#but i'm excited that we are now! :D
jackdup · 3 months
@stellevatum || cont.
“Okay, look, I hate Hyperion as much as the next . . . mildly sane guy, pumpkin, but I think you’re forgetting one teensy but, like, very important detail about any place that handsome bastard so much as sneezed on.” Well . . . No, because, full disclosure, Timothy had the notion Jack didn’t actually know where all his shit was despite calling himself a CEO once upon a time (and this depot could’ve been after his time, anyway . . . ); whatevs, the point is that anything with his obnoxiously yellow color scheme basically still reeked of his bullshit, which meant:
“Abandoned or not, that place is still gonna have security. Like, uh . . . the shooty kind? The ‘Oh no! I just put my foot down in the wrong place at the wrong time, so now some lockdown protocol is happening and we’re trapped’ sort of shiznat . . . ? I-I— I can’t do that again. I really can’t. I mean I could . . . technically, but it, uh, really wouldn’t be a pretty sight. I’m just sayin’.”
And you may be wondering, Well, Mr. Hero, she really wasn’t inviting you to come with her, now was she? To which Timmy would say . . . Something. Clever. When he managed to think of something clever, so hold that thought.
He sighed in spite of himself, a sigh that made it seem like he had absolutely no choice here when he very literally was making one right now. “Buuuut, since you seem like the . . . can’t be convinced type—about this specifically—then at least . . . Ugh. All right. Take me with you. If absolutely nothing else, then maybe I can recognize some of the tech there and make sure we don’t set anything overly kaboom-y off that’ll blow us to pieces.”
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felassan · 2 days
#iirc the datv embargo lifts in a few hours time#its exciting for sure!! ◕‿◕#(theres some good info out there about what u can expect etc)#everyones level of comfort/preference for spoilers or what they consider/dont consider spoilers or do/dont want to see beforehand#is different and thats valid#for me rn my pref is not seeing much more of the game than i have so far so i will probably not be watching/reading most of those bits of#coverage which are described as 'spoilery' due to this#im just at a stage personally where in the main the last thing I'd like to see now is just a good look at the CC and the CC options#and then just any of the more 'generic' stuff like any new official screenshots that get tweeted or if theres one more trailer or something#(know what i mean? maybe generic is the wrong word but like vague or general or something). and thats about it#so if i'm quieter on here or not postin about sth new that you've seen or focusing more on less-new stuff like V&V eps i didnt get a chance#to listen to yet or i dont know the answer to something etc thats why ^^#i've turned off asks and submit as well jic#sry for any inconvenience caused by that and for not following/posting everything in the coming weeks hh!!#its like a push and pull between wanting to be hyped with everyone/overanalyze every new crumb/wanting my blog to be useful and#not wanting to know much more about the game besides CC than i do atm hh#ultimately we will only get to go into this game and play this game for for the first time once so yea :D#(and in case it helps to know for your own curation purposes my datv spoilers tag is 'dragon age the veilguard spoilers'!!)#mj and the world
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r0semultiverse · 11 months
Digital Circus AMA Notes
Digital Circus is getting a season 1 at some point!!!!
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#webcore aesthetic board for the series design
Pomni was going to be a frog originally. 🐸
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90s toys Zooble inspo
Caine is an antagonist, but not by active choice, he doesn't know he's not helping. He doesn't feel a whole spectrum of human emotions (he's an AI).
"Caine canonically just lets things happen if he thinks it's funny."
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Characters eat like Chao in Chao garden in Sonic. The characters can eat the food, but they can't digest it.
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Jax's favorite food is spaghetti.
Pomni likes salmon.
Q "Was the ending a 'Last Supper' reference?" A "in a very superficial kinda way yeah." Religious stuff is sometimes just used for the funny.
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Gooseworx tumblr sketches MAY or MAY NOT be canon to the series, so it's up in the air for every single one.
People can abstract from feeling too much pain if it breaks their mind from it being too much. Characters feel pain from things, but not as intensely as they would in real life.
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Zooble is gonna swap parts every episode (implying they have spare parts) except their body & head.
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Jax chose his own name & gooseworx likes to think he chose Gangle's name.
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Ragatha was named "Emmy" originally.
