#but this is a scrap a while ago
goodluckbabeheffron · 1 month
BABE/JULIAN & white winter hymnal by fleet foxes
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nhura · 23 days
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What's up guys I'm going to be a panelist at RATIOCON 2024 giving an improvised presentation on how silly and weird this guy is
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auriidae · 1 year
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goofy hermit doodles!! because uhh why not!!
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motherforthefamicom · 1 month
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finished redoing the customs of my ocs (jason, left. reagan, right) i mentioned in this post =D
it was a ton of fun finally painting again, i had a bit of trouble (eapecially w reagan since i have no pictures of her original custom) but i think they turned out really cute nd thats all that matters X3
also heres a pic of them w max for good measure (another oc from their little story, i might make him a custom one day since his designs changed a bit but id want a dupe of his base for that, so hes just gonna stay unchanged until then)
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galedekarios · 2 months
the plagiarist posting an "apology" to creators, including myself, who he has ripped for months on end despite us asking him not to while he still has us all blocked is... a choice
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motleyfam · 3 months
The vibe is it’s kicking my ass 😂
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fanofthelamb · 4 months
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ok one more sketch bc i really wanted to do this idea but it doesnt make sense for this AU but,,, did u know narinder was originally gonna be the main antagonist for BTG when i first started writing this.
bonus BTG pic below the cut<333
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I'm taking a little pause from my break so show off a project I just finished, a shadow box for the Galactic Nova pocket watch!
I tried to add plenty of Kirby imagery that'd match the theme, it was a lot of fun! I'd love to make more shadowboxes in the future
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grxceful-ly · 11 months
happy last day of sabezra week!! it's been such a good one. biggest of thanks yous to the people behind @sabezraweek, you guys rock 🫶🏻
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dixidin · 7 months
Considering that we're gonna be entering Natlan in the next nation of genshin. I have a few words I wanna say on it.
On one hand, I'm so happy we're finally gonna see Capitano and learn about all the new lore, ect!
But on the other hand, I'm really nervous on what hoyoverse is going to be doing with the people in the nation considering the treatment with Sumeru and the fact that Natlan is inspired off of West African cultures and Latin America.
But considering the character designs of Vannessa and Iansan, I have some(what) faith in hoyo (fingers crossed!)
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goxjo · 25 days
I feel like I daydream about writing more than I actually write
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snorpdawg · 9 months
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Thinking about that post I made a while ago about genderswap designs and wanted to give a go at designing gender swapped versions of the cast without straying too far from their original designs
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ehlnofay · 1 year
Efri thinks she’s found the library.
“Woah,” she says, letting the door swing shut behind her. (Loudly. The doors here are so heavy.) Her voice echoes off the stone walls. She feels like she’s stepped into some story, like an exaggerated version of what a mage’s college would be.
It’s not that she’s never heard of a library before or anything. She understands them, conceptually. But the most books she’s ever seen at once was the small set of shelves in Rorik’s manor, and even that blew her away the first time – all the pretty bindings and close-written words. This is –
The College library is something else. It’s a lot bigger than a set of shelves.
Winding, narrow hallways bend and squiggle around like a set of earthworms trying to squish together to make a solid shape with no gaps, and every single wall is lined with books. Each shelf is like a rainbow of covers and colours. Half the spines are thick as at least two fingers put together and written over with words she can’t read. Efri has to bring Sissel here. She’d lose her mind.
“Woah,” she says again, and steps further in to look at the books on the shelves. All the bindings in blacks and blues and browns. One has the title written down the spine in gold lettering that shines. She brings up a hand to touch it.
“What are you doing?” someone demands. Efri stops. She looks.
It’s a grumpy-looking orc man in a bright yellow tunic, glaring at her much fiercer than seems necessary for the crime of looking at books in a library. He looks like he might be old – his hair’s white enough that his beard’s the same colour as his sharp sticking-out teeth, and he’s wrinkly.  Efri wrinkles her nose and tells him, “I’m looking at the books.”
“Wash your hands first,” he barks, turning his much-too-angry glare on Efri’s hovering arms. “You look like the sort of person to have grubby fingers.”
It’s true, but Efri is offended anyway. She wipes her palms hard against her orange wool skirt. (The skirt is grey at the hem from playing in dirty snow. It does not make her any cleaner.)
“Who’re you?” she asks the rude man. “I haven’t met you yet.”
He does not stop scowling. Maybe he’s perpetually angry. Maybe he just has an unfortunate face. But he says, “I’m the Arcaeneum archivist. Urag gro-Shub.”
The Arcaeneum, that’s what the library’s called. Very fancy name. (Sissel will love it. And has Kazari been here yet? They might like it too. She’s pretty sure they can read, though probably not these fiddly little paper books.) “What’s an archivist?”
“I maintain the library.” The archivist Urag gro-Shub might be grumpy and not very nice but at least he didn’t do the thing where he sighed all annoyed at Efri’s question. “I choose when and to whom the books are lent, and I ensure they are not damaged. Hundreds of years have gone into assembling this collection, and it’s going to stay pristine.”
“Is that book hundreds of years old?” Efri asks, pointing to the showy tome with the writing in gold.
