#but a lot of people actually fairly regularly interact with me??????
sga-owns-my-soul · 7 months
i'm just curious
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generalluxun · 11 months
Hey. Asking about how Chloe was abused. My knowldge of abuse is fairly limited to general pop knowledge so I'm curious as to what abuse was done to her.
Okay caveats first:
I am not a medical professional, I am simply someone with a vested interest in the topic who has done more research than the average person.
There are many definitions of abuse. Legal definitions are rarely useful, as they are limited to concrete, provable, gross violations. Just as you can inflict a lot of pain on someone without leaving the marks to prove assault, you can do a lot of damage to a child without it being legally 'provable'. Medical definitions are much more helpful for discussions.
Lastly some level of extrapolation is required as it is a show. We take what we are shown. For example:We actually only have Felix's word that he was ever abused, and his first character traits sre being deceitful and manipulative. We still take his word though, because it's a show. (And also we should give weight to victim accounts!)
So both parents are guilty in different ways. We will start with Audrey, the simpler one. There's clear verbal and emotional abuse demonstrated on screen. Mis-naming your child is a form of abuse:please ask the trans community about the impact of deadnaming even in full grown adults.
Beyond that she is constantly dismissive and belittling of her child- to the exclusion of all else. Style Queen/Queen Wasp is rife with examples. There is also the clear behavior shift in Chloé. The wheeling, approval seeking, hunched posture expecting rejection. This is a *pattern* not a one off. Audrey may live in NY, but no fashion movil would be away from Paris for 13yrs straight. We are simply seeing the most recent interaction. This culminates im a child having to ask 'Why don't you love me mother?' and the response is telling
Audrey barely chokes out the strange word when trying to contradict the question. It takes Marinette literally making them both mad at her to get a bare minimum of interaction on Audrey's part. It doesn't last though. Audrey falls back into her negation behaviors and is now present to inflict them more regularly on Chloé, while also being a constant target for/model of behavior for Chloé. (Seriously it was such a misstep to write Marinette reuniting a victim with an abuser) We know the show itself considers Audrey'ss care as a bad thing because the original script had André divorcing her and takin Zoé because Zoé 'doesn't deserve you' so Chloé being in an abusive parenting situation in Representation is supposed to be 'punishment'(ewww)
André is not off the hook either. People look at him 'spoiling' her and leave it at that. Well, 'spoiling' can in fact be abusive too. Let's look at what we see:
André has been her primary caregiver for 14 years now, so he has had the most responsibility in molding what we see for good or bad(mostly bad). She does learn from him too. Darkblade she proudly announces she learned everything about winning elections from watching her father. He's also excessively arrogant (I'm the symbol of Paris!) and quite willing to abuse his power for his own ends(having Roger round up protestors etc) which explains where Chloé learned where power is to be abused.
André is also extremely neglectful as a parent, extreeeeemely. Let's hit a bunch of points in the order they come to me.
Chloé lives *alone* in a hotel suite. There's no shared space, no family area. It's not even really her room. It's commercial, sterile. Where sre her hobbies? Posters? Even her *colors*? She is so used to being ignored at home that the girl who is loud as heck everywhere else doesn't make a single mark on her living space.
A hotel employee seems to think he needs to step in to raise Chloé. Let that sink in. An employee can see how bad it is and tried to make some kind of change, (he's working against a lifetime of ingrained behavior and is not very good at it himself). He doesn't even think to you know... Get Andre in to do this.
André was unaware or didn't care his daughter hasn't done schoolwork since Sabrina *learned to write*(5/6 yrs old) that is a shocking level of disinterest in your child. 6yr olds aren't criminal masterminds.
Andre supplants actual attention and affection with *stuff* he gives material possessions in *place* of parenting. This is somewhat similar to spoiling but not the same. André's method denies the child something vital. You see- things aren't a substitute for affection/attention, developmentally. And so while they may delight they never satisfy the need. They never validate the emotional attachment. So after the shine wears off, the hole is still there. So, like someone with an addiction, the child needs more, and more, and more. Since the needs are never met, it is never enough. And this is what the child views as *normal* this is simply *how it is*. They rarely know they are being given inadequate care because it's just life to them. Seeing something different in a one off doesn't make a dent vs a whole life.
This sort of thing makes a potent cocktail when mixed with the abandonment issues from her mother too. See- if her mother left, and daddy doesn't pay attention, anyone can leave. This leads to a cycle of pushing/demanding/hurting. The child expects to be left and let down, so they both try to reassure themselves it won't happen, and *make* it happen on their own terms (because they believe deep down it will) so more outrageous demands, because when those demands are met, it shows that you are still 'loved' and when they are not met, then there you go, you are not loved and they will leave you. It's a self-destructive spiral.
You see it play out with her interactions with her classmates and Sabrina specifically. How does she express affection? Gifts. What does she do? Push. Push and push and find the breaking point because if she can make Sabrina actually leave then it shows that she herself is worthless and her mother was right to leave her and her father is right to ignore her. Pretty messed up right? Yeah. Child abuse does horrible things to kids.
We're not done with André yet. Some people might say 'he expresses love for Chloé!' and to that I say- performatively.
André likes the idea of being a father. It's what respectable people do. It looks good on camera. It's someone to love him unconditionally. It's an ally against his wife.(broken home dynamics are horrible too) André just doesn't like having to parent for more than a snapshot.
We can see his interactions with Zoé highlight this too. He's delighted she's here!(a potential person on his side vs his wife and daughter) what's his first parenting advice? 'lock your dreams away and get on with life' A+ André.
What's he do in Queen Banana? He uses his power to let Chloé manipulate the movie *kicking Zoé out of it* This is the guy who is supposed to be supporting her? He only draws the line when it comes to sending Zoé away... Why? He doesn't want to lose an 'ally'. It's power dynamics. Not parenting. Where was he when Zoé was stuck in boarding school? He was going to keep Zoé in the divorce so clearly Mr Lee isn't in the picture, Audrey probably forgot Zoé existed, why didn't André bring Zoé to France and let the sisters grow up together? Oh, right, that might be work.
André likes Zoé because she comes pre-raised(boarding school was probably better than either parent) he doesn't have to put in work and he gets a free good kid to make him look like a father. She's his 'do over' as he throws the one he raised in the trash.
André shows his true colors when he's lamenting to Gabe about his corruption and abuse and blames ot on his 'heartless daughter' you know... The child he raised. The grown man is actually shoving his own corruption and misdeeds onto his child. You really don't need much more than that.
