#but for me i think of them being all around 19-21
Hiii! Do you think Harry stopped growing at 17? If he was as tall as James in DH I would imagine he was taller than his father. I have three brothers and my family is full of male cousins and they all had growth spurts after 17. I could see him growing another couple of inches after the war. His mind and body is finally at peace after 16 years. I always hc him to be 6’0-6’2 at the age of 21.
As far as Harry being scrawny… aren’t most teenage boys? My brothers were into sports and didn’t get into the gym until they were done with high school. With the profession he’s in I would assume fitness would be a requirement for the role. Yeah, you have a wand but what if it breaks or you lose it? He has a huge target on his back having defeated the darkest wizard of all time, and I can’t imagine him not learning how to physically defend himself and his loved ones. I don’t see him a huge buff gym junky, but I do see him as someone who has a lean athletic figure and someone who concentrates more on leg day than arm day. I think going to the gym would be an escape for him and help him decompress. I know the hp world prefer a shorter skinny hero (probably because of Daniel Radcliffe) who looks like an underdog, however every underdog grows up and barely anyone has the same physique as their teenage self.
Honestly, all this differs a lot with genetics. Harry's growth spurts in the books reminds me of my younger brother. Like, my brother was like 5'2 at 15, then, in like, one month near his 16th birthday, he grew to 5'10 and when he was around 19 he grew again by two inches. So, Harry could definitely still grow taller, but we don't really have a way to know.
Like, men can still grow in height until their late 20s, and it's possible James didn't even finish his growth since he died at 21, so he might've grown even taller if he survived to 25. Like, that's possible. I just don't really have evidence for or against besides saying, yes, it's possible, but I wouldn't call it likely since it's highly individual and based on genes. Like, I know guys who stopped growing at 16 and have been stuck at the same height since then. I also know guys who are 25 and still grow taller. It's the magic of genetics.
Muscle mass, physique, and the ability to gain weight are also heavily dependent on genetics and age. Men in their teens and early 20s usually have a much higher metabolic rate, which keeps them lean regardless of how much they eat (again, genetics play a big role here and this isn't true for everyone). Physical activity like Quidditch, would make the already fast metabolism faster. This naturally fast metabolism, combined with certain genetic makeup, can leave you looking lean regardless of how much you go to the gym as well. Some men need to reach their mid-20s before they can actually start gaining the weight necessary to appear buff.
I think Harry would look less lean as he got older. Like, I can hardly imagine a Harry in his mid to late 30s being as lean as 16-year-old Harry. I think his physique will change as he grows, as happens to most people. But I agree with you I don't see him as a super buff gym dude at any point in his life. He's always on the leaner side in my head, but this is all in headcanon territory since it isn't covered by the books.
I would like to add that all the super short and scrawny descriptions of Harry come from the first 4 books when these descriptions are correct. In book 6 Harry is thin, but no one describes him as a scrawny boy with knobbly knees past book 4. Not even he himself. So I definitely see Harry of the final 3 books as more lean than scrawny.
And yeah, you're right about Radcliffe messing up everyone's mental image of Harry, both in looks and personality. It's one of the things that bother me most about the movies. And, everyone can headcanon whatever they want, but I personally don't like short Harry (when he's older, when he's 14, make him short). It's not his canon character and when writers write him short, it's sometimes accompanied by him being written as too passive and meek for my liking because Harry James Potter is not passive or meek. (Radcliffe Harry in the movies is much more passive, hence the skewed mental image I mentioned, but I digress).
Besides, while malnourishment and food intake could affect one's growth, people tend to overlook the 6 years of Hogwarts and Molly's food which would be a huge boost during his puberty years in which he's having most of his growth. Additionally, some people's food intake matters less to their physical development than others — again, I can't stress enough how specific genetic makeup is super important in all this discussion.
Harry might grow taller to be 6' or 6'2. We don't have any evidence for or against really, so it's up to your preference on what you want to headcanon. But it's definitely super possible. If Lily was taller than the average it would even be likley (but I couldn't find any notes on Lily's or Petunia's height). In the books, he is very lean, and it's a combination of a lot of different factors working together: his lifestyle, genetic makeup, and yes, being a teenage boy with the fast metabolism that comes with it. As Harry grows up, he'd probably want to stay fit, but to what degree is also in personal headcanon territory (I personally don't like him becoming an Auror, but that's my preferred headcanon. I still see him staying pretty fit out of paranoia, sort of. I mean, he spent all his teenage years with a Damocles sword over his head. He literally died. I think he's allowed to be a little hypervigilant after that. I mean, he already is, but you get the point).
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witchykale · 7 months
lady grandma probably being my favorite character is so fucked because every day i just think man what the hell was she doing
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ren-is-real · 14 days
Inanimate Insanity dash simulator (pre ep 16) (i will do more of this if this goes well probably)
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🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
does anyone ever get so tired they start seeing spiders lol
💼 su1tcas3 Follow
me when i lay down and hallucinate the horrors lmfao
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
💼 su1tcas3 Follow
Oh so this is not a safe place suddenly
2,369 notes
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🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
as an unbiased outsider im cheering for them both ^^ im so excited for the finale!!!!!!!!!!!
#idk what i'll do when this ends tbh #like damn. #we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!!
19 notes
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💡 brightestlight Follow
any couple can be gay if they are bisexual and their genders are weird enough
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
why did you post this directly after talking to me and test tube
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
lightbulb why did y
11 notes
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🎤 mic-row-phoen Follow
when you want to ask someone about something but the trek is IMPOSSIBLE and you will DIE (hes downstairs setting up a party im just scared)
🍊 orange-got-juiced Follow
i am not giving you the aux to play green day at the party
🎤 mic-row-phoen Follow
🍊 orange-got-juiced Follow
ok. two songs
19 notes
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🎀 rain-bowz Follow
when a fake girl tryna act like me but im the only one there is
⚙️ rowbotted Follow
🎀 rain-bowz Follow
who are you.
📄pageperrr Follow
hey didnt you die. or something
23 notes
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🌮absolutleynot-taco Follow
hey anyone know where pickle is haha. anyone know his room number or amything lol like it would justs be fun to know,,, hagaha,,,, yeagh
0 notes
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🏆awinners-trophy Follow
imagine using a run down website that hasnt been relevant in YEARS. you all need to get off and go touch some grass or something jfc
🔪sharpest-tool-inthe-shed Follow
you're literally using it?
🏆awinners-trophy Follow
kill yourself
#you used to be cool man
19 notes
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🎈coldairballoon Follow
i drew some vent art about old stuff.. im better now!! im just letting off some steam haha
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🏆awinners-trophy Follow
this is so cringe
🎈coldairballoon Follow
you're cringe.
🍊 orange-got-juiced Follow
trophy just ran to the bathroom sobbing
27 notes
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🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
greetings tumbler! i an steve cobs, C.E.O of the meeple company. i am looking to get in contact with a mephone! specifically mephone 4. (model 4s) any help is greatly appreciated!
🖌️ brushedpaint Follow
go back to twitter vro 💀
817 notes
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⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
trying a healthier outlook on life!! i'll tell yall how it goes!!
⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
⚾ thegrandslammer Follow
8,270 notes
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🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
i miss egg :( i wonder where the other one the aliens mentioned went. i hope it found a parent that loves it as much as i loved egg. i mean i wasnt the best parent but uh you get what i mean
🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
🪁 inanimateinsanityfan Follow
#why is steve cobs on tumblr get off
15 notes
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🕯 innerflamed Follow
i need a boyfriend except he's not a boyfriend and is just some weird british guy i drag around with me everywhere
1,393 notes
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🍀fourleafluck Follow
diversity win!! corrupt capitalist CEO of multimillion dollar company steve cobs is bisexual!
🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
who informed you of this.
🍀fourleafluck Follow
I WAS??? JOKING??????
23,105 notes
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💡 brightestlight Follow
as a member of the lgbt we do not accept steve cobs
💡 brightestlight Follow
even when he changes the meeple logo to a rainbow during pride month we dont accept him
21 notes
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☯ ringinginthenewyear Follow
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☯ ringinginthenewyear Follow
just to clarify yang posted this not me -yin
57 notes
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🥒 pickledposting Follow
steve cobs being bi and accidentally admitting to it on tumblr was not on my 2024 bingo card ???????
🌽 official-meeple-ceo Follow
you'll be first.
🥒 pickledposting Follow
29 notes
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adrienneleclerc · 1 month
We’re on a world tour (like beyonces renaissance tour) and it’s opening night in London. Charles being with Arthur Pierre and kika and their reaction + them being in the pit. Also, Charles and our oldest daughter coming out to dance on stage like how blue Ivy did with bey. And the grids’ reactions + other celebrities being there for opening night!!!😅❤️
What happened to “hello”? “How are you?” “My name is”? I’m kidding. ANYWAY, sorry it took me so long so I really hope you liked it and I am so sorry if you didn’t. Since you said “oldest daughter”, Charles and Y/N have 3 kids.
World Tour
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Singer! Reader
Summary: Y/N starts her world tour in London and kicks off the tour with a huge surprise
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: mix of social media and written fic, because of the ages of the kids, we could make it so charles and Y/N got married at 18 and started their family at 19 so charles is still 26, OR married at 21, family at 22 so he’s 29, completely up to you. So this could take place in 2027 or 2024, it doesn’t matter. Also, her performance photos/video outfits are not consistent, sadly.
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Y/N was backstage doing her makeup when her daughter, Juliana, who everyone calls ‘Jules’, walks in with a hairbrush in her hand
“Mami, Can you brush my hair?” Jules asked. Y/N turned to her and smiled.
“Sure, baby. How many knots are in your hair?” Y/N asked, taking the brush from Juliana’s hand
“A lot, I can’t get them out.” Jules said. Y/N got a detangling spray from her vanity to spray in her daughter’s hair.
“It should be easier to get it out now. You excited to dance with me, princesa?” Y/N asked.
“I’m nervous. What if I mess up the routine to ‘Arranca’ and I get booed?” Jules asked. Y/N spun her around so they were facing each other.
“Mi amor, you won’t get booed. Besides, you are 7 years old, no one expects you to be perfect. And guess what, you are still going to sing a song with me.” Y/N said.
“Can we sing ‘como la flor’, mami?” Jules asked and Y/N smiled.
“Any song you want, baby.” Y/N said and kissed her forehead.
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Charles was sitting with his 4 year old son, Santiago, who’s nickname is “Santi”, his brother Arthur, Pierre, and Kika.
“Where’s sissy?” Santi asked.
“She’s with your maman, mon coeur.” Charles replied.
“I can’t believe you brought him to the concert, Charles.” Arthur said.
“It would be unfair to leave him in the hotel room with Dot’s (Dorothea) nanny while Jules gets to be here with us.” Charles said.
“I think it’s cute that Charles brought Santi.” Kika said. “How old is Dot now by the way?”
“She is 8 months old now.” Charles said and Kika cooed.
“You took him to the bathroom, right?” Pierre asked,
“Of course I did, I’m not an idiot, mate.” Charles said.
“Why is Jules with Y/N?” Arthur asked.
