#but. granted. i can't even really blame people who do this because we get to see very little of it on screen!
yampidimp · 3 months
i used to think i wouldnt get upset about how other people mischaracterize answer since he's not popular enough and doesnt have enough to work with for it to be much of a problem, it means most interpretations of him are not really disputable, and very few people talk about him anyway
that is until i see how people portray his relationship with chipp. it feels like most people get it even if they know little about them but some people make it out like answer fucking hates chipp and his job and wishes he could leave
he works for chipp willingly! the reason given for him following chipp is he "fell in love with/fell under the sway of his charisma". he also has "his current way of life" listed as something he likes. he doesn't hate his job, he gets stressed out from taking on too much of a workload and at how he's treated by the people he has to deal with (he has to endure a lot of verbal abuse in his phone calls, you know how it is if you've ever had to deal with calls for your job lol) and he definitely does not hate chipp, aside from when they first met.
though the details are extremely vague, answer having immense guilt about his past was considered so important to his character that his quote about it was included in his reveal trailer. chipp found him at a low point and gave him an opportunity to start a new life* and improve himself and atone, something he absolutely needed and still canonically wants. why would he hate him for that?
chipp also isn't just his boss, he's his mentor, and though it's debatable i would argue his friend too. he shows some amount of admiration and respect for him even though it's sometimes begrudgingly and he gets frustrated with him often. even disregarding threatening to kill bedman since you could write that off as the chief of staff's reasonable reaction to his country's leader getting potentially killed, the most emotion he has shown by far was when he thought chipp was going to die
tldr; he cares about chipp he just wants to drop a cartoon anvil on his head sometimes. understanding that it's both is necessary *I do not mean by giving him a job btw. chipp is to answer essentially what tsuyoshi was to him. (narratively speaking, minus the father figure aspect.)
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majeoeje · 8 months
Start over
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Megumi x reader (male implied reader)
I wished we were two other people more times than everytime you had forgotten about me
"You have really pretty lashes"
Megumi has heard you uttered these words countless of times before, at first he didn't harbor a lot of opinion on this, but now it serves as a painful reminder that he had to start over with you once again. But even now he can't comprehend how to respond other than a simple thank you
"You're Fushiguro right?"
"That's correct"
here we go again, he thought
"It's nice to meet you, i hope we can get along" you gave a lazy smile before entering your shared dorm room, all beat up from your previous fight as if it was just another day.. well you pretend that it was everytime because what else can you do? You once had told him
"Yeah...it's nice to meet you too" he told you. As if he was in a same play for who knows how many times
Megumi had lost count on how many times you had introduced yourself to him, he knew everything about you. Yet you're here asking about his name once again. Your cursed technique is the one to blame for this strange dynamic
That being said, your curse technique transfers memories into curse energy and a technique which grant their wielder the power to imbue a weapon of their choice with curse energy and a guarantee that it would cut anything as if it wasn't there
A cheap cost to pay for power, some would say. But he always watches the fear in your eyes everytime it has to come down to it, afraid you might use it too much to the point you'll forget how to breath.
Afraid...yes you were always afraid. Afraid that your life would succumb to nothing but blank pages of nothing. To the point you'd write every last detail of your day until late at night so that at least your days could amount to something. Even if it were as simple as you went outside and train like how you usually do.
"I'm kind of hungry, you got anything to eat?" You said perking up your head from the non-fiction book you curiously skimmed up from Megumi's bookshelve trying to gather information from the stranger in front of you
"Gojo-sensei dropped some apples earlier, suit yourself" he said pointing to a basket from the corner of his desk remembering how the unusual white haired man hasn't change over the years
"Well don't mind me" you say, picking one up before looking for a something on your side of the room
You didn't have to go through a lot before Megumi tapped you on the shoulder making you face him
"Looking for this?" He pointed to a small knife on his hand
"Oh thanks a lo-"
you didn't even finished your sentence before he took the apple from your hand
"Your hand's fractured, Miss shoko said you shouldn't try to move it a lot in the mean time"
He said, pulling a nearby chair before he started to peel the apple for you. Just how you liked it.. a prefrence that has never changed no matter how many times you've erased your memories
"Aye you did it in one peel, impressive" you commented "How'd you know that i like my apples peeled?"
"You made me do it for you for months when you broke 7 bones on your body" he said handing you the peeled fresh fruit
"Eh, really? Tell me about it" you rested your hand on your desk as you sat comfortably on your chair as if you were getting ready to catch up to an old friend after not meeting them for years. And despite how bad he think his storytelling abilities was, Megumi couldn't disappoint that glimmer in your eyes, never.
"That day you saved me from a first grade curse" he started, as you bit into your freshly peeled apple
"you used up your curse technique to the point you forgot how to wield your weapon"
Megumi was not one to run his mouth, he preferred to listen most of the times. But in times like this, he feels the need to encapture every detail about that period of time as much as possible. And in turn, you'd listen to his voice, tuning in his gentle tone. Perhaps you got distracted at some point but that is surely not your fault
"We must've been pretty close" you grinned, hearing him finished his story
"We were"
You were practically attached to the hip from middle school, so it'd be a lie to say you weren't. But on the darkest pit of his heart he still wished you two was so much more even after knowing you like the back of his hand. How you'd swing your weapon in such way as if you were a dancer, how you'd give a lame excuse on how you peeled too much orange or apples just to get him to eat , how you purposely talk to him to keep him out just to watch a horror movie program in the middle of the night, how you'd play your music loud enough to cause hearing problems when he's not at the dorm, how he knew that you were just assigned a roomate to exploit your Curse technique, how disconnected you truly are from the world, how you'd laugh, how you'd cry, how your skin would make him shiver everytime it touches his
There was never enough of you for him really. Yet he'd wished for the impossible everytime
"So..what's your curse technique?" You asked and he would always answer
Just what was one more start?
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nonotnolan · 9 months
Fiverr Warlock: Holiday Magic
Christmas can be a tricky for us magic users. A lot of clients come to us, hoping for budget miracles or last minute holiday magic, so it's easy to start feeling like people just take you for granted. Plus, warlocks are notoriously difficult to shop for. Most of the things we really want for Christmas, we can just conjure something up ourselves. I was started to get really, really burnt out on the holidays until I figured out a trick to raise my spirits-- as a bonus, it's even easy to do. I just pick a random deserving person and give them some charity magic.
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Take a look at Jake, here. He's one of the lowest clerks on the totem pole, but he's also the only tailor I know who sees me as a person and not a commission payout. When he told me last week that he was on his second low sales write-up and about to get fired, I decided to make him one of this season's recipients. I know he's a great guy, but I can't blame a random person off the street rejecting a tailor who can't even wear a properly fitting suit. Improving his appearance will go a long way, I think. The problem is Jake would never accept my direct help for free, so I'll have to be subtle about it.
The first step was getting rid of his facial hair. Some guys look good with scruff, but Jake's body isn't growing hair thick enough for a good beard. I'll start there, and work my way up. As far as Jake knows, I was there to buy some dress shoes. I was actually there to cast a delayed change spell on him that would remove all of that unwanted hair overnight. While I was there, I added some skin moisteners and a long-lasting fatigue remover. Finally, I added a mental shroud so that he wouldn't notice the changes to himself.
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When I went back to check on my work, I was pleased to see that Jake already showed a noticeable improvement. He was clearly doing a lot better, even if he didn't know why. Could I have left it there? Sure. But I don't half-ass my charity cases.
He greeted me when I walked in, but today I deflected his attentions. "I'm just browsing today. I meant to ask you, though, have you ever considered OnlyFans?" My words hid the casting of a compulsion spell.
He blushed, and slipped his hands in his pockets. "Oh, I don't think I quite have the body for that... but thank you, sir. Let me know if you need anything."
To his credit, Jake's former body was pretty unremarkable. I say former because I cast another delayed transformation on him. This time I gave him 20% more muscle mass, a deeper voice, and increased his self-confidence. I also took a few more years off, for good measure.
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The next day, I was able to find his OnlyFans account under his name. It was tempting to increase his muscle mass further, but doing so would risk breaking the mental shroud I cast over him. Besides, massive muscles and a bronze tan often went hand in hand, and I would hate to ruin his beautifully pale skin.
No, better to leave well enough alone. Otherwise I'd be casting minor spells on him for weeks. Jake was no longer struggling through life due to his disheveled appearance, and that's what mattered. Another Christmas Miracle, crafted by yours truly.
Want to read more by this author? Dicked (Over) by a Demon by Nolan Sempers, for sale on Amazon.
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fountainpenguin · 24 days
Rewatching A New Wish - "Stanky Danky" & "Peace of Pizza"
SDLKFJSDKLFJS, I missed that the news channel refers to Dale as "Billionaire non-philanthropist."
I missed that Hazel actually did wish "people would stop being trash monsters," but Cosmo and Wanda only heard "I wish trash monster"... In my memories, she had a nightmare about a monster that they wished to life. This is funnier because I can't really blame Cosmo and Wanda for granting that.
I like when Danky opens his lid one eyeball at a time. Also ?? his elbow pads?? He's a living dumpster and he wears elbow pads... He's safe...
Also, I've watched Dale's presentation a bunch of times because I think it's silly when he hops backwards, or kneels to talk to someone (This is what I was watching again today when I decided to take more notes).
He has some REALLY fun body language, including finger guns. I like his big-armed gestures. He really puts on a show and I think that's hilarious since he doesn't love being in front of people. But I don't know what I expected considering that he likes to dance when he's by himself.
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I like that his logo here is a combination of the D for his name and two stripes like a dollar sign... which is interesting, because the logo people have on their phones is a D-squared for his alliterative name.
We do know he's advertising Dimmazon "in partnership with Dimmadome Global," so they're probably separate logos.
And I enjoy his baby talk and finger guns when he's talking to Danky later. I think I already commented this in my first-watch liveblog, but I like how Dale lures Danky in with a dog toy?? It's a squeaky bone. I have a hard time imagining this man going to the pet store, but ??
I missed the fact that he brought TWO single-use helicopters to the park... something is very wrong with him...
As much as I joke about Dale's extreme amounts of trauma, I hope he talks to Vicky like this-
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- when they finally cross paths again so we can see where that gets him.
On the one hand, I think it would be hilarious if he had a complete mental breakdown because he's extremely messed up. On the other... Now that he's an adult, can he TALK to her like that??
Assuming he didn't panic when he saw her again, I feel like this is the natural direction for his character: smug and rubbing his success in her face.
