#but both sides are truly him. he genuinely does seem to have fun around the house. living a normal and calm life
loverdotpng · 1 year
I'm having a category 5 blonde man moment
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sarahreesbrennan · 8 months
Are all the themes in “in other lands” supposed to be a commentary on something? Or do you just like writing sex scenes between minors, age gaps, and reverse misogyny?
Genuine question.
Ohhh, my dear anon, I don't believe this is a genuine question.
But it does bring up something I've been meaning to talk about. So I'll take the bait.
Firstly. Yes, my work contains a commentary on the world around us. I wonder what I could be doing with the child soldiers being sexually active in their teens (people hook up right after battles), and the age gap relationship ending in the younger one being too mature for the elder. What could I possibly have been attempting when I said 'how absurd gender roles are, when projected onto people we haven't been accustomed by our own society to see that way'? I wasn't being subtle, that's for sure.
Secondly. Yes I do enjoy writing! I think I should, it's my life's work. Am I titillated by my own writing, no - though I think it's fine to be. The sex scenes of In Other Lands aren't especially titillating, to be honest. It is interesting to me how often people sneer at women for writing romance and sex scenes, having 'book boyfriends,' insinuating women writers fancy their own characters. Women having too much immoral fun! Whereas men clearly write about sex for high literary purposes.
… I have to say from my experience of women and men's writing, I haven't found that to be true.
I’m not in this to have an internet argument. Mostly people use bad faith takes to poke at others from the other side of a screen for kicks. But I do know some truly internalise the attitude that writing certain things is wrong, that anyone who makes mistakes must be shunned as impure, and that is a deeply Victorian and restrictive attitude that guarantees unhappiness.
I've become increasingly troubled by the very binary and extreme ways of thinking I see arising on the internet. They come naturally from people being in echo chambers, becoming hostile to differing opinions, and the age-old conundrum of wanting to be good, fearing you aren't, and making the futile effort to be free of sin. It makes me think of Tennyson, who when travelling through Ireland at the time of the Great Famine, said nobody should talk about the 'Irish distress' to him and insisted the window shades of his carriage be shut as he went from castle to castle. So he wouldn't see the bodies. But that didn't make the bodies cease to be.
In Les Mis, Victor Hugo explores why someone might steal, what that means about them and their circumstances, and who they might be - and explores why someone else is made terribly unhappy, and endangers others, through their own too rigid adherence to judgement and condemnation without pity. The story understands both Jean Valjean the thief and Javert the policeman. Javert’s way of thinking is the one that inevitably leads to tragedy.
Depiction isn't endorsement. Depiction is discussion.
Many of my loved ones have had widely varying relationships to and experience of sex (including 'none'). They've felt all different types of ways about it. If writing about them is not permissible, I close them out. I'd much rather a dialogue be open than closed.
I do understand the urge to write what seems right to others. I've been brain-poisoned that way myself. I used to worry so much about my female characters doing the wrong things, because then they'd be justly hated! Then I noted which of my writer friends had people love their female characters the most - and it was the one who wrote their female characters as screwing up massively, making rash and sometimes wrong decisions. Who wrote them as people. Because that's what people do. That's what feels true to readers.
I want my characters to feel true to readers. I want my characters to react in messy ways to imperfect situations. I love fantasy, I love wild action and I love deep thought, and I want to engage. That's what In Other Lands is about. That's even more what Long Live Evil is about. That sexy lady who sashays in to have sexy sex with the hero - what is her deal? Someone who tricks and lies to others - why are they doing that, how did they get so skilled at it? What makes one person cruelly judgemental, and another ignore all boundaries? What makes Carmen Maria Machado describe ‘fictional queer villains’ as ‘by far the most interesting characters’? What irritates people about women having a great time? What attracts us to power, to fiction, and to transgression?
I don’t know the answers to all those questions, but I know I want to explore them. And I know one more thing.
If the moral thing to do is shut people out and shut people up? Count me among the villains.
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savagewildnerness · 3 months
Let’s breakdown this scene…
Lestat, playing piano: bent over, lost in the world of the music - out of this world entirely. Louis sees a broken thing playing a plank of wood. A far cry from the proud, splendid creature he once knew.
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(From Interview with the Vampire) "My eyes widened as I studied this stooped and shivering vampire whose rich blonde hair hung down in loose waves covering his face.”
Side note from me, as I love to talk about things that make The Vampire Chronicles appealing to me. Some people seem to be of the view that they wouldn’t desire immortality, only to be these sad, lonely, melancholic creatures… but I have always felt this way myself - even when I was a tiny child, long before I read The Vampire Chronicles. There has always been an innate loneliness and isolation to me deep inside. I don’t think you’d necessarily know it to meet me, mind! I am a smiley person! I like to do childlike, fun things. I try to bring happiness, not gloom to the world.
However, my instinct has always been to retreat into my own, wordless, unbound imagination, and to feel entirely alone, in truth. And still, I am. As a child, I felt more the weight of the world as if I were already 1000 years old. Now, loss of hope that comes with time is both sadder, scarier and, in its way, more freeing.
Anyway - imagine having infinite time and so being able to truly drift out of existence for decades. It’s such an appealing concept to me. I know Lestat is very sad here, but the idea of this kind of true escape… oh how I yearn for it. To let the world crumble around me. To step out of existence for some decades, with the possibility of return, not the reality as it is in mortal life that that is you falling through cracks you’ll never crawl out of ever again…
Lestat names Louis, reflexively when asked who said “hello”. He hasn’t turned to see Louis yet. To Lestat, Louis died 50 years ago. He is a ghost, surely? Lestat’s voice has a flat affect here. He isn’t thinking. He is merely reacting.
When Lestat first looks at Louis, I see fear:
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- Does Louis really exist?
- What will Louis do?
- Must Lestat be drawn back into the world here? To acknowledge reality?
(From IWTV) “`I've dreamed of your coming . . . coming. . ' he said.”
Lestat asks Louis if he’d like a rat, as if he were a hallucination still, more than real-Louis. I think Lestat knows Louis is real when he speaks, but he’s still only half in reality himself.
Louis says “I’ve come to see you”, but Lestat is still half in his own constructed world with his music and Argerich… I love how Lestat hugs and caresses his plank-piano, drawing it into himself, as if drawing music in to himself. Me too, Lestat. Me too. I adore how Rolin and all added music to this scene. It isn’t there in the books. Of course it makes a through-line for rock star Lestat, but it is a deep love of Lestat’s and I am SO HAPPY with this addition!
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I know a lot of people find “Siri, pause…” funny, but I must be a weird human, as I just find it oddly poignant. Like did people watch and laugh at this moment? This feels like when I go to see a play and people all laugh at something and I don’t laugh, then some other thing I laugh out loud at, but nobody else is laughing. And this is why I can’t do memes or any popular thing. SIGH. ANYWAY!!!
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The way Lestat puts the keyboard up on front of himself, like a shield as Louis moves closer, his breathing growing ragged. Lestat genuinely scared… as though Louis’ mere presence might obliterate him if he gets too close. And of course, he does not know why Louis is there. Is he there to kill him? Does it matter if he is? He should kill him. He could too, right now. The emotional support piano becomes a protective plank.
But what Lestat is not expecting is Louis’ kindness, care, worry and empathy.
“Did you save my life in Paris?”
And now we get the first glimmer of the old Lestat as Lestat lifts his chin, shakes his head, tries to be nonchalant and to muster up his old pride, maintain any pride he still possesses. He immediately dismisses Louis’ niceness with a self-criticism as he truly perceives that he put Louis in danger by not protecting him from Armand. Responsibility in Nicolas’ death, and, he thinks, in Louis’.
Lestat is defensive. His unspoken mantra, “Don’t see me. Don’t see the real me, Louis. I cannot take it. Not right now.” Lestat is almost begging Louis to tell him he hates him, as he’s imagined Louis’ hate all these years… I fear halluci-Louis may not have been the kind, loving vision for Lestat that DreamStat was for Louis…?
A side note again: Lestat’s “All hail me” gave me a full-on spontaneous existential crisis. Folks, does Lestat say “All hail me” in the books? I hope not! Because for as long as I remember, in appropriate circumstances, I say “All hail me” and obviously it’s a turn of phrase, but I had a sudden heart stopping moment where, with a chill, I thought *Did I get that from Lestat?!* Am I entirely even my self at all?! Am I merely a manifestation of all the art I have ever consumed? Am… I… Armand!?!?!??!! Oh MY! I don’t think Lestat says this in the books though, right? Right!?!?
Well, Lestat puts his piano-plank down, terrified Louis might show him love. Craving it. Fearing it.
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“Been enduring here?” Lestat is truly proud now. He will not admit his pain. As if not speaking it could make it invisible when it’s plain all about - from within him and without. It is *very* Lestat when questioned on the pain in his soul or shown that it has been seen to be like “I am FINE” & to think that’s how he comes across to others, when really of COURSE they see how broken he is. And then he bemoans that nobody will let him be broken, when he himself struggles to be broken other than when alone or on the page.
“I didn’t know it was a gift.” - Lestat is still wary. Still expecting hate from Louis here… unable yet to fully accept and understand…
Then Louis begins to say the only things Lestat has ever wanted to hear and know from Louis - thanking Lestat for the gift of vampiric immortality, showing he understands the beauty of it and intends to value that and use it… & Lestat is done for; broken open from here. He still, for a moment tries to fight back with “Shall we list all the ways we have wronged each other…” etc. But really, Lestat can now no longer maintain ay facade. Louis has opened him up.
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And now we are open to Lestat’s thoughts for the last half-century. Armand erases Louis’ suicide attempt from his mind, but it is the first thing Lestat asks about. In his mind he has replayed for 5 decades how Louis is dead and it is his fault.
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Sam and Jacob are so brilliant and beautiful as they open to each other in this scene. Claudia. Grief. Pain. Then, love. Broken-Lestat is particularly too much - holding on to responsibility over Claudia’s fate and how she looked at him at the end and he did nothing… and Louis, trying to take away and share the burden. Louis - so empathetic… and as they move through grief to love, words fall away (or become too personal to matter) and the storm outside echoes the storm of their hearts and their love.
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(From IWTV) ““…And as I looked down at him, as I saw his yellow hair pressed against my coat, I had a vision of him from long ago, that tall, stately gentleman in the swirling black cape, with his head thrown back, his rich, flawless voice singing the lilting air of the opera from which we'd only just come, his walking stick tapping the cobblestones in time with the music, his large, sparkling eye catching the young woman who stood by, enrapt, so that a smile spread over his face as the song died on his lips; and for one moment, that one moment when his eye met hers, all evil seemed obliterated in that flush of pleasure, that passion for merely being alive.
" Was this the price of that involvement? A sensibility shocked by change, shrivelling from fear? I thought quietly of all the things I might say to him, how I might remind him that he was immortal, that nothing condemned him to this retreat save himself, and that he was surrounded with the unmistakable signs of inevitable death. But I did not say these things, and I knew that I would not.
" It seemed the silence of the room rushed back around us, like a dark sea…””
Bonus: misprint in my TVL copy!
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(From TVL) “Louis had come finally to this very place and seen me through the windows. I tried to imagine it. Louis alive. Louis here, so close, and I had not even know it. I think I laughed a little. I couldn’t keep it clear in my mind that Louis wasn’t burnt up. But it was really wonderful that Louis still lived. It was wonderful that there existed still that handsome face, that poignant expression, that tender and faintly imploring voice. My beautiful Louis surviving, instead of dead and gone with Claudia and Nick.
But then maybe he was dead. Why should I believe Armand?”
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tomriddleslove · 9 months
Forgotten once again.
✩Tom Riddle x Reader
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Summary: The one where Tom isn’t capable of love, but you thought you could change that. Alternatively: Possesiveness and Love become the same thing.
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one because Tom’s character is sm fun to write. It’s interesting because despite my delusions I couldn’t ever imagine him being capable of loving someone, and if he did it would be like this. Also this is probably the last time i’ll post for the next three weeks!
Warnings: Toxic Relationships, mentions of manipulation, violence (towards others). Generally about a very toxic and unhealthy relationship so please do not read if you’re triggered by anything to do with this! My inbox is always open if you ever need someone to talk to 🫶🏼.
Songs: Leaving Tonight - The Neighbourhood
Spectre - Radiohead
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Tom Riddle was many things.
For one, he was ambitious. He would achieve whatever he so desired. If he had the means to do it, it would be done immediately. If he did not, well...
He would find the means to do so. Because Tom Riddle achieved whatever he so desired.
He was also charismatic.
Tom had a natural charisma that drew people to him. Whether through his charm, intelligence, or a combination of both, he had a magnetic presence that captivated those around him. This charisma played a significant role in his ability to influence and manipulate others to further his ambitions.
