#declan harp x reader
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 4 months ago
My Alpha Ch. 6
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Donations | Send Thoughts Here | My Alpha Series| Chapter 5
(Author Note: Thank you guys for being so patient!! I am transitioning into a new job I got a little carried away with this chapter Lol but I hope y'all love it just as a much! ;) lots happening here! Please leave me a comment on this chapter if you enjoyed it or if you have any feedback at all!! Love you all!!)
That dinner you’d had with Declan was wonderful, you fell asleep with him on the phone that night and the next morning when you got ready for work you couldn't explain how you felt, but it was incredible. You didn’t want to ever be without him again. Coming downstairs you smelled breakfast and coffee, and huffed out a sigh. Things weren’t great with your father; not like that was a secret or anything. But there were things that you were not up for sharing with anyone else. You had a small, secret hope buried deep down inside of you, that maybe Declan was the one. 
The one to take you away from this man, the awful things he had subjected you to in the past, hell, even the things he subjects you to now. You slowly walked into the kitchen in your work uniform, taking a seat at the island your father turned and smiled at you before pouring you a cup of coffee. “How was your night last night? You were fast asleep when I got back from the trip.” he said. 
You looked at your coffee before looking up at him, “it was good. We went to that little place on the corner of Elm, and I had a really wonderful time.” you said softly as he plated your breakfast and placed it on the cloth placemat in front of you. “Good. I guess that Declan isn’t so bad, I’ll need to have a chat with him if he thinks he’s going to date you without my knowledge though.” Arthur said as he turned back around to continue cooking. “Dad, we’ve only gone to dinner once…while I had a good time, who knows if he did.” you said quietly as you pushed your food around on your plate. 
Arthur watched you closely as he sat down beside you with his own plate. “Something wrong hon?” he asked as you shrugged. “I don’t really want to talk about it. I just want to go to work dad.” you said quietly as he turned more toward you. “Y/N, tell me whats wrong right now.” he held an agitated tone in his voice and you finally looked at him. “Honestly? I do not want to go with you tonight after work. I hate it. I hate it so much!” you raised your voice as you got off the stool. “It's wrong and you know it is!” you flinched as he gripped you by the arms and slammed you back against the counter. 
“You know damn good and well how bad your life can be if you keep up this new attitude girlie. I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again, if we didn’t do this, then someone else would! You know I wouldn’t be able to protect you if someone else was in control. Our family has been doing this for centuries! It’s part of our pack! It's part of our ways!” he yelled as you coward down, shaking in fear. Arthur let go of you, moving away to grab his keys. “You can clean up breakfast and get your ass to work.” 
You worked a better part of the day with your mind focusing on the tasks at hand. Cleaning tables, filling waters, taking orders, and chatting up customers like nothing was wrong. You looked up seeing Declan walk in with some of the other construction crew members and smiled as his eyes met yours. He grinned and nodded over to a booth for the guys to sit in while he walked over to the counter where you’d just rounded to place the coffee pot back on its burner.  
You were not sure what you and Declan were, but your heart would jump from your throat, down to your stomach everytime your eyes caught his. You looked at him before glancing at the booth. “You gonna sit here and have your lunch or over there with your friends?” you smiled as he leaned his crossed arms on the counter leaning over on them to be closer to you. “Well, I figured I would come say hello, before we ordered lunch all together.” he smiled as you smiled bashfully. “well…hello there…I’m sorry I fell asleep on the phone last night, and also if I forgot to tell you, I am sorry I fell asleep last night on the phone,” you admitted as you grabbed your pen and pad and walked around the counter.
Declan smiled as his jaw tensed, not having a barrier between the two of you anymore. “Well that’s alright, I didn’t mind,” he smiled as you let out a soft giggle. “well I’m glad, I did have a wonderful time last night,” you admitted looking up at him as he glanced down at you, standing at his full height. “I did too. Why don’t we do it again tonight?” he asked as you both walked over to the booth. Before you could answer, the guys began teasing Declan and talking loudly. You laughed some before you got them all to pay attention and took down their orders. 
The lunch rush kept you busy, so busy in fact you didn’t get to spend any time at all talking to Declan apart from your brief chat when he’d first arrived. You rushed around, serving tables, refilling the crew members drinks, bringing out extra sides and desserts when asked. You’d laugh at their jokes, hearing them tease one another. You’d collected a couple of the checks and started ringing everyone out as the lunch rush died down when Declan came up to the counter. 
“So what do you say? You wanna go out with me tonight?” Declan smiled at you as you wiped down the counter in front of you. “I’m sorry I can't tonight, I have to work.” you said, giving him a sad smile, “But maybe tomorrow night after the pack meeting?” you asked looking up at him. Declan raised an eyebrow, “You sure your father won't march you home?” he asked with a chuckle. “No, I'm going to tell him I'm busy with you.” you said with a smile as you leaned over the counter and pressed a kiss to his cheek softly. 
You grinned up at him as he stood and threw some bills down on the counter. “You know you don’t have to pay for lunch when you come visit me, I take care of it.” you said softly as he raised an eyebrow. “Missy, you better not be paying for my food outta your checks,” he said, raising an eyebrow at you. You smiled up at him, looking up under your lashes. “I like taking care of you,” you whispered softly. Declan chuckled and grabbed your hand softly, “I’m sure you do, but I can handle my own.” He smiled down at you. 
“Y/N! Get back to work!” your boss snapped at you as he stuck his head out of his office. You jumped and let go of Declan turning around. “Sorry boss!” you yelped before turning back around. “I gotta go, I’ll call you later okay?” Declan looked over at your boss’s door before he looked down at you and nodded. “Of course, I’ll talk to you later,” he gave you a quick wink and left without another word. 
After your shift at the diner ended, you changed into your jeans, a t-shirt and a heavy coat before heading out to the old barn your father owned. Once you got there, your father stood inside and looked at you as you entered. “Y/N, perfect timing. I need to speak with you about Declan.” he grabbed your arm and pulled you off to the side. “What's going on between the two of you?” he asked as you shrugged, “Nothing, we’re friends dad, he does want to take me out again tomorrow night after the pack meeting and I accepted.” you said as he pushed his lips out. “I want you to stay away from him. He’s an alpha and an outsider. He doesn't know what’s good for you or this pack.” he growled before turning toward the stalls. “Get them ready, tonight's color is blue. NO ONE enters without that color on their wrist. Do you understand me?” he growled as he got in your face. You nodded. “Yes Dad-” “What?” he snapped. “Yes Alpha.” you whimpered and walked over to the stall. You absolutely hated this. But an order was an order and you couldn’t say no to the pack master until you were claimed. 
You pulled open the door, the girls inside were crying already, and you knew that tonight would be a rough one. You took each girl, hosed her down, and then chained her up. You put a different girl in each stall, and waited for your father to come back to approve each one. 
Your father walked through each stall, nodding to each girl. He rearranged some, but kept them mostly the way they were. You walked outside as he followed you. “Been hearing rumors you were locking lips with that Declan at the diner today. That true?” Your father asked as you shook your head, “no, he just comes in for lunch and we talk is all, he's real nice. I’d like to go out to dinner with him again tomorrow night after the pack meeting…” You said softly as you sat down on the stool. Your father walked up to you and trapped you between him and the wall, placing his arms on either side of you. “You listen to me Omega, the only reason you ain’t chained up in there is because you’re my daughter! You know damn good and well I can make anything happen to anyone. You wanna be locked up and used like those whores in there?!” He asked, gripping your throat. “Are you a whore, omega?” He growled as you struggled to breathe, clawing at his hand, shaking your head, you whimpered. “Please,” you gasped as he watched you with dead, cold eyes. “Say. It.” He growled. 
You felt the tears running down your cheeks, the pressure of no air entering your body starting to become too much. “Alpha please.” You felt yourself start to lose consciousness. 
As soon as he released his hand, you gasped for air, falling from your spot, you landed on the cold hard ground coughing violently. A tall figure hid in the trees, watching with dark and narrowed eyes. 
As the damp, cold night air sat in more, you kept your place out by the barn, betas and alphas coming up, giving you cash and the magic word, and bam, they were in. You opened the door to let them through, hearing the screams and cries, the moans, the smells. You swallowed thickly, biting back tears as you returned to your seat. Then, Marcus Phillips walked through the treeline, and his two beta buddies, grinning at you from ear to ear. You looked up at him. “Fee’s $100 bucks tonight, and I need the passcode.” you said as he chuckled. “I wanna know how much for you.” he smirked, leaning closer as you leaned back against the barn. “I'm not part of it, I just man the door.” you tried to get as much distance between the two of you, but Marcus wasn’t having it. 
“Oh yeah? Bet ole’ Pack Master would let me have a special taste.” he gripped your jaw scenting you. You pushed at him trying to get away but he moved his grip to your throat, “Easy Omega, or I might end it now.” he snarled. 
A loud growl ripped through the treeline sending a cold chill down everyone's spine, as Marcus fell to the ground, you were grabbed and swung behind a strong, tall figure. “Back off.” a deep, gravely voice growled out. You stared up at the man in shock. “Who the fuck are you?” Marcus smirked as he looked up. 