“I Don’t know, Jules asked if she could go backstage with Y/N and Y/N said she was okay with it.” Charles said.
“Yeah, she had the right idea, do you see how packed it is?” Kika asked. Charles stood up, holding Santi’s hand the entire time.
“Yeah, my Y/N has a lot of fans from all over the world.” Charles commented the lights turned off and the crowd started screaming, Charles saw Santi put his hands over his ears so he got out Santi’s headphones from his backpack and put them on him, carrying him so he will be able to see his mom.
Y/N came out on stage with her first performance outfit.
“Ah, she looks so good!” Kika fangirled.
“Yeah, she does.” Charles smiled fondly.
“How we doing tonight, London?” Y/N asked the crowd and they cheered. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m starting my world tour here. It seems insane to me but it’s also the same weekend as the British Grand Prix so of course it makes sense to start here.” The crowd cheered, clearly having an overlap of F1 fans and Y/N fans. “If you have been a fan of mine for years and have been to my concerts before, hi, it’s so nice to have you come back. If you’re a long term fan but haven’t been to my concert, I am so glad that you are finally able to come. Lastly, if you’re a new fan or your sibling, bestie, partner, child, or even parent dragged you here tonight, welcome! You are going to have a fun time, I promise.” Y/N said and the soundboard person started the instrumental track of her song ‘Fulanito’
“If y’all know this song, sing along, mis amores!” Y/N said. “Que manera, como él consigue de mí lo que quería, quedé partía desde la primera, haciendo lo que no hace cualquiera, y no sale tan bien…” Y/N started singing. Her backup dancers joined her on stage for the performance and they finished that song. There was a ton of applause. “All right, before we start this next song, I’m pretty sure everyone knows I’m married.” Y/N said, putting her hand up to show off the ring Charles bought her once he started making good money in Formula 1 and the crowd cheered. “We have a little family, 3 children to be exact, and my daughter’s dream is to be a performer like me. So everyone clap your hands together for my daughter, Juliana!”
“Sissy!” Santi said, perking his head up.
“Yeah, It’s You’re sister, Santi.” Charles said, they all clapped and Charles saw Jules walk on stage and hugged her mom before standing next to one of the dancers before the music of ‘Arranca’ started playing, Jules was following the dance exactly and she looked like she was having a great time. Charles took out his phone to record his little girl dancing with his wife, when the song ended, Jules hugged Y/N and Y/N squatted down to give Jules’s a kiss on her forehead.
“Give it up for my daughter, everyone! Before my baby goes, she wanted to sing a song with me so I gotta do it.” Y/N sat down on the edge of the stage, Jules following her and the soundboard guy started playing the music of “como la flor” by Selena Quintanilla. Charles took photos of that too.
The concert ended an hour and a half later.
“Hey guys, thank you for coming with me.” Charles told Pierre and Kika, carrying Santi who is sleeping.
“No problem, we had a fun time.” Pierre said.
“Yes! Please ask Y/N if she’ll let me borrow the outfit she wore when she sung Sin Pijama, it’s so cute.” Kika said. Charles laughed.
“Sure Kika, I’ll ask her.” Charles said. Pierre and Kika left and Charles walked with Arthur backstage. When they entered, they saw Jules practicing her dance.
“Papi!” Jules said, hugging Charles. “Did you like my dance? I practiced with Daniela (dancer).”
“You were amazing, sweetie, but call me papa.” Charles said. Jules let go,
“I like papi better.” Jules said before hugging Arthur. “Tio, you liked how I sung?”
“You did really well, and it’s oncle.” Arthur said.
“Fine, oncle.” Jules said and she sat down on the couch. Y/N came out in short and a hoodie.
“Muñeco, Arturito, is Santi sleeping?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, He’s a little tired, but he was dancing to most of your set, you were amazing out there, Mon coeur.” Charles said, kissing her.
“Yes, you were great, didn’t know you were such a great dancer.” Arthur said.
“Yeah, i took classes when I was younger. Let’s go back to the hotel so we could Santi in bed.” Y/N said, rubbing Santi’s back.
“Yeah, Let’s go.” Charles said.
They go to their hotel, Arthur goes to a different room, charles Charles enters their shared hotel room to get Santi ready for bed while Y/N went to the nanny’s hotel room to get Dot. When Y/N enters their hotel room, Jules and Santi are in their pajamas, he’s sleeping and she’s brushing her teeth.
“Mami, Can we go to iHop tomorrow?” Jules asked.
“Do we have time for breakfast before going to your race?” Y/N asked Charles while putting Dot in her portable crib.
“Yeah we have time, we justa have to wake up early.” Charles said.
“I’m okay with that.” Jules said, she got into bed and fell asleep.
“Thank you for coming to my concert tonight.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, Pierre and Kika loved it, she loved your last outfit by the way, she wants to borrow it by the way.” Charles said, changing into his pajamas
“Yeah, she can borrow it after the tour.” Y/N said
“I am so proud of you, you know. We’re both in a really good place in our careers” Charles said.
“Thank you, i love you.” Y/N said.
“I love you too.” Charles said, kissing Y/N.
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liked by tomholland2013 and others
charles_leclerc My princess and my queen singing and dancing together, what more could mask for? The Y/N Leclerc concert was a blast, Santi enjoyed it, my brother enjoyed it, what a great way to have fun before the Grand Prix
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y/n_leclerc love you, muñeco! Glad you had a good time
valeinallcaps yes! F1 driver supporter his Latina Queen, love to see it
maxverstappen1 Kelly and P loved her too! P won’t stop singing “Shower” on the way back from the concert
georgerussell63 Carmen had to tell me what the lyrics meant and I think she sang “MAMIII” a little too hard
danielricciardo she had me dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower this morning, best concert ever!
pierregasly Kika has her tickets for the Paris show, she’s obsessed.
oscarpiastri Lily really wanted to go but it was sold out 😢
charles_leclerc im sure Y/N will have another show in London soon
User32 NO WAY!!! I was there too!
User12 him going to her concert is iconic
User28 the grid going to her concert is iconic
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liked by zendaya and others
y/n_leclerc Thank you so much London, you guys were absolutely amazing, thank you for making Jules’s first performance special. Next stop is Dublin!
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sabrinacarpenter loved your performance outfits, they’re so you! We need to collab!
selenagomez never been happier to be in London than last night!
mileycyrus you have such an amazing stage presence
dualipa whenever you’re in LA…
joejonas 100/10 concert right there!
reneerapp that’s mother right there
sukiwaterhouse it was such a great show, loved that you brought your daughter out
liked by y/n_leclerc and others
francisca.cgomes she is an iconic, a legend, and she is the moment. But bestie, where did you get that outfit?!?
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y/n_leclerc its custom made, babe, you could borrow it after the tour!
User31 she’s so real for that
The End
I really hope y’all liked it!
301 notes · View notes
roseworth · 21 days
hi. here are my top 5 favorite comic moments ever (sort of in order, they can all be switched around sometimes depending on my mood)
"the son has not surpassed the father" (batman #645)
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i cant even put into words what i like about this scene because everything about it makes me insane. its just so beautifully written and fits so well thematically and shows so much about how bruce is feeling without explicitly saying anything. so fucking good
2. "maybe he did. but my little girl is still dead." (batgirl #19)
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fucking. fuck. again this moment just shows so much about how cass feels without saying it explicitly. theres a flashback to the man she murdered right after this because she sees herself in the murderer and doesnt believe she can be redeemed. itsfuck ignf. yeah. maybe he changed but she's still dead
3. "i owe you no explanations. i took the only compassionate option." (titans #12)
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hoooooooly shit. i get chills every time i think about this im serious. adeline was suffering and about to die and kory killed her. kory saw herself in the suffering of someone else and KILLED HER. hard as fuck. i will refrain from going on a whole tangent about this but i feel like writers sometimes have the Good Guys kill someone and it doesnt really feel right, but this does it so well because it makes sense within the story AND for kory's character. she was right
4. "the last two bullets are for us" (green arrow #32)
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this was so fucked up. can i call this a power couple moment. dinah has so much fucking kidnapping & torture trauma then she finds ollie after he was kidnapped & tortured and she goes dw babe we're gonna kill ourselves later. HELLO. i need to chew on them
5. "for all the times i will never forget. for all the things i can never forgive" (gotham city sirens #21)
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everyone drop what youre doing and read gotham city sirens #20-21 right now. or read til the end of the book. gcs is mostly just an okay book but it fucking nails the ending. but this moment in particular makes me lose my mind because harley shows exactly how competent she is and gets into joker's cell in arkham with a gun when she thinks about how he hurt her. then the second she sees him she joins him again. its the ideal pre-breakup harley writing to me and this issue (this entire arc tbh) changed me
in conclusion i love my picture books 💞💞 i think more people should post their fav comic moments too because i wanna see everyone else's plsssss
also im putting honorable mentions under the cut:
"its not them" (blackest night: titans #3)
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"i still dream of krypton" (supergirl woman of tomorrow #8)
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"to the microscopic beings alive on his skin, this child is the entire universe" (poison ivy #6) (basically this entire issue is my favorite but i had to choose one page)
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210 notes · View notes
fayfaygoes · 21 days
The recent discourse on Twitter about Zayne's age being 30+ "cuz there's NO WAY" got me thinking.
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There was news of young child prodigy in my country who achieved milestones of students/children who are older than him , and their parents continued with it .
It was all fine until he couldn't do well in the Certificate examination ..and exam we give around age of 19-21 when he was atleast 5years younger . So basically now it's over since this GPA is very important to get jobs or to get selected for University or higher education.
Not only he couldn't get to be a child in those years , everything turned out bad because of mistakes in the last but most important steps.
Then I also saw a news of someone graduating at age of 17 ..with people commenting she should take years off and be a child that she couldn't be .
My point is -
these people exists . Young prodigy or merit/gifted children often subjected to fate like this . And sometimes that results very badly for them as they grow up.
But sometimes their consistency doesn't let them meet that failure.
Like the graduates ,and for our case , Our favourite chief surgeon Zayne .
Everytime I saw how many find it unbelievable that he is in his late twenties I get reminded of IRL examples and tender moment "Delicacy" that answers all these doubts.
And with how people prefer Older experienced surgeons , the fact that he GAINED the trust to become a Chief at such young age is NO JOKE.
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Rereading Delicacy got me wondering-
How much he probably didn't get to be a Child or a teen because he was drowned in books and busy excelling academically.
How much he had to compete in higher classes with classmates older than him.
because in his word "Time is luxury for student in hellishly competitive medical school"
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The fact he didn't have any ,I repeat, ANYone to call his friends because everyone is older than him & he was transferring fast ,on top he comes across as awkward in narrow lense.
How isolating that might have felt now that we get to know how he loves company.
What else he could do except study more and more and more?? Which resulted him excelling further & further.
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With how affection craved he is , did he miss those times where someone would knock at him door and ask him out to play with her .
He can't get his Teen life back ,nor get to experience what it likes to be a Normal students enjoying the life of ''being a student''
The fact that he was introduced to us as 27 speaks volumes.
the fact he is younger makes it even more sadder .
