#but I don't know what time I'll be home since we're having tea out
eurovision-del · 2 years
The final night of Sanremo is happening tonight, and with it we’ll find out who will get first refusal to represent Italy at Eurovision! It’s always a bit of a rush ranking Sanremo songs with how quickly the week goes by, but here’s my feelings based on first impressions:
Rosa Chemical – Made in Italy
Sethu – Cause perse 
Madame – Il bene nel male 
Lazza – Cenere
Elodie — Due
Articolo 31 – Un bel viaggio 
Olly — Polvere
Gianluca Grignani — Quando ti manca il fiato
Ultimo — Alba
Colapesce DiMartino – Splash
Giorgia – Parole dette male 
Will – Stupido 
Colla Zio — Non mi va
Mara Sattei — Duemilaminuti
Marco Mengoni — Due vite
Modà – Lasciami 
Leo Gassmann — Terzo cuore
LDA – Se poi domani 
Shari – Egoista 
Cugini di Campagna — Lettera 22
Paola e Chiara – Furore 
Tananai – Tango
Ariete — Mare di guai
Coma_Cose — L’addio
Anna Oxa — Sali
Gianmaria — Mostro
Levante – Vivo 
Mr. Rain — Supereroi
I didn’t have time to follow the shows live, instead just watching the performances from night one and two the morning after the show. I enjoyed night one well enough, but found the night two songs much stronger, broadly speaking! All my top four came from there!
My absolute favourite entry this year is Made in Italy. I was hooked on this song just from the guy in the orchestra doing the announcer bit at the start, and it only got better from there! I love the unique sound it's got, the electro swing beat is very catchy and works unexpectedly well with the rap! It's got a chaotic energy to it, there's a lot going on, yet it never feels messy. Though I have to admit I nearly lost it when he started scatting! The song moves at such a pace and I enjoy every second of it, so it ends up feeling much shorter to me than it is! I could honestly listen to this on repeat. And I absolutely love his aesthetic, his outfit was so good.  
There’s not as much separating the rest of my top five. I really enjoyed Cause perse, it’s got that pop punk sound to it, very energetic, it gets me hyped up! I only wish it were longer! Next, I loved Madame’s song Voce in 2021, and still listen to it regularly, but I might honestly prefer Il bene nel male. The sound is exciting and a little tense, it draws me into it. I think the production is great, and Madame’s voice is fantastic, she really knows how to perform. Speaking of good production, Cenere is one of the best produced songs here. I especially love that isolated bass right before the chorus, and it helps that I also really like the sound of Lazza’s voice. My final stand out from this selection is Elodie with Due, I don’t think it’s as strong a song as her previous entry, Andromeda, but I still enjoyed it a lot, and Elodie is a fantastic artist.
I would love to see any of these five songs at Eurovision, but, as usual, Italy is pretty spoiled for choice! There’s plenty of other great songs further down my list which could serve them very well at the contest. I reckon they’ve definitely got the quality here to maintain their top 10 streak, and I'm excited to see what they send!
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Bruce goes to meet the other fathers? Have a barbecue with Clark, Oliver, Berry and talk about their kids?
"Damian told me that I was cool, it's been a while since one of my kids told me that" or "Mia is doing so well at school these days"
those moments when they are all (old men) father proud of the mess the kids are?
The dads: *lounging on beach chairs*
Clark: It's nice to finally get a day off. I think Jon needed it more than me. He's still reeling from growing up and suddenly turning back into a kid again.
Ollie: How'd that happen, anyway?
Duke, walking by: That's just this blog.
Clark: What?
Duke: Nothing. Hey, B, can we use the jacuzzi?
Bruce: Sure, go ahead.
Duke: *gives Emiko a thumbs up*
Emiko: *drains the jacuzzi*
Harper and Cullen: *start cleaning the pipes*
Ollie: I know how you feel, Clark. Roy's the happiest I've seen him with Lian back but it's still a big change. We're working on getting her enrolled in school this fall so she can catch up on what she's missed.
Roy: *sprays the tub with disinfectant*
Jason: *dries it with a leaf blower*
Hal: Speaking of changes, Jaime graduated with honors. I know he's not my kid but I can't help but feel like a proud uncle. Kyle got a new concept artist job, by the way, and I think he really likes it.
Jaime: *turns the jacuzzi back on*
Kyle: *sets up folding tables*
Barry, chuckling: Bart tried to enter a marathon the other day.
Clark: Kon wanted to pay money to go skydiving. I don't get it.
Aquaman: I remember when Kaldur joined an amateur scuba class at that age. Perhaps it's an attempt to feel more human.
Bruce: It's easy for us to forget sometimes too.
Kon, carrying a giant pot: Boiling hot soup, coming through!
Kon: *pours it into the jacuzzi*
Cass: *adds spices*
Tim, with a clipboard: One down, eleven more to go. Bart, stop eating the ingredients.
Bart: It's just tofu.
Tim: That's for Damian. What's he gonna do now, starve?
Bruce: Dick's been coming home more often lately. I can tell Alfred's really happy when he sees us all together.
Dick: *drapes tablecloths over the tables*
Wally: *sets up plates*
Steve, walking in: Mind if I join? Diana's running a little late so she sent me and the girls ahead.
Clark: Of course, feel free.
Donna, holding a basket: Where do these vegetables go?
Barbara: I'll take them. Could one of you get some spoons from the kitchen?
Cassie: On it.
Steve: So where are all the ladies?
Bruce: They're in the living room. Selina's showing off her latest... um... collection. Alfred has tea in the kitchen if you want some.
Steve: Don't mind if I do.
Yara: Should I put the meat in now?
Jon: One sec.
Jon: *scoops some soup aside*
Jon: You're good now. I just needed a vegetarian portion for Dami.
Ollie: Honestly, I'm surprised everyone's doing fairly well given the industry we're in.
Steph, leading a crowd into the yard: And here's where our main event will be.
Bette: *checking names off a guest list*
Bette: That's almost everyone. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are gonna be a little late. Avery's on a mission in Shanghai so she can't make it. Beast Boy and Raven stopped to buy desserts. And the We Are Robin kids just got stuck on a stalled subway train but they should be here pretty soon.
Clark: I think it's a matter of good mentorship and giving them plenty of time and space to get acclimated to the superhero lifestyle.
Jesse: *making lemonade*
Ace: *fills the coolers with ice*
Garth and Kaldur: *handing out drinks*
Barry: And giving them plenty of room to grow at their own pace.
Hal: Very true.
Bruce, sighing contently: You can't help but be proud of them.
The kids, chanting: HOT POT! HOT POT!
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peachesofteal · 2 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - request: angst 1/3 - mama pov
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"It's going to be fine."
Simon's forehead touches yours, and you take the opportunity to breathe him in, fingers knotted in his sweatshirt. "I know."
"I know you're nervous, but you don't have to be." You sway together in the silence, his lips moving your temple. "It won't be too long, and when I get back, we'll start packing to move."
"I can pack when you're not here." You mumble, still clinging onto him. You've grown too dependent, too reliant. You should have been livid about the house, about how he was arranging things in secret, behind your back, but you couldn't find it in yourself to hold a grudge. How could you? After everything he's been through, his life compared to yours, how could take a sense of safety, security away from him?
Love is sacrifice, you think. You're not sure, but you're still learning.
And in this moment, these last minutes before he leaves, love feels like a death march.
"I don't want you pushing yourself. You're balancing work and the baby now, don't stress about packing. We'll take care of it together, when I'm home." A tear slips over your cheek, and he swipes it away.
"Will you have your phone?" You ask, hopefully.
"I will. Probably won't be able to turn it on as much as I did last time, but I'll see what I can do, okay?" The house smells like lavender, chamomile, candles and tea an effort to soothe your nerves, help Orion sleep.
It worked for the baby, but not so much for you.
"Hey, look at me." He tips your chin, delivers a slow, sweet kiss to your lips before pulling away. "It will go by really quick." You gulp.
"O-okay." There's something sad in the way he looks at you, a regretful sliver of doubt, filling you with guilt until it runs over. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not good at this, I just can't stop thinking about all the bad things, all the things that could go wrong." The lump in the back of your throat gives way to a sob, its weight choking through your lips.
"Shhh." Simon cradles the back of your head tucks you into his chest, arms wrapped so tight across your shoulders he blocks out the light. "You don't have to be good at this, mama. I'd be a little concerned if you were. I don't want you to get yourself worked up and worry, I want you to focus on taking care of yourself and Orion, okay? I'll be home before you know it, I swear."
"Promise?" The plea is high pitched, weak. A trembling ray of hope against the anxiety and fear churning in your heart. He kisses your forehead.
"I promise."
Your phone rings for the first time three weeks later.
You roll off the bed in an attempt to reach it, still fumbling with the lockscreen when you land on your ass. "Hello?"
"Hey, mama."
"Simon oh my god." Tears spring freely at the sound of his voice. "I'm so happy you called."
"'m sorry, wish I could've called sooner, but-"
"No, no that's okay. I... I understand. Are you... okay?"
"I'm okay, we've been busy, but we're safe." He's nearly whispering, vow low but still soothing, and you close your eyes.
"We miss you."
"I miss you too. Both of you. Little man looks like he's grown two sizes since I left." He sounds sad, and your stomach pitches.
"I know, but you'll be home soon right? You won't be missing too much." There's a long, regretful sigh on the other end, and the two of you lapse into silence until he clears his throat.
"You doin' okay?"
"Yeah, we're okay. I'm okay. Cami has been over a few times, and we've been going to the park and stuff. Gettin' out of the flat."
"Good, that's good." He takes a deep breath. "Listen, sweetheart. We're goin' be a bit longer than expected."
"How long?"
"'m not sure." You try to breathe, sucking in a deep breath, but the air feels sparse now.
“Okay, well. Okay.”
“I’m sorry mama.” Your lower lip quivers.
“It’s okay. I uh… I understand.” You try to endorse your voice with confident, but it only wavers.
“Don’t cry.” He says softly. “Please don’t cry, I’m sorry.”
“I’m fine. It’s okay. Just… be safe okay? Come home in one piece.” He sighs.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
hello bunny! I love the concept of your bakery it’s literally so cool
do you think I could get chocolate cake & honey cruller with a side of espresso shot?!? with carlos sainz? tyy!
bakery menu
want to suggest your own order? then hit up the bakery! we're always open! and thank you to this anon for a great suggestion! a little bit of size kink and some dirty talk, now that's what i'm talking about! i hope you enjoy the fic!
chocolate cake ("do you feel that? that's what happens when i think about you all day.") + honey cruller ("i forget how small you are sometimes.") + espresso shot (dirty talking) served by carlos sainz jr (formula one)!
cw: smut/pwp, dirty talking, (slight) size kink, thigh fucking, sick fic
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there was something about how vulnerable you looked when you ha d a cold. you poor thing, sick within the first week of summer break! how unfair! but, carlos wasn't going to shy away from his lover at her weakest.
so he followed you like a shadow most of the day in the house you shared. if you wanted to move from the bedroom to the living room, he'd grab your blankets and bring them to the couch. if you wanted to go to the kitchen to get some ginger tea, he was right behind you, making sure that you didn't have any problems.
he let you rest against him, or prop your feet up on his lap. and while he was being the perfect boyfriend, something deep was clawing inside of him. the sight of you so reliant on him, made his cock stir.
carlos wanted to fuck that sweet pussy of yours. it had been on his mind since he came home and found you bundled up on the couch. you had swapped from wearing his t-shirts to just a sports bra because the heat of the sickness was making you uncomfortable.
so very clearly he could see the lines of your body. the softness in your stomach and your cute breasts were on full display. he wanted to sink his teeth into you. it was painful for him.
it all came to a head when you were curled up in bed with him. he was on his phone. you shifted a little and made a small moaning noise. it struck a cord with him as you peeked out of the blankets.