You shook behind the familiar alpha, your hands clutching to his warm jacket as he growled. “You’re messin with a member of my pack, back off.” His voice had deepened and his body was shaking slightly with anger. “Look caveman, that there is Pack Masters daughter, he decides who has a go at her. NOT you. So why dont you fuck off and let me get my moneys worth.” he stepped forward until Declan grabbed him by the throat, “Do you need a reminder of how two alphas fighting over one omega usually ends?” he growled, narrowing his eyes. 
Marcus’s eyes widened as he struggled against his hand, Declan threw him down on the ground and stood over him. “I’d say, you lose this one. Go on, before I bring out the old laws.” you stayed close to Declan as the three boys took off through the trees. You hadn’t realized you’d been crying until Declan looked down at you, his features softening as he wrapped you up against his chest inside his jacket. “Come on, you’re coming home with me.” you whimpered and shook your head. “I can’t leave, my father won’t let me…the night isn’t done.” you whispered. Declan looked down at your confusion covering his features before he looked at the barn, the smell and sounds finally hitting him. “Jesus Christ. What the fuck is going on?” You whimpered quietly as he looked from the barn to you, then back to the barn, it took less than a second for him to piece it together. “You’re not staying here. You’re in danger here.” he held you closer to him, the anger radiating from his body as he snarled in the direction of the barn, before he pulled you back through the trees. 
You knew your father would be angry, “I won’t be able to return home,” you whispered quietly as you looked up at him, tears in your eyes. Declan stopped and looked down at you, his features softening as he pulled you into his arms once more. “Shhh, you don’t have to worry about that anymore, you can stay with me, and everything will be fine. I promise, I’m going to fix all of this, no omega should be put through this type of torture.” he kissed your head smoothing your hair as you sobbed into his chest. 
Tag List:
@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger
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cheriihoney · 2 years ago
got an ask about more info on my ocs harp and declan ^^ it was a sent a long time ago and now that i have time i decided to answer it! More info on Harp and Declan under the cut
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📱 as i said government assigned agent to keep tabs on you on what you do on the internet and stuff. you aren't the first one he was assigned to watch but something about you seems different.
 📱he started this gig because of life circumstances that lead him to take some not so ethical and moral choices, so him taking on this job to watch a cute lil guy like you wouldnt be the worst thing
📱the cash is pretty good, he doesn't do much on the job really as he just watches well you. which definitely beats he's previous active life style where he had to take care of some people
📱now he's looking to settle down and there you were! being all cute for him! atleast that's what he believes because you are so darn cute when you don't realize you're being watched by him
📱harp isn't his real name, that's just his code name. he left his old life behind to start a new one. He doesn't want anyone to know his real name. Despite wanting to be closer to you he would still want some distance between you and him since he's never had anyone to be close to emotionally.
📱His descent to obsession with you is a slow one. Like real slow but undoubtedly its a slow but sure process. He started personally going through your accounts, photos and the like on his off time. Even at some point convincing the boss to let him have access to your webcam more to observe any 'suspicious' activity. not because he wanted to see you more.
📱it's similar to liking someone you just know based from what they post online and ideally harp shouldn't have been obsessed with you but since he has access to everything and anything that pertains to you. he feels he knows you the most - like a husband would :))
📱after he's come to terms that he's obsessed with you he starts craving the domestic life you seem to lead.
📱now he's picturing himself having a domestic life, something he never considered before but now he would love it as long as you were his wife (gender neutral)
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💐his first life was set in those isekai manwha versions of europe with all those fancy balls and etiquette. thats when he first fell in love with you.
💐he met you, you got to know one another and eventually fell in love with you
  💐cant say the same for you lol you just thought he was just a really good friend!
💐anyways at any point where hes close to confessing his feelings for you, you would always be out of reach somehow. things like falling in love with another person or dying
💐over the course of a few lives later, his patience grew thin as in each life time you guys were in Declan still never had a chance to be with you himself.
💐he's always told himself to be patient and that eventually his time will come when he gets to be with you fr fr
💐yk he says like a very impatient and exhausted man practically waiting for centuries to finally be with you
💐he doesn't exactly remember each life clearly but he does know you and that he has to be with you no matter the cost
💐used to let fate guide his to lead him to you but now he's reconsidering if he should man handle fate
💐current day Declan is from old money who spares no expense to woo you the minute he found you again
💐just straights up introduces himself as your fiance. Because he wanted to atleast take things slowly, atleast he didn't introduce himself as your husband
💐he rizzes up your parents to atleast let him court you like ye olden days. old habits die hard
💐would rather be in a very very very long engagement as opposed to be being your friend first
💐somehow you do agree to atleast know him alittle
💐thus starts Declan's plan of being with you in this life. This poor man is desperate and tired of not being with you in any of his previous lives
💐let him have this one?
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boogiewrites · 2 years ago
Declan Harp Masterlist
Declan Harp
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A Girl Walks Into A Bar Frontier Modern AU. Declan is a bar owner and local urban legend with a reputation he’d like to leave in the past. Bella is a rough around the edges, low key sweetheart that isn’t from his part of the woods. After meeting with the help of some bad luck and perhaps a touch of fate, how far will their undeniable chemistry take them until their histories catch up with them?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 CH. 7 CH. 8 CH. 9 CH. 10 CH. 11 CH. 12 CH. 13 CH. 14 CH. 15 CH. 16
A Witch, a Wolf and the Woods. An AU where Declan Harp is a werewolf. He comes across Evelyn Morgana, a dark witch who lives in a daunting mansion on the edge of the woods. He is drawn to her and her power, and finds his way into her home, her bed and her life. A dark, violent and highly sexual relationship follows as we watch their twisted romance grow and change while they face the challenges of navigating a magical world that tries to be hidden in the midst of the 1700's new world. Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Pt. 1
Filia Diaboli  Declan Harp Werewolf Modern AU.  In a world where supernatural beings are real and have to try to exist among hostile humans, Morgana and Declan find themselves fatefully brought together. A Princess in a hierarchy lead by her father, she has earned the title through hard work, violence, and charisma. Declan is a self-hating wolf, a descendent from an original line, and among the most powerful, the burden of denying his inner wolf is heavy. A soul connection will bring these two together and force them to feel things they never have before. Their souls combined might be what the Supernatural world needs to stand against the religious terrorists that try to destroy their kind.  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Ch. 1
Peach and Poppy  Declan Harp AU. Set in the 1970′s, Declan is a misbehaving psychiatric patient and Dr. Dixon or Dixie as he likes to call her, is a tenacious and underestimated new hospital director. Will this new job get the best of her delicate sensibilities like people are warning her? Will the charm of one of her patient’s awaken something in her she can’t come back from?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Rosie & The Road Less Traveled Declan Harp 1970s Hippy/Roadtrip AU Rosie has made a bold decision and decided to leave her monotonous life. She sets out to create her own with a group of misfits traveling  across America, post-Vietnam during the 1970s. She breaks out of her shy and insecure, sheltered shelf to have an adventure where she learns the realities of life outside her former cookie-cutter existence. She experiences, a year of sex, drugs, and rock and roll as the group of ex-soldiers and free spirits change her worldview and show her another way. She meets the charming but damaged Declan who takes her under his wing. Will a budding romance for this blossoming Rose prove to be her gift from the universe for making the hard decision to be her own woman?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years ago
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Imagine # 863
Gifs NOT mine.
If either gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @hardyimagines & @bills-skarsgards (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2021
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 1 year ago
Sharing fanfic updates be like
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Declan Harp Masterlist
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A Work in Progress..
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Three different writing prompts
He looked at her. His hair still a mess, and in the bright morning sunlight, he looked more handsome and human than she’d ever seen him.  
"I guess I'm asking you to trust me," he said.
"I'd trust you more if you would simply tell me what is going on, Declan." She began, searching his eyes for any clue if he would relent and tell her what was happening.
"It's not that simple, Y/N," he stated, “This is something I need to do al--”
“It’s more than simple, Harp!” Y/N interrupted, “I am here to help you, or do you just see me as something to warm your bed at night?”
She immediately knew she had gone too far the second she saw the hurt flash across Declan’s eyes. If Y/N didn’t know any better, she could have sworn she imagined it.
The second he turned away from her and his long, golden-brown hair fell over his forehead, nearly hiding his mismatched eyes, there was no denying this conversation was over.
Declan pushed himself up from the furs, turning his back to Y/N and pulled his pants on. All the while, Y/N was silently kicking herself.  
She stood, slowly making her way behind Declan.  
“Declan, look to me,” Y/N begged, as she placed her hand gingerly between his shoulder blades.
Declan’s response wasn’t one of words. He shrugged her hand off and walked out of the tent, leaving Y/N dumbfounded and doe-eyed. There was no doubt in Y/N’s mind she would be lucky to see Declan at all for the rest of the day.
Y/N dressed slowly, accepting the situation she caused, as her mind kept replaying what had been said. Y/N thought about the comment she had made about her warming Declan’s bed, and couldn’t help the cringe that overtook her whole body.  
Why had she even said that?  
She knew of Declan’s past. She knew how his wife and son had been ripped from him, as well as the daughter he never knew. She knew why Declan refused to make her anything more to him than she was now. Despite the fact that Y/N knew this, she still said the one thing she knew would hurt Declan more than anything else. By her implying she was nothing more to him than a way to pleasure himself, Y/N knew she implied Declan didn’t care for her.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/N began to pack the tent. She knew Declan was planning to move the company a few miles outside of Fort James. She had heard the murmurs from the other side of the tent walls. Everyone in the camp had to have heard the words exchanged between her and Declan. She hadn’t heard them while she was in her own head, but now there was no denying the whole camp would have something to say.