So, via neglect, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse the Bourgeois parents raised an incredibly messed up child. Chloé is not a 'good victim' like Adrien, she doesn't sulk quietly under abuse. She lashes out. She is hurt and angry and she passes the pain on. This is why they call it the cycle of abuse.
The end of Revolution illustrates this perfectly. Audrey throws verbal abuse at her on the plane. Angry that Chloé embarrassed her(not that she did wrong, Audrey loved the power grab) and calls her a loser by implication. You *see* it hit, the physical cringe. Then Chloé immedietely goes to try and pass on the pain. She is hurt and making someone else hurt is the only way to lessen it. She calls Marinette. Marinette breaks the cycle though, and good for her. But the show seems to have forgotten there's still one hurt child in this scene, and it doesn't seem to care.
I'm going to stop here for now. I probably left a bunch out, but I do have other things I need to do. Feel free to ask more questions. Thanks for taking the time to seek answers.
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luvtonique · 1 year
I realized something this morning.
This is probably gonna be a long post. (Edit, yep)
I'm a pretty fairly public figure on the internet, and I very regularly interact with a huge amount of people. From YouTube Comments to Discord to Tumblr Asks/Comments to Newgrounds Reviews to MMO Chat to Mic-Chat on Games to Twitch Chat to Stream Chat, blah blah blah.
I've, for years now, over a decade (hell over two decades) talked to probably thousands of people, and have been able to get a gauge on a pretty safe to say "average" of collective human intelligence on the internet.
I've come to realize that not everybody has that kind of experience talking to people online as I do. I've talked to literally thousands, probably near ten thousand, people online in my life.
This is a staggeringly high number and puts me in an outlier position among the rest of you, who likely have only interacted with a double digit number of people online in your life.
Now that you have that information in mind, here's what I realized this morning.
I realized that the reason I don't listen to people, ESPECIALLY when it comes to politics, is because I have learned through talking to all these people that fucking nobody knows what they're fucking goddamn talking about.
I study a lot of things in my spare time, and history is a huge one that I study. I very regularly read and listen to multiple sources talking about historic events, and I make sure to look at as many sources as possible, sometimes including reading encyclopedias in my own home that we've owned for like 40 years.
I cross-reference all of these things and paint a picture of the most likely truths through various means.
Why's that important? Because sometimes a 14 year old on Twitter, literally nearly less than a third my age, will occasionally come along telling me that I'm wrong. Not about history necessarily, but about some opinion that I have based on my own experience and my own knowledge that I've researched myself.
I usually ask them where they got their information, and I'm met with boldfaced idiocy. Completely braindead shit like "180,000 people said it on Twitter," or they link me a Tumblr post with 100k notes, or they say "It's common knowledge," (which is the biggest red flag of them all because not only does it prove they have no evidence to back up what they're saying, but as this post will go on to explain, "common knowledge" is quite literally the worst source of information on anything. People commonly think the earth is flat and that Scientology is real. People commonly think that walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror gives you bad luck. People commonly think that naturally blue food exists.)
In my life I have met thousands of people, and THOUSANDS of them are fucking idiots who very very smugly state completely incorrect knowledge. Earlier today someone tried to tell me that the creators of Beat Saber never sold the company to Facebook, and I showed them proof and they went silent for 3 hours and then went "Yeah so what, Facebook is still a good company" and I wanted to beat my head against the desk.
The internet is full of people who are fascinatingly ignorant. I'm not calling myself "better" or "smarter" than anyone here, I'm just saying that I have learned better than most people that people on the internet are not, and never fucking will be, a good source of information. I don't care if they're your best fucking friend, the coin-toss of them knowing what they're talking about or actually having the facts is so heavily weighted against them, it's seriously like a 98% chance they have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
I urge everyone to take a moment and realize that the internet is, in fact, a good place to find information and do research, but PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET, especially MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA, are NOT SMART PEOPLE AND ARE NOT GOOD SOURCES FOR YOUR INFORMATION.
These are angry, smug, annoying little idiots who are likely 14 years old with a 1st grade reading comprehension who aspires to be a TikTok content creator as a career, and under no fucking circumstance should you ever, ever, EVER listen to any social, financial, religious, gendered, medical or political advice they give.
The world has gotten vastly out of control with how much people think "A lot of people agree with me" is a good enough reason to solidify your opinions. "A lot of people agree" is the biggest red flag ever, because people on the fucking internet are complete fucking idiots, I'm sorry, but I'm someone with far more experience talking to people on the internet than literally any of you reading this. I talk to people on the internet as a career and have been doing this for longer than most of you reading this have been alive.
So what's the point of this? What's the take-away?
The take-away is that I'm saddened by how many people will attack each other vehemently, cut off friends and family members, label people as toxic or problematic, jump to conclusions, etc. based on complete and utter misinformation spouted to them by people who have never once in their entire life actually looked up what the fuck they're talking about. They treat random strangers on Twitter as "experts" because that person is well articulated or put together a YouTube video with really good editing that's softly spoken by a British accent guy and has scary music whenever some "evil" person is on the screen.
The take-away is that people, like yourself (don't you dare try to deny it) will just believe whatever they read on social media, or whatever their Discord friend-group is talking about, because they are living in a complete falsehood that people on the internet know better than they do.
You are not incapable of doing your own research. You are not incapable of finding the truth. You are not stupid. Just do your own research, look into things yourself, cross-reference, use the scientific method, go to a library, read books, for fuck sake please adopt the basic social skill of "If someone says it on the internet it is most likely not true and I should look into it myself."
Because the current state of people is monstrous.
Y'all get so fucking mad about things that are just plain not true, and you revolve your entire life around things you were told by complete idiots and/or children on Twitter and other social media websites.
Look at yourself, look at how angry you get about things, and consider that there may be a possibility that anger stems from a complete lack of any foundation or truth in your own beliefs.
Consider the almost 100% guaranteed possibility that you have been blatantly lied to by people who have no fucking idea what they're talking about, and that you are violently upholding standards that are incorrect because you have placed trust in the word of untrustworthy people.
Look up confirmation bias, read about it.
Look up manipulation tactics, read about it.
Look up "Plato's Republic" and read about it.
Absolutely, under no circumstances, should you ever, EVER, form your social or religious or political or financial or gendered or sexual etc. opinions based on SHIT YOU READ ON SOCIAL MEDIA.