He graduated and became doctor at such young age because he has talents & merits .
It's also because he didn't have any other option but to keep going .
He admits that it wasn't due his "passion for learning" when MC asked him
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But ,Rather
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And it's just-
thanks to twitter that I went back to my roots and I found more reason to fall harder and harder for him as I wipe my tears.
He deserves all the fun and affection that he missed in those years because he had to grow up faster than his age required. And now he deserves someone by his side that understand and pampers him , stroke his back , hug him ,reassures him.
Tell him that it's okay to reunite with his inner child , everything will be alright because we will never leave him.
220 notes · View notes
airaibunny · 1 year
1. “i need you, right here/now”
2. “louder/quieter”
3. “i dont care who’s outside”
4. “do you want them to hear?”
5. “what if i dont?”
6. “make me”
7. “you don’t get to tell me what to do”
8. “that’s strike 1/2/3”
9. “if you stop, i’ll stop”
10. “no more, please, i can’t”
11. “where are your manners?”
12. “what did you say?”
13. “try again”
14. “but the cameras” - “they can’t see us from this angle, if you can stay still”
15. “you don’t get to touch”
16. “i’m begging you, touch me, please”
17. “beg for it”
18. “i said no”
19. “stop pushing, it wont end well”
20. “you look so fucking hot right now”
21. “you don’t need anything, you want it”
22. “say it”
23. “use your words”
24. “i can’t understand you”
25. “i can’t read your mind”
26. “could he/she do it better?”
27. “do you wish it was *name* touching you right now?”
28. “play with me”
29. “you’re such a needy girl”
30. “i don’t think your stage outfits cover that”
31. “let me focus”
32. “sluts don’t get to make requests”
33. “what happened? you wanted this so bad five minutes ago”
34. “stop talking”
35. “did i give you permission to talk?”
36. “you don’t understand how angry i am right now”
37. “you’re fucking soaked”
38. “you make me so wet”
39. “why are you already squirming”
40. “can i ask you for something?”
41. “please don’t stop”
42. “please don’t think i’m weird for this”
43. “i’ve been waiting all day”
44. “does that turn you on?”
45. “i need your fingers”
46. “i want you to fuck me”
47. “do it like you mean it”
48. “scream my name while you cum”
49. “call me mommy”
50. “touch yourself, i want to watch”
51. “come here, now.”
52. “on your knees”
53. “turn around”
54. “bend over”
55. “spread your legs/spread your legs further”
56. “you can barely speak, so cute”
57. “you’re so flushed, pretty girl”
58. “sit on my thigh/face/etc”
59. “lift up your leg”
60. “i’m bored, let’s play”
61. “i can see you staring at my tits/thigh/ass”
62. “if you make me/if i have to stop this car, im going to make sure you can’t walk out of it without my help”
63. “harder”
64. “let me do it”
65. “i didnt mean to, im sorry”
66. “dont cum until i tell you to”
67. “what if i just leave you here, wet and needy”
68. “what’s the safe word? you’re going to need it”
69. “what about you?”
70. “it’s my turn now”
71. “i didn’t mean to call you that, i’m sorry”
72. “you look so pretty on your knees”
73. “what are you going to do? punish me?”
74. “i think i deserve a reward”
75. “your *body part* are/is so pretty”
76. “i really don’t care that we’re in public”
77. “keep it up, you won’t like the situation you end up in”
78. “who do you think you are?”
79. “spank me”
80. “choke me”
81. “bite me”
82. “no, don’t go”
83. “you can practice on me”
84. “this is a one time thing”
85. “i thought you said it was a one time thing?”
86. “we can’t do this”
87. “i ordered us something”
88. “that looks too big”
89. “are you comfortable?”
90. “grab the handcuffs and come back here”
91. “you bought a vibrator?”
92. “how do i look?”
93. “you taste so sweet”
94. “i’m/it’s all over your chin”
95. “do you want to try?”
96. “you’re so cute”
97. “do you think about me when you touch yourself?”
98. “why are you being so shy? it’s not like i haven’t already seen all of you”
99. “can we use a toy?”
100. “can i use a toy on you?”
101. “good girl, keep going/just like that”
102. “you’re doing such a good job”
103. “i’m so proud of you”
104. “nobody can know about this, okay?”
105. “how are you so close already?”
106. “i can see how wet you are through your shorts”
107. “can you be quick?”
108. “please, i’ll finish fast”
109. “use your mouth”
110. “why do you get so shy when i use that word?”
111. “i love your tits/ass/etc”
112. “where do you want me to touch you?” - “down there…” - “say the word”
113. “stop teasing me”
114. “i like it when you’re mad”
115. “punish me”
116. “are you going to stop me?”
117. “on the counter/table/etc?”
118. “you’re the only one that gets to touch”
119. “have you seen the things the the fans write about you and *other member*?”
120. “i don’t care what the fans think”
121. “i really need to finish this”
122. “this is exactly how i imagined it”
123. “is that my shirt/underwear/etc?”
124. “everyone else is gone”
125. “fuck, i wish this room was soundproof”
126. “shut up”
127. “relax, angel”
128. “keep doing that, please”
129. “you feel so good”
130. “your skin is so soft”
131. “kiss/touch me, everywhere”
132. “no, you started this, now you’re going to finish it”
133. “pull my hair”
134. “open your mouth”
135. “clean my fingers, this is your mess”
136. “you’re such a messy girl”
137. “why are you so hot”
138. “fuck, i love you so much”
139. “take off your underwear” - “but, there’s other people here” - “they won’t see you, there’s an entire table here”
140. “you’re so gorgeous”
141. “open your eyes”
142. “look at me while you cum”
143. “do you want me to use my fingers/mouth?”
144. “i want you to keep going, forever”
145. “do you want to join me”
146. “you’re not allowed to touch”
147. “bad girls/sluts don’t get to cum”
148. “can you tell me what you did wrong?”
149. “explain what you did, if you don’t finish before you cum, you don’t get to finish again for the rest of the night”
150. “you’re all mine” - “hm…” - “say it” - “i’m all yours”
151. “you’re such a fucking slut/whore/cunt”
152. “how bad do you want it?”
153. “make me cry”
154. “ruin me”
155. “i want to do so many things to you”
156. “you look amazing, really, but i think i prefer the dress on the floor”
157. “i need you”
158. “if you ever pull a stunt like that again, i won’t wait until we get to our bedroom”
159. “say that again, i dare you”
160. “it’s too late for this” - “you don’t have to do anything, just stay laying down”
161. “what does this make us?”
162. “i love making you so flustered, it’s so cute”
163. “do you like it when i touch right here?”
164. “can you stay quiet if i take this call?”
165. “we could get kicked out for this”
166. “don’t make me say it, you know what i want”
167. “let me eat you out while you do that”
168. “can you teach me?”
169. “can i call you mommy?”
170. “what would the others think of this? their innocent little maknae being such a whore”
171. “shower with me”
172. “put your leg over my shoulder”
173. “there’s no one else here, be louder”
174. “look what you did”
175. “i want to taste you”
176. “i’m going to fuck you against the windows, i want everyone to see how good you are”
177. “stop being gentle”
178. “i don’t care what you do, just touch me”
179. “i want to fuck you so bad”
180. “i want to feel you, inside”
181. “i promise i’ll be good, just please…”
182. “you can’t leave marks”
183. “you’re not going to fall, i’ve got you”
184. “we are not doing this standing, there’s a bed right there”
185. “do you like it when i spank you right there?”
186. “stop moving on your own, you’ll take what i give you”
187. “use my thigh”
188. “if you hate me so much, why are you letting me do this?”
189. “you’re really telling me to stop while both of your hands are in my shirt?”
190. “i still hate you”
191. “this is just sex, no strings”
192. “fuck you” - “well, that’s what we’re doing isn’t it?”
193. “you looked so hot out there”
194. “you can take it like a good girl, right?”
195. “swallow”
196. “i’ll untie you if you’re good”
197. “you heard me”
198. “that was a nice way to wake up”
199. “i want to make a mess of you”
200. “breathe, please”
201. “take it like a good girl”
202. “why don’t you make it up to me?”
203. “you think your begging is going to change my mind?”
204. “i don’t care that you’re sorry”
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thelonelyempath · 2 years
Smut Prompts III (NSFW)
1. “Don’t even think about cumming yet.”
2. “So I hear you’re into pain?”
3. “Your eyes always glaze over when you cum.”
4. “Don’t fucking stop, baby.”
5. “I can’t pull out when you wrap your legs around me like that.”
6. “I wanna take you so fucking bad.”
7. “Be a good girl/boy and swallow for me.”
8. “You better keep the volume down or I’m gonna go even harder.”
9. “I’m feeling greedy.”
10. “Clothes.  Off.  Now.”
11. “You talk too much.  How about we use your mouth for something else?”
12. “Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner doesn’t need to know about this.”
13. “If you want to cum then you’re gonna have to beg.”
14. “If I have to pull over, you’ll be walking funny for the next week.”
15. “Could you be any wetter/harder?”
16. “Don’t worry.  I’ve got condoms and lube in my nightstand.”
17. “What’s wrong?  Why’d you stop?”  “Nothing’s wrong.  I just wanted to take a second to admire how beautiful you are.”
18. “I’m gonna stop if you don’t cum.”
19. “You better not touch yourself while I’m gone.”
20. “I’m gonna fuck you so good you forget all about that bastard.”
21. “Go and lock the door for me.  I don’t want anyone to walk in while I’m balls deep.”
22. “I’ll be gentle, baby.  Don’t worry.”
23. “Don’t stop.  Even if I beg you to.”
24. “I never knew you liked being spanked.”
25. “You don’t realize what it does to me when we’re cuddling and you press your ass against me.”
26. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
27. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
28. “I love that we both already finished and your legs are still shaking.”
29. “First one to cum loses.”
30. “I bet I can make you cum without even touching you.”
31. “I don’t have to be inside you to make you cum.”
32. “I want to kiss every square inch of your body.”
33. “I called in sick.  Now we can stay in bed and fuck all day.”
34. “Ride me like a cowboy/cowgirl.”
35. “Ooh, you’re not wearing any underwear.  Trying to tell me something?”
36. “Go get one of your toys.  Let’s make this even better.”
37. “Are you gonna keep playing with it or are you gonna put it in your mouth at some point?”
38. “Quit eyefucking me and get over here so you can actually fuck me!”
39. “What the fuck?  Do that again.  I liked it.”
40. “Is that gonna fit?”  “I’ll make it fit.”
41. “All day I’ve been thinking about how good it would feel to have your head between my legs.”
42. “Ever heard of an Australian kiss?”  “No.  What’s that?”  “It’s like a French kiss, but down under.”
43. “But there’s people-”  “I don’t care.  Let them watch.”
44. “I saw you naked once.  And now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
45. “How are you so oblivious?  I’m trying to tell you I’m fucking horny!”