They (the cast of characters trapped in the circus) can't change their clothes but Caine can. It's part of their skin sorta kinda.
There's empty space under Pomni's hat because video game model physics.
Spamton was partially inspo for Caine, Caine's VA did Spamton dubs.
Gangle only has 2 masks. Why's it (her hapiness mask) break all the time? Mental state, but the "real her" is "harder to break."
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Kaumfo was gonna be part of the main cast originally before Jax.
Kaufmo's model has nothing below the waist at this time, but was made for that promotional image on twitter.
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Q "What kinda person was Kaufmo?" A "He was the same as Ragatha in a sense, goofy & cheery, sometimes toxic levels of positivity."
I'm paraphrasing for the sake of note taking in real time, go watch the stream playback for more context & details if you want.
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Brother's Keeper AU Story Post 11
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Hunter doesn't know anything about his family, and if Caleb can help it, he never will.
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: A black and white ink and pencil comic. PAGE ONE PANEL 1: A close-up on Hunter's eye as he looks at Belos' empty seat behind him. "So, Dad…" he says. PANEL 2: "Can I ask you something?" Hunter is sitting on Caleb's bed, watching as Caleb waters a potted plant in the corner, facing away from him. The room is brightly lit by the window, but with stark shadows in Caleb's corner. "Hmm?" Caleb responds. PANEL 3: "I've been thinking about your illness," says Hunter. The angle has changed so that we see Caleb facing us in the foreground, but we can't see his eyes, only his mouth fallen open in a frown. "I know Uncle says it'll be cured by pleasing the Titan on the Day of Unity, but I just thought…" continues Hunter. "Maybe I could help more." Caleb's watering can rattles. His hand is shaking. PANEL 4: A profile view of Caleb, still facing away from Hunter. He's in shadow, lit from behind. His eyes are wide in horror. "What are you saying?" he asks. PANEL 5: "There's so much I don't know," Hunter says, nervous but hopeful. "I don't even really know what our family was like before the accident. Or what exactly happened! If I just had more information, I could help look for a solution!" In the foreground we can only see Caleb's other hand, clenched and shaking on the grip of his crutch. "Fledge…" he warns. PAGE TWO PANEL 1: Hunter leans forward eagerly, excited now. "What kind of wild magic was it? Maybe some kind of oracle, illusions, and beast combo? If I did some resear--" PANEL 2: "HUNTER!" Caleb cries. The speech bubble and panel overlap with Hunter's dialogue, cutting him off. The panel is completely black. Caleb's eyes are screwed shut, his brows drawn down and his shoulders pulled up around his ears desperately as he shouts. PANEL 3: A wide black panel, small and isolated on the white page. In the center, Hunter sits small and chastised, his ears drooping. PANEL 4: Caleb sags on his crutches in the shadowed corner. He still hasn't turned around to face Hunter. "Please…" he says, "Don't ask me." PANEL 5: "You should listen to your uncle. Do not speak of wild magic," Caleb is looking away guiltily as Hunter sits, distressed, behind him. "Promise me, Fledge. Please." PANEL 6: Hunter turns away. Behind him looms Belos' chair. "I'm sorry," he says. "…I promise." /END ID]
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Disassociation culture is your “friends” getting mad at you for breaking promises you never agreed to but what if you did? I can’t remember.
And also not remembering doing the stuff they’re saying you did, but how can you argue when you can’t remember or be present.
it’s fine a couple of my friends just kinda suck
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
hey lovie!!!!
just wanted to send some love!! And Hello Kitty cuz I remember you said you liked Sanrio! Who is your favorite btw?!
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Thank you!!! I appreciate it! :D I do like Sanrio! I used to hate it when I was younger, because I wanted to be edgy and cool, but now I adore everything cute! And my favorite would be Cogimyun! Just like me, she loves to sing! Plush she's a bit shy and so so cute! I love her so much! Plus a mutual of mine once assigned assigned Sanrio characters to her mutuals and I got Cogimyun! Ever since then I've loved her! I wanna be her friend so bad and cheer her up when she's sad! She's such a sweetheart! But what about you! Which character is your favorite!
