#and its like bro that old ass woman should not be hitting on guys that are her grandchildren’s age WHATTT
witchykale · 7 months
lady grandma probably being my favorite character is so fucked because every day i just think man what the hell was she doing
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awigglycultist · 7 months
We Didn't Plan To Kill Our Guest w/ DYLAN Saunders thoughts bc I never watcher and yes I know I'm 2 days late but I've been busy and couldn't watch it ok
Why is Corey in a trashcan lol
Woah didn't know Brian was drummer 10/10
Jesus ok just mentioning someone death
"it's democrats like you that cost us the election" Pft
Yup very popular dance totally have seen it
Uhm Joey it's BOYS what are we gonna do not GUYS
Wow Dylan has really aged
Sjsjdhd the snapping
Old man boomer Dylan Saunders
"we know you're super busy" "I don't do anything at all"
"with Dylan Saunders!" "who's that?"
"I got tales from the war"
Omg he's dead
LAUREN sorry I mean DOCTOR
"am I problematic figure?"
Joey don't worry the doctor said natural causes I'm sure you didn't bore him to death it's fine
Joey's and Corey's little skips bdjdb
Love how the doctor says it was natural causes but they think everyone's gonna think they caused his death. Like guys if the autopsy report says natural causes its finneee
Finished, toasted, gazumped, fleeced. Fucked.
Please they freak out over Dylan's death making it look like they killed him but are perfectly fine with killing other people
Yup great acting guys very normal
[BEEEEEP] yup that is Dylan's exact address
Jesus Brian is really chugging that water
I love that Joey's the only person aware of the voice over. Also again totally not suspicious looking
Dylan is being a great dead body btw
"woah woah hey did you just litter?" "yeah what's it to ya?"
This whole thing with Joey being the only one to hear voice over and for him to keep responding to it is so fucking funny
"in all my time narrating- watching" hm
"one person's actions can have detrimental cause on this planet" hmm
"is this forever now?"
"or a mental institution? Should I check myself in? Hahahahahaha"
You're gonna wanna see this
"I always thought Dylan just liked to eat palm fulls of hard candy"
The female doctor call back
Yup just moisturize the clothes
"his fleeting alpha male status" hshshlsndks
Brian backing up a the way onto the floor lmao
Fucking incredible speech from Lauren
Everyone breaking from Lauren including herself
"yes but did you have to Wikipedia that?"
"he left Italy AFTER the fall of the roman empire"
Well the age thing just got a lot more confusing with that
"and you're a better man for it NOT YOU! NOT YOU! NOT HIM. Not him. Not you!" "I'm trying!" "not him!"
I'm sure you'll get the numbers right at some point Corey (probably not)
Hey you're trying Brian
Yup ok Joey thinks he might be gods prohet now
*sigh* Dylan would know what to say
Why does Corey have a 3 phones
"wether its god-" "who is a woman!"
I am so truly entranced in this scene with Rachel and Marianne
Again incredible dead body acting from Dylan and so this is so fucking funny
Yeah totally inspiring
"and not to get political but fuck Donald Trump"
Oh no the cops
Musical number!!!
"fucking kidding me?... You guys are just leaving me?... You guys think this funny?"
"how long is this fucking song?"
Dylan and Lauren breaking again
God that was hilarious
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mde1011 · 3 years
when i got into the dsmp i started a note and wrote down any quotes or moments i thought were funny, and im bored at 3 am so enjoy some of them
how is being arrested real? just walk away!!!”
⁃ “once an american always an american. go...go protests masks...or something”
⁃ “...yEAH BUT DID YOU HAVE WAP” “what’s...whats wap?” “...WORSHIP AND PRAYER”
⁃ “i’m naked” “...no you’re not” “i can be...”
⁃ “uhhhh i’m in a high stress situation....i deal with these poorly”
⁃ “i should go first i’m naked”
⁃ “what are you going to do?” “i...have no idea i think i’m gonna start out by punching a tree”
⁃ “tOmmy...did i just hear you say shit ass looking mofo?”
⁃ “i aM gOinG to gEt nAkeD to iNtiMidAtE HiM”
- “...i want freedom !” “you want BALLS.”
⁃ “...down the line. yeah that’s where we discover the art of cannibalism” “oh it’s an art?” “it’s an art”
⁃ “oh there’s some logs here. wonder what they’re saying to me. uh huh. uh huh. oh yeah that’s very racist” “tommy you gotta burn those logs.” “burn ‘em before they spread their racism to other logs”
⁃ “are you pooing?” “*whisper* i’m charging up-““ “he’s ejaculating on the tent.” “he’s WHAT?”
⁃ “he’s sPEEDING. LOOK HOW FAST HES GOING” “i’ve taken so many drugs. someone tell badboyhalo”
⁃ “we should make a pact. and that pact is, uh, we make a book...and in that book...we declare that saying ‘muffin’ is a, is a slur”
⁃ “i was thinking what if one day your bladder just,,,,stopped working.....AGGGFFFFF i was tHINKING ABOUT THAT THE OTHER DAY IVE GOT TO PREPARE IVE GOT YO PREPARE thisiswhydiapersaintthatbad”
⁃ <sapnap> i think i was ordered to um
<tommyinnit> boobed
<sapnap> kill you
<tommyinnit> boobs
<sapnap> if this happens
<tommyinnit> think about boobs man
<sapnap> tsk tsk tommy
<tommyinnit> iM DISGRUNTLED
⁃ “why is this deadman so good at making drugs”
⁃ “i just learnt that a girl hero is called a heroine and it freaked me out”
⁃ “memento memento me-“ “that’s actually the worst word i know so you can’t keep saying that” “oh, really.....? have you ever heard the term ‘racist’?”
⁃ “the person who invented the phrase ‘be yourself’ hadn’t met you!”
⁃ “you seem like the type of guy whose dad would throw him overboard as a joke but he would just drown”
⁃ “shout out to dream for twerking!”
⁃ “let’s talk......let’s talk about sex” “wonderful. what do you think about sex, lazarbeam?” “i ain’t saying SHIT in front of a sixteen year old”
⁃ “what the- i think i’m seeing things” “....tommy i told you not to drink the sea water” “well i DID drink the sea water because it TOLD ME TO”
⁃ “it’s like the movie when that guy gets stranded on an island and has sex with a coconut” “whAT?? dream- dream, you vastly misinterpreted this” “it one hundred percent does”
⁃ “oh mastICATE.....isn’t that when a fish turns inside out?”
⁃ “what are some bad words YOU know, clay?” “i don’t-“ “what about ‘terrorist’?”
⁃ “my mind has to be on the same frequency as jesus when he walked on water”
⁃ “you wanna know why i was late?” “no i really do-“ “i was having a MASSIVE poo. really just a HUGE poo”
⁃ “i love america. mmmmm patriotism
⁃ “please stop taking the cock”
⁃ “two four six eight who do we appreciate? not the government let’s gooooooo”
⁃ “yeahhhhh bitch i stab- i don’t stab women-“ “woooooooah tommy you stab women?” “heyyyy sapnap”
⁃ “do you know what happens whne you reach the top of the ladder? there’s only one place to go.” “.....side to side😨” “down.” “...i really thought you were gonna say side to side🥺”
⁃ “one last time.” “just like in hamilton😓”
⁃ “you don’t know how many times i’ve mistaken trees for hot women”
⁃ “ i don’t feel better i just destroyed penis”
⁃ “i’ve never seen a snail with bad morals”
⁃ “awwwwwwww😢 i’m doin’ drugs🤧 just like the good ol’ days😓” “.....define the ‘good old days’” “back when i did drugs”
⁃ “have you ever fought a baby? i have and it was trivially easy to defeat, phil.”
⁃ “the only other i egg i know about was the one i learnt about in school....not allowed to say which one....”
⁃ “did you know one of my new years resolutions is to be more like 2010 justin bieber?”
⁃ “apparently cats don’t lay eggs”
⁃ “thinking about trees- if i saw a tree with a beard mmmmmm...holy shit id hit it”
⁃ “we’re in hell dude. science doesn’t matter here”
⁃ “i cant die i cant die i’m GOD”
⁃ “hey pig your letter is the same as pussy, hmm?”
⁃ “are we cool are we COOL guys? CRYSTAL COOL like CRYSTAL METH”
⁃ “he- he’s crying because - because i killed his mother isn’t that right? mother dearest mother deadest mother gonest”
⁃ “bro ive been drinking since i was six and let me tell you...it’s not good to be drinking that young. led to some poor life decisions when i was 8” “what did you do” “i cant say” “...who did you hurt” “....only myself”
⁃ “je suis” “ay i know what that mean you prick” “what does it mean” “it means you’re racist dickhead”
⁃ “i’d never poo in the presence of a women- which is why i’m scared to get a girlfriend i think i’d just explode”
⁃ “biff tannen is one of my idols”
⁃ “black widow died and i thought ‘wow it should’ve been the man’ because he’s a man”
⁃ “there’s a character called captain america and i think he’s stupid”
⁃ “sam....what’s the longest you’ve ever wiped your arse? for me it’s 48 minutes”
⁃ “why are you standing in the shitter?” “....that’s a SINK” “uhhh welllll” “hAVE YOU SHAT IN THE SINK?????”
⁃ “you’re like a living ghost” “...i think that’s called a human, tubbo”
⁃ “maybe i accidentally kill ranboo and we just never see him again *laughs* ay? and then i go ‘april foooools!!!’ and then i kill their child. i kill him”
⁃ “you built a penis” “it’s a PENIS OF SAFETY”
⁃ “i saw the penis of safety and i pressed mouse button four my friend”
⁃ “the penis on the other side of the river is larger” “ive heard that before....”
⁃ “you’ve turned the penis into a wall” “a wall of safety is better than a penis of safety” “i think the penis was better”
⁃ “if you wanna make a penis i know where we can make a penis and i know how big we can make it”
⁃ “i don’t conceptualize death but i think i just saw it!”
⁃ “yeah i- yeah i know i’m- my first impression on eret was making him read a shrek fan fiction so- i’m not one for first impressions”
⁃ “i-i’m scared for him- i’m scared OF him. yknow the first thing he did when he saw me was imMEDIATELY strip down then jump off then immediately die?”
⁃ “where are you?” “getting stabbed, one second”
⁃ “you’ve seen the joker?” “yea-“ “i resonate a lot with that man” “...oH. oh. that’s- that’s not-“
⁃ “he bURNT DOWN MY HOUSE” “out of LOVE”
⁃ “ohhhh my god stop making me play with the neighbor kid” “o-okay if you don’t go play with him i’m kicking you out of the house-“ “wHAT THE FUCK???”
⁃ “there’s a STRIP CLUB” “oh yeah for wood!” “are you into strippers?” “i mean all it does is make the wood look different so....yeah it doesn’t really do much”
⁃ “no no we have categories, we have the poo-saster- you might have to take a shower after-“ “no, no i’m gonna stop you right there”
⁃ “as i was saying you can have a 1-to-3 wiper, that’s an A-tier poo, my friend”
⁃ “i want you to eat your sock”
⁃ “you know i’m a child- i’m a minor” “sO AM I DICKHEAD”
⁃ “everyone is calling you dresus” “yeah i am”
⁃ “ayyyy ayyyy los DROGAS LOS DROGAS” “no no big q- she’s thirteen- how does this happen with every 13 year old girl you meet?”
⁃ “my poo has muscles like i do”
⁃ “i cant hear the words among us without crying they’ll say there are aliens among us and in the back youll just hear me *choking noises*”
⁃ “tubbo...tubbo is like...tubbo is like mary” “.....did you just call me the Virgin Mary?”
⁃ “i’m just saying, have you ever seen me and jesus in the same room?”
⁃ “do you smoke sam” “all the time”
⁃ “i thought you were talking about the- the speeeeed drug”
⁃ “have you ever sold drugs to kids sam?” “......no”
⁃ “we can’t let the girlboss rule because she will gatekeepe my feelings” “that would not be good”
⁃ “you have obviously taken part in scientology-“ “i have not-“ “you’ve donated to tom cruises cult shit”
⁃ “....am i worse than david dobrik?” “are- are we worse than david dobrik?” “oh- oh god”
⁃ “he has broke one of the rules of the hit best seller ‘the bible’- this kind of looks like a cock”
⁃ “well i’ve moved now, KING”
⁃ “what is an angsty teen and am i one? because when i USED to hang out with my friends they use the word angst a lot”
⁃ “yeah yeah yeah i bench”
⁃ “sam i think i’m angsty i think i’m an angsty tik tok teen looking for a community to help me out”
⁃ “i don’t think you’ve followed the train of logic all the way-“ “there’s a TRAIN INVOLVED????????”
⁃ “i’m like the orange fucker from that animated rom com”
⁃ “i’m under the influence of big cock”
⁃ “it’s meeee big cock man”
⁃ “i cant look away” “sam please use your twitter alt for this” “he’s horny on maaaainnnnn” “and what’s wrong with that?” “.......”
⁃ “i’m gonna call you ‘cockity’ big cock” “sHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
⁃ “at least this guy doesn’t have a cock-“ “itS NOT A COCK” “horny on main jesus-“
⁃ “is that a cock” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
⁃ “.....i wanna see the inside of it again do a split”
⁃ “okay sam-“ “tommy that guy wants your cock-“ “no- no he doesn’t sam”
⁃ “sam, sam and i need you to hear this....dont. act. up.” “i don’t act up-“ “you were acting up-“ “i-“ “you were caught in 8k.” “but- but we both agree it’s not a tie-“
⁃ “please don’t tell me to kill cockity i am overwhelmed”
⁃ “why is there an anus in my tie?”
⁃ “what are the legal implications of this?” “...i mean besides hell you’re good”
⁃ “whatre the legal implications?” “i mean usually that’s a no-no but today, today it’s fine” “yeahhh lets go murder his family”
⁃ “i’d be an antivax landlord”
⁃ “jesus never does drugs” “well- well you turned water into wine king and wine is alcohol”
⁃ “can you put on pants i can’t- i cant stop looking at it- sorry tommy i know you said-“ “yeah sam i know you tried-“
⁃ “you know i fuck with satan”
⁃ “i’m sorry jesus lucifer is just such a good man-“ “oh you- hold me BACK FROM THIS FUCKER HOLD ME BACK ILL SEND HIM TO HELL YOU LIKE HELL-“
⁃ “are you jesus or just a man who grew a beard and put on a suit?”
⁃ “even the guy with his cock out is telling you to stop-“ “oh jesus, and i mean jesus-“ “shUT THE FUCK UP MAN”
⁃ “the best best way to slander him is to stop his offspring; we need to kick him the balls.....no? not a good....? alright us four each take a ball-“
⁃ “......why did jesus give him four scrotums man🙁🙁”
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pinkmirth · 4 years
𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸!𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗯𝗻𝗵𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗵𝗰𝘀: 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝘁
[𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀]- 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝘀: 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂, 𝗸𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮, 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮, 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼, 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗶, 𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶, 𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗸𝘀
𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:
𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂 𝗸𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶;
•he was getting some spicy food at a street market one day after school. •you then went up to him randomly, asking what would be a good food to get since you were new to japan. •his face practically reddened at the sight of you, but he merely clicked his teeth, saying that he couldn't help you because his taste is extremely spicy. •you responded with a laugh, saying that you were more than capable to handle spice. •you both ended up eating and chatting together as you ate. •well, you did most of the talking as he nodded and grunted in response half of the time.. •nonetheless, you found his company very enlightening, so you asked for his number successfully.
"excuse me?" a strangely accented voice called out to bakugou, the boy turning in the direction of the voice. "hah?" he called out as he looked down at you, instantly deeming you as american, hence the accent and your uniquely fascinating look. "is there any food that you can recommend to me? im new here.." you told him sheepishly as you flashed a small smile, the boy's face heating up dangerously. you then started to hear small fizzling noises, your attention drawn to his hands, which were letting out small explosions. "you good?" you asked in a concerned tone. "i thought that you wanted food, the fuck are you worried about me for?" he replied snappily, making you blink your eyes at him. "damn.." you muttered under your breath, though you didn't take it personal. "listen, your tongue is gonna burn the fuck off if i pick out food for you, woman." he laughed in a mocking manner. "boy," you scoffed, "i can handle more than a bit of damn seasoning..!" you chuckled, looking up at him with those dark glistening eyes of yours. he then ordered two small bowls of spicy curry for the both of you and told you to sit your ass down at the nearest outdoor table, to which you only laughed at him. "you didn't have to pay for it, yknow.." you told him, taking a spoonful of food nonetheless. "just think of it as hospitality.. or a welcoming gift or some shit. you're new here anyway.." he grumbled, taking a bite out of his own food. "what's your name?" you asked him, "don't worry about my name," he scoffed, "when i become the number one hero, everybody's gonna know my fucking name!" he said triumphantly, a cocky smirk on his face. "is that so..?" you asked him with a grin, "that's only if i don't become the number one hero..! you gon have to watch out for me, cause i'm your new competition!" you laughed, making his eye twitch. "is that a fucking challenge?" he spoke, "maybe." you replied, taking another bite of your food. he couldn't lie, it impressed him how you were taking full blown spoonfuls and not complaining about any spice, the drink he bought you staying untouched. "ay," you called out, "your face is red! i thought that you was the one tellin' me bout spice!" you snickered. "it's not the fucking spice that's making me blush!" he retorted, his face getting redder as he watched you let out a series of giggles. before long, the food was finished and he was ready to leave the table without even saying goodbye. "aht aht, where you goin to?" you asked him as you stood up with him. "home, the fuck? its not like ive got the time to talk to a stranger all damn day!" he said in defense. "well, you've at least gotta tell me your name!" you whined, "fine, shut up, puffball!" he said as you gasped. "really? puffball?" you gasped sarcastically, a hand at your heart. "you wanna know my name or not?" he snapped, "yes, of course!" you exclaimed, "s'bakugou. don't fucking forget it." he said, watching you nod as you took in the name. "—can i get your number too, bakugou?" you asked as he groaned. "fucking fine.." he grunted, "you got a pen?" he asked, taking a hold of your arm. "i can just get out my phone, the fuck you tryna write on my skin for?!" you said as he chuckled, "its more memorable that way, duh, puffball. you should be damn grateful to be the first to get an autograph from the one and only lord explosion murder." he said, taking the pen you handed him as he wrote his digits on your forearm, the gentle, warm but firm grip he had on your wrist making you unknowingly grin. "now you've gotta do the same. your name and number, puffball." he said, cocking his brow as you started to laugh. "eh, ill tell you allat when I feel like it. see ya, bakugou." you said, disappearing into the crowd of the bustling street market before he could make any snarky remark, a small smirk on his face that even surprised him, he was sure that the feeling that made his ears buzz and heat up was merely irritation. "she's such a damn tease..!" he couldn't even recall when he became intrigued.
𝗸𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮 𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂;
•he "met" you via call. •him, kaminari, and sero were pulling an all nighter together in his room, just hanging out on the bed. •like the immature teenage boys they are, they decided to play 'dare or dare' at two in the morning. •kirishima had been dared to call his number neighbor, which he was hesitant of, despite doing the dare anyway. •the phone rang as he placed it on the bed, the goofy trio looking at it in anticipation, expecting some old geezer to pick up the phone. •boy, were they wrong.
"cmon, bro! i did the dare you gave me, so you've gotta do the same!" kaminari urged, making kirishima sigh. "it wasn't even that extreme of a dare! you just had to let sero smack you!" the redhead protested, "and that shit was fun, too. id do it again, ha!" the raven haired boy laughed out, earning a nudge to the side from the electric blond.
"don't be a pussy, just call and hang up if it makes you feel any better!" kaminari suggested, "fine, ill do it!" kirishima gave in, "don't start feeling disappointed when some 100 year old guy picks up the phone, kami!" he huffed.
eijirou dialed the number on his phone,
xxx-xxx-xxxy, which was only the slightest bit different from his number, which was
he then set the phone on the bed and put it on speaker, the boys looking within themselves as they waited for the person on the other side of the line to answer.
"nevermind, fuck this.." kaminari sighed, running a hand through his golden blond locks. the phone then finally picked up, kirishima's ears perking up eagerly.  
"ahm.. h-hello?" a smooth, feminine voice called out tiredly, the boys gaping at eachother. "uhm.. hello!" kirishima replied, "who da hell out here callin me at two am?" you asked, making the boys tense up your at your tone.
the redhead started to feel bad for waking you up, the sleepiness apparent in your voice. you then let out a series of melodic chuckles, ones that made kirishima want to hold a hand at his pounding heart.
"who this?" you asked, "kirishima! that's my name, at least! im your number neighbor, ha.." he said, "well, kirishima.." you spoke once more, your captivating accent making him infer that you were black, but that only excited him more, leaving him to wonder how beautiful you truly were, "imma talk to you later. a girl gotta sleep, yknow?" you told him, your voice velvety as the sound waves hit his ears.
"y-yeah, sure!" he complied. "ill save your number though, boo." you told him, the simple nickname making him smile to himself.
"wait, what's your name?" he asked you, "y/n. cute name, right?" you giggled, his heart clenching at the sound.
"how about I meet up with you tomorrow, y/n?" he suggested. "that would be nice, kirishima.." you said into the phone, the eagerness heard in your voice to meet this mystery boy, "you had better not be no random dealer.." you sighed, "no, I don't sell..!!!" he gasped in reply. "perfect." you said, "goodnight, kirishima. ion know what you doin up at two am, but have a blast, boo." that was the last thing you said before ending the call.
"...she sounds like a total fuckin’ babe! you're welcome, kiri!" kaminari said, but the sharky boy was too busy thinking about the call, your voice replaying in his head. apparently, eijirou thought dazedly, voice kinks actually ARE real..
"she was..
𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮 𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂;
•he met you at some beauty supply store. •you might be wondering; what the hell is deku doing at the damn beauty supply? •see, he was there with mirio to get some stuff for eri so they could do her hair, and he didn't really know what to get. •he saw you in the same isle as him later on and decided to ask what would be good to get for a little girl. •when you turned to him and smiled, he choked on thin air and was astonished with you and your 'melanated' beauty. •despite his nervous stammering, he accomplished in getting your number.
"eri-chan, do you like this one..?" izuku asked, holding up a light green bow to her pale blue hair. "deku-san.. any color is fine.." the smaller girl replied, her large red eyes staring into his emerald ones. he sighed before flashing her a small smile, putting the bow back up. he wanted to give the girl something that would make her feel pretty, but he didn't know what she would really like.. "do you know anything about hair products and stuff, togata-senpai..?" midoriya asked mirio, whom only shrugged in reply. "i used to have longer hair, but I didn't really use any accessories, yknow!" the blond replied in his normal ecstatic tone. "oh.." deku sighed, "ill just keep looking!" he then walked into another row, glancing at all the hair products for natural hair, the tropical, warm, and sugary smells sending his nose into heaven. his hair was a bit curly himself, so maybe he'd be able to use some of them..? anyway, he continued to look through the products, letting out a huff, since he didn't find anything eye catching that gave him 'eri' vibes. he then saw a flash of chocolate brown in his peripheral vision, along with a good whiff of a smell similar to all those hair products, making him let out a small moan at the scent, which would probably become his new favorite smell. he turned around to see you, a black girl around his age that was dressed stylishly, your curly/coily hair captivating him as he gazed at you, whom was merely crouching down to look at some hair clips and other things that you were interested in. he then got the great idea to ask for your help! "hello? excus—" he called out to you as you jerked your head up, looking at him with a pack of durable hair ties in hand. he hadn't gotten a good look at your face, but now that he had, his breath had hitched on the spot as he felt heat rise to his freckled cheeks. he wanted to say something, but something about your melanated beauty intimidated him. not like he was scared, but he just wanted to make a good impression so bad that he froze up. you started to stand up from your crouching position, your dark brown/[color] eyes watching him curiously. "hi..!" you spoke cooly in your rich, slang-suffused voice. "h-hi!" he replied briskly, his fists clenched in flustered-ness. "i-i wanted t-to ask.." he stammered, giving himself a slap mentally, "if y-you could help m-me pick out some hair accessories! ones that would be good for a little girl..!" he explained, gulping a bit as he finished. your dark eyes only examined him as he spoke, your plump, glossy lips curving up into a smile that made him melt. "sure! why you ain't ask me earlier, boy? actin all cute and nervous.." you chuckled, making midoriya believe you made him fall in love with a stranger at first sight.. after some looking, you found a pair of red bows that you had just assumed would look good on the girl he spoke of, and that they did, the vibrant color matching with eri's big red eyes. she seemed to like them as well, the six year old girl twirling with the ribbons of the bows around her small fingers. "thank you so much! i think she actually likes them..!" izuku said in relief, the small smile on eri's face making him grin as well. "no problem! happy I could help, man." you said, making your way over to the cashier. he wanted to talk to you more.. "psst!" mirio whispered, "go talk to her!" he encouraged, izuku giving off a brisk nod of courage in reply. "h-hey!" he called out to you. "i-i wanted t-to ask you s-something again...!" he said once more, watching you sling the bag of beauty products onto your forearm as you listened to him, his flustered voice being something you found absolutely adorable. "c-can i h-have your.. number..?"
𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮; *𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼 :)*
•you both sat next to eachother on a train ride home. •but before that, you had noticed him at your membership gym where you did your exercise and acrobatics. •you couldn't help but take glances at him •he was well built, toned, tall, and pretty damn flexible, plus he was shirtless, so of course you had to look.. •you were even gazing at him for so long that you lost your balance and stumbled a bit.. •before you could introduce yourself, which you were more than willing to do, the cute but peculiarly elbowed boy had left. •to your delight, you saw him again as you entered the train for your ride home. •he shares his oranges with you >///<
"dayumm.." you whistled lowly, watching a black haired male from across the gymnasium. his back faced towards you, so you couldn't really see his face. you were doing simple stretches, in a side split at the moment, since you weren't in the mood for doing as much exercise. your eyes followed everywhere he went, taking in all of his motions and the flexing of his back muscles that you could see through his flimsy orange tank top, which he was actually starting to take off to your delight, pulling it over his head. your eyes widened before your lips curved up into a small smirk. "ive been blessed with this view.." you joked. you weren't the kind to be obsessed with boys and their looks or anything, but something about this guy was riveting, especially his elbows.. he then turned around, slowly lowering himself into a side splits position as he let a small huff leave his lips, wincing at the stretching of his inner thigh muscles. "he clearly hasn't done this shit in a while.." you said to yourself, watching him stretch forward as he stayed in his side splits position. he then looked up, his eyes meeting yours momentarily. his cheeks reddened in awe as he saw you, whom was already looking at him. he then flashed a wide smile, one that made you smile back, the contrast of your brown skin and pearly whites making him grin even wider. he seemed to slyly wink at you before getting up, walking over to another area of the gymnasium as you huffed over his departure. or maybe that wink was just your imagination..? "come back, hot guy.." you whined to yourself, getting up as well and making your way over to the nearby aerial skills fabric, only because you wanted to do something impressive that the black haired boy would see from afar. you made your way up the fabric, pulling yourself up with the incredible upper body strength that you had. you set yourself in a comfortable position, also in a position as to where you could see the 'elbows' guy a lot clearer. "it should be illegal to go around lookin that damn good.." you said to yourself, watching him do a simple form of yoga by himself in a calm corner. he then opened his eyes abruptly, digging into the pocket of his sweats to take out his phone, which was going off, probably for an alarm that he had set up. he got up, stretched a little more, and started to grab his belongings. you then scoffed, immediately getting down from the fabrics. there was no way that you'd allow him to leave before you got to know him.. you then started to jog towards him, since he was a ways away from you. he began to rotate his arms a bit, his muscles flexing as he did arm circles, making you stop in your tracks as you watched him. was this his quirk or something, or did every little thing he did leave you addicted? you felt yourself practically leaning in as you watched him pack up his things, his side profile showing off none other than his gleaming smile that he always seemed to have on his cute face. he slipped his orange top back on and made way for the exit, and that's when you finally snapped out of your trance, your ankles giving out as you fell on the ground, due to looking for so long that you had started to lose your balance. "shit, man.." you winced, rubbing at your ankles. by the time you looked up, he was gone. "i know i didn't snap my ankles just so mans could walk away.." you grumbled, getting up and slipping on your tracksuit jacket. you didn't want to do much today anyways, so you we're ready to go home. as you walked to the train station, you payed mind to a small but noticeable limp in your step, a mild pain tingling in your ankle. it wasn't bad, but it wasn't too fun either.. you huffed, making your way onto the train, trying to find yourself a seat and ignore the small awkward looks that people gave you because of your natural appearance that you obviously couldn't change. you only shrugged. im black, so what? the fuck..? you thought, though you weren't one to spark an argument and say it out loud. you were more than used to it anyway, so why give a damn anymore? though, somebody noticed it going on, and they couldn't stand it. "hey," a voice called out to you, "wanna sit with me?" you turned to see the same black haired boy from the gym, smiling sweetly at you as he moved his duffel bag just so you could sit. "...yeah, thanks." you replied cooly, but in the inside, you were freaking out. who knew that he'd be on your train?! "you okay?" he asked you, noticing your slight limp and your aerobic leggings as you chuckled, "whaddya mean specifically? the hating ass looks or my limping?" you said to him, "both." he replied quickly, his soft black bangs swaying as he leaned forward a bit to take a good look at you and your alluring afrocentric features. "um.. are you good? your face is getting all red." you told him, his eyes widening. "i-it is? sorry.." he chuckled in apology, leaning back into his seat with his hands resting at his knees. "...i saw you at the gym earlier, yknow." he told you, "those aerobic skills were pretty damn cool." he told you, the same smile on his face that you were sure you'd never get tired of seeing. "yeah, well i might have to take a break from them for a hot minute..." you sighed, regarding your ankle. "hey, you want an orange?" he asked abruptly as you blinked at him. "boy, did you just ask me if i wanted an orange?" you queried at his random suggestion. "yeah, ive got a few in here! they're my favorites~" he said with a large grin, "they always help me feel better. well, it might not help with physical pain, but—" he started, "nah, it's all good, i get it whatchu mean." you chuckled, taking the fruit that he handed to you. of course, it wasn't the best to take things from strangers, but there was something about him and his flashy smile that made you trust him. you both ate the fruit in silence, the only thing heard being the minimal chatter of other passengers and small rattling sounds of the rails. as you sat next to him, the warmth of his body radiating onto yours as your shoulders touched, it felt as though it was only you and him.. his phone then started to ring as he took it out of his pocket, giving you a look of apology for the abrupt noise. "s'my mom.." he chuckled before answering the call. "hola mamá!" he said into the phone, clearly speaking another foreign language, "qué pasa? oh, lo que estoy haciendo?" she had asked him what he was doing, but of course, you didn't understand the language he spoke, so you merely sat there, listening to the smoothness of his deep voice as he spoke into the phone. "uh.. bueno esta chica, ella está sentada mi lado.." he spoke lower, though you didn't know why, "una linda chica negra.." little did you know that he was gushing over you to his mom, "n-no, mom! no mi novia!" he cried out, only making you assume that his mother had said something embarrassing to him, "uhh.. talk to you later, ma.." he said, briskly ending the call with a huff. "what were you even saying?" you asked with a giggle as he tensed up, not wullling to explain to you about how he told his mom that he was sitting next to a cute black girl... "w-we were talking about oranges..!" he said on the spot as you tilted your head. "really..?" you asked, since he seemed more than unsure of his answer. "uhm.. yeah," he said, "we were talking about how we'll need to grow more because..." he trailed off, then got an idea, looking at you as his warm grin widened, "because i have a new friend to share them with!"
𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗶 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗼;
•winter time! ⁂ •you were at the grocery store, just getting the mandatory food items. •after getting all the stuff you needed, you decided to get your favorite comfort food; •soba. preferably hot. •just as you went to grab for some, you saw a bigger, more muscular hand reach for the same pack of buckwheat noodles. •as your hands rubbed, you let out a hiss, because their hand was mad cold. •you looked up to see a tall charming boy around your age, the two sides of his face looking extremely different. •you stared at him for a while before he called out to you, seeming to be the fifth time since you were too busy looking at his face.. •who ends up getting the soba?
you rolled your cart to another side of the grocery store, letting out a sigh of relief that you had finished most of your shopping. you then saw a bit of cool smog leaving your mouth, making you roll your eyes in bafflement. it was winter time and you were decked up, wearing a knee-long bubble coat, uggs and a scarf, so the fact that this grocery store had the audacity to put air conditioning on at such a cold period in time made you want to cuss them out. "it's even colder in here than it is outside, dammit.." you muttered, rolling your cart around some more until you got to where you wanted; the rice and noodles section. you were itching to get some hot soba, especially with the sauce that you'd always eat it with. your mouth curved up into a smile, thinking about eating the bowl of noodles as you watched anime by the time you got home. you put your cart aside in a place where it wouldn't be bothersome, and reached your hand out for the food. just as you did, a pale and muscular hand reached out for the same item, making you immediately withdrawal your hand because of the sub-zero temperature of his skin.. "sorry." the person said in a deep, calm tone. you then looked up to see a tall teenage boy dressed in a cream colored turtleneck and black pants, his face seemingly crafted by angels.. the two sides of his face were complete opposites, making you even more drawn to him as you stared. "hello?" he called out for what seemed like the fifth time, snapping you out of your thoughts. "hm? oh, sorry!" you apologized, "you can have it if you want." he said, ready to walk out of the aisle as you panicked a bit. "no, you can have it! go ahead!" you said to him as he turned back around. "it seems that you were anticipating to get that, so it's okay." he said, blinking his eyes a bit. he merely stood there for a bit, thinking as he looked at the ground. "how about i buy it for you?" he offered, making your eyes widen. "no need to do that, it's aight!" you told him. "it's not a problem to me. i have my father's credit card, so im more than willing to splurge. besides, it's the holiday season, so i should do something nice for another, shouldn't i?" he explained in question, taking the soba and handing it to you with a small smile, one that made your heart pound within your chest. "ah.. thank yo— ack!" you whimpered as his hand touched yours, now being extremely hot this time. "sorry, it's my quirk.." he told you. "you good.." you shrugged it off, "i guess that's why you're only wearing a turtleneck in this freezing store?" you asked him with a chuckle as he nodded. "oh, the soba fell.." he said in realization, the both of you bending down to pick it up at the same time, resulting in you two bumping your foreheads together. you stumbled back a little bit until he caught you, the coolness of his breath slightly hitting your face, the small gap between your faces making your ears heat up and his face flush red. "..i-i keep messing up, im sorry.." he said once more in a more sheepish tone, helping you upright. "it's fine, no need to keep apologizing." you told him. "you still want that soba?" he asked you as you nodded. "let's go to the cashier if you're ready." he told you as you nodded, still feeling so touched that he was willing to pay, no matter how many times you told him that it was okay. "y/n." you said out of the blue. "hm?" he hummed in response. "im y/n. since you insist on buying stuff for me, you should at least know who i am, yes?" you asked him with a smile. "right. im shouto." he said as you nodded. "i can't thank you enough, shouto!" you said with gratitude as he flashed a small, close mouthed grin once more. "no problem, y/n" just as you two were about to leave the aisle, an employee rolled in a cart of soba, probably containing more than 300 packs. "how lucky.. would you like more?" he asked you, pointing at the cart, "im feeling rather generous today, y/n" he told you. you got the racks for allat?!" you asked while gaping at him. just who exactly is he? "well, i can't.." he said, holding up the credit card, "but my father can."
𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶 𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗸𝗶;
•the first time he saw you, you weren't even fully clothed. •which is his ideal way to meet a hot black girl, of course.. •he was simply out shopping with the bakusquad •he then went to the fitting rooms to try on some clothes. •because he is a smart individual, he immediately went to the biggest stall. •only to see you in skinny jeans and a bra, your eyes widening as you saw him, whom had frozen in place, heavily embarrassed but somewhat excited. •after apologizing and leaving, he helped you find some good clothes that were your style and matched your skin tone well. •and there's absolutely no way that he'd meet someone as amazing as you and not want to get your digits..
"kiri, tell the group that ill be trying out these hoodies, 'kay?" kaminari said to his red headed friend. "sure, bro!" kirishima agreed, waving off as the electric blond made his way to the fitting rooms, which were unisex. "the biggest ones are the best ones..!" he mumbled to himself, zooming straight to the largest stall. he whistled to himself as he swung the door open, only to see you, a [height] black girl in a bra and ripped skinny jeans, pulling a tshirt over your head. guess the stall's lock wasn't stable.. the both of you froze, his widened eyes wandering as you held your breath, your face heating up in embarrassment. "i-im so sorry—shit!!!" he cried out before leaving the stall rather quickly. you merely stood there, biting your lip at the abrupt situation. "..the fuck, bruh.." you murmured, putting on the shirt that you wore to the mall, since you had finished changing. you walked out to see the same golden blond standing outside of the stall, running his hands through his hair with a sorry expression, his face flushed red as he muttered profanities over what he'd done. "ey," you called out to him, tapping on his shoulder, "did you like the view?" you asked cheekily as he gaped at you. you weren't really one to take things to seriously, and you could turn any situation into a bright one with a few jokes here and there. "uh.. there's no right way to answer that, is there..?" he replied with a nervous chuckle. "don't lie, you was lookin! i don't blame you though, im hot." you said with a shrug, making him laugh. "so you're a little comedian, aren't you..?" he asked you, folding his arms across his chest, clearly feeling more comfortable than before. "depends on whether im talking to a cute blond or not. so.. you know the answer, yeah?" you giggled, making him smirk. your entire being made him want to give you a hug. you were pretty, clearly damn hot, funny, confident, and you were highly melanated? he had been finding himself gravitating towards chocolate girls for a while, but you were different from the rest, of course in the best way. he was wondering whether he had won the lottery, the both of you probably being a match made in heaven, hence the small similarities between you and him that he could already notice. he liked you. "you gon keep smirking at me or are you gonna use that stall?" you asked him sarcastically, "well, i might as well warn you about that lock. utter shit, man. that's why the door swung open so easily.." you muttered as he laughed once more. "only if you join me, pretty lady.." he said with a wink as you gasped playfully. "word?" you asked as he nodded with a hum. "bet, get in there!" you exclaimed, the both of you going back into the large stall. "so," he said, sitting down on the bench inside of the stall, "how can I get to know you?" he asked smoothly, a grin on his face. "ah, you tryna be slick, huh?" you chuckled, "well, you can start off with my name. y/n." you told him. "sounds beautiful." he complimented with another smile. "oh, stop it.." you laughed, waving your hand dismissively. "im denki, or maybe your boyfriend, whichever one you wanna call me.." he said as you giggled, liking his second option. "i can help you get some good clothes, if that's what you're looking for!" he suggested as you raised your brows. "oh really?" you hummed, "really!" he replied, getting up from the bench and holding out his hand to you. "cmon, y/n! let's go shopping."
𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗷𝗶𝗸𝗶 𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶;
•he was simply on patrol with red riot and fatgum. •all of a sudden, you rushed up to him frantically, a worried look on your face. •he instantly remembered you as the girl from class 3-b, whom he had actually been a bit interested in for a while.. •he'd take glances of you whenever he saw you in the cafeteria and whatnot. •you were a good friend of mirio's but you and tamaki has never actually spoken until now. •you started to explain to him how this guy was following you and calling you a flurry of racial slurs. •he immediately started to feel his blood boiling. •anxious tama is gone, time to be a hero.
"you want another bowl of yakisoba, amajiki-sempai?" kirishima asked cheerily, "fatgum bought some more!" he told tamaki. "i-i'm fine, t-thanks.." the elf-eared boy replied, tugging at the hoodie of his hero outfit farther so it could cover his face more. he was on patrol with the eight foot, blond haired pro and the younger hero in training, simply walking through a city in japan with a mindset ready to defend, which is what tamaki would have to do soon for you, whether he was ready or not.. he suddenly felt a pair of hands grip onto his arm, their fingers digging into his clothed bicep in fear. he yelped out as he looked down to see a familiar black girl with a shaken expression, the elf eared boy pressing his lips closed at the sight of you, his slanted eyes widening along with his face heating up. "..youre amajiki, yeah..?" you asked him as he nodded briskly, not daring to make a sound before he stuttered himself to an embarrassing point of no return. he knew you! well, he couldn't exactly say it that way, it made it seem as though you two were close. he would actually admire you from afar in school, with all honesty. he recalled you to be the pretty, brown skinned outgoing girl with a high puff that would usually be seen around mirio, since the two of you were both in class 3-b. he could practically feel the words itching to crawl up his throat and leave his mouth, though he didn't even know what those words would be.. what would he say to you? "oi, amajiki! i really need your help right now.. i heard that there was patrolling going on, so I just followed the sight of fatgum's head through the crowd.." you told him, snapping him out of his trance as he let out a yelp once more, the tall but introverted teen looking down at you, uncomfortable hums leaving his mouth due to his uncertainty of how to finally speak to you, which he was fucking up royally. "there's this guy.. he keeps following me and calling me some.. not nice things." you explained, "and he's making me uncomfortable.." you told him, his brows furrowing. "a-are you o-okay..? d-do y-y-you.. argh!" he gave up speaking for the time being as you looked up at him with a confused expression, your hands still holding onto his arm, as if you were trying to latch onto him for a sense of comfort. "its aight, miri told me that you aren't the most social guy.." you sighed, "but id really appreciate if you could keep a look out for that guy.. he looks mad sketchy, also wearing a goofy ass 'all lives matter' shirt..." you whispered to him, starting to walk with him through the bustling streets behind fatgum and red riot, your hands still around his arm as he looked around with an intimidating look, in search for whoever had been bothering you. "...w-what did h-he say t-to you..?" the indigo haired teen asked as you scoffed. "you don't wanna know, amajiki." you told him as he gave you a look. "oh, you actually wanna know? like, deadass?" you asked once more to make sure as he nodded hesitantly. "cmere then.." you signaled him to crouch down a bit so you could whisper all the info into his ear. "w-wha— he f-followed you... for t-that long..?! just because of.. oh.. o-oh no.." he muttered incredulously, now feeling his blood starting to rush in an angry flurry. how dare someone taunt and bother you like this just because you were different? "and then, he called me a——" you whispered the word into his ear as he gasped loudly. "h-how r-rude!!!" he wailed as you huffed in agreement. "and he wouldn't seem to leave me alone.. well, not until i mixed with the crowd and found you, that is.. i think I've lost him.." you said, "thanks, amajiki.. you've already helped me a lot.." you said to him graciously as he gave off an awkward smile in return, averting his eyes from yours. "n-no problem.." he replied, though his job wasn't done just yet. he finally spotted the man at the corner of his eye, whom was seemingly making his way towards you. "oi, the dark one!" they called out as you groaned, "oh hell nah.." you uttered with the roll of your eyes. "we don't need people like you here! the last time i came out to the city, a black pest stole my wallet!" he shouted, most people in a hearing range stopping in their tracks and turning to you, amajiki and the man. "s-she hasn't s-s-stolen anything..!" tamaki stammered, "so l-leave her a-alone!" he urged, the crowd cheering suneater on as others opposed the racist, shouting at him to leave you be. "oh yeah? lemme check her first, she probably stole something from one of these markets!" he said, lunging towards you as everybody gasped. tamaki activated his quirk swiftly, entrapping the man in his manifested tentacles. "don't touch her." he demanded, earring cheers from everyone around, but he didn't really care about all that, he just wanted you to be safe. tamaki turned around, looking down at you with worried eyes as he kept the man trapped with his quirk, "a-are you o-okay..?" he asked shakily as you grinned at him. "yup, i am now," you told him before planting a kiss on his cheek, "you a real one, suneater."
𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶 𝗸𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗼 ^ (𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗸𝘀);
•it all started when he asked you if you fell from heaven. literally. •you're a young adult pro hero whom is good with combat skills and such. •but you aren't the best at using your quirk: hover. •your quirk allows you to hover over 500 feet from the ground, but you'd never used it to its full capacity, only working it up to 100 feet. •you were working on using it to a farther capacity, and since you have a hero license to use your quirk in public, you decided that you'd just work on it while out patrolling. •big mistake.. •but never fear! fast man Hawks was there to swoop you off of your feet and into the sky~
"you can do this, y/n.." you told yourself as you hovered above countless buildings, which was the height that would usually be your limit. today, that would change, aiming to touch the clouds. you looked up farther into the never ending sky, a small shuddering sound leaving your mouth. maybe it wouldn't be too bad to cancel practice for today and stay on the ground.. "no! i should try at least..!" you encouraged yourself, hovering higher and higher until even the skyscrapers looked like ants. you then felt a strong pressure around your entire body because your system wasn't used to it, making you writhe in the air as your quirk started to deactivate. "nonono, oh shit!!!" you screamed, falling helplessly through the sky, your [color] braids whipping around from the wind as you came closer to the ground, many screams leaving your mouth in fear. before you hit the ground, you got swooped up before the impact, a flurry of red feathers around you. "the fuck—?!" you shouted, looking up to see the undeniably charming face of the one and only number two hero, hawks. "hey there, pretty birdie~" he chirped as you merely glared at him, still shaken from your freefalling. "did it hurt when you fell from heaven???" as he spoke teasingly, you looked down to see that he had flown higher up than you were before, your eyes widening. "g-get me down, hawks!!" you pleaded, your hands gripping onto his brown jacket as he only chuckled.   "i saw what you were doing up here.." he told you, "don't you still wanna learn how to pass your limit? i can teach you if you want~" he offered you sweetly, still flying about with you in his arms as you both soared through the sky, the feeling that you were despite of at first now feeling more comforting and stress-less. "t-that would be great..!" you yelled, since the sounds of the wind made it hard to hear, "but can you put me down..?" you asked him as he blinked before letting out another laugh. "right, i forgot about that! sometimes, when i start flying i can't come down. i should warn you, its addicting to feel so free up here..." he told you. "can you get me down now?! geez, nigga.." you scoffed as he let out an awkward chuckle, "sorry, i should also warn you that talking is addicting to me as well.." he told you, flying down to the surface and putting you down as you shakily stood, your hands clenching at his coat once more as he laughed over your behavior. "we were just a few feet off the ground, it wasn't so bad that youve gotta wobble!" he chuckled as you glared at him. "a few feet???" you gawked. he waved his gloved hand dismissively, linking his arm with yours as he started to walk out into the bustling street with you, the two of you sending smiles and waves to fans whom recognized the two of you as the pros in the top five. "do you have to link onto my arm?" you asked with gritted teeth. he wasn't exactly annoying you, per se, you were just still very frazzled about the little flight he took you on. "of course i have to stay linked onto you!" he laughed, "birds gotta stick together, yeah?" he said. "i ain't a damn bird!" you yelled out as he replied, "but you can fly, can't ya?"
[mirio, shigaraki, shinsou, etc. will later be added!]
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Their S/o Doing the Sweeney Todd challenge with Them
Pairings: Bakugo x reader, Todoroki x reader, Kaminari Denki x reader, Sero Hanta x reader
A/N: So sorry for not dropping any content this week. College is super time consuming and as I said before I hardly have time to wipe my ass. But I hope you guys enjoy this lil thang 😁
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
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💥 Oh, brother,...may the element of surprise help you with this one.
💥 The last time you did a TikTok around him you had the nerve “accidentally” hit him with your bag. Mans almost skinned your ass if you didn’t pay him in a bunch of hugs and all the sorts.
💥 So you decide to do the kissing Sweney Todd challenge with him at the table. You propped your phone and mans was not having it knowing that you’re doing another Tiktok around him.
💥 “(Y/n) put that phone down, I ain’t fucking doing it.”
💥“Please Kastu, this one isn't as bad as the last one.” 
💥 “I don’t fucking care I don’t want to be in your Tiktok shitty woman-” Little did he know you already set the timer and the song began as he was yapping his mouth off. 
💥 The first kiss had the man looking like a freeze-frame. He said: 
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💥 After every kiss, his tomato face percentage raised higher. And then the lyrics I- do you want his heart to go into cardiac arrest.
💥 Could’ve been a game fr: How red can the Katsuki turn.
💥 The goo-goo eyes you’re sending him ain’t helping either.
💥 After the Tiktok ran out, mans was still on the mannequin challenge (ugh 2016 come back 2020 is mad ghetto)
💥 He turns to you, blush subsided to only his cheeks and ears, and said:
💥 “Well, why’d ya stop? You missed a couple lyrics the first time.”
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🧊 He’s an old man. Denki had to download Tiktok for him (he ain’t got no privacy settings in goddamn phone at all so Denki went straight to download it and some other stuff 👀)
🧊 His fyp lacks so much flavor like 😷 
🧊 You had to step in to manage the account.
🧊 “Shouto, where’s the flavor in this? i don’t taste anything! i don’t taste sugar, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg-”
🧊 So when you set up the phone and told him to get into the frame, he thought it was just one of those “put a finger down” vids he’s seen. 
🧊 Show this man some black tiktok creators please 😑
🧊 Three stages he goes through when you’re pecking his cheek, the one right under the scar
🧊 Stage 1: Freeze frame, stage 2: He actually freezes...like his other check had ice attached to it. And stage 3: He blushes and returns one peck back while you’re saying the last parts of the song. 
🧊 Shoto, stahp you make my heart be on x games mode.
🧊 You post it and the comments are either coping over the cuteness of the vid or simping over Shoto EVEN THOUGH you’re literally kissing the boy
🧊 Consider privating it.
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🎆 He’s friends with Denki bro he knows Tiktok 
🎆 But all the training he’s doing he can hardly keep up with new trends unless its the super popular ones Denki rounds up everyone to do.
🎆 You said you want to do a Tiktok, he doesn’t care but he’ll do anything for you
🎆 The music start and the man already know this shit sounds familiar.
🎆 Started smirking like Sweeney Todd himself while staring at you pecking his cheek.
🎆 After all them pecks, he turns to you slowly, looking you straight in the eye before pulling you into a hot  makeout session.
🎆 While he pounced on you, boy knocked over the phone. The phone was still recording after and all the camera could see was Hitoshi’s purple hair.
🎆 Comments kept saying yall took that shit to the bedroom 👀 ...I’ll leave it up to your imagination.
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⚡️ Man stop playing wit my boy. He on straight tiktok, alt tiktok, black tiktok and the rest.
⚡️ So he knew it was the Sweney Todd sound as soon as that first note hit.
⚡️ I hc he knows tiktok sounds by the first beat and has never been incorrect once. 
⚡️ You couldn’t even reach his cheek because he turned his head to meet you in a nice smooch.
⚡️ Girl you’re so  shocked, couldn’t even finish the whole challenge so he took over for you.
⚡️ Lip syncing the song perfectly, pecking your lips the exact moments when he should and giving you award-winning acting at the end of it. While you’re still in a state of shock.
⚡️ Hold up… ain’t this supposed to be your tiktok?
⚡️ Doesn’t matter because you posted it and now y’all are at the top of the sound 😊.
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🩹 Mans versed in his TikTok. 
🩹 Like Denki, his fyp is just a jump from one section of tiktok to the next.
🩹 Sooo yeah he knows the Sweeney Todd sound
🩹 You had to catch him at the right time cause he’s one that doesn’t like to do tiktoks (Kaminari always ropes him in tho)
🩹 He’s lying on the couch, too distracted by his switch to see you setting up your phone before clicking the timer. 
🩹 The sound of the timer gives him PTSD because all the tiktoks Denki puts him in are either pranks or dances.
🩹 Pleasantly surprised when your head popped up over the arm of the couch.
🩹 “What are you doing?” You threw him a reassuring smile.
🩹 “Just trust me, love”
🩹 The song starts and Sero is calmed to not hear “I MAKE A MOTHERFUCKA SAY OH YEAH” or any of the “my way or da high way” shits.
🩹 He’s the embodiment of a fire truck the way his face is red cause you’re peppering his forehead with all these kisses (i’m so lonely man).
🩹 As soon as you’re singing the last part he brings down your lips to his, snatching your breath away the minute they came in contact with one another.
🩹 He lets you go to sing the very last part of the sound but staring into your eyes, forgetting that ya’ll are on camera.
🩹 Basically the all the comments under that post: 🛥🛥🛥🛥
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vintagedolan · 3 years
hiraeth part five - hoaloha
masterlist | request the next concept!
“You seem miserable.”
“I am miserable.”
“Then just come home.”
“Kahua you know I can’t.”
He looked tanner over FaceTime. Or maybe she was just used to seeing more white people. She couldn’t really tell, but she caught herself staring at him as he rambled on, voice deep and strong.
She missed him. She missed home. It felt like her LA plan had turned into some sick joke, and she was patiently awaiting the cameras to appear and reveal it all.
At the top of her phone screen, a message appeared.
Tell me three things you like to do
Koa stared at her phone for a moment, chewing on her lip. It was the first non-work related text she’d gotten from him. Against her will, it raised her spirits a bit.
Because we don’t know anything about you :( 
If it wasn’t Ethan texting her, she wouldn’t have even responded. But she knew he was trying to make up for his brother’s shitty behavior, and in the day that she’d had to calm down and talk it out with Harlow, she’d realized she’d probably overreacted a bit more than she needed to. So, she answered as nicely as she could.
writing, surfing, existing, idk
“Bro, who are you texting?”
“No one.” It caught her off guard that she didn’t immediately tell him.
She must have smiled, because Kahua huffed. “Yeah, sure looks like no one.”
We’re picking you up in the morning at 7. Considering it team building
I’m from Hawaii dumbass of course I can surf
I don’t have a board though
Grayson has an extra
if you show up at 7 you better have coffee in that car
She sent her address, having to rack her brain to remember the area code.
“Hello? Earth to Koa?”
“Sorry, it was Ethan. He wants to go surfing tomorrow. ‘Team bonding’ he says.”
Kahua frowned. “Why do you need to bond to write a book?”
“He’s just trying to get me back on his good side,” Koa muttered, and she regretted her words when she saw him stiffen. He was protective of her - to a fault.
“And what the fuck did he do to get on your bad side?”
“Nothing! Ethan’s a good guy, he’s just trying to cover his brother’s ass.”
“Okay, the what the fuck did his brother do to get on your bad side?” 
The anger wasn’t lost on her. In her head she saw Grayson, his wide smile, the disappointment in his eyes when she’d stormed out.
“He didn’t really do anything. I overreacted.”
“No really, he was just trying to be nice, I took it the wrong way, but he got the message.”
“Did he hit on you?”
She froze. “Huh?”
“You heard me.” His voice was more aggressive than she was used to - it made her uneasy.
“Uh no, he didn’t. He offered me a car actually.”
“He what?!”
“To borrow! Just to borrow, while I’m here.” 
“Oh cause that makes it better,” he rolled his eyes. That unease came back into Koa’s stomach - she didn’t know this version of her best friend very well. It felt like a stranger on the screen. 
“Alright hoaloha, I gotta go to bed, it’s late here.”
His own attitude seemed to register, and he frowned for a moment before he sighed.
“Yeah, I get you. Goodnight Koa. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
She wished she could sleep, but her mind raced even with her eyes squeezed shut. She even tried to bargain with herself - surely if she just kept her eyes closed, she’d fall asleep.
But the clock read 2, then 3, then 4, and she wasn’t even sure if she actually fell asleep before it was time for her to get up and get ready to surf. 
She didn’t have the energy to put any effort into her outfit. It didn’t matter anyways... who was she trying to impress? She grabbed the first bathing suit her fingers touched and put it on, throwing her up in a bun and grabbing a towel, her wetsuit and a cup of coffee on the way out the door.
The twins were outside. She wouldn’t have known it was them if there weren’t 3 boards strapped to the top of the jeep. The windows were tinted enough that she didn’t know who was driving until she got in.
Grayson turned around from the passenger seat with a cup of coffee in his hands, face falling to a frown when he saw that she already had one. 
He’d brewed two pots, since the first one was too bitter on his taste test.
“You underestimate me,” she teased, reaching out and taking it from him. It was still warm.
“Double fisting the caffeine, I like it I like it,” Ethan grinned, pulling out of the spot and heading for the beach. 
“Hopefully the beach won’t be crowded so we don’t run into anyone on the swells,” Grayson mused just to fill the silence.
“If you’re good, you don’t hit people,” Koa said between sips, watching the palm trees fly by the window. The car was warm, cozy in a way as the sun began to rise over the ocean. It was no Hawaiian sunrise, but it would do for now.