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astradyke · 1 month
Please write the dissertation on how phil deals with dan's self deprecation :)
hi! i am not certain what exactly you are referring to, but i will be using my best guess that you are referencing what i talked about in this post about a certain minute and a half from a certain video. if that's not what you meant, shoot me another ask! but assuming that's it, well, without further ado...
a deep dive into 19:57-21:26 of What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2
What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2 was released December 21st, 2021 on AmazingPhil's channel. this video was released around two and a half years into Dan's hiatus (two years from their joint hiatus). setting aside the several YouTube Originals including Dan as talent, the next upload released on his own channel would be Why I Quit YouTube, released May 2nd, 2022. the sole reason i mention this video is for the contextualization of what was occurring during What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2-- this video was taken at some point after Dan had learned that his dream show, Dan Is Not Okay, was not going to be actualized, a reality that he described as traumatic.
i want to be explicitly clear that i am NOT intending to speculate on what was transpiring in private, nor am i romanticizing severe trauma. this is a frame by frame commentary post about publicly available content.
the outro to this video begins at 19:52, with a single frame that cuts at 19:57. At 19:57, Phil says: "Bunch has happened with you that we did not text about," to which Dan emphasizes, "That I can't talk about." Dan begins speaking on his own at this point, but you see Phil's face shift as he prods Dan to "talk a bit" about what is going on-- his eyebrows furrow, he's making direct eye contact with the camera, and he seems to be frowning. As Dan talks calmly yet vaguely about the circumstances we later learn about in Why I Quit YouTube, Phil's face shifts from the previously described expression to one where his cheeks puff up, his eyebrows still furrowed-- clearly annoyed. This shift happens as Dan is talking:
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"Look, quite a few things, dreams of mine-"
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"-got quite catastrophically torpedoed..."
Phil's face is like this for only a second before he relaxes it, though he still looks noticeably unhappy after. There is a jump-cut ~20:12, where Dan now has his hand resting against his face, while Phil emphatically expresses: "Like, Dan has been so close to almost giving you something, and then it's been taken away."
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at this point, Dan carefully starts saying that several of these projects might happen in the future-- to which Phil looks a little defeated:
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before looking irritated, even more-so than before, when Dan says: "... but I cannot to just wait for them or be gone in the meantime."
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again, relaxes again after a few seconds, and only begins to look positive when Dan describes that "somehow, some way, in the new year, I will be back."
... okay, so why did i show you any of that? mainly because i think it is significant to contrast the way that Dan approaches this subject versus how Phil does. Dan is plagued with vestiges of bitter professionalism and a sort of sadness as he tries to allude to the nightmare of his last two years, which makes sense in the context of his indecision over how to respond to what happened. all that Dan has experienced has forced him to constrain his emotional responses, as he has spent two years walking along a very similar edge with his literal dreams at stake. Phil, meanwhile, has a subconscious reaction to what Dan is saying, and without intending to, expresses across his face the shifting emotions that Dan feels unable to show.
to me it mirrors something we see in the I TRY TO GIVE DAN A HAIRCUT!! video. In this video, Dan continuously expresses uncertainty about promoting his book, being repeatedly encouraged by Phil to talk about it-- only for Phil to insert a segment at the end of the video to promote it more fervently. Dan is forcibly holding back, versus Phil openly expresses what Dan feels he cannot do in that moment. when Dan is wading through complicated emotions in order to treat the subject of his recent trauma respectfully, Phil is pantomiming what Dan cannot say in that moment, what he is not safe to say: that he got completely fucked over. Phil is communicating what we would spend five months knowing nothing about, in a way that exposes nothing except the fact that he was by Dan's side, feeling a fraction of his pain, throughout it, and that Dan didn't deserve it. that Dan is not at fault for his own absence.
at 20:35, Phil perks up and expresses that "the world has missed your sarcasm," voicing not only his own excitement ("I'm braced") but also the audience's excitement to see Dan return to YouTube. Dan laughs, before asking: "have they, though?" here, Phil very earnestly says, "yeah!" he is slightly shrugging, eyebrows rising (i couldn't capture a good visual here, sorry). the conversation is quickly hijacked by Dan, who continues to say "maybe this has been good for the world"-- Phil makes an expression here that is convoluted to read, mixed with both irritation/skepticism but also losing a degree of seriousness-- and starts laughing to himself as Dan goes onto say, effectively, that maybe things are better without him there at all. this is a very noticeable part of a lot of Dan and Phil content: Dan makes a self-deprecatory remark, Phil responds very earnestly, and then Dan continues to take it in a joking direction, so Phil picks it up and jokes back.
this feels jarring, at first, because at the time that this video released, i remember being surprised at how dark Dan was being, in a place that was clearly meant to be laughed off but was not executed like his typical cynicism. Phil follows along with laughing about it, because they are professionals and moving along is a quick way to handle something that does not need to escalate to an intervention/argument, but Phil does not joke about this from the beginning-- he is very earnestly assuring, at first, before realizing that Dan is doubling down, and he backs off. and he actually does this a lot across their videos: following Dan's lead.
20:48 is when Phil starts the actual outro of the video. at 20:51, after thanking the audience for watching the video, he gestures at Dan and turns to say: "Thanks, Dan-" to which Dan cuts him off to say, "Thank you for tolerating my presence." Phil continues his earlier sentence, correcting Dan by saying, "for treating us with your presence."
this is done (1) immediately and (2) deliberately. there is no shift in Phil's facial expression, no muddling or joking about what he is saying. Dan, in this moment, is reverting and doubling down on the self-deprecation we started to hear just a moment ago, and Phil is responding to it not by cutting Dan off, or bantering about it, or scolding him, but by very clearly correcting it. Dan is asserting what he believes to be the truth-- this does not read like his regular cynical humor-- and Phil is, in turn, asserting his truth just as confidently: that Dan is, as he said at the very beginning of this video, "a gift" for the audience. That Dan is creating something beautiful, that it's not his fault what is happening to him, and that both the audience and Phil want him.
the outro continues on, and Phil does his promotional stuff, explicitly including Dan in pretty much everything he promotes. here's my best attempt at a screenshot where you can see how close the two of them moved together over the course of this video; this is Phil telling people to subscribe to Dan.
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Dan then says, at the very end of the video, that "it has been... a year." Phil doesn't express much facially, but he does say a very clear, "yeah." as Dan goes on to close out the video. in the end cards, Dan's end card says: "DANIEL!" obvious excitement and endearment here.
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... okay, that's cool Mare, but you started writing this two hours ago and i don't understand why i needed to read any of that?
this video holds a very different tone to the others in the series, which is possibly why it is not a favorite for many people. it is a funny video, undeniably, but it is very clear in hindsight that this was shot while Dan was in a relapse. which is why it is so meaningful and loud to me that Phil not only brought this series back unexpectedly, but also exhibits this 'pressing forward and pulling them both back' strategy. they laugh about texts, Phil does their joint promotions, and then Dan says something self-deprecatory-- Phil steps up to sincerely counter it, and then pulls them both back as the next jump cut happens. the two of them are in-step, here, matching each other: Dan and Phil alternate discussing Dan's solo work issues; Phil picks up when Dan is trying to make a joke and joins in on it; when Dan self deprecates, Phil takes the same exact sentence and changes a singular word without a visual second thought. they do this all together.
there are a lot of ways to navigate self-deprecation. notably, when arising from a serious internal crisis colored by depression, you can't reason them directly out of it-- it's an immutable truth, to them, something that the world has affirmed. when Dan says that the internet would be better without him, that his presence is merely to be tolerated, you can tell that in the moment of this video's filming he did genuinely believe this. Phil recognizes that any attempt he makes to combat this has to be subtle enough to look over, but clear enough that the audience registers it in their head. it has to be said like it is an obvious truth, because to Phil (and us) it is an obvious truth. and it has to be done in line with Dan, not cutting him off or speaking over him, but by giving him the agency to express how he feels, and informing him, gently, that Phil is in love with him even if Dan is struggling to love himself.
Phil wanted us all to know in this video that Dan was being mistreated, even before any of us knew what that actually meant. even as Dan dealt with the psychological repercussions of this on his own mentally, it reminds us that Phil was there the entire time, Phil saw it and he grieved, too, because if the hiatus showed us anything it is that Phil loves Dan's solo work and his creative mind more than pretty much anything, aside from Dan himself. he also tried to emphasize, at the beginning and the end and even in the foundations of the video, that Dan being there was a treat! not something to be taken for granted! that Dan was something special, something the world desired, and yes that may sound obvious given that we were all there eagerly waiting for joint content, but in the context that Dan was being used for billboards and specials and whatever the fuck just because he could, that he was conscripted into projects and then forgotten about, that his own dreams 'fell through the cracks'... yeah.
a major reason why the hiatus years are so fond in my heart is that they are a clear period of time where you can see Phil's relentless devotion to Dan. he does the most that he can to support him-- he brings him onto a fun joint video, he promotes his merch, he really promotes his book, he coaxes Dan to talk more about solo projects, and he emphasizes that he wants him there. and this is all why this video in particular is so meaningful to me. it's the two of them, unexpectedly for us, bringing back a series where they revel in their insane psychic connections with each other, and it's Phil saying over and over and over again-- this person is with me. i am by his side. i am proud of him, and i radically refuse to take him for granted. he can never go anywhere that i won't follow him.
and that, that is everything.
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something that kind of annoys me is when peoiple genuinely criticise tom taylor's nightwing run by saying "dick is so out of character in those 2 issues where he gets the shit beaten out of him and then falls through his window"
that is taken out of the context of dick recovering from a traumatic brain injury so yeah he's going to be off balance after being whacked in the head MULTIPLE TIMES what are you talking about?!?!
it's ok, just breathe
the panel for reference
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Nightwing (2016) #83 pp. 12
don't believe me?
dick gets shot in the head just above his left ear, which you can see in both of these panels and in the cover for nightwing (2016) #50 (if you pretend if's a mirror image bc why is it on the right)
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Batman (2016) #55 pp. 21 Nightwing (2016) #50 pp. 2
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Nightwing (2016) #50 Cover
you can also see his brain scans in the same issue which nicely show the area of damage and literally list what happened
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Nightwing (2016) #50 pp. 2
so he lost bone (skull), blood (obviously), brain tissue (we'll come back to this), cerebrospinal fluid (bc there was a whole in his head), and suffered from severe vascular swelling (we'll return here too)
so, what brain tissue did dick lose?
here's the very basic anatomy of the human brain
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John Hopkins Medicine - https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/anatomy-of-the-brain (i drew the red circle)
now the ears sit just in front of the cerebellum, roughly somewhere around the red circle which lines up with the brain scan showing the damage is roughly in that notch where the temporal lobe and parietal lobe meet
the temporal lobe is involved with speech, rhythm, and short term memory
the parietal lobe is involved with pain and touch recognition, recognising objects, and oh would you look at that, spatial recognition
dick go shot in the part of the brain that tells the body where it is in relation to objects
no wonder he had a hard time fighting and trying to climb through windows, his coordination was all fucky
now the cerebellum is the part of the brain that affects balance BUT but but but we haven't talked about vascular swelling yet
vascular swelling is where the walls of the blood vessels swell (whodathunk) and this causes a reduction in the blood supply as they swell inwards
outward swelling with increase pressure on the brain which is not good either BUT this reduced blood flow = less oxygen to the brain = damage
there's a reason the symptoms of hypoxia pre-passing out are pretty much limited to your brain bc that's the organ that goes first
so with a decrease in bloodflow to his brain, there is a decent change damage was also done to every single part of his brain
now the blood supply does come in past the cerebellum so tbh there probably wouldn't be that much damage if at all however even with that it would explain how dick was still effected from getting shot
so having learned all that, lets take a look at issues 81 & 83 shall we
in #81...
