everyone has their own struggle. the only difference is our levels. some had things even worse, beyond comparison but even so, a struggle is a struggle. not everyone was born like us, live like us and think like us. So if another party takes up the initiative to listen to the other while trying to understand it in a better way, maybe just maybe living in this world isn’t bad at all. We, humans, we can’t stop ourselves from judging others, whenever we look at a person, we are ought to say something about it. It can be about the person’s clothes, face, etc. But try to keep it to yourself and look at things in a different direction. Everyone has good and bad qualities so focus on the goods, we never know what a person is going through. I bet everyone in this world, even you who are reading this now is searching. searching for a meaning to live, a reason to live, you might not find it now but as you go on, you will. don’t give up just yet. Life has so much more to offer. And I bet you have heard or seen this phrase everywhere, “Humans make mistakes”. unfortunately, people aren’t forgiving enough to preach it. Some things done are unforgivable which is very understandable but do not live in rage, you won't win. Time will heal so do something that will calm yourself down. Do a lot of praying. Pray for you to lose the feeling of anger and pray for that person to change for the better, I can assure you that you will feel a /whole/ lot better in doing so. Emotions can be very overwhelming, you do or say stuff that you have no intention in doing and this part is where I actually wish or hope people can understand as we all have been through this stage but sadly, most of them don’t. Oh! don’t get me wrong, whoever has done things to you (crossing the line), you must stay away and do what u need to do! Believe in the path you choose. you are here today because you have worked hard to put up with everything and here u are, living, reading. Do what you do best. have some faith in yourself, have some faith in God’s plan. you will do okay!
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Hello! I am just here to vent something out so ignore it-
Ive done one of my final exams. It is one of the toughest subject. A lot and i mean a lot of people failed that subject and I of course , do not want to be in that category. I know failing doesn't mean it is the end but i still wanna try to pass it.
Because if i dont, how am i suppose to face my parents? I mean I'd have to pay extra and i am afraid of my result ngl. I do not want to burden my parents ;/; people thought im okay because i answered all questions but i am not sure whether or not it is the correct answer and I am afraid jst as much as them. But i cant let my thoughts get to me, i still have two papers left.
I need to focus on my next step instead of thinking about something that has happened. Thats why i ran whenever ppl wants to discuss the paper because I honestly not interested to know about it. I have other things to focus on. My next two papers aint gonna ace by itself. Ill do my very best in each one of em but if the results did not end well, ill try to get back up and rise again.
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it is possible to live in such ways that other people's happiness makes you happy too
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