He didn’t say much after that until they got to the beach. Ethan made small talk where he could, and Koa wasn’t unaware of Grayson’s eyes on her while she shimmied into her wetsuit.
“Need help zipping up?” He offered - his cheeks were bright red in an almost boyish way. 
She could reach the long string and do it herself, but she let him as a sign of good faith, grateful that he brushed her stray hairs away from the velcro so it didn’t get trapped and stuck. 
Koa returned the favor for him when he turned around. It took some tugging to get the neoprene to stretch over his wide back. She lingered for a moment as she took in his tattoo; three lions resting together, two young and one old, with the words above and below - others came before me, others to come. It made her pause for a moment, trying to understand. From what she knew of Grayson, it didn’t fit him, his personality, his arrogance.
But did she really know him at all?
“Is it stuck?” His voice pulled her out of her inner monologue, and it was her turn to blush.
“Yeah, sorry, hold on,” she lied, giving it an overdramatic tug and tapping his shoulder to let him know she was done before taking her board from Ethan and heading down the sand. The water was chilly, but she adjusted quickly, starting to paddle as soon as she could. The boys kept up with her well, which didn’t surprise her based on their biceps.
The separation came when the first swell came in. Koa surveyed it, eyes poignant to what was coming. When she recognized the way the water moved, she immediately turned and began to paddle. Three strokes and she should snag it. 
Sure enough, the timing landed just right and she pushed up onto her board the way Amosa had taught her when she was three; press, tuck and push. The wave caught her in its grasp and pushed her forward, exhilaration pumping through every vein. 
And on top of that board, headed towards the shore, she felt at home. 
And in her ears, she heard Grayson. 
Or Ethan. She wasn’t sure, but one or both of them were yelling behind her, cheering her on as she continued across the swell, steady and triumphant.
Grayson couldn’t look away. It sounded dumb, even in his head, but she looked majestic. He couldn’t think of another word for her as she floated across, as stable as if she was walking down the sidewalk. It made him gasp when she bailed to the side and tucked under the wave, but even that was graceful.
It took her a minute to get back to them, but the boys were still cheering. Ethan didn’t hesitate to pull her towards him, giving her a hug with wide eyes. 
“You gotta teach us how to do that bro.”
“It’s all in the timing,” she explained, and then she was talking. Technique, and strategy and watching for the right ones, how to bail - everything she knew. 
Grayson couldn’t get enough of hearing her talk, more animated than he’d ever heard her as she straddled her board and bobbed up and down in the waves. 
“Help me catch one,” Ethan begged. She obliged him, watching closely as the next set rolled in. 
“When I say it, no fucking around or you’ll miss it,” she reminded him. She saw one coming in quickly, gauged it in the same moment and began her instructions.
“Okay, go, go go go, now, up now!” 
To his own amazement, Ethan caught it at the perfect time, feet getting underneath him more solidly than they ever had. He didn’t last as long as he hoped - it was no longboard, but still, he managed to ride it for a good 10 seconds before he bailed to the side. Grayson jeered at him with a smile, watching him bob back up and struggle to get back on his board to paddle out. He thought he could hear people cheering from the shore, and he hoped for a moment they hadn’t been recognized.
“My turn,” Grayson grinned, the butterflies in his stomach a product of Koa’s proximity or the waves, he couldn’t tell.
But when he turned, she was swimming away from him as fast as she could, desperate to get away from him it seemed.
The hurt came first, and then it was immediately replaced by panic. He put the pieces together quickly. 
A woman yelling from the sand, running towards the water. Koa, barreling as fast as her arms could take her in the same direction. 
And a small dot of pink, barely visible above the waves.
“That’s a kid, fuck, thats a KID!” 
He swam as fast as he could, Ethan blindly following. But they were no match for Koa’s many years in the waves. She swam as fast as her board would take her, only slowing enough to ensure she didn’t hit the little girl. She was gasping, her blonde hair down over her forehead.
As gently as she could without wasting any time, Koa grabbed her and hauled her up onto the board, breathing for the first time when she realized the girl was okay. 
“Hi sweetheart, are you okay? Are you hurt? What’s your name?” Koa brushed her hair back just as Grayson got there on his own board, panting.
“I’m Alice. I want my mommy,” she cried, shivering as she laid on the board.
“It’s okay baby, my name is Koa. I’m gonna help you get back to mommy, okay?”
But when Koa began to move, Alice cried louder, scrambling towards her and almost tipping the board.
“No, no the waves are too big! They’re gonna get us!” she whimpered, looking towards the shore. All of them could tell she was terrified, and Koa put on her most convincing smile.
“I know it! They’re pretty big, but guess what?” 
“Your mommy sent me to help because I have a special board, and it never tips over, no matter what. So we’ll be extra safe. And these guys are gonna follow us and make sure no waves get us, okay? We’ll be back to mommy so fast.”
She couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7, and Koa was glad. Children still trusted people. And Alice trusted her, her small hands grabbing onto the board as Koa began to kick them in with the boys following behind.
Ethan watched it happen, like the petals of a rose opening up for the first time in spring. 
Grayson was melting. All it took was seeing her once in that light and he knew the reason why he’d sat outside of Monty’s, why he was willing to let her borrow the car, why it bothered him so much that she wanted nothing to do with him. 
He watched her scoop Alice up and carry her to her mother, watched her accept the hug the little girl gave her in gratitude, and he knew that there was something about the stupid book deal, and Ethan being stubborn and her coming all the way from Hawaii that was meant to happen. 
There was no going back from it.
It was done.
When Koa turned to look at him, she couldn’t read the emotion in his eyes. So she just looked; held his gaze and quirked her head a bit when it didn’t falter. 
“You just saved that kid’s life,” he said. “You’re incredible.” 
“Eh, it’s no big deal, had to scoop up some cousins back home at least once a week.” She blew it off, but she blushed anyways.
“Says the hero. C’mon, I think that’s enough ocean for the day, let’s go get breakfast or something,” Ethan jumped in.
“You just don’t wanna let Grayson catch a wave,” Koa teased, nudging his shoulder. He bumped her back and Grayson watched with a smile as they all headed back up towards the car - he couldn’t care less about the waves he was leaving behind. 
They got cleaned up and out of their wetsuits, and the best feeling came when Ethan tossed Grayson his keys and climbed into the back of the jeep over the frame, a silent push for Grayson to keep his momentum as Koa climbed into the passenger seat. 
“Alright hero, what’s for breakfast?” He turned to her with a grin.
“Hmmm... bagels.” 
“Bagels it is.” 
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westershiresauce · 4 years
Headcanon: Deus Ex Scuba Gear
Note: Spoilers for Bly Manor. 
So, here is my Bly Manor/Supergirl crossover crackfic headcanon where Kara is Dani and her ex Mike gets killed by a truck when he walks into traffic after Kara comes out to him and breaks off their relationship.
“Mike, I think I’m gay,” the blonde whispers, too ashamed to speak any louder. The man next to her tenses slightly before a look of relief washes over him.
“Oh thank God,” he says, and smiles at a confused Kara.
“What? You’re okay with this?” Mike shrugs and shoots the woman his frustratingly disarming grin. 
“I mean, am I glad I’m being dumped? No. Am I relieved that the reason is you aren’t into guys? Kind of.” Kara wrinkles her brows in confusion and he continues. 
“I mean, I know I’m hot.” Mike grins again and winks at the blonde who purses her lips at his peacocking, “I thought maybe you were just frigid or something.”
“Mike!” Kara looks around to make sure no one is listening. Mike laughs and she shoots him a glare. 
“Hey, you’re the one that decided to break my heart at the corner of a major intersection.” 
He winks at her and she advances on the man, trying to shut him up. He skips away from her, ignoring the fact that he is now in the crosswalk of the intersection. 
“Mike! Stop fooling around!” the blonde pleads but the man ignores her. 
“Hey, were you checking out chicks while we were together?” He waggles his eyebrows and Kara balls her fists at her sides. She refuses to take the bait. The man just laughs at her silence. “Dude, you totally did. What’s your type?” 
He goes quiet suddenly and his face lights up. Kara shakes her head. It is seldom a good thing when the man gets a light bulb moment. 
“Hey Kara,” his face gets lecherous and Kara readies herself for some horrifying comment, “Would you let me watch?” 
Kara’s face blooms red with embarrassment and anger. She steps closer to jab her finger against the man’s face and get her point across. However, Mike anticipates this and he takes another step back, grin still in place even as a truck barrels into his body. Kara stares in shock, midstep and with her finger still in the air as Mike is flung at least twenty feet down the street. The smell of burning rubber as the truck attempts to stop and the blaring sound of a horn being pressed much too late fill her senses. 
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Kara: “No, Mike, not gay as in happy. Good lord, dude!”
Kara is at the hospital when Mike is pronounced dead. Rhea never really liked her so she leaves for her apartment, still shaken but confused about how she feels about what happened. On the one hand she feels responsible for what happened, but on the other hand, she almost feels relieved. Until, that is, she goes to wash her hands in the bathroom and sees Mike standing behind her. She screams and when she turns around, he is gone. It isn’t until a few days later that she hears someone walking around her apartment that she realizes what happened. She grabs her trusty bat and walks out, expecting some coke addict rifling through her bookshelves but instead sees Mike, pawing at her bookcase. He grunts in frustration when his hand goes through a book but cheers when he manages to knock one onto the floor. Kara drops the bat in shock and Mike turns around, grins wide and puts a hand up in a peace sign, just like when he was alive.
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Mike: “I’m still here, bro!”
Turns out Mike is tethered to Kara and it is a horrible, cruel curse. He is both the best and worst wingman and Kara is still not convinced he doesn’t try to peek when she is getting dressed or showering but he also helps her learn to be more confident. All his shameless arrogance makes him a great cheerleader, at least once they talk about some ground rules.
1. No creeping on Kara in the bathroom or when she is changing. Mike scoffs at this and mutters about being able to creep on hotter ladies. 
2. No unsolicited advice or comments about women that Kara is not interested in pursuing a relationship with. This is added after a week of Mike making comments about women that had Kara blushing constantly, even at work.
3. No watching when Kara has a lady over. She wasn’t sure where Mike disappeared off to when she did manage to have a date come back to her place but he would always leave after shooting Kara another peace sign and telling her to “do the circle thing I showed you.”
It all hits the fan when Rhea gets wind of Kara dating women and she packs up and leaves. She does not want to deal with that fallout and she would rather get a fresh start somewhere else. Where is that where else? London, Bly Manor, American au pair, you know the rest.
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Kara: “Yeah, I’m gonna take a one way and gtfo of here.”
Who are our players at Bly?
Our cook Owen Sharma is good old Jack Spheer because sometimes these things write themselves. And who is our beloved Hannah Grose? Why, Lucy Lane. Because she was too good and I always want to see more of her. Plus she can be a stern little spitfire with the kids and ghosties (The kids refer to her to as Major). She takes her fine self and daydreams about the moment that charming Jack came over to get the job as a cook, not dead, just as a useless hetero (is that a thing? It is now...) that can’t fathom for some reason that Jack is totally in love with her.
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As for Rebecca Jessel and Peter Quint? Kelly Olsen (the only character with any brain cells half the time) and Andrea Rojas, our muy caliente Scotsman. Is that racist? No, but her horrendous accent might be a crime. This version has none of the controlling assholeroy of Peter and no secretly killing Rebecca. Just good old bad luck in a horror series. Andrea gets drunk and tries to dive into the lake to find the chest of loot she is convinced is down there so her and Kelly can run away to America. 
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Andrea: “This is a file on all the reasons you should run away from this haunted ass creepy mansion and come with me to America. Also, there is a map I drew of the lake with an X where the loot most definitely is.”
Kelly: “This is just a picture of you in lingerie and a sheet of paper you colored blue with a big red X in the middle.” 
Kelly dies trying to save her when Andrea starts to get hypothermia and they both drown in the freezing lake. Because why bury your gays when you can drown them? Amiright? Who finds their bodies the next day? This leads to the following section: Next slide, please!
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Who is standing in for Miles and Flora Wingrave? Why, Ruby and a tiny Nia, of course. Nia is a sweet baby angel and I want to meet her as a little sister, totally doted on by her big sister, Ruby. Nia sees Andrea and Kelly arguing like lesbians (so much hand waving and crying and angry whispering) on the far end of the lake while their blue popsicle bodies float around. Ruby and Lucy drag little Nia away from the scene.
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Nia: “My giant scarf is perfectly splendid! Also, I am baby.” 
Things get really spicy when Kara shows up, ghost!Mike and all. He complains about not being able to haunt the “hot chick from apartment 314” any more, but he perks up at the thought of “British broads.” Kara had hoped he was tethered to National City or something, but it appears he is linked to her. Mike is ecstatic when he finds out Bly is full of ghosts. He is always off somewhere exploring the mansion and only pops in to tell Kara snippets of Bly’s history and its many inhabitants. 
Meanwhile, we get to the real star of this indulgent charade. Lena as the wonderfully fit Irish (let her have the accent!) gardener, Jaime. She is convinced Kara is a corn-fed straighty from America until Kara throws herself at her in the greenhouse because flowers turn on lesbians (see Imagine You and Me and Georgia O'Keeffe’s many works. This is sapphic lore, kids.) She opens up about Mike and Lena smooches her so she doesn’t have to listen to the hot blonde’s delusions. 
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Lena: “What do you mean it is too bright? What book? This is a watering can for my gardening activities. So is my fashionable, appropriately sized hat.”
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Kara: *OMG she is so hot and cool, what do I do?* “Hey, do you guys do the circle thing in the UK?” 
Meanwhile, things are getting interesting with Mike and the ghosts: Kelly and Andrea, newly minted Bly ghosts, explain that they are stuck on the grounds. Mike, who believes in having the freedom of “you do you,” vows to break the curse. He strikes a heroic pose that makes Andrea roll her eyes but Kelly agrees they need to find out more about the origins of the Bly Manor curse. 
Flashback episode in a horrid b/w tone because I want to show this is old, okay. It’s not like we could figure it out by the clothes. Or the set dressing. Or the fact that the one of the characters died of “the lung.”
Anyway, we have our sisters, Viola and the other one. Their names don’t really matter because they are going to be the brunette one and the blonde one, played by the queen of period series: Katie McGrath.   
Anger-y brunette Katie, getting her smacking hand ready. 
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And blonde, sad (but also evil? plot twist!) Katie, lusting after her brother in law. 
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And they fight over none other than Daddy Cullen, Maxwell Lorde, because look at that hair, look at all those buttons, look at that big hand! Who could resist? 
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The child is baby Lena being twirled by Anger-y Katie pre-“the lung” because let’s just have this turn into a black hole that destroys itself. 
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Baby Lena: “Swing me, mummy. Swing me with your good lungs!”
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Anger-y Smack-You-Every-Time Katie: “I swung too close to the sky and now this is happening to me.”
So while Kara and Lena are christening all sorts of places at Bly (yes, even the master wing because, of course, the master wing), Mike, Andrea, and Kelly are incepting themselves into all sorts of memories and whatnot. Cue that montage!
Whoops, looks like we blew our budget on that black and white filter. Sorry about that.
Once the ghost trio realizes the chest in the lake doesn’t in fact hold some dragon’s hoard of gold, but the key to ending this madness, Mike pops in on Lena and Kara to bring them up to speed. Kara screams at him about the third rule while Lena tries to accept the fact that her girlfriend (yes, they are girlfriends by now, keep up) has a ghost for a best friend. 
Kara makes Mike look away while her and Lena get dressed and after quite a bit of exposition, they decide to pull the chest up from the lake. Lucy and Jack have been off playing hide the croissant or whatever the straights do during their leisure time, but they quickly hop on the “break the Bly manor curse” train.  
There is a fun B (C?) plot where Ruby and Nia steal Jack’s car and drive into town. No one in town cares because they are rich and all the adults at Bly are busy romancing each other and assume the girls are being odd rich kids playing somewhere in the manor. 
The adults are planning how to get down to the chest without suffering Andrea and Kelly’s fate, when they find some scuba gear the kids bought on their last trip to town. It is wholly impractical but the adults shrug and accept the plot hole so they can hurry this along. 
They draw straws and Kara has to dive down and tie some chains around the sunken chest. Lena jumps in front of limited edition Scuba Gear Kara to stop her but the American has to America so she dives into the freezing lake after a swoon inducing “I’ll be right back” kiss. Like, gifable on tumblr, twitter, and whatever new platform there is a hundred years from now.  
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Scuba Gear Kara: “Guys, I can’t see anything through this helmet. Guys?“
After a few tense moments where Anger-y Olden Time™ Katie tries to stop Kara, Mike, Andrea, and Kelly step in and use their ghost powers to keep her away from Kara. Jack uses his car to pull up the haunted chest and they pry it open with a crowbar and plenty of moxie. The screams of slap happy Katie of the past ring out around the heroes as the curse is broken. The ghosts cheer, everyone laughs nervously (they know the end is never the end in a horror story) and Kara shivers from the cold until she is next to the fire, dry and cuddled up with Lena.
As her final act of revenge, Anger-y Katie gives Kara the Lung(!) but thanks to the power of Science, our spunky American pulls through after properly completing the full course of treatment and antibiotics. This includes Lena taking sexy care of her girlfriend. *wink*
***** westershiresauce is not a medical professional and their thoughts regarding the health benefits/healing powers of a sexy nurse!Lena are not verified. Don’t take srsly. ***** 
Cut to, one more garden and I can retire, Lena, sitting next to an immaculate shrub, waiting for her wife Kara to bring out the tea and biscuits. 
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Lena: “I swear to all that is holy, if that tea is shite, I am leaving her. It’s been like thirty years!”  
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
Independent Part 1 X Tig Trager X Reader
My first Sons Of Anarchy fic. I dunno what it is about Tig but damn he’s hot. I have quite a few ideas for where this is going.
Summary: You catch the eye of Tig, going on a date at a sons party. 
Mentions of abuse and some fighting. Smut to follow. 
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You saw red as you started your bike, you tried to take a breath to calm down but it didn't work. You revved the engine and kicked the stand from under you. Your sister ran out your shop "Y/N! Please don't!" But it was too late. Smoke followed behind you. 
Pulling into the parking lot you saw a bunch of men standing around. You knew exactly who owned this garage but that wasn't going to stop you. If you got your ass beat you'd be fine. You could see him talking to someone, he had his back to you which was perfect. Bikes coming in and out of the place made no reason for anyone to turn around as you stopped. You put it back on the stand and took your helmet off leaving it hanging off the handlebars. You pulled your baseball bat from its own little sheath just under the right side of your seat. 
"Hey doll you okay?" One of the bikers called over to you. He had messy black hair and piercing blue eyes. 
You smiled "Just fine thanks." You swung the bat round in your hand before walking towards the group of men. "HEY! TONY!" Shouting as loud as you could.
He turned to look at you "Oh shi-"
Before he could finish you swung as hard as you could, the bat connected with his cheek shattering it completely. Blood sprayed as he fell to the ground. All the men around you shouted. Before anyone could stop you you hit him again. "You think its okay to hit women?" Everyone stopped as soon as they heard you. You bent down to get closer to his face. "I'm telling you now Meg is coming to live with me. You don't call her, text her, you so much as think about my little sister again and I will kill you." You stood back up and placed your boot on his cheeky pressing his face closer into the dirt "That isn't a threat asshole. That’s a promise." You kicked him as hard as your could in the stomach before turning on your heal back to your bike. You wiped the blood off your bat on a rag hanging on the back of your bike. 
"Jesus girl." The same biker looked at Tony spitting blood in the dirt "You got a swing and a half on you." 
"He got what was coming to him." 
"No doubt." He smiled sweetly at you."I gotta know your name." 
"Gotta know or wanna know?" You winked at him "Come by my store one day. Studio next to the barbers and I'd kick that piece of shit outta here if I was you." You revved your engine before speeding out the garage.
He turned to the guy stood by him "Jesus man.. she's wife material." 
Back at your studio you flicked through the bookings. Your afternoon was empty and it was your day off tomorrow. Looked like you could close up early for once. You went into the back office, your sister sat across the sofa with an ice pack on her head. "Hey bro, how you feeling?" 
"My head hurts but personally I feel better. Thank you again." 
"No problem." You sat at one of the desk chairs "We got a free afternoon and all day tomorrow. Wanna do something?" 
"Err," She pulled a face "I'm not quite ready to go out yet. I think I'm going to get settled at yours, have a shower and watch a  film."
"That’s fine. Sounds like a good plan to be honest." You stood from the chair "I've already cashed up so I'll go and lock the doors and I can take you home." 
"Perfect." She stuck her thumbs up at you. 
Leaning over the counter you grabbed your keys, as you turned a man stood at your door scared the life out of you. It was the biker "Fuck man." You opened the door "You scared the shit outta me." 
"Sorry about that gorgeous." He leaned on the door frame.  
"You're very eager." raising one of your eyebrows at him. 
"There's something about you doll.. Amazing."
"Wow, thanks. The names Y/N"
"Tig." He smiled at you "Look if you aint busy tonight one of our boys is getting out tonight, throwing him a party at the club house. You should come." 
"Well..." a smirk crept up your face "I suppose I could swing by."
"Want me to pick you up?" 
"And give you my address? I aint that easy Tig. I know where it is." 
He smiled again, his eyes were so mesmerizing "Ight, see you at like 9?" 
"Sure." You leaned in, closing the already small gap between you and kissed him on the cheek. He walked away with a grin stretched across his face as you closed the door behind you. You went in the back to help your sister carry her stuff. 
She frowned at you "Who was that and why you smiling so damn much?" 
"Ermm.." You turned to look at her as you picked up one of her bags "I think I have a date." 
"You what? The most independent woman I don't ever need a man ever has a date?" The way she spoke made you laugh "Who on earth tricked you into a date?" 
"His name is Tig." You turned to say the second part under your breath "He's an SOA." 
"Wait!" She tried to stop you but you ran past her to your bike. "Hey!" She ran out the studio after you "Did you just say he was an SOA?" 
"Yeahhhh.." You locked the studio door and threw her bag into the back of her truck. "Look I know the rep they have. He seems nice but he probs just want to sleep with me." 
"And your okay with that?" 
You shrugged "A girl got needs." 
"You're gross! I'll see you in like 2 minutes." She started her truck and drove off. You were in such high spirits you really fancied a detour on the bike, but you had to go home and try to find an outfit. 
"No!" You threw your self on the bed.
"Stop being dramatic!" Meg was face first in your wardrobe. "You have loads of clothes!" 
"I'm going to a party at the god damn sons of anarchy club house. I can't go to nice because all those hot groupies will show me up but I don't want to look like a groupie at the same time." 
"Sis they are called prostitutes and you are not a prostitute now shut up and put this on." She threw a dress at you. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, black velvet dress with the sides cut out, Dr marten boots with boot socks rolled down, checkered shirt. Pretty much your entire body was tattooed which went with your outfit perfectly. 
"You sure you don't want to borrow some heels?" 
"I don't wear heels and I'm going on my bike." 
She held her hands up "Fair enough. Well I hope you have a great time and I won't wait up."
"Yeahhh I wouldn't wait." You walked to the door.
You're disgusting!" She threw a pillow at you as you left. 
-- Pulling into the parking lot you started to get a little nervous. You were so busy with the studio it had been ages since you went in a date. You pulled up in an empty spot. The music was blasting out already. People everywhere, most of them half naked women.
As you clipped your helmet to the handle bars a voice came from not far behind you. "Hey." 
You turned to see Tig "Hi." You smiled at him as he walked over to you. 
"You look beautiful." He passed you a bottle. 
"Thanks." You took the bottle from his hands and kissed him on the cheek. He walked in with you and most people stared straight at you. You finished your drink straight away. "I'm gonna need something stronger." 
"I like your thinking." He grabbed a bottle of Jack from the table and poured you a couple of shots each. 
You felt instantly better. He started introducing you to all the other sons. They were all really nice to you. Some a little pervy but Tig was definitely the worst. He hardly actually looked at your face. 
The night was going really smoothly. You and Tig got on like a house on fire and all the guys treated you as though you were already one of the family. As you returned from the bathroom you noticed a girl with her tits just hanging out trying to sit on his knee. You could hear what he was saying "Look miss, its real nice you got your boobies out but I have a girl with me tonight." 
"Awh but you know I'm way more fun that her." 
Marching over you tapped her on the shoulder "Excuse me?" She spun around and got right in your face "He said he aint interested sweetheart." 
"And who the fuck are you? No one has ever said no to me." 
You looked her up and down "I highly doubt that." Your comment made Juice spit out his drink. 
"You his old lady?" 
"I don't belong to anyone hunny." 
She pushed you at the shoulders "So you aint important." 
Tig stood up to stop her but you put your hand out, this was your fight "Touch me again I'll knock you the fuck out." 
She did, pushing you back again. With one move you headbutted her in the nose, knocking her to the ground. She grabbed her face and started shouting. "Shut up and get out my face." You sat back down next to Tig. "Stupid bitch." You grabbed hold of the bottle of Jack on  the table and took a huge swig. You lit a cig and leaned back in the chair. 
"God damn girl!" Juice cheered. "Gemma's gonna love you." 
You looked over at Tig who was just staring at you. "That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen." He launched at you kissing you deeply. At first it took you back but then you sank into the kiss.  He tasted like cigarettes and whiskey which just made you even more turned on. Breaking the kiss you sat back in your chair and took another drag of your cig. You looked around the table to realize all the guys were all over the women they were sat with, paying no attention to you guys. You looked into his icy blue eyes, a smirk crept up your face. You could tell on his face he was thinking the exact same as you. You both stood without saying anything to anyone else around the table. He grabbed hold of your hand as he walked past some of the rooms. You stopped for a second to admire the bike on display. He spun you around so you were facing him. 
"Am I boring you?" 
"Not at all." You leaned into a kiss. The pace picked up fast and before you knew it he had pushed you against a door. Wrapping your legs around him he kissed down your neck. 
You were so close to having sex right there in the hall way when Opie rounded the corner. "Fuck sake man... Can't you at least do that in your room." 
"Fuck off."Tig's voice was muffled as he was face first in your breasts. He moved one hand off your ass and he reached for the door knob. He pushed you through the door and threw you onto his bed. He stood over you for a second and lick his lips "You ready baby."
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Their Island
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Ooh, lookie, I managed to write an IRRelief fic myself. The fact that I started it without that in mind is irrelevant. The fact that I found myself typing out one of the prompt words part way through is :D That and it is mostly fluff which is the main requirement. So IRRelief fic for the prompt ‘power drill’...which is one of mine, I know, but it just happened, honest.
Spoilers & Warnings: I have again written this in my Kermadec AU, however the deviations are minor and it can be read without reading We’ll Be Home For Christmas. There are Tracy boys ages in this as it is technically pre-IR. We all have our own ideas on the boys ages. I’ve run with the age scheme I worked out for Parents as it makes enough sense for me to live with...so technically this could be considered part of that fic as well. So, we have younger!Tracys, pre-IR, Kermadec AU (but only a little bit) and lots of fluff. 2949 words.
Many thanks to @scribbles97​ for the read through and support :D
I hope you enjoy :D
It was a tropical island with the foliage to match. Ferns, palm trees, warm air, the distant sound of ocean with a breeze that came with it.
Virgil found himself up high, sitting on a fat patch of moss in a protected nook far above the construction busily happening below.
From here he could see the footprint of the villa, the hole where the pool was going to go, his father directing operations like the commander he always was.
He had to admit, it was amazing.
Seeing the plans was one thing, seeing it being carved out of the volcanic rock was another.
In the distance sat the chiselled-out runway, another of Tracy Industries’ cargo planes coming into land. No doubt it was stock full of luxury fittings. Fancy doorknobs, Scott’s king-sized bed and other frivolities. But Virgil knew that under the disguise of rich eccentricities there were more important things.
The Island was riddled with secrets, most of which had been actioned long before the villa.
But now the house was the final piece. The topping on the cake. And it was amazing to watch it come together.
A scuff of boots on gravel and Virgil jumped.
“Relax, Virgil.” A gentle hand on his shoulder and his younger brother pulled up a chunk of moss beside him. John’s hair always lit up in the sun, almost a warning as to what that sun could do to that pale skin.
There must have been something on Virgil’s face, because John held up a hand. “I have sunscreen.”
“Sure you do, but is it on your face?”
