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fictionkinfessions 5 months ago
Canon Nicknames part 2: Names I gave others edition.
Piper McLean: Dove (extremely affectionate/romantic), Tiger (wink wink nudge nudge), Powerpuff Girl (her favourite flower was blossoms and the joke kind of carried on from there), Strawberry, Pinkie, Pepper Spray Piper (often shortened to Pepper)
Leo Valdez: Dorito Boy, Guy Fierri, Nacho Man, Leo D. Loco, Chihuaha, Mister Spicy, Sriracha Man, Rust Nuts (affectionate/teasing), Perrito, Smokey, Buster (mythbusters reference), many many others I can't remember entirely
Thalia Grace: Tally, Taz/Thaz, Sparky (we shared this nickname and people used to call us the Sparky Twins), Wolf/Wolfie, Fangies, Bitey Bitch (affectionate/teasing), Moon Moon, The Rockin' Shockin' Rebel (often shortened to Roxy Shocks), The Grace With The Mace, Punchy Pines (she hated this one)
Annabeth Chase: Wise Girl, Bookworm, Smartypants (affectionate/teasing), Owl, and uh... Hooters University (I think this one was definitely Leo's fault, or in the very least she smacked him affectionately over the head for using it once)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare: Rachel Riddler, Denim Daredevil, Patch/Patches, Miss Frizzle, Paint Stains, Misty
Frank Zhang: Frank The Tank (shortened to Tank), Animorph, Doom Guy, G.I. Joe, Sg. In Charge, Bear in the Big Purple House (shortened to Bear), Leaderman, Major Martian
Hazel Levesque: Sugarcookie (shortened to Cookie), Dots (she wore a lot of polkadots), Bunny Bones, Glitterbug, Golden Girl
Reyna Ram铆rez-Arellano: Danger Mom (affectionate/teasing), Mama Bear, Wine Mom
Nico Di Angelo: Neeks, Geeky Neeky (affectionate/teasing, he hated this one though), Nicomagic, Scar/Kovu, Ghost King, Mister Spooky, Batman, Morty, Blackberry, Nico Di Angstelo (affectionate/teasing), Necro Di Angelo (didn't get used that often), Night Watcher, Skeleton Man
Percy Jackson: Fishface (affectionate), Pearl (extremely intimate and highly romantic name that only I used for him because he was My Precious Pearl 馃┑), Sea Prince (again very romantic connotations), Sea Star (are you sensing a theme here), Marine Queen (affectionate/teasing), Nemo, Blueberry, Wet Boy, Aquaman, Mister Fishy, Love Of My Life
Will Solace: Sunny, Doctor Sunshine, Sparkles, Doctor Dimmadome, Sunflower, Dandelion/Dandy, Flannel Man (shortened to Flanny)
Octavian: Cocktavian (highly derogatory sorry, but I did NOT like this guy)
- Jason Grace #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessionsarchived 6 years ago
(assassination cw): even though it's canon divergent I remembered how I was impaled by extremists and bled out in front of everyone I loved... long before that book had even been published I just... knew. But no, in my canon I hadn't died heroically to an arrow defending my friends... it was out of the blue with a sword through the gut, just like Varus had stabbed me before... and no, I didn't leave Piper. I would Never. I'd almost prefer brick jokes again over jokes of my death... - Jason Grace
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canonhollers 9 years ago
im jason grace from the percy jackson books and im looking for anyone except leo and nico!
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fictionkinfessions 6 months ago
Hey, demigods outside of the Seven. You're valid too. Never forget that. You'll find your people as well. Just keep on believing that and one day it'll happen.
- Jason #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 7 months ago
Alright. Here goes. Long post ahead.
Leo. Sweet, beautiful, tender hearted little Leo. I didn't value you enough. I should have taken more time to look out for you and make sure you were okay. I should have been a better friend. We all should have been. I miss you. I should have done more. I should have let you feel safe enough to open up to me. Festus shouldn't have been your only form of security. You risked your life for us, said it was for Calypso, and then she didn't even truly value how big of a heart you really had. And I could see that it hurt you, but I didn't do enough to be there when you felt most alone. I'm sorry. Please let me back in. I'm looking for you just as much as anyone else in the Seven. I miss the companionship. Our friendship reminded me that we were still mortal, still had vulnerabilities, still had parts of us that just needed to feel human with each other. You were one of the things that kept me human. Thank you.