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 5
he gets whacked in the head by heartless, someone with enhanced strength
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 12
he passes out because he's been whacked on the head near to where he was shot
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 13
this is nicely confirmed by babs
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Nightwing (2016) #81 pp. 19
he gets pushed back whilst fighting and due to his injury induced lack of spatial awareness, he falls down the stairs
then in #83, after fighting blockbuster, almost getting shot again, and flying through a helicopter...
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Nightwing (2016) #83 pp. 12
he falls through his window
so yeah, i do think this is reasonable for dick to do given he's recovering from a brain injury and has just been hit in the head and probably hit it whilst falling down the stairs
and if you've made it this far, i want to emphasise the 20 million valid reasons to criticise tom taylor's nightwing run, but this just isn't one of them
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
19/21 and 26 with........Haitani's!?!?!??! 🫣🫣🫣
I just can't stop thinking of them 😩😩
A/N: It was a little hard for me to start this one ngl, I was unsure how I'd be able to write the brothers sharing like THIS but I guess it's okay. I hope you enjoy it!! I brought the exhibitionsim out more with the enjoyment of being recorded instead of a public setting or someone else actively watching (the ending also kind of ties back into it) ANYWAYS MWUAH
Double penetration (one hole)/threesome/exhibitionism x Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou
“Ran you fuck--didn’t you ever learn how to share?” The younger Haitani snarled, shoving the older brother away from you. “It’s my turn.”
You don’t know how you got in between them--two of the most dangerous men in the entire country. You’ve heard stories of the terrors they got into when they were younger in Roppongi, how they climbed the ranks through different gangs, how they ended up as executives for the nastiest crime syndicate on this side of the world. It should terrify you, really, how you’ve gotten yourself tied up with these men. They could throw you away in an instant, kill you if you looked at them wrong--make you disappear from the life you know and use you as a drug mule. A thousand things can go wrong. 
And yet, you can’t help but smile whenever you’re with them.
You landed a job as a bartender in one of their clubs, normal job for the most part. You’d go in, do a bit of flirting, fight off a few way too drunk guys, and go home. You had no idea you’d been being watched for the better part of three weeks by the brothers themselves. You didn’t know what kind of place the club was until well after they formally introduced themselves as the co-owners, the Haitani brothers. Even then, you treated them the same way you’ve treated any other boss-with respect, but minimal interactions (as best you could, anyways.) They liked that, how you didn’t try to get money out of them, or sleep with them. They liked to keep it playful with their staff, but the women (and men!) would throw themselves immediately and it was such a turn off--Rindou would usually fire them the night after. They kept showing up at the clubs during your shifts, keeping a close eye on you. Ran started becoming bold and flirting with you on the job, which you brushed off as best you could. 
It wasn’t until an unruly patron tried to grab you after your shift that the men really intervened with you, Ran pulling you close into his chest to shield you (kind of) as Rindou pulled the trigger between the pig’s eyes and called in a cleaning crew to get rid of the body. It was then that you understood who they were, who really owned the club. They steadied themselves to hear grating screaming come from you, girls were usually scared after seeing something like that. Instead, you wrapped your arms around Ran tight, gripping at the back of his shirt and letting out a shaky ‘thank you’ before steadying yourself and (attempting) to go home for the night.
They hadn’t left you alone since.
And now you find yourself caught in between them most nights after your shift, in one of their beds. Tonight was different, you’ve noticed, because Ran started pulling out his phone and setting it up on the dresser across from the bed. “Mind if we record it, pretty girl?” His voice always sent shivers down your spine. “Go ahead-” your voice came out shakier than you hoped, hearing the younger brother attached to your neck chuckle. “Already so worked up, baby, barely even started.” He teased, kissing and biting at the juncture of your shoulder, fingers dipping underneath the band of your underwear. You whimpered, fingers combing through his wild locks and tugging at the root, bringing him up from your neck enough to press your lips against his--all tongue and teeth as he bit down on your lower lip leaving you breathless. He took the opportunity of your parted lips to shove his tongue in your mouth, licking at your own. You tried to keep up with his overwhelming pace, suckling on the tip of his tongue making him groan. “Fuuck baby, got so lucky with you didn’t we?” Rindou’s voice was ragged, much different than the smoothness of Ran’s--his was nearly scratchy in the best way possible. It made your hair stand up on the back of your neck. His hands came up to your throat, one wrapping around the back while the other grasped at your lower jaw, keeping you attached to him. You felt two taps on your ass cheek, and hands prying your underwear lower until it hit your knees. “Come on pretty, help me out and take these off.” Ran joined in, and you lifted each knee one at a time off the bed to let him remove the clothing fully. Your hands clawed at Rindou’s chest, trying to keep yourself afloat as the elder Haitani pressed open mouth kisses on your shoulder blades, trailing to your back. “Don’t think we can ever let you go, sweet girl.” Ran mumbled against your skin, raking his nails over the fronts of your thighs towards your weeping cunt. You broke away from Rindou enough to gasp for breath, nose to nose when you let out a small cry at the feeling of Ran’s hand slapping at your clit. 
Your lower half jolted away from the stimulation, but when Ran pressed himself against your back you had no choice but to take each smack he gave you. “Gotta take everything I give you, angel. Now be good for me, yeah?” Two fingers suddenly shoved themselves deep into your pussy, and Rindou had pressed his lips back to yours to muffle your cries. Even after all the times you’ve been in their beds, their fingers are a stretch to begin with. You’re dripping wet, but his fingers are so long they hit so deep. Ran starts off slow, sucking hickies into your shoulders and neck as he finger fucks you, smiling against your skin when he feels you fucking yourself back onto him. “There you go, beautiful~” He coos, scissoring his fingers inside of you rubbing at your walls so good. Your closed eyes open to look at Rindou in front of you, eyes already wild as he watches you meet each thrust of his brother’s fingers. A hand traveled lower from your jaw to grasp fully at your throat, fingers wrapping around and squeezing. “You can take some more, right baby?” Your eyes fluttered, barely able to nod while he was holding onto you like this, mouth dropping open. 
Rindou pressed his thumb against your nub, unable to move you had no choice but to take the stimulation--spit pooling at the corners of your mouth the same way tears did in your eyes. “R-Rindou-aah, please” You begged, though your brain couldn’t conceptualize why. A harsh smack to your ass left you squealing. “I’m here too, pretty.” You could hear the jealousy in Ran’s voice, and you knew you were right when you saw Rindou smirking. “Do better and maybe she won’t forget.” A slew of curses left Ran’s mouth before smacking at your ass again. “S-sorry! I’m sorry, Ran, I didn’t forget--honest.” You whimpered, doing your best to turn away from Rindou and crane your neck to look at Ran over your shoulder. “Aw, I know sweetheart. Gimme a kiss.” You occupied yourself with kissing Ran, who kissed you much slower than his counterpart. While Rindou was a wildfire, Ran was like flowing water. He kissed you slow and steady, taking his time to lick at your mouth and taste you. While Rindou was overwhelming, Ran was dizzying. Regardless of who was on you at any moment, they made you feel just as good. 
Ran kept you distracted enough for Rindou to push his ring and middle finger into your cunt alongside his brother’s fingers--filling you and stretching more than they had in the past. “Oh fuck” You breathed out, trying yout best to keep up with Ran but Rindou was shoving himself into you so harshly already it was difficult to breathe. Rindou’s fingers were thicker than the elder brother, filling you up as Ran’s fingers hit deep. Ran let you go, and you turned down to see Rindou’s fingers pumping in and out of you, juices oozing onto his fingers with each fuck. Your forehead hit his chest, a hand reaching back and grasping at Ran’s wrist for some sick form of grounding--spreading your legs more to give them easier access to your sloppy pussy. “S’this feel good, baby?” Rindou questioned, curling his fingers towards that gummy spot in your cunt. “A-ah, yeah, fuck, yeah” You whimpered, clenching around their sets of fingers. Ran laughed behind you, “Yeah? Like when we fuck you with our fingers, angel? You want more?” Nodding against Rindou’s chest, they removed their fingers from your cunt--creaminess covering their hands. “Look at that~” Ran whistled, making a show of spreading his fingers and letting your stickiness web between them. He turned your head towards the camera, and the brother’s chuckled seeing how fucked out you looked in the camera. “Lick ‘em clean, beautiful.” Ran spoke first, presenting his fingers in front of your face as you greedily sucked at them, taking them deep into your mouth to the knuckle and making sure you sucked them clean. You watched yourself in the front camera lapping at his digits, clenching your pussy around air. When Ran pulled his fingers out you immediately turned to Rindou and stuck your tongue out--expectantly. “What a good girl you are” He teased, shoving his fingers into your mouth until you gagged, and turned you to face the camera again. “Go ahead baby.” Stray tears fell down your cheeks as you licked around his spread fingers tasting yourself on him. 
Ran moved off the bed to bring the phone closer, now on the night stand as he laid down, bringing you with him. You understood immediately what he wanted, and lined yourself up to his cock as he filmed you lowering yourself. He bit his tongue holding back a moan while your pretty sounds filled the air, steadying yourself on his chest before your arms are ripped back behind you. “Come on baby, you can do it right?” Rindou taunted, kissing at your shoulders while you kept a steady pace bouncing on Ran’s cock. The older brother had the camera right at your hole, watching the way your pussy swallowed him up and drooled around the corners with your juices. His free hand held onto your hip, Rindou pulling you back to lean more against him as Ran started meeting each bounce on his lap with a thrust of his own, a webbing of white covering his dick each time he pulled out. “Fuck baby, look so good taking my cock. You think you can take another one?” You weren’t sure you understood, and before you had time to think more about the question the phone was placed back down on the stand and Rindou pushed you towards the other, Ran grabbing at your face and making a scene of kissing you sloppy in view of the camera. “Look at yourself, pretty baby.” He whispered against your ear, holding you by the jaw towards the camera when you started feeling Rindou prodding at your already stretched out cunt with his own cock. Your eyes squeezed closed with your brows scrunched, mouth hanging open as he pushed himself into your hole alongside Ran. “Ooh my god, fuck! S’much, wait--wait it’s so much!” You cried out, Ran slapping you lightly on your cheek to get your attention.