"are you okay, mi amor?" he asked. as he looked down at you, trying to ignore the erection in his sweatpants.
you nodded, "yeah, you're looking a little flushed, honey." you reached out from your blanket nest and went to touch his face gently, "are you getting sick too?"
"no, no." he said, "i'm not sick. i just want to fuck you, mi amor." he admitted, "i know you're sick, but i want to feel you." he brushed hair out of your face. he knew that he couldn't keep secrets from you, it was impossible. he remembered the time that he had to keep your surprise party a secret and he felt like he was going to die.
you blinked up at him from your nest of blankets, you said, "i don't know if i can take it inside me right now."
he pulled the blankets away from the lower half of your face and said, "you don't have to do anything, beautiful. just lie there and i'll use your thighs. but, i need your permission." he rubbed your cheek, it felt warmed under his touch.
carlos was a sucker for consent, he was the type to think that the more consent the better. so even if he wanted it badly, he would stop himself if you said no.
you pulled the blankets from your body, exposing your almost bare chest and barely covered bottoms. your hair was a mess and you looked obviously sick. carlos wanted to bite his fist to keep himself together.
you looked at him before you coughed a little, "you can carlos." you said with a smile, "you didn't have to ask."
he took you by the face and kissed you on the nose, "no, no. i gotta ask, i need to know how sick you are. i never want to force myself onto you."
you smiled a little, "then feel free to use my thighs, carlos. i trust you. okay? i love you."
"i love you too." he said softly as he put you onto your stomach with your hips up. as much as he'd love to sink his cock into your pussy at the angle you were in, he had to be careful of you for now.
he got his cock out of his sweatpants, and then got your naked. in all fairness the lack of clothes felt nice on your hot body. he used his spit to lube up his cock before he spread your thighs a little with his to slip his cock between your soft flesh.
he felt a shudder run through him, "do you feel that? that's what happens when i think about you all day." you had been on his mind since he woke up, after he got you some medicine for your cold, he had thought about you neediness. it made him so painfully turned on.
you whined into the pillows as your back arched a little bit. you wanted him, but knew that it would all take too much out of you. you were supposed to be overcoming the cold, as badly as you wanted to be fucked by your loving boyfriend.
carlos loved he feeling of your soft thighs around his cock. not the most ideal position, but he'd take what he could get. he wanted to feel close to his precious girlfriend. he could feel the tingle of heat in his body as he moved against you.
you laid under him so pretty, your cute little moans between sneezes and coughs. it was so painfully cute. it was cute in a way that made carlos swear he saw stars as his achy cock leaked pre cum all over your soft thighs.
"i forget how small you are sometimes." he admitted, "you're so tiny compared to me. no wonder you need my help when you're sick. it just ravages you. need your big strong boyfriend to protect you, my love." he groaned as he continued to move.
you held onto the covers and let out a hearty cough before carlos leaned over you and kissed you on your flushed cheek. you croaked, "thank you, honey."
"of course, of course. you take such good care of me. i might as well take good care of you too. do everything in my power to make sure that you are safe."
you felt his love and moaned under his touch. you promised yourself when you were feeling less achy and sick, you'd get your own orgasm too. you knew that carlos would make sure that he got a few dozen out of you.
your thighs were so cute, so sweet around his cock. it was different than having regular sex with you. but it curbed an ache in his gut.
"shit, mi amor. that's it. your thighs feel so good." he panted as he moved against you. his hands still on your hips as he rubbed against your thighs. he knew he was getting close and picked up the pace to reach his climax.
his pre-cum was already making a huge mess on your body as he dragged his cock up against you. he panted how much he loved you until he felt the climax fully over take him. with a few heavy thrusts, he finished between your thighs.
"ah. carlos." you whimpered.
"i know, i know." he groaned as he got himself over that hill. cum spurted out all over your skin. he slowed down, his cum was stuck to your stomach and pussy. he pulled out and you got onto your stomach so it didn't even up all over the covers. even though a lot of it was dripped onto the sheets.
he got up and grabbed a towel to wipe you down. he admired your naked body and the steady rise and fall of your chest. his hands then grazed your soft skin and he went in to kiss you on the lips.
"how was that?" you asked.
he nodded, "perfect. god, you're so perfect. mi ángel. my little sick angel." he kissed you once more. he got his cock back into his sweatpants before he pressed his weight on top of you. his strong arms around you.
eventually it turned into spooning and his legs tangled up in yours. as he held you, he winced when you coughed violently. he kissed you on the neck and whispered a promise, "i'll take care of you, my love. anything you need, is yours."
you replied, feeling sleepy again, "i believe you, you've already done so much for me." you yawned and turned over in his arms to press your face into his chest.
he chuckled, "i only try to match what you do for me. now get some rest. i'll be here when you wake up." he kissed you once more, as a promise. you take care of him and he takes care of you, no matter what. <3
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mondaymelon · 1 year
— 𝗮𝗵, 𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘂𝗽 𝗮𝗹𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 …! ♥
:feat~ xiao, kazuha, wanderer x gn!reader:
⤷ just fluff and reader being dense af
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open!) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis
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When you're dense as fuck and not picking up on any of their hints...
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XIAO is clearly not one to show emotion often.
Yet, when it comes to you, he tries to convey his feelings properly in the best way he can... it's just that-
You seem to be so impossibly oblivious?
That's not really a bother to the aloof man, since he can't exactly read emotions well either. He knows where you're coming from, and will try to give you the time you need.
Xiao's advances on the other hand... are... well, let's just say interesting. Ever since he had quietly asked Zhongli for some relationship advice, the man had been entangled in the two of you's association ever since, giving Xiao the most bewildering advice... to him, at least.
So now, every morning, the two of you drink tea together and watch the sun rise above the mountain peaks, per request of the adpetus. You didn't think much of it - it was more of an excuse just to spend more time with the man, and so you were happy to oblige.
Still, waking up every morning, this early... you can barely keep yourself from dozing off.
"Come to think of it, do you like the sunrise, Xiao? You must have a reason for constantly inviting me to meetings like this... ah- but I enjoy them, I promise you...!"
Xiao let a ghost of a smile play across his face. No, He wants to say to you. I do this because I want to see you. "Yes, the sunrise is beautiful indeed."
"Aha, I knew it! I never took you for someone as sentimental as that, but it's a welcome side of you!"
"...Mhm." But you are much more beautiful.
The silence that comes after is somehow comforting.
He doesn't know where these emotions have come from, or how they blossomed, but just by being in your presence they are nurtured, and by the day they grow.
And because he can't express it himself, he'll wait until the day you realize it. ♥
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KAZUHA is someone whose words float like birdsong.
So when he quietly shows you all the poems he's written about you, face flushed merely think it's because of his eloquent language that you don't understand his feelings. After all, he does use quite the number of elaborate metaphors, so it would only make sense, right?
Yet, when he attempts to convey his feelings in a more blunt manner, that seems to somehow fail as well.
"Ah, you're so beautiful that I feel flustered." He lets out a quiet laugh, smiling at you.
"Thank you Kazuha! You're also very beautiful!"
And even...
"Hey, I like you."
"Aww, Kazuha, I like you too! We're really the best of friends, aren't we?"
The only thing that comes out of the male's mouth is an awkward laugh. Needless to say, now the truth grows apparent.
You're just really, really dense!
The white-haired male tries to show you through actions instead - holding your hand, walking you home, even going out on "dates", yet still nothing seems to work. All his hints have failed him, and there's only one choice left.
To tell you, directly, again.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Kazuha!" You smile so obviously.
"...What?" You glance up at him with a dumbfounded expression, eyes wide.
"It's as simple as it sounds."
"Ah- W-w-wait- uhm-" You're stammering hard, now, and the heat that's rising to your face burns. "You... like me??" You voice comes out as an airy whisper.
"Yes, dove, and I'll say it as many times as it'll take." ♥
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WANDERER is a little pissed off - which is reasonable.
He's clearly making it obvious, how can you be so stupid?? At this point, surely you're just playing stupid to make a mockery out of him, aren't you?
Playing games with him, of all people... well, that irks him even more than he already is.
And the fact that you seem to be completely unaware of his rage, somehow, makes it even worse!
He doesn't have many friends, but surely regular people don't keep "friends" as close to their heart as he does with you? You call him by his real name, and he treasures your being, but with the way you're acting so blissfully oblivious... he's just about fed up with your antics.
The last straw is when he accompanies you to do some commissions in Sumeru, one of them being to guard a package delivery from Gandharva Ville to Port Ormos. As the two of you walk up to the agreed meeting spot, the commissioner spots you and waves.
"Oh, there you are!" He grins, and something about the way he's acting all buddy-buddy makes Wanderer clench his fists silently. The tanned man turns to the other, wearing the same expression. "Haha, and you didn't tell me you were bringing your lover along as well!"
And just like that, all of his unexpected rage disappears as he shoots his gaze up, indigo eyes wide.
You laugh whole heartedly. "Nono, this is my best friend-"
"No, I'm their lover!"
You stay silent for the count of three, before speaking awkwardly. "Kuni, what are you-"
"I LIKE YOU, OKAY? UGH, WHY WON'T YOU GET IT ALREADY!! I THINK YOU'RE REALLY NICE AND REALLY PRETTY AND I WANT TO BE YOUR LOVER-!!" He's shouting, now, voice angry as heat rises to his cheeks.
Ah, the words just slipped out of his mouth.
The silence afterwards is suffocating.
The delivery man is the first to break it, clearing his throat before smiling awkwardly. "Uhm, I'll give you guys some space," before hurriedly running off.
"...Kuni, what was that you just said?" It seems the truth has begun to dawn on you, apparent through the way your cheeks are flushed and you won't meet his gaze.
"Dummy- you heard me!" ♥
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(a/n) wanderer is so silly
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dotster001 · 1 year
Dark End
A/N: Another, For Tuna, custom content end is here! I've tagged everyone from the of tag list, and everyone who voted for this particular end. If you wanna add your vote for the next one, you can do so in the comments here.
CW: Kidnapping, Yandere, manipulation
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Choose Another Ending
You groaned, and lifted your head, your neck aching from resting in that position for so long.
How long was it?
