#but I am very very afraid of people who yell
nekohime19 · 2 days
Heart behind the lie # 29 : Sworn brother
Wukong is still jelly
There was a tense silence veiling the room, only broken by Mei's uncontrollable laughter. MK awkwardly patted her back (to help her, or to stop her was still questionable), sheepishly looking at everyone that watched her as if she was struck by madness, she might as well be, this wasn't a very laughable situation, thought the sage. 
Sun Wukong tapped deep within himself to not let anger overwhelm him, breathing like his master showed him long ago, trying to not tear the peacock to shreds. He could feel the fearful gazes of the lord's servant, all willing to protect him (something that spoke of a good lord) but ultimately afraid of the great sage, too afraid to step forward. 
“I think I might have misheard.” Muttered Macaque, an obvious lie for a being like himself, he cleared his throat and straightened himself. “It's rare for me to misheard, so I'm giving you another chance to repeat yourself.” This was a clear warning, a chance for the foolish peacock to correct his words, to avoid the bloodbath Sun Wukong would unleash upon him. 
“I think I was clear? The deal is simple, I give you the lantern piece, and in exchange you marry me.” Repeated Cheng, hands on his hips, expression amused, as if he was looking at unfocused children. Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, tail lashing on the floor. 
“This is ridiculous!” Yelled the sage, he threw his arms in the air, appalled by the very existence of such a deal, and glared at the peacock. “You can't force someone to marry you because nobody wants to!”
“First of all, I am a very eligible suitor, mind you.” Huffed the peacock as he showed off his trail, the jade-green feathers long and perfectly groomed, the eyes shining like jewelry. “Second, who are you to decide for the Six-eared Macaque? Are you his mate? One of his suitor?”
“I-I'm…” The sage stuttered, face reddening. 
“He's my friend.” Replied the warrior as he glared at the peacock, fangs showing a bit.
“So he's just a friend. He doesn't have a say in this matter then.” Chuckled Cheng, Sun Wukong was trying very hard to not murder him. 
“He's… he’s special.” Weakly muttered the macaque, his own face reddening. The sage's tail swished happily at that, and he restrained the smitten coo tickling his lips. He also ignored the kids’ awing. Yes, he was special. He was the friend that Macaque could kiss, that had to be special. 
“Special? Dear, I do not mind if you're sleeping with the Monkey King, you can even take him as your lover if you want. I am very open minded.” Sun Wukong's face bursted in a furious red, he opened his mouth, but only gibberish came out. Mei's laughter became even louder. Macaque was dumbfounded once again, not any better than the King, his own face rivaling strawberries. 
“Lord Cheng, sir ?” Tentatively cut the scholar once he regained his footing. “I don't think Macaque's relationship with Monkey King is the problem. If I may ask-”
“You may.” Cut the peacock while he turned towards the fumbling scholar. 
“Why do you wish to marry Macaque?” Carefully asked Tang. 
“I need a partner.” Replied Cheng in a huff, as if it was an incredibly obvious answer. 
“Why?”Insisted the scholar. 
“... I guess you people did not come for the festival. Very well, I will explain. The former King of this city, the venerable Thousands-Winged Owl, passed away without siring any children, and without any close family. In his will, he designed the three lords that were in his service, the Stone-eyed Peacock, the Golden-clawed Crow, and the Serpent-tongued Dove, as heirs. For the throne they will compete in what the King called the dawning festival. It is basically a huge party he organized for his death, inviting everyone he knew, and everyone that wished to come. The rules for us lords are simple, we will not be the one competing against each other, it will be our partners. They will compete in three trials, one involving loyalty, the other wit, and the last one strength, nobody except the King advisor knows anything beyond that. The winner will be given the throne.”
“The guy organized a wife battle.” Snorted the dragon girl. 
“In short, yes.” Laughed Cheng. 
“In this case Macaque is not the most suitable candidate for your situation. He is weakened, he will not do well in the strength trial.” Explained the Bull's son. 
“Are you? Now, that is unfortunate, especially for someone as precious as you. I can accommodate you for your stay here if you wish.” Sun Wukong did not like how precious sounded on the peacock’s lips. 
“I… thanks?” Whispered the warrior, unsure of how to take the lord's kindness. 
“Maybe you can marry someone else?”Tentatively proposed his mentee. 
“Hm, do state all of your names and clans.” Ordered the peacock. 
“Hm, I'm Tang? I'm human.”
“Pigsy. I don't have a clan, I'm a chef.”
“Red Son of the terrific Bull clan. Heir to the Demon Bull King, son of Princess Iron Fan.”
“Mei, part of the dragon of the east clan!”
“I'm MK, I'm not sure what a clan is?”
“My successor.” Clarified Sun Wukong with a growl. 
“In that case, I cannot marry any of you. The mortal will be too weak, the chef too. Even if we ignore the fact that you three are kids, I don't want to anger any of your families. And I cannot marry Sun Wukong, he's a King, more powerful than me, if I marry him I'll have to follow him in his kingdom. Furthermore, I can feel his murderous intent.” 
“At least you're aware of it.” Huffed the sage as he crossed his arms. 
“Is it really specified that your partner must be your wife?” Asked Tang with furrowed eyebrows. 
“The will says exactly : the one bound to you by an oath. Marriage is the easiest oath to make.” 
Tang lit up at that. 
“Well maybe sworn-brotherhood can do then!” Exclaimed the scholar. “Normally, sworn-brotherhood does not need any formal oath, but we can do one for this occasion.”
“Maybe, it could work. Who will be my sworn-brother then?” They all turned towards the sage, Sun Wukong stuttered, caught off guard, and turned away. 
“No way!” Shouted the King. 
“Don't make this difficult, King.” Groaned the pig. 
“You are the strongest, the most likely to win.” Retorted the Bull's son. 