And while we're here, don't listen to the news either. They're just a bunch of parrots saying what needs to be said to get you all fighting with each other so that the government can fuck things up while you're distracted. Do your own research, check multiple sources, don't consider social media or regular media to be a 'source,' get every bit of information from every angle, and for fuck sake, stop attacking people for disagreeing with you when you, yourself, only believe what you believe because your friend group believes it and you know that if you disagree with your friend group they'll all attack you so you'd rather be on their side, which only further proves my point that y'all need to fucking chill.
"Democracy will never work. If 3 medical experts tell you that you must eat a ginger root to cure your ailments, but 100,000 idiots with no medical experience tell you otherwise, you're more likely to believe the 100,000 idiots. They are louder, there are more of them, and you will gamble on the hope that among those 100,000 idiots, there must be more than 3 medical experts. The voice of the ignorant will always drown out the voice of the educated."
-Plato's Republic, 375BCE (Paraphrased)
"I can't believe Jay just called us all idiots and expects us to listen to him"
-Someone in the comments of this (It's gonna happen)
PS: If you looked up "Naturally Blue Food," and found out it does in fact not exist, good for you for doing your own research!
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I think one of the reasons that kaladin can deal with actively killing as a soldier but not with accidentally (passively) letting someone die as a surgeon is the sense of failure (plus of course the obvious protection aspect and the whole me-vs-them mentality he only really starts to question when Shin joins bridge four, and he starts interacting fairly regularly with a light-eyes he can genuinely respect). dalinar himself said that he "love(s) taking responsibility for things", which is especially clear in the way he still can't quite blame amaram for tien's demise (because he feels like this is his failure, too).
like we can see in the first book that the deaths of the people he swore to protect weigh on him not only because of the dying people per se, but also (and I would argue: especially) because of his FAILURE to keep them alive. he always makes this connection to himself, thinks of their demise in relation to HIS own person and HIS role and HIS failure (cue the whole "stormfather cursed me specifically" thing). like, besides tien and the bridgemen (who we know because they are active current characters), can we truly say much of anything about the people he failed to protect in the past? the only thing we really know is how HE feels about it and how it messed HIM up. but the people themselves??
kaladin just has insane main character syndrome, and everything happening to him (first dark-eyed to have the rank of a light-eyed, one of the only surgebinders, guy able to survive multiple fights with actual shardbearers, etc etc) do the opposite of helping him dissuade the notion. I feel like I lost the plot of my own post. Kal is honorable and a good guy and everything but he is also pretty self-centered? which I actually find really cool because many times people who do objectively good actions are still kind of demonized if they don't do it for the "right" reasons (aka purely 1000% selflessness), but Kal explicitly starts helping the bridgemen not because he actually cares about them but because he needs a reason to not commit suicide. and when he loses bridgemen (especially in the beginning where he barely knows them) he always immediately thinks back to the other people he FAILED to save. he isn't devastated because that person in particular died, he is upset because he is very bad at dealing with his own failures and also terrified that the wretch will use this to lure him back onto the ledge. i mean, he loathes failure so much he was resigned to never see his parents again (who he clearly loves a lot and who he knows would welcome him back with open arms; it's his own shame that he can't confront)
he helps people primarily to try to make up for the failures of the past, an attempt to dissuade the guilt and shame eating him alive 24/7 (which of course never works because guilt is a very unreasonable emotion and as long as he doesn't change his mindset and confronts his own beliefs about himself and the world it will never go away.)
"do the fire sprin create the flames or are they attracted by them?" of course syl was compelled to follow kaladin around. dude keeps actively (even if semi-unconsciously) putting himself into the same role and situation over and over again in the hopes that if he can only succeed one time it will somehow redeem him for his past failures. literally every single thing Kal does and thinks and believes is rooted in the fact that he blames himself for tien's demise. he needs to somehow redeem himself in order to be able to live with himself but at the same time he can never be redeemed because letting tien die is an unforgivable crime and yet he needs to make it up somehow because the wretch is always in the back of his mind and he's actually terrified of it but he is equally scared of actually somehow managing to get over this sense of guilt and failure because wouldn't forgiving himself mean he thinks tien is less important than his own stupid (and, in his mind, deserved) feelings?
that guy is so not over his brother's death it actually isn't funny anymore 💀 please get that dude some fucking therapy 😭😭
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
r/systemscringe user ponders the question of whether they would still hate endogenic systems if we stopped calling ourselves systems. It goes... predictably.
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Before going on... let me just stop and say how sad I think it is that u/DustyArcade is befriending people to bait them into revealing personal details about themselves for Reddit Karma.
While it seems hopeful that they're more open-minded than some of the others on the general concept of plurality, this is a really gross behavior.
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Spoiler: the answer to this question is yes!
But before we get into that...
PSA: Beware @/Cains-Coin-Shop
Now, I am going to get into the comments, but before I do, we need to take an intermission for a PSA regarding u/DustyArcade. When looking at their post history, I ran across this.
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The blog has apparently been reinstated in the week since that post.
And they're apparently an anti-endo tulpamancer.
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I remember running across this not too long ago, thinking about responding, but deciding not to. Though given that this user is baiting people into friendships to post to Reddit, WATCH OUT FOR THIS BLOG.
I don't know of this is their bait blog or just another blog they happen to run. But either way, they aren't a safe individual to interact with if you're concerned about being posted to r/systemscringe.
Now, back to our regularly-scheduled debunking...
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"They're already saying they don't have DID/OSDD but they're still faking it" is some of the wildest reasoning I've ever seen.
Now, "used by" is a pretty interesting use of words. Because sure, there are plenty of DID/OSDD systems who use these terms. But remember that "plural" was created in the 90s as an alternative to the medicalized "multiple." Likewise, "collective" and similar terms were created to distance people from medicalized terms like "system."
It's pretty clear that u/NonamesNolies has no understanding of plural history, which does get pointed out by u/DustyArcade to their credit.
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Pretty sure the equivalent term before "endogenic systems" was "natural multiple."
Normally at this point, I would point out to u/NonamesNolies that the ICD-11 acknowledges that you can have multiple distinct personality states without a disorder.
I would point out that the creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation have said spiritual practices and hypnosis may be able to result in the creation of self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality.
I would point to the chapter in Transgender Mental Health, published by the APA, which stated that you can be plural without a disorder or trauma.
But I won't do that because I know for a fact they aren't willing to listen, and just prefer to call any psychiatrists who disagree with them grifters. And yes, that's an actual thing they did, which I will get to at the end of this post!
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Really just... going straight for those cult accusations, huh?
Funny from the science-denier.
Anyway, it's amazing how completely wrong they are on the term "multiple."
