
What does he like to do.... His dreams.... If he has friends...
okay so i had to do some nonsense to type this out b/c its too much to type on the phone but also tumblr desktop is still super fucking borked for me in terms of asks and i dont know why
sto is a member of a sapient alien species of giant ice worms! they are extremely solitary and would be considered violent by most standards though they tend not to view themselves as such. their langue is almost entire compromised of "writing" in the form of how the tunnels they burrow through are made, arranged, textured, and their depth, as well as supplemented by various deep subsonic sounds
they exist in a very stream-of-conciousness sort of way, as they literally "write" as they move; in the strange way, they're sort of constantly narrating their own existence
their planet is largely comprised of ice and water but has large swathes of mineral deposites scatter through- some make islands, some are just deposits on the "seabed" (majority is frozen; water really only happens in certain parts during the hottest part of their planetary cycle)
most of the fauna and flora on the planet have to be extremely hardy, as nuritent sources are not the most prominent (they're there! but its not easy), and the planet only has one or two carnivorous species (of which the worms are one of them)
they are cannibalistic as well as feeding off of other species, but dont need to eat exceptionally often as their bodies have this sort of hyper efficiency thing going on
i also have uuhh plotted out a lot of how their ahem reproductive lives work but we can get into that another time
sto's species is considered EXTREMELY dangerous for any offworld travelors as their very sensitive to sound and movement on the surface of the planet and they do Not turn up a chance at easy prey; they also were not believed to be more than just large animals (sto is so far the first the only evidence that their species is not only sapient, but Extremely intelligent, but most dont know about him)
b/c of how their communication works they have a sort of culture that highly empasizes the individual as an aspect of religion (they sort of consider themselves their own gods?) and an emphasis on the endless pursuit of knowledge, as basically most of what they do is write and think
people still come to this planet, however, as its the only known source of an extremely bizarre, highly radioactive mineral that is highly sought after for ~~weaponry~~ RESEARCH purposes, as it's basically so potent it can rip you apart at the molecular level, while also being strangely easy to manipulate and channel
as a result the planet is sort of infamous as a massive death planet where you either get eaten or freeze to death, and mostly only hired hands go there for samples Or ppl who are weird and want to research that planet Specifically (put a pin in this)
so sto HAS seen humans (and other sapient species from off planet) before, and he's eaten his fair share, but mostly hes just extremely curious about them and spent a lot of time "watching" them (the worms have eyes but their sight is Not Great)
and he like. wow he thinks hands are so cool. hands and arms. its so easy to manipulate things!!! if he wants to do that he has to use his tongues. thats so cool he wants hands.
anyway (fake science babble) over the course of like a century this weird little piss has made a device utilizing aforementioned mineral to blast himself apart at a molecular level and reconstruct it as he has pre-programmed it to- resulting in him being able to be _shaped_ into a humanoid form (this is important- he does not know how humans Work inside. he had to guess a lot of things and he largely only managed to look kind of human on a surface level; his bone structure is almost entiely guesswork b/c he knows humans have SOMETHING inside them because they are crunchy, etc. he's mostly worm once you get past the skin. even the skin isnt quite right, because he had not Yet learned what human skin even feels like. he just defaulted to a sort of velvet-soft flesh not unlike what the worms have on spots where theyre not as heavily furred)
eventually he encounters a merc ship and the ppl on board are like "hey what the shitting fucking hell is that thats a guy but thats not a guy what the Fuck"
he can't talk, he doesnt emote, he seems to barely be able to walk, to them he's like a newborn, almost
this is where his "present" story begins to kick off- because on board this ship is a xenobiologist who has gotten free access onboard in exchange for functioning as a ship medic
this is delilah. she is a devout bapist from whatever deep south america there still is on future earth. she loves xenobiology. she ESPECIALLY loves "efficient" xeno-animals. shes here because she Fucking Loves These Worms. These Worms Are Her Favourite. shes also completely fucking insane. whatever you are picturing she looks like you are probably wrong.
shes like hey. that weird guy might die out there hes like. naked. even if hes a ken doll. and theyre like yeah youre right. its cold. theres worms. why is he even fucking here what is going on.