“You don't have to if you don't want to.” Calmly replied the macaque, resolution blooming in his gaze. The sage sighed when he caught sight of this unrelenting gaze. He really didn't want to be associated in any way to this bastard of a peacock, but he didn't want Macaque to be associated with him either. 
“Okay, okay, I'll do it. I'll be the peacock sworn-brother.” Grumbled the sage, his voice becoming more poisonous at the word peacock. 
“Wonderful, Sun Wukong is certainly powerful enough to seal my victory!”Cheered the peacock, he turned towards the King and asked : “What are you wearing?”
“Hm, hoodie and sweatpants? With shades?”
“Prosperous! What are you, rat man? Servants ! Give this monkey proper clothing, take him to Bolin, I refuse to let my sworn-brother be anything less than beautiful! We will do the oath when he's ready!” The lord turned away. “Mui!”
“Yes, my lord!” Replied the parrot. 
“Take the rest of them to their rooms, give them anything they ask for, especially our dearest shadow!”
“Of course, my lord.” The parrot, or Mui, bowed to her lord and walked towards the group. 
“Ah Lam! Take the lantern piece! We will trade when the deal is sealed!” One of the tallest guards approached MK and softly reached out, his mentee hesitated a little, but finally relented the piece. The peacock disappeared in his bathroom, aided by a few of his guards to reach it.
Sun Wukong was taken away by the guards, he pushed them away when they tried to touch him, and followed them with a whipping tail. He saw, from the corners of his eyes, Mui guide the group in another direction. 
The guards guided him to a huge wardrobe, filled to the brim with clothes. They bowed before the lavishly clothed demon swan pacing in the room, the man seemingly high ranked here. 
“The lord asked us to properly clothe this man. He is to be the lord's sworn brother.” Informed the guards. 
“Sworn brother? I see… this could work for the will as well.” Muttered the swan as he let his gaze swept over the sage. “He definitely needs a change of clothes. Our Cheng is picky with appearances. Thanks for guiding him here, you can resume your duties.” The guards bowed and left the room, leaving the sage alone with the demon swan. “You are the Monkey King, aren't you?”
“I am.” Replied the King, daring the other demon to do something with his tone. 
“I am Bolin, our lord's tailor. They call you the Handsome Monkey King, let's see if we can bring that out.” The sage gasped, greatly offended, but he didn't have time to complain, Bolin was already pushing him in an adjoining room, one filled with baths. “Girls!” Immediately a flock of four swan younglings rushed towards them, each dressed in white, elegant gowns. “This is Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. He is to be our lord sworn brother, so let's make him shine like a diamond!”
“Yes, father!” Replied the swan younglings, each with utmost seriousness. 
“Monkey King, sir, what type of fur do you have?” Asked one of the younglings as she intently eyed his sun colored fur, she was a bit skinnier than the others. 
“Short type? I don't have a thick underfur.” Mumbled the sage, a bit caught off guard by their seriousness. 
“I think monkeys are more used to grooming. Can a bath damage your fur?” Asked another, a bit shorter than her sisters. 
“Grooming is for the twigs and bugs. I can take a bath.”
“Perfect !” 
They ushered him to one of the steaming baths, one with lukewarm water according to Bolin (to not damage his fur, they said). Fortunately, they gave him the privacy to change behind a folding screen. He awkwardly removed his clothing and hid his manhood with a white towel he tied on his hips. When he stepped out of the folding screen, they waved him over and made him sit before the bath. They groomed him with a soft brush, untangling all of his knots while Bolin was looking over products and asking some questions about his coat. When his fur was well-groomed (from the tip of his tail to the edge of his toes, they always asked if he was comfortable with touch before grooming a particular area, something the King appreciated), he lowered himself in the bath. 
They added some good-scented products in it, and perhaps some oil that made his coat shinier. The younglings massaged him while he was bathing, delicately treating each of his strands of fur as if it were a treasure in itself. He learned their names while they treated him. The one massaging his shoulders, and doing a wonderful job at it, was Bo, she was seemingly stronger than any of her sisters, and on the brasher side. The skinnier one was named Hua, she was the most knowledgeable when it came to fur care, she did most of the grooming earlier. The shorter one was named Ping, she was the most leveled of the flock, and the most respectful, always asking for his boundaries and reminding her sisters to ask as well. The last one, the rounder one, was named Shu, she was quieter than any of them, and from what he gathered she was the most skilled when it came to make-up. She did ask him what colors he liked, and what he was comfortable with, which he appreciated. 
Once washed and oiled, they dried him with fluffy towels, asking now and then if everything was alright. He was then sitted in a comfortable chair, before a silver mirror. They sharpened his claws, whitened his fangs, oiled his lips and delicately cut his fur to make it even. His eyebrows were brushed and straightened, and the heart-shaped patch of fur on his chest more defined. Once they stepped back, he blinked at his reflection. The glamors he applied on a daily basis were certainly at play, but he looked good. His fur had never been shinier and softer, it looked like the sun itself blessed him. Sun Wukong admired the man in the mirror for a bit, before following Bolin out of the bathroom. 
The swan talked with one of her daughters, Ping, to know what sort of colors would suit him better while the others asked what he was comfortable with, according to them one could only truly shine when they liked what they were wearing. They settled on a peach colored hanfu embroidered with lotus flowers, one he found particularly pretty, with a red slashes. After they dressed him, Shu took care of his make-up while Bo picked jewelry to adorn him. 
Once he was ready, he looked at the man in the mirror and had to restrain his purr. Those swans certainly knew how to dress someone, he almost felt like some sort of deity blessed with heavenly beauty. 
“You look good, Monkey King, sir.” Praised Ping as she softly adjusted his slashes. 
“As expected of the Handsome Monkey King.” Chuckled Bo as she puffed out her chest. 
“You all did a good job.” Muttered the King with reddening cheeks. 
“Alright, girls. I will escort the Monkey King to our lord, clean the room.” Cut Bolin, the swan younglings all sung “Yes, father!” before disappearing in the bathroom. 