Tom Riddle was brilliant. Gifted with a sharp mind and a keen understanding of magic, he excelled in his studies. His intelligence, coupled with his ambition, allowed him to delve into dark magic and ancient mysteries, seeking knowledge and power that others might shy away from.
Tom Riddle was many things, but there was only one thing he lacked.
Perhaps it was karma, some form of divine intervention, his hamartia, that it was this very thing that would be his downfall in the years to come.
Tom was many things, but loving was not one of them.
Tom Riddle was not loving. No - he was not capable of love.
Tom Riddle, was incapable of experiencing genuine love due to being conceived under the influence of a love potion, not true love. The circumstances of Tom’s conception were marked by coercion and manipulation, as his mother, Merope Gaunt, used a love potion to attract and bind Tom Riddle Sr. to her. It was artificial and devoid of true affection. This was a concrete and inexplicably tragic detail that meant Tom Riddle simply was not physically capable of reciprocating love.
Key word, reciprocating. For, it was very much possible for someone to fall in love with Tom. A cruel thing it would be, for one cannot simply love Lucifer himself and expect to be loved in return. Tom Riddle's incapacity for reciprocating love stemmed from a profound emotional void rather than an inability to elicit affection from others.
This fact was a cruel truth that you only chose to accept once it was too late. One does not simply get involved with Tom Riddle, and come out unscathed.
Tom never cared for love, really. To him, it was just some sort of transaction or tool, something to be manipulated for his own benefit. Love, in Tom Riddle's eyes, was a means to an end rather than an intrinsic value. It was a sentiment that he observed in others but never truly felt himself.
Love, however, seemed to be the most raw, human thing in existence. It was everything we hated, yet also everything we loved. It unravelled our deepest insecurities, it brought things to the surface that we had long pushed to the side. It required us to lay ourselves, bare, for the other to see. Love made us tolerate the very worst of things, love made us hate the very best of things.
Many things can be complementary in life. Love was not one of them. It was overpowering, consuming. It changed who you were.
Love was the beginning of life and the end of it. Love was part of being human.
Tom lacking this fundamentally crucial aspect of the human experience may have been the very thing that led him to despise his humanity.
When Tom had met you, it was slightly different. A puzzle piece that didn't quite fit but intrigued him nonetheless.
You were undeniably talented, a mind that had its worth. You had this air of arrogance, and whilst Tom hated unbacked arrogance, you had the means to justify it. You were self-assured, and he found it to be somewhat refreshing compared to the other people he knew (who unashamedly sucked up to him.) You didn’t fall for his tricks immediately, which made him all the more agitated, and intrigued. Rather, you seemed to enjoy being with Tom most when he’d drop the ‘perfect and polite’ facade he had. You valued honesty and bluntness, two things Tom did not do (After all, how would he gain the trust of others if he truthfully told them he planned on using every single one of them?)
However, the more time he spent with you, the more he found that he fed into what you liked. And somehow, to his dismay, he found some sort of sick satisfaction in it. He enjoyed seeing you actively seek out his presence, and as much as it went against what Tom believed, he liked the validation of having people want to be associated with him. It was a testament to how he longed to be known, to be admired. He observed, learned, and dissected your intricacies, seeing you not as an individual but as a canvas upon which he could project his desires.
He soon grew very used to you, and he didn't absolutely loathe you. As the days unfolded into months, and the months unfolded into years, a semblance of tolerance took root. He played the part, masking his true intentions beneath a veneer of charm. Tolerance morphed into a twisted form of acknowledgement — an acknowledgement that you held a role in his future ambitions, his ultimate goal.
After all, that's all he ever did anything for, right? His goals, His desires. His needs.
The evolution was subtle but insidious. What began as a detached fascination transformed into a possessive need. Tom, driven by an insatiable hunger for control, found satisfaction in manipulating the threads of your existence. Obsession seeped into every crevice of his thoughts. Your every action became a challenge to him, something for him to understand, something he wanted to have control over. His infatuation stemmed from a desire to have control, to claim your very being, to possess you like some sort of artefact in his prized possessions.
Whilst you may have been immune to Tom’s charm when you first met, you certainly weren't without your weakness. After all, Tom always got what he wanted, and if he didn't have the means to do so, he'd find it.
He became fluent in his ways of understanding you, observing every little thing you did. He dissected the very core of your being till he was sure there was nothing he wouldn't know. Casual conversations about schoolwork in the depths of the library turned to confessions about your life as the hours passed. Tom preyed on your vulnerability, sowing seeds of doubt into your mind.
He agreed with you when you expressed your frustrations at your friends, he encouraged your rash actions. He told you what you wanted to hear, and made it seem as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
As everything he did, each word he spoke was carefully calculated, a thread sewn in the fabric of your fucked up relationship, binding him inexplicably closer to you without even realising.
He pointed out things, seemingly from a place of concern, making you distance yourself from your friends. He highlighted instances where your friends might have let you down, carefully framing himself as the only steadfast pillar in your life. Tom was everything you could have needed; he understood you, and he made you feel seen.
He was selective about what he let you know. He let you know he had grown up in a children’s home, and that his mother had died. Trust was a two-way thing, and you were smart enough to detect when it wasn’t being reciprocated. He let you see what he wanted to see, for no human was perfect, and he needed you to see he had his imperfections if he wanted you to trust him.
He needed to make it seem as though you made him feel seen too.
Tom had been sitting in your room, working with you on a transfiguration assignment you both had been set. Cross-legged on your bed, he still remembers how you had sat down next to him, visibly frustrated.
Tom, ever attuned to you, asked whether you were ok because that's what someone who cared for you did. He didn't care greatly though, not in a selfless way. Rather, he needed you to know that he was the only person who knew you, the only person you needed.
You opened up about what had happened, explaining how your friends had betrayed your trust, and how they seemed to misunderstand you, leaving you feeling isolated and vulnerable. Tom, feigning empathy with expert precision, listened intently, absorbing every detail like a sponge. You began crying because it all became too much.
You never thought Tom would comfort you. You believed he'd perhaps pat your back, or assure you it was all fine. What you didn't expect, was for Tom to draw you in, to wrap his arms around you, and pull you into his chest. You didn't expect him to soothe you, and rub your back as he uttered words of comfort into your ear, seemingly shielding you from the emotions that had been weighing you down.
You didn't expect to feel safe, to feel protected. If only you knew the only thing you needed protection from, was Tom himself.
You felt special. You knew it was not in Tom's nature to do so. You had no idea how vile of a person he truly was, but you understood he was avoidant of sentiment or affection. For him to have been so tender, made you feel loved.
It was only ever bound to go downhill from there.
It was only natural that you had fallen in love with him. From there it all somewhat became a blur. In between the lines, the illusion of love was beginning to waver. Graduating from Hogwarts, you no longer held those ambitions you once had. Your plans seemed now to be a distant memory, a past life. You had Tom, and that was all that mattered.
Tom had gotten his job at Borgin and Burkes. You moved in with him. You ignored the pleas of concern from those who were near and dear to you, who Tom hadn’t managed to isolate you from.
Tom convinced you that they did not have your best interest in mind, that they didn’t like him because he was a poor orphan, working a salesperson job. He had earlier convinced you he had his insecurities about his past, and he used that to make you believe the people around you were prejudiced, that they didn't care for your happiness but rather their status being affected by who they associated with. No one would want to be acquainted with the girl who loved the charity case.
You believed him. You couldn't fathom why they didn’t like Tom. You shut them out.
It was rather terrifying seeing how quickly Tom could snuff out your fiery flame, and reduce you down to someone who became dependent on him. You rarely left the house, your life revolved around what Tom wanted, and how Tom felt.
He left you teetering on the precipe of unhappiness, fulfilling your needs to the point where you couldn’t complain for fear of seeming ungrateful, unloving.
He would neglect you, coming back from work to lock himself in your bedroom, pouring over books and writings. He wasn’t who he used to be, caring, affectionate, loving.
Shame on you for assuming you could make Tom capable of love.
His neglect pierced your soul, and when you mustered the courage to voice your needs, he snapped at you for bothering him. Tom's transformation into an emotionally distant stranger left you in a state of perpetual uncertainty.
At times, you resolved to leave him, but Tom had a knack for sensing your unrest. As though he could read your mind, he returned with offerings and apologies, painting himself as the troubled victim and casting you as the ungrateful perpetrator. Guilt became the shackle that bound you, and his apologies only deepened the wounds.
Tom, in those fleeting moments of remorse, would momentarily embody the man you had fallen in love with. You cooked dinner together. He’ d play with your hair as you read, and he fucked you as if he truly did love you. Yet, the morning after, the bed would be empty, and the reality of your entangled existence with Tom would once again sink in.
He began leaving for work earlier and coming back later. You began to doubt whether it was because of work, the day he came back reeking of dark magic.
You were undeniably clever, after all, that was what had sparked Tom’s obsession with you in the first place, and so it didn’t take long for you to connect the dots. Tom’s friends back in Hogwarts seemed more like devotees than anything else. This, coupled with him spending countless hours reading through books he wouldn't let you see, and his sudden late hours suggested to you he was dappling in dark things.
You weren't wrong, per se, but Tom was far beyond dappling in dark things. He had become the image of corruption itself.
The cycle persisted, a disheartening repetition of highs and lows that left you questioning your worth and the authenticity of the connection you had with Tom. His intermittent displays of affection, punctuated by periods of neglect and manipulation, became the norm. The more you yearned for stability, the deeper you sank into the quicksand of your toxic relationship.
You couldn't pinpoint exactly where neglect turned into heated words. Arguments turning more and more intense. Slammed doors became broken porcelain, yet the remorseful embraces remained the same.
The outside world, once filled with friends and dreams, now seemed like a distant echo. Tom had successfully eroded the foundations of your past life, isolating you from the support systems that could have provided a lifeline. His poisonous whispers had convinced you that only he truly cared for you, painting the rest of the world as indifferent or antagonistic.
The empty mornings and hollow apologies continued, and you slowly began to realise the love you once believed in had become a warped caricature, and the person you had fallen for had let his obsession manifest into your relationship, seeping through the feeble foundations.
The crisp air of Hogsmeade offered a welcome escape from the suffocating atmosphere of the shared home with Tom. As you strolled through the quaint village, a familiar face caught your eye – Elizabeth, your closest friend from Hogwarts. A twinge of nostalgia mixed with apprehension as you approached her.
"Hey, Elizabeth," you greeted, attempting a smile.
Her response was guarded, her eyes revealing a mixture of concern and wariness. "Hello. Long time no see."
You sensed a tension in the air as you tried to engage in small talk, but Elizabeth's words soon cut through the facade. "Look, What happened? You dropped off the face of the earth, and it's like you vanished after graduation. In our last year, you completely ignored all of us."
A knot tightened in your stomach as you fumbled for an explanation. "I... things have been complicated. I've been busy."
Elizabeth's expression softened, and she sighed. "Busy? More like completely consumed. We all missed you, you know? But you acted like we don't even exist. What happened to the person we used to know?"
You frown, crossing your arms. “Missed me? I only stopped talking to you because you all acted weird around me.” You respond, defensively.
“No, we didn't. You got angry at us when we told you we were worried for you. You rarely went out with us, you were always too busy elsewhere.” She corrected, and you felt a frustration bubble within you.
“No, it didn’t really seem like that. You all isolated me and the only person I had left was Tom. It was only natural that I wouldn't want to go back to being friends with you after that.” You snap.
Elizabeth's eyes widened, sympathy replacing her earlier frustration. "Tom? Are you serious? He's the one who isolated you, not us. We've been worried sick about you. You're not the same person anymore."
Who did she think she was? She knew nothing about the two of you, let alone what your relationship was like. Tom was right, these people had it out for you. They didn't care for you, not at all.
“You don't know what our relationship is like Elizabeth, so I suggest you stop making assumptions.” You hiss, glaring at her.
"We cared, but you pushed us away," Elizabeth explained gently. "You were so wrapped up in whatever was going on with Tom that you stopped caring about anyone else. It's not healthy, and we were genuinely concerned."
Elizabeth reached out to comfort you. "Listen, I know it's tough, but you need to reevaluate your situation. Staying with Tom isn't healthy, and you're not alone. My door is always open if you need somewhere to stay or someone to talk to.” She says, fumbling around in her pockets. She pulls out a receipt and hastily scribbles down an address, thrusting it into your hand. She gives you one last look of pity, and you feel enraged. You immediately apparate back home, you didn't have time for this foolishness.
You apparate back home, the confrontation with Elizabeth leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. The hastily scribbled address clutched in your hand feels like an unwanted invitation, an intrusion into the carefully constructed reality that Tom has woven around you.
As you step into the shared home, the atmosphere is unsettling. Tom is hunched over a dark tome, his eyes flickering up to meet yours as you enter.
"Where have you been?" he questions, the softness of his tone belying the underlying intensity.
You toss your coat aside, frustration boiling beneath the surface. "Out. I needed a break from all this," you retort, the words laced with the anger that has been building up.
