#but idk i mean i didn't make them do this
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samnoahalov · 2 days ago
0- tbh idk 😅. It's been like.... seven-ish years since I last checked it soooo... next!
1-Currently de 16, be 17 soon (I feel so old alredy)
2-Oh.. well, idk how shoe sizes work for english-speakers(and it varies from contry to contry) so I'll put the number in MY contry :D 29/30.
3- No >:(
4- Nah, I don't like the taste of most of them. Also I'm very happy with juice, water, soda, etc...
5- No.
7- from 25 to 29. Though sometimes people mistake me for 30ish. (I can't blame them tho, I have the spirit of a old lady)
7- Nop.
8- Not really. May change mind one day, but for now, no.
9- Nope and
10- Nope.
11- Every friend is best friend for me. No hierarqy(?? Dunno, you get it)
12- Well I'm not married.
13- I'm aego, but still, none.
14- None. (I mean, if we're talking about anything besides sexual, someone toxis is literally the only type that can turn me off and make me wanna go away)
15- uuuhhhhhh... Megamind? Idk, one of Barbie's??? I DON'T KNOW OKAY I LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY.
16- Listen to me, give me food(optional) and be kind and my heart is (platonicaly) yours.
17- My late dad.
18- Ugh.. that's hard... when I almost got killed count? I guess. I wouldn't call it "traumatic", but like, I was in a lot of fear so.
19- . . . . Uh.... I'm... sensitive to people's rejection??? Does that count? I mean, I'm also senstive to their affection but-.
20- My body- and I mean it not by gender or anything, neither for beauty stuff, my body just is all wrong and it gives me pain and sometimes I just hate it a lot.
21- uh, I guess my curiosity? I love learning and love to be able to see so much stuff.
22- either related to art, theology or science(biology). Voice actor, veterinarian, neurologist, etc...
23- Older sis(Distant, but not bad.), younger Half-sis(Distant too, but we chat sometimes about silly stuff), youngest half-sis(very close and very good).
24-Dad's dead, but he was a nice dad!, my mother is a narcissist so we don't get along.
25- Be with the person and have a good time. Maybe have something specially funny to remember about it would be nice :)
26- people that don't close the door properly when I ask them to.
27- Pretty and lovable, goofy and silly. Also have very dark eyes that just capture your soul, and a simple yet beautiful smile that signal to you "I Love you, please keep talking I can't barely think when I look at you" or "I hate you so much I wish to kill you but my nugget don't allow me to because we don't want to clean the body later"... so yeah. Also I'm talking about my girlfriend, but like, people are so pretty, wanna put them in a museon ✨
28- a face that scream hipocrisy and lies, filled with the marks of her sucess in drowning her victims in self hate and depression. (That's mommy btw :>)
29- I was sick but didn't want them to feel worried because I'm always so fucked up...
30- Noises&Smells of regular people.
31- "luv u :)"
32- Angry and Sad. (Or derived)
33- Thanks. (With a weird-nice emoji)
34-Hair, clothes, eyes and nails.
(I also like earrings and other acessories :D, they're nice)
35- Hair, some type of beards, clothes, eyes and nails.
36- In a calm place, not cold for at least 3 seasons and that let me see greeeny green of plants.
37- My voice... I think? I mean, I like my voice and all, but sometimes I just get the wrong tone at the wrong time in conversation so-
38- Farmer and Writer 😅 (I also once wished to be a Biologist)
39-Mint with chocolate chips! :)
40- Myself? I don't wish to be anyone other than myself.
41- In a very comfy bed.
42- Rice.
43- sorry, no sexual attraction. But I think the prettiest person I can think of is..........ugh...wait, I CAN do this! Just- uh... gimme some time...... my sister! Is the prettiest I can think of right now 🤔
44- If a cat is raised with another animal it will not see it(or it's especies I don't remember) as "something else" but rather think of it as a cat... I think I may be wrong, I don't remember exacly and neither were I get this from. But I guess it counts!
nosy anons let's go
0: Height
1: Age
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if…
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What my last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who I wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
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witherby · 11 hours ago
does/how does lex find out about mouse? and does he ever try to use them as a bargaining chip to get kon to behave, not necessarily with threatening their safety but maybe leveraging access to them?
(but also kon seemed to get out of his room/cell pretty easy on his own to get into mouse's room, so who knows if lex could even with hold access to them)
lex's the type of man not to let even a sliver of opportunity out of his grip, but if mouse were threatened idk if anything could rly stop kon from getting back to them and exacting vengance.
Lex isn't an idiot. There are silent alarms Conner is tripping every time he leaves the compound. There's also a tracker in the suit Lex made for him, so figuring out that he's going to Wayne Manor to see a paramour doesn't take long.
Originally, Lex is going to use visits with you as a reward. "If you do exactly as I ask, you can go spend time with the Wayne." He quickly understands that Conner can go do that regardless of whether Lex tells him to or not. If he isn't given permission to go, he will find a way to do it regardless.
What he does instead is encourage this behavior. "I just so happen to have a meeting scheduled at Wayne Enterprises. You can attend and spend the day with your little lover while keeping an eye on the general ongoings in Gotham. If they need some heroic help, too, all the better. Practice makes perfect, my boy."
Lex knows Bruce is Batman. He just can't prove it. There's never enough evidence there to confirm his long-time suspicions. Maybe if Conner makes nice with the Wayne's, he'll have the chance to find out for himself once and for all that Bruce has a whole gaggle of vigilantes under his roof! If Conner wiggles his way into their hearts and manages to get a marriage under his belt, thus making him and Bruce in-laws, all the easier to find out his dirty secrets!!!
"Wait. What do you mean your partner isn't a vigilante."
"They're a metahuman, but M wants to go to culinary school so they can open a café. Isn't that great?"
" >:/ "
" :3 "
" >:/ "
"you got something against cafes, Lex?"
"No. But... I mean. Are they gonna learn how to make tiramisu"
"okay. That's....fine. it's fine."
So maybe he can't leverage this romance as much as he'd like. Even just implying that he doesn't like Mouse's career choice turned Conner's eyes red, and Lex didn't like the way his pulse jackknifed about that.
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simandy · 2 days ago
[Deep sigh]
❗️ this is a vent post. It may trigger you.
There's not a single day in my week now where I can just simply rest. Everything is filled with something. I feel so drained like I'm not even a person anymore and it feels so ridiculous because it's barely nothing and I'm aware it's nothing. I'm in two internships at the same time, which means I have 4 patients (which is barely nothing for a real therapist but I'm still 4 months away from graduating), and, in the days I don't have appointments scheduled, I have classes. I also spend the entire monday in college (from 10:30 to 22:30).