The last thing you remembered, you were sipping tea with Jade, and he had said something about 'going home'. You made to stretch, and realized your hands were restrained behind your back. You shook yourself in your chair, hoping the chains were loose, but alas, nothing.
But the rattling was also how you realized you were not on the surface. 
The bubbles around you cleared, and you were met with two pairs of glowing, mismatched eyes. You couldn't help but roll your own as you released a released breath.
"Ha ha, very funny. You guys got me." You were used to the twins…. unconventional….pranks, at this point. You were pretty sure this one was to illustrate how easily you could be gently kidnapped. They'd been telling you to up your security system for months now.
"Heh heh," two voices echoed from the darkness.
"I get the point, I'll buff up security, and let you walk me to classes. Now are you going to untie me, or have I not learned my lesson yet?"
The glowing eyes turned to each other, before turning back to you. You shivered, your gut telling you you wouldn't like the expressions they were giving one another.
"Fu fu, while we appreciate you finally listening to us, that's not what we are here to discuss today," Jade said, his ever present smirk able to be heard in his tone.
The pair of eyes you knew to be Floyd's swum closer to you, bringing his eel form into view. No matter how many times you saw it, it took your breath away. So handsome, and yet so intimidating. But when you got over your initial awe, you noticed him holding a struggling, and gagged, Grim in his arms.
"What's happening here?" You laughed nervously.
"Hmm? Oh! Sealio," Floyd giggled, as though it wasn't obvious."See, he graciously volunteered to work for our family business!"
Jade swam up next to his brother, and gently scratched the top of Grim's head.
"So generous. But we need collateral, just in case something were to go wrong. Namely, you."
The twins looked at you expectantly, and you released another nervous laugh.
"Ha ha, very funny."
Floyd scowled, and Grim winced as his grip on him tightened.
"I don't know how we can be any clearer with you, Shrimpy. We. Want. You."
You were starting to get the impression that you weren't the one being held for collateral here.
But with the look in their eyes, you should definitely play their game.
"Um, how long would I be collateral?" 
"I dunno, Grimmy what do you think?" Floyd jiggled Grim a little, and you heard some jumbled words from behind Grim's gag.
"Interesting point, Grim," Jade said thoughtfully. "It sounds like he wants to work with us…forever?"
The twins both looked at each other in, clearly mock, surprise.
"That's so cool of you, baby seal!" Floyd hugged him tightly in excitement. "But obviously, Y/N's gotta make some agreements first."
The twins looked at you, sinister grins mimicking one another in perfect synch.
"What kind of agreements?" 
"I'm so glad you asked!" Jade said, pulling out a golden contract that you assumed they had gotten off of Azul. He pulled out a pen, running the top lightly along your jaw.
"We're going to unlock one of your hands, and you'll sign this for us."
"What does it say?"
"Fu fu fu, we'll worry about that part. All you need to do is look into Grim's sad, pathetic eyes, and sign the contract. Think you can do that for me?" It felt like he was saying it to a toddler. But you guessed since you were the one who was so easily gently kidnapped, it was probably necessary for you to be talked down on.
"Okay," you said shakily.
"Wonderful!" Jade swam behind you, and you felt his fingers gently brush your dominant hand, before fumbling with the lock of that particular chain. He placed the pen in it, then firmly placed his hands on your shoulders. Just in case you were stupid enough to get any ideas.
You brought your hand forward, signed the contract, and then…
How bout that?
What were you doing here?
Oh, there was Floyd!
And, you could tell from the distinctive cologne, Jade was behind you, massaging your shoulders, and softly kissing along your neck.
How sweet of him.
Sevens, you love them so much.
You just want to be with them forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever.
And ever.
And ever.
And ever.
And ever.
The End
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
It's Not Going Away (First Years x Yuu)
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The subtle, sweet scent of flowers shakes you gently awake, but to your surprise you lack the strength to move. It's like your entire body is made of lead and your throat is filled with sand. A vague memory of telling Grim you didn't feel well before... well you thought you were just taking a nap, but there's person holding your hand who would never speak to you like this if he knew you could soon wake up.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, angst brought by denial, technically sick fic? Inspired by the op to Horimiya, which can be listened to here (x). References for flower language were taken from here and here. If you like this feel free to check out my masterlist for more fic.
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Rose, Great Maiden's Blush
"Seriously, what am I going to do with you?" The voice belongs to Ace, you'd recognize him anywhere, but it's strangely strained. If you had the strength to move you would slap him, but then you would need to let go of his hand. It's warm, comforting, a bit rough from basketball and tending the roses, and fills you with happiness. Ace would probably make fun of you if he knew how badly you wanted this, take away his hand with a look of disgust and stick out his tongue. "Just kidding~" That's how your dynamic has been ever since he first asked to crash on your couch, two steps forward into something more, one leap back into the safe zone. "You know I'm not always going to be around to take care of you, yeah? One of these days you are gonna go home and leave me, whose going to look out for you then?" He lets go of your hand and you want to scream for him to stay, but feel the fever settling you back into sleep. "You'll be ok, I know that. You don't need me as much as I want you to, so-" He touches your cheek, caressing it so tenderly you want to keep him there forever but he doesn't bother to finish his thought.
But by the time you are able to wake up he's long gone, the only thing suggesting it wasn't a dream a vase full of roses he's definitely going to brush off as lame. That's assuming he brought them in the first place, you have never seen these flowers in the Heartslabyul garden. Maybe you were just being too hopeful, you think to yourself as you lean your still warm hand against your painfully beating heart.
(if you do love me you will find me out)
Rose, Tea
"Hey don't you think you might be hurting the prefect?" The person holding your hand has it in a tight grip, but it isn't uncomfortable. far from it, you feel wanted, secure in someone's appreciation. That voice belongs to Ace, you think that makes the hand your holding Deuce, but he's refusing to respond verbally and confirming your suspicions. The silence fills the room for an uncomfortably long time, even for you, you're grateful when Ace decides to break it. "Deuce-"
"We're not doing this now." His grip on you hand loosens, but he still keeps it near. You can tell Deuce's fighting to keep his cool. "They ar-"
"You're always talking about the future like they'll be there." Ace snaps, careful to dull his voice but not his point. "Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind laughing at you two losers forever, but have you even thought about what your future will look like if they aren't there?"
"I can't. And don't act like you don't know that already." There's movement in the room, you think Ace tries to get Deuce to leave with him but he doesn't budge. He takes your hand again as the door clicks closed, moving to cradle it in both of his with such care it's hard to believe these are the same fists you've seen busting up jaws for breaking some eggs. "I'm sorry you had to hear that." he whispers, but you're unsure if he knows your awake or if he is just speaking to fill the silence "You can go back to sleep now, I'll be here when you wake up I promise." You have no choice but to take him at his word, settling into your bed and hoping you will have the courage to face each other when you wake.
(i'll remember always)
Spider Flower
There's only ever one. For his father and mother, for his grandfather and grandmother, so long as there have been wolves in the mountains they have only ever sought out one partner for the rest of their lives. But you aren't programmed like that, you said as much when the boys started gossiping about their preferences during that whole ghost bride event. "I'd like a soulmate, I just don't think I have one." And you meant it really, you were sure Jack would meet someone like him that would be perfect for him one day. So why is there a fluffy head resting next to you? Why is a tail draped over your legs, you want to believe protectively but you can't bring yourself to open your eyes and check.
"I swear it's like I'm in love with the moon." Jack grumbles into your side. "No matter how loud I howl you can't hear me and act like I'm not on your radar at all." That's not true, he's all you can think about sometimes, you just wanted to spare his feelings since it couldn't be possible for him to love you back. "Maybe I was wrong that I didn't have to worry about winning you over..." His tail wraps up closer to your waist and you try to snuggle closer into him. He'll ask you later, maybe when you wake up or maybe even later than that, but he has to ask. You might be out of reach, but that's only if he does not try. The flowers at your bedside have a specific meaning, he made sure to ask Vil for help just this once, though if the message doesn't make it through he supposes he can ask again.
(elope with me)
Warmth leaves your body as the person who has been holding your hand gently lets it go, setting it on your chest as he pats it and begins to hum an unfamiliar tune. The familiar shlick of a knife through an apple sets a scene you can't open your eyes to see, for someone so hot headed, Epel seems remarkably calm right now. "I wonder if it's ok for me ta look at you like this..." or maybe he wasn't. "I mean I have seen you sleeping before when I put you under my spell, but this is a bit different. Would be nicer if it was under different circumstances..." He pauses in his carving, studying you for any sign that you could be awake and poking your cheek a few times to try and wake you, pouting when you don't immediately rise. "You know I was really happy when I found my signature spell. I wanted to protect you so badly, and for so long I was convinced I couldn't. I thought if I could just get stronger, and taller I would be able to-" There's a weight next to you on the bed now, it sounds like Epel has put his head in his hands and resolved himself to stare you down until you wake up. "But I don't think you'll be around long enough for me to reach the point I wanted to before telling you anything." You manage to stir slightly, and are rewarded with startled noises from Epel that give way to disappointed relief when you realize actually getting up is just a task too much for you right now. As if he realizes this, Epel reaches out to squeeze your hand before returning to his apples. The strange song makes its way to his lips once more, but this time he softly gives it words.
There's a note left for you alongside the flowers, telling you to drink water and that there's a bunch of apples in your fridge that you absolutely have to eat. It's some of his best work he says and you can't help but wonder if he doesn't just mean the carving.
(worth beyond beauty)
“I’m not quite sure when I started to see you differently, just know I feel like a fool for my prior behavior." The letters hadn't been signed, but you had an inkling who they were from. In place of a picture every third one was accompanied by the exact same flower, you thought it was cute how well Sebek thought he was covering his tracks. It would be nice if he was the one holding your hand, but that couldn't be. He was too loud, if he was here then you would know. Even his unsigned letters were loudly and proudly him, mercifully free of praise for Malleus though they were. "You shine like dew on a rose, for your praise I go to lengths that surprise myself. Some say I am foolish, most call me single minded and in your presence I cannot protest those sentiments. Given your circumstances, it would be selfish of me to ask for your patience, but I must. I must ask for your patience until I can ask you aloud." You were content to be patient with him, if you weren't you never would have been friends in the first place. The person holding your hand gives it a final squeeze, though he pulls away slowly, trying to savor every last bit of illicit contact he can.
When you are finally able to move a familiar sort of flower around your room, once again someone is trying to be romantic and failing to cover his tracks. Once again he is refusing to face you, out of fear or shame you do not know. You gently pick at the petals, trying to divine just what it is you think Sebek wants to say, not just what you want it to mean.
(i am really sincere)
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aaronhotchswife · 10 months
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Drew Starkey X Female Reader
Chapter 2
Warnings : alcohol, panick attack, angst, want to give the reader a hug, smut, loss of virginity
If you missed chapter 1
"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter." - James Earl Jones
Y/N's point of view
I'm at Madelyn's, curled up on the couch with a hot tea in my hands. I don't want to go home, because I know that Drew will be there, with Odessa probably. I don't have the strength to see him. Even if at the same time, he is the only person I want to see.
