#but to jason — bruce had others. he moved on. he has other sons to fill the gap.
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redplanetlobster · 11 hours ago
I actually went through a couple different Fears for Jason before I settled on the Buried. Most of them I dismissed because I felt Jason would be more likely to be a victim of them than on Avatar (I mean the Buried isn't much different but there're a lot of ways I think Jason can enact the fear, unlike the others I thought about). The Slaughter wasn't actually one though, senseless killing definitely isn't his style. The Hunt definitely could be though. The pursuit of a goal that, once achieved (if it ever could be in the first place), would leave him still searching, still wanting, and ultimately unsatisfied? That sounds like him wanting the Joker dead but refusing to do it himself. That sounds like his wanting of Bruce's approval without the willingness to change himself. That sounds like his fruitless goal of ending crime and violence with crime and violence.
Some of the other Fears I thought about:
Flesh: I'm a huge fan of the hc that Jason has some wild body dysmorphia after his dip in the pit (plus the Flesh is my favorite fear). Unfortunately not many things for him to torture other people with. His low self esteem maybe?
Lonely: Jason woke up in a world that had moved on without him. Everything was different: his family, his city, hell even the Manor was different due to the events of No Mans Land. I wouldn't fault him for feeling completely isolated as the world, as he knew it, just doesn't exist. (I've got a note somewhere in my docs about a fic where Jason gets put on Martin's/a Lonely domain in general. The domain is just the empty Manor (rebuilt after No Mans Land, so remodeled somewhat) with people leaving rooms just before Jason entered because they heard him coming and just couldn't stand to be anywhere close to him for one reason or another)
Web: Jason absolutely loves making plans and getting other people to follow them unknowingly. The entirety of UtRH he was kicking his feet and giggling every time Bruce did the exact thing here planned for.
End: He died. He's literally a zombie. There's not much more to it than that, pretty basic lol. Ultimately, I don't think Jason is patient enough to be an End Avatar.
Now the reasons I think the Buried fits him best (the bullet points are only a suggestion of putting this into coherent ramblings with separate ideas and reasoning lol):
The thought of a man, deathly claustrophobic and physically can't stand the scent of wet earth because it reminds him of the time he had to claw himself out of his own grave, having to dedicate himself to the concept of being buried alive in order to survive is very funny to me. When the thought first occurred to me I had a little chuckle to myself before actually I took a second to think about it.
I think the influence of the Buried would have been with him for his entire life. He grew up in poverty and was orphaned and homeless at a very young age. Jason is very and always has been very aware that the only way for him to go in life is down. Sometimes it is better to be dead.
During his tenure at the Manor, Jason never thought of it as relief from his hardships of the streets. He was just trading them out for new ones. After all, the only reason Bruce took him in was so Batman could have a Robin right? When he couldn't be a good son for Bruce he couldn't be a good Robin and if he wasn't Robin he didn't have a place in Bruce's house now did he?
Robin itself brings a whole lot of weight on its own. Jason was handed the mantle of the first sidekick and told that he could fill his shoes, that he might even be better. He was handed a mask at 13 and told that he was one of the few people standing between a city and its death and destruction.
Warehouses are quite heavy and asphyxiation sounds like a horrible way to go.
Jason had to dig his way out of his own coffin while still suffering from all of the injuries of his death.
Uhhh... I don't really have anything for Lost Days or the UtRH arc. Mainly 'cause those feel like they go pretty firmly into the reasons for Jason to be an Avatar of the Hunt.
When Jason chose to go back to Crime Alley he also chose to take on the weight of it. He chose to take the many problems of his people, many of which you can't actually solve with a gun, make them his problems. He chose to make those problems his.
Jason returned to the Alley, the first place he felt the oppressive but comforting weight of it, and did the only thing he knew how. He went down and shouldered the responsibility of fighting against the system that doomed his home.
Those last two bullet points are dangerously close to me fully writing this au out/getting really into the changes that I think Avatarhood would have on Jason and how I think he would feed on the fear, so I need to stop here. But yeah, I really think that the Buried fits Jason very well.
I've some very sophisticated thoughts about a TMA and Batman crossover but if you ask me any questions about it I'll only be able to tell you about Buried Avatar Jason.
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damianbugs · 2 years ago
thinking about how two of the most significant nights for jason post resurrection were spent in the rain thinking of bruce (who was never going to come save him).
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jason crawling out of his grave and being found by two people, repeating just one word over and over again; Bruce.
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disguised as clayface disguised as himself, jason fights bruce in hopes to see him filled with regret and mourning. when it is clear to him that bruce has moved on, jason screams in the rain, the caption; The father had lost a son, and now the son had lost the father.
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arkangelo-7 · 5 months ago
I’m sure someone’s already headcannoned this, but Bruce having pet names for the Batkids? Man, those are his babies—you can bet your ass he has pet names for them. He might not be the type of man to show much affection beyond a shoulder pat or the occasional forehead kiss, but he’s determined to parent the crap outta these orphans, and pet names are an easier medium to show that he cares.
Dick is both “chum” and “sweetheart” depending on the context. When Bruce is feeling playful and comfortable (the easy, “your mine and I’m just happy to be here with you” kind of love), he’ll stick with “chum” and Dick absolutely loves it. But when Dick’s sick or has a nightmare or got injured during patrol? It’s sweetheart. It’s default mode for Bruce, because seeing Dick in pain brings up so many raw, intense emotions (Bruce gets scared, goddamit) that it’s easier for him to say “I’ve got you, sweetheart, it’s okay, just keep your eyes on mine,” then it is to say “I’m so terrified that I’m going to loose you, I love you, you’re my everything.”
Jason is“Jaylad.” But it’s less of the name that’s important and more of the story behind it that is. For the first few months that Jason was in Bruce’s care, Bruce didn’t dare call him anything other then his name, in fear that he’d scare him away (he was already so distrusting, so hesitant, so fearful whenever Bruce talked to loud or moved to fast or got upset), but at the same time, he’d seen how pleased Dick had been at being called “chum” and wanted to bestow a similar endearment on Jason. But—he didn’t want to go to far. So instead of calling him “lad” like his own father had once called him, Bruce calls him “Jaylad.” It’s a little more impersonal, but it makes Jason more comfortable. (But when Bruce cradled his son’s broken body he said “no, darling, not you, don’t leave me—” because just how Dick is “sweetheart,” Jason has also always been “darling.”)
For Tim… it’s more complicated. He shoved his way into Bruce’s life and he’s forever grateful, but it wasn’t the same as it was with Jason and Dick. He sees Tim as his son, of course, but their relationship was built on the darkest, most despairing part of Bruce’s life. But even in that terrible season, Bruce would look over at Tim working on a case or cleaning his suit and say, “Good job, sport.” It doesn’t happen often, but Tim is “sport.”
Cassandra is “love.” Bruce has never said it to her, aloud, but he knows Cass can read him well enough to hear the unspoken endearment, to see how much he longs to protect her, bring her joy, fill her heart with all the love she’s filled his with.
Steph is “duck.” And not necessarily because Bruce decided that it was, but because 9 times out of 10 he finds himself screaming, “Robin, get down!” because Stephanie will not for the love of God follow his orders, and end up right in the line of fire. To save time he eventually just started saying “Duck!” It keeps Steph from getting whacked to high heavens and saves Bruce (another) heart attack, but over the years it’s also become somewhat of a ritual to say “duck” whenever Steph walks in the room. Bruce secretly wants to call her “ducky” (which is what his mother called Kate), but he’s never worked up the nerve.
Duke is “kid.” By the time he’s in the family, Bruce has loosened up and lightened up, especially with everyday affection (which is to say, he’s not avoiding it like the plague). He’s quick to say “Good job, kid” whenever Duke had an accomplishment or ask “how are you today, kiddo?” when they see each other in passing in the Batcave.
Damian, lastly, would never allow Bruce to call him anything other then his name. But every once in a while, Bruce can get away with saying “son.” And it’s the best thing in the world.
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clockwayswrites · 8 months ago
City Pigeons Bleed Green - Part 16
“What the fuck, dickhead,” Jason snapped as he stomped Dick’s way. “What if Danny—”
“Danny’s gone.”
“Danny… Danny’s gone,” Dick repeated. He shoved the tablet against Jason’s chest.
Danny was gone.
Another little brother that had left with nothing but a note. Another little brother heading alone into danger. Another little brother—
No no no.
It wouldn’t go that way. It couldn’t go that way. Dick had failed Jason, but he wouldn’t fail Danny. Dick wouldn’t let Danny die.
Dick slapped a hand over his mouth to try and smother the hysterical laughter.
He wouldn’t let Danny die? Who did he think he was. Danny had died. Danny had died again and again and again. Danny had died until his hair was bleached white and his body was covered in scars. Danny had already died so many times. Dick couldn’t save him.
They could already have Danny.
How long had he been gone?
They would kill Danny. They would kill him again.
A rough hand grabbed at Dick’s arm. Dick swept it off. Punch, blocked. Raised a knee to the side. It’s soft there. Weak. Follow with a punch. Duck. Block. Move—
A gasp was knocked out of Dick as his back hit a wall, hard.
“Take another breath.”
“Come on Dick, take another breath.”
The heavy weight of someone else leaned against Dick, pinning him in place. A rough hand on his cheek tapped out a rhythm.
“Breathe for me, big bird.”
“Jay?” Dick gasped.
“Yeah, it’s me. Come on, Dick, come back to me. I need… I need you here, big bird. I need you here to help. I can’t find him without you.”
Dick forced himself to take a deep, shuddering breath. “Sorry.”
“I get it.” Jason sounded a little wrecked himself. “I get it. But I need you with me, so open your eyes for me, okay?”
Dick took another breath and then did as he was told. He did his best to smile a little, though he knew that it was weak. “Don’t worry, not at the hallucinating stage or anything.”
Jason’s brow furrowed further. “What?”
“Nothing,” Dick said quickly. “Okay. Right. I’ll call Bruce, you get Babs and then have Babs get everyone else.”
“On it. You going to suit up or stay civies?” Jason asked as he pulled away and pulled his phone out.
Dick instantly missed the weight of his brother. For a moment it felt like everything would fly apart again and he forced himself to suck in a harsh breath. It was only thanks to his training that his fingers didn’t tremble as he pulled up Bruce’s number. “Suit, I think. Get a bird’s eye view. You?”
“Civies,” Jason answered and headed for his shoes. “Less chance of panic. Hey, Babs? I know, you’re at work, but this is an all hands-on deck. Danny’s gone.”
Dick listened to the ringing and then the answering click.
“Dad?” Dick’s voice almost broke all over again. They were supposed to keep Bruce’s kid safe. They hadn’t even let him meet Danny yet. And now… “Danny’s gone.”
“Mr. Wayne—” started one of the people in the meeting.
Bruce didn’t care right then to spend the energy identifying which one. He just snapped out ‘family emergency’ as he quickly exited the room. “Dick, talk to me.”
Whatever had been going on, whatever needed to go on in that meeting, wasn’t as important as his son on the line. His son who sounded breathless with panic.
“Danny ran. He left a note on his tablet and ran. He left his phone too.”
A chill ran down Bruce’s spine. Danny. “What did he take with him?”
“I don’t know,” Dick said. Bruce could hear Dick swallowing back his panic. The line was filled with soft clicks as others joined the call. It seemed to help center Dick. “Nothing much. He left his tablet, it’s what he had note on and left his phone too. He has the clothes he was wearing— hoodie, t-shirt, jeans. Shoes are gone.”
“Bear?” Cass asked, her voice strained.
Bruce jogged for the elevators. Once in, he pressed the right combination of buttons to take him down to the secret level, leaving his thumb on the last one for it to scan his fingerprint.
“What? Um, no, I don’t see it. Jason! Is Danny’s blue bear out there?” Dick called.
“I’m on the comms, don’t fucking scream,” Jason chimed in. He sounded better than the others at the moment, but he always did alright while he had something to do. It was afterwards they had to watch out for. “I don’t see it.”