A dangerous glint enters Tom's eyes, his composure slipping. "A break? Is that how you see it? Is it a burden to you?"
"Yes, Tom! I don’t know what’s gone wrong? One day you’re fin and the next you’re acting as though i’m a nuisance to your being," you snap, the resentment in your voice cutting through the room.
His posture stiffens, and a quiet threat laces his words. "Oh really?"
Your anger flares, a defiant fire pushing back against his dominance. "Guess who I saw today, hmm?" You seethe, venom lingering in your tone.
A momentary confusion flickers in Tom's eyes. "Who?" he questions, wondering how this could be relevant to the conversation.
"Elizabeth," you declare, watching his reaction closely.
Tom's expression darkens, and a cold tension settles in the room. "What does she have to do with anything?" He retorts, stepping closer to you.
"She told me a few things, Tom. About how I've distanced myself from everyone, how they were worried, and you know what struck me?" you press on, your anger finding a new target.
His eyes narrow, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "What?"
"That I believed it was my friends who had abandoned me, but in reality, it's been you isolating me all along," you accuse, the realization fueling your rage. You jab your finger into his chest as you speak.
Tom's composure wavers, but he quickly recovers. "I've been protecting you. You can't trust them. They're trying to pull you away from me."
"Stop. Stop it, Tom. Have the decency to acknowledge I'm not that fucking stupid. I know what you're trying to do,” You say, voice cracking. You resist the urge to shield your ears, his words burrowing their way into you as he attempts to trivialise your worries, making you out to be the irrational one.
Tom frowns, and the sight of you beginning to doubt him had bile riding in the back of his throat. H reaches out, hands holding onto your shoulders as he urges you to look at him.
“They’re lying to you. They’re trying to pull you away from me again! Can't you see this? Why do you believe them over me?” He says, voice pleading with you in fake desperation, the lengths he was willing to go to to ensure he could continue to possess you were unthinkable.
“Enough. Im fucking done. You’re so fucked up, Tom. You never loved me, did you? You only ever wanted to own me, to control me. Tell me, was it worth it? Was it ever fucking worth it, spending 5 years of your life weaving this tapestry of bullshit just so you could keep me locked up in here?” You snap, grabbing your coat.
Tom's pleading expression transforms into a cold mask, and a sinister calm settles over him. "You think you can just leave? You're mine, and you'll stay. I won't let you go." He utters.
The realization of his true nature, the toxicity of the relationship, fuels your determination. "Watch me,” You hiss.
As you move toward the door, his grip on control slips further, and an unsettling mix of rage and desperation flashes in his eyes. "You'll regret this. You'll come crawling back. You always come back." He says. You take a single look at him before slamming the door and walking off.
One cannot simply dance with the devil, and change him. He always changes you.
Tom Riddle was far beyond the devil.
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You wondered if for once in your life God had been on your side when you had that chance encounter with Elizabeth. Despite your harsh words, she had accepted you into her home with open arms. The weight of the past five years settles heavily on your shoulders, and the enormity of what you've lost becomes painfully clear. You were young, so damn young, and you’d been living as a glorified prisoner, trapped by the very thing that was meant to liberate you.
But love was ugly, wasn't it? It made you tolerate the bad, it made you irrational. Love could bare its teeth into your neck, and you'd let it, for love was ugly.
It was ugly, but it was not macabre.
Tom knew where you were. Tom always did. It was already established that Tom always got what he wanted. He wanted you, and he found a way to ensure that.
At first, he did not bother you.
He believed you would come back to him, as you so often did. But when a week had passed and you had not reappeared as you always did, beautiful face flushed red, eyes glossy with tears as you wordlessly stepped in and fell back into normality, he began to worry.
If it came to any relief to you, which it might have, Tom believed he loved you. What you had was a far cry from love, an echo of what it should have been. But in the mind of he who cannot love, this is what he believed it to be. One could only wonder whether everything would have been different if he actually knew what love was. But he didn't, and he never would, so he was left with some sort of fucked up obsession that he believed was love.
Tom felt a gnawing emptiness that only intensified with your departure.
Again, he loved you, if one could call it love. It was a sick, twisted version of affection that demanded ownership. In his distorted reality, your existence became an extension of his own, a possession he couldn't bear to lose. The mere thought of you breaking free ignited a desperate panic within him.
He needed you like a drowning man gasping for air, clinging to the last vestiges of sanity.
Schopenhauer believed that the will, a blind and irrational force, dominated human behaviour. Love, according to Schopenhauer, was an expression of the will's desire.
Tom felt this indescribable gap in his life without you there, as though he simply wasn’t complete without you. The old him would have hated to admit it, but he needed you, and his need for you grew from a sickly infatuation to a desperate yearning. Love, in his distorted reality, meant ownership, and he was losing his grip.
It was a rather bleak evening, and you had a horrible feeling in your stomach as you sat on the sofa of Elizabeth’s living room, where you had been presiding for the past week.
How cruel it was, that you and Tom were so attuned to one another.
You somehow knew it was Tom without needing to see them.
As Tom had resonated with the words of Schopenhauer, you had resonated with the words of Plato. For you, love could not be controlled. Instead, it was a divine madness that took hold of individuals, transcending rational thought and choice.
You had often thought that was a beautiful thing. However, when it was love that was causing your demise, it no longer felt beautiful.
Elizabeth comes down the stairs and raises a brow when she sees you perched on the edge of the sofa, staring blankly off into the distance. She eyes you apprehensively as she opens the door.
That voice. It simultaneously sent dread coursing through you, and butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“Come back now. It's been far too long.” Tom says, his voice oh so tempting.
“Seriously? You think you can get her back with that bullshit?” Elizabeth snaps, standing at the door.
Tom, however, remains fixated on you, as if Elizabeth's words were mere background noise. Ignoring her comments, he continues, his eyes piercing into your conflicted gaze.
"Stop this. Come back. It's where you belong," he urges, the words carrying a persuasive weight that had once held you captive.
Elizabeth's frustration peaked as she turned to face you, pleading in her eyes. "Don't listen to him. He's toxic, and you don't need that in your life. You deserve so much more."
Tom's eyes bore into yours, his tone silky but insistent. "You don't belong in our business, Elizabeth. You’re as meddlesome as you were in school. She knows where she belongs."
You remain silent.
"He's killing you. Can't you see that?" Elizabeth's voice held a mixture of concern and frustration.
But Tom's voice slithered through the air once more, persuasive and relentless. "Come to me.” His words echoed a twisted sense of possessiveness, yet held such allure, spoken tenderly, enough to convince you it would be fine.
You clench your fists, nails digging into your skin. You stand up, letting out a shuddery breath. You walk towards the door.
“Fuck, stop! You don't need to go! Don't act like you have nowhere to go! I've given you my home, I’ve let you stay. Stop going back!” Elizabeth says, frustration laced in her voice.
How easy it is to claim you simply need to just “stop”, and it would all be fine.
It was never that simple. Tom's presence was poison, yet it was also the air you breathed. You had only known Tom for what felt like aeons, and you had shut everyone who questioned you out. All you had was Tom, all you ever would have is Tom.
He was home, a twisted kind that keeps you warm while slowly suffocating the life out of you.
As you walked back into his outstretched arms, a sense of numb acceptance settled over you. The outside world ceased to matter; the only reality was the one with Tom.
It wasn't love as the poets wrote or the philosophers pondered. Yet, in its ugliness, it was the only reality you knew.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around. Like a serpent, his embrace constricts around you, possessive and suffocating. You lean into him, feeling the coldness of his touch seep into your skin. It's oddly warming though, as paradoxical as it seemed.
"Where else would you go, my love?" he whispers, the sweetness of the endearment masking the toxicity beneath.
The serpent and its prey, bound in a perverse waltz of dependence and decay, disappear into the shadows, and the world outside is forgotten once again.
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itsmewillful · 1 year
An Awkward Situation-OneShot
Main Masterlist
(Anakin Skywalker x gn!reader OneShot)
Readers POV
Word Count: 977
Warning(s): Swear words. Pinning, (a lot of it) and a make-out scene ;)
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“Master, are you sure we should take an elevator on a ship that is slowly plummeting towards the planet?”
Your Master, Anakin Skywalker, scoffs and turns around to face you. His well-too-known grin plastered across his face.
“I’m the Master, you're the Padawan. And besides, this is Dooku’s private elevator, so there is only enough room for-”
“One person.” you interrupt. “Which is exactly why I don’t want to go in that. I don’t want to have to breath the same air as you for like five minutes-”
“Y/n, he wouldn’t expect two jedi to come out of an elevator meant for only one person, so it’s the best option we have to get up there.”
You groan out in annoyance at his point. He was right, it is a pretty good idea. The only problem being that you have a massive crush on your Master. And sharing a small space with him might make your soul leave your body. Not giving you enough time to respond, Anakin grabs a hold of your wrist and pulls you towards the lift.
He pushes a button for the lift to come up to the floor you both are currently on. When it arrives, your mouth drops to the ground at the sight. The elevator was barely big enough for even one person-let alone two to fit inside of! You gulp when you realise you truly were going to be sharing the same air as Anakin for at least five minutes.
You both began to squeeze into the small space and held your breaths as the doors slowly shut close. That’s when you realised how awkward this situation was. Anakin himself seemed to have a hard time with sharing the small space the both of you were in. Even though you weren’t facing him, you still knew by the way he breathed he wasn’t calm. You  turned around to face him and your face nearly collided with his broad chest. You blushed at this and looked up to face him with a slight pink tint to your face. Anakin looked down at you and made an unreadable facial expression, which confused you greatly. 
“I’m sorry Master,” you said with slight worry in your tone that you did something wrong.
Anakin remained unfazed and continued to stare you down with his unrecognizable gaze. Did I suddenly sprout horns or something? Why is he staring at me like I’m an unfamiliar species?
You cocked your head to the side a bit and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Are you alright?” you asked him curiously. He immediately broke his unbearing eye contact and looked up at the ceiling, his adams apple coming into view. You gulped at the sight and turned your face away from him. He truly is the best work of the Maker himself. He was drop-dead gorgeous. 
He chuckles when he notices your sudden change in demeanor. 
“You’re a lot of fun to mess around with-” He was suddenly cut off when the elevator came to an abrupt stop and the both of you went flying and landed on the floor in a pile of limbs. And of course, it just so happens you fell onto his lap. 
It took you a moment to realise that until you felt a strong hand grab a hold of your waist another went up to your chin.
“You alright, Y/n? Did you get hurt at all?” He asked with genuine concern in his voice. 
Your soul truly left your body when you noticed how much more awkward the situation had gotten. Your face turned a deep shade of red. How the fuck was he so calm with you on his lap? Or does he truly not think of me like this? 
That was until you moved your hips to get a tad bit more comfortable that he hissed at you and gripped your waist tighter.
Holy shit. Holy shit.
You looked up to meet his gaze and you noticed his eyes held a familiar glint of mischief. What the hell have you done now?
“I-I’m sorry Master, I didn’t mean to do that-” 
You were suddenly cut off when you felt his lips crash into yours in a passionate kiss. You of course were confused by all means. But you eventually leaned into the kiss and smiled into it slightly. You heard Anakin growl at you and you were pushed into the wall of the small lift. Your wrists were pinned above your head and Anakin got in between your legs and continued to kiss you. The more time went by, the hotter the both of you got-and the more hot you both got, the more heated the kiss became. Eventually, he stuck his tongue in you and began to fight for dominance. 
“-roger roger!” 
You and Anakin immediately disconnected from each other's lips and looked up to see a battle droid standing at the doorway.
“Hey! The Jedi are in-” Anakin raised his hand up and threw the droid into a wall on the opposite side of the lift. He slowly turned his head to face you. His hair was sticking to his forehead and his lips were a bit puffy from the heated kiss you two shared a moment ago. He smiled when you made eye contact with him.
“The lift must’ve stopped at a floor and the droids found it weird and investigated. Total party-poopers.” He chuckled.
You cringed at his choice of words and playfully slapped his hand that was still around your waist.
“But Anakin, are you not worried if the Jedi Council finds out about what just happened?” You asked with genuine worry in your voice.
“You know what, Y/n? Fuck the council and the code.” That’s when he waved his hand to shut the elevator door and your lips reconnected with his. 
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trashytoastboi · 5 months
Day of Dominance - Diavolo
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
👑 Attention, affection and connection. Diavolo truly thrives on the attention you give him. He understands having to respect his image and will be reserved due to that even though all he wants to do is be affectionate towards you. It’s reserved for when it’s the two of you, or at least when you’re with the circle of people who already know. They all confess that Diavolo’s PDA is a bit much but he trusts them enough to drop his image a little in front of them. Barbatos is just used to seeing Diavolo smothering you with his touch. He’s like an oversized kitten. 