Piper. My fiesty little dove. I wish I could remember more about you. Everything is a blurr, just like it was back when we first met. I am so, so sorry that even now, people still paint you as something you're not. This fandom still tries to shape you into a narrative instead of letting you just be your authentic self. The biphobia that people have about headcanons of you and I is disgusting, and I know you would probably feel the same. I don't blame you if you feel a need to step away from the fandom or stop looking for me as a result of any confusion or discomfort. I wish I'd been more loyal to you and helped you better process any of your feelings about your identity. Because you're still beautiful to me no matter what you choose. You never let anyone push you into a box, and you were so powerful and real for that. Wherever you are now, I hope you're still proud of yourself and shining as radiant and empowering as ever. Never, ever, ever doubt your ability not just to give love, but to be loved as well. Whatever we were, whatever we are or could be, it doesn't matter what it was called or could be called, because that love I have for you transcends labels.
Will. I know it was difficult for us at first. I was protective of Nico, and didn't want him to get hurt, and hounded both of you while I was getting defensive and overbearing. I did a lot of projecting instead of letting you both have the space to figure things out for yourselves. You were excited to have your first boyfriend, so was he, and I was fearful of seeing it potentially go wrong. It had to go its full course though, and I'm truly sorry if my jealousy or possessiveness over Nico got in the way. You'll always be my little brother though, and I wish only the best for you. I wish I had been more patient and kind. Thank you for being so understanding and patient for me, and allowing me the space to feel welcomed by the Apollo cabin and like I was part of the Camp Halfblood community. It was an escape from the heavy energy and responsibility of New Rome, and there's a lot I could have learned from you if I'd just taken the time to shut up and listen.
Annabeth. I know you didn't trust me. My intentions were never to take Percy from you. I'm sorry for making you feel insecure or intruded upon. Much like with Will and Nico, I guess I was just afraid. You and Percy went through so much together. I can never expect to understand the experiences you shared, and I admittedly feel like I will always be second to you in a lot of ways. I never wanted you to feel second to me. You are a bright, bold, intelligent, courageous and highly diplomatic young woman who I have always had a deep respect for. I only ever wanted for us to be friends, had we ever been able to talk it out and establish those boundaries and vulnerabilities with each other. It's okay, though. Don't ever, ever doubt that Percy loves you. I swear that.
Frank. You're a good guy. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing great. I know your upbringing and heritage made a lot of your position in society quite scary and heavy to carry, and I could have been more available to support you in shouldering all of that responsibility, but you show a maturity and kindness that many could learn from. I have no doubt in my mind that you'd make a brilliant father and a fantastic pioneer for change in New Rome, and I trust that had you carried on after I was gone, you were making the right decisions. Fighting alongside you was an honour, soldier. Be a little nicer to Leo though, okay? He means well.
Hazel. I have nothing but respect for you. I wish I'd gotten to know you better. Thank you for looking after Nico when he needed a sister in his life. You were everyone's sister, and your compassion and kindness never went unnoticed by any of us. Keep on shining.
Clarisse. I know we butted heads, you butted heads with everyone, but it's okay to show your soft side. Not everything has to be a battle. It's okay. You're not alone. Nobody really hated you. You're so much tougher than you give yourself credit for. I enjoyed our friendly banter and sparring. You were a good buddy. Your music taste is still fantastic. Never stop rocking, queen.
Rachel. Thanks for letting me vent. You were invaluable in my times of need. Bless your heart.
Reyna. Get yourself that damn vacation you've been dreaming of all your life. Kick your feet up. Have a margarita. Reward yourself from time to time. You work so so so hard. It's okay. Let yourself rest. The legion will keep going even jf you take a break for yourself. You've earned it. Let yourself rest. More importantly, let yourself sleep girl!