Yes, originally, the term was shared. And it still is to an extent. But then as the endogenic/non-disordered community broke off, they coined and popularized "plural" as an alternative to avoid medical connotations.
Plural was NEVER a DID/OSDD-specific term. It was always inclusive to all systems from the beginning.
But there you have your answer. It's not about the terms we use. It's about our existence. The language we use doesn't really matter to them.
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There is... a whole lot in this interaction that it's hard to know where to begin. For one thing, most tulpamancy is viewed as psychological. And I imagine that even most spiritual tulpamancers would dispute their practice being considered "religious."
But to u/doubtful_messenger's assertion that endogenic systems need a parasitic relationship with DID, I'm just going counter that endogenic plurality through various names has existed for a long, long time.
The explanation of some forms of plurality as a mental disorder is fairly recent, only arising in the past couple hundred years. Before that, any instance of plurality was viewed as spiritual. Endogenic systems don't need a DID community to exist.
The tulpamancy and daemonism communities, forming completely independently of the larger plural community, proves that.
Finally... there's u/DustyArcade saying they thought they were turning into an endo, which I think I'll just let speak for itself.
The final comment in this thread I want to mention is from u/Kamari-mari, who I feel perfectly encapsulates the anti-endo point of view.
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"Nothing you say matters because we already made up our mind and won't read anything that contradicts our preconceived notions."
And shoutout to u/bugzxvi for their addition of congratulating u/Kamari-mari for bragging about not being able to read three short paragraphs. It really pulls the whole thing together.
Okay, now I referenced u/NonamesNolies calling psychiatrists grifters, so let's dive into that next!
r/Systemscringeing on Transgender Mental Health
Quick note: That's not a typo. r/systemscringing is a new hatesub like r/systemscringe, but exclusively for systems to make fun of other systems.
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The relationship between transgender mental health and plurality, including DID, seems pretty obvious to me. How many systems have headmates with various genders? How many of those experience dysphoria while fronting? How does the gender of nonfronting headmates affect the fronters? How do these factors affect transitioning?
This stuff is super important for doctors to understand when treating plural patients.
And it's wild how u/NonameNolies just immediately jumps to hating a psychiatrist for acknowledging the existence of endogenic systems.
This gets even worse in the comments.
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What is the logic supposed to be in this argument? "If you're not a trauma specialist, you aren't qualified to say that plurality can be caused without trauma?"
How does that track?
I mean, surely, not being a trauma specialist means there's a better chance you'll run into plurals who aren't traumatized than someone who exclusively works with trauma victims, right?
"You can't say things other than X can cause Y unless you're an expert in X" doesn't actually make any sense.
Imagine if you decided that to say "diseases other than cancer can kill you," you needed to be a cancer specialist.
That would be pretty silly, wouldn't it?
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Can we just take a step back for a moment and imagine something for a moment...
You are Eric Yarbrough. You worked hard for 8 years to earn a doctorate in psychiatry.
You've served the LGBTQ community tirelessly in the psychiatry field since, serving as president of The Association of LGBTQ psychiatrists, among many other roles.
You've become a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, one of the highest honors given by the APA.
And some rando on Reddit just called you a grifter and said you should be ashamed of yourself because they're upset you don't support their bigotry in a book that itself was reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Anyone else just feel like anti-endos treat psychiatrists the way Trump treats judges?
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
Ok, here’s my sex question that I’ve never really had the opportunity to ask about. How in the world do people have oral sex and not constantly get ill from some stray germ or another down there? Like yeah barriers are a thing and washing beforehand but I know not everyone uses them all the time and people are not as clean as they think they are and there are a LOT of illnesses that get spread by the aptly named fecal-oral route. Are people actually going around rimming each other and somehow not contracting e.coli? Are there folks that are eating someone’s pussy out and do not first have to think about if this is someone who actually wipes front to back or back to front? Do people just have much tamer sex with a lot less oral and a lot more dental dams than smut would have me believe?
This question comes from a place of being both emetophobic and asexual so it isn’t like it’s really terribly relevant to my life. Sex isn’t on the table and if it were, my own levels of paranoia around cleanliness would preclude any of this ever happening. But my flavor of phobia means I fixate on possible triggers and my flavor of asexual is being absolutely fascinated with how we humans use our bodies to create different kinds of intimacy so I bump into this particular train of thought pretty often ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks sex witch :)
hi anon,
I think you may be vastly overestimating the number of germs living on the average person's genitalia. as long as people are bathing regularly, there's no particular reason why a penis or vulva should be much dirtier than any other part of the body - indeed, they tend to be cleaner than part of the body that are uncovered and exposed to the elements or interacting with different surfaces all day. my vulva's not the part of my body touching my phone, doorknobs, bus seats, and people's hands, after all.
to answer your question - I mean, yeah, lots of people are going around eating ass and not getting e. coli. it's not impossible, but it's also not especially common. most folks who enjoy having anal sex are, understandably, keeping their asses pretty clean in the interest of keeping the experience as tidy as possible for everyone involved. a little pooping is a pretty normal part of penetrative anal, and people who take part in it are generally aware of and accepting of that risk.
most types of sex come with some inherent risk in regards to the potential transmission of STIs and, for some people, pregnancy. most people engaging in consensual sexual activity are at least broadly aware of these risks and take the precautions they deem necessary to minimize them; thanks to a long history of many people being very creative and interested in boning, there are a fairly wide number of options to pick from.
tl;dr while sex isn't an risk-free activity, it's also not an unrelenting germ factory, and countless people are having sex without getting sick pretty much constantly.
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pandasmagorica · 8 months
Disability and the Last Twilight ending
Much as I loved Last Twilight, warts and all, I was disappointed at some of the choices they made surrounding their depictions of disability and Day's path through it.
I'm writing as a person with a disability, but not blindness (or deafness for that matter).
We don't get a lot of depictions of disability in fictional media. That places a lot of our hopes that any particular depiction will get it right:
that characters with disabilities either have already found a way to live well (Rear Window, Wait Until Dark, Not Me) or learn to work within it (Moonlight Chicken, Last Twilight through the end of episode 11).
that we don't get an unrealistically perfect or heroic depiction of a person with disabilities.
that the person with disabilities' success and happiness is not dependent on a savior, although they can get help from others.
that a happy ending (if the fiction is to end happily) does not depend on curing the disability.
that if the fiction is a romance, that the person with disability ultimately has approximately equal agency with their partner, who might be abled or disabled.
that we get to see main characters that fulfill the above desires.
I think Last Twilight came through on the first two points, and one can argue about the third, but failed on the last three.
