#but also it'll be good chance for the story to tell his reasons why he couldnt stop killing maleanor even though in our pov rn he could hav
rayroseu-reblogs · 3 days
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ON THE LOW just realized what Sebek is describing here is Knight of Dawn's life... OGMG... 😭😭😭😭 not him being disrespected as a king (i feel like at the end the humans followed Henric and not Dawn and thats why they got a disagreement on the land leading to the war inside the Kingdom of Swords), being used as a knight, and also was hated as a child (as per this upbringing described by Sebek)... DAWN.... 😭😭😭😭
imagining that Dawn wasnt taught about anything about faes, only that he must kill them, yet he still dream to understand them even if the Silver Owls forced him to be ignorant and subservient to their selfish greed 😭😭😭✨✨✨
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the-badger-mole · 4 months
Hope you are doing well. I saw some of your How I Met Your Mother posts, and that got me a little intrigued, because I watched that show and was stumped by its ending.
Anyways, I wanted to ask you, also inspired by YouTube videos of the show, do you think having that fixed endpoint was wrong? Because some of the videos make it seem that if the show was to end by season 2, then that made ending made sense, but extending it to nine seasons, it would have been better to change the ending. Also, one other thing I found is that even if Ted did show up outside Robin's house as the end, there is no chance of a happy ending there because they never really got those issues that caused them to break-up to be resolved at all. Just because Ted and Robin's respective goals are achieved does not mean the issues probably won't be there.
I would like your thoughts on this.
Having a fixed endpoint for a story is tricky. I'm not saying it should never be done, but up until the last season or 2 of HIMYM, the writing was so well done, so careful to remember plot threads and foreshadowings and running gags that it set up in earlier episodes. They wrote characters and relationships that felt real, and made the audience care, and yet, they couldn't pull off the ending they'd written almost a decade earlier.
I agree with the take that the ending they wrote could only have worked if the show ended in season 2. And it's their own fault. They did far too good a job showing why Ted and Robin didn't work. Then they did too good a job showing why Robin and Barney DID work. I started wanting to see the two of them end up together from the first season (although, I do maintain that Robin being single would've been a great ending for her, too). The one episode that I think should've clued the writers in that their endgame pair didn't work any more was "Baby Talk". Specifically the talk that Robin has with Ted, where he complains that she didn't make him feel needed during their relationship, and then her conversation with Barney where he tells her she didn't make him feel needed during their relationship, and that was awesome. The reason why Ted and Robin ultimately didn't work isn't just because they had a difference of opinion about having kids, or career plans. They were fundamentally incompatible personality-wise. That's not a failing on either of their parts, but it is irreconcilable. In the end of the show Ted has his kids and they're nearly grown, and Robin has been able to travel for her career, but their personalities haven't changed much. Ted still wants a fairytale ending, and Robin is still fiercely independent and doesn't need him (and btw, she isn't even that old. She'll probably still be traveling, which I doubt Ted will appreciate since it'll still mean either giving up his career and proximity to his kids who seem to still be in high school and will need support through college, or staying home and having a long distance relationship with a woman who is probably meeting a lot of interesting and interested people without him. His jealousy issues could NEVER).
Having a set ending can work. I've written fics where I knew exactly how I wanted them to end, so I know it can work. But i also know that sometimes the plot or the characters can develop in ways that make the ending no longer fit the story, and a writer has to be able to be flexible with that, even if it hurts that you don't get the ending you wanted originally. The creators of HIMYM wrote themselves into a box. When the ending didn't fit the story or the characters, they regressed everyone involved in order to make the story fit the ending, and the result was...bad.
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jpitha · 1 year
Signal Rockets
Here's a little side story that takes place a little bit after Just a Little Futher. If you read my previous work it'll be a fun treat, but it's also a stand alone story - you're not missing much by reading it alone.
The far border of human space is a boring place to be stationed. The other 'side' of human space borders the K'laxi and the Xenni, two of the other sapient species we've met so far. In the other direction, for light-years around as near as we can tell, is... nothing.
It's part of the reason that for centuries Humanity thought they were alone in the universe. We're so far away from other species that it took pure luck to even meet them the first time.
Regardless, there are reasons to be over in the hinterlands. Research to be done, and to have a presence just to really say "our space ends here."
Research Station Peering Depths was one of those places. There were twenty five humans, 5 K'laxi and the station AI onboard and that was it. They spent their time gazing into the deep past of the universe, trying to learn as much as they could. Sure, wormhole generators made it so that human space was a lot smaller than it used to be, but there were still many things to be learned by peering into deep time.
The K'laxi onboard were part of a research exchange program. They were all recent graduates and jumped at the opportunity to spend a year on a human research station. They were prepped before about what kind of a job it would be but they signed on anyway. The chance to do some Real Science with their human allies was too good of an opportunity to pass up, even if it meant spending a year away from friends and family and having to eat what few humans foods were compatible. They ate a lot of waffles and pancakes.
Everyone spent their days studying their long range telescopes, writing about what they found, editing and collating their works and once a month, linking a beacon back with their data. There was little drama onboard and a lot of time to pass. Most of the day to day operations of the station itself was handled by the AI. Everyone trained in fire protection of course, but the Depts was small enough that the AI could handle everything.
They were about six months in to the rotation when Peering Depths pinged Commander Terry Temlin. He was the human commander this rotation and officially the lead scientist. The research station was a civilian affair and officially had no weapons. "Commander Temlin, I sense a energy spike that matches the profile of someone linking in."
"Oh?" Terry looked down at his pad. He was in the canteen eating his lunch. "I don't recall anyone being scheduled to visit for the next month."
"I agree Terry, that's why I pinged you. Long range scanners indicate it's a Starjumper, and it seems to be stricken."
Terry's fork stopped halfway to his mouth "What? It's stricken?"
"Yes. It's reactors are wildly out of sync and its power output has increased over fifteen percent since it has first appeared on my radar. Additionally, my scopes show large burn marks and what I surmise is active fire onboard."
Starjumpers were the oldest of the human ships. Most were built before humanity developed their wormhole generators, shrinking the galaxy. They were built to soar between the stars at half the speed of light or greater, 'jumping' between the stars. Once wormhole generators were developed, they installed them, but they retained some of their former fame and popularity. It was an event when a Starjumper linked into your system.
"Sound General Alert, Depths. We need to see if we can help."
"Aye Commander. General Alert"
The hooting siren of General Alert was heard throughout the small research station. Everyone ran to the canteen - the largest gathering place - and milled about while they waited for stragglers. Nobody here was officially military, but everyone knew what the alarms were and what to do when they sounded.
Commander Temlin cleared his throat. "We have potentially a situation. A Starjumper just linked in-" murmurs from the crowd "-and appears to be damaged. Peering Depths says their reactors are going wild and it might be on fire-" the murmurs increased in volume "-quiet please! We're going to reach out and offer assistance. Everyone trained in first aid head down to the infirmary. Someone turn one of our scopes on them and see if we can resolve more information. Depths?"
"Yes Commander?"
"Do we know which Starjumper it is?"
"I initiated an initial handshake with them. They are known currently as Wildfire."
Terry looked up at the ceiling. Lots of people did when they were talking to the AI even though it really wasn't up there. "I don't suppose you know them?"
"I'm sorry Commander, I've never had the honor to meet Wildfire."
"Okay, let them know we can assist if needed."
"Aye Commander."
Commander Terry made his way up to the small Command Deck on the Depths. It was used rarely, but he felt that it was important to be there while the emergency was ongoing. As he sat in the unfamiliar artificial leather of the Commander's chair, Depths pinged again.
"Commander, two more wormholes have been detected. Wildfire seems to be under attack. I do not recognize the ships attacking Wildfire, but they appear to be of Human make."
"What?" Terry looked at the display ahead of him in shock. "You can't track a wormhole link, how did they know where Wildfire would be? Which human group would be attacking a Starjumper?"
"Both of those questions cannot be answered at this time."
Terry's screens where overwhelmed with a flash of white, and for a moment, he thought that Wildfire was destroyed. Instead, Wildfire appeared next to Peering Depths, nearly at docking distance. The massive ship dwarfed the research station. It felt like it could swallow Peering Depths whole. For just a moment, Terry was disappointed that there was no noise in space. He felt like a move like that should have a noise like a thunderclap.
"Peering Depths! Peering Depths! This is Wildfire! I am under attack by the forces of Empress Melody. They are pressing the attack and I am ordering my biological crew to abandon me."
Terry stood. "Wildfire. This is Commander Terry Temlin of the research station Peering Depths. Of course we will take your crew, but isn't that a decision that your captain needs to make?"
Wildfire sounded testy, as if they had to explain this a few times already. "The captain is dead, and as War Emergency Power has been officially unleashed, I am exercising my right to complete my mission, save the crew, and myself in that order. My wounds are mortal, but I should be able to hold off the two Super Dreadnoughts. Prepare to receive escape pods."
Terry called to the staff and told them to be ready to accept the escape pods. True to his word, Wildfire started shedding pods as soon as the audio connection was closed. A dozen pods streaked between the two vessels as the Super Dreadnaughts linked in and began hammering Wildfire with energy weapons.
"Pods away! I'll hold them off and give you a chance to escape."
"Escape? We're a research station, we don't have anything more than station-keeping thrusters."
Wildfire sounded surprised. "How did you get here? Don't you have a wormhole generator?"
Peering Depths chimed in here. "We were towed to this location. We have the plans and surplus mass to print a wormhole generator, but we don't keep one active."
"Shit. All right. I'll hold them off. You signal for help. Do not send the beacon to Sol. Send it to Parvati."
Now that was nearly too much. Terry threw his pad down onto the armrest of his chair. "Wildfire, what is going on. What's happening in Sol? Who is 'Empress Melody'?"
"I really can't explain the whole thing right now. Suffice to say, a person claiming to be the Empress of... everyone linked in a month ago and has a fleet of these Super Dreadnoughts to back up her wild claim. Some of us Colonial AIs have mounted a defense, but as you can see-" The audio cut out as Wildfire linked away in another blinding flash of white.
For the first time, Terry could see the two Super Dreadnaughts. He could barely believe what he was seeing. They were as large, if not larger than a Starjumper, fully 4 kilometers long. Not only that, but they appeared to have control surfaces on the outside. "Are they atmospheric?" Terry's voice was tinged with awe.
"They appear so Commander. One of them is wheeling about to confront us."
Terry frantically opened communications. "Unknown ship! Unknown ship! This is the unarmed research station Peering Depths. We have taken on Wildfire's crew after they abandoned ship and are offering them medical care and refuge. We are unarmed, I repeat unarmed and offer no threat to you."
After a moment, the massive ship replied with video and audio. On his screen Terry saw... a K'laxi, wearing a royal blue uniform, with gold piping on the sides. Next to... her he thought, was a crew made up of other sapient species he had never seen before. He didn't see any humans in range of the camera.
"Peering Depths, this is Builder Um'reli, of the Calamity Class Super Dreadnought Hamilton. You are housing prisoners of war and are accused of aiding the enemy."
Terry muted the audio and looked up again. "Depths, what is going on?"
"I wish I knew, Terry. We should concentrate on survival right now."
Terry nodded and shakily turned his audio back on.
"Builder Um'reli. I am Commander Temlin, the lead scientist here, and I cannot agree to your claims. We're a research station. We've been out of contact for six months now, and have no idea what's going on back home. Wildfire linked to us severely damaged and asked for help to save their crew, and we took them on. We have no quarrel with you, and have no weapons."
While they were talking, the other large dreadnought had already turned and linked away, presumably to give chase to Wildfire. How did they do that? Terry supposed he might learn one day.
"Peering Depths. If you link back to Sol immediately and surrender to the Imperial Systems, you shall be spared. As you have no-doubt surmised, we have the ability to trace wormhole links and will know if you link elsewhere. We will pursue and destroy you."
"Builder Um'reli that is a... generous offer, but I must inform you that we have no wormhole generator. We have the mass and plans to print one, but it will be a week before we can leave."
Anther pause. It appeared that Um'reli had muted her audio and was in animated conversation with someone else on her command deck.
"Peering Depts. We have a spare wormhole generator and will deliver it to you. We will assist with it's installation and follow you back to Sol."
Terry sighed. It wasn't like he had a choice. "Very well, Builder. Please send the wormhole generator and the installation crew at your nearest convenience. We will be ready to meet them."
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k-nayee · 1 year
Cookout Hyung Line + Jimin
wc: 3.4k
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
• 𝐍𝐎𝐓 gonna lie, it was a rocky ass start when y'all first arrived
• having the meeting-the-family for the first time jives and all
• boy way shaking and sweating bullets the moment he stepped through the backdoor
• and to add salt on to the wound, almost the entire yard went silent when they spotted him
• with a strained smile and wave, you walk over to your parents
• Namjoon of course stayed close to your ass like white on rice
• the tension slowly went away as you spoke to the older generations of the family
• sweet baby Joon just sitting there quietly, ain't saying nothing in fear of messing up
• even though it wasn't being spoken, everyone was curious of the new face, hence the side glances every now and then
• it wasn't until your LEAST favorite loud mouth no filter having ass boy cousin came over to start some shit up
• "Aye ____, why you bring this anime non-speaking Nigga up in here? Black men ain't too good enough or something?"
• you purse your lips at his words, ultimately done with the bullshit
• it became even more awkward when you heard murmurs of agreement around
• "First off, I very much can speak and understand English. Secondly..." Joon steps closer, towering over the froggy male with a look of contempt, "What does me being Asian have to do with it?"
• "......."
• "........"
• ".........MYYY NIGGA! WASSUP MANE. Aye you know I was just testing you right? Gotta see who right for my cuz and all."
• people let out forced laughs while [Cousin Name]'s dumbass try to cover up his mistake
• surprisingly after that, Namjoon begins to open up and talk more with the family
• more so the younger ones, but at least he trying and that's all that matters
• the little kids think he's some kind of dog whisperer since all the dogs crowd around him for some reason as he tells them stories
• your parents damn near teared up when they found out he was smart
• "Oooh, ____ got a smart one y'all! Not only is my baby in college, but she also dating an Einstein! Oh [Auntie Name], I almost forgot to ask how your daughter doing with that locked dope dealer boyfriend of hers. Chris was it?"