Sun Wukong followed Bolin out of the room, they walked in a peaceful silence towards the dining room (when Bolin asked a passing guard, they told him the group was there), their steps echoing in the corridors. The servants that passed by them always made an effort to bow at Bolin, Sun Wukong could see the deep settled respect in their eyes when the swan returned their greeting with a short nod. 
“Are you really just a tailor?” Asked the sage after a bit, his curiosity getting the better of him. 
“I am. Our lord value apparences a lot.”
“He's vain.” Grumbled the sage, his anger sparking anew at the mention of the lord. Bolin looked at him with a raised eyebrow, before letting out a soft chuckle. 
“I know our lord can seem…particular. But he's not bad.”
“I have trouble believing that! He was ready to force someone to marry him.”
“Hm, for the will.” Mumbled the swan. 
“If he wants the throne so badly, he can take it for all I care, but he can't involve others in this.” Huffed the King. 
“... The marriage would have been temporary.” Explained the swan, his tone a little harsher than before.
“Still.” Bolin stopped walking, he turned towards the sage, a storm brewing in his eyes. 
“I know Cheng doesn't seem like the most caring, and mayhaps he offended you in some way. But I will ask you to not talk about our lord in this manner. He is to be your sworn brother, you will see then what kind of person he is.”
“Yeah, I'll see.” Replied the King, tone a little bit softer. He didn't want to offend Bolin, but the feeling brewing inside of him, the ugly beast called jealousy, pushed him to be spiteful towards Cheng. The sage wasn't used to this feeling, thus he had troubles to reign it. 
The rest of the walk was more tense, both decided that silence was better if they didn't want to argue. The dining room was filled with watering smells, all kinds of plates and food, some the sage never even knew existed. The whole group was eating leisurely around a lavish mahogany table, they all turned towards him when he arrived. Bolin bowed to Mui, who was at Macaque's side, and left the room with elegance. 
“Wow, you look good Mister King!” Chuckled the dragon girl. 
“Thanks. I feel good.” The sage turned towards the warrior, who was gaping at him with a flaming face, eyes wide, hands frozen before his plate of mangoes. Sun Wukong felt a pleasant tingle skim above his kin, he walked, deliberately slowly, towards the macaque and sat on the unoccupied chair on his right. He relished in the way Macaque's eyes roamed over him, stuttering for a moment on his hips. “You have something to say, Mac?” Asked the King. 
“What? I, hm, I-I, what ?” Stammered the warrior, his tail trashing the chair's legs. The kids were choking on their own laughter, while the adults were either rolling their eyes or smirking openly. 
“You lost your tongue?” Purred the sage as he leaned over the other, Macaque almost fell out of his chair, his hands tightly gripping the table. Sun Wukong wanted to keep teasing him, but he had to stop once the peacock arrived. 
Cheng was dressed in red, the cloth flowing around his figure like a river of blood, striking against his jade feathers. He had an ebony cane in his right hand, something he used with ease to navigate. He sat in the tallest chair, the one made of pure gold.
“I hope everything was alright for you. I will accommodate you to the best of my ability until the end of the festival.” Started the peacock. “Now, I cannot see you, Monkey King, but I trust Bolin did a wonderful job.” Cackled the lord, Sun Wukong wanted to retort, but unfortunately Bolin did, in fact, a good job. “Concerning this deal of ours, I want it to be clear. Sun Wukong is to aid me as my sworn brother during the dawning festival, of course he will try his best to win, but even in case of defeat, I will give you in exchange the lantern piece you desire.” The sage was quite surprised by the terms, particularly because he wasn't even obliged to win the festival, it almost felt like a trap. “Of course, I will not give you the lanterne piece if I feel that the Monkey King is insincere, and does not do his best to give me victory.”
“... I accept the terms.” Sighed Sun Wukong, he groaned when he caught sight of the blooming smirk on the peacock's lips. 
“Wonderful! Now, for this oath of ours… Normally I believe sworn brotherhood is only made with a promise, but we will need a formal oath that binds us.” The lord sat up and walked towards the sage, his hand tracing the edges of the table to guide himself. Sun Wukong raised himself once Cheng stopped before him, they stood in a tense silence for a second, thoughtful, and then the lord offered his hand. The sage grimaced, and reluctantly took the bird's hand. “I, the Stone-eyed Peacock, Cheng, will take Sun Wukong, the Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, as my brother. As long as he wishes, I will treat him as my blood and flesh, as my friend. I swore on my name and my honor, that I will see in him my own.”
An oath, for demons, was a matter of honor. It was one of the ultimate promises, made with witnesses. Losing honor was a fate no demons wanted, it was worse than death itself. 
“I, the Intelligent Stone Monkey, Sun Wukong, will take Cheng, the Stone-eyed Peacock, as my brother. Until we both gain what we want, I will honor him as my friend. I swore on my name and honor, that I will see in him my brother.” They shook hands before the eyes of Cheng's servants and Sun Wukong's friends, sealing their promises. In the end, an oath was nothing but words, what mattered was what those words meant for the two parties involved. 
“Well, now that this is sealed. If you ever need something, Mui, there, will serve you.” The parrot demon nodded to them, her colorful feathers shaking with her nod. “The festival starts in one week, we do not know the kind of trials that await us. I will not force you to do anything, brother (Wukong cringed at the word) as I know your abilities. But it will be better for us if you follow me to the library. I want you to know what kind of opponent you will go against.” The sage was ready to refuse, not wanting to go anywhere with the other, but Macaque cut him before he could even open his lips. 
“Mui told me you had a lot of books regarding shadows in this library of yours.” Cheng turned towards the macaque (or at least his general direction) and his smile widened, Sun Wukong did not like this look. 
“Yes! I do! Shadows are fascinating. You can accompany me, and Sun Wukong if he accepts to follow, to the library ! I'm quite curious about you, after all.” Macaque rose from his seat, perhaps ready to follow the peacock, but Sun Wukong immediately went in-between them, tail lashing. 