“Open your eyes, pretty girl. Look at yourself while you get fucked by us.” Your eyes were fuzzy, unable to fully focus as you watched yourself drool, tongue lolling out and tears rolling down your cheeks as Rindou filled you inch by inch. You should be embarrassed, feel shame as they made you watch yourself like this--being used by two dangerous men. But you couldn’t feel anything except turned on, looking at your own reflection drooling and crying uncontrollably on their cocks filling you more than they ever have. You subconsciously tightened your walls around them, and their groans filled the air. “Fuck! So fucking horny watching yourself, huh baby?” Rindou snickered, leaning over and angling the camera to your lower bodies, pulling you up for a clear angle of both cocks pumping in and out of your pussy. Just like you did Ran’s, Rindou’s cock was covered in your creamy cunt, squelching and gushing with each pap, pap, pap of their cocks fucking up into you. You couldn’t do much but take it, sobbing with overwhelming pleasure as they used you like a sleeve. Rindou’s fingers came around your front to rub and pinch at your swollen nub, and in no time he had you crying out and creaming over them, each push in and pull out of their cocks leaving with a squish. Ran’s hands had a strong grip on your hips as he fucked up into you, and last minute pulling out to cum on your tummy, painting your front white with his cum. 
With only Rindou now inside your cunt he quickened his pace and fucked you harder, tugging at your biceps and pulling your arms back as leverage. Ran moved the phone again, for full access to your body and face as the younger brother left you a mess. “Ready for me, baby?” He grunted behind you and you nodded with a sob, suddenly feeling him leave your pussy and make a mess on your ass, grabbing the phone from his brother and recording him slap his cock on your ass, smearing his mess around. Giving the phone back, Ran recorded up to your face now. “Smile at the camera, pretty girl.” Panting, you looked up at yourself again in the phone, lazy smile playing on your lips--fucked stupid. Ran scooped his cum on a finger while you were still watching yourself and lifted it to your mouth, watching you lick him clean and sticking your tongue out as proof.
He stopped the recording and Rindou lowered you onto the bed, mumbling to himself how ‘gross’ it was to share a hole like that with his brother. “Whatever dude--she felt good.” Ran called over to the younger Haitani as he left to grab something to wipe you down with. “You good, baby?” He whispered to you, smoothing down your hair as you nodded with a smile. He fiddled with his phone as Rindou wiped you clean, kissing your forehead and praising how good of a job you did for them. His phone pinged, before Ran spoke saying “Sent it to you.” When he finally took a look he saw it was in the group chat they had with Sanzu, snapping his head up to look at his brother who already had a grin like the devil and shrugged.
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keeplcving · 8 months
I absolutely fell in love with your wiring babe!!!
Can you do one where Coriolanus and fem!reader have been in an established relationship but they’ve never gotten intimate before so after a year of dating they’re hanging out at coryo‘s place and a kiss turns into lore and coryo indicates he wants to go further but reader is a bit intimidated considering she‘s never done it before and coryo is a bit experienced because reader‘s like 18 and coryo‘s like 21? Thank you sm!!!
thank you so much for your kind words sweet anon! of course i can! ! i bumped their ages just a bit up to 19 and 22 so there is no morality issues with them being 17 and 20 when they started dating! hope that’s okay with you, anon! enjoy xoxo ♡
(university!coriolanus x younger!virgin!f!reader)
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summary: she may love her man, but something’s holding her back from doing more with him.
cw: younger reader (reader is 19, coryo is 22), sweet!coryo, heavy kissing, dry humping, oral (f receiving), creampie, soft sex, cuddling, aftercare (kinda??)
Today had been more than enough for you. With your first semester at the University coming to a close, with final exams, you were beyond stressed, and all you wanted to do was curl up with your boyfriend and take a nap.
You quickly make your way to the Snow’s apartment, not wanting to waste any precious time that the two of you could have together. You knew that you would have to have dinner at home tonight, in celebration of you completing your first semester. Your parents were beyond proud of you, and your academic achievements, and you couldn’t spend the night at Coriolanus’, even though you’d much rather spend time with him.
“Darling?” You say as you open the door to the apartment, looking around for the blonde head of your boyfriend. You find him in the kitchen, holding a cup of tea.
“Hello, my love.” He greets you warmly, before passing you the mug with the press of a kiss to the top of your head. You smile, feeling so overwhelmed with love for your boyfriend. He knew you so well, that chamomile tea was one of the ways you relaxed.
“Thank you.” You whispered, taking a sip of the tea. You couldn’t believe that Coryo was yours sometimes, with how thoughtful and generous he was towards you. He showed you a love that you didn’t think still existed.
“You are very welcome, my dear.” He responds, before gently taking your hand and leading you into his (and yours most nights of the week) room. Gently shutting the door, Coryo turned the dim light on, which was used to soothe the migraine you usually had after class.
You walked to your side of the bed, setting the mug down on the nightstand that was beside the bed, and you began to change into more comfortable clothes, while your boyfriend watched from his side of the bed. You then climbed into the bed into Coryo’s waiting embrace.
You hummed in relief, finally at ease after a long day. You gently inhaled, curling up on your boyfriend’s chest as he ran a hand slowly up and down over the rungs of your spine, trying his best to soothe you.
“I missed you this week.” He tells you quietly, continuing his gentle ministrations on your back.
You usually spent the night (and most of the day), but for the past week, you had spent every night hunched over your desk at home, studying. Coriolanus had told you to come study at his apartment with him, so you weren’t alone all night, but you couldn’t. You knew if you tried, you would’ve been too distracted by your handsome boyfriend to do any actual studying, which wouldn’t fare well for your grades. Your grades were super important to you, and not even Coryo could have you skipping study sessions.
“I missed you too, Coryo. I missed your strong arms holding me at night.” You giggled, remembering your inability to fall asleep this week, even after being up for twenty hours straight, without your boyfriend’s strong frame holding you close. It was almost embarrassing, the way you were so dependent on him for even the most basic of actions, like sleeping.
“And I missed you keeping me warm at night. How are you always so warm?” He joked. You knew that he was always so cold, no matter what, and holding you always soothed him, as you were always warm. It worked out for the pair of you, creating the perfect temperature you both desired.
“My body just holds a normal temperature, Snow.” You bite back, pressing a kiss to his jaw. He let out a deep groan at the feeling of your lips against his skin. He hadn’t kissed you all week, and he was feeling needy.
“Want something?” You tease, and he instantly pulls you to meet his lips. You love kissing Coriolanus. He treats you like the delicate woman you are, but also allows for some of your not-so-innocent side to come out.
He sits up, and pulls your thighs apart to straddle his own, and deepens the kiss. His hands slide down, grasping your ass firmly as you continue to kiss. He squeezes your ass, and you let out a moan at the feeling. He’d only done that a few times, but every time it felt so good.
He takes advantage of your mouth ever so slightly opening, sliding his tongue against yours. The kiss turns frantic, and you experimentally slide your hips against his thigh, pressing down. He lets out a groan, and you can feel the tent in his pants through your shorts and panties. It excites you, but it also terrifies you.
You had never had sex, and Coryo was your first real boyfriend. You had met when you had turned eighteen, on your first day at the University. You were a little lost on finding a classroom, and he had so kindly offered to help you find it. From then on, you two had been together, even though it took two months of constant flirting for him to finally ask you to be his. He was hesitant, as he had just turned twenty one, and being with someone three years his junior, especially whilst at University, was daunting. It seemed wrong, you were still so innocent, had never even been kissed.
You wanted him (and you knew he wanted you) but at the same time, you didn’t. You knew that virginity was a social construct, but it still was special to you, even if Coriolanus was also special to you, you were so afraid after being told (and overhearing) many horror stories by other girls in your class.
You tried it again, and Coryo gripped your hips, halting your movements. “Darling, if you continue, I may not be able to stop.” He hotly whispers into your ear, and you tense up. He notices this immediately, and looks apologetic. “I’m sorry, my dove. I have gotten carried away. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You are in control here. What would you like to do?”
“I…I want to keep doing what we were just doing. It feels so good for me, Coryo. I don’t know if I’m ready to have real sex yet. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a tease.” You tell him earnestly, eyes downcast with a matching pout upon your lips.
“Darling, you do not need to apologize to me. Whatever you feel comfortable doing, I am just fine with doing. Whatever makes you feel good. And, it feels good for me, too.” He smiles, and you nod. You should have expected this, he was always the gentleman, letting you take the lead on everything in the relationship. You knew he had experience, and you were grateful that he wasn’t controlling or demanding of you.
“Thank you for being so understanding, Coryo.” You tell him, resuming your movements, pushing your clothed cunt down and grinding on his clothed cock.
The pressure from the grinding feels so good, and when you move, you can feel him pressing against your clit through your panties. You feel animalistic as you speed up your movements, chasing that feeling deep in your stomach. It feels like a coil tightening, and you want him to make it snap.
He begins meeting your movements, pressing his cock up while you press your cunt down, and the groans that fall from his lips lead to your own pants and moans. Soon enough, you feel something inside of you snap, and you drench your panties with your juices, soaking his pants, too. You keep moving, though, knowing that you had just orgasmed. You wanted your boyfriend to feel the same pleasure.
Your rapid movements, along with the feeling of your juices soaking in his pants, make him reach his peak mere moments after you, grunting out your name. You both fall back, laying down, you directly on top of him, both breathing heavily. You collect your thoughts for a moment, allowing both of your heart rates to resume to normal.
“I think… I think I want more.” You tell him honestly, smiling. He smirks back, he had been waiting for this moment for a very long time, but he hadn’t wanted to pressure you, waiting until you were ready.
“If you’re sure, dove.” He waits for your nod, before rolling you over onto your back. He attacks your lips with kisses, trailing down to your neck, and to your collarbone.
He leaves a few love bites, and you shake your head at him. “How on earth am I supposed to hide these?” You jokingly chastise him, and he just rolls his eyes at you. You loved when he left his mark on your skin, even though this was only the third time of him doing it. It served you a reminder of him when you weren’t physically together, and you loved it.
He looks up, meeting your eyes. “Is it alright if I take this off?” He gestures to your (his) shirt that you were currently wearing. You quickly nod your approval, and he gently pulls it up, over your head. He had expected you to be wearing a bra underneath, but instead, he was met with your bare breasts. He lets out a groan, quickly leaning down to suck a nipple gently, swirling his tongue around the rapidly hardening bud.
You let out a series of mewls of pleasure, arching your back against the bed. Carefully, he lays himself over top of you, forearms holding him up so that he does not crush you. He switches breasts, lavishing both with equal attention. You grip the edge of his shirt, pulling it up until he gets the message, quickly pulling it off and throwing it somewhere you don’t see.
He continues kissing down your body, worshipping, until he reaches the waistband of your shorts. He looks up for approval, and you simply smile, and he gently brings the shorts down, over your ankles, and finally off, joining his shirt somewhere. You then reach to unbutton his pants, and he finishes the job for you, leaving the both of you in just underwear.
“Are you sure?” He asks you, giving you once last chance to back out, and change your mind.
“Yes.” You respond, smiling at him, and he smiles back.
He removes the panties, and groans at the sight of your wet heat. He palms himself through his boxers, before sliding further down the bed, so that his face was eye level with your cunt. Your heart was beating rapidly in anticipation, and when he licks that first stripe from the bottom to your clit, you let out a sharp gasp. It felt so unlike anything you had ever felt before, you never wanted it to stop.
