#[ d r a g o n l o r d ] vaedar
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vaedar ยท 9 months ago
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๐Ž๐Ž๐‚; ๐™พ๐š— ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐™ท๐š˜๐š๐™ณ ๐š‚๐Ÿธ ๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ๐š—๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐šŠ๐š™๐šŽ๐šœ๐š๐š›๐šข
Okay, so I wanted more Valyria and dragon lore and that new season 2 opening delivered on both, if only a little bit. Below cut, I will try to break down the first sequences of the opening pertaining Valyria with some theories. As always, a reminder that these things are just my interpretation to be used only in this RP blog, and it is in no way to be considered canon unless so specified.
(Doesn't really contain spoilers about HotD, only the use of the first 3 opening theme scenes to elaborate on dragon lore/valyria theories).
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The first one is pretty straightforward. Valyria was built on blood, and so that shows here, which transitions into the next scene, where we see Valyria (particularly, the Anogrion, which we are told was the 'source of power' of the valyrian bloodmages) be formed or 'weaved' from this first sequence of the blood.
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We then get the blood continuing the path down to the figure that looks almost like a sphynx, with wings of fire, body of a dragon/lizard creature, and a valyrian head. This is reminiscent to the song Daemon sings to Vermithor, especially with the next sequence:
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We see a valyrian seemingly 'offering' themselves to the creature, while apparently being stabbed, with their blood gathered in a bowl. We also see glass candles, three to be specific. Again, the number three, like the song tells of a 'winged leader, fire breather, two heads to a third sing'. In the original english song (not the literal translation) it's more clearly stated:
"One who breathes fire, one who bears wings, but two heads need three, and a spell that sings."
The song is describing a ritual, more specifically, a bloodmagic ritual:
"Follow my voice blood magic old the price has been paid as the fires foretold.
In visions of flame listen to me the spell that needs three is made whole through me."
What I initially take from this all is that we're being shown how the dragon bond was formed. This could also explain why Daemon sings this to Vermithor as a way of 'appeasing' the dragon, as it was once part of the spell/bloodmagic used to bond with the dragons. It would seem that the ritual requires a union of dragon and human blood (DNA?) for the bond to happen, which explains various aspects about Dragonlords and dragons themselves.
The intermarrying to keep the blood pure. GRRM has said that not all valyrians practiced this, only/mostly the Dragonlord or noble families. If only the blood of that original valyrian that was part of the ritual to bond with the dragons is what works then, of course, you would have to preserve that blood as pure as possible. However, does this mean that only certain dragons (from the lineage of that original dragon that bonded with the original family member) can bond with that family? Can this be used as an explanation to why the Cannibal ate other dragons, because he was hatched from an egg that was already there from the original valyrians that founded Dragonstone and not Targaryen bonded dragons? Does this confirm that Dany's eggs are Dreamfyre's? Maybe, maybe it's coincidence. I personally prefer to not take it as coincidence, especially for the sake of lore building.
The miscarriages and 'dragon/lizard babies'. If the dragon bond is through a magical fusion of human and dragon blood, then this means Dragonlords have dragon DNA in them, which of course, would probably not make for a great combination sometimes. And we get the deformities and dragon features in the unborn babies from that dragon DNA overpowering the human. It's no surprise that miscarriages can also be common because of some 'error' or incompatibility on the cellular level (magic can only do so much I guess?).
The creation of dragons. In TWOIAF and F&B both we are given the possibility that dragons were actually created. In the song/spell, I believe we are given a little hint to support that theory in the very first stanza: "One who breathes fire, one who bears wings, but two heads need three."
One who breathes fire = fire wyrms. We are told these are essentially blind, wingless, worm-like lizards that live under the Fourteen Flames. This can be supported with the appearance of Caraxes, the Blood Wyrm (the dragon looks like a winged worm pretty much), and the 'dragon' that hatched to little Laena Velaryon (a wingless wyrm, maggot-white and blind). One who bears wings = wyverns. We are told they are reptiles that look like smaller dragons since they have wings, but they don't breathe fire. They are wild in Sothoryos, where we know Valyrians liked to 'experiment' with creatures (because maybe a certain civilization already did as much? little bit more on that below).
In the rest of the song, we have the "But two heads need three" and "The spell that needs three is made whole through me". That second one is particularly interesting to me with the 'made whole' part. It could simply be symbolic only to the dragon bond, since the literal translation of the song says "To bind the three, to you I sing". I think this can be taken as in a fusion of three DNAs are needed to create the dragon, as much as three 'heads' are needed to forge the original dragon bond of a valyrian Dragonlord lineage.