“Let's go to this damn library.” Grumbled the sage, Macaque looked at him with a raised eyebrow, while Cheng tried to hide his chuckle in the crook of his claws. They nodded towards the other (Cheng took back his cane) and they walked away, the sage made a point of walking in-between the two, allowing absolutely no contact. 
“Jealousy does not suit you, brother.” Snorted the peacock. 
“I think you better shut your mouth right now if you value yourself, brother.” Spat the King, a growl echoing in his tone. 
“Can't you both be civil? We're gonna be here for more than a week.” Sighed his moon as he rubbed his forehead. 
“I'll try, but he's really fun to tease, dearest.” Snickered Cheng. 
“Do not call him like that!”
“See, he's fun.” Cackled the peacock, Sun Wukong wanted to bite his head off for daring laughing at him, for daring even breathing in his direction.
“This is gonna be a hellish week.” Grumbled the warrior, and Sun Wukong couldn't agree more. 
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
I am so tired of the couple in the apartment above ours constantly yelling at each other - which then also makes their baby/toddler cry.
they must be SO loud. the walls are really thick, we tested it before everyone else moved in. I understand that the crying baby is loud, okay fine whatever. but the constant arguing? what the hell :)))
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aggressiveviking · 2 years
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wileys-russo · 3 months
jenni hermoso ”i knew i would find you from here” a house party
j.hermoso II never too late
"i'm just gonna get some air!" you yelled over the music, kissing your best friends cheek who nodded, downing your drink and dropping the cup on a table on your way out, exhaling at the sudden peace and quiet of the backyard.
you pretended not to notice the few couples littering the back patio, curled up together in darkened corners and pool chairs taking advantage of the privacy as you wandered a little further away, sitting down at the edge of the pool.
this was supposed to be a high school reunion of sorts, though it felt a little sad to watch some of your now near thirty year old classmates try to re-live their 'glory days' most of the class now married, engaged or on call for their kids babysitters.
you of course had none of the above, having chosen to study right out of school and though you had a very high paying well respected job to show for it, you couldn't help but feel robbed of some other aspects of life you'd been too careless with.
"i knew i would find you here."
speaking of things you'd missed out on.
you looked up at her voice, a smile settling in your features as you took in the woman in front of you, no longer the awkwardly tall teenager you'd messed around with in empty classrooms during your free periods.
"jennifer hermoso fuentes." you smiled, pushing yourself up to your feet, stomach fluttering a little at the knee buckling grin she sent your way. "in the flesh, hola hermosa." the girl opened her arms for a hug as you settled into them, laughing as she jostled you side to side gently, kissing your cheek.
"of all people i expected to run into here, you weren't on my list jen." you admitted, the two of you breaking apart and taking a seat beside one another, legs dangling in the pool.
"mm and why is that?" she asked with a curious smile, leaning back on her hands and watching you. "a title winning national football campeón? slumming it at a house party with us campesinos." you teased as she playfully rolled her eyes and flicked you with water.
"what can i say? the honor is yours." jenni winked and you'd be lying if you said your stomach didn't do a little flip just like when you were a teenager.
"vale enough about me now! y tú? what are you doing with yourself?" jenni finished catching you up on everything around a half an hour later, bumping her shoulder into yours as you shrugged.
"-but sometimes i feel like i blinked and ten years has gone by, and i have a career sure but i do not have much to show for it in a way of a personal life." you wrapped up your summary, cheeks blushing pink as you looked away.
"what are you-" you questioned as the taller girl grabbed your hands inspecting them. "checking for a wedding ring, i would hate to be flirting with a married woman." jenni grinned cheekily as she dropped your hands and you couldn't help but smile.
"you have not changed." you chuckled at her abrupt boldness, jenni never afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve, one of the most honest women you'd ever known even if sometimes you did not ask for her honesty.
"i have too! i grew up, i am an adult." jenni stuck her tongue out at you as you shook your head. "big child in an adults body maybe." you teased, pushing her as a comfortable silence fell between the pair of you, the faint pulse of the music inside as the night ran late and the party started to slowly die out.
"hey you have something that none of the idiotas here have." jenni stated as you gave her a curious frown, caught off guard as she leaned in and pecked your lips.
"you've kissed a world cup winner!" her lips curled into a wicked grin as she lay down looking up at you and you had to laugh, touching your lips where they tingled a little at the familiar sensation of kissing her.
"maybe you have changed..." you mused, leaning down closer as she quirked an eyebrow, playful glint in her eyes. "...you used to be a much better kisser." you whispered, patting her chest and sitting back up as she looked up at you incredulously.
"es que tan?" jenni sat up quickly, clearly offended by the statement which only amused you more as you nodded. "sí, de verdad." you confirmed, features painted into a smirk.
"mmm well maybe you have changed too princesa." jenni echoed as you now raised an eyebrow at her, though before you even had a millisecond to comment you were plunged underwater, feet hitting the bottom.
"you used to be a good swimmer!" jenni laughed, doubled over as you resurfaced coughing and spluttering, eyes narrowed into a filthy glare.
but you hardly had a moment to condemn her as she dove in to join you, popping up in front of you with a wiggle of her eyebrows and a pearly white toothy grin.
"i did not miss you cabrón." you spluttered, treading water as the footballer swam even closer. "yes you did." jenni nodded, hovering right in front of you now, her face only a few centimeters from yours.
"i did not." "you did." "you wish." "maybe i do."
another silence fell between you as your eyes roamed one anothers faces, drinking in every little detail both new and old that had stayed or appeared in the ten or so years you'd not seen her up close.
"why did we break up?" you were caught a little off guard at the abruptness of her question, sighing at the way her eyebrow creased curiously.
"i don't know jen. you were getting serious with football, i was going to university. we just...we went down different paths of life that didn't cross over." you struggled out an answer, neither of you really holding any ill will with the other but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't occasionally found yourself doing a little internet deep dive into what your ex was up to.