Grasping the back of his head with both of your hands, you held him in place, and you could see him smirk. He knew you would enjoy this, and he was so glad you were taking charge. He circled your clit slowly, and you couldn’t take the teasing anymore.
“Please, Coryo. More. I don’t know what, but more.” You begged of him, and he then began eating at your cunt like he was a feral animal that hadn’t eaten in days, licking and sucking and it felt so so so good. You almost couldn’t take it, and you felt yourself quickly approaching your second orgasm of the night.
You could see him humping against the bed as he ate you out, desperate for some friction of his own. Just the sight of that alone, alongside his tongue dipping inside your dripping hole had you coming, and loudly at that. You screamed, clenching your legs around his head, coating his face with your juices.
Once you had relinquished the pressure of your legs, he brought his head out, and made eye contact with you. “Feel good, princess?”
“No, it felt awful.” You teased, ruffling his curls with your fingertips. “Of course it did, Coryo. But now, I want you to feel good.”
With that, you urged him back up the bed, and slipped your small hand into his boxers, grabbing his cock. Your fingers barely fit all the way around, and after experimentally pumping it once, you could tell it was long.
“Take your boxers off.” You told him, leaving no room for argument. He pulled them off, and your eyes widened at the sight of his cock, long, thick and painfully hard. You had felt it, sure, but seeing it was a totally different ordeal.
“Is that… Is that going to fit inside of me?” You let out with a laugh, looking up at him.
“Yes, princess. It may take some work, and some time, but I promise, it will fit.” He replies, looking so seriously at you.
You smile in response, and without further preamble, grab his cock, pumping it up and down. You surprise him, and he lets out a series of low groans that have the heat pooling up in your stomach one more. Once you are satisfied that you feel confident to take his cock inside of you, you seize your pumping.
“I’m ready to try, darling. Please, please be gentle. Don’t hurt me.” You plead, pouting lightly.
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting you, my dove. Just tell me if it gets to be too much. I will stop, I promise you that.”
With that, he slots his cock to line up with your drenched hole, and gently begins to press in. When you tense up after the first three inches, he stops immediately, meeting you eyes.
“Just give me one second, please.” You tell him, and he nods, waiting for you to tell him to continue pushing in. Once you do, he continues slowly sliding his cock into you, until he is fully surrounded by your tight, wet heat. He groans at the feeling, almost overwhelmed by how tight you’re squeezing him.
“Is it alright if I move, princess?” He asks, and you nod. He starts his movements off very slowly, trying his best not to hurt you by starting off too quickly, by getting too excited about finally being inside you.
It’s only when you beg him to give you more, that his pace quickens, and you can feel him push against a spot inside of you that makes you gush.
You had heard some girls talking about that spot, the g-spot, and how their lovers had never been able to find it. How lucky were you, your man was able to find it with ease. You moaned and gasped and writhed around, loving the feeling of his cock pounding relentlessly inside of you, hitting your g-spot every thrust.
You bring your two of your fingers down to your clit, circling it roughly while Coriolanus pounds into you, and you begin to see stars. You feel so overwhelmed, and clench around his cock. He lets out a groan, and is panting as he continues to fuck into you.
“I’m so close!” You scream, and he nods his head, not letting up. As you reach your peak, you look into his eyes, impossibly blue, and continue moaning.
You feel yourself come, but it felt like you had used the bathroom. There was so much liquid, you felt embarrassed. Coriolanus grunted as he continued his thrusts into you, and he didn’t let up until you felt him spurt deep inside of you. He slowly halted his movements, pulling out of you carefully as if not to hurt you further.
“What’s that liquid?” You asked him, confused and embarrassed. You had never done that the few times you fingered yourself, and were shocked.
“You squirted, my love. It’s totally normal, it just means your body felt so good it got overwhelmed.” He explains, running his fingers through your hair. You just nodded, allowing him to roll onto his side, pulling you flush against him, spooning.
You loved cuddling like this normally, but now, it felt all the more intimate. You had just given a part of yourself to your beautiful boyfriend, and you felt so good. Your body was so at peace, and you heard Coryo let out little snores. You realized he had fallen asleep, overexerted from your activities. You then allowed yourself to fall asleep in his arms, content with your first time.
So much for just taking a nap.
©keeplcving 2024. please let me know what you think, and feel free to send me requests! :) i’d love to write more of what y’all would like to see!!
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🎃⁀➷ 31 days, 31 spooky prompts for Whumptober *ੈ✩‧₊˚🕷️🍂
1. ❝ don’t look, try not to show any fear as I tell you this, but I think that pumpkin behind you is alive, and it’s looking at us. ❞
2. ❝ please, I’m not crazy. that scarecrow is alive and it’s trying to kill me. you have to believe me. no one in this town is safe! ❞
3. ❝ you remember that body that was admitted to the morgue last night? the one that has human bite marks that looks nasty infected on the arm. yeah, well, this is going to sound insane, but it’s gone. the body’s missing. ❞
4. ❝ babe, you’re dead. this is the afterlife. we’re all ghosts here. ❞
5. ❝ do not come out of your room when it’s nighttime. no matter what you hear, you must stay in your room throughout the night. ❞
6. ❝ the bats, they’re biting and killing people. we have to run. now! ❞
7. ❝ is that a person sitting on the tree branch? why is she smiling like that? what’s wrong with her eyes? oh my god, she’s crawling down. oh my god, she’s crawling towards us! ❞
8. ❝ you haven’t heard of the blood moon curse? you must be new here. ❞
9. ❝ if you hear a voice calling your name from the woods at night, do not answer. ever. ❞
10. ❝ I got bitten, and I need you to kill me before I turn and become like them. please promise me you’ll kill me before I hurt anybody. please don’t let me be like them. ❞
11. ❝ no, don’t make eye contact with it. keep on walking, but do not run. ❞
12. ❝ there will be a ritual tonight and they will use you as a human sacrifice. you have to get out of here. ❞
13. ❝ shhh, she can’t see us, but she can hear us. be quiet. ❞
14. ❝ what do you mean the doll is alive? it’s just a doll. ❞
15. ❝ one of us is possessed. there’s one way to find out who. ❞
16. ❝ we’ve been walking in circle. we’ve walked past this house before. you see that lady in the window staring at us? she was also there the last time we walked past her property, staring at us through the window exactly like this. it’s like she hasn’t moved at all. ❞
17. ❝ you need my blood to stay alive. drink it. drink. or you die. ❞
18. ❝ I think there’s someone living in the walls. I can hear them breathing at night. ❞
19. ❝ this is a mistake. we should never have come here. the myth is real. we’ll never get out alive now. I’m sorry. gosh, I’m so sorry. ❞
20. ❝ if you see the shadow, you only have 3 days left to live. ❞
21. ❝ are those claw marks on the trees? they weren’t here last night when we set up the tent. ❞
22. ❝ I don’t think the blood on his clothes is fake, neither are the human organs in those jars. we have to get out of here. ❞
23. ❝ I’ve seen it all. the devil is real. it’s too late now. all of us are going to die tonight. ❞
24. ❝ they are not a cult. they’re my family. I’m not being brainwashed. let me go. let me go! ❞
25. ❝ what did you just inject me with? what’s in the syringe? what’s in the fcking syringe?!! ❞
26. ❝ those blood, it’s still fresh, meaning whoever — or whatever — killed it is still around. we have to keep moving, and we have to keep quiet. ❞
27. ❝ she doesn’t like her dolls to speak at night. if she hears your voice after 8 o’clock, she will rip your vocal cord out. ❞
28. ❝ there’s something in the mist. if you breathe, you die. ❞
29. ❝ look at me, hey, look at me, these people, they look like your friends and they sound like your friends. but they’re not your friends. your friends are dead. we cannot trust anybody. ❞
30. ❝ don’t get too close to the water. the fairies have very sharp teeth and strong grips. ❞
31. ❝ be careful in the full moon night. just… be very careful, alright? ❞
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Pride!!!! Living Blood or Lady Mo please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Xuanyu disrobes unashamedly, hesitating only at the last second with the sleeve covering her left arm.
Jiang Yanli laughs. “Bit late to be modest, I think.”
“Modesty is overrated,” she returns, which is something that Zixuan would say and A-Yao would think. She slips the rest of the robes off and steps into the steaming bath, letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction.
The changes her body has undergone are even more obvious without the thick layers of the robes obscuring her form. The extra weight seems to have settled in ideal places, not only thickening her waist and limbs but settling heavily along her hips and breasts, which hadn’t exactly been small to begin with.
She sits behind Xuanyu, filling a bowl with water and then pouring it over her hair to rinse it of blood and dirt that had been hidden by her dark hair. Acting as a bathing assistant is far below her station, but Xuanyu had sent all the servants away and she doesn’t mind, really. Xuanyu is her sister, likely the only one she’ll ever have considering A-Cheng’s track record with matchmakers, and she’s been worried about her. This gives them time to speak alone. “How has your marriage with Lan Wangji been? Has he been kind?”
Xuanyu pulls a face, which isn’t encouraging. “I guess. He mostly left me alone, and then we had a couple fights and he was a jerk, and now I think he’s trying to make up for being a jerk, but it’s a little – well, it’s nice that he’s making an effort. I suppose.”
Not as good as she’d hoped, but not as bad as she’d feared. “Sect Leader Lan seems fond of you.”
“Oh, Lan Xichen is great,” she says easily. Better than reaction to Lan Wangji, but still not what Jiang Yanli had been hoping for. Then her eyes light up. “Sizhui is wonderful! I’ll give Wangji one thing, he’s raised a good kid. He’s so sweet, and a great cultivator, and he’s always trying to help out everyone around him. I’m glad Jingyi’s always hanging around – without him, I think everyone would just take advantage of Sizhui’s good nature.”
Well, that’s something. Surely Lan Wangji can’t resist Xuanyu’s charms for long, not when she dotes on his son and gets along with his brother.
“What trouble did you get into on the road?” she asks, running her hand over the wound on Xuanyu’s shoulder. It looks nearly fully healed already and there’s another mostly healed wound on her hip, a thin slice on her left arm, and the shadow of various bruises that were likely much worse a couple hours ago. It’s of course a good thing that Xuanyu has a strong golden core, but Jiang Yanli can’t help a moment of wistfulness.
Her own core never lived up to her mother’s expectations, or her own. If she’d had a stronger core, she could have given A-Ling siblings. A child should have siblings. She would have had a calmer childhood without two little brothers underfoot, but a lonelier one too.
Xuanyu shrugs, lazily scrubbing herself down. “Looks like Xiao Xingchen picked up the girl, A-Qing, while he and Song Lan were separated and was trapped in this place that was basically a ghost town.” How could he be trapped by a place that had no people? “And I’d heard some rumors so when we ran into Song Lan I helped him find Xiao Xingchen, but there was a bit of a fight with someone who didn’t want him to leave. I just happened to get caught in the crossfire, so to speak.”
She’s stretching the truth to outright lying. Before Jiang Yanli can call her on it, her stomach growls.
“Didn’t get a chance to eat on the road?” she teases.
Xuanyu flushes, ducking briefly beneath the water to hide her flaming cheeks before resurfacing. “Things were a little hectic. It may have slipped my mind.”