The glare from his twenty-year-old brother tipped the scales into affirmative.
“Just checking.”
The glare turned into a frown. “What are you doing all the way up here?” A twist to his lips filled with put upon sarcasm. “Are you wearing sunscreen?”
Well, no, but then Virgil wasn’t used to thinking of that yet. His skin tended to brown with what little sun he picked up in Colorado. John, on the other hand, had been wearing the stuff since the day after he was born.
Virgil wasn’t going to admit that though. “I have protection.”
John snorted. “You’ll learn. This is the tropics, Virgil. Southern hemisphere, just that touch closer to that healing wound in the ozone layer.”
“I’m aware of the meteorological and geographical differences, John. I don’t need a space degree for that.”
His brother just shrugged. “It’s on you, big brother.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just because John was right didn’t mean he had to be all haughty about it.
“You started it, remember?” Turquoise eyed him along with an amused smirk.
Virgil shrugged it off and turned back to staring down at the construction below.
There was silence except for the sounds of nail guns and power tools bouncing off volcanic rock.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
Virgil’s voice was quiet. “Yes, it is.”
“You okay?”
Almost level with them, a huge bird that just had to be an albatross, wheeled past.
“Wow.” The word was out of his mouth without thought.
“There is a lot of wildlife out here.” John’s voice was matter of fact, lacking the feeling welling inside of Virgil. The wind tousled red hair and the artist inside suddenly had the urge to paint it. In fact, that was the source of it all, Virgil realised. He was inspired. To paint.
“Have you spoken to Mel Fisher?”
“Huh?” The bird swooped back out over the caldera and Virgil’s eyes tracked it.
“The director of the Raoul scientific expedition. She should have some data on the species native to the island.”
“Oh, yeah, Gordon has been liaising with her.” It was a welcome distraction from the pool. Virgil had been both supportive and worried about Gordon’s obsession with the Olympics. Combined with his school studies and a gruelling training regime, these few weeks of family leave was exactly what was needed.
Of course, tropical island meant sea water that could replace the pool for that time and his little brother had been in the caldera every morning. Their father had spoken to the local authorities...aka Mel Fisher, newly appointed director of the Kermadec expedition on Raoul Island a few hundred kilometres south...about what wildlife existed in the region that could kill or injure an over enthusiastic Tracy fish. The list had been considerable.
Gordon had immediately parroted off what he knew about every single one of those lifeforms enough to glaze over his father’s eyes. The Tracy fish had then been referred to the Director.
The speech Mel had given him was long.
Three other Tracy brothers - John was the one escapee having been on the other side of the planet at the time - were dragged into it and lectured on the hazards of living in a wildlife dominated area.
The biggest danger was apparently death enacted by the Director should they impact the area in any way.
Even their father had taken a step back at the passion in the woman’s speech. Young, blonde and ready to kick a billionaire’s butt, if necessary.
She and Gordon had hit it off immediately.
A distracted smirk at John. It could be entertaining to see the spaceman encounter the eco-passionate Mel. “You guys need to meet.”
Far down below, his father yelled something at one of the workers. He stormed across the construction site and by the amount of gesturing, Virgil reckoned the man had committed at least a level three offence. Probably a safety deviation. Virgil was glad he wasn’t down there to hear the lecture.
“Have you spoken to Scott?”
It startled him. It shouldn’t have, but it did. His head was in the clouds and he obviously needed grounding. “Uh, yeah. He is okay as he can be.”
His big brother was suffering from an abrupt end to a career he thought would be his life. Honourable discharge was one thing, but after what his brother had given the Air Force, the strain behind those closeted eyes...
It was enough to sprout a permanent dislike of the military deep in Virgil’s soul.
“He is managing.” A breath. “This should help.”
The silence returned, both men lost in their thoughts.
“What are you two doing up here?”
It was inevitable really. Virgil looked up as his fish brother approached, his eyes curious. Gordon’s hair appeared permanently wet and sticking up in all directions. He had his latest loud shirt on, but it wasn’t buttoned up. Little more than flip flops protected his feet from the volcanic rock beneath them.
“I could ask you the same thing. Do I need to lecture you on appropriate footwear again?”
Gordon slumped. “God, Virg, when are you gonna loosen up?”
“When my brothers learn to look after themselves.”
“If you expect me to wear flannel and steel-tipped boots in this tropical climate, you are dreaming, bro. Not all of us want to smell like you.”
“You do the ‘working class man’ thing just a little too much, big bro. Have you noticed the humidity? We’re gonna have to invest in a deodorant factory if you keep wearing that outfit.”
Of course, John had to throw his dice into play. “Tracy Industries already has a personal hygiene department.”
Virgil turned his glare to his traitorous next younger brother.
“What? We do! We produce some very good quality products.”
“Next supply run, we’ll need to stock up for Virg.”
“Shut up, Gordon.”
He didn’t stink, did he? A sniff of his armpit would be too obvious and would just inspire more smart-ass remarks from his brothers. And yes, that was a plural. He could trust John about as far as he could throw him...though admittedly that was quite a distance nowadays, but still…
Gordon derailed that train of thought by dumping himself down beside Virgil. He smelt like seawater.
“So, we spying on Dad, or what?” Gordon pointedly stared down at their father who was still giving that one worker the riot act.
“No. Just came up here for the view.” It was the truth. Ocean for miles in the distance, Mateo and its birds, jagged rock, crystal clear water in the caldera, their future being built beneath his feet.
Gordon didn’t immediately answer and Virgil looked in his direction. He found a small smile on his little brother’s face as he stared down at the turquoise depths below them. It suddenly struck him, that of all of them, this move was going to be the best for Gordon. Surrounded by sea life and the very ocean he adored; his fish-loving brother would be in his element.
Once he landed himself that Olympic medal, finished high school and grew up.
Virgil blinked.
‘Grow up’ and ‘Gordon’ were interesting when combined.
He loved his little brother, but he was a handful. Without thinking, Virgil reached out a hand and squeezed Gordon’s shoulder. That prompted a quizzical look in his direction, but Virgil just smiled a little before letting go and returning to his gaze far down below.
“Gordy! Where are you?” The high-pitched voice of the youngest Tracy bounced freely about the rocks.
Gordon rolled his eyes and whispered. “Keep it quiet.”
Virgil frowned. “Why?”
“He’s looking for someone to play that stupid space game with him.”
That earned Gordon a clap around the ear.
“Hey, I played it with him all day yesterday!”
“You could have told me, Gordon.” John was frowning.
“That’s why I came looking for you! I figured if you beat him several times, I wouldn’t have to worry about it tomorrow.”
Virgil clapped him up the ear again.
“Ow! Quit it, Virg. I don’t see you volunteering.”
“No, I’m too busy with that stopwatch timing your ass.”
Gordon blinked. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh.”
“What are you guys doing up here?” Blond, blue-eyed and nine years old, little Alan bounced into the grotto and stared at the three of them before looking around. “Wow, this is a cool spot. You can see everything!”
The kid glared at Gordon for a second before pushing himself in between John and Virgil.
“Hey, sprout. What you been doing?”
“Looking for you guys. Gordon won’t play Star Hero with me.” Those blue eyes shot daggers at the next eldest brother.
“Maybe spending some time outside would be a good idea.”
“Aw, Virg. I’m nearly at the next level!”
Virgil reached out and wrapped an arm around his shoulders drawing him to his side. “But there is so much to see out here, Alan.”
“We’re gonna be here forever. I can see it then.”
A frown. “Allie, you okay?”
“I just wanna play Star Hero.” That was definitely a whine.
“Alan, if you drop the attitude, I’ll consider playing it with you tonight.” John’s voice was cool and clearly not tolerating his little brother’s tactics.
Alan lit up, eyes widening. “You will?! Be on my team?”
John arched an eyebrow. “As long as you don’t give me a silly name.”
“He called me Drockus Doofhead yesterday.” Gordon growled from Virgil’s other side.
“That’s because you are a doofhead. You don’t know the difference between a supernova and a nebula.”
“Yes, I do!”
“Prove it!”
“Hey, hey!” It had been quiet. It had been inspirational. Now... He shoved a finger in Gordon’s direction. “You, he’s nine. Give him a break.” Another finger in Alan’s face. “You. Respect others’ skills. Everyone is different. Consider how much Gordy does know that you don’t, how much he can help you and how much you can help him.”
The pout didn’t fully disappear, but Alan muttered something that could be considered an acknowledgement.
Virgil squeezed his shoulders, but didn’t say anything further. The breeze picked up a little and played with his hair. “Do you like the Island?” The question came out without thought and it stopped him in his tracks, suddenly wondering what his little brothers’ responses might be.
“Are you kidding? There are dolphins, Virg! I was swimming with dolphins this morning! This place is fantastic!”
Yeah, that was the response he expected from his fourteen-year-old fish.
“What about you, Allie?”
“It’s okay, I guess.”
“I’m gonna miss my friends.”
“You can still see your friends.”
“Not the same.”
“We can fly in and out as much as you like.”
“Until you’re too busy.”
Silence fell over the grotto, returning it to its natural soundscape of distant waves, birds and the wind.
“I will never be too busy for you, Alan.” The deep voice of his eldest brother broke into the grotto and Virgil’s heart lurched. He looked up to find Scott staring down at their little group. He was still pale, the gash at his temple still pink with healing.
The walking stick in his hand was being leant on heavily.
“What the hell are you doing all the way up here?” Virgil shot to his feet and hurried over, grabbing his big brother’s arm almost terrified he would fall on his face.
“Can it, Virgil. I’m fine.”
Virgil ignored him. “Sit down.” His three other brothers shuffled over to make room and the recovering pilot rolled his eyes before lowering himself awkwardly down onto the moss carpet.
“I should be asking you that question. Is this a meeting I missed the memo for?”
“No. I just came up here for some quiet.”
Scott snorted. “Really?”
“Well, I didn’t expect a family convergence.”
“Can’t escape us, Virg.” Gordon was grinning.
“Wasn’t trying to, Gordo.”
“Could have fooled me.”
“Well, why do you think we’re all up here? You’ve been disappearing every afternoon for days. We had to ask Brains to ping your locator.”
A hand landed on his arm and he turned away from Gordon to find Scott staring at him. “Maybe you should answer your own question, Virgil. Do you like the Island?”
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
So, he closed it again.
It wasn’t just a question of his liking the Island. The eldest three knew far more than the youngest two. Exactly why they were moving to this isolated chunk of rock.
Scott squeezed his arm. “Johnny is in a star man’s paradise with his observatory, and you know my opinion.” He certainly did. Scott was itching to get back into the sky with that rocket plane. “But I don’t recall hearing your thoughts lately.”
“You know my answer. I agreed.”
Eyes as blue as the sky above them interrogated him. “But what about now that we are here?”
“I agreed.” This was not something he wanted to talk about in front of Gordon and Alan. Hell, Gordon’s amber eyes were as sharp as anything. “This place is beautiful.” It was. As if to emphasise the statement, the albatross reappeared from behind them. Its massive wings were hardly moving to keep it aloft. It coasted above, its eyes passing over all five brothers. “I think we can be happy here.” He hoped.
That hand squeezed his arm again and the grotto fell into a thought-filled silence.
The albatross caught a thermal and rose far above the Island.
Virgil watched it grow smaller and smaller.
Scott’s hand did not leave his arm.
Alan clambered around Gordon and curled up next to Scott. Just as Virgil had done earlier, Scott automatically reached out an arm and pulled him close.
Gordon threw a nasty glare at his little brother, stood up, stomped around Alan and Scott and pointedly dumped himself on the other side of Virgil. There may have been an exchange of raspberries between the two youngest, but Virgil tuned them out to protect his sanity.
He did not fail to notice John closing the gap left by Gordon and sidling up next to their littlest brother.
He ignored the sputtering of the fourteen-year-old he grabbed and drew close to his side in a sudden need for closeness. His other arm snaked around behind Scott, snagged John’s collar and gave a yank. The astronaut let out a yelp and nearly fell on Alan. Virgil’s fist caught in the back of his shirt and he managed to sandwich all his brothers together.
“Virgil!” His name was protested vehemently, but he had to smile when none of his brothers pulled away.
“Love you guys.”
Various sputterings of affirmation had him grinning outright. Gordon was literally squirming.
“Love you, too, Virgil.” Alan’s high-pitched voice was refreshingly honest.
“Thanks, squirt.” It was whispered.
Scott’s hand moved from his arm to wrap around Virgil’s back. A tired forehead dropped gently onto his shoulder.
His big brother didn’t say anything.
He didn’t have to.
Virgil’s voice was rough. “Dad has called this place Tracy Island. We are the Tracys. Let’s make it ours.”
“Except the crabs.”
A blink. “What?” He stared at Gordon.
The kid was still under his arm, but was grinning up at him, mischief in every line.
“Half the crabs are on the endangered list. Mel has already laid claim to them.”
Another blink and Virgil just drew his little fish in tighter.
“Oh, god, Virg, need to breathe.”
A laugh welled up and burst out of Virgil from somewhere deep inside.
“I’m glad you find this funny.” The words were perturbed and put out, but John’s struggles were strangely in vain. Alan put an end to them by wrapping his arm around his astronaut brother and dragging him even further into the pile.
No one could resist the squirt.
They sat there together, quiet except for a few sputters from the fishy teenager.
Down below Dad was waving his arms around in front of the tiny figure of Brains.
The sun glittered off the turquoise caldera.
Virgil smiled.
They were the Tracys.
And this was their Island.
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angelsandacceptance · 3 years
Wishful Thinking
“It just doesn't make any sense, Dean. I mean, why would Uriel tell me you remembered Hell if you didn't?” Sam asks for what seems like the thousandth time.
The girls roll their eyes in synch at the boys’ antics. They all sit at a table in a bar, drinking various things, as well as picking apart a plate of fries. 
Dean downs another shot. “Maybe because he's a dick. Might have something to do with it.”
“Maybe, but he’s still an angel.”
“Yeah, an angel who was ready to level a whole town. Look, I don’t know what-” “Radical,” The waiter says, coming up to their table right at that moment. “What else can I get for you?”
“Uh, I think we’re good,” Sam says. 
“Speak for yourself,” Chase says. “I’d like whatever dessert you’d recommend, unless pie is an option. Pie is life. And I’ll take another few rounds of these,” she finishes, pushing a couple of now empty shot glasses towards him. 
“A few more meaning?”
The waiter, looking slightly startled, walks away. 
“Sam, honestly, I have no idea why Uriel told you what he did, okay?” Dean says, finishing what he was trying to say earlier. 
“Right,” Sam says, unconvinced. 
“What?” Dean asks. 
“You gotta see it from our point of view, Dean,” Chase says. “You’re not sounding very believable. Right, Harley?”
“I think if Dean isn’t ready to talk about it we shouldn’t pry.” Harley answers.
“I’m fine talking,” Dean says gruffly. “I just don’t remember anything.”
“Okay. Fine. Then look me in the eye and tell me you don't remember a thing from your time down under,” Sam says, continuing to grill him despite Harley’s efforts.
“I don't remember a thing from my time down under. I don't remember, Sam!”
“Look, Dean, we just want to help.”
“You guys know everything I do, okay? That’s all there is.”
“Outstanding!” The waiter exclaims, coming back over with a tray. “Here’s your dessert and drinks, and is there anything else I can get for you?”
“Dude,” Dean says, looking at the waiter.
“Look, bros, you’ve got to try our ice cream extreme. It’s extreme.”
“Uh, no, no extremities please. Just the-”
“Check? Awesome, alright!”
Sam huffs, causing Chase to smile. He’s always hated getting interrupted. “Thanks.”
“Alright, so where do we go from here?” Harley asks once the waiter has disappeared. 
“I'm not sure. Uh, looks like it's been pretty quiet lately. No signs of demon activity, no omens or portents I can see,” Sam says.
“Hey, some good news for once!” Chase says, throwing back the second shot already.
“Yeah, just the typical smattering of crank UFO sightings and one possible vengeful spirit. Here, check this out. Uh... Up in Concrete, Washington, eyewitness reports of a ghost that's been haunting the showers of a women's health facility.” Dean chokes on his drink. “The victim claims that the ghost threw her down a flight of stairs. I can see you're very interested.”
“Women, showers,” Dean says. “We got to save these people.”
“Really, Dean?” Chase asks in disgust. “At least be better at pretending you want to actually just help.”
“What?” Dean asks in feign innocence. “We gotta help ‘em.”
“I'm not surprised the spirit world chose to make contact with me. I'm something of a... natural sensitive.” Candace, the victim, says.
“I can sense that about you, Candace, that whole... sensitive thing.” Sam responds.
“So, what did you say you're calling your book?”
“Oh, well, um... Well, the working title is... ‘Supernatural.’ Yeah, We've been crossing the country, gathering stories like yours. But, anyways, you were telling us about your encounter.”
“Yes. Well…” Candace sighs, “Once I saw the apparition, that's when I started to run.”
Sam and Chase notice a peculiar couple making out across the divider. Peculiar in the sense that the woman was way out of the man’s league. Sam keeps staring confused while Chase quickly adverts her gaze and scrunches her nose, a habit of hers whenever she’s uncomfortable. Chase elbows Sam because despite being weird, there isn’t anything paranormal about the couple.
“So the ghost chased you?” Chase asks.
“Not just that. It knew my name. It kept yelling, "Mrs. Armstrong! Mrs. Armstrong!" And that's when I hit the stairs and fell.” Candace responded.
“You fell?” Sam asks. “It didn’t push you?.”
“Oh, I don't – I don't know. I mean, I think it did. Maybe?”
Chase rolls her eyes. ‘Great.’
“Did you feel like it meant to hurt you, like it was violent, or anything like that?” Chases questions.
               “It was a ghost. I'm lucky to be alive. Anyway, I was at the bottom of the stairs, and that's when it got weird. It helped me up.” Candace says slightly chuckling.
               “Say again?” Sam asks.
               “Yeah. It helped me up. And it kept saying over and over, ‘Please, don't tell my mom.’”
Chase snorts at this, earning a look from Candace. “Sorry, that’s just an odd thing for it to say.”
“It is weird,” she agrees. 
“Yeah,” Sam says. “Weird.”
“You take the stairwell and I’ll take the showers.” Harley says, getting out of the Impala.
“Come on, why can’t I take the showers?” Dean asks, getting out as well.
“Um… I don’t know because you’re you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks, slightly offended.
“Look Dean. It’s not happening, period.”
“You know you’re hot when you know what you want,” Dean says, sneaking up and hugging her from behind.
“No amount of flattery or affection is going to get you into those showers.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” Dean relents, letting go of Harley, pouting.
Harley and Dean sat on the steps of the fitness center waiting for Sam and Chase. Dean had found a newspaper and was looking through it. The headline said that a local man had won the lottery.
“Well, you pick up anything?” Sam asks them.
“Nada,” Harley sighs.
“Yeah. I'm not surprised. I kind of got the feeling back there that crazy pushed Mrs. Armstrong down the stairs.” 
“I got to tell you, I'm pretty disappointed.” Dean adds.
“Of course you are,” Chase says rolling her eyes.
Dean and Harley got up and the four began making their way back to their respective cars. A kid ran by followed by three others.
“Come on, guys, get him!” One of the presumably bullies says.
“I got him! I got him!” Another yells.
Dean being Dean has to make a reference and calls after the kid running from the others, “Run, Forrest, run!”
“I don't think anything's going on around here,” Chase says. “Maybe for once we get a break?”
“When do we ever get breaks?” Harley asks.
“Never,” Chase sighs dramatically.
The hunters overhear a man arguing with a cop on the pier, “How the hell was I supposed to get a look at it? It grabbed me from behind and threw me into a tree!”
“Something's going on,” Dean comments.
“Yeah, okay, Gus. I understand you got shook up. Anyone would be. But don't you think it – Don't you think it had to be a bear?” The cop asks.
“I know a damn bear track when I see one! This thing didn't leave bear tracks! Its feet were huge!” Gus answers.
“Now, Gus…”
“It was Bigfoot, Hal – The Bigfoot!”
At this the group started walking towards Gus and Hal.
“Gus, you're not talking sense here.”
“There's a Bigfoot out there, damn it, and he's a son of a bitch!”
“Excuse us, FBI,” Sam says, breaking the ice as they all pull out their badges.
“What?” Hal, the cop, responds.
“We’re here about Bigfoot,” Harley states matter-of-factly.
“About Bigfoot?”
“Yes.” Harley promptly turns towards Gus. “Can you tell me exactly where this happened?”
“Why, yes, I can,” Gus says, shooting a victorious look to the cop
“What the hell's going on in this town? First there's a ghost that's not real, and now a Bigfoot sighting?” Dean asks. 
The four hunters wander through the forest, near where Gus said he’d spotted Bigfoot. Mosquitos swarm around them, trees densely surrounding the few miles around. Chase, already sick of being in the woods, was already bitten several times by the annoying bugs. 
“Well, every hunter who’s worth their salt knows Bigfoot’s a hoax,” Sam says.
“Chase, didn’t you used to actually believe in Bigfoot?” Dean asks.
“Only because you told me he did!” Chase retorts. “Everything else is real, so I’m sorry if my seven-year-old self decided to believe her older brother.”
“In all fairness, he could just be really good at staying under the radar. I mean we didn’t think angels were real. Now we’ve met Cas and that asshole brother of his.” Harley adds.
“Well, maybe someone’s pumping LSD into the town water supply,” Dean jokes. 
“Then what made those?” Chase asks, stopping suddenly, pointing at large tracks, which couldn’t possibly have been made by a bear.
“That, uh... is a big foot.” Sam says hesitantly.
“Well, okay then,” Chase says. 
“Bigfoot isn’t looking so crazy all of the sudden,” Harley states.
The hunters begin following the tracks to a liquor store. Upon entering they notice that no one else is there and that the place is ransacked.
“So, what – Bigfoot breaks into a liquor store, jonesing for some hooch?” Dean says, before leaning down to inspect a few broken bottles, “Amaretto and Irish cream. He's a girl-drink drunk.”
Harley rolls her eyes at the comment.
“Dean, as a female, you should be and definitely are fully aware that I can match you in alcohol consumption. And Harley could probably outdrink all of us if she actually drank.”
“Yeah, but you’re different.”
Chase raises an eyebrow. “Choose your next words very, very carefully, Dean.”
Dean’s eyes widen and he simply turns around to keep investigating. “Seriously? He took the whole porno rack? I will repeat myself. What is going on in this town?”
After one final sweep of the place, they found some fur and decided to sit outside, pondering what this all meant.
“I got nothing,” Dean says, breaking the silence that had fallen over them.
“It’s got to be a joke, right?” Sam asks. 
“Yeah,” Chase agrees. “Maybe a big-ass motherfucker in a gorilla suit?”
“Probably,” Harley agrees.
“Or it's a Bigfoot. You know, and he's some kind of a alcoholo-porno addict. Kind of like a deep-woods Duchovny.” Dean adds.
“I thought you didn’t believe in Bigfoot,” Harley teases.
Dean gives her a pointed look. “Yeah, well, it seems everything’s getting weirder by the day, so what else am I supposed to believe?” He frowns, looking past Harley, to see a little girl on a bike, riding past. A porno magazine falls out of the basket attached to her bike, causing all four of the hunters to pause. “A little young for Busty Asian Beauties.”
“I don’t think she’s our Bigfoot, but she might know him. I say we follow her.”
“What's this, like a ‘Harry and the Hendersons’ deal?” Dean asks when they arrive at the little girl’s house.
They knock on the door and the little girl answers, “Hello?”
“Hello! Um, could we... You know what? Are your parents home?” Sam asks.
“No,” Chase repeats in dejection. 
“Look, we just want to know if you’ve seen anyone really furry with big feet?” Harley says, probably a little too sharply. She’s never been particularly great with kids.
“Is he in trouble?” The little girl asks worriedly.
“No, of course not,” Chase says, kneeling down to the girl’s height. “We just want to make sure he’s okay.”
“Exactly!” Dean says.
“He’s my teddy bear,” she says. “I think he’s sick.”
“That’s perfect!” Chase says enthusiastically. “Because, we are… teddy bear doctors!” She bluffs, shooting a look back to have the others cover her ass.
“That’s us, teddy bear doctors, so if we could see your teddy bear we might be able to make him better,” Harley quickly says.
“Really?” The little girl asks.
“Really,” Chase says.
“He's in my bedroom. He's pretty grumpy,” Audrey says, knocking on the door. “Teddy? There's some nice doctors here to see you.” She opens the door to show a giant stuffed bear turn to them. 
“Close the fucking door!” the bear explains, causing Chase’s eyes to widen. She glances quickly at Audrey, hoping she wasn’t taking note of the language being used. Audrey quickly closes the door and turns back to the hunters with a shrug.
“See what I mean?” she asks. 
The four hunters, disguised as teddy bear doctors, turn to each other skeptically. They follow Audrey into the living room, allowing them to sit and talk to her. 
“All I ever wanted was a teddy which was big, real, and talked. But now he's sad all the time – not "ouch" sad, but ouch-in-the-head sad – says weird stuff, and smells like the bus,” Audrey explains to the four, who all watch her carefully. 
Chase snorts, “I understand that feeling.”
“Little girl,” Dean starts.
“Audrey!” Audrey exclaims, chastising Dean again for not using her name. 
“Audrey,” Dean corrects, “How exactly did your teddy bear become real?”
“I wished for it,” she says simply, as though it would be obvious.
“You wished for it?” Harley asks hesitantly.
“At the wishing well,” Audrey says, further explaining. 
They stand awkwardly outside the bedroom door, looking to each other nervously. Dean opens the door slightly, allowing all four to peer in. A large teddy bear sits on the bed, facing a loud tv, displaying the news. 
“Look at this,” the bear says, gesturing to the propaganda being spewed to the viewers. “You believe this crap?”
Dean raises his brows, pursing his lips slightly. “Not really.”
“It is a terrible world,” the bear continues to moan. “Why am I here?”
“For tea parties!” Audrey exclaims expectantly and excitedly. 
“Tea parties? Is that all there is?” he demands, gunfire on the tv momentarily distracting him enough for Dean to close the door and turn to Audrey. 
“Audrey,” Sam asks. “Can you give us a minute?”
“Okay,” she says, skipping off to the other room. 
“Okay,” Sam repeats, turning back to others. “Should-should we kill this bear?”
“I think it might kill itself,” Harley says, grimacing.
“I hate to agree, but I agree,” Chase sighs. 
“So what? We leave it alone?” Dean asks.
“I mean I don’t know,” Harley says.
“What would we even do? Shoot it? Burn it?” Chase asks sarcastically. 
“How do we even know that's gonna work? I don't want some giant, flaming, pissed-off teddy on our hands,” Dean says. 
“Yeah. Besides, I get the feeling that the bear isn't really the, you know, core problem here,” Sam sighs. They quickly make their way to Audrey. “Audrey. Where are your parents?”
She pauses a moment. “My mom wished they were in Bali, so I think they're in Bali.”
Chase’s eyes widen. “I wish I could do that.”
“Okay, well... I'm really sorry to have to break this to you, but... your bear is sick. Yeah, he's – he's got…” Sam pauses, shooting a look to all the other
“Depre-” Harley starts. Chase smacks a palm over her best friend’s mouth, her eyes cursing at her, as she has to improvise. 
“Lollipop...disease,” Chase forces out, thinking of the most innocent seeming idea. 
“Yeah!” Sam says, jumping on board. “Lollipop disease.”
“It's not uncommon for a bear his size. But, see, it's – it’s really contagious,” Dean explains. 
“Yeah, so, is there – is there someone, maybe a grown-up, that you can stay with while we treat him?” Sam asks. 
“Mrs. Hurley lives down the street,” Audrey says. 
Chase shoots Harley a disgusted  look, only now tearing her hand away, because Harley licked it. Chase wipes it on Harley’s shoulder, earning an eye roll from the boys as Harley tries to contain her laughter. 
“Perfect,” Dean says. 
“Good, yeah, good. Uh, we'd like you to stay there for a few days, okay?” Sam requests. 
Audrey shrugs, nonplussed. “Okay.”
“Oh, and, Audrey? Where is this wishing well?” Chase asks. 
