#Declan harp imagine
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 5 months ago
My Alpha Ch. 6
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Donations | Send Thoughts Here | My Alpha Series| Chapter 5
(Author Note: Thank you guys for being so patient!! I am transitioning into a new job I got a little carried away with this chapter Lol but I hope y'all love it just as a much! ;) lots happening here! Please leave me a comment on this chapter if you enjoyed it or if you have any feedback at all!! Love you all!!)
That dinner you’d had with Declan was wonderful, you fell asleep with him on the phone that night and the next morning when you got ready for work you couldn't explain how you felt, but it was incredible. You didn’t want to ever be without him again. Coming downstairs you smelled breakfast and coffee, and huffed out a sigh. Things weren’t great with your father; not like that was a secret or anything. But there were things that you were not up for sharing with anyone else. You had a small, secret hope buried deep down inside of you, that maybe Declan was the one. 
The one to take you away from this man, the awful things he had subjected you to in the past, hell, even the things he subjects you to now. You slowly walked into the kitchen in your work uniform, taking a seat at the island your father turned and smiled at you before pouring you a cup of coffee. “How was your night last night? You were fast asleep when I got back from the trip.” he said. 
You looked at your coffee before looking up at him, “it was good. We went to that little place on the corner of Elm, and I had a really wonderful time.” you said softly as he plated your breakfast and placed it on the cloth placemat in front of you. “Good. I guess that Declan isn’t so bad, I’ll need to have a chat with him if he thinks he’s going to date you without my knowledge though.” Arthur said as he turned back around to continue cooking. “Dad, we’ve only gone to dinner once…while I had a good time, who knows if he did.” you said quietly as you pushed your food around on your plate. 
Arthur watched you closely as he sat down beside you with his own plate. “Something wrong hon?” he asked as you shrugged. “I don’t really want to talk about it. I just want to go to work dad.” you said quietly as he turned more toward you. “Y/N, tell me whats wrong right now.” he held an agitated tone in his voice and you finally looked at him. “Honestly? I do not want to go with you tonight after work. I hate it. I hate it so much!” you raised your voice as you got off the stool. “It's wrong and you know it is!” you flinched as he gripped you by the arms and slammed you back against the counter. 
“You know damn good and well how bad your life can be if you keep up this new attitude girlie. I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again, if we didn’t do this, then someone else would! You know I wouldn’t be able to protect you if someone else was in control. Our family has been doing this for centuries! It’s part of our pack! It's part of our ways!” he yelled as you coward down, shaking in fear. Arthur let go of you, moving away to grab his keys. “You can clean up breakfast and get your ass to work.” 
You worked a better part of the day with your mind focusing on the tasks at hand. Cleaning tables, filling waters, taking orders, and chatting up customers like nothing was wrong. You looked up seeing Declan walk in with some of the other construction crew members and smiled as his eyes met yours. He grinned and nodded over to a booth for the guys to sit in while he walked over to the counter where you’d just rounded to place the coffee pot back on its burner.  
You were not sure what you and Declan were, but your heart would jump from your throat, down to your stomach everytime your eyes caught his. You looked at him before glancing at the booth. “You gonna sit here and have your lunch or over there with your friends?” you smiled as he leaned his crossed arms on the counter leaning over on them to be closer to you. “Well, I figured I would come say hello, before we ordered lunch all together.” he smiled as you smiled bashfully. “well…hello there…I’m sorry I fell asleep on the phone last night, and also if I forgot to tell you, I am sorry I fell asleep last night on the phone,” you admitted as you grabbed your pen and pad and walked around the counter.
Declan smiled as his jaw tensed, not having a barrier between the two of you anymore. “Well that’s alright, I didn’t mind,” he smiled as you let out a soft giggle. “well I’m glad, I did have a wonderful time last night,” you admitted looking up at him as he glanced down at you, standing at his full height. “I did too. Why don’t we do it again tonight?” he asked as you both walked over to the booth. Before you could answer, the guys began teasing Declan and talking loudly. You laughed some before you got them all to pay attention and took down their orders. 
The lunch rush kept you busy, so busy in fact you didn’t get to spend any time at all talking to Declan apart from your brief chat when he’d first arrived. You rushed around, serving tables, refilling the crew members drinks, bringing out extra sides and desserts when asked. You’d laugh at their jokes, hearing them tease one another. You’d collected a couple of the checks and started ringing everyone out as the lunch rush died down when Declan came up to the counter. 
“So what do you say? You wanna go out with me tonight?” Declan smiled at you as you wiped down the counter in front of you. “I’m sorry I can't tonight, I have to work.” you said, giving him a sad smile, “But maybe tomorrow night after the pack meeting?” you asked looking up at him. Declan raised an eyebrow, “You sure your father won't march you home?” he asked with a chuckle. “No, I'm going to tell him I'm busy with you.” you said with a smile as you leaned over the counter and pressed a kiss to his cheek softly. 
You grinned up at him as he stood and threw some bills down on the counter. “You know you don’t have to pay for lunch when you come visit me, I take care of it.” you said softly as he raised an eyebrow. “Missy, you better not be paying for my food outta your checks,” he said, raising an eyebrow at you. You smiled up at him, looking up under your lashes. “I like taking care of you,” you whispered softly. Declan chuckled and grabbed your hand softly, “I’m sure you do, but I can handle my own.” He smiled down at you. 
“Y/N! Get back to work!” your boss snapped at you as he stuck his head out of his office. You jumped and let go of Declan turning around. “Sorry boss!” you yelped before turning back around. “I gotta go, I’ll call you later okay?” Declan looked over at your boss’s door before he looked down at you and nodded. “Of course, I’ll talk to you later,” he gave you a quick wink and left without another word. 
After your shift at the diner ended, you changed into your jeans, a t-shirt and a heavy coat before heading out to the old barn your father owned. Once you got there, your father stood inside and looked at you as you entered. “Y/N, perfect timing. I need to speak with you about Declan.” he grabbed your arm and pulled you off to the side. “What's going on between the two of you?” he asked as you shrugged, “Nothing, we’re friends dad, he does want to take me out again tomorrow night after the pack meeting and I accepted.” you said as he pushed his lips out. “I want you to stay away from him. He’s an alpha and an outsider. He doesn't know what’s good for you or this pack.” he growled before turning toward the stalls. “Get them ready, tonight's color is blue. NO ONE enters without that color on their wrist. Do you understand me?” he growled as he got in your face. You nodded. “Yes Dad-” “What?” he snapped. “Yes Alpha.” you whimpered and walked over to the stall. You absolutely hated this. But an order was an order and you couldn’t say no to the pack master until you were claimed. 