Day, while blind, opened a bookstore. While the bookstore has print books, there are also activities for blind people. (yay)
Day is imperfect. (yay)
Day's life is changed for the better by Mork's help, and continues to improve once Mork has been booted out of Day's life. (open to debate)
Day's blindness was cured. (sigh)
Day didn't have equal agency with Mork pre-break-up. He could only get his agency by breaking up with Mork, and subsequently, by regaining his sight. (sigh)
Aon, a fairly minor character, fulfilled the first three desires, but Day, a main character, did not. (In Not Me, Yok's mother is a fairly minor character. In Moonlight Chicken, Heart is one of the side couple.) (sigh)
If we had plenty of depictions of people with disabilities, most of which satisfied the first several desires I listed, and we also regularly got lead characters with disabilities, then Last Twilight's failings would not be a big deal.
But we don't.
And Day's blindness was a central part of the plot.
I'm not angry about this. I'm disappointed.
There are other failings which bloggers have raised, such as Mork's apology to Day and Day failing to apologize to both Mork and Night - seems like we just got through discussing that sort of thing about Only Friends (more sigh). So I'll focus on what I see as other failings involving disability.
Day gained additional independence by acquiring a cane. So why wasn't he using it when leaving the hotel in episode 12? Beyond setting up the plot point of Mork helping him, that is.
Lack of Thai Braille in Day's bookstore. (Although, given the technology that Day demonstrated - as when he read Mork's contract on his phone - perhaps Braille is less important than it once was.)
Actually, why wasn't Day using the cane in the bookstore so he doesn't accidentally walk into or grab a customer?
Actually, why didn't Day get a cane much earlier?
Or use tools such as a Braille embosser, something that's been around for years and years?
We don't see Day asking the blind guy if he wants help crossing the street, good etiquette for interacting with a person with a disability, presumably because the writers don't want us to know he has his eyesight back until they get across the street for a delayed reveal.
I'm hoping that, as with the increasing depiction of queers in media being accompanied by an increasing percentage of positive, layered depictions, that we'll see a similar increase in positive, layered depictions of people with disabilities.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
since it’s almost Hyrule Warriors anniversary…do you have any lttc warriors facts you’d like to share 🤲 also I’m going to draw him as part of my drawing links from different links meets thing I do for each game’s anniversary. It will happen I promise you so uh. idk if you have additional facial descriptors for him that you left in the other posts 🤲 but I’m pretty sure I can draw him accurately enough with the information already provided 👍 anyways, hope you have a good rest of your day!
- Zelda keeps trying to promote him and he keeps refusing and she’s so frustrated by it, but he refuses to accept a promotion for something he doesn’t believe he accomplished
- He genuinely thinks he’s so sneaky with the lifts he has in his boots, he’s genuinely convinced no one knows
- Proxi can acknowledge how much he’s grown, but she still sees him as her wet cat son who just desperately needed someone to look out for him. She’s very proud of him, but she still thinks he’s ridiculous
- It took him a hot minute to become fluent enough in ‘hyrulian common’ (english) to be able to understand fast conversations with slang in them and to be able to speak back and converse with other soldiers at that level because it’s not his first language (this is why he sometimes stares at people with an incredibly blank expression during the war, he doesn’t always understand what they’re saying). Proxi continued to speak on his behalf until he’d perfected a castle town accent as well because he didn’t want anyone knowing he didn’t grow up within Hyrule kingdom
-Regularly abuses the fact that the general public has a certain image of him in their minds, and when he does not meet that image he can literally walk around wherever the hell he wants without being recognized and it’s so good for his mental health. He’s still paranoid and worried, but people just don’t recognize him because they hear all the tales of a strong, confident young man and Warriors is actually fairly quiet and comes off as a bit shy, plus people just aren’t expecting the hero to randomly be walking around on his own. Without the make up, fancy clothes, and boots and all that, he can just walk around markets like a normal person, and without the green tunic, Mask can too. So he’d pretty regularly just take Mask around towns to buy sweet treats and they both got to experience what it might’ve been like for an eighteen year old to shop with his little brother
- During the war, he and Ravio got quite close. They’re a dangerous combination and make each other worse
- He and his Zelda are incredibly close, they’re extremely good friends and they like to get together every so often and just YAP
also for any additional descriptors: LTTC Wars looks pretty much exactly like how I headcanon LU Wars. He was deadass created from You’re A Part Of Me Wars when I one day sat back and went “oh my god at this point I’ve just made my own guy-” the main difference between LTTC Wars and You’re A Part Of Me Wars is that LTTC Wars grew up outside of Hyrule Kingdom surrounded by a different culture and he struggled a lot more with a language barrier when he went to Castle Town (while my version of LU Wars grew up IN Hyrule Kingdom and had to struggle with learning his mom’s side of the family’s culture while being unable to fully interact with it), and a few details of the war. But physically they’re the same guy, so my pfp pic could be used as an additional ref if you needed :) THANK YOU FOR DRAWING MY GUY I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH
i love to stick lttc wars and you’re a part of me wars in a room and see what happens, they’d both hate it but I think theyd have so much to say
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lethal-spaceship · 4 months
HI umm okay so PLEASE please don't like actually answer this because I hate putting my age out there but uhh I know you're pretty serious about your account being 16+ but I am not!!! And I know you interact with my stuff a lot and like I'm not trying to deter you from doing that or anything,,, I just know you're serious about that so I thought I'd let you know? If you stop interacting I totally understand and stuff but uh yyea sorry,, here's a silly photo because I feel so awkward
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Again SORRY,,, um yea,,, this probably isn't the right time but your art is very pretty OKAY YEA BYEBYE HAVE A GOOD DAY IM REALLY SORRY!!!!!!!!
I feel so embarrassed sending this oh my god I'm sorry
Honestly I'm fine with interacting with people under 16 (altho I will keep some distance and I'm way less likely to interact with people who state they are under 16) and people under 16 following me. It's not like when I was under 16 I followed all the age rules lol. And I'm not your dad, I can't tell you what to do.
I do not post anything nsfw here only maybe a drug/sex joke or two or artistic nudity. I'd say im fairly pg13. The problem to me only arises when or if you try to be friends with me and talk to me in dms regularly. That I am not that comfortable with. I want to keep distance. And so if you don't try to be besties with me we're all good.
Have a silly Dib too < 3
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AND THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT I am so glad that people love mah goofy art < 3
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Me yesterday after an 8 hr shift: oooh, jikook in tokyo and then sapporo. Yes, pretty, pretty winter view. What? New jikook clips from PTD US? Yes, yes. Mm-hmm. Of course, there are tons of jikook moments. As usual.