“Cass,” Bruce asked slowly, “did you put a tracker in Danny’s bear?”
“Tim,” Cass replied.
Tim made an affronted noise. “You told me to!”
Cass hummed.
“Okay, fine, you implied for me to. But you put it on the table while I was checking the tracker in Danny’s tablet. Which, by the way, he totally saw and left!”
“Tim.” Bruce interrupted. All of this could wait until later. Really it was something Danny wasn’t full of trackers with this family. Right then Bruce was happy for Cass and Tim’s overstep.
“I’m pulling it up,” Tim snapped back. “I had to leave class— Bruce! He’s still in the area. He’s… I think he’s headed towards WE!”
Bruce slammed the combo of buttons that would cancel out the rapid descent to the secret bunker and jabbed the ground floor button instead. “What street is he taking?”
“Novik street name and coming your way.”
“Going now,” Bruce said as he slipped in an ear bud and put his phone back in his pocket.
It was raining. Bruce didn’t even register it was raining until he reached up to wipe the water out of his face.
“This rain won’t be good for his injuries.”
“We can take care of them when he’s back,” Jason rumbled across the line. For all of Jason’s self claimed issues with anger, he was so calm under panic.
“You should have warm drinks ready.”
“Sure, we can make sure of that.” Jason was placating him, Bruce knew that, but he didn’t mind it. Mindless planning was just a way for Bruce to steal his nerves against all of the horrible possibilities.
Danny could go in another direction.
Danny could run when he saw Bruce.
Danny could just run away again. He could get sick. He could be re-injured. He could be hurt.
They could get him.
Whoever they were. If Danny ran, they could get to Danny first.
“Take the next right. You should have eyes on him instantly,” Tim directed. His own worry threaded through his voice, but Bruce had no doubt the information was accurate.
Still, Bruce slowed his steps.
His son was right around the corner.
Bruce pushed the rain-soaked hair off his forehead once again, took a deep breath, and turned the corner.
Someone slammed into Bruce.
Someone too small and too slim and trembling in the cold rain.
“Sorry! Wasn’t watching…” Danny trailed off as he stared up at Bruce, blue eyes wide. “I… um… I just…”
Bruce crouched down, not caring about the water seeping into his suit where he had taken a knee on the dirty sidewalk. Gently he reached out and placed his hand on Danny’s cold cheek.
“It’s okay, Danny.”
“You know. You know but… but how…?”
“They called me when you left.” It wasn’t a lie. It was hardly the whole truth, but it wasn’t a lie. There were a lot of truths that would have to come out now.
Danny shivered. “They…”
“They’re worried about you,” Bruce explained, “and I’m very glad that they called.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Danny whispered. His eyes were wide, weary, afraid. It was an expression Bruce used to know too well. It used to stare back at him from the mirror before he had found his path as Batman. Bruce hated that Danny felt like that.
“I am,” Bruce said, voice low and serious. “I am and I am so very glad to meet you, Danny.”
Danny wiped at his eyes, almost angrily brushing away the tears even as they mixed with the rain. “I didn’t— I didn’t want to be a mess when I met you.”
“It’s okay that you are, life is messy,” Bruce said sincerely. “If you ask my kids… if you ask my other kids, they’ll tell you I’m often a mess.”
A choked back laugh interrupted the quiet sobs. “Yeah?”
Danny started suddenly, leaning to look behind Bruce.
A beat later, before Bruce could ask, Jason’s voice came through the earpiece. “We’re pulling up.”
Sure enough, an unassuming black car pulled around the corner and up to the curb. To Bruce’s surprise, Danny didn’t try to run, not even as an unmasked Dick rushed out of the passenger side.
Danny’s eyes did widened as he scanned Dick’s bare face. “N—”
“Dick,” Dick interrupted quickly.
“It’s short for Richard,” Dick explained with a tense smile. He came the rest of the way around the car and crouched down a little. “Please come back, Danny. Come back and get warm and have hot chocolate and talk to us.”
Danny shook his head. “They’ll find me. They’ll find me and that means they’ll find you all and they’ll try to—” Danny paused, mouth working around some words till he found what he needed. “They’ll hurt your little brothers.”
Bruce brushed his hand through Danny’s hair. He couldn’t help it. Danny was Dick’s little brother too; Danny just didn’t know it yet. Danny was as worth protecting as anyone Dick loved. The touch brought Danny’s attention back to Bruce.
“We can keep you safe,” Bruce said. “Between my wealth and the manpower, we can keep you safe.”
“You can’t promise that,” Danny pleaded, his voice cracking. “You don’t know what you’re up against.”
“Then come back with us, Dandelion, and explain what we’re up against,” Dick pleaded. “If we really can’t keep you safe, we can talk about contingencies, but I’m with Bruce, we can find a way. I know you don’t think so, but at least give us the information so that we can try. Don’t just leave us.”
Danny looked between Bruce and Dick, looking for the word like he wanted to angle towards them and wasn’t letting himself. “But…”
The window rolled down and Jason leaned across the seat. His face was still red from where he had ripped the domino off. “Kid, Danny… don’t run for me. Not for me or Damian or anyone else. None of us would be okay losing you just to stay safe.”
Danny rubbed his arm over his face again. “They’ll hurt you.”
“I’ve already died once.”
“There’s worse things than death.”
“I know, Danny,” Jason said, his voice softer than Bruce had heard it in a long time, “and losing you would be one of them. So come back with us.”
Danny was muffling body wracking sobs now, but he let Dick guide them into the back seat and close the door.
Bruce basically collapsed into the passenger seat. He reached out and clasped the back of Jason’s neck and pressed their foreheads together for a moment. Then he let go so that Jason could turn off the emergency lights and pull back out into traffic.
“Let’s get you back.”
Danny was silent the ride, letting Dick dry his hair with towels they had brought. Bruce used one himself to try and get off the worst of the water even as he kept an eye on the back seat. This isn’t how he would have wanted it to go, but he had finally met Danny. He’d finally met his son.
A son who couldn’t believe he cared.
Bruce closed his eyes and took a steadying breath.
Jason squeezed Bruce’s shoulder, just a momentary touch, before they got out of the car the short ride later. Dick filled the elevator ride and walk to the door with chatter about them all drying off and changing and having some warm coco. Bruce just watched as Dick led Danny away to the one bedroom.
“Come on, old man,” Jason said. “You can change into some of my stuff.”
Bruce nodded. He started to shuck off his wet suit even as Jason laid out a change of clothing. Alfred would fuss. Bruce didn’t care. Jason was already busy in the kitchen by the time Bruce came back out, but it was still a bit longer until Dick and Danny joined them.
“Danny,” Bruce said, crouching down again like he had on the wet cement. “I know we have a lot to talk about. Some of it won’t be easy. But I need you to know that no matter what, I want you here because you’re my son.”
Danny laughed, an awful broken sound, and looked up at Bruce with those scared blue eyes that Bruce knew too well. “That’s the thing. I’m not. I’m not your son. I’m your clone.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months ago
Lost Time
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!wife!reader
Summary: Jason comes home to you, his wife, after a mission and makes up for lost time.
Warnings: fluff and comfort! brief mention of the Lazarus Pit and human trafficking
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
A/N: I really want to write a lengthy oneshot for Jason but I don't know if I capture him well enough. I don't get many DC requests but I love them so much!!
Picture from Pinterest (WFA Jason >>>)
Masterlist | DC/Jason Todd Masterlist | Request Info
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Jason Todd leaves, it’s what he does. Sometimes there are warnings, direct and indirect, but other nights he leaves while you sleep or simply doesn’t come home when he should. That’s who he is, what he does. There is more to Jason than meets the eye; he isn’t just Jason, Red Hood, or Bruce Wayne’s dead and nearly forgotten son. One piece of Jason makes him whole: being your husband brings him back, every single time. Jason leaves, but the time you spend alone is spent in confidence that he will come back to you, even if he’s broken and crawling.
While Jason is in Blüdhaven helping his brothers with a mission that Bruce doesn’t know about, you spend the time alone missing him. He hates leaving you, but you understand. That doesn’t mean, however, that you just wait for him to come home. Being married is supposed to be a 50/50 arrangement, yet you have given everything to Jason and there is not a single thing you wouldn’t do for him.
Tonight, nearly 96 hours after you last saw Jason, you make yourself comfortable with one of his books. The pages are yellowed from use, and highlights and notes fill the margins and the empty pages. Each word reminds you of Jason, and though you miss him, you refuse to look at his empty side of the bed. In the time since he left, promising to come back to you with a kiss and a tap to your wedding ring, you have read several of his books, cooked his favorite meal, and baked his favorite goodies. The distractions you created are all centered around Jason because despite what you tell yourself about needing to think about other things, Jason Todd takes up every single one of your thoughts. He’s captivating, and you never want to escape him.
Your phone beeps as you finish a page of Frankenstein. After taking a calming breath, you read the message from Barbara.
The bats are Gotham-bound.
The message makes you smile, and you rise from the bed to prepare for Jason’s return. He has come home without a scratch, drenched in blood, and everything in between. In sickness and health, you vowed, and you plan to keep it. With his favorite food already prepared and water heating in the kettle on the stove, you sit on the couch and wait for his entrance. The front door is behind you, and you watch as the Red Hood lands on your fire escape and expertly navigates into your home. His home.
The couch is empty by the time he turns from the now-closed window, and your arms loop around his waist as he moves. Jason chuckles at your immediate attention and pulls his helmet off.
“Miss me?” he asks.
You can hear his smile in his voice, and as Jason’s arms wrap around you, you sigh and release every fear and worry that had been pushed into the back of your mind.
“I need to shower,” Jason says, though he doesn’t move his hands from your back. “Blüdhaven is gross.”
“And Gotham is known for its cleanliness,” you argue.
“Get off,” Jason grumbles.
He raises his hands to your shoulders and easily pushes you back. You look at him as you raise your hands to hold his wrists. Jason’s gaze is soft and his touch is softer.
“Ten minutes,” he requests quietly.
“Someone needs pampering,” you tease. “Take your time. There’s food and tea if you want any.”
“Just wan’ you,” he murmurs.
Jason leans in and kisses your forehead quickly. He avoids your hands as you reach out for him. You laugh as he walks away, and the sound brings Jason home. He’s physically home, yes, but he is only home when you are completely and wholly with him.
The water echoes through the apartment as Jason enters the shower, and you prepare two mugs of tea before carrying them into the bedroom. You would wait forever for Jason, but as you lean back and close your eyes, content listening to him move through your shared home, you know that you’ll never have to wait long.
When Jason enters the bedroom clad in a pair of Wonder Woman sweatpants and smiles at you, everything seems better. The darkest Gotham day can’t cast a shadow on what you and Jason have. Before Jason left, he told you all you needed to know about the mission, and you won’t bring it up again. If he wants to talk about it, he will, and you’ll listen.
You raise the blanket as Jason approaches the side of the bed. He doesn’t hesitate to join you and pull you closer. After looping your arms over his shoulders, you push your fingers into Jason’s wet curls and twist them gently around your fingers. His white streak is closest to you, yet you concentrate your attention elsewhere to keep your eyes locked on his.
“You read it again, didn’t you?” Jason asks.
His eyes threaten to flutter closed, but he forces them open to talk to you.
“Read what?” you whisper.
“Tell me what I missed,” he requests.
You know he can see his books piled on your nightstand, but you enjoy the smile he gives you when you pretend not to know what he’s talking about. Jason pulls your hands away from his hair, opting to hold you against his side. You lay a hand over his heart and gently trace the bottom of a scar. You know his scars by heart, and each story behind them is ingrained in your memory.
“Not much,” you answer after a moment.
“Did you do anything? Because everything you do is important, and I want to hear about it,” Jason argues.
You lean closer and spread your fingers flat against his skin. His heart thrums steadily beneath your hand, and you think your heart beats in time with his.
“Maybe you just married me for the post-mission cuddles,” you say.
“Or maybe I just married you because I love you. I love you for accepting all of me and loving the parts that I don’t let anyone see.”