You pulled open the door, the girls inside were crying already, and you knew that tonight would be a rough one. You took each girl, hosed her down, and then chained her up. You put a different girl in each stall, and waited for your father to come back to approve each one. 
Your father walked through each stall, nodding to each girl. He rearranged some, but kept them mostly the way they were. You walked outside as he followed you. “Been hearing rumors you were locking lips with that Declan at the diner today. That true?” Your father asked as you shook your head, “no, he just comes in for lunch and we talk is all, he's real nice. I’d like to go out to dinner with him again tomorrow night after the pack meeting…” You said softly as you sat down on the stool. Your father walked up to you and trapped you between him and the wall, placing his arms on either side of you. “You listen to me Omega, the only reason you ain’t chained up in there is because you’re my daughter! You know damn good and well I can make anything happen to anyone. You wanna be locked up and used like those whores in there?!” He asked, gripping your throat. “Are you a whore, omega?” He growled as you struggled to breathe, clawing at his hand, shaking your head, you whimpered. “Please,” you gasped as he watched you with dead, cold eyes. “Say. It.” He growled. 
You felt the tears running down your cheeks, the pressure of no air entering your body starting to become too much. “Alpha please.” You felt yourself start to lose consciousness. 
As soon as he released his hand, you gasped for air, falling from your spot, you landed on the cold hard ground coughing violently. A tall figure hid in the trees, watching with dark and narrowed eyes. 
As the damp, cold night air sat in more, you kept your place out by the barn, betas and alphas coming up, giving you cash and the magic word, and bam, they were in. You opened the door to let them through, hearing the screams and cries, the moans, the smells. You swallowed thickly, biting back tears as you returned to your seat. Then, Marcus Phillips walked through the treeline, and his two beta buddies, grinning at you from ear to ear. You looked up at him. “Fee’s $100 bucks tonight, and I need the passcode.” you said as he chuckled. “I wanna know how much for you.” he smirked, leaning closer as you leaned back against the barn. “I'm not part of it, I just man the door.” you tried to get as much distance between the two of you, but Marcus wasn’t having it. 
“Oh yeah? Bet ole’ Pack Master would let me have a special taste.” he gripped your jaw scenting you. You pushed at him trying to get away but he moved his grip to your throat, “Easy Omega, or I might end it now.” he snarled. 
A loud growl ripped through the treeline sending a cold chill down everyone's spine, as Marcus fell to the ground, you were grabbed and swung behind a strong, tall figure. “Back off.” a deep, gravely voice growled out. You stared up at the man in shock. “Who the fuck are you?” Marcus smirked as he looked up. 
You shook behind the familiar alpha, your hands clutching to his warm jacket as he growled. “You’re messin with a member of my pack, back off.” His voice had deepened and his body was shaking slightly with anger. “Look caveman, that there is Pack Masters daughter, he decides who has a go at her. NOT you. So why dont you fuck off and let me get my moneys worth.” he stepped forward until Declan grabbed him by the throat, “Do you need a reminder of how two alphas fighting over one omega usually ends?” he growled, narrowing his eyes. 
Marcus’s eyes widened as he struggled against his hand, Declan threw him down on the ground and stood over him. “I’d say, you lose this one. Go on, before I bring out the old laws.” you stayed close to Declan as the three boys took off through the trees. You hadn’t realized you’d been crying until Declan looked down at you, his features softening as he wrapped you up against his chest inside his jacket. “Come on, you’re coming home with me.” you whimpered and shook your head. “I can’t leave, my father won’t let me…the night isn’t done.” you whispered. Declan looked down at your confusion covering his features before he looked at the barn, the smell and sounds finally hitting him. “Jesus Christ. What the fuck is going on?” You whimpered quietly as he looked from the barn to you, then back to the barn, it took less than a second for him to piece it together. “You’re not staying here. You’re in danger here.” he held you closer to him, the anger radiating from his body as he snarled in the direction of the barn, before he pulled you back through the trees. 
You knew your father would be angry, “I won’t be able to return home,” you whispered quietly as you looked up at him, tears in your eyes. Declan stopped and looked down at you, his features softening as he pulled you into his arms once more. “Shhh, you don’t have to worry about that anymore, you can stay with me, and everything will be fine. I promise, I’m going to fix all of this, no omega should be put through this type of torture.” he kissed your head smoothing your hair as you sobbed into his chest. 
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@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years ago
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Imagine # 863
Gifs NOT mine.
If either gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @hardyimagines & @bills-skarsgards (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2021
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Declan Harp Masterlist
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A Work in Progress..
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Three different writing prompts
He looked at her. His hair still a mess, and in the bright morning sunlight, he looked more handsome and human than she’d ever seen him.  
"I guess I'm asking you to trust me," he said.
"I'd trust you more if you would simply tell me what is going on, Declan." She began, searching his eyes for any clue if he would relent and tell her what was happening.
"It's not that simple, Y/N," he stated, “This is something I need to do al--”
“It’s more than simple, Harp!” Y/N interrupted, “I am here to help you, or do you just see me as something to warm your bed at night?”
She immediately knew she had gone too far the second she saw the hurt flash across Declan’s eyes. If Y/N didn’t know any better, she could have sworn she imagined it.
The second he turned away from her and his long, golden-brown hair fell over his forehead, nearly hiding his mismatched eyes, there was no denying this conversation was over.
Declan pushed himself up from the furs, turning his back to Y/N and pulled his pants on. All the while, Y/N was silently kicking herself.  
She stood, slowly making her way behind Declan.  
“Declan, look to me,” Y/N begged, as she placed her hand gingerly between his shoulder blades.
Declan’s response wasn’t one of words. He shrugged her hand off and walked out of the tent, leaving Y/N dumbfounded and doe-eyed. There was no doubt in Y/N’s mind she would be lucky to see Declan at all for the rest of the day.
Y/N dressed slowly, accepting the situation she caused, as her mind kept replaying what had been said. Y/N thought about the comment she had made about her warming Declan’s bed, and couldn’t help the cringe that overtook her whole body.  
Why had she even said that?  
She knew of Declan’s past. She knew how his wife and son had been ripped from him, as well as the daughter he never knew. She knew why Declan refused to make her anything more to him than she was now. Despite the fact that Y/N knew this, she still said the one thing she knew would hurt Declan more than anything else. By her implying she was nothing more to him than a way to pleasure himself, Y/N knew she implied Declan didn’t care for her.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/N began to pack the tent. She knew Declan was planning to move the company a few miles outside of Fort James. She had heard the murmurs from the other side of the tent walls. Everyone in the camp had to have heard the words exchanged between her and Declan. She hadn’t heard them while she was in her own head, but now there was no denying the whole camp would have something to say.