I now know what heart break feels like and I now know that I have to teach my heart to accept disappointments, even from the people I love, even from him.
Madelyn is sitting next to me, playing with my hair. I respond to the worried texts of my friends, saying that I'm okay and that I'm sorry to have ruined their night. They are all understanding and tell me to have a great trip at my parents for the holidays, and to take time for myself. I respond to all of them except Drew. I just write him that I'm at Madelyn's and that I'll pass by tomorrow to get my suitcase for the holidays. I ignore his texts asking me what happened. I just answer him to have a great Christmas before turning off my phone and go to sleep.
Drew's point of view
I think I'm in love with Y/N since I saw her for the first time. When everyone got cast, we had dinner at the restaurant to get to know each other. I was sitting with the boys, talking about what we liked in life, when I saw her, making her way to the table. She was wearing a yellow summer dress with white converses. Her hair was tied up in a effortless ponytail, and I swear that in that moment, I saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
But I think that I truly fell in love with her 3 months after we met. We were walking in the city, and we saw a kid looking for his parents. Without hesitation, she made her way to him, kneeling at his height, asking him if he needed help. The kid was inconsolable so she sat with him, telling him stories and making him laugh until his parents found him again. In that moment, I knew. I knew that she could have broke my heart in a thousand pieces and I would've been grateful.
Since that day, three years ago, it always been the two of us, until tonight.
So when I arrive at Madelyn's apartment, I want nothing more than to have answers. I feel sick to think I could've put her in that state. I knock at her door, rubbing my hands in my face. When she opens the door, I can see how annoy she is at me.
"She's sleeping."
"Ok, then tell her I passed by and that I want to talk. Please," we're both surprised by my shaking voice. "What the hell happened out there ?"
"Maybe you should ask that to your friend Odessa, Drew. I know she is your friend, but you should've seen the state Y/N was. Getting humiliated like that in front of her friends, in front of you."
"In front of me?" I struggled to ask, my brows furrowed.
"Please Drew," she chuckled coldly. "As if she wanted you to know that she was a virgin. I'll let her know you passed by, but you need to let her some space, she has a lot on her mind right now."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You should go, Drew, she'll talk to you when she's ready."
I leave her house, cursing to myself. When I go to bed that night, I can't stop thinking about her, about us, about how I lost something I never had.
Y/N's point of view
I leave Madelyn's apartment early this morning, figuring out that if I go to our apartment early enough, chances will be that Drew will still be asleep. I guessed right because when I unlock the door, I can hear him snoring lightly.
As I'm driving to my parents' house, I put my Christmas playlist on shuffle, question to get into the mood. As I get on the highway, the song Blue Christmas by The Lumineers starts playing. I feel like it's the first time in my life where I can really relate to this song. My mind starts to wonder, how will Drew's Christmas will be like. How will my Christmas be like. I can feel the tears burning my eyes as I try my best to stay concentrated on the road.
I'm sitting on the sofa; my parents and my brother are talking about something I can't decipher. I'm scrolling on my phone, through Instagram. My heart skips a beat when I see a picture that Mackayla posted. I look at the picture, where Drew all smiling, is photographed with his family. I read the caption as it says "Merry Christmas from our family to yours.'' I double tap on it, liking it, even if it feels as if my heart throws itself down the 18th floor to see him smile like that.
Drew's point of view
Christmas sucks this year. I try my best to act like everything is fine, to act as if she's not mad at me. But my mind keeps wandering and I keep asking myself why she acted like that. I mean, sure what Odessa did was not nice, but I keep asking myself what was the meaning behind Madelyn's words.
''Drew!'' Brooke's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, ''We're opening the gifts!''
I sit on the floor, watching my mom handing me a gift. I unwrap it, finding an air fryer under the paper. Before I can say anything, my mom almost screams, ''It's for you and Y/N! I know how you both love easy and quick cooking.''
I laugh slightly, trying to push away the thought that I miss her, that I love her, and that I hope that our friendship can pass through whatever happened that night.
Y/N ‘s point of view
As I come home 2 days later, I see Drew laying on his bed, reading a book. I feel my heart throbbing in my chest, and weirdly, for the first time, I don’t know how to act around him. A mix of thoughts is spinning around in my head, and I find myself wondering if I should apologize to him for how I acted at the bar. Madelyn told me how he went to her apartment to have answers and I can’t imagine how bad he must’ve felt.
He must have felt that I was standing in the doorframe of his room because he turned his head, looking at me with so much gentleness, as if he was afraid to break me just with his gaze.
''Hi.'' I say, making an effort to keep my voice steady.
I make my way to him, laying next to him on the bed.
He clears his throat before speaking again, ''how was your Christmas?''
''T'was fun,'' I answer, my eyes focused on his bedroom's ceiling, ''what about yours?''
''Was great, my mom says hi,'' he smiles.
''We should talk,'' we say at the same time.
Drew chuckled softly, and for the first time since I'm laying next to him, I stop looking at the ceiling, looking at him instead.
''I feel like I owe you an apology for how I acted at the bar,'' I say, my voice not even louder than a whisper. But I know he heard me he interrupts me.
''No, I should apologize. I should've done something while you were having a panick attack. Does it happen often ?''
Drew's point of view
I look into her eyes as I ask my question. I can see her breath getting stuck in her chest.
''It's fine if you don't want to talk about it,'' I say, giving her an occasion of changing subject.
''No, it's ok,'' she answers, ''I used to happen a lot more when I was younger. I used to do them when there were a lot of people or noises. But the one a couple of days ago was the first in a long time. I thought I was getting better, I honestly did. But sometimes, I just lay in bed at 3 am, trying to figure out what is wrong with me and why I'm never enough.''
''I'm sorry,'' I say to her. I truly feel sorry for her, because I know that she can't see herself the way I see her. So strong, always there for the others, always happy. I'm cursing mentally to not have realized how she was doing.
''You don't have to be sorry Drew.''
My hand reaches for hers and my gaze goes from her eyes to her lips. I can see hers do the same. I just want to close that gap between our lips. But before I can do anything, she turns her head, excusing herself and leaving me alone in my room.
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
This prompt got me giggling and kicking my legs 😍😍😍 thank you, ly ❤️
Pairing: Cowboy! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Cowboy AU, Western AU, CW drinking, CW suggestive, lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF.
Watching you attempt to square dance is like watching a chicken run without its head.
Hobie watches you with a smile hidden behind his glass, amber liquid sloshing inside. It's his first glass of the night and he's sure he won't be needing another one when he's already drunk off of you. On any day he would've finished the entire drink in less than a minute or two, but his eyes and lips have been occupied with watching and smiling at your plucky dancing.
The bar is incredibly crowded, smoke from cigars invading his nostrils, music blaring in his ears. And the dance floor is completely full but that doesn't stop you from twirling all over the polished wooden floors; giggling and smiling at your friend who's trying her best to keep you from smacking someone on the face with your wild limbs. Hobie blames all the sugar from the sweet tea you've been consuming.
He places his glass next to your guarded ones, his palm never left the rim of it, determined to keep you safe. Chuckling, you make your way back to him, sweat covering your forehead, breathing heavily from all the dancing. Despite all these, the giddy smile on your lips never left.
“I'm back!” You stop in front of him, all smiles and skin warm. The yellow overhead lights make your eyes sparkle, like a man dying of thirst, he can't help but drink all of you.
“I can see that.” Hobie casually pulls you in by your jean belt loops, knees knocking on his own. “Had fun?” he looks at you through his lashes, eyes crinkling in the corners.
“Mm-hmm!” You nod fervently, he stops your movements with his hand on your jaw before you make yourself dizzy. Your cheeks are incredibly warm. “Thank you for bringing me here, neighbor.”
He chuckles deeply, eyes never leaving yours. “Shit, we're still on those terms after everythin’ we've been through? Do I have to make myself clearer or does velvet need to push us together again?”
“Making the horse do all the work again.” You click your tongue without malice. He has no idea how but he grins wider. Holding to the lapels of his old leather jacket, you lean closer to his touch.
“Dance with me? Please?” You blink your pretty eyes for emphasis.
Hobie cranes his neck closer to your face, breath fanning across your lips. You close your eyes, waiting for the sweetest thing to graze your lips.
You open your eyes to a smirking Hobie, he takes a sip of his drink, teasing eyes staring at your flustered face.
You scoff, blinking rapidly. “The nerve.”
“I told you I don't dance.”
“Is that so?” With a burst of confidence and adrenaline still coursing through you, your hand flies quickly to his hat, taking it off from his head to place it on your own. “Look at me I'm Hobie Brown and I don't dance. See? That's you. Ridiculous, I know you can dance.”
Hobie closes his eyes for a second before downing his entire drink in one gulp. With an exhale, he squeezes your hips. “You'll be the death of me, love.” he flicks the brim of his hat to see your eyes better. “You have no idea what you've done do you?”
You smile sweetly, leaning closer, taunting him. “What if I do know? What are you gonna do, cowboy?”
For the first time since you've known Hobie, he stutters. “H-home, I'll go home” he clears his throat, composure coming back to his senses. “Maybe you'll join me. Only if you want to.”
“After everything we've been through,” You copy his own words. “do you think I'd say no?”
Hobie smiles, coiling his finger around your belt loops, leading you out of the crowded bar. His hat is still on your head, holding on to his wrist, you let him guide you.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Jay- What Are You Doing?
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I waddle to the precinct with some food for me and Jay to eat on his lunch break
"What on gods earth are you doing here?" Trudy asks crossing her arms
"I'm here to eat with Jay. Can you buzz me up please?"
"You should be at home"
"I've been at home for weeks. I'm bored" I moan at Trudy who sighs
"Alright alright" she picks up her phone "detective chuckles come and get your heavily pregnant wife before she goes into labour on my floor" I laugh as Trudy puts down the phone. In no time at all Jay is by my side and we make our way to the bullpen
"You should have stayed at home" he says with a hand placed on my lower back
"I can't stay home anymore. I've rearranged the furniture enough times"
"Your going to hurt yourself doing that" he scolds. We arrive in the bullpen where I'm greeted by everyone
"Aren't you meant to be on maternity leave?" Kim asks giving me a hug
"I am, but I'm bored and I needed some air"
"How long have you got left YN?" Antonio asks sitting at the edge of his desk with his arms crossed. Jay pulls out a chair for me to sit on
"Three weeks, but Natalie said because this is my first I could be late" I reply sitting down on said chair "now I'm starving so if you have more questions can they wait until I've eaten?" I open up the bag and grab a sandwich
"Gear up, I've just had intel about an armed robbery" Voight says walking out of his office "hello YN, good to see you. You can stay here until Jay gets back, take a nap or whatever while you wait"
"Thanks" I give a smile at Voight
"Ok let's move"
"See you in a bit" Jay bends now and kisses my forehead before he leaves for the locker room to get ready.