“Jason,” you hum.
“You didn’t tell me about what I missed,” he replies.
The first raindrop hits the window, and Jason is reminded that he’s back in Gotham. He’d move to Metropolis and listen to Clark as long as you were by his side, but being in your arms in his home town is a feeling unlike any other.
“I’ll take it you didn’t go to the manor,” you deflect.
“Why would I when I have a beautiful wife waiting at home for me and four days to make up for? Lost time with you will always be more important than Bruce.”
You sigh before you begin telling him about what you did. There isn’t much to tell. You read one of his books, cleaned, cooked, baked, and read another book.
“You baked?” Jason interrupts. “And didn’t bring it up until now?”
“I thought time with me was more important.”
Jason furrows his brows as he turns, pulling you to lay on top of him. When you first started dating, Jason was hesitant to initiate any sort of physical touch. Not long before, he had been Gotham’s most-feared crime lord and the rage caused by the pit was still present. Now, there is nothing to stop Jason from touching you: no fear of hurting you, no concern of scaring you away, and no doubt that you won’t love him once you see his darkest secrets. Jason’s scars, his past, and his nightly activities make him the man you love, and you love those parts of him, not the other way around.
As you cuddle with the man who recently scared human traffickers into turning themselves in to the authorities rather than running into him again, you simply enjoy being together. Your husband Jason and Red Hood Jason aren’t the same, yet you love them both equally.
“Do you really want to make up for lost time?” you ask over the rain.
Jason thinks your voice is more soothing and melodic than any rainstorm could dream of being. He pries his eyes open to answer, “Every second of it.”
You nod and lay your head against his chest. With your hearts pressed to one another and your fingers intertwined with Jason’s, you know that you are loved, and Jason knows you will always be here when he comes home.
You’re nearly asleep when you mumble, “’S a lotta time.”
Jason smiles but doesn’t move because he doesn’t want to disturb you. “Never enough time with you,” he whispers against your temple.
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bat-mom-writer · 4 months ago
Big Brother
Reader(mom) X Jason (son)
Summery: Even against Bruce's wishes, reader goes to see Jason. Because, she wants him to meet his baby sister.
Note: I have written a few other posts with Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian being apart reader's pregnancy, but this is has no part in them.
(I do not own any DC character)
With a soft sigh, she cradled the baby girl in her arms, her heart swelling with a fierce love that surprised even her. She knew that Bruce had his reasons for keeping her away from Jason, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Jason needed to see this little piece of hope that had entered their lives. Dick had been her confidant, the one who understood her yearning to bridge the gap between the lost son and the new life they had created together.
The night was cool and quiet as she slipped out of the manor, the baby bundled in a warm blanket against her chest. She could feel the gentle weight of her daughter's breathing, a gentle reminder of the fragility of the world she had brought her into.
Dick waited for her in the shadows, the Robin cycle humming quietly beneath him. He was dressed in his Nightwing gear, a silent sentinel ready to help. She climbed on behind him, the leather of the seat cool against her skin. She held the baby tight, whispering comforting words into the soft down of her ear. The engine roared to life, and they sped off into the night, the wind whipping around them as the city's lights streaked by in a blur.
They arrived at the abandoned warehouse that served as a makeshift base for the Red Hood. Dick knew the location from his patrols, and the tension between him and Jason was palpable every time he had to report back to Bruce. Her heart raced as they approached, the baby's eyes wide with curiosity at the new sounds and sensations of Gotham's underbelly. The building loomed before them, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the dark.
Dick cut the engine and they both dismounted, the silence of the night wrapping around them like a cloak. He turned to her, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. "He's here?" she murmured, her eyes searching his for reassurance.
Dick nodded. "I've been tracking his signal."
They moved cautiously through the shadows, the baby's eyes now drooping with sleep. She felt a surge of adrenaline as they approached the warehouse door, the metal cold and unyielding under her hand. Dick pushed it open a crack, peering inside before giving her the all-clear. The space was dimly lit, the only sound the distant echo of footsteps on concrete. They stepped inside, the smell of damp earth and metal filling their nostrils.
"Well, well, well," a voice called out, a sardonic tone that sent chills down her spine. "What do we have here? Come back for round two?"
Jason Todd was atop the rail of a catwalk high above, the red of his hood stark against the dark backdrop. Dick stepped in front, a protective shield between Avilasa and the Red Hood.
"Jason," she called softly, her voice echoing in the vast space.
He leaned over the railing, the red lenses of his mask glinting in the sparse light. "What is this, a new tactic from the Dark Knight?" He smirked, his tone laced with skepticism. "Using my own mother to distract me? Did he think I wouldn't see through this?"
Ignoring his jab, she calls out. "Jason, please, come down. I have… someone, I want you to meet."
Jason's smirk faltered for a moment, his curiosity piqued despite his suspicion. He dropped from the railing in a graceful arc, landing lightly on the floor below. Dick took a step back, allowing her to come forward. She gently unwrapped the baby from her blanket, revealing her tiny, peaceful face.
"This is your sister," she said, her voice trembling slightly.
Jason's eyes widened, the sarcasm draining from his voice. He stared at the baby, his gloved hands clenching into fists. The room was still except for the soft, rhythmic cooing that filled the space.
"Leave," he said to Dick, his voice barely above a whisper.
Dick hesitated, glancing back at her. She gave him a small nod, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "It's okay," she mouthed. He reluctantly backed away, retreating into the door.
Jason approached slowly, his boots echoing on the cold ground. His gaze remained fixed on the baby as he stopped in front of her, his posture tense. "How long?"
"A few weeks," she replied, her voice a soft whisper. "We named her… Melilla."
Jason's gaze flickered to her, before returning to the baby. He reached out a gloved hand, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. His fingertip brushed against Melilla's cheek, and she responded with a tiny yawn, stretching her minuscule hand out towards him. The sight was so innocent, so human, that it seemed to disarm him for a moment.
But then, as if sensing the tension or the presence of the masked man before her, Melilla's eyes fluttered open and she began to wail, her cries piercing the stillness of the warehouse. Her heart sank as Jason's hand retreated, his posture stiffening again. The whites of his mask remained fixed on the baby, his jaw clenched.
"I'm sorry," she murmured, her own eyes brimming with tears. "I just wanted you to see her."
"See me," Jason corrected, his voice gruff as he reached up the helmet that covered his face. "You want her to see me."
With trembling hands, he pulled the mask away, revealing a face that was a mirror to Dick's, yet etched with pain and anger that no one could miss. The room grew quieter as the baby's cries subsided into sniffles, seemingly aware of the shift in the air. She felt a knot form in her stomach as she stared at the face she had not seen in years, the face of the boy she had once known as her son, now a man cloaked in a life of vengeance.
Jason's eyes searched the baby's face, looking for some semblance of the family he had lost, the warmth he had once known. The baby looked back at him, her eyes wide with curiosity, and for a brief moment, she saw something in Jason's gaze that she hadn't seen in years: vulnerability. He leaned closer, his breath misting in the cold air as he studied Melilla, the soft curve of her nose, the tiny hands that clutched at the air.
"She's… beautiful," he murmured, his voice raw with emotion.
Avilasa felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Yes, she is," she said, her own voice thick with unshed tears.
Jason leaned closer, his eyes never leaving the baby's face. "She's got Bruce's stupid blue eyes," he murmured, a hint of affection in his tone despite the gruffness. A small, genuine chuckle escaped his lips, and for a fleeting moment, she saw the boy he once was.
His hand hovering over the baby's head as if unsure of what to do next. She took a deep breath and offered Melilla to him. "Hold her," she whispered.
Jason looked up, his eyes meeting hers for the first time since she had revealed her true identity. There was a flicker of something in those green eyes, a question, a plea. "Me?" he asked, his voice hoarse with disbelief.
She nodded, her own eyes shimmering with hope. "Please, Jason."
He took another step, his hands moving as if in a dream, and carefully took the baby from her arms. Her tiny body fitting perfectly into the cradle of his broad chest. The sight was surreal, the infamous Red Hood holding a newborn with such tenderness.
"Hey, hey there," he murmured, his voice soft and unrecognizable. "It's alright, it's okay, your big brother's got you."
As Melilla quieted in his arms, Jason's rough exterior melted away, revealing the gentle soul he had buried deep beneath the anger and the mask. He cradled her, his large, scarred hands surprisingly gentle as they supported her tiny frame. The baby blinked up at him, her eyes locking onto his, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
The baby girl's tiny hand reached out, her fingers grabbing at the air before finding purchase on the soft fabric of his shirt. Jason stilled, his heart racing as he felt her warmth and the weight of her trust. His chest tightened, and he swallowed hard against the lump that had formed in his throat. He looked up at his mother, searching her eyes for some clue as to what he should do next.
"You're… you're good at this," she said, her voice filled with a mix of wonder and hope.
Jason grunted in response, his eyes looking back to Melilla's face. He had held many things in his life, weapons of all shapes and sizes, but nothing had ever felt so fragile and so precious. His thumb brushed against her cheek, and she gurgled, her tiny hand gripping his shirt even tighter.
"I would love to spoil you rotten, you little squirt," he murmured, his voice filled with a warmth that seemed to melt the ice around his heart.
She watched as Jason held Melilla, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Bruce is already given her more toys than either of us know what to do with," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. The thought of Bruce Wayne, the stoic and brooding Dark Knight, playing the role of a doting father was a sight she had not yet seen, but she knew it was true.
Jason scoffed. "Well, that's his way, I guess." He paused, looking down at the baby in his arms. "Can't wait for the day she brings home boyfriends," he said with a wry smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he imagined the look on Bruce's face.
She couldn't help but laugh, a warm sound that filled the cold, empty space. "Oh, trust me," she said, shaking her head. "You're not the only one he'll have to worry about."
Jason looked at her, a hint of surprise in his eyes. It had been so long since he had heard her laugh, and it was like a balm to the ragged edges of his soul. The sound was soothing, reminding him of happier times, of a home that had been ripped away from him.
"I guess we're all in this together, then," he said, his voice a little less gruff. He studied Melilla, her eyes blinking slowly as she stared up at him. He had killed for vengeance, destroyed lives for justice, but never before had he felt so responsible for one so small and pure. It was a feeling that shook him to the core.
"Thank you," he murmured, looking at her. "For showing her to me."
The words hung in the air, filled with a weight that neither of them could fully comprehend. It was the first real acknowledgment of their shared past, of the love that had once bound them together as a family. Her eyes searched Jason's, seeing the turmoil behind the mask, the struggle to reconcile the man he had become with the boy he once was.
"Thank you for not pushing us away," she repeated, her voice steady despite the tremor in her heart.
Without a word, Jason pulled her into a tight embrace, the Melilla nestled between them. His arms, usually so firm and unyielding, wrapped around them with surprising gentleness. She felt his warmth seep through the layers of their costumes, the tension in his shoulders slowly easing as he held them. Melilla cooed, a tiny sound that seemed to mend the years of silence and anger between them.
"I love you, Mom," Jason whispered into her hair, his voice cracking with the weight of his unspoken regrets.
She eyes filled with tears, and she hugged him back with all the strength she had. "I love you too, Jason," she murmured, feeling the warmth of his embrace. The baby squirmed in their tight embrace, a tiny reminder of the life that connected them all.
They stood like that for a long moment, a silent apology and acceptance passing between them. Then, with a heavy sigh, Jason pulled away. He gently handed Melilla back to her, his eyes lingering on her tiny face. "I can't stay," he said, his voice gruff. "But I won't forget this… Or her."
She nodded, her own eyes filled with understanding. "We'll come again," she promised, her voice firm. "This doesn't have to be the last time."
Jason gave a small nod, the light in his eyes fading slightly. "Just… keep her safe," he said, his gaze lingering on Melilla. "Promise me."
She nodded, her eyes never leaving his. "With all my heart," she vowed, her voice strong despite the emotion that threatened to overwhelm her.
