leggerefiore · 2 months
Cyrus tries to take care of you while you are sick since he is simply so worried for your health, but he also is so paranoid over germs and getting ill himself that he acts cold and avoidant. But, if you off-handedly mention wanting anything at all, he rushes at the chance to get it for you. He genuinely is terrified for you, even for something as small as a cold. He does catch what you have in the end and is inconsolable.
Colress is like a doctor monitoring your health when you get sick. He keeps track of all the symptoms that you express and the signs he sees. If it escalates, whatever doctor sees you gets a detailed list from him. He doesn't care that they scoff at it and seem haughty. He also helps you take the best care of yourself and makes weird yet healthy dishes for you. He simply wants to help you get better as soon as you can. (If he also gets sick, he just takes it and makes his own notes.)
N struggles to understand what to do. He has never gotten sick a lot, but he is so concerned when he sees you clearly unwell. He tries his best to learn quickly, asking for advice from his new friends and even a few pokemon. You get visited by a Chansey thanks to him. He encourages you to eat the egg you get given by the normal-type. Otherwise, he gets you whatever you need with some errors made. He is so desperate to help you feel better than he is 100% catching whatever you have and going down with you.
Archie cries like you are dying while dumping medicine after medicine on you. Shelly has to drag him away while you rest. He is so worried... Sure, bouts of small sickness are natural, but he does not enjoy seeing you under the weather. He is a horrible nurse, but he tries so hard to do everything. At least, he makes nice food for you to eat, and that improvement to your mood a lot alongside his genuine worry and affection. He somehow manages not to get sick due to his immune system being scary.
Maxie frets but keeps his distance. The analytical side of his mind knows to keep his distance, but he does hate seeing you so ill. He carefully makes healthy dishes for you to eat in the hopes of helping your condition. If you ask for anything, he does wander off to get it. He wants to help cheer you up so desperately. Even if he is trying to hand it to you on a stick so he does not come in range of you. His steadfast actions will break if you seem lonely, though. Then you have the Magma Leader at your side, letting you cling to him like a stuffed animal. He gets sick, naturally, but he gets over it.
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leggerefiore · 8 months
Omg... They have like hybrid smash or pass polls in the pokemon world and showing your hybrid bf the results.
Chandelure Ingo in shambles as he is passed on hard. No one wants the ghostly lighting fixtures, and he is forever tormented. He has to be reassured that you still find him very attractive and that his flames don't scare you, nor does his ability to consume life energy.
Eelektross Emmet is smug about managing to scrape by with a 10% lead on the smash side, but so angry that humans kept arguing that they are dangerous and will eat flesh. Like, yes, he does, but he is not a mindless monster and would never eat his darling! He seems to puff up and wants to show off his "smashing" skills on you afterwards.
Weavile Cyrus blankly staring at the high lead on the smashing side and claiming that he doesn't care for these sorts of things. He then seems oddly contented for the next while. Comments about how threatening their claws are and how strong their pack bonds are make him think. Well, he at least was more than accepting of one human saying yes to "smash" him. He finds you are all he needs.
Klinklang Colress finds these polls so fascinating into human hybrid relations and how bonds could possibly form and contribute to his research. He often takes note of them on his own. Though, he does seem fairly disappointed with how badly his own species seemed to do. Misinformation about steel-type hybrids never ceases to annoy him. Though, he asks you to bravely clarify that they can, in fact, have sex since you should know that very well.
Alolan Persian Nanu sighs at the high smash rate. Yep. He knew that was coming. Humans just seemed to love the feline hybrids of any variety. He shuddered to think about the Delcatty hybrid rates. That approval does not really do much for him, though. He doesn't care. He's just glad you like him genuinely and not because of him being "different."
Golisopod Guzma is sooo offended there are so many passes. He almost debates rigging the next one with his team. He gets over it, though, since smash is still won. He does grumble about it for a while, though. Scary looking sea insect... Big, bad boss annoyed people actually find him intimidating for once. Needs to be reassured that he is fuckable.
Staraptor Larry just nods at the results. Expected, truthfully. Humans tended to be pretty hard split on bird hybrids, and Staraptors were pretty intimidating while also being birds of prey. He doesn't really care. He never focused on having a mate until he met you, and now he's contented with what he has. Who cares what anyone else has to say? (Some of the compliments on Staraptors did cheer him up, though.)