I have to assume she'd wreck him since she yelled in "Operation: Birthday Takeback" about her dislike for him (That he was lazy, but went on to be rich and successful and never gave her a cut). She's unhesitatingly mean to Crocker because she doesn't have to keep up appearances around him...
But it would be funny. Against all odds, Dale is not an easily frightened man. He works hard, plunges into the unknowns with his wild risk-taking, and he's the smuggest boy... but he also has meltdowns on the floor when he loses money. I like that.
- Huh. I wonder if Timmy would've grown up to be a lot like Dale if he didn't have Cosmo and Wanda. I mean, Vicky pushed him around too. - I was gonna make a joke about how I think Dale should be as obsessive over Timmy as he is Hazel, but... It IS Dale who got himself out of his torment, not Timmy, so I guess not.
??? Tina's running every position at the news studio.
SKLDFJSLDFJSD, wait, Dale has a lemon slice, but he specifically has PINK lemonade, which he probably did not have to make considering Vicky never sold any in "Nectar of Odds"....... oh my gosh.
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?? That might be another drink, but even if it is, I'm pretty sure that's a lemon?
Dale drinking lemonade despite banning Dev from drinking lemonade is the biggest "Rules for thee, but not for me" plot twist of all time... Oh I HATE HIM /affectionate.
oh my gosh, wait...
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It's a LIME.
??? Somehow that is exponentially funnier. Tell us how you really feel.
His drink is very possibly a Paloma cocktail, made from grapefruit, lime juice, and tequila (No lemonade required, can be pink, and isn't weird to drink with ice cubes).
I like how both Dale and Dev like to slam dunk trash... even in different episodes... They are Related and live in the Same House...
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I don't think I've said it yet, but I appreciate how the Dimmadome tower seems to reach impossibly high into the sky for no reason, considering Dale's statue seems to be the only thing inside it and the statue isn't that tall. It's a brilliant parallel of Doug's hat.
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I particularly think it's funny when you see it on maps or in the distance of some scenes. It's just... there.
Geez. Say what you will about Dale, but he's a very hard worker who pulls things together INCREDIBLY fast. I mean... logically, I know him being a super hard worker who gets sucked into projects is his whole thing and that's why he's not there for Dev, but... ?? Holy one-man PR and marketing team running around this episode, Catman.
Lastly... apparently Dale likes to take over Dev's lounge when he's looking at profit charts, because that's where he's sitting when he has a meltdown about his stock dropping 5 million dollars... I mean, I guess it's both of their lounge, but you get me. And here's his thinking expression because it's funny:
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Every time I watch a Dale episode, he gives me huge "Fandom's special boy" energy and I don't look forward to leaving my spoiler-free zone and possibly finding out that is Not True... skldfj. Look at him. He clicks his finger guns and slam dunks and he's getting by on fragments of his soul. We get him for free.
Notes from "Peace of Pizza" I thought of when I went to fetch Dev's trash scene
This vampire at Versaille:
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Strat and Oppy change expressions during flashbacks, but Closer's the same... I don't know what I expected.
So ?? I keep going back to this scene because... I swear that's the April Fool, Flappy Bob, and the Sandman... Maybe not Flappy, but the only other clowns I can think of are his parents and Bobo, and none of them fit this either and Flappy already had a cameo in "1500 Minutes of Fame," so they're very aware of him. I'm gonna check.
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That's such an interesting choice of characters to use as models?? I don't have anything to say about it.
Hazel specifically wished for Dev to have "extra milk he could share" for kindness day. He ends up with two (Cosmo and Wanda), but he didn't even have one milk carton on his tray because he's lactose intolerant, so... he didn't pick one up to begin with.
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And we KNOW that, because he's on the way to the trash can when people stop him to talk. Also, during the close-up you can see he didn't eat his broccoli or carrots and I think that's funny.
?? So, in my 'fic worldbuilding, people generally go along with wishes if they're affected by them unless something REALLY tips them off that something's completely wrong. I like the implication that Dev instantly went on guard because he was confused as to how he suddenly had milk.
Oppy only pretends to be sad when Dev turns to look at him... He is the Optimism Captain to his core...
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Strat is once again putting his hand on Oppy's shoulder... they are brothers... he loves him...
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why were they even allowed to run around the school and bother children... why was no one supervising the billionaire's kid and questioning the intentions of these mysterious adults hovering around him...
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It is their natural state of being... Also, from a budget standpoint, identical triplets whose distinguishing feature is their eyes & who are based on peas so they're simple to design was a brilliant Season 1 move. I hope we see them again someday, though I'm completely fine with them being very rare appearances.
?? Hazel has Class 104 after Guzman's class ("Multiverse of Jenkins") and Dev has it after lunch, is that what I'm getting here?
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That is a different design than the other Room 104... oh :'D I guess they only have the one sign model.
Y'know........ that WOULD be weird if Flappy was at that treaty in the flashback. That doesn't seem likely... but it stresses me out that the Pe-Az have a magical briefcase that can hold large items without harming them...
... because Flappy's briefcase ALSO does that. He keeps his clown stuff, dioramas, and employees in there. It's the world's worst conspiracy... The intergalactic diplomats, friends of the Pixies who are all about paperwork and neutrality and raised Flappy... I'm connecting the dots...
omg, do you think the Pe-Az are the reason Fairies and Anti-Fairies decide who gets the godkids with an annual bake-off? They do like their treats. That WOULD be fun to work with in my war & truce 'fics. Oppy: Everyone loves cake and brownies! Strat: Brother, the Fairy King literally just lost his castle and son. Isn't celebrating with treats a bit insensitive? Oppy: Listen, I have one job in this team and I'm going to do it. Their ancestors, anyway.
I don't think I said this in my first watch, but I really like Closer. He's fantastic. Shows up, selectively mute because he's saving his voice for when he needs to throw tantrums and asking the same question repeatedly to bug people, super thoughtful and well-prepared, considered the best at what he does, gets meme'd on by a 9-year-old iPad kid and loses everything. Flawless character.
He's one of my favorites in all New Wish. They all are; I love their dorky shorts and brotherhood.
I really like how Closer insists he'll be done with negotiations in "30 minutes or less" because his whole thing is pizza. But Dev broke this man in like, 20 seconds:
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Also, Strat... <3 He's such a ping-pong ball of a person.
For some reason, it's funny to me their language is themed around arrows. That's brilliantly clever for a negotiating species; it kind of reminds me of how the Yugopotamian language is in swirls patterned after their exposed brains.
Also, Some Three Guys having the ability to simply "turn pizza off" for the entire world is such an insane plot set-up and I think they played it perfectly.
Oppy kicking up his leg & Closer's expressions:
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Extremely funny to me that when I heard "pea pod aliens," I went on immediate defensive expecting "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" vibes, but they're just cute little guys who like treats and bribery. why do they dress Like That... The suits and ties, the teeny shorts, the white socks pulled high above black shoes... did they get picked on in school?
??? They're just one-offs, but they have so much character and they all have unique body language and speech patterns... love that for them. I want to write something for them. I have no clue what, but I think they deserve to be children negotiating on the playground or looking after one another.
Strat and Oppy I think I can get their vibe as children - the planner and the enthusiastic one - but little kid Closer would be interesting.
What's a good thing to negotiate over when you're a kid... Were they kiddos who made graphs and presentations while arguing over which TV channel to watch or who would bathe first, y'think?
I think "baby Pe-Az in the bathtub" is exactly the type of content people follow me for.
Wanda's face here cracks me up...
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... and shout-out for Dev getting instantly weirded out with stranger danger when Cosmo pats him.
I love how when the O-pairs pick the Pe-Az up by their heads and put them down again, Closer's dizzy and he sways back and forth even though his brothers are fine... lmao. I guess people don't usually mess with him?
Also, when Dev switches from playing around to serious talk, all three Pe-Az instantly put their folded hands on the table. They are ready for a Meeting...
That is all.
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kimbureh · 4 months
idk man, online fandom is just not the place for me.
"reblog my art/writing!!!11" "I'll block people who only like my stuff but don't reblog"
this is so intense. I have zero interest in talking to people who are trying to bully me into promoting them. It's as if people are saying:
"If you don't comment on people's fanwork, fandom will die because of you, specifically"
I get it, attention is nice. I'm a creator too. And it's true that current social media isn't conducive of creating and maintaining communities. But you don't build a community with aggression against your own audience.
I don't wanna hang out with people who yell at me about how they don't get enough attention. You're blaming the audience when the real problem goes way, way deeper, and this behavior of prioritizing content promotion over actual human connection is actually part of the issue. Urging people to reblog your stuff may grant you exposure, but it sure doesn't make you any friendships, at least not mine.
A few years back, I wanted to refine my comedic writing and started a whacky Fallout 4 blog long after the fandom had seen its peak. I knew there wouldn't be a large audience, but I wanted to see what would happen. Long story short, I regularly invited my followers to send asks I would answer in-character, and honestly had so much fun. I never bullied my audience for only liking and not reblogging. To the contrary; I respect my audience and their prerogative to decide for themselves what they do want to share on their blogs and what they don't. It's *their* blogs. I cannot grasp the audacity of some creators to demand space on people's personal blogs. I really can't.
I only had the Fallout blog for like 8 months and got more audience attention than I could deal with at times. I had such a blast, getting asks, replying to them, building in-jokes with my followers. I ended the blog with a small event and was met with a flood of lovely comments and good-byes. Today, four years later, I post on that blog maybe one or two times a year. And even though most of my followers unfollowed me when I ended the blog, I still get the occasional lovely comment. After four years, people still remember the great time we had.
Good thing I didn't block all those wonderful people who mainly liked but didn't reblog. Word got around nonetheless. I found the audience I was looking for. Dunno if I would have had the same relaxed experience with a crowd who was bullied into the interaction.
idk, man. What is online fandom?
I don't like how we treat each other. Fandom is not a marketplace. I am not selling myself or my creations, I want to treat you better than a simple customer. At its heart, fandom is a gift economy. You don't owe me a thing. If you don't want to give freely, I won't take it with force. I respect you and myself too much for that.
I think we can still find our people in fandom, without exploiting our audience as market-criers.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
His Princess 👑 🎲
You're Eddie's princess. Some people have a hard time accepting this. Eddie puts the douchebag in his place ❤️
Warnings: Jealous Eddie.
Loosely inspired by this meme
Don't reuse, copy or repost my work.
If Eddie had to listen to this douchebag flirt with you one more time, he was going to blow.
Everyone knew you were his, granted it was more of an unspoken rule but it was well known to everyone in Hawkins High.