Jason leaned in and kissed her forehead, the gesture so unexpected and tender that she almost flinched. But she held her ground, feeling the warmth of his lips against her skin, the briefest of moments that spoke volumes. Then he turned to Melilla, his movements deliberate and almost reverent as he bent to press a soft kiss to her forehead as well. The baby's eyes widened in surprise, and then she giggled, a sound that seemed to echo in the cavernous warehouse, a symbol of the joy she had brought to their lives.
"Stay out of trouble," he murmured to Melilla, his voice filled with a tenderness that was as surprising as it was heartbreaking. It was a promise he knew he could not keep, a hope he could not guarantee, but one that hung in the air between them, a silent pact.
She watched as Jason retreated into the shadows, disappearing into the night. She felt a pang of sadness, but also a spark of hope. Dick emerged from the door, his eyes filled with questions and concern. She gave him a small, brave smile. "It's okay," she assured him, her voice stronger than she felt.
Looking back at Melilla, she felt a warmth spread through her, chasing away the shadows of doubt. Her daughter's eyes were wide and curious, as if she knew that she had just played a part in something momentous. Her cradled her closer, feeling the steady beat of her heart against her chest.
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years ago
Can I request a batfamily discovering that Bruce has another biological son(who’s reader and is the second youngest) but also that reader is stuck in a abusive home and they go to save him from it?
Of course you can. My poor baby...
Summary: (Y/N) is never met his father and is stuck in a bad situation. Bruce saves him.
Warnings: Abusive household, neglectful parents, but not Bruce, protective Bruce, protective boys
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Bruce was still shocked when he found out that he another biological son, Damian's half brother. He found out by a complete accident. He was investigating something and he accidently cross referenced DNA through the database.
He really didn't expect a match. He really didn't. He sat in shock for about 15 minutes, trying to wrap his mind around it. He knew that he was a playboy, still is, but he knew he was careful with (Y/N)'s mom.
He was sure of it. Also, why didn't she call him?
There was one problem with all of this too. He saw where (Y/N) lives and sure, it isn't right to judge someone based on where they live, but it wasn't a nice area to live. It was filled with addicts of all kinds.
He didn't like the fact that he saw CPS reports. He thought about his plan. They need to see what the situation is. And now here is another problem.
Telling his other kids was a whole another ballgame. He didn't know how they were going to react. Especially Damian, since (Y/N) is his biological son.
After a few more moments, he went back to surface level. He asked them all to come to the dining room. He only told them that he had some important news.
It could go... Well, it wasn't going to be a ride in the park. It was going to be a bumpy meeting.
" Alright, what is the news you wanted to tell us? " Dick said. Everyone was sitting at the dining table, waiting for the news. Alfred didn't know either so he was going to be surprised too.
" I have another biological son. "
All hell broke loose.
There were shouts of all kinds of questions. The only person who was silent was Damian. He was either thinking this through or he was in shock. Bruce knew it was the first option.
" What is his name? " Damian asked, looking curious.
Not bad so far.
" (Y/N). I know where he lives and all, but I want to scout the situation with him. I have some of my suspicions. " Bruce admitted, looking at everyone.
" Such as? " Jason prompted.
" CPS reports. "
The mood shifted and everyone was now feeling uneasy. They knew what it could mean.
" So... You are thinking that he is abused. " Tim started, feeling the uneasiness and the palpable tension in the room.
" If the reports are correct, then we have a problem. He needs to come here. " Dick said, tension palpable once more. Nobody really wanted to think that those reports were true. But then again, they really aren't that lucky.
" So we are going to check out the situation? " Tim asked, tapping his finger against his mug.
" Yes. I'm calling my lawyer first thing tomorrow morning. And tomorrow night, we are going to scout the situation. Any sign of violence and we are going in. " Bruce said, clenching his fists tightly.
" I'm wondering why she didn't tell you. " Damian said, calmer than Bruce expected him to be.
" I do to Damian, but we will find out soon. " Bruce said, trying to ease the tension. " (Y/N) will live with us soon. " Bruce said, not sure whether or not he is trying to soothe himself.
He should have known he has a son. He should have checked. He should have... But what is done is done. He has to make a move and make sure that (Y/N) is going to be okay from now on.
They all waited on the opposite rooftop, just watching and waiting. It was quiet for a couple of hours, but it wasn't even two hours while they were here.
They saw the beating from (Y/N)'s so called father. Stepfather would be more like it. Bruce and Damian rushed in, shocking the two parents.
After Bruce knocked them both out, he knelt in front of (Y/N), who was shaking and crying quietly.
" It's okay. I know you are scared, but you are going to be okay. They won't harm you anymore. " Batman said softly, watching as (Y/N) nodded. Damian helped (Y/N) up, clearly still afraid, but none the less happy to see the vigilantes.
Bruce left him with the GCPD and he picked him up the next morning. Bruce picked him up, claiming to be his father. (Y/N) was shocked.
His mother never said everything. Anything. He was still shocked as he was afraid. Who is to say that Bruce won't hurt him? Bruce knew that (Y/N) is skeptical because of the abuse, but he wasn't going to let (Y/N) be afraid.
When they finally came home, the boys softened their welcome. Damian was very curious about (Y/N). He didn't talk to him after taking him to the GCPD and (Y/N) was afraid of the new environment.
Damian knew that it would take time for (Y/N) to feel relaxed. But you know, that is going to be okay. (Y/N) would heal and they would make sure that he was okay.
Damian knew that he would have to step up. He was biologically related to him and he was going to try the hardest.
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solar-wing · 2 years ago
⚣ Therapist BatBro 👓
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⚣👓 A/N → Therpist BatBro makes his debut. The second pic is honestly what I feel a therapy session in the Wayne family would look like. This is from another request I got from my previous account.
⚣👓 Summary → Your family isn't pleased with your new hobby or group of friends. But, somehow you've made it a business. Gotta respect the hustle at least.
⚣👓 Words → 2.3k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 👓
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The way I see it, you're either a vigilante with the fam and all the villains just seem to like you for some reason and ask where you are during a battle OR you're not a vigilante and you volunteer at Arkham (which would be absolutely insane but it's Arkham so it breaks even) and everyone there is cool with you. Even the Joker (which won't fly well with Jason at all).
We're going to go with the second option for this one.
So, since Bruce was adamant about you not joining the family business as a vigilante since you were the youngest and he had an unyielding urge to protect you and your childhood innocence, you needed to find something to do in your free time.
What better than to volunteer at a crazy house for psychopathic murdering villains?
Of course, considering Arkham was filled mainly with criminals your father had put there along with your siblings, it probably wouldn’t be wise to do that since they’d obviously wouldn’t approve.
SO, you did it anyway and just didn't tell them.
BatBro contemplating...
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Duke was the first to find out. Batman had supplies Arkham needed but since he was at work and Duke always took the day shift as everyone liked to joke, who better to drop it off than him? Imagine his surprise when he finds his baby bro in there serving ice cream to Mr. Freeze.
"Here ya go Fries, my man. I sprinkled some ice shavings on there to make it a little tangier for you..." You said handing him the cone.
"Ha ha ha, aren't you hilarious." Victor Fries replied with a genuine smile. As far as The Signal persona knew, he was only capable of smirking or mean-mugging the shit of people, with the exception of an occasional shivering face while mocking someone for how cold they were.
'Oh, they're not gonna believe this...' Duke thought, racing home right after. The way he left the institution, the guards almost thought there was a breakout or a fight going on. Nope, but there might be when he told everyone.
Of course, no one believed him at first, just staring at the dude as if he just said the craziest thing in the world like Bruce being an emotionally available parent.
When you came home that night acting cagey and weirder than normal, they figured something was going on and maybe you were at Arkham but for something completely different than what Duke thought it could be. Because, there would be no way Bruce Wayne’s, aka Batman, own son would ever even consider fraternizing with criminals, let alone his enemies. Right?
So, like any other sane, normal family who responded to distressing situations with maturity and rationality... they spied on you.
Damian, Tim, & Cass followed you the next day. Tim was understandably distraught but also curious how you could have managed to form a friendship with Gotham's criminally insane.
Like...THEY WERE INSANE. But, when he really thought about it, considering the family you came from...yeah, okay. He can see the correlation now.
Damian, however, refused to believe his little brother could be so stupid and dense. How could you form relations with the enemy like that? It was stupidity. Plain idiocy at its finest. It was betrayal!
On the other hand, it was a smart move looking from an assassin's point of view. You know the whole keep your friends close and enemies closer deal, but that was his thing. Not yours! So you'd be getting extra noogies and brotherly beatdowns when you got home. In the name of camaraderie and righting your careless decisions.
Cass thought it was fucking hilarious.
Upon their arrival and finding you trading riddle jokes with Riddler, their jaws all collectively dropped to the floor.
"Okay, okay okay..." You breathed, calming down from your wheezing laughter. "Riddle me this...I'm neither a man nor a woman but don't hurt my wittle feelings cause I'm still a person. I'll kick you and scream at you, even both during a tantrum. My ego's bigger than my head but shorter than my height, who am I?"
Riddler took a moment to think about it before the metaphorical lightbulb appeared above his head, "Boy Wonder!" He pointed.
"Which one?" You immediately responded.
"The fourth one!"
Tim and Cass both had to think about it before they realized the clues in the riddle. They're eyes went wide when they realized who you were talking about, and turned to see Damian who looked ready to tear your head off with his teeth.
"He's in for it when he gets home..." He growled through his grinding teeth.
Damian pissed (Left) | Tim & Cass (Right)
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Everyone was mildly concerned when they came home that night and asked them how everything went only for Damian's immediate response to be that he was going to get his revenge sketchbook.
Why Damian has a revenge sketchbook, no one knows. But, everyone was just the right amount unsettled by it.
That night at dinner there was a bit of a tense air as Damian had to be placed between both Bruce and Jason to keep him from lunging at you with his salad fork. Usually, you were used to Damian’s somewhat murderous tantrums, but this was on another level.
He almost looked like he would grow horns out of his head at any moment, which would actually be somewhat fitting. Considering he was the grandson of the Demon and all.
You also noticed how Tim and Cass kept weirdly staring at you. Neither of them said something, which was odd(well except maybe for Cass), but you just ignored it and ate your dinner.
That night, you put some of your old booby traps from when you first moved into the manor back into place. You needed some sort of reassurance and protection to help you sleep. At many points throughout the night, you shot out of bed and grabbed one of the many random weapons you had hidden around you when you thought you heard someone trying to sneak into your room.
Damian definitely tried but had learned his lesson after the last time he got caught in one of your traps. You took a lot of inspiration from movies like Home Alone and The Parent Trap.
The next day, Dick and Steph went to check out the mental institution insane asylum.
Steph also thought it was funny like Cass but in a more ironic type of way. She’d rooted for you to get your own vigilante identity and join the family business. So this was like the ultimate petty revenge and she was here for it.
But Dick just couldn't imagine you in a place like this. His sweet adorable baby brother, in this horrid mess? He was calling it, either blackmail or manipulation. A rude awakening was awaiting him around the corner.
They looked to see you in the middle of practicing a handshake with Bane.
"No Bane, fist bump, then the arm wiggle..." You said, showing him the move for the 4th time.
"Oh sorry buddy," He replied.
"No problem man, let's try again."
They watched you go through the whole routine, Steph taking a video on her phone while Dick looked in surprise and jealousy. How come you and him didn't have a handshake like that? Every little brother should want to have a cool handshake with their cool big brother! Was he not good enough?!
Steph laughing in petty (Left) | Dick breaking down (Right)
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When Dick stormed into the manor later muttering about showing you a real handshake, Bruce only raised an eyebrow when Steph walked in looking thoroughly entertained like she just watched the funniest show of her life. It certainly felt like it.
That afternoon, Dick gave you the cold shoulder all day. He even canceled your weekly brother movie night, which shocked everyone, especially your dad. What could have been so bad that would cause Bruce’s first protege to treat his kid brother like this? The same kid who he’d absolutely lose it if they went to anyone other than him for advice or would pout if he didn’t get the first hug from him when in a room full of people.