Me after waking up this morning with one eye open: what? there's more?? Jikook still jikooking?? What do you mean that was like half of the dvd?? *drowns in jikook content but still wants to keep it coming* 😤😭
Ask 2:
I can't help but remember all your posts from the past 2 years saying jikook hasn't changed really. Let this be lesson no 999 for me to not doubt jikook,, I prayed for days like this
Ask 3:
BPP the change in sentiment on my tl is like night and day. My moot basically turned into a PJM last month and was dragging JK 247, but now she is reposting PTD vids about how she misses BTS and always knew they loved each other yada yada.
Am I in the twilight zone? Did the lack of OT7 content this year really make people go crazy and forget how BTS are with each other? I asked my moot if she's still a PJM that hates JK and she started denying she ever hated them! But her rants calling him a 'Bongo sucker who has no talent and backstabs his friends' was up on her profile until she deleted the posts today.
Hi Anon(s),
It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas, isn't it?
With all that footage coming in, ARMY twitter feels a bit more like its former state, of BTS fans awwing and ooohing over all seven guys and their interactions with each other, while gaining more respect for BTS after seeing how hard they work (and play) together. ARMY twt still feels like a shadow of its former self though, partly because:
Most ARMYs are actually off Twitter. Using a personal anecdote, about half of my Twitter mutuals have been dormant since Butter era (when many fans were fairly certain BTS would begin enlisting), and even more have left Twitter since the Festa Dinner. Looking at likes on BTS posts from early 2021 which could easily crack 2 million, and on ARMY tweets that regularly hit 350k, compared to now when the most engagement peaks at <100k on average. And this is on Musk's X, where bots are even more rampant.
There's fewer genuine fans. Using the moot of anon in ask 3 as an example, there's so many stans exactly like that. Like I keep saying, the way a lot of people behave in fandom has more to do with them than anything actually happening with jikook or BTS. All that footage is from a time when people claimed BTS hated working with each other and wanted to leave the group or claimed that jikook weren't close anymore. Those narratives were everywhere despite what in reality was happening with BTS and jikook, which, again as I keep saying, just drives home the fact that a lot of people here, a lot of k-pop stans generally, have no real idea on what they're talking about. The way we see BTS in that footage is consistent with how they've been with each other for years, so anybody asserting doom in paradise during PTD era was high on their own supply.
It's the same with BTS in Chapter 2 btw. For anybody actually paying attention.
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year
Hi! just wanted to make sure, are you taking breaks from this? Regularly consuming wholesome content? Because given all the parts you erase in the posts you share, and what I can guess, you're reading a lot of hatred filled, probably very violent posts. I don't think anyone can interact with that very often and not being impacted negatively. Anyway I offer you an internet hug if you want it ^_^
you're very sweet, anon. rest assured my mental health is just fine <3
not that i expect anyone to have been keeping track, but i did just take a break from this blog (irl work got busy, so this got put on the back-burner). now i return ;)
a lot of my posts come as submissions these days, so i'm not the only one consuming/vetting raw posts. besides that, this blog is actually a fairly small part of my life; i've got my job, and my fanfic wips beating at me from under the floorboards, and bookbinding supplies currently littering my living room carpet. also, people in my life whom i love, and who take up more space in my brain than every random bigot i come across online.
and besides-besides, 'fixing' these bad posts is actually my way of turning the negativity into something palatable. being able to look at hateful posts as a puzzle to solve/raw material to transform is part of how i avoid being impacted negatively.
thank you for the internet hug; well wishes 💛
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guardian-rocket · 1 year
Who are your top 10 favorite muns to write with and why? If a mun is a multimuse also tell which are your favorite characters to write with and why?
(The order in which you list the people doesn't matter unless you want to assign them specific places.)
Question Master
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Top 10, here we go... @antvnger Puppy-Mun is the first I am putting on this list first because of all the threads and ideas I've ever had on here the thread I've been doing with them (Space Heist) is the largest single run I've had so far. We actually had an entire 4 part mission and went to Knowhere. I feel like Rocket and Scott made some real progress in becoming friends and I love that. Every post they make is gold. They're nice to their anons and I generally enjoy interacting with them OOC and hijacking their random posts. They're also genuinely funny, which I feel is very important for someone portraying Scott. I already loved Ant-Man but Puppy-Mun makes me adore him even more! They also often tag me and I love that 💕
@byondtheveil Rei-Mun (Birb-Queen) is #1 OC in Rocket's world and my Rocket muse simply adores her. I always look forward to reading her replies and she's a great person to talk to and shoot the breeze OOC. We both love thrifting IRL so it's fun to just spam her DMs about my latest finds. Her character Rei is literally one of the most endearing original characters I've ever come across. She's well thought out and has connected with Rocket in a way most muses can't do. With her I have been able to explore Rocket's comfortability just popping on and off Earth and get some much deserved down time. @papetoonfox Papetoonfox was a RP partner I had many years ago. We haven't interacted much on tumblr but we got a RP going on Discord that I am fully engrossed in. Our conversations OOC often puts me in stitches and we have so much common interest it's so easy to just get lost in our own little nostalgic world of Y2K aesthetics and retrowave vibes. They're also very encouraging with me about my art and they produce some of the coolest music I've heard from anyone I know. I love their portrayal of Fox and so does my muse.
@stripesofbrooklyn They were one of the first to interact with me OOC when I started getting more active again and I feel we check in on eachother both ways pretty regularly I am confident to call them a friend. Our muses have great chemistry together and Rocket always loves hearing from them no matter what strange shenanigan they might be getting into. Rocket fully admires and trusts their Steve and is someone Rocket would go out of his way for.
@spidermanxnoir / @jeff-the-gnome-king First they get super points just for playing my favorite version of Spider-Man (Noir) and our thread which started off without any plotting has turned into one of the most epic adventures my Rocket has ever had. I think Rocket's gotten pretty attached to him as they've gone along and genuinely think he's cool. Looking forward to them retaining an ongoing friendship. Being able to tie or franchises together has been a ton of fun and I think we write beautifully together. Also they're super chill OOC and I love bugging them with my latest ideas. @the-mjolnir-owner This Thor is one of my best friends on Tumblr. They are often sending me posts in my DMs to see about Rocket and Thor and I just love their characterization. We also have a lot of fun discussions about Thor and the Guardians and I feel they capture Thor very well in their writing. Just in general they're an absolute joy.