• "Mama, please. Now is not the time to be starting stuff. This ain't a competition between me and [Cousin Name]."
• "Yeah yeah, whatever. Now baby, now that I know ____ got somebody like you around. Please help her raise them grades up, cause whew chile!"
• "Mama!"
• since he's still afraid to go out of his way to socialize unless being approached, Namjoon decides to spend most of his time with your mother
• bastard even got a chance to see the photo album that held ALL of your baby photos
• "Awwww, look at this photo! You were so cute ____!"
• "I swear Joon, Imma beat your ass if you don't get them photos out my damn face."
• "But why? You're adorable in these~"
• "Adorable? Adorable?! Just cuz you fucking me doesn't mean you gotta lie. We both know those some questionable ass baby pictures."
• he's so soft spoken and polite in conversations but wouldn't mind starting some shit up if needed for your sake
• ...words be so sly that it'll take a few minutes before your brain finally process what he said
• "I'm surprised ____ was able to get into [prestigious university], let alone in a whole 'nother country!"
• "It's really hard to get into [prestigious university] of Seoul while even being an international student. Then again, I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Not like you could meet the entry requirements needed to attend."
• not a roaster, but definitely one to throw light jabs and heavy shade
• being your grandma's favorite (even tho she says she loves all her grandkids equally) you knew it was over when finding out that she likes him more than you
• at least you still got your Uncle Pookie. It always take a few years before he warms up to the outsiders of the famil-
• "Oh yeah, did I mention I did a collab with Nicki Minaj and Juice Wrld before?"
• all hell breaks loose
• everybody asking questions left to right
• even Uncle Pookie don left your side to talk to Namjoon about it
• "...did...did he just...?"
• ....yeah, he stole ya family
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
• despite having met your parents before, he was still nervous about meeting the whole family
• that doesn't mean he was gonna show it tho
• with a mask of full confidence on, he walked through the back gates and into the backyard
• even when feeling eyes on him, he kept it up. 'just fake it til you make it'
• eventually, the confidence quickly became real once speaks to your parents
• it wasn't until he saw the amount of food at the table did he fully relax
• your mama saw the dazed look on his face and immediately walked him over
• "Nice to see you again Jin! That food caught your attention huh? Don't worry baby, what you want to eat? Just tell me and mama will fix a plate for you. And don't be shy either, especially when ya looking like ____ ain't feeding you right!"
• "Really mama?!"
• "Hush now! You can't blame me, look at him! Now come on sweetie, let's go get you some food~"
• ate every and anything placed in front of him
• finished damn near five plates before he decided to take a break for desserts
• so many of the serving ladies (who were mostly your aunties and older cousins) dropped their panties when they saw the number of empty plates and tried to feed him more.
• "Here sweetheart, you want some more greens?"
• "Edna don't nobody want them dry ass greens! Here, try some of my chicken. Saved the biggest piece just for you~"
• "Please, we already know you bought that shit from the store so it ain't no use trying to act all brand new Zelma. Know damn well you ain't fooling nobody with ya fake chicken having ass!"
• a war would've broken out had you not stepped in and took Jin away as he continued to watch the fight while stuffing his face with some of the chicken
• even after, he went back to try the spicy foods on the other side of the table
• quickly fell in love and got everything he could put his hands-on
• "What's this?"
• "They're homemade jalapeño poppers."
• "I'll take 50 of them."
• "Jin that's damn near all of them!"
• "Well it's homemade right? So they can just make some more then...problem solved!"
• seeing him gobbling down the food, your grandma comes over and the two end up in an intense conversation
• what's it about?
• you guessed it: food
• Jin became really good at dancing to the Wobble once he studied everyone's movements for a few moments
• but immediately goes in a corner out of embarrassment until your grandma calls him back to talk (about food again lol)
• when he found out she made those jalapeño poppers...extreme fanboy mode on
• your grandma enjoyed his enthusiasm so much she gave him the recipe and a to-go plate before y'all left
• rest assured that he's definitely been invited for the next social event
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
• it's kinda a good thing that it's a cookout because he refuses to handle a family gathering in one room
• "I don't got time to be breathing in all that shit, what if somebody got the 'Rona over there?"
• "Yoongi...you really ain't shit. You know that?"
• "Didn't hear you deny it tho."
• "...Whatever let's just go."
• "Now don't forget your facema-"
• "Yoongi!"
• "Okay, okay!...I'm still bringing that can of Lysol spray with me."
• even though he's quiet, he doesn't hesitate to talk some shit if needed
• is only nice with the adults, but not the kids caus-
• "Fuck dem damn kids! They ain't mines, and even if they were...fuck my own kids then. I don't talk to people younger than me like that."
• he snaps at your rude ass aunties and shows off some of his unfinished raps and beats
• the kids and your cousins are amazed
• "Woah...that's so dope!"
• "____! Why didn't you tell me how cool your boyfriend was?!"
• they watch him with their mouths dropped open in awe, eagerly hanging on to every word he spits out in a freestyle rap despite it being in a language they didn't know/understand until the food is ready
• your parents (low-key only your dad cause momma still didn't forgive him from that stunt he pulled at church) smile at how soft he is when he looks at you despite having a glare as his resting bitch face
• eats only one plate that was made by you
• the same older cousins and uncles that silently talked shit about him suddenly does an 180 and tries to kiss his ass once they find out he's a producer and rapper of big company
• "Aye mane, you think you could listen to my demo or sum cuz? 'Preciate it."
• reluctantly agrees to listen, but Yoongi -being the way he is- straight up stops the music by middle chorus and gives his honest opinion
• "Um...what the fuck is this?"
• "Whatchu mean mane? It's fye huh? So you can put me on an album or sum?"
• "You do know that the background music is the goddamn theme song from that Sofia The First show right?"
• "...yeah, I wanted to add a 'lil twist to it. Was there a mistake in it?"
• you immediately remember how brutal the idol can be from time to time and step in before he can get an asswhooping from dudes that's three times his size
• "...mistake? My guy, I don't know if you know this, but yo whole so-called song is a mis-"
• "Yoongs..."You give a strained smile, ignoring the wondering gazes at what you're suddenly saying in Korean, "please shut the fuck up."
• "Wha-why the hell do I have to shut up?! If anything, we know who needs to, and not to mention that wonky-ass Disney Cinderella song they call a beat."
• "You do know they just got out right?"
• "Of what? Kindergarten? 'Cause that's all I can tell from those barely basic ass rhyming words they put up in there. Pssh, you would think they would learn how to actually rap with all that free time they had."
• "Yoongi!"
• he's...an overall good guest...somewhat
• will help clean up because he trying to get back in your mother's good graces (and not because you promised to give him some sloppy toppy if he at least tried)
• dances...very very aggressively
• accidentally don electric slide right into the poker table
• y'all gonna mostly be by yourselves because he doesn't really want to socialize
• keep in mind that he is blunt and aggressive, which is a type of attitude a lot of black family members hate with a passion
• but does Yoongi care about what your family thinks of him?
• "Do I really look like I give a fuck? Well too bad...cause I FUCKING DON-"
• he will snap off if they say something shady, even if there's a little hint of it: hands will be thrown
• "Waste of my goddamn time right here...you made us come all the way to Korea when you could've easily came to the states, and for what?"
• "To watch her become the best fucking [dream profession]. And it's not like yo broke ass paid for the tickets and hotel, probably wouldn't have been able to afford a cardboard box to spend the week in if it was up to you."
• he ain't gonna sugar coat SHIT
• might end up fighting a relative if it comes up to it
• "Now listen here young man-"
• "No you listen here you ungrateful ass excuse of a person, you've been nothing but a pain in my balls since the moment we met. So you better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up. I don't give a rat's ass who or how old you are. Whether you a man, woman, non-binary, or a damn tree, I don't give a FUCK. But I do know one thing: these fists are pansexual and rated E for everyone, so you can catch 'em if you want."
• depending on how prideful they are, they might not like that
• when you guys leave and go back to your apartment you cuddle
• "You didn't have to do all that Yoongi. Some family are just like that, gotta roll with the punches."
• "I don't care who they are to you, you deserve the same respect you give them. Not any of that petty bullshit they love to spew out. And speaking of petty, that's why I took both pans of the peach cobbler and banana pudding too."
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
• he's excited
• not a single drop of nerves running through his body at all
• he's super happy that the two of you finally reached the next level of a relationship which meant meeting your family
• greeted the cousins casually but with a mega watt ass smile
• some even came up to you complaining about it
• "Damn ____, tell your man to calm down with all that smiling shit! Almost went blind."
• "...but ain't you already blind Cousin Brian...?"
• "And? It gotta mean something if I was able to see a bright ass light in all this darkness."
• "I-well okay then. Hobi stop smiling too much, you messing up my blind cousin's eyesight."
• "Oh oka-what?"
• everyone adores him, yes even that one messy cousin that's always trying to ruin a family member's day (and relationship) with their new boyfriend/girlfriend
• you tried to keep Hoseok away from her, but he just had to say something when he saw her standing alone in a sheer dress that was clearly once a t-shirt
• "No Hoseok, let's go this wa-Hoseok!"
• "Hello! Very pretty dress you wearing~"
• "...okay and? The fuck you telling me that? You want your lil dick sucked or something Asian boy?"
• he laughs brightly at her words
• "No no thank you. But you should smile more, very pretty face to waste by frowning."
• with that, he takes your hand goes over to the kids which damn neared baffled the whole yard of the two's interaction
• and thanks to him having to be a nice piece of shit, you now gotta fend him off from ya messy ass cousin who now crushing on him
• plays games with the little kids, all the women swooning as he chases them around and picks them up like a father would with their child
• "Awe ____, you got you a cute white boy."
• "Thank you grandma, but he's Korean."
• "Well I like him!"
• when at the table he proudly brags about your achievements at work while also handling the process of obtaining a degree at the same time
• when you bring up his world-known status they are   s h o o k
• goes with you and your cousins to the liquor store when all your low-key alcoholic aunts and uncles drank them all
• "____, I like your family. They're all really fun to hang out with!"
• "Mmmm, you say that now. But give it time, I'm sure you'll change your mind."
• as stated before, he naturally gets along with everyone
• but just because he's safe doesn't mean that the shit relatives you have won't try to come for you
• and after learning some tips from Yoongi, he's ready to defend your honor
• "Want to talk all that smack about ____, just wait. She's gonna be the greatest [dream profession] there is! Bet you won't be able to say shit then."
• this definitely gets him more respect from your parents and older male cousins
• he won't stand for anyone trash-talking you
• not at all
• so yeah, they overall love him because hello? He's Jung Hoseok
• he fixed the younger kids plates, even sneaking in extra desserts which made him a long time favorite amongst them
• complimented every food he tried, even if the macaroni and cheese Cousin Brian made was dry
• "Hey now, it wasn't my fault! I didn't notice that the dial was turned all the way up when I first turned on the oven."
• "Cousin Brian...you blind my guy, how could you have known?! Now, matter fact...who the hell gave this man the responsibility of cooking in the first goddamn place?!"
• ate at least 3 plates and quickly danced all that food off when the music started
• cupid shuffled right into ya grandma's heart while grinding into your aunties'
• courtesy of ya [Uncle's Name] giving him a cup of 'juice'
• poor baby had passed out not too long after drinking too much of it and woke up without his watch and shoes
• luckily, you knew that something like this would happen and was easily able to retrieve them all before leaving
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• socially awkward, but is still a good person to be around
• and since babes got that shmoney, he made sure to bring expensive presents along even when you said not to
• if any of your family try to mooch off him you shut that shit down real quick
• "Aye now, if you don't keep your crusty ass hands away from my boyfriend them $90 nails gonna be a waste of money when I get through with them."
• he just loves it when you get defensive over him sometimes, a little blush grazes his face
• they ask all sorts of questions about his life back on back without even giving him a chance to answer
• seeing him visibly flustered from the lack of understanding what they're saying, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind to sidetrack their focus on him
• "His parents are in Empire."
• "Really? Say sike right now."
• "N-no for real! Y'all don't remember the those few episodes...with...those Asian parents?"
• "..."
• "..."
• "...you know, now that you mention it..."
• "Oh shit! ____, you gotta keep him. And if y'all break up, you know where to hit me up."
• They treat him like a long lost son that's been reunited with his family once more
• "Has ____ been good?"
• "Yes ma'am. She's been working so hard lately that she even got promoted!"
• "Oh that's good to hear. But sweetpea you don't need to so polite!"
• "Sweetpea, you want another plate?"
• "I-if you don't mind ma'am."
• "Oh please with all that ma'am nonsense baby! Call me Grandma~"
• he likes the vanilla wafer cookies in the banana pudding the most
• good with baby cousins
• "Can you get the water hose and play with us ____'s boyfriend? My momma said the kids can't do it by themselves."
• low-key got all the single relatives checking him out.
• Especially when his shirt became translucent from the water which shown a slim waist and built abdomen that was hidden while some old shorts he borrowed from you showed off his thicc thighs and ass that's even plumper than yours
• "Ooh, look at ____'s boyfriend! Bet he taste just the way he look: real good huh~"
• "Yup, and he's mine too [Cousin Name]. Better watch yourself before a few tracks go missing boo~"
• "Damn ____! Where you been hiding him? Mmm mm mm. What's good ____'s boyfriend, you looking for some fun later on tonight?"
• "Um...n-no t-thank you. I-i'm fine."
• "Aight no pressure, just let me know when you need me."
• "[Cousin #2 Name], you ain't in no damn prison penitentiary anymore and Jimin ain't one of those 'lil he-bitches you can fuck just because he got ass. So back the fuck off."
• "Aight damn cuz, you ain't gotta get all territorial and shit....so Jimin...do you got a snap or some-"
• "I swear if I see you, [Cousin Name], and any other of y'all thirsty hoes around my boyfriend one more goddamn time! I'm beating some asses."