Of course, he still cracked when you gave him the hurt puppy dog eyes (a trick you learned from Jason that he used to use on Bruce all the time when he was younger). Dick caved and you guys ended up watching a movie, though you were mildly concerned whenever your oldest brother paused the movie and took the time to highlight the friendship and connection between two characters, especially if they were siblings.
Something like a special code, an inside joke, or even maybe a HANDSHAKE. What does it say about a big brother if his little brother doesn’t want to have a cool special handshake with him?!
You just nodded along, making a mental note to avoid any family-oriented films for your next movie night.
But, after this incident, you’d fully managed to get Bruce’s attention. He knew that Dick out of all his children was usually the least likely to get irate over something that wasn’t serious. So the fact that he did, despite how unserious it may have seemed, but it was settled.
Something was going on and your dad, no…Batman was going to get to the bottom of it.
Jason decided to come along with your father, fully prepared to drag you out of the building by force if he had to. He even went as far as calling your boyfriend Conner Kent, aka Superboy, who he and Bruce had a love/hate relationship with because they couldn't really threaten the boy like they wanted to if he hurt you.
Well, Jason couldn’t at least.
Bruce had more than enough kryptonite in multiple storages across his warehouse and had no problem showing it to the half-Kryptonian as a warning.
Conner was more than a little peeved, try fucking pissed when he heard you'd been hanging out with supervillains. And he as well was ready to sling you over his shoulder if he had to. But, probably not in front of your dad who kept throwing pointed glares his way as they moved through the building.
When Batman showed up demanding to see where the volunteer by your name was, they quickly rushed to show him to your location. He couldn't fathom this. The mere thought that his youngest child, his sweet, innocent (on a good day) good-natured son, would be hanging around all his enemies, laughing with them like they were good ol pals?
He'd sooner believe Joker was going to therapy.
The shock of his lifetime was also waiting for him around the corner.
They came around to see you through a window sitting in an office room in business casual attire, holding a clipboard and writing down notes while Joker was laying on a couch with his cuffed hands resting on his chest, venting out his emotions.
"And sometimes, I do feel like I go a bit far. But, I can't take all the blame. I mean, everyone paints me as the villain, but Batsy plays into our little game just as much as I do. Why does he get painted as the hero and me as a crazy clown? Well, you know, besides the clown face, HAHAHA!" He vented, ending with his usual eerie cackle.
"Uh-huh, and how does that make you feel?" You asked while scribbling a few notes on your legal pad and adjusting the fake glasses on your face before turning around at the sound of the door opening.
You felt your heart drop in your stomach when you saw your father, brother, and boyfriend all staring at you with very unhappy looks.
"BATSY! Oh, do come in! We were just talking about you. I think it's about time you and I got some relationship counseling." Joker exclaimed.
Not one word was said while Conner grabbed you by your wrists, (gently of course because he's caring like that) and dragged you out of the room, Jason not too far behind, ready to tear you a new one. Batman held his shoulder, while Joker just watched in amusement, "Guess my hour's up."
You, Bruce, and Jason arguing (Left) | Joker enjoying the show (Right)
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You were immediately brought home after getting an earful from Jason to which you offered him his own free session.
He agreed.
Bruce demands to know why you would even consider going there, socializing with those people.
"Well, seeing as how I can't join the family business, I figured I could do some good in some way. And villains or not, they've got good in them! Just you know, when they're not trying to murder people." You answered.
You were interrupted by your other siblings appearing before you felt an arm forcibly turn you around which Conner raised an annoyed eyebrow at, but he kept his mouth shut.
"What does Bane have that I don't? Am I not good enough as an older brother to have a handshake with?"
You sighed, "Is that why you were so upset the other day?! Ugh, would you like to create a special handshake with me, Dick?"
" Yes! Super secret too! You can't have any handshakes with anybody else!" He hugged you while you patted his back.
Brothers could be so needy sometimes.
You could see your boyfriend eyeing you both with the strangest look. In your defense, he had plenty of warning of how weird your family was.
Before things could calm down too much though, everyone heard a shrill voice screaming your name from the top of the staircase.
"Fuck..." You muttered under your breath, before turning to see Tim and Cass giving you nervous looks.
“You were there with Riddler, weren’t you?”
They could barely look you in the eye as you turned to see Damian standing on the banister, holding one of your slippers in his hand.
"Who's short now?!" 
Alfred went to get the first aid kit.
Damian with your slipper...
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☀️ | Bat Family | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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whydoyoucare866 · 1 year ago
The Night We Met
Titans! Jason todd x reader
Bruce has taken in Jason Todd as his youngest son and the new robin some months ago, Bruce's goddaughter also came back to Gotham after being away for a year.
Some months after meeting Jason she starts a friends with benefits relationship with him, suddenly Jason has to move to the Titans tower and two weeks later Bruce sends her too, but, why is Jason ignoring her and acting like he doesn't know her and why does it get worse when Rose Wilson arrives to the tower??
A/N: I finally figured out a song to base this chapter off, I’m sorry I went so off with their conversation and didn’t really get anywhere with it, I just really want them to bond and I don’t think ahead of writing I just start and see where it takes me, I know this can be really boring but I want this to be a LONG fic and a slow burn and that can’t happen if the whole plot happens in two chapters so bare with me please!
TWS: slow burn, angst, blood, canon violence, mentions of death, anxiety, jealousy, friends to friends with benefits to enemies to lovers?, maybe death of a main character (haven't decided yet) change of plot
Keep in mind that English is not my first language, I also know nothing about guns, human anatomy or fighting in the language so I'm sorry if I make a lot of mistakes
Gif credits to Titanstv on Pinterest
Story Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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You felt a throbbing pain in your head and started slowly opening your eyes and becoming aware of your surroundings, you were trying to figure out how long you had slept for since according to the sky it was night now and you didn't know if it was the next day now or if you had just slept some hours, now that you think of it, you didn't actually remember falling asleep either, well thats what happens when you cry too much after not sleeping for two days i guess, you decided that you would really love a glass of water right now and started making your way to the kitchen, you hoped no one was awake or at home, after your whole emotional moment with Bruce and Alfred you realized how embarrassing it had been to cry your heart out in front of someone who did not even know you and how much of a big deal you had made things that seriously were not that deep, then you cried more of embarrassment, and then you realized how much of a baby you were being, and realized you were really sleep deprived and really needed some sleep.
You arrived to the kitchen and just as luck would have it, there was no other than Jason Todd, the guy who had to awkwardly witness a girl he didn't know sob her eyes out but while thinking about it you realized that making it a bigger deal than it was would only make it actually embarrassing and would probably ruin any chance of friendship with that guy so you decided that you would let it go and it had never happened.
Jason didn't acknowledge you at all, he was too concentrated on eating what he had cooked for himself earlier and honestly he didn't seem like a very social guy so you just let him be.
You reached for a glass but then decided that maybe you should grab a thermos so you could bring it to your room and not have to make your way over to the kitchen every time you were thirsty, the noise made Jason acknowledge you but he just gave you a nod while he looked at you and you just returned it, you went to fill the water and you could still feel Jason staring at you, the environment was really awkward and Jason looked like he wanted to say something, or maybe he just wanted you to leave, well, this was your chance to talk to him, if he didn't want to talk to you back then you would just let him be, no harm in trying to make friends in your own home.
"Aren't you supposed to be out there with Bruce?" you asked him
He shook his head and pointed to his ribcage "got stabbed, Bruce wouldn't allow me to go back out there"
"Huh, how'd you get stabbed?" you asked not being bothered by it, you were used to these kind of things
"Harley" he said nonchalantly
"Oh" you said and nodded at him
"I thought she hadn't been active in a while?" I said, Dick had told me before he left Bruce that Harley hadn't made an appearance in almost a year and it looked like she might want redemption.
"Yeah but Joker was put back in Arkham some months ago, we thought they had broken up but turns out it was just an act and she was just plotting something to try and get him out or get revenge or something like that, and well i may be skilled but Harley is Harley" he said taking bites of his food.
"Yeah I get you, even I am scared of going against Harley"
"You are? haven't you beaten her like a lot of times?"
"Yeah but miss girl is not just crazy and skilled but she's also in LOVE like not cutesy love, but maniac love that's a dangerous combination" you said in an exaggerated way to get your point across.
"I wouldn't call that love" he said while shaking his head before taking another bite of his food which you had no idea what it was.
"Then what would you call it?"
"Obsession I guess, she's like obsessed with him, she would throw herself against chemicals that will probably kill her if he asked for it... oh wait she already did"
"Yeah, poor girl would give her life for someone who just manipulates her and uses her”
"I mean yeah, but I wouldn't call her poor she's still a psycho" he shrugged.
"Maybe, but she's in love, even if you wouldn't call it that i think i would, its not a healthy love but she just loves him in a really obsessive unhealthy way, also if you see it in a way, we are psychos as well" i say before taking a sip of my water.
"What do you mean?" he asked as he sipped what must be coffee from a mug and looked at me curiously.
"Well, what kind of people just beats up other people every night?"
"Well yeah, but we only beat criminals and people who deserve it, they actually kill" he said trying to defend his point.
"I mean, yeah they may kill and we don't, but what's worse? dying or being paralyzed and basically tortured for life?"
"What do you mean?" he frowned and tilted his head a bit, he was intrigued in the conversation now.
"Well do you honestly think everyone will just be fine after being thrown around and beaten up until the point where you know if you give one more punch they'll die? I mean even professional fighters get brain paralysis or quadriplegic or like vegetative state from a bad blow and they have like precautions in those fights, now imagine in a fight where there's no precautions and the only stop sign is either them going unconscious or them not being able to move or them being a step away from death keep in mind that the criminals that you beat sometimes aren't trained or don't even know how to fight like regular thieves and shit, im obviously not talking about criminals like Ivy or Harley and stuff and a lot of the vigilantes have actually killed at least one person, maybe not intentionally but yeah" I explained to him.
"Huh, I guess if you think about it like that you're right" he nodded and took one last bite out of his plate
"Of course I am, I"m always right" I smiled at him
"Sure you are" he rolled his eyes in a playful way and stood up to wash his dirty dishes.
"I am!" I say pretending to be offended
"Uh huh, whatever you say" he smiled at me, "well, uhm its pretty late and I guess I should try to get some sleep, so see you tomorrow, I guess" he said before starting to head out of the kitchen.
"Sure, goodnight" I said to him.
"Night" He replied before finally leaving the kitchen.
@fairyeoll @singitoutgirl26 @mad-die45 @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @pariahsparadise
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theodorecanaryhood · 1 year ago
The ride or die
Jason Todd x Male reader
Jason has a boyfriend who is Bruce Wayne’s assistant.
Warnings: swearing, sex, violence and mentions of death
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10 years flew by as you moved from place to place, spending some time in London, then Europe, then back to London. Moving to Gotham for work.
I guess you could say you were trying to find yourself, but it was not easy. Maybe you were running away, from yourself or something. But you felt ready to stay in one place.
Bruce Wayne took you in as his assistant around 7 years ago, then you worked your way up higher.
‘Good morning, would you mind passing this on to my dad please?’ The man asked, handing you a small file.
You smiled and nodded, taking it from the man. He stood tall, at least 6ft plus, big arms, big form, black curly hair, handsome features filled his face. His eyes pulled you in, they were bright but had a hint of darkness to them.
You’d always stood by that eyes are the gateway to the soul, and his told a story without speaking.
‘Sure, he’s just in a meeting but I’ll grab him when he’s free’ you replied, the man smiled as he seemed to take your form in.
‘I’m Jason, Jason Todd’ he introduced, holding his hand out to you.
‘Y/n y/l/n’ you responded by taking his hand, shaking it.
Jason stood leaning over the counter a little as he watched you, catching up with you a little.
‘Jason? I see you’ve met y/n’ Bruce appeared from his office.
Jason walked over to give his dad a quick hug and chatted, disappearing into Bruce’s office.