Then Richie the Prick, comes along and decides to test Eddie's patience. He can't blame the guy for flirting with you, you're beautiful, a goddess, Eddie's princess.
But it still doesn't stop Eddie from having the urge to rearrange Richie's teeth.
Richie was under the impression that you were Eddie's princess only in the campaigns, that you were fair game otherwise.
Most of Hellfire seemed to warn him, well except Erica who thought he was a dumbass and was looking forward to Eddie chewing him out.
Richie was finding it increasingly hard to get any time with you at all, not without Eddie glaring daggers of him, you were pretty closed off too, friendly but not giving away anything.
"So, what's Eddie's deal?" he asks Dustin and Gareth one evening, he's grown frustrated at his lack of success with you.
Eddie just sits smug as anything with you beside him, Gareth rolls his eyes at Richie's questions.
"Give it up dude, she's not interested. She's Eddie's" Richie frowns.
"You're shitting me with this bullshit right, this is just a game, she's not his princess or whatever shit he says"
Dustin laughs half heartedly, looking nervously at Eddie who hears this and his eyes narrow.
"Oh, dude. It's like you want to die or something don't you?" Dustin shakes his head wearily and hopes to god that nothing else comes of this.
He knows that it won't be long before Eddie's temper blows because of this...
Shit they warned Richie enough, maybe he really was just a dumbass. Dustin's watches the game closely and when Richie's character dies quite brutally, it's like an I told you so moment.
Eddie's smirk says it all.
There's a knock on Eddie's door and this pisses him off, he was in the middle of something very important and he's not happy about being interrupted.
His irratation grows when he sees it's Richie who's interuped him.
"Do you mind asshole? I was in the middle of dessert?" he huffs and Richie rolls his eyes as he takes in a half dressed Eddie.
"Dude, I came here to call you out on your shit, you killed my character off! All because I flirt with" your girl" who I highly doubt is yours by the way"
Eddie loses patience by this time, draws himself to full height, towers over Richie who visibly pales.
"Let's get one thing straight. You're some rich, preppy runt who thinks he has a shot with my girl. Spoiler alert dick, you don't" Richie the prick snorts.
"Well, we will see about that Munson. You're talking shi... Richie cuts off as you come out of Eddie's bedroom.
His sheet is wrapped around you half hazardly, your lips are all kiss bitten, little love bites litter your chest and you're pouty.
"Eddie, baby. I'm cold and lonely. Come back" Richie's mouth drops and he gapes between you and Eddie.
"I'm coming sweetheart. Give me one minute okay princess?"you nod and with a smirk hold up the handcuffs.
"Okay, can't wait to use these again" You wink and head back to bed and he turn to Richie with a triumphant and cocky as shit smile.
"See? She's my princess. Just like I said. Mine. Fuck off before I get really mad" Richie rushes away with his tale between his legs and Eddie slams the door shut.
Asshole. He heads into his room and finds himself softening as soon as his eyes meet yours.
"Hi princess, he's gone now" he assures you and he strokes your cheek. You peer up at him and there's a cheeky grin on your face.
"I await instructions... Dungeon Master" You tack on at the end much to his amusement and he kisses you.
"Well, I was enjoying being between your thighs princess" you giggle as he spreads your legs wide and buries his head between your thighs.
Richie soon ends up long forgotten.
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darkbluekies · 2 years
What would your OC’s do if their s/o cheated on them
Warnings: cutting, carving name into skin, death, isolation, very toxic, unhealthy relationships, beheading, degradation
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Basement. Immediately. You've betrayed his trust and taken his rare love for granted. He'll feel stupid and want you to realize your mistake. He'll also not hesitate in getting rid of the person who managed to steal you away from him in the worst ways possible. From now on, you'll never see anyone else. At all.
"Now, Y/N. Don't you dare look away from me. You better get used to seeing my face from now on. It'll be the only living thing I'll allow you to see. You'll stay down here until you've learned your righteous place. I own you, I love you. And I'll make sure you understand that."
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Dr Kry:
Since you're not a couple, you can't technically cheat on him. But he won't care. You're his and people should know that. Dr Kry can never blame you for stuff, you're not well! How can he put the blame on someone who doesn't even know what's best for themselves? The person he saw you kiss will be wiped off the earth one way or another and you'll get even more drugs and medication to keep you bed bound.
"If I'm mad? Why, of course I am. Why did you kiss that person? What do they have that I don't? I literally care for you 24/7! No one else even cares about you as much as I do. And this is how you repay me? Y/N, please. You don't understand how much this hurts me and I don't blame you for that. You're just naive. That's why I have to make sure you don't leave your bed. We can't let this happen again."
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King Edmund:
Edmund is extremely hypocritical. If he wanted to, he could choose anyone to be with for the night, but he never does that because he loves you. You don't have that choice however and when you take that thing for granted to piss him off, all hell will break loose. People will be executed, he'll start war, he'll separate families and burn down cities.
"See what you made me do! Why do you let other people suffer thanks to you, Y/N? All you needed to do was to obey me. You promised to be loyal in our wedding vowels. Traitor. I'll make sure you never dare to cheat on me again. From now on, every person you glance at will get beheaded with a butter knife, got it?"
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Her friends will have alerted her and she'll catch you right in the act. The moment the door swings open, Jerry will start to laugh. She doesn't know if it's out of shock or the fact that she now can punish you. Before you have the time to "explain", she'll have shot the other person dead and made her way over to you.
"My stupid, silly little bitch. You're really dumb, aren't you? Were you trying to make me jealous? Well, I don't get jealous, baby. I get territorial. And you're my property. I'm going to carve my name into every inch of your skin and force you to look at it every fucking day. Sooner or later that empty head of yours will get it."
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You can't keep anything secret from Hedwig. She knows everything. When you come over to her house one day she tells you that she has something for you in a tone that frightens you. Down in the basement, your fling is tied to a chair, gagged with a handkerchief and bruised all over. Hedwig’s sobs will bring you back to reality.
"You think I didn't know?! How could you, Y/N? I worship the ground you walk on. Isn't that enough for you? What do you want me to do? How could you do this to me? I could give you everything you ever wanted. This is not fair. But don't worry. We're not breaking up. I'm giving you another chance. I'm sure we can repair our relationship. I love you so much, honey. If you do this again, I'll have no other choice but to keep you locked in my room. If you don't want that, you better keep all of your attention on me."
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Hi!! Sorry to bother you but i just want to feel like im not sick and wanted to share my thoughts with someone that wont judge me
But i feel really bad, i really feel like there’s something wrong with me i don’t like sex and every time i had sex before has been bc i was supposed to do it, i forced my self to lose my virginity bc i felt like it was about time and i was too old for keep being a virgin. Also i thought “well, maybe if i do it i’ll start liking it like everybody says” but i didn’t, i didn’t like it but i thought again “oh well, it’s the first time (im a ciswoman)they say it always hurts the first time, maybe the more i do it i’ll start liking eventually” but again, i didn’t, i had sex with different people that i felt attracted to and it ALWAYS HURTED, also every time i had to be with at least a little alcohol in my system, so actually i have never had sex being 100% sober.
Now i’m in a relationship but I don’t even like kisses and it sucks bc i really love my boyfriend, he knows about this but i kinda feel like even if he is very supportive about it and says he still wants to be with me, I think there’s this little part of him that wishes that one day i’ll change and we can have sex.
I feel bad bc is it ok to call him my boyfriend and not just a close friend? Im i even allowed to love? Do i have to force my self to do something I don’t really want to or enjoy to be loved? Am i worthy of being loved?
I'm so sorry. As a thirtysomething that had the privilege to afford never to have sex, and who doesn't plan to change that any time, soon, I can tell you from my own experience that yes, not wanting it is valid, and no one should blame you for it. No one should blame you for forcing yourself to try it (because damn the societal pressure is so real), and for never liking it either. I'm so sorry you've been so invalidated just for wanting to live as you are for so long.
Seems to me that what you have right now is something you've always deserved and it's tragic that you didn't get it any earlier, but it's such a relief you have it now. Of course it's OK to call him your boyfriend. As much as our closed-minded, stuck-in-its-own-way, can't-see-past-its-own-nose society would try to lead you to believe, you don't have to have or want sex with someone to love them, that's not a mandatory condition at all. Of course you're allowed to love and worthy of being loved. And no, you don't have to force yourself to do something you don't want to or enjoy to be loved. That applies not only to sex but to so many other things. You don't have to force yourself to do anything to be worthy of love.
It's idealistic thinking maybe, but I always think communication is incredibly important between two people, so I'd personally recommend (although take for that what you will, you were just sharing feelings here, it's not like you came into this inbox to be told what to do and it's kinda pretentious on my part to write this in the first place) to share those fears with your boyfriend, emphasizing, if you need to, that it's not that you don't trust him or don't love him, it's that with the struggles you've had to go through for so long as an asexual person, it's hard for you not to be scared of such things even if things are going great. Of course I don't know your boyfriend, but if you have the feeling he's supportive, I want to believe that he'll be there to reassure you and keep supporting you.
And heck, if it winds up being a disappointment and he actually did have sexual ulterior motives he can't do without... That's on him, not on you. There's nothing wrong with you not wanting sex. You have every right to enjoy loving someone and being with someone on your own terms. I'm fortunate enough to do so myself, at the moment (granted, in a queer platonic relationship so it's a bit different, but still), so I know first-hand it's possible. And I sincerely wish you the best. You don't deserve to be doubting yourself, your happiness and your right to happiness so much but I can't blame you for that either. Society can really fuck up an asexual's self-esteem. But fuck that noise. You're so valid as you are.
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about-faces · 5 months
I'm still loving Gotham Nocturne and I wish it was getting the love/respect/attention is deserves. I've spoken several people who haven't been reading the current Detective Comics run because they're Batmanned Out (good lord, do I get it) and they see it as just another attempt at some kind of "ultimate Batman story with Batman fighting the ultimate evil," which I strongly disagree with.
THAT SAID... as time has gone on, and the story seems to be reaching its finale, there are a few things that stand out of me as problems with this epic storyline.
1.) It's one of the most egregious examples of "writing for the trade paperback." This simply isn't a story that's meant to be read month-to-month. It's too slow, with too little "happening," at least on the superficial level. Paradoxically, it's NOT a story that should be binged! The best comparison that comes to mind is Better Call Saul, since that's the only other example of serialized media that's meticulously slow-paced yet INCREDIBLY RICH for those willing to engage with it on its level rather than expecting it to be Breaking Bad (or in Nocturne's case, a typical Batman story.) Ram V is capable of writing super-engaging monthly issues, as the fantastic Rare Flavours proves, but that brings us to...