so they drag him on board and internally he's like ": }"
anyway with a lot of poking prodding and meet-cute delilah eventually comes to a Realization of what this dude is even if she doesnt get How this dude is and she promptly loses her whole fucking brain because this is the bestest and coolest thing that has ever happened to her
this is also the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to her shipmates, because theres a fucking death worm on the ship and they left planet side hours ago
so (hand waves a lot of deal making deliberation discussion) evnetually sto is just sort of adopted as a member of the crew, more or less, even if most of the crew is Very Uncomfortable
he and delilah get slowly better at communicating, because they are both very smart and both trying Extremely hard to meet eachother halfway
eventually they become and item and its cute and horrifying and bizarre and delilah gets to fuck her special interest its Amazing and sto has barely any understanding of a _partner_ but he _has_ had brief mates before and he understands that humans tend to stay with their mates and also not mutilate or attempt to eat their mates and he is a Very Good At Human Good Boy and he will Not hurt delilah he loves her very much in his little worm hearts (not that delilah would mind getting murdered by her worm boyfriend, she is, in fact, bonkers)
"sto" is called "sto" b/c thats what the crew started calling him. depending on who you ask its short for either "stoic" or "stowaway"
sto is a "man" because delilah roughly explained the cocnept of gender to him and he was like "oh okay That One" but he doesnt really give a shit about pronouns, he barely understnads what pronouns are
he is delilah's boyfriend/research assistant/research subject and totgethor Adventures happen idk
his humanoid appearance i have not yet made decent art of but you can get an idea by knowing that hes White (like, literally stark white. like snow. not like white as in how some humans are white) and aesthetically largely based on the anime mad scientist trope bc i love it
see also this post

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Since taking power in a coup two years ago, Myanmar’s military junta has suppressed people's rights, cracked down on opposition, and used deadly force against civilians. To enable this, officials have clamped down on people’s communications and rolled out extensive digital surveillance systems. Now, new evidence shows how people are being tracked online and offline simultaneously.
In April this year, the military junta launched one of its deadliest air strikes—killing more than 160 people in the Kanbalu region in a single day. Following the strike, pro-junta Telegram channels systematically doxed people who showed support for the victims on social media, new research shared with WIRED shows. Their names, photos, and other personal information were all shared. Days after the doxing, which also revealed the real-world movements of some of the individuals, people were arrested and imprisoned.
The revelations from Myanmar Witness, a project run by the digital investigations group Centre for Information Resilience, demonstrates how oppressive forces can use people’s social media posts against them. It also shows the intense surveillance faced by people living under Myanmar’s military junta, which includes rolling internet shutdowns and increasing CCTV.
“The military regime and their supporters in Myanmar have weaponized the internet, and doxing has become the tip of the spear—the most aggressive way of intimidating people into silence, online and offline,” says Lu Aye, the lead investigator at Myanmar Witness. The group investigated the incident using open source intelligence techniques, comparing on-the-ground reports with digital evidence.
The air strike hit the village of Pa Zi Gyi, in central Myanmar, on the morning of April 11 as hundreds of people celebrated the opening of a new village building, which had been backed by Myanmar’s pro-democratic National Unity Government. More than 160 people, including women and children, died in the air strike, with reports from CNN and the Guardian describing bodies burning on the ground and medical teams not immediately able to access the site due to planes flying overhead. (A military spokesperson told local press it was targeting “terrorists.”)
In the days following the incident, locals changed their Facebook profile pictures to black images and shared messages of support for the victims. According to reports in the state-owned Myanmar Alin newspaper that were analyzed by Myanmar Witness, 68 people were arrested. (One other arrest was reported by the BBC.) People were arrested for spreading propaganda, cooperating with the pro-democracy government, and public disturbance, according to the analysis. All the of arrests mention people’s social media profiles.
A series of 19 Telegram channels that appear to support the State Administration Council, the official name of the military junta, shared the personal details and Facebook posts of 20 people who supported air strike victims, the Myanmar Witness research says. Of these, 11 were arrested after being doxed. “Revealing the identities, addresses, and other details of dissenters online is a powerful weapon of suppression,” Lu Aye says. “It leaves individuals vulnerable and intimidated and scares off many more from calling out the military and standing up for democracy.”
It is “highly likely” that the doxing and subsequent arrests are related, Lu Aye says. Messages sent alongside the doxing posts were often similar to the published reasons for the arrest, and the timelines overlap, Lu Aye says. On average, according to the analysis, an arrest happened six and a half days after the doxing post appeared—and in all the instances, the doxing happened at least one day before the arrest. Some people were doxed multiple times, with a total of 59 doxing posts for the 20 people targeted.
Lu Aye says that the researchers have, for the “first time,” found evidence to show the “coordination of online and offline surveillance and suppression.” “We found a shop owner who was named and targeted by seven different pro-junta Telegram channels in one day,” Lu Aye says. “The victim fled her home and shop, movements which were reported on by two of the channels who also called for the shop owner’s arrest and [said] they would continue to report on the individual.”
Myanmar’s embassy in Washington, DC did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment about the arrests and doxing. Telegram has also not responded to a request for comment at the time of writing. Doxing on Telegram isn’t new. As WIRED has previously reported, politically motivated doxing is now rife across the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe. Telegram previously said it moderates the publication of private information on its platform.