You spent the last bit of the morning catching up on some deals, organising meetings for Bruce. Occasionally hearing Bruce and Jason laughing I the office.
‘So, I will see you Friday for dinner’ Bruce said as he patted Jason in the back.
Both leaving the office, the two smiled as Jason headed toward the door, him winking at you before he left.
You blushed a little as you watched Jason walk away, hearing Bruce clearing his throat, you picked up the file and handed it to Bruce.
A black tie gala was all you needed right now, Bruce asked if you could come with him as part of a new promotion he’d offered you.
Bruce didn’t want you as his assistant anymore, he wanted you as a partner. A business partner, a man responsible for half of Bruce’s work.
‘Hello again’ Jason caught your attention, his black suit, black leather gloves, flower rested neatly on his jacket.
Jason looked very handsome in this form, he looked like a man who would steal hearts with a look.
‘Hi Jason’ you smiled back, the two of you stood beside each other as Bruce made his speech.
Bruce noticed the two of you talking a lot and getting drinks together, Bruce smiled to himself, he hadn’t seen Jason like this for a long time.
‘He’s gay, and single’ Bruce whispered to Jason quietly as the two stepped away to get a drink.
‘Why are you telling me?’ Jason asked as Bruce shrugged.
‘Just saying’ Bruce chuckled, Jason glanced over to you.
You sat at the bar and began talking to another man, older and well dressed. Jason was about to have a heart attack with how much he hated to see you talking to another guy all of a sudden.
Jason pulled you away from this older man and took a leap.
‘Can I take you out sometime?’ Jason asked, looking into your eyes.
‘Yeah’ you smiled, no hesitation in your response, Jason blushed a little as he leant down and kissed your cheek.
5 years had passed since this moment, 5 amazing years of you and Jason. Bruce refers to you as not only his business partner, but his son in law. Referring to you as this with pride.
It was a long drive through the roads as Jason sped in his Porsche, his sports car. Holding your hand, radio playing tunes as the two of you stared at the road ahead.
Jason’s skin was always the best feeling as you held onto his hand, it was another hour or so until you arrived at the hideout house.
You knew of the other lives, Bruce told you a few years back that he is Batman. Then you figured the others are Nightwing, Robin and so on.
Jason’s white muscle tee complimented his physique well, a physique you would never grow bored of.
The first time you saw Jason without his clothes was a blessing, he took his shirt off and you nearly fell with the sight in front of you. He took his underwear off and you almost screamed with the size. Jason’s manhood swung around as you saw, it would probably be the death of you.
Jason stared off into the distance as his head dropped to what he was doing, not even noticing that you were drifting into a deep sleep.
Jason gripped the steering by wheel as he glanced over at you, his boyfriend, fast asleep and dreaming.
Jason patted your knee as he allowed you to remain where you were, the sun falling down and turning the sky into a black night. The grey skies were filling the road, Jason figured he would need to take a break at some point, pulling over into a parking lot and filling the car with gas.
In these silent moments when Jason’s brain was his own, he remembered all the bits of his life that he tried to forget.
His death, his resurrection and all the things that followed. Jason distracted his brain by remembering all the memories with you.
After another round of driving, Jason parks neatly in the bay as he rushes out of the car. Opens the passenger door for you, holding his hand out and ‘princessing’ you out of the car, gives you a big kiss. Then Jason finishes it off by giving your ass a slap, the big one where he grips on impact.
The two of you get inside the base, a simple getaway for just the two of you. Escaping from Gotham for a night or two. Jason walking behind you so he can have the best view as you walk.
Jason wraps an arm around your waist as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, you managing to lock the door as you turn to face Jason.
‘Fuck, you’re so cute’ Jason growls as he kisses you, deepening the impact t as he lifts you off your feet.
You wrap your legs around Jason’s waist, holding onto his arms as Jason kisses you, him smiling into it.
The feeling of the wall against your back and being pinned against Jason’s giant form, makes your groin ache for release, Jason knows this and has power over you.
‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard’ Jason pants in between kisses, you dig your fingertips into Jason’s muscles as he presses further against you.
Jason pulls your top off over your head as you do the same to him, running your hands down Jason’s body.
Clothes scattered all over the place as Jason pins you against the wall once again, shoving his length inside you, you threw your head back, eyes rolled back and big grunt.
‘Fuck, baby’ Jason moaned as he began to pump inside you.
Remaining where you were as Jason pumped at an unbelievable pace, you were floating in the air as Jason hit all the right spots.
Jason rested his forehead against your collarbone as he released himself inside you, you gasped as you felt his seed rushing inside you. Kissing the top of Jason’s head as he smiled.
Jason rinsed you down as the two of you stood under the shower, grabbing your face as he kissed you again. The steam from the shower filled the room.
Jason could never go too long without kissing you, he had to be touching you in some way. Jason loved without saying it too much, showing it was always Jason’s thing.
Black tank top, grey sweats and leaning against his Porsche, Jason lit a cigarette as you approached from the house.
‘Ready to go back home baby?’ Jason smiled as he blew smoke out of his mouth, you nodded as you kissed him.
Jason held the passenger door open for you as you got in the car, him finishing his cigarette before driving the two of you back home.
Hand resting on your thigh, you nose deep in a book, Jason listening to the light music from the radio. Jason smiled a little as he sat next to you, his love.
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ryemiffie · 10 months ago
Not sure if this has been thought before, but I was thinking about Jason and Tim's relationship and how everything went down with Jason's whole revenge plan or whatever and I present the thought of:
Jason is revived, spends his time with the league and then goes and sees that Batman has 'replaced' him with Tim, of course he's hurt by this and he starts to question if Bruce ever really viewed Jason as a son or if it was all just in Jason's head, he doesn't want to believe that Bruce would replace him but the evidence is damning.
Jason being so hurt by this he decides he can't tell Bruce he's back, and goes on to plan all his Red Hood drama. At first Jason is content with doing what he thinks is right as Red Hood and is fine just killing the Joker on his own. As long as Joker is off the streets and can't hurt anyone else Jason thinks this will be enough.
Years pass and Jason has made a name for himself as the Red Hood, and during this time he has become accustomed to seeing Batman fighting alongside his new sidekick, his new Robin. Whether in passing or from a distance, Jason has seen how the two interact and function with each other, and he recognises how much Tim seems to care for Bruce. It's hurtful to think of Bruce having moved on and replacing him but Jason sees his younger self in the way Tim looks at Batman while they're in battle.
In this time Jason has not been able to bring himself to kill the Joker, his own mental turmoil at the idea of facing the man who killed him keeping him from acting on his anger, instead he only fights against the joker from afar, foiling his schemes in ways that didn't require him to ever actually have to face the twisted man.
Jason tries his best to avoid Batman and his new protege, and just continue working in the shadows of Gotham as Red Hood without having to deal with any conflict from the dark knight/his dad, while from afar feeling a sort of connection with Tim, he is technically his younger brother now right? Even if Jason can't bring himself to so much as wave in his direction when near enough that Tim might see him. During a team up of some kind, probably with someone like Harley Quin, Red Hood is informed of the Joker Jr incident and is suddenly filled with such rage, such anguish at the idea that not only had Bruce failed to save Jason, had let him die and then allowed the Joker to keep his own life, but that Bruce would allow Joker to hurt another one of his sons, to hurt Jason's brother. That even after seeing both Jason and Tim suffer at the Joker's hands that Bruce would still let that man continue with his life, continue to hurt people whether those people be members of the batfamily or just civilians caught in the crossfire of an endlessly painful rivalry between the clown and the bat. That Bruce would continue to take Tim out in the field and put him anywhere near the Joker to fight. When it was just for his own peace Jason could've ended the Joker on his own and let that be enough, sure it hurt Jason to think that the man he had seen as his father didn't care enough to avenge him but he would've survived, as long as he got to watch the life drain from Joker's face and the smile spill off his face when he died. But now, knowing what Batman had allowed to happen, not just to himself, but to Tim as well? It was just too much.
That would be the final straw. The thing that makes Jason finally go directly after Joker, to reveal himself to his father, to scream at him and air out his pain, his sorrow and his anguish, yelling "How could you let him do it? How could you let him continue living after what he did to me? How could you have allowed him to live on to hurt Tim? You couldn't protect me so why didn't you protect him? Was it not enough? To lose me? Was that not enough to make you realise? If I wasn't enough why wasn't Tim? It should've ended with me and it needs to end with Tim! How many more Robins will you let him hurt beyond repair? How many Bruce?! You need to end this! Please end this! If you couldn't do it for me please do it for Tim, he deserves better than you gave me!"
Anyway, just a thought I had. it's kinda hard to articulate in this typa format but maybe I'll write it out as a fanfic and it'll make more sense? Don't know if I will though, let me know if that's something anyone would be interested in I guess. But yeah, I'm just like really interested in Jason and Tim's dynamic and the potential they have for brotherly angst and shenanigans so I might just write some random Tim and Jason interactions for funsies whether or not I decide to post 'em.
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cloakedsparrow · 11 months ago
Bat Family AU wherein it’s Janet Drake who survives the Obeah Man’s attack instead of Jack.
Tim’s already Robin, she’s in the coma, and all that. However, when she wakes up, things are a little different. She still buys the mansion next door to Wayne Manor, but she’s happy to accept any help Bruce wants to offer in regards to Tim so he can just say “I’m going to Bruce’s” and she’ll just check that he either did his homework or is bringing it with him. She doesn’t expect Tim to help with her treatment or transport and certainly doesn’t expect a fourteen year old to help out at Drake Industries.
She hires a physical therapist to visit the house every day (Dana, so she’s still a part of Tim’s life, if in a slightly smaller role). She still hires Mrs. Mac as their new maid. She also hires a driver, as well as a new COO to help her bring Drake Industries back after it had gone stagnant in her absence.
The twist? The COO is Talia Head (aka Talia al Ghul).
When Janet learns that Talia has two sons -one, barely a few years older than Tim, the other, a few years younger- she suggests they move into the mansion with them while Talia looks for a place (it works out well enough that they end up staying long-term). Talia introduces Bruce and Tim to Damian early (Jason initially hides out in her side of the mansion since he’s not ready to see Bruce yet and Talia is not forcing his hand on that). Damian is still a spoiled brat at first, but since they’re introduced as allies rather than rivals, Tim and Damian end up getting along great once he’s settled down a bit (and with Talia, Janet, and Jason working together to help him).
Talia killed the Joker upon moving to Gotham (no way was that clown getting near any of her boys again) so while Jason’s mad at Bruce, he still feels he has a parent who loved him enough to cross that line. It also helped to counter Shelia’s betrayal a little and balance out his feelings about parents overall, particularly his mother figures. One mother loved him and tried her best but was given a bad hand, another gave him up to the Joker to save herself some trouble, the last severed ties with her father (whose thumb she’d been under for hundreds of years) and risked the ire of the man she loved to protect him.
The younger boys (Tim & Damian) pretty much split their time between Wayne Manor and the Drake Mansion.
Which gives Janet and Talia plenty of time to build up Drake Industries and take over the Court of Owls on the side.
Instead of making/controlling the talons as the previous Court did, they put them to rest and just send Jason or a few of Talia’s trusted assassins (including Pru, who came to Gotham with her) to fill in the role.
Jason learns more about how and why Tim became Robin this time, so while he’s still pissed at Bruce, he doesn’t take any of it out on the Boy Wonder or anyone else. He even helps with Tim’s training (and his English homework). Jason still takes over a good portion of the Gotham drug/arms circuit and gets to do his big dramatic reveal to Bruce/Batman after fucking with him a bit, only it’s as Talon. His new plan is more of a Bat-level EXTRA guilt trip that keeps going on even after he’s started accompanying his little brothers to the Manor. And he’s a little more focused on protecting his little brothers.
Until Jason decided he wanted the do said big dramatic reveal, Bruce had no idea that the Court of Owls was real or that Janet and Talia had taken it over. He knew something had shifted in Gotham, some cases were going too easily and someone was taking out certain threats before they could become an issue. He’d be working under the theory that there was a new vigilante in town.