2.) The story is sprawling. Maybe even TOO sprawling. When it comes to people who are sick of Batman, I try to sell them on the fact that this story is about GOTHAM AS A WHOLE, right down to the villains who call it home, and how everyone there is as intrinsically a part of Gotham as Batman is. But ensemble stories like that are tricky, and it makes the focus feel all over the place at times, with alternately too much and too little attention being paid to the main players, Batman included. It's a balance that was handled beautifully with Batman: The Audio Adventures, but it seems a bit more awkward here. Again, it's hard to pull off!
Like, we have characters pop up and then vanishing without explanation. We got Azrael back in the AzBats armor for the first time in decades, like, holy shit! That should be a HUGE development! And then, poof, he vanished! There's simply no time to explore Jean-Paul's character because there's so many other things the narrative needs to explore.
This feels like it would have really benefited from a companion series, something to focus on the characters the way the backup stories have done, but just more so. I think about how Peter Tomasi would write companion books to the main big storylines written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, and Scott Snyder, and how he'd focus on character, which always enriched the greater "big important storyline." Which, in turn, also brings me to...
3.) The backup stories have really lost a lot of their punch since they stopped being written by Si Spurrier and were taken over by Dan Watters. Watters is incredibly capable, make no mistake, and his Cheshire/Lian Harper story is one of my favorite parts of this entire saga. But by and large, his tales focus more on the spooky and weird sides of what's happening with Nocturne, whereas Spurrier's stories were more focused on characters navigating the weirdness of the events. As a result, Spurrier gave us what I consider to be some of the very best stories about Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent, and Victor Fries ever written. I really miss those, and how they enriched Ram V's (possibly overly-ambitious) narrative.
Ultimately, Gotham Nocturne feels like the Batman equivalent to an arthouse film, which means it's going to be appreciated by a handful of nerds while leaving most other fans cold, and I can't really blame them. If anything makes me sad about all this, it's how all this incredible character work with Bruce, Harvey, Victor, Talia, and others is going to be ignored. Hell, it already is, given the complete lack of acknowledgement we've seen in other Bat-books for what's going on in Nocturne.
At this point, I just hope it sticks the landing in the finale, because I want to be able to have a complete, satisfying epic to recommend to people who want something a bit richer than the typical "guy in Bat costume punches clown" stories we usually get.
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bokettochild · 2 months
Hey! I ahev some rambled about the opera house au and just things with the chain in general.
Hwo do you think legend would react to having to play a lead character for the opeing of the show and the main character he played love interest was one if the dives? Like maybe lullaby started panicking because dusk dropped out on opening night and she got sick and lullaby panicked and told legend he would play the lead daisy Buchanan (i'm just using the great gatsby musical characters bc i'm in love with it right now) and one of the dives played jay gatsby and he had to kiss them and sing powerful songs?
I don't know if it is Canon but in the linked Universe, legend is times descendent or direct successor. How do you think tike would react to finding out he had one more descendent under his nose and it's the veteran who is prickly and cold nothing like twilight his descendent or wind I think wind is his successor who is goofy ans child like but also put. Off even though in recent update we saw legend is an aboustle gremlin...well live that though.
Do you think legend would ever yell at twilight? Like maybe legend is having a bad day snd twilight says somting like "time left the master sword in perfect condition I didn't have to save Mt world until I was 17" and so on just really boasting about it to legend maybe because legendhad been mean or snsrky to wild and twilightwas trying tk get back for wild. Snd legend snaps "yeah really?! Good for you well time didn't leave the master sword in good condition for me! When I found the master sword it rusted beyond belief I had to build it back up with my own 9 (or who ever years old legend was) old hands with times blood on it because time died! Well fighting ganon making my world fall apart leaving a nine year old to save it!" Had legend just yells at twilight dumping all of his trauma on twilight even bring marin into to mix, and the whole chain stands there watching their veteran yell at the ranch hand with tears streaming down his face. Well time feels horrible for birnf inccont legend into the cruel world of being a hero, and giving him that trauma.
Alright bye enjoy your day and be safe!
Legend can and has filled in for leading roles before, but he's also been cast in them! His major starring role is actually one of his more iconic (there's nothing more iconic than that, fight me) and does feature a bit of a "love story" between himself and the character that Warriors plays. Granted, Legend's character is faking the whole thing, but it's still a lot of flirting on stage. They both know how to be professional about it and behave themselves though, and anything like kissing is usually faked for the sake of the actors (when and if they can, there's no actual contact made, as long as they can make it look like there is. He's also ended up having to play a love interest (unrequited, but still) for Wild's character! They had a good laugh about it honestly and yeah, there was a moment there where people had questions, but it just turns out Legend's a good actor and very convincing :)
Honestly, I think Time would be sort of shocked to find out that Legend is also his successor, but also sort of horrified. I mean, Legend comes from a world where Time not only died, but also failed in his duties as a hero, leaving them to fall on the shoulders of another child instead. Granted, that's not his fault, but if you look at their timeline talk and all, you can't deny Time wouldn't blame himself at least a small amount. Would that guilt make it harder for him to be around Legend? Would he treat him differently, knowing that Legend might never have become a hero if Time hadn't fallen? I think he would. I think the guilt would eat at him, because while he does know there will always be heroes who rise to face evil, the fact that Legend had to rise specifically to clean up after him would devastate him. All the more so because Legend's the guy who's done the most out of all of them and is the only one to repeatedly have to fight Ganon, because the pig gained immortality as (again) a result of the Hero of Time falling.
I don't know that Legend would trauma dump on any of his brothers intentionally. he's very guarded, an people like that tend to not be super eager to drop truth bombs that big in a moment flat. Over time though? Sure! Someone makes a comment about the Master Sword and Legend ends up revealing that he had to reforge his before it was actually fit for use, because it was left in ruin. Something else later lets them learn that it still had Time's blood on it when it was left in the forest, and that Legend, while reforging the blade, had to clean the blood-rust away, smelling the blood of his predecessor as he worked. Maybe this or that comes up and they slowly start getting the puzzle pieces of the vet's life; nothing seems to fit together one way or another, and they're not sure how much is true because there's so many things, how could this much happen to one person? But then they realize how many adventures there have been, and how long it took, and when the final nail in the coffin comes with a tired "I was eight", it really hits them all. Legend wouldn't dump it all at once, but I think his brothers are smart enough to put together what he does say to find out the truth, and I think it would devastate them. Twilight would absolutely feel guilty about having it "so easy" in comparison (no such thing, they all suffered, but hey, they all think their pain is lesser than the rest) but I think Legend would shut that down in a heartbeat, if he knew. Now, if Legend inhibitions were lowered in some way and someone set him off? We might get it all at once, with the drama you described. Legend would have to be pretty out of it to be so honest about his past, but hey! Whatever works to make fissures and pain, no?
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landwriter · 2 years
1589 got me feeling&rambling and I'm so sorry beforehand that I can't keep it short and simple, as would probably befit the thing. Feel free to ignore if not interesting to you, still you are the one that comes to mind when thinking about Hob being morally grey.
That scene is always so painful to watch, mostly because Hob is behaving like such a sorry fool. He has really decked himself out to impress his stranger and misses the mark so dramatically.
(Whereas Dream seemingly has not held back either - I mean it's easily his hottest look, you can't tell me he didn't mean to make a lasting impression. So much disappointment on both sides.)
Cringe Hob as part of the dark Hob spectrum, his self-importance/selfishness showing - of course it's not pure fun to watch, but I'm always so fascinated by that flicker of pain (foreshadowing shame) that comes right to the surface in all his put on show, just before he orders the lamb. The contrast makes for a very intense moment, imo. And I am wondering, has he really left all of this behind by 1889? Or is he simply more smooth by that time (that's what I'm getting from the show) ? In fanfics his flaws are mostly depicted as minor or serving a good end in modern times, he is always such a goodie by then (and I love him, of course). But can we imagine just a trace of more questionable/offputting Hob in the mix (if only on impulse) - to be clear, I have no idea how that would work. Or should we just be grateful that that lies behind him (it certainly makes for a much more likeable character and a nicer love story)?
(me force feeding myself more of the horrible stuff I just wanted to avoid looking at)
It's a beautiful contrast: opulence and insecurity. Success and asking still for validation. I have Thoughts on each meeting (please send me asks about them) - ostensibly the very first fannish thing I did for this show, and also in my adult life, was rewatch the meetings and pause constantly and take - oh holy Christ over 4,000 words of notes.
I propose Hob is not acting like a sorry fool. Sure, some bits are clearly played for comedy. Hob is selfish, self-important, and given to hedonism. He is concerned primarily with his own comfort and the personal pleasures of life. But I blame 1589 pretty solidly on Dream. In 1489, after being asked what his experience is like, he answers Dream with an inarticulate statement spoken by a true person who just Digs The Experience of Experiencing: it's 'fucking brilliant' and 'all changing'. Dream asks how, Hob literally looks around the room like a student who forgot an essay was due, and names chimneys and playing cards. Handkerchiefs. Simple things - still sensual things - but simple ones. Certainly no sociopolitical discourse here. What will you people think of next, says Dream, deeply sarcastic and visibly disinterested. And Dream also asks him: but what is Hob doing with his time? This, too, he is under-prepared to answer. Soldiering, banditry, bit of printing press work. Hardly enough to impress this supernatural lord, and Hob can tell.
When he is granted, explicitly, another 100 years by Dream, it is not only a relief, but I think a part of Hob squares its jaw in that moment and says: I'll show him - I'll show him what I can do in a century, I'll earn his pleased regard. Not necessarily because he's even, you know, madly in love at this point, but because he's in it for the living, does not intrinsically have great ambitions, but does have someone who has a) seemingly granted him this greatest gift and b) is unimpressed with what he's doing with it. And he's lost everyone he knew. Dream is now his oldest acquaintance, and wouldn't it be nice if he liked Hob?
He knows only the language of what impresses other men, and this is what he achieves. But to Dream, both Hob's socially-valued successes and his deeply personal ones are terrifically uninteresting. They are not New Dreams To Spur The Minds Of Men. There is no new story in a man seeking fortune and having a wife and a child he loves. He is ancient as the first dreaming thing, and he is Bored. He is, in fact, soured on this meeting from the outset, when he says "Hello, Hob," which on my watch struck me, apparently, as extremely bizarre and of having a real air of Hob being In Trouble. (The only other times Dream says his name are at the first, looming and omniscient, and in 1789, - 'I suggest you find yourself a different line of business, Robert Gadling'. He does not say it at their modern meeting.)
