#but yay friends?
Doctor Bashir I Presume AU where Julian transitioned during the Academy but never told his parents: (This totally got out of hand I'm sorryyyy 😅)
"What did you do to your lovely hair?" - Amsha's first reaction to seeing him in Sisko's office (He always wore a wig to visit them. This is exactly why.)
"You must be very proud of your son." "Our... son?"
Richard and Amsha trying to hide how unimpressed they are because they know it's socially unacceptable to be transphobic
(Not that they'd call themselves transphobic, of course. They have trans friends! But with Jules, well, it's different, isn't it? With all that they spent on her enhancements, there's no way her DNA would have been left with any... imperfections. And when it comes down to it, their her parents - they know her better than she knows herself.)
Amsha complaining at dinner how Julian hadn't prepared them for the shock of seeing him. "How could you do this to us? We were so embarrassed in front of your Captain."
(As if it wasn't them in the first place who had showed up totally unannounced 🙃🙄)
Richard saying that if Julian had told them he'd been having these feelings from the beginning, they might have been able to get help for him before he ruined his body.
Richard (angrily): "You've got some nerve, asking us to be careful with this Zimmerman chap! With the sort of risks you've been taking? Don't you realise how easily you could have been found out, all for some unnecessary surgery?" Julian (painfully restrained): "I don't expect you to understand, father, but it was necessary for me." Amsha (sadly): "Your father's just looking out for you, Jules. Try to understand that."
Misunderstandings abound when talking to Miles*, but eventually it's cleared up that Julian's parents are shit.
Cue a lot of anger (and a lot more anger than Julian thought anyone would feel. Because, you know, when you grow up knowing that your parents aren't the most accepting people, you figure that's just what some parents are like, rather than assuming yours are among the most outliers of outliers...)
Miles tells Julian he should talk to Sisko and get his parents kicked off the station. Julian's like, "That's a nice idea, but the captain can't just do that unless he's got a good reason" and Miles is like "You do know that persistently misgendering someone is literally a Federation hate crime, right?"
The Bashirs of course deny any wrongdoing. Richard gets angry, claiming "it's a family matter". Amsha starts crying about how unfair it all is.
"You have to understand, Captain -- she's been our daughter for over thirty years. We know Jules is angry with us but please, she knows that we love her really. If you could just let us talk to her--"
Sisko is fuming. "I might believe you cared if you had made any attempt to get Julian's gender right." "You don't know what it's like!" Amsha protests. "This is all so sudden!" "I know exactly what it's like!" Ben snaps back. "And I'll tell you, I didn't for a second consider telling Jake that I didn't believe him, or that he must be mistaken, or that he needed to be patient with my mistakes. In fact, I made sure as hell that I didn't make mistakes. There's no case here, as far as I'm concerned. You're both confined to quarters until the next shuttle arrives."
So I guess in the aftermath of all that, Julian's enhancements never get revealed. Even if the Bashirs were to make an apology, Miles would shut the hologram down, now he knows what Julian's parents are like.
But I think they probably feel too betrayed to try and make an apology, even a bad one.
So yeah, they're forced off the station and Julina actually gets, like, support and stuff from his friends!
Also, for like, a month afterwards, all of Molly and Yoshi's bedtime stories have trans main characters because Miles is low-key anxious about them ever starting to feel like Julian had about it not being okay.
(Keiko catches onto this and just happens to invite Julian around one night when it's storytime. Molly gets Julian to read her book. It's cute.)
(Afterwards, he enthuses about how he wishes he'd had books like that when he was a kid. And that's... sad.)
About two months later, when enough time has passed that Jadzia can pretend this isn't about Julian (although it totally is), Jadzia gets Quark and Jake involved in digging up some Earth history and holding a stationwide Pride celebration. (Julian appreciates both the gesture and the pretense.)
Garak makes some huffy comment to Julian about how "of course the Federation would have a whole festival devoted to degeneracy". Julian rolls his eyes and is about to take the bait, when he suddenly realises, "Wait, didn't Dukat once accuse you of being a degenerate?" "Wholly unsubstantiated claims, my dear Doctor." "Of course," Julian agrees sagely. "Although," he adds, a grin dancing across his lips, "if you ever find yourself wanting to substantiate them, Mister Garak..."
*The Misunderstandings:
"No offense, Julian, but you look wrecked. Is everything okay?"
Not meeting Miles' eyes, Julian takes a breath, as if to compose himself. "Let's just say that my parents are not exactly taking the news that I'm trans well."
In the moment, Miles chooses the wrong part of the sentence to focus on. "Wait, you're trans?"
Julian shrugs unhappily, a flash of anxiety passing over his face. "That doesn't... change how you feel about me, does it?" he asks hesitantly.
"'Course not!" replies Miles. "It's a bit of a surprise, I'll give you that, but-- No, sorry, I mean: what pronouns do you want me to use? Do you want to go by a different name?"
Before Julian can respond, Miles has another thought. "And what do you mean, your parents aren't taking this well? You're their son! -- Sorry, daughter-- offspring-- their child, I mean--"
"Hold up, Chief," Julian says, shaking his head in bemusement. "I'm still Julian. I'm very much a man. My parents just didn't know that until... yesterday."
"You never told them?"
"For how long?"
"Twelve years, if you're counting from when I first came out. More like twenty if you go from when I first knew."
"Jesus." Miles runs a hand through his hair. "Well, at least that explains why they're mad. That's an awfully big thing to hide from your own parents, Julian."
Julian grimaces. "I know," he replies, looking down. "It wasn't exactly brave, I guess but... I don't know. It was easier to cope with being misgendered because they didn't know, than being misgendered on purpose, you know?"
Being misgendered on purpose? This is such a bizarre statement, so at odds with what Miles knows of the world, that it takes him a minute to try and wrap his head around it.
"I'm lost, I'm afraid," he says eventually. "I can't, um-- Julian, what happened when you told your parents?"
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tawnysoup · 3 months
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You both jump in place for a bit, grinning.
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Abby let’s Cassidy meet her FNAF movie friend!
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
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(You make a grand gesture towards Mirabelle as if presenting a marvelous art piece.)
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real-skel · 19 days
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I flung out of bed to make this shit
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salamispots · 1 year
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dream from several days ago
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soggedupfrog · 4 months
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Homestuck kid designs in 2024
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kaeirou · 19 days
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soosoosoup · 1 month
I can see poppy and branch spending time together while John is teaching him
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Treasure planet au: making friends :)
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becomingpotatoes · 8 months
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have i mentioned that i love them
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tomatoart · 1 year
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coffee cheetos chicken
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temp-unu · 8 days
I err.. drew my husband (friend)
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in comyets stlye... errhuh... i tried, at least! Credit to comyet for that, though?
I didn't trace ofc, i only used references and color picked which i think is allowed......? shrugs wearily.
IT WAS JUST PRACTICE ANYWAYS! i wanted to make it as part of a gift for somethin ehe.
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT BTW.. 200 likes is a lot :]
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ouroborosreilig · 3 months
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sorry i have not been drawing much lately heres random stuff (mostly magma doodles w/ friends)
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oh-gh0st · 10 months
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shadowpeach fans i hope this finds you well 😁
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ryansjane · 3 months
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#girls supporting girls
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miguxadraws · 4 months
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silly FUN!!
AU by @spitinsideme
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