#but i always have fun writing the losers club
afterglowkatie · 5 months
pair of pests | k.c.c.
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 1.1k | you and kyra should never be trusted together alone without supervision, especially when alcohol and a marker are involved
ˏˋ°•*⁀this is catley!reader - reader being Steph's younger sister! maybe i'll write more with this pairing bc it's quite fun to think of ideas for!
‘You ready yet loser,’ You heard your best friend call out for you since she let herself into Steph’s apartment where you had been staying since you’d moved from Manchester City to Arsenal. The Aussies internally dreading the moment you and Kyra would be reunited at club since they already had to deal with the two of you together on national camps. You always said Kyra was the fun sister you never had.
‘I’m ready!’ You posed in the hallway just outside your room, quick to pull Kyra into your room closing the door behind, ‘It’s just us tonight. Steph said something about not wanting to babysit us,’ You rolled your eyes, a light smile on your lips while you got out your little alcohol supply you had stashed away in your room.
‘Lame. Well we don’t need her to have fun,’ Kyra smirked, grabbing the vodka and shot glasses you’d pulled out. After a few shots you had an idea, taking the shot glasses and vodka out to the kitchen but demanding Kyra stays in your room. Smiling and laughing a little to yourself while you brought back the three shot glasses only one having vodka in it and the others just water.
‘Russian roulette?’ You laughed, raising your eyebrows slightly at her sitting down on the ground across from Kyra.
‘It’s not the same without a gun,’ Kyra mumbled out a little louder than expected.
‘Maybe one day,’ You casually shrugged before you both laughed out loudly knowing that would never happen. Steph would definitely intervene before the thought even got into action. She’d be able to tell something was up and stop whatever it was you were planning just by seeing the two of you share one tiny look at each other.
‘You totally got the shot! You can’t take it with a straight face to save your life,’ Kyra exclaimed laughing at the way you had scrunched your nose slightly. You did it every time and you’d been around Kyra enough that she had picked up on it.
‘Kyra,’ You whined, ‘No fair,’ 
‘Can’t help that I know my best friend better than she knows herself,’ Playfully flicking her hair behind her shoulder, making you shake your head and roll your eyes, pushing at her arm.
By the time you and Kyra even made it out of Steph’s apartment you were both a little more than tipsy, it was a surprise you even made it into anywhere. Wasting no time in grabbing drinks before you pulled your best friend out onto the floor to dance. Getting lost in the music and enjoying dancing with Kyra, only stopping when your head felt like it wouldn’t stop spinning.
Despite your head spinning you both made it back to the bar ordering round after round. You had no idea what Kyra was even saying anymore all you could do was sit there and smile nodding to make it seem like you weren’t just staring at the freckles on her face and how they seemed to be moving around.
Putting your empty glass down on the bar, you let out a huff since you couldn’t work out what pictures her freckles were trying to make. Too far gone to realise that nothing was actually moving around. When you were putting your glass down you’d spotted a marker sitting on top of the bar. Smirking you leaned over to grab it, Kyra watching you intently laughing when she saw you take the cap off and take it towards her face, ‘What are you doing?’
‘Connecting the dots,’ You said it so casually and without any hesitation as if it was just a normal thing to do. Soon enough Kyra’s face was filled with random shapes, hearts and flowers, all things you thought you could see in her freckles. 
‘Let me have a turn,’ Kyra whined and tried to grab the marker from you.
‘But I don’t have any freckles Ky,’ 
‘Don’t be silly, they're everywhere!’ You let Kyra take the marker to your skin, her hand barely able to draw a straight line from how intoxicated you both were.
The rest of the night for the two of you was a complete blur. You don’t remember how you tried to get the bartender to give you more drinks, trying to get them to take you seriously that you weren’t out of your mind even with marker covering your faces. You don’t remember how you tried to dance again but ended up falling onto the floor and having to be escorted out of the bar. You don’t remember sitting on the sidewalk contemplating whether you should call Steph to pick you both up, but you couldn’t see the screen properly, getting annoyed and determinately getting up to walk back to the apartment.
You have no idea how you both even made it back to Steph’s, all you knew was that your neck and head hurt after waking up on the bathroom floor. The tiles were cool against your skin which you were thankful for, wanting to lay there until you could move your body properly. The smell of food being cooked ruined that idea for you, waves of nausea rolling through your body. Managing to lift yourself up you made your way into the kitchen.
‘Mornin’,’ You mumbled out towards Steph before seeing Kyra appear next to you, ‘Ky, how you feelin’?’ You weren’t paying much attention to her, more focused on the food wanting to ease how you were feeling.
‘As good as you look, like shit,’ Kyra shrugged, sitting at the counter grabbing the coffee Steph put in front of her, ‘What’s on your face by the way?’ Kyra was looking at your face, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
‘What do you mean?’ You saw Steph stifle her laughter, so you looked up at Kyra, eyes wide and holding back your own laugh, ‘You should see yours,’ Kyra pulled out her phone, turning to the camera and holding it up in front of your faces.
Fingers traced over the drawn lines that, in the end, weren’t even making any sense, ‘What are they even connecting? Are they supposed to be something?’ Kyra voiced the thoughts you were also thinking. Your memories of the night were hazy and you honestly had no explanation for the state you’d both found yourselves in. 
‘Please tell me you didn’t use a permanent marker,’ Steph’s voice was shaky, trying to hold back laughing at you both but her amusement was evident in her tone. Kyra groaned at the thought, really not wanting to deal with it.
‘I don’t even know where we got a marker from, let alone what type it was,’ You’d thrown your head back, sighing softly. Steph was quick to sneak a photo of the two of you sending it to both your arsenal and national teammates, knowing you’d never hear the end of it for a while.
‘Remind me to never leave you two alone again,’
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wonderingpanda · 4 months
Remember back in high school the juiciest gossip was always about someone like-like-ing someone else? Will you write headcanons or something about the Mayhem boys hearing a rumor about someone (Reader) like-like-ing them? What would they do with this super important information?
I just really need some fluffy goofy high school shenanigans now-a-days.
Have You Heard?
MM!Turtles x Reader
This was so much fun to write. I loved adding hints of my own comedy and little cliches while giving each turtle their own individual story to follow. Thank you for the request, enjoy!
This was unexpected
Oh this was VERY unexpected
See Leo was a loser
He didn’t get to be cool, he didn’t get to be  smart, he didn’t get to be funny and he didn’t get the girl
At least that’s what he thought
According to April though, this was entirely inaccurate
According to April, you’d had a crush on him for the last month
Someone went a whole MONTH harbouring romantic feelings for him!
And not just anyone; his cool, pretty friend whom he had fallen head-over-heels for the first day they met
This was unbelievable!
Of course his brothers didn’t believe him
I mean, why would they? According to them, he naturally makes girls gravitate away from him
Now it’s not like you knew April told Leo this
You had simply shared the information during a sleepover and blindly trusted her
A bad choice really considering sharing news was her whole gig
Still you were none-the-wiser the next day as to why Leo was anxiously pulling at his shirt
Or why he avoided your eyes like the plague
Or why when you chose to sit next to him in geography he felt like his heart was about to erupt
You had no clue
So what was Leo to do in this situation?
Trust in April’s words and confess his feelings, risking the possibility of making things more awkward?
Or stay silent and let fate decide when was right, risking losing the chance to be with you forever?
It was a tough choice
But Leo’s a wimp so obviously he wasn’t going to say anything
That was until his brothers forced him to
Donnie had cleverly hacked his computer to send an email to you, asking you to meet in one of the art rooms
He in turn did the same to your computer and gave explicit times to ensure you both crossed over
It was believing those emails that lead you to to your current situation
Locked in an art room by April and Leo’s insufferable brothers, forced to wait it out until you found a way to escape
Heart pounding, mind racing and palms sweating
Leo knew exactly what they wanted out of you two and he had no idea how to do it!
So… Guess we’re stuck, in here … Seems like it’ll be a while- Did I upset you Leo? What, no!? Really? Cause you’ve been acting weird all day Not because of you! Well it sure seems like it’s because of me! How!? You literally made a point to stare at nothing but the ground the second I tried talking to you today! I was nervous! Why were you nervous!? Because I really like you! I really, really like you And I guess the thought that you might like me back is so thrilling it’s kind of terrifying But I-I don’t expect you to feel the same, I get this is probably off-putting with the green and the shell and the baldness- Leo! You grabbed his head and forced him to finally meet you face-to-face No tan, hair-covered, bare-backed guy could ever make me feel the way I do for you
You quickly kissed him and upon pulling away realised he had melted into a puddly, flustered mess
And you were released from the art room
In the end it was a win-win
April got to succeed in her matchmaking schemes, you got to kiss the turtle of your dreams, Leo got a girlfriend and his brothers had something new to tease him about
Ok, so maybe it wasn’t a 100% win for Leo but close enough
Raph had met you first when he joined the wrestling club at school and you just so happened to be there
You also happened to be there when he tried out for the track team
And footy team
And basketball team
And cricket team
And just about every single sport he experimented with
For some reason you were consistently always there, always in his head with your stupid pretty face and swooshy hair and bright eyes and dumb little smile
Well… since you seemed to follow him everywhere Raph figured he may as well befriend you
And you two got along well, soon enough it seemed like he had found his new best friend
Also it may have turned out that you’d been widely involved in the school’s sport program for years but we don’t talk about that!
Anyhow, you guys stuck together pretty consistently
Always hanging out and goofing off, ranting about teachers and friends
In a weird way you were also each other’s therapists, being forced to be the reasonable one whenever the other was in a firey state
His brothers greatly appreciated it as it meant they had to deal with less violent endeavours from him
If only Donnie hadn’t been feeling so bored that day, maybe then he’d still be alive
Or at least have a chance of living to the next day
See you and Raph had just been chilling at your locker while you grabbed stuff for class
No biggie, the closest you contact you had was Raph’s arm being slightly around you
But when Donnie came around and saw you two he couldn’t think of a better way to brighten his day than to embarrass his brother in front of the girl he’d been talking about for weeks
So as he walked by he slyly turned to you two, eyebrows raised and commented “You two look comfy” before contently strutting off
Raph’s face blended in with his mask as he stared angrily at his brother’s back
I’m gonna kill him Don’t I have P.E with him today
Donnie ended up returning home with a LOT of bruises that day
But it was worth it for the information he managed to squeeze out of you
All which he spouted to Raph like a proud toddler
Raph didn’t believe him
He genuinely didn’t
No way you had a crush on him
You liked to watch him wrestle for the fight not the visuals
And the only reason you were insistent on having him at your locker every morning was so you had someone to talk to. You’d replace him with any of your friends if they arrived earlier
Also, the fact that you showed off your muscles to him at a swim competition was purely to brag and in no way hinting towards any feelings!
Raph knew you didn’t like him and he could prove it
So Donnie dared him to ask you
Then after regaining consciousness, told Raph he’d call him out for being a wimp if he didn’t
3 beatings in one day, way to go Donnie!
So Raph wasn’t feeling too psyched the next day when he was talking to you and noticed Donnie’s lingering gaze but a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do (terrible under other context but you get the point)
Ok Y/n, now this is totally random but stupid Donnie has been nagging me to ask you. Do you like me? Like, like-like me Donnie told you that? No he just wanted me to ask- Well he’s right Huh? He told me you feel the same way, I’m assuming you do After all it would make sense as to why you’re constantly displaying signs of high dopamine, noradrenaline, releases of phenethylamine and hormonal changes around me I don’t know what any of those words mean but I love you You turned to him with a genuine smile I love you too, but it has only been a few weeks so can we just take things a bit slow for now? Uh huh Awesome
You gripped the top of his plastron and pulled the lovestruck turtle into a small kiss
Sadly you were torn apart when an annoying voice called out from across the hall
I told you so!
He bolted, but at least you two had managed to get together. Raph may have actually killed Donnie otherwise
You and Donnie were childhood friends, platonic besties, a power duo of friendship
There were no romantic feelings between you two AT ALL
So it started in maths
You, Donnie and Leo were being the ultimate nerd trio, figuring out equations and such when one of the annoying kids, Harvey, thought it would be funny to call out
Hey Donnie! Did you know Y/n likes you!?
Some kids started laughing and others talking while you sat there with your face beet red
Donnie’s face flushed as he stumbled over his words, desperately trying to defend you which he didn’t succeed well in
He did take note of your reaction to the whole scenario which peaked his interest
(Side note: Leo did slightly enjoy the whole thing, finally not the butt of the joke 😃)
After that day Donnie’s thoughts grew
He had pictured these scenarios a thousand times in his head but never had they felt so possible
Asking you out, you asking him out, going on dates, exchanging gifts, hugging, crying, kissing
Then it happened again, sort of
He and Raph were leaving class together
Easy, simple, completely normal
Till a random girl, who he recognised as your friend, yelled from behind
Donnie, do you like Y/n!?