I mean - how would you impress someone? Someone who was interested in your deeds? Putting on a nice little dinner and catching them up on your life, talking about your family, seems a decent enough shout. It's not like you can ask him about his life, he won't offer information when asked and only sometimes will correct you if you venture your own guesses. (see also: 1889 foreshadowing) Hob is feeling proud and triumphant, feeling like he's come far. He is obviously a bit obnoxious about it, but I do think Dream shows off his flaws far more in 1589 than Hob does.
Hob's greatest sin, here, is trying to be liked. His greatest regret is almost certainly not the spread he put on, but the moment he was really, truly, earnest - not underscored even by a subsequent joke - the moment he declaims that this is what he had imagined Heaven to be like (safe enough to walk the streets; good food; good wine) - Life is so rich, he says - and Dream looks away to listen to Will Shaxberd, and we watch real time as Hob's expression collapses. He had leaned forward nearly out of his chair in enthusiasm, and now he shrinks back, reminded again of the dangers of earnestness: being alone in it. Being ignored. Better to make a joke of things, which is why he tells so many around Dream, especially after being more open - it's clearly a matter of habit. (It is also, incidentally, absolutely unappealing to Dream, who really and truly looks at him for the first time in 1689, when he is stripped of the social niceties of men and reigns nothing in.) He eats. He frets. He has had another century, and he has failed to impress the stranger.
The worst moment, I think, is that Dream does not renew their compact. He does not ask Hob if he still wishes to live, and Hob does not get the opportunity to say "Oh, yes." He was given this gift for one reason: the stranger was curious about his experiences. Does the stranger seem still curious about him now? I wonder, honestly, if Hob thought he would see another meeting.
Has he really left that all behind by 1889? No - you hear it in his own words, 'People are almost always better than you think they are.' - the earnesty, and then the joke - 'Not me, though, still the same as ever.' Except it's not really a joke, is it? Hob is saying to Dream, I know you don't think much of me, well, I don't pretend to think much of myself. He still wants Dream's validation, of course, he's just trying to earn it differently. (It goes poorly.) He's smoother, but also more frustrated, more fed up, more hungry for knowledge of his stranger; and I think that's such an interesting point in time for him. I think he leaves little behind, and what he does leave behind, he dreams of. He's changed so much and so little, and I think you could really go in whatever direction you want depicting that and be convincing.
I can't speak to the fanon on Hob's flaws because I don't read nearly as much as I wish I could. While I don't personally think 1589 Hob was actually that questionable or offputting - at least no more than most people would be in that situation - I would love to see a modern fic where has the same flaws he's always had, where they come up maybe different than they would have several centuries ago, but they absolutely exist, it does have plot consequences. Bonus points if he is not being offputting for the purposes of rescuing Dream from the fishbowl - if his flaws exist independent of his relationship with Dream altogether. Bonus bonus points if Hob is the one whose character development needs to be developed and Dream is in a better place than he is. If anyone has fic recs feel free to drop them in the comments!
P.S. 1589 Dream, wow, yes, for sure. 10/10 would babble and get walked out on
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year
this is just an opinion no need to get in my inbox and hate :)
i GENUINELY wonder if my fics are not good enough, or it's just because i am writing about the "side charachters" and not ghost or könig..
i mean ofc everyone have tastes but the way pepole act on socials and keep out charachters like Rudy and Alejandro makes me wonder if this is a preference or r*cism.
(before you say it, i am not making drama and we can't keep turning around the pot forever)
(also Horangi and Gaz are extremely underrated, fortunately ppl started to include them back after the chaos of September. i understand some people may not like a character or not write for him because they don't want to mess it up. but leaving him out like MANY did isn't okay.)
I am not blaming anyone but genuinely wondering why some charachters get all the attention while we can berly find content for any other character, who are really interesting as well and deserve appreciation.
I am not against any headcanon, sticking with the canon events is fine.
y'all need to let people do what they love, even if you don't like it, someone enjoys it. And the purpose of a fandom is to recreate and make new stuff out of the actual product.
Although, what is extremely wrong is oversexualizing the charachters, making from them some mentally ill monsters and manicas. You should educate yourself on disorders and similar stuff before writing it, you may think it's ok, but in reality love, you are making a huge mistake.
(I've seen some stuff that was extremely messed up and the people who wrote that really need to touch some grass and urgent therapy. Some stuff shouldn't be posted at all..)
Also, the face models are actual people.. and the comment section under their posts makes me sick.. some of y'all took the digital footprint for granted..
remember they can read, or see anything you'll say. they have family, friends seeing what y'all say about them..
imagine seeing someone say that stuff about your friend or parent..
Also Samuel Roukin and every other actor are beautiful, they are humans and don't have to be a flawless super model.(he is in fact very handsome 🤭)
Look in the mirror darling and remember that the person you are hating on is a human just like you and have feelings.
- you can like whoever you want i am not judging anyone and i am not forcing you to like any character 🤦🏻‍♀️
can't believe i had to add this ppl seriously need to touch grass
-give other characters attention
-dont hate on others for having different opinions
-the face models are humans
-there is some point where you should ask yourself if what you wrote is okay
-its könig not konig
-graves is an antogonist and was supposed to be evil
- all of the charachters did something wrong at some point, this is war and not roses and flowers
this is my opinion and idc i wanted to rant cuz i had enough
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your-ne1ghbor · 5 months
My problems with Magnifico and Amaya and how I would rewrite them (TKoRaT AU)
Ahem..sorry..what was I gonna say?
Oh yea! Feeling like a long rant again, so prepare your eyes!!!💀
Sooo, I kinda have been off putting stuff again since I had school work and a bunch of ideas like this one, so I decided to just share it so I don't loose the idea (ik I can write it down but idk I felt like sharing it). Plus the fact that I've been more chatty lately lol.
Idk how to transition to my problems with Amaya and Magnifico so here.
Magnifico and Amaya's Character in Wish 2023
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Magnifico in the film is...well is a pretty stand up guy! Sure, he is paranoid most of the time and is pretty stubborn, but he is very selfless and a really generous person!
You can say he is more in line with the kings of original films that deeply care for their children, such as King Sefan from Sleeping Beauty, or King Frederic from Tangled.
In this case, he deeply cares for the people of Rosas. I mean yeah, it is weird that you forget what your goal is in life, but if I had nowhere to go and no roof over my head, of course I would go to Rosas to live there safely. Heck, in perspective, you have a chance of your wish getting granted, and don't have to pay rent to live there. It is a pretty fair deal, especially for families who want their kids to grow up out of harms way. Sure, he can't grant all of the wishes, but his reasoning is pretty valid. The only line I could get from the film that would support this would be when he commented on Asha's Grandfather's Wish (which is to inspire the next generation):
"To create what? A rebellious mob perhaps? Inspire them to...to do what? Uh, destroy Rosas, maybe?"
And a lot of people can argue that Saba's wish is very simple or isn't dangerous, but here is the thing. Simple things can have dangerous concequences no matter how small or big they are. Sure, you can start out small, like inspiring people, but it will cause a domino effect that can lead to something greater. Either for the better or worse. And example would actually be Walt Disney himself! He started out small, but without him, animation would not have gotten to where it is today. With his love and passion to art and story telling and taking risks, we WOULD NOT have gotten Puss in Boots, SpiderVerse, OR EVEN ANYTHING ANIMATION WISE. Walt Disney really pioneered animation and without those baby steps, there would not be an Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, ect. It would just be...well...live action I guess. Hate the Disney company or not, Walt helped get animation to where it is today, and it sucks that his company, even after death, wont try anymore to push the limits of animation except for companies that isn't Disney.
Plus, I don't even blame Magnifico for thinking this way! Although it is sort of annoying that his backstory was told instead of shown (not that there is nothing wrong with telling, but showing for me is a more effective way of story telling for me. You can take the little mermaid for example), I personally understood where he was coming from. In his backstory, his home was destroyed from thieves and barbarians, with his family and possibly everyone he knew being dead. Its honestly tragic, so him making a kingdom for people to not suffer that pain again is very selfless of him and just...feels good in a good way you know?
But as everything in this movie is, it takes the good things and beats it over with a 30 foot pole and leaves it to rot.
He is turned into the villain. And no, it isn't because of Asha not getting what she wanted, and no, it isn't because Amaya, his wife died (she never did btw)! OH NO IT IS MUCH WORSE.
He opens up a mAgIc bOoK oF dArK mAgIc and becomes the bad guy...
...What the fuck. Actually no, applauds to you Disney! This is such a effective way of telling a story. 10/10 forever and ever. Great job! :D
(I am being sarcastic, this is legit the worst way for a good guy becoming the villain, its so fucking stupid-)
He is just simply stripped of his good qualities and only lets his bad qualities shine through. It kind of feels like he was being held at gun point here.
Seriously, there was no other way of making him the bad guy? Like legit? Simply remove his backstory and make him evil at the begining. I guess it would be weird if he took the wishes without reasoning, but even then, why give him good qualities when he is supposed to be the bad guy? He became more of a tragic hero than a tragic "bad guy".
I will go more into my problems with him after I talk about Amaya for a bit since talking about her character is more shorter than Magnificos.
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The best I can say for her character is that she is like Jimmy Cricket but fell in love with Pinnocio (I know that sounds weird pls spare me).
She is like the voice of reason for Magnifico, and it is best shown when Magnifico FIRST concidered on using the book for "his evil deeds". This scene specifically:
Other than that, she wasn't really a character in the film AT ALL. It sort of sucks concidering what the original concept was (WE WILL GET TO THAT) and instead degraded her character to...well...nothing.
I can't really say anything about her since she just was "I am loyal to my husband" to "actually fuck you I will believe a 17 year old instead of the man I trusted for the amount of years it took to get the kingdom to it's feet." I want to, but I can't. SHE HAS NOTHING.
I wish I can say more about her character, but it would just be me ranting about how trash her is character and was handled. Speaking of that, lets get into why I dislike how they were handled.
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Why does their character bother me so much?
Well it is sort of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.
Magnifico was supposed to be the return of the classic villains. You know, on the levels of Jafar, Ursala, Evil Queen, Malificant, ECT, he just...wasn't. Although he had a bunch of Evil Queen inspirations thrown into his character, it felt like more of refrences to a better film than being apart of his character. Plus, I feel like I sympathized with him way to much. I personally felt more emotion when he was on screen instead of the main character because I understood where he was coming from. Its honestly baffaling to me, since if he didn't have his backstory told to us, I still would not rooted against him. Even without his backstory, it just sounds like he was doing this at the bottom of his heart and empathizing with people who are doing far worse than what he is going through. Its honestly heartwarming seeing a person trying to do good in the world and provide a safe place for everyone to be free from the burden of this world. And want to know something? None of the classic villains had tragic backstories. They are evil for the sake of being evil. There probably was some with sympathetic traits, but from what I recall, there is none. So going with the sympathetic rout is not on par with classic villains.