She heard him coming before he even entered the tent. No one else in camp was as big or had the same gate as Declan. Y/N was astonished he had even come back. Their arguments never went far, but Declan would leave when he’d had enough. If Y/N stayed in his tent that night, Declan would find somewhere else to spend the night. He would usually stay with Sokanon or Samoset, anything he could to avoid seeing her after one of their arguments.
“You don’t need to worry about what the plan is, Y/N.” Declan’s deep voice rumbled from behind her.  
Y/N had obviously heard the large man approaching, but she was still startled when he spoke. She kept her back to the door of the tent, to Declan. She had thought there would be more time to think through her response. The last thing she had expected was for Declan to return to their tent.  
She wanted to put some thought into her response. The last time she hadn’t, she thoroughly regretted it.
“Do you really think that is going to appease me?” Y/N questioned, still not giving Declan the pleasure of seeing her face.
She didn’t need to look at him to know Declan had just scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration. She knew his little ticks. She knew which action he did in which situation. She also knew how to step on every one of his nerves.  
“I’m not trying to appease anyone, Y/N!” He ground out.  
She was being absolutely unreasonable. She should be able to trust him. To take his motives into question was another issue he knew he was going to have to deal with. Declan wasn’t sure how he was going to help her understand his true feelings, but he would figure something out.  
His current problem was to convince Y/N there was nothing in the upcoming plans she needs to worry about.
Declan walked a few steps into the tent, kneeled down, and placed on of his large hands on Y/N’s back.
“Y/N, just trust me in this,” he started, “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Y/N turned around to face Declan, a look of absolute bewilderment on her face. “’I don’t want anything to happen to you?’ Really, Harp,” Y/N’s question was sharp, he knew how he made it seem.
He had made it seem as though Y/N was helpless, weak, and naïve. He knew better than that. He had watched her jump on the back of an HBC and stab him multiple times in the throat. With Y/N being taken under Benton’s wing at an early age, Harp learned early on that she was a force to be reckoned with.  
“Don't fashion me into a maiden who needs saving from the dragon.” Y/N chastised, face red with rage, “I am the dragon and I will eat you whole.”
A/N: I didn't really go over this for grammatical mistakes. I’m just trying to get into a habit of posting... thanks for the understanding. Feedback is always welcome xx
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normatural · 5 years ago
PAIRING┊Declan Harp x reader
A/N┊another something that I found on my drafts
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You never thought you would have the life you are living. Living in the forest, haunting animals to sell theirs skin, your only home being the man you loved, traveling all the time because being in a location for too long would be dangerous.
The sky was still dark and full of stars when you felt something move beside you, making every trace of sleep disappear and suddlently, your body was embraced by the cool weather of the night, sending chills on your spine. You cursed under your breathe, searching for the knife you always left under your coat when you noticed the place next to you was empty.
“Shh. It’s me” you didn’t notice your breath was being held until then. Letting go of the knife, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them only to find Declan standing in front of you, smirking at your reaction. “What would you do with the knife?” he arched his brows, eyes full of amusement. God, you are too adorable to scare someone and too kind to stab anyone.
“Kill them?” it sounded more like a question than an answer and you rolled your eyes when Declan laughed, moving his head. Why is that so funny? You could perfectly handle a situation like that.
“It’s too cold! Come back!” you asked, giving him your best puppy eyes, too tired to get in an argument about your fighting’s skills.
You turned to him, biting your lips to hold back a smile when he placed his large hands on your waist, bringing you close to his body making all the cold go away. You never understood how someone could be so warm even in the winter. You’d secretally think that he was a werewolf and that is the reason why he disappeared in most of the nights.
Little did you know that his past still visits him every night, usually as nightmares – they were usually the same, Benton coming and killing his ex wife and son in front of him but sometimes, you’d take the place of his old family and Declan would always be too late or unable to help. It killed him. So he keeps night in clear, making sure no one came near you. Making sure that he was ready to protect you doesn’t matter what because one he promised you that and Declan Harp is a man of words.
“Wish we could stay like this forever” you murmured, resting your head on his chest listening to every heartbeat, your eyes never left his. Doesn’t matter how many time you had spent together, his gaze would always be able to make you feel vulnerable, like he could read all your thoughts.
He didn’t said anything at first, just ran his hand on your hair so softly, lingering it on your cheek. Declan didn’t know how he was so lucky to find someone like you in a time like this. Someone who didn’t let the world you lived change the innocence in your soul. He was afraid to wake up alone on day and notices that everything was just a dream.
“I love you” he whispered, kissing your lips softly.
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 5 months ago
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This is the magic lucky word count. Reblog for creativity juice. It might even work, who knows.
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 10 months ago
My Alpha Ch. 4
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Donations | Send Thoughts Here | My Alpha Series | Ch. 3
(Thank you all so much for your patience while I get my hectic life sorted out. Here is Chapter 4!! Thankfully I've already finished the first half of chapter 5!) (For some reason my tags are not working, its only letting me tag a few of you and I don't know why. I will keep on tagging blogs if you want to be tagged though!)
Declan and you both sat in your fathers tent, you were trying to wrap your mind around what had happened but no one had seen. “One minute we were walking and talking just fine, the next, he was just…gone. Y/N…I swear I don’t know what happened.” Declan said quietly as you nodded, “it’s okay, I imagine he just lost his footing is all, at least you guys were able to get to him and he’s going to be okay.” you cleaned the scraps from your fathers head, looking back at Declan who sat on the cot on the other side of the tent. “he can’t travel in this condition.” he nodded, “We’ll stay until he’s good enough to travel again, until then, I'll watch over the pack and make the necessary adjustments, I'll put together smaller groups to gather different things such as wood for fires, hunting trips, etc. we’ll get this all figured out.” Declan nodded as you stood up and covered your father up. “Thank you,” you whispered as you walked out of the tent.  
Declan looked back at Arthur as he laid there in bed, breathing shallow and light. He could do it, he could end it now. He could do it for you. To protect you. 
Declan followed Arthur through the woods, the rifle slung on his back. He didn’t mind hunting, he actually liked it alot, however, he did not want to be out here with your father, he’d rather be sitting by the fire, you by his side as he listened to you tell story after story. He tuned Arthur out, walking on until he heard a few branches break behind him, looking back Arthur was gone. “Arthur?” but he was gone, “Arthur!” Declan shouted louder and began to walk back where the pack master had been just moments before. 
Declan looked around and saw him lying on a cliff about ten feet below the edge, he was unconscious, he had landed near the edge, and Declan knew it would be difficult to get to him, he also knew he could just jump down to him and kick him off. But, what kind of pain would that cause you? He hollered for the other alphas, so they could form a plan. 
You sat outside by the fire, warming up some tea and soup for the other alphas who were still awake. You were lost in thought when a hand touched your shoulder, causing you to gasp and jump slightly. Evan, another alpha in the group, who belonged with Marine, smiled down at you. “Evan, hey, what's up?” you asked standing up from the log you’d been sitting on. “I wanted to check on you. Arthurs going to be fine…I’m sure of it.” he smiled down at you. His eyes traveled from your face, down your unmarked neck, pausing for a moment at your pulse point before moving toward your chest. 
You visibly shivered and slightly pulled away from him, “I actually need to go check on him again, excuse me.” you tried to move but he grabbed your arm. “Why don’t I come with you? My dad is a doctor after all, so I know a thing or two.” he grinned, but it didn’t ease your nerves. It only made them worse. “Evan, that's nice but-” “We can handle it. Why don’t you go check in on your pregnant omega? Marine was asking for you earlier when we returned.” Declan's voice came from behind you as you felt his chest against your back. Evan looked at him, squaring his shoulders before he nodded a little. “Alright, just holler if you need anything.” he said before quickly walking back to his tent. 
You watched him go for a moment before you turned and looked up at Declan, the closeness between the two of you, made your cheeks grow hot, biting your lower lip at the feelings flooding your system, you glanced up at him. “Thank you,” you whispered. Declan swallowed and nodded, “I’ll always protect you.” he whispered back before he glanced around. Most of the pack were tucked away in their tents, and the few who remained outside were packing up for the evening to head in. You watched as the last camper climbed into their tent and zipped it up, before looking back at Declan. 
“I heated up some tea and soup if you want some…I’m sure you'd like to eat and go to sleep after the long day you’ve had.” you whispered as he stared down at you. “Honestly? I’m content just standing here talking with you…” he sighed, “But I imagine you have other things you need to take care of, and I don't want to stop you from doing whatever it is you need to do.” you instantly grabbed his forearm, “I don't.” you said urgently, “I just need to check on my father, if you give me a minute maybe we can continue our conversation from earlier?” 
Declan grinned and turned “that sounds great, I'll make us some bowls and I'll grab some glasses.” you smiled and walked back into your fathers tent checking on him, he was still sound asleep, his wound still looked good but you wanted to keep a close eye on him incase anything changed over night. 
After checking on your father, you rejoined Declan out by the fire and enjoyed some soup. “This is delicious,” Declan commented after a few minutes of silence. You smiled over at him, swallowing the bite you’d taken. “Thank you, Stews and soups are my most favorite foods,” you took a drink before turning toward him, “There's this festival, once a year in Italy, that is nothing but soups and stews! You can buy little sample jars from vendors and get recipe cards as well, it's so cool, I’ve always wanted to go…one day,” you smile was sad, as you looked back down at the bowl. 