The four hunters stare up at the sign, reading Lucky Chin's Chinese Restaurant, wordlessly sending each other furtive glances, not wishing to go inside. Eventually, the girls wander over to the door and pull it open, allowing the boys to step in, just as a child exits. 
“I know what I’m wishing for,” Harley says as soon as they step in making a beeline to the fountain.
“What are you going to wish for?” Sam asks as the other three follow Harley.
“I can’t tell you until after I make my wish.” She rolls her eyes and throws a coin in.
They wait a minute.
“Did it work?” Dean asks.
“Dunno? I don’t really feel any different.” Harley says, “I guess it did?”
“What did you wish for?” Sam asks.
“To be human.”
The three  Winchesters stare at her in shock. 
“Are you sure that was smart? All these wishes seem to be going awry, and you don’t know the kind of repercussions that could result from you wanting that-” Chase rambles in worry, concern filling her brown eyes as she stares at her best friend. Harley interrupts her, holding a hand up. “Sorry.”
“Well, my turn then,” Dean says, stepping forward. 
“What’re you wishing for?” Sam asks, curious. 
“Shh,” Dean holds up a hand. “Not supposed to tell.”
He tosses a coin in and not even a second later, a man walks in, “Somebody order a footlong Italian with jalapeño?”
Dean grins at the others, before holding his hand up slightly. “That’d be me.”
“Why don’t you wish for something?” Harley asks Chase. 
Chase shrugs. “I dunno what to wish for.”
“How about like, a book, or cat ears, or something.”
“Sure, let me just ask for a headband,” Chase laughs, fishing a coin out of her pocket.
Pulling out a quarter, she approaches the wishing well. Tossing in the coin silently, she waits with bated breath, a hand outstretched, awaiting her cat ears. She frowns, turning around. 
“I guess they don’t all work,” she shrugs. 
Harley snickers, pointing at her head. “They’re right there.”
Chase reaches up, and pulls off a headband, cat ears that match her hair -dark brown with red streaks. She smiles before resituating them on her head. “Okay, cool, so what do we do about this?”
“I don’t know. Stopping people’s wishes from coming true sounds like a dick move.”
The four went to sit in a booth and talk things over.
“I’m guessing this is also a result,” Chase says, gesturing to the headlines in the newspaper.
“And that,” Sam agrees, pointing to a couple over at a different table. 
“Unless he’s got a really great personality or he’s rich, definitely,” Harley adds.
“Yeah, ‘personality’,” Dean says.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
Dean winks at Harley from across the booth. Chase snorts. Dean turns his look to Chase, a frown settling across his face as he glares at her playfully. Chase shrugs in defense, reaching a hand up to readjust her cat ears. 
Dean takes a bite of his sandwich, moaning slightly. He points to it with a full mouth and a wide grin. “Thish ish good.”
“Ew,” Chase says. “Close your mouth, swallow, and then say something. God, Dean.”
Dean just grins at her wider. 
Sam rolls his eyes and interrupts. “So, you’re right, it seems like a dick move, but come on, man. When has something like this ever come without a price tag? And usually a deadly one.”
“Sam’s got a point,” Harley says.
“I don't know. It's a damn good sandwich. All right. Fine. We'll put a hold on the wishing till we figure out what's going on,” Dean sighs. 
“Uh, sir, sir, I’m sorry,” a worker comes over to their table. “We don’t allow people to eat outside food here.”
“Well, I am certainly not gonna eat the inside food here. Health department. You, my friend, have a rat infestation. We're gonna have to shut this place down under emergency hazard code 56C.”
Chase raises a brow, but then nods solemnly, trying to play along. 
“Rats?” The man exclaims in shock. 
The four hunters stand side by side, looking into the now-drained fountain. The buddha is plaster, paint peeling from its old, wearied edges, the smile thoroughly creeping out Chase. She looks away from it, scanning the bottom of the fountain, but nothing seems out of place. 
“Typical fountain, plaster Buddha. Nothing I can see,” Dean says.
“Yes,” the chinese worker says, agreeing enthusiastically. “Nothing. We keep a clean place here.”
“Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave during the preliminary investigation, okay? Thank you,” Sam says. The man leaves, though a sour look adorns his face. 
“Oh, come on. Aren't you a little bit tempted?” Dean asks, flipping a coin to Sam. 
Sam chuckles lightly, handing the coin back to Dean. “No. Wouldn’t be real. I wouldn’t trust it.”
“I don’t know, that bear seemed pretty real,” Chase says. 
“Wasn’t the bear a depressed drunk?” Harley asks. 
Chase waves her off. “No matter.”
“Come on, if you could wish yourself back, you know, before it all started... Think about it. You'd be some big yuppie lawyer with a nice car and a white picket fence,” Dean says, ignoring the girls’ deliberation. 
“Not what I’d wish for,” Sam says. 
“Seriously?” Dean looks at Sam, surprised. 
“It's too late to go back to our old lives, Dean. I'm not that guy anymore,” Sam deadpans. 
“All right, well, what, then? Hmm? What would little, baby Sammy wish for?” Chase asks, teasing her younger brother.
He looks at her, a serious expression on his face. It causes Chase to pause. “Lilith’s head on a plate. Bloody.”
Harley attempts to whistle lowly, forgetting she can’t whistle at all. “Shit, I’d like that too.”
“Also,” Sam says, lightening up slightly, “You’re by far, much smaller than me.”
Chase rolls her eyes, pouting slightly. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“What’s that?” Dean asks, pointing to an old coin at the bottom of the fountain. 
The three others turn to look at it closely, unsure of what it is. 
“Some kind of old coin. I don't recognize the markings,” Sam says. 
“Neither do I,” Harley adds. 
Dean bends over and goes to grab it, but can’t seem to pull it off the fountain floor. “Damn,” he grunts, unable to move it at all.
“Lift with your legs,” Sam jokes. 
“That little fucker really is welded on there,” Dean says. 
“Let me try,” Harley says, attempting to pick up the coin. It didn’t even budge. “Noted, I’m not freakishly strong anymore. Guess I really am human.”
The boys left to grab a crowbar and a mallet. The worker attempted to stop them once he saw the tools, but the boys brushed past him.
“Let me see that. I got an idea,” Dean says referring to the mallet, he already had the crowbar. He wedged the end of the crowbar between the coin and the fountain, and hit the mallet against the crowbar. The head of the mallet flew off almost hitting Harley in the face.
“That was close. Too close,” Harley says once the mallet head lands.
“Coin's magical,” Sam says.
“I’d say,” Chase agrees.
“I think it’s hoodoo that keeps it protected,” Dean adds. “We can’t destroy it.”
Sam apparently keeps a pencil and paper on him and takes a frottage of the coin handing it to Dean as he was closest to Sam.
“All right, here. Y’all got to look into this.” Sam adds.
“Where you going?” Dean asks.
“Something just occurred to me.”
Chase sits, leaning against the wall of her and Harley’s motel room as she waits for her best friend. For some reason, Harley is sick. She’s sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting until she gets sick again, her head resting against the cabinet door, next to the toilet. 
Chase herself didn’t feel the greatest. Her head pounded and her ears were ringing. A click lets her know that Harley is exiting the bathroom and Chase sits up straighter, trying to ignore how sensitive to the light her eyes are. 
“Feeling any better?”
Harley shakes her head. “Not really.”
“Any idea what it could be?”
Harley shakes her head again, sighing deeply. “It could be something bloodborne. Something I picked up from a bad blood bag?”
“Yep, no superhuman strength, no immunities, and you’re probably not going to get any better soon.”
Harley looks up, a retort on her lips, but it dies upon her eyes landing on Chase. She stares, eyes wide, at her best friend. “Chase, you-your ears.”
Chase frowns. “What about them?” She asks, reaching up to readjust them. However, when she feels her fingertips meet them, she freezes. Her ears twitch, and a strangled cry escapes her lips as she bolts up, running into the bathroom. She stares at her reflection with wide, horrified eyes.
“I have cat ears!”
“Well, that is what you wished for,” Harley says, obviously trying to keep herself from laughing.
“No wonder my head hurts! These ears are just super sensitive to everything.”
Chase exits the bathroom, and upon Harley meeting her gaze, eyes flicking up to her ears, before meeting her eyes once more, Harley can no longer contain herself. 
Harley bursts into laughter, wincing as her sides begin to ache, abdominal pain starting up, causing her to clutch her sides.
“You okay?” Chase asks.
“No, but I’ll manage.” Harley says, pulling out her phone and dialing Dean’s number, “I found something on the coin though, before I puked my guts out.”
“The wishes turn bad,” Dean says as soon as he picks up.
“Trust me. We know,” Harley sighs, putting Dean on speakerphone.
“What happened to you two?”
“Chase is a neko, and we think I have some bloodborne illness. You?’
“That sandwich made me sick.”
“Anyway the reason I called you is because I found out the coin is Babylonian. It’s of the goddess Tiamat.”
“At least we have a starting point now,” Chase says.
The four hunters arrived at Wesley Mondale’s house. Sam had figured out he was the first to make a wish last night. Harley rang the doorbell and Hope, Wesley’s fiancée, opened the door. 
“Hi! Hope right? We’re the florists.” Harley says flashing her best fake smile and pepping up her attitude.
“Of course! Come in!” Hope says ushering the group inside, “Wes! You didn't tell me that you called the florists for the wedding.” 
“Huh?” Wesley says looking as if he just woke up.
“You're the best! Mmm! Ah! I'm gonna go get my folders.” Hope says rushing off.
“Uh? Okay.”
“Wesley, how's it going?” Dean asks.
“It’s ‘Wes’ Aren't you the guys from the health department?”
“Yeah. And florists on the side,” Sam says.
“Plus FBI,” Dean adds.
“And on Thursdays, we're teddy bear doctors,” Chase says.
“And sometimes I’m a vampire. We’re kind of Jacks of all trades,” Harley finishes.
“Huh? Why does she have cat ears?” Wesley asks, pointing at Chase.
Chase frowns, feigning offense. “It’s a medical condition.”
Wesley turns slightly pink, but looks confused still. “Sorry,” he mumbles, keeping his eyes glued to anything except Chase’s “condition”. 
“Look, Wes, it doesn’t matter who we are. It matters what we know about you,” Harley says pointedly.
“So, coin collector, huh, Wes?” Sam asks.
“Oh. Yeah. My... grandfather gave them to me,” Wes says.
“Did you happen to lose one of those coins lately? And by ‘lose,’ I mean drop into a wishing well at Lucky Chin's and make a wish on it?” Dean asks.
“No, I – I don't know what you're, uh, talking about.”
Hope comes back with folders overflowing with papers.
“Okay, now. I have a lot of ideas, but, you know, we don't have all the money in the world. Wes is between jobs right now. Means more time for me. You know, I'm thinking a Japanese-y ikebana kind of thing,” Hope says, pulling a picture out of one of the folders.
“Yeah. I can see it,” Dean says trying to get rid of her.
“Yeah. So, Hope, uh, tell us how you two lovebirds met,” Chase suggests.
“Oh, best day of my life,” Hope says.
“I bet,” Harley says, trying her best to refrain from rolling her eyes.
“Yeah! It's the funniest thing. We both grew up here, but I never really knew who he was. Not by name anyway. Until one day last month, it was like I just I just saw him for the first time. He was just... glowing. Oh, just glowing.”
“Uh, babe, can you – can you get us some coffee?” Wes asks.
“Yes. Yeah.”
“Oh. Okay. Okay. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Oh, okay. Oh. Mm-mmm, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay,” Wes says amidst the many many kisses Hope is giving him. Chase looks away, slightly disgusted and feeling awkward.
“Wes, we know. So tell us the truth,” Harley says. 
“My – my grandfather found the coin in north Africa, you know, World War II. And, uh, he brought it back. He, um, he said it was a real wish-granting coin, but that nobody should ever use it. Um... It was all I had, and when he died, I thought, "Well, you know what? Why not give the coin a shot?” Wesley explains.
“Yeah, well, now you're gonna wish it back,” Sam demands.
“Oh,” he laughs, “Oh. Ha ha, no, I'm not.”
“If you don’t do something about it, something bad’s gonna happen,” Dean says.
“Something like us,” Chase adds, crossing her arms. 
“We really wish you'd come with us,” Dean says, pulling out his gun, then putting it away again.
“I don’t get how anyone could wish for love,” Harley says, starting the flow of conversation.
Chase pauses, momentarily thinking of her answer. “To be honest, I don’t either. I don’t believe in love really, outside of family, so I’m not quite sure it’s something I’d ever think of. I’d probably wish for books.”
“Didn’t you already have a wish?”
“Oh. Right. Man, really wasted that opportunity.”
“Any specific books?”
“All of them?” Chase suggests jokingly. “I don’t think I’d be able to choose. Watch, the bad thing that happens is I get all the books, but I get a panic attack because I know I could never read them all so I die. Or they fall on top of me and crush me. That would be bad too.”
“I mean that’s one way to go. Suck that these wishes go bad though. It would’ve been nice to just have one good one.”
“I understand what you mean,” Chase replies, her ears twitching at the sound of another passing car. 
Harley laughs at the twitching ears, but soon regrets it as her stomach flares up again, “Ow! Okay being human kind of sucks.”
“Wow,” Chase says sarcastically. “Because I’ve never told you that before or anything. Because I’ve never expressed dissatisfaction with being human ever.”
“Okay fair, but like all I’ve ever wanted was to be human.”
“That’s also fair, but in the words of my favorite jamaican crustacean, ‘the seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake’,” Chase half-sings the quote.
“I was in a production of The Little Mermaid once. I was the little seahorse that follows Triton around.”
“That’s adorable!” Chase exclaims. “How have you never told me that before? We’ve talked about our theatre experiences so many times.”
“I guess I forgot about it amidst the nightmare that was Theatre Arts.”
Chase fake shudders, “Tech week, am I right?”
“I never had a tech week. Sounds exhausting though.”
Chase’s eyes widen as she turns slightly to peer at Harley. “How in the world have you not had tech week, but you’ve been in theatre? Tech week is the bane of my entire existence. It’s the last week of practice right before the show, where you’ve got costumes, lights, sounds, and all the makeup. You run through every scene like fifty times each night, and oh my God, don’t get me started on the backstage stress because your director, no matter how chill normally, is absolutely insane.”
“Well, I didn’t know it was called tech week. And those were my favourite practices.”
Chase shoots Harley a look of concern. “You really aren’t human, man.”
“Well, I am now. So deal with it.”
Chase smiles slightly. “Oh, right.”
The car jerks to the left suddenly as Chase hits something. “What the fuck?” She cries out, looking around wildly to see what she’d hit. “What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know.”
“I didn’t see anything,” Chase mumbles, turning back around in her seat. “Did you?”
“Nah,” Harley shakes her head. “It was probably nothing. Just a speedbump.”
Chase and Harley come to a stop in front of Lucky Chin’s. They step out of the vehicle, heading inside to see Wesley and Sam getting out of the Impala, but no Dean.
“Sammy, where’s Dean?”
“Dealing with a runaway child with super strength.”
Chase raises a brow. “Are you… being… facetious?”
Sam shakes his head. “Sadly, no. Anyway, let’s get this over with.”
“Why can’t we get what we want?” Wes practically whines.
“Because life sucks?” Harley answers unsure.
“Yeah, Wes, this is life. And we don’t all get what we want,” Chase says, scratching her ears. 
Suddenly a bolt of lightning shoots down from the sky, splintering into three, hitting Sam, Harley, and Chase, knocking them flat on their backs. Their bodies lay still, dead.
Sam, Harley, and Chase woke up on the pavement outside of Lucky Chin’s restaurant. Hope walks out as the three are getting up, looking back with a confused glance before continuing on her way. Wes comes out shortly after. He hands Sam the coin, dejected, before walking away.
“Well, I don’t feel like puking anymore,” Harley says.
Chase frantically reaches her hands up into her hair, sighing in relief as she feels no evidence of ears. 
“I am never making a wish again,” Harley shudders.
The three Winchesters and the one now-no-longer-human, Harley, are all sitting on a bench, squished in next to each other. It barely seems like Sam or Chase are actually sitting on the bench, so much as leaning against the edges as Dean and Harley take up most of the room in the middle. Audrey walks past, normal sized teddy bear in hand; a bandaid had been placed over a bullet sized hole in its head. 
Chase waves to Audrey, who waves back, skipping alongside who must be her parents, extremely sunburnt and confused.
“So, uh,” Sam starts, glancing awkwardly around the town. “The coin’s melted down now, so it shouldn’t cause any more problems.”
“Audrey's parents are back from Bali,” Chase points out, nodding her head towards the retreating family. “Looks like all the wishes are gone.”
“And so are we,” Dean says, folding up a newspaper, whose headline reads, ‘Winning Lottery Ticket A Fake’.
The group gets up, each pair heading back to their cars. Dean suddenly stops, causing the girls to look back at him and Sam, who stand next to Baby. 
“You guys were right,” he says. 
Chase and Harley share a confused look. “About?” Harley asks.
“I shouldn't have lied to you. I do remember everything that happened to me in the Pit. Everything.”
“So talk to us about it,” Sam suggests. 
“No,” Dean deadpans. 
“Dean, bu-” Chase starts. Harley puts a hand on her arm as Dean holds up a hand, cutting her off. Harley gives her a look, telling her to drop it.
“I won’t lie anymore, but I’m not going to talk about it.”
“Dean, look, you can't just shoulder this thing alone. You got to let us help,” Sam says.
“He’ll talk when he’s ready to talk. No point forcing it.” Harley sighs.
“The things that I saw... there aren't words. There is no forgetting. There's no making it better. Because it is right here,” Dean taps his head, “forever. You guys wouldn't understand. And I could never make you understand. So I am sorry,” Dean says. 
Chase gives Dean a smile, small and bittersweet. “It’s okay, Dean. Just know we’re here for you when you need us.”
Dean returns the look, opening the driver’s side car door, about to get in. “I know.”
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
20, 27, 35, 40, 50, 59, 67, 88 for All Eight Characters (one each but if you wanna go Hog Fucking Wild feel free)
Alright so. I’m not going hog wild but! I decided to do two guys per question, one who was my first gut instinct for that question, and then one random character to spice things up! Do some character building in a direction I might not have thought to go, you know? 
Also bro this got so long so just. Putting it. Under a read more because I do respect your time and dashboard.
20. How would your character define love? Caspian: Love is when people stop to listen to you. When they smile when they see you, and sneak you an extra dessert when no one is looking. Love is being willing to bend the rules to make you happy, teaching you to hold your head up high even when you’re getting in trouble, and telling you to always look the world right in the eye when it wants you to back down. Love is giving up whatever you have to without a second thought for the other person’s sake, and knowing they would do the same for you. Love is taking the lessons they taught you, carrying them in your heart, swallowing your fear and setting out to bring them home. Ryker: Love is fleeting, and fickle, and fragile. Love is at best a luxury and more realistically a bargaining chip. It’s real, sure, but its primary use is to blind people to what’s hidden behind it. Some people may get lucky, but only a fool would bet on those odds. ...if you are lucky enough to find it, though, hold on tight. Real love, genuine, honest, reciprocated love, is worth doing anything for. The people you care about should know how you feel by what you do, not by what you say. Show love with discretion, but show it fiercely. 
27. How much have they given up to get to where they are in life, willingly or unwillingly? How much do they think they would give up to get to where they want to be, in the future? Raini: Raini I think is super interesting because I think she’s given up a fair bit, and she’s completely fine with the sacrifices she did make because she decided the benefits outweighed whatever she had to give up to get it. But on the other hand, giving something up unwillingly? Having something taken from her? Absolutely a cause for retribution at any cost. idk if I’m explaining the difference in a way that makes sense, but that distinction means the world to Raini because, even if the sacrifice is hard to swallow, at least she was in control of it. And like, the whole premise of the campaign is giving up shit! Giving up everything! And was it willing at the time? Yes! But coming out on the other side of it and not remembering making the decision and, quite frankly, not agreeing with the decision you made is rough! You’re yourself, you know because you’re you, but you’re also not yourself because that’s the whole point of what you did, so did you really do this? Was it someone else in a body you now inhabit? What happens to this new you when you regain your old memories, because there’s no way in hell you don’t at least try to get them back? It’s a lot to think about!! And that, and the core of this question, is why Raini doesn’t let this end without a Wish to restore the memory of whoever wants it. I don’t think she sees erasing them the first time as a decision “she” necessarily made -although whether that’s a philosophical issue or one of diverting guilt is open for debate- so she wants to reclaim what she sees as having been taken from her unwillingly. Pip: Tbh, the plot and premise of Strahd aside, Pip has lived a pretty charmed life. He fucked up plenty, but he always seemed to manage to stumble his way into where he needed to be when he needed to be there. Honestly, even within the module things didn’t go too badly for him! He lost a good friend at one point, and nearly died in that same fight, but other than that he fared pretty well. The biggest thing he’s given up in his life was his place in his home village, but honestly it’s like 50/50 on whether that was willingly or unwillingly. Like, he feels bad about the accidental arson? But also. It kinda kicks ass that he did then just like. Leave and it was fine. With his campaign over, I don’t really have much in the way of future goals for him! He’s just. He’s just fucking vibing. You know? So! Seems like he’s getting out of giving up anything in the future.
35. What is their most prized possession? If they have one that is. Ryker: For sure have talked about this before: it’s his hammers. He has two enormous hammers that he fights with, named Last Chance and Misery’s End. They’re sturdy orc made weapons with their names hammered into the side of each head in orc, that have been passed down from clan leader to clan leader for generations. They hit well, they don’t do much else, but when you’re regularly shattering knees, ribs, and skulls, what else do you need them to do? They’re sturdy, practical weapons. Reliable, and they remind him of home. He’s more comfortable putting his life in their hands than anything -or anyone- else’s. Brilliance: Her armor! For several reasons: 1. She paid extra to have it enchanted so that it repels dirt and blood and grime. After crawling through cult sewers to clear out some nasty boys, Brilliance decided that never again was she going to spend her short rest having to wipe blood or shit off her nice armor. When she upgraded to splint mail, she absolutely forked out that Armor of Gleaming enchantment. 2. Her shield specifically was decorated by her fiancee! Sienna likes to paint, and when Brilliance first got her shield for guard duty at the church Sienna took it upon herself to get out her paints and paint on a wreaths of vines and roses and birds and other lovely things, so that her love could always have a piece of her with her 💖
40. Do people expect a lot from your character or look up to them for something? Why or why not? Ayen: Unfortunately, Ayen is baybe. And even though she hasn’t outright told anyone how old she is, it’s becoming rapidly apparent that. Hey? They might have figured it out. It’s literally inconceivable how they could have pieced it together though?? I mean, how does anything about her not read as completely mature and put together elf woman thank you I’m an elf??  So, no. I don’t think anyone looks up to her. And that’s okay!! Yes she is a young adult with her own set of skills and her own value to add to the world and the people around her, but she would not thrive in a position of leadership like she thinks she would. She needs time to mellow out and settle down, and to learn how to make decisions quickly and responsibly. I think, one day, she’ll be able to show a lot of people how to do a lot of good. For now, though, she’s happy trotting along after Dad and rowing her and her new friend around in circles in a row boat, just because it’s fun to mess around sometimes. Auriga: Interesting question! Interesting question. I think in the collective sense, as part of the Court of Stars, definitely yes. They’re the rulers! They guide their people through the knowledge and wisdom accumulated over the course of millennia! I think Auriga specifically even is seen as having a closer connection to this wealth of knowledge, being a cleric and all. But I am toying with the thought that outside of the context of the council and the court, the people that make it up don’t have as much weight? There’s still respect of course! But while one star shining on its own is all well and good, without the context of those around it how are you meant to learn from what it has to say to you? Auriga understands this, it’s just part of their culture, and he’s in no way troubled by it. It’s the way things are meant to be, and so they will continue to be until it is clear that something needs to change! 
50. What’s their earliest memory? Auriga: Now full warning this is going to be a lot less detailed than Cog’s is just because I know him less, but I think Auriga earliest memory is something sweet and warm like. Sitting in one of his older sibling’s laps (while he’s the Baby of the family!) and just. Dozing against their chest while the rest of them sit in front of a roaring fire and just talk. He doesn’t remember a word of what was said, he just remembers being little and held and loved. Their family mostly interacts in the council room, I think, because when things get busy with ruling it’s so easy to just fall into work and let family time fall by the wayside. But when things get stressful, when he realizes he hasn’t interacted with his brothers or sisters outside their meetings in a while, I think this is one of the memories that comes to mind and encourages him to set aside whatever he’s reading and go off to be intentional about spending time with his brothers and sisters :) Cog: One of her earliest memories was when her magic first manifested! She was maybe six or seven, and Mama was busy at church and Daddy had gone out to check on some of the folks that lived a bit further out from town, and baby Cog was bored to tears. She knew she wasn’t supposed to leave home alone!! But there were some Cool Older Kids she wanted to impress, and they were going to sneak out and explore the swamp. They were big kids! They were like thirteen! Surely, nothing bad could happen if there were big kids with her! So she followed them out of town, and by the time they noticed their tag-along it would have been Way too much work to take her back home. Whatever. It’s fine. They start poking around the edge of the swamp, looking at weird fish and bugs and poking at mushrooms or whatever kind of shit grows in swamps. Probably getting eaten alive by mosquitos.  Well! Cog is having a grand old time playing with frogs and cattails, and she’d wandered off from the teenagers she was supposed to be staying with. She was up to her calves in the brackish water trying to recapture a frog that escaped her when she looked up to see a long, thin shape darting through the water straight for her. It was a cottonmouth, mutated by the Wasteland and nearly as big as she is. It hissed as it closed the distance between them, mouth open wide as it readied itself to lunge and sink its fangs into her. Cog screamed and threw her arms up to protect herself-  And then there was a burn of something wild and unfamiliar in her chest, a warm hand on her shoulder, and a flash of light so blinding that people swore later they could see it from town. Cog stood there for a moment, frozen and trembling, but when she gathered the courage to open her eyes everything within five feet of her was scorched clean, and the corpse of the snake that had charged her was bobbing, almost completely unrecognizable, in the water in front of her. Mama was furious with her when they made it back home, of course, but after hearing what happened? After hearing that Cog had finally managed to channel a spell, some rudimentary form of Word of Radiance? Well, there were much, much more pressing things to worry about, all of a sudden.