• everybody adore him
• like there is not one single family member that dislikes him
• even if y'all were the type to be messy and filled with drama, he'll fit right in once they saw that he didn't take shit from nobody
• and when they do try to for either of you, cut off and put in their place immediately
• "I still can't believe it. How did ____ manage to get someone like him?!"
• "Oh? You mean Just like how you managed to get divorced five times?"
• the whole table done exploded with 'oh shit' and 'he got you [Auntie Name]'
• some even had to walk away from that one
• Jimin definitely earned a place in the family
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allthefujoshiunite · 9 months
Hi, Nora....My friend and I made a list of ace and aro characters from BL, and then we get to Love For Sale. We think Sieon is aro, based on he never regret his previous relationships until he is with Namwoo. And how he felt so indifferent about them. But what do you think? Also, do you have any BL characters that you think are ace or aro?
Great question! And thank you for giving me a chance to talk about Sieon. I'm always happy to do so. If you want the tl;dr answer, I don't consider him to be one. However, as is always the case on Wild Wild Web when you express a thought or preference, people take it as me condemning all the other thoughts/preferences. So here's a PSA: if you consider him Aro, good for you! You can interpret him however you like.
Also, lots and LOTS of spoilers for the uninitiated.
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As for how I read his character. I think Sieon is hard to understand for a lot of people because they expect him to be either this or that and try to put him into categories he doesn't fully belong in. It's one of the reasons why I'm so enamored with Love for Sale as a whole, and Sieon in particular. Dal Hyeonji, even though this is their first commercial BL work, does an absolutely fantastic job in this character study.
Back to the point. When the story was still being released, I entertained a similar idea myself about him that, maybe he's demiromantic. Not a romance-aversed aromantic, but still a part of the spectrum. Then I kind of abandoned that as well.
We are a melting pot of our environments, cultural codes, family, and our characteristics. That's why most of the time, it's hard to make out whether you've become something due to some external force or you were that something before anything else. A very lame example would be, do I find red lipstick sexy because I find it arousing, or is it because it was marketed in such a way that I am conditioned to think it's sexy? Similarly, it's not always easy to tell apart whether your feelings are genuine, you feel like you have to feel certain ways towards certain people, or something impacted you in such a way that you don't feel a certain way anymore. I know I'm being vague but hopefully, it'll make more sense now.
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Sieon, having to shoulder her mother's emotional well-being and their reversed parent-child roles, has found himself in a position where he seeks gratification through the things he can provide to his partners so he can feel 'needed'. The comfort he can provide for his partner becomes his purpose to be in that relationship. I was throwing him bombastic side-eyes very early into the story where he never expressed any type of preference and was very evasive whenever Namwoo tried to probe. Naturally, it was quite frustrating for Namwoo. As for me, it was as if Sieon was trying to erase himself from the relationship and be there for Namwoo as a combination of 'bank account + lips to kiss + a hand to hold' and blend into the ether as a person.
That's also why his relationships ended the way they did. He knew his mom wasn't happy, and even if he tried to alleviate her pain, it ultimately didn't work, thus, the one last good deed he could do for his mom was to let her go. To not be greedy. To not be selfish and say "I need you, don't go." This is the root of his letting go of his exes 'too easily', rather than him not 'loving' his partners.
Here's where things get tricky. Ideally, a romantic relationship requires you to be vulnerable, communicative, diplomatic, etc. Ideally. But none of us are exempt from carrying our baggage with us into the next relationship, no matter how big or small. In that sense, should we say that just because Sieon hasn't been perfectly vulnerable or has been avoiding conflict, he was never in a real relationship before? I don't think we can. 
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One of the moments my heart ached for him was during his conversation with his close friend. He reiterates it later on when they're having the talk with Namwoo, but he desperately tries to convey that, no matter what his partners felt, whether they were satisfied on their own account or not, he was always genuine. Has always been. It may not fit the mold of grandiose, shouting-from-the-mountaintops, I'd-swallow-a-sword-for-you kind of love we are constantly sold in the romance genre, but that doesn't mean he isn't capable of love either. On the contrary, I think he does look for romantic companionship, but he just doesn't know how not to intellectualize his feelings.
So, in my opinion, "he didn't love anyone else before Namwoo" is not exactly the correct way to read him. Up until Namwoo decided that he was going to hold onto Sieon and 'show him a selfish love' in Sieon's mom's words, their relationship was following the pretty much same direction as the others. At first, Namwoo is content with what Sieon provides, but then he develops feelings for him and expects Sieon to return them in a way he can't. The same old story that is bound to end with a break-up.
Emphasis on 'in a way he couldn't'. The way I read it, his way of loving is different from what others deem as 'romantic love', so he's convinced that he can't reciprocate others' feelings. If that's love, and his feelings don't look like that, then he must not be in love after all. And when Namwoo shows Sieon that it's okay to be needy and selfish at times, and it's okay to be vulnerable and honest, we see that was the wake-up call he needed all along. 
The verdict? If you consider his past partners through the "he wasn't able to genuinely love them" lens and interpret his "not being able to reciprocate romantic feelings" literally, you can think of him as an aromantic who's not really averse to dating. But as I've tried to elaborate, rather than not feeling romantic love, he does feel love and seek companionship but doesn't know how to handle conflict and can't break free from the behavioral patterns ingrained in him in childhood. 
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About aro/ase characters in BL. There's only one work that comes to mind which, interestingly, makes asexuality/demisexuality one of the core themes it explores and that's This is Love by Ziki Masaya. I have reviewed it before (click me) and I highly recommend it! I can maybe mention Sangwoo from Semantic Error, but then again, I think he's just autistic and his approach to romantic love for another guy is different from his normie boyfriend Jongchan because of that. I can't really think of any other works with Aro/ace characters as there's always romance/sex involved. Or maybe I just haven't paid enough attention! Let me know about the list you two came up with ~
PSA: I added the intro because the original link needs you to login to Lezhin as it's a Mature title, but you know the drill. Read on the official platfrorms!
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 16: My Allies
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Izumi: That should be all the groceries.
Tsumugi: Ah, right… I ran out of fertilizer…
Izumi: Should we go to the florist?
Tsumugi: No, they’re kinda heavy. I’ll ask someone for help and go with them.
Izumi: Oh, speaking of florists, I often pass by a shop where a fan of ours lives—
Towa: …
Izumi: Hm? Towa-kun?
Towa: Ah…
Izumi: Are you okay? Do you feel bad?
[Towa’s stomach growls]
Towa: I wanna eat… rice…
[Towa collapses]
Izumi: Eh?
Tsumugi: … Did he just collapse?
Towa: Thank you for the meal!
Tsumugi: Looks like you were starving.
Izumi: But your aunt is that florist nearby, right? How did this happen…?
Towa: To be honest… I ran away from home.
Sakuya: You ran away!?
Sakyo: Reminds me of a certain someone.
Azami: There’s a bunch of guys like that here.
Kumon: Ahaha, that’s true~
Tenma: You’re one of them.
Izumi: Did something happen at home?
Towa: …
Masumi: If nothing happened, then go back home.
Sakuya: Now, now. The situation might be complicated.
Towa: … I’m sorry for all the fuss.
Towa: … I’ve always admired you all. I’ve always wanted to be someone who’s passionate about something.
Towa: I’ve done everything half-heartedly and without pushing myself all my life.
Sakuya: … Why?
Towa: … Because I didn’t want to disappoint myself.
Towa: I think I don’t want to try hard, fail and realize I’m useless.
Towa: I’ll feel embarrassed. It scares me. I think it'll kill me.
Towa: But when I saw the Spring Troupe’s, MANKAI Company’s performance, entirely by chance, I became obsessed with how bright everyone sparkles.
Towa: I thought to myself that I want to try hard like this, I want to sparkle and accomplish something.
Towa: But I just don’t know what that something is…
Towa: Anyway, I wanted to be close to where everyone is, so I changed schools and applied to Hanagaku last minute and came to Veludo Way.
Izumi: That’s why you’re here…!?
Banri: That’s pretty impressive. The standard deviation there’s pretty high.
Towa: I studied more than I had my entire life before that!
Sakuya: You’re really good at taking the initiative. 
Masumi: You’re reckless.
Towa: Although I really wanted to be close to everyone here, there’s one more reason…
Towa: Everyone in my family spoils me, and they’re always ready to help me with anything and everything.
Towa: They always listen to my selfish requests, and my friends get jealous when I tell them, so I wondered if it was okay for me to stay that way…
Towa: No one argued when I changed schools.
Towa: They just told me to do what I wanted to do, and even found me a private tutor and a cram school.
Towa: They also asked my aunt to let me live with her.
Towa: My family is kind, and I love them, but I hate how spoiled I become when I’m with them. So I decided to leave.
Yuki: You’ve got guts.
Tsumugi: So they support your choices. That’s a good family you have.
Towa: But… It seems they thought I’d immediately go back home.
Towa: “It’s not like he has anything he really wants to do.”, “It’s unlikely he can make it on his own.”
Towa: When I heard my aunt and my mom have a conversation like that over the phone, I got mad and ran out.
Towa: … Everything they said was right, though. All I’ve got is my fixation, and I don’t have anything I actually want to do.
Towa: I can’t do anything by myself…
Sakuya: I don’t think that’s true.
Citron: You have already made it this far.
Chikage: You’ve even gotten into your beloved company’s kitchen.
Towa: Ah…
Itaru: You studied hard, got into Hanagaku, and stepped into your sacred place. Isn’t that proof enough?
Sakuya: I think it’s amazing that you’ve stepped into a whole new world all by yourself.
Itaru: There’s no need to rush. Everyone eventually finds what they want to do.
Tsumugi: I think Banri-kun knows that better than anyone.
Banri: This kinda thing’s got to do with your timing and, well, your connections. No point in rushin’ it.
Juza: Though, you were just tryin’ shit out on a whim.
Banri: Ahh?
Izumi: It’s not like you can’t do anything.
Izumi: If we hadn’t met you, we would’ve never thought of the workshop.
Towa: … Thank you very much. I’m sorry for troubling you.
Izumi: Your aunt is probably worried too, so contact her. Can you do it yourself?
Towa: Yes.
Towa: — Ah, I’m getting notifications from my chat.
shiki: contact us
Kar: don’t die
Iv: wanna come @ my place?
shiki: stay calm and don’t rush things!
Izumi: Chat?
Towa: A group chat I have with friends I met from a game called “Bloom Game”.
Towa: We talk about all sorts of things in BlooCha– the in-game chat.
Towa: We’ve never met, and we don’t know what each other looks like, but because of that we can talk about anything, and I feel like we’re always connected.
Towa: To me, that’s my home away from home.
Izumi: I see. Make sure you contact them too.
Towa: Okay.
Sakuya: Should I take you back home?
Towa: It’s okay. It’s pretty close, and my aunt said she’ll pick me up on the way.
Sakuya: I see. Be careful on your way home.
Citron: If you run away from home again, come here again!
Masumi: You don’t have to do that.
Tsuzuru: We have got to be the only place that welcomes runaways like it’s nothing. But I guess a place like that is good too.
Izumi: See you.
Towa: Thank you for everything! Good luck on your next performance! I’m looking forward to it!
[Towa walks away]
Tsuzuru: Our next performance, huh…
Itaru: We gotta face our problems head-on too, eventually.
Chikage: … That we do.
[Phone blips]
Sakuya: Ah… I have to cut this out and reply…
Sakuya: *sigh* Something that’s like us, huh…
Tenma: Does the next Romeo say lines like that?
Sakuya: Eh? Ah, no, he doesn’t.
Tenma: Seems like rehearsals aren’t going so smoothly.
Sakuya: … Yuzo-san watched our practice today.
Sakuya: He told us to think again what kind of plays the Spring Troupe does, and what the debut performance means to us.
Sakuya: We’ve gained lots of experience, but there’s something we lack compared to back then…
Sakuya: Even though, even our feelings are stronger than they were back then.
Tenma: So something’s missing, huh? There were a lot of those things in the original RomiJuli
Tenma: The acting was rough at best, and lots of parts would make you cringe, but still… I wonder what it was that made it so sparkling.
Tenma: All of you seemed to be enjoying the new world of theater you had just discovered with all your heart.
Sakuya: The new world…
Tenma: When I saw that, I was also drawn to it– it made me think it was time for me to leap into the world of theater, too.
Sakuya: When you praised RomiJuli after you joined, I was really happy.
Tenma: Come to think of it, you had to overcome lots of hurdles during the rehearsals for your debut, right?
Tenma: I had asked you how you did that during the Summer Troupe’s rehearsals.
Sakuya: I remember…
Sakuya: Back then, Yuzo-san had told us we don’t understand the first thing about theater—...
Sakuya: That’s it! Thank you, Tenma-kun! I’m going to get to know the stage one more time!
Tenma: — Sure.
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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I really tried to like this run, I really did. The seeds were planted in the Failsafe arc, then there was a tiny bit with the next arc (Red Death), and the way this one began.
This is just my preference, but I enjoy a comic book story if the writer clearly has a passion for all the characters involved.
When it comes to Batman?
I just ask if you're gonna use Cass. Use her wisely.
Don't use her as a "prop".
It's why I left Tom King's Batman run after Batman #81 because that's what Cass was in that run.
I came back to Batman because I truly did enjoy James Tynion IV's style in his Tec run. Yes, he played it safe but it was a FUN kind of safe.
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Even if they were cheesy, Tynion's Batman and later Joshua Williamson's runs were fun. So was Mariko Tamaki's Tec run. They treated the characters involved with respect and gave some standout Cass moments. They didn't seem like a "prop" and somehow always figured into the story.
Why I SOOOOO checked out hard when Future State: Gotham did this too (so much so I totally have forgotten who wrote the story). Cass wasn't a character in that (among others). She was just a prop to showcase how "far" Nightwing had gone.
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Now, this current Batman run by Chip Zdarsky has done this too. I really did give this run a fair chance. For his "Failsafe" arc the ideas were there but---
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There was never any follow-up. No payoff to the ideas introduced in the arc. Cass jobbed but it made sense. Because at the very least "Failsafe" was made to be counter to Bruce and the Family. But…
We got zero payoffs to Cass/Duke doing anything in the arc or anything out of Gotham being lorded over by a machine.