"i only came here hoping i would see you." again you were caught off guard by her statement, searching her eyes for any signs that she was messing with you but only finding blunt honesty, her speciality.
"well...here i am." "here you are." jenni smiled and those butterflies appeared as you reached across to push a few wet strands of hair from her forehead, shivering lightly as a gust of wind blew hitting your damp skin.
"vamos, lets get dry." jenni nodded toward the steps, the two of you swimming over, jenni hopping out first and extending a hand to help you. "you didn't think this through, did you?" you questioned, motioning to both of your soaking wet bodies and not a towel in sight as she smiled sheepishly.
"well...i'm not staying far from here. i have a very spacious shower in my hotel room, and lots of towels, comfortable bed, movies on order, snacks." jenni grinned hopefully, poking at you as you smacked her hand and wrapped your arms around your wet form.
"are you asking me to come for a sleepover hermoso?" you teased as the taller girl chuckled and shrugged. "maybe. but just, with a little less sleeping." she hinted with another wink that had your stomach twisting, offering you her hand with a charming smile, brightening as you grabbed it and the pair of you headed off toward the side exit.
maybe it wasn't too late for some things to work out for you after all.
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babyouran · 6 months
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Trust Me! - y/n is introduced to the host club, though her immediate disinterest catches the members' interest to make her a part of their community.
pairing - fem!reader x host club members
apart of - ouran add-in
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"Fujioka, haven't we spoken about where to do our project already? I'm afraid this isn't the right way to the library," Y/n mentioned, currently having her wrist wrapped with the other girl's fingers.
Just a few months ago the duo were placed together as partners and had grown a close relationship together. Haruhi was the first person to befriend Takahashi Y/n, not even knowing her family's occupation. She saw the girl by herself reading and figured they might have a similar interest to talk about and soon enough became friends. Such a true relationship was refreshing for both of the young ladies, someone who didn’t care about all the superficial things and just about what mattered mostly. 
"Takahashi Y/n, trust me, this may not seem like a good place to study but it will soon prove useful," Haruhi tried to reassure her, pulling out the young woman's full name to show she was serious. Haruhi’s eyes were narrowed showcasing that she was on some type of mission to get the fellow young woman more involved. 
"If you insist," She sighed, letting the other girl drag her around, even though she was very capable herself.
"Takahashi-sama, may I ask you a question?"
"Takahashi! I saw that your fath-'' Voices began to try and start up conversations with the girl, but none were successful since her dear friend was on a mission to get her to Music Room 3. In a rush, Haruhi fastened her speed to the room yelling a curt goodbye to the student.  
"And we are here," Haruhi exhaled deeply, the girls stood in front of the door. One girl's expressions held pride and excitement while the other had confusion and a hint of worry.
"Fujio-" Y/n began, turning around but was interrupted by her dear friend.
"Again," She sighed. "Call me Haruhi, you don't have to be so formal, there aren't people watching you all the time," She smiled lightly at the slightly taller girl. 
"Correct, Haruhi-chan, I'm a little confused about why we will be studying in a music room," She tilted her head, to get a better look at the sign and express confusion. "Music room three to be exact," She corrected herself.
"This is where I go after school, this is where the club I am in resonates, and sometimes it serves as a nice laugh!" She exclaimed. "Though some of them can be very annoying, they are also sweet."
"I don't need any more friends," Y/n deadpanned. "I followed my father's wishes and made one, making more would be a nuisance.”
"Nonsense! Takahashi, it's not a bad thing to make new friends, and these will be good ones, trust me," Haruhi tried to reason with her. It was clear since the beginning that Y/n was very closed off when it came to the truth of her home life. But this was a prominent feature that she thought would help connect her with the boys who resided in Music Room 3. 
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- flashback -
"Hello, I'm Fujioka Haruhi, pleased to meet you," She bowed in front of the girl sitting daintily in her yellow dress engrossed in a story.
"Ah," She sighed, continuing the story. "Takahashi Y/n," She turned around to face her fellow student and put on a light smile upon her lips. Though it was harder to identify the gender of the student she figured she was a girl because of her very soft nature.
"What are you reading?" Haruhi peeked over the book, getting much closer to Y/n’s face than originally intended. When she lifted her head to look into the fellow girl's eyes, their noses almost touched. Y/n didn’t flinch, she just scrunched her eyebrows in the slightest bit and took a small glance down back at her story. 
"Norwegian Wood, it is a very interesting romance story,” glancing back up towards the girl she continued, “Fujioka, I'm going to make an inference and please don't be offended. You're a female correct? Yet, you don't care about social standards and little things like clothing. You're also content with people assuming you are a boy. If I may add, you differ a lot from fellow students here which concludes that, most likely, you have a different background than them here," Y/n observed, looking her up and down. "If you would like me to use he and him pronouns I will," 
Haruhi stared at the once quiet girl, she had gotten everything spot on. It was odd how easily she was able to read Haruhi since most of the students couldn't even figure out her gender. But in reality, most students did not give her the time of day to even try and figure out a basic thing as such. 
"You can just use female pronouns when it is the two of us," She sat at an empty desk beside Y/n, now staring intently at her. "How did you-"
"You were kind, most richer children only talk to other children once they know their status and how it affects them. Your features also seem feminine, so in all honesty, I just took a guess," She shrugged. "Suppose I was correct,"
"Yeah, scarily correct,” Haruhi's eyes narrowed at her before a smile began to form on her lips, chuckling to herself. “Would you like to be partners for the English class? I have my guess that we will get along well," Haruhi expressed.
"I don't have anyone else myself, and my father commanded me to make a friend, so I think that is an intelligent idea," She put the book away and looked hopefully at Haruhi. For some odd reason, Haruhi felt her stomach flutter a bit, almost as if a tiny butterfly was flying about inside.