While they're all gone I have the urge to rearrange the break room. I'm now stood on a stool checking the dates of all the coffees and hot chocolates we have
"This is a pigs stye" I mutter to myself then start to laugh "ha pigs because were the police" I then start to hear chattering getting louder which means everyone's back. Quickly, but carefully, I get down and throw away anything out of date and put the chair back to where I got it from
"YN?" I hear Jay shout. I switch on the coffee pot to make it look like I'm making a drink
"In here" I call out. Jay walks into the break room and kisses my cheek
"What are you doing?"
"Making a drink"
"Coffee? But you can't have caffeine?"
"Babe I can have a little and I just fancied a coffee" lies. I've hated coffee since getting pregnant and Jay knows this
"Go sit down, I'll make you a drink" I nod my head and sit at the table. Jay opens the cupboard and takes out a tea bag and putting it into a cup. He pours some hot water in my cup then some milk and hands it to me "so what were you really up to?"
"Nothing" I give Jay a sweet smile. Adam walks into the break room and opens up the cupboard
"Where the hell is my coffee?" I turn around on the seat so I'm facing away from Adam
"YN what we're you doing?"
"Ok I may have sorted the cupboard out"
"Meaning you stood on a chair while being 9 months pregnant"
"No I magically grew" I sip my tea
"Did you throw my coffee?"
"It was out of date"
"Told you this nesting was a nightmare. She's been like it since she turned 7 months pregnant" Jay sighs "right finish your tea and I'll take you home"
"No Jay please just let me stay. I'll be on my best behaviour. I won't rearrange any furniture or climb on any chairs. Please I'm so bored at home"
"Fine, but you sit at your desk and play on your phone. You don't get involved in any cases"
"Yeah yeah" I roll my eyes and get up from the seat and waddle to my desk and sit down while everyone gets on with their work.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
Hey can I request a fluffy comfort gif where y/n has period cramps and stays to work from home and is kind of in a bad mood so when Hyunjin comes home early from (idk doing Versace ambassador stuff lol) and he tells her he isn’t feeling well and he’s got a stomachache too, she gets annoyed and thinks he’s just teasing. But later on she realizes he’s actually sick and being serious and she feels bad and takes care of him 🎀🤭
under the weather
hyunjin x reader
gif imagine
genre: fluff, teeny tiny angst
content warnings: none
summary: you think hyunjin is teasing you as normal when you're on your period, but turns out he's not feeling too great himself.
My first gif imagine! Hope you enjoy!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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You were used to his teasing, even when you were in a bad mood like this. Cramps, a raging headache and not enough food to satiate your cravings. Of course he always made sure you were okay too, which was why you were surprised by his quiet mood, especially since he has just come back from his recent Versace trip. You had seen plenty of posts on social media and it made you miss him even more. Why wasn't he his normal excited self?
"Hi love, I missed you," you clung onto him as he entered your apartment, looking more tired than usual.
"Mmm, yeha, missed you too," Hyunjin sighed as he walked in, automatically collapsing on the sofa.
"Wow, what a great welcome back," you roll your eyes, unable to help your bad mood from returning as you sat next to him.
"Sorry, I did miss you, I saw your texts as well, I know you've not been feeling great," he sat up slowly, stroking your hair.
"Cramps have been extra bad," you groan, leaning into him.
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"I know how you feel," he groaned, leaning against you, staring off at the wall after taking a glance at you.
"Don't tease this time, they've actually been so bad," you playfully whack his stomach, but he hunches over and groans.
"Stop messing around, Jinnie," you whine.
"I'm not, got such a bad stomachache, must have been bad plane food," he hunched over again.
That's when you realise he wasn't joking around this time, it should have been obvious from his mood, you thought.
"Oh, love, I'm sorry I thought you were messing," you sighed, sitting up and wrapping an arm around him and rubbing soothing circles into his back.
"No, not this time darling," he groaned again.
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"Let me get you what normally helps me," you pouted as you wiped away his small tears of pain.
You got up and grabbed two hot water bottles, slowly moving around and pouring boiling water into them, as well as two mugs of tea. First you brought over the bottles and gave him one, gently pressing it against his stomach. He immediately let out a sigh in response, seeming to relax a bit.
"Here, have some tea, take these too," you put down your mugs of tea on the table, just as you handed him some paracetamol.
"Thank you Y/Nnie, I know you're not feeling too good either," he took the tablets, curling up on the sofa.
"It's ok, you know what though, I think we'd both be comfier in bed right now, yeah?" you pushed back his hair as you planted a kiss on his forehead.
He nodded and slowly sat up, carrying the mugs as you held the hot water bottles and rested your hand on his back.
"What are we gonna do, hey? We're both gonna be like potatoes laying around in bed," you lightly laughed, the roles now reversed as you carded your hand through his hair as he cuddled up to you, head rested on your chest.
"I'll just be a potato forever then if I get to lay here forever with you," he murmured lightly, pressing a kiss to your knuckles of your other hand.
"Do you always get sentimental when you're under the weather?" you teased him now, your cramps easing ever so slightly.
"Sshhh, you, I'm unwell, you need to take care of me," he looked up at you with pouty lips.
"I will, love don't you worry," you pecked him on the lips, smiles prominent on both of your faces as you relaxed in the comfort of each other.
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tagged: @skz-streamer @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @kiraisastay @sakufilms
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observeowl · 9 months
Unwanted Marriage | Chapter 2 - Getting to know each other
Series Masterlist
Other than your family and hers, it wasn't that bad of a wedding. However, there were lots of interactions and formalities to be done which made you feel drained out once you entered her home.
You waited for 3 years to marry Marcus, and in the end, you married someone else.
You sat on the bed, reflecting on what happened today. You got married to a woman you met barely a month ago and have little to no interaction with. "What are you thinking about?" Romanoff entered the room unannounced, making you jump. "Nothing, just family."
"Don't worry about them, I have already taken care of everything." She said it so easily like it's something she does often. "You don't like my family, why did you agree to help them?" You asked. You can't imagine he was going to marry Stephanie willingly. "This was arranged by my family. Not me. But, you're an exception."
Natasha Romanoff, the most powerful woman in the city, is now at the mercy of her family.
"You don't have to care about Romanoff's or Y/L/N's. All you need to do is to be yourself."
Rumour has it that she became more brutal and cold-blooded in the business world after becoming disabled. No one dared to be close to her. After becoming disabled, those rich and famous people are reluctant to marry her anymore... But her eyes... are very attractive.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and said that you were going to take the first bath while anxiously leaving. Natasha only smirked, taking out her phone from her pockets and told her men to keep an eye on Y/L/N's family.
You told yourself you were going to take back that video from Stephanie no matter what. When you were done, you figured you might as well fill the tub for her so she could relax in it for a while. Seeing as she could handle herself, you went to settle the sleeping situation. There was only one bed in the room. You tried searching for some sleeping equipment and eventually found a cover you could use. However, it was at the topmost section and you were barely touching it when Natasha came out. "Are you afraid of cold?" You curse her ability to remain silent as the cover falls on you. "No. I'm going to the guest room." You said as she gathered everything. "We are already married. No need to be ashamed."
"That... that was an accident!" You couldn't even bear to look into her eyes as you remembered the embarrassing moment. "Brooke will clean up the room tomorrow. Just bear with me for tonight. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."
You woke up the next morning and Natasha was already gone. Your phone rang in your bag and you rushed to get it before it hung up. "Y/N, do you wish to take back your video?" Just hearing her voice made your day turn sour. "Stephanie! What do you want do you mean? I have already married to Natasha Romanoff. What do you still want me to do?"
"Don't worry. Haven't I told you that I would give it to you? I'll send the original copy since the video has no meaning to me. Whether you believe it or not. I have already deleted the rest of the copies."
You checked the message she sent and you have no idea if both you and Romanoff were drugged when she got this video. How in the world did she get Natasha to have sex with you? "What are you looking at so focused?" Her voice came out of nowhere and your phone slipped out of your hands towards her. Naturally, she went to pick it up and you got it back just in time before she saw anything, hopefully.
"Good morning Mrs Romanoff." The kind-looking middle-aged lady whom you assume is Brooke, greeted you. "Just call me Y/N is fine."
"Alright. What do you like to eat? I can cook different things for you every day." There were already eggs and toast on the table as she brought your tea. "Thank you, Brooke. Has Natasha eaten?" You asked. "Miss has not eaten yet." She replied. "Then I will bring it to her later."
"We're so happy that Miss has married a beautiful and caring person." It made your cheeks flush and you stood up from the table. "Well... I'm full, I'll bring her food upstairs now."
You wondered why you were so initiative as you brought the tray up. You could have left her to her own device. There were people to serve her, why did you offer to do it? You knocked on the door before entering. "I heard you haven't eaten so I brought your food." You said as you set it on the table near her. There was an awkward silence as no one moved or said anything. "I'll- I'll head out first."
You rushed down the stairs past Brooke as you felt your heartbeat rising. She asked if there was anything wrong but you said there was nothing before running away. Brooke thought it was weird and went up to check on Miss Romanoff. But she was already dressed and ready for a day in the office.
Clint knocked on the door and entered, ready to collect Natasha and begin the journey. "Y/N has sent her resume to a magazine publisher owned by the Stark family and has an interview later." He reported. "Stark family?" She repeated. "Do I need to inform them first?" Clint asked. "No need, there's nothing to worry about."
Natasha, Clint and you were sharing a car when you asked about her knowledge of your interview at Stark News. "Brooke told me." She said casually as she was typing on her laptop. She wastes no time and continues to work even during travelling time. "Oh... Um... thank you for sending me."
"What did you say?" She finally turned and faced you. "Thank you... for sending me?" There has to be something within the sentence as she closed her laptop with a slam and told you to get out of the car. You question if you heard that correctly, but she only repeated what she said and told you to get there by yourself.
"Natasha Romanoff, you crazy woman!" You shouted as the car drove off and you were left at the sidewalk once again.
"There is no need to go this far Nat. Are you shy?" Clint teased as he looked into the rear mirror.
"Shut up!"
"Hello, I'm Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself as you stepped into the Chief Editor's office, Tony Stark. And the first thing he asked was, "Am I handsome?" You were stunned for a moment. You had prepared yourself for some ideological questions, but not this. "Uh... yes..."
"It is you then!" You were shocked by the swiftness of his decision. "Actually, I am satisfied with your potential and experience, so this is just to test you."
Subsequently, someone showed you to your table and you were sitting there thinking that has to be the weirdest interview you've ever been in. That interviewer just now is a real narcissist. "Hello! Did you pass the interview?" Your tablemate moved her chair closer to you and asked. She has a long brunette hair with a cute smile. "I'm Wanda Maximoff. You can call me Wanda. We'll be colleagues then. How did you answer the question of the editor?"
"Did you also answer it? So what does the question mean?"
"Because the Chief Editor is so handsome, many people keep thinking about him. So he deliberately asks this question to determine those who are serious about work." You nodded your head as she explained. "How about you?" You asked. "Even though he is good-looking, I have my own admirer so I won't be affected by him. Besides, I don't swing that way. If you get what I mean." She winked at the end of the sentence.