Compare this to what's going on in Detective Comics by Ram V.
Yes, Cass is a minor presence but the writer pays at least some payoff from plots that he introduces the character too. There's consistency.
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I see 0 consistency from Zdarsky from point A to B. Take today's #137 issue for example. We spent a setup with Cass getting zero motives as to why she (and Duke) are siding with the rest.
They just are.
0 characterization and 0 payoff from point A to B. What do we get for Cass in the issue? She jobs hard to Bruce. I just don't see any reason why as a fan of Cass I should care about this run?
I mean yeah, Zdarsky dangles the "happy" family in front of us in #136, and also tells us that bad things are coming for Bruce and the Family.
Buuuuuut… where's the characterization? The panel that tells us what Cass sees?
You could've easily had Cass in #136 just a mere two panels glance at Bruce and him back at her. Him knowing she knows something is wrong.
Nope. We don't get that. Just cute fun (we get that via Dick instead).
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It would bridge to her being against him in #137. If that was the case I probably wouldn't be angry over the issue. Cass doesn't feel like a character in the story, just a prop. And when a writer goes that route I CHECK OUT.
The other problem I've been having with this Zdarsky run is the "word play" as well. Dick, Tim, Jason, and Damian all get name-dropped as "sons" to Bruce. Note who isn't mentioned.
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But that is me just being picky and fandomy. But the other stuff I can't overlook. I will miss this run. I really REALLY love Jorge Jiménez's Cass. Like he understands the assignment ANY time he's asked.
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Just that, good art has to accompany a fun or thrilling story. We're getting none of that from my point of view. Maybe this changes in a few issues. Maybe it'll be longer.
I just can't read this comic any longer. It's not a read I enjoy. So until then bye Batman. It was fun.
Anyway. I said my peace. I just want to vent this out of my system. 🙏
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You think the gate thing Yuanzhi told that woman is real? I thought it's a sob story they made up specifically for her. Why would he open up about something this painful to her of all people? And it was the middle of plot they were working against her.
Then why did Shangjue never talk about it with Yuanzhi? Or is he oblivious about how much Yuanzhi feels guilty? Sorry to bother you with all my questions but I have no one to talk about these beautiful brothers.
I've always believed that the best lies are the kinds that are tangled with the truth. I mean, I wouldn't know, but I've gotten with quite a fair bit of shit in my youth by virtue of me not telling a total lie, so I'm very much biased in this view :)
Consider this; SGQ needed to be sold "a truth" that Yuanzhi and Shangjue have accepted her assistance in bringing down Gong Ziyu. They have, up to that point, been peppering the seeds and laying the groundwork for her to buy into the belief that that she has been accepted into the fold and they are "trusting" her.
In Malaysia, there's a saying that goes 'sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah' juga which loosely translates to no matter how well a squirrel jumps, it'll fall to the ground too (yang faham ni, please don't come for me saya punya BM dah dipulangkan kepada Cikgu dan kinektowk kmk lebih kerap klakar bahasa sarawak) and it means that no matter how smart you think you are, you'll still make a mistake.
SGQ is that squirrel.
We know she's hella confident in herself (which, sis, gimme some of that confidence), we know she doesn't have a reality where she doesn't come out on top or is unable to achieve her goals. Which is why she is blind to the way Yuanzhi and Shangjue are so obviously reeling her in like a tuna.
At the first sign of "trust" (Shangjue telling Yuanzhi that there are things that only she can do) to the way Yuanzhi doesn't immediately prickle up like an aggravated porcupine when being called didi by her, these should have been things enough to raise suspicions. But it didn't for her. Because she's the squirrel.
And because of that, the story was the "truth" that was wrapped around the lie of "trust". Yuanzhi's young and brash, but he's far from stupid. He's Shangjue's most treasured person for a reason, after all :) Now, whether you believe that that incident truly did happen or not, is up to you to interpret. I'm a whore for the angst and the fact that Yuanzhi carries guilt because of that incident is absolute delicious seasoning on my angst pie, so I accept that as canon and will continue to accept it as canon.
As to whether Shangjue knows Yuanzhi carries that guilt, of course. Here's a man who knows his didi well enough to know what he wants to say without him saying a word. Here is the person, again, who is Shangjue's most treasured person. Do you honestly think he'd not know?
Whether he has absolved Yuanzhi of this guilt, is the heart of the matter. I doubt Yuanzhi could have stand to be by Shangjue's side carrying that level of hurt and guilt eating up in him. Sure, you could argue that his continual self-comparison to Lang didi can be taken as him just manifesting that, but that could also be down to how, even if Shangjue absolves him of that blame, if Yuanzhi himself doesn't forgive himself, what good would that do?
Shangjue's not the type to express a lot. We know this, the man is a jack in a box of emotions that'll spring out when thyoue right gears are turned. In my opinion at least, Shangjue is the kind to just quietly sit by you and hold your hand. He won't try to give you too many words of comfort or soothe you with any grand gestures, but he'll be the guy to just sit with you. And I reckon that it's true with how he is with didi.
Also, please do not ever feel bad about leaving me asks about these two beautiful brothers :) I welcome the chance to talk about them!
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #228
J and I did various things today! But it all started with a breakfast place! They sold mostly bagels and sandwiches and such!
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I was very enamored by so many things! I ended up getting a donut, and a latke, and some gluten-free cheesy bread, and a bagel sandwich, and one of those yummy-sounding strawberry matcha latte things!!
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There's a lot of interesting stuff in this place that we don't find at home! It's exciting to go to new places and try new combinations of flavors as a result! I think on the guava kefir I got yesterday, and my goodness, Sephiroth, it was so good, and I am a little bit sad that we don't have it at home!!
J and I went to the zoo after that. But before we even got to any exhibits, we saw some wild deer:
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Both of the babies were apparently very hungry:
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...I was kind of alarmed at how comfortable they seemed around humans, actually. It's not like deer to get so close to people. We're supposed to look scary to them because our forward-facing eyes mark us as predators. I hope everything is okay with them.
When we finally got to the rest of the zoo, we noticed that most of the animals were not especially active. And that is reasonable, because it was very hot out. In fact, it was so hot and humid that I used my inhaler as a precaution so that my lungs wouldn't close up as a result of walking around in those conditions. I discovered yesterday, after doing the DDR, that levalbuterol does not make me twitchy and exhausted and weird like regular albuterol. I was pleased to discover that again, today, this stuff kept my lungs from closing up, without any of the weird after-effects! Yay!
Though most of the animals were smart enough to avoid being out and about, I did manage to get a few pictures of some animals that were willing to brave the heat. I wonder if you have anything that looks like these in your world. Here, this is a tiger:
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And this is a lion:
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You can tell it's a male lion because of the big, shaggy mane! The females look basically the same, but without the mane.
Here's one who is very attached to his bowl:
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He picked it up and carried it around, but I wasn't able to get a very good picture of that. Nonetheless, when a lion decides that some bowl is his bowl, then that is his bowl. End of story. No one is fool enough to argue.
Near the lions, there was also this male cardinal who was eerily comfortable with the nearby humans:
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...Suppose if you hang near lions all day, humans might not seem especially scary anymore. It's not as though we have the teeth or the claws or the reflexes to catch them.
...It's nice to see a cardinal up close that is not either dying or dead. Good grief... If that never happens again, it'll still be too soon.
Anyway, this is a chimpanzee. On my planet, these and another monkey called bonobos are the closest living relatives to modern humans:
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I dunno how it is on your planet, but on my planet, it's theorized that all life descended from a single common ancestor some 3.5 billion years ago. Over the years, because DNA mutates and stuff, things got wackier and wackier as things replicated themselves, until today, and there are millions of different species that all evolved by chance through countless methods of reproduction. The things that survive determine which combinations of DNA work and which ones don't, I guess. And in the end, what you get is many different species that fill different niches as chance dictates which strategies they must use in order to survive.
The finches of the Galapagos Islands are probably one of the best examples. Some generations of birds have differently-shaped beaks. And some years, birds with bigger beaks survive a little better because big seeds are plentiful, and the birds with littler beaks don't do so well because they can't break the big seeds as easily. But then other years, there are more smaller seeds than big seeds, and the birds with the smaller beaks do better, because the ones with the bigger beaks are kinda clumsy with the smaller seeds. It's a vague and woefully incomplete explanation, but I hope you can understand.
Here's a komodo dragon:
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It's really just a big lizard. We don't have dragons in my world. None of the wild creatures in my world are nearly as dangerous as the ones in yours.
Here are some turtles. I don't know what kind they are, but they're very cute:
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I also got some pictures of bamboo. There was a lot of it here:
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We also caught a brief glimpse of a mother and baby gorilla:
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These are Przewalski's horses:
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...And this is an elephant:
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...And finally, we have a sea lion:
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Hey, Sephiroth? Have you seen any of these before? I know you don't have horses, but maybe you have any of the rest of these? Or something similar?
...I know you can't answer me. But... I wanted to ask about your thoughts and experiences anyway. Because they count, too. They matter, too. And maybe you can think about some of the neat things you've seen while you were out and about, and remember how cool they were.
I went back to Otakon after this. And J went to some airport museum called The College Park Airport, because he likes airplanes. And that was pretty neat. I saw the developers and the voice actors who are weaving your story together. They spoke on so many things! Once again, all the people had so many amazing questions, to which there were equally amazing answers! I loved getting to see all the joy and excitement and gratitude both in the crowd and on the stage!
Lots of the folks on the stage got emotional and began to cry, and it was a beautiful thing. I tried putting my hands together to make a little heart symbol at them. I don't know if any of them saw it, because there were so many people, and I am just one of them, and I am not especially noticeable or important. But still, I wanted to try to show my empathy and support in whatever small ways I could. I wanted to try.
I found Teruki Endo's emotions and John Eric Bentley's emotions to be particularly moving; it was hard to keep my own lips from trembling and my own eyes from leaking in response. It evoked a beautiful feeling inside of me. It was beyond wonderful to see these amazing people bring their truest and most vulnerable selves to this place, and to share that with us. I feel so proud of them both for their courage.
Tomorrow is the last day. I thought I might try to go see the lovely developers at their autograph table, and to try to clumsily thank them in Japanese for everything they do. I hope that they can know that they're important to me as people, not just for their connection to you. I don't know what sorts of life experiences they've had or where they've been or what they've done to have become people who can weave a story as beautiful as yours together in the way that they do. But they have become these people, and that will always be awe-inspiring.
I don't have to know them well to understand that they've been through hardship and pain and loss and frustration and fear and so many other things in order to get to where they are today. I don't have to know them well to be proud of them for enduring it all, and for choosing to shine in the way that they do. Together, they touch millions of lives, and make this world a better place for it. I think of the sheer number of lives that have been saved thanks to these people, and I hope they understand what a huge impact they have on this world.
Well anyhoot. I suppose I should wrap this up. It'd be wise for me to go to sleep soon, in preparation for tomorrow.
I love you. And I hope that's clear, in all my words and images and all the other things I try to show and teach you about.
I'll write again soon. Stay safe, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 3, Scene 4 of Twisted Veronaville: An Omen Come True
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Pascal: (Finally, I get the chance to talk. I've been feeling much lighter since I buried the General alive...seems like they're occupied with something, though...)
Sita: Dude, it's okay! We'll get through this.
Aktu: I'm just...confused? How could this have happened? And why did it have to be twins?
Sita: Okay, I know you're distressed, but maybe we can go get boba as a little treat...
Pascal: (Now's probably a bad time...)
Sita: No, it's not, Pascal! Aktu, go trim the bushes. I'll take care of this.
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Pascal: You're making your pregnant brother trim the bushes?
Sita: Oh, it's fine! He likes trimming the bushes. Anyway, what was it that we were meeting for again? We've postponed this for so long that I just kind of forgot.
Pascal: Yeah, um...sorry. I don't fully remember either.
Sita: (Maybe I'll just peer into his mind and see if there's anything there...) Oh! You told Hamza that we were here, but then also told us that they were here too. You betrayed us both, eh?
Pascal: (Shit! I forgot about her powers!) Haha...um...yeah!
Sita: (I can't believe this! That traitor!) Oh, you! What a silly goose you are! Good on you for murdering the General, though!...now, whose side are you actually on?
Pascal: Neither! Both of you have very valid points, and I'm hoping we can all find a compromise.
Pascal: And the truth is, I only agreed to any of this so I would have an alibi for General Buzz's disappearance. Nobody would suspect the man who disappeared before him, you know...and I found out that my brother is apparently being held captive. I should check up on him and Lazlo before something bad happens to them. So...I'm not sure if I'll even stick around to see how this story ends.
Sita: (Coward.) Hm...well, best of luck to you.
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After Sita and Pascal had their conversation, Ripp had decided to pay the Capps a visit.
Juliette: Oh, hi! It's been a while since we've talked huh?...welcome back to our house! Let me know if you want anything!
Ripp: Thanks!
Juliette: So, what brings you here? Tybalt's outside with...ugh, Mercutio...and Hermia's at Puck's place.
Ripp: (It'll be easier to get to Consort through her.) I wanted to talk to you, actually. Wanted to see how you were doing and all that.
Juliette: Oh?...aw, thank you! I'm fine, though! Grandpa's decided to put me into an arranged marriage too even though I specifically said I wasn't interested in any Montys anymore...do you know Gavin Newson?
Ripp: No, sorry.
Juliette: Oh, well. On the bright side, he's postponed my arranged marriage until after college, so I still have some time to mess around before then. Nothing too serious, since it won't last anyway...
Ripp: (The relationship with Romeo must've really messed with her head.) That's understandable. I mean, there's people who go through their entire teen years without any relationship at all.
Juliette: You're not one of those people, are you?
Ripp: Believe it or not, I am. Never even had a first kiss.
Juliette: Wow. I kind of assumed there'd be a lot of people who'd be all over you...would you like one?
Ripp: (HOLY FUCK AM I ACTUALLY GETTING A KISS?) I could think of nobody better.
Juliette: (Holy cow, I actually did it! I offered him a kiss and he actually accepted it!...this must be a dream)
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Ripp rode this high for the next couple of days, even as Tybalt came by for another visit...to tell him something very important.