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"I trust you," Y/n admitted. "But I don't trust that this situation will work in the ways you hope it will, I'm not in the mood to be bombarded by music students. I will not want to join any orchestra, I simply want to finish a new book in French I got," Y/n explained, suddenly yanking a book out of nowhere and showing it to the girl.
"Please, Takahashi-sama, I'll owe you a favor. Just give it a chance?"
"I will do it, but the favor I want you to give to me is about my name. Please refer to me as Y/n, and don't use any title after, unless it is chan," Y/n told the girl, showing a faint smile. Haruhi nodded and opened the doors to the empty classroom with boys waiting.
"Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club, how can we help darlings like you?" A blonde asked, hand facing up with his palm open. He was not wearing the normal uniform but instead dressed in a captain outfit, as if he were the captain of a boat.
"These are your.... friends? Where are the instruments?" Y/n turned to Haruhi, very confused.
"Ah! Haruhi!" The blonde jumped from his position running over to the girl. "You need to try this sailor girl costume we got," The man jumped up and down, running to the side of the room to grab it. He resembled a very excited puppy who just got a chance to get a treat. 
"Haruhi, who is your friend?" A boy with auburn hair pops up, a carbon copy of him standing on his right and staring at Y/n intently. The two looked more mischievous than comforting, silent side eyes shared. 
"Haruhi, thank you for your suggestion, but I think I will just read in the library," Y/n nodded to her, swiftly making her way out of the room, her strides quickening to get out of the room. The boys' attentions were now all peeked and focused on her. Tamaki had finally recognized the new guest, dropping the dress from his grip and walking to try and reach her. The door was slammed shut as soon as Y/n made it outside, Tamaki’s face right by the large door moments from being smacked by it. 
"Shoot," Haruhi grumbled. "I guess she was right again,"
"Who is she?" The other twin repeated.
"Her name is Takahashi Y/n," She told them, pinching the ends of her hair. "I thought it would be good for her to meet some new people, you guys are kind of like her in ways. It doesn’t matter much now…”
"Takahashi?" The black-haired boy with glasses walked over, his notebook propped open. "She is the daughter of the Mamoru Takahashi. That man is very well established through his electronics company. He's top of the line in the field," Kyoya informed the group, reading a page from the notebook.
"She's that popular? Wait, you don't mean the line of electronics called 'Taka', that's made by them?" Haruhi asked bewildered.
"Her family, they are an interesting sort. I don't have much about them because they are more on the mysterious side. I'm surprised you were able to befriend her," Kyoya mentioned.
"My favorite cake mixer is from them, I always ask the cooks to use it! It whips up the ingredients so good and it tastes extra yummy," The lolita type boy added, running to Haruhi. "I heard they are coming out with a new dessert maker! I can hear my tummy grumble just thinking of it!”
"I like the watches, very high tech," Mori expressed.
"The TV's are great for watching my reality shows!" Tamaki exclaimed.
"I have some of her products," Haruhi mumbled. The group turned to look at her, almost as if they were confused she could afford something. "I'm not poor, I might not have as much as you guys but some of their stuff is affordable," She rolled her eyes.
"Isn't Takahashi the one girl in our class, some people bombard her because they want to see what she would look like without that mask," Hikaru remembered, recalling that she was sitting by Haruhi on multiple occasions.
"I forget she wears that sometimes," Haruhi chuckled to herself. "I’ve grown used to it, I don't ask about it anyway since it could be personal. But it does a fine job in helping conceal her identity." 
"We must get her here!" Tamaki declared. "Gather up! I have a plan, men!,” his pointer finger raised in the air, Hikaru and Karou’s own hands in a position of a salute. “Oh! Haruhi too,"
"I don't know about this.”
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Y/n was sitting in the library, a mask covering the bottom half of her face as always. It did not take her long to forget about the past events and completely engulf herself in a new story. 
"Psst," A person poked her shoulder, interrupting her peaceful reading bliss. 
"If you would like a free product I'm not the one to ask, though we appreciate all of our customers who purchase our pro-" She started to ramble, still reading the book but remembering what her father told her to say. It was programmed into the young woman's brain by now as if memorizing lines for a play. 
"No! No, that's not why we are here," The voice interrupted her, now fully gaining her attention.
"Not many people come into this library, especially in this section," She hesitantly said, very confused about why this person was here now. They were dressed up in a trench coat, wearing a fake mustache and a barre to top the outfit.
"I'm undercover, I need your help with something," They cupped their hands over their mouth, to give the image that it was a secret.
"Pardon me?" She questioned, completely muddled. "I won't take part in any 'undercover investigation'. If you need me then you will have to speak to my lawyers beforehand, or at least my father," She reached into her pocket, just to grab a bookmark as she now figured her quiet space wasn’t about to stay as quiet but the action startled the man. He rushed to keep her hand in her pocket, figuring that she might be reaching for a phone instead to make the call. 
"No! No, wait look," He ripped off the mustache, making a face of hurt afterward. "Suoh Tamaki, president of the Ouran High School Host Club! I'm afraid we didn't have a proper introduction earlier, my beauty," He got up from the chair, grabbed her hand, and placed a kiss on the top of it.
"Um," She pulled her hand away, right afterward, grabbing a handkerchief from her backpack nearby and wiping off any remains. "You're a friend of Haruhi's, that's nice. But I'm not in the mood for more friends, kind offer, but no thank you," She replied, clutching her book and moving away from the once quiet spot in the library.
"You ruined it boss," Kaoru chimed in through a walkie-talkie. 
"That's why we have multiple plans. Your turn boys,"
Y/n left the library, walking back to the previous classroom where lessons were held earlier that day. She was merely a foot away from the door before someone lightly bumped into her.
"Sorry, Yah!" A boy with a blonde wig yelped. "We exchange students from Germany," He answered, his twin with the same blonde wig but it was curved to the right instead of left. They had on a dirndl and kept leaning into each other.