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leggerefiore · 2 months
*Theme is hot scientists
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leggerefiore · 7 months
Can I request the villains' sizes? Maxie, Colress, Archie and whoever else you want to include
Presuming you mean height and not like. Something Else. If you did mean that, though, just send your ask in again lol
Character Heights and Body Type HCs
characters: Volo, Maxie, Archie, Colress, Lysandre, Guzma, Giovanni, Cyrus
⭐️ First of all, Volo has a canon height. The blond stands at a staggering 6'3" (190cm). It is clear he towers over most in Hisui, so perhaps the Arceus clan from which he descended is just full of tall people. (Seeing as Cynthia herself seems pretty tall as his descendant.) He likely enjoys the height for intimidation and whatever else it might bring. Though, interestingly, it puts him at the exact height of an average Garchomp. He seems like the type to enjoy a shorter partner, honestly, but it wouldn't be hard for him to find one. Body type wise… He's likely got some muscle on him. It is just something that happens to you by living in Hisui, alas. (And by hauling around that giant backpack of his.)
🌋 Maxie is… a bit on the slightly shorter side. It irritates him. He's likely around 5'7" (170cm) or 5'8" (173cm), and he hates it. His Crobat is taller than him. The only respite is that he is closer to the earth… He can actually usually forget his height. Tabitha is unusually tall, and Courtney is shorter than him. It's Archie that reminds him he's short. Not even by that much, but just enough to annoy him. Partner wise, he would prefer someone around his height, but he isn't too inclined one way or the other. He might just get a little more flustered if they are taller than him. As for his body type, he's a bit too thin at times, but typically finds himself back to normal after being forced to take a break from whatever his work is.
💧 Archie stands at 5'9" (175cm) or 5'10" (178cm). He doesn't think much about what height entails, though. Sure, he likes teasing Maxie about his height occasionally, but that's all in good fun. Their height difference isn't that extreme, after all. He definitely likes a partner that's a bit shorter than him, but he also isn't swayed away from someone his height or taller. His body type is muscular. All his swimming pays off because this guy is fit, and he knows it. One of the most smug feelings he's ever known is lifting up his partner with ease.
🛸 Colress is tall. He knows he is tall. Does it really matter to him? No. He is likely pulling a Volo and standing at 6'3" (190cm). The only way he might find use for his height is in making machines or finding out a height of pokemon for some reason. He also has no preferences for height on a partner. Though, he discovers this through him blind testing himself. Science man will always enjoy science, even in his boredom. Colress is pretty lanky. Though, he takes okay care of himself unless he's thrown himself into a big project.
☕️ Lysandre is tall as well. This man is towering over most people in Kalos. He stands around 6'4" (193cm), maybe skewing towards 6'5" (195cm). He knows he is tall and absolutely uses it to his advantage if he ever needs to. There is some pride in it, too, since he feels it makes him more regal and closer to his royal heritage. He definitely enjoys a shorter partner, but he would be hard-pressed to find someone taller than him anyway. (Well, apparently, Ghetsis is.) The Flare Boss is a bit buff, and it's not that much of a secret when looking at him. Not overly so, but there is clear muscle development on him.
💀 Guzma is like 5'7" (170cm). He might not be the tallest guy out there (and there may be some annoyance about that), but he believes his ability to intimidate comes from just more than towering over people. Though, he does hate having his height mocked by anyone outside of Team Skull. He doesn't really care too much to think about height for dating. He can see the appeal in a lot of things, so he's down as long as they are genuine with him. His body type is pretty muscular since he admittedly cares a little bit about how he looks. Plus, he doesn't want to fall that behind Kukui.
🚀 Giovanni is a short king. 5'5" (165cm) to 5'6" (167cm) at the tallest. Does he think about his height? Sure, he wears tailored suits, after all. Does he care? No. Why? Because height isn't the only way to intimidate someone, and he knows that very well. Comments about his height mostly go ignored unless they are belittling him. That is the one thing he won't stand for. He prefers a partner his height or shorter, and he's aware that's a bit hypocritical. Yet, he wouldn't look past a taller partner. The real way to attract him is power, after all. He's surprisingly buff for his age. Being able to defend himself is crucial in his line of work, and pokemon battles aren't the only fights one might themselves in. He spends a decent amount of time maintaining his physique.
🌌 Cyrus stands at 5'11" (180cm). He rarely thinks too much about it. Sure, he's quite a bit taller than the average Sinnohan height, but when the champion of the region stands a head taller than him, he doesn't really think he's that much of an oddity. No one really remarks on his height since his harsh glare already frightens off most people. For a partner? Well, he doesn't think about romance, so he likely just ends up with whoever seems the most likely to put up with him and work with him. (Though, there actually might be a bit of frustration with a taller partner. Something something, inferiority issues, something something.) He is surprisingly buff. No one knows how he does it. In his uniform and by the definition of his face, he almost seems malnourished, but the second he's down to his undershirt, his true form is revealed. He does work out, just a bit. Maintaining a healthy body is a requirement for perfection, he thinks.