The 'three' aspect is the base of a lot of things throughout the whole of ASOIAF, it's not exclusive to just one particular thing, or even the prophecy itself. So I do believe that it's possible it can apply to both the dragon bond and the creation of dragons. I would go as far as to wager that the hidden symbolism behind the Targaryen three-headed dragon is not just to represent the conquerors, but the original recipe of the 'three ingredients' (for lack of a better term) necessary for dragon creation, dragon bonding, and all else that the three symbolism is used for valyrians and bloodmagic. Let us not forget that the 'Fire and Blood' the Targaryens use is also based onย Valyrian culture as a whole, not exclusive to the Targaryens alone, as Fire and Blood are what valyrian magic was rooted on.
However, it's important to note that we are also given in books how dragons pre-date Valyrians, and the existence of ancient Dragonlords before the founding of the Valyrian Freehold. What is an even older civilization that started out great but descended into brutality and slavery, that also practiced incest, dark arts (like manipulating DNA of creatures?), necromancy, bloodmagic, etc.? The Great Empire of the Dawn.
It's an old and pretty possible theory that GRRM might be giving us clues through Dany's dream of those 'gemstone eyed kings' that valyrians are either directly descended from this civilization or are its inheritors, and it's from their legacy that valyrians 'learned' how to forge the dragon bond ( and other magical aspects, including valyrian steel, which is also very likely forged through bloodmagic ). It could be valyrians did not create dragons but instead this older civilization ( that, interestingly, occupied the east of Essos, very likely Asshai, which is often used as the place from where dragons 'originate' from).
All of these things tie into the show's theme regarding prophecy but also how dangerous dragons are, because everything that made Valyria powerful is built on bloodmagic. I will not go into details because I don't want to use spoilers, but I believe that opening tapestry was purposely done to support these theories exposing the 'wrongness' of the dragons and their power. And how eventually, bloodmagic always has a price.
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vaedar ยท 8 months ago
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๐ƒ๐‘๐€๐†๐Ž๐ ๐๐‘๐„๐„๐ƒ๐’ ใ€Œ ๐šƒ๐š๐™ฐ๐š…๐™ด๐™ป ๐™ณ๐š๐™ฐ๐™ถ๐™พ๐™ฝ๐š‚ ใ€
๐‘จ๐’๐‘จ๐‘ฌ๐‘บ, mount to ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ด๐™ณ๐™ฐ๐š ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ป๐™ฐ๐š๐šˆ๐š‚.
These types of dragons were bred for SPEED and ENDURANCE. Itโ€™s because of this that they were mostly dispatched for long distance travel, as they would be able to cover the most distance in the shortest time possible; both thanks to exceptional speed and the endurance to remain flying for longer periods. Their heads and bodies were shaped in a more slender, aerodynamic manner ( like that of a horse ), which would enable them to better traverse air currents as well as grant them enhanced agility. They were the dragons that the Freehold sent first when in need of swift action, such as to put down uprisings in its colonies, or the call for help from Volantis against the Rhoynar at the beginning of the wars ( when Valyria underestimated the strength of the Rhoynar ).ย 
This practice became a norm since the Freehold came to its widespread power millennia ago, as it would be challenging to maintain such vast holdings over so stretched distances. And so these types of dragons ( and the families who rode them ), were a necessary commodity that granted them power and influence in the Freehold. They were dispatched for brokering trade agreements to far off lands such as YiTi, or as messengers ( especially when the intimidation factor was required ), as well as escorts for transports of important goods. As rider to a dragon of this breed, Vaedar would frequently be dispatched for such tasks on behalf of the Freehold. During combat situations, these dragons excelled in agility, which made them particularly skilled in the use of their claws as weapons.ย 
Examples of these dragons would be Syrax, belonging to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Meleys, mount of Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.
More on this RP world building info to be found here.
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vaedar ยท 7 months ago
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Today I was doing these for the endless Vae gif edits so wanted to share but these are the last ones for a while, I promise.
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vaedar ยท 8 months ago
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Vaedar's FC keeps on giving and all I can do is keep on editing for more endless Vae gif edits.
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vaedar ยท 9 months ago
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Have some more of the endless Vaedar gif edits.
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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๐“๐‡๐„ ๐ƒ๐‘๐€๐†๐Ž๐ ๐๐Ž๐๐ƒ
Friendly reminder that this headcanon specifically applies only to this RP blog and character, it's not meant to be used as a theory for the series as a whole.
It's widely known that only those with the 'blood of the dragon' are able of riding dragons, though the reason behind this is up for debate, but it hints to some kind of connection ( be it to the genetic level or through bloodmagic sorcery, which I expand on over here ) between Valyrians ( specifically, Dragonlords ) and dragons.