Of the 19 Telegram channels highlighted by Myanmar Witness, five no longer appear to exist. The largest has 112,000 followers, while others have more than 10,000. Several seem to still be posting screenshots of people’s Facebook profiles and other personal information, a WIRED review of the channels found.
Manny Maung, a Myanmar researcher at nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch, says that while doxing has been increasing in the country in the past two years, it is hard to document. Maung says she has seen lawyers “go to ground” after having their personal details, as well as their home address and details about family members, spread online. “That is enough to scare people right now,” she says.
Since the military junta took power, people’s digital and physical rights have been eroded, Maung says. There have been frequent internet shutdowns, which keep people from organizing and prevent information from getting out of Myanmar. Several laws have also been amended, giving authorities greater powers, such as the ability to clamp down on civil society and snoop on people’s communications.
Andrea Calderaro, a senior lecturer in international relations at Cardiff University who has worked on Myanmar’s internet connectivity, says the digital activists he knows have had to flee. “All the telecom operators are under the control of the military junta,” he says. “The connectivity that has been built over the years is clearly now being turned against the population. It’s now a tool that the government is using to control and repress populations.”
Myanmar Witness has verified and mapped more than 750 incidents in the three years from October 2020 to this month. Each one is based on photos or videos that have come out of the country, and researchers have checked their location and the events recorded. These include houses being destroyed and burnt, bombs caught exploding on CCTV footage, and dead bodies on the street.
“Among the litany of atrocities and abuses, the military is abusing their own people’s rights: rights to access of information, the right to organize, the right to live without fear of being attacked or killed,” Maung says. “All of this is happening in a widespread context where the military is clamping down on all aspects of life.”
Myanmar Witness’s Lu Aye says that since the doxing and the wider arrests, at least five of the people apprehended were released within four months of their arrest. These individuals were mostly well-known in local communities, and their release was reported by people on the ground, Lu Aye says. “We do not know the fate of the more than 60 other people who were arrested.”
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It’s times like these (exams) that I wonder what all this work was for. Like, on a whole, were the people who advanced society (philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, some politicians & rulers, etc) thinking “ah yes, one day my descendants will be able to sit in fluorescent-lit rooms and fill in bubbles on a piece of paper that will be judged by a machine to determine if they’re intelligent enough to not have to take a class in the special school they’ll go to after 12 years of schooling” or “ah yes, one day my decedents will be staying up late researching things they don’t give a damn about because the government decided it was important. Will they ever be genuinely interested in pursuing the topic after associating it with exhaustion, back pain, lack of control over their own lives, and a lack of self worth? Ha, probably not, isn’t that great?”
And then did pioneers from what are less privileged groups today go, “oh, oh, and my decedents will struggle to get an education instead! They’ll also have dirty water and be starving and their economy will be failing and their government will be corrupt! Wouldn’t that be so fun?”
And did the pioneers from what are privileged groups today go, “That’s genius! And the young people from our countries will learn, like, Calculus, while not being encouraged to help those less fortunate than them. I mean, they’ll do ‘service hours,’ I guess, but that won’t be nearly as rewarded as working to be accepted to a highly respected college, which they’ll also pay to attend, even though we’ll eventually create a resource (the internet) where literally all the knowledge of the human race can be recorded and communicated.”
I was told by people much smarter than me that the school system and much of our culture is meant, first and foremost, to benefit the economy. And personally, I believe it. We’re taught about productivity and how to maximize output, with only a small amount of time being dedicated to exploring what is valuable to us as individuals and to the world as a whole. Or the way that we, as individuals, function best, both alone and in a group. (And when I say in a group, I don’t mean group projects where you just want to get it done and get a decent grade, I mean group projects that you actually care about contributing to.) We’re basically taught how to do a simple job. Get instructions, follow instructions, improve at task. And even then, the skills are only really applicable to jobs that don’t require actual independent thought.
Critical thinking skills? Unheard of. Comprehension skills? What are you even talking about.
We aren’t taught thinking skills; we’re taught patterns. It’s no wonder that most young people seem unoriginal and dependent. Society took the human feature that allows us to improve as a whole and made it so extreme that we don’t grow as individuals. (Or learn to actively consider the actual whole, including those outside our social group and more.)
TLDR: Is measurable academic success, (and later economic success, especially through traditional means) really what we should be shaping children to value and achieve?
#us society#societal issues#overcoming societal norms#societal expectations#societalimpact#societal pressure#school#school problems#Public school system#school system#student#students#critical thinking#it’s late but I had a thought
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As announced: if you find the time I’d love your interpretation on my compatibility with Channie🤭 I’m curious to see what you’ll write cause I’m pretty sure our moons might clash😂
Gemini sun in 7th house, aries moon in 5th house, Taurus mercury in 7th house, Gemini Venus in 8th house, Virgo mars in 10th house and finally - Scorpio rising 🤭
Tysm x
here you go honeyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️ sorry if there are typos, lol my thumbs were going 100 miles a minute.