I'm aware this is nothing and I'm aware of what you're all going to tell me, that if it's a lot for me, then it's a lot, but I really wish it wasn't. Because it's so humiliating to watch, idk, my parents who are entering their 60s work all day and standing, with back and leg pain, and to tell them >I< feel tired for having to leave the house 1 time every day. I feel so bad but God i also feel so freaking tired all the time, I have migraines every single day, my whole body hurts, my supervisor asked me if I have fibromyalgia (I do, but i didn't know people could tell), I almost passed out at college last week because my heart kept skipping beats every 3 mins and I was driven to the hospital by my mom.
I'm also so behind the commissions. I have many people to reach, so many bills to pay, yet I can't meet it and each time I grow more stressed out.
It feels like I will not make it you know. Feels like i wasn't built to survive. Like i was supposed to die when i was extremely sick when i was 2, but i somehow made it through and it wasn't planned to happen because I'm way too weak for this world. Then my parents raised me with way too much love so now I'm left in the real world and... I wasn't built for it. It's not my world somehow......
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verdancy-hime · 1 day ago
Everyone is like "what if we take more coping mechanisms away from you why don't you go do this this this this this"
And it's like "I started doing porn because trying to have a job was giving me vivid sexual fantasies about being a serial killer and it turned out a lot of men on the iinternet could relate to that and thought other women didn't and then I decided to microdose being a serial killer and take people's money with their consent and give them weird hypno daydreams where I was a vampire princess or a weird eldritch being and I killed them and brought them back to life and then they were my slave and being my slave mostly consisted of paying me to stay away from other people and buy a lot of vibrators and drugs."
No one appreciates how much work I did to just do a fake bit on the internet where I pretended to be the toolbox killer instead of actually becoming the toolbox killer.
You all suck you're like "go outsideeeeeeeereeeeee get a boyfriend have a babbbbby!" No. No I don't think I will. I tried hard to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend when I was younger and it just turned into me dreading every minute around them because they were constantly acting like they hated me and I was the meanest mean person ever and driving me insane or me constantly yelling at them and feeling like shit afterwards and nothing getting better. Like... you go try to date a man who's super religious because you don't want the kind of shit your feminist mom went through and that's even more stupid and manipulative and lame than you thought it would be so you go and date a trans girl and that's just her looking for a daddy because her daddy threw her out and being forgetful and confused and sad and childish and spoiled all the time until you want to rip your hair out and you sleep or listen to headphones all the time to avoid yelling at her and making her cry and she doesn't have a damn job and you go date a bi boy and he's literally the most shockingly machiavellian person you have ever met and he literally hates you except he likes that he feels like he beat your friends and he thought he would get sex parties with your female friends but they're mostly gay and he's super pissed at everything about you except you're a better cook than his grandmother and your apartment is cheap so you stop dating and you try to just hook up with dudes but they keep trying to trick you into catching feels and it turns out people will pay cash money to hear you masturbate and say weird antisocial things and also your job history is even worse than your employment history so why not?
But then people are trying to force you not to do that and claim you're creating nazis or something because if men don't regularly put their penis in something and form a babby their extra semen somehow goes up to their brain and whispers to them that they need to make anyone doing anything cool or fun or free illegal and that everyone should be forced to live a life that makes no one happy for the sake of society.
Idk man.
Yall want me to become a serial killer or what?
no one appreciates that i could be a million times worse
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itsjustmaddy · 1 day ago
Eltingville OC intro!
Hey! So, I mainly post OC stuff on TikTok for eltingville, but I'm gonna start on here, so here's an introduction to my Eltingville OC!!
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She's pretty much a self insert but also not at the same time (ikkk that's embarrassing but wtv🥲) She's the secretary of anime, and the only reason she's allowed in the club is because she's known them all since they were kids. When she was about 7 over the summer a month or 2 before school started, her family moved into a new house, and she became Bills neighbor. She saw him playing outside one day, he had a Batman ball and had a Batman shirt on. She was also wearing a batman shirt, and they became friends. They'd always go over to each other's houses and watch Batman stuff. Then, that school year, she met the rest of the club members, and when they formed the club in middle school, she was the only girl they let in. If she didn't know them for as long as she did, they definitely wouldn't have let her in.
Here's her little intro thing! It's kinda old and I'm not that happy with it but wtv it shows her interests and stuff so.. anyway I don't have a last name for her yet so that's why it's just "***"
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Simple for now
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Extra random stuff:
Voice claim: Mae Whitman, specifically as Katara in Avatar
Prob has a femcel setup, like super sonico figures and shit, I mean hey, she can't be completely unproblematic being in the eltingville club, right?
Her dnd character is prob an elf or mage, idk man I don't play dnd lol. But anytime they all play, they always make her the damsel in distress. Bc of they do.
Def plays otome games
Is abt 5'5, her and bill are close in height
Anyway, that's it for now. Feel free to ask questions!! <3
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bonejunky6669 · 1 day ago
wow wow wow holy shit. that episode gave me multiple heart attacks. lottie killing the hiker seriously shocked me to my core. i love that she sat there all night smearing his brains all over her face. so incredibly perfectly deranged for her.
Melissa being shot was a very win/lose scene...Shauna leaving her behind even after Melissa begged her to stay...but Shauna saying "if she dies, you die" which was, frankly, very hot and protective. Sophie N. was NOT lying when she said they have a push/pull relationship. i wonder if that means they'll come back from this? if this does lead to the downfall of their relationship, I'm extremely disappointed we didn't really get any scenes of those few months they were together and by what it seems like, relatively happy. the look Melissa gives shauna at the end of the episode is so profoundly betrayed it hurts. ALSO, that means the origin of her arm injury ISN'T being shot by Shauna. is that seriously how she's gonna die or something? i mean, Melissa dying at the hands of shauna is delicious and expected, but it would be way too soon. so thats still a big scene from the trailer we still have no answers on.
ALSO, when Tai says Gen and Melissa are dead? Shauna's face was very weird. idk, suspicious. also, if there IS an eight survivor, obviously the other girls don't know about it, so it doesn't exactly rule that out. Hannah's daughter (from what we can kind of see through the window) doesn't really look like Hillary Swank so I'm still not convinced that's not adult Melissa. also, how would Hannah's daughter know about the symbol? or the queen of hearts reference? and who brought the tape back from the wilderness? AN EIGHT SURVIVOR, THATS WHO.
confirmation that it's been Other Tai for a long time now !!!!! just how long, im very excited to know. it seems like maybe the entire time van and tai have been together? but seriously, such a good plot point.
not totally convinced Shauna killed Lottie, though the evidence is damning. im highly suspicious of Walter so i dont fully trust what he's saying. no matter what, i think Lottie's death is not going to be what we suspect.