What is also known is that Dragonlords did use magical objects such as horns, to more effectively control their dragons. These were intelligent creatures with their own wills and whims, so they did disobey their riders often enough, especially if the bond was still weak. In time, as the bond is fortified, then these instances occurred less. Horns and spells were sung in an attempt to fortify that bond and prevent this 'disobedience' through magical control. However, it was not necessary, as Targaryens and their 'dragonseed' could bond with dragons without the use of them.ย 
A dragon bond is in itself a magical connection, which is why Valyrian Dragonlords practiced incest to preserve the magical quality of their blood as pure as possible, to maintain that ability to bond with and ride dragons ( aside from political reasons, of course ). The bond does not only involve the rider but the dragon, so this means that the dragon also must 'choose' the rider, and this depends on each of them individually. For the rider, the bond may begin first as an allure of sorts, an affinity to a certain dragon or even a developed interest, which can happen when they have been exposed to the frequent company of one. An example of this can be how Targaryens placed dragon eggs in the cradles and the dragons that hatched ( if they did ) were bonded to the babies.ย 
Aside from being able to ride dragons, the bond allowed for the pair to be connected on an emotional and subconscious level. Dragons learn commands initially through the emotional communication with their riders as they are being taught/trained, associating the words with what they can subconsciously perceive from the rider ( their 'will' pretty much ) when the word is spoken. Afterwards, as highly intelligent ( in ways people cannot understand ) creatures, this will enable them to better learn and understand the human language of their rider. They would also grow aware of where the other is and call for them ( though very large distances may hinder this to an extent ), if they are in danger or alarmed, as well as feel their pain as their own. This merger also seems to benefit the rider's health, perhaps triggering magical properties in their blood, which could render them resistant to diseases or illnesses. They can even feel as the other passes away, which would be an incredibly tormenting and traumatic event.
From this subconsciously emotional connection can also come new challenges for both of them. When the bond is being developed, there is a clash of 'wills' so to speak, in which one part may push against the subconscious of the other, influencing their actions or even moods. For example, while a dragon is in the middle of the hunt, its rider may feel hunger, a surge of adrenaline, more violent tendencies, or altogether be repulsed by certain foods due to what the dragon is eating. If the rider is upset, the dragon may become violent and prone to 'disobedience', as it may confuse the emotional turmoil and act on it or against it. As the bond develops and solidifies, a balance will eventually come in which both dragon and rider will be able to distinguish their individual 'wills' by consolidating them into the bond. It will form a more effective communication, to the point where those more deeply forged bonds will allow for the rider to fly upon the dragon without even needing to voice instructions or commands of where to go or what to do.ย 
Usually, the stronger bonds are formed when both rider and dragon have grown together, since they were an infant and a hatchling, respectively. But there have been instances where older riders have bonded to mature dragons, and developed a strong and deeper connection quickly. Since the bond tends to depend on each individual rider and dragon's character and circumstances, then it's near impossible to set a standard for its intricacies. But what is known is how a rider may not claim another dragon, even if their own has perished, although a dragon may accept another rider if their previous one died. This may be due to the differences in the lifespans of human and dragon, the former expected to not reach old age and the latter being able to live over two centuries ( likely longer still ). Or it could also have to do with how the rider's blood has already forged a connection with the one dragon, and is unable of doing so again with another. It's yet another of the mysteries surrounding this bond.
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐‹๐”๐’๐“
This is a little headcanon to try and expose better the reasons behind Vaedar's 'manwhoring' ( as I like to call it ) tendencies, because it doesn't happen out of nowhere. It also explains as simply as possible how that goes in tandem sort of with the romantic and love aspects of his character. I will include an excerpt from a discord RP as a little background to the headcanon, and since this is a mature theme, then it will be under cut.
Lys is the paradise resort island that many valyrian nobles venture to for an array of reasons and when one visits for the first time, it's not difficult to see why. This was not his first time, though, since House Valarys possesses a villa in the island that they rent out to others whilst no one of the family is in residence. There were guests when he arrived but it didn't stop him from allowing them half a day to pack their belongings and leave, returning them whatever coin was equivalent to the days they would be losing with the early departure. He had a lavish party to plan and needed the space pristine by the date he'd announced it to whatever nobility was currently in the island to attend. It was a rather successful venue, judging by the erotic symphony of moans and gasps that competed with the musicians. It was also the first time he took to bed someone else other than Helys, and the first as well to do so with two others simultaneously. Vaedar does not seek to heal for what was done to him because that's not what he wantedโ€”The heir decided he would hence forth seize every opportunity that granted if even a semblance of control. He would use his power to abide by that in every aspect possible of his life. Starting with the choice of who he fucks. Maybe it was a tad excessive to make such an extravagant occasion of it by hosting a debauchery, but he's never been one for modesty. For almost three weeks he remained in the paradisiac island, attending festivals, dallying around art galleries and visiting several of the many pleasure houses Lys the Lovely was famous for. It didn't fill that hole inside but it did aid him in forgetting it existed, and it helped erase the memory of Helys's touch on his body.