“I’ve never been to Italy, but it sounds incredible. Maybe we can go together one day?” he asked as you grinned up at him, your eyes lighting up even in the dark evening. The flames danced across your skin in patterns, “I would love that,” you whispered as he scooted closer, “its chilly tonight, would you like my jacket again?” he asked as you moved closer to him automatically. “I don't want you to be cold,” you whispered. Declan chuckled and draped his jacket over your shoulders once again. “I’ll be okay. I just don’t want you to be cold.” You lifted your shoulder, pressing your nose into his jacket and breathing in before you scooted next to him, pressing yourself into his side. “I think I’ll be plenty warm right here,” you breathed out looking up at him from under your lashes. 
Declan wrapped an arm around you, pulling you even closer, though it was impossible and stared down at you. “I want to try something,” he whispered as you stared up at him with doe eyes. “Okay,” you breathed out as he lowered his head, his lips brushing yours gently. You closed your eyes feeling his lips graze yours; there was a spark the moment his lips touched yours. You pushed yourself against him, pressing your lips to his urgently. Declan’s hand found the back of your head instantly as he threaded his fingers through your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling like fire was pulsing through your veins. You craved to be closer to him in every way, craved the feeling of his skin against yours. 
Declan bit your lip, growling as you gasped, the need and hunger growing deeply in his soul. Time stood still as you melted together, feeling like your souls intertwined and the earth stopped moving beneath your feet. That tiny voice muttered in your brain, ‘True mates’ as your lungs felt like fire was igniting in them. Desperate for air, you pulled back slightly to catch your breath. 
“Wow,” you breathed out, panting softly. Your eyes remained closed as you pressed your forehead against his. “I’ve never felt that way before…” he stated in a husky breath as you met his stare.
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@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @traceyaudette @cevansbaby-dove
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dashesofink · 5 years ago
Soft Kisses
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Drabble: “What’d you have go and act all cute for?” @curvynerdfan
Pairing: Declan Harp x Reader
Word Count: 871
Warnings: none
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It was quite frustrating, having to constantly break up fights in the Ale House. If it wasn’t for Grace and her watchful eye, you were positive that you would’ve hit someone by now. Unfortunately for you though you knew that would mean immediate termination from your job. God, your hatred for the unruly men and flirtatious soldiers in Fort James were damn near driving you crazy. You hated how their eyes watched your every move, their lips turning into sadistic smirks. You could feel them undressing you with their eyes. But they all knew not to make a move. An unspoken threat had been made towards any man who dared to touch you, one that surprisingly wasn’t verbalized by you.
“Go on, y/n.” Grace interrupted your thoughts, her head nodding towards the back as she continued to wipe down a tankard that was previously filled with ale. “Take a break. You look like you need it.”
You felt relief pool in your stomach as you heaved out a sigh, the ale soaked rag in your hand falling into an empty barrel as you made your way to the back. “Thank heavens; I’m about ready to explode.” Pent up frustration could be heard in your words, Grace only chuckling at your comment before she turned back to another loud customer. You wasted no time in hurrying out of the back, not even thinking to grab your thick coat as you dashed through the wooden door and out into the chilly air.
Your breath clouded in front of you as you let out another sigh of relief, the palm of your hand pressing against your forehead to try and relieve the dull ache that had formed in your skull. The old wood of the Ale House scratched against your back as you leaned against the closed door. You wanted the day to end, badly. Your feet hurt, your hands were beginning to cramp and your once maroon apron was now stained an ugly brown from the amounts of ale that the rowdy customers had decided to slosh on the front of you. Just thinking about stepping back in there made you want to puke, but you knew you had too.
Having been so caught up in your ugly thoughts, you didn’t register another person nearing you as you sat against the back door. Hands suddenly grabbed a hold of your shoulders, and your front was suddenly flush against a firm chest as you were held tightly. Your sudden fright was washed away as you inhaled a familiar scent, your senses suddenly going into overdrive as you wrapped your arms around him. “Jesus, Declan.” Your words were muddled by his furred coat, your nose digging deeper into his chest as his warmth surrounded you. “You scared the shit out of me.”
A chuckle rumbled in Declan’s chest, his thick fingers gently brushing against your hair before he pulled away. “Rough day, huh?” His touch was gentle as he ran a finger down the side of your face, his eyes catching the frustration that knitted your eyebrows together. All you had to do was nod, your eyes falling away from his face and to the ground for his lips to form a frown. His fingers found your chin, his thumb running over the skin of your bottom lip as he turned your head to him. “Want me to knock some sense into—“
“No, no don’t do that.” You interjected. Your face went to his chest again as you wrapped your arms around him, a deep exhale being heard as you snuggled into his hold. “Just.. hold me, please.” His arms once again shrouded you in warmth, his fingers finding their place in your hair as he let out a small grunt. You squeezed your eyes shut, your lips forming into a small pout as you pressed yourself into Declan; all you wanted to do was snuggle into him and forget about work.
“What’d you have go and act all cute for?” Declan’s gruff voice reverberated in his chest as he leaned down, his lips dancing across the shell of your ear before he placed a single kiss to your jaw. You couldn’t help the laugh that came from you when his beard brushed against your skin, and you pulled away from his embrace slightly to peer up into his eyes. Things went quiet for a moment, his arms remaining protectively around your body as he brushed away a fallen strand of hair from your face.
“It’s unintentional.” Your voice held an air of joking in it as you shrugged. Your lips held a smirk as you pressed against your toes, your fingers grasping on to the sides of his face as you brought your lips towards his own. “Meet me tonight, after work?” You parted from him, your lips brushing against his for a moment as you glanced up to meet his gaze.
“Of course, sweetheart.” His fingers dug gently into your sides as he leaned down once more, his lips molding to yours softly, his eyes dancing with a look that you had grown to love. “Same place as last time?”
“Only if you don’t keep me waiting.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years ago
Debt Repaid
Pairings: Declan Harp x Reader (friendly)
Warning: None really
Word Count: 881
A/N: I just started watching Frontier and this idea has been beating me in the head for the past 24 hours.... so just to shut my muse up, here it is.
“Mummy! Mummy come look! A man!” You glanced over your shoulder at your five year old daughter, Colleen as she came running into your ‘house’ as you took the fur you were stretching off the rack.
“A man, ye say?” You asked as you untied one of the ropes, not putting much stock into your daughter’s claims. She nodded, sending her brown curls flying around her round face.
“Yes, mummy. He’s really big and he’s all red!” You sighed, slightly annoyed with the interruption and abandoned your work.
“A’right, lass. Le’s go see.” She squealed and took off running as you grabbed your furs from the table and pushed past the layers of skins you used as a door. A slight shiver ran up your spine from the cold and snow that blanketed the world, covering it with a layer of peaceful silence that you loved so much. You followed your daughters foot steps and the sounds of her little laughs down to the river. You almost prayed there was a man down there, since no one had found your hidden home in the five years since you built it.
“See mummy!” Colleen said as she pointed to a canoe that was floating slowly down the river. Your stomach turned as your face searched the blood covered, sickly man that was sprawled out inside. A man that you owed your and Colleen’s life too.
Declan Harp.
“Moth’a’a Christ.” You grumbled as you threw off your furs. “Colleen, ye stay there, ye hear?” She nodded her head as you waded out into the ice cold water. “Bloody ‘ell ye doin, Declan?” You asked more to yourself through chattering teeth as you grabbed the front of the canoe and dragged it behind you to shore. He mumbled something incoherently as you heaved the boat onto the snow covered banks.
“Colleen, grab mummy’s coat an’ go back ta the ‘ouse.” You groaned as you tied the front line of the boat around your hips. With every ounce of strength you had, you started the long trek through the woods to your house to repay the debt of life you had.
“Colleen, I won’ tell ye ‘gain, leave ‘im alone.” You scolded as you built up a fire to get your small, oddly shaped wood cabin warm in an attempt to sweat out the fever Declan had. Your daughter dropped the bandage she was looking under and looked back at you as innocently as she could.
“Wha’s wrong wit’ ‘im, mummy?” She asked as she climbed off the bed and came over to sit by the fire.
“‘e’s a boo-boo.” You said simply as you glanced over at Declan, who was curled into himself on your bed. His eyes fluttered frantically and sweat poured off his forehead from the infection. Colleen sat beside you as you reorganized the logs in the flames.
“Ye make ‘im betta, mummy?” You nodded and glanced up at Declan once more.
“Mummy’s gon’ try, wee one.” She nodded again as you stood up and adjusted your wet dress and under garments and Declan’s shirt and pants in front of the fire to dry. “Time for bed, luv.” Colleen nodded and got up to lay back down next to your visitor on the only bed you had in your home. With a sigh, you tucked her in under a couple furs and gently kissed her forehead. “Sleep, lit’l luv.” She whispered ‘good night’ and scooted a bit closer to Declan and the warmth his fever was emitting. You shook your head and sighed as you pulled a wobbly chair over beside the fire and settled in for the night.
“Where’m I?” You glanced up on night three as you made yourself more arrows after two of your broke on the hunt earlier that day.