a thought just now: what if Shauna kills Hannah's daughter and that causes Van to get better suddenly??? omgggggggg
i think its fully possible that Hannah's daughter is not the stalker at all. as mentioned above, the stalker leaves a lot of clues that would require knowledge from someone who was IN the wilderness. Shauna repeatedly jumps to conclusions and blames anyone she can. what if she ends up blaming, interrogating, and killing another innocent person just because she's so angry and hurt and looking for someone to blame and hurt back, ONCE AGAIN? i still believe no one cut Shauna's break lines and no one locked her in the freezer. i do think that stuff was a coincidence meant to display Shauna's paranoia and distrusting nature. and also the power of coincidence that has so intensely taken a hold on these girls and caused them to make horrible violent decisions all throughout the show.
there BETTER be more shaunahat in the next ep i swear to god. i NEED to see them being weird and toxic again. Melissa being shot has left the perfect opportunity for that. i can imagine Melissa being angry but maybe also having a renewed desire to prove herself to Shauna? Its confirmed that she and Gen become close to Hannah, so i imagine she ends up confiding in/bonding with Hannah while she takes care of Melissa's wound. and i think Shauna is going to hate that. (just 1 more kiss though please please please yellowjackets writers WHY hasn't there been anymore just 1 kiss. maybe just 1 sweet little scene too c'mon. just 1 sex scene).
Tai is definitely going to kill someone. and adult Misty once again being the goat and being the only person to have a proactive mindset. Akilah you're too pure of heart. Akilah you're too trusting. Akilah you're too devoted to Lottie. Akilah get up i think you're next. AKILAH.
three episodes left...a lot can happen...i am a little disappointed that the chase scene in the teen timeline took the WHOLE episode. it probably could have been shortened a bit in lieu of some more crucial scenes...so far season 3 has been very on and off on the quality of its pacing. there are some times where i think its perfect and the exact of amount of stuff thats supposed to happen happens, and other time it feels too slow or too many scene are skipped over. why didn't we get any in between from spring to fall? but we DO get a whole long chase scene? its annoying.
but this episode was fucking crazy and i have faith in the finale three episodes and i will be living for them.
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weirdmageddon · 11 hours ago
first i wanna say whenever i said “differentiation” above i actually meant “individuation”. sorry got them mixed up they’re kinda similar words
#op had no clue you were looking at the tags thank you for the very #very smart addition with all your sources (wow) #felt like I was reading a paper I felt educated! #I love how I didn’t get that into what I was trying to say in tags but you completed my thought anyways #multiple times I went ‘that’s EXACTLY what I’m saying’
whaaat of COURSE i'm looking at the tags. i soak up what people have to say like a sponge. i think i was looking for a discussion and you got the ball rolling by bringing new information to the table i didn't know, but immediately knew how it fit into all the connections i've made, and i accidentally just gave birth to an essay?
i swear i wasn't even intending it to be a full-fledged essay. i just have a lot to say. there is a LOT i keep in my head because i don’t expect most people to have as in-depth of an understanding as me about it, but when it can actually pass as relevant to a discussion i’m so happy to be able to put it out there without alienating myself. from my perspective, twas a normal post for me to make when i have a lot of information i've been sitting on. and i like citing sources so that people can read more if they're interested. but this is probably unusual or for most of the people reading this, i mean who else have you seen casually posting something like this, BE REAL
also, YES "that is EXACTLY what i'm saying" that is one of my favorite feelings ever. i live for that. so glad i could expand on your thoughts!
#also jung in the houseeee!! idk if it’s just my family but we love jung over here #I really gotta read up on it my grandma is a therapist who practices only in jungian(?) #clearly im uneducated on the proper word here it’s also 4 am so forgive me #anyways yeah my gma big into jung then my mom and my brother and I was just talking about the dream book he has today #so I went ‘omg! Jung!’ while reading this #it’s always so nice to see someone with knowledge and passion throw down #I was just gonna stick to canon or in text examples
canon or in-text examples are great too, they’rereally the basis for everything. but i see connections between my interests and can’t help but smash them together in a way that deepens them individually cause they complement each other.
personality typology, carl jung’s ideas, socionics, etc. are given living breathing context to manifest within so it's not just a cerebral abstract theory. it’s reunited with the substance that these psychodynamic theories originated from in the first place.
the venture bros is inextricable from its creators because so much of themselves and their experiences are put into the show. i remember doc once said in some interview “we plumb our own lives”. in the commentary jackson said one of the streets in the show was designed based on a block from his childhood and that these are the same kinds of steps he'd sit on. or in the art book, “what’s one of the most embarrassing things that happened to me in my life that i can write from?” their philosophy is both very “write from what you know” (that’s also what i do). so analysis of the show and its characters, and by necessary extension, the creators, is deepened with tools that allow the analysis into the nature of self that complements the development of characters.
#also I didn’t want to get too into it in my tags bc I do feel uncomfortable theorizing the existence of a character #bc I knew Jackson mom passing had to be such a strong part of him but I felt uncomfortable going into that #they also made this show in their 20s? 30s?#the time frame where you end up thinking about your identity #there’s a commentary where doc mentions he at the time couldn’t let go of internally gay bashing himself #a thing his bullies did that he has now internalize but he found it weird bc he’s so old now and alone so why is he doing it? #and then I went there it is there is that proof I needed to know this is a breathing art
to tell you the truth, when i was writing i actually wasn't thinking about that at all. “feeling uncomfortable theorizing the existence of a character because you knew jackson's mom passing had to be such a strong part of him but felt uncomfortable going into that”. so reading you think that made me feel a smidge guilty/embarrassed in hindsight now for not even considering that. because, yeah, i don’t know jackson in person, i’ve never interacted with him personally. but i know enough about him as a person just through the show itself and how he reveals his personality through his relationship with doc hammer, his own words, his actions and writing decisions and that makes me just…..objectively confident about what he can handle?
i think the reason i didn’t feel uncomfortable talking about it is because i have no reason to think that jackson himself would mind it if he were to hypothetically read this. i don’t think i’m being presumptuous when i say i believe he’d find it interesting and insightful that i linked those things. i think he’d find it a lot more interesting and perceptive than... i dunno, a lot of the interview questions they’ve been asked? from my perspective it's like a “hey, i see you” kind of thing.
i mean come on they had the episode Assisted Suicide which LITERALLY depicts rusty’s id, ego, and super-ego as characters with their own clever designs and shit (it was written by doc hammer but still jackson publick was part of the production and the idea of it.) i really doubt either of them are averse to psychological exploration, so long as it comes from an informed foundation and not someone who literally doesn't know what they're talking about.
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like yeah it is personal in the sense that it is personal to his life, but that doesn’t necessarily mean uncomfortably sensitive. you can talk about personal things and still have an ability to neutrally reason about it as a fact of life, or even joke about it. if you think about it that's basically what the whole show kind of is. that’s a big part of the actual spiritual composition of the show, right? (and based on comments i've read around, that's probably why it's got an antidepressant effect for a lot of people.)
as doc says, "we grew up weird and we're doing our best to just spread our version of love. Which is trying to find out who we are." well that's exactly what i'm doing too. exploring psychological forces is the stroke that's underlying the entire show. “how did these actions affect the internal development and emotional development of xyz”. i believe that's part of why why the narrative is so effective and plays off the character's dynamics so well and how they organically evolve.