It had honestly been driving him a little nuts that he couldn’t find them -that’s part of why Jason decided they needed to get everything out in the open, it was stressing out Tim & Dami.
Neither Janet nor Talia will bow to Bruce’s wishes regarding anything, and he won’t bow to theirs, so the three of them end up working together as equals in a way Bruce doesn’t usually do. He ends up actually liking it, as it makes life a lot less stressful when he isn’t assuming full responsibility for everything and everyone around him.
Alfred, Clark, and Diana have each thanked Janet and Talia in their own way. Dick thanked Janet but he still doesn’t like Talia.
When Cass enters the picture, she gets two honorary moms, Babs gets to just be the cool big sister without all the extra stress, Jason, Tim, and Damian are immediately her adorable little brothers who would totally kill for her, and Bruce is a notably less emotionally constipated control freak, so she has a much easier go of everything.
Cass stabbed some asshole in the throat?
Talia: “It’s isn’t as though he died, Beloved. And good job not getting blood all over your new suit, Cassandra, dear.”
Janet: “It was HIS knife, Bruce. She was defending herself. I don’t know about you, but I would certainly prefer that Cassie comes home in one piece over her being more gentle with the criminals you encourage her to confront.”
Jason: “What, you’d rather have ANOTHER dead kid on your conscience, old man? Then maybe stop sending KIDS out to do your dirty work while expecting them to hold back against MURDERERS, PSYCHOPATHS, and TERRORISTS. Good job, Cass.”
Damian: “Tcht, she didn’t even do any permanent damage, Father.”
Tim: “Cass knew what she was doing. Aside from the visceral shock, is it really that different from hitting someone in the head hard enough to knock them unconscious? He’ll probably have less long-term damage than those henchmen you took out Tuesday night.”
Babs: “Oh, did the poor child murderer get hurt? We aren’t all in this to make ourselves feel good, Bruce. Some of us want RESULTS. Good Job, Cass. I brought some of that ice cream you liked. It’s in the freezer upstairs.”
Dick: “So, no one died; a child’s life was saved, plus any future victims if he’d gotten away tonight; two unsolved murders have been solved, so their families at least get some closure; the killer is in the hospital, under the GCPD’s watch, breathing on his own and there was no permanent damage done to his esophagus or vocal chords. What’s the problem, here, B?”
Alfred: “Forgive me, but has anyone explained the rules to Miss Cassandra beyond ‘no killing’? Because if not, then I do believe she was merely following the rule while using her skill to it’s most effectiveness. Why would she have used a series of blows to line him up for a nerve strike or knockout when she could disarm him and incapacitate him with one swift move?”
Bruce: “Alright, alright. You’ve all made your point. Obviously, we need to have a sit-down to discuss methods and motives and come to an agreement. In the meantime, I’m glad you’re alright, Casandra. And good job saving that child’s life tonight. Why don’t you get changed and take your ice cream to one of the dens upstairs to relax?”
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ultimate-marysue · 5 months ago
I really like the idea of Catatonic Jason taking care of baby Damian. Like, yes, he's traumatized beyond belief. He's being trained to kill, and yet there's this softness in him. Talia recognizes the instinct to protect the innocent, allowing Jason to care for her son. She hopes it will ground him and in a way it does. It's almost natural to him. But then he's resurrected by the pit.
This new Jason is confused, half mad from the process. Most importantly he doesn't remember anything. His body does, all of his training coming through well practiced moves. But this boy is too angry and volatile, and Talia will not risk his baby with him. No matter how much her heart wants to believe he would remember holding him too.
Jason leaves. Talia and Damian follow his progress watching him progressively calm down. The effects of the pit can be combated, and Talia was relieved her initial assumption had been right: Jason Todd was still in there. It was harder on Damian. It's one thing to rationally understand why his brother couldn't remember him, and another thing entirely to accept it.
Once he moved to the manor, the absence felt even greater. Everything was so backwards, and the only person he could have found some sense of comradely with didn't remember him. What's more, he didn't even seem all that interested in reconnecting with his family at first.
Damian watched him struggle from afar, dealing with grief, anger and guilt on his own. He watched seething with jealousy as Jason tried to mend his relationship with Tim. "He's only nice to you because he feels guilty about punching a kid", he pettily thought. It wasn't fair at all, so he stuck to calling him Todd instead of Jason.
Richard was the only saving grace in the whole family, and thus the only one capable of making him feel included. It took a while, especially when his father and Drake came back, derailing their lovely routine. He wasn't going to complain about having another chance to prove himself to father, but he missed Richard.
Live continued, and slowly he felt more and more like he truly belonged. The feeling not coming from a single cathartic experience but a myriad of small domestic moments. It is one of those moments when it happens.
He has hurt his leg fighting Killer Croc, and Jason had offered to help him to his room since Bruce still needed to finish something on the computer. It was getting less and less rare to see Red Hood in the cave or Jason Todd upstairs. Everyone still treated him like a loud noise would spook him and Damian wondered if that's how they'd seen him once.
Jason jokes around when he grabs him in bridal carry and Damian threatens the safety of his reproductive organs. It's an old song and dance, and they quickly go back to ignoring each other. It is Jason who breaks the meditative silence again, starting to hum a familiar melody halfway through the stairs.
Damian can't place it at first, and Jason doesn't seem to realize he's doing it. He's walking down the corridor when he actually starts whispering the lyrics, almost in a trance. Damian tenses, recognizing the nursery rhyme Jason used to sing to him back when he was a kid.
The movement seems to snap Jason out of his reverie, standing completely still for a moment. Damian watches enraptured as the realization dawns on him, his brother's head snapping back to him. His eyes are wide open and slightly shiny as he regards Damian like it's the first time he's truly seeing him.
"Habibi?" Jason asks, still sounding far away.
Damian contorts himself to hug him, the pressure on his chest finally releasing as his brother finally comes back to him.
It takes him a while to recover his memories of their time together, but for the first time Jason actually wants to remember. He's had to wade through enough green-tinged half memories, filled with grief and shame. Damian's memories are different. They're from a time when he barely existed, reduced to pure instinct. And yet, that version of himself had the instinct to care for this child. To love him.
Maybe there was hope for him.
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sokoneedsagun · 6 months ago
So in honer of both of the polls I've done so far (one saying that people prefer long from posts in multiple parts, and one for who people want more content of) and Jason Todd currently being in the lead I want to go through something I've seen lately.
So by now I'm sure that people have seen at least one video/post about Jason Todd and the new Hozier song nobody's soldier, but I haven't seen anyone explain why exactly it is so fitting so I will
so in the pre-chorus of the song there are the lines "If I tell you this is drowning, You tell me I'm walking on water, I could bring fire from the mountain, You tell me it feels a little colder" And focusing on the first half specifically, I think the way it ties into Jason is having such big shoes to fill and such high expectations placed on him when he was so young. Jason becomes robin around the age of 12, and at that time he's taking on the role that Dick used to have (keep in mind Dick is 18). This is a 12 year old boy with no training filling the shoes of an 18 year old who had been training as robin for near half of his life. He is stepping in and doing his best to meet Bruce's expectations of him, so while he may feel like he's drowning in all of it Bruce is assuming if not expecting that Jason can handle it because he is so eager to.
The chorus gets a bit more nuanced (at least for me, honestly all of this is), but starting with the line "I don't wanna choose between being a salesmen or a soldier." There can be a very literal interpretation to it, bruce calls his son a fucking soldier, after becoming red hood Jason is a crime lord and heavily controling the drug trade of Gotham (hence the salesmen aspect).
But in another sense it can heavily represent the relationship Jason has with Bruce and the fact that in many iterations of cannon that relationship is dependent on Jason's agreence to give up the way he's been running Gotham.
He's forced to choose between being Bruce's son (and practically by default also being his soldier), and being the red hood, a crime lord and running Gotham's underground how he sees fit. Hence being forced to choose between being a salesmen or a soldier.
The next part is the line "Let me look a little older, let me step a little bolder." This to me ties in with the fact that Jason died as a child, he was a 15 year old boy and while he was dead I doubt that Bruce could think of him as anything different.
But Jason as the red hood isn't a child and he defineinetly doesn't want to be seen as one. He wants to be preceved as older, he wants to be seen as an adult who built himself his own life without Bruce no matter what he did to do it, he had to be bold in his actions (look at the infamous duffle bag.) to get what he wanted. And Bruce didn't like that, he hated how bold and "reckless" Jason was being by not following his rules.
As for the next part "Choose between being a butcher or a pauper." Jason grew up increadibly poor in crime alley, as a child after Catherine Todd died he was homeless, he didn't have anyone to help him or anywhere to go, then once he moved in with Bruce he was compleatly reliant on him (one of the definitions of a pauper is someone who relies on charity), so throughout his entire adolecence he was a pauper; he was compleatly reliant and at the mercy of Bruce and other people in power around him.
But as an adult Jason is the Butcher. He is the one controling Gotham's underground and many of the people in it, he has no qualms with killing; and he was the one who did that. Jason made that life for himself alone, he made the choice to become something more then he could as a child even if it was something he never would have done before his death.
"Honey I'm taking no orders, gonna be nobody's soldier." This is just another iteration of just not listening to Bruce anymore. He doesn't follow his rules and he's not going to take orders from anyone anymore, he is his own person and he isn't a soldier to anyone any longer.
That's about as far as I looked into the lyrics for this, if you haven't listened to the song I highly reccomend it, it isn't what I would usually listen to but it's so fucking good. And like always these are my opinions, if you disagree feel free to (respectfully) explain why in the comments or tags
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violettavonviolet · 6 months ago
Tim Drake fic recs
All fics are finished and absolutely amazing. The word count goes up as you scroll. This rec list is entirely platonic but do check tags for triggers!
Janet Drake Is Alive And That's Officially Everyone's Problem (But Mostly Tim.)
They still hadn't looked at each other. It was starting to get a bit creepy.
"So you are satisfied, living like this?" She asked, with the slightest twitch of displeasure.
Quickly, Drake's eyes flashed over each of them, and he nodded. "Enough."
"Are you necessary?" She followed immediately, something dangerous in her tone, and there was the quickest flash of fear in Drake's eyes.
"Enough." He repeated firmly. She scoffed, but didn't say anything.
1.5k Janet centric teen
Wash Your Mouth Out
Tim shows his worry in a different way than most.
2.3k tim & damian teen
Shutter Bug
How could i not notice the stutter? Jason snorts.
3k gen batfam
A Worthy Father
Jack Drake forces his son to give up being Robin. He could never have predicted the consequences of parenting a Robin-less Tim Drake. He may never sleep again and Bruce Wayne certainly has no sympathy for him.
3.7k teen Jack & Tim
A Recipe for Disaster
Calypso_Rambles, JUBE514
“You’re crying.”
That’s the Red Hood, standing in the doorway into the hall, a hulking figure filling the frame, head tilted in question and hands on a gun that’s pointed to the floor. He looks uncertain, head tilted to the side like a goddamn bird.
“What?” Tim asks, because Tim is confused– he knows this is Jason Todd, kinda hard to miss with the red helmet and when the dude tried to blow up Dick and Bruce about a week earlier in the same outfit, but what the actual fuck is he doing in San Francisco–
“You’re crying.” Red Hood repeats, forgoing a one handed grip on his weapon to gesture to his– well– his everything.
Tim moves his hand up to his cheeks because he is definitely not crying over something as stupid as his dinn–
Maybe he is.
Tim and Jason make food, drink and talk about parents. Jason was meant to kill this kid, but plans have a way of being derailed.
6k teen Tim & Jason
Doctor, Except for Everything, I Am Perfectly Fine
Alfred and Bruce decide they have to update the kids' medical information. If the others aren't a fan if this, then Tim is even worse. Guess who's missing his spleen?
6.9k gen humor
A Cure For Starvation
Tim has always had problems with people touching him. 
Jason also has problems with people touching him.
They try to work it out.