59. Have they ever had an encounter with someone that changed their whole life? Cog: HA Morgan opened up a can of “Talk About Ace” SOUP and folks it’s fucking lunchtime. Drink up assholes!!! I know I’ve talked about this a hundred times but I’ll never be sick of it: they’re JUST such good friends and they’ve been so so good for each other. Before they met, Cog was in a place in her life where she felt trapped and perpetually anxious, and Ace was restless and angry at the world. Neither of them felt like they could measure up to the expectations other people had for them, and Cog had turned that worry self-destructively inward while Ace had turned it outward. Ace’s straining at his leash brought him to Lafaroh, and Cog’s -at the time, Charlotte’s- soft heart had her defying direct orders to slip up to this stranger and warn him that he needed to leave before he got hurt. And Ace looked at Charlotte, at the genuine worry on her face for someone she’d only just met. And he looked at the town around them, at the way the people who passed by looked at him and how that look shifted from suspicion to shock and outrage when they saw Charlotte with him. And he did some math, and he realized whatever the hell was going on in this podunk town was a thousand times more interesting than anything that would ever happen back in New Alexandria proper. So of course, he settles in to pry. Charlotte, bless her, has many, many strengths; reading into people’s intent is not one of them. So when Ace starts asking questions, she’s happy to answer to impress upon him how important it is that he goes home! And the more she talks, the easier it is to just... keep talking? This man, this stranger from the Academy, is talking to her, listening to her like nobody ever has. And more than that, he actually seems to care! He has no reason to care that she’s worried she won’t be able to step up the way she knows her mom wants her to, but he’s clearly concerned and invested in her story. And even though she’s trying to keep things vague, she’s never been very good at deceiving people. Pieces start to fall in place, Charlotte lets more slip than she means to, and by the time they’ve been talking for an hour or so Ace has a pretty good picture of what’s going on here. It’s not safe here, not for him and certainly not for her, so he doesn’t even stop to consider whether it’s an offer he can make when he holds out his hand, both literally and figuratively, and tells her he can take her back to the Academy with him. And to Charlotte, who less than an hour ago had been weighing her odds of surviving the Wasteland alone if she ran away on her own, the door this man just opened to her? The way he’s reaching back through it to offer her a hand, to pull her through to a better, safer life? How can she say no?  They fought their way out of Lafaroh that day. Charlotte almost certainly wanted to try to slip out unnoticed, but they’d already attracted too much attention by letting townspeople see them talking. Charlotte goes home to quickly pack, and she doesn’t come back out of the house. Ace waits, and the sun starts to set, and she still hasn’t come back out. Something isn’t right. He knocks on the door: there’s no answer. He knocks again, louder. Then again. Finally, an angry looking man opens the door and starts to tell Ace to get lost, but there’s clear sounds of arguing inside coming from just out of view of the doorway. The man is big, but Ace is fast enough to duck inside and around the corner in time to see Charlotte struggling to get around a woman who looks strikingly like her in order to make a break down the stairs and toward the door. The next several seconds are messy and disjointed; no one expects someone in high level caster robes to take the staff off their back and start attacking with it, but the next thing Charlotte knows Ace has her hastily packed bag slung over one shoulder, has planted her firmly behind himself, and is holding her hand with one of his own while he levels his staff at her parents with the other. His voice is calm but hard as he explains that they’re leaving, because Charlotte made it clear that she isn’t safe or happy here. If they try to stop them, Ace can and will bring the full force of New Alexandria’s wrath down on their tiny, shitty town. He’s going to take Charlotte away, find her a place in the Academy, and they’re not going to say a word. And so they leave! With all of Lafaroh absolutely seething behind them, with Charlotte gripping Ace’s hand as tight as she can and willing her own not to shake, they set out together into the Wasteland and, ultimately, to New Alexandria.  I have Such a vivid mental image of the two of them camping out in the Wasteland the night before they made it back to New Alexandria, with the lights of the city just peeking over the horizon in front of them. They’re eating dinner over a fire Ace made Such a show of lighting with magic instead of the tinderbox one of them definitely had, and they’re talking about names Charlotte could use in New Alexandria because she’d quietly admitted earlier that day that the name “Charlotte” has so much baggage that she doesn’t want to carry anymore. And Ace, while he is trying to help, is also a dork. He’s throwing out every name that pops into his head, good or not, trying to see if he can get her to laugh at one of them. They spend a few minutes talking, Ace muses aloud over “Charlotte Olivia Grace” a few times, looking for some cute nickname he can pull out of a name like that. And then he pauses, and sits up, and looks at Charlotte, and nods. The suggestion that she go by “Cog” makes her laugh, but that’s a good thing. Ace is grinning too because some dumb shit he said finally got a smile of out Charlotte for the first time since they left her shithole town. She’s sort of laughing in spite of herself, and it eases some of the heaviness that’s been hanging over them the last few days, but after considering it for a moment? She loves it. Taking the name she was given, and making it her own in a way she knows her parents would hate? It feels good! She’s grinning ear to ear when she turns to Ace and nods in agreement. “Cog” it is. “Charlotte” dies in the Wasteland that night; Cog enrolls in the Academy the next day. In Cog’s eyes, Ace’s intervention literally saved her life. She went from being a scared little girl in the middle of nowhere with no future beyond the ramshackle walls of her small town, to an incredibly promising up and coming student of the Academy. She went from being told that the only use her magic had was what it could do for the Church, to blowing away professors who expected her to barely be able to manage a cantrip and being praised for her intuitive understanding of magic. And for Ace! Cog was the first person his actions truly, directly helped. He saw a problem, he stepped in, he fixed in. In a slow moving, insular city like New Alexandria, that wasn’t something he’d been able to do before. He saw how the good he’d done in helping Cog reflected and redoubled in the way she treated the people around her, and saw her making the choice to be kind not in spite of but because of everything she’d been through growing up. Bro like Ace’s character bio says “self-appointed big bro to Cog” and “he sent a letter to Cog thanking her for being a positive influence in his life”. This question got SO out of control as I wrote my Cog and Ace fanfic but! They deserve it! AND the party is going back to New Alexandria next session, so!! More Ace content soon folks stay tuned! Raini: Did you think I ran out of soup?? Did you think lunchtime was over? FUCK you! This is MY blog and I’ll wax poetic about my dnd characters and their friendships for as LONG as I want to! And there’s nothing you can do to stop me!!!!! Now this one in fairness probably won’t be as long as Cog’s was, just because I know that all the people who follow me are like. Actively in the campaign and various group chats where we discuss how important our characters are to each other. But do NOT make the mistake of assuming it’s because I love you any less. I love you so much. Yes homo. Where do we start? At the beginning, with our lizard. Y’all ever uh. Y’all ever met a dipshit lizard who you’re pretty sure you can trick into taking you adventuring but plan to ditch the second they become deadweight (i.e. whenever they go down for the first time, probably), except then you became like best friends and siblings by all but blood and you realize you’d rip the world in half for them without them even asking and you can’t even begin to imagine how you’d reconcile the hole they’d leave in your life if they left it? Have you ever slowly realized that you’re adding “except for him” at the end of every generally grumpy statement you make about the world? And then realized even more slowly after years of friendship that somehow the bastard managed to extend “except for him” to “except for them”, and you’re so much less disengaged from and disinterested in the world around you? Y’all ever had that happen to you?? Shit’s wild. And then. Y’all ever met a fucking cop who clearly has, like. An actual metric ton of baggage she’s refusing to even glance in the direction of? And at first, it’s a pain to have to circumvent her “morals” in order to get shit done. Honestly, it’s kind of always a pain. But even your crotchety ass has to admit there’s something about sticking so firmly to your guns regardless of the situation you’re put in that’s admirable, that the world would be a much better place if more people had that same iron will and a refusal to be moved. Even if they’re standing up for stupid shit, at least they’re standing up for something. And maybe you take some of that resolve and tuck it away in your chest, to give you something to grip onto when you need to dig in your heels and refuse to let the world knock you around. And then. Y’all ever met a druid who burns with an anger you, honestly, kind of understand? Who wants to be more than the world wants her to be so badly, in a way that you definitely understand? Have you ever gotten to watch over the course of weeks and months as she time and again made the choice to take that anger and that drive and point it at things that would hurt the people she cares about? By god, she’s leaving her mark on the world, and she’s doing that by burning the shit out of it. But, without fail, there’s always a circle of uncharred, untouched ground around each and every party member. And when you notice this pattern, you can’t stop yourself from noticing it again, and again. And you learn: sometimes, you’re angry at the world. Sometimes! You’re angry at your party members! But that anger points outward. Always, and unequivocally. You have your friends’ backs, even if you’re furious with them. And then you meet a fish and you learn that sometimes things just need to be hit a lot of time in a row, really hard, with a big fucking hammer.  Okay but you meet this fish who, somehow, despite being monotone and weird and a fish and clearly an outsider to like. Land culture? Which you guess is a thing, apparently. Despite all of that, they have an emotional intelligence that’s off the fucking charts. And quite frankly! For a long time, it makes you really, really uncomfortable! If you don’t tell somebody how you’re feeling, and you don’t, then they shouldn’t be able to figure it out. But, slowly, you start to see the value of it. Your lizard is upset about something, and they won’t tell you what, but you’re able to squint at them and slowly figure it out so you can fix it. A few days later a joke a party member makes rubs you the wrong way, and you swallow your pride enough to admit it and they just. Apologize? Just like that? They promise not to say it again? And fish expressions are so hard to read, but you can just Tell that they’re over there looking smug, the bastard. But while you’re definitely not ready to commit to this being a daily thing you can, begrudgingly, admit that you can see the benefits of “communicating” with the people around you. 
67. What was the most acidic remark your character’s ever given to someone? And their reaction? Brilliance: In like our third session, our warlock had disguised himself as a “beautiful woman” in order to flirt with the guy we were there to talk to to get information out of him (Note: They did not ask Brilliance, at any point, if she was willing to flirt with him instead. She would not have been, but they could have at least asked). So Brilliance was hanging out at the bar near this dude’s private booth while the warlock chatted him up, and when the warlock got up to leave the dude reached out to try and grab her arm. He missed, but Brilliance was on his ass in a second with her sword out like “If you had grabbed her hand, you would have lost your own. She’s not interested in you; let her leave.” He thought it was funny and kept calling Brilliance “sweetheart”, but I did get to put my sword through his gut before the end of the night SO. Who’s the real winner? Ayen: I rolled Ayen for this one and I want to respect that and not cop out, but I don’t think it’s super in her nature to snark at people. She’s just gonna tell you like straight up that you’re a dickhead, and that’s that. I think the only time we might get to snarking is if someone (Dad, a party member, etc.) said “leave it alone” and Ayen is Not Done. She might send some parting shots over her shoulder then, like a “You’re lucky I like this guy so much, or we wouldn’t be done here” or “Show your face again when my dad’s not around, if you’ve got the balls.”
88. Assuming they aren’t one already would your character prefer to be a Vampire, a Werewolf, or a Demon? Pip: Potentially a cop out! However. A little..... vampire frog? Hello Mr. Strahd. Are we friends now? Could be a vampire! We have seen that vampires are cool and hot and powerful if perhaps a little amoral but that’s okay, because they’re cool and powerful.  Caspian: I literally spent fucking forever looking at this because. She literally worships and derives her Sun Soul monk shit from Pelor, the god of the sun. So like! How the fuck you gonna be a vampire or a werewolf with that going on. Dude hates the undead too, so vampire struck out twice. Demon’s iffy too, because it very much goes against the whole “good aligned” thing she has going on. So I guess?? Werewolf is the least offensive?? She’ll just pray and hope Pelor is like. Cool. With it. Haha? Also objectively, a werewolf that worships the god of the sun is VERY funny so there is that.
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lisinfleur · 5 years
EBMK - Chapter 06: Ties
Author’s Notes | It doesn't really matter how hard we try or how strong are the obstacles in our way. When something has to happen, it happens. Life is like a river: it flows. And it doesn't matter how many stones you put into a river's bed. It doesn't matter if it finds a mountain in its way. It will always find a way... Words | 3067 ⁑ Warnings: Mention to drugs, drug addiction, abuse of illegal substances, violence.  
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Somehow, it moved on.
Life changed, but Adrian couldn't really complain of how the weeks were going in that new way to live. He was still sleeping on her couch, but just because he told Y/N it was bullshit to build a new room in the house only for him: they should think on Patrick first and now, he and Mads were finishing the foundation for the new room, closer to hers, so the child could have its own space after it was a little bigger. Only then, they would start thinking if it was really worthy to make a room for him only.
Even because Y/N's smiles for him were telling Adrian that maybe a new room wouldn't be necessary after all.
She was a beautiful woman. And after they came into her life, she even gained some weight and was looking more healthy - since Adrian started to teach her what he had learned in those books he read because of Victoria, Y/N had learned a lot about her own body and pregnancy and now, she wasn't skipping meals anymore. They were all the time speaking to each other and Mads even took Joy and Kyle to rides through the town sometimes just to see if, being alone, something would sparkle between the two of them.
Mads was happy to see his friend smiling again. Adrian was a dedicated man and a natural father and Mads could not avoid thinking how much Victoria had explored those instincts and kindness in his friend for her own benefit. He had heard about her from some old friends' calls - people that were keeping him informed about the situation in Copenhagen to ensure they would be safe where they were. He heard about Chad's arresting: somehow the guy was being searched for tax evasion and Victoria's attempts to have Adrian arrested ended up showing the police where the guy was hidden. As long as he knew, Shon - her child Adrian used to call Patrick - was born and she was now selling the house to go back to her parents' house with the baby.
Mads never told Adrian a single word... He knew how much Adrian loved that boy and he also knew he wouldn't rest his head thinking about how the child's situation would be... So, he just kept his mouth shut...
Adrian was happy. And he wanted it to keep going this way.
Y/N was now entering the last month of her pregnancy and it made them slow down the things because Adrian was fully entertained in helping her to be more comfortable. He built by himself a wooden support that allowed her to sleep with her back more elevated; he bought her some more pillows; damn, he even went out at 3 in the morning to find a convenience that could sell him the peach pie she woke up crazy about! Mads could bet things would get settled down among him and Y/N pretty soon and he knew Joy had heard Y/N speaking about how sweet and cute his friend was.
If she just knew what the "cute" butcher in her couch had done already... Mads giggled with the idea and his giggle called Adrian's attention. The two of them were sitting at the balcony recently finished, sharing some bottles of beer since the two of them were trying to stop smoking - it wasn't good for the kids around and Adrian had quit it for a week already so, Mads followed the same way.
"What?" Adrian asked, looking as Joy and Y/N were at the grass, playing with Kyle and trying to teach the little one how to sit by himself.
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"Nothing, buddy, just thinking about how things changed for us," Mads answered, smiling.
"They did..." Adrian agreed, looking at Y/N. "And I think they'll change a little more," he completed, smiling back.
"What? Will you finally stop looking at her like a dog in front of the chicken roaster, man?" Mads' joked, receiving a friendly punch in his shoulder from Adrian as he laughed.
"Whaaat?! It's true! You're drooling since we arrived, man... You should treat this kink of yours."
"It's not a kink, come on! She's gorgeous," Adrian said, smiling. "I just didn't want to move forward before the baby was born, ya know? I mean... She's facing so many troubles, the back pain, and weight and stuff... I'm thinking about giving some more time for her to feel better instead of just throwing things like this, ya know?"
"I read on one of those books of yours that sex helps with the childbirth preparation," Mads joked again, receiving a new punch and laughing one more time before patting his friend's back. "Fine, fine... You're right. This part of their lives is very intense indeed. But I'm sure you're not the only one thinking about moving forward here, brother," Mads lifted his bottle a little, pointing Y/N who was fully distracted with Kyle's cooing. "She likes you. Joy told me she speaks about you and how... Cute... You are," he threw the word just to see Adrian blushing and giggling, clumsy.
"I'll talk to her when everything is settled down," he said, smiling.
"Go ahead, brother. You deserve something good in your life and Y/N deserves a better man for her. Full support here, bro," Mads answered, smiling at him and raising the bottle for them to toast.
"I know I can always count on you, brother," Adrian answered, touching Mads' bottle with his own before they took a sip from their beers.
The rest of the day was calm. They had taken a day to chill with the girls and Kyle so, at the end of the night, they weren't as tired as usual.
Y/N, on the other hand, was exhausted. Adrian helped her to fix the height of her bed so she could lay down comfortably, but the weight of the belly was really bothering her now.
"I can't wait for Patrick to be born," she mumbled.
And Adrian smiled at her, gently putting a strand of her hair beside her ear.
"To be honest, neither can I," he answered, smiling bigger.
Feeling when she softly caressed his hand on her face. Their eyes meeting each other with so much tenderness between them.
"You're a good man, Adrian," she started, smiling gently. "I'm glad you came with Mads. In the beginning, I thought I wouldn't be able to hold the whole situation but now... Now I'm glad you came with them that day."
His fingers slowly slid to her cheek and she held his hand, leaning her face into his palm, allowing him to move forward and keep caressing her.
Adrian smiled.
"I would wait until Patrick was here to tell you this but... Y/N, I think we..." he started.
But a noise in the living room called their attention, cutting his words and the moment when Y/N sighed scared by the sound.
"Sh... sh sh, calm down, love, I'll take a look. Must have been a loosen plank from the roof. I'll put it back, don't worry," Adrian tried to calm her down, not noticing how he called her, getting up to fix what he was sure to be a plank that fell from the roof - Mads and him were still to fix that part of the house, but with this, he would hurry Mads about the need for a new roof and repairs.
A loosen plank could fall on Kyle or hurt Joy or even Y/N and he couldn't let any of these things happen.
However, when he came out, to the living room, Adrian's eyes were surprised by a man standing near the center table, messing with a box where Adrian knew Y/N was used to put her unused money. He was strange, dirty and shaking. And he didn't even notice Adrian's presence at the door or seemed to mind the fact that his entrance through the living room window Adrian now noticed open caused a loud noise that would be heard from the other rooms.
"Fuck, Ethan, what the fuck are you god's damn doing here?" Mads came from his room, closing the door probably to protect Joy inside.
An action that triggered Adrian's sense of alarm, causing him to pull the door of Y/N's room as well.
Nevertheless, she had already heard Ethan's name and held the door before Adrian could close it, coming out to see the man who was smiling at Mads, clumsy and strange.
"Mads! Brother! Long-time no see, dude. Mind me not, I just came to pick up some money I forgot home for... for..." Ethan started, scratching his nose clearly wounded by what Adrian could see was the constant use of cocaine.
"Oh my god..." Y/N mumbled. "What are you doing here, Ethan? I told you to leave!" she spoke, nervous.
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And Adrian tried to hold her back.
"Love, let us take care of this, go back into the room, please..."
"Love?" Ethan laughed, finally noticing Adrian there. "So, you already found another to fuck your pussy, bitch?"
"Ethan, stop," Mads said, trying to pick the man, conduct him outside.
But Ethan pushed him away and his whole body language changed from the friendly to an aggressive mode, pointing Y/N with his eyes glowing in anger.
"My ass! This bitch is mine, asshole! This is my fucking house! MINE!!" he yelled, scaring Y/N and triggering Adrian even more. "You won't put an asshole in my fucking bed and give your damn holes to him with my fucking child in your belly, you slut!"
"Stop!" she yelled, covering her ears, shaking. "I told you to go away! You're high again! I don't want you beside my son!"
"MY SON!" Ethan yelled and Mads held him before he could go towards Y/N, "THIS FUCKING PIECE OF NOTHING INSIDE OF YOU IS MINE, YOU ARE MINE, YOU BITCH! MY SON! MY HOUSE! MY BITCH! LET ME FUCKING GO!" he continued yelling as Mads was trying to drag him away from the house.
Adrian moved forward to help but the man kicked Mads' balls and got free, advancing towards Y/N with all his strength like a truck ready to run over her. She cringed and Adrian could, in a second, figure out why she had expelled that man from her house: the way she shrunk around herself, protecting the belly... That bastard was hitting her...
That wasn't the first time he was advancing against her like that. He already did it before. To a pregnant woman...
Adrian stood in front of him like a wall preventing him to even get close to her. Even Mads couldn't recognize his friend for a moment: Adrian doubled his size, pushing Ethan back with all the strength of his arms, causing him to stumble on Mads' legs and fall to the ground, dragging himself towards the door Adrian didn't let him reach by himself, grabbing the man by his collar, raising Ethan to his height to look into his eyes. Adrian's blues strangely fierce, almost... Murderous...
"You listen to me, and you listen closely you asshole: The next time I see your drugged face near Y/N, near this house, even near this town, I'll fucking hit your face so bad that not even your mom will be able to recognize the pieces of your body IF the police dogs are ever able to find it, was I clear? Get the fuck out of here, you piece of shit!" he growled, throwing Ethan out of the house onto the grass, watching as the drugged man got up, stumbling in his own feet.
"Fuck it! Fuck you, Y/N! Fuck you and this piece of nothing of yours! I didn't even want to have a baby anyway! Fuck it! Fuck..." he went away, vanishing at the road.
But Adrian didn't have time to really slow down the pace of his heartbeat.
"Adrian!" Mads' voice called him inside.
Y/N was on the ground. A huge pool of water around where she was sitting, embracing her belly and grunting in pain.
"She's in labor!" Mads warned, "Fuck, I'll... I'll pick up the car... Shitty bastard..." he grunted, stumbling towards the room to pick his keys.
The pain in his balls not letting him walk properly.
Adrian rushed inside, kneeling beside Y/N who immediately held his hand, fully scared.
"I don't wanna lose him! Adrian, please! I don't wanna lose my Patrick!" she cried, scared.
But Adrian held her hand tight, caressing her face, wiping her tears.
"Hey... Hey, look at me, Y/N, uh? Look at me... You won't lose him, ok? You won't lose Patrick. We'll take you to the hospital and we'll see him today, uh? He'll be born today, love. Don't worry..." he tried to keep her calm while seeing Mads dizzy at the door with the keys in his hands.
"Shit..." Mads cursed again.
"Mads, look at me, brother. I'll go. You stay with Joy in case that bastard decides to come back, ok?" Adrian said, reading the concerns in Mads' eyes.
His wife would be there alone with the child, in a house that was just broken by a drugged invader... Adrian could understand his worries.
"But..." Mads started, but Adrian cut him, lifting Y/N up into his arms.
"Bring her bag, Mads," he insisted, firm, keeping himself straight. "We must hurry."
For a second, Mads thought he should sit and read those books of Adrian. Somehow, it made his friend pretty more whole than he was when Joy started moaning in pain the way Y/N was moaning now in Adrian's arms.
"Fine," Mads said, following his friend's instructions without questioning.
Adrian seemed to know exactly what he was doing when he placed Y/N in the front seat of the car, locking the seatbelt to avoid hurting her belly, caressing her face when she grunted in pain once again.
"Hold on, love. We'll be there soon," he ensured.
Mads put her bag in the back seat and Adrian got into the car.
"Call me, brother," Mads insisted and Adrian nodded before turning the car on, driving to the closest town.
It was a small hospital, but the town's health center would serve.
"She's giving birth!" Adrian got into the place calling everyone's attention towards the woman shrinking in his arms.
In a matter of seconds, Y/N was on a stretcher, with a pair of nurses taking care of her as a man was pulling the thing towards the proper room.
However, when they crossed the door and Adrian stood outside, Y/N yelled extending her hand towards him.
"No! I want him with me! I want him here!! Adrian!" she screamed, fully scared.
And a nurse pushed him into the room, surprising him completely.
"Come on, dad put this on," she said, putting a mask and a coat in his hand.
He would say he wasn't Patrick's father, but she didn't even give him time to think. Everything was moving so fast around them and all he could see was Y/N's hand extended towards him.
"Fine," he thought, getting dressed.
He could tell everyone he wasn't the father after... Now, she needed him and he just came closer, holding her hand as she grunted in pain one more time.
"Don't leave me, please... Don't leave me alone... It hurts!" she cried again, but Adrian caressed her face, taking the sweaty strands of her hair out of her forehead.
"It's ok, love... You can do it..." he encouraged.
He felt when she clenched his hand tighter, grunting and trying to breathe the way he had showed her in the books. Adrian smiled... He was really being something good in that woman's life. He was really doing something good, after all.
His hand didn't leave Y/N's for a single second. And it was in his arms she collapsed after one last intense effort, breathing against his shoulder before the sound of Patrick's cry filled the room.
Y/N giggled against his shoulder; her eyes teary.
"You were right, Adrian..." she mumbled, "I did it... He's here... My sweet Patrick is here," she cried.
And the nurse brought the little child packed in one of the blankets he remembered she chose for the baby in a ride with him to the stores of that town. Adrian couldn't think it would be so beautiful wrapped around that child. Patrick rested against his mother's chest and Adrian could see his beautiful eyes, y/e/c orbs, like hers, looking at him from her arms.
"He's so... Beautiful..." Adrian mumbled, seeing when Y/N smiled at him.
"And he'll go with daddy a little while we take care of his mom, ok? Hold him for us, dad. We'll put mom in her room and then the big family can be together again," one of the nurses said before Y/N passed little Patrick to his hands, full of trust.
She would speak to them about this later, but for now, Y/N couldn't feel safer about the hands that were holding her child.
Adrian, on the other hand, saw himself caught unprepared. The innocent and young child was there, looking at him, wrapped in the blue blanket he bought for him, with her beautiful eyes fixed in his face.
Not even in his dreams, he imagined such a beautiful child. His eyes filled with tears thinking on how many times he saw himself that way, holding Victoria's child, lulling his little dream. He knew it wasn't his Patrick. Nor the child he waited for so long or dreamed about. But somehow, it was happening and for a moment, Adrian let himself forget everything and live that moment.
"Hello, buddy... I'm the guy that was speaking to you from outside... Remember?"
Somehow, Patrick looked at him, caught by his voice. And Adrian's heart filled with an explosion of emotions when Patrick's face sketched a smile.
He knew it was reflexive... He knew the children of his age - with minutes of life - couldn't really smile voluntarily. But he also knew that reaction was more commonly expressed when the child was relaxed or safe...
Patrick could recognize his voice...
That child was feeling safe in his arms.
Adrian couldn't hold back the tears that slowly slid through his cheeks.
"It is magical, bro," he remembered Mads' words speaking of Kyle.
His brother was right.
It was.
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celmation-gibson · 4 years
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Hello, Well 2018 was a Great time for Cinemas, and what a Year for such Creature Features such as the ones I will be reviewing here, and now may I present to you some reviews of the movies that I've observed on the Big Screen that year.
Pacific Rim: Uprising – My First movie to see in Theaters since I couldn’t find a Perfect time to see Aardman’s ‘Early Man’, but I’m pretty sure this Year would be a Monster of a Movie experience in the Cinemas. Since I’ve have and Watched the First film on DVD, I would think that I should enjoy its Sequel that has been made, and even though Mr. Guillermo Del Toro (the first film’s Director) didn’t direct this Film, he Helped Produce it as well. And as I said before, I do Love a Good Giant monster film, and this film was always filled with Suspense, Action, & Drama, and I would Fear that there won’t be any Hope left if those Giant Monsters win. Also it breaks my Heart wide Open to see a Character who I say and Liked in the First film died in this one. And that one Villainous Character is sure a Wicked Dick (*pardon my Language*) about this one being Possessed by a Kaiju Masterminded Brain. And surprising how that Rouge Jaeger was controlled by a Kaiju Brain, Hit him once & he’ll hit you back Twice as Hard. But I’m glad the heroes win in this Battle, and it took near the Tail end of the Film for the Movie’s Title to appear, unlike the First one where you wait 15-20 minutes for the Main Title to appear in a longest prologue, but for Me, I would almost stick with the Original Film.
Rampage – As I said before, I do Love a Good Giant monster Movie, and this is one of them. And it was a God-Epic monster Mash, even had some hilarious Moments, like when George flips the Bird, and I was like “Did that Primate just flip a Bird?”, though I do know another Ape who can Flip a Bird. And not to mention that the movie is actually based off an Old Arcade game of the same name, and if you Look very closely in the Office Building of Energyne, there are Arcade Cabinets of the Original ‘Rampage’ game, and ‘Rampage: World Tour(?), though I’m not quite sure what the other one is. And the monsters are Hardcore Badass, I don’t know which one(s) are Great (though I pick all of them), and for Bonus, there was another Creature in the Beginning of this Film that was a Rat Test subject. And the Sequence where they hunt the Giant Wolf Down was Awesome and it gave me Goosebumps completely. Plus some Good Elements from the Game is Included as Well, such as Eating People, Tearing down a Building from top to bottom, the military being involved, and Destruction of the monsters themselves. Even when me and my Dad were watching it in the Theaters, and when Dad watched the Commercials for the Film, one of his Favorite Quotes from the movie was “And of course the Wolf Flies”, LOL! And the Lizard Monster in the Film was so Massive & a “Pain in the Ass”, there was no End in that Creature, even when you plant an Explosion in his Ears & throw Missiles at him, he gets back up again, and I thought the Impalement on George would have Killed him Completely, but it was just thru his Shoulders and Thank goodness not the Heart Area or Between the Chests. But still, this film was an Epic Fun Thrillride, the characters are Great & Fun-filled, and I guaranteed this Year would be a Monster Movie Experience in the Theaters.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Well, me and my Dad seen the first 'Jurassic World' in Theaters back in 2015, so we figured since we love Dinosaur movies, we go this this latest update, and to our Surprise, Original Jurassic Park star Mr. Jeff Goldblum (the big Chill, the Fly(1986)) will be starring in Guest Role, and it was a Surprise seeing him in a Honda(?) commercial to promote the Film. And That my Foodtown was already selling products, even sodas & Chips in Promoting the Features, and it featured some of my Favorite Dinosaurs in the Film such as the Classic T-Rex, and boy was that Opening Scene in the Pouring Rain so Intense, the Surviving Raptor of the Original JW film Blue, who is one of my Favorite 'Good Guy' Raptors, the Comical Dino Hard-head Stiggy, who I find entertaining & Funny in the Movie, and My Favorite Villainous Dinosaur, the IndoRaptor, and if you think the Indomenous Rex in 'Jurassic World' was Terrifying, this IndoRaptor is one Badass Creep, even when she(?) smiles while playing Dead while one of the Soldier guys was about to Chip a Tooth off her, kinda gives it like a Cartoon-y feel to it like the minor ones in 'the Adventures of Pinocchio'(1996). And that Epic moment where the Island was in Volcanic Eruption was so Frantic, even one scene in the Film was shot in One single Lengthy shot during those Round Vehicle Thingies, an I thought the Part where one of the Brachiosaurus was Left behind on the Island while Massive smoke was covering him was the most Disturbed sequences in the Film. Well i certainly enjoyed the film, while my Daddy didn't, cuz he thought there wasn't much action or creature footage in the film, as he thought there was more of some "Love Stories" being put into it, that's why he might like 'Rampage' more, where they showed some monsters earlier in the film, but you might say that some Critics praised Pratt's and Howard's performance, Bayona's direction, the visuals, Michael Giacchino's score and the "surprisingly dark moments", while others suggested the series had run its course, criticizing the screenplay and lack of innovation.