Tybalt: ...And I'm going to execute the plan tomorrow. I haven't been able to talk to Mercutio yet, but I'm certain he got my letter.
Ripp: (I'm getting deja vu, for some reason.) The plan to fake your death, right?
Tybalt: Yep. My main concern is timing, since my family only keeps the bodies of our ancestors in the family crypt during funeral preparations, and if they take too long I might end up getting buried alive.
Ripp: That's a couple of days, right?
Tybalt: Yeah, but I think it should be enough time...and I wanted to thank you. Mercutio and I never would've gotten along if it weren't for you...and I appreciate you breaking up Juliette and that Romeo.
Ripp: (He says Romeo's name as if it were a slur.) No problem. Maybe we can see each other again if the plan goes successfully...like in college, or something.
Tybalt: Yep...I hope so too.
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And as Tybalt left, Ripp came to an immediately realization.
Ripp: Fuck!...well, I can still call them...
Ripp: (Will any of the Capps even believe me? I don't know if there's time to stop them...but what if Tybalt does something worse? Might as well give it a-)
Ripp: Huh...the power line isn't working for some reason...
???: Because I've cut it. We're ending this feud between us, Ripp, once and for all.
Ripp: (Ugh...not him again.)
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riotseas · 9 months
── starter for @taleswritten ; in which cidolfus fucks up
It's been a few weeks since ex-noble, (now ex-soldier) Clive Rosfield, came barreling into Cid's life with little regard for much else other than to─and he quotes─'kill the son of a bitch' that murdered his younger brother.
Which was fine, that's what Cid's wants. To be a place for others to figure themselves out without masters breathing down their necks and whipping them when they stepped out of line. Clive was free to do as he pleased, and if he got some help out of it while he was around than that was even better.
It's just a shame he's gotten so attached.
If Cid let himself really and truly bond with every stray they brought in he'd get nothing done, mother-henning the ever living hell out of them until his hair goes gray. He's already got a kid that's aged him well beyond his years, and she's not even around. So, he's well off in that department.
But he doesn't want to nor need to coddle Clive; he made that very clear upon introductions, sword licking his neck and all. What he wants to do, rather, is pick him apart, piece by piece.
Cid hasn't figured out why he feels so strongly about excavating this poor man, but he doesn't have time to mull over it either. The amount of research he's put into him just for the tiny chance he'd lend a hand was more than he'd like to admit (and if some of that research was for more personal reasons, well, he's definitely not outing himself now).
Fortunately, under that tough and hardened exterior, Clive is just about the sweetest soul he's ever met. So, after some deeds and exploits, both him and the equally as kind Jill, said they were ready to devote themselves to the cause.
That was greater than Cid could've hoped for, but he's not good with words so he hopes the extra pats on the back is enough to get the message across.
Clive's also different in that way; he's not much one for words either, looking at Cid like he's grown two heads when he cracks a joke just mere minutes after a battle that almost ended very, very badly. It'll take time, getting to know one another, and Cid is more than happy to go through with it. That doesn't mean it's going to be easy, though.
He's never taken the easy route a day in his life.
Which ends him up in the situation they're in now.
It was a fairly good morning. Nothing was in dire need of doing, the weather was cool and calm, everyone lazing about to take in the rare recess. Cid was certainly indulging, ignoring the paperwork on his desk without feeling bad about it─and best of all, Clive was with him.
Originally coming into the solar to ask what he could do, antsy with the lack of productivity, Cid finally convinced (distracted) him to sit and just relax. They got to talking about anything and everything, piling stories upon stories, not really thinking too hard about it.
That was Cid's first mistake.
His second mistake, was blurting out his deepest darkest secret of practically being Clive's stalker. Though he wouldn't call it that, no other title makes it sound any better.
He never intended on telling Clive of what he knows, because frankly, it wasn't his place to have treated him like some specimen. But if he hadn't, neither of them might've ended up where they are now. Cid likes him─he likes him a lot─and he's feeling funny in the chest with those big watery eyes looking at him like he's betrayed him.
Cid opens his mouth to apologize─to say something─but nothing comes out, and he wishes Ramuh would just strike him down.
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pompadorbz · 2 years
Here's a question for you, Do you think Mondo's story would have the same impact had Daiya survived the accident. Everything else would stay the same, backstory of the race, it's effects, the promise (though that one might have to change slightly), etc. Also Do you think that Mondo would have an harder or easier time going into carpentry as Daiya is alive and Mondo would have to tell him to his face over his decision to quit the gang?
SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY! This ask is genuinely super interesting to me, so I wanted to really mull it over as best as I could and cover as much ground as possible. Since this is such a significant change to Mondo's entire character and his relationship with grief, it also means that there is a LOT of possible scenarios, and with that, a LOT of questions to ask. (Also I'm sure everyone who follows me knows the drill at this point, but for those who don't I use both he/him and she/her for mondo because of a headcanon I'm really super fond of. If I say she/her pronouns at any point, I'm still talking about Mondo. I'm also gonna elaborate on how this scenario would affect her gender moments at the end for fun, lol) For starters I want to speculate that this would be something that Mondo would probably wonder a lot himself. Daiya's death was so permanently life-altering that I'm sure he would probably get caught up in the "what-ifs" herself, along with literally every possibility that comes with that (I think this girl has the most SEVERE ocd ever, as well as ptsd which as I know it, is a much more common hc). In the scenario that this were to actually happen, there's a lot we can consider. I'm gonna go through this in list-ish form i think, since it'll make things a bit easier for me lol.
The first thing I think of when this alternate scenario comes to mind is how Mondo would eventually obtain leadership in the gang, or if she even would to begin with. Motorcycle accidents in reality have an INCREDIBLY high mortality rate. People that do survive usually end up paralyzed, or needing amputations, so I think it's pretty safe to say that Daiya wouldn't be coming back as the gang's leader after that. I think with Daiya still alive and Mondo keeping his same promise to him, it wouldn't have more or less pressure, but I think there would be this totally different KIND of pressure to keep the gang running.
Mondo's reason for having the race with Daiya was to prove that he could be a reliable leader to begin with, especially because of how the rest of the gang viewed her before she'd became the leader. That's why Daiya's death during the race is so much more traumatizing, at least thematically. In a really fucked up sense, Mondo technically gets what she wants. He gets to run the gang and really prove himself, but at an enormous cost. If Daiya manages to survive but ends up having his own life be permanently altered by the accident, it gives an ENTIRELY new read on this philosophy, except now, Daiya is alive for it.
A huge part of Mondo's character and her backstory is the fact that he ended up lying about how Daiya died, but now that he's alive, there's a pretty good chance that the gang would know the full truth, unless if Daiya himself decided to keep things between him and Mondo for her sake. Regardless of whichever happens, Daiya is alive to both know, and tell the truth, and I think this gives Mondo such a deep-rooted paranoia. I think she is already so hyper-aware of how people act around him and think of him, so knowing that they either know the complete truth, or that at the very least, Daiya does, and is able to tell them? THAT would make her anxiety skyrocket, although I doubt that Daiya would be one to want to omit that information (more for Mondo's sake later down the line than his own). Like in canon, Mondo's motivations to run the gang would likely still become INCREDIBLY Daiya-centric. Either way I think he feels like he owes an incredible debt to him, and will do anything to make sure she follows through. The gang would become so much more of a chore in both scenarios I think, but on the bright side, I think Daiya obviously still being alive would be able to give her SO much more reassurance that she wouldn't have gotten otherwise, at least not initially. Daiya to me is someone who seems very cool and levelheaded on the outside, but I think that the whole situation would make him feel a bit of guilt of his own despite being the victim of the crash. He manages to sniff out Mondo's anxiety from a mile away, and even if he forgave Mondo, I doubt it would ever disappear as much as it would become much less noticeable over time, as well as generally burdening Mondo less.
When it comes to leaving the gang to pursue carpentry, I believe it would end up being a lot easier for Mondo to pursue with Daiya still alive. I think that there's this understanding with everyone in the gang that eventually, every leader is going to shift out of that position at some point. With Daiya, him retiring and Mondo taking his place is just another inevitability, and so in his mind, Mondo wouldn't be giving up on her promise by eventually doing the same and passing the torch to Takemichi. Mondo was the leader for the amount of time that she saw fit, and now he's moving onto greener pastures. I think Daiya would be a heavy source of encouragement once he learns about Mondo's own ambitions, even if it would likely take Mondo a while to actually admit that he has them (for a while I'm sure it was something she kept secret because of the promise).
In the killing game itself, I think it could DEFINITELY change the course of the entire story. I think while losing his memories would make the grief feel a little more fresh, I don't think it would be NEAR the level of what it was with Daiya actually dying. Daiya still being alive would imply that he'd probably take Takemichi's place as a hit list target. Perhaps he'd see the both of them together in his motive video as well. As for chapter 2 itself, it would ABSOLUTELY change the story. I'd be hard pressed to say that Mondo's trauma is BETTER (It's not a competition here) , but I think that having Daiya alive, as well as his forgiveness would have a HUGE impact on how he views himself and his strength, as well as just being called strong in general. I think the feeling of inadequacy is absolutely still there, but I think in comparison to the canonical chapter 2, Mondo would be in a MUCH better place. Additionally, him not carrying the burden of his lie on his shoulders would make his chapter 2 motive much more easy to stomach. He may even have a completely different motive entirely, due to his gang already knowing the truth, therefore making the motive useless to Junko for the game. Either way, any situation that keeps Chihiro alive is absolutely going to change the course of the entire remainder of the story (seriously, if she was still alive by the end, the end would've come a lot sooner, and the entirety of sdr2's killing game wouldn't have even happened. Also this would likely keep Taka alive as well, and anything that keeps Taka alive is a nice bonus). AND NOW FOR THE ADDITIONAL GENDER MOMENTS. I think that both Daiya and Mondo are INCREDIBLY sheltered individuals. Like I don't think anything could shake me from that belief, and there's a fair amount pointing to this scattered about Mondo's dialogue. Daiya is equally as out of the know as Mondo likely would've been regarding half of the things she'd learn about herself. The only difference now is that he's gonna still be around while these realizations pop up. WHICH OF COURSE, puts Mondo through a brand new kind of dread, especially since him and Daiya were essentially raised in toxic masculinity city. It probably takes Mondo a while to crack that egg into the pan, so to speak.
I also think that the idea of Daiya being the token cishet is absolutely fucking hilarious. Like he is 100% an ally and down for anything, but he also knows NOTHING. Like for once in his life he's not able to give Mondo his wisdom because in his mind, Mondo's the expert on this stuff even though she literally JUST showed up to the party herself, lol.
Sorry for giving such a long response! I do hope it answered your question!!
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I'm wondering what would it even take for Emily to start caring about the fact she is not a good person. Does she know she's not a good person right now? Doubtful. She argues that she's not, and she gives all her reasons, but to me it's denial for the sake of appearances, which is Emily's whole thing (that's why she laughs when Nica tells her she could drop out of the Mayor's race, that people could like her for her - no, that's not what the people WANT) ; she grew up rich, most definitely entitled as heck, she went into business in college. I don't think Emily ever really dropped the appearances. She doesn't do it in the council for evil (and oh man, suddenly want to discuss the difference between Emily "of course we're not evil!" and Oliver's "er, yeah, we are" and how that might come from their different backgrounds--), and she doesn't do it in narration either, so not to herself.
Except. Except when it comes to Ethan. The over-the-top lovesickness is appearances still, but the love is genuine, even if at this point I think it's pretty clear both she and Ethan are in love with what they were in appearance too (or well, what the image is reflecting back on them now. Ethan with memories of when Emily was devoted to his projects, and Emily on the day of their wedding, the genuine joy of that single day, but i think it says so much that Emily fought for the image of that wedding, and then embraced it as a marketing ploy -- admitedly that her opposants were going to kind of use already --. She became the bride of Red Line. The wedding, probably a real moment of happiness, turned also into appareances).
Anyway, my point is, the only time she drops the veil is when Ethan hurts her - the day she shows up in the wedding dress at the beginning of s4, when Ethan COMES AND FUCKING ASK HER ABOUT REPROGRAMMED LIKE A ROBOT WHICH IS STILL THE WILDEST AND MOST HORRORY THING EVER - or when she admits, to Nica, how miserable it makes her that Ethan doesn't seem to care anymore. But all of that is still not enough to shake her off, to admit that she's doing horrible things, and I think it's cause... Well, when it comes to Ethan, she's mostly a victim (from what we've seen in the story so far). You could argue her worry about Wonderland and selling it was her big betrayal to her husband, but since then, Ethan has been nothing but awful to her. The only time he's nicer is to manipulate her or for his own interests.
So how to get her to realize and understand? Can she? Maybe with a push, and I don't think it'd be a kind push. I'm thinking - perhaps if she annoys the Narrator a day too much, and he forces her not to hide from her own deepest thoughts anymore? Or are we going to see her loose her mind and she'll never get the chance to perhaps try and do something - different, even if i don't expect her to become a good person in one season? (although. hey. I didn't guess they'd go there for Oliver, he did terrible things too, and what do you know, those last scenes made me fucking cry so). That would be a sort of tragedy, and not every villain is the sort to be ""reedemeed"" in some way.
... I hope we get to see her with Nica again, because if anyone can get through her, I assume it'll be her. But I think it would also be very good to see Emily with someone else entirely, someone unexpected, that gets to her long enough for her to start questioning, at least, if it's all worth it - maybe not change her morals, but at least shift her selfish interests away from hurting people so violently. I dunno.
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myxinidaes · 2 years
Earthspark spoilers for all ten episodes below! I slapped down my thoughts here
First of all: I love twitch. I ADORE twitch. every single twitch moment had me going *points* ur my kid, lifting her on my shoulders, and cheering wildly. 99% chance twitch is going to be my first ever tf figure
I adore all the kids, tbh! I feel like Twitch is the most developed, but Mo and Robbie and Thrash are all excellent, and their interactions feel soooo natural! I'm not sure if Bee counts as a kid, but he's basically been sent to sit at the kid's table this series, so I'll put him here too. Definitely my favorite Bumblebee since TFA! He's such an asshole, and I appreciate that about him.