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
👑 The always busy but never too busy for you friend. His responsibilities keep him busy and Diavolo himself is craving any excuse or reason for a break, you give him the perfect reason for that. Honestly watching him sneak out of the castle is funny in itself. He instantly lights up the room with a natural charisma to him, but when it’s just the two of you he’s more focused on having fun. You go quieter places, Diavolo has even attempted a few disguises and the two of you head out incognito. Diavolo usually always has something he wants to try so you’re always doing something different, trying a new place to eat, walking around, shopping, or even going to some of the attractions in the Devildom that his usual fame doesn’t allow him to.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
👑 Diavolo loves cuddles, if he could have you on his lap while he cuddles you on his throne he really would. Barbatos tells him it’s not the proper decorum though :( Enjoys being both the big and little spoon, the little spoon more on days when he’s really exhausted and frustrated. He’ll just snuggle up to you and lay his head on your chest with his arms around you. He won’t say anything, you could sense his unease though and cuddling acts as a form of comfort for him. It also helps him fall asleep when his mind is too busy. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
👑 1/10 on domestic skills, not for lack of trying. His cooking is better than Solomon’s. It looks similar and there’s questionable taste. It’s probably going to give you food poisoning but not threaten your life like a certain sorcerer's concoctions of the kitchen. He does try he really does but unintentionally creates more work, an example is when he decided to join you for doing dishes after dinner at the House of Lamentation and broke more plates than he washed…Barbatos very dutifully took over for him. When it comes to settling down, Diavolo regards you as one of the most stable pillars in his life. One of the more honest and genuine people. He loves that about you and settling down doesn’t seem a far stretch from his desire to just be with you all the time. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
👑 Puts on demon lord mode. He’s suddenly serious and very formal. He says what needs to be said and he’s eloquent about it. The moment he’s finished all of his practiced words, he is trying to hold himself together because he’s more heartsore and sad about this than you could imagine. He might cry a little the moment he was left alone. He doesn’t do it without reason either and will explain his side of things so there are no questions left unanswered, it’s the least he could do. It’s painful and upsetting for both of you. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
👑 He’s all for it but the decision is not his alone, an unfortunate circumstance of his position. If he does announce his desire to marry you- there would be opposition and a lot of politics involved. Diavolo honestly doesn’t want to involve you in that sort of mess. He’s devoted to you and you’ve never questioned that before. However, Diavolo might keep his desire to marry you to himself. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
👑 He’s a sunflower to you. Endlessly gentle and you think it's sweet how the strongest demon is the squishiest with you. He’s got a good sense of his strength and knows not to overdo it with you. His extra care always shows through his actions and how he handles himself around you. Emotionally he’s soft, sometimes he gets wrapped up in trying to keep his problems to himself and shuts you out as a result of that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
👑 Diavolo is a fan of hugs and says they always recharge him. You adore how he brightens up after a hug, whether it’s a quick one or a longer one. If he’s able to, he'll pull you into a quick hug before running along to his next meeting, just to give him a little extra spring in his step. If he has the time and the privacy he pulls you into those tight hugs. Feeling your warmth and form in his arms. He’ll just enjoy the moment with you, and rest his head on yours.  
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
👑 He’s a master of choosing his words carefully and preventing any slips of the tongue. You’re probably one of the only people who can get him all tongue tied, breaking the infallible appearance he cultivates for others. The simple words bear a heavy weight when there is meaning to them, Diavolo understands this well and so he didn’t throw them around meaninglessly. He meant it, whenever he told you he loved you. It was his honest feelings, and he said it pretty quickly, because he just knew he is so in love with you. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
👑 Diavolo doesn’t show his jealousy even if he really is jealous. He’s not vengeful or angry about it. It makes him more insecure and sad than anything, he’s just envious that he isn’t spending as much time with you as others are. He’d never choose to isolate you, nor is he thinking that it’s something else. He trusts you implicitly. It’s more his own desire to spend more time with you and honestly…He’d like to have your attention on him. He enjoys when you dote on him and it makes him sulk a bit if you’re not doing it as much. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
👑 His kisses are sweet, and very passionate. Diavolo has to limit himself to little pecks, or a kiss on the hand if he’s careful about the eyes that are around. When comfortable and not caring about the company there, (mostly his inner circle and those he trusts) he’s more open about it. He kisses you deeply, with all his repressed affection. He likes kissing the top of your head, your nose, your lips and your hands, he likes being kissed by you- full stop. Doesn’t matter where, but if you kiss his hand he finds it adorable and it makes him a little bashful. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
👑 He’s loud, boisterous and energetic. He has a friendly feel to him and children naturally gravitate towards Diavolo. He’s good at handling kids, he knows how to talk to them and they seem to naturally follow his lead. Diavolo finds kids really cute, yeah they can be a bit messy and disastrous but it's just because they’re kids. He’s forgiving, patient and understanding. He never raises his voice in anger but he can get a little nervous if the kids get too rowdy because he’s concerned about them hurting themselves. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
👑 Mornings with Diavolo are a little more relaxed than one would expect. A big part of that is thanks to Barbatos, he wakes the two of you up with some tea. While getting ready Barbatos has already sorted out breakfast and he’s on top of everything. It’s a little weird not doing anything, but from the moment Diavolo wakes up he’s already preparing for the day. Trying to get his schedule in order and make sure he knows all the meetings he has to go to, responsibilities he has to attend to and anything else. He always makes time for a good morning kiss though. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
👑 He’s tired, sometimes a little more stressed than he lets on. He just wants to spend time with you, unwind and maybe do something he doesn’t often have time for. He’ll lay in your arms and ask questions about the human world and humans. He’s excited to learn about you and your home. He asks the strangest questions at times but you know it stems from genuine curiosity. As long as he can rest a little and be with you he’ll unwind enough to fall asleep. Something he really appreciates is when you let him lay his head in your lap and you pet his head or play with his hair. It puts him to sleep every time. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
👑 He’s easily open and honest about most things. To you at least, but he’s lived a life of having to bury his real self under pressures of a position and facades by necessity. It takes a bit more trust and comfort before he’s opening up his true self to you. You feel like you’re looking at a different person whenever you see him concealing himself to evade showing weakness or what could be perceived as weakness in his responsibilities. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
👑 Patience is a virtue, one he has plenty of. It isn’t often when you’ve seen Diavolo truly angry, maybe never. He holds back a lot and tries to find a more diplomatic and calmer way of solving things. Even in moments of intense duress he keeps his head about him, he has too. He can get worked up but he deals with it really well and tries to work through it rather than acting on it. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
👑 He’s excited to learn about you and will ask various questions pertaining to ANYTHING you tell him. He’ll remember the things you tell him, sometimes details get a little muddled because he has a lot on his plate but you appreciate the amount of thought he always gives with anything and everything he does for you. If he does forget something he’s honest, he’ll apologize and ask you to remind him. Usually a little reminder sparks it again and he’ll be able to recall the finer details. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
👑 The first time you snuck him out of the castle to go on a secret date. It’s his favorite memory. How you very bravely broke into the castle without getting caught (You did but you somehow convinced Barbatos to let you go and not mention anything to Diavolo) you gave him a very interesting disguise and the two of you snuck out (it wasn’t that hard since Barbatos practically let the two of you out) and went around Devildom on your date. The awkward part was both of you getting back and Barbatos, true to his word of pretending not to know anything, was waiting for Diavolo, late at night asking where he had been if not in bed. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
👑 Diavolo is protective of you in different ways and he always asks you to take care and stay safe. Whether he is protecting you against a threat- say a rabid monster, or something like safeguarding you from the snakes who are trying to undermine his position he does it gladly. He wants you to be safe and happy, he’s often got to think about the good of Devildom in his decisions but he always tries to find a way and means to protect you. You protect him in every way you can, despite his protests, you want him to be safe and feel like someone has his back no matter what happens. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
👑 Within his means (limited time) he tries his hardest to make things happen. He pushes himself a little hard with work to free himself up for the evening so he can invite you to eat dinner with him, he ropes Barbatos into helping him decide on gifts, or plans for anniversaries where to go and what to do if it’s romantic enough for the two of you. Sometimes his plans don’t always work out and that's okay because you know how hard Diavolo always tries for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
👑 Trying to shoulder the burden and bear the weight of the world, always. In a sense it’s not an overstatement considering he is the leader of the Devildom. Diavolo tries not to rely on others, and he has a difficult time asking for help and communicating that he needs a little rest. Instead he’ll stretch himself thin, overwork himself and burn himself out. It’s awful to see and you always tell him to rely on you more because you can handle it. Diavolo is insistent on bearing his own work, much to your frustration. You can only support him quietly as much as you can and hope to relieve some of his struggle. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
👑 He’s sensitive to his appearance, he has to be. If he looks a little sloppy or unkempt people could pick him apart and question him over something so insignificant. Diavolo is very involved in the upkeep of his appearance; everything from clothing to grooming is meticulous. He actually enjoys the days he gets to dress down a little and when you tell him his bed hair is cute and just love him no matter what his current state. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
👑 He’d feel your absence deeply. It will affect him for a long time and he’d find himself unable to concentrate on work or his day to day tasks, his mind would constantly go back to you. He’d mope a lot because he wants you here with him and if you’re not it makes him worry about you. If you’re doing okay, looking after yourself, if everything is fine. He wonders if you think about him even a little as much as he thinks about you. Diavolo didn’t realize he would be so affected by someone as much as this. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
👑 He likes it when you come to visit him while he’s holed up in his office. Your presence makes him happy and even if you’re doing your own thing while sitting with him, Diavolo is happy and can work a little faster and with more energy. All for the sake of finishing up quickly so he can spend time with you properly. Barabatos invites you over whenever he feels Diavolo is struggling because you have such a positive effect on his work and his general well being.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
👑 He doesn’t like unkind and deceitful people. Those who approach him with the intent of using or manipulating him for his position alone. People who come with false intentions are the worst kind and Diavolo has had to deal with the type since he was very young. He’s gotten better at discerning people and the reasons for them approaching him. He forges new relationships with a lot of internal hesitation and keeps them very much at a distance until he’s certain of their intentions.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
👑 He wakes up a lot in the middle of the night and his sleep is usually disturbed because his mind is too busy. He’ll lay awake, tossing and turning and trying to sleep. He finds the nights when he gets the best sleep is when you’re with him. If you have to get up in the middle of the night whether for some water or needing the bathroom, if you don’t give Diavolo something to snuggle in your place then he’ll wake up and be sad to see you’re not next to him. He’s extra clingy when he’s half asleep.
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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artycomicfangirl · 3 months
Hey I was tackling a concept which really has not been able to leave my mind. It was about Mr L and Daisy. That side of Luigi which we only truly see in Super Paper Mario. A snarky, confident villain who was quite a match for the heroes but I wonder how he responds to Daisy. An aggresive, passionate person who doesn't take crap from anybody.
It is fire against fire and normally that would clash but would that also count for these two? How would the dynamic change? Is Mr L more flirty and Daisy more taken aback by this? Or will she flirt back even more as a way to defend herself? And how does she feel about this Mr L? Does she completely hate him? Or does she like some parts of his personality?
Let me know what your thoughts are on this!
Hey! This is another fun ask that I’ve been slowly working on, but life and distraction kept pulling me away from. But FINALLY I’m here!
I’ve been feeling in a bit of a fluffy-sappy mood. So I do apologize just in case if I do make characters seem OOC!
Also, this is a bit more Luigi-heavy it seems, since this ask is about potential ideas regarding Mr L. Enjoy!
So. Potential Scenario time to set the scene and some context:
After Mario Fighting Mr L and seemingly banishing this Alter Ego from his younger brother’s body. Mario realizes that the side effects may not be as simple as it is.
Turns out, Although looking to be temporary. Due to the odd nature of magic, Parts of the so called ‘Mr L’ alter ego still lingers within the subconscious of Luigi’s mind. And from time to time, will often pop up in moments of high-tension, stress or anger.
It has been deduced that for the time being, Mr L may be triggered as an extreme way for Luigi to overcome the very things that holds him back.
This ‘Revived’ Version of Mr L, now retains some memories from when he was primarily active and thriving. Now, he is more aware that he is a conscious. He just chooses to see that he and Luigi share one ‘Vessel’
Mr L also has adopted new parts to his behavior, which are triggered from his old memories (In which I will elaborate further below.)
So now as the main gang have to wait this out till it passes over. Let’s see how our Sarasaland Princess deals with this!
💚 Two Sides of the Same Coin 💚
So if i remember correctly, Mr L did kind of express some sort of attraction towards Peach in the game.
But when a new Princess comes into the picture? Oh boy, did he fall HARD.
💚 While it’s obvious from surface level than Daisy and Luigi are more of an opposites attract sort of situation. I’d reckon that both Daisy and Mr L are more or so an equal match. This is what makes a bit more banter between the two. Especially when Mr L is the one talking his worth. Daisy on the other hand, is the type to eye-roll at his antics more.