"Newcomers, don't be lazy! Come and have these documents copied!" Someone with blonde hair gave us a file of documents without saying anything else. "She is the editor of group 1 which are all veteran employees. Those people like to bully newcomers." Wanda explained as she pointed towards the table they were gathered at. She took the documents from you, "You haven't officially started work yet, so I will go get this done!"
After saying goodbye to her, you received a call from Natasha. "I'm outside your company." She said and ended the call. You walked out and looked around but you didn't see her car anywhere. As you were looking, a car stops in front of you and winds down their window. And sure enough, it was Natasha with her few cold words. "Get in."
"This morning you chased me out of the car, why are you now so kind to pick me up? And in a secretive way?" You didn't wait for her reply and continued. "Forget it, to celebrate my success in the interview, I will treat you to a meal."
"Treat me to a meal?"
"Yes... why? Don't tell me you want to chase me out of the car again!"
"Y/N, it's not convenient for Natasha to go out, let's just-" Natasha cut Clint off. "It's okay. Let her treat me."
And so you were at one of the most prestigious restaurants and even managed to get one of their private dining rooms. Clint was telling the orders to the waiter when you waited and Natasha was typing away at her laptop. Suddenly, another waiter entered and whispered to the waiter's ears that Mr Lancaster was here and wanted to book the room you were currently in.
"This room is always reserved for Marcus! How come somebody is using it now?" You can clearly hear a woman's voice from out the door.
Without announcing, she opened the door and it was someone you recognised. "Ah, I thought who is the person blocking my way, it turns out to be you!" Natasha started analysing the situation.
"Maggie, long time no see. I never thought that you still love to follow behind Stephanie." Enraged by your remarks, she retaliated. "So what if I'm with her, we're doing great! Unlike you? Looks like you are living rather miserably, after being dumped by Marcus. You even dated someone disabled!"
"You!" Before you said any further, Stephanie stepped forward, covered her mouth and pulled her away. "Idiot, stop it! So sorry for Maggie's manners. Didn't think we would bump into each other here. Marcus, let's go."
"No need to apologise. This lady is just speaking the truth." You can bet that that was how Natasha charmed several men and women to swoon over her with her sweet and deceiving words.
"What are you stunned about? Where is the menu?" Maggie still didn't recognise who was in her presence and shouted at the waiter. "Sorry, I will prepare your room immediately, please come with me." He misunderstood her intention and replied with the wrong words. "What? Are we not better than this disabled?"
At this point, Stephanie had enough of her words and pulled her out of the room without saying anything. "What are you doing?!" She only managed to get one sentence in before getting slapped by her friend. "Stephanie Y/L/N! What are you doing?" She held her cheek and asked. "Do you even know who that person is? Natasha Romanoff! Do you think after what you did, he will let you off easily?"
"Na- Natasha Romanoff? I'm done for..."
You apologise for the commotion when they finally exited the room. "I've said it before. In my eyes, they are nothing."
Back at home, you changed into your sleeping gown and was looking through your laptop, someone knocked at your door and you automatically assumed it would be Natasha. "It's me, Clint." He said as he took one step into your room. "Maybe next time-"
"Next time we won't be eating out anymore. Don't worry." You understood where he was getting. "Thank you, Y/N."
Soon after, your phone started ringing and it was Stephanie calling you.
You: Hello?
S: Y/N, let's talk about what happened today!
You: Do we still have anything to talk about?
S: Today, Maggie was too anxious and she didn't know Natasha's identity (Behind the phone, Maggie was pleading Stephanie to help her.)
You: So what if she didn't know who she was? She's allowed to treat her that way?
S: ... Y/N, can you just let this incident slip, for my sake?
You: For your sake? Who do you think you are?
S: Y/N Y/L/N!
You: You don't have to be afraid what Natasha will do to you guys, cause in her eyes, you don't exist.
You hang up the phone once you said your piece. You were gradually learning to not be a pushover and stood your own ground.
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exhaslo · 4 months
Hey girl!!! I was wondering if you could write something about yandre!miguel x shy!reader to IFHY by Tyler The creator. If not that’s okayyyy
I had to google the song lyrics to know what it was about haha. Def different for sure...Personally, not my cup of tea, but I can try and make it work.
Also, my next story after Over-Time will be a Yandere!Miguel x Gamer!Reader! So I hope you enjoy that one when it comes out!!!
Warning: Language, thoughts of murder, possessiveness, stalking, thoughts of abuse, kidnapping
I never would've thought that Feelings could get thrown in the air 'Cause I accidentally caught that I need some new boxing gloves, shit got hectic whenever I fought back For example, ten minutes can't go past without you brushing my thoughts That's fourteen forty a day so I'll say a hundred and forty four times I think about you or something like that Lost match, the fucking thought of you with somebody else I don't like that cellular convos getting left in the wrong 'Cause I get so fucking mad when you don't write back This isn't a song I just happen to rhyme when I get emo And find time to write facts (fuck) I love you
How could anyone ever thought about claiming you as their own? Especially since Miguel had decided to make you his. Not that he officially told anyone, but it should be common knowledge. Miguel spoke to you and that was enough.
He didn't want these feelings at first, because he knew what would happen. You plagued his mind constantly, unable to let him breathe for even a minute. It all started out simple enough, but then it kept getting worse as time went on.
Miguel loathed the thought of someone dating you.
For every second the two of you share a room and you don't look at him, oh it boiled Miguel. How dare you not give him the attention he deserves? How dare you not give your love to him as much as Miguel does for you.
Miguel knew everything about you. Every like and dislike. Miguel knew your pattern going home. He knew how you worked. Miguel followed your every movement.
Miguel did everything in his power to understand you. He would always be right behind you, no matter what.
Don't you realize how much Miguel loves you?
How much you are supposed to love him?
I fucking hate you But I love you I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
I fucking hate you But I love you I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
Miguel had done so much for you. He had tried to hide these obsessive feelings, but how could he? You were beautiful. Miguel went out of his way to make sure you felt loved.
To make sure that you relied on him!
So why the fuck were you not giving him more attention?
Why the fuck were you just stuck at giving Miguel hugs and pats on the shoulder?
Miguel was starting to lose his temper. What did he have to do to get you to understand his feelings? To get you to understand your feelings for him?!
Girl you fucking with my emotions The fuck is all this noise about? I even considered picking up smoking You turned to a bitch, who let the dogs out? But in my dog house My bitch is the raddest Crazy who makes me the happiest Can make me the saddest Look, Alice Let's get lost in your wonder-er-land, fuck an atlas You're perfectly perfect for me What the fuck is this, practice? Actually, if you even consider leaving I'll lose a couple screws in due time, I'll stop breathing And you'll see the meaning of stalking When I pop out the dark to find you And that new dude that you're seeing with an attitude Then proceed to fuck up your evening Make sure you never meet again like goddamn vegans 'Cause when I hear your name, I cannot stop cheesing I love you so much that my heart stops beating when you're leaving And I'm grieving and my heart starts bleeding Life without you has no goddamn meaning Sorry I'm passive aggressive for no goddamn reason It's that my mood change like these goddamn seasons I'll fall for you, but I love you
Miguel was furious. How dare you play with his feelings like this? How dare you agree to date anyone else while Miguel was right there for you?
Oh, how Miguel considered following you home.
Oh, how Miguel considered killing that scum of a boyfriend you had.
You were just confused. You just needed to practice with someone, right? You just wanted to be perfect and ready for when you finally confess your feelings to Miguel.
Miguel had to keep his cool. He knew that this was just a short-lived practice for you. He still had to be there for you. To show you your mistakes. After all, Miguel couldn't live without you. You belonged to him and you knew that.
You fucking knew that, so why the fuck were you playing this game?
I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it tonight The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, bitch, let's try to catch it tonight, come on
The smile Miguel hid as you cried onto his shoulder. Your practice boyfriend didn't understand you as well as Miguel did. He kept hurting you like this. Making you feel like you've done something wrong.
Which you did.
Miguel would just welcome you into his embrace. Comforting you as he thought of about killing that son of a bitch. You were made for Miguel. You were his.
So, Miguel was going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.
This was your last chance.
Come on baby Even though I hate you I still love you I love you And Salem I know I'm passive aggressive (I'm sorry, fuck) (Come here) I like when we hold hands (You're the best around) See I get jealous (fuck) And if I see that nigga (if I see him) I just might kill him (look) (Look, I wanna strangle you, till you stop breathing) Love, love, love (Spend the rest of my life, looking for air) (So you can breathe, or we can die together, you and me) (Fuck, look) I'm in love (love) I'm in love (love)
You were so beautiful. Miguel could never hate you.
But he did.
But he loved you.
You were still with that practice boyfriend, holding his hand as he joined for a work dinner party. Miguel just smiled as he burned holes in that fucking asshole's head.
How dare he claim you.
Unable to withstand this pain, Miguel pulled you to the side. He needed to hear your voice alone. He needed you to want his attention. Miguel just needed you to admit your feelings for him.
As the two of you talked in the balcony, Miguel withheld his breathe as you reached for his hand.
The smile you gave him was unlike any other.
Miguel tuned out your words as he watched your lips move. The temptation to take you away and make you his. How sweet Miguel would treat you.
"Miguel, I'm sorry...but we should see each other less."
And then you had to fuck it up.
You blew your last chance.
I fucking hate you But I love you I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
Yo, so why is Samuel such a fucking dick? He isn't such a badass actually He's only here because he ran away Because some shit happened back, home he's actually a dweeb Yo, what happened?
Washing blood off was no easy task. Hiding the body was much easier.
If only you had admitted your feelings.
If only you weren't being difficult.
Making his way to the basement, Miguel hummed lowly as he faced you. The light was dimmed, but Miguel could see you clear as day. You had a new look in your eyes.
Miguel just smiled as he approached you, watching you flinch as he went to hold you. This was your lesson. This was your punishment. You should have listened to Miguel.
Now, you were Miguel's little prisoner. His darling girlfriend. You were never going to go against Miguel's wishes ever again.
"I love you so much, (Y/N)." Miguel chuckled as he kissed your head.
His hand stroked your cheek, waiting for your response.
"I-I....I love you too."
There is was.
Why did it take so long for you to admit that?
But it didn't matter anymore. You were now where you belonged.
With Miguel.
Hope you enjoyed, def different than what I usually write.
Hope I did a decent job with the song tho!!!
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mikachacha · 11 months
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚝. 3
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Synopsis: Bada wanted you to stay in Korea with her as she found work there but then your relationship is falling apart rapidly.
Warnings: toxic relationship and behaviours, angst. This'll be pretty heavy so please if you're not into this kind of stuff, you can ignore this update and wait for the regular fluffs and smuts 🫶🫶
(A/N: i hope none of y'all are experiencing this in real life or if you have experienced this, im so sorry that you have gone through such shit relationship but don't give up, yeah? Things will get better eventually.)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
It hasn't been well for you and Bada ever since that incident while meeting her friends. You still couldn't believe how she can do that to you. You wanted to get away but at the same time you want to mend your relationship with her. You didn't wanna lose her despite everything that has happened. Plus she's showing lots of effort for you to forgive her. She even got an apartment in Seoul so you and her can live there and won't have to pretend to be best friends anymore like you did at her parents' house. It was a big step for you both but then it also meant that whenever a fight would break out between you and her, you had no one to run off to.