She heard him coming before he even entered the tent. No one else in camp was as big or had the same gate as Declan. Y/N was astonished he had even come back. Their arguments never went far, but Declan would leave when he’d had enough. If Y/N stayed in his tent that night, Declan would find somewhere else to spend the night. He would usually stay with Sokanon or Samoset, anything he could to avoid seeing her after one of their arguments.
“You don’t need to worry about what the plan is, Y/N.” Declan’s deep voice rumbled from behind her.  
Y/N had obviously heard the large man approaching, but she was still startled when he spoke. She kept her back to the door of the tent, to Declan. She had thought there would be more time to think through her response. The last thing she had expected was for Declan to return to their tent.  
She wanted to put some thought into her response. The last time she hadn’t, she thoroughly regretted it.
“Do you really think that is going to appease me?” Y/N questioned, still not giving Declan the pleasure of seeing her face.
She didn’t need to look at him to know Declan had just scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration. She knew his little ticks. She knew which action he did in which situation. She also knew how to step on every one of his nerves.  
“I’m not trying to appease anyone, Y/N!” He ground out.  
She was being absolutely unreasonable. She should be able to trust him. To take his motives into question was another issue he knew he was going to have to deal with. Declan wasn’t sure how he was going to help her understand his true feelings, but he would figure something out.  
His current problem was to convince Y/N there was nothing in the upcoming plans she needs to worry about.
Declan walked a few steps into the tent, kneeled down, and placed on of his large hands on Y/N’s back.
“Y/N, just trust me in this,” he started, “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Y/N turned around to face Declan, a look of absolute bewilderment on her face. “’I don’t want anything to happen to you?’ Really, Harp,” Y/N’s question was sharp, he knew how he made it seem.
He had made it seem as though Y/N was helpless, weak, and naïve. He knew better than that. He had watched her jump on the back of an HBC and stab him multiple times in the throat. With Y/N being taken under Benton’s wing at an early age, Harp learned early on that she was a force to be reckoned with.  
“Don't fashion me into a maiden who needs saving from the dragon.” Y/N chastised, face red with rage, “I am the dragon and I will eat you whole.”
A/N: I didn't really go over this for grammatical mistakes. I’m just trying to get into a habit of posting... thanks for the understanding. Feedback is always welcome xx
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 1 year ago
Sharing fanfic updates be like
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normatural · 5 years ago
PAIRING┊Declan Harp x reader
A/N┊another something that I found on my drafts
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You never thought you would have the life you are living. Living in the forest, haunting animals to sell theirs skin, your only home being the man you loved, traveling all the time because being in a location for too long would be dangerous.
The sky was still dark and full of stars when you felt something move beside you, making every trace of sleep disappear and suddlently, your body was embraced by the cool weather of the night, sending chills on your spine. You cursed under your breathe, searching for the knife you always left under your coat when you noticed the place next to you was empty.
“Shh. It’s me” you didn’t notice your breath was being held until then. Letting go of the knife, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them only to find Declan standing in front of you, smirking at your reaction. “What would you do with the knife?” he arched his brows, eyes full of amusement. God, you are too adorable to scare someone and too kind to stab anyone.
“Kill them?” it sounded more like a question than an answer and you rolled your eyes when Declan laughed, moving his head. Why is that so funny? You could perfectly handle a situation like that.
“It’s too cold! Come back!” you asked, giving him your best puppy eyes, too tired to get in an argument about your fighting’s skills.
You turned to him, biting your lips to hold back a smile when he placed his large hands on your waist, bringing you close to his body making all the cold go away. You never understood how someone could be so warm even in the winter. You’d secretally think that he was a werewolf and that is the reason why he disappeared in most of the nights.
Little did you know that his past still visits him every night, usually as nightmares – they were usually the same, Benton coming and killing his ex wife and son in front of him but sometimes, you’d take the place of his old family and Declan would always be too late or unable to help. It killed him. So he keeps night in clear, making sure no one came near you. Making sure that he was ready to protect you doesn’t matter what because one he promised you that and Declan Harp is a man of words.
“Wish we could stay like this forever” you murmured, resting your head on his chest listening to every heartbeat, your eyes never left his. Doesn’t matter how many time you had spent together, his gaze would always be able to make you feel vulnerable, like he could read all your thoughts.
He didn’t said anything at first, just ran his hand on your hair so softly, lingering it on your cheek. Declan didn’t know how he was so lucky to find someone like you in a time like this. Someone who didn’t let the world you lived change the innocence in your soul. He was afraid to wake up alone on day and notices that everything was just a dream.
“I love you” he whispered, kissing your lips softly.
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dashesofink · 5 years ago
Soft Kisses
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Drabble: “What’d you have go and act all cute for?” @curvynerdfan
Pairing: Declan Harp x Reader
Word Count: 871
Warnings: none
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It was quite frustrating, having to constantly break up fights in the Ale House. If it wasn’t for Grace and her watchful eye, you were positive that you would’ve hit someone by now. Unfortunately for you though you knew that would mean immediate termination from your job. God, your hatred for the unruly men and flirtatious soldiers in Fort James were damn near driving you crazy. You hated how their eyes watched your every move, their lips turning into sadistic smirks. You could feel them undressing you with their eyes. But they all knew not to make a move. An unspoken threat had been made towards any man who dared to touch you, one that surprisingly wasn’t verbalized by you.
“Go on, y/n.” Grace interrupted your thoughts, her head nodding towards the back as she continued to wipe down a tankard that was previously filled with ale. “Take a break. You look like you need it.”
You felt relief pool in your stomach as you heaved out a sigh, the ale soaked rag in your hand falling into an empty barrel as you made your way to the back. “Thank heavens; I’m about ready to explode.” Pent up frustration could be heard in your words, Grace only chuckling at your comment before she turned back to another loud customer. You wasted no time in hurrying out of the back, not even thinking to grab your thick coat as you dashed through the wooden door and out into the chilly air.
Your breath clouded in front of you as you let out another sigh of relief, the palm of your hand pressing against your forehead to try and relieve the dull ache that had formed in your skull. The old wood of the Ale House scratched against your back as you leaned against the closed door. You wanted the day to end, badly. Your feet hurt, your hands were beginning to cramp and your once maroon apron was now stained an ugly brown from the amounts of ale that the rowdy customers had decided to slosh on the front of you. Just thinking about stepping back in there made you want to puke, but you knew you had too.