But strange enough. When it comes to Daisy, Mr L acts differently around her. Because it’s been implied that some of Mr L’s behavior is still affected from Luigi’s memories, His attraction for her hits him full force. He actually wants to “Keep her around”. So he genuinely puts in effort to do so. Ironically, his actions is what keeps her at bay sometimes.
💚 Of Course is seen to act so Cocky towards most of his rivals and enemies, laughing at their faces. But when it comes to Daisy, he clearly tries to find ways to impress her and gain her attention.
While Luigi is all about the sentimental, heartfelt and genuine understanding. Mr L does not seem to get it, and relies on grand and flashy feats. Most of these attempts do not work, and he becomes genuinely shocked.
He doesn’t insult Daisy intentionally. But more has the “Oh, she doesn’t understand…Hey, I’ll try something else! Something even more grand!” Mentality.
💚 Because of Luigi, he has a natural subconscious pull and attraction towards Her. In fact, that’s one of the lucky things that Daisy has to keep from making him as her enemy in the first place.
But of course, he’s more full of himself about it. Leaning against a wall, arms crossed until Daisy notices and calls him out for staring. But he doesn’t give a care in the world.
“ Hey now. I can’t help staring down at such a beautiful force of nature~”
💚 💛 Seeing Daisy in her signature sports or Mario Kart Biker outfit? He will absolutely give a whistle of approval. When Mr L likes what he sees, he makes it VERY clear.
He will find amusement if Daisy reacts in a shocked manner. But it’s when she reacts all flustered, cue the smirk from him. He eats this kind of response right up!
💚 💛 Mr L has a knack for giving demeaning nicknames for his rivals and enemies. But for Daisy? Pet names and complements galore. He has no shame.
“Hey, Ms Pretty Petal! How about I pluck you from the fields of boredom, and take you somewhere fun?
“Well Hey, Ms Sunflower! I was working on my latest invention…but looks like all I need is you to brighten my day!
“Hey Ms Steady Sweetie! How’d you like my Dance Moves? Speechless? Huh, that’s okay. I guess The Green Thunder must be THAT striking to you huh?
💚 Even Mr L’s need to leap in and defend Daisy, is by some instinctual force. At first, he merely just does this because he wants to One-up (Pun intended) Luigi. To prove that he’s the better conscious. The better man.
But over time, Mr L is forced to learn and accept new things. So overtime, much to his chagrin, he unintentionally gains some empathy and development along the way. He always backs this up as simply not letting anyone tell him what to do. But doing this on his own will.
As time goes on though. Mr L kind of does change a bit. Also to show him learning to work together with Luigi’s conscious.
“That Mr Toochickentofightghosts would be sad if anything happened to you…Eh, wouldn’t you know? Something I agree with.”
💚 Regarding Mr L retaining the memories he previously once had. This is tied to my previous point of him now hating being told what to do. He is actually scared of being controlled by another force. Hence why when he gains understanding that he and Luigi share a conscious, he often fights to take over.
When opened up in his most vulnerable state, he kind of actually does express sympathy for what he remembers as Count Bleck’s downfall. In this moment, he subtly implies that he is unsure as to who he can look up to now. Or if he could ever find someone as worthy as Bleck to admire.
💚💛 I’d like to imagine that at some point, Everything would change, when Daisy ends up defending not just Luigi. But Mr L as well. I can imagine this happening at a point much later, When Daisy has learnt so much about Mr L, and has gotten along with him this far.
Seeing this Princess proclaiming that Mr L is not some One-time minion who can just be used and cast away, makes him see that Daisy genuinely finds recognition and respect in his intellect. And Thus, he fully shifts to having his utmost loyalty from Bleck, to ‘His’ Daisy.
Aside from his now changed views on Mario, Luigi and the main Gang. This was the woman he quite literally will think of as top Priority to him. For she genuinely sees him for what he is worth. Much like she does for Luigi
🌼 He…Loves me? 🌼
💛 This whole thing might be something Daisy has never seen before. And knowing that the one person she loves has a double personality understandably would freak her out a little at the beginning. But since Mario would have fought Mr L already, so he could explain to Daisy about everything.
Again, Mr L and Luigi are really all in all the same person. So after Mario had to confirm this a couple of times for her to process, Daisy is quick to be aware of this. She would never fault Luigi for how Mr L would act. But of course, it doesn’t entirely stop her from being appalled at Mr L’s actions.
💛 Daisy does not tolerate Luigi’s legacy to be insulted. It is why whenever Mr L does make some kind of passive aggressive insult towards Luigi, is the thing that gets her so defensive and annoyed the most.
💛 It is Daisy’s strong character, her not falling for Mr L’s antics easily. Is ironically, what draws him to her so much. The running gag is that no matter how much she tries to retort back to him, he actually finds amusement in it. He definitely likes her ‘feisty’ nature.
💛 Daisy’s way of learning how to actually get along and accept Mr L, is by being able to be as quick witted as he is. She begins to quickly learn that a flirtatious comeback or two, is enough to basically shut him up. She actually finds it really funny that all she can do is wink back at him, and he becomes all silent.
Of course much to her dismay, she then suddenly remembers that this was the fuel to fan his flames of desire. Pining for her even more the next day. Task failed…successfully?
💛 Honestly, Daisy would sometimes be frustrated and shocked at Mr L’s excessive dramatic and cheesy nature. But as she learns to help Luigi with this new predicament of now welcoming Mr L into his life. Daisy begins to form more insight as to how Luigi’s mind might work.
💛 Surprisingly enough. Being around Mr L, has taught Daisy what she can do to motivate and support Luigi. It is why she takes raising his confidence seriously, and will further instill into him that being himself, is what made her fall for him. And that as long as he still held onto his pure heart, she will not judge him for having Mr L in his life.
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-"ah shit here we go again" gif here-
vampire spawn!tav x Astarion
Rated: M
Warnings: vampirism, manipulation, oral (male receiving), corruption kink
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Vampires do not know love, vampires only know possession and control. It is in their nature to dominate, to consume, and to kill. Love was taken from these creatures the moment they unnaturally obtained immortality. Immorality follows as one with supernatural power and charms starts to care less about the consequences, they become selfish creatures.
Yet, you are by far the most infuriating kind of vampire he has ever met. When he saw you attempt to feed (before you found out he is a vampire), you were trembling as you held a mouse in your hands. Fangs not even completely bared and tears in those pretty eyes, you released the mouse and sat outside of camp with only the moon as your companion.
It infuriates him because you are fighting against your nature, fighting a battle you will only lose over and over again. Better to embrace reality than pretend to live in a world where everything can be solved by the Gods and love.
Yet… It becomes part of the reason why he wants you.
Maybe he wants to see how long you can keep this up. Maybe he wants to corrupt you himself— The latter being far more fun.
But alas, he cannot have you completely to himself when there are others around.
Everyone seems to have their clingy paws on you like dogs to their master— Like that damn white dog you found. Astarion much prefers the owlbear, as it can bring back some offerings or whatever. At first, he thought this was part of some plan: make everyone trust you, feed on them, maybe kill a few of them at some point. Of course, maybe you adjusted the plan once it is found out that the journey requires everyone in order to reach the source of these tadpoles.
No, turns out you genuinely want friends— Which is weird and is going against his own plan. Yes, he is using you— You should know better as a vampire to trust another vampire. Charming and teasing his way with sweet words into your thoughts, a mentor-like way of teaching you vampirism, and the physical touches of a man so gentle he has more than once left you flustered.
He nearly has you wrapped around his finger.
But alas, you are not alone.
Shadowheart though does not outright say it, her mannerisms are protective of you. Karlach even more so and outright says it. Wyll is… Too textbook gentleman and heroic. Lae'zel had straight out said she wants a taste of you; both respect and lusting for you, while remaining as friendly as her kind can be. Gale, a friend and teacher as you start to hone your arcane talents.
All of them with their paws out eager for you; none have your attention like he does.
The vampire spawn may not be able to isolate you but he can draw you in. Like a butterfly in a spider's web.
Astarion knows this, he knows how to hook you in and reel you close to his side. It is his very nature to be seductive; to whisper sweet nothings, to make empty promises, to drain everything given to him dry.
"Please," You say between quickening breaths, "Show me." Above him with his blood on your lips, claws (trimmed down to be a normal shape) digging into his chest. Desperate. You want so bad it is drawing out that beast within.
Where he wants to devour, taint you, utterly ruin you—And he is.
Your first, that one piece of yourself that your master did not claim, is given to Astarion. Though he clearly is a charlatan who will use you, he also is the only one who understands the need: trading one hunger for another. Curiosity and a way to free you from something that can be stolen by your master.
Through him, you find freedom; unaware you are binding yourself to a creature who only knows deception, possession, and control.
You touch his chest, exploring the flesh of a vampire and a lover. Maybe a lover, you will not assume he truly loves you but you trust him enough with this. With the only thing your master never stole from you during your captivity.
"Relax, my sweet," His hands seem bigger than yours, his fingers have calluses yet his hands are soft, graceful. You take a deep breath and resume mapping out a body that is not yours— Hells, you don't know your own body like how you want to know his. Pale, cold, and yours to touch.
"There just like that." Purring out his praise as you gain the boldness to kiss his chest, he smirks at the way your eyes light up when he moans when you bravely take a chance to bite his skin. "Lower." You nod as you kiss your way down between his open legs, hands trembling then feel his hands touch and guide them to slip off his trousers and undergarment. "Slowly, no need to rush."
The eagerness is definitely there and your mouth is warm, there is such a charm to how you try to mimic what a few novels barely grasp.
The raw unadulterated lust.
Those red eyes gazing up at him, mouth leaving his cock for the moment as he sits up to show you how to stroke his cock. You listen, you copy, then you try different paces and your mouth once again. 
"With how excited you are to let me in your mouth, I wonder how long you wanted to try this." Amused by your inexperienced desire, "Use your tongue," His hand petting your hair, "Up and down." Moaning with clear delight and approval.
His hand weights your head down signaling for you to go further down, and see how much you can fit before choking.
Of course, not a lot but you try anyway even though you had to pull away to stop from choking. Didn't stop you from stroking his cock or trying again.
"Good pet." Oh, you hummed around his cock at such a small praise. "Do you like being called my pet?" You don't need to answer, you know by that grin on his face he already knows. "My pet, I am going to fuck your mouth now." Playing with your hair before gripping it in a firm vice.
You try to relax your throat like he advised before this, easier said than done.
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autistichalsin · 10 months
Hi hello good day to you!
First of all, I wanted to thank you for your Halsin analyses, I love them so much! I am so FURIOUS about the fact that Larians literally gave him so much and so little at the same time, that because of the fact that you literally need to dig for the scraps of his personality and story around the whole game to understand him (which most of the players don't want to do and even those who like him mostly romance him for the opportunity of the "threesome" or just his romance scene and I've even seen people who say that he has anger issues because of his actions towards goblins), while other characters speak of this more freely and because of that I think he is highly mistreated by the fandom. I love this man with my whole heart and want him to be as happy as possible and it's very good to know that there are people in the fandom who think as me so
Second of all, I wanted to ask, what do you think about the Halsin/Astarion and/or Halsin/Tav/Astarion pairings in the fandom? Because for me they feel a bit... Uncomfortable.
I can be mistaken, because I haven't romanced Astarion (I have yet to finish my first playthrough where my Tav romances Halsin solely), but if I'm not mistaken Astarion "allows" you to have a side-relationship with Halsin and then says something like "it's not because we haven't had sex in some time, right?" It's as if he's afraid you will leave him for Halsin if he doesn't give you his permission himself and that makes me very uncomfortable about those ships. Like, yeah, Halsin has some lines about how attractive Astarion is to him, but Astarion doesn't seem very fond of Halsin.
And I understand fully that people may (and will) ship whatever they want, but I still feel very uneasy when I see Halsin/Tav/Astarion on my feed and think of these facts
Hope you have a nice day!
Hello hello! Thank you so much- that is so kind of you to say and so wonderful to hear It makes me happy. And I agree Larian should have given us more. I will say though that I don't feel like I'm digging at scraps. Instead, I feel more like I'm connecting puzzle pieces that were scattered in boxes for other puzzles. And you realize that together, they would actually make their own gorgeous picture, but instead, they're buried in places most won't see them. They're still there- they're just not being united how they should. A lot of the fandom doesn't appreciate him for what he is, but I can and do- and so can you it seems!
I like both ships, actually. I just do in very different ways than the fandom does (different dynamics- a lot of others have Halsin in the role of perpetual caretaker, which doesn't really vibe for me. Not that I have anything against those who do like it that way, but it just doesn't interest me much). I like both pairings in and of themselves.