(p.s. i’d love to have a new edition of the art book that accounts for the movie, assuming they’re not under some NDA about the scrapped season 8 ideas.)
and you’re right it IS breathing art. that’s how the show was made. the creative process was more spontaneous than having the whole thing planned out.
Chris: But I want to talk about the creative process here. I think fans of Venture Brothers will know the feeling that there’s this kind of amazing tension that drives the show, between planning and discovery. And you’ll have whole seasons or specific episodes that are kind of these amazingly intricate clockwork plots with these insane payoffs, but then there’s also this element of pure discovery, of something that was a toss-off joke or someone who happened to be a background character in one scene, because they were a background character in that scene having to become a main character three seasons later. So, I was just wondering... could you speak to that tension between planning and discovery?
Jackson: Uhh, more discovery than planning. And then just having a dumb memory and ticking on stupid things. And always like, from day one, the least important background character... I insisted that everybody look a little interesting. You know, like everbody’s appearance implied a story we weren’t telling you. And that paid off a few times. We got a few main characters out of that, ultimately. You know, like White and Billy were just these two weirdos at a science convention. And Doc was like, “I wanna write for the little eyepatch metal hand guy. Why does he have that?” You know? And then once you start doing that, you're like... “I gotta tell the story of how he got his metal hand! Cause I got nothing else.”
Chris: Yeah.
Jackson: So yeah, mostly discovery and accident and uh... mental catalogue of everything... that, you know... that sits in the back of your memory for years and these molecules just bounce off of each other.
Doc: Yeah. And we talk about these characters- we spoke in their voices for months. (Jackson laughs) Every day, at the expense of every relationship we’ve ever been in. (Jackson laughs harder) When we invented Sgt. Hatred’s voice, the guy at the deli-
Jackson: Oh my god... (wheezing laughing)
Doc: The guy at the DELI was like “what is WRONG with you”, I’m like, “(Hatred's voice) Eyeah, I’ll be havin”…
Jackson: (laughing)
Doc: “The black and white...”
Jackson: (mic peaking, Hatred's voice) “EYEAH go ahead and uh Slap auh smidge a mustard on that, would ya?”
Doc: Through the voice we developed the character, and everything came from that. And since we’re obsessive about these voices and these characters, we lived them... We can’t have a conversation for more than ten minutes without doing an impression of one of our characters. And usually ones we don’t do. So you get to hear our horrible impressions of each other. That is just the way we thought.
Sean: So this season, why did you decide to explore so much of the Venture past?
Doc: Did we?
Jackson: Did we?
Doc: I think the season before this we got even crazier. We had to answer Billy questions that nobody asked.
Jackson: Right. Yeah, that was the season with old Billy, ORB, uhh..
Doc: Yeah. We went 100 years into the Venture past. So this one we kinda stayed...
Jackson: We did a little Spanakopita, we did a little um, in the Rose stuff and the... but those were pretty quick flashbacky things.
Doc: Little quick flashbacks...
Jackson: But also the show is all about these people who are kinda.. haunted by, and trying to live up to their pasts and what the promise of what their life was supposed to be like. And it’s... the history is constantly pouring more shit down on their heads. Like, we’ve always had a show where things come back to get you like that.
Doc: Even things that happened so long ago and nobody knew about until that moment. Yeah, we work in past, present, future... it’s that kinda show.
#vbros is still to me and morel Orel shows that are created with intention #and by people who were working through a thought so clear you can see it from space #and that intention is something so interesting and unique #anyway amazing analysis
you’re also so right, and thank you for kind words
if i had the opportunity to talk to doc and jackson, i’d love to see what they have to say about what we touched on: about hank’s developmental arc always feeling like it would fit the end of the vbros and kind of culminating in its overarching theme of individuation (whether they explicitly knew it or not. it’s in the material no matter what because that’s what organically happened to the show itself), and what they had wanted to do with him before they had to cut it down to movie size. was hank going to really Go Through the psychological ringer or what. how much were we going to see of that that was cut out.
also the unintentional retreading of jungian ideas in the show (though a lot of superhero stuff is about playing with identity in these ways that could be examined through analytical psychology like bruce banner and his other side, the hulk.) i wanna hear about how playing with the self and personalities and self-discovery factors into it all. hank’s alter-egos being a personification of psychic structures, or complexes/sub-personalities? (was i right about my interpretation?)
how similar is the relationship hank has to his alter-egos to the relationship jackson publick has to hank and the monarch as characters he created? like hank's alter-egos, they could both be considered autonomous mini-personalities stemming from jackson’s own self, as he said hank (and monarch) contained the most of him, drawn from his “own dumb thoughts, actions, and misbeliefs”. like a meta fractal thing. and that’s part of the creative process just as much as anything else about the show, probably one of the most vital to the quality of the characters yet subconscious and not really talked about. i'd looove to dive into that with them.
especially with hank’s no mommy plotline and how personal that was to hank, which reflects jackson’s reality. we can’t really see who worked on what scenes since the movie was collaborative, but i want to know who was writing hank. his emotions felt so authentic but it also felt big because we’ve never seen hank so serious, you could feel a shift with hank buckling down which made it feel important. my guess would be jackson since his understanding would enable him to channel that masterfully into hank which makes it so compelling. but i could be wrong since i know doc said he can write eight pages for psychological issues (look at me doing it too god fucking damn it) but writing action is like a tiny footnote.
basically i wanna talk to them about everything i said up to this point in this post. if anyone reading this has connections, get me in contact. i’m invested in this now.
whereas dean was tormented by being a clone and hank wasn’t, not having a mom or mother figure seemed to torment hank a lot more than dean which is interesting.
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shadowsoftheexorvanes · 3 days ago
The Clan Head's favourite Maid
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Summary: I wrote this in class during school, while my bestie/co-writer Kelly was talking about Vampire diaries, so it gave me a bit of an idea. This is basically a shit post so idk if y'all want me to continue this lol
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who just became clan leader, the responsibilities of his new title now bearing extra weight on his back besides being a sorcerer.
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who needs something new, something exciting & you were just that thing...
Gojo sat in his bedroom, laying on the silk futon pondering on his new responsibilities.
He was the Gojo clan's new head now, which meant he had to handle almost all the affairs...what a bore. He sighed at that, fiddling with his black cotton blindfold that covered his eyes, either out of irritation, or boredom, there was no telling honestly.
He was about to do something, which he now forgotten when one of the servants opened the door.