@butwithmoreme I know our thread is fairly new/short but I literally hear Tony's voice in their writing, it's so damn good. As Rocket's mun I will hold a special place in my heart for anyone who doesn't just write him off for being a little shit. The fact they're being science bros together makes me so happy. @spideymn A big stand-out as a great writer. Sounding repetitive here, but I hear Tom Holland in their dialog and they feel very in character. A shining standout, and my muse likes him because he's a helpful kiddo. Happy to see them interacting together. @beatfreesmysoul They're my #1 music buddy right now, and I enjoy dropping into their DMs to be annoying lol. It's so great to have someone here to talk tunes with because I genuinely am a big music nerd. I love that they send me memes/tag me for that stuff too. As a Rocket RPer I often feel a bit sidelined so they make me feel included on things which I super appreciate. Our thread taking place earlier in the storyline is great too, kinda fun to undo all my muse's character development and let him have 'issues' he needs to work through and I love that we can explore or character's developing friendship.
@gctbusydying I am pretty sure they're my first Kitty Pryde and honestly, worth the wait. Interacting with them feels like we're jumping right out of the comics. I think that Kitty is canonly one of Rocket's favorite ladies and their friendship is important to me. I know I MOSTLY adhere to MCU canon but I've read the comics too (albeit a long time ago) but when it comes to Kitty I'm like -slams fist on desk- FRIENDS. I know we haven't had a TON of interaction but I hope it keeps going.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
"Do people not know how to read body language? Hear tones of voice? See sexual tension!?!?"
This. I share your concerns. I have a whole theory about this lmao hear me out (warning, bro science coming)
I don’t know where you’re from and how old you are but as a 34 yo from western Europe who regularly interact with teenagers and young adults as part of my job, I’m totally baffled by the lack of emotional intelligence of the younger generation. Not only their level of education is astonishingly low, on top of that it’s like they don’t know how to read and recognize people’s emotions. Even the most basic ones. Many do, obviously, thank God I’m generalizing here. But I honestly think most of them grew up spending so much time online, addicted to their smartphones and social media from a very young age and it totally screwed up their ability to interact with the world. They did not spend nearly enough time with ‘real people’ in ‘real life’ and it shows. Exposure to screens and smartphones from a young age has disastrous effects on brain development. I think the emotional immaturity of the younger generation we’re witnessing now is one of the consequences. Pretty much this is backed up by neuroscience actually. Kids and teens now are more used to avatars and online fake personas, obsessed with social media, but they’re clueless about the real world outside their screens, inexperienced when it comes to healthy relationships, be friendships, work environment and hierarchy, and love relationships. Not to be patronizing but I’m seriously worried for the younger generation. I’m seeing more and more young adults unable to cope with their frustrations, some throwing tantrums like kids would, having the emotional intelligence of a 5 yo. I wish I was kidding. Some are going to struggle big time in their career and relationships.
Okay, end of my boomer rant, I’m being overly serious here but the amount of weird takes I read on this app is not so surprise to me unfortunately. Sorry for grammar mistakes and all, my English is a bit rusty.
Ahhh an adult. Finally! I'm from the US and I'm fairly young too. I agree with your entire ask. I guess we are both boomers.
I observed this too when I was in college and tutored kids. They were social media addicts and technology dependent even though we were only a few years apart.
I had a lot of exposure to adults and interactions with people of all ages because of my parents so I think that made a big difference for me. And I didn't live in social media because of my parents.
When it comes to maturity levels and the way we deal with problems, interact with people, and understand situations, us and younger generations are sooo different.
All these kids that don't interact with actual humans miss out on skills needed to be an adult with functional life skills. They think the world functions like tiktok and twitter.
And what's worse is that actual thinking is considered "hate" or being an "anti". The only way they stop it is by bullying others instead of using critical thinking skills. So they type away thinking they made some great discovery but it's senseless information arranged to make a sentence.
It's scary.
Thank you so much for sharing.
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amaranthine-wrath · 28 days
˗ˏˋ ❌ INTRO POST ❌ ´ˎ˗
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The name's April (she/her). Welcome to my sideblog. I'm an alter in the Apartment System and this is my personal space for whatever I want. Gaming, music, miscellaneous thoughts, pixel art, and more will be shared here. I'm also conceptkin and will probably post about that now and again which is why I've used the tag.
Be warned: This blog may contain sensitive content (like mental health talk and occasional horror themes) but everything will be tagged to the best of my ability. Minors do not interact, you WILL be blocked on sight.
Read on for my basic info and other fun stuff. Kinda long but whatever, feel free to skim or skip around.
(Last updated: 9/2/24)
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˗ˏˋ WHO AM I? ´ˎ˗
As stated above, my name is April, I use she/her pronouns, and I'm an alter. Physically 25 and Black-Latino. Since this is a sideblog, I like and follow from the host's main blog (found here).
I identify as conceptkin. Specifically, I am rage personified. The special kind of rage that comes from intense hurt and grief. From wounds that may never heal. This doesn't give me any fancy form, though. I'm just some girl. I've felt this way since I first came to be over a decade ago and since it hasn't changed in all this time I feel comfortable saying this is a solid part of my identity.
I don't mind talking to people so go ahead and send asks but I've gotta warn that sometimes I can be a little flat through text. I'm not mad, I just don't feel like using a million emojis and exclamation points. I won't really answer messages though because holding 1-on-1 conversations with strangers is hard.
˗ˏˋ INTERESTS? ´ˎ˗
Art is a growing interest of mine. I love pixel art and doodling and someday I'll get into Blender/3D modeling and animation. I'm starting to get into code (HTML and CSS). The Sims 4 and Minecraft are my current games but once I've got an actual PC I'll be playing a lot more. I also enjoy poetry, alternative subcultures, and word games like Scrabble and Boggle.
I listen to a decent mix of music (metal, rock, breakcore, techno, etc). Here's my playlist if you wanna get to know a chunk of my music taste. I also update the playlist fairly regularly these days and I love recommendations. Some things are only on YouTube so they didn't get included but it's whatever.
˗ˏˋ DNI? ´ˎ˗
Minors, bigots/TERFs, "endos", ableists, etc. I'm not putting a big ass list. Make me uncomfortable or annoy me and I'll block you. Feel free to block me, too. Curate your own spaces and all that jazz. Involve me in discourse of any kind and I blow you up with my mind for real.
˗ˏˋ EXTRAS! ´ˎ˗
@devotional-devouring - Plague's Blog (Host/the main blog) @doll-disjointed - Mason's Blog (another alter sideblog)
#April's Chatting - Tag for text posts
More to come later. Here's some cool images.