That interpretation... isn't exactly accurate. It's part of the fandom's pattern of infantilizing Astarion and denying him agency because they fundamentally don't think survivors are capable of making such choices for themselves again. Yes, Astarion does ask if you want this because you haven't had sex; he says this about Mizora as well. But the INSTANT, in either case, that you assure him that's not why, he instantly perks back up, and tells the player he hopes they have/had fun. The devnotes on those scenes specifically say he's being genuine. Astarion truly wants the player to enjoy themselves once he is promised this isn't because they aren't having sex.
The insistence that he can't have really meant it is deeply offensive to me, if I'm honest, because the fandom has a NASTY habit of acting like Astarion can't give consent to anything. I get it, Astarion is everyone's lil meow meows (that's how I am with Halsin!) but there comes a point where the fanon woobiefication gets absolutely infuriating and insulting and infantilizing, especially for a survivor. (This isn't directed at you, by the way, or any one person in the fandom. Just at the trend.) Don't get me started on how people misunderstand what the brothel scene is about, or I'll be here all night.
Whether Astarion is fond of Halsin: is Astarion openly fond of ANYONE? He only seems fond of a romanced player character, and even then, only later on, when they stick with him after the reveal that he was only using them. He's a grumpy, traumatized asshole who doesn't deal with emotions well, and is made deeply uncomfortable by the notions of selflessness and kindness (which Halsin has in spades) because they clash too violently with the framework he built during his time being tortured, raped, and enslaved. Fanfiction is transformative in nature, so really, the question isn't "does canon Astarion show fondness for canon Halsin" (debatable) as much as it is, "could Astarion, under the right circumstances that may or may not happen in canon, find himself feeling fondness for Halsin?" And that one, to me, is a resounding yes.
We already see Halsin showing a great amount of kindness and compassion for Astarion. We know that in canon, this is a turn-off for him, as it makes him feel weak and vulnerable. But what about under other circumstances? What if Astarion discarded those fears, or what if Tav showed him how to let his guard down just enough to trust that Halsin didn't mean him harm?
If you don't personally like the ship for the reasons you listed, that is absolutely your right- no one has to ship anything. But I'm not in the camp who thinks Astarion dislikes Halsin- or, even if he did, that that would be a reason not to ship them.
To me, Halsin and Astarion represent the concept of two survivors of severe, repeated trauma, who are currently coping in opposite yet equally unhealthy ways. Astarion is on the path to furthering the cycle of abuse, to being so consumed at his anger at being hurt by Others that he can't distinguish between the Other who hurt him and the Other who didn't, anymore, and he wants all of them to feel pain indiscriminately. 7,000 innocent lives don't matter to him because he wants his own pain to stop. It's a person whose mental growth was arrested prematurely by trauma. On the other hand, you have Halsin, who was pushed into a subservient role by both his trauma and what came after. He doesn't allow himself to truly feel any pain at all, because Others need him, and that would be Selfish, and he has to be Okay at all time to help Others. He becomes self-negating from his combination of traumas, so dedicated to breaking the cycle of abuse that he... almost seems to join it against himself, not allowing himself a release, not taking care of himself well, letting himself be isolated.
Halsin and Astarion as a ship represent healing. They represent the idea of needing someone opposite yourself to balance out your worst traits. Halsin could teach Astarion to embrace kindness again; Astarion could teach Halsin that you don't have to sacrifice your entire self to be a "good guy." Halsin could show Astarion that others matter just as much as himself, while Astarion could show Halsin that he matters just as much as others. Sometimes, you just need someone diametrically opposed to yourself to bring out the best version of you, I think.
(Ironically, as I write all of this, Astarion/Halsin isn't even my favorite Halsin ship; my favorite two are Halsin/Karlach and Halsin/my Dark Urge, LOL. But I can appreciate the ship's best qualities.)
Thank you again for your message! I hope this is an acceptable answer.
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prettybrownelf · 2 years
hii! how you doin? 👀 Can I request a Genderfluid Loki who thinks the Male Reader is straight (therefore thinking is impossible to get him) but they realize he's actually a bi disaster?
The Favored Servant
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Pairings- Loki x Male! Reader
Summary- Loki invites their servant into the shower with them, just for a little fun
Word Count- 1310
Content Warnings- They/Them Pronouns for Loki, Loki Switching From Masculine To Feminine, Bi Male Reader, Oral (Loki Receiving), Praise, Hair Pulling, HandJobs (Reader Receiving)
You are annoyingly handsome. That's all Loki can think while they stare at you. 
Was it right for him to drool over a random servant in his home? Of course not, especially when that servant is so obviously straight. 
‘He only looks my way when I'm feminine, it's almost like he avoids eye contact every time he sees me as a man.’ A small pang of sadness enters the god of misfits' hearts as they make their way to their shower. 
When you're called to bring clothes to Loki, you don't think anything of it. They enjoyed having you do things for them so they could tease you, and you’d be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. Loki was truly an enthralling creature to you. The way they transformed back and forth made your brain fuzzy, how could they look so good as both? It's unfair!
The sound of the running shower makes your face get hot as you knock. “Master Loki?” You ask, waiting for the door to open. 
‘They love taking their time.’ You groan to yourself as the door finally opens. Your eyes meet theirs as you desperately try to keep yourself from looking down. They looked so good in a man's body, and a woman's body, it makes you unreasonably turned on. 
“Here you go, my lord.” You cringe at the shakiness of your voice as Loki takes the clothes with a smirk. “Thank you, dear.” It takes everything inside of you not to swoon as you begin walking away. “Where are you going?” They ask, looking at you as if they were genuinely offended. “Did you need something else, my lord?” Loki grins as they open the door to their chamber wider. “Get in.” They say, although it seems more like a command. 
A small nod is all you can give as you step past them, looking around the beautiful bathroom. The large shower in the middle was quite stunning, although it's a bit hard to focus on at the moment. “Are you going in with your clothes on?” They ask from behind you. Confusion paints your face when you hear their voice change as you turn around to see them. In the blink of an eye, Loki's body changes. Being this close to them when they change almost forces you to notice the small changes they make. 
When they decide to be in a feminine body, their hair gets longer, their cheekbones get higher. But when they decide to be more masculine, their neck gets thicker, and so do their eyebrows, their ears even look different. 
Loki's snapping fingers breaks you out of your thoughts. “Hey! I don't want to be here forever!” 
Loki’s brain can't stop moving. You came in even though they don't look like a girl, which may mean you're not straight, but you're acting uncomfortable, so maybe you only did it because you thought it was a command. 
Then when they changed, you acted the same, as if you can't meet their eyes. Disappointment begins to sprout as Loki decides to just take a leap of faith. 
You look like a frightened deer when they place their hands on the side of your face. “Is this ok?” They ask. You nod as you feel Loki's lips meet yours. 
Soft, their lips are soft. Every thought you could possibly have immediately leaves you as you sink into their touch. The feeling of them smirking against your lips does nothing but heighten your arousal as you feel your dick growing harder. “Getting excited, pretty boy?” You feel like you're going to faint as you look up at them to nod. Loki drags their finger across your jaw as you follow it, feeling yourself completely give into their every desire. 
“Do you like me more like this, or, the other way?” They ask. You can see the small bit of fear in their eyes, even if they're trying to hide it. “Both.” You whisper, watching their shoulders drop from their position. “Good to know.” 
Within a second their smirk is back as they step away from you, making their way to lean against the shower wall. “Come here, handsome.” Before you can take a step towards them, they stop you. “I didn't say to walk.” The pressure building in your lower stomach is all you can think about as you sink to your knees. Loki's smile tells you you're doing the right thing as you crawl in front of them, their green eyes staying on you the whole time. “Good boy!” They praise you as they run their hand through your hair. 
You gaze up at them as they pet your hair, clearly taking in the moment. “Do you really like me as both?” You nod as you lean into their touch, enjoying the feeling of their fingers on your scalp. “Of course I do, why wouldn't I?” They give a small chuckle as they take in your flushed face. “Honestly, I thought you would only want me as a woman.” “I do want you as a woman, that's how I first met you. But I want you as a man too.” Loki gives a genuine smile as they rest their hand on your cheek. “That's a bit hard to believe still, even like this.” You laugh a small bit as you rub your hand up their thigh. “Do I need to suck you off to prove it?” Loki cocks an eyebrow at you with a devious grin. 
The second you blink they change. You have to fight everything inside of you not to stare at their hardened cock in front of your face. “If you insist, go ahead.” The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you swallow your fear. 
Taking them in your mouth a small bit is all you do at first, getting used to their girth as you lick around their tip. Loki gives a low groan as they lightly push on the back of your head to make you go deeper. “I don't mean to rush things darling, but I do need to meet with my family soon.” You take a deep breath as you take more of them in your mouth, trying to fasten your pace. Loki's grip on your hair sends pleasure through your whole body as they move your head for you. “You good at this pretty boy. Have you been dreaming about this?” A whiny moan is the only response you can give as you feel them twitch in your mouth. “Shit, you really are good at this.” Loki throws his head back as they moan, squeezing their eyes shut. “You gonna swallow puppy?” You whine as you attempt to go faster. 
They don't give a warning as they cum down your throat, holding your head against them as you swallow. “Now let's take care of you before I leave.” Their breath is still shaky as they sink down, pushing you back so they can crawl between your legs. Your mind is so shaken you don't even realize they’ve gone back to their womanly form till they look up at you from between your legs. 
Their hand wraps around your cock, clearly enjoying the way you immediately begin thrusting into their grasp. “You're so pretty when you're desperate (Y/n).” That's all it takes for you to cum, watching it fall down their hand as you continue their motions through your entire orgasm. The second you try to get away from the overstimulation they stop, rubbing your thighs gently as they lean up to give a small kiss to your lips. “Maybe I can be late to see my family, let's just stay here for a while.” They whisper as they crawl onto your lap, sinking into you as you wrap your arms around them. “Yeah, I'd like that.” 
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sweetvixen1996 · 1 year
Mafia Boys & Gifts As Manipulation
Okay so I need somewhere else to exorcise my Kinnporsche brain rot, and I guess that’s you fine people. So I submit my thesis of this post: 
In episode 7, we see Vegas, Kinn, & Kim all give a gift as a way to manipulate the recipient. 
One of the writers (who are trash people) are very smart to do is to echo certain beats with characters through their action to hammer a point home. A good example is Kinn kissing a drunk Porsche at the end of E3 and then sleeping with a drugged Porsche at the end of E4 -both acts of physical... attraction performed while Porsche is unable to fully consent but the latter having far more serious consequences. 
The manipulative gift giving in E7 really hammers home that Vegas, Kinn, & Kim really are FAR MORE ALIKE than any of them would like to think. But its all about lenses. 
So lets look at it:
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Let's start with the most obvious example, shall we? 
Vegas spends this entire episode pseudo-courting Porsche. Both to mess with Kinn, and to get a competent man in the Minor Family’s control (likely under his father’s orders), Vegas is going to use what he knows of Porsche to win him over. Including this gorgeous bike. Vegas explicitly frames Porsche getting the bike as a reward for a job goes well. That, by its very nature, makes it not truly a gift. Instead its payment, a carrot dangled above Porsche's head. Also, on top of Vegas just knowing that Porsche likes motorcycles, I think this serves as a reminder of their little motorcycle ride date back from E5 when Vegas was around to (seemingly) provide comfort when Kinn was not. Basically, Vegas is saying, “Look what I can give you, look at how much fun we can have together, and look at how well I know you but you just got to do this one thing for me and you can have all of it.”
For the record, I do think Vegas genuinely likes Porsche, and is probably physically attracted to him. Everything he does in this episode and beyond is absolutely a power play, with Porsche just being another piece on the chess board in the game of domination Vegas is constantly trying to play with Kinn, but, unlike his thin veiled contempt for Tawan, Vegas seems to truly enjoy spending time around Porsche. I always think back to that hug they shared and how Vegas just sort of melted into it. It’s hard to fake that sort of react. 
Maybe in a different life, they could have been actual friends.
In hindsight, I do wonder how much about the bodyguards all being happy and Vegas caring about them is a show and how much of it is real. Vegas definitely wants to frame life at the Minor Family as a better alternative to serving the Major Family, but we also know that Vegas is not incapable of caring about the people around him. In fact, he’s something he desperately wants to be good at. 
On a side note, we also get the case of Vegas giving the pork skewer to Pete. It's a small thing, and probably also manipulation, but with how important food becomes in their relationship, I think it's worth noting.
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I almost hesitate to call this manipulation, because this moment is really just so sweet. So instead I'll discuss how Vegas uses the bike as a reward while Kinn uses his favorite gun as an excuse. For these two knuckleheads, E7 is a transitional period. E6 had them admitting for their attraction and affection for each other, and the Side Story had them cementing that what they had in the woods isn't going away, but E7 here is them trying to figure out what this new dynamic means and how it can exist back in the “real world.”