Having been so caught up in your ugly thoughts, you didn’t register another person nearing you as you sat against the back door. Hands suddenly grabbed a hold of your shoulders, and your front was suddenly flush against a firm chest as you were held tightly. Your sudden fright was washed away as you inhaled a familiar scent, your senses suddenly going into overdrive as you wrapped your arms around him. “Jesus, Declan.” Your words were muddled by his furred coat, your nose digging deeper into his chest as his warmth surrounded you. “You scared the shit out of me.”
A chuckle rumbled in Declan’s chest, his thick fingers gently brushing against your hair before he pulled away. “Rough day, huh?” His touch was gentle as he ran a finger down the side of your face, his eyes catching the frustration that knitted your eyebrows together. All you had to do was nod, your eyes falling away from his face and to the ground for his lips to form a frown. His fingers found your chin, his thumb running over the skin of your bottom lip as he turned your head to him. “Want me to knock some sense into—“
“No, no don’t do that.” You interjected. Your face went to his chest again as you wrapped your arms around him, a deep exhale being heard as you snuggled into his hold. “Just.. hold me, please.” His arms once again shrouded you in warmth, his fingers finding their place in your hair as he let out a small grunt. You squeezed your eyes shut, your lips forming into a small pout as you pressed yourself into Declan; all you wanted to do was snuggle into him and forget about work.
“What’d you have go and act all cute for?” Declan’s gruff voice reverberated in his chest as he leaned down, his lips dancing across the shell of your ear before he placed a single kiss to your jaw. You couldn’t help the laugh that came from you when his beard brushed against your skin, and you pulled away from his embrace slightly to peer up into his eyes. Things went quiet for a moment, his arms remaining protectively around your body as he brushed away a fallen strand of hair from your face.
“It’s unintentional.” Your voice held an air of joking in it as you shrugged. Your lips held a smirk as you pressed against your toes, your fingers grasping on to the sides of his face as you brought your lips towards his own. “Meet me tonight, after work?” You parted from him, your lips brushing against his for a moment as you glanced up to meet his gaze.
“Of course, sweetheart.” His fingers dug gently into your sides as he leaned down once more, his lips molding to yours softly, his eyes dancing with a look that you had grown to love. “Same place as last time?”
“Only if you don’t keep me waiting.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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fangirltrash18 · 6 years ago
Little King (Arthur Curry x Reader)
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This is just a little something that came to mind that I threw together.<3
Rating- General Audiences
Warnings- Just loads of FLUFF!
Y/S/N- your son’s name
It was late, and you and Arthur were taking turns trying to calm down your wailing three month old baby boy.
 It seemed you had tried everything in the book. From trying to feed him, burping him, rolling him, changing him, swaddling him, to now walking around the room cooing at him. You were exhausted and felt like you were about to fall asleep standing up.
“Shh, shh, It’s all right, shh.” You whispered and bounce him a little as you walked. Arthur was it your shoulder, ready to take over as soon as you were ready to hand him over. “I don’t know what to do!” You said worriedly, turning the face your husband.
“Do you think he may be sick?“ He asked. 
“He didn’t have a fever when we checked so I highly doubt it.“ You sighed and rubbed a hand on your face. “God, I hate feeling so helpless!” You cried and leaned into Arthur. 
“Here love, let me take them.” He took the crying baby and adjusted him in his arms. “Go take a nap and rest a little, I got this.”  He pecked your lips before you could protest and turned his back to you. You sighed and did as told, walking to your bedroom you seem to hardly sleep in anymore. 
As soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell fast asleep 
 Silence. That’s all you heard, rather couldn’t hear when you opened your eyes. It was still dark out and you wondered how long you had been asleep. From what the clock said, it had been about an hour and a half. You sat up and put your feet on the floor, wanting to go check on Arthur and your son 
 As you slowly made your way to the nursery, you heard your husband’s deep voice softly talking. You peeked in through the door and noticed him sitting in the rocking chair with Y/S/N bundled in his arms. 
“- and there are so many colorful little fishies that you’ll absolutely love. There are tall, bright towers and old stone ones that are filled with things that’s will blow your tiny mind when you see them.” You smiled hearing Arthur tell your child about his kingdom. “And someday, when you’re old enough, I’ll teach you how to wield a trident. That way, you’ll be one step closer to being the greatest king Atlantis has ever seen.” Arthur’s voice was filled with excitement for his son’s future and all of them the adventures he had planned for the two of them. 
Y/S/N blubbered gibberish which made you higgle, giving away your presence. Arthur looked back at you and smiled. 
“Hey little mama, how was your nap?”  You smiled at his nickname and walked over to the rocking chair. 
“Very good.“ You said and lightly sat on the arm of the chair, wrapping your arm around Arthur’s shoulders it for support. “What did you do to make him stop crying?” You questioned and gently stroke your son soft cheek earning a small smile from him. 
“I just started rocking him and telling about his future kingdom and he stopped the waterworks.” Arthur shrugged and looked up at you.
“He will be a great little king!” You said and stared down at your beautiful baby. Arthur’s arm snaked around  your waist and pulled you into him, giving your temple a kiss. 
“Yes he will be.” 
 You both stared at your baby boy until he was fast asleep. Arthur slowly stood up and carried him to his crib, setting him in as gently as possible. 
“Good night my little prince.“ You  whispered and blew him a kiss. “Sleep well beautiful boy.” Arthur and you quietly walked out of the nursery and down the hall to your bedroom. You both flopped down on the bed, exhausted and ready for sleep. You crawled under the covers and Arthur did the same, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. 
“I love you.” He said and pressed his lips onto the top of your head. You smiles at the gesture and closed your eyes. 
“I love you too my king.” 
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 1 year ago
Wide awake due to some pain with my wrist. Soooo keep me company until I pass back out? ☺️
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katieswinforddiaries · 6 years ago
Imagine your mother trying to convince you that Declan is just trying to manipulate you when you start helping him and she can tell you have feelings for him.
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(Inspired by this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZLt9LnobrM and yes I did just match up Disney and Frontier.)
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hiddenwritingsintheworld · 10 months ago
My Alpha Ch. 4
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Donations | Send Thoughts Here | My Alpha Series | Ch. 3
(Thank you all so much for your patience while I get my hectic life sorted out. Here is Chapter 4!! Thankfully I've already finished the first half of chapter 5!) (For some reason my tags are not working, its only letting me tag a few of you and I don't know why. I will keep on tagging blogs if you want to be tagged though!)