“M’ouse.” You said softly as Declan looked at the little girl that was curled up against him, sound asleep, with her thumb in her mouth. “She thinks she’s keepin’ ye warm though you’ve been doin’ more of tha’.” He nodded slowly as he studied your face in the glow of the fire light.
“I know you.” He said weakly as he tried to sit up, almost instantly regretting the choice and laying back down.
“I’d ‘oped as much. Ye saved m’life ‘bout six years past. ‘er’s too.” He glanced down at your little girl again and his brow furrowed as he tried to place her. “Ye saved a pregnant woman in a blue dress. Told me ta run an’ neva look back when Lord Benton killed m’husband.”
“It’s you.” You nodded slowly as you added your arrow to the quiver beside you.
“Aye. Tis I.”
“I always wondered what happened to you.” You grabbed a jug of water and got up out of your chair.
“I ran… an’ I neva looked back.” You sat beside him and helped him drink. With careful hands, you checked under the make shift bandages on his chest. “You’ll need ta take it easy, luv. Ye nearly died. Ye can stay ‘ere ’til ye get betta.” He nodded at you as he looked up and met your eyes.
“I need to kill Benton.” You nodded at him as you gave him a little more water.
“Ye will. An’ It’ll be bea’u’tiful.”
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 11 months ago
Wide awake due to some pain with my wrist. Soooo keep me company until I pass back out? ☺️
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imamotherfuckingstar-lord · 7 years ago
Imagine being pregnant with Declan’s baby
For @scarlett-duncan -First time writing Declan, sorry of it’s OOC
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The crackling of the fireplace woke you, eyes heavy with tiredness and body aching in mild pain. Shifting in the bed, you tried to sit up, but were far too weak. Remembering the fall, your hand went to your stomach, afraid the baby was hurt.
“He moved.”
Declan’s voice came from the doorway and you looked up with relief. “How do you know?”
“I felt him,” he assured you, walking over with a wash cloth. “He is strong.”
Resting back down, you ran a hand up and down your stomach. “Like his father.”
“And his mother,” Declan said, kneeling to your side to place the damped cloth over your forehead. “You have to rest, no going out with the others.”
“Is that an order or a request?”
Declan’s eyes gazed over your entire body and he looked out the window, as if contemplating the question. Although his reputation as the untamed, ruthless trader was every bit true - when it came to you, he was just a man in love.
“Don’t worry,” you smiled softly and reached for his hand. “I wouldn’t do anything to put our boy in danger.”
“I failed once at protecting my family, I won’t make that mistake again.”
Delcan brought your hand up to his face and pressed a quick kiss onto your skin before reaching both hands down to your stomach. His fingers sprawled against the fabric of your clothing, a small smile pulled from his lips when a sudden jerk moved against his hand.
“Our son will be strong.”
“Yes, my love. Very strong.”
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ananriel · 5 years ago
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How come no one is writing about this man? At least as Declan Harp cuz damm it🤤 is anyone else thinking the same or is just me with the thirst for big bearded men?🤔🤔
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boogiewrites · 4 years ago
A Girl Walks Into A Bar 16
Characters: Declan Harp x Bella Fiore (OFC)
Summary: Modern Declan harp AU. Bella and Declan spend the morning after getting to know each other better. In bed.
Contains/ TW: FLUFF. SEX.
Click on my screen name then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please leave a like, reblog or comment if you enjoyed this! It makes me want to write more of what you want if you let me know!
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Unlike times before when Bella had woken up in a bed that wasn’t hers, she didn’t have to think about where she was or who she was with. She most certainly knew. She quickly killed the flux of panic that instinctually rose as she opens her eyes and comes to. Instead of wondering how to find her clothes in a dimly lit strangers room and how to try to do it without waking them, she only had to worry about needing to pee and leaving the comfort and warmth of Declan’s tan, space heater, demi sun god body that was wrapped around hers. When she first met him she wouldn’t have pegged him for a cuddler but she was quickly growing more fond of its practice than she’d wanted to admit.
They were in their usual entangled position but unlike times before they were both completely naked. The sun beams through the black curtain on his window, just barely dampening the light. She could hear the noises of the street, cars, and dogs barking, mumbled conversations as they passed by the bar on the sidewalk. With his room lit, she could see the aged and worn brick of the walls, the minimal approach he had to decorating if you could even call it that. A tomahawk on the wall, the same neon sign he must’ve turned off at some point, or perhaps it was on a timer. She takes a deep breath to kick start her brain, knowing the weight in her bladder needs seeing to. She was hungover just slightly, an ache in her body that wasn’t caused by him. The adjusting of her hips told her there was plenty of ache from the waist down to recall the night before fondly. Still wet between the legs, a simple shift makes her nose twitch as she’s aware of the physical need she still harbors for him. Looking at him in the golden light was doing no favors to make her want him any less.
She pushes away and it causes him to wake. With a roar of a yawn and a rub of his face, he looks over to her with one open eye as she sits on the edge of the bed, fluffing her wild, sex bed head hair and giving him a sleepy smirk.
He grunts and watches her body move and jiggle towards the bathroom door. He didn’t have to ask what she was doing, he was becoming quickly aware he had to do much the same. Catching her by surprise as he stands outside the door. She jumps and gives him a wrinkled nose of playful warning at his sneaky greeting. Still no words, none were needed, a kiss to her head before she found her clothes and put them in one spot and pulled on her dress to trot quickly down the stairs, scurrying back up just as fast with the overnight bag she’d very wisely packed. She wipes the remnants of the night before's makeup off as he walks through the door and sees her in her dress already.
“You...leaving already?” She could hear the hurt in his voice and she would be lying if it didn’t feel good in a manipulative way to hear it.
“No,” She shakes her head and throws the wipe away into a small wastebasket by his bed. She peels off the dress and moves back to the bed. “Just wanted to get my makeup off.” She says and yawns. “Had to get my bag. Didn’t know if anyone was downstairs so I put on clothes.” She explains and he slides in next to her.
Instead of words he pulls her into him and kisses her. Thanking her for staying with him. The kiss lingers, hands slow on each other’s bodies and lazily sucking away at their skin. “Mmph.” She lets out with a fully content sigh as she lays on her back and pushes her hair back, sleepy eyes focused on his soft expression. “Guess this makes it official huh?”
“What?” He asks with a lowered brow and moving to lean over her, a soft kiss to her lips.
“This.” She breathily exhales. “Us.” With her hands lightly scratching his shoulders as she smiles up at him, a hand gently pushing back his hair and gazing at the handsome face that looked as happy as she’d ever seen it.
“Mmm.” A happy noise of approval comes from his smiling lips. “Does it?” He kisses her softly again.
“Does to me.” She answers quietly as his lips move to her jaw.
“We’re official?” He asks rhetorically. “You’re mine now?” He innocently asks with a press of his lips to her ear.
She hadn’t expected the words to hit her so hard, to fill her chest up with warmth and butterflies but it did. “Yeah. Yours.” She gives a soft closed mouth smile only for herself as she was the only one to see it as he hummed and kisses her shoulder. “That feels weird to say.”
“Why’s that?” He asks with a nod of his head as he laid back and stretched, both hands scratching into his dark curly hair.
“It’s… been awhile.” She admits and sits up on her elbow looking over the parts of him that weren’t covered with the soft and worn grey plaid comforter. “I’ve been a loner of sorts for years and being...a duo, a partner to someone changes things.” She doesn’t sound sad about it but her face looks it as sleep still holds to her.
“You don’t have to change. I'd prefer it if you didn’t actually. Kinda like you.” He comforts her and keeps his dark sleepy eyes on her with her hair flipped over to one side and the sunlight gleaming off her shoulder.
“I like you too.” She grins and leans over him for a kiss. “A whole hell of a lot more than I ever intended to.” She adds with a playful jab and runs her hand down his chest. “I mean you’ve always been nice but...all this?” She quirks a brow and walks her fingers down his stomach.
He grins like a kid getting praised. Eyes closing as his cheeks rise. “Aw Bells.” He lets out and rubs his face with a chuckle.
“Really. I’m serious.” She insists. “So much of you and it's all good.” She lets out a sight giggle and kisses his chest. “Let me get a good look at you in the light this time.” She says moving to her knees and pulling the cover down his naked body slowly. She watches every dip and divot appear, all with a slight layer of fuzz at the least. “Declan, Declan, Declan.” She tsks and shakes her head, pouted lips in tease soon used against his collar bones. “You’ve been working out haven’t you?” She grins and meets his eyes, throwing her hands and knees on either side of him, kisses slowly going down his torso.
“Mmm.” A low pleasurably groan comes from him first. “Yeah.” He nods and reaches down to push back her hair to see her naughty smile she was giving him. He gets to see her thighs, soft against him and looming, her ass shifting and up in the air as she makes her way down his body with her mouth. His cock stirs at the attention, her chest a slow drag with her hard nipples and their decorative bars across his half-hard length.
“Look at you baby…” she whispers and plants single kisses down his almost lean stomach. “Gonna be hard to keep my hands off you.” She gives a genuine smile, the intentions were clear as her mouth pressed against the very base of his heavy cock where it lay thick and full, aroused but not hard.
A groan escapes the back of his throat as he watches her kneel and kiss her way down his hips to his thighs. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to look at her ass swaying in the air or her mouth and tongue aa she lightly christened the soft fur of his upper thighs. He’d never been treated so...well before. She treats him as if he’s a gift she’s opening, a kiss before every touch, nuzzling her way to him, Laying with wide parted legs and her between them.