Kinn is not ready to say “I love you” verbally to Porsche yet. He cannot fully put his trust in Porsche just yet. After everything with Taiwan, and just well his entire life, all the jealousy and insecurity and possessiveness is coming out in full force. Not to mention, Kinn is stuck at home recovering from his injuries, likely making him feel useless. Plus, he has to at least have a suspicion that Vegas was the one who drugged and took Porsche back in E4 -on top of actively plotting to take Porsche away now.
Yet Kinn also knows he needs to be careful. Even if he can't say those things, he knows he at least needs to give something up or risk Porsche pulling away. Specifically, pulling towards Vegas. So he gives Porsche’ his gun, the one Kinn always keeps on him. It's Kinn’s way of saying, “even if I can't be with you in person, this gun is my way of being with you in spirit.”
Then he tells Porsche that Porsche has to come back so he can return Kinn’s gun. Now this is a fun little gray area, because Kinn IS able to say Porsche needs to come back to him -not why, mind you, he’s not their yet. But Kinn is trying his best. Unlike Vegas, who views Porsche as part of a game, Ken sees Porsche as the prize at the end of the game. The only thing that matters. The thing Kinn wants to get above all, no matter what he has to sacrifice.
I love this whole interaction because it just runs the gauntlet of emotions. It's sweet, it's sappy, it's funny, it's flirty, and it's a little tense. Overall, it's a good example of both Kinn’s own emotional limitations, and Kinn trying his damnedest to show how he feels since he's not great at putting things into words. And if that involves a little manipulation, well there are probably worse things in the world.
Also I think it is really funny that this entire scene and the situation with the gun is very reminiscent of the concept of the Lady’s Favor. That being where noble women would give Knights a personal token, usually a handkerchief or a ribbon, when they went off to do something dangerous as both a token of their affections and to make the Knight promise to come back. The promise, of course being so that the Knight would stay safe, and so the Knight would have an excuse to visit their Lady again.
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The Kimchay relationship is interesting because it somehow manages to be both the most wholesome while also being the most duplicitous. One of the things that makes all three of the major couples in this series interesting (or controversial, depending on who you ask) is that there is a very clear uneven power dynamic. Kinn is Porsche’s boss and a mafia leader, and Vegas literally has Pete chained up in his house -you can't get much more even than that. And yet, both of them are in a situation in which the power dynamic difference is obvious. That's not the case with Kimchay. While it's true that there is the obvious unbalance of the Idol/Fan dynamic, and the age gap being jussssst wide enough that Kim and Chay are at different points in their developmental adult life, the real power dynamic difference comes from the fact that this entire relationship is built flat on a lie. It is a lie that Kim himself eventually comes to love and wish was true, but not one that could have ever been sustained.
There are a lot of really great metas out there about how Kim is actually the most dangerous of his brothers, and is far more willing to coldly manipulate and act for his goal, and you see a lot of that these early interactions with Chay. 
At this point, I think it's safe to say that while Kim may think Chay is cute and sweet, and is charmed by him despite himself, Chay is still just a means to the end within his investigation. He's also completely aware a Chay’s infatuation with him and is using that to get through the door of Chay’s life and house -quite literally.
If the motorcycle was a reward from Vegas, and the gun was an excuse from Kinn, I'd say that Kim is using the guitar as almost a form of payment. A way of further buying Chay's trust and good nature. He may have even specifically brought it as a way to override Chay questioning why Kim knew where he lived. 
And yet it's also important to point out that this episode is a turning point in their relationship, just like it is for KinnPorsche. Before this, Chay was a tool, if a very charming one. Kim doesn't even really have the patience with him to wait for Chay to finish talking and expressing his doubt about accepting the guitar before asking to use the bathroom. Not to mention further taking advantage of Chay’s feelings for him in order to get Chay out of the house so Kim could investigate the Mysterious Locked Room.
But then Kim finds the Idol Wall, and everything changes. I am 100% convinced that is the moment where Kim not only knows that Chay has nothing to do with any potential mafia dirty business, but also when Kim starts feeling some guilt over his manipulation of Chay. Both of which should make him immediately back off, and we see in the next episode that that is sort of what he does, but his initial response is instead to engage further -even outright flirting with the implicit promise of further contact with the two,  even though it actually doesn't have any merit at this point. 
Basically, this is when Chay starts to become REAL to Kim.
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itspkuwu · 9 months
EEnE characters ranked (MY OPINION)
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Let’s cut right to the chase, because I really wanna put this out there.
Lee Kanker is in last place. She gets lower than F tier. Where Marie and May had moments where they seemed to genuinely care about each other, Lee just sits there, manipulates, and spreads cruelty. And as for the times where Marie and May were fighting/being mean etc? Well, I have a theory. Remember in Big Picture Show where we see that Lee has a third eye? You know who else has a third eye for no good reason…?
And remember when Nazz kissed Double D and Eddy on the cheek? Compare that to how they react to the Kanker’s kisses. How big those lips are… that specific shade of red… the way the Ed boys become horrified every single time…
(that was a joke lolol)
Everybody in the “lol why” tier it’s just an object that isn’t Plank or I haven’t seen those episodes yet. So I can’t really give my thoughts yet.
Rolf’s animals get their own tier. They have an amazing caretaker :3
except his bike.
Eddy’s brother (whose name is apparently Tarry??) is also a jerk. But he makes a pretty cool antagonist. And he just makes me like Eddy even more.
also i feel like he would be a tumblr sexy man
Mildred blinks at you :D
Plank is an immortal God who will one day rule the world. This is my canon.
I REALLY wish we could have seen more of what happened to Jonny post Big Picture Show. Him being “The Gourd” and having a villain arc just sounds super fun. Other than that he’s just a weird kid. I like him.
Don’t let Jimmy fool y’all. He’s a lil maniac. He probably gets it from Sarah. And it’s always a shocker to me given how much he acts so innocent and harmless. He’s a pretty neat anti hero.
I KNOW I SHOULD HATE SARAH. But I feel like there’s more to her than meets the eye. I honestly think her parents taught her the hate her big brother. If they weren’t around, she probably wouldn’t been to mean to him. Making me feel extremely sympathetic for both of them. And at least she looks after Jimmy, giving her redeeming qualities.
To be honest this show needs a character like Nazz. Everything has to be balanced out with someone who isn’t constantly out to get something, being mean, or acting like a weirdo. But yes, she does have her moments, which are rightfully deserved. Plus, I just really like her chill and hippie way of going about.
Marie Kanker and May Kanker are being ranked together. The potential they have to be redeemed is through the roof. They deserve so much better. If Lee wasn’t around to mess with their heads, I think they would be truly happy. Marie could spend her days jamming out and living on the edge, while May is cute and ditzy and a voice of reason at times. Plus both of their hairstyles are really eye candy for me.
The Ed boys are also being ranked together. What else can I say that hasn’t been said already? The way these three bounce off of each other is extremely enjoyable and definitely gets good laughs out of me. I know they have their moments where they aren’t so friendly, but you don’t always have to get along with someone for you to still love them. And when the gentle giant goof, the soft hearted nerd, and the selfish man with a heart of gold do get along, it’s sweeter than jawbreakers :)
Rolf is hands down one of if not the best side character in animation history. He’s a goober for one thing. But a goober that’s gets us to take him seriously. You do not mess with this man. His pride is enough to break you leg. And yet, he still manages to be one of the nicest characters in the show. He’s so friendly and upbeat! And when he isn’t… his dark side is also a fun time.
And another thing, he’s a fish out of water. Which also allows the viewer to feel sympathetic for him. Like in Wish You Were Ed. Seeing Rolf cry is something you’d never think you’d see, but when you do, it makes you feel a somber emotion you had no idea existed. It’s amazing.
yeah, Rolf is amazing.
Also I asked my sister if she wanted to dance to That’s My Horse at her wedding and she said no. What a loser right?
So uh, that’s my list. Hope you enjoyed.
Go hug a chicken.
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pebblysand · 11 months
okay, you guys seemed to love these last season so here we go again: selling sunset hot takes, S7E1-5.
whoever is responsible for imposing that mansion tax has my utmost respect. tax the rich plz.
i don't think we talked enough about that basket ball that amanza was dragging around in ep 1.
talking about amanza: yes, she is a shit stirrer, i called it in s2 and i am baffled it took this long for the show to self-actualise on this issue.
i also don't think we talked enough about jason's baby powdered balls.
i was equally shocked by the fact that brett seems to have a tongue and a brain that together are capable of producing words.
having said that, talking about jason, he remains The Worst. i don't even know how to explain. that man is a walking red flag and the fact that he seems to have survived a life's worth of terrible professional, financial, and personal terrible decision-making is truly a wonder.
that said, we need to stop pretending their income at this stage comes from real estate. most of the money they get is from the show. which is why, i suppose, they're able to open new offices when all of their competitors are shutting down.
as someone who knows a little bit about real estate, the house they were in for the O Group anniversary dinner had real architectural value, which is notable because none of the houses ever do.
romaine-like-the-salad remains my favourite character in this show and i swear sometimes i can hear him think in french.
that said, he and mary being pregnant is the one good news of this season, although they totally knew before that test and their "surprise" was very poor acting.
i am also happy for mary that she stepped back from management. i think this is good for everyone, but mostly her.
now onto the hot stuff: i think when it comes to bre v. chelsea, they actually both have a fair point. i do think chelsea was trying to genuinely apologise, but what she was apologising for was exactly what she said: if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. she had nothing nice to say and still said things, and now recognises that she shouldn't have. having said that, her view on bre's situation is so clearly rooted in very personal christian beliefs that she's not going to intrinsically change her mind. and actually, this might be my hottest take to date but... i think that's fine. like, as chelsea said, "i don't agree with everything my friends do." she would have been fine being bre's friend but bre wants her to approve of her situation (which, imo, is because deep down, bre is a bit insecure about her situation) and that's never going to happen. my hot take last year was that chelsea had a point, and i think she still does.
this is a bit of a side point but i thought chelsea was at least 40. i'm 30 and i swear my friends and i don't look that old. proof that packing your face with plastic doesn't actually make you look younger.
which, another tangent but why did everyone make such a big deal of the accusation that nicole has had work done? THEY ARE ALL PACKED IN PLASTIC.
and onto the hotter stuff: the situation between nicole v everyone else is starting to bore me. nicole is clearly wrong. nicole has been wrong for two seasons now. let's move on. that said, i had to google what "social climber" meant because i don't think it means the same thing to me as it does to them.
and on chrishell v. marie-lou: so this is actually a hot take, i think, but i do reckon they both have a point. on the one hand, marie-lou is, it's true, rather young and insecure, but she also has reasons to be. they've all made fun of her age, and i feel like her age isn't her fault, and she doesn't seem to me particularly more immature than them. additionally, jason is clearly still in love with chrishell but because he is The Worst, she cannot have that conversation with him, she's turning to chrishell who, in fairness, has no power over that.
i will also say that as a european who's lived in the US, i think what she is holding against chrishell is more of a cultural difference, than it is anything else. what she's basically saying is that chrishell is "american-fake," meaning that she is nice and enthusiastic on the surface but doesn't actually "care." which to marie-lou reads as fake and rude, but to chrishell reads as polite. standards of politeness and casual social interactions are some of the biggest cultural differences between europeans and americans, and i think that's where you'll find that most of the issue is.
i also thought that chrishell, in that scene, used her language superiority to overpower marie-lou. chrishell is someone who speaks a bit fast and is very good at arguing. which is fine when she's with other americans but with marie-lou who is german, whose english is clearly not great, it very quickly feels like bullying. i don't think she meant it as such but marie-lou was taking a bit of time, trying to find her words to get her point across, and chrishell didn't have the patience and kept badgering her. i do believe that had she let marie-lou talk, they would have realised 1) my point above about cultural differences and 2) that the source of all their problem is jason's toxicity and lack of accountability, and that he should be locked in a safe room for the rest of his miserable life.
the way he was trying to hang up the phone during that fight had me in TEARS, like: do i need to be in this conversation? YES. YES. YOU CREATED THIS MESS. you are the weakest, most pathetic little man on the planet.
having said the above, obviously, chrishell has attenuating circumstances for her snapping and bullying of marie-lou and i'm glad she's feeling better now. we are still #teamchrishell in this house, we just need to acknowledge that sometimes our girl makes mistakes.
lastly, did anyone else think the reveal that amanza was molested as a child was a bit random? like, i'm sorry for her but also it felt a bit like it didn't have anything to do with anything. i wonder if it was just there to reconcile she and chelsea.
i will come back with more hot takes whenever i have time to watch the rest of the season lol.
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altocat · 6 months
In a universe where Sephiroth faces Elfé in battle multiple times instead of just the one time we know about, do they develop a kind of rivalry with each other? Does she try to make more appeals to his humanity, and if so, are they successful? Could the two of them ever develop a friendship?