He panicked. What was he meant to say?
He couldn’t say yes, what if you didn’t like him? But what if you did like him?
However, they were getting further away and he only had seconds to answer
So he made the “smartest decision of his life” and called back
U-uh, um, no!
Since then you’d been more distant
And with all this evidence; Donnie became a full analyst
He noted down your behaviours, how you acted before and now
How your interests changed with him, when you were louder and quieter, what gestures you made to hint any feelings
He looked deep and saw all the signs
Sadly you were still pretty distant after what you heard from your friend and Donnie was determined to change that
First off, he tried to initiate more conversation and when you attempted to cut it short he kept pushing
No matter how hard his social anxiety was screaming he knew he had to keep conversations going
He also kept making an effort to sit next to you
Any scenario be it lunch, class or just general group hangouts; he was always by your side
And after a week or so when you seemed to be loosening up more he chose to take things a step further with physical contact
He’d give you a high-five, fist bump or hug as a greeting
Maybe lean on your shoulder or get closer when you were showing him something
Sometimes if he was feeling particularly happy he’d sneak his hand over yours
Soon enough, it seemed like you had finally gotten over everything and were back to your old self. But there was still something you had to address
Lunch time, alone. That’s when you chose to bring it up
Donnie, do-um… did uh my friend ever tell you anything a few weeks ago? He began choking on his food *Cough* N-no uh why? Well it’s just that the last few days you’ve been different Different how? Uh… just small stuff like the hand thing and I guess you’ve seemed a bit closer Oh! I mean psh, I just thought you were upset or something so I wanted to cheer you up, no big deal You thought I was upset? Why? Well you were acting more distant and I didn’t want to bring it up cause I thought it might be sensitive so I figured I’d just help on the side, you know? That’s actually really sweet. But are you sure there’s no other reason for it? Uh nope! None, I mean why else would I want to hug you and hold your hand and stuff it’s not like I have a crush on you. Cause that- that would be crazy you and me together like whaaat? A mutant and a human who, how!? Donnie Yes Did you lie to my friend? Maybe … So it wouldn’t be weird if we dated? I’d love it if we dated
Of course you kissed and both of you loved it
Donnie had never felt this happy in his whole life, not even when they saved the city!
And he had enough blackmail to shut his brothers up if they ever tried teasing you two
You two were the best of buddies
Two peas in a pod
Always acting and performing at each others side
Mikey loved it
Mikey loved you
And the day he heard you may feel the same caused his mind and heart to simultaneously explode
It was Leo, of course it was Leo
They were in art discussing the struggles of having human crushes
It was when Leo said “At least yours likes you back” that he knew he screwed up
Mikey wasn’t panicked though, Mikey’s Mikey
He was of course very happy when he heard the news and didn’t leave Leo alone about it for days
Every waking moment was spent getting updates from Leo and insights into your friend group
And whenever you two saw each other be it before school, after school, breaks, in class or at improv, he was ecstatic
This guy just couldn’t get enough and made every effort to let you know he liked you
Soon enough he felt like he had enough confirmation on your feelings and gained the confidence to just go for it
It was during a game of freeze tag when he tapped out the person you were previously with and started a new scene
Jessie! Hey, thank gosh I found you Lucas, what’s up? I haven’t seen you in a while Oh well, you know, I’ve just been busy; things have been a bit different lately Different how? Well the word is that someone I know likes me but I just don’t know who That sure is a dilemma Yeah, if it’s the person I think it is though I recon it’ll end pretty well You got some hopes do you? Ahh just someone, nothing to worry about I don’t know if you’re associated Try me Alright well… they have h/c hair ooh and pretty e/c eyes! They’re also one of my closest friends and I don’t think they realise just how much I like them Wow Lucas that must be really keeping you on edge Yeah, if only I knew who it is At this point you and Mikey had moved so close to each other your hands were almost touching Mikey I- FREEZE!
And just like that, the scene was over
But not the story
At the end of the rehearsal you and Mikey walked out of school together and the discussion of feelings was unavoidable
You two were walking silently side-by-side till he finally said it
I like you Y/n Do you like me back? I like you so much Mikey you don’t even know
His face lit up as he cheerfully pulled you into a hug and spun around
You took the opportunity as he slowed down, cupped one of his cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips
From that day forward Mikey got to walk around boasting about having the greatest partner in all of New York
And you went on to kick Leo’s butt for exposing your secret so easily
Again, I loved writing this so much. Also I think I’m going to use indented for my Headcanons from now on (although I guess they’re more listed stories at this point). Anyway thank you for reading and please, have an awesome day/night wherever you are!✨
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riki-riks-chick · 4 months
hihi 🙋🏻‍♀️
this may seem like an odd request but ill try my best to explain it 😭 have you ever watched jennifers body? Could you please write reader with a personality like Jennifer Check with a Heeseung boyfriend? like not related to the initial lore but more of a just overly confident hot girl who everyone wants but can’t have, with her gloomy tall boyfriend?
sorry if this doesn’t make sense 😭
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Sunshine And Rain ┃L.HS
antisocial!heeseung x overlyconfident!reader
heeseung is a bit of a loser and feels he's not cool enough for his popular girlfriend
fluff! small kisses, self-doubt, reassurance, yn loves her loser bf, grumpyxsunshine trope kinda
wdct: 2k
ty for the request i kinda like this one 💚
Third Person POV~
Nights in Hongdae were always some of the best. You could walk around in whatever skimpy clothes you dared to put on, and no one would question it. You could also drink your ass off without any worries because it's the weekend and you don't have to get up for work the next morning.
Your friends invited you out, telling you all about how you guys could have so much fun if everyone brought their boyfriend to make sure you guys were safe the whole night.
You were especially excited because you had finally convinced your boyfriend to go out with you. He wasn't thrilled of course, but you promised not to force him to be social, and he agreed.
You're currently at the second club of the night and its 10pm. Heeseung has probably only had a few drinks, but you're well over tipsy.
You were sitting at the bar together, though Heeseung was hardly paying attention to you, and some man came up to you.
"Aren't you a pretty little thing?..." He smiled and you rolled your eyes. "Sorry, I'm taken. Sorry for you though, I'm not sorry I'm taken.." You respond cockily and the man scoffs. "I don't see a boyfriend around."
"He's right here." You gesture towards Heeseung who's to your right, turning to stare at the man attempting to court you, his hand is resting lightly on your waist. "Yeah, like this loser is your boyfriend. What are you a hooker? Do you sleep with losers like him for cash?"
Heeseung's hand tightens against your hips before he pulls back, standing up from his chair. "If I were you, I'd walk away." His voice was low, and deep. You'd always get excited whenever he got jealous or protective.
The man clearly wasn't taking you or Heeseung seriously because he scoffed out a laugh, taking another sip from his drink. "Listen, sweetheart... I'm not convinced by whatever this is that you and this boring fellow are up to.. Come home with me and I'll show you a real good time.."
Heeseung sighs against your ear, grabbing the man by the collar as you grab his wrist, simply shaking your head. You then push Heeseung behind you, glaring at the man. "Listen here... You're the real fucking loser and if you don't take your dumb ass away from me in the next five seconds, I'll find your facebook page and tell your wife that you like to spend time trying to fuck other people's girlfriends." You speak straight up and forward, making the man's eyes widen. "Wife? I don't have a wife!"
"Says the ring on your finger. Now fuck off." You then grabbed Heeseung's hand, pulling him towards the dance floor, your drink clutched in your right hand. He made sure to grab your clutch when you started tugging on his arm.
"Baby.. You know I don't like dancing.. It's too crowded.." Heeseung speaks into your ear, making sure you can hear him over the bass of the loud music. You simply pull him closer, taking another sip of your cosmo. "Hee, baby.. That's the fun part. You get an excuse to be pressed against me in public without anyone noticing or caring."
He simply chuckled at your slurred explanation, spinning you around so he could pull your back to his chest. He held your hips gently, swaying you against him. "I don't deserve you.."
"Oh shut up, if I wasn't dating you I'd be with some perverted asshole who only wants to fuck me." You reassure, reaching back to place your hand on his nape, making him rest his head against your shoulder.
"Why didn't you wear the outfit I picked out for you?" You finally question and Heeseung chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. "The shirt was too brightly colored, and the pants were uncomfortable.." He mumbles, wrapping his arms around your waist as he nuzzles against your neck. "Baby.. The shirt was light blue. That's not bright. You need to wear something other than black for once."
"I like the clothes I wear." He responds, and you can tell there's a pout in his voice. You simply smile, ruffling his hair. "If you like it, so do I.."
The night continues on as Heeseung continues to follow you and your friends around Hongdae. He's been mostly silent tonight except for his small conversations with you. On occasion he exchanged a few words with your best friend's boyfriend, only because he'd met him before and felt it would be rude to ignore someone he knew.
Once it hit midnight, you decided to part from your friends, not wanting to overwhelm Heeseung too much.
He took you to a convenience store to get you some water, and a hangover drink before simply just walking with you. Pretty street lights illuminating the streets, nicely colored signs all around you. Your hand is in his and he's smiling at you. Nights out are always so much better when he's with you.
There are a few stragglers walking around and Heeseung can tell that all eyes are on you as you walk by.
You've been dating for almost two years now, and he feels like he should be used to it, but he doesn't like that he never has you to himself. And it's not your fault because you're naturally outgoing and confident, it has nothing to do with how pretty you are. He's extremely lucky to be with not just the prettiest girl, but the most lovely and caring girl as well.
You've always been genuine with Heeseung, defending him whenever anyone tried to question why such an outgoing girl was with such an introverted guy. He fell harder each time you explained that his social life didn't matter as long as you were apart of it.
And now he's watching you walk confidently, heels sounding delightfully against the pavement. He doesn't even know how you're still wearing heels when you've been walking and dancing in them for hours now.
He's pulled from his thoughts when he feels you stop walking. "Heeseung... Do you wanna hang out in this cafe for a little while? It's been awhile since we've been to this cafe together.."
He couldn't say no to you if he tried, so he nodded, opening the door for you and letting you walk in. Even though it had been a long time since the two of you had been here, he still knew your order by heart. He ordered for the both of you before leading you to a quiet booth in the corner. He let you sit down before sliding in beside you.
"Did you have fun tonight?..." He questioned, wanting to start a conversation with you after being mostly silent. "I did.. But I was worried about you.." You reply, glancing up at him. He raises an eyebrow. "Why? I've been okay.."
"I feel bad dragging you around with me sometimes.. I know you don't really like clubbing.. Plus all the guys that approach me. I don't like when people disrespect you." You take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently as he smiles, leaning in to kiss your cheek. "Baby, you don't have to feel bad. I'd do anything for you, you know.. It doesn't bother me when other guys try to talk to you.. You're a very wonderful woman, and I can't blame them.."
You smile at his words, giving him a kiss. "You're always so sweet, Heeseung... But really, I promise that next weekend I won't go clubbing.. It'll just be us. Okay?" He nods, caressing your cheek. "Okay then, we'll do that."
The two of you spend the next hour in the cafe, talking and laughing together. When you finally get up to leave, the barista stopped you. "Hey, could I get your number?"
You simply scoffed, grabbing Heeseung's hand before leaving the cafe. Heeseung was slightly shocked. Usually you'd come up with some cocky response to turn guys down, but you simply walked away.
You were quiet afterwards, and Heeseung didn't know what to say. You stayed silent until the two of you finally got back home.
You kicked your heels off at the door, dropping your coat, which Heeseung gladly picked up for you.
"Heeseung, I'm gonna shower.. Do you wanna join?" You asked, glancing back at him as he followed you towards your bedroom. He simply nodded, setting your coat on the dresser, his own following.
You disappeared into the bathroom, taking off your makeup while Heeseung set out some clothes for the two of you to wear after showering.
He then joined you in the bathroom, turning on the shower before pulling his shirt over his head.
He then moved to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
You smiled, finishing taking off your makeup before washing your face.
Heeseung's hands were already working on unzipping your skirt, tugging it past your hips to let it hit the floor. He then pulled your shirt over your head, dropping it as he turned you around to face him, pressing his lips softly against yours.
You kissed back, sliding your hands up his sides as he cupped your jaw, tugging you closer.
Eventually he pulled away, kissing your forehead. You finished undressing before stepping into the shower. The water was warm and you already felt so much relief from the slight headache you had.