Her head was bowed, “ Gojo-san, you're needed downstairs. ” he just looked at her before sighing, “ Tell them I'm coming. ”
She nodded, before scurring off like a little mouse. He kept quiet & just exited his room, walking down the hallways that were marvellously decorated, from paintings to sculptures, to doors that led to other rooms.
It was vast, yet lonely.
He opened the large door to the main living room, his family members sitting & chatting as if nothing.
“ Satoru, there you are! ” his father grinned, his mother gave him a soft smile. “ Come on in dear, we want you to meet someone. ”
Oh great, they probably had a suitor for him already...it didn't even make a week yet since he became clan head.
He just quietly entered, looking at the girl that sat on the couch across from his parents.
She was fairly smaller than him in height, with [color] locks that feel slightly over her face. He stared at her with intrigue.
“ Who's this? ” he asked calmly, still standing. “ This is [Y/N] your personal servant. ” his father answered.
“ It's...nice to meet you, Mr. Gojo ” she muttered softly.
His sotic expression then crept to a cocky smirk, “ Nice to meet you too sweetheart...” he answered, sitting on the couch.
This was gonna be fun...
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who from the moment he laid eyes on your shy, reserved figure, he knew he needed you as more than a personal Maid.
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who immediately clings onto you like a child when you get comfortable being his servant. Where ever you are, he's sure to follow like a lost puppy.
Cleaning the kitchen? He's sitting on the chair by the kitchen island staring at you.
“ Can't you let another maid do this~? ” he whined with a huff.
“ Sir, aren't you supposed to be doing something else, besides annoying me? ” you asked him. He feigned hurt, putting a hand over his chest like the dramatic little shit he was. “ I'm annoying? ” he gasped.
“ Yes, very, now leave...” you told him.
He just pouted, bit didn't move an inch.
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who always leaves expensive trinkets & little gifts around the estate for you. You always picked them up, but never exactly wore them, which, pissed him off a bit
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who would get irritated whenever a male servant talked to you. Whyre you talking with him?? Is he not good enough? He's definitely more handsome than that plain ass bastard...
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who fantasises about all sorts of hints when it comes to you, touching you, claiming you as his. He just can't get enough of you at all.
Yandere!Clan head Gojo, who would go to any & all lengths to make sure you're his, even if it means ignoring his duties...
Tags!: @braindeadgrl
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girldriveroscar · 3 days ago
I’d never seen these clips before and oh my god?? Re: “Lando fumbling next year bc he is gracious to Oscar in a way that's not reciprocated”:
I feel like these clips are a good example? I don’t think Oscar would gaf even if Lando moped a bit & snubbed him on the podium. Obviously he would care if it affected the team dynamic but overall Oscar’s pretty understanding of drivers’ emotional responses & gets Lando (“He [Lando] reminds himself more than I do [that I got a sprint win first]”).  So for Lando to put all his energy into being mature + clapping for Oscar, etc. when he’s so frustrated is very telling. Also lol @ Oscar hardly acknowledging Landos angst that weekend— even in the presser Oscar was making jokes w Lando. Like Oscar I think hes a bit busy trying not to die rn
Obviously Lando def does this stuff for his own conscience more than Oscar specifically but it’s so weird that after Hungary, when ppl  were already sympathetic to Lando — Lando STILL went out of his way to do a whole interview where he publicly says he’s sorry to Oscar and says he feels bad for tainting his first win and he was embarrassed by how he acted. Like girl?Just move on?? No need to berate yourself publicly. He also mentions directly talking to Oscar about this and discussing all of this👀 (I will rpf this part bc that’s cute tbh🥺 saying sorry to his little bf). Anyway—Lando fascinates me. 
dude gna be such a 81 BACKER rn (814 fan wars mean nothing to me why can I not Observe them Both and Make Conclusions and Like them both and also Not Like them Both Sometimes) but... I don't rly get those edits lmfao like lando still Clearly never sprayed Oscar. hes spraying/smiling at the Mcl mechanic (?) and he still had a pretty shit attitude overall on that podium,,.... which he addresses himself yk later in the maxf DTS clip (Nobody Celebrated, I felt Bad, Oscar was underwhelmed etc. like he addresses there that he didn't handle it well and also recognizes how that impacted Oscar at the time)(Yes sorry I am Validating the existence of dts clips... argue w the wall irdgaf)
Honestly I think the reality of the clip adds to your statement that lando's self-serving with a Lot of his kindness to Oscar. or just that... in the heat of the moment his own emotions overshadow anyone elses. Like... im Really Strongly of the opinion that that Hungary podium was a real stinker for lando's public image. same as him saying he lost respect for Max, same as majority of those interviews last year.,.but that can be compelling too yk and it's not like indicative of him being an awful selfish person - he's just complicated, as is everyone.
Oscar I think serves lando in a very interesting way which is helping to remind him to maintain status quo. in the exact same way Maxf will frequently tell lando to chill out on stream when he's talking out of line or,,, remind him to Be Normal and Not beat himself up, like Oscar does that. Script reading and Immediate quiet banter that makes lando Not Get all weird and Make it Bigger thing than it has to be. like. a subtle little Nudge of Heyyyyy Yeah that was awful but don't talk to the press about it. talk to me about it later in private. Idk landoscar lens a Little. Landoscar lens a Lot? I think Oscar does that bc beyond racing he does find quiet satisfaction in Being that close private friend of landos. hes waited his turn for silent stares across the room Let Him have this LOL.
they're compelling AHH! landos already kind of surprised me w his interviews in aus. so ill definitely have more to chew on and think about and add to this all as the ssn goes on!
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lynnie-s3all · 17 hours ago
with love, Elliot's femboy husband!
Okay but I'm for real, i would help you out dw
(sorry if i forgot to finish it, I think I'm too prioritized on other requests and my oc lore)
Guest x reader headcanons???
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(out of canon and based off my AU)
Well what would i imagine if his wife died without him knowing, or maybe that she didn't know that he has a second partner, which is you.
Well even if you think about it, since he's married and all. Wouldn't that make sense considering that he's cheating on his wife for you? Weird...
Okay out of all, why do you like this man actually?
Okay maybe I should give some headcanons if you don't imagine him having a real partner and he's just alone:
I know his personality is a bit stoic, because he deeply cares about saving people's lives and to let them be free and have a happy life.
Since he's been through much, a soldier of course.
If you thought about dating him, then probably don't consider yourself lucky because it takes time to get through the process.
I mean, you can give him flowers, maybe small reassurance about his struggles... sorta like that, cause you need to start small. Maybe becoming friends with him or helping out.
The more he trusted you, the more closer you guys are. And eventually, you two work it out to help around the whole round whenever the killer was on a chase with the survivors.
I couldn't really say much about how he would personally give affection but i don't think he does like pda in public, especially the survivors. It's just odd for him to do that.
Idk if you want to kiss him, but it's up for you to decide. I don't take rules, it's my headcanon anyway.