"Vill ye help us with class?" The other asked, with a horrible impression of a German accent. 
"I can't. I took a class in German culture and language when I was younger. I don't think they wear those kinds of outfits everywhere. You're the twins for that club, right? I am okay and should be leaving now," She trailed off, eyes warily looking back at the two boys bickering over a small object. Y/n made her way to the cafeteria, now having limited options of where she may go. 
Finding an empty lunch table in the back, she took a seat, letting out a deep breath, and looked around for any suspecting fellows.
"Hiya!" A blonde boy popped up on her side, considerably shorter and having a younger look to him.
"Oh, hello," She gave a slight wave, eyes darting back down to her book. Y/n silently thought to herself he was just trying to be polite and that would be the end of it, what are the chances of running into someone from the same club for the third time? 
"Please, please," The boy started, moving closer to Y/n and putting on a pouty face. "I-I came in here with my dad, I can't find him. He was going to get me cake, and now I can't have it," He went into a full-out sob, tears flowing down his face and hiccuping resounding around the area.
"Okay, where was the last place you saw your father?" She inquired, giving him a spectacle look, Y/n hesitantly patted the boy on the shoulder. He looked somewhat familiar, yet she couldn't put her finger on it.
"In a music room. My dad said-" He once again broke out into a fake cry while Y/n took his hand and let him lead the way to where he once was. "He's a part of a club here," The blonde mumbled. 
"A club? Your father is a student. Wait a minute-"
"You found my son. Thank you. Please come in." The 'father' thanked her, now wearing the same fake mustache another blonde had tried.
"No, you both are a part of that club. Just like those other guys,” Y/n took a step away from the duo. “Why are you following me?"
"Um," The 'father' voiced refusing to look Y/n in the eyes but instead stared straight ahead. 
"Do I get my cake now?" The blonde pulled out the walkie-talkie and spoke into it.
"Why are there walkie-talkies?" Y/n pondered.
"They are like that," Haruhi chimed in, sneaking up on Y/n.
Y/n flinched, stepping aside to make room for her friend, "Haruhi, your friends are kind, but I'm a little confused about all of this."
"Takahashi Y/n, in the same year and class as Haruhi and the twins. The only daughter of the Takahashi family wears a mask and enjoys her peace. Good at figuring things out," He stopped, looking at the girl whose eyes were wide open with confusion. "Well Somewhat. Yet I can't get much more on you," He walked closer to her.
"That's all you need to know, more than you do. Ootori Kyoya, your father is Yoshio, and you have three other siblings, all older. Your family is well established as well, I know more about you than you will ever know of me. It shall stay that way, I don't need people knowing much about me, it's... odd," Y/n voiced, walking into the club room and searching for a phone.
"Y/n, wha-" Haruhi began.
"I'm sorry, I have a feeling I'm going to get in trouble if I continue speaking. I hope I didn't offend any of you and our family relationships can stay well, I just need to make a call," She started plucking in the digits for the number. 
"Takahashi, why must you consult your father on a friendly conversation with fellow teenagers?" Kyoya wondered.
"I can't say, I mean I'm- well," She didn't know what to say, she didn't have an excuse ready at the moment, she was caught fully off guard.
"Join the club," Tamaki spoke up, walking over and taking the phone from her hand, the butler on the other line speaking into it. "You interest me, the whole club, the school. We just have tea with fellow students, you can do the same," He offered.
"Thank you, but-"
"Think for yourself," The 'father' from earlier chirped up.
"I,” Y/n looked down at the phone resting in the hand of the club president, an inviting smile on his face. For once, she felt that she had control of her life and her choices, she felt that way when with Haruhi and wouldn’t mind it becoming something more frequent. “I suppose it could prove useful for our company, and it could be enjoyable," She muttered, a small smile appearing on her features hidden underneath the mask, though Haruhi knew Y/n enough to be able to recognize the little changes in her facial features to tell she was happy. 
"Great! Y/n, welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club!”
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an - hello, this was just something silly I made up to introduce y/n to the rest of the group, the next chapters will be adding y/n into episodes. (There is a reason she wears a mask, not COVID-related or sickness, it will be shown later on. Y/n often uses titles like ‘senpai’ similar to the characters in the anime/manga)
hope you enjoy it! please let me know what you think!
next chapter - Beware of the Physical Exam!
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waayfo · 6 months
i said, “do u think u’ll kill for me one day?” (yes, of course i will, my darling)
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dottore x gn!reader. lyric from national anthem (demo). mentions of killing or murder / possessiveness / mentions of dottore’s real name / pet names / cursing / slight ?? yandere / ooc ( kinda soft dottore ). english is not my first language !
You know that Dottore, or your boss is a mad man who does as he pleases—at least that's what people think. But he always acts a little differently to you, which clearly shows favoritism. An act of favoritism that is certainly not left to some other people.
Other people try to take advantage, by asking you to make dottore do something. The most common thing that happens is when they ask you to beg dottore to release their newest prisoner (?) that became the subject of Dottore's experiments who is either their family or friend or partner.
And of course, you’re not happy with it.
You are not a tool to fulfill their wishes. And they were merely just strangers who suddenly came to ask for help, without repaying.
You are pissed.
But also scared at the same time.
Just now you came out of the room called the ‘sacred’ dottore's office. But a stranger who you guess is a new worker just by looking at his impolite behavior, suddenly grabs your arm and takes you somewhere.
“What the heck?!” You yelp. Ignoring the fact that the stranger's hands were shaking violently.
The stranger is now facing you. While his hand was still gripping yours tightly, to the point where you were in pain. "P- please help me!"
You let out a harsh sigh. "No, i won't help you. Thanks to your very impolite behavior.”
“W- w- wait! What do you mean?! This is urgent, and you must help me!” The audacity, you curse him in your mind.
“I said no!” Those three words managed to make him angry instantly.
“You—you should know your place! Is it because you managed to tempt The Doctor with your body and face means you can do whatever you want?!” You winced at his words, it felt like you were being stabbed by a knife, even though you know that it's all not true.