Heeseung pressed you against the wall, catching you completely by surprise as you stared up at him. "What?..."
"What's the matter? You're never this quiet.." He mumbles, his tone filled with worry. You simply sigh, reaching up to ruffle his hair. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." Your excuse is definitely not going unnoticed by Heeseung, he shakes his head, cupping your cheek. "Are you upset with me?.. I'm sorry if it's embarrassing having people talk about you because of me.." He asks, saying the words with no expression.
"Heeseung, I'm not embarrassed of you. And I'm definitely not upset with you. Stop saying nonsense." You speak firmly, gripping his wrist as he nodded. "Okay.. I'm sorry." He apologizes, smiling weakly as he pulls away.
You tug him back by his hips, staring up at him. "Now you seem upset... Hee, baby.. You know that I love you no matter what others think. Right?"
He nods, though the motion seems hesitant, and you sigh, running a hand through your hair. "If it makes you feel better, I won't force you into coming with me anymore.." You suggest, but he shakes his head. "I enjoy being with you, I just wish I wasn't such a loser.. That way people would think that you have a cool boyfriend.. Someone who's not afraid to have fun or socialize.."
His words make you scoff. You cup his cheeks, pulling him closer so he was only a few inches away. You kissed his forehead before pulling back to stare into his eyes. "Lee Heeseung.. I don't give a fuck about what others think.. I only care about you. And I like that you're a little boring at times, it's a good contrast for me.. You're like the rain to my sunshine.. You're perfect and nothing will ever change that.."
ive never seen Jennifer's Body so I hope I displayed yn's personality right 🫣
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howlingday · 2 months
The boys and jaune are at the club looking for a girl so jaune can get laid.
Here's the link to more of the scene on YouTube. And thank you for inspiring me to make something a bit... creative at the end.
Jaune: (Smiles)
Cinder: I've got a secret~.
Jaune: Oh?
Jaune: ...
Harriet: (Chugging shots) See, that's the problem! I can't find a man who can satisfy me! Some guys can go an hour, maybe an hour and a half, but that's it! A man's got to put in overtime to get me off!
Jaune: ...
Yang: I'm not interested in a guy unless he rides a motorcycle.
Jaune: ...
Willow: Yeah, baby, well, I'm almost single. My husband's on death row!
Jaune: ...
Melanie: This is the first date Missy's been on since the doctor separated us!
Miltiades: This is the first date Missy's been on since the doctor separated us!
Jaune: ...
Blake: I'm into the group thing.
Jaune: ...
Sun: (Smiles)
Salem: I was a powerful witch in a previous life.
Jaune: ...
Penny: (Beatboxing)
Ruby: My name is Ruby, and I'm the best~. Everybody always wanna feel my breast~.
Ruby: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up...
Jaune: ...
Nora: I've been doing some videos, but what I really want to do is star in my own videos, because I want to become a pop singer, and a rock singer, and write my own songs, and sing my own songs, and then I want to be an actress...
Jaune: (Nodding in and out)
Tyrian: (In a dress) I hope you don't mind me coming over and sitting down, but I've been watching you all night~. And I wanna tear you apart~.
Jaune: !
Tyrian: And your friend, too~.
Cardin: (Spits out drink)
Neptune: So, how's the hook up going?
Jaune: Terrible. I've spoken to probably a dozen girls tonight and not one of them feels right to me.
Cardin: Pssh! It's not about feeling right, Arc. It's about getting you some so you can stop being such a sad-sack!
Ren: I think what Cardin is trying to say is that you're looking too deep for a commitment. Tonight is just helping you make an attempt with a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sun: Well, you guys might be losers, but I managed to get that groupie chick's number.
Jaune: Yeah, have fun with that. Hope you can find a player two.
Sun: Easy! Neptune, you in?
Neptune: Sorry, Sun, but I'm already spoken for tonight. See, I was just having the most interesting conversation with that hottie in the black dress.
Jaune: Well, be careful, because I don't think you're the only one working some magic tonight.
Cardin: Damn right! That babe in purple was hungry for some Winchester, and I'm ready to serve myself up on a silver platter~.
Jaune: ...Cardin, no. Just no. (Sighs) Ren, can you help him?
Ren: I'm afraid not, no. I'm going to be busy with my own escapades tonight.
Jaune: Yeah? What girl?
Ren: Women, actually. The biker girl and the dreamer.
Jaune: Oof... Hope you've got the horsepower and the earmuffs to land it, buddy.
Ren: I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Thank you for your concern, Jaune.
Jaune: So, everybody's getting laid tonight but me?
Cardin: Ah, just hammer back a few and pick one, Arc. It's not rocket science!
Jaune: Yeah, you're right. This makes brain surgery look easy.
Jaune: (Malachites dump drinks on him)
Jaune: ...I'm going home.
Sun: Dude, don't-
Jaune: Nope. Not doing it. (Walks out)
Neptune: Poor guy... Think he'll be okay?
Cardin: He's fine! Now, where'd that feisty purple chick go~?
Jaune: (Walking up the stairs, Sighs) Fucking stupid-ass...
???: Are you okay?
Jaune: Huh? (Sees woman in work clothes)
???: You look like you've had a rough night.
Jaune: That's 1 way to put it. (Unlocks door) But nothing a shower can't fix, right?
???: Ooh...
Jaune: What?
???: I just spoke with the super. He said that side of the building was going to be without water until tomorrow.
Jaune: Great. Just... fucking... great. (Sighs)
???: I... don't think it's as great as you say it is. (Chuckles)
Jaune: No, but it's basically par for the course.
???: Oh, do you play golf?
Jaune: Uh, no, I'm not really a sports kind of guy.
???: Oh, really? Would you say you're a drinking kind of guy?
Jaune: Better in me than on me, actually. (Chuckles)
???: (Giggles) Well, I don't have anything stronger than coffee, I'm afraid.
Jaune: Agh, and I forgot to get coffee today. (Chuckles) Guess I can't get a win tonight, huh?
???: I guess not. But if you'd like, I could make us a cup.
Jaune: ...I don't think your husband would appreciate me coming inside smelling like I do.
???: Husband? (Looks down) Oh... No, I... I'm afraid I'm not married anymore. (Twists ring)
Jaune: Oh... Shit, I... I'm so sorry.
???: Thank you, but... It's been some time since he passed away. Maybe... Maybe it's time I move on... (Pulls off ring)
Jaune: I... I think you should move on when you feel like you're ready to move on.
???: (Smiles) You're sweet, you know that?
Jaune: Yeah, well, sweet only takes you so far.
???: Well, if you're not too sweet, you can use my shower. So long as you don't melt like sugar.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Thanks, and, uh, I promise not to melt in your shower.
???: I should have coffee ready by the time you're out.
Jaune: Oh, well, thank you. Uh, do you have sugar, too, or should I dip you in my coffee instead?
???: ...
Jaune: Too far? Sorry. I think it's the booze in my hair.
???: No, no, it's fine. It just took me a minute to realize you were making a sugar pun, too. (Chuckles)
Jaune: Yeah... Uh, listen, is it really okay if I use your shower?
???: Of course! I was going to use it myself, but you look like you could use it more. (Opens door)
Jaune: Thank you, (Walks in) and I promise not to take all the hot water.
???: Please don't. (Walks in, Shuts door) I could use a shower myself after such a long day.
Jaune: Rough night, too, huh?
???: Well, nothing's too rough for this tough, little lady. (Giggles)
Jaune: And, uh, does this tough, little lady have a tough, little name?
???: Hardly. If anything, it's as delicate as a flower.
Jaune: Well... My name's Jaune Arc. It's short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it~.
???: (Snickers) Do they, now? Well, my name is Kali Belladonna, but I don't think I can come up with anything as creative as your introduction there.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Yeah, sorry. But at least it's not as bad as the songs I come up with.
Kali: Oh, you sing?
Jaune: Just as a hobby. Is this the bathroom here?
Kali: Mhm. Help yourself.
Jaune: But not too much. (Winks) Beautiful flower like you needs water, too.
Kali: (Giggles) Oh, stop~.
Jaune: (Enters, Locks door)
Kali: ...
Kali: (Sighs)
Kali: Kali Belladonna, this is how you get hurt.
Kali: (Takes off clothes, Unlocks door) Well... Here's hoping this is worth it...
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ay-chuu · 1 year
As a Boyfriend: Jade Leech
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Warnings: Tooth roothinf fluff,cringe and lol first time writing for a character that im not so close... BUT for my dear; @fukashiin <3
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Jade is the most advanced person in terms of emotional intelligence between Floyd, himself and Azul! He just doesn't show it, or makes people hard to guess it with his slightly sadistic traits. But he is neither open to everything like Floyd and lives according to the moment or doesn’t get hysterical like Azul and make things get out of control. He analyzes everything and approaches the person with the most point shots in an emotional sense. Just like when he managed to impress you (;
He considers himself a loser in many things, and he didn't realize it until he met you... he thought he was incompetent in most things because he set himself back from everyone, but after he becoma lovers with you, he realized that this was an idea that could only be overcome. And this is actually also when he falls in love with you. Because he has always known that someone who can make him believe unexpected thoughts is his soulmate.
A romantic gentleman. Everything he does in the position of butler is a factor that is not a role for you. Are you tired? Your favorite drink is already ready. Are you sad? Why don't you lie down on that couch over there and tell him everything? Problems with the lesson? Here are the most profound books on this topic.
You're a new member of Mountain Lover Club! At first you thought you'd be so bored... (no, you definitely didn't join that club to impress Jade...) But taking mountain trips and determining the types of mushrooms from the book turned out to be more fun than you expected! First of all, there is no phone, it's a great Decoupling from the digital environment.... Secondly, you are drunk with nature, and at the end of every walk you become full of love and mushrooms. Finally and most importantly, you taste Jade in the most authentic way... when you two are alone together, he shows you his incredibly true self and always makes you feel soft inside.
One of the things that upsets Jade the most is the sadness of his loved ones. Floyd and you are at the top of this list. If someone has upset you... God bless them. I don't think he'll let them go without leaving a serious trauma. Even if this person is your family, he scares them in some way and makes them respect him. Because Jade is always an influential person. But if any event has upset you, what he will do is solve the incident as soon as possible as efficiently as possible, because he would rather drown the world than see you upset.
He's quite jealous. But he usually shows it to the person he's jealous of by making life a little hell because he doesn't want you to understand that he's jealous…
Swimming in the sea with you with the eel form, is his favorite. You're playing with each other, laughing like there's no tomorrow, and just.... You're together.... As you lean your foreheads against each other, the reflection of the setting sun on your face is an incredible happiness for both of you.
It may seem like he's the dominant person in the relationship, but actually you're the secret boss! He's just being angry at you and leading you so that you can be happy. (He's a complete malewife... When you get married, you get a 10/10 service in your home. He is a devoted husband! devoted to his spouse, *insert proud face with mop!*)
To be lovers together with Jade is to be able to say that you also have a close relationship with Floyd! You three are a chaotic group, and there are no people who can understand or put it in a sentence to describe the craziness you are doing. And that's why Jade loves you so much. Just as you can have peaceful moments when you two are together, all the calm disappears in an instant when you put your twin Decoupled! (Floyd is very happy thst you two are dating and even jealous that Jade is dating you... But that's another day's topic!)
All in all, Jade is both a gentle lover who has all the qualities you can look for and want, and a wonderful partner who can give you the most crazy and adventurous moments.
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1mlostnow · 3 months
A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 27th of July, is this young man's birthday. Though it was years ago he was given life, it is only today that he will be given a name.
What will the name of this young man be?
🐸 The Basics :
Name : Evan
Pronouns : He/Him
Age : A minor!!
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Gay
Nationality : American
Star Sign : Leo
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I love nicknames, call me whatever.
I’m usually around from 8AM to 1AM CDT.
Music sideblog : @evan-radio
🐛 My Resume :
Loser CEO, the ‘weird kid’ since birth, Professional Ghostbuster, Supervillian, and Midwestern Cowboy (the fun way, not the cop way), Lab Experiment #0727
🪲 My Music :
AJJ, boygenius, Bug Hunter, Cage The Elephant, Car Seat Headrest, Crywank, Lemon Demon, Lord Huron, Los Campesinos!, MCR, Noah Kahan, ODO, Pat The Bunny, Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Seb Lowe, Sleep Token, Tally Hall, Tame Impala, Teen Suicide, TFB, The Smiths, Vundabar, Weezer :/, Will Wood/WWATT, Wingnut Dishwashers Union, and more.