Declan and you both sat in your fathers tent, you were trying to wrap your mind around what had happened but no one had seen. “One minute we were walking and talking just fine, the next, he was just…gone. Y/N…I swear I don’t know what happened.” Declan said quietly as you nodded, “it’s okay, I imagine he just lost his footing is all, at least you guys were able to get to him and he’s going to be okay.” you cleaned the scraps from your fathers head, looking back at Declan who sat on the cot on the other side of the tent. “he can’t travel in this condition.” he nodded, “We’ll stay until he’s good enough to travel again, until then, I'll watch over the pack and make the necessary adjustments, I'll put together smaller groups to gather different things such as wood for fires, hunting trips, etc. we’ll get this all figured out.” Declan nodded as you stood up and covered your father up. “Thank you,” you whispered as you walked out of the tent.  
Declan looked back at Arthur as he laid there in bed, breathing shallow and light. He could do it, he could end it now. He could do it for you. To protect you. 
Declan followed Arthur through the woods, the rifle slung on his back. He didn’t mind hunting, he actually liked it alot, however, he did not want to be out here with your father, he’d rather be sitting by the fire, you by his side as he listened to you tell story after story. He tuned Arthur out, walking on until he heard a few branches break behind him, looking back Arthur was gone. “Arthur?” but he was gone, “Arthur!” Declan shouted louder and began to walk back where the pack master had been just moments before. 
Declan looked around and saw him lying on a cliff about ten feet below the edge, he was unconscious, he had landed near the edge, and Declan knew it would be difficult to get to him, he also knew he could just jump down to him and kick him off. But, what kind of pain would that cause you? He hollered for the other alphas, so they could form a plan. 
You sat outside by the fire, warming up some tea and soup for the other alphas who were still awake. You were lost in thought when a hand touched your shoulder, causing you to gasp and jump slightly. Evan, another alpha in the group, who belonged with Marine, smiled down at you. “Evan, hey, what's up?” you asked standing up from the log you’d been sitting on. “I wanted to check on you. Arthurs going to be fine…I’m sure of it.” he smiled down at you. His eyes traveled from your face, down your unmarked neck, pausing for a moment at your pulse point before moving toward your chest. 
You visibly shivered and slightly pulled away from him, “I actually need to go check on him again, excuse me.” you tried to move but he grabbed your arm. “Why don’t I come with you? My dad is a doctor after all, so I know a thing or two.” he grinned, but it didn’t ease your nerves. It only made them worse. “Evan, that's nice but-” “We can handle it. Why don’t you go check in on your pregnant omega? Marine was asking for you earlier when we returned.” Declan's voice came from behind you as you felt his chest against your back. Evan looked at him, squaring his shoulders before he nodded a little. “Alright, just holler if you need anything.” he said before quickly walking back to his tent. 
You watched him go for a moment before you turned and looked up at Declan, the closeness between the two of you, made your cheeks grow hot, biting your lower lip at the feelings flooding your system, you glanced up at him. “Thank you,” you whispered. Declan swallowed and nodded, “I’ll always protect you.” he whispered back before he glanced around. Most of the pack were tucked away in their tents, and the few who remained outside were packing up for the evening to head in. You watched as the last camper climbed into their tent and zipped it up, before looking back at Declan. 
“I heated up some tea and soup if you want some…I’m sure you'd like to eat and go to sleep after the long day you’ve had.” you whispered as he stared down at you. “Honestly? I’m content just standing here talking with you…” he sighed, “But I imagine you have other things you need to take care of, and I don't want to stop you from doing whatever it is you need to do.” you instantly grabbed his forearm, “I don't.” you said urgently, “I just need to check on my father, if you give me a minute maybe we can continue our conversation from earlier?” 
Declan grinned and turned “that sounds great, I'll make us some bowls and I'll grab some glasses.” you smiled and walked back into your fathers tent checking on him, he was still sound asleep, his wound still looked good but you wanted to keep a close eye on him incase anything changed over night. 
After checking on your father, you rejoined Declan out by the fire and enjoyed some soup. “This is delicious,” Declan commented after a few minutes of silence. You smiled over at him, swallowing the bite you’d taken. “Thank you, Stews and soups are my most favorite foods,” you took a drink before turning toward him, “There's this festival, once a year in Italy, that is nothing but soups and stews! You can buy little sample jars from vendors and get recipe cards as well, it's so cool, I’ve always wanted to go…one day,” you smile was sad, as you looked back down at the bowl. 
“I’ve never been to Italy, but it sounds incredible. Maybe we can go together one day?” he asked as you grinned up at him, your eyes lighting up even in the dark evening. The flames danced across your skin in patterns, “I would love that,” you whispered as he scooted closer, “its chilly tonight, would you like my jacket again?” he asked as you moved closer to him automatically. “I don't want you to be cold,” you whispered. Declan chuckled and draped his jacket over your shoulders once again. “I’ll be okay. I just don’t want you to be cold.” You lifted your shoulder, pressing your nose into his jacket and breathing in before you scooted next to him, pressing yourself into his side. “I think I’ll be plenty warm right here,” you breathed out looking up at him from under your lashes. 
Declan wrapped an arm around you, pulling you even closer, though it was impossible and stared down at you. “I want to try something,” he whispered as you stared up at him with doe eyes. “Okay,” you breathed out as he lowered his head, his lips brushing yours gently. You closed your eyes feeling his lips graze yours; there was a spark the moment his lips touched yours. You pushed yourself against him, pressing your lips to his urgently. Declan’s hand found the back of your head instantly as he threaded his fingers through your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling like fire was pulsing through your veins. You craved to be closer to him in every way, craved the feeling of his skin against yours. 
Declan bit your lip, growling as you gasped, the need and hunger growing deeply in his soul. Time stood still as you melted together, feeling like your souls intertwined and the earth stopped moving beneath your feet. That tiny voice muttered in your brain, ‘True mates’ as your lungs felt like fire was igniting in them. Desperate for air, you pulled back slightly to catch your breath. 
“Wow,” you breathed out, panting softly. Your eyes remained closed as you pressed your forehead against his. “I’ve never felt that way before…” he stated in a husky breath as you met his stare.
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@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @traceyaudette @cevansbaby-dove
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imaginestuffandthangs · 7 years ago
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imaginesforhotguys · 5 years ago
Facetiming your husband Jason while he is on set.
(Y/n): “Hey babe. How is everything going there?”
Jason: “It’s going great. Missing you and our baby like crazy.”
(Y/n): “She should be up from her nap. Let me go check.”
As soon as you said that tiny footsteps came be heard and your daughter jumps onto the couch and grabs the phone.