The transformations were fun, too! The way that bots would transform their weapons out of their bodies (but not attached like in TFP or TFA) was fascinating- and very slick. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Terrans' alt modes and final designs
And the LADIESSSSSSS oh my gd the ladies I am SO happy transformers shows are finally getting girls that arent just Girl (mean) and Girl (girl but cool and like the dudes). Elita One was *swoon worthy*, Arcee was delightfully insane, Frenzy was SUCH a pleasant surprise and possibly my favorite design yet, the Seeker twins were fanTASTIC, and the Terran gals are literally so good. Hashtag only showed up for a few minutes but she absolutely stole the show!!!!! let hashtag have her yuri manga backstory pls <3
My favorite episode was by far the traditions episode- Twitch's struggles with finding her place in her unique intersection of heritages rang super true to my experience growing up mixed, and hit unexpectedly hard! For the most part, the emotional side of the show was done well, which was a huge relief since I was worried it would come off as trite and shallow. I think the excellent characterization helped! Also, the foreshadowing/crumbs of exploring the effects of war on people is Very Tantalizing. Fingers crossed that if they portray combat PTSD, it'll be done respectfully! However, I think so far this show has been good about touching on sensitive topics and making them seem real.
Other people have also discussed how big the war looms over this show, and I couldn't agree more! The show does an excellent job of telling this story from a young person's perspective. None of the main four kids have seen war but it still touches their lives and even within this first half of the first season, you can see the kids starting to understand that. The intersection of Dot as a war veteran and Alex as a transformers fanboy is fascinating, too! Even though Dot's affected by the war, the kids perspectives of it are initially entirely from the sanitized stories and comics Alex gives them, giving them a rosy perspective on the battles and tragedies humans and cybertronians both endured. I wonder if this will be explored in later seasons? I can't imagine it's comfortable for Dot (veteran, possible con sympathizer?) to be constantly bombarded with this glorification from her fanboy husband. idk!
I can't really think of many things I disliked other than the way Megatron seems to be so disapproving of GHOST while allowing his (former) army to be imprisoned by them? I adore this Megatron's characterization, but the GHOST thing... hm. dislike. BIG dislike. Why would the guy that was the head of a faction during the war be so passive? I don't think we've been given any reason for the war happening yet, but even if the war beginning was entirely unrelated to functionism, it's hard to see half the Cybertronian population being jailed by humans as an ended war.
Which brings me to my final point. The war??? Is it over??? From Optimus' line in Age of Evolution about the Cybertronians on Earth being the only cybs left, something Big happened to Cybertron. Before watching the series, I was convinced that the war was still happening on Cybertron proper and had only ended on Earth because of the faction leaders being stranded on it together without communication back to their homeworld but now I'm like????? I feel as though we haven't gotten quite enough Lore Droppage for me to begin making any theories, which is TRAGIC
tldr: pls this was so good I'm so well fed and want more i was :DDDDDD the entire time earthspark is such a joy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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foxgirlontherun · 1 year
foxy, your one fanart made me think of this: how do you think it would go if max + billy and the berman sisters 'verse swapped? like how do you think the story would go for max and billy in the fear street 'verse? what about the berman sisters in the strange things 'verse? what do you think these scenarios would look like? do you think any larger story plots would be effected?
Hello, friend! I have to admit that I had to rewatch the Fear Street movies, so I could paint an at least fairly accurate picture of the scenarios. That's why it took me this long to answer.
Max & Billy (with the same household they have in ST) in the Fear Street universe:
I feel like Max would be a lot like Ziggy in Ziggy's situation (being bullied and all). Billy on the other hand would be almost nothing like Cindy, of course. He wouldn't be there at the camp to help out at home with the money (he's saving up to leave), and he wouldn't be as earnest to do a good job either (he would maybe enjoy giving swimming lessons, tossing people in the lake etc.), he would bully someone else to clean the toilets for example. Their relationship would be just as complicated as in ST, and Billy would pressure Max to behave, just like Cindy with Ziggy, but for slightly different reasons (to save both of them from Neil's anger, and also to keep his job so he could leave). He wouldn't be happy about Nick hanging around Max and he would let them know.
When it comes to the plot, in my mind it could go two ways:
Billy wouldn't be that interested in investigating a stupid urban legend about some witch. His lover of course still would turn into a possessed killer, Billy would kill him (just like Cindy killed Tommy) to save Max. But since the investigation never happened, Max never bled on the hand and became the target like Ziggy, I feel like Billy would just grab a hold of Max and drag her as far away from the camp as he could. And that's it. They would be a bit closer after that, but without the melodrama. They could both help the 90's group to stop the "curse" as grown-ups.
If they would investigate, things would go very similarly. I feel like the ending would be the same, too, because it wouldn't really matter how hard Billy would fight those "ghosts", they would eventually overpower him and wouldn't stop until they would kill Max. Max would be just as devastated to lose him there as she was in ST, but I feel like the "no one believes me" aspect would put a spin on it for her, too, just like it did with Ziggy.
Ziggy & Cindy in the Stranger Things universe:
Cindy is a bit like Nancy. I just tossed that in, it'll come up later. I feel like Ziggy would act out less in this more relaxed scenario (where they don't bully her, she's just the new, slightly weird girl). So she's a lot like Max. Cindy would fit in with the popular crowd and wouldn't really have to try hard. She would probably get a love interest (unlike Billy). Ziggy's and Cindy's relationship would be more like Mike's and Nancy's than Max's and Billy's. Ziggy would be just annoyed that Cindy would try to act like her mom, get her to act more girly and acceptable, but they would generally get along. There would be too much responsibility put on Cindy to care for Ziggy because of their mother's drinking problem, but I think things would get better as the things with the supernatural would get worse. If Cindy were the one to go and investigate where Ziggy is (in s02 when the Billy and Steve fight happens) she would probably be filled in on the upside down stuff. That also means that she would most probably tell them that something was wrong with her when she would get possessed. And they would have a better chance at getting the thing out of her. Ziggy would be more eager (adamant might be a better word) to save her than Max was with Billy. Things of course could go just as bad as it went with Billy, so she could die. In that case Ziggy would be a mess, but not exactly like in her universe, because at least she would be believed by some people in the ST universe. I feel like she wouldn't be as depressed as Max was in this universe because Ziggy had a less complicated relationship with her sibling. If we would swap their families/households, too, I think things would go a lot like they did in canon.
I hope this makes sense. Thank you for the ask! I loved going through these ideas.
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The Official Sanders Sides Emergancy Sleepover
Patton decides that with the recent tensions in the mindscape after their last video, the best course of action would be to host a sleepover.
Somehow, it didn't end in a complete disaster, despite the two gatecrashers, Roman's inability to cook, Logan's complete cluelessness and Virgil's incredibly long list of doubts.
| Ao3 | The art in this fic posted separately |
warnings: Remus typical level of weirdness, Sexual innuendos, Some slightly gory imagery
pairings: Roceit, background Anaroceit, everyone is friends <3
Word Count: 6777
I wrote the last 1500 words of this while I was half asleep at 3am, I can't be blamed for anything that happens.
Remy broke down the door and forced themself into the story, also I'll be using they/them pronouns for Remy, why? I have absolutely no idea, it just kinda felt like what I was supposed to do. I literally don't know.
There's some art some ways into this fic, I can't even be bothered to work out exactly how far in, but all you gotta know is that credit for the picrew in the art goes to @korruptbrekker on Tumblr, I did not make that myself because I am big dumb and big stupid, so thank you so much, my heart was dead set on having a picrew in the art, so you saved me, lol.
Also, another note, I know this was originally from like- August- that's just how long I take to write stuff, sue me.
“Emergency Sanders Sides sleepover in the commons! Now!” Patton practically screeched, stomping his foot to put even more emphasis on the ‘now’ part. Virgil, who had been happily curled up under the blanket playing some cute game on his nintendo switch on their armchair jumped so much he fell right off of the chair.
“Jesus Christ Patton!” Virgil huffed, standing up and trying to untangle himself from the blanket, “What the hell was that for?”
“We’re having a sleepover,” Patton said way too cheerfully, “Tensions have been really high recently-”
“And who’s fault is that?” Virgil muttered.
“Yes yes I know, I’m sorry Virgil, And you know I’ve been trying to do better, and since Janus-”
Virgil grimaced and Patton winced, he knew Virgil wasn’t too happy with Janus’ recent acceptance.
“Since Janus might be coming to join us up here soon, I figured we ought to do a group bonding activity!” Patton said, ending with a smile that was way too forced for Patton to really be fully confident in the idea.
“And you think a… sleepover will help?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow, “...sorry for seeming doubtful but- how? Don’t we live together anyway? And besides couldn’t all of us sleeping in close quarters make the tension situation worse? What with my uh- tenuous relationship with sleep, Roman’s sleepwalking and Deceit- uh- Janus’ himselfness, don’t you think it could just serve to make it all worse?”
“Now kiddo, I know it’s your job to look at the possibilities,” Patton tried to reason, Virgil scowled, “But just consider that it could also help make things better! We’ll be bonding, we can spend some time with Janus that isn’t just- spent arguing, and it’ll make things better kiddo,”
“But what if it doesn’t ?” Virgil protested, he knew he was being irrational at this point, but- “They’re dangerous, Patton, I keep trying to tell you- I was one of them- Patton- if this all goes wrong I-”
“Calm down Scaramore,” Roman said, appearing from the stairs, seconds later a hand was placed on his shoulder, Virgil jerked away, before feeling guilty about it, he took a deep breath, “I’m… kinda with Virgil on this one though, padre, are you sure it’s a good idea? Also- text the group chat next time, instead of just yelling,”
“Guys please! I’ve thought this out, ok? We’re going to bake cookies and make a pillow fort together here and watch movies all night. It'll be fun, just give it a chance, ok?” 
“ Fine .” Virgil said, crossing his arms, “But if this goes wrong, don’t say I didn’t warn you,”
“I’m gonna send out a ping on the chat to meet in the common room,” Roman said with a sigh, “I’ll… try to be civil with Janus.”
“I’ve… been meaning to speak to you about that,” Patton said softly, “Just- if you get a chance, kiddo, maybe you can apologise for laughing at him?”
“Yeah I- I’ve had a lot of time to think about it,” Roman huffed, “I’ll try and find a good moment,”
“Thanks, kiddo,”
“I, for one, think a sleepover might be a beneficial idea,” Logan said as he walked down the stairs, Patton seemed to droop in relief.
“Thanks Logan,” Patton sighed, thankful for the support of the smartest side there, at least.
“Yes, from the small amount of research I had the chance to do upon hearing your call, sleepovers are a very good way to strengthen social bonds, and are very often portrayed in media as a fun way to improve relations between peers, it will also be a good exercise to get us all used to having Janus around in a domestic setting rather than simply in the videos,”
“Nerd,” Virgil huffed, pressing the blanket to his face, “Fine, I guess I don’t have the option to back out of this?” 
“Absolutely not!” Patton said, tone way too cheery.
“I don’t apologise for taking so long,” Janus’ voice sounded from the entrance of the dark sides’ mindscape, he began to… limp? Towards them, “I came upon a few issues when attempting to leave,”
“Uh- you’ve got a little something on your leg there, kiddo…?” Patton said, Virgil noticed that Remus was clinging to Janus’ leg with what looked like a vice grip, the deceitful side seemed disgruntled at best.
“Yes, fortunately he refused to let go after he saw the message on my phone, So I didn’t struggle at all to climb the stairs,”
“Remus!” Roman cried out, “What are you doing here!”
“Awe come on Ro! You weren’t planning to leave me out of your sleepover, were you?” 
“You weren’t invited,” Virgil hissed at him and Remus slumped off of Janus’ leg (he quickly stepped away, inspecting his leg to make sure Remus hadn’t gotten any of his gunk on his trousers) putting a hand to his heart with a massively exaggerated look of offence.
“Virgil! I can’t believe you would say such a thing! Of course I’m invited, Daddy-o said it was a sides sleepover after all, and I’m a side!” 
Patton grimaced, before taking a deep breath and plastering that smile back on his face, “N-now kiddos, um- since Remus is here, we should try to be welcoming, ok? What’s one extra addition, huh?”
Virgil ground his teeth, but didn’t say anything.
“So… what exactly are we doing?” Janus asked, raising an eyebrow.
“We’re having a sleepover!” Patton grinned, before explaining everything he’d already explained to Virgil to Janus too, who nodded slowly.
“Alright, so a sleepover, what exactly do we do first, then?” Janus asked.
“I propose we all submit an activity and then we may all vote on what we do first?” Logan proposed, “And then continue to go from there,”
“Truth or dare!” Remus yelled, while at the same time Roman yelled “Makeovers!” 
Both twins turned to glare at each other. Logan flipped over a large portable whiteboard and wrote ‘sleepover ideas’ along the top in big capital letters, before writing both ideas underneath it.
“Baking!” Patton smiled, “So we can have sweets to eat!”
Logan nodded and added the idea, looking between Virgil and Janus to see if either of them would pipe up, neither did.
“I propose we hold a friendly debate,” Logan said, writing down his own ideas. To be honest, he wasn’t sure if that was a normal sleepover activity (it wasn’t) but he hadn’t had enough time to research what people did at sleepovers. He wrote it back on the board and turned to the others, “Janus, Virgil? Anything to add?”
“Shouldn’t the first thing we do be getting the room sleepover ready or whatever? LIke- setting up pillows and blankets and shit so it’s all comfortable before we get into the stupid games?”
“I wasn't going to say card games,” Janus said, “But I actually disagree with Virgil.”
“Yeah same here actually, that’s a real good idea, kiddo,” Patton nodded.
“That does seem like a logical first activity,” Logan nodded, before writing Janus’ card game suggestion down on the board, “Perhaps, if everyone else is in agreement, we should ready the room first, and then decide between these activities?”
“Sounds good to me!” Roman smiled, Remus jumped up.
“Can I-”
“No,” Virgil said, “Whatever you’re about to suggest, no,”
“But I was just gonna-”
“Virgil,” Patton chided gently, “Let’s hear him out, ok kiddo?”