🐢 Tags :
# evan speaks -> I talk. A lot. // # evan rants -> I tend to be very emotional // # evan’s memories -> nostalgia mode // # evan can’t vote -> US politics // # evan draws -> my art // # EvanRadio -> my sideblog for music // # i love my mutuals -> typically multiple mutual appreciation posts per day
🐍 Rules & Boundaries :
I’m a minor!! Don’t be weird!!
Obviously, any form of discrimination is off limits.
Cringe culture is dead, all are welcome, and I’m always open to learning.
Asks and anons are open, notifs are off so feel free to spam, but I can’t promise I’ll see it right away. Absolutely feel free to interact and ask, I will have full convos w/ you through reblogs. I answer DMs on a case-by-case basis. If you are over 18, please do not DM me.
🦎 Fandoms and characters ->
★ Dead Poets Society
★ House MD
★ Supernatural
★ Sherlock
★ Ghostbusters
★ Homestuck
🦖 Incoming fandoms ->
★ Hannibal, Good Omens, Saw
🐊 Backseat Fandoms ->
★ IT, Stranger Things, Over The Garden Wall, Scooby-Doo
🦚 Fandom Graveyard ->
★ Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Creepypasta
🦜 Kinnies ->
★ Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
★ Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters)
★ Castiel (Supernatural)
★ Steven Meeks (Dead Poets Society)
★ Richie Tozier (IT 2017)
★ Rory Keaner (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)
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🪛 Other Movies :
The Truman Show, Stand By Me, Velvet Goldmine, Jaws, The Goonies, Breakfast Club
🐉 Other Interests :
Reading, writing, art (drawing, painting, digital and traditional), etymology, science, history, math, forensics, biology, marching band (alto sax), sharks
🔋 Other Facts :
- I love my car like it’s my child #TOMATER SUPREMACY 🦚
- Richard Cameron Defender for life (see here)🐊
- Blog theme changes frequently 🦖
- i LOVE doing little doodles and drawings of my friends 🐢
- I love my mutuals and you guys are my best friends btw 🐍
- More mouse bites!! This vexes me! Medicine drug!! 🦎
- ADHD 🪲
- I’ve got a bad habit of viewing notifications but never responding to them, if this happens please just tag me again 📗
🦠 A Note :
I am very indecisive and this post will be edited very often (see counter below)
🧪 Dead Poets Society :
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @meekspeaks @poetsinnyc @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @midwest-quill @apparitiongnostic @de4d-poet-kisser @yourfavvgal @asclexe @lv3buzzz
If I forgot someone/if you want to be added just lmk :)) if I forgot you I’m so so sorry
Edited - |||| ||
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girls just wanna have fun | nash gold jr + younger sister!reader
for anon who asked “Since you did a Nash with a little brother headcanons, could you do Nash with a little sister? (Maybe like a 2 year difference)” … yeah so much for that. in my defence i did start writing hcs with a 2 year difference, but then i had a Vision and suddenly words started flowing through my head for the first time in weeks so i had to type at the speed of light to get them down before my phone died. then my phone died anyway so the second half of this was originally written on a napkin. being sat on a train floor writing fanfiction on a napkin is possibly the most loser-y thing i’ve ever done but hey, at least i had fun. you might still get some hcs - it depends on if i can be bothered / how well this au does, but i hope you like this oneshot anyway!
“Practice more next time,” is what 12-year-old Nash tells you, age seven, after you’re eliminated in the first round of the school’s spelling bee.
Then he sees your lip start to wobble.
He rolls his eyes and adds, “but they gave you the hardest word. Totally.”
As he listens to you complaining about how unfair life is, whilst knowing that, at your age, he could have spelt “rosette” backwards, Nash just keeps biting his tongue. Lets you rant and nods in agreement whenever you check to see if he’s still listening.
He’s a big brother now, that’s how his parents put it, he has to be a good role model. And - this is what Nash is thinking to himself - he has to be an extra good big brother to make up for the useless parents who should have been here for their daughter’s first spelling bee. He has to be the one promising he’ll take you to the ice cream shop round the corner so that, in years from now, it’ll be the vanilla that sticks in your memory, and not the two empty chairs with “reserved for the Golds” on the seats. He doesn’t want you to think of your childhood years like how he thinks of his.
Nash Gold tries hard to keep his little sister happy.
But once Nash goes into high school, and starts taking his basketball, water sports, boxing, and everything else more seriously, there’s less time for being the stand-in parent attending all your events.
The good news is that you start doing less anyway. The preteen years have made you shy away from the world, flitting from hobby to hobby without anything to really bury your soul in. There was the anime-inspired volleyball obsession that died as soon as you finished your binging the seasons; the brief craving to join the basketball club until you realised just how incompetent your teammates were compared to Nash, how boring and difficult everything was when it was not your big brother doing it; the desire to be the West End’s next star that was crushed by receiving the role of tree in the school play and tripping over in your only scene (how Nash had laughed! And then scowled at the people laughing at you next to him); and then the single-day infatuation with joining the chess club, the infatuation dying as soon as you realised your chess-playing crush already had a girlfriend.
To fill your time, you start accompanying Nash to Jabberwock’s practices. No one wants you there. Nash has forbidden them from swearing around you, and any sex jokes are an even bigger no: given these two things combined are 90% of the usual Jabberwock conversation, it’s not a surprise that there’s grumbling when they see you walking behind Nash.
But Nash silences any grumbling with a glare as cold as ice.
Because, sure, he doesn’t want his little sister following him around everywhere but he’d much rather you were doing your homework in the corner of a street ball court instead of sat alone in an empty house.
Nash’s priority is always that you finish your homework. Only then will he let you help out as the team’s mini manager: topping up water bottles, fetching balls, collecting the boy’s hoodies when they get too warm. And, over time, your place in the team feels more secure. You’re good in your role as the little helper. You crack a “that’s what she said” joke that gets everyone guffawing - everyone but Nash, that is, who scolds you the high heavens, demands to know where you’ve been hearing jokes like that, whilst, in his heart of hearts, being thrilled that you’re coming out of your shell. You sit down with Nick during breaks to ooh and aah over his Animal Crossing Island, trembling with excitement when he hands you the Nintendo and lets you design a room of your own. You beg Zack to teach you to spin a basketball on your finger, and hug him overjoyed when you manage it for the first time. You fetch fresh headbands for Allen while looking down at the ground, blushing frantically: your crush on the boy lasts several months, though you never notice how Nash burns holes in Allen’s head whenever the two of you are talking, or how awkward having a middle schooler crush on him makes Allen feel.
Then, one day, you decide you want to learn how to do a dunk. After spending an hour watching you struggle to jump even one foot up in the air, Jason lifts you up onto his shoulders. Tells you to “try now - just tell me where you want me to go and hold on tight.”
Looking around from over 7ft tall, you feel like you’re the queen of the world.
By the time you’re in high school, you’ve become more confident. You don’t come to Jabberwock’s practices as often. You’ve got friends to hang out with instead, a study group that you always attend, and, inspired by your brother’s prowess in everything fisticuffs, you’ve signed up to be member of the school’s taekwondo club.
Nash never makes you to come to practice. Though it hurts seeing your corner of the court empty, devoid of the rucksack and textbooks that used to fill it, he knows that this is for the best. A teen girl shouldn’t be living in her brother’s shadow. Hell, a guy shouldn’t have his little sister in his shadow either.
But Nash still finds it hard to hold back a grin when you see him grabbing his basketball bag and ask if you can “come with?” And when you’re at practice, it’s like nothing’s changed. You join in with everyone else teasing Zack over his newly shaven head; you still get a little shy when talking to Allen; and you whoop and gush over Nick’s high arc shots as if you’ve never seen them before.
“You’re my number two favourite basketball player ever,” you tell Nick, rushing over to him as he awkwardly runs his hand through his spiky blonde hair.
Overhearing, Allen says with a little hope, “he’s not number one?”
“Obviously not,” you roll your eyes, “Nash is my number one. Duh.”
No one loves Nash as much as you do, and no one loves you as much as he does.
It turns out Nash is an anomaly, and that combat sport skill does not run in the family. You are horrible at taekwondo: your kicks are accurate - surprisingly so given how bad your balance is - but, no matter how many drills you do, or how many times you insist Nash comes up with a workout routine for you, they never develop much power.
But you’re trying hard to improve, forever inspired by your brother, and you take any chance to kick that you’re given.
“Taekwondo?” asks Jason one morning, as practices a free throw. “They don’t have any good martial arts clubs at your school?”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you’d felt the pain of my kicks,” you retort, hands on your hips.
Jason turns to you. “Go on then.”
You ready yourself, check your footing’s correct, and then swing your leg out. With a thud, your foot makes contact with Jason’s side.
He stares at you, almost in pity. “That’s it?”
But Nash is walking by and he’s glaring like he normally does whenever someone that’s not him makes him little sister look inadequate. So, dutifully, Jason falls backwards in slo-mo and pretends to roll on the floor in agony, crying out for his mother and claiming that he’s never known such pain, while you give him another kick in his side for being a jerk.
(Nash never scolds you for kicking his teammates, though, of course, he’d have a fit if any of them even looked at you wrong.)
Of course, you’re not an idiot; you know you’re not good at taekwondo. But, unlike all your previous school clubs, you’re not planning on leaving this one. After all, without the club, you’d have no opportunities to say good morning to star of the Taekwondo club, Ryuu. And you’d never get to feel his fingers brushing against your arm as he corrects your posture; you’d never get to see his grin and thumbs up as he tells you he’s sure your kicks are improving; and, more importantly, you would have never got the opportunity to wait for him outside the dojang, see him walk out looking more handsome than ever, and ask him if he’d ever think about going out with you.
“Think about it?” Ryuu replies. “Man, I dream of it!”
Smiling from ear to ear, he reaches out to intertwine his fingers with yours, and he doesn’t let go of your hand until he’s walked you all the way home. The feeling of his touch lingers, the warmth flooding through your veins, and keeping your smile fixed on your face.
Nash is sitting on the sofa when you walk in. He looks up from his phone and frowns, “who was the guy?”
“I’m dating the coolest guy in the whole school,” you gush, racing to your brother’s side to tell him all about Ryuu, and you’re still talking about the boy - enthusing now about his Taekwondo prowess - by the time Nash starts preparing dinner.
Nash says he’s happy that you’re happy, grunts occasionally in agreement with your rambles, and accepts the fact that this is probably all he’ll be hearing for the next few hours.
“You’re not upset with me, are you?” you ask eventually, noticing how your brother’s gone quiet.
“Never” replies Nash. “Why would I have an issue with you dating a guy who’s made you this happy?”
But it’s funny how often you bump into him when you’re out with said boyfriend. And not just Nash: it’s like the whole team starts appearing out of nowhere at cafes, parks, funfairs. And these chance encounters always follow the same trend: the boys are happy to see you, chatty and joking, and then they look at Ryuu and their faces take on a cold sneer, every inch the vicious Jabberwock archetype they’re known for.
Nash tells him, “you look after my sister, yeah? Or else.” And if looks could kill…
Zack pretends to be polite, saying “well, I’ve got no problem with you - for now. You make sure to keep it that way.”
Nick has to hold back a snicker as he replies to your boyfriend with “yeah, nice to meet you man, whatever.” Then he turns to you and whispers, “you would have been better off with Allen.”
Allen wipes the sneer of his face when you ask him to be nice; he smiles at you, but then, as he meets your boyfriend’s gaze, he mumbles to you, “you’ve got my number if you ever need me to sort any problems out.”
Jason says, “this guy? Seriously? Shit, I could snap in two him like a twig.”
By the time he meets Jason, your boyfriend’s long fed up of the slander. He stands up from the bench, even though it only makes him look smaller against Jason’s muscular 6ft11 frame, looks up into the other man’s amused expression, and replies, “with all due respect, I was the Taekwondo state champion last year.”
Jason’s laugh is so loud and booming it practically triggers an earthquake.
Ryuu’s a good boyfriend. Nash never learns to genuinely like him, but he stops disliking him as much as time goes on. He orders pizza for the three of you when you and Ryuu are doing a study date at the Gold household; he drives you to Ryuu’s Taekwondo tournament and grudgingly claps when he wins; or he throws a couple condoms at Ryuu when you’re snuggling against your boyfriend on your bed, watching your favourite movie together.
“You should be grateful I’m such a good brother,” Nash laughs when you start punching him for embarrassing the two of you like this. “You know, when I was your age…”
“Go away, Nash!” you screech, pushing him out of the room, “God, you’re such a nuisance.”
“All I’m saying is use protection,” comes Nash’s sniggering voice as you slam the door shut behind him.
You walk back over to Ryuu. “I’m sorry about him. Honestly, he’s the worst.”