Thalia. Thalia, Thalia, Thalia. What would I have ever done without you? I am... so, so, so sorry I had those fights with you. It's ironic how I turned to the sun and you to the moon, huh? So similar yet so different. But we were always pack, always family. I shouldn't have lashed out when you needed support of your own, even if it did come from someone like Luke. I still feel hurt and like you chose him over me, like how I guess Nico felt about Bianca choosing Artemis as well sometimes... but it never made me hate you, if anything it just made my admiration for you so much stronger. I wish, with all my heart, that I could have been there with you and Grover to prevent those things happening to you, to stop Luke turning on everyone, but I guess destiny just called us in different directions, huh? I can't say I'm happy about how things turned out, but I don't blame you for being angry at our parents about it. Just know that I forgive you, if you have it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sad that we never really reconnected after we found each other again, but I know that you were in good hands with the Huntresses. If we ever reconnect in this life... I want my sister back, and I hope you want your brother back as well. If nothing else, to at least find closure and patch up loose ends. I miss you. I love you. Please be safe.
- Jason Grace #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 5 months ago
Canon Nicknames ask game, part 1 (names for myself). Might put Part 2 (names I gave others) in a separate post as not to make this one too long.
Bird Boy: I got this one across so many different kin lives it's actually kind of bizzare how often it came up. As Tobias, pretty much everyone of the main animorphs called me Bird Boy after Marco used it once and it just kind of stuck. I got it a few times as well in my Jason life too after Leo used it (the irony that both Marco and Leo are Hispanic jokesters with mother related Angst and an endless thesaurus of nicknames is not lost on me).
Bluejay, Jaybird, Jay, Jace: There are only two people allowed to call me Jay and those two people are Percy and Nico. Everyone else had to use Jace. Percy is the only one who's allowed to call me Bluejay though, that one was very personal and intimate between us. Piper occasionally got to use Jacey but that was more of a teasing playful thing. I also had a BUNCH of electricity and storm related nicknames given to me by Leo (Sparky-G, Thunderboy, Superman, etc.) but there's so many that I have legitimately lost count of them all.
Zapmeister: Admittedly I gave myself this cringey-ass nickname after I ended up discovering Techno World. It blew my mind that I could live a whole second life there, provided I never ran into my double and kept myself disguised on the down-low. Given the Techno World version of me was seen as a bit of a celebrity, I figured I wanted to inflate my own ego a bit as well, thus Francis Zapmeister was born. Certainly a better nickname than The Werrinup Thief, at any rate. Also side note, if anyone actually remembers this source (I have found exactlyOne fic on AO3 for the Australian TV show Parallax) then you are probably at least in your 30s by now and already agree that Hippie World Francis was a Mischievous Little Shit. No, I'm not apologizing for it either.
Sparrowhawk: Less of a nickname and more of a chosen name. Anyone who's read the original EarthSea trilogy by Ursula K. LeGuinn will remember the power of invoking someone's True Name, hence why I mostly kept it hidden once I became an Archmage. Even to this day I still feel a little weird about hearing my True Name for that source. Maybe it actually became a deadname of sorts for me in that canon? I don't remember much from this life though as it seems to be more of a minor kintype.
- Jason Grace (Heroes Of Olympus), Tobias Fangor (Animorphs), Francis Short (Parallax), Archmage Sparrowhawk (EarthSea Trilogy)
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fictionkinfessions 5 months ago
every time someone in the percy jackson fandom posts about my death and doesn't tag it i should automatically receive full financial compensation
- jason grace #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 5 months ago
saw a post that tried to insinuate nico and i would bond over our sisters abandoning us and that "screw them, we can make new family" and i just. i'm not naming names, but how the EVER LASTING FLYING F U C K did OP come to that conclusion. first of all, bianca loved nico and their bond was inseparable. second of all, how D A R E you insinuate that i would ditch thalia. when i was cold and nearly freezing to death in the woods, surviving on nothing but the animals i had to hunt and kill with my own teeth, fearing for my life as wolves snarled at the monsters outside our den, all while i was a literal toddler who had ran away from home due to my alcoholic mother's drunken violence and neglect, thalia was the only family i had. and the legion ripped that away from me. left me feeling like a faulty broken piece of a war machine bigger than i could ever hope to understand. torn back and forth between an orange greek shirt and a purple roman one. too roman for camp halfblood. too greek for camp jupiter. yes the seven were family to me, yes i adore nico with all my heart and would do anything for him, but during the wars? during the prophecies? during my adolescence, bruised and battered by the legion and shunted around different legions? until i met the seven, thalia was my only family and they fucking took me from her. and by the styx, there is N O way i would E V E R reject that connection to my sister. not even for my crushes. not even for the seven. not even for my friends at camp halfblood. so you as a fandom do N O T have the right to insinuate for even a S E C O N D that thalia and i would abandon those bonds. yes we were separated. yes she assumed i was probably dead. yes i assumed SHE was probably dead. but after finding out what luke did to her, after what the monsters did to her when i wasn't there to watch out for her like she watched out for me? your precious little headcanons are N O T H I N G like what the truth is. i know in my heart of hearts that thalia wouldn't abandon me like that either. at least i don't believe she would. you wouldn't do that to me again, would you? right...?