Well if you're thinking you wanna fuck him or something, i suggest not to do that... Again, i wouldn't even DARE to make a nsfw headcanon about this since... I'm scared of his wife.
i didn't bother to change the way i edit out my blog because ofc its not pretty.
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smolstarthief · 18 hours ago
*sigh* I guess I have a strong need to let it out but...
I will admit all the gatekeeping at how Viktor should be written in fics can feel pretty discouraging sometimes and maybe even disrespectful depending on the context?
Like... It's hard to explain but it can be frustrating over time. At the same time, I understand the same people's frustration whether it be how his overall character and even his disability should be portrayed (such as removing it entirely post canon) so I get it. It just should be done as constructive criticism and giving advice, not bullying or gatekeeping as every person's experience is different and not the same. And if the author or creator is being rude about it then I probably just not engage further but that's just me, it can vary.
Idk, I do feel less and less confident over time b/c I just mostly see takes like, "How can people write him so mean?! He's a kind good boy!" or "He'd never do or say that! How can you be so stereotypical and ableist?!"
Just the way I see him I think is a slight reflection of my own experiences and I understand people doing the same in writings.
He's snarky and a bit blunt, kind but not a complete pushover either (whether or not you subscribe to him being manipulated by the Hexcore or not but that's another thing entirely), he's a pacifist but I'd say more of a relative pacifist since he does resort to a bit of violence during the show's climax, point is that he's multifaceted. Plus sometimes the same people do tend to hypocritically subscribe to either the same or even a different stereotype of his character that they're calling out so it can be like... Oy... Which is it?
Again, I get some writers and artists can be pretty problematic so I don't blame anyone trying to call them out but then there are writers that just didn't know what they were doing so just seeing the toxicity can be discouraging if that makes sense?
I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking it since I have mentioned being a cane user irl and see a lot of myself in him (complete with lung problems in hindsight but I highly doubt asthma counts so probably not) and I have been infantilized frequently in the past so... I just don't know man... There should be a balance for sure but not like this.
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phightingheadcanons · 3 days ago
I'm that same anon that submitted the one where subspaces adoptive dad was the leader and subspace would have freckles and also broker scythe and medkit all being siblings one AND IM HERE WITH MORE!!
... I like Subspace if you can't tell
I really like the idea demons have patterns like animals, and I had the idea over Subspaces right eye (pre-rot) there was a spot there :D like a cat spot over an eye
Although Subspace cannot taste he can however LIKE TEXTURES so whenever he eats something and he dislikes it... It's because of the texture. That is literally it
I was doing research for like my headcanons on blackrock and people in mountains have shorter limbs/are usually shorter (please correct me if I'm wrong) but Subspace is either considered tall or he wasn't spawned in blackrock (which is VERY unlikely like I really doubt it) but my personal idea is... He's just shorter (L)
Grey skined subspace!! Give that white boy some melanin
Although unconfirmed I love the idea that subspace was born gearless and made their own gear, because it is so far away from the original gear and not even the shades are similar and it feels so unbelievable that his gear was made so far off form the original to me and it's such a interesting idea that subspace wasn't born with a gear, and it would make sense since his crystals do look VERY familiar to the crystal inside of a subspace Tripmine... Also subspace tripmine isn't subspaces name technically and I had the idea in blackrock if your born gearless you just get a number for a name so subspaces name would be 146 😭 poor chat but at least they have a name now?? Also I maybe love the idea that the horns of a demon are based on their gear and since subspace doesn't have one does that mean he dyed his horns??? (The red dye ran out so he went to pink)
She/him subspace... Masc (most of the time..) presenting!! Most people just call her a he because of there appearance but sometimes they like to be called she although they don't tell anybody BECAUSE THEY DONT TALK TO ANYONE
I don't like the idea that subspace was unaffected by the Disaster BECAUSE SHAUDHSHAJSHDHWHHSA the had so much potential for subspace there and they didn't use it!! So here's my take on it. Subspace also has delt with nightmares due to the disaster, these are rare due to the fact subspace doesn't sleep like the dumb little idiot they are. Subspace does suffer from PTSD. They try and bottle all their emotions form the disaster and they out all there emotions on experiments, and if jit caught medkit, MEDKITS COOKED.
Has no general opinion on banhammar except for "really stupid, all brawn and no brains, there is no way is mom is a deity"
If he were to be a follower of any of the deities it would be either illumina or darkhart, but I'm leaning towards illumina for this one!!
This down for subspace (not the medkit one) is me projecting for some reason
Autism spectrum with a side Narcissistic personality disorder... I might be projecting with this one but it's ok
Subspace (hypothetically if genders actually existed and they weren't all agender) would be tranmasc trust I'm still projecting
Subspace cant say there th and never went to speech therapy and just.. hates getting made fun because of it
Insomnia (I'm literally writing this at two in the morning)
Here's a medkit one
Moosekit idk why when I saw medkit I first thought "moose" and that's stuck with me
Can I be "subspaces rot anon☣️" pretty please with cherry on top.wirh icing and whipped cream and I think you get it!! C:
My mummy told me I was special!!
"Subspace fans either make them miserable or very fucken badass. I love it"
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avo-gal · 11 hours ago
( I love your analysis!!!)
Oh wow I didn't know that Abt Hugo (or maybe I forgot idk I've only read the original idea for him like once almost a year ago) the glasses thing is super cool I'm definitely gonna add that into fics and art in the future!!! And ur totally right about the interesting dynamic/balance it would bring to Varigo and I love that and I cannot express it in words but ohahshshaujxha I LOVE IT! I Always thought Varian being the only magically experienced one would lead to lots of interesting (and funny) situations but considering Don def knows a lot Abt magic it only makes sense Hugo does too (ig you could argue she shelters him from it but knowing Hugo he would still figure it out and Don would prob want him to use magic if it makes him stronger.)
Varian and Hugo pretty much co parenting has always been a sweet idea to me and I feel like nobody rlly does it 😭 Varian's prob the "stricter" one essentially just meaning that he's a lot more worried of their safety (bc I think we kinda forget Varian was traveling alone until these kids wanted to join him. They have a family expecting them to be safe with him they're his responsibility. And Varian kinda just seems like a natural worried person tbh.) ofc he still does fun stuff and helps them learn but he's a bit more cautious (unless it's alchemy then he's prob obsessing too much. Occasionally he'll turn to them and be like "You haven't lost a limb right?"). Hugos a bit more free with everything? Like he's chill with most things probably even encourages a bit of chaos but he can definitely be mad or strict if he needs to. And I think those differences in how they parent the others reflects a lot of their characters and how they reacted to their past.