She lets out a moan, her mouth watering at the sight of him before her, now twitching and bobbing and slowly becoming unsheathed she makes him squirm with playful kisses to his inner thighs, teasing by his balls. “I wanna taste you.” She whispers, hovering over his most sensitive parts as they react to every exhale against them. “Wanna feel this thick cock in my mouth…” she places one kiss as he swears, his fingers shifting and picking at the covers by his sides. “....in my throat.” She smirks and gives one long line of tongue from his head to his base and it causes his nose to twitch, and lip to snarl for a moment like an animal. “Can I show you how I like it, baby?” She looks into his eyes and gently kisses his growing length.
“Fuck yes you can.” He almost moans out to a slyly smiling Bella.
Without a word she takes him into her hands, a soft back and forth fondle to rouse him fully before light and loose strokes. “Such a nice cock Declan.” She coos up at a strung-out looking creature who is breathing had already picked up. “I’d ask if you could handle me again but….” she kneels again, a long lick to his balls as she gently stroked him. “....these heavy balls say you could fuck me all day and still want more.”
His toes twitch, a soft “Fuck.” Under his breath, as she starts the process. Bella’s mouth becomes well acquainted with the weighted set of balls between his thick thighs. One in her mouth, then two and tongue bathing him like a cat makes his feet twitch and legs bend and pull back at the contact. He’d never had this sort of attention paid to him. Her noises of enjoyment and shut eyes lead to him having a throbbing and leaking cock that demanded her attention next.
With a slow tease, relishing in small gasps and twitches she plants a simple kiss first. Slowly she kisses his exposed head with tongue, him panting at the sensitivity of the veined underside of his cock. Bit by bit she takes him into her mouth and sucks gently. Precum and saliva mix to make him glisten. She knows she can almost take him, but if she wanted a good face fucking she’d have to get used to him. The thought of more already had her drooling. Which actually helped in this instance.
She introduces the combo of her hands and mouth, working in a rhythmic tandem and making him give up and lay his head back on the pillow with a moan. “Good baby?” She asks with spit running down her lips, her hands still working him.
“Fuck Bella you...yes.” He rubs his face and nods.
She smiles with a sense of triumph. She transitions now and places her hands on the bed next to him. She takes him down deeper each time and hears him moan as he watches. Her eyes shut and lashes fanned, hair flipped to one side to give him a full view of her work as she took him down. She pushes until she can’t, her throat closing around him as he grunts at the feeling. Then she readies herself and does it again, and again until she’s gagging and shaking her head, then gasping as she slides him out. The look on his face was worth any discomfort.
“You don’t gotta..”
“Shhh.” She says, pouted lips to his head. “I like it.” She gives sloppy kisses up and down the side of his cock.
“You...like…? Fuuhhh-ck.” He whines and looks at her with enchanting dark eyes.
“Mmmm Hmmm.” She nods. “Use your hands.” she requests. “I like em in my hair, hold my head, I’m a big girl I can take it.” She grins before taking him down in a noisy wet slurp.
“Fuck Bella you’re… too much.” He chuckles out a breathy laugh.
She hums contently around him and he gives in, growing from gentle strokes of her wild loose curled hair to two of his big hands on either side of her head as she moaned around him in contentment. She loves the feeling of fullness he gave her like she could get lost in the act with him and let herself get overtaken by it. He was a bit shy in body language and words at first but the longer she moaned and insisted he could go harder the more vocal he became. Bella loved it when a man moaned. A deep rumble and whine that no one else got to hear. The panting and heavy breathing giving the feeling of her being in control of the pleasure despite his hands on her made her wet. She knew he was loving it and she was getting off on the deep, delicious sounds coming from his mouth.
He pistons his hips, ass tending to push into her mouth, hands holding back her hair, and watching her lips wrap around him, her dark lashes flitter as her eyes rolled every time he swore at her. “I’m gonna come if you-“
“Come.” She says in a single breath as she slips off and onto him seamlessly.
“You su-?” His voice cracks as his lower stomach twitches in preparation from her insistence.
“I said I wanted to taste you.” She gives a smirk as she sucks along the underside of his cock, hand working him as she speaks. “Come in my mouth Declan.” She moans with her tongue out and mouth wide open over his exposed head before taking him back down and forcing a moan out from deep within in.
“Fuck Bella….shit…” he whines as his hips give over to their natural called rhythm to do what he was made to. There had always been something about a woman insisting he come inside her that would make him want to do just that as soon as possible. His balls tense and he wants to tell her how good she is, how good it feels but the orgasm takes his ability to do so away. “Fuck baby...gonna-“ was hard enough to manage through the growing tension.
“Mmmm Hmmm.” She nods and keeps working him, faster still and every gulp and wet sex sound makes him release into the warmth of her mouth. She hears the first guttural moan. A low and forced grunt that turns almost sweet as it goes on and fades with each pulse of his cock against her lower lip. He sounded so lost in it, so masculine but not messy that her thighs tensed in reaction to the sounds. She moans and hums, giving him more enthusiasm for something so effortless from him than he deserved. He knew that, and soon after he was a few ounces lighter he felt those love hormones swimming around his brain and making her glow in his vision for being an angel for doing this with such vigor for him. He wanted to repay the favor.
She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue before a gentle kiss to his head. “So much for just having fucked last night.” She smirks and rises to her knees.
He moves fast and wraps his arms around her waist. Pushing her to her back and kissing her throat. “Fuck baby.” He exhales and hums against her skin. “You’re fuckin’- ung.” He grunts and takes a handful of her teardrop-shaped breast and begins kneading.
“I was hungry.” She lets out a playful laugh that makes his eyes shut and feel the vibration in her body from it. God that sounded nice.
“Wait-are you hungry?” A quick perk of his head up to look at her makes her laugh and shakes her head at him. What his earnest inquisitiveness failed to notice was the sparkling of her green eyes up at him for the endearing and deadly charming care he was trying to give her.
“No.” She gives him a soft smile. “Not what I meant you big…” She sighs and wrinkles her nose at him, her hand brushing his cheek and tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. “You’re being sweet. Stop it.” She smirks and deflects.
“I’m surprised I can form words at all after that.” He gives her a lazy smile and she rolls her eyes. “But maybe IM hungry now.”
“You want brunch?” She asks with a tilt of her head. He gives her the same laugh she’s just given him.
“Not what I meant.” He grins and begins kissing down her sternum and she snorts a small laugh at him.
“How about a shower first?” She asks while grabbing his face by both his tanned and freckled cheeks. “Then we have a snack before brunch?” She rises to pop up and kiss his lips.
“You are snack.” He snarls back and she groans.
“Why did I ever teach you that word?” She chuckles.
“Because I am painfully out of touch. Your words.”
“How about you get painfully touchy with me then?” She wiggles her eyebrows and now its his turn to roll his eyes. “I thought you wanted a shower?”
“I meant with you. Duh.” She shakes her head at him.
“Ah. Well, that I can do.” He grins proudly despite his smushed cheeks between her hands.
She watches him move to the doorway first, lust still apparent in her eyes as she watched his tall and broad body move. The muscles just under a layer of fat in all the right places to make him soft and not hard. Bella likes soft, she was herself.
“Comin’?” He asks after turning the water on.
“I mean I hope so.” She jokes and he gets to watch her feminine form move towards him, his hands already wanting to touch her again.
“Get in there you smart ass.” He gives her a slap to her cheek, a glorious loud sound with a rippling wobble following it. She grins and lets the water hit her neck and chest as it warms. A blanket of goosebumps wash over her body, her tits getting taut and hard. A tiny shiver following the blooming path. He stares for a moment at her, every part of her as soft and warm looking as the next. She was a landscape of rolling, round hills, and valleys. Strong shoulders set to equal width as her wide hips, Curbing outward and framing the valley of her thighs that was home to a delightfully full and soft mound the protruded past them. A soft fuzz of black hair covers her, full soft lips pressed together by the weight of her legs like they were puckering for a kiss. He wanted to oblige them.
“It’s warm.” She offers, standing to the side of the long installed shower-bath. She assumes he’s waiting for the water to be less fridged but he’d gotten distracted by finally being able to fulfill his fantasies of seeing her naked.
He doesn’t answer with words. He only slides in front and she scoots to the back as he pulls the curtain shut. With the hairband she keeps around her worst she pulls her hair up to keep it from getting too wet. After splashing and rubbing his face, not caring about the dampness of his hair, he turns to see her smirking and checking out his ass. “Getting a good show?” He jokes and helps her move back towards the water by holding her shoulders in the narrow tub space.
“I have no complaints.” She gives him a rather cheesy smile. She watches him stretch and moves to reach outside of the shower and grab a washcloth from the shelf. With focus on the task at hand, he grabs the soap out of the shower caddy hung under the head and looks down at her as he soaks everything in his hands.
“You get yourself wet and I'll do the rest.” He grins and leans down to kiss her with a playful peck.
“Done.” She laughs before turning and actually using her hands to rub down her body.
She feels his hand graze down her back and over the arch of her ass before making its way between her legs to look for proof. She hums happily and spreads her legs, bending forward slightly to welcome the touch. “You aren’t lying.” His voice takes a deeper turn that was less playful than before.