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation - Well, Mr. Genndy Tartakovsky Never Fails to impress us with this Three-times Charmer, and how Lucky was I to reserve a Seating to see this on my Birthday of 2018, after a Good Morning at the Meadowlands flea Market, and a goof Lunch at Taco Bell, I hit the Theaters with my Dad, and the Movie was Fantastic, and since Mr. Genndy Tartakovsky Co-written this Film (along with one of the 'Austin Powers' writer), I know what some Moments in the Film, there are certain scenes that are free of Dialogue, just like the ones in 'Samurai Jack'. And it was a-bit strange to see a Character from one the 'Hotel Transylvania' shorts that I've never seen, and that short was "Puppy", but in order to watch the short (even for myself), I have to watch that Gross-out 'Emoji movie' for it. But for HT3, the Climatic part of the DJ Battle with Professor Van Helsing (Drac's old Nemesis, and was surprise to see him still Alive in Machine parts) & the Kraken was Awesome, I didn't remember the first Official song played, but I do know the second being 'Don't Worry, be Happy', and the Final one was none other than the 'Macarena' and supposedly it's the Extended River remix version of the song which I have on my I-Tunes and have no regret in Purchasing it, along with Daft Punk's 'One More Time'. So I like the Film and can't wait to get it for Christmas, along with 'Rampage' this Year. And I even heard that Genndy will be working more at SPA where he will be set to Direct an R-rated animated feature titled 'Fixed', and an Adventure Film named 'Black Knight'.
Smallfoot - When I saw some Preview ads on CartoonBrew, I thought this looks kinda Weird and thought I'd just pass on it, but after seeing some TV Ads for the film, and seeing how interesting it looks, I thought I'd give it a shot, and kinda find the movie very Interesting if you wanna feel Young at Heart, and was Lucky to see it on Columbus Day, the only Actor(s) in the Cast i know were comedian Danny Devito & Basketball superstar Lebron James, and to my surprise seeing the closing credit of the film that Cartoonist Justin Roiland voiced in the film as well as one of the Yeti folks in the Kingdom, and I only know the names Common & Gina Rodriguez starring in the film. And the Music and songs in the Film are Nice, and I like how some Advance the Characters or Advance the plot, and it was Hilarious hearing one Song being sung in the tune of Queen/David Bowie's 'Under Pressure', and since Common is a Rapper in real-life, he did a Good Singing on when the Stonekeeper himself tells Migo that Humans & Yetis were Enemies in the old ages. And the other reasone I like watching this film is that I'm also Fascinated with Yetis and Drawing them, as you can see from my old 'YETI & other Stories' story in my Gallery, and one of my Yeti inspirations was the old Unfinished/soon-to-be-Finished David Allen film 'the Primevals'. And don't forget that the SF film was inspired by a book called 'Yeti Tracks', which is a good thing that some Films were based on Books such as 'Mr. Popper's Penguins', 'Home', & 'the Adventures of Pinocchio(1996)'. And I like how the Film was promoted "from the Studio who brought you 'Looney Tunes'" in which case, it is made by Warner Bros., and also the people who worked on 'Storks', and this film now made me think of two Environmental Animated films from 20th century Fox such as 'Ferngully: the Last Rainforest' & 'Once upon a Forest'.
Halloween(2018) - I never even heard that the Original 1978 classic is getting a Remake, although It may not look like a remake, but a True sequel to the Original film, and avoiding stuff on what happened in 'Halloween II(1981)', 'Halloween 4 -Curse', & 'H20'. And I read that the original star Ms. Jamie Lee Curtis will be in this Film, as well as being executive producer for the feature along with the Original 1978 Film's Director Mr. John Carpenter, as in they want to make it look Perfect as the original Monsterpiece, and they did succeed in it in Keeping the Spirit & Atmosphere like the 1978 movie. And I gotta say, Micheal Myers is one 'Pain-in-the-Ass' monster in this Film, like he always is in the original series, and I feel sorry for the People who got killed by that Creep, the Podcasters, the Boy who was equipped with a Gun along with his daddy, and a Woman who Micheal murdered and left a Baby behind. And an amazing thing my dad found in a Twist of Story is when Micheal got hit by the Sheriff, the Sheriff and the Late Dr. Loomis' student professor went out to investigate and kill Micheal, only for the Sheriff to be killed by the Professor, and when the Professor dude wore Micheal's mask, my dad thought that he was gonna be the New Micheal Myers, but Micheal resurfaced and soon killed the Professor afterwards. And one part in the Film which left the Audience in an applause is a Sequence that was based off the Original film, when Micheal attacked Laurie and pushed her off the Balcony, he saw her Body Lying there, but when Micheal turned away and looked back again, she was gone, just like what happened in the 1978's film ending. even after watching this film with my dad, he still had alot of Questions need to be Answered about some parts in the film, and I wish they showed more of the Ending with Micheal being Burned alive in the Cellar. And this may be one Creepy Classic that i might never watch again, but I just stick with the original Masterpiece of Fright & Shock.
the Grinch - Man, I am seeing alot of Good films in 2018, and this one may be the Last that interest me that Year, and this one was an Adaption of Dr. Suess' Classic Holiday Tale, 'How the Grinch stole Christmas', or simply titled 'the Grinch'. And seeing how Interesting it looks after seeing some Previews and TV Ads, especially that part where the Grinch whispers to Max and Fred "This is the Loudest Snow I've ever heard in my Life", I've decided to give it a Go, and hoping to see if it's Fascinating like the Original 1966 Animated Classic and more Better than the 2000 Live-Action Jim Carrey one, and it was. How lucky i was to see this movie on a Day off afternoon on a Wednesday, and I thought i would be the only one seeing the Film in Theaters, but it was also some Girls and their Parents & Guardians, possibly had a Half a day off. But for the Film, I Loved how the Narrator of the Film narrates in Rhyme, like the Original Dr. Suess books, and how the Writers improvised the Story using the same Lines in the Books, and It had a Great choices in Christmas soundtrack, especially in the part with Grinch Wake-up Radio with some Familiar tunes I know and Cherished. And it was a Great Film produced by the Wonders of Illumination, the Wizards behind 'Despicable me', 'the Secret Life of Pets', & 'Sing', plus they did another Dr. Sues adaption such as 'the Lorax', even some of the character designs in the film made me think of the Designs from Disney features such as 'Wreck-It Ralph' & 'Monster University'. And some of the Voice Cast in the film I know of was Keenan Thompson of 'All That' & 'Keenan & Kel' voicing Bricklebaum, a jolly citizen of Whoville, and Angela Lansbury as the Whoville's Mayor, and how Surprised/Not Surprised to hear another Familiar Voice in the Film playing one of Cindy Lou's Friends, who that boy is none other than Mr. Sam Lavagnino, the Voice of Baby Grizz in 'We Bare Bears' & Pepper and Alien King in 'Summer Camp Island'. And I'd thought Ms. Cindy Lou Who would have a cute design just like the one in the 1966 Classic, and she did have a Cuter design in this Film when it comes to the Creative Artists of Illumination. And Yet, this has become another Holiday Classic, and when I told my Mother how much Fun it is, she might be hoping to get the Film on DVD for my Niece to Enjoy.
There was a Movie called 'the Meg', though I may have interest to see that, but I wasn't sure how much interested I will be with the Whole thing. And sorry if I didn't felt like seeing 'Ralph breaks the Internet' or 'Into the Spider-Verse', I go for the Obscure & Non-Disney taste in the Cinemas as of now.
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samscns-blog · 5 years
      *    𝖎𝖋   ur  ready  to  two  step  into  some  absolute  BULLSHIT  tomfoolery  ,  ya  girl  𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧  is  ready  for  u  with  my  lil  firecrotch  son  ,  𝖘𝖆𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓  .  strong  silent  type  ,  ABSOLUTE  buffoon  ,  barely  keeping  it  together  so  hopefully  by  the  time  we’re  done  w  him  he’s  still  in  something  resembling  one  piece  :’)  all  my  love  to  u  and  u  cute  asses  !  i’m  so  excited  to  get  this  all  poppin  !
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⋆  ╰  another   year   at   hollingsworth   ,  another   year   of   the  big   six rivalry   .   i   hear   that  SAMSON  MAILOTO   is   ensuring  SIGMA  ALPHA  NU   gets   a   solid   pledge   class   and   stays   at   the   top   of   the   ranks   .  oh   ,   you’re   not   familiar   with  HIM  ?  SAM   is   the  KJ  APA   look   alike   from  THE  BRONX   ,   NEW  YORK   .   a  part   of   PC  ‘16   ,  he  is   majoring   in  KINESIOLOGY   and   has   plans   to  ENTER  THE  MMA  AND  ESCAPE  FROM  THE  PUBLIC  EYE   after   undergrad   .   it   makes   sense   they   pledged   their   house   ,   their  PHLEGMATIC   &  SOLICITOUS   attributes   make   them   perfect   matches   .   however   ,   their  TREPIDATIOUS   &  AUSTERE   attributes   keep   their   name   alive   on  greek   rank   .   if   you   don’t   catch   them   dancing   to  BLEACH   -   BROCKHAMPTON   at   a   fraternity   band   party   this   year   ,   you’ll   be   sure   to   catch   them   nursing   their   morning   hangover   at  THE  SNU  HOUSE   .  cheers   to   another   wild   semester  !
⋆ ╰   𝑺 𝑻 𝑨 𝑻 𝑰 𝑺 𝑻 𝑰 𝑪 𝑺  .
𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍    𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 :     samson  ioaleki  mailoto
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬     :    sam  ,  sammy  
𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆    /    𝒂𝒈𝒆 :    february  4    ,    twenty
𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄     :    aquarius
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓    𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚    /    𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔     :     cismale  identifying    with    he  /  him  /  his  pronouns    
𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏     :     heteroflexible  and  pansexual  ;  he’s  never  actively  considered  himself  as  lgbtq+  but  has  also  never  given  it  much  thought  ddjdjdjdkjdk
𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏    :    kinesiology  major  at  hu  ,  aspiring  welterweight  mma  fighter  ,  us  olympic  representitive  for  men’s  boxing  in  the  2020  olympics
𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔    𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆    :    gryffindor
𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏    𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅    𝒃𝒚     :     eliot  alder  from  mr  robot  ,  kylo  ren  from  the  new  star  wars  series  ,  detective  elliot  stabler  from  law  and  order  svu  ,  steve  rogers  from  the  mcu  
𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔    :    -    trepidatious  ,  austere  ,  apprehensive  ,  hesitant  ,  antisocial  ,  hostile  ,  bellicose  .
+        phlegmatic  ,  solicitous  ,  benevolent  ,  rational  ,  stalwart  ,  loyal  ,  reliable  ,  optimistic  .
𝑃𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑇  located  here  !
⋆ ╰    𝑨 𝑵 𝑻 𝑬 𝑪 𝑬 𝑫 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 .
bullet  points  for  the  win  bc  who  has  time  for  all  the  tomfoolery  i  could  spew  from  my  ass  !
sammy’s  mom  was  a  housekeeper  in  upper  manhattan  for  some  fancy  dancy  homes  who  needed  their  gold  toilet  seat  covers  sanitized  3x  a  day  ,  u  know  the  type 🙄
samson  grew  up  in  a  run  down  apartment  in  a  small  samoan  community  in  the  bronx  and  has  always  been  a  lil  antisocial  weirdo  since  those  warm  dark  eyes  came  into  the  light  .  he  rlly  minded  his  own  business  n  wasn’t  really  curious  about  literally  anything  besides  running  and  wrestling  w  his  cousins  .  his  mom  struggled  to  keep  him  fed  and  housed  and  dressed  and  worked  relentless  hours  but  never  left  sam  needing  anything  ,  a  literal  fucking  legend  of  a  woman  and  he’s  proud  to  carry  her  last  name  !
sammy  always  felt  the  weight  of  never  wanting  to  be  an  extra  burden  to  his  mother  and  learned  to  really  be  self-sufficient  ,  likely  explaining  his  satisfaction  with  being  so  alone  
he  vaguely  remembers  the  night  his  life  changed  in  middle  school  ,  the  hushed  strained  whisper  from  the  living  room  ,  he’s  your  god  damned  son  too  ,  think  about  him  for  once  in  your  fucking  life  .  it  hit  like  a  fucking  train  once  the  story  picked  up  ,  5  time  nfl  superbowl  champ  father  to  secret  love  child  .  think  arnold  schwarznegger’s  secret  son  level  scandal  !  suddenly  his  shithead  of  a  dead  is  trying  to  salvage  his  image  ,  fighting  for  split  custody  arrangements  ,  telling  the  press  how  much  in  child  support  he  payed  ,  anything  to  save  his  ass
this  is  the  first  time  samson  remembers  being  fueled  by  rage  in  his  life  ,  as  a  relatively  well-tempered  child  ,  the  injustice  of  having  this  near-stranger  try  to  be  a  “  DAD  ” to  him  while  shitting  all  over  his  mother’s  name  made  his  fucking  blood  boil  and  becomes  a  theme  for  his  future
he  spends  the  next  chapters  of  his  life  going  to  the  fancy  private  schools  in  new  york  his  dad  picks  for  him  and  tearing  his  tie  off  on  the  ratty  bus  ride  into  the  bronx  to  go  home  to  his  mom  .  he  hates  having  to  haul  ass  back  and  forth  ,  wishing  he  could  stay  with  the  only  family  he’s  actually  given  a  shit  about  ,  but  bears  it  for  the  sake  of  not  causing  his  mom  any  more  torment  .  his  father  is  as  awful  as  could  be  imagined  ,  and  samson  hates  every  second  of  existing  with  him  ,  the  snarky  little  comments  at  school  and  in  the  ritzy  wealthy  circles  that  make  him  feel  more  of  a  black  sheep  than  he  ever  asked  to  be
this  becomes  the  root  of  his  anxiety  ,  bearing  the  weight  of  the  world’s  expectations  on  his  young  shoulders  and  repressing  his  own  needs  and  desires  as  a  result  .  he  goes  into  every  sport  imaginable  ,  his  father’s  DNA  being  increasingly  difficult  to  deny  ,  but  finds  a  particular  talent  with  fighting  and  takes  on  as  many  fighting  styles  as  he’s  able  to  master
turning  18  should  mean  freedom  for  sam  ,  but  nothing  is  ever  as  simple  as  he  could  ask  in  his  life  .  in  order  to  keep  the  child  support  payments  that  admittedly  help  keep  his  mother  afloat  ,  his  father  asks  one  more  thing  of  samson  :  hold  off  on  his  pro  mma  dreams  for  just  a  little  longer  in  order  to  attend  his  alma  matter  ,  hollingsworth  university  ,  as  a  publicity  move  and  then  he’ll  be  out  of  sam’s  life  in  every  way  except  financially  .  with  the  dream  of  completing  college  like  his  mom  always  aspired  for  him  ,  sam  agreed  and  went  on  to  appease  the  man  one  last  time  ,  joining  his  former  fraternity  to  sweeten  the  deal  (  and  secure  a  lovely  brownstone  in  his  childhood  neighborhood  signed  in  his  mother’s  name  )  and  is  a  year  out  from  graduating  and  letting  mma  be  the  only  reason  his  name  would  ever  appear  in  the  tabloids  .
⋆ ╰    𝑨 𝑵 𝑨 𝑳 𝒀 𝑺 𝑰 𝑺 .
personality  wise  ,  i  describe  sam  as  the  stupid  bitch  w  big  npc  energy  ,  if  u  want  him  to  talk  u  gotta  talk  to  him  first  and  even  then  he  might  just  give  u  that  hostile  stare  and  just  .. . .  remain  silent  KSDFSDF
he’s  about  as  NOT  a  people  person  as  physically  possible  ,  would  really  be  content  just  sticking  to  his  inner  circle  for  like  the  rest  of  his  life  without  concern  .  he  seems  like  this  rude  stand-offish  dick  but  the  truth  is  he’s  PAINFULLY  SHY  and  has  a  p  severe  case  of  generalized  anxiety  disorder  so  interactions  ?  w  new  ppl  ?  are  a  HARD  pass
did  i  mention  he’s  on  steriods  bc  that  def  adds  to  his  anxiety  and  hostility  !  lmao  !  he  started  juicing  in  high  school  when  his  dad  kept  pressuring  him  for  football  and  how  he  was  “  twice  your  size ”   at  that  age  ,  n  he  HATES  the  dude  but  he’s  also  lowkey  insecure  abt  his  lack  of  a  father  figure  so  ?  used  daddy’s  money  to  start  his  first  cycle  and  pay  off  to  test  clean  and  now  he’s  been  hooked  on  and  off  .  he’s  currently  starting  a  new  cycle  to  bulk  up  for  the  new  season  and  prep  for  the  2020  olympics  but  swears  he  wont  be  on  them  forever  :/
they  make  him  SUPER  aggressive  when  set  off  ,  it’s  a  decent  thing  that  sam’s  so  monotone  and  shy  that  he’s  also  pretty  laid  back  and  kinda  hard  to  rile  up  .  he  really  doesn’t  take  much  personally  and  won’t  do  a  huge  “  chest  pumped  bro  lets  do  this ”  show  bc  he  ?  thinks  all  those  guys  who  do  that  are  tools  LMAO  but  find  the  right  button  to  push  n  he’ll  become  the  very  thing  he  despises  !
if  u  can  get  past  the  literal  awkward  silence  and  resting  bitch  face  ,  sammy  is  actually  really  well  known  for  being  just  a  generally  decent  guy  .  the  perception  is  often  that  he’s  a  dick  bc  he  think’s  he’s  better  than  a  lot  of  ppl  ,  but  the  truth  is  he’s  just  too  nervous  to  start  conversations  n  most  ppl  assume  its  an  ego  thing  vs  a  “  i’m  about  to  piss  myself  thinking  abt  all  the  ways  this  convo  can  go  wrong  so  i’ll  just  not  talk  and  glare  @  u  instead  ”  thing
if  he  had  his  shit  together  he  would  definitely  qualify  as  a  dad  type  ,  but  since  he  doesn’t  ,  he  won’t  SSHSHSHSH  but  he’s  really  just  a  softie  deep  down  ,  he  has  a  stupid  as  HELL  sense  of  humor  and  is  really  objective  and  level  headed  .  the  gryffindor  in  him  is  DEEPLY  loyal  ,  like  to  the  death  ,  but  he’s  got  lots  of  hufflepuff  in  the  sense  that  he’s  really  willing  to  get  his  hands  dirty  to  help  those  in  need  .  u  need  help  moving  ?  someone  to  keep  u  company  while  u  babysit  ?  feel  nervous  walking  alone  after  class  at  night  ?  sammy  might  leave  u  on  read  if  u  text  him  bc  he’s  a  Dumb  Bitch  like  that  but  he’ll  show  up  on  the  dot  ,  hands  in  pockets  ,  exactly  where  u  asked  him  to  be  ready  to  do  what  u  asked  him  to  do  .  the  mans  is  a  super  hard  worker
he  def  still  feels  kinda  weird  at  uni  ?  he’s  p  smart  but  some  of  the  classes  unrelated  to  athletics  and  anatomy  have  given  him  a  REALLY  tough  time  (  dance  appreciation  for  his  fine  arts  credit  almost  tanked  his  gpa  LMAO  )  and  he’s  not  top  of  his  class  or  anything  but  ppl  still  try  to  talk  to  him  bc  of  the  whole  “  famous  dad  ,  future  olympian  ”  thing  ,  which  he  can  pick  up  from  a  mile  a  way  and  makes  him  super  uncomfortable  .  even  being  in  a  frat  w  a  bunch  of  old  money  rich  boys  makes  him  DEF  feel  like  the  odd  one  out  ,  and  he’s  just  counting  down  the  days  until  he’s  OUT  OF  HERE
in  conclusion  :  i  love  u  all  .  lets  suffer  together  .  :~)
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Havoc - Chapter 2
Pairing: SasuSaku
Plot:  Sasuke knew people were still afraid of the club and especially of its Sergeant at Arms – and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He had been untouchable then and still was now. Indeed, there was nothing and no one in this world that Sasuke Uchiha feared. Except Sakura fucking Haruno. Biker AU.
Note: So hi everybody, I’m also continuing my SasuSaku fanfic after it’s been pronounced dead by my year-long absence *coughs awkwardly* sorry about that. Anyway, I really hope you like the new chapter. I’ve got a few great ideas for this story and depending on your responses, I might just try and finish it. So please let me know if you liked it and if you want me to continue it. My main story is still going to be From Dusk Till Dawn (MadaSaku, check it out if you’re into that pairing too), so Havoc will remain a side project for now, unless you convince me otherwise ;) Enjoy!
PS: If you want to read the first chapter, or maybe read it again, because it’s been ages since this story has been posted and you probably forgot what’s going on, you’re going to have to scroll through my blog to get to it. Unfortunately, I can’t post a link to it here, because this way this chapter doesn’t show up under any of the tags. So I had to take out the link to even make this post visible to you guys. Really sorry about that, if anybody knows how to bypass this shit (because it happened to my FDTD chapter, too), I’d be happy if you could help me. :)
Sasuke watched her deliciously bend over the pool table, left hand steadying the cue and right arm drawn back to aim for the white ball. He had to supress a groan threatening to escape his throat at the sight of her tight black jeans stretching over her ass.
God have mercy on him, that woman was still a fine piece of machinery.
He knew he wasn’t the only bastard here ogling the President’s daughter, but at least he had the decency to be subtle about it. Letting his gaze roam around the dimly-lit and packed room of his favourite biker bar, he noticed with a growing rage the many dirty looks and even dirtier gestures thrown her way. Moose’s was not only frequented by the Havoc, but by bikers from other MCs from the region as well. Bikers, who didn’t know about the Havoc’s well-guarded secret in the form of a very enticing, very off-limits pink-haired bombshell. Bikers, who weren’t familiar with the feeling of Sasuke’s foot up their asses – something he was gleefully looking forward to doing should those fuckers not stop drooling like some teenage boys who discovered their dicks for the first time.
Taking a sip of his beer in a feeble attempt to calm his nerves, he watched Sakura throw her head back in laughter at something funny Ino said. As she was rising from her bent-over position, her tiny tank top rose as well, exposing her taut bare midriff. She had borrowed one of her friend’s Black Sabbath tops, because she didn’t want to stick out with her fancy white cashmere turtleneck sweater in a run-down biker bar where one half is clad in dark leather and the other half is basically not clad at all. He would have laughed at the image she was presenting – a delicate, graceful princess in a Black Sabbath shirt – were it not for the fact that he knew Sakura was a die-hard Rock fan.
And by God, she was every bit his dream girl now as she was at seventeen.
Right after she rained down on her dad and him to properly tear the both of them a new one a few hours ago, they convened an emergency church to deal with the clusterfuck one of their latest prospects had dug the club into. As it turned out, the little fucker thought it would be a sneaky idea to hide the small bags of drugs between book pages in Konoha’s smallest, most inconspicuous book shop, tell his customers which books to look out for, and earn some cash on the side that way that nobody would ever have found out about. Were it not for the fact that that tiny little book shop belonged to the President’s daughter, who immediately went and re-introduced the Havoc’s Sergeant at Arms to the soft feeling of her hand slapping the everloving shit out of him.
Despite the fact that the boss tried his best to calm her down and reassure her the club would take care of everything, Sakura stuck around. She made it more than clear that she didn’t trust Sasuke with this matter, especially since she was personally involved. She wanted to make sure there were consequences. So Kakashi invited her to stay for the night and catch up with some old friends before dealing with the poor bastard.
Fast forward a few hours and you had a royally pissed off Sasuke sitting at Moose’s staring daggers into the bikers ogling Sakura’s fine ass. “Bro, you grip that beer bottle any tighter and it’ll burst into a hundred pieces. Pretty sure you don’t want an injured hand for the things you’re gonna do tonight.” Sasuke noticed a shock of blonde hair enter his field of vision and his annoyance immediately went up a notch. “Please, I could beat the crap out of that lil cockroach even when I’m drunk off my ass and with my hands tied behind my back.”
“Probably. But you should still loosen that death grip. Might make some people wonder what makes you so angry,” Naruto cautioned while shooting him a pointed look.
“Drop it,” Sasuke growled threateningly.
Naruto sighed in frustration and leaned back. “Look, man, I know you’ve got history with her and everything, but you gotta stop acting like some brooding love-sick puppy who’s still hung up on his ex-girlfriend if you –“
“She was never my girlfriend.”
“Whatever, dude. My point is, if you really wanna make it up to her, then you’ve gotta stop sulking in the shadows, wondering from afar what could have been. This is your chance, man! She always stays away from the club, but now she’s here, and you have the chance to talk to her and sort that shit out between you two.”
Naruto watched his best friend drop his gaze from the woman in question to the beer bottle in his hand.  This had always been Sasuke’s reaction to all things Sakura: silence. Ever since shit had hit the fan between the two seven years ago, the raven-haired biker refused to talk about the brief time he spent with her. The few times they had seen each other in between, there was nothing but reserved silence and awkward glances.
Naruto sometimes couldn’t believe how utterly dumb his best friend was. Sasuke was incredibly fearless and one of the meanest motherfuckers he had ever met. But when it came to Sakura, his guilty conscience left him a pathetic heap of surly misery. It was sad to watch, really.
“Look, Sasuke… I have no fucking clue what exactly went down between you two, but it’s been eating at you for seven fucking years. Whenever you see her, you become this… this sad little… blob of… I don’t know man, sadness I guess and –“
“You sure have a way with words.”
“It’s just so pathetic, bro. I mean, I can clearly see your eyes tearing up, your nose is getting all red and snotty and –“
“Is that supposed to cheer me up now?”
“Ugh, it’s nasty. And when you start crying, you make all these miserable little noises and –“
“You know, snot everywhere.“
“That’s enough.”
“Just… disgusting, really.”
Naruto mentally patted himself on the shoulder when he saw the tiniest hint of a smirk on Sasuke’s otherwise sullen face. Pleased with his execution of a manly encouragement that consisted of straight-up insulting his best friend in order to cheer him up, he leaned forward again, so only Sasuke could hear him.
“Jokes aside, man, I know this shit between you two has been weighin’ on ya. And you think you’re doing the both of you a favour by staying away from her, but you’re not, because it’s obvious that she’s got as much unfinished business with you as you’ve got with her. Otherwise she wouldn’t hold a grudge. You gotta clear the air at some point, because she’s fucking family and you don’t ignore family. So you might as well do it now.”
Naruto took a hold of his beer bottle and moved out of the booth. Before turning to the bar, he slapped his right hand on his best friend’s left shoulder. “But you know, that’s just my two cents. What do I know about love and relationships? I’ve only been happily married for five years now.”
Sasuke just grunted in response and lifted his bottle to his lips to take another sip. He let his eyes find Sakura again and mulled over what Naruto said. He might have been right about a few things. He was definitely right about them finally needing to stop dancing around each other and sit down and have a proper heart-to-heart.
But there was one thing Naruto was without a doubt wrong about: there was absolutely nothing about his clusterfuck of a relationship with Sakura that had anything to do with love.
Instead, it had everything to do with the fact that he had smashed her heart to smithereens on the night of her eighteenth birthday and effectively shut the door on any romance they might have had a shot at, sealing it with a hundred padlocks and nailing it down with wooden boards for good measure.
“He’s been staring at you all night.”