However, there is nothing wrong with giving your villains sympathetic traits. It makes them feel more rounded as a person/character, and you can get a lot of emotion from that alone. I just think that Magnifico being the villain doesn't make sense since as I said, they made him so generous and kind in the begnining and only destroyed it since "oh wait, we need a villain, so why not make the good guy the villain" and threw in the dark magic book and called it a day. Not even that, but he is not threatening in any way. What I mean by that, is that his powers don't really get an upgrade at all. His magic just sort of turns green and thats it! I even bet that he can crush wishes even without the powers of the magic book.
Going off topic, but making plushie..COUGH... star...(plusie = wish 2023 star) less "stronger" to make the female lead stronger just makes Magnifico's reason for going after plushie's powers even more useless. Even with plushie's powers, HE IS JUST THE SAME. I guess he can now create vines? BUT IT JUST DOESNT WORK. It makes more sense for Magnifico going after plushie when it is powerful because he could see that power as a THREAT to his own powers and his kingdom.
Now for Amaya, her turning against Magnifico is just stupid. Haven't you went through a lot with him? Why the hell did you give up after "oh he can't be saved"? I feel like she could have done a "true loves kiss" sennario which breaks the spell it has on him. Not only that, she barely contributes to the plot at all. The only thing she contributes to the plot is just "getting the teens into the castle so they can free the wishes" then disappears, then reappears at the finally when Magnifico got a little too silly with his drugs-I MEAN wishes haha... Then she becomes the ruler of Rosas. It feels weird and out of place, especially concidering her character MOST LIKELY went through so much with Magnifico only to turn on him when he gets a little mad. It is so stupid. Also, if you just remove her, nothing would really change except the first scene where Magnifico has the book, only this time, no one is there to stop him. And as I said, HER CHARACTER IS NOTHING. But here is the thing...
When concidering the concept version of Amaya, she would have been the villain along side Magnifico. Not as a selfish love relationship or they are together at ones expense (gaining something from one another for only themselves) no, THEY WERE MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. Something to note here is that there is barely ANY villain couple or ANY VILLAINS who are like this, let alone love each other for the sake of it instead of a "selfish love relationship and then one gets redeemed " situation (im looking at the mayor of paris from miraculous ladybug). So that, THAT RIGHT THERE, would have been a brilliant idea and brings something new and fresh to the table. Not only that, it is so brilliant that it would have respected all of the male/female antagonists we had for the past 100 years with the company. It is also A RISK. Walt was all about taking risks, even when his company would have floundered at the expense of making art. Snow White for example had a lot of money put into it that if it failed, well Disney would not exist in this timeline so to speak. So taking that risk is also RESPECTING Walt's legacy in a really good way.
I personally just see this as a fun way to explore their characters, especially when you can reflect their characters off of our main characters, Asha and Star (boy), if you want to of course. I can imagine Magnifico kinda be like Gaston from beauty and the beast with some Frollo flare to it (not the lust thing tho but yk what I'm getting at) and Amaya can be like Ursala or Gothal. Plus, it works as a power balance. In the original concept, Amaya was the potion maker while Magnifico does all of the magic. Its honestly a fun way to play with power set ups. Magnifico can just be for show and Amaya can just be a drug dealer (or basically Ursala).
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Here is the thing: I can get over Star Boy not being in the film, like I get it. We gotta have that girl power in Disney movies now, and they have to be emotionless people. But a Disney power couple? WHAT THE HELL??? LEGIT THE BEST IDEA YOU HAVE EVER HAD IN 100 YEARS. AND YOU GOT RID OF IT BECAUSE WE CAN'T TAKE RISKS ANYMORE??? BUT WALT WOULD HAVE TAKEN IT. YOU WANT TO RESPECT HIS LEGACY? THEN TAKE THE RISK TO DO SO YOU SELFISH, INSUFFERABLE, PIECES OF SHI-
(This section was removed because I went a little crazy there. Sorry about that. I'm not sure how I can transition into the rewrite section, again, soooooo here:)
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How I would rewrite the characters
There is no wrong or right way of rewriting a character, especially when a lot of people interpret them in different ways, and that is completely fine!
This will also fall into somewhat Asha's character and she will be mentioned to fit what I am going for with the characters. I will also leave out what they both do to the wishes since I am making a whole reimagined scene and it is going to include what they do to the wishes there. It will leave out some stuff I had with it here, but I will do my best interpritation of the characters the best I can, even when I can't really say much about it :)
🌟 For starters, right off the bat, he does not have any of that sort of backstory they gave him for the original. For what I am going for, his backstory will not fit his reasonings for what I am going for, especially for his character.
🌟 He is more on par with the original personality from the original storyboard, specifically this one:
(This also goes for Amaya too personality wise)
🌟 Something that is very different from a lot of villains is that he has sympathetic traits. Although he has more negative traits than positive, he has more of a caring side. Mainly to Amaya, but Asha as well. When Amaya found Asha at their door steps (they aren't holding me hostage as I write out this specific part guys, I swear) at first he saw her as an opportunity to boost his and his wife's popularity that would have other people come more to their kingdom (its more of like they are seeing their "generosity" side and dismiss the problems the kingdom has). But as she continued to live with her adoptive parents, Magnifico became pretty close to Asha. Its mainly because of her passion to what she strives to be, to be like him. Probably feeding into his ego, but you know, nice to know he cares.
🌟 Just because he treats Amaya and Asha well, doesn't mean that the kingdom gets that same treatment. He doesn't care about the people at all. He actually has enjoyment when he hurts or breaks people's dreams. He gets all excited about it and you guys can ask him why he finds enjoyment out of it cause idk it would be more fun that way and gives you guys the chance to interact with him :D
🌟 The wishes boost his powers temporarily. It fades away after either a few days or hours. When his powers are boosted, he has more control over the people. And, to who he consumes the wishes of, can see through their perspective for a little while. It also makes civilians more compliment with him and not question his authority. This does not work with people who have not given up their wishes though. Only to people who have already given up their wishes. He can also make people forget certain memories (that might be Amaya's thing though but I'm not too sure) and can put on much more longer "light shows" (think on the level of: Playing with the Big Boys, but more flashy and crazier). He can also manipulate his surroundings with images, but not at a physical level. (Like hallucinations so to speak)
🌟 His powers without the wishes are more of what he uses to do simple things or put on small light shows. Not as flashy than ones when he has his powers boosted, but he puts on the smaller ones to "gain more people to comply when they have to give up their wishes", one might say, inspire them to do so. He also uses it to help Asha practice with magic (She can't even do magic STFU I KNOW.) It also can be used to take desires that you have deep in your heart.
🌟 If hair jell were to exist in his time period, he would eat it with no regrets (Amaya would make it so he can eat it without getting hurt)🔥
🌟 When he consumes a stars powers, he legit goes insane and can shape shift like one, but more corrupt with no consistancy to what he turns into since he legit gone insane. With a star, a star can shapeshift to whatever it wants or to express it's emotions. With him, it is all over the place. He can't control it.
🌟 Like Frollo, he tortures anyone who is against him, and will not hesitate to take it to the extreme if needed too (or that he wants to, to please himself).
🌟 What his wife says or does, he will willingly go through with it. After all, he loves her with all his heart.
🌟 He can't let Asha out of the castle often to make sure that the people will not take advantage of her generosity (thats what he thinks though, in reality everyone is just scared of the royals.. most of them at least) or learn-
Magnifico then breaks the forth dimention and destroys my house.
🌟 He is such a silly goober!!1!11!1!11!1 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
(He told me to write that or else he will kill my dog and cat. HELP ME PLEASE-)
🌟 For starters, she is much more involved in the story than she is in the original. She doesn't have a backstory like what Magnifico had in the original, nor does she need too. Not sure how they would meet at the moment, but I'd like to think that they met and then were like: love at first sight and became more silly as time went on...including their insanity <3
🌟 As I said for Magnifico, she is more on par with the concept version personality wise. But she is more of an Ursala and likes to put herself as the victim to get more people to feel bad for her (MANIPULATION AT ITS FINEST 😜)
🌟 Just like Magnifico, she has sympathetic traits. And she only has it, because of our main character Asha! She just found her one day at the castle doors. She didn't understand why, but like Magnifico, only let her stay for as long as she did to post her popularity with the commoners, and grew closer to her as she became more of a mother figure to Asha. (Ruh Ro, anyone sensing Mother Gothal vibes?) Unlike Magnifico though, she uses her sympathetic traits to get people to comply with their ways better. Her main trait she is good at looking at the person's situation and understand it well, or aka being empathetic. She uses that to her advantage when manipulating them to do whatever she pleases.
🌟 She is more of a witch than anything. I imagine her somewhat like Ursala (yes a heavy load of Ursala), Evil Queen, and Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) when in terms to what they make. She does make a lot of poisons to use if anyone is getting a little too close to the close and they gotta...TAKE THEM OUT without anyone knowing. She can also use it for like a form of medicine too.
🌟 Some potions, like turning people into animals or certain poisons, requires people's desire. More so with turning people into animals as a form of punishment. She can also use her craft at potion making to have her wield magic for a certain amount of time WHEN NEEDED. (Gee I wonder what she will use that for). It can also be used like a drug, or to get someone to comply with what they want a little better than Magnifico. She can put on pretty shows too, but more smoke themed and is better at manipulating her surroundings.
🌟 Although Amaya would teach Asha how to make potions, she worries that the people of Rosas would take advantage of her kindness and use the skills that she would teach Asha to their advantage and form a revolt to take them down. (Which really, with them ruling, who can blame them?)
🌟 I would say she is more of a planner than Magnifico. She plans ahead and makes sure everything is in line with what they want and makes plan Bs or Cs even Ds in case anything would go wrong. Asha actually gained that trait from her believe it or not!
🌟 Magnifico is more reckless than his wife. Amaya is more so less confronting and tries to keep up their image. She actually have certain gestures that Magnifico would take notice too. And since he trusts her a lot, he complies and lets Amaya take lead in certain situations.