Sephiroth's multiple encounters with Elfé eventually become something of a routine between them. What starts out as a genuine clash of warriors from two opposing factions gradually develops into something of an almost friendly rivalry. Sephiroth is ceaselessly impressed by Elfé's determination and combat abilities, despite sensing the Materia that is slowly eating her from the inside. Elfé, in turn, is taken aback by the strange juxtaposition of Sephiroth's hidden kindness intermingled with his terrifying reputation. They are mutually fascinated with each other, determined to exploit the other's weaknesses and limitations.
Gradually, they begin to get used to running into each other, their exchanges slowly becoming more familiar and playful. Elfé often questions Sephiroth why he sides with those whose cause he does not truly believe in. Sephiroth, cheekily, questions why Elfé won't join SOLDIER as his personal apprentice. Back and forth, week after week. They revel in increasingly more reckless and risky clashes, excited to push each other's buttons, taking on whatever the other has to throw at them.
Which eventually blooms into something that actually begins to resemble a real friendship. During one of Elfé's more lethargic clashes, Sephiroth actually refuses to fight her, acknowledging that it's just the two of them here--there's no reason he should kill an opponent that isn't fighting at their fullest. This leads to the two of them actually starting to meet up in private WITHOUT having to fight, often engaging in long conversations to challenge each other's rival perspectives. It's a strange burgeoning friendship of sorts. Sometimes, Elfé is surprised as just how soft and genuinely friendly Sephiroth seems to be around her. Sephiroth, in turn, begins to question Shinra more than he ever has in the past thanks to Elfé's prompting. They come to find that they actually fit together pretty well. They're both solitary creatures; powerful, yet different from their peers. An unlikely pair, yet very similar.
GOOD ENDING: The relationship never turns romantic, of course. But it does bloom into something truly real and supportive despite their circumstances. A secret bond. Sephiroth's gradual disillusionment with Shinra gives him more and more incentive to defy orders to continuously let Elfé live, even if he won't join Avalanche. They no longer fight each other unless it's for fun, avoiding any situation that involves a direct confrontation in battle. When Elfé begins to grow weaker from her condition, Sephiroth makes the reluctant decision to temporarily abandon Shinra in order to find a proper place for her to recover, though he knows this act of defiance means it is likely the last time they can ever truly be near each other. He will have to return to Midgar, even if his conflicted heart is beginning to truly understand the life he leads. It's a bittersweet farewell between them, but he makes sure she's safe and well out of harm's way.
BAD ENDING: Despite the two bonding and becoming rather close over time, the mounting animosity between Shinra and Avalanche reaches its breaking point. Pressured under the weight of her leadership, Elfé is pushed into a position where she is forced to take drastic measures against Shinra, resulting in a direct, merciless clash with Sephiroth when he is at his very lowest. With the recent loss of Glenn, Angeal, and the currently-missing Genesis still weighing him down, Sephiroth views the attack as personal and a betrayal of his trust. He nearly kills Elfé in the onslaught, effectively ending whatever trust and affection existed between them. Elfé ultimately survives, but finds that she can't be near Sephiroth ever again. She silently observes him only from a distance just before he is about to leave for a mission. He's bone-thin, exhausted, very clearly ill. But she can't fully come to forgive him. She was a fool to ever let him in. What she doesn't know is that Sephiroth is finally done with Shinra, fully intent on retiring, too tired and emotionally defeated to continue. This will be his last mission. His very last.
He leaves for Nibelheim shortly after.
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I mean to be fair, the entire scene with Oodle and Pear at the beginning of Fartists both had good and bad points on Pear's side.
(essay under the cut)
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The beginning of the major conflict starts in AIB 4, but to me, it starts in the 3rd episode. Pear is, in the best definition: an observer. He's done nothing to truly participate in the competition itself (which is itself a flaw, considering that practically drops Team 5 from 10 members to 9) and sometimes is a detriment to the team's success, like in AIB 2 and 3. Nonetheless, his lack of care towards the competition itself makes him a neutral party. And a neutral party looking on the absolute shitshow that was AIB 3's fight would probably immediately think "whoa! what the fuck! y'all need to calm down! this competition is tearing you all apart!"
And that's exactly what Pear thought.
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It's interesting how the only characters that don't hate Pitchfork by the end of the episode are the ones that weren't there (Antimatter and Chip Bag) and... Pear. That isn't to say that Pear's motives are truly good at heart, after all everyone being serious is making it harder for him to relax and laze around. But his perspective seems to be at least of good nature, seeing that Oodle's challenges are driving people up the wall and instead of shifting any of the blame onto any one of his team members, blaming Oodle for the challenges in the first place.
But does Oodle really deserve that blame?
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Oodle is trying his best- you can't really say that he isn't. Unlike a majority of hosts in object shows that are either apathetic, neutral, or even condescending to the contestants themselves, Oodle is cheerful, upbeat, and kind! His main motivation seemingly is to have fun, the reason he built the entire competition in the first place, but his cheerful and optimistic persona isn't without flaws- mainly that he tends to be overly forgetful and make oversights. (omg, he just like me fr)
Many of his oversights seem to be about the contestants themselves as well, and despite his efforts to help them get along, it's obvious that he doesn't seem to consider whether or not anyone might have protests with his competition, simply because well, he's having fun! He's putting this all together for them! Which, is understandable considering he's never really had friends before, so navigating through something like that would be completely foreign to him. He's vulnerable and he makes mistakes, but he genuinely does care about his contestants. Whether or not he truly is to blame for the Team 5 fight is really up to speculation- would they have gotten into an argument had the stakes not been so competitive? Considering how Pitchfork seems to immediately regret her actions after getting overwhelmed by anger- probably not!
That leads us finally to AIB 4.
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Pear does not care about the competition. He doesn't bother to show up to his own team's elimination, even though he's up for elimination himself (being the final 2 as well). Oodle himself, the person that he's been blaming the entire team fallout on shows up personally to bring him to elimination, and this is the only time that Pear starts to genuinely care about what's going on. Oodle isn't busy zipping around the Blank Slate right now, so Pear can properly express his frustrations with the entire competition.
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One of the flaws about Pear that tends to take away from his entire statement about the competition is how he intersperses genuine, understandable criticism with personal attacks on Oodle and what he's striving to accomplish. This wasn't needed in order to express how the competition was tearing people apart, but it gives us a look into Pear's character and how he views Oodle. Pear doesn't like Oodle at all, and his opinion on him has seemingly gotten worse after the big Team 5 blowout.
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Pear has a point here! Oodle has sort of assumed that everyone would go along and agree with whatever competition that he has in mind, and especially with the lengths that he went to for the third challenge, I doubt that anyone would consent to having their limbs snatched and placed inside of a dumpster for a temporary amount of time. Although Oodle does seem to try to rectify this in future challenges (wanting the next challenge to be more low-key and not really having a choice on the fifth challenge), Pear's criticisms are more or less justified considering how he feels.
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The thing is, although Pear is mainly incorrect, there's no way of him knowing that's not what everyone thinks. The only thing that he's been focusing on here is himself and the rest of his team. Even if everyone else in other teams is more-or-less alright, his entire team was tearing at the seams last challenge. Pitchfork is probably miserable, Chip Bag seemed to agree with him before getting pulled away by Creamy (which- the rest of Team 5 is something I could write another essay about), and he's not having fun. In a way, he's kind of acting like Oodle is, but instead of focusing too much on the broad scale, Pear is focusing too little on it.
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Both Creamy and Pear have points in this situation. None of them really had lives before this game, so for many of them even with the fights, it's still a better situation than when they started! But, to be fair, Creamy is part of the group that won the argument against one singular person. Pear is still seeing this as more of an observer's outlook, seeing both sides of what exactly happened. It would make more sense that Creamy has a more positive view of this competition than Pear does. Does this mean Pear's outlook isn't self-serving? Nope! One of the reasons that he's so upset about this is because he didn't want this, so he assumes that no-one else does either. However, with what he's been able to see, it makes sense that he'd believe the others would at least agree somewhat with him.
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The thing is, something that Pear fails to recognize is that Oodle is not malicious. Oodle starts to try and reason with Pear at the beginning, now more aware of his mistakes, but Pear refuses to let him finish his sentence. He doesn't want to hear any excuses, instead continuing to personally berate Oodle for everything that's happened. Many of Pear's points seem to be more of what Pear thinks himself, projected onto his team and the rest of his contestants, believing that he feels the same way as everyone else. This repeats itself a lot, with Pear believing himself that he's trying to help the rest of his team. That he's "standing up" against what's causing these problems in the first place. Although his points are understandable, he takes it too far in a direction that's more about personally attacking Oodle. But, he's stressed out! They're all stressed out! He has a reason to be upset, but he ends up taking it too far.
And Pear's confrontation and subsequent elimination both has good and negative consequences on the competition itself.
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Oodle is clearly shaken up by that entire experience, not just from Pear's insults but from the subsequent effects it had. Team 5 is clearly upset at him now, but Oodle seems to be doing his best to try and make the competition more enjoyable for everyone involved, choosing a challenge that's a lot more low-key and chill, painting and drawing!
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It's a breather, a more relaxing challenge compared to the stressful circumstances of the last episode. Despite his flaws, Oodle is genuinely trying his best in order to make the game a more pleasant experience for everyone involved, and Pear's argument may have made him realize that he should take more precautions. (This was written before episode 6, so this is mainly speculation) He even made the challenge's reward a fun pizza party!
Although, now without Pear, there's even more vitriol against Pitchfork by the rest of her team...
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(If you can't tell I really like Pitchfork)
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tiger-moran · 7 months
also random note but i FINALLY got around to watching Granada Holmes, and FINALLY seeing the canon story of A Scandal in Bohemia
i would like to join the Godfrey Norton Protection Society and also the Irene Norton (née Adler) Protection Society because what in God's fucking name are all these adaptations doing with her????? i have so many thoughts (all good re: Irene, ofc), but most of them summed up are -
do the people who adapt her character for other works not have a LICK of media literacy about them? at all? she writes Holmes a fucking letter EXPLAINING WHY SHE DID IT and they're like "mm yeah shes an evil vindictive seductress who would release these compromising pictures at the drop of a hat xoxo"
Honestly both of them are portrayed so badly in almost everything, so many people can't seem to stand the idea that Adler isn't a villain or the pawn of a villain or that she isn't interested in Holmes in that way and that she can choose for herself who she wants to be with and be in the right about him and him being a decent man who genuinely loves her. Godfrey has been killed off or else portrayed as an abuser (usually meaning she has to be rescued from him by Holmes, of course) in so many texts, or in one story I remember even though she supposedly loved him she still went behind his back to sleep with Holmes. One also had her killing him shortly after they were married too if I remember rightly. (Adler being an international spy and her and Moriarty being in love is a new one to me but if anything I found that even worse than most of the other portrayals of her.)
Then I come on here and see bullshit 'hot takes' about them in my tracked tags including "I am reeling from the fact that the gothic fiction tumblr fandom is currently elevating the shit out of Norton, a completely nothing background character in a Sherlock Holmes story, only because he MIGHT love his wife back. Anyway Irene Adler is a lesbian and Norton was her comphet crush she got divorced from" so stuff like that is always fun to see, not.
I mean there are a handful of stories that have portrayed one or both of them pretty well (though unfortunately most of those tend to be stories I don't otherwise like) but yeah, they're both portrayed really badly or else Godfrey just gets completely erased and ignored so, so often. The Granada episode was one of the very rare things that didn't do them a huge injustice.
I love both of them, cos Adler is not a villain - she might well commit certain crimes sometimes for various reasons including maybe even just because it amuses her but she's not an actual criminal, she's not a villain and she's not being manipulated by a villain, she's not a terrible person, but she is unorthodox and probably someone who many people would regard at least with suspicion if not outright hostility, because she's an 'adventuress'. She's the kind of person many men then might want as their mistress but never as their wife. But Godfrey is a respectable sort of man but he knows all this about her and he still loves her and he is prepared to not only marry her but also apparently uproot his entire life to try to protect her from one of her ex-lovers, a man who almost certainly has far more wealth and power and influence than both of them.
A Scandal in Bohemia does interest me not only because of them but also because it puts Holmes on totally the wrong side initially; it has him behaving actually really dishonourably towards a woman who behaves with nothing but kindness towards him and it's only by the end of it he truly realises he is on the wrong side and that Adler was a victim not a villain. (I do still love the idea that does fit in the canon that it was Moriarty who warned Adler about Holmes after he had been approached himself by the king to get the photograph back but had refused to help him. I do love the thought of Moriarty too being captivated by her, just as Holmes is, in a way that's not remotely romantic or sexual, and in this Moriarty was the one who was on the right side while Holmes was in the wrong.)
I would love to have something which has Irene (or her and Godfrey preferably) interacting with Moriarty in a positive way - not her being his pawn or victim or 'love interest' (*barfs*) or being Moriarty herself (also not with her outwitting Moriarty because he's portrayed as a sort of 'bumbling idiot' almost) but as with everything it seems for this to exist I have to write it myself.
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