Virgil slumped in his chair, arms crossed, he pulled his hood up. 
“I was just gonna ask if I could put up those awesome halloween fairy lights we have downstairs,” Remus said with a pout.
“That actually sounds like a great idea!” Patton said, trying to hide his worry about the fact that it was Remus’ idea, Virgil sunk further into the hoodie as Remus cheered and ran for the door, only to be caught by the scruff of his costume by Janus.
“Remember to get the ones in the living room, not the other ones, you don’t know exactly what I’m talking about,” Janus told him, before letting him go.
Virgil- begrudgingly- contributed a couple of blankets and pillows to the area downstairs and Roman and Logan shifted the furniture around so there was a large clear space in front of the TV (with the coffee table shoved in front of it to house snacks and such) where they planned to sleep. The sofas and chairs that usually made up their living room set up surrounded the clear floor space and the dining room table had moved so that it was pushed up against the back of one of the sofas. Fairy lights with the bulbs shaped like various cartoon halloween monsters hung around the space and Roman had draped thin coloured sheets over the usually bright lamps. It was still daytime right now, so the room was bathed in natural light, but once the sun set they had ensured that the whole area would be bathed in a lovely colourful glow. 
Once they were done, Virgil opted to grab his weighted blanket- which he’d brought from his room knowing he’d need it, and curl up on the armchair he’d been sitting on before just as Logan once again returned to the whiteboard.
“Alright, everyone cast your votes, don’t vote for your own,” Logan said, placing his vote next to Janus’ card games suggestion (It was the only one he either understood the premise of or found appealing) before handing the pen to the closest side (Who happened to be Remus) and moving away to sit on one of the chairs. Remus added a vote to Roman’s suggestion before throwing it at his twin, who somehow caught the fast moving projectile before it hit him in the forehead.
“Hey Roman, add my vote for Truth or Dare,” Patton called from the kitchen, he was getting stuff out to bake, “I’ll bake while we play!”
Roman nodded and added two votes for Remus’ suggestion, before handing off the pen to Janus, who quickly drew a line next to Patton’s suggestion.
“Virgil, would you like me to add a tally for you?” Janus asked, voice sweet and Virgil was almost slammed back into the past, back when they were friends, instead he yanked himself forcefully back to the present, he grunted.
“Just- truth or dare,” He huffed. He didn’t really want to do any of their suggestions, and he hated that Remus’ was the best of the bunch, “As long as we make rules and follow them,”
“Of course, kiddo!” Patton nodded, “Um, So, dares can be refused if it makes the dare-ee uncomfortable,”
“Boooring,” Remus whined, rolling over, “There's no fun if people don’t do any of the dares!”
“Alright, only refusing dares if you really really can’t do it,” Patton compromised, Remus still looked upset, “And- maybe we could set up a penalty for refusing dares?”
“Like being hit over the head with my morningstar!” Remus yelled.
“OR having to eat a rat-”
“Or losing a finger!”
“Remus!” Patton yelled, “None of those- I was… thinking something more like… we could make a really gross combination of drinkable liquids? So if someone refuses a dare they have to drink some?”
Virgil could’ve sworn he saw anime stars in Remus’ eyes.
“That sounds perfect! Can I help you make it?” Remus asked with a big grin that almost brought tears to Virgil’s eyes.
“Sure!” Patton smiled, Remus practically bolted over to the kitchen.
“See Pattycake, I think you’ve got a ruthless side to you yet!” Remus grinned, pushing up his sleeves. Patton just chuckled nervously as he opened the fridge, quietly talking to Remus as they created some horrible concoction.
“Any more rules we should take note of?” Logan asked.
“No dares that’ll result in injury,” Virgil piped up, “And no destroying things that can’t be replaced,”
“A person is allowed to refuse a truth with the same penalty as a dare,” Janus said quietly. Logan quickly sectioned off some of the whiteboard and wrote down these four rules.
“If that is all, who shall begin the game?” Logan asked.
“I’ll start!” Remus cried from the kitchen, “Patton you keep mixing that over there I’ll be riiiight back! JanJan, truth or dare!”
“Dare,” Janus said without hesitation, Virgil shrugged, he was Deceit after all, anyone expecting him to pick truth was stupid. 
“Hmm,” Remus tapped a finger to his chin, “We’ll start off easy, no wearing your hat for the rest of the evening.”
Janus let out a noise of what could only be mortification as if Remus had just asked him to strip naked. Virgil hid a cackle in his blanket as Janus aimed a middle finger at Remus while taking off his hat and letting it disappear. He shot a glare at Roman, who was gawking at his unruly curly hair. Remus cackled before rushing back to the kitchen.
“Roman truth or dare?” Janus asked with narrowed eyes.
“...Dare?” Roman practically asked, slightly worried for his safety.
“Since Remus started this ‘easy’, genderswap yourself,” Janus said with a smirk, “Clothes also have to change,”
He didn’t anticipate the fact that Roman would actually very much enjoy this dare, he spun around, his regular prince outfit transforming in a show of glitter into a long red skirt, fit with a corset and poofy shoulders, it didn’t hurt that he in a feminine form filled out the outfit quite well. Janus thought for a second that that dare may have harmed himself more than Roman, because apparently Roman was attractive even as a woman. Well, Janus could ignore the bi crisis currently raging in his brain for now, because Roman had moved on to daring Logan.
Janus decided he was going to go and help Patton with his baking in between his turns.
“I dare you to swap clothes with Patton,” Roman told Logan, who groaned, before informing Patton that he was swapping their clothes and clicking his fingers, now burdened with a cat hoodie around his shoulders, he sighed.
“This is so impractical,” Logan sighed mournfully, lifting one of the sleeves hanging around his neck
“This is so stiff!” Patton called, “How do you wear this!”
“It’s practical and sophisticated,” Logan huffed, “Virgil, truth or dare?”
“You all are so boring ,” Roman groaned, “No truths!”
“You literally picked dare,” Virgil rolled his eyes, as he watched Logan scroll through his phone, reading quickly, “Logan are you looking up dares?”
“I am new to this game, it will take me a while to get used to it,” Logan says by ways of answer, “Let Roman post whatever he wants on your tumblr,”
“What the fuck! No!” Virgil yelled, Roman smiled at him sweetly.
“You want some of this stuff then, my sweet Virgin?” Remus asked, carrying a blender full of awful smelling yellowish sludgy liquid into the room and placing it on the coffee table, Virgil gagged and held out his phone to Roman. Who took it all while snickering at Remus' nickname 
“How long does he have?” Virgil asked sadly.
“Until either he finishes or the game ends,” Logan decided. Virgil groaned, burying his face in the blanket and trying to suffocate himself for a moment, before Logan spoke again, “From my understanding, it’s your turn to ask someone, Virgil,”
“Patton?” Virgil called with his face still buried in the blanket, “Truth or dare?”
“Um,” Patton said, looking over at Virgil, they stared at each other for a moment, “I feel like I’m going to regret this but- dare…?”
“Eat a spoonful of Roman’s extra hot hot sauce,” Virgil said with an evil smirk. Roman audibly gasped.
“Ok kiddo…” Patton said slowly, heading towards the fridge, “Since I might be out of commission for a while afterwards I’ll ask now, Remus, truth or dare?”
“Truth, because you’re all wimps and I wanna get into the juicy stuff!” Remus grinned, making a gesture that made just about everyone uncomfortable.
“Give everyone here a compliment,” Patton said with a sweet smile as he poured a spoonful of the sauce and stuck it in his mouth. Almost immediately he was coughing and fanning his face as his cheeks went red. Janus poured him a glass of milk and patted him awkwardly on the shoulder as he tried to recover.
“Oh my god you are all so boring ,” Remus huffed, “Pattycake, you’re not so bad when you’re not being a goodie-two-shoes, Roman you have big tits as a woman, Dork you look like you could break my spine into three pieces even wearing a cat hoodie and that’s cool,”
“I- what?” Logan asked, confused, Remus took no notice. Roman looked practically violated, covering his chest with an arm. 
“Jan, you’ve got really big tits as a man,”
“I what ?” Janus asked, sounding worryingly calm.
“Look up ‘snitties’ on tumblr,” Remus said waving him off before continuing, “Virgin, you’re really fun to jumpscare because you do this cute little squeak and it’s absolutely precious,”
“How can someone make a wholesome truth into… that,” Logan said, stunned. 
“I’m sure I want to look that up,” Janus said, glancing back at Patton, who was still recovering from the last dare.
“Don’t,” Virgil said, “I’ve had the displeasure of Remus showing me when he found it, you don’t want to see it, also that nickname is not sticking,”
“It’s like a massive tumblr post dedicated to your massive ti-”
“Alright time to move on, who are you asking Remus!” Virgil cut in loudly. 
“Janus truth or dare!” Remus called, Virgil smacked his forehead into the armrest. Unfortunately it was soft.
“I’m not going to like this,” Janus said, “Am I,”
“No-pe!” Remus grinned, “Unless you wanna choose the truth?”
“I would love to, just say the dare already,”
“Read the tumblr post I just sent you out loud to the group,” Remus said with a wide grin as he scrolled through his phone, “Make sure you show off the pictures too,”
“This is going to be horrible, isn’t it,” Logan said quietly.
“Quite,” Roman agreed. Virgil buried himself in the blankets.
It took ten minutes for Janus to read through the entire Snitties post on tumblr, and by the end he was trying to resist the urge to crack his skull open on the wall and Roman was trying not to pass out from the amount of blood rushing to his face- which was flaming red with blush. Remus was cackling like the menace he was.
“Virgil,” Janus said weakly, “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” Virgil said from inside the blanket.
“Sit on Roman’s lap for the rest of the game,” Janus said, waving him off.
“Are you guys actually trying to kill me?” Roman squeaked, “Why me? Why am I the target of this unprovoked assault?”
“Shut up and sit down so I can sit on you Princey,” Virgil huffed, “I like this no more than you do,”
With a lot of effort (in terms of the dress) Roman managed to sit himself comfortably on the floor so that Virgil could sit in his lap, still wrapped in his blanket because he feared that he might just burst into tears and/or have a panic attack without it, Virgil ended up sitting on Roman’s lap. He wouldn’t admit it, but their position was actually rather comfortable.
After about an hour, Virgil found himself in a ‘e-girl gamer kitten’ outfit (Remus’ description, it consisted of cat-ear headphones, short shorts and knee high cat socks with garters and fishnets, at least he still had his blanket to snuggle in) Roman had gained a tiara and earrings too, Deceit was now in an 1800s victorian ball gown and wearing Kyoshi Warrior makeup on the human side of his face, Logan was wearing cat facepaint and had been the first to drink some of Remus and Patton’s goop when he’d been dared to talk about his feelings. Virgil had also had a drink of the mixture when he’d been asked which of the sides he would rather kiss, and Janus and Roman had practically made out when Janus had been dared to answer the same question more physically (by the same person, Patton) and Virgil wasn’t jealous at all. 
Remus had ended up coming out as aromantic after being asked his stance on having a romantic partner, which the group had readily accepted, on a similar note, he had dared Patton to be his queerplatonic partner (Patton had drank some of the goop and told Remus he would think about it).
Remus had also been the main reason about half of the blender of goop was gone- he kept daring people to do things like eating dead rats or dissecting eyeballs and not many of the sides wanted to do those things (Logan had promised to dissect some things with him later, though). Patton had ended up being dared by Virgil to not touch the floor until the game ended, so Janus and Remus had been periodically passing him cushions so he could still get around the kitchen to bake his sweets. 
Logan had taken a photo of Virgil and Roman on Virgil’s phone (Per Roman’s request near the end of the game) and Roman had completed his earlier dare of posting on Virgil’s Tumblr and the fact that the post ended up getting over five hundred notes before the game had even ended was absolutely mortifying. 
Otherwise, Virgil had managed to avoid being emotionally vulnerable and avoid the worst of the dares, so he counted that as a win. Hey, and they were all laughing by the end of it, which was a pretty big win, it almost felt like they were all finally getting along.
Quickly, while everyone was destracted and still calming down from the game, Virgil opened Tumblr to see what atrocity Roman had posted.
"Oh my god," Virgil mumbled at he stared at the picture in front of him.
Tumblr media
"Why the fuck does it look like an Instagram post?" Virgil yelled, before opening Instagram, only to see that Roman had posted it there too, "You dick!"
Roman just laughed.
“So!” Logan called everyone to attention, successfully distracting them from the Tumblr mishap, they'd already cleaned up the mess and gotten back into their regular outfits, so now the sleepover could continue, “Now that that ordeal is over and everything is back in order, we can remove that from the board and decide what to do next.”
After truth or dare, Roman had ended up insisting on painting everyone’s nails while they held a Dance Dance Revolution tournament (Remus ended up winning, somehow he and Janus were the best at the game). Despite protesting at first, Virgil was quite happy with his sparkly purple nails, Roman had told him that he knew he’d like it. The only side who’d avoided the nail painting was Janus- you couldn’t paint nails when the person refused to take off gloves, after all. 
“Shall we change into more comfortable attire?” Roman asked during a lull in the atmosphere after they awarded Remus with an interesting looking crown for winning DDR. Patton had once again retreated to the kitchen to prepare some food for dinner and the conversation had died out a little bit. Roman obviously felt awkward around his brother and Virgil didn’t exactly want to talk to Janus or Remus. Logan was busy looking up ideas for more sleepover activities on his phone, so he wasn’t exactly open to conversation at the moment. Virgil was quite happy for Roman breaking the growing uncomfortable silence.
“I agree with this idea, getting into pyjamas or more comfortable attire may make it easier for all of us to relax, seeing as the atmosphere created by the game seems to have… soured, slightly,” Logan agreed, putting his phone away.
“Are we getting into onesies?” Patton asked, popping in from the kitchen.
“I believe we aren’t,” Janus confirmed, “Fortunately, though, I do not own a onesie,”
“I sleep in the buff!” Remus contributed, Virgil winced, he really didn’t want to see that.