Scorpio Ascendant: with your ascendant being in scorpio, i could see you having an energy that could seem unapproachable. likely, that isn't your intention. for most scorps who experience this, it is simply because they are shy, have a unique or dark sense or dress, or are simply in their head in their own world. either way, you probably give off an alluring energy that does get people at least curious in you. since your ascendant is your first impression, chan would be instantly drawn to you. i've talked previously about how his mars is in scorpio as well. it's no secret that there would be an unspeakable connection there that would just be felt, without even realizing it. chan would most likely find himself attracted to you or drawn to you without even understanding why. this feeling could also lead to a great first conversation and overall unforgettable first impression.
Gemini Sun in 7th house: your sun being in your 7th house is a good indication that you get along well with others. usually, right off the bat, you are able to sense at least something that you have in common with the other person. you most likely pick this up easily and understand what a person wants from you from the first encounter you have with them. most likely, you'd rather spend time with people 1:1 than in groups, because it helps you get a vibe for that person. i think all of these would lead to a great git with channie's personality. he is obviously a very social guy and picks up on social cues easily. i think he'd be super happy to have someone who just "gets" humans and are as curious about about them as he is. with you both having suns in air signs, the relationship between you two seems like it would be very easy breezy in everyday life. you have fun, light-hearted conversations. one of the biggest points though is that channie would most likely feel comfortable using his flirty personality around you.
Aries Moon in 5th house: your moon being in aries while also in the 5th house has so many implications! i'll hit the highlights. aries is very much about drive and passion, so it suggests to me that you can only be emotionally satisfied with yourself when you think you are being productive OR when you feel valuable. in other words, you usually need to find a level of confidence to be truly satisfied in your emotional state. the aries placement also shows that you may be includes to emotional impulsivity- whether you are communicating how you feel or not, it will usually be very evident that you can quickly show strong emotions. you also most likely do not take criticism suppper well (especially if not said in a caring manner) as protecting your ego is important. it also means you are inclined to protect the egos of those you love. this placement could be an area of clash with chan. chan's 5th house in virgo, as well is moon in libra indicates that he has internal struggles with always needing to feel valuable as well, leading to confidence issues. this could be something that you struggle with as well. i think you would both need to work on your personal journeys to maintaining a positive self image (at all times) before you could help each other as a couple.
taurus mercury in the 7th house: with mercury in your 7th house, this indicates that good communication is vital in any relationship you go into. with mercury ruling intellect and taurus ruling learning, you are more than likely very intelligent. taurus is also highly associated with the arts, so it is also likely you are intelligent regarding one art form or another- usually through understanding hidden meanings and finding small details. taurus also tends to be very patient in both thinking and speaking. this is a really great pairing for channie! he will appreciate that you can put a lot of thought behind your words when having a deep conversation. he would also really like the fact that you'd be able to help him with his artistry if the time ever arose. i'm sure he would ask for your thoughts and opinions about many things regarding his work.
gemini venus in 8th house: your venus in the 8th means that you can be completely obmersive in romantic relationships. you tend to be vulnerable once you get into a relationship, as venus drives a wabt for intimacy in the rawest form. venus is the ruler of the 8th house, so these qualities are heightened. when you are in love, you love PASSIONATELY. it is highly likely that you make incredibly deep sexual connections with your partner and that it is something you truly need.... having venus in gemini also means that you need a partner who is mentally stimulating and highly intelligent. if someone does not mentally stimulate you, it isn't likely that you will be able to stick around for long. in other words, superficial looks are not enough to keep you in a relationship. you have to have found a best friend in that person. chan's scorpio venus is a perfect fit. he would adore the way that you approach relationships and the fact that you would be just as emotionally invested as him. i could see you being the couple that literally blocks out the rest of the world emotionally- in other words, you would rely solely on each other for a soul connection and no longer look for that type of release from external factors.
virgo mars in 10th house: mars in the 10th house, as well as your virgo placement, indicates that you have the keys to be very successful materialistically. typically, this presents in that you have a skillset OR mindset that makes you successful in obtaining rewards. because of your mars in virgo, you are very thoughtful and notice small details. so if other people don't value this OR show that same energy back, it can get irritating for you. you also more than likely like following some sort of routine, no matter how loose. you would at least prefer it to having something new and unknown every single day. therefore, you can butt heads with people who are careless or change things up last minute. this could be a potential source of conflict between you and chan, as his mars in sag is all about freedom, change, and adventure.
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