Based off these images with some own hcs tossed in:
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leggerefiore · 3 months
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leggerefiore · 3 months
Now I’m just imagining Colress as a househusband. Someone who keeps things in order but also has a bunch of studies and experiments he does on the side. Sweet and loving, but also likes to tease and play jokes on his partner.
He likes to try recipes and cooking methods from all over the world. The results may vary, but he look quite charming in an apron.
He keeps the labcoat on and puts an apron over it... It has a steel type pattern on it. He probably would go crazy for making things like a raindrop cake. And, cleaning probably is a bit natural for him since his work space definitely needs to be kept sterilised for various experiments and engineering... He probably would like to keep his home in a similar manner.
He probably would not be the best househusband since sometimes his research does take him far away at times for varying periods. Colress really cannot ever separate himself from his work, alas. At least he's cute with how dedicated he is.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
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My theory about Colress hating Ghetsis for taking his funding is gathering more support.
Also, imagine hiring science man and getting angry that science man cares more about science than your goals.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Cyrus probably wears more cosy and comfortable clothes that still have a veneer of formality for casual wear. Sweaters are common or tops with a mock neck, as those are his preferences. He probably has a tendency to get cold easily, too, so maybe an addition of a cardigan around the home or a peacoat or overcoat for public. Usually, he also wears slacks, too. Though, at home he does swap over to sweats.
Archie probably keeps to generally comfortable styles like a simple t-shirt and jeans/jean shorts. He may also wear swim trucks under his clothes so he is ready to go whenever. He slips off the bandana bravely to less advertise himself as the head of Team Aqua. He prefers to keep on either slip-on shoes or sandals. He spends a lot of time on beaches, so sand in his shoes is a concern.
Maxie probably has a style similar to Cyrus's own but more concerning since he lives in a tropical climate. Though, he does occasionally switch it up and pull out a polo and khaki capri shorts if the heat is even too much for him. He probably wears loafers because he is insane unless he is going to visit Mt. Chimney in which they are swapped out for hiking shoes.
Lysandre is over the top and wears suits no matter the situation. If it is too hot for one, he swaps out a suit jacket for a simple vest. He likely does not believe in dressing down too much unless it is for certain activities. He wears more appropriate attire for working out, for example. Around his home, he likely wanders around in robes until he has reason to get dressed for the day.
Colress forgets how to dress normally and insists that a lab coat is the most appropriate attire for him. In Alola, he likely is still wearing a full suit under his mobile terminal coat. He probably even sleeps in a lab coat. There is an aesthetic he must commit to entirely. (Though, honestly, he probably does wear normal clothes if his partner insists on it. Evil Colress sighting in a long sleeve shirt and black pants eating a bagel sandwich in Castelia.)
Guzma's clothing... Well, he basically dresses the same as his skull uniform. Depending on the heat index, his jacket might be shed to just the tank top underneath, but the sweats and speakers remain the same. He might be convinced to try jeans on or dress up for a formal event, but it always looks a bit off. Guzma is just meant to exist in atheleisure.
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leggerefiore · 3 months
Cyrus sees Klinklang Colress and does not know how to process it. How can something be driven by emotions and mechanical? He quickly grows terrified.
Colress just ignores him as he collects data on a random battle.
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leggerefiore · 14 days
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my brain wouldn’t let me do any work today unless i drew colress’s daughter so here she is!! her outfit might change in the future, i’m not sure if i’m satisfied with it yet. kind of want to give her different frames. her design isn’t based on anything in particular.
anyways, she’s a cutie who loves cute things but is also probably unhinged when something really interests her (not shown here, at least not yet. who knows where either of her interactions with the twins are going). she’s single-handedly saving every student who’s bad at physics with her social media account where she explains sciencey things, so please make sure to like all her posts and leave a nice comment <3 (preferably not asking why her dad isn’t in jail. she gets enough of those… maybe she should put it in a faq or something…)
Been thinking about naming her something that means colour/colourful, so she's like the opposite of her dad. Only name that seems up there is Aya... Still unsettled. Very hard child to name lol
She does wear glasses! She tries to wear contacts when she can, but she probably does go for very cute frames for her normal glasses. She is as blind as her dad and hates it. Genetic curse.
She really is like her dad... That one scene of him madly ranting about Z-Crystals is comparable to her finding random pokemon and people she really likes. She probably thinks the twins are neat but wonders a lot about them. Morrigan being good at hiding her emotions while Nero seems to be too open. Much to explore for fun.
The pins are a really cute idea... I hadn't even considered her trying to decorate her coat like that... The UFO means she has Magnezone (like Colress).
"Why isn't your dad in jail."
"Looker said he was useful."
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leggerefiore · 1 year
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"Colress, what the fuck??"