(Y/D/N): “Hi daddy!! I miss you so much.” 
Jason: “Hi sweetheart. Daddy misses you more. I’ll be home soon. But look there is someone who wants to say hi.” 
Emilia: “Hi (Y/D/N)!”
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komotionlessqueenmm · 5 years ago
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Imagine # 478
Gifs NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If either gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2019
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boogiewrites · 7 years ago
@boogiewrites masterlist.
Also on AO3 & Wattpad as boogiewrites!
Peaky Blinders - Alfie Solomons
Stranger Things - Jim Hopper, Eddie Munson
Narcos - Javier Peña
The Mandalorian - Din Djarin
The Umbrella Academy - Diego Hargreeves
Venom - Eddie Brock
Taboo - James Delaney
Frontier - Declan Harp
Lawless - Forrest Bondurant
The Boys - Billy Butcher
TDKR - Bane
Alfie Solomons x OFC
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Choking on Sapphires Genevieve Durand is a force to be reckoned with. An intelligent, independent, and brutal businesswoman. When she moves to London for a new chapter in her life, she finds herself very interested in the friends the father of her godson has found himself in business with. Surely these new business endeavors will be fruitful for all involved. An epic (long) slow burn romance about the years after WWI in London with two gangsters trying to control their power and navigate love, family and pride along the way. Where will they find themselves holding their loyalty? And will their loyalty to each other falter as it’s tested time and time again. Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold. 
Part 1 Thieves & Kings,  Pt. 2 Conquest , Pt. 3 Nail In My Coffin, Pt. 4 60 Feet Tall, Pt. 5 I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor, Pt. 6 Stop The World Pt. 7 Making A Fool Of You Pt. 8 l’amour et la violence, Pt 9 Play With Fire Pt 10 Black Treacle Pt 11 These Stones Will Shout Pt 12 Fireside Pt 13 Trouble Pt 14 Tighten Up Pt 15 Sympathy For The Devil Pt 16 Don’t Speak  Pt 17 No. 1 Party Anthem Pt 18 She’s Thunderstorms Pt 19 Show Me  Pt 20 No You Girls Pt 21 Stand By My Girl Pt 22 You Should Be Glad You’ve Got A Man Pt 23 Fever Pt 24 Every So Often Pt 25 Suck It And See Pt 26 Strange Desire Pt 27 Livin’ In Sin Pt 28 Damned If She Do Pt 29 I’m Shakin’ Pt 30 Teenage Kicks Pt 31 Hands Pt 32 Growing On Me Pt 33 Dance The Night Away  Pt 34 What Are You Afraid Of? Pt 35 Up To No Good Pt 36 Beast of Burden Pt. 37 Filthy/Gorgeous  Pt 38 Do I Have To Talk You Into It Pt 39 Burnin’ For You  Pt. 40 Future Starts Slow Pt 41 No One Knows Pt 42 Dreams Pt 43 Daddy Issues Pt 44 Hold On Pt. 45 Take Me To Church Pt. 46 Fortuna Pt. 47 Snap Out Of It Pt 48 Running Up That Hill Pt. 49 Hounds of Love Pt. 50 Make Up Your Mind Pt. 51 She’s Gone Pt. 52 Pale Blue Eyes Pt. 53 The Rat Pt. 54 Whole Wide World Pt. 55 Wild Horses Pt.56 Knee Socks  Pt. 57 Wonderful Tonight Pt. 58 I Wanna Be Yours  Pt. 59 Under My Thumb Pt. 60 It Must Be Love Pt. 61 Maybe I’m Amazed Pt 62 This Feeling Pt. 63 Gimme All Your Love Pt. 64 Love Is Blindness Pt. 65 Stuck In The Middle Pt. 66 Your Sins Pt. 67 More Than Words Pt. 68 What Kind Of Man Pt. 69 The Boy I Love Pt. 70 Killer Shangri-Lah Pt. 71 Shotgun Pt. 72 Stay In My Corner Pt.73 Loverman Pt. 74 Tonight Pt. 75 Just Like Heaven Pt. 76 You’ve Got The Love Pt. 77 It Makes No Difference Pt. 78 Blue Veins Pt 79 Baddest Man Alive Pt 80 505 Pt 81 Mardy Bum Pt 82 Levee Breaks Pt 83 Baby Says Pt 84 Sleazy Bed Track Pt 85 Breakdown Pt 86 Love Interruption Pt 87 It’s too late Pt 88 It ain’t over Pt 89 Bad Company Pt 90 Right Back Pt 91 Golden Hour Pt 92 Love Her Madly Pt 93 Bigger Boys 94 The Less I Know 95 List of Demands 96 Dog Days are Over 97 Golden Dandelions
Eddie Munson x OFC
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Cherry Bomb  Multi Part Series - COMPLETE
Mary Cherry, a peer-proclaimed good church girl decides once turning 18 that she no longer wants to be that angelic good girl. She wants to be bad. She wants to live a little and have some fun. She's made a list of things she wants to do before graduating to complete her bad girl transformation. But she'll need someone to help her learn how. Eddie Munson, the school "freak" and resident bad boy seems like the perfect teacher. Eddie takes her under his wing, but they both start to question what being "good" or "bad" means throughout the process. Who's reputation will actually change, and will the student become the teacher? Slow burn. Everyone's over 18.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Seeing Stars Multi Part Series
A new girl with a mysterious air to her and a questionable past comes to Hawkins. She’s armed with a gauntlet of jewelry and the sharpest wit Eddie’s ever come across. After a chance encounter at a party, Eddie becomes a bit smitten with her. The problem is, she’s an unreadable brick wall when she’s sober. Will Eddie’s attentive persistence help him break down the walls she’s put up to protect herself from not getting hurt? Or will Eddie be the one who ends up with wounds to hide? A story about learning lessons the hard way when it comes to letting people in. Vulnerability and honesty will always be rewarded. Even if it doesn’t feel that way at first.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Javier Peña x OFC
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Never Break the Chain 5 Part Series (Javier Peña and the original character Esme) Complete
The story follows the moments in their relationship in which things change, carrying the story of their romance from being young and in love in Texas at age 18 to the modern Narcos timeline. We follow Esme on her rise to being a top thief and Javier Peña's rise in the ranks. We see how their paths inevitably intersect in Columbia and how they handle coming face to face after a faked death and decades apart. It's dramatic, it's a cop loving a criminal and them being torn between their ways of life and their love. There's a happy ending among the angst.
Part One  Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader
Another Man (One Shot)
You see Frankie in a new light, and that light just started a fire inside you.