“I typically don’t.” She snarks back and wiggles her hips his way as his finger tease just inside her lips.
He grunts, wishing he could just bend her over and have his way in the moment but he wasn’t about to go at it without a condom on the second round. “Turn around. Let me get my hands on you.” With a rather amorous face, she smiles and watching his expressions shift as she lets his hands slide over her body, his breathing slow and deep as his large hands squeeze every soft bit of her. “At this point can I say I like your tattoos without it being gross?” He smiles and meets her eyes again, rubbing his fingers down her sternum where a dagger with a crystal heart in the hilt sat.
“Yes,” She nods and gives another soft smile. “You get to see all of them now. No one else has ya know.” She begins rubbing down her stomach past older nautical stars at her hips and down to he half-hidden filigree that decorated her mound.
“Really?” He says surprised, hands over her shoulders where her roses sat.
“Mmm hmm. I’ve been getting more the past few years and... well... I’ve not been with anyone so...” She gives a small shrug as her hands take soap from her body and begin to rub on his chest.
“Lucky me.” He says with a sweeter tone for the vulnerability and honesty she was giving him, leaning in to give her a kiss to her cheek before moving slowly to her lips. Their hands kept moving, spreading the slick suds as their kiss grew deeper. His hands slid over her arms, over the glowing lantern on the back of her arm and to her back where multiple others lay including a moth on her shoulder that paired with the lantern. “Turn around and let me see the rest.” He whispers into her mouth, hands never leaving her body. “That’s cute.” He chuckles, thumb rubbing into the heart on her ass.
“Yeah it is.” She chuckles.
“And this…” hands at her hips and running over a lipstick print under the heart.
“Fairly obvious.” She rolls her eyes and he leans in to kiss her neck near her hairline.
“Is it a target or a threat?” He smiles into the soft fluffy bun of hair.
“Mmm...for you? Both.” She laughs as he moves one hand between her legs to distract her as he sees the naked and bound woman, a female Baphomet on her back.
“This one isn’t cute though.” He coos at her.
“Mmm mmm.” She shakes her head no. “That one is most definitely my sexiest.”
“A horned demon bound in those strategic ropes...you projecting there at all?” He grins but she can’t see it, only hears it in his voice.
“Guess you’ll find out huh?”
He gives her a low hum and makes her muscle tense where he’s teasing between her legs.
“Yeah, you might need to brush up on your knots.”
“I already know plenty.” She can feel the cockiness in his voice as it croons her way.
“Ah. Are you a rigger?”
“A...What’d you call me?”
“Oh my god Declan!” She turns and slaps him in the chest before she leaves her mouth open and laughs, reaching back and giving his cheek a slap. “A RIGGER. You know, rope bunny’s and riggers?”
“I sadly do not.” She can tell she’s piqued his interest. “Whats that?” He nods a single time with his chin towards her to coax her.
“Rope bunnies like getting tied up. Riggers do the tying to put out it simply. There’s usually a power play with dominant and submissive to it.”
“And you’re a submissive?” He quirks an eyebrow at her.
“I’m a switch. A verse.” She shrugs with her explanation. “I like both roles.” She dumbs it down for him. “I would like to see you bound up.” Her hands squeeze his lean arms as she slides down them. “It’d look so good on this big body of yours.” He sees she means it in her eyes and how her chest sighs as she looks him over.
“I’ve never been tied up.” He admits and reaches back to cup her ass, giving it a slight massage.
“I’d love to be the first to do it.” She practically purrs up at him. “I’d love to make a mess of you, baby.” She wrinkles her nose in a cute bunny-like way to show her support. Her hands reaching down to fondle his balls and wrap around his length were even more convincing.
“I think you’re going about talking me into it the right way.” A breathy voice confesses as she bites her lip and continues using the soap to her advantage.
“Not too hard to talk you into sex.” She smirks. “Unlike this cock.” She begins a slow stroke of him with both hands up her stomach. She bites her lip and watches his face, eyes shutting as he slumps and lets out a soft breath. The bow of his upper lip captivates her as they open and close before his dark golden eyes flutter open and meet hers. He was almost always warm and inviting, especially towards her. But when he was in the moment with her, pleasure clear on his face with the softness to his heavy brow and defined pink lips he was truly gorgeous. He caught her off guard for a second, eyes fully connecting and catching each other at a moment of weakness and reflection. The slow rise and fall of her chest he notices, seeing the facade fade away from her face as he sees her soft, lips parted and no hardness or attitude across the olive-toned planes, only darling freckles, and bright green eyes giving away the woman she was underneath her hardened exterior.
“Let’s wash this off baby, I wanna take you back to bed.” He tells her with a soft kiss that makes her eyes flutter shut. He drips water onto her back with his hands, and she does the same for him. In silence, they run their hands over each other as they explore the new playgrounds they get to call their own.
As she steps out of the shower and dabs a towel to herself, him following suit, she walks slowly backward out of the room and towards the bed. “You’ll have to start slow with whatever you plan on doing. You left me sore from last night.” She says with a smile that wasn’t the least bit scolding about the fact.
“I plan on it.” He nods and drops his towel to the side haphazardly. “Don’t wanna give you any reason to run off.” He grins and walks proudly to the side table and takes another condom out and lays it on the corner of the bed for later. “I’ve still gotta repay the favor from earlier...remember?” He leans in and kisses her, she sat on the bed as his hands rest at her sides, lowering himself to his knees.
“Wasn’t a favor.” She mumbles into his mouth as they share a connected kisss.
“I’m reciprocating then.” He chuckles back at her fuss over the words. “Gotta taste you too. Only fair.” He moves to kiss down the bend of her neck. “I d thought about my head between these big thighs more times than I’d like to admit.” He whispers against her shoulder, eyes shut and hands roaming her hips and the thighs he spoke of.
“So have I.” A smirk grows on her face, head tilted to the side to give him access to her neck, “Except I’ll admit it.” A huff of a laugh escapes her as he gives a small and playful bite to her neck that draws a relaxed moan out of her.
His hands cup her breasts and bring them together for his mouth to admire. Sucking and lapping at her pierced and hard nipples, taking them into his mouth forcefully then teasing with pink and puckered lips made her rest on her hands and sigh, head falling back as she enjoyed herself.
“Mmph, That mouth feels so good on my tits I bet it’s even better on my pussy.” She revs him up as he bites into the meat of her for a moment, feeling her approval as she shifted her hips in anticipation.
He moves quickly to keep her on her toes, not linger too long even though he could focus on the feeling of the cold bars against his tongue for far longer than he’d gotten to yet. Shifting her back, he spreads her legs and pushes into the bed to open her up to him. She was soft and round everywhere it seemed. A thin layer of black hair barely masking the olive, plump lips that just barely hid an already hard clit at their peak, insides wet and pink and hot. He considered how every part of her that he’d seen hasn’t been disappointing in the least, and how he’d gotten so lucky as to be chosen to see any piece of her.
She catches his attention, leaning up on one elbow and reaching down to slide her fingers between her lips and spread them for him. She teases her clit, well-manicured nails circling it as she bites her lip at him. “You be nice to this fat little pussy, Declan.” She coos and gives the bouncy lips that encased everything a firm little slap that made him groan. “Get her nice and ready before you give me that big cock again.” Her tone was so confident and lusty he moans as he watches her face deliver it to him.
With a low growl and a hoarse “Fuck…” he kisses her inner thighs. Not wasting much time he begins with a broad lick up her center, his pointed tongue grazing over the full bud that makes her let out an audible exhale.
As he moves between her lips, his strong nose nuzzling above her slit and clit, he finds the spot he’s after easily as it twitches and throbs under his touch. She watches as his dark eyes close and he focuses, sucking and lapping away at her. He wastes no time in centering his efforts on her clit, seeing his hands on her thighs to hold her apart as she reaches up to tweak her nipples, watching his lovely head of hair calling out for her hands to be buried in it.
She can feel the mixed juices dripping down her center, a faint tickle as his lips attach to her and she moans out again, head falling back and chest heaving as she whines for him. With a slurp he finds his place on her, a spot she’s trembled at every time and goes in on it, one hand moving to around his twitching cock and the other fingers now teasing outside her soaked entrance.
With a whine she pleads, “Declan, baby, yes, use your fingers.” Her hips buck as he gives her what she asks of him. Slowly adding one and two more to ease the ache from the night before and have her shaking beneath him. He wanted to finish her off with a bang, give her something to show he was more than what they’d done the night before.
As she calls out his name, now fully giving over to the feeling with breathy moans and pleas for more he pulls away. She barely has time to whimper for the loss, nearing orgasm she wants to swear at him, but when she meets his eyes she sees them dark again and knows he’s not abandoning his goal but only going about it in a different way.
He grabs her roughly, which is how she preferred, and flips her to her stomach. He lifts and moves her with ease which only adds to her hunger for him. Yanking her hips up she feels the heavy heat of him being slapped then rubbed on her pussy lips and she wiggles her ass at him, biting her lip and moaning for more.
“Yes, fuck, please.” She groans for her favorite position to be connected. He hurried rolls down the condom over himself and goes back to teasing her.
“You want it like this baby?” He growls with all playfulness gone and she tries to back up on him herself.