"Jesus.. You scared me!" you exclaimed. You were in the kitchen, making some tea since you just couldn't fall asleep. You've been having a hard time falling asleep the past few days as thoughts plague your mind. Bada noticed you weren't in bed next to her so she got up and searched for you, only to find you making tea in the kitchen.
"I'm sorry my love.. Didn't mean to scare you. Was just confused since you weren't there beside me. Having trouble falling asleep?" she asked and you nodded. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you in for a warm embrace and kissing the top of your head. You melted in her arms. You missed moments like this with her.
"Baby.. I may need to go back to the states soon. I got a job offer there." you told her and she hugged you even tighter, like it's her own way of telling that you shouldn't go back and to just stay with her in Korea.
"Y/N.. Do you really wanna leave me all alone here? I got this apartment for us and then you're gonna go back to the states?" Bada's questions made your heart ache. You didn't wanna leave her despite everything.
"I.. I don't know if I'll be able to find a job here, Bada.. I don't speak Korean that well and I don't want you to shoulder all the expenses for us." you tried to reason with her that led to an hour long discussion about applying as an English teacher there or working from home as long as you don't leave her. You were tired and just wanted to sleep so you agreed. The next morning, Bada helped you search for jobs before she went to her own. She has been hired as a teacher at a dance studio nearby and she's got to work with artists as well. You're happy for her since it has been her dream to be able to work with artists and teach people to dance.
"So baby, we're going somewhere this Friday. The studio is holding a welcome party for me and I want you to be there with me. I want you to meet my workmates and some friends." Bada said as she came home one day. What happened when you last went out with her to meet with someone didn't end up well but you wanted to move past that and you also didn't want to disappoint her so you agreed to go with her. You really don't want to start an argument with her as you're still trying to fix your relationship up.
"Yeah.. Is it a formal event? Do I need to really dress up?" you asked and she placed her head on your shoulder. She played with your hand, drawing patterns and kissing it.
"Maybe a dress would be fine. It's not too formal plus you look amazing either way." Bada says that made your heart flutter and heat to creep up your cheeks. She really knows how to win you over even with just words.
The night of the event came and it was rather chill. You didn't feel that out of place since you've been studying Korean when you had time to spare. You were able to hold conversations and didn't cling to Bada that much. You were having fun, chattering with some of Bada's friends when you saw something that shattered you to pieces. It was Bada and a girl who looked so familiar. It was Redy, one of Bada's exes before she started dating you. She was clinging to Bada like they're still a couple and the sight made you feel physically sick that you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom. You're just crying there, trying to convince yourself that it's probably nothing and that you're just overthinking stuff when the door opened and there stood one of Bada's dancer friends.
"Hey are you okay? What happened? Should I call Bada to come here?" the woman asked and you shook your head, wiping your tears away. You're embarrassed that this stranger saw you in a vulnerable state.
"Y-yeah I'm okay.. Sorry you had to see me like this.. But I'm good, everything's good. No need to call Bada." you assured her and she offered to help you freshen up which really helped you calm down.
"I'm Monika by the way and if you need to talk to someone, you can reach me via Instagram." Monika says and you followed her on instagram to which she reciprocated. You thanked her and gave her a hug just in time that Bada came in the bathroom, looking for you and saw you hugging Monika. The look on her face terrified you and your heart sank knowing that this will be another fight between you and her.
Monika excused herself when she saw Bada and now, you're left alone with your girlfriend who looked really pissed off. She looked at you before grabbing you firmly by the wrist and basically dragged you back to the car. The whole car ride was filled with deafening silence but it was a whole different scenario when you were finally inside your shared apartment.
"So what was that all about? Lusher told me that you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and haven't returned after 20 minutes. What were you doing there? Flirting with Monika?! What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N?! Am I not enough?!" Bada yelled at you and you flinched. She was still holding on to your wrist rather tightly and it's starting to hurt now.
"Let me go, Bada.. You're hurting me.." you told her and she did let you go but she didn't stop yelling at you and accusing you of cheating.
"Hurting you? Have you ever thought about how much you've hurt me when I saw you hugging Monika?! Who knows what else happened there!" Bada was absolutely furious and you're starting to get pissed off as well. She's accusing you of cheating yet you saw her and Redy looking like they're still together while Bada couldn't be bothered to even check on you, spend at least a minute with you in that party.
"You're really going absolutely crazy about me hugging Monika when you were the one having her ex cling to them and couldn't be bothered to check on their girlfriend the whole night! I was crying in that damn bathroom because you were never there for me, you were paying more attention to your damn ex more than me! How was I supposed to react to that, huh?!" you finally snapped back and Bada just stormed off to your shared bedroom and locked you out so you slept on the couch that night.
The days went by and you could really feel you and Bada drifting apart. She wouldn't even look at you, wouldn't speak to you. It was horrible and you felt like everything was your fault. How did it come to this? What went wrong? Where was the Bada you once knew and loved? You were about to message her when a friend messaged you first, asking if you and Bada broke up since all your pictures together are apparently deleted from Bada's socials which was a shock to you. You checked and sobs wracked your body at what you saw. It was true, it seems like Bada has erased you from her life already.
With a heavy heart, you grabbed all your belongings and packed your bags. You left the apartment and booked a hotel. You're just gonna stay there for a bit until you can find a cheap apartment to stay. You were planning on leaving Korea once your contract with the company you're currently working at ends. You deactivated all your socials and only kept in touch with your friends and family from the states. You just wanted to be alone and away from Bada to really think things through. To think if the relationship is still worth it or if you needed to just let go of it.
@lil-elliesgf, @efyyylee, @hwm1hyun, @mikaleialt, @bunnywonyo, @badaswifey, @mrs-grim-reaper
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marcusakito · 1 year
Cruel Words
Kabukimono x gn!reader
You catch Kabukimono saying awful, nasty words while he was out on an errand. When you confront him about it, you learn a sad truth about the puppet.
cw: none, really.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
You are Kabukimono's love, the one he chose to entrust his heart to. The puppet was still a little confused about emotions, yet he knew his love for you was true. You met in Shakkei Pavillion, you had joined Niwa and the others the day they found him. Ever since then, Kabukimono always stood by your side, rain or shine, day and night.
Not that you minded, of course. Kabukimono is such a dear, always so eager to help with housework. And in turn, you taught him everything he wanted to know. To experience joy, deal with sadness, and most importantly, to empathize with others. It put a smile on your face, seeing him learning all these strange new things in the world with child-like wonder. As for him, well, he couldn't ask for a more patient and kind beloved.
One autumn day, Kabukimono watched you from the dining room of your shared home. You were making lunch, two bowls of unagi chazuke, which you knew was his favourite.
"Is it ready yet, [Name]?" Kabukimono asked, approaching from behind and leaning over your shoulder to watch. You giggled softly, turning to face him.
"No, not yet, I still need to cook the eels and brew the tea." You explained.
"I can help you! I can brew the tea while you cook the unagi." He looked up at you, an expectant look on his face just waiting for you to agree. Really now, how can you say no to such an adorable face?
"Alright," You pointed to the small bucket across the room. "We're out of water, so you'll have to get some at the well. Stay safe, okay?"
"I will, [Name]!" Kabukimono rushed over to the bucket, lifting it up and holding it close to his chest. You watched as he raced out of the house, making sure he was headed to the right direction before returning your attention to the kitchen stove.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
It had been a while since Kabukimono left to fetch water. You were beginning to get worried, looking out the window for any sign of him. Was he lost? No, he couldn't be. He's been there plenty of times to fetch you water. Were there lots of people? No, even if there was, he should've still returned minutes ago. Did he break the bucket? The well? No, that can't be it either...
Oh no.
Could it be he was attacked by Kairagi? Or treasure hoarders? Or rift wolves?
Without a second thought, you're already putting on your sandals at the entryway. You run to the well, where you find Kabukimono safe and sound. You breathe a big sigh of relief as you observe what the puppet was up to. He was pushing on the well's lever, which seemed to be stuck. Knowing his strength, however, you knew he was more likely struggling not to push too hard rather than pushing as hard as possible.
He hadn't noticed you yet, too preoccupied with his predicament. You decided to continue watching, to see if he could handle the problem on his own, or to stop him should he almost break the lever.
"Useless, pathetic..." You heard him mutter under his breath. That can't be right, perhaps you imagined him say that, no? That is, until he continued on. "Weak, unnecessary..."
"Kabukimono!" The poor puppet yelped loudly at the yell of his name. He turned around, looking like he'd seen a ghost. Upon realizing it was you, he immediately smiled and ran up to you.
"Sorry it's taking so long, the good-for-nothing well won't work." You frowned, making him confused. "Don't be sad, [Name], I'll get the water as soon as I can!"
"No, no... Kabukimono, look at me." You placed your hands on his shoulders, a stern expression on your face. "Who taught you those words?"
"What words?"
"Those words you just called the well. Useless, weak, pathetic, all those. Who taught them to you? Don't tell me it was Katsuragi..."
"No, I learned them from my creator." You paused, completely caught off-guard by that response. It dawned on you that he didn't fully grasp the meaning of those words, he more so repeated them much like a parrot, a downside to his immaturity. "She called me that, so I thought you call all bad things that."
"Oh, Kabukimono..." You sigh, taking him by the hand and sitting him down on a nearby large rock. "You're not a "bad thing." Okay? Don't ever think that. You're an amazing, wonderful person, and Niwa, Katsuragi, everyone in the village loves you and appreciates you. Especially me, I love you, and don't ever forget it." You placed a kiss on his cheek. "So don't say those words alot, okay? They're... Bad words. Cruel words. Saying them can make people upset if they think you're talking about them."
"But, I'm not saying it to people. I'm saying it to the well."
"I know, but still, It's not good to make saying them a habit. You could accidentally slip up and insult Katsuragi, or a child, or even me." You sit next to him, placing your hand on top his, rubbing circles on the back of his hand. "Instead of being mean and forceful on the well, why don't you try a different way? A more peaceful way."
You heard Kabukimono softly hum to himself, contemplating on his next move. He stood up and headed back to the well, with you following close behind. This time, he inspected the well's crank, fixing the lever that had gotten stuck. And just like that, it was up and running again, and he collected a bucketful of water, showing it to you with pride.
"I did it, [Name]!" You smiled and patted his head, Kabukimono easing into it with a few giggles.
"Good job! Now let's go home, our unagi chazuke will be cold if we wait any longer." He nodded and you placed a kiss to his cheek before you both headed for home.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
"[Name], what about 'shit'? Is that one of the bad words? I heard Katsuragi-san say it when he bumped into a tree by accident. Oh, and also 'fuck.'"