“Nah, your brother’s cool,” says Ryuu, but he’s still blushing a bit as he gives you that golden grin of his that makes you feel like you’re his entire world.
But all good things come to an end.
Ryuu moves to a new state where he’ll be able to get better Taekwondo instruction. His coach thinks he’s got Olympic potential - they don’t want him to be wasted in this city where nothing good ever happens - and his parents are in agreement.
“They said the sooner I leave, the better for my future,” quotes Ryuu as squeezes your hand, looking down at the ground beneath the swings you’re sharing. “But I wanted you to be my future.”
Nash had told you not to interfere - that you don’t want to be the person holding Ryuu back from his dreams - so you encourage Ryuu to go, tell him that you’ll still be his future, it’s just a few years of separation.
And it’s Nash who drives you to the airport and watches from a distance as the two of you hug for the final time, promising to say in contact, promising that you’ll be able to make long distance work.
When you walk back to Nash, your lip’s wobbling like it did back when you were seven. As soon as he wraps his arm around you, you burst into tears, sobbing into his shirt. Your brother hugs you tighter, like he’s the only thing in the world keeping you from falling into pieces. His voice is quiet and calm and betrays none of the pain he feels looking at your crying figure.
Into the top of your head, Nash mutters, “As soon as the season’s over, you and I will go on a road trip to go see him, alright? And you can call him every night if you want. And if he even thinks of looking at another girl, or ignoring a single text of yours, Jason and I will fly over and deal with him. Or we’ll kidnap him and bring him back to you if that’s what you want.”
You’re crying harder, fingers clutching onto Nash’s shirt even tighter.
“I’ll skip practice today if you want; we can do a movie night instead.”
Voice muffled by how your face is pressed into Nash’s chest, so none of the passersby might see you crying, you reply, “no. You should go to practice.”
“I’m not gonna leave you alone like this.”
“Can I come?”
“What - to practice? Yeah, ‘course. The boys are always happy to have you around.”
You look up and force a smile, biting on your tongue like it might stop you crying, as Nash matches your smile with a sad grin of his own.
“It’s gonna be rough, but you’ll get through it,” he says, “you’re the toughest kid I know.”
And he pulls you in for another hug.
fun fact: the original plan was for the boyfriend to cheat on reader who breaks up with him, and then for jabberwock to go teach him a lesson. but then i thought “why the need for all this violence?”, me of course being the admin of a blog dedicated to a team that’s known for their non-violent ways. but anyway i figured it was an overused trope and why not show nash being an actually good supportive brother, so here you go. (and if anyone enjoyed reading about the lesser known jabberwock members, then you might also like these hcs) (and if you wanna read the nash little brother hcs, you can find them here)
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gudfornuthin · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag
Eddie Munson x reader
She’s the most popular girl in school. And he’s just the freak. Maybe people shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
A/N: based off the song narrative of Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. I really loved writing this, I enjoy creating stories based off of songs. So if anyone has other music you want me to base stories on, don’t hesitate to ask! Feedback is greatly appreciated❤️
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The Hellfire Club had ended their campaign earlier than expected. They were pissed, obviously, but the dungeon master had good reason to cut it short. That reason being the cheer squad practicing out on the field at the same time. He wasn’t big on school spirit and didn’t care for any form of sport. But the one thing, or person, Eddie took an interest in was the cheer captain, Y/N.
She wasn’t Eddie’s usual type. Popular, athletic, preppy. Way out of his league, obviously. But the boy couldn’t help the attraction he had towards her. Her eyes, her smile, her laugh. God, it was infectious.
Eddie walks out of the building and makes his way to the field, beelining for the bleachers. He doesn’t want to seem like a creep, but he also has a reputation to uphold. If people found out that the freak was watching cheer practice every week for an hour, he’d never live it down. He leans on his arms, peaking through the gaps and scanning the cheerleaders. He spots her in the middle, stretching her arms and leaning from side to side. She wears white tube socks and bright yellow Keds. Most couldn’t pull that off. But to Eddie, she rocks it. He wants nothing more than to tell her that, but she has no idea who he is.
“So this is why we have to cut Hellfire short?”
Eddie jumps and turns around, the sarcastic question coming from none other than Dustin Henderson. He has a shit-eating grin on his face, pleased with the older boys scared reaction.
“Henderson. You shouldn’t creep up on a guy when he’s-“
“When he’s acting like a perve.”
Eddie rolls his eyes but doesn’t reply. He knows it’s weird for him to do this. But he’d rather admire from afar then be put in his place if he so much as smiles at her. Although, she’s the problem. It’s her dick of a boyfriend. He doesn’t know much about him, only that he plays on the basketball team and lives on his block. Somewhere else he sees her frequently. Driving down the street together in his IROC, her bare legs hanging out the window. Her boyfriend also carries a gun around school. Why, Eddie couldn’t begin to imagine. He definitely doesn’t want to find out.
“You know,” Dustin pipes up, “Y/N isn’t judgemental like her friends. Or boyfriend.” Eddie chooses not to question how he knows she’s the one he’s been looking at. “She’s always been open-minded. Might be willing to get to know Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson. Maybe if you weren’t such a pussy.”
At that, Eddie goes to push the younger boy, but misses, as Dustin runs off snorting. He wishes he could believe those words. That maybe you wouldn’t look at him the way everyone else does. That you’d see past the messy hair, leather jackets and unsavoury music. But he couldn’t. because he was just that. The freak. The weirdo. The dirtbag. He huffs and walks away from the bleachers, feeling down on himself.
Why Eddie had agreed to take all the kids to prom, he’ll never know. But as they all pile out of the van, chatting animatedly about decorations and people’s outfits, he sits back with a cigarette in hand. He had nowhere to go, and they’d all be ready to leave in a couple hours, so there was no point leaving to have to drive back.
He waves half-heartedly at them as they walk into the gym and lights up. Eddie closes his eyes and breaths out. He hates to sit and mope, but it’s hard not to knowing everyone else is having fun. While he sits alone, waiting for a bunch of 14-year-olds. What a loser.
No soon after the kids have left, Eddie begins to grow restless. He looks at the doors, seeing the flashing lights and hearing muffled music. It couldn’t hurt to poke his head through and scope the place. No one would see him. He’s never been to the prom before, albeit due to being banned from going every year. But it had never been his seen anyways. Having to get dressed up and listen to some shitty cover band play the same three songs over and over. Eddie preferred staying home and getting high.
Either way, he hits his hands on the steering wheel, and gets out the van, flicking the cigarette butt onto the floor. Making his way into the gym, he immediately spots Dustin, along with Mike and Lucas dancing off to the side. Red faced and laughing, he can’t help but smile, glad they’re having fun. He walks further through, trying not to be seen, but standing out completely. Eddie chooses to stand at the back of the room, alongside other rejects who hope that this will be the year they get asked to dance. He crosses one leg over the other and does the same with his arms. Constantly glancing back and forth, using the time to people watch. Couples dancing. Couples arguing. A kid most definitely spiking the punch. Y/N walking over to him.
Eddie stands up straighter, eyes wide and mouth dry. She was still coming closer, a small smile on her face. This can’t be real. Maybe she’ll take a sudden turn towards the doors, or perhaps she’s going to ask him to leave. She is part of the prom committee, and he’s not exactly welcome. Even so, she continues to walk towards him, until she’s only a few feet away.
“Surprised to see you here.”
Eddie can hardly process what she’s said. “Huh?”
“I didn’t think this was your scene. I hope you’re having a good time though.”
Why is she talking to him? why is she acting as if she knows who he is? Why does she hope he’s having a good time? Those are just a few of the several thoughts running through Eddie’s mind. His lip and hands start to shake, and he’s hyper aware that she’s waiting for him to reply.
“You look really beautiful.”
He cringes. That wasn’t what he meant to say. He truly meant it though. A stunning, purple dress hugs Y/N’s figure, the lace wrapping around her collarbone. Subtle, golden makeup shines under the light. To Eddie, she looks ethereal. He’s smitten, and he’s worried he may have just blown it. Then he hears her laugh.
“You’re too sweet,” the music changes, and ‘Like a Virgin’ begins to play. She reaches out her hand, “come on, I love this song.”
Eddie’s still in shock, as the girl takes his arm and drags him to the centre of the gym, lip syncing along to the lyrics. She takes both his hands in hers and moves them back and forth. Eddie tries to keep his focus on her, not wanting to lose a second of their time together. But he can’t help to look around, nervous and on edge. Y/N leans close so he can hear her.
“He’s not here.” Eddie looks confused. “My boyfriend? We got into a huge fight earlier and he left.”
He’s unsure how to respond. He can tell she’s trying to hide the hurt, a tight-lipped smile and eyes glossy. Her boyfriend’s a dick, sure, but Eddie knows what relationships can do to a person. Though it pains him to think of her having to go through anything like that. Instead, he changes the subject.
“So you like Madonna?”
She shrugs. “Well yeah, everyone does. But I’m more into hardcore stuff,” Eddie holds his breath. “You know, bands like Metallica and Black Sabbath.”
Of course he knew what she meant. But it was still hard to process. The head cheerleader, who wore bright colours and was the embodiment of sunshine and flowers, is a metalhead. He hardly notices the song change once more to a slow melody, as she rests her arms atop his shoulders, and his wrap instinctively around her waist.
“Actually, now that I mention it. Iron Maiden are doing a show this Friday. I’ve got two tickets and no one to go with. I was wondering if you-“
Y/N is taken aback once more by Eddie’s abrupt response but smiles none the less. He shakes his head, a blush forming on his cheeks.
“I mean,” he clears his throat, “I’ll have to check my schedule because you know, I’m a busy guy,” a complete untruth, “but yeah, that’d be really cool.”
She smiles wider and looks down at Eddie’s lips. She looks into his eyes, asking for permission, to which he nods. The pair lean in, eyes closing.
“Eddie,” she whispers.
“Eddie, wake up.”
He opens his eyes slightly, seeing you staring back at him.
“Eddie, you need to wake up now.”
He gasps and sits up straight, finding himself in bed. He looks around and sees his uncle looking over him, dressed in work clothes. “You overslept again. Can’t keep missing school if you wanna finally graduate.” He shakes his head and walks out, leaving Eddie alone, replaying the vivid dream over and over.
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theshejen · 1 month
Casey Novak Enimies to Lovers Chapter 2
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Casey had called you into her office right after you got nearly enough information on El Fuego to act on it.
“What?” You asked, winded from walking so fast into her office. The sooner you arrived, the sooner you could leave.
“Need you to sign some paperwork for me,”
She was being really pleasant for someone who just outed you. Part of you felt conflicted at giving her ice so you quickly signed the form before turning to leave.
“Was that your first time at a club like that?”
“What does that have to do with the Case?” You ask, trying to be gentle. “It doesn't, I am just curious, ya know.”
Casey has pinged for you but she did seem…inexperienced. “It's a nice event every month or so. Dancing, a few performances, and drinks.”
“Cool,” she hesitated. “That'll be all, Detective,”
That afternoon, Liv and you had gotten to El Fuegos ex employee. Someone who used to sell her drugs and knew about her people. You had gotten to him and now all that was needed was El Fuegos house, which he claimed he didn't know. “A night in Rikers might change his mind,” Liv commented, looking through the glass at the loser.
The pair of you were walking out of the building when Novak called you, requesting your presence. You gave Liv an eye roll before you got off the phone. The two of you said goodbye before you mentally prepared yourself to deal with the annoying redhead.
You strode in, all cockily. “You asked to see me, councilor.” “Yeah,” she said with a smile, gestured for you to sit and leaned against her desk.
“You were there when they arrested Mark Gibbon, correct?”
“Yeah, that was like four months ago, why?”
“It would be a big help if you testify. He claims I have a bias against him and I'd like for you to testify that he doesn't and that he was difficult with all involved in his investigation.”
You threw your head back and laughed. The redhead gave you a quizzical look. “You want me to help you after you outed me?” You laughed again.
“Screw you, Novak,” you went back to writing on your notepad when she sat on the chair next to you.
“I need your help with this Detective. To show that I have integrity,” Casey pleaded, almost softly. “First off, I've only known you a few months, secondly you have other people here who know you better who you hopefully didn't out too,”
Casey stood up, “That's the point, you don't know me well enough to cover for me since we aren't friends and haven't had a chance to be,”
“Maybe I'll be your rock…I'll think about it.”
You wanted to tease the woman and it had worked. You barged into her office two days before she needed you and the look on her face….you figured this would be a fun time in court.
“Detective, have you experienced ADA Novak being unprofessional?”
“She's a pain but I don't hate her. Novak is good at her job which is a lot more than I can say about skeevy cops.”