Varian was always forgotten unless he was doing something bad or dangerous (like over throwing a kingdom afayhshs) he was often left alone in his lab and from what I remember nobody seemed to care what he did as long as no one was in danger (sure he got called a wizard and there were rumors but there was no one being a parent and setting boundaries. Which is why when Quirin told him not to experiment on the rocks he didn't listen.) It's only after he does a bunch of crazy stuff ppl seem to care more and even then it's kinda negative attention. He was also given a lot of responsibility at a young age so a part of him probably expects similar things from Yong and Nuru. He probably gives them a lot of attention because he didn't get it and he craved for love.
With Hugo he was also left alone a lot in his childhood and didn't get attention unless it was from guards for stealing. Eventually he met Donella but she only gave him her attention when he was useful. He learnt to fend for himself and be strong but that means not relying on others. So by being "irresponsible" what he's trying to do is help them be strong. And he's a bit chaotic and fun because his life was so sad and he wants the others to have a good childhood.
As the journey goes on Varian and Hugo learn from each other and find a middle ground. Sure Varian will always worry and Hugo will always be.. set back? Chaotic? Idk what word to use. But that growth in how they treat the kids is rlly important and rlly reflects their growth, how they learn from each other and who they are as ppl.
I was gonna add something else but I've been yapping for so long my dementia has kicked in 💔
Here's an idea how Abt Varian is the mum of the group instead of Nuru?
First of Varian is ACTUALLY AN ADULT in vat7k whereas Nuru is still 16 (yes ik she's a princess but she's not in line for the throne nor is she in her kingdom for most of vat7k). Varian is also the leader of the group and arguably the most experienced (except for MAYBE Hugo but I bet Hugos never fought a magic demon lady or study a stone sent from the heavens that destroys everything. Plus Hugos only experienced w like stealing and street smarts).
Also Nuru and Yong are more or less the same age Varian was when a bunch of crazy shit and trauma happened to him so it makes sense that he would want to protect them (and he def can he's smarter and stronger than some ppl realize).
In general the idea is just rlly cute and I will also accept mother Hugo as he becomes more acceptant and open (which also allows him to worry more Abt his friends).
Okay that my yap for now :)
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deoidesign · 5 months ago
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One of my first digital pieces (2010) versus one of my recent ones (2024)
We all start somewhere!
#picked these cause they're in a similar pose lol. i mean not at all. but sort of... more than my other art at least...#oh fuck im so tired im saving this to drafts and coming back later#my anxiety meds wipe me the fuck out so im trying not to take them in the day#and they're like legit borderline a sleeping med for me. i take one and in 30 mins im OUT.#so I'm. i mean i was already only taking 1-2 in the day and then 2-3 at night#anyways it makes me sad when people say they dont have an artistic bone in their body#and especially when they say they could never draw like me :(#dont put yourself down to lift me up! i don't want my art to be used for you to be mean to yourself!!!#lots of experiences of people comparing themselves to me and being mean to themself...#feels bad. it's okay if you're slow it's okay to be learning it's okay!!!#I'm me and you're you and we're here to learn from each other. i just wanna hang out..#y'know what I'm just gonna post without saying anything i WILL forget I made a draft#i have so many things i intend to post and then forget#it's a wonder I post anything#i only do it when i get bored. and run out of stuff to scroll through#like whelp. guess if i want a post I have to make one myself.#also the second one is really good idc that it's a study i still drew it#art growth#this was in 2010 btw#i started highschool in 2011#I've grown a lot and you can too.#also I've never really been one to dislike my old art. like idk I was trying... if it's bad I just won't look at it whatever#like i wouldn't be mean to someone else who made that so i don't get a free pass to be mean just cause it's to me#man my thoughts are bungled. okay sleep time#if my phone made typos you didn't see it
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somerandomcockroach · 2 months ago
Okay, but decepticon Prowl didn't plan and prepare and properly defect from the decpticons, he was thrown out.
The ask that mentioned him being a bad shot got me thinking.
We rarely see Prowl as a bad shot, so either one of two things are going on
1.) Prowl is just not emtionally invested in this fight and is running too many numbers for something else but he has to be here against his will
2.) Prowl is intentionally shooting certain deceptions because "they threaten the future of the decepticons" (they threaten and beat up Prowl)
So after enough "bad shots" the grunts of the decepticon base Prowl was stationed on (as barricade) beat him up, and throw him out. Prowl is annoyed by this because obviously he is important but he can't reveal himself without ruining his cover. So he goes planet hitch-hiking to get back to Megatron and obviously get reinstated and protection.
While planet hopping, "Barricade" meets Jazz who is currently under the name of Meiser since he is infiltrating and taking a look at some decepticon territory. Barricade does not know that Meiser has been following him since he got thrown out. Barricade also does not know that Meiser has his suspicions about who he is. Afterall, there aren't a lof of praxians left in the deception forces, and this one has some dumb gold paint on his cheveron that has already started to flake and show red in these harsh outdoor conditions.
Barricade does think that Meiser is either an autobot spy (since he is not accounted for in any of Prowl's databases and battlefield simulations), or has a major glitch in his logic circuits that got him kicked out and now desperate for any social interaction (which must be the reason why he is hanging around Barricade, since no one ever actually willingly hung out around him before, and especially nobody hangs out with Prowl).
Things keep happening that try to kill "Barricade". But luckly clumsy Meiser is right there to "accidentally" shoot the problem right in the processor. Barricade does not remember Meiser having a gun on him. Or a knife. Or that feral of a smile. But anyways he has places to be and a mech to see.
Prowl intends on turning in Meiser-the-spy or just ordering the death of Meiser-the-idiot once he gets back to Megatron. Especially since through this adventure, Prowl has learned that Meiser will listen to a long thought out and perfect plan, then immidiately go do his own thing, so he can't be used as some disposable pawn in one of Prowls plans.
Evnetually Prowl gets back to Megatron. It is unfortunate that this regrouping happens on an open battle-field, but Prowl predicts that the decepticons will have to make a hastly retreat in 27.8 joors and does not want to miss his ride home. He expects to be welcomed by Megatron, updated on all battle field data, and then sent to the safety of the back of the lines to go sip a cube and win this battle.
Except Megatron has noticed that decepticons tend to have more friendly fire where ever he sends Prowl. And Prowl has already given him predictions and battle maps and troop movement plans for the next 100 vorn. And honestly? Megatron has wanted to punch Prowl for a while now.
So he does just that. One moment Prowl is clearing his vocalizer to get his attention while he is OBVIOSLY busy beating up an autobot. And the next moment Prowl is 12 feets away with a large fist-sized crater in his chest. Serves that nerd right.
Prowl goes offline. Not from the injury. But from the glitch that spawned when Megatron didn't welcome him back and start a much needed debreif.
Anyways, Prowl wakes up in the autobot medbay.