Needless to say, Katsuragi got quite the scolding later on. No one ruins the precious baby Kabukimono's innocence and gets away with it.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, and I know I seem a little mean thinking Ei would've said those to Kunikuzushi/Kabukimono, but hear me out. I'm aware she had good intentions leaving him so that he would be free, but my friend and I headcanon that she would say things that are mean for the sake of him not getting emotionally attached to her, and in turn she wouldn't get attached either. It's a byproduct of her being a little emotionally detached, she wouldn't see it as a wrong thing to do, because in her eyes, without a bond between them he would've taken the "abandonment" better. But that's just what we think! Anyway, have a good day, afternoon or evening!
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Fresh Ink Part Three
Ghost x Tattoo Artist!Reader
You were always there for him. Would he do the same for you?
Tw: tattoo needles, kidnapping <3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four|
It had been about a year and a half since you had started tattooing Simon and about a year since you and Ghost had started seeing each other. You had worked on his sleeve until it creeped up over his shoulder and onto his back. You asked him multiple times to let you do his other arm, but he refused, claiming that he didn't want to run the risk of ruining a single piece with scars or wounds. You told him constantly that you would always cover it up, but he denied every wish. What you did manage to convince him of was to allow you to do a thigh piece; a giant portrait of Ares, the God of War and Courage, with a battle scene background. You had sketches drawn up in your notepad you kept besides your bed, not letting Simon get any early peaks. He always said he trusted you, not wanting any peaks any way, but you always caught him trying to look over your should while you were drawing.
The two of you tried to step up many appointments for Simon to get this tattoo done, but every time the appointment came around, he would get sent on a mission that would pull him away from you for weeks or even months at a time. You felt like you were being stood up, but you knew he couldn't control it. You saw in his eyes that he felt terrible about it and he didn't want to leave you. Whenever he did come back home, he came straight to you. You were his home; he never need to stop at his apartment, he had clothes at your house, and you were always waiting for him with open arms. You were the only home he needed. That and your shop made him feel happy and warm.
Speaking of your shop, you had expanded and you hired another artist to work in the shop with you. It lessened your work load incredibly and gave you the ability to see more of your clients. It definitely helped you relax a lot. Simon noticed the relief immediately, seeing you walk with less weight on your shoulders. You even had the ability to update your room even more; adding more decorations and pictures of you two. Emma made fun of you occasionally, but thought it was cute. Finally, Simon was able to get his thigh tattoo done. He was sitting in your chair, leg up and exposed. You were focused on the tattoo gun, dragging the needle carefully down his thigh. "You know, we've never had a real first date. Our dates consist of tattoos and movies at your place." Simon stated, hand resting on your back. You paused and leaned back in your chair, looking up at the man. "What? What do you mean?" You had a loopsided smile on your face, leaning up towards Simon who leaned back down in response. "I wanna take you on date. A real one where you dress nice and I bring you flowers."
Your face flushed and you gently kissed Simon's cheek before going back to his tattoo. "What were you think, love?" You pulled a deep line, thickening that side to add dimension to the piece. "I want to bring you to some fancy place where we make fun of the other people dining and I want you to wear some pretty dress that will make me drool all night and some heels that make your feel hurt so I'll have to rub them later." Simon played with a piece of your hair that fell out of your ponytail. You giggled and nodded along to his words. "And I would invite you in for a tea afterwards and you would come up with me. We would sit on my couch and drink the terrible I have because I don't drink it." Simon smiled brightly, the smile that only you get to see. "Exactly! Next day you're off, we're going because I don't know when my next mission is." You nodded, pulling another line, a thin one this time.
A couple days past and Simon had texted you that he was cashing in on his date card. He had texted you the day before that he was going to take you out so you had plenty of time to get ready. You treated yourself that day, a full shower, shave, and lotion. You spent the whole day focusing on yourself and getting ready. You knew that Simon would appreciate you taking the time to ground your mind. He wanted you to feel special, to know how much you meant to him. At half past 6, you got a text from Simon saying that he was outside your apartment building. You giggled and double checked yourself in the mirror before running out the door. You felt like it was a first date and you were still trying to impress each other again.
You met Simon in the lobby of your apartment, where he stood with a bouquet of fresh flowers. It was a variety of different flowers, from white lilies to pink roses. You took the flowers in your hands and your face flushed. “Thank you, Si. You really didn’t have to.” You planted a soft kiss on his cheek and he offered your his arm. He wore his usual skull mask, a pair of black fitted jeans, and a plain grey tee shirt that he had half tucked into his pants. Johnny must’ve given him some pointers on how to dress for this date. “I know. I wanted to though. You look absolutely stunning.” You had put on exactly what he had asked of you; a nice dark red dress that stopped right at mid thigh and a pair of heels that were already making your feet hurt, but nothing you couldn’t handle. You took his arm and gracefully walked with him to his car, smiling brightly up at the man, trying your best to ignore the stares you were getting.
The dress you picked out highlighted all of your tattoos, showing them off just how Simon liked. You knew it wasn’t usual for a woman to be completely covered in tattoos, but it was becoming more common. Most of the women who lived around you were clean and pristine, so of course they gave you stare downs whenever given the chance. Plus with Simon’s hulking figure and his mask, you two were like a show for these older women to gawk at. You felt slightly uncomfortable, wanting nothing more than to shrug on a jacket and hide in it. Simon must’ve noticed because he dropped his arm down and wrapped it tightly around your waist. He ushered you quickly into his car. “Ignore them, love. We’re gonna enjoy our evening, despite them.” Simon reassured as he opened the door for you, leaning down close to your face. You smiled, breathlessly nodding before sliding into the passenger seat. Simon reached over you and buckled you in and closed the door before quickly jogging around to the driver’s side and jumped in. You smiled happily as you wrapped your hand around his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder as he took off down the road.
"So we have two options; sushi or steak. Up to you." Simon kissed your head and you shrugged. "Choices choices choices....I think steak." You hummed and Simon smiled. "I like it. Let's go then." Simon quickly changed lanes and turned left. You leaned back in your seat and grabbed his phone to change the music to something you liked. Once you arrived to the restaurant, Simon opened your car door and you stepped out. You smiled at the place and Simon locked his car before guiding you inside. You guys were seated at a booth and you two sat across from each other, him reaching out to hold your hand. You squeezed his hand and grabbed the menu. "You want me to order for you, honey?" Simon looked at you, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles. "Yeah, whatever you think is good. I'm not sure what to get." You scanned the menu a few more times before placing the menu back down at the edge of the table. Simon nodded, before calling the waiter over and ordered a bottle of wine, two steaks, and an appetizer for you two to share. You smiled and leaned back, watching Simon check his phone before sliding it back in his pocket. Your smile faltered for a moment and your shoulders dropped.
"It's going in my pocket and not coming out for the rest of the night, I swear." Simon's hand came to rest on your arm and you nodded, smiling softly at the man. "You get called away any time we try to get together... Don't want to get my hopes up is all." You turned out as the waiter brought out the appetizer. Simon grabbed your hand gently as you tried to divert your attention to the food. "No no, baby. Look at me. I am here tonight and I am not going anywhere. I swear to you. Not tonight, You have me tonight." Simon whispered to you and you blushed, nodding. "Now let's enjoy the rest of the night without worrying about when I am leaving." You two were finishing up the rest of your dessert and you hand your wine glass in your hand, eyes practically in hearts. Simon was telling you one of his mission stories and his fingers laced with yours. When the check came, Simon immediately handed the waiter his credit card, not letting you even see the total. You blushed and finished the rest of your wine, rubbing his arm lightly.
The two of you decided to walk around the park that was down the road from the restaurant. You two held hands, walking past other people in the park. It was a clear night, relatively warm, and the sky was clear. You were just about to say something to Simon when his phone started buzzing in his pocket. Your shoulders dropped and your stomach plummeted. Simon squeezed your hand, before taking out his phone. You sighed as the man stepped away to take the call. The only reason you knew it wasn't good was he kept looking back at you with a familiar look in his eye; the look of sadness that he got when he had to leave you for another mission. You sighed and crossed your arms across your chest as Simon came back over to you after he hung up. "Babe..." Simon grabbed your arms and pulled you close to his chest. "Si. It's okay. It's your job, you can't control that." You casually shrugged and Simon shook his head, leading you back to his car. "I leave in two days. You and I are going to stay in your bed until then and I don't want to hear otherwise."
Those two days came and pasted and Simon stayed true to his word. The two of you stayed in your bed, minimal clothes and only getting up for food and the bathroom. When it came time for Simon to leave, you drove him back to base. You smiled at the man as he leaned over to kiss you deeply before getting out of the car. You rolled the passenger window down and Simon rest his forearms on the open slot. "Will you be here when I get back?" You nodded, knowing the hidden meaning behind the question. "Always." You reached your hand out and Simon grabbed it and planted a kiss on your knuckles. "Seeing you after the missions always make them go by faster. I now got something to come home to."
The mission had only lasted 3 weeks, but it felt like forever for you. You tried to make it go by faster by taking on more clients, but even Emma could tell your mind was elsewhere. You had just finished your last client of the day when you felt eyes on you. You turned your head to see Simon standing at the entrance of your room with his mask pulled up to his nose. "Oh my god! I didn't know you were going to be home this week!" You squealed and rushed over to the tall man. He was prepared for your weight, easily lifting you with one arm wrapped quickly around your middle. "Wanted to surprise you. Called Emma earlier to see if you were still in." You giggled and planted kisses all over the man's face. You tried to push his mask up more, but he stopped you, looking over his shoulder. He walked further into the room and closed the door, before finally shedding his mask. "There he is." You whispered as he sat down on your tattoo chair with you on top of him. You kissed his forehead, nose, and finally lips. "(Y/N). I need to have a serious conversation with you. You know that my job comes with risk, right?"
You got nervous and nodded, arms resting on his shoulders. "Have you seen anything weird? Gotten any weird messages?" You had never seen Simon so serious before. You thought back and shook your head. "I need to be open and honest with you, okay? We got intel that a suspect we've been chasing has touched down about 10 miles from here and I need to know immediately if you see anything weird or unusual." Your body got tense and nodded. "We don't think you'll be in any danger, but I want you to be prepared." You rubbed Simon's shoulder, feeling the stress he had been holding onto for the past few weeks. "Thank you, Si. I will let you know immediately. Pinky promise." You held your pinky out and Simon wrapped his around yours; you both leaned down and kissed your outstretched thumbs to seal the promise. A few days had pasted since that conversation, and you had forgotten all about the threat. You had just parked your car in the employee parking lot you recently opened and walked around to the front door of your shop to unlock the door. You were wrestling with your purse to find the keys when you noticed a note on the door. You grabbed the note and opened it; the paper had a black serpent symbol on it and that's when you heard the squealing of tires and you looked up. You gasped when you saw a black van pull up behind you and two masked men jumped out, grabbing your arms and covering your mouth. You cried out, kicking your legs as they dragged you into the van and driving off; not before dropping both the note and a black ace card on your door.
You were fighting the men off when you were injected with a drug in your arm. You felt your mind go fuzzy and the panic increased tenfold. Tears rolled down your face as you thought of Simon's words, knowing this would practically kill him. You closed your eyes, feeling the fight leave you as darkness over took. How would you survive this?
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