“Do you know why her integrity is being questioned?”
“Because Mark Gibbon wants to get off by saying Novak hates him. When I was in the army, I helped disciple people. Someone like Ms. Novak may get a talking to but she's one of the good guys, always does the right thing, I have no issues with her and have never seen her behave unprofessionally or out of line, even at after work functions.”
“What makes her so difficult, Detective?”
You licked her lips, instead of giving you that look in her office, the redhead was glaring at you. “She's a crusader for the truth, desperate to do the right thing, like a Jedi.”
A few of the gallery laughed.
“She's a pain but good at her job, great even,”
After the win court all of you celebrated at the local bar. You were sitting in the corner sipping your third lager beer when she came up to you. “Thanks for helping me out today,” Novak offered.
“You didn't seem to like said help at the time,” you said, sipping at the last quarter of the beer, stumbling a bit in the chair to look at her.
“I was about to head out, join me?” You nodded and chugged the last bit of beer. The two of you wandered outside. You couldn't help but notice her beauty.
“You're a virgin aren't you, councilor?” She gave you a confused look, “How can you tell?” “I don't know, just can,” you laughed a bit. She glared at you. “I think you need to learn to be nice,” “I am to most everyone…except you,” you laughed again. “You know what, you can find your own way home.” She says shoving you a bit. You felt bad suddenly, ruining her win, “Case, love come back, I'm sorry.” But she was already away.
After a morning of delivered breakfast you did some work and thought about what you had said to her. Sunday afternoon you had been called in and stayed until Monday 5pm. Being a hair younger than everyone, except Novak, you didn't mind as long as you got Chinese food.
“Can I talk to you?” A familiar voice grumbled behind you. You felt drunk again, this time from the lack of sleep.
“I need you to research this guy for me tomorrow. I think he is our link between this case and the one from four years ago.”
“Four years ago you were in diapers,” you lent to her. “What's in it for me? You out me, I help you, I help you again….” “You were a bastard to me at my celebration, “I get why you walked away, but if you didn't I would have apologized,”
She huffed. “Well please start research on this,” “Novak, I'm happy to help tomorrow but I'm tired and I'm not your bitch. I'll do this tomorrow, I promise.”
“ Fine,” she gritted through her teeth. “Don't know why you're such a dick about everything.” “Because I don't work for you,” “Actually you do,” she claimed before turning and walking away. Why was every conversation and interaction with this woman difficult?
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
Top 10 Sofia the First Songs
Fuck it, I know most of you dont give a shit about Sofia the First but this show has been a sheer delight for me so y'all gonna sit down, shut up and appreciate some good music. The music in this show is much like the music in Friendship is Magic. They both went way too hard than they needed to.
Here's the top 10 best songs in Sofia the First
10. King Cedric the Great
Villain songs are always fun and its even better when the villain singing it is about as dangerous as a rubber duck. Cedric is the true example of how to write a sympathetic villain. He's a hapless sorceror who's actually really good at magic but his anxiety combined with everyone (except Sofia and his niece Calista) viewing him as some kind of loser are the reason why he wants to take over the kingdom cos he thinks that's the only way he can get respect. As this song illustrates how he wants Sofia's amulet so he can use its powers, but as the episode goes on, he finds out he doesnt really have it in him to be truly evil for reasons I won't go into, cos the episode this song's from is SO good. Its called Cedric's Apprentice if anyone wants to look it up.
As for the song itself, its a homage to classic Disney villain songs but Cedric's plan is so childishly over the top its hard to take him seriously, which is the song's intention. Its a great juxtaposition. Jess Harnell's singing is just the ham on top of these cheese sandwich.
He really has a knack for playing characters that are totally wacko
9. Wendell's Way
Speaking of sorcerors, here's another villain: a kid named Wendell. A spoilt brat who stole all the flying horses of Enchancia for his birthday. He's like if Horrid Henry went to that terf wizard school. The song itself has a very boisterious energy, amplified by the hard rock drums and the lute/guitar solo?? which makes it all the more satisfying when Sofia, Amber and James get the upper hand in the end and Wendell's mother comes out of nowhere to ground him, its fucking great. Its nice to see a bully character actually stay a bully and not get force-redeemed by the writers so they can pull the 'everyone deserves a second chance' message , when in actuality, no, some people really are that mean and you're not obligated to give a shit about a bully. Wendell is, in retrospect, a breath of fresh air as the song doesnt pull some sad backstory out of the aether to make you feel sorry for this kid. No, he's just that selfish.
Also the lyric: 'That is a promise, but also a threat' is fucking great.
Its a simple song but a bop nonetheless.
8. Make Some Noise
Sometimes a song is good when its just plain fun. And this song definitely applies. In the episode this is from, Sofia befriends a bunch of trolls living under the castle that everyone warns her are dangerous and violent and here... theyre actually super chill. The fact that Sofia instantly gets into the groove is delightful and again showcases how compassionate she is.
The song itself has a fun, jazzy melody with the trolls using thier equivalents of piano, trumpets and of course their clubs. It's such a feel good song, almost like the voice actors just got up from the chairs and just danced like they dont give a shit and the directors just hit record. It really feels like a song you would hear at a party. Even the repeated animation doesnt bother me.
7. A Princess True
One of this show's biggest weakness is portraying people from different cultures cos its clear the show is made by mostly white people who have a limited understanding of non-white cultures and can easily fall into racist stereotypes without realising it. Its not by any means racist as the show features plenty of non white side characters (Khaled, Kashmir, Jun, Jin and Kari) that the main cast are on friendly terms with. But here, this song is relatively tame as this song is all about Sofia, a white girl, believing in Lani, a Hawaiian girl, as her actions throughout the episode are proof she's the real deal.
In the episode, Princess Leilani lost her family heirloom the Emerald Key into the sea after fighting an evil witch, where it gets washed up in Enchancia so Leilani goes to the castle to get the key back, cos its a key to help her parents find their way home from the sea. However, the witch Mamanu disguises herself as Leilani as well so she can trick the Enchancian royal family into giving her the Key. So Roland puts both Lanis to the test but the test involves the Lanis to act like THEIR cultural view of royalty. Sofia notices one of the Lanis aces it and the other competely fails at it and does something different instead. So Sofia thinks the latter is the real princess and this song is her showing her full support and belief that Lani is the true princess.
Its a very sweet song to a very meaty episode which is why I had to explain in full detail. Its not perfect but the song really encapsulates Sofia's and the show's earnestness towards non-white characters and I appreciate that. It helps the creator is Jewish and went on to make a show all about Latina culture and did actual research on it. So this song, and the episode itself is a good, albeit rocky start.
Even if they fucked it up with giving Lani powers in the next episode she appeared in, goddammnit why the magical native stereotype we were so close!!!!!
6. Me and My Mom
Creator Craig Gerber has stated many times that one of Sofia the First's core themes is teaching kids about blended families and how to adapt after getting new parents and step siblings in your life (since he was a child of divorce himself and had to adapt to having a new father and siblings). This song is about Sofia's struggles to adapt now that she has to share her mother with Amber and James. You really feel sorry for Sofia cos she's so used to having her mother being the only family she has and of course, is easily attached to her.
Its a very soft, heartfelt song that resonates with a lot of kids that are in Sofia's position. I bet they felt very seen by this episode.
5. Improvise
In the episode, Amber wants to join in Sofia's girl scout group but in typical Amber fashion, she brought nothing but dresses and jewellry to an outdoor trip and forgot to pack a tent. So Sofia and her friends teach her how to improvise via musical number. A cute lesson about being resourceful and a great example of Amber becoming a more versatile character as she grows to love the outdoors.
There's a very jovial, motivational energy to the song that really makes it stand out from the usual pep-talk songs in this show. What else can I say? Its a highlight of Amber's character development and a fun little song to boot. Whats not to love?
4. Two By Two
Amber's relationship with her sister Sofia is always expanded upon in the show but her relationship with brother James is a lot less so since Amber and James sparsely interact beyond typical sibling teasing. So its nice this episode, and this song helps establish how much Amber actually cares about her twin brother.
In the episode, Amber accidentally turns James into a toddler thanks to a botched magic spell cos Amber didnt want to share her birthday but as her and Sofia run around trying to find baby James. Sofia suggests to Amber to sing the twin song that James and Amber used to sing all the time when they were little. (which is just adorable)
I love how Amber starts the song in a very deadpan, almost annoyed tone until the second verse hits and slowly her singing becomes more melancholy and emotional, like the fact that her twin being lost is just now hitting her. Especially since she spent the whole episode wishing to have a birthday to herself for once, not realising that she's taking away James' birthday and thus losing him too. That small bit of her looking at the pocket watch with her and James' portrait it, finally finding baby James behind the throne, picking him up and hugging him and them finishing the song together
Its so nice to see a sibling relationship that's actually wholesome.
3. Dare to Risk It All
One of Amber's biggest flaws is her envy and her getting over being an jealous bitch to her little sister is a lesson that Amber has always had to learn in the show's earlier seasons. And while she has made some development, this is the episode where Amber makes the most change. And this song is emblematic of that.
Dare To Risk It All has Rapunzel appear to teach Amber that you have to put other's needs before your own to earn forgiveness, to prove you can change, which is a lesson not a lot of kids shows teach nowadays cos most shows like Steven Universe and even MLP put the pressure on the victim to forgive their bullies or let them off easy (especially if they're family) but in this episode, Sofia is rightfully angry at Amber for stealing her amulet and isnt afraid to snap at her for it the whole episode so Amber throughout this song (and the episode) realising how much Sofia means to her and it puts the pressure on Amber to be a better person and a better sister.
Its one of the few good Disney Princess songs the show has. The Disney Princess aspect of the show is honestly its biggest crutch cos Sofia always has a good role model with her mother and her dad to some extent and the princesses havent exactly had the best trakc record for teaching good lessons to Sofia since they either state the obvious or gaslight her. So its nice to see the princesses teach someone else for a change. And its Rapunzel, the best Disney princess.
Also bonus points for having a good song about earning forgiveness whilst flying dragons.
2. Princess Things
Sofia wants to do flying horse-racing even though mostly boys at her school do that sport and both Amber and Sofia's rival Prince Hugo are discouraging her from trying out the sport. Its your typical girl empowerment message. While the pilot episode established the whole premise, this episode (Just One of the Princes) and this song establishes Sofia's character: a pro-active princess who doesnt fall for anyone's bullshit, which is perfect for a moral center protagonist.
I love how Sofia's expression throughout the song goes from confused to smiling like she's internally screaming. And her verses are basically 'screw you guys i do whatever the fuck i want.' So not only did everyone waste their time singing to convince Sofia but in fact made her even MORE CONVINCED to try out the flying horse derby. Good job, guys.
Aside from that, the song itself is a bop. The repeated chorus really emphasises the peer pressure Sofia is going through. Second episode of the series and they're already making a hit.
1. All You Need
In the episode, Sofia meets Vivian, a princess who's a great artist and musician but is painfully shy and thus everyone is spreading rumours around her. Even Sofia was a bit apprehensive but she pushes through it to meet Vivian at her house whilst they work on their school project and this delightful song just pops up.
I love how it starts with Vivian nervously playing her lute and Sofia starts singing, whilst helping her IN SONG start brainstorming their ideas for a dream castle. Then after Sofia's verse is done: ending with the lyric, Ill paint all the towers blue, now the rest is up to you, Vivian immediately jumps and enthusiastically suggest her own ideas. The music even matches the tone of the characters. When it starts, its only Vivian's lute and a backing track but as soon as the bridge comes, the music swells when Sofia's singing motivates Vivian and its just chef kiss.
This song, as well as the episode this was from, made me really like Vivian as a side character and I always loved her interactions with Sofia whenever she made an appearance. I like how she retained her newfound confidence into later seasons, where she becomes just as pro-active as Sofia.
This song, to me, is what Sofia the First is all about. A girl who's just the sunniest child, befriending the shy kid in her class and having the most adorable musical number. Are there songs with better lyrics and theming? Absolutely. But the sheer serotonin levels this song has, as well as encapsulating the main character's compassion for others, is why this is the best song of the show
Thank you for coming to my TED talk about a bluebell princess
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bassettmemes · 1 year
A GUTS ASK MEME ISN'T A BAD IDEA, RIGHT? prompts from olivia rodrigo's sophomore album, guts (2023) — part 2/2. ↳ trigger warnings for mentions of grooming, abusive relationships (mental/emotion, not physical), eating disorders, body image, and negative self-esteem. some lines have been edited or omitted for clarity and comfort.
"Master manipulator, god, you're so good at what you do."
"Come for me like a savior, and I'd put myself through hell for you."