Explicit 18+ : Dirty Talk, Rough sex, p in v, oral f receiving, talk of bodily fluids, ownership.
Din Djarin x Reader
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Burning Star Din Djarin is a long-time associate and friend. When faced with the truth about the creed he's taken, doubts begin to grow in his mind about his choices. He comes to you, looking for a confidant and he finds more than he bargained for.Begins latter part of S2, porn with plot. A growing romance between two characters that thought of themselves as solitary creatures now wanting to no longer be alone. But with The Mandalorian being who he is, things can never be so simple.
Chapter 1
Diego Hargreeves x OFC
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No. 9: The Body (Diego Hargreeves x Eve Corpuz OFC)
Eve, once a rebellious runaway had turned her life around through the help of others to now be a doctor. She tries to return the favor these days. When a mysterious man keeps popping up in her life, what will her natural talent for healing become when it finally meets someone else with abilities like hers?
Chapter One Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5  Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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His Own Piece of Heaven by the Sea  (ALfie Solomons x OFC) Ruth, a nurse at Margate, happens to be assigned to a man brought in off the beach with a gunshot wound to the head. With her kind nature and good heart he quickly sees she is exactly as she appears and becomes fond of her. Asking her to be his personal nurse in his seaside mansion in Margate, an unlikely friendship grows. With time, tenderness and patience they grow to become more.
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Mae Flowers An Alfie Solomons Modern Magical AU. (Based in New Orleans and mixed with some AHS Coven characters at certain points.)
Alfie Solomons became the vessel for a dark ancient energy. In this universe, each of these energies has a mate and being the owner of a dark energy, Alfie has spent nearly a century waiting to find his light energy match. After a soul awakening of her own, Mae LeBlanc, a natural born witch, as well as a sensitive and kind woman from New Orleans soul finally starts to bloom and calls out to Alfie’s, unbeknownst to her. Not believing in supernatural powers, she finds herself thrown into a new existence that is full of things she never thought possible, including magical powers of her own. Faced with a new world full of possibility and potential danger (that also includes the incredible daunting idea of having a soul mate) Alfie takes her under his wing to teach her about her powers. As she grows and learns, so does he. They navigate her lessons together, come to terms with how lonely their lives have been without the other and face these very human emotions together. With a newfound friendship formed out of necessity, will the idea of a soul mate translate from a mere magical meaning to a romantic one?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
CH. 1 Pt. 1 CH. 1 Pt. 2 CH. 2  CH. 3 CH. 4 CH.5 CH.6  Ch.7 
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The past doesn’t matter. All that matters now is the future. (One Shot)  About a woman named Rachel and the infamous Alfie Solomons. Angsty and romantic. Rachel finds herself unhappy with her life, despite making the clear choice to choose it and live it. With yearly reminders of her mistake coming in the form of flowers, all her regret comes to a head and she reaches out to the man she truly loves to help him (and her) escape the dark hand of her husband. Some lessons are only learned the hard way.
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Bad Bride (One Shot)  A power hungry woman finds herself suddenly having feelings beyond the professional for another gangster while engaged to another man. She decides to form a plan to secure her and her husbands rival, Alfie Solomons’, place in the underground of London. She doesn’t tell Alfie of her plan to get them everything they could want until her wedding day to his rival. How will he react when she confesses it’s been for them the entire time? A fun, smutty little one shot.
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Uptown Girl (Young!Alfie One Shot) My imagining of a young Alfie Solomons, finding his way in the East End as a boxer. He meets a West End girl, Lucy, who represents everything he's not, everything he wishes he could be. A young love blooms, feeling lost in their own world together where it doesn't matter what's expected of her or what religion he is. But soon, they're both faced with the hard truth of the world they live in as they're faced with the wrath of Lucy's mother and the effects of WW1. It's stated in the story, but neither are underage. Alfie would canonically be around 22-23 at the time and Lucy is nearly 20.
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A Shelby In Margate (Alfie x Shelby Sister One Shot S5 Ep.6) Penny Shelby has only wanted one thing, to not be a Shelby. When she finds out the truth after mourning the loss of her almost love from afar, perhaps he can help her achieve that pipe dream.
Eddie Brock
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Reports and Repertoire (Pre and Post Venom) (Complete) In the dark, down period of the six months after Eddie is fired, dumped and blacklisted, he comes across a lesser known journalist and reaches out in hopes of finding some work to focus on. He finds Candace Miller, an ambitious and kind import to San Francisco from the mid-west who wants to help people and be taken seriously.
With their many similarities in their work, they find themselves very compatible with her level-headedness and his inclination to admire a strong woman. They join forces to help the oppressed peoples of the city. This means long hours together, stakeouts and danger. With danger comes adrenaline, and add riding high on victory, who knows what this loser experiencing a win after a long drought will do? The sudden appearance of the symbiote Venom makes the growing bond between Candy and Eddie even more complicated to navigate. How will Eddie deal with the possibility of moving on from Anne and juggling a new relationship with a being like Venom? Eddie has to figure out if he wants to let his new love interest know about his other half or not. How will Candace react to finding out the truth about this new Eddie Brock?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt.3 Pt. 4  Pt. 5  Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 (Symbrock) Pt. 9 Pt. 10  Pt. 11 Pt. 12 Pt. 13  Pt. 14  Pt. 15 Pt. 16 Pt. 17 Pt. 18 Pt. 19 Pt. 20
James Delaney
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An Unexpected Gift  (Complete) A woodland witch is sent James Delaney to care for by the spirits of the river after he’s attacked by hit men from the East India Company. She mends him, questioning their meeting as the spirits tell her he is a gift to her. They find an odd connection and unlikely fondness shared between them as they find respite in knowing another with powers like theirs. She heals him and sends him on his way, but fate has other plans on making their paths cross again. What do the spirits have in mind for them as they keep pushing them together? And is it in the cards for them to stay together? Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Forrest Bondurant
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Who We Were & Who We Are Now. (Completed) Tonya Barrett, or Miss Tawny as Forrest likes to call her, moves back home at the news of her stepfather becoming ill. She left Franklin County almost a decade ago, it feels like everything within her has changed and nothing has changed back home. Will the actions following her stepfathers passing lead the Bondurants to once again take her in? And this time, no longer being on the verge of adulthood but fully grown…what will she and Forrest decide to do about the lethal combination of history and chemistry they have together? Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1 CH. 2 CH. 3 CH. 4 CH. 5 CH. 6 CH. 7 CH. 8 CH. 9 CH. 10 CH. 11 CH. 12 CH. 13 CH. 14  CH. 15 CH. 16 CH. 17 CH. 18 CH. 19 CH. 20 Epilogue.