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boimann · 10 months
I'm doing an animated short with some friends for my thesis and I'm starting to think we might be widely overestimating the amount of things we can animate in less than 5 months
we started with an estimated 3 minutes short but now it looks like it's going to be around 8 minutes, we're still in pre production and we want it to be on Gobelins level of quality
we're a team of four...
pray for us i'm not sure we'll come out of this with our hand tendons intact
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martilyongabo · 1 year
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EO3 (partial) lineup - November-December 2022
Peak MAbo is collaborating with your best friend for a(n admittedly unfair) final project (for web development!!!! an elective!!!), saying you would post it, forgetting about it for a year, posting it on Artstation and forgetting about it again.
As always, AC drew the lineart, and I colored. Designs were more of a collaborative effort between the two of us!
Probably should have shared this when the HD collection came out... anyway it's here now!
Some design ramblings under the cut :0! There's a lot i wanna share especially given that we recently did a soft rewrite that departed from the guild system entirely ^^" and EO3's cast was actually one of the first that we had, surprisingly!
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Micah is quite clearly alt gladiator 3, but in an entirely different profession. instead of going into the labyrinth, he works in what i imagine would be an analogue to the forge in Tharsis (aka helping people make things busted af). It probably works best for his character, since he was always a gizmo freak even in his first iteration! geomagnetic (or submagnetic, ugh) gizmo is AC's idea!
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Micah's brother, Eva, is a very loose spin on zodiac 3, but with a wayyyy lighter colour palette. Admittedly, i did steal a little bit of the spiritmaster's coat from bravely default, but AC managed to spin it back to resembling the original coat that the class had. Eva works as an astronomer, hence the little telescope he always has on him.
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Next up we have Eva's protégé, Miri (who was imported from AC's stories)! Theoretically, Miri would be a second zodiac, and, after watching some EO3 speedruns, would probably be really strong in the earlygame when working with Eva in an actual playthrough. AC's design heavily borrows from Patho II's Grace, hence the coat + dress combo.
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Following Miri in this lineup would be Noa, her admittedly very lazy but clingy sibling. I think it's apparently here that we didn't have much time to filter what a believable design would be in an EO setting, given that Noa's clothes were translated directly from our designs of them in school attire. It's actually funny how for we diverged from their original portrait (buccaneer 3) to the point that she is literally unrecognizable. Truly a pipeline from good sea boy to j-horror twist character.
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Last in the OC section would be Masaru, who recently found work for the Senatus. Admittedly he does have another example of "incongruent time period" clothing (the jacket), though it's a lot more reworkable than Noa. We also made his design a lot less poofy and rugged compared to the original, and I mixed the base and alt color palettes as well to make him less, well, glaringly red. Probably one of the funnier things is that his clothing palette made him blend in more with the likes of Kujura, but given that they work for the same place, it'll probably work out fine.
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Now we go onto NPCs, and who better to start than with Flowdia! Admittedly, her art was one of the last ones that we did, hence why her design looks relatively plain (sorry lola). Probably one of the things I would like to add would be more ornate patterns, perhaps of butterflies to tie her closer to Gutrune!
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Before we get to the Princess, we gotta get through her bodyguard first! >:0 I honestly don't like Kujura because I answered honestly in his first question, and he said that I was prideful, but AC likes him so he looks really good here. He isn't as rendered here as he is in his portrait, since he was also one of the last characters we made, and I didn't really get to notice that he doesn't have as much value contrast in his clothing as Masaru does. Probably something to think about next time I color him >:0
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Next up we have Gutrune!! We decided to make her look more jellyfish-like, while still keeping it a bit uncanny and unsettling. We tried to give her a more traditionally Filipiniana look (mostly on the Maria Clara gown), but we haven't yet made a poncho design that mixes well with butterfly sleeves without looking cluttered. As such, she has a more nightdress-y look here. AC drew in a few tentacles, and I couldn't help but make them look squishy.
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Last but not least is Olympia! We wanted to align her appearance more with her background, hence her altered design :0 Having rips of the artbook easily accesible online also helped us flesh out her hair in particular, since we didn't want to just transplant Gutrune's hairstyle onto her.
And that's all of them!!! I'm honestly hoping to draw more EO characters, though Seyfried's design scares me (honestly the reason why I couldn't make a Reversed Emperor comic).