“Well, if you plan to stay for the night, we must ask that you wear something we deem appropriate,” Logan told him firmly, “Otherwise, you must sleep elsewhere,”
Virgil shot Logan a thankful glance, the logical side nodded. 
“Fine,” Remus huffed, plopping down next to Roman in a pair of ghastly ripped up sweatpants and a green crop-top hoodie that read ‘intrusive THOT’ across the chest. He collapsed into his brother, who yelped and shoved him off. Remus picked up a pillow and whacked Roman over the head with it, Roman jumped up with a grin that startled Virgil a little bit, hitting Remus back with another pillow, and thus a pillow fight began. 
Patton joined in pretty quickly, giggling like a child as he picked up a cushion and jumped into the flurry of soft blows. Logan was dragged into it too, at some point, and eventually Virgil got involved after Remus whacked him in the face with a pillow and he couldn’t help but retaliate after that.
While the pillow fight was going strong though, Roman took the opportunity of the destruction to sneak away, heading quietly to the kitchen, where Janus had taken over the cooking when Patton had first gotten involved.
“Hey, um, Janus?” Roman asked as he came up behind the side, maybe right now wouldn’t be the best time to have a serious conversation, with the sounds of the others laughing and yelling in the background, nonetheless Janus turned, setting the tray he had just taken from the oven down on a cooling rack and removing the large oven gloves (patterned with pink and blue hearts, stars and butterflies, a design that just screamed Patton) to reveal that he was still wearing his yellow gloves underneath.
“Hello, Roman,” Janus said, leaning on the counter, “I’m totally not busy right now,”
“Ah- sorry, I just… wanted to talk to you while the others were… occupied,” Roman said, glancing back over at the others, still fighting, he shuffled his feet awkwardly, Janus raised an eyebrow at him, letting him know to continue, “I um- I’ve been thinking a lot since- um- yeah- and I just, I wanted to apologise… you know for… laughing at your name and being incredibly un-prince like towards you otherwise as well,”
“I don’t accept your apology,” Janus said, a hint of a smile on his lips, Roman relaxed minutely, “And besides, it’s not like I have anything to apologise to you for as well, I don’t think I deserved that at all after everything else I did to you too,”
“I… well-” Roman huffed, “Consider it even, then,”
“Alright,” Janus nodded, before smirking, “I suppose I also should apologise for the eh- kissing- earlier,”
“It was a dare, Pretty Little Liar,” Roman waved him off, though he knew he was blushing, he was pretty intrigued to note that Janus was also blushing.
“Would you like to help me finish the dinner preparations?” Janus asked instead of continuing down that road, gesturing to the array of food that still needed to be cooked before they could set up the mini buffet that Patton had planned.
“Um- I’ll gladly assist but… I am banned from a reason, you know,” Roman said, gesturing to a piece of paper taped to the fridge which showed their cooking schedule, Patton, Logan and Virgil alternated days they would cook, and underneath a thick header underlined three times that read ‘BANNED’ was Roman’s name.
Janus laughed, “What on earth could you do to get banned from the kitchen?”
“I almost blew up the house trying to make a mug brownie…” Roman said, looking away, “And got the entire kitchen covered in glitter and goopy sugary goop when I tried to make a confetti cake… I also lit the stove on fire by accident while trying to cook bacon-”
“Alright alright, surely you’ll do fine with instruction?” Janus   asked, waving him over.
“That’s a lie, but sure go off,” Roman rolled his eyes.
“Patton let Remus help him earlier, did he not?” Janus asked, smirking at Roman, “And he is of course, way better than you are, I see every issue with enlisting your help,”
Roman snorted at that one, but shook his head, “You know what, fine, I’ll help with dinner, but if there's a fire I’m not taking the blame you Bananaconda!”
“I completely despise that nickname,” Janus said with a small smile, before they got to work. 
Somehow, with Janus’ instruction, Roman managed not to start a fire or even make too much of a mess. The others had been adequately surprised to learn this as Roman and Janus set out the fully edible (and only slightly burnt) food on the table for everyone to pick at as the night went on.
“Thanks for roping me into cooking,” Roman said, as he slid onto the sofa next to Janus with his plate of food, Virgil squinted at them from his chair across the room, “I had fun,”
“I despise that,” Janus said, shooting him a half smile, Roman beamed back. Virgil glanced around- at Patton and then Logan- Patton just shrugged with a smile, he just seemed happy that they were getting along but something had changed.
“I’m not eating the food if Princey had a hand in making it,” Virgil huffed, Roman gasped, raising a hand to his forehead dramatically.
“I’m wounded! Wounded by my beloved stormcloud!” Roman cried, Janus hid a chuckle by shoving a fork full of food into his mouth.
“Look, I’m just going by past experiences, your food hasn’t exactly been edible before,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes, Roman squeaked in annoyance.
“There’s every need to worry, Virgil,” Janus said, “I neither helped nor supervised, everything is inedible, I assure you,”
“Thanks, liar,” Virgil huffed, before glancing around at the others again. Remus was quite happily drinking the remaining blender sludge from the truth or dare game, while Logan and Patton were both starting to fill their plates with actual food which… did look good, despite his suspicions. Virgil stamped down the ugly feeling he got when he looked over at Janus- who was now laughing openly at something Roman had said- and stood up to get food himself. 
Not long after that their energy had lulled into quiet discussions happening around the room. Remus had opted to collapse on top of his brother, successfully inserting himself into Roman and Janus’ conversation, whatever they were talking about and Patton and Logan were quietly discussing something whilst they sorted through the vast selection of DVDs they had stored in the corner of the living room and Virgil had once again returned to his chair, armed with a pillow and his weighted blanket once again. He had summoned his phone and was trying to reply to the onslaught of Tumblr asks he’d gotten in response to Roman’s post. 
Being the only one not currently engaged in a conversation though, meant that Virgil was the first to notice the intruder almost break the door to the subconscious off of it’s hinges. 
“Heyyy-” They said, successfully grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, they looked around at the setup before gasping in offence, “OMGoodness! I cannot believe you guys! How could you host a sleep over without inviting me ?”
“Perhaps because the goal of a sleepover is to… not sleep?” Roman basically asked, “And that kinda uh- goes against your function, Remy?”
“Hey Remy!” Patton called with a wave, “You’re welcome to stay! We’re just about to start movies!”
Remy ignored both of them, the ice in their starbucks cup (who knows where they got Starbucks in the mindscape, we don’t question their methods) rattling as they pointed it accusingly at Virgil.
“Virge! Gurl I swear I haven’t seen you in like for-ever! How have you been, bestie?”
“Uhm- sleep deprived?” Virgil answered, Remy burst out laughing.
“I knew you’d miss me!” They grinned, before muttering quietly, “They always come back in the end,”
Virgil just rolled his eyes, “God you’re insufferable, just- come and sit down if you’re joining us,”
“Oh well of course, if you’re offering!” Remy smirked, and before Virgil could protest Remy had sauntered over and suddenly the extra space on Virgil’s armchair had been stolen from him and so had half of his blanket. 
“If you’re going to put your legs on my lap at least have the decency to take off your shoes,” Virgil hissed to Remy before going back to watching Janus and Roman coversate from across the room. Remy rolled their eyes before snapping their shoes away, leaving their rainbow socks on show. 
“Alright kiddos!” Patton called, getting everyone’s attention, “Time to decide on the first movie we’re going to watch!”
“Something with songs!” Roman called out immediately.
“How about a musical?” Janus asked, “I completely despise them.”
“Ok but consider,” Roman said, “Disney.”
“What about…” Patton thought for a second, before picking up a case, “A Disney distributed musical?”
“Hamilton!” Roman cried happily, throwing his arms in the air.
“That’s an absolutely horrible choice,” Janus nodded in agreement.
“Awesome! Any objections?” Patton asked.
“Hamilton is adequate,” Logan said.
Remus shrugged, “As long as we get to watch something interesting later!”
“I don’t even want to know what you’d consider interesting,” Virgil grumbled.
“I could give you nightmares about it if you want!” Remy said, all too cheerily, “Me and Re collaborate on them quite often, actually!”
“Do you want me to avoid you for another two weeks?” Virgil hissed elbowing them under the blankets. Remy pouted.
“No,” They muttered, before shifting all of their weight onto Virgil, who groaned.
“Just start the film already.” Virgil huffed.
As the film played, Virgil couldn’t help but watch as Janus and Roman sang the songs together- some of the others joining in too just for fun- somehow they did it seamlessly without even discussing who would sing each part, first Roman as Hamilton while Janus played Burr, and then Janus as Hamilton while Roman played Eliza. 
“Looks like your man’s being stolen, gurl,” Remy whispered to Virgil and Janus kissed Roman’s hand, mimicking Alexander and Eliza onscreen. They had actually stood up to dance along with the cast to ‘Helpless’ and Patton couldn’t help but start giggling as he filled in Angelica’s lines for them. Virgil grumbled something unintelligible in reply.
“Looks like you’re Angelica in this situation, huh Virge,” Remy whispered in his ear, sentence punctuated by Remus’ belly laughs as Patton tried to get through the line about Angelica wanting to form a harem. 
“Fuck you,” Virgil said, putting his hand over Remy’s face and shoving them away. 
Roman managed to manipulate them all into watching Frozen next, much to Remus’ dismay. Logan begrudgingly gave in and quietly sang along to Elsa’s parts while Roman sang Anna’s after what seemed like a fair amount of coaxing, bribery and possible blackmail. in the build up to ‘Love is an Open Door’ Roman offered a hand to pull Virgil up.
“Sing with me?” Roman asked, leaving the offer of his hand there, Virgil just stared at it, “Oh come on Virge! We sound so good together on this one!”
“He’d love to!” Remy grinned, picking up Virgil’s hand and placing it in Roman’s, allowing Roman the chance to pull him up. Virgil gave Remy the middle finger as the song started, the other side just did it right back.
After the annoyance and the feeling of not wanting to sing in front of everyone had died down, Virgil found that it was actually really fun to sing with Roman, letting himself fall into the rhythm of it as Roman harmonised with him while they danced in circles over the small cleared space inbetween everyone. Patton clapped and cheered for them when the song was over and Virgil collapsed back onto the chair, bad mood from before all but evaporated. He didn’t even care that he’d mostly fallen on top of Remy, it was the payback they most definitely deserved for one reason or another.
Of course, Remus made his obligatory ‘Kristoff fucks the reindeer’ comment during Fixer Upper, successfully interrupting the fun Patton, Roman and Remy were having singing it together- though they managed to get back on track pretty quickly- though Patton had stepped down from singing to instead chase Remus around the house armed with a pillow. 
“Did we ever finish that Frozen rewrite that we started during the episode?” Logan asked after the film was over, “Because I may have to remind Thomas of that particular idea if not, I must check my records later.”
“The rewrite! Gosh that feels like only yesterday despite it happening like what- two years ago?” Roman sighed wistfully, “We should definitely dig that back up sometime!”
For the next film, Patton (after finally catching him) begrudgingly let Remus choose with Janus’ guidance (just so he wouldn’t choose something so gorey or sexual that the rest of them couldn’t watch it) and they’d ended up settling on some horror film that Virgil was decidedly not watching. He had summoned his headphones and covered his head with the blanket at the earliest opportunity presented to him. He was glad for it when he heard Patton screech even through the noise cancelling. 
Somehow, halfway through what sounded like a pretty gruesome horror film, Remy fell asleep, so Virgil took the excuse that had fallen into his lap (literally) and swaddled them up in some spare blankets and carried them upstairs so that the others wouldn’t wake them up with the screaming. 
They managed to get to about half past three in the morning before Logan began insisting that they should start heading to sleep, so they’d decided to pack it in after this film ended (thankfully something more light hearted after that horror film, Virgil didn’t want worse nightmares than usual, thank you very much).
So, as promised, after the film had wrapped up, everyone started getting ready for bed. Roman summoned sleeping bags and yet more blankets and pillows for everyone, as if they needed them and soon everyone started winding down. 
At some point during this process, Remy returned, aviators askew and Virgil’s blanket wrapped around their shoulders. Without saying a word they grabbed the closest sleeping bag and got in it before flopping down onto the ground incredibly ungracefully, once again dead asleep in seconds.
“Virgilll,” Roman whined from his sleeping bag on the ground, Virgil was just in the process of zipping up his own bag on the other side of the room, “C’mereee- I wanna cuddle,”
VIrgil just rolled his eyes at the way Roman was making grabby hands in his vague direction and shuffled over to where Roman was lying. Sleeping next to Roman wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Goodnight kiddos!” Patton called.
“Goodnight, Patton,” Janus said from somewhere past Roman, “I don’t apologise for the spiders in that film, by the way, I forgot they featured so heavily, and I also hope all of you have nightmares and sleep terribly,”
“Thanks Jan!” Remus called from somewhere near Patton, taking the lie at full sincerity.
“Thanks, Janus,” Patton said, accepting the truth he could gather from the statement. 
“Goodnight all,” Roman said, Virgil kicked him, though it didn’t have much impact with the sleeping bags.
“Everyone just shut up and go to sleep already,” Virgil groaned.
Finally, after an even more long-winded chain of goodnights that Virgil thought was possible (he was sure they were doing it to spite him). Everyone went quiet.
“Hey guys, whaddyou all think about forming an orgy right here right now,”
“Re, shut the fuck up and sleep before I sew your mouth closed with silly string.” 
“Sounds like fun! Lets make it a date, huh Virgey?”
“Both of you shut up!” 
“Some of us aren’t trying to sleep here, you know,”
“If I hear another word out of any of you kiddos I will not be making pancakes in the morning,” 
That shut everyone up pretty quick, no-one wanted to miss out on Patton’s breakfast pancakes. 
Somehow, when he woke up the next afternoon ( all of them- excluding Logan who had an immaculate sleep cycle- had slept all through the morning) Virgil found that he had ended up sandwiched between Roman and Janus in his sleep. He was almost 100% certain that Janus had been on the other side of them both when they first went to sleep.
How odd.
Well, Virgil thought as he let himself relax between them, it could be worse.
He heard the click of a camera mixed in with coos and giggles that sounded suspiciously like Remus and Remy. 
Virgil had jinxed himself. It got worse. 
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