"Hear all the rumors lately that you always denied."
"I fell for you like water falls from the February sky, but now the current's stronger and I couldn't get out if I tried."
"You convinced me it was all in my mind."
"Now you got me thinking two plus two equals five, and I'm the love of your life."
"If rain don't pour and sun don't shine, then changin' you is possible."
"Love is never logical."
"You built a giant castle with walls so high, I couldn't see the way it all unraveled."
"All the things you did to me, ou lied, you lied, you lied."
"The sky is green, the grass is red, and you mean all those words you said. I'm sure that girl is really your friend."
"Lovin' you is lovin' every argument you held over my head."
"You brought up the girls you could have instead
"You said I was too young, I was too soft, can't take a joke, can't get you off."
"I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible."
"I know I could've stopped it all, God, why didn't I stop it all?"
"I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring."
"He argued with me about everything."
"He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye."
"He said he's six-foot-two and I'm like, "Dude, nice try"."
"But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends, and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end. Another song, another club, another bar, another dance."
"When he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to France."
"So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed, til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend."
"Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down."
"I write him all these letters, then I throw them in the trash, 'cause I miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh."
"I pour my little heart out, but as I'm hitting "send", I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends, because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do."
"He said I was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth."
"When I told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me I was trippin'."
"I am my father's daughter, so maybe I could fix him."
"I wanna get him back. I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad."
"'Cause then again, I really miss him and it makes me real sad."
"I want sweet revenge, and I want him again."
"I wanna key his car."
"I wanna make him lunch."
"I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up."
" I wanna kiss his face... with an uppercut."
"I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her her son sucks."
"I told my friends you were the one after I'd known you like a month, and then you kissed some girl from high school."
"I stayed in bed for like a week when you said space was what you need."
"I waited by my phone like a goddamn fool."
"Now it don't mean a thing. God, love's fucking embarrassing."
"Just watch as I crucify myself for some weird second string loser who's not worth mentionin'."
"My God, love's embarrassing as hell."
"I consoled you while you cried over your ex-girlfriend's new guy."
"My God, how could I be so stupid? You found a new version of me, and I damn near started World War III."
"Jesus, what was I even doing?"
"I placed my bets and it's not worth anything."
"I have nightmares each week about that Friday in May."
"One phone call from you and my entire world was changed."
"Trust that you betrayed, confusion that still lingers."
"You took everything I loved and crushed it in between your fingers."
"I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did, but I hold on to every detail like my life depends on it."
"My undying love, now I hold it like a grudge."
"I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough."
"I try to be tough, but I wanna scream. How could anybody do the things you did so easily?
"I say I don't care, I say that I'm fine, but you know I can't let it go. I've tried."
"It takes strength to forgive, but I don't feel strong."
"The arguments that I have won against you in my head in the shower, in the car and in the mirror before bed."
"Yeah, I'm so tough when I'm alone and I make you feel so guilty."
"I fantasize about a time you're a little fucking sorry."
"I try to understand why you would do this all to me."
"You must be insecure, you must be so unhappy."
"I know in my heart hurt people hurt people."
"We both drew blood, but, man, those cuts were never equal."
"Do you think I deserved it all?"
"Your flower's filled with vitriol, you built me up to watch me fall
"You have everything and you still want more."
"I try to be tough, I try to be mean, but even after all this, you're still everything to me."
"I know you don't care, I guess that that's fine, but you know I can't let it go. I've tried, I've tried, I've tried for so long."
"It takes strength to forgive, but I'm not quite sure I'm there yet."
"Bought a bunch of makeup tryna' cover up my face."
"I started to skip lunch, stopped eatin' cake on birthdays."
"Bought a new prescription to try and stay calm."
"There's always something missin'. There's always something in the mirror that I think looks wrong."
"When pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do?"
"I could change up my body and change up my face, I could try every lipstick in every shade, but I'd always feel the same, 'cause pretty isn't pretty enough anyways."
"You can win the battle, but you'll never win the war."
"Fix the things you hated and you'd still feel so insecure."
"I try to ignore it, but it's everything I see. It's on the posters on the wall, it's in the shitty magazines. It's in my phone, it's in my head, it's in the boys I bring to bed. It's all around, it's all the time and I don't know why I even try."
"I bought all the clothes that they told me to buy."
"I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life."
"None of it matters and none of it ends, you just feel like shit over and over again."
"When am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?"
"When am I gonna stop being a pretty young thing to guys?"
"When am I gonna stop being great for my age and just start being good?"
"When will it stop being cool to be quietly misunderstood?"
"I'll blow out the candles, happy birthday to me. Got your whole life ahead of you, you're only nineteen."
"I fear that they already got all the best parts of me, and I'm sorry that I couldn't always be your teenage dream."
"When does wide-eyed affection and all good intentions start to not be enough?"
"When will everyone have every reason to call all my bluffs?"
"When are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad?"
"Will I spend all the rest of my years wishing I could go back?"
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
We Need To Talk About It
Buckle up boys, this isn't one of my fun fandom discussion posts but I want to talk about it.
Before we proceed, Tw: for mentioned racism and csa
So I came across this tiktoker who read It by Stephen King and said verbatim "You should not read it" and then proceed to list reasons why. He has since corrected this but his point of 'it's not crazy to question why this was written' still stood. I want to talk about how this harmful to writers and just the future of fiction in general. Also I'm not giving out the name of this tiktoker because I don't want any hate being sent his way.
Two of his driving points for 'why you shouldn't read It' was the racism throughout the book and the infamous sewer scene concerning the kids. While I have not read all of the book, I am aware and have read parts of what he's talking about. And if you have read all of It and want to contribute to this post, please do, even if you don't agree with me and want to put your own input.
Let's tackle the racism in the book. Mike Hanlon was a black boy (one of the only poc in Derry if I remember correctly) growing up in a small town in the 1950's. This tiktoker's issues stems from him feeling like King 'overused' the n-word. For me personally, writing slurs that are not mine to reclaim, such as the n-word, I usually try to avoid writing in fiction but when an author does it write it in fiction (keyword there) it's much like an actor playing a racist character, at least imo. The actor themselves are not racist but the character they are playing are, just like when writers write fictional racist characters. That is what was happening in the book It. Also it's worth a note that It is intended to be horrifying and King is known for not just using 'monsters' to unsettle the reader but also real everyday horrible things. Hate crimes, violence on minorities, racism, ect, he writes these things to make the reader uncomfortable on purpose. It's a horror novel, that's the point. Other genres this could be called into question when the point of the book isn't to, ya know...scare you.
Now on to the sewer scene. This was probably the biggest point for this tiktoker on not reading It, and I just felt like they kinda just missed the point of this scene. The entire point of that scene was to signify the loss of innocence of the Loser's Club after their first battle with It. It was not written in a 'sexy' manner and it was written again, to make you uncomfortable. This tiktoker's statement that really bothered me was "we should question why this was written" and...you really don't have to. It's a horror novel, you being uncomfortable by that scene was the goal plus the deeper meaning behind it. And the implication of 'questioning why fictional writers write certain things' is so harmful because if this was to be the majority mindset, it wouldn't just stop with scenes like this. There's also the fact it almost sounds prosecutory and literature and books as a whole in the U.S. are already under attack and mindsets like this just fuel that fire.
Moving on, let's talk about Bev real quick. Look I don't like how King writes women for the most part but he's always kinda...written them as 'women written by men' and I just chop that up to bad writing. That's very prevalent with how Bev is written in It- but bad writing is just that, bad writing.
A side note, things like manifestos or harmful agendas should 100% be questioned, I'm only talking fictional works here.
So here's the thing at the end of the day, authors don't owe you trigger warnings (or so they say but that's a deeper topic I don't want to talk about rn) but if you are aware of your triggers there are tools to help you avoid them. Read reviews, ask a friend who's read the book, or google it. Goodreads has helped me avoid a couple of my triggers in books I was interested in. If you don't like or can be triggered by disturbing things King probably isn't the author for you.
This idea of 'questioning writers' or 'holding them accountable' needs to stop in its tracks. I fear the day if this ever becomes the majority mindset. Odds are this would lead to the questioning of 'why do people enjoy reading this, should we judge them?' and the answer is no. Some people enjoy feeling disturbed or scared by a book just like some people enjoy laughing or crying because of the book they're reading. It's honestly not that deep.
Also tiktoker idk if you're active in the It fandom on tumblr (im going to guess not) but again, this is no hate to you, I just deeply disagree with you.
Last statement: King was high off cocaine when he wrote It.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Hi! I'm sort of new to the fandom and I found your blog. I love your writing especially Yandere!Terry. Could you write Yandere!Mike x Reader? If not that's okay.
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Wow, this will be several levels of toxic, but that’s just our bad boy. 😬
― I think Mike Barnes is more of a Tsundere than a Yandere, especially in the 80's. What does this mean? He gives off the airs of someone who deliberately goes out of his way to be needlessly and almost cruelly antagonistic towards his beloved, all while firmly staunch in broadcasting the fact that he doesn't give a damn about them and he does broadcast this fact a little too loudly and brashly to be entirely unaffected. He's aggressive. Mocking. Taunting. And even downright a bully. Actually, there is nothing 'downright' about it. Mike Barnes would bully beloved, straight up, all while being the very definition of a quintessential bully himself. All of that, rather than acknowledge that he simply likes them (he might not even realize or admit so to himself for the longest time, so it is a moot point), and if someone concludes he does instead of him, calling him out on it, what with all the attention he's giving them, how much he talks about them even if it is in a negative context, and how much of his energy he simply invests into them and making their life more difficult than it should be without seemingly zero reason, the extent of which he can't shut up about them, he reacts with even more of a temper as a defense mechanism. Liking? That loser!? No way, man! Not on your life!
― Except, for someone who stubbornly and vehemently professes to have zero interest, Mike Barnes is there crashing every date beloved might have, running into them in every club, on every dancefloor, on every lonely corner of the street, stalking them on the regular, breaking into their home, showing up at their campus if it is college they attend, busting up every friend-group, catcalling them, scaring off every companion they might have, beating up every protentional significant other they might've hooked up with and ensuring they're too frightened to approach beloved with romantic intent ever again out of fear of his retribution, sometimes doing so alone, sometimes with the help of Snake and Dennis who act as his partners in mischief and crime as much as two figures who report back to Terry Silver. The outcome is always the same; beloved's circle is perpetually disbanded due to Mike. Their fun cut short. Their hobbies destroyed or made fun of. Their things sabotaged or stolen. Tears in their eyes. Almost like Mike takes a gleeful sort of pleasure by making sure he's in their thoughts every waking hour of the day, and in their nightmares alike by being the obnoxious, terrorizing fearmongerer they can't stop thinking about. The fearmongerer that scares them. Pursues them. The reason they look behind their shoulder.
― All of this is an extension of Mike's underlining jealousy at everything and anything and unwillingness and inability to cope with his own feelings and the deeper the crush in question gets, the worse he potentially becomes to the point the abuse he puts beloved through could become physical or life threatening, especially when the conflict inside of him gets too big and his feelings go beyond attraction and straight into affection. Oh, then he might flirt, in that dirty, lecherous, filthy way pervy, hormonal teenage boys tend to, expecting to be reciprocated and getting violently angry when he doesn't, even though he might've been roughing up beloved only just yesterday or two minutes prior --- and taunting them if they do accept, humiliating them for it even though he's secretly feeling triumphant and even happy they actually said 'yes' to him. You think I'd want you that way? Yeah right. In your dreams, pal, he'd say, especially if he is out to impress Snake and Dennis. Thing is, there is no winning with Mike in this particular era of his life, because he pursues, he pesters, he deliberately places himself on beloved's path, yet perpetually pretends he has no attachment to them whatsoever and that he genuinely hates them, and for all the mistreatment beloved suffers, from their point of view, why would it be anything else but loathing?
― Mike Barnes' aversion to being introspective about love could have shades of him simply being a kid growing up in the 80's, being a product of the times and his own environment, and a rather innately aggressive one at that, offering his muscle to the highest bidder for a quick buck and personal advancements, basically selling himself as a mercenary to ethically apprehensible Billionaires, if need be. Love? Love!? Who the fuck falls in love anyway!? Only pansies! And Mike Barnes isn't a pansy! He's the Bad Boy of Karate, don't you know, with a fierce reputation in the martial arts community by the time Terry Silver hires him, enough so to warrant magazine articles about himself, detailing his tenacity in combat --- a tenacity fiery enough to catch Silver's attention, of all people --- which says a lot. I think Mike believes he has a reputation to maintain. A sort of streetwise attitude that keeps getting him employed. And a streetwise attitude doesn't involve him being lovey-dovey with someone, no matter how much he might wish to, deep down, raising the question of toxic masculinity and how badly it has him afflicted. Mike Barnes would sooner push beloved in front of a moving car in lieu of his failed attempts at flirting than ever do so in a healthy way. Question is if he at all knows how, even though it is assured he dislikes everyone who has the tools to approach their own beloveds wholesomely.