🌟 Yes...she also finds enjoyment of seeing people getting tortured. They actually made up a game on how they would torture a certain civilian 💀
🌟 When it comes to how she treats the people of Rosas, she is as I said, less confronting and puts on more of a fake smile and gaslights everyone that their kingdom is fine or whatever (It is not gaslighting when it is telling the truth. I feel so offended right know! DUDE LADY CHILL I AM CREATING YOU RN AND YOU ARE ALREADY TRYING TO GASLIGHT ME WTF😭)
🌟 When she has a star's powers, I feel like it would let her create whatever the fuck she wants at an insanity level. Wishing stars create items that would help users on their journey, so with her, she can use it to her advantage. Also she becomes just as insane as her husband. It also gives a difference in terms to what they would do when they have a star's powers. Magnifico would be able to shapeshift at a corrupt level, and Amaya can manipulate her surroundings that would become reality so to speak at an insane level. I chose this one since it fits her not being more confrontant while Magnifico is more so on that. She be lurking in the shadows like a cat :3
🌟 How she knows so much about the people, is by her cat! I think the cat would be called Custos. Idk the name yet, might go with the concept version of the name.
🌟 I learn more about my prey before I strike at their weakest point. (Nah that's very catnap of you. Unless you want to fall asleep for 100 years, I suggest you choose your words carefully. Bruh alright lady💀) And yes she wrote that in...
🌟 She is such a silly lil guy...AMAYA STOP LET ME BE SILLY U SON OF A BI-😡
Erm anyways...(she tried to eat my dog and steal my cat. GRRRR)
I feel like it would be fun if it is just expanding their empire for their main goal or taking over the world. Kind of like this song as their modivation:
I want this to be their goal since it kind of feels like some of the old Disney Villains, for me at least :3 (And I am having WAYYYY to much fun with their characters already hehe)
Final Thoughts
On a final note, I will mention that there is a possibility that all of this wont make it into the final version. And in all honesty, I'm actually shocked I was able to compose all of this together without mentioning what they do with the wishes, like what- 😭
I also am still debating if Amaya and Magnifico made the kingdom or it was passed down through generations. Don't know yet tbh :^
Also, Amaya was sort of difficult for me to jot down since I didn't know how to get her into the story, and I think I am slowly, but surely getting there :D
I also really tried to make it different and fresh from the other versions and I am very excited to show that "I DECIDE WHAT EVERYONE DESERVES" when it is done (it is now We decide what everyone Deserves).
You can also ask both Amaya and Magnifico questions regarding the info you know about them now and about how they feel with the other versions of them if you want to of course (and I can show off their designs HEHHEH)
And yes...I had too much fun with writing out how they would interact with the post. DW, they wont interact here in the Final Thoughts section hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I might also do a post on Asha since I have been pretty quiet on her character design/rewrite and another post about Star Boy since I wanna get more in depth with the ideas of Wishing Stars in my AU.
Speaking of Au...
what to call this AU of mine hmmmmm
I'll go with The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns, or TKoRaT. Feels fitting to me, at least for what I am going for story wise and character wise. Might change it since I can't stick with one thing, but rn it rolls off the tongue nicely.
Until then, I hope you have a great day and I hope Magnifico and Amaya don't steal your dreams 💀
@oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire
(They are thinking of working with your versions of Magnifico and Amaya oh boy not good 💀)
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rweoutofthewoods · 6 months
I don't think I have ever pretended I'm perfect or acted in any way like I am. I base literally all of my writing around the fact that people make mistakes, they fuck up, and that's human. There's not a single person on earth who hasn't done things they can't take back. Does that mean doing shitty things is okay just because everyone does it? No. What matters is taking accountability facing the consequences, and learning and growing from it. You can't control the way other people react, only yourself. There's so much negativity and hatred in fandom spaces and it's so easy to feed into it, egg each other on, and see the worst in every person. In February I was forced to face the fact that I was falling into that negativity and since then, I have worked hard to make sure my life, my blog, and the people I interact with all bring positivity into my life and that I bring positivity to them. I'm proud of that, and I've dropped a lot of bad habits and I'm learning to grant people grace even when they can't find it in themselves to offer it to other people. I've never had malicious intent to hurt anyone, and I truly believe most people are not bad people. Because I know I've made mistakes too, and I believe in granting understanding even if it's not returned. It's not transactional, and all you can control in this world is yourself and the way you react to things. And I spent a long time reacting negatively, but I don't anymore. I truly wish everyone well, even those who aren't in my life anymore.
I had to work hard to undo a lot of my first instincts and when I started posting online. I realized that I'd often say things brashly or harshly and they came off in ways I didn't truly mean. Or I'd get angry over something and instantly lash out. I saw the world as very black and white and I didn't often think before I spoke, because I knew that whatever I said was never that deep, but I quickly realized to some people it WAS that deep and whether I intended it that way or not, speaking harshly or meanly was wrong. It's so easy to get mean if someone disagrees with you or does something to make you mad. It's so easy to reply to asks in a cruel or passive-aggressive way if they say something you don't like and I regret times in the past when I did that. The past two months I've changed a lot about how I interact with people and the things I say, I learned my lesson.
There's a lot of drama, hatred, vendettas, and negativity in the marauders fandom. I can't control or change that or anything in the past, only what I do and who I am now. I have no ill intent toward anyone and I've never publicly acted maliciously even at my worst, and I would not ever publicly speak ill of anyone.
People fuck up, that's humanity, and you can understand that people grow and realize their mistakes or you can not, and I don't blame anyone for what they choose to do, the past has already happened. I believe so firmly in second chances and allowing people to learn. It's in everything I write, and I think that does a much better job of showing how I view the world.
I am very sorry for any occasion where I have participated in spreading negativity and to anyone who was hurt by it. I take full accountability no ifs or buts. I really have so much love for this fandom and the people in it and it should be a place where we can all respect opinions, ships, hcs, etc. I'm not interested in entertaining drama because we're all just here to enjoy our silly wizards and all I can do is continue upholding my vow to stay positive, understanding, stay accountable, and keep doing my thing, and I hope we can all try to do the same xx
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gopher-jade · 2 years
What endlessly frustrates me about the writing in the moon arc is that it is so focused on technobabble and philosophical arguments that it completely neglects what even made honkai such a good story in the first place - the masterful portrayal of the characters' emotions, struggles and growth.
We love Kiana because we saw and heard how she was a bratty kid, and then became depressed, and then slowly climbed out of that hellhole. Props to the translaters, the scriptwriters, the voice actors, the staff behind the CGs. Mei's arc was heart-rending also because we saw how crushed she was by Kiana's struggles. Seele in CG slamming her fist on the ground and crying to herself, "Move, you coward!" will always haunt me. Veliona seeming like a psychopath and being pit against Saule and then eventually reconciling was the best thing ever, because the team really did such a good job of making it really seem like Veliona might harm Seele, and then later of conveying just how much Veliona actually loved her.
What do we get of that kind of character-building in this arc? Basically nothing. The characters are so busy talking about the technicalities of Project Stigma that we don't really know how they feel about the whole thing apart from (stock action movie hero voice) "that is so despicable and we will stop you!"
Senti is thankfully an exception, because she doesn't bother engaging with conversation unless it directly affects her. And she's got the right idea!
imo, when it comes to storytelling, the worldbuilding only needs to be as coherent as is necessary for the emotional stakes to make sense. The writers have spent so much time trying to explain the tech to us that they completely forgot about establishing the emotional stakes. Anyone who's stuck around with Honkai this long knows that the worldbuilding doesn't really make sense. Things gets retconned all the time. Anything that doesn't make sense gets blamed on Fenghuang Down. The writers really don't need to spend so much time convincing us that the worldbuilding make sense. We already know, it doesn't, and we loved you anyway. Why did you stop doing what you were good at?
Another thing that takes time away from actually establishing the emotional stakes is the philosophising. Okay, so most of the world is going to die and be reborn as a new entity that isn't really them. But the characters we love are mostly spared from that fate, so why should we care? I know this might make me sound heartless, but I only care about these fictional nameless people because the characters I love care about them. These nameless masses are fictional. I don't care. I can't even tell if the protags even care about these masses outside of an abstract "killing people bad" ideology. I don't know if it's because I haven't cleared the chapter yet (the writing is just that boring; the trio just met Kevin). But after hours of gameplay, the trio have never displayed any emotion outside of mere disapproval. The kind I might have when I go "wow that person has such a shit take on things, but I'll just live and let live". What are they even fighting for?
Granted, I do think the philosophical arguments are interesting and I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any in Honkai at all. But I can only enjoy it to a certain point, and it's not even done well here. We don't get to see any of the protagonists actually engaging with the philosophical argument. From what I can tell, it's just "Project Stigma is the only way some semblance of humanity can live past Finality" "Okay but CE isn't as driven into the corner as PE, can you let us try our things first before you effectively kill all of us?"
That's not a conversation. There's literally no emotional grappling with the fear that maybe, maybe Kevin is right and they will really fail, and that if they miss this chance then all of humanity really will be doomed.
Not to mention that we already covered this philosophical argument with the Kolosten arc. "Do a small group of elite, powerful people have the right to decide the fates of the masses, even when they've arguably already made it a good deal for them?" The answer is no, not when the timeline and form in which they existed would no longer exist, and when they didn't even consent to it. We got it! We had to go through that long arc to reach the moon arc! We got it! Can we move on to the character arcs now?
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Love Like Cherry Blossoms
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—Osamu Dazai X Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n is a normal citizen with a normal life. Everything in her life goes as planned; work, home, eat, sleep and back to work; but things suddenly change when she switches bodies with a member of the ADA, by accident.
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Smut, Fantasy, Humor
Warnings: Mentions of female body parts, Dazai being a creep, language
Word Count: 2.4K
A/n: From now on, I will use she/her pronouns for Dazai and he/him for reader.
Series Masterlist ⇝ Part Three
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The young woman slowly tilts her head to the side, sending a relatively sharp gaze toward her boss who's sitting in front of her behind his fancy ass desk.
"So Why did you call me in the middle of work hours? I doubt that the reason is to stare at each other's faces!"
The manager closely examines the woman's face. Her h/c hair is perfectly curled as always, her makeup is light and heartwarming though it's not as nice as ever due to her mascara spreading under her eyes, her face is decorated with a soft smile that he is used to see every time she arrives at the café; everything looks soothing and normal.
Then, why the hell is she creeping the shit out of him ever since that bloody accident?
"Listen y/n, the reason I called you to my office was that... We got a few complains from a couple of customers"
"Oh? What does it have to do with me?"