Bane (TDKR)
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Love’s Liaison  (Bane TDKR x OFC) Mina has known Bane since his capture from prison. After the setback of losing in Gotham, what new changes will they both implement as they face starting over after almost losing one another?
Declan Harp
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A Girl Walks Into A Bar Frontier Modern AU. Declan is a bar owner and local urban legend with a reputation he’d like to leave in the past. Bella is a rough around the edges, low key sweetheart that isn’t from his part of the woods. After meeting with the help of some bad luck and perhaps a touch of fate, how far will their undeniable chemistry take them until their histories catch up with them?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 CH. 7 CH. 8 CH. 9 CH. 10 CH. 11 CH. 12 CH. 13 CH. 14 CH. 15 CH. 16
A Witch, a Wolf and the Woods. An AU where Declan Harp is a werewolf. He comes across Evelyn Morgana, a dark witch who lives in a daunting mansion on the edge of the woods. He is drawn to her and her power, and finds his way into her home, her bed and her life. A dark, violent and highly sexual relationship follows as we watch their twisted romance grow and change while they face the challenges of navigating a magical world that tries to be hidden in the midst of the 1700's new world. Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Pt. 1
Filia Diaboli  Declan Harp Werewolf Modern AU.  In a world where supernatural beings are real and have to try to exist among hostile humans, Morgana and Declan find themselves fatefully brought together. A Princess in a hierarchy lead by her father, she has earned the title through hard work, violence, and charisma. Declan is a self-hating wolf, a descendent from an original line, and among the most powerful, the burden of denying his inner wolf is heavy. A soul connection will bring these two together and force them to feel things they never have before. Their souls combined might be what the Supernatural world needs to stand against the religious terrorists that try to destroy their kind.  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Ch. 1
Peach and Poppy  Declan Harp AU. Set in the 1970′s, Declan is a misbehaving psychiatric patient and Dr. Dixon or Dixie as he likes to call her, is a tenacious and underestimated new hospital director. Will this new job get the best of her delicate sensibilities like people are warning her? Will the charm of one of her patient’s awaken something in her she can’t come back from?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Rosie & The Road Less Traveled Declan Harp 1970s Hippy/Roadtrip AU Rosie has made a bold decision and decided to leave her monotonous life. She sets out to create her own with a group of misfits traveling  across America, post-Vietnam during the 1970s. She breaks out of her shy and insecure, sheltered shelf to have an adventure where she learns the realities of life outside her former cookie-cutter existence. She experiences, a year of sex, drugs, and rock and roll as the group of ex-soldiers and free spirits change her worldview and show her another way. She meets the charming but damaged Declan who takes her under his wing. Will a budding romance for this blossoming Rose prove to be her gift from the universe for making the hard decision to be her own woman?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
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Which is Harder? Being Honest or You? Billy Butcher x OFC She’s been involved in the messy world of The Boys for years now, same sad story, a Supe killed her husband, and now she’s out for revenge. The years pile up, and so do the stresses and anniversaries of deaths. On a night after the death of her husband, she finds herself worried about Butcher making it back from a job. Is it the booze that makes her so honest with him when he asks her what’s wrong? Is it the booze that makes her admit to what she really needs that night? Or was it inevitable between them all along?
Jim Hopper
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Don't Call Her Annie (Complete) : Annette Horowitz is Joyce's younger sister. She hasn't been the perfect sibling or aunt but after she finds out Will is missing, she finds herself crashing back into Hawkins to do everything in her power to help, driven by a need to prove she isn't a bad person. She hasn't been around much in the past 20 or so years, but when she comes back home she finds old friends, old habits and old feelings she'd thought she'd finally escaped. Can she really change or is she just kidding herself?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Part 1 Intro, Part 2 Advice & Arrests, Part 3 Bars, blankets & Bonfires, Part 4 Drunk & Discussions, Part 5 Preferences & Propositions, Part 6 Birthdays & Anniversaries, Part 7 Memories & Monologues, Part 8: Dusk & Dawn. Part 9: Valentine & Variation , Part 10 Reflection & Reassurance Part 11 Dancing & Domesticity Part 12 Music & Misunderstanding Part 13 Nostalgia & Now 
Before & After : Dealing with the 1 year anniversary of her almost life-ending accident coming up soon, our main character not only has to deal with how this makes her feel, but also how it’s making Jim feel. Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1 Before, Chapter 2 The Day Before, Chapter 3 Preparation, Chapter 4 Pt. 1 The Anniversary, Chapter 4 Pt. 2 The Sleepover  Chapter 5 The Honeymoon Phase , Chapter 6 Control , Chapter 7 Losing It, Chapter 8 Finding It Chapter 9 Figuring It Out
Summer of Hopper : Hopper is in pieces after coming back to Hawkins after Vietnam. How long will you be able to be the strong one if you are also on the edge from taking care of him? If you both break…then what happens? 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Some Legs Are Meant To Be Broken (Complete): When Hopper breaks both of his legs, and you’re the newest employee at the station, it means you get recruited to be his babysitter. Would he be as frustratingly difficult to deal with as you imagine? (Originated from a request to write Hopper in a similar situation to Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec when he had two broken legs. This was where that prompt took me.)  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 
One Shots - Jim Hopper (SMUT)
An Act of Nature: You move back to Hawkins, luckily you hit it off with a friend of your stepbrothers. When Chief Hopper finally gets around to asking you out, what is it going to take for the two of you to find time alone? An act of nature?
Not the fun kind of Daddy issues: Jim Hopper is your ex-husband. The fire burned bright but you just aren’t good for each other, you know it. You both try to deal with divorce and trying to raise Jane together despite your differences. Will she end up bringing you back together, or tearing you apart? Or maybe a little of both?
Long Day, Longer Night: A long day turns into an even longer night after you find yourself alone with the Chief…yet again. (My Valentine's fic. Tried to make something romantic and wax poetic a bit.) <3
Don’t Mess With Jim: It’s been a long week without being able to see your favorite man, and you intend to make sure he remembers what he’s been missing. You’re reminded of just how powerful of an affect Jim’s words can have on you (and others).
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painfullythickimagines · 8 years ago
Imagine Jason taking you back to his place after a date. It’s the all-important third date, so you know where this is going - you just didn’t expect for it to happen this way. As strong and brooding as he is, he took his time, becoming intimately familiar with every part of your body. You spend hours exploring each other, emotionally and physically, reaching climax after climax. You’ve never felt more vulnerable, or more connected with anyone else in your life.
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Requested by anon <3
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