― Although, god forbid anyone else ever touch beloved. Address them wrong. Just look at them in a way Mike doesn't approve of or look at them at all. Stand too close to them. Nevermind actually harming them the way he has been doing himself for a while now. He can hurt beloved. Others can't. That is his turf. His prerogative. He has his arms slung over beloved's shoulder in an instant, in the face of whoever beloved was talking to, prodding at the individual in question with threats. In a line-up of broken noses, hospitalized suitors and would-be bullies, the person that might actually get involved with his champion leaving a trail of beaten up people way before the All Valley even draws to a close, is Terry Silver himself. Yeah, sure, he recognizes what the heck this is. He's experienced enough to know. Introspective enough to understand, on Mike's behalf, that this is attraction. A man doesn't go around acting this violent unless he's invested in something and while he told Snake, Dennis and Mike to go around and have fun, doing all the things the Bad Boys of LA should do, he draws the line at whatever can compromise them actually participating in the tourney and distract from training, not because he has moral limitations, but because the last thing Terry wants to be bailing Mike Barnes out of jail before he can actually uphold the end of his deal and win for Terry and John. Now, he's the actual Yandere to Mike's Tsundere.
― Thing is, beloved undoubtedly can't catch a break and has the worst luck and has proceeded having the worst luck ever since they got caught in the whirlwind of Mike Barnes' attention (woe the day) because Terry Silver, benefactor extraordinaire, at least around the time Barnes is in his employ, is of the belief, that anything his champion wants, his champion gets. An allowance. A car. Terry's own Beverly Hills roof to stay in. 50% ownership of all Cobra Kai dojos around The Valley --- allegedly. Chaperones (and handlers) in the form of Snake and Dennis who egg him on his worst impulses and hold him back when he tactically needs to be held back, giving Terry a run-down of everything Mike says, does, how many times a day he shits, if nessecary. Exclusive training from him and Sensei Kreese. And if he's that distracted by a hot piece of ass, then he should get that hot piece of ass too. After all, Cobras take anything they're rightfully entitled to, and Terry might just encourage Mike in even more aggression, giving him all manner of bad and rotten advices that all boil down to Mike simply having beloved for himself like a coveted boxer has a groupie. Him breaking, blackmailing, harassing them and seducing them into being his. Yes, Terry Silver encourages this simply because it appears to be useful, and if all fails, he might he even push, sweettalk, manipulate or coax beloved into it himself, as an extra incentive to get Mike Barnes to preform well at the All-Valley, by any means necessary.
― Bizarre just how extreme and out of hand this whole situation can potentially go if we leave our minds open and reach out for the darkest of outcomes; it goes from Mike Barnes bullying his crush because he can't confess he likes them, to Terry Silver, one of the richest men alive, interjecting by basically giving beloved an ultimatum worthy of a mafia boss shaking down a victim; be with my boy and make him happy until the All Valley ends and quit fucking distracting him, and your parents, loved ones, friends, your pet dog for all I know, all collectively get spared. Rent can always mysteriously jump in the building beloved lives in, after all, and everyone they care about could homeless. Naturally, there our poor beloved is, given no, or very little actual choice in the grand scheme of things, embroidered in a scheme far more complex and tangled than their own circumstances, in an arrangement with a very content Mike Barnes, and an equally content Terry Silver pulling the strings behind the scenes, feeling assured that if he simply plies this kid with enough rewards, promises and figurative candy (and gets him high on bloodlust and pain), that his victory in the tournament is all but assured. After all, he has a great many promises to keep for John Kreese, and if he has to play a matchmaker between two brats to statistically get Mike Barnes into the amenable state of mind of certain triumph, than so be it.
Terry Silver has done far worse things.
And Mike Barnes will be expected to work all of this off on the mat, with Larusso, or rather, on Larusso --- and put in some extra effort too due to the fact that Terry had to waste his own precious time acting out the role of a Cupid. Not that he didn't relish in that fine bit of machination.
Nothing is for free.
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marley-manson · 7 months
Hawnk or Henry/Hawkeye
lol thank you 💖
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I watched the show and thought to myself, it would be funny if these two guys fucked, and somehow I completely believe they would both absolutely go for it in the right circumstances.
They're also a shoe-in for a sexual dynamic I'm really into lol, ie confident cool bottom/awkward loser top, and it's incredibly fun to write Frank from Hawkeye's point of view. So maybe it's not really a surprise that my first Mash fic was Hawnk lol.
I don't really endgame ship them because I can't quite make it work in my head and even if Frank turned a political 180, which I could totally believe, he still wouldn't be like, fun enough or cool enough for Hawkeye lol - but I want to endgame ship them because it would just be so funny.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hawkeye bullying Frank while Frank fucks him
The sheer unadulterated "him??????" factor of anyone from the 4077 finding out post canon.
How completely awful and obnoxious and pathetic Frank is because it's fun to write.
The concept I have in my head of Hawkeye and Frank both knowing full well the other would be dtf and carefully stepping around that knowledge in their own heads.
Frank's hilarious level of repression, ie imo he's not actually repressed, but he wishes he was and pretends to be, even to himself. But like, the instant a cool dude expressed interest he'd be down because he craves validation that much.
It's actually pretty versatile considering - like it can range from comedy to angst to darkfic without stretching the characterizations.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
One thing I want to mention because I've seen a few people complaining about it recently: I don't think it matters that Frank getting character development or more 3 dimensionality in fic goes against the themes and even genre of the show. Fanfic is transformative. I would never have wanted Frank to get character development and become someone Hawkeye could fuck without cringing in canon lol, but that's exactly what fanfiction is for.
But idt that's actually an unpopular opinion, so here's another one: it's the most entertaining possible ship for Mash. I ship HawkTrap more because it's what Hawkeye deserves, but Hawnk is just so incredibly fun lol.
This is tough lol, but I'm gonna go with
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I don't ship it in the sense of ever wanting to read about them falling in love, I couldn't buy that, but I do ship it in the sense of "it would be funny if they fucked," which definitely counts as shipping to me.
What made me ship it is probably the jokes and the rapport they have. I can pretty easily headcanon that Henry, Trapper, Klinger, and Hawkeye are the 4077 lgbt club lol, and Henry is actually the most canonically bi of all of them in the sense that the punchline of a few of the jokes is Henry earnestly and unselfaware-ly being attracted to Klinger.
So like, maybe they fucked? Why not? Maybe they occasionally fuck when their dates fall through. They both got that swingers into nsa sex vibe.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
It's funny! There is actually a compelling power dynamic too, with Henry as CO and Hawkeye as the manipulative gaslighter who always gets his way. Adding sex to that is like a flavour enhancer.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Being into it at all, probably lol. Also I have a standing headcanon that Hawkeye blew Henry a few days after his arrival when he realized Henry was bent, in a bitter bid to get preferential treatment, before realizing that it was entirely unnecessary, and they joke about it after, which I doubt is a common take lol.
ask meme
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izloveshorses · 1 year
Um can you just do all of the emoji prompts
omg anon you're so sweet 🙈💖
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
i'm hoping to get a first chapter ready to publish soon, but i've been workshopping a dimya equestrian/show jumping au for a while?? back when i used to horseback ride i didn't do show jumping but it's so fun to watch and i think it would make for a fun au. dmitry can't ride bc of a vague injury, so he and vlad recruit the new stablehand anya to compete in the FEI tournament, which would take place in paris this year, bc duh. her horse is pooka. they have no money and she does Not get along with dmitry. it would be a fun ride (no pun intended) :) and of course she is just using this as the means to get to paris so she can find her family, dmitry and vlad want the winning purse, etc. the fact that anastasia was a record-breaking teen show jumper ten years ago and vanished mysteriously and anya has a very similar riding style and skillset is just a coincidence. or is it 👀
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
from the equestrian au mentioned above:
“At least you still have a job here,” Vlad said after a moment. 
Dmitry sighed. “Exercising other people’s horses isn’t exactly going to get me anywhere.” He had a headache above his eyebrow. “That rider is an idiot. He ruined a perfectly good horse just for his ego.”
Vlad shook his head. “What a shame.” 
“How’s your girl doing?” 
Vlad took another— longer— sip. “She’s… fine. She’s too young.” He shook his head again. “A few years down the line, maybe she could get us to the FEI. But she doesn’t have the greatest instincts.” 
Dmitry nodded, disappointed. What a grand pair of losers the two of them made.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
something i like from the road trip au:
“Fine. Well, we will be listening to The Cranberries all the way there.”
Anya slouched and curled her legs to rest her feet on the dashboard. “Good.”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
She looked at him like he could save her. Like she wanted him to save her. 
He just hoped he didn’t fumble with the lifeline when the time came.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
another bit from the road trip au:
“You’re a bed hog.”
He winced a little. They hadn’t mentioned anything about how they kept waking up that way, tangled or invading one another’s space. He didn’t want to make things awkward. But she simply shrugged, lips curled in a smile when he looked over at her. “You don’t seem to mind.”
Heat creeped up his neck. No, he hadn’t. Not at all.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
(source undisclosed)
“Let me…” he swallowed, suddenly serious. “Let me kiss you the way I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
after watching Notting Hill again, i whipped up a half-formed idea for an au, this bit always makes me laugh when i read it over again:
She opened to the first page. “I see it’s signed by the author.” 
“I couldn’t stop him.” 
That did it— that made her laugh. It was just a short huff of air through her nose, but still, that didn’t happen very often anymore.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
sigh. i really want a dimya dirty dancing au, so so so so bad, but it has to be the exact one that exists in my head. i just don't want to do the work on that one asdhlkfj. but it would be so good!!! anya and her family visiting the country club, she is already bored, all the girls are expected to marry some guy who is going to be a doctor or lawyer, and then she meets the hot and broody misunderstood™ dance instructor dmitry, and she is determined to help him and the other workers by filling in for marfa. thus ensues a summer romance. featuring dmitry in that black tank top. and god, gleb is the awkward and uncomfy nephew/whatever set to inherit the country club, who flings his authority around whenever he wants and plays Nice Guy. it would be perfect. but i don't want to write it, i just want it to exist already for me to read lol.
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
another funky idea y'all haven't seen yet 👀😌
modern setting, heist/espionage, art thievery?, haters to lovers <3, eventual smut, etc :)
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13 going on 30 reddie/losers club au pLEASE someone write this if it doesn't exist already!!!! It works so well for them like...
Maybe after they fight it the first time and it's a new school year, the losers get into a disagreement after getting targeted by bowers' gang more frequently. They all argue about the best way to make it through highschool going forward since they cant seem to catch a break, ideas ranging from fighting back harder (bev), just trying to ignore them as best as possible (ben&stan), or maybe trying to get on their good side somehow (unlikely)
and eddie, already on edge, makes a comment that's more pointed than joking and it strikes a nerve with richie. Deflecting from the hurt, and because it was eddie, maybe he says some hurtful things in reply before leaving, in hopes of saving his pride bc the losers would probably take Eddie's side in a fight between them anyways..
On yet another hard walk home from the club house where tensions felt somehow higher than their mid summer fist fight, he gets pushed around and chased by bowers, so he runs back to hide at the quarry among the rocks, frogs and turtles. Venting out his frustrations, he lays back and opens his eyes, only to wake up in his apartment ~27 yrs later. With overwhelming phone calls from Steve (who is Steve??) He tries to get ahold of any other loser. Much to his surprise, the only one who picks up is Mike, who still kept the same number all this time. Mike is equally as confused bc he was expecting no one to remember before he called them, and is even more confused after hearing richies explanation. Cue Mike jump-starting the losers gathering, this time with a lot more persuasion needed and an agreement to meet elsewhere from derry since after the fallout between Eddie and Richie the losers club was never quite the same. some of them refuse to step foot in derry to meet and new york seems close enough for most of them. Over the next few weeks they begin to remember the fun they used to have (especially with teenage richie making them all feel like teens again too) filled with stupid dance sequences, and long walks at night ect.
and I think they should still have to fight the clown and have eddie die so he can confess how he's always felt. the losers make their way to the quarry, where richie makes a second wish to start over and keep them all friends forever so they'll be happier and stronger, strong enough to keep their friends from dying sad and lonely with no one who truly understands them and loves them like they do each other. Also yeah reddie wedding ANywAys
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