"I quit! Also, I want to kill Ghetsis :)"
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leggerefiore · 6 months
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Colress is having a normal time as usual.
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leggerefiore · 7 months
You know, thinking on it, how many characters in pokemon games could be Champions/Elite Four members but opt against it for one reason or another? Like, Steven gives up his title to Wallace because he would rather focus on his travels and rocks sometime before Emerald.
Ingo and Emmet probably really could, but it just was not their interest to be those in the end and decided to be Subway Bosses. Emmet likely would not because singles are not his favourite format, and Ingo clearly likes working and being with his brother so that could be why he decided against it.
Colress probably could be, too, but it simply was not his actual interest when it came to battling.
Some evil alternate fucked up version of Cyrus where he is Sinnoh's champion with an emphasis on Dark types is a funny thought.
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leggerefiore · 2 months
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leggerefiore · 5 months
Vampire Colress would be funny because he would have no morals about drinking blood and would probably go deep into research about why his mate's blood appeals to him so much. So, on top of feedings, there are also blood draws so he can investigate your blood's specific components. Morally grey vampire scientist, your unfortunate partner for eternity.
When he turns you, too, he is aggressively documenting every phase because he hates that there are not enough actual scientific recordings of it.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
There's a reddit post that gets shared around about this gal who dated a man that was very mellow about their relationship and then when they got married for practical reasons it was like a switch was flipped and he became a very sentimental and romantic man, like he could finally relax and act on his feelings knowing it was real love. I can't even begin to decide between Ingo, Larry, Cyrus, or Colress out of which one is the most like this. Fuck it, maybe Lysandre too?
Probably not Ingo, I think he has a certain romantic aspect and wants to fall in love before getting married. Though, he definitely is marrying his lover as soon as he's certain. Poor guy is too domestic to not show his genuine love and feelings for them. I want to say maybe Emmet, but even Emmet seems like he'd want a cute dating phase before marriage.
Larry, though, I can see 100%. Marries for the tax benefits, ends up falling deeply in love with his partner, and happily giving into domestic bliss. He acts very much like it's a business transaction, saying you probably would not have to deal with him too much since he's so busy with work.
Then, he finds himself softly enjoying the moments at home with his lover. He goes from brooding and serious to soft and calm. Polite, formal greetings agfter work give way to domestic pecks in the cheeks and quick hugs. He even starts eating dinner at home to spend more time with you. Larry feels a bit less cynical about the world in the end, at least when he's being embraced by you.
Cyrus... maybe. I'm biased in wanting him to be close with his lover before he degrades into the state seen in DPPt, but I could see him marrying for the facade. No feelings involved, naturally, as he's convinced he's fully suppressed his spirit. The poor person is just being used to provide a sense of normalcy to him and make him seem less suspicious.
It morphs into you doting on him and genuinely caring for him and accidentally melting his built-up walls. You are in his home, after all. His guard drops in what used to be an isolated space, and you strike his rare vulnerability and make him open up. Cyrus barely allows himself to indulge so with you he drowns in your affection. Soft touches and conversations about him and his struggles lead to a certain bond with you. He's mortified when he realises how much he has come to care for you unintentionally.
Colress... is probably a no-go on that. If he's marrying someone, it's either for his research somehow or because he does genuinely care for them. He's moving around too much to have time to worry about local laws and how they'll affect him lmao. I could see him maybe coming off a bit cold, though.
Maybe you expect him to keep disappearing from whatever region you live in to seek out more valuable data for his research, but he surprisingly comes back more often than you think. Colress probably even excitedly brings you gifts from wherever he's just been, be it a pokemon or souvenir. He surprises you with how much he tries to stay in contact, worried about you getting lonely or Team Plasma harassing you (if you're somewhere they are active). It's obvious he values you as much as his precious research, at least.
Mmm, not Lysandre either, I don't think. He's a passionate guy, after all lmao. With his lover, he's probably attentive and suffocating them in gifts, so it's hard to feel unloved and like he isn't oddly romantic or sentimental. Intimidated, on the other hand...
Nanu, perhaps, is a choice here? I could see him being in a casual relationship with someone and marrying them for whatever reason before realising how deeply he loves them. Old man doesn't shift to being overly affectionate or romantic, but definitely becomes obviously softer towards you and likes having you around him as he does his Kahuna duties or just lazing with his Meowths.
Or Grimsley. Grimsley would date someone casually, marry them to probably dump off his debts on them/because his family was annoying him and pressuring him, and then actually realise he adores having a spouse. He's like goes from essentially being a consistent guy for casual sex to just oddly endeared to you. Random gifts and trips with him because he finds himself enjoying his time with you. It probably bothers him how much he ends up caring for you lmao
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