"The complains were about you"
The man holds a small ipad in front of her, shrinking his hand when she slowly takes it to avoid any type of physical contact. Y/n however is calm, her smile extending as she reads the unpleasant remarks about herself.
NekoChan42: Have you guys seen that barista from Kiyomi coffee house? She had an accident a few weeks ago and now that she's recovered... She looks weird.
DaishouKoganeeee: Tell me about it! Yesterday I went there to order a cup of Turkish coffee, but she didn't even take my order! Said that she was busy at the moment; busy with grabbing her boobs and smirking at the sight like a fucking creep.
HelpI'm6feetunder: Well can't really blame her, I would have done the same if I had access to those boobs...
Y/n smirks as she places the device on the desk, pushing it toward the manager without making any attempt to break eye contact. It's unlikely for her to be this relaxed in a situation like this, given how frightened she used to get every time he called her to his office. She's actually one of the best workers he has ever hired; always on time, always wearing a nice smile and a nice attitude toward the customers, it's the reason why the café is so busy ever since she was hired; because nobody can resist that pretty smile and that angelic look of hers, not even the manager himself.
When she remains silent for a while, the man has to speak up in order to break the tension filling the room. "Well? Care to explain yourself?"
"I am surprised that you're scolding me for this sir" The woman's voice sounds really confident, maybe too much for someone who's caught checking out her own body in front of other people. "I mean... How you ever even touched women's breasts in your life?"
"Excuse me?" The manager looks irritated, not only because she's saying such lewd things in front of him, but because she actually has a point.
"Those soft comfy meatballs that make the most important curves of a woman's body, making all men drool over how stunning she looks in a fine black dress, showing off those flawless creations... Ah! They really are god's masterpiece."
It's odd to be both touched and petrified at that sensual little speech of hers, but it's what the manager's feeling at the moment.
A few knocks on the door earns the manager's attention. He spares a glance at y/n, granting the permissions for the interrupter to come in.
It's Asami, the cashier. "Ah, sorry for intrusion; but can you dismiss y/n? We're short-staffed today because Amane is on her day off, so we really need y/n right now"
The manager actually feels at ease. He's not sure if he wants to keep up with this conversation, so he might as well grab the opportunity to free himself from this state. "Sure, we will continue this later"
With a small bow, the woman exits the office, heading to counter while fixing her apron. Asami hurriedly shoves the coffee tray in her hand. "C'mon c'mon, take this coffee to table three. He's been waiting for almost fifteen minutes"
Table three. It's placed at the corner of the café that has dim lights, and doesn't really stand out. It's the perfect place for lovey dovey couples, and also for someone who wants to avoid attention.
As the woman approaches the table, the sight of the brunette catches her eye. She can only see his back, but only from that she can tell how uncomfortable he's due to his figure being so stiff, something that scarcely happened to her when she was... him.
She keeps smiling. The atmosphere is so drastic yet she doesn't lose any bit of her calm, placing the coffee on the table. The man looks up from the table and stares at the woman, looking shocked. It's not like he didn't expect her here— he was actually waiting for her to deliver her order; he just isn't used to seeing his own body standing in front of him.
"Well hello there, y/n" The woman flashes him a soft smile. "To what do I own the pleasure?"
The mans expression is not surprised anymore. There are fade shades of anger and threat in his eyes, and he looks like he's about to pull out a gun from his pocket and kill her right on the spot.
"We need to talk."
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"There you are, you bandage wasting machine"
Bandage wasting machine. A name that he's been called ever since he woke up from coma.
Y/n does not expect to be called by his own name, but being called by a name rather than insults is not much to ask for.
Kunikida has been keeping an eye on you since the day you opened your eyes from your long, stressing sleep. He is always monitoring your actions carefully, shoving the medicine in your mouth claiming that you'll lie about taking it again, suspiciously asking you if your report was written by yourself or you made poor Atsushi to do it again, repeatedly saying you have smacked your head against a wall or something...
This Dazai person must have been a real pain in the ass, and now that she's got a hold of your body, you're not very eager to take it back; because god knows what hell of a mess is waiting for you in your own life.
You couldn't come up with any other excuse better than coming down with sudden amnesia. It was stupid and typical, but strangely, they all bought it. It wasn't even luck— you strongly doubt that luck is in anyway involved with this person, but it was weird how a couple of as sharp as a tack detectives believed your crap, since you've never been much of a skillful liar.
Not that you're exactly complaining though.
Looking to your left, your eyes set on the white-haired boy's sympathetic smile. He's been the most considerate one around, the only person that never gives you a hard time and is the only normal person around here.
Ah, normality.
You have to do many things to seem normal. You have to carry a suicide book that gives you the creeps literally everywhere with you, have to wear a roll of bandages although your skin itches underneath them and you're tired of replacing them with new one— which is something that Dazai herself probably avoided to, in the mornings, you have to annoy the poor blonde man and mess with his habit of writing down everything in his apparently pricey book; and these are not a peace of cake to you, at all.
Yet you have no choice but to play along with the rhythm.
Kunikida's voice takes you out of zone, bringing you back to reality. "I'm heading to a mission with Atsushi. Since all the other employees are off to do their own tasks and no one's here, I need to make sure that you'll be alright by yourself"
You really want to protest and give him an earful; but honestly, can you even blame him? Dazai wouldn't be alright by herself. She probably would set the whole building on fire and by the time his coworkers arrive there would be nothing but ashes left.
"...You've been acting odd lately. Decent, responsible, it's not really you. I hope it's not one of your stupid tactics before a suicide attempt"
The guy is just worried about his friend.
Although he just mentioned that your acting skill haven't been up to much, you don't hold back from smiling at your— no, his colleague. "I'm alright, Kunikida. I am thankful for your concern, but nothing's going on. I guess I'm just... ah... trying to be a better version of myself? You know... since I nearly died and now I value life..."
A pile of crap indeed. Dazai Is probably asking women to commit suicide with her at the moment. You won't be surprised if you find yourself to be known as a lesbian when you get back into your own body.
Kunikida won't buy it, you think to yourself; but the knot on his eyebrows slowly fading away prove you wrong.
"I certainly hope that's the case... Well then, we're off"
After a week, you're finally alone by yourself.
There's nothing much to do around here. You don't understand anything of their work and you try not to get involved as much as possible. It's obvious that Dazai was good at what she did since people are looking up to you to get back to work, but you aren't Dazai. You're just a barista.
You get up and stretch your arms, deciding to give the café downstairs a visit. At least there are some people there and you don't have to be alone in this dangerous place anymore. God knows what kind of ability user will barge in and take your head. You're aware of Dazai's nullifying ability and you know martial arts yourself, but none of them would be enough to stop the trespasser, or at least that's what you think.
As you take the stair to the first floor, your first time at the café comes into your mind. Kunikida told you to act decent— no, it was more like threatening you not to flirt with the waitress or he will roll up his sleeves and have the honor of beating the shit out of your ass himself.
All you know is that Dazai was a playboy, an irresponsible man who never took care of himself and made everyone else worry about him, a smarty pants who apparently had a lot of enemies after his blood, and basically, a menace to the society.
"Welcome, Mr. Dazai"
It's the waitress, standing behind the counter with a warm smile. She looks as pretty and lively as always, making you suddenly wonder if you can actually blame Dazai for setting his eyes on her. She was gorgeous.
"Is there anything you would like to eat?"
Kunikida always picked up the tab, so it actually feels weird to come here alone. You're usually the one who prepares the orders, not the other way around.
"Some tea would be nice" "I will get it right away"
The waitress heads to the kitchen after politely nodding, leaving you alone with your thoughts. How did this even happen in the beginning? How long are you going to be in this body? Is there anyway to get back? Or are you trapped here for the rest of your life? Because that would be a nightmare. The salary here is higher than it was in your previous job, but you don't know what to do here. This position isn't made for you. All you can do is just helping out regular employees to organize paperwork, but that still won't save you from being a target. Everything is risky here.
Ability users scare you. You've never been involved with one before, and now you're literally one of them. It's a huge step. Too much.
"Here's your tea sir"
The small sound caused by the cup placing on the wooden counter is delightful.
"Thank you! How much is it?"
Dread finds its way to the woman's face as he turns back to look at you with disbelief and shock.
Great. What the fuck did I do this time?
"You... want to... pay?"
You're now as shocked as her. It can't be... so this dumbass never paid for himself?
"Eh... yes"
"Oh that's great news!" She sounds a little too happy. "I was actually going to mention the life insurance again, but it's great to see you finally deciding to pay!"
Dazai... I'm going to murder you.
You beam modestly, taking a sip from the cup.
"In that case... Will you also pay your debt anytime soon?"
The damn drink shoots out of your mouth. Of course there's a debt.
You literally want to slam your head against the wall, but something stops you. This Dazai person has a lot of shit going on. Maybe you could help her a bit by helping her to get out of the red. Thankfully, it's the beginning of the month and your credit card is not empty yet; so you reach out for your wallet, happy with this charity-like gesture as you open it to hand in the money.
"I will. How much should I pay?"
"Thank you so much for finally doing this! Well, the total of your six months debt comes to..."
Your jaw drops.
The waitress flashes you a weird look. She was surprised when you didn't hit on her like you— Dazai usually did, and how your attitude has changed so much, but you are still intelligent, right? You must've known that your debt is huge since you didn't pay for your meals for six months.
Except that you don't have a clue about anything, and you're literally about to rage.
"How— What— When— Are you fucki— That's what I make in almost a year! Just— Bye!"
You run. You just run out of the café, humiliated. You know where you're going. Oh, you gotta inform her that she has one more enemy now. You're going strangle her. You're going to kill her! You don't even care if that would be in her favor because she'll get to die by the hands of you, a woman. Can you even be counted as a woman anymore?
Fuck this shit. I'm gonna give her a peace of my mind.
Which brings you to your current situation.
Dazai is looking at you with an annoying smirk, and you don't know if you want to punch your own face or not.
"Sit the fuck down, you fucking creep"
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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@pussydrunkfyodor @celestair @hey-comrade-hold-stil @echo28 @voyagewiththesatan @a-fanatic-fangirl-requests @xxseiraxx @dazaiwuzhere @bluerskiees @dazaisusedtampon @silverbladexyz @gslgsydyodyodoyd @otherworldly--dreamer @dazvia @cowsforkenji @ryokuryuu @thebirdsworkfortheboswazeee @winesupermacy5158 @whossuzy @iillusionsxbay @witchl0ve @circinuus @imkumichan @simplysm1le @minteraysolo @levii-s @heart-an0n @mina7777 @seoksao @hesterinias @n-akaharachuuya @originalalienchaos
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