“YES!” She snarls back, turning to look at him, “I want to bounce off that big cock, I’m close, fuck me, hard.” She slurs out with a tight jaw and he notched inside her, watching her mouth fall open. A tiny squeaked “Yes.” And a fast nod as he pushes in deeper and he watches her fall apart in front of him. Something his whole body reacts to as she moans and lets her head fall down, swearing and hips bucking as each breath became louder than the last.
He filled her up so completely, the stretch no longer pain but pleasure and hitting deep inside her from the vulnerable position she was in. She gives herself over to it and he gets to really watch her fall apart. Her head the side, hair flipped wildly and eyes rolling and fluttering.
“You want me nice and hard baby?” He almost coos at her, leaning over her as she grips into the sheets and pushes back on him.
“Fuck yes. Harder. Make me come. I want you to make me come.” An almost helpless whine as she writhes for him, being so close she just needed the extra push.
With a hard slap to her ass first which made her let out a pleased hum and bounce it at him, he grabs her wide-set hips and pushes himself against her fully. “Fuck Bells…” He exhales, watches her body shift and wiggle with a need for him. “Here it fuckin is baby girl.” A deep moan comes from her half-collapsed body, face now on the bed.
“Fuuuuck.” She groans, eyes still rolled back.
“You o-“
“YES! Fuck me hard Declan.” She scolds and pushes back into him with a slap. Soon the skin to skin thud is at a fast rhythm and she’s calling out for him, various dirty praise for how well he fit inside her and moaned orders for more. He couldn’t hold back with her, and he didn’t want to. He was used to being too much for girls both in and out of bed, too big, too loud too rough but not for Bella. He got to grit his teeth and slam that fat ass of hers against his hips over and over, watching her ripple with every hit. His hands fit so well on her hips to keep her close and hitting fast as she only wanted more from him. He got to let go, to grunt and growl and her praise only grew the more he lost himself. He tests her threshold, a firm spank to her ass that makes her let out a delighted squeal.
“You like that big fuckin ass baby? Like it bouncing off your cock like this?” She asks with a burst of faint laughter to her voice, pure happiness in the moments before she finally came where he was giving her exactly what she needed. She didn’t have to tell him, hold her hips, harder, slap her ass, he just did it and the freedom in that was something she’d never had before. No one had kept pushing, listened to her body language. She found herself nearing her peak and wanted to take him down with her.
He couldn’t form words but only growled and pulled her cheeks apart after another sharp slap. She rose up on her hands again, pushing back and moaning with every deep thrust, one hand out back on his on her hip to new him close.
“I’m so close.” She cries, him moaning at the sight of her chest bouncing and her eyes met with his and blown with lust. “Want you to come too.” She insists through broken breaths. “Wanna feel you come inside this tight little cunt Declan. Fuckin fill me up baby, I need it.”
“God damnit.” Be moans and it turns to a rumble as his balls tighten. He grabs a handful of her hair and she lets out a maniacal laugh.
“Oh fuck yes baby, just like that. Fucking take it.”
He gives her another sharp spank and he feels her tighten around him. “So fuckin good Bella.” He growls and grits his teeth. “Fuckin come for me, baby girl. Fuck me I wanna feel this wet pussy come around me. So fuckin bad.”
She’d gotten him to give in and talk back. Exactly what she wanted. She liked it filthy and rough and this second round was even better than the first. Any hesitation she’d had of them being sexually compatible was lost and she squeals again at his words.
“Fuckin make me.” She snarls and he yanks her hair back, her mouth falling open and crying out as the angle hit deep and hard, his hands so hard on her as he hit harder and faster, just like she needed. Every rough pound was punctuated by a higher-pitched moan than the last. He feels the shaking begin in her thighs and he lets her hair go, putting all his energy into fucking her as hard as he could and he’s rewarded with loud shouts of swearing and his name, her telling him he’s going to make her come and he wants it so bad at that moment he cries out when he feels her let go around him. She comes like an animal, all gnashing teeth and growls and groans. Words he couldn’t understand as she tried to breathe and shout and speak at the same time. She collapses again, her body shivering and he yanks her up by her hair.
“That's it you fuckin beast. Fuck me. Fuckin come you big mother fucker.” She barks out he leans over her, arm around her stomach as he shoves into her slower but harder as she eggs him on and he comes as she’s demanding, and loudly. Which is exactly how she liked it. She wanted a man that used sex just like she did, to get lost and forget everything else. To explore each other and pure pleasure. And he was panting, gasping, sweat plinking onto her skin he grunted and groaned as his body spasmed and shook over her, feel the faint jump of him cock inside her.
“Fuck.” He gasps and it comes out much higher than he anticipated. “Ugh, fuck.” A lower groan accompanied it as his hands shook and he pulled out of her body after releasing the rest of her from his grasp. “God damnit, Bella.” He moans as he ties and tosses the condom and collapses with a loud racket to the bed on his front. “Gonna fuckin kill me with that mouth.”
She’s left smiling and panting just the same, laying on her side and looking at the fine specimen next to her. “You’re good Harp. You bring it out in me.” She hums happily and lets her body lose its tension. She lays on her back and basks in the afterglow. “ I like it when you try to kill me with yours.” She grins and runs her fingers down his back and he shivers.
“Mmm.” He says in a reflecting way. “You seem to like the dirty talk a bit.” He smirks and puts his cheek against the bed and faces her.
“A bit.” She keeps the same satisfied smile on her face, fluffing her hair and glowing as she gets that long missed satisfied tiredness in her body he’d left.
“Should I say you’re a slut for it?” He snorts, a playful delivery so he didn’t get slapped.
"I think you’re into something there big guy.” She snickers and gives his ass a good smack.
“Christ. Let me be woman.” He commands dramatically and half-assed swats at her hands trying to touch him.
“I am hungry now.” She says and lays back again, hands to herself. “After I come back down to earth the hangover will start settling in.” She rubs her face. “I’m too old to drink like I do.” She groans.
“I got Gatorade in the fridge.” He mumbles.
“You are a saint.” She rolls over and kisses his shoulder.
“Nah. Just an alcoholic.” He chuckles, a lazy smile on his face as she pushed back his hair.
“Guess we’ll go to AA together then. Because I just think having electrolytes around makes you proactive.” She nods approvingly.
“You grab me one?” He asks after she sits up.
“Yeah.” She answers with an obvious tone. “Then we get brunch?” She asks and plays a drumbeat on his bare butt cheeks and laughs.
“Yes. You’ve got me fuckin starving.”
“Same.” She leaves with one final slap. “Man you’ve got a great ass Declan.” She says with sincerity as she stands in the doorway with two cold drinks as she takes in the sight of him.
“You’d know.” He grins and rolls over.
She tilts her head and stands at the edge of the bed. “Front ain’t too bad either.” She winks and creases her nose at him playfully.
“You must be hungry, you’re being suspiciously nice.” He takes a drink, mirroring her.
“I am, but I’m actually a lot nicer when I’m getting fucked on the reg.” She wags her bottle at him in a toast.
“Ditto.” He groans and lays back after downing half the bottle.
She snorts at his dated answer.
“You’ve always been nice.” She teases.
“To you.” He snarls back.
“Just me? You’ve been treating me special?” She smiles and crawls towards him over his stretched out body.
“Maybe.” He smirks.
“I still get special treatment now? Since I’m your girlfriend and all?” She quirks a brow and leans down to give him a kiss.
“More special treatment if anything.”
“Ohhh.” She says with overplayed impressed.
“Like I’ll take you to brunch.”
“Mmmmm.” She hums and gives him another kiss.
“And pay.”
“Oh my…” she gasps and follows with another kiss she laughs into.
“And insist you get whatever you want.”
“Ugh. Stop it. You’re making me horny again.” She teases.
“As long as I can try whatever you get.”
“ALWAYS A CATCH!” She says moving away and sitting on his stomach.
He laughs and pulls her back in for more rolling and laughing kisses as they both settle into a new rhythm with each other. It should’ve concerned her how easy it was with him, how she didn’t have to stop picking and teasing and he didn’t have to hide his goofiness. The compatibility should’ve scared her, but in the moments of affection and play it was far from her mind.
For him, it was front and center. But there was no fear or worry, only a warm and growing feeling in his gut about this grumpy hellcat of a woman now a purring kitten in his arms. He only felt good. Deep down a wholeness, he’d been missing. This rambunctious woman who was never afraid of him or his past was quickly becoming his favorite thing. And he couldn’t have been less worried about it. Maybe he should have been, but the way she smiled at him, all soft and literally bare to him he couldn’t bring himself to think of a single bad thing that could come from this new pairing.
The only problem he’d found so far was that he couldn’t get enough of her. And he didn’t mind having that be the biggest problem in his life at all. Their back and forth was the easiest thing in his life. Her laugh made him laugh, her smile did the same.
As they sat and had brunch, her in one of his T-shirt’s and both in oversized glasses of hers, he could only think of one thing. Her hair was wild like his all curly and unkempt, both in flip flops and in no way looking as impressive as they had the night before. There was no cue or moment to cause the constantly recurring thought, but it happened just the same for both of them. How’d they’d get so lucky?
Please leave a like, reblog or comment if you enjoyed this! It makes me want to write more of what you want if you let me know!
@vale0413 @littledeadgirlwalking@jaegeeeeer @phillipkopusimagines-and-stuff @mjolnir96 @xmother-mortemx @this-isnt-madness @thors-hair-extensions @divadinag
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