Urag barely glances at it, dark eyes flashing in the vague direction of her pointing finger and flashing back again. “No. That’s historical fiction written in 185. That copy was made within these last ten years.”
“You didn’t even look at it,” Efri says.
“Bejewelled Tragedy. Four hundred pages. Horrendously inaccurate. Frankly, it wasn’t worth acquiring in the first place. Feel free to look for yourself.”
Efri will take his word for it.
“This section is for the books that are up for purchase,” he tells her, gesturing. “The worthwhile ones – and the old ones, if those are what you’re looking for – are further in.”
Efri squints down the passages again, their bright lights and cosy winding walls. She can’t tell where this section ends and the next one starts. She feels like if she went any further into the library she’d get lost. She says, “Thanks. I’m Efri, by the way.”
“I know. You’re that kid who showed up.”
“One of,” Efri corrects.
Urag keeps talking, rolling right past like he didn’t hear her. “Don’t know why in the name of all that’s been called holy they let you in. You’d think this would be a step too far, even –” he huffs and snaps his jaw shut, tusks digging into his moustache. He says, “At any rate. You’re here now, and you’re subject to the same rules as everyone else. You treat these books as careful as if they were your own firstborn children, understand? And if there’s something you want to find – or especially take out of the Arcaeneum – you come talk to me.”
Efri nods obediently. What time would it be right now? The lecture Sissel went to was almost two hours, and it’s definitely only been about one. She asks, “Are there any books with pictures?”
She’s not sure if it’s just the shape of his mouth or if he’s sneering. Urag says, “That depends. Are you going to respect the books enough to try to read the words too?”
“That depends,” Efri retorts, nettled. (She gets that he’s protective of the collection, but there’s no need to be rude about it.) “Are your books going to teach me how to read?”
Urag stares.
“You can’t read,” he replies, sounding vaguely offended, as though she, at six years of age, had refused to attend the village school for the express purpose of spiting him four years later.
Efri pulls a book out of the shelf without looking at it, ignoring the way he huffs. There’s nothing embossed on the spine or the cover, but there’s a title scribbled on the first page. “That’s a B,” she says, pointing to the first letter of the first word, and then stops, squinting. Switches her focus to a different word. “That one says off.”
“Of,” Urag corrects over her shoulder.
Efri shrugs. She snaps the book shut and slips it back into its place on the shelf. “I can read a bit,” she says. “I know my letters and that. The books here are just big.”
And given that she’d failed to correctly identify of, even small stories might be a bit beyond her skill level.
Urag is quiet. Efri looks back at him, mostly expecting him to still be looking affronted, as though she’d stolen food out of his mouth and thrown it at a wall – instead he looks oddly, blankly thoughtful.
“We don’t have anything suitable for early readers,” he says, tapping his fingers against his leg. “That might be an oversight.”
Efri really doesn’t think it is. “It’s a big fancy library, right? I think it’s normal to just collect the big fancy books.” All the ones that are hundreds of years old, or about magic or important things, or both.
Urag’s knuckles rap against a buckle on his belt. He says, “No! First misconception. A worthwhile collection archives all the work on its focus possible. The Arcaeneum is a collection of knowledge in every form. Therefore, we have as many books as we can access, on all sorts of topics. Half of them aren’t even good!”
“You sell the bad ones,” Efri says, trying to follow.
“Some of them. If they’re wholly without merit. Mostly I sell duplicates. Or works no-one has ever used. There’s things to be learned from everything – if not now, later. I’ll think on it.”
He looks back at Efri, looking a bit like he might have forgot she was there. “Regardless. Do you need anything, or can I get back to work?”
He’s still all rude and prickly. Efri bristles a bit. “I wasn’t keeping you,” she says, flicking her eyes again over the strange and wandering walls.
Urag sighs again like he’s got any right to be annoyed with her, but then he asks, “Would you like a tour of the Arcaeneum?”
“Do you want to give it?”
“You’ve already distracted me,” he says. Adds less irritably, “And I enjoy a chance to show off the collection. Long as you don’t interrupt me.”
“I’m going to interrupt you,” Efri informs him. She doesn’t like to be told what to do.
She lets him show her the library.
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funkbun · 9 months
hiii im here to steal your art secrets again. do you have a specific process for drawing snorpy and floofty's hair (or at least the individual locs) i want to replicate it or i'll explode
i wouldn't really say i go through any specific process while im drawing their hair aside from just drawing it like how it looks.
but i did try to make a little explanation of how i draw/visualize the individual locs
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(snorpy has a hat so you cant really see where his hair begins whoops) The locs i give them are Very stylized. They're really just round, tube like shapes that are slightly narrower at the top and wider at the bottom (not all locs are like that, sometimes there will be no major change in the diameter in a singular loc. but in the case of these two i decided to make their hair like that).
That's kinda it, since i dunno how to fully explain how i draw em lol, but hope this helps you somewhat! I also highly recommend looking at irl examples of locs + other art tutorials made for them as well! I'm sure they'll go a lot more in depth than im able to lol
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thatcatbasil · 1 year
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nothing left
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lichpassing · 1 year
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new eyes!!!!
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and a better view of a constricted pupil i might add a second layer under it to help with focusing properly.
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