Sakura couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the blonde. She moved around the pool table to determine the angle of her next shot, when she heard Ino’s voice right next to her ear.
“Come on, you know he still has the hots for you, right?”
“Bullshit he still has the hots for me!”
“Aha!” Sakura found herself at the other end of Ino’s accusing finger pointed directly at her face. “I knew that would get your attention. You like thinking Sasuke’s still into you, don’t you?” Sakura resisted the urge to swipe off Ino’s perfectly made eyebrows that were wiggling so hard they were threatening to shoot out of her face.
“Don’t be ridiculous, that has got nothing to do with it. I just find it absurd that the big, bad, cold-hearted Sasuke Uchiha would still think about something that happened seven fucking years ago.”
Ino cocked her head to the side and looked at Sakura with a knowing smile. “But you still think about it.”
Sakura’s shoulders slumped as she exhaled in annoyance. “I’m not talking about it, alright?”
“Look, forehead, I know what he did was terrible, but I also know Sasuke and I know that he’s actually a pretty good guy beneath all that brooding Batman bullshit. I genuinely think that he regrets what he did back then. I mean, he did try to confront you about it several times, but you were the one who shut him down. Why don’t you just let him say what he has to say, let him apologise, and then move on. You might pretend like you’re over that whole thing, but I know what you really want is some closure.”
Sakura sighed in frustration and blew a hair out of her face. She was just about to throw some witty remark back at Ino, when she noticed several bikers move through the crowd at Moose’s. The Havocs were leaving, which was her cue to do the same.
She felt Ino’s hands grab her shoulders and turn Sakura towards her. “Just think about it, alright? You’ll be here for the whole weekend, so this would be the perfect opportunity to finally get this shit over with, which I know is what you actually wanna do instead of ogle his rock-hard abs when you think I’m not looking. Yeah, don’t roll your eyes at me, missy, don’t think I don’t notice these things. Now you go and have fun tonight. But don’t rough him up too bad.”
With a secretive wink, Ino headed for the bar, leaving Sakura alone at the pool table. Just as she was about to turn around and head for the exit herself, she was met with the sight of a seriously pissed off Sasuke who fixed his determined gaze on her.
She watched the muscles in his upper arm flex enticingly as he raised his right hand to his lips to take the cigarette out of his mouth. The smoke was floating out of his inviting lips as they moved to form words that barely reached her sex-starved brain. All Sakura heard was his rumbling growl.
“It’s time.”
The cold air outside of Moose’s did little to clear Sasuke’s head. He was still on the fence about if and how he should approach Sakura. But he’d have to postpone wracking his brain, because the Havocs were gearing up to take care of that lil dipshit who dared to cross the President’s daughter.
“Where’s daddy?”
He whipped his head around to see Sakura trailing right behind him, zipping up that tiny little leather jacket he couldn’t believe still fit her curves.
“Waiting for us at the warehouse.”
The rumbling of his brothers’ Harleys enveloped them as Sasuke watched some of them leave Moose’s lot. He headed for his V-Rod Muscle and grabbed his jet-black helmet with the name of his bike – War Hog – spray painted on the back in silver and scarlet letters. He was just about to put it on when he felt a presence behind him and turned around, only to be met with the sight of a very annoyed Sakura looking up at him expectantly.
“You ridin’ with me?”
His eyes noted the rise of her perfectly sculpted eyebrow before she spoke, “You got a problem with that?”
There it was again, that feeling of unease that spread in his stomach whenever she pinned him with that scrutinising gaze of hers. “No, just figured you’d rather ride with Naruto. Or anybody else, for that matter.”
“Well the others are already gone, and Naruto said he needed the extra space to secure his bag of torture instruments or whatever.”
Sasuke immediately knew that was bullshit, there was no bag on the back of Naruto’s bike. The Havocs weren’t going to torture the poor bastard. It was just going to be a little slap on the wrist, really.
“Alright, you’re riding with me. Here, put this on,” he grumbled while handing her his helmet and reaching for his spare one.
Sakura looked at the round object in her hands as if it just sprouted a head and started talking to her. At the sight of her disgusted look, Sasuke let out an exasperated sigh. “What, woman?”
“You’re giving me the helmet that has the word hog spray painted on it in big fat letters? Real tactful, Sasuke.”
He couldn’t supress the smirk that was dangling on the edge of his lips. “I can recall a few even naughtier words I used to call you.” His smirk widened when he saw a faint blush taint her cheeks. Sakura scoffed and rolled her eyes in an overly dramatic fashion. “Oh yeah, now that I think about it, I remember you doing that eye rolling thing a lot, too. Only they usually rolled into the back of your head whenever I –“
“Okay, thank you, that’s enough. I’m putting on the helmet now, I can’t hear you.”
A triumphant grin graced his features at the sight of his dream girl wearing his helmet.
“Good girl.”
Sasuke ignored the look Sakura was shooting him, put on his spare helmet while straddling his bike and waited for Sakura to do the same. When he felt her soft curves press against his back and her arms circle around his waist, he let War Hog roar to life.
He turned his head slightly, so she could hear him better over the rumbling of his engine and asked, “You ready?”
She nodded in confirmation. “Hit the road, Sergeant.”
Sasuke took her left hand into his own, pulled her arm tighter around his torso, and gave her a little squeeze. “You hold on tight, sweetheart.”
He could still hear her scoff behind him. “I was practically raised on a bike, I’ll be fine. This is no big deal.”
Lowering the visor on both their helmets, Sasuke took off and left Moose’s parking lot. The cool breeze around him and the low rumbling beneath him he felt whenever he rode his bike always had a calming influence on his often raging mind. This time, it was different though. This time, he had Sakura pressed against his back again for the first time in seven years.
And even though she might have claimed riding with him was no big deal, her tight grip on his waist and the way she leaned her head against his shoulders told him a different story.
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boogiewrites · 6 years
A Girl Walks Into A Bar 4
Characters: Declan Harp x Bella Fiore (OFC)
Word Count: 5000+
Summary: Modern Declan harp AU.  Bella and Declan go out to a show downtown, there’s booze and music and a playful ambiance between them. They both open up and share a little about themselves in an attempt to make a new connection. They keep surprising each other as the night goes on, but Bella takes home the trophy for the most surprising action taken yet. 
Warnings/Tags: Language. Drinking. Fighting. Unwelcome guy getting handsy and mouthy. 
Positive feedback is MUCH appreciated! Reblogs, likes, asks and comments feed me to write more! Let me know if you’d like tagged in my work.
Click on my screenname then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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You stand in front of the full-length mirror in your bedroom, scuffing your black leather mid-calf combat style boots.
"Too much? Not enough?" you turn to your cat Robert who is watching you and swishing his tail from the bed. You turn and present yourself to him. "I don't wanna show to much, but I haven't been able to dress up and show off in so long." 
You make an excuse to the peekaboos of your torso that were showing through your destroyed vintage Motorhead t-shirt. It showed your sternum and stomach tattoos and your black bra underneath in slices and holes through the thin and aged fabric. "I've not shown the girls off in so long I'd forgotten what size bra to buy. Well, that or I've put on some weight." you huff out a laugh and adjust your new, surprisingly sized C cup bra. Maybe it was the chest days you'd been having more of with your workouts, either way, you weren't complaining.
You sigh and scratch Robbie's head at his indifference as he purrs at your manicured maroon nails that matched your toes and your lips. "You don't care do ya lil dude?" you smile down at him as he rubs against the texture of your fishnets under the holes, frays and distressing in your light wash jeans. You fuss with your hair some more, picking Robert's mixed color fur off your shirt. You're picking your chest length, almost black wavy, messy hair out of your fake lashes,  grumbling about the choice to wear them. You jump at the sound of your doorbell, almost poking yourself in the eye and swearing. You shoo Robbie out of the room and shut the door behind you.
Your worn in boots move silently across the wooden floor and southwestern style rug in your living room to your front door. You peep through the hole you'd had installed, couldn't be too safe, and see Declan with wide eyes, messing with his long hair the same as you had been yours just moments ago. You undo the multiple hard locks screwed into your door. He waits and tries to figure out how to greet you as he hears the heavy metal clicking on the other side of the door.
"It's just like any other hang out." he mumbles to himself, hands shoved into the pockets of his thick leather and fur jacket, his jewelry clinking as he moved, boots crunching against the salted concrete towards your door. "It's not a date, bro, chill." he whispers, nodding his head and staring at your door. "You're just hanging out with a friend. A...new friend. Who happens to be the only girl you've done something with in...jesus..." he rolls his eyes and groans as he pushes the doorbell. How long had it been since he'd been on a date? Wait, this wasn't a date, he shakes his head and lowers his brow. He was just getting out of the house with someone who needed the same. Just so happened you were cool and cute, that shouldn't complicate things so much and make him feel this nervous.
"Hey, Declan." you say with a  friendly smile, your arm resting on the door as you make eye contact with him. You certainly didn't appear to be nervous.
He hesitates for a moment, being surprised by your appearance. He stops himself from looking at anything but your face, but with its dark eyes and lips, surrounded by styled hair he was struck by how pretty you were. He thought you were pretty before, intense eyes, strong jaw and naturally pouty lips that were unfortunately usually set in a scowl. But now you looked even more intimidating with your smokey eyes and long lashes, the friendliness on your face offsetting the severe decoration of it and he found himself with a new appreciation for it.
"Hey, Bella." he says with a softer tone than he meant to speak, with a nod of greeting your way.
"C'mon in I gotta turn off the lights and everything." you say with a wave of your hand, letting him shut the door behind him. You move around your space, setting things up out of Robbie's way, placing his favorite planter in the window, as he liked to wait for you to return from the perch. You fill his bowl and switch off the light, making your way back to Declan, unaware of the set of dark eyes that had been watching you move the whole time.
As soon as you turn around, it's like he's drawn to look at your body while he has the chance. Get it out of his system while he can. It would be hard not to notice the way the high waisted stretch denim was painted onto your thick, strong legs and ass as you bent over to pour food into the cat's dish. The thin fabric of the old t-shirt clung loosely to you, he could make out the blurred shaped of tattoos on your upper arm and back, but couldn't make out any of them, only getting shifting windows of your skin and bra underneath as you moved. You lean over, cleavage pressing together, shown through the slices of the shirt as his nose twitches in consideration of seeing you as a sexual being.
He shoves his hands into his pockets, looking at the floor as you layer on your gray zip-up hoodie and leather jacket. "It's still fucking freezing outside I take it?" you say with a smirk as you zip up your soft layer.
"Oh yeah, it's super shitty." he chuckles, his face downward but his eyes shifting up to meet yours.
"Good thing you're driving then." you grin, shoving your phone into your pockets. "Won't have to wait outside the venue though. So that's good." you say, switching off the final lamp in the hallway. You grab your wallet off the table by the door, attaching the chain to it you hadn't used in years. You didn't like carrying purses and when in a tight space in the city, you didn't want someone stealing something out of your pockets so the relic from your teenage years was a reasonable option.
"Oh damn a wallet chain?" he laughs, shoulders moving with it.
"Yeah. Years of hanging out with metalheads." you shrug. "Old habits die hard I guess." you nod and purse your lips. "Why? You want to talk shit?" you grin and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Psh, no." he says, showing you his hip where a chain rested in the pocket of his jeans, pushing his heavy shearling lined brown leather coat back from his torso, covered in a lived in Sabbath shirt.
"It's a reasonable thing to wear when you don't have a purse isn't it?" you say enthusiastically. He can tell you're relieved he wasn't picking on you for it and it found it rather endearing. "Don't want anyone stealing it, don't wanna have to keep up with it."
"Plus a chain y'know. Good accessory for bad asses don't you think?"
You nod and laugh. "Unfortunately also for bratty mall rats with nothing really to rebel against." you say with a look of reluctant acceptance.
"And which of those groups did you belong to?" he teases as you open the door and he walks out. He feels a weak shove to his back and a quiet snort from you that makes him grin.
"I like to think a little of both. Only retrospect though y'know?" you say as you turn to put your keys into the pocket inside your coat. "But if you'd asked me when I was 16 I would've punched you for suggesting anything other than badass." you roll your eyes as you make your way down the big step and follow him by his side to his truck.
"Looks like you ended up living up to it though." he says, nudging your arm with his elbow. You look up at him, a warm and friendly smile on his annoyingly handsome face, half obscured by the large shearling covered collar and lapels on the coat.
"I'll take it." you say with a lighthearted, lip pouted nod.
He opens the truck door for you, which was another rarity in men as the years went on you'd found. He takes his coat off before he tosses it at you in the benched truck seat.
"Hard to drive with that big thing on." he says, shaking his arms before he took the key to the ignition.
"Damn this thing is heavy." you laugh, folding it and laying it between the two of you.
"Warm as hell though."
"This is another one I might steal from you." you say, running your fingers across the worn and supple leather.
"Ah, ya like it? Thanks. I've had it for years. I like yours too. By the way." he glances over to you as he pulls out of the driveway.
"Thanks. I've had it for years too. The only good leather jacket is one you've had for years." you say with certainty.
"Same for shirts too I take it?" he smirks.
"I know you aren't talkin' shit about my shirt now, son." your voice raising and a smile on your face as you give him a look.
The fact that you called him son made his body shift with laughter. A woman over a foot shorter than him, talking to him like she could kick his ass. But then again, who knows, maybe you could?
Parking is as much of a hassle as it ever is in the city, but you find a garage and walk the short blocks to the venue, surrounded by young people with beanies and glasses they didn't need to see, sipping their IPA's and arguing over album supremacy. You walk down the stairs to the door, hidden on a lower level with an unassuming door blocked from the street and covered by a severely weathered awning. As you enter the hallway, the smell of sweat and stale beer hits you, exactly how a venue should be in your eyes. You turn back to take Declan's hand.
"It gets a bit tight in here sometimes," you say, lacing your fingers into his and he's happy you don't seem hesitant to touch him. "Don't wanna lose you, so just keep close and follow me, I know the right hallways to move down." you explain. As soon as you make it through the small, entryway with the old intricately tiled floor the sound of music hits him. "They've got Zeppelin on tonight. Mark must be working." you laugh, even though you know Declan doesn't know who that is.  "I work with at the studio sometimes. He plays drums. He's a fucking wizard on 'em." your voice raises as the volume of the music does, moving down the crowded dimly red hallway.
"Hey, Doug." you say the bouncer who gives you a polite enough nod as you pass with a raised hand. "Mark over the house tonight?"
"You hear the music don't you?" he smirks.
"I do." you smile widely, tugging Declan along behind you. The bald man doesn't pay Declan any mind, which he appreciates, he knows he looks like he's trouble. He guesses if they know you here, they knew you wouldn't bring in any trouble with you. "Mark really loves Zeppelin, which means he might play only that until the show. Lucky us." you say with a quick spin in his direction and a flip of your hair. He noticed the bounce in your step immediately. A much more approachable expression stays on your face as you mouth words and your head starts to bob, soon followed by shifting shoulders and swaying hips. He watches you with amusement, finding that it must be music that really makes you happy, as he's never seen you look so relaxed.
You squeeze through a few hallways with bathrooms and offices with frosted glass in the doors of the old building on the way to the open space of the bar and stage. The room must've been an old theatre he believes. A long bar against the left wall, arcade machines and pool to the right, a drop off of a few steps onto a floor in front of a raised stage with old gilded columns and ceiling that would almost go unnoticed in the darkness. Differently gelled lights color the stage in reds and blue's, basic laser lights move across the bodies shifting on the floor, shouts and the muffled murmurs of so many shouted conversations over the sound of the music hit his ears and he feels taken back to younger years he used to go to these sorts of places every weekend. He'd been looking for trouble back then, or rather trouble always found him no matter where he went, but he felt a certain confidence that he wasn't doing that anymore. He'd made the choice to leave that life behind after it tried to take everything away from him.
He turns his attention and thoughts back to you as you walk backward to the bar, both your hands now holding his. "What ya wanna drink?" you shout, pulling him against the bar with you after squeezing into a spot and using your hips to make room for him next to you.
"Depends. How long we gonna be here?"
"Long enough for you to get a little tipsy with me then switch to water." you say with a grin. "Start with something hard then we'll go to beer then finish off with something sobering. How 'bout it?" you ask as you lean over the bar to seek out a bartender.
"Sounds good. Whiskey?"
"Whiskey." you give an affirming nod. "Mallory!" you shout out a bartender. He's endeared towards you and the fact that you seem to know the people who work here. Showed you were a humble person to remember the names of people who didn't own the place.
"Hey!" she says cheerfully, reaching across the bar as you give a one-armed hug to each other. "Haven't seen you in a while!" she says, wiping her hands on a towel. "What ya drinkin'?" she asks before looking over to Declan "This tall drink of water?" she laughs, nodding her head towards him.
"This is Declan." you laugh, patting his stomach. "Declan, Mallory."
"How's it goin'?" he asks, leaning in to be heard.
"This one yours?" she asks with a suggestive smile.
"I mean, he's with me here tonight," you say and chuckle. "Give me two whiskeys." you say, changing the subject of conversation.
"Comin' up." she calls out. "You be good to her, alright? Or she'll kill you." she laughs and moves down the bar.
"You have quite the reputation Bella." he says, both of you leaning on the bartop with your elbows, the crowded bar forcing your bodies together.
"I've been coming here for years," you say with a shake of your head. "I know Mallory from high school." you explain. "I've been here in the off hours, helping set up the stage and work with the sound tech's and what not."
"So you don't just work in the studio?"
"That's my job, yeah. What I get paid for." you elaborate. "But I love live music too. I love the culture of it all, the bars and the bands. I don't want to just do one thing y'know? So when I went to support friends and help them set up, I started asking questions, learning about the tech setups and what not, started helping the staff and the roadies and everything."
You look from the shifting stage lights back to him. "You're really passionate about music aren't you? Just...in general I mean."
"Yeah. It's always been important, but I decided to make it a career and now it's my life pretty much." you say with expressive eyes that almost read as innocent. He was pleased to see the happiness in your face as you talked about something with passion, he felt like he was really starting to get to know you as a person, breaking throught the hard outer layer you kept. After a brief break in conversation, you see thoughts running behind his eyes. "What about you? What are you passionate about?" you ask, leaning in closer, finding the conversation deep for the environment it was taking place in.
He considers his answer. For so many years revenge, vengeance, justice would've been knee-jerk reactions to the question. But with the passing of his own revenge on the one man he'd focused it on for so long, he found himself having to figure out where his life went from there. "People?" he says with a tilt of his head. "I mean...I'm from a really rough neighborhood. I grew up watching all sorts of terrible shit go down, cops and violence and everything." his eyes narrow and he looks down at the bar, you saw a depth to them as they opened up to you that you liked. "So I guess...I like helping people now. I used to be out for myself but...time made me realize there's more than just me in the world." he nods, his voice loud but soft in its delivery, a thoughtfulness to the words he chose. "So I try to take care of the place and the people that need it now. I've got the bar for people so they don't get in trouble anywhere else, that was my first step. Tried to create a safe space for people that found trouble anywhere else they went."
"For people with resting bitch faces and bad tempers like me?" you give him a smile to lighten the mood, the last thing you wanted was him to be somber while out with you.
"Yeah, for outcasts and bad attitudes no one takes the time to understand the source of." his smile softens, and you felt like he might actually see through you for a moment.
"You're a good dude Declan. I don't know why you're wasting your time with me." you say with a shrug.
"Because you say things like that." he chuckles. "Bad people don't say things like that, Bella. You're not a bad person. Just got a mean face like me." he says giving you an exaggerated smile.
"Drinks!" Mallory announces, sliding the glasses towards you. You give her your card and she slides it through the reader on the iPad in her apron. "Thank you and thank you." she says with a  lilt. "Ya'll look good together, by the way." she says giving you a wink and a grin before spinning and moving back to the other barked orders from your side of the bar.
He expected you to blush or be shy, but he should've known better. You didn't seem like the bashful type. "I mean...we do look good." you say with a straight face before you let out a loud laugh and sigh before taking a drink.
"We're two good lookin' people." he says with an enthusiastic nod of agreement and it makes you chuckle in your glass. Yeah, this dude was alright. --- You're two drinks in, to his one and you're feeling great. Zeppelin is playing over the speakers and you're in your happy place, you leave him at the table you'd manage to snag by vulturing over the edges of the show floor. As it always does when you drink, the music moves your body and you don't even realize it. Although you are slightly dancing your way to the bar on purpose.
"Three bottles of Guinness." you tell Mallory with a flip of your hair. Declan watches you from the table, tall enough to see over the crowd to keep an eye on you. He sees you greet a few people, and only the women with hugs, he notices. The bass in D'yer Maker moves your hips and shoulders as you move through the crowd he has to admit he likes the sight. You lean over the bar to shout at your friend and he clears his throat as your hips sway to and fro. You turn around to wait, eyes looking out into the crowd, shoulders swaying and mouthing the words, unzipping your hoodie as you let your eyes shut for a moment and take in the bass from the speakers.
He sees you holding the bottles, giving a head nod, reading your lips saying "Fuck yeah." as Houses of the Holy starts. He laughs under his breath at the cute expression on your face with your tongue slightly poking out from in approval. You hold the bottles up high, making your way through, down the stairs, raising your layers off your midsection and giving him a peek to the true span of your bodies movement, in a very appealing waist to hip ratio. As you approach the table you don't stop singing the words the closer you get and you see the laughter across his face. You wrinkle your nose and move your body with more visible purpose and no subtly before you hand one of the bottles off to him.
"I'm gonna have to listen to Physical Graffiti when I get home tonight." you muse,  head bobbing still.
"This on that album?"
"Have you not listened to it?!" you say with wide eyes.
"No! No I have, but I don't know every song that's one every album off the top of my head."
"Ah. I was afraid I'd have to get a cab home." you laugh and take a drink.
"You'd think this would've been on the album that has the same name, y'know?" he says, leaning in with a lower brow to drive his point home.
"It was written for that album actually." you say, putting your leg up in your chair and leaning across the table. "But Atlantic thought it was too similar to other songs." you take a quick drink, he can tell the information stored in that attractive head of yours must've been massive with the way you could pull out facts like you were a musical game of Trivial Pursuit. "An album with Dancing Days AND House of the Holy would've been amazing. I can see why they'd think Dancing Days was a better fit for the time period...better fit overall for the album too really. But Houses of the Holy is so eclectic it'd be hard to have something out of place on it." you continue speaking with your hands. "You've got everything from reggae to ballads to some fifties style Spector kinda vibes. It's a major creative force." you conclude, your face finally moving back to his and focusing.
"Are Led Zeppelin your favorite?" he asks, an almost teasing look on his face.
"I mean..." you blink rapidly, realizing you might've been boring him, talking too much about the music as was easy for you to do when you got comfortable. "Possibly yeah," you say with a huff of a laugh. "Am I talking about them too much?" you ask with a low dip in your voice and a quirked brow.
"No, no." he says with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You just know a lot about them."
"Yeah. Comes with the territory. Gotta know about music." you say with a more pleasant expression.
"You definitely do." he smiles and you mirror the expression with a slow blink unintentionally. "I can see why you went into it. You're clearly passionate about it. It's nice to see."
"To see what?" you ask, leaning in closer to him.
"Someone passionate about something. Only thing I hear people care about is alcohol on a daily basis." he says with a forced exhale and a purse of his lips. "Or illegal things I'm not at liberty to discuss." he says more playfully.
"Yeah I found a healthy way to deal with my obsessions. Luckily."
"That's rare. Hard to do." he nods in approval.
"You'd know, you own your own business. That's hard to achieve." you offer, your face unknowingly soft and open.
"You know, you're actually pretty nice, Bella." he says with a teasing tone.
"If you tell anyone I'll hurt you." you threaten, a flash of a smile before you turn the bottle up to take another drink. ------ The set was over and you were going to grab a soda for the road while he went to the bathroom. The place was still crowded, people on the move as the audience started to break up into sections.
"Biggest bottled soda ya got for the road." you say to Mallory, leaning over onto the bar again so she could hear you over the voices as she took a moment to restock some glasses.
"Got it!" she calls out.
You stayed on the bar, considering cracking open some peanuts when you feel someone touch you. You immediately stiffen, the hairs prickling up on the back of your neck as the pleasant expression from your face falls into a low brow scowl quickly. You hesitate only a moment, and another touch, this time clearly a whole hand rubbing over your ass and squeezing. You react quickly as your temper has taught you, you see the man starting to lean over the counter next to you and identify his weak points as your self-defense training had taught you.
You turn your body quickly, hopping off back from the bar and correcting your posture. You didn't know this guy, not that it mattered, and you react before whatever sleazy greeting he was gonna spew out could pass his lips. You shift your center of gravity, your fist moving back and positioned to knock him right in chin before the gross smirk even left it. You hit him with a hook, his body twisting and doubling over the bar before sliding down into the floor.
You stand and hiss, shaking out your hand as the rings on your fingers make the joint ache from the impact.
"Back at it again I see?" Mallory says, tossing you the bottle.
"Fucker grabbed my ass." you say without looking up from the body slumped into the floor.
"HEY!" you hear Declan, who has his hands on your arms quickly, turning you to face him. "You alright?" he asks, looking you over and finding your face calm, eyes blinking up at him like he was the one acting strangely.
"Yeah. Hands hurts  a little." you mutter.
"What'd...who...are you okay?" his voice rises in pitch.
"Yeah dude, I'm fine. This douchenozzle grabbed my ass." you roll your eyes.
Declan looks to the body and back to you. "You knocked his out I see." the fear moves from his face and is replaced with bright amusement.
"Seemed fair." you say with a shrug, twisting the cap off the soda.
"You just..." he shakes his head, his hands on his hips. "Damn." he starts to laugh.
"Told ya if you mess with her she'll kill ya." Mallory laughs and hands you your card back across the bar.
"What the fuck!" a guy comes up to the bar, kneeling by the unconscious offender. "What happened?"
"You with him?" you ask.
"He grabbed my ass so I knocked his out." you say casually, looking over your hand. "Fucker better not've cracked my ring." you mutter.
"He touched you and you do THIS? What the fuck, he just thought you were hot." he says defensively.
"Maybe he should learn how to compliment women instead of touching them without permission. He touched me in a way I didn't want, I touched him in a way he didn't want. Even stevens." you say with a nod. Declan watches your cool demeanor with a dumbfounded smile on his face. You were full of surprises.
He looked you over and Declan is on high alert, ready to defend. "He probably didn't even mean to touch you, I mean...you are one thick bitch."
You sigh and decide to go with a threat instead of leaving two bodies. You lean forward and get his balls in a vice grip and he squeals. "This is how he grabbed me. So does this seem like an accident to you?"
"No...FUCK, no!" he grunts and tries to push you away and you let him go.  "God damn, you're fuckin' crazy you-"
"Watch it." Declan says intervening before another name called would cause you to knock this guy out too. He thought the physical warning was more than fair. "Looks like you need to get your friend out of here. And reconsider how to talk to women, huh? I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I told you what a needle dicked pussy you are, so don't go callin' names... callin' the woman a bitch." he almost growls out.
He eyes Declan and is rightfully intimidated but the guys pissed and he even considers taking him on for a moment. His eyes shift back and forth between your short frame and Declan's tall one before stepping down and hoisting up the now groaning man. "Both of you are fucking crazy." he says in a  weak defense, dragging the guy alongside him.
"Thanks." you say with a weak smile.
"On my own constitutions couldn't let him get away with bad mouthing you like that twice."
"I get it." you say with a subtle smile. "Thanks for not trying to puff up and defend my honor. I hate that shit." you roll your eyes and pat his arm.
"It didn't look like you needed it."  he says with a laugh that carries across his face.
"I didn't." you give a small chuckle back, handing him the bottle. "You ready to get out of here?"
"You need ice for your hand or something?" he asks, motioning towards your clenching and unclenching fist.
"Nah. It's freezing outside. If it gets bad I'll put it out the window on the drive back." you say only half joking.
"Whatever you say, Tyson." he jokes, moving his arm out in a sweeping motion for you to lead the way.
"More like McGregor." you say with a laugh before shaking your hand again.
"I'm inclined to agree with whatever you suggest from now on or some reason."
"Because you're smart." you grin nod your head, letting him know he was under no threat from you.
@vale0413 @littledeadgirlwalking @jaegeeeeer
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