HELP, oh you all really don't like Prowl and want him punched ahagsgga
In my mind it's hard to turn events to that. You see, I think Megatron would treat Prowl like autobots treat Ratchet. Megatron is ruthless in the way he treats his warriors, they fight for "freedom" so someone's life is worth it. Prowl always gives 99% successful plan with minimal risks. And these plans work because Megatron accepts them. Decepticons can say nothing but they hate "Prowl" behind all these plans, because they can see that they are turning in even more bugs than they were before. Before it looked at least like a live or die battle. Now it is a straight order of dying in their cases. But hey, ahah, who is this "Prowl"? There is only Barricade and a possibility of his hidden identity leaking, it's just Megatron can't keep his optics on him 24/7 so making him second identity is a good way of preventing him from instant death. I actually want to think of the ways Starscream could switch his attention to Prowl and not like him because he can't be bribed. "With such tactician even I can be a leader" and Prowl just "-_-".
Prowl is left without voice, tracking, comms, everything is done to not let Megatron find him, but he will search for him even if everyone tells him he is dead. Prowl just need to fix everything and not let others find any info on him and somehow leave to send a signal. So I bet there are much more layers to all of that. For Megatron to want to punch him he needs to be like Starscream or be a Sentinel Prime.
Pffht, imagine you see a very beaten up Decepticon, clearly beaten up by his own people. Everything that allows to track you is ripped off. What does it mean? They wanted to get rid of him while making it look like he died of accident in the end, they got all they needed from him and left him to suffer. Means he had something valuable within him and clearly will be more anticipating in the interrogation with autobots. Revenge takes a place, wouldn't it? So even if Jazz is in a good condition and finds him, he clearly will bring him to Autobot base right away. Prowl will not search the way on his own, he will be thrown out where it is impossible to get out by his own, Junkion, so his priority also will be to get saved even if go with autobots with the possibility of revealing his identity and he will make everything to not let it happen
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greennoobartist · 2 days ago
Glad to hear that, cuz im not holding back lmao
*recollecting 2am thoughts... Please wait.... We apologize for the long wait, this was done with pure dedication and throughout considertion and passion.... It was done with some time and sleep sacrifice too..... We hope you enjoy :)*
Okay so!
In the beginning of the manga, i mentioned this earlier and yes im saying it again, his whole face was more lively, especially his eyes
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What im trying to say is that, by looking at him, it's not that hard to read him.
I realized that (idk how to name this english isn't my native, sorries if it doesn't make sense) but, his pupils were bigger and he had a circle of light reflection in the corner of his eyes in the beginning of the manga
His cockiness didn't falter, his eyes matched his mood, specifically his pupils with the white circle of light reflection, and his classic, either crossing his arms or placing one hand on his hip.
Now (if you're a weirdo like me lolol) , you'll notice that the only times that was happening, and that the three pictures above, are from chapter one and chapter two. No later. Now... The main question... How and why? Even Himekawa Sensei said SARCASTIC! Where's his sarcasm? (I mean it doesn't appear much, but you get the point!)
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Now, this is something that might probably rise an argument, but I like arguments so yeah :3
Take a look at this page as a whole
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Wait, why this page? And why now online version instead of digging for the og one?
Well, i do have sone tidbits of the og one, but this translation better supports my point.
Basically, what's the main discussion of this page? The names, right? Well, yeah! Right! The main point of this page was Blue's frustration over the nicknames.... But that's the point! The main point distracted us (me?) from a minor point that shows a tiny detail in dialogue... For which, i actually need both versions... And the dialogue detail im talking bout is this one:
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(Left: original/printed; Right: online version)
What's so special about Blue having anger issues? It happened many times? Well, hehheh, here's something I discovered from my own experience
Himekawa sensei said that he's a contrary person, huh? Well, where's that contrary now when he's getting insulted in the face? (But literally) Well, let my lovely "fucked up experience with the people from my home country" provide some explanation.
First, what did Vio do on this page? Easy! He was being his cool and cocky self! And what happened? He got insulted and kinda scolded... Have you ever been yelled at for being your true self? I hope you did not, but I certainly did..... And it's painful! To say the least!
When I first got scolded for being a sarcastic and silly self i am by my own family (i don't remember which member exactly and even if i do i don't feel like calling them out) , it hit hard deep inside. I was just being myself and you're yelling at me? What am I supposed to do then? You don't like me the way i am? What should I do then?..... Not be myself around you anymore?.... Were my first thoughts after the conflict, which resulted into the fake front i hold now! I am not being myself with my own family bcuz they don't seem to appreciate me the way i am.... Okay, okay! How does this make any sense with the topic?..... Well..... It just happened to Vio... And he did the same thing.... Think about it!
When was the last time you saw Vio and Blue have a chat? When was the last time you saw Vio not holding a distance between him and Blue? And most importantly, when was the last time you saw Vio be himself around Blue?
The actual last time he was his cocky self was around his very best friend, Shadow! When he was with him, with someone who appreciates him the way he is, he didn't care what Blue will say, and that's why he was cocky in that chapter.
Now, to wrap this up and not get too lost in the topic....
What I am trying to say is that... He was losing his personality around ppl, putting up a fake front that everyone started to mistake for his true self... That must hurt, deep inside... And right when he thought he made a bestie that appreciates him the way he is, he has to betray him.... That must've hurt even more, and with such amount of emotional and mental hurts and scars, he lost himself... His eyes were becoming empty, just as his hope for being appreciated and accepted... His eyes reflected the pain and exhaustion of what he was going through in the story....
His eyes were reflecting his soul
But ofc, this is just a theory! A Vio theory! Thanks for reading! :D (Mattpat reference lmfao)
I often keep returning to this post and am like
How where why when!?! WHYYYY!!!?!?!
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Yeah guys im back at this topic lmao you can't blame me XD
It's like so interesting to me that his eyes changed sm and like.... It's interesting to me that it's in this way exactly... Like from lively and cheerful to dreary and empty...
I could return to this topic forever cuz it doesn't leave my mind so easily, even when I doodle him I'm like "buddy... Can I give some life in your eyes??"
I also noticed that by how the story progresses, the emptier his eyes are.... But you know what ALSO is fading away by progress!?! ✨HIS COCKINESS✨
Few days ago, @/blupeeblep (i don't wanna tag ya i think you might be asleep so i don't wanna bother you buddy and I might be a bit annoying with talking bout the same topic again🥺🫶) and I discussed how we both forget how cocky he is in this post, and idk for y'all, but me and blep forget about it and im like.... I think I know why....
I have a theory that he has trust issues and possible traumas that resulted into him having a poker face and often being expressionless and stoic... A fake front, what one could call...
This theory literally rose from my own past experiences so now I have a lot to cover and yeah, this actually rose from my lovely "fucked up experience with ppl in my home country" :)
If anyone's interested in details and isn't afraid of some of my Vio yapping, feel free to let me know and blep you're #1 welcome guest i just didn't tag ya cuz you might be asleep since in my timezone it's literally almost midnight so yeah :3
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