How has she managed to put on weight while also forgetting to eat? Perhaps Lan Wangji deserves more credit.
“I think I have some candies in my room, if you want something before the banquet,” she offers. “I know the speeches take forever.”
Her eyes light up before dimming and she slumps in the bath. “Thanks, Yanli-jie, but I better not. Sizhui gave me some on the road and I usually love them but just putting it in my mouth almost made me sick. It was awful. And weird! They’re my favorite.”
Jiang Yanli blinks then gives Xuanyu’s significantly larger chest a considering look. It could be nothing. It’s probably nothing. She hasn’t even been married a year and it doesn’t sound as if she and Lan Wangji have been seeing eye to eye.
Then again, the same could have been said about her and Zixuan.
“Can I ask you something personal, Meimei?”
Xuanyu nods. “You can ask me anything, Yanli-jie.”
“Are you and Lan Wangji having sex?”
She turns bright red and ducks beneath the water for so long that Jiang Yanli is starting to get concerned before she resurfaces, still red faced. “Um. We did once. Well – I guess, technically, it was three times, but it was only one night.”
Well. Apparently Lan Wangji has stamina on and off the battlefield.
“One moment,” she says, briefly squeezing Xuanyu’s shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
It takes one whispered conversation with the servant outside the hall and approximately ninety seconds before her personal healer is standing in front of her. Jiang Yanli ducks back inside to see Xuanyu out of the bath, in a thin bathing robe that’s clinging to her as she wrings her hair out. “I’d like my healer to take a look at you, Meimei.”
Xuanyu freezes, slowly standing straight with a wary look on her face. “That’s really not necessary. The wounds were just superficial and they’re basically healed already.”
“It’ll be quick,” she says, because if she’s right then she can’t let Xuanyu go down to the banquet without letting her know. “She’s very discreet – she’s been my personal healer since I was a child.”
“Jiang Xingyi?” Xuanyu asks, some of her tension draining away.
Jiang Yanli nods, trying to think of some reason that Xuanyu would know her healer’s name, or her reputation, but all the servants are terrible gossips and her health is a frequent topic of derision. “Just your wrist, okay? Your golden core has changed a lot. I just want her to take a look.”
She feels bad about lying, but Xuanyu had lied to her first.
Xuanyu relaxes even further. “Okay, Yanli-jie. If it’ll make you feel better.”
“Thank you,” she smiles, then opens the door to usher Jiang Xingyi in.
The old woman doesn’t smile, but Xuanyu grins back undeterred, and says, “Hi, Granny,” before paling and adding, “uh, um. Sorry.”
Jiang Yanli feels a familiar pang of grief go through her. A-Xian had referred to Jiang Xingyi as Granny, the only disciple both bold and beloved enough to get away with it.
Jiang Xingyi ignores her, instead reaching for her wrist and pressing her fingers against it. Xuanyu fidgets, shifting from one foot to the other, but says nothing as the moments stack on top of one another.
Finally, Jiang Xingyi drops her wrist and steps back. Her stern visage breaks, a smile stretching her mouth across her face. “Congratulations, Madame Lan.”
She knew it!
“Thanks,” Xuanyu answers before wrinkling her nose. “Um. For what?”
“You are expecting,” she answers. “At least a couple months along, I believe, although I’d have to do a more thorough examination to be sure.”
Jiang Yanli moves to embrace her, but Xuanyu’s face drops and she turns dangerously pale. “What? No. That’s not possible. I can’t be.”
“Three times,” Jiang Yanli reminds her, trying to goad Xuanyu into laughter.
But instead she just shakes her head. “No, no I can’t, I – this can’t be happening,” she whispers to herself, grabbing her own arms in a white knuckled grip. “It’s not. It’s impossible. I can’t be.”
She’s young, and this wasn’t a marriage of her own choosing, and it’s so new. Of course she’s surprised and nervous. Jiang Yanli touches her elbow, intending to say something soothing, but Xuanyu collapses into her arms, gripping her waist and hiding her tears in her shoulder.
“Xuanyu!” she says, hugging her back just as fiercely, her heart breaking for the younger girl’s anguish. “Meimei, it’s okay, I know this is scary, but it’s going to be fine.”
“It’s not,” she says, voice thick with tears, “A-jie, this is awful, this is – it can’t happen! It can’t, Wangji is going to be so mad, he’s going to hate me, and everything is ruined and awful, I can’t be – I can’t! I’m going to die!”
Jiang Yanli’s whole body goes cold and she grips Xuanyu even tighter against her. “You’re going to be fine,” she says, pushing her conviction into every syllable.
No matter what Jiang Yanli has to do, Xuanyu is going to be fine.
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sadnignored · 5 months
✨ Wish List ✨
1. Use me in front of your friends/share me with them
2. Force me to get drunk and/or cross faded and take advantage of me
3. Piss in my ass and then put a plug in. Call me a disgusting toilet while you pat my head and spank my ass
4. Make me crawl around naked with a leash on
5. Don’t let me wear clothes around the house
6. Have me suck on you all day whenever and wherever you want
7. Get me a shock collar and shock me randomly for fun. Espeically when bringing you things, punish me if I drop anything
8. Only let me eat food you’ve cummed on
9. Make me ask to use the bathroom
10. Leave marks all over my body: bruises, cuts, burns, welts, etc.
11. Stretch out my pussy till I cry and make fun of me for being loose
12. Shove random things in my pussy
13. Pick out my clothes for me and shove toys inside me so you can tease me all day
14. Make me sign a contract to be completely free use for you
15. Don’t let me talk for several days
16. I make you dinner each night but I don’t get to eat unless you give me your left overs
17. I’m not allowed to eat at the table with you. Only in a bowl on the floor
18. Use me as furniture: foot stool, lamp, table, etc.
19. Stuff my panties in my pussy and when they’re soaked shove them in my mouth. Tape my mouth shut and call me a dirty whore for soaking through my panties
20. Abuse my tits
21. Tape my pussy shut, tell me I’m an anal only slut. If I want to cum it has to be from anal
22. Stick your fingers in my mouth to shut me up
23. Don’t let me speak unless spoken to
24. Use me as a urinal if you don’t want to get up to pee
25. Keep me denied and horny
26. Give me wedgies and laugh when I get wet from the pain
27. Talk down to me. Piggy’s don’t need to think. Piggy’s are stupid after all
28. Stretch my cunt and ass with random items to your amusement
29. Rest your balls on my face and tell me that I’m your chair. Then make me rim your ass
30. Make me edge until I can’t think anymore then slap my clit until I’m crying
31. Turn me into the perfect piggy slave for you ☺️
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
The list of regrets I totally have and am not just writing because Charlie is making me, Vagina Vaggie is glaring at me, and I want the free rent:
By Angel Dust, 3 time X-X-X award winner.
(Warning, there is some victim blaming in this. The abuse Angel faces from Val is not his fault, but given that I’m writing this from his perspective I figured it would be something he’d add.)
1. Writing this list
2. Verbally complaining about writing this list cause now Vagina wants to stab me.
3. Only taking half my usual hit before starting today.
4. Complaining about not being high enough.
5. Not hiding my drugs better
6. Not having more stashes of drugs
7. Calling TV superior to radio.
8. Not killing that snake before he had a chance to go to the hotel.
9. Not “trying hard enough” at this shitty hotel.
10. Being too close to roof so the CRAZY BITCH COULD THROW ME OFF OF IT.
11. Walking up the stairs with Pentious only to have to go IMMEDIATELY BACK DOWN.
12. Signing my deal with fucking Valentino. Seriously I’m a fucking idiot.
13. Even suggesting the idea that Charlie should come to the studio. She’s just going to get hurt.
14. Mouthing off to Val.
15. Not getting Charlie out of the hotel sooner
16. Being such a pathetic, dick sucking ho who isn’t good at anything beyond sex.
17. Not being able to take all of this.
18. Not acting well enough cause some this bitchass cat is seeing through me.
19. Ever offering that bitchass cat my services.
20. Pushing Husk’s boundaries
21. Not being my true self.
22. Acting for so long I don’t even really know who my true self is
23. Being a dick to Charlie
24. Being a dick to Husk
25. Being a dick to everyone
26. Putting my dick in a vacuum cleaner.
27. Calling Smiles a creepy dommy daddy.
28. Letting Niffty know about some of my more kinky films. She’s getting ideas…
29. Trying to play poker with Husk (and not even strip poker!)
30. Testing if my venom works on myself (it doesn’t and now I have pink bite marks)
31. Leaving what I used to clean my bites out because somehow Alastor found them and is now TEMPORARILY PARALYZED AND I DONT WANT HIM TO KILL ME WHEN HE CAN MOVE AGAIN.
32. Not answering Val’s texts.
33. Wearing boots. Seriously these things hurt sometimes.
34. Having ugly feet so I can’t NOT wear boots.
35. Tracking mud into the hotel
36. Mentioning sex around the Egg Bois because now I have to explain what it is.
37. Describing sex as something their boss “has never had,” it got back to Pentious and I’m scared.
38. Mentioning “Vox” anywhere in Alastor’s vicinity.
39. Agreeing to play Monopoly with Niffty. In general Monopoly sucks but Niffty likes to get knives involved?!?!
40. Getting addicted to drugs.
41. Getting caught in that alleyway by my BITCHASS brother.
42. Not trying harder for Molly.
43. Not saying goodbye.
44. Fucking overdosing.
45. Doing literally fucking nothing with my life and nothing with my death.
46. Taking the easy was out and doing whatever pops told me to
47. Yelling “FUCK” loudly in church that one time
48. Not teaching these people at the hotel how to FUCKING MAKE SPAGHETTI RIGHT?!
49. Getting high with Cherri.
50. Telling Val to “fuck off”
51. Flirting with that one cannibal guy because now they all seem to want to EAT ME (and not in the sexy way)
52. Leaving those pot brownies out. High cannibals, Egg Boiz, and Nifftys are terrifying.
53. Letting myself be named “Angel” because this makes shit too damn confusing plus I think Niffty wants to KILL ME?!
54. Not spending more time with these losers
55. Not opening myself up to Husk sooner.
56. Being too much of a coward to tell him how I feel.
57. Mentioning Pent has two dicks to Cherri cause she won’t stop asking about it.
58. Not doing enough to save Pentious.
59. Not telling him how much he means to me.
60. Trying to lift way more than I should have. Apparently six arms doesn’t mean I’m super strong.
61. Calling Niss a short motherfucker who nobody likes. I’m sorry, I’ll be better (and call him something even worse next time.)
62. Still being too much of a coward to tell Husk how I feel.
63. Flirting with Husk in Italian when he UNDERSTOOD ME THIS WHOLE DAMN TIME?!
64. Getting a room on the same side of the building as Alastor’s because he keeps laughing at 3 in the morning???
65. Kissing Husk in public. Val is mad.
66. Trying to even have a boyfriend with Val around. It’s stupid.
67. Calling yourself stupid for wanting to have a boyfriend.
68. Giving my boyfriend access to this list.
69. No regrets. Only 69. :D (Jesus Christ you’re a child.)
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