Currently, I've made a lot of progress on the EO4 game, and I'm excited to draw up the three N-turned-PCs + Xiuan >:'0!!! I don't think I can ever get as cool as Morika tho. If you've come this far and aren't into EO, please check out their blog!! Their art is stunning and has come a really long way :")
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byanyan · 5 months
catch me sobbing bc I'm about to have a desk of my own for the first time since I was like 17 😭
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lacunafiction · 1 year
i just found out Mel is Latin for the endearment "honey", and now im just blushing and kicking my feet imagining my MC trying to (emphasis on the TRYING part; she gets as flustered and stumbly as me, poor thing) make some pet-name, like Mel-Mal or something more creative, work on our beloved waiter/waitress
Oh, this ask is precious, especially with what you shared about your MC becoming flustered when trying to bestow the endearment! 🥰
The contrast of the meaning of Mel with that of Mal is kind of perfect? That juxtaposition. Plus, I can see B, and possibly a few other characters, being quietly stunned that the W would allow themself to be called that, but I won't tease too much about how W can be for the MC. They're different when it's just the two of you.
Or at least they can be. 👀
Best wishes! 💚
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
It seems very fitting that the first prayer I could actually recognize and sing along with on a playlist was Oseh Shalom. It's such a simple and beautiful prayer
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cloud-the-forgotten · 3 months
Nintendo Direct thoughts... /positive
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machinavocis · 6 months
i...think the tucson apartment has Officially Been Got..??
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sysig · 10 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: The Stanley Parable/Portal
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: The Stanley Parable
2:30 PM: Portal
2:30 PM: Adventure Time
2:30 PM: AT
2:30 PM: Fellplates
2:30 PM: Fellplates
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Tag 10 people you want to know better
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favourite colour: blue and orange! song stuck in your head: don't regret - tatu last song you listened to: destroy me - mr. kitty 3 favourite foods: tomato and cheese pasta, sweet chilli rice crackers, granny smith apples dream trip: greece (or cyprus) anything I want rn: shit, I don't know? a good night's sleep and a tall glass of fresh inspiration juice sounds really good right about now maybe? ♥
tagged by: @qu-tipie and @sheldoney (thank you both ♡) tagging: @arkhmlcst, @bdybag, @dcmonshcad, @draggeddowntothedark, @elisethetraveller, @goldenmedic, @pains-illusions, @paleobird, @sebastianshaw, @the-rorschach-mask (and anybody else who'd like to do this?)
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groupalpha · 1 year
𝒜𝒽, 𝐼 𝒹𝑜 𝒶𝓅𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝒾𝓈𝑒, 𝐼 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝑒 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻, 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝒯𝓊𝓀𝑜, 𝒶𝓁𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓃 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓂𝓊𝓃𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒶𝓎 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑜𝑔𝓃𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝓈 𝐿𝑒𝒯𝓊𝓀𝑜 𝒹𝓊𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓉𝓊𝓃𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓉 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓈𝒾𝓍 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑜𝑔𝓃𝒾𝓈𝑒𝒹, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 I am going to only use this voice for riddles and things like that because it hurts my vocal cords.
Anyways, I am working on adjusting a few settings in my communications arrays to allow me to speak with iterators* which are further away, as you are the one that is nearest to me.
*To the creators of this ask : you are doing amazing and if this makes me sound like I am impatient/ annoyed that the others aren't out yet, I sincerely apologise. And don't forget you are able to ignore any asks you don't like. Have a amazing year, you amazing people.
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EB: Oh! You must be far out like us then!
My local group is especially far from many other iterators due to our ancient's choices.
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EB: It would make sense that I would be the first for contact, as my can is built atop the Radio Towers which intersects the Sky Bridge.
Essentially, the Radio Towers and the Sky Bridge have many satellites for many reasons, so my communications can be quite open to everything.
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EB: As for looking for other Iterators, I'll definitely tell my group to keep their communications more open once this strange light problem is fixed, as that is my main worry currently.
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EB: After this small problem is solved, I'll get in contact with either Stories, who is our group senior, or Ruby, who is in the middle of our group.
(Thank you! And no worries! I'm excited to introduce the rest of the cast, but that will come with time. I didn't feel that you were impatient/annoyed at all, so don't fret about it. ^^)
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