7k gen jason& tim
Little bird
Tim knew he was fucked if only for the way that his brain was chanting Jason, like a litany. So he definitely didn’t need to hear the cold, mechanical chuckle or the chillingly delighted 'lucky me' to know that this was not good.
He took a second to look down at his coffee mournfully. 
Then, he threw it at Hood’s helmet and bolted down the Tower corridor. 
Or: Tim is supposed to be at Gotham Academy for a parent-teacher conference. Hood has other plans (Titans Tower AU).
8k teen Jason & Tim
lost treasure
“Dad, I don’t want to do this.”
“It doesn’t matter what you want. This is why we brought you here,” Jack hisses. “So we can get paid.”
Or: When a cozy night out with his parents turns into a night of captivity and torture, Tim is forced to seek protection from his worst nightmare - the Red Hood.
9k angst teen Jason & Tim
wither on the shore
Tim freezes, gaze still locked on Jack’s prone, silent form sprawled out on the floor, and pulls the phone back to look at the number.
It’s kind of funny, he thinks hazily. Of course he would accidentally kill his dad and then mistakenly call Jason, of all people.
9.6k angst teen Jason&Tim
Boom, Boom, Pow!
If anyone asked the Batfamily which Robin had the funniest ’joining the family’ story? Well, everyone would start with, “Well it seemed like Jason had the spot taken for good after having the audacity to try and jack the Batmobile’s tires and hit Bruce with his tire iron.” And then they’d say, “But then tiny Tim decided to try and steal the whole thing.”
Or: When Tim is 11 he figures it’s not hurting anyone if he. Ya know. Takes a picture in the Batmobile. But then the power goes to his head and all of a sudden he’s hacking the Batmobile and tearing through Gotham on a rescue mission.
11k feral tim teen
Street Lights would Guide you (and flicker in my shadow)
There was a lonely kid, hanging upside down off a fire escape looking at the world through a long range camera lens. 
13k angst teen
buried hope
“You’re a sorry sight,” Jason says, and forces a water bottle in Tim’s shaking hand.
“Had a bad day,” Tim gasps, shakily trying to twist the cap off.
Jason snorts. “I’d say.”
Tim’s too busy draining the bottle to glare at Jason.
tim spends another birthday alone and makes bad decisions.
11k teen angst
Into the Deep Dark Night
Timothy Jackson Drake drowns in Gotham Bay with not a bang, but a whimper. 
Luckily...or not, Gotham isn't quite ready to give him up yet. 
“Spirits of children and women drowned, my child. They live in the ponds that glisten like tar. The Rusalka."
14.8k angst teen
I’m Pretty Sure Tim Steals Clothes: An Elaboration In The Form Of A Long Fic
Basically what it says on the tin.
““How many shirts do you have of Superboy’s, again?” Jason asked, his brows furrowed.
“I stole fifteen before Clark told me to stop,” Tim said. “I did not stop. Those aren’t even all of them, I have more upstairs.”
“How many Superboy shirts is too many Superboy shirts?” Jason pondered.
“I’m approaching the thousands,” Tim admitted. “I’m admittedly not the best person to pose such a question to.””
15k core four angst gen
Prince and Pauper
When Tim first proposes his plan, Jason calls him batshit insane.
"Why?" Tim asks stubbornly. “It’ll be a win-win situation – I get a new life without some guardian tying me down, and you get a new life where you can eat food every day and live in a big house. You’ll probably have to go to school, but that’s the only downside I can think of. That, and pretending to be me, of course."
In the wake of Jack and Janet Drake's untimely death, Bruce sets out to search for their missing son, determined to adopt him. After a long, arduous search, he finally brings home a new addition to his family.
He fails to realise that the new kid living in Wayne Manor is not Tim Drake.
16k Tim & Jason & dick gen
You put Tim in box? You BOX him like dog?? Oh! Jail for Jason! Jail for one thousand years~
Jason tries a kinder method of getting Tim to give up Robin. It goes even worse than his original idea.
17k jason & tim teen
falling without caution
Jason is twenty, decidedly less into murder, trying to avoid developing agoraphobia, and putting together some pieces into a life. 
Tim is sixteen, riding the edge of burnout, and in a show of his truly baffling survival instincts, decides Jason is friend shaped.
17k child soldiers angst mature
 Grin and Bear It (I got blood on your carpet)
When Jack Drake’s business trip gets canceled, he is forced to stay at home while the legal kinks get worked out. He’s not used to having a teenager underfoot, so it’s only rational that he’s a little snappish around Tim. At least, that’s what Tim tells himself each time his dad’s idea of discipline gets harsher.
Bruce had told him to take a break from Robin in order to spend some time at home with his dad, and Tim can’t say no to that. He knows Bruce is probably glad to be rid of him for a short while.
And he can handle discipline. This is a Tim Drake problem, not a Robin problem anyway. There’s no need for Bruce to know anything.
Things get a little muddled when an injured Jason Todd crawls through his bedroom window.
18k not rated
The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne
Tim is an independent, clever, and super mature eleven-year-old. Unfortunately, his dopey neighbor, Bruce, can’t seem to understand that.
When he decides to disappear on a “solo camping trip” and run away to Canada, he figures it’s the perfect plan that will make everybody happy. He didn’t expect the Waynes would tag along with him and ruin everything.
A six-chaptered tale filled with identity shenanigans, s’mores, soon-to-be-brothers, and a kid who is in desperate need of a new family.
25k gen
Dangerous and Noble Things
Timothy Drake was abducted by Ra's al Ghul.
Four years later, somebody notices.
45k angst
Let's be Brothers
Jason was not the biggest fan of Tim, but it was clear that he didn’t hate him anymore. And if he didn’t hate him anymore, Tim could get him to love him. Right?
By his own carefully determined calculations, Tim could achieve this goal in 90 days or less. Day one started tomorrow morning with a surprise breakfast donut and an invitation to go watch the birds.
Or that time Tim was determined to be brothers and Jason was determined to be resistant and confused.
46k tim & jason gen humor 
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map
CPS Agent, pointing at Tim Drake: We need to take him with us
Red Hood: He's fine where he is
CPS: He's a minor
Hood: Timbo, you a minor?
Tim: Can't prove it
CPS: I mean, I can. There are records –
Tim, who has just finishing hacking CPS to remove his own file: Oh really, tell me more about these records
A CPS agent gets sent to investigate a tip that Tim Drake has been abandoned by his parents and is living with the Red Hood. The CPS agent leaves with no Tim Drake, a date with Red Hood's lieutenant, and an intern who's promising to fix the IT systems at his office. 
It's a weird day for Theo.
51k humor teen
Into the Brighter Night
When an unknown enemy threatens Robin, Gotham's vigilantes come together to keep him safe. 
Unfortunately, they're protecting the wrong Robin. 
Or: Tim Drake plans his own rescue. Things get complicated.
160k core four gen
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batboysoneshots · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentines day, I'm writing this because I can't spend this day with my Girlfriend so I'm updating for all you lonely people.
Summary: Bruce and Selina go on a date on Valentines day, all is going well until...
"Move your head undead I can't see!"
"Well excuse me Demon I want to see too" *shuffling sounds* "ow that's my foot!" "Sorry not sorry goldie" *Bruce glares at the table*
Third person pov...
It was Valentines day in Gotham City, the usual crime ridden city seemed happier for once, Couples old and young were out celebrating together.
In Wayne manor in the master bedroom. Bruce was getting ready, he had a date with Selina Kyle that evening
The usual stoic vigilante was fussing about his outfit in the mirror.
He untied the bow again ans redid it, huffing he repeated the process.
"You know you'll be fine right" comes a voice from behind him, jumping slightly cursing himself that he didn't hear him come up behind.
Sighing the man turns around tie undone. Alfred smiles at the man and walks closer. Bruce turns back to the mirror and fiddles with his bow tie again.
Alfred pulls his hands away and starts tying it for him, Bruce looks up and away from the Butler. "I don't know why im nervous, it's Selina for god sake" he mumbles angerly to himself, Alfred pats the young man's cheek.
Blue eyes looks into his, with a closes eyed smile Alfred speaks. "You're nervous because you lover her and wa t the date to go well Sir" Says the older man, Bruce smiles at the man and pats his shoulder.
"You're right as always Alfred, thanks he says Alfred smiles at his 'son' "of course sir, now you must be off or you'll be late" he tells the man, Bruce's blue eyes widened.
He grabbed his coat, hat and bouquet for Selina. "See you later be good boys!" He yells into the manor before running to his car. Alfred waved from the door as the car became smaller and smaller.
As he closed the door we was ambushed by the boys. Back against the door with Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian all looking at him the Butler raised his eyebrows.
"No boys, I will not be telling you anything. Now off you pop and leave your Father alone" he tells the boys, before walking to the kichen. The boys all looked at each other before running to the cave.
Dick stands with his hands in his hips. "Shall we go see how Bruce's date is going?" He asks his brothers. Jason grins "do you have yo ask dickiebird" The four boys use the tracker in thr car Bruce was using and found where he was meeting Selina.
With Bruce and Selina...
The man and woman are sat a table in a semi fancy restaurant, both have large smiles on their faces, surround by other happy couples.
"So how are the boys?" Asks the beautiful woman, Bruce takes a sip of his wine then smiles he loves talking about his son's. "They're doing great, Tim's Top at everything in school, Dick just started working at the bludhaven police force, Jason got his masters degree in literature, Damian has started Gotham academy" he tells her, his voice filled with emotion.
Selina smiles and takes his hand in hers "you sure are proud of them" she says sipping at her glass. Bruce smiles at her captured by her beauty. He was very happy when she agreed to go on a date with him, knowing she liked Batman more.
Suddenly he heard familiar voices squabbling behind them. "Move your head undead I can't see!"
"Well excuse me Demon I want to see too" shuffling is heard, as if someone was climbing over someone else.
"ow that's my foot!" "Sorry not sorry goldie" now knowing exactly who it was behind them Bruce turns his Dad glare on full.
Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian all stilled and visibly gulped. Slowly entangling themselves from the table and menus they were hiding behind, the 4 boys made their way towards their pissed of Dad and his beautiful Date.
Bruce dad glared at his sons as they stood single file next to his and Selinas table. Arms crossed he looked at his eldest for a excuse. Infront of him Selina was hiding her smiling face.
Dick swallows thickly a grin on his face. "Hi B didn't see you there, we were just-" "-how did you four get in here only couples are allowed tonight" Says Bruce in a tired Dad voice.
Damian pips up. "We are not stupid father, we bribed the person at the desk-" Jason covers the 11 year old face shutting him up, the 16 year old turns his smile to Bruce.
The man sighs and covers his face with his have before turning to apologise to Selina, then the woman bursts out in a fit if laughter. "It's okay Bruce, I'm not made instead I'm surprised, they are just protective over you" she tells the man through her laughter.
The man turns to his sons who have bowed heads and visible blush on their ears, suddenly the man was smiling and pulling his four boys into a hug. "Thank you boy, but I am okay " he tells them.
"We know and we accept" whisper Dick making the man blush and quick sit down again in his chair. The boys soon left the two alone and drove back to the Manor.
Still blushing Selina leans over and kisses the man on his bright red cheek a smirk on her red lips. "Thank you for such an entertaining date Bruce" she whispers to him, Bruce smiles at the woman.
"I had no idea they would go that far I'm sorry Selina" he tells her as they stand finished with their meal. Arm in arm they walk out of the restaurant and to Bruce's car.
Selians stops just as they get to the door. "How about this make it up to me with another date" she tells him, Bruce nods his head eagerly, the blonde woman smiles and kisses him fully on the lips.
Cheering is heard from thr car park.
"Woo go Selina!"
"I knew it cough it up Todd!"
"That's cheating, now im out of 20 dollars"
"We are happy for you two"
Bruce blushes bright red again twisting his head to the voices of his sons. "You little shit, I'm telling Alfred about you!" He yells shaking his clenched fist their way making the boys burst out in laughter Selina joining in.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot! I enjoyed writing it. Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes
Request are open!
Word count: 1127
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