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Thanks for reading. Have a good day.
(Icon Credit)
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il3x · 11 months
Greetings fair mutual!
I beseech thee with a question:
How do you think the Worm universe would handle somebody with the power to transfer their consciousness to a corpse, reanimating it. Also he has wings and the people skills Jack Slash wishes he had?
I'm considering some crossover story ideas
Hmm! I think how he was treated would depend a lot on his personality/motives. Heroic? Villainous? The power, of course, lends itself more easily to villainy.
Reminds me of Pretender. As such, the power would be useful for (heh) identity theft, at the most obvious level. If they decided to go hero, I don't think they'd use reanimation in the public eye. Either disguise their power as the wings alone, or rely heavily on subtlety, like Vegas capes or Indian 'dark' capes - or for an independent example, Eraserhead from BNHA.
Reminds me - do the wings appear on the reanimated corpses? Or on his 'true body'?
If any corpse he reanimates has wings, he could probably start a religious cult if he wanted to. Scratch that, he could start a cult regardless. Would be interesting to see his interactions with some of the religious groups - Haven, was it? That hero group? I give it 70:30 odds they find him blasphemous, lol. Wonder if he could subsume a Fallen (or other cult) sub-group, if he so desired, to kick-start his own cult.
As a cult leader, the ability to wear any face (including yours) is pretty strong fuel for fear tactics. Especially if he regularly changes bodies - double especially if the wings don't transfer. Anyone you pass in the street could be the leader; any of your family members could be replaced; you could be killed and replaced, if you transgress, and the man in your body could do anything in your name... and it's hard for the PRT to catch him, too. Alternatively, he hides that it's his own consciousness and pulls some Victorian spiritualist schtick. "I've brought your loved one back and they tell you they love you and you should totally join my group to get to heaven and also pay me 1000 monies. totally".
Reanimation would get him clocked as a parahuman easily, wing usage even quicker. In this case, I expect PRT (and/or other hero team) response - not very high-caliber response, though, since as far as Worm cults go this is fairly innocuous. As such, solid shot at killing + impersonating one of the responders and infiltrating the PRT, if he so desires. Just realised I've been saying PRT when I meant Protectorate, lol, but that actually works nicely - I've never seen a story focusing on a solely PRT-squad raid. And if he can't use the powers of the reanimated, this is a safer route.
Can he use their powers?
If he relied on personality for the cult, with the Changer-esque applications of reanimation kept under wraps similarly to Mama Mathers' power, he could glide under the radar, though. In that case, I'd expect his opponents to be people with closer personal ties to the cult. Close enough to notice what's going on, and object even without knowing it was a parahuman affair. Indie heroes or vigilantes who protect his particular territory; villains, rogues, or non-parahumans whose families (or income) got tied up in the cult... Non-parahumans could be fun here, too, especially since it gives you the chance to integrate a trigger event at some point and shift the playing field. That said, it really depends on the story you want to tell. He might also face parahuman opposition from inside the cult, if someone triggers, or a recruited parahuman starts being deprogrammed.
Whew! Okay, enough cults. I saw 'Jack Slash' and went bonkers. Other options, other options... Something that comes to mind is being used as a political scarecrow like Canary (greater crackdown on villains/regulation for heroes/fearmongering around Changers/Masters/death-related powers) and the fallout. Though with his charisma he's well equipped to handle that.
Maybe Pretender gets mad at him for stepping on toes if he goes hero, lol.
That's all I got. Good luck with the crossover, and I'd love to hear more about it!
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just-mebs · 1 month
I' ve seen you mention the trans fetish thing a few times now can you fill a guy in por favor
I'm feeling fairly violent recently so I'll bite. The guy has me blocked and if any of his friends wanna come around again then they can choke for all I care [under the cut bc this got long]
About 2 (??) years ago when I was more active in the tf2 fandom, I made a lot of SFMs and posted them regularly. At some point I started making nsft ones and posting them on twitter where I would promote them here since I had 0 followers on twitter at the time.
Things started to go down after i posted my second one - read that again: my SECOND one. It was a DemoSpy piece where Spy was depicted as a trans man. (The first one, by the way, was a HeavyScout where you couldn't even see Scout's junk so its not like I was making/posting copious amounts of these or that I was only making trans porn).
So yeah. I make the DemoSpy piece. I share it here but in order to see it you had to go to twitter to see the full image. A few people reblogged it but nothing crazy. After a few days I got a message from someone saying that [blog] was posting about me and calling me a trans fetishist.
Now, I had been a follower of [blog] for a while at this point. Never interacted beyond reblogging/liking some posts but I was a fan for the most part, so I was a bit upset by this so I reached out to them because I didn't understand what was happening/why they would say that considering we had NEVER talked at that point.
Like how can you look at ONE (1) image depicting a character as trans and just assume that the artist - WHO IS OPENLY A TRANS GUY HIMSELF - is a FETISHIST. Like WOOO baby I don't know how to tell you this but you have so much internalized transphobia lets make that clear.
And to be clear: if he just didn't like seeing that kind of content that was fair. I believe in blocking generously. What I DON'T believe in is calling someone stuff like just because you don't like their content.
Anyway, so I talked to him. He doubled down on me being a fetishist because I (a trans guy) made Spy a trans guy and a bottom.
(I'm also a bottom ??? Which you guys don't need to know but also its like ?? So am I fethisizing myself beucase I'm both a trans guy AND a bottom??? Like there is 0 actual thought here. If you equate being a bottom to being "the girl" you're actually just both homophobic and transphobic)
I got really upset (who wouldn't), though mostly because for ME depicting characters I love as being like me actually made me love my body for the first time since I transitioned so now all that self-love I was feeling was dead and I haven't recovered despite this being 2 years ago <33
Trying to wrap this up: I ended up purging all/most of my posts and wiping my twit because I was so overwhelming and made to feel disgusting. A few people that were [blog]'s friends started harassing me over everything and I made a post on twitter saying that I wasn't going to post anymore and someone from there decided to come here and send [blog] a bunch of hate (I genuinely don't know who it was and no one I asked owned up to it but now thinking about it I think I know who it was and I don't associate with that person anymore so eh) which only made me get a bunch more harassment.
Anyway I blocked him and all of his friends that I knew and this was essentially the beginning of the end of me being in the TF2 fandom </3 everyday I wish ill will towards him and everyone associated with him <333
obv I'm not going to share his @ but if you know who I'm talking about leave him alone he's literally not worth the effort.
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