- Jason Grace, who is currently Angry and Hurting and Missing My Sister So So So Much. Please, please come back. Please.
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fictionkinfessions 5 months ago
honestly so nice to see all these riordanverse kin coming out of the woodwork lately (HI GROVER! HI HAZEL/BIANCA! HIII!!! I recognize the Regulars here now /lh)
- Jason #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 5 months ago
stands on a rooftop and yells
i miss my stunning gorgeous beautiful girlboss of a wife piper mclean please come back your malewife is yearning for you like a sad puppy piiiiiiiiiipeeeeeeeer
- jason grace #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 6 months ago
I fucking miss my sister. Thalia, come back. Please. I'm sorry we fought about Luke. I'm sorry we had to go our separate ways. I'm sorry Hera/Juno made it so difficult. I'm sorry you weren't there when one of us had to die. I know you wanted to live. I guess the prophecy took me when you decided to defy our father. In that long, convoluted, roundabout way at least. I'm sorry I weighed you down. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. You always looked after me. I wish I could have said the same for you. It's nights like this that I sometimes find the emotions I've held in about it all this time just... leak out. And gods, I'm just so sorry. Please forgive me. Please, please come back. I mean we were only kids, it's not like I could have done anything about Beryl's neglect for us or the fact you chose to take me and run... I would have continued to run with you, even if it meant my distrust of Luke. Even if it meant leaving the safety of Lupa's pack. Maybe in some alternate timeline things could have been different and we could have learnt how to be less afraid. And maybe the gods could have protected us so that we weren't kept apart by spite. I'm wordy, rambling, can't sleep... yeah, sounds familiar huh? But these nights are lonely. And I can still feel the potential for you to be out there somewhere. Are you still out there? Are you still looking for me as well? Would you still even want to find me?
- Jason Grace #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 6 months ago
i had a dream with percy in it last night and he really, really liked stimming by chewing bubblegum. strange thing to dream about but it made me remember that he was such a chewy, oral fixation kind of guy. something about beef jerky as well? i could picture him and i sharing packs of beef jerky easily. idk if you'd be able to get blue beef jerky but maybe blue gummy worms? idk man. percy chewing things is the thought of the day. - jason #馃枻鈿★笍馃
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fictionkinfessions 2 years ago
That one twilight sparkle anon is such a sweet contributor to this community. Honestly so wholesome.
- the former jason grace who still lurks here but genuinely feels cheered up seeing your positivity
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fictionkinfessions 2 years ago
kinfatuation is real and it's fucking me up /lh /hj, but i love you so much percy jackson. i miss you. i'd give anything to experience camp halfblood with you again, or at least the closest thing to it in this existence. i always had this sense of loneliness and longing with the ocean my entire life, but after finally realizing why, after all these years of not knowing who i was... all i want is to feel your hand in mine and that stupid dorky companionship of being on the beach at night with my best bro again... i'm just scared it won't be the same, or that i can never match that experience the same as before...
- jason grace
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fictionkinfessions 2 years ago
A good handful of my kins are just the same guy in different settings. They all look Exactly The Same and I also look exactly like these kins in this life.
- Tsukishima Kei
- Jason Grace
- Arcade Gannon
- Kimizuki Shihou
Those are all me and they're all just the same man. I'd tack on Dirk Strider the list as well, but he just isn't wearing the same glasses as the rest.
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fictionkinfessions 2 years ago
[gently but firmly gripping will solace by the shoulders and affectionately shaking him] you need self care and rest as well you fool, take it from someone who tries to be stoic like 99% of the time. praetor's orders. - jason
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