For a little context, in his 'canon', Helys is the first woman he forms an emotional connection with, but it ends up that she was manipulating him in a moment of vulnerability ( having just lost his grandfather, who was very important to him ). Helys is basically a narcissist, and when Vaedar learns of her intentions, then all of what is up there happens.
Now, onto the explanations. Vaedar is both a simple and complicated character simultaneously, and this is an example of that. He's a passionate individual with a romantic personality, doesn't know how to do things halfway. But when it comes to emotions that can control him, he's very defensive. He sees love as something that gives power to the other person over him, and he's scared of giving that power to the wrong person ( as he already did once ). He knows himself, and knows he will go full in, so he will be easy to break all over again and it's what he wants to protect himself against.
And so, that's where a part of his personality comes in, carved out greatly in part to achieve this. His charm, his confidence, the devil-may-care attitude, the flirtations, are examples of results of that, because he uses those to keep things casual on the outside, making himself in a sense 'untouchable'. From this also develops the 'manwhoring'. He realizes that being like this lets him take control on who he allows to give him pleasure, who he gives pleasure to, separating the emotional from the physical, so it lets him protect himself from going through the heartbreak again.
He's a very physical individual, so sex gives him release, it's not seen as a way of emotionally connecting with someone, especially strangers. Which is also why he prefers to sleep around with strangers. Though when he is in love, then that physical nature of his will take over in how he will want to be physically close to that special in the best way for him; through sex. Of course, the challenge there lies in actually allowing himself to feel those emotions, to accept that it is love, and then act on that love.
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vaedar ยท 8 months ago
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Again, more stuff because the Vaedar FC keeps on giving and I keep on editing for the endless Vae gif edits, this time feat. ship things with @steel-winter-rose.
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vaedar ยท 2 years ago
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Have a side glance + soft smile Vaedar. Because couldn't decide which I liked most so posting both styles ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ DO NOT REBLOG PLS.
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vaedar ยท 8 months ago
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๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ ๐“๐˜๐๐„ ๐Ž๐… ๐•๐ˆ๐‹๐‹๐€๐ˆ๐ ๐€๐‘๐„ ๐˜๐Ž๐”?
ใ€Œ ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ด๐™ณ๐™ฐ๐š ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ป๐™ฐ๐š๐šˆ๐š‚: ๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ๐‘ต ๐‘ณ๐‘ฌ๐‘ป ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ ๐‘ฉ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ฌ๐‘ฝ๐‘ฐ๐‘ณ ใ€
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
Tagged by: took it from @stormbcrn and has been in drafts for almost a year woops Tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
๐Ž๐Ž๐‚; I apparently only posted this when it was a WIP couple of years ago but never posted the 'finished' greyscale piece so I am posting here now just to share... Vaedar and his winged baby, Azaes.
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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โ๐…๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž, ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง, ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฑ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ ๐š๐ซ๐๐จ๐ซ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฌ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ.โžย 
So that is what GRRM said regarding the conflict of the books, between ice and fire and what each represents. Dragons and by extension, their riders and likely Valyrians themselves as a society, are the fire in that song. This is the base idea on which I built Vaedarโ€™s character and world around, but that particular sentence pretty much describes Vaedar in the best roundabout way.ย 
๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„. We often see how love is described as fiery and warm, but love doesnโ€™t have to be of a sexual or romantic nature. It can be nurturing, familial, compassionate, and kind. Love can make you do good as well as bad things, it can give you courage as it can give you fear. It can be selfless as it can be selfish, it can expand your horizons as it can close them. For Vaedar, all of this and more is present in his character in different ways. He loves his family, he loves his dragon, he loves himself and he loves his home. This love for them all can also render him stubborn and prideful, enough to selectively blind himself to the bad. In time, as he allows himself to learn and accept, the part of him that believes in equality will be stronger and he will try to do something about it in his own ways.ย 
๐๐€๐’๐’๐ˆ๐Ž๐. Anyone whoโ€™s interacted with him will probably notice this right away. He is a very passionate character, he does not do things halfway, and he would rather not do it at all if his heart is not in it 100%. This is something far more noticeable as he gets older, developing his natural confidence. This translates into his emotions as well. He has a short temper and little patience but only when it comes to matters he is passionate about. When he believes in something or someone, he will fight for them, he will speak out regardless of how reckless it can be, he can deal with the consequences after. That passion is also connected to love, of course, and it will manifest most strongly in sexual matters with that special person. That passion is also what has him excel at those things he gives himself fully into, such as dragon riding and sword fighting, and ( less known ) poetry writing.ย 
๐’๐„๐—๐”๐€๐‹ ๐€๐‘๐ƒ๐Ž๐‘. I think this is something pretty evident in him. Vaedar is a โ€˜manwhoreโ€™ as I like to call him, in the sense that he is not shy or reluctant in his sexual desires. Others could try to accuse him of this as an insult and he will see it as a compliment. Although this is also influenced in a way by Valyrian society and its more liberal views on sexual aspects ( compared to most of Westeros ), itโ€™s a constant in all verses of him, where he will flirt and try to seduce anyone who interests him and seems willing to accept his advances. Sexual matters to him can be separated from romantic ones, he does not need to feel anything for someone in order to be attracted physically to them. Itโ€™s a simple and pleasurable way of satisfying that desire, but itโ€™s also a way of distracting his often restless mind, because he can let his bodily urges take over in the act. Although this view has him easily engaging with multiple different partners, once the other two aspects ( love and passion ) are focused on one person, all that sexual ardor will be faithfully fixated on that individual.
๐…๐ˆ๐‘๐„. And last but not least, the thing that encompasses it all. Fire is magical in ASOIAF ( according to GRRM ) and to Valyrians, it was one of their very life forces ( along with blood ). Even his name ( unknowingly to me until time after Iโ€™d already created him and the RP had been going for a while ) can be roughly translated to โ€˜song of the fire manโ€™, which I think is very fitting. Vaedar is meant to represent all this in his character, the good and the bad. Fire can destroy as it can nurture, it can burn and give warmth, it can be the weapon and the light in the darkness -coughs-lightbringer-coughs-. Dragons also are an obvious representation of fire in the story, which is also why the bond Vaedar has with his dragon, Azaes, is so very important to who he is. Verses where Azaes has died or does not exist, can mean a few adjustments to his character, but overall, he will have these fiery themes going with him as I interpret them.ย 
As an original character, he is especially a constant work in progress ( more so than canon characters, I believe ), but these are the cornerstones of who he is, the bedrock upon which I โ€˜builtโ€™ him and continue to develop him. Hope it makes some sense and if you managed to read it all, thank you so much!
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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I posted an edit of this picture before but now I changed the coloring so posting it again. Vaedar full on in his Valyrian features. PLS DO NOT REBLOG.
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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๐–๐‡๐€๐“ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐„๐’ ๐˜๐Ž๐”๐‘ ๐‡๐„๐€๐‘๐“ ๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐Š ๐‹๐ˆ๐Š๐„?
ใ€Œ ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ด๐™ณ๐™ฐ๐š ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ป๐™ฐ๐š๐šˆ๐š‚: ๐˜ผ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ฅ๐™–๐™จ๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™™๐™ค๐™š๐™จ๐™ฃ'๐™ฉ ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ใ€ You are someone who is certain of what you want. Maybe you always have been, or maybe you made a discovery that you havenโ€™t been able to tear your eyes away from. Your heart is set and certain. ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ž๐ง๐๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ ๐จ๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ. Above all else, you know who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Just be careful not to tear yourself or others apart in pursuit of your ideals.
Tagged by: @goldenngore ( thank you so much! ) Tagging: whoever wants to do it, I tag you!
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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Endless Vaedar gifs featuring his modern musician verse, always one of my favoritesโœจ PLS DO NOT REBLOG.
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vaedar ยท 1 year ago
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ใ€Œ ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ด๐™ณ๐™ฐ๐š ๐š…๐™ฐ๐™ป๐™ฐ๐š๐šˆ๐š‚ ใ€ ๐’๐‡๐€๐‘๐ ๐“๐„๐„๐“๐‡, ๐’๐‡๐€๐‘๐๐„๐‘ ๐“๐Ž๐๐†๐”๐„, all growl and bark and ๐—ฏ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ, ๐—ฏ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ, ๐—ฏ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ. Your power is gritted teeth and set jaws, quick and ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐…๐”๐‹ words, ๐™™๐™š๐™˜๐™ž๐™จ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š ๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™จ. Everything you do is so personal and vulnerable -- The way you ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„, the way you are loved, the way you ๐€๐“๐“๐€๐‚๐Š, the way you drink in and feast on life.
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