“If you will not tell that crazy man to free my friend—I will cut off your head, and present it to him.” You just looked at him in disgust thinking that he was a strange man. A disgusting strange man.
“Fuck off!” You yell at him.
Long story short, you managed to release his grip. But you couldn't help but notice the bruise on your wrist. You are increasingly annoyed and decide to end all this in an ‘inelegant’ way; using your heels, you stomp on his feet full of revenge. It should hurt a lot, you think.
And when you saw his reaction of pain and screaming, you immediately ran as fast as you could. Your body feels like it's on autopilot when you subconsciously search for someone you know too well— A tall and pale skin man, with light blue and slightly wavy hair, which makes anyone know his identity. And makes anyone afraid and even begs for mercy.
And there he was, standing straight with his hands behind his back like always.
“—tore,” Your breath hitches but tries to reach for his name.
“Dottore!” The man— Dottore looked at you quickly, as if he had been looking for you all along. He opened his arms, making room for you to fall into his embrace again. And you (will) happily return to his arms.
“Zandik!” You call his name once again, as if it were a spell that could make you happy for eternity. “Yes, dear?”
He lifted your chin, making you look up at him. His hand moved to wipe away a few tears that had fallen. Ah, since when have i cried? Why did i cry?
“What happened?” His calm voice made you shudder. You tightened your grip on his white lab jacket. And you know it won't cause him any pain.
You shake your head. "Nothing happened."
“Something happened,” His other hand, covered in a glove made especially for him, is now cupping your cheek. And his other hand, stroking your hair. “Am i right?”
The words are reluctant to come out and get stuck in your throat. You were too afraid to answer, too afraid to imagine what would happen to that stranger.
Silence enveloped the room. You only feel warmth, whether because of the heater in the room or because of Dottore's touch.
Knowing there would be no answer from you, dottore sighed. He placed you to sit on his desk. The desk was a little messy because of the papers, but there was still a place for you to sit.
Dottore's head lifted so he could see your face and what expression you were wearing right now— scared, with traces of tears.
His hand again rose to cup your cheek, then traced every curve on your face that he thought was beautiful. The touch felt strangely soft. Knowing that it was a touch from The Doctor— someone who had killed many people in order to achieve perfect experimental results.
And when he was about to hold your hand, he noticed something. A bruise on your wrist, a fucking bruise. That somewhat pissed him off.
“Who did this to you?” You can easily tell that he is angry, by the way he talks and the questions he asks.
“It’s— it’s just a random bruise i got—” “Stop lying.”
You were silenced quickly.
“You’re always been patient when other people try to take advantage of you,” Dottore's calm voice was whispery. If he knew about it all along, why did he continue to comply with your request?
Dottore closed his eyes for a moment, trying to connect the dots. “Someone asked you for help again? And you refuse, then they gets angry?” You nod.
“Is it a new employee?” You nod again.
“Tell me about them.” You told him straight away.
Dottore nodded. He noted it in his mind.
Out of sudden, you cupped Dottore's face. Cold, is the first thing that comes to your mind. Everything about him was cold, and so was his skin. You saw his pale face, but you couldn't guess what expression he had behind his mask.
As if he could read your mind, he took off the mask that covered part of his face. He put the mask right next to you.
“You’re not angry?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“Because i touch you– i touch your face.”
“Foolish question. Absolutely no.”
Dottore's hand covered yours that was touching his face. Maybe dottore can see your cheeks are a little red right now. Maybe now that stranger is scared right now that you managed run away.
You kissed Dottore's forehead as a thank you.
“I'll take care of it quickly.” And you can't imagine what experiments Dottore would do to the stranger.
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doitforbangchan · 7 months
All Bark and No Bite 10
Masterlist -Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
Previous - Next
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Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, reader is a CRYBABY, fluff, angst, virgin!reader,  cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Chapter warnings: Cursing, kissing, groping, suggestive, tears, anxiety, fluff, angst, Seungmin is a menace WC: 3.5K
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Every person in the pack knew exactly what you and Hyunjin had been doing. Even if they hadn’t been able to hear it (they did) they would be able to smell it. You left a very distinct aroma when you were having sex, it permeated the entire house and left them each feeling ravenous. 
You and Hyunjin had been going at it for over an hour by now and it was leaving them all antsy- and jealous. All except Chan, who took this as a mission accomplished. He had been hoping you would come around to your assigned role and you had done so beautifully. He was proud of his sweet omega. 
It took you a little while after you had finished with Hyunjin to come out of his room, he didn’t want to let you go but had relented when you had to pee. With a whine and a long kiss he let you go. On shaky legs you left his room, closing the door behind you quietly. 
You didn’t anticipate Chan to be coming down the hallway at the same time as you. The blush covered your whole face when he made eye contact with you. “Did you enjoy yourself, omega?” He had a teasing tone to his voice, it was light and had no trace of displeasure. 
“Uh huh.” You nodded. “Jinnie… is very sweet.” 
The alpha hummed, leaning down and giving you a tender kiss and a smile, “Good baby. You’ve certainly made the other boys a little jealous.” He laughed at the end of his statement. “They will get over it.” With one more peck he continued on his way to his office. 
You took your time in the bathroom straightening up your appearance and checking for any marks Hyunjin may have left. Yep, there were a few small ones on your neck and one larger one on your chest right above your breast. You had never had a hickey before, the closest you got was your mating bite from Chan. It made you feel dirty. It was exciting. 
With another deep breath you calmed your nerves and left the bathroom and went down the stairs. A few of the boys were downstairs playing video games together. From the sounds of it, it was Felix, Jisung, Changbin and Jeongin. Must be some kind of fighting game, you could hear the grunts from the tv and then one of them yelling about it being unfair. 
When you stepped into the room they all seemed to freeze, eyes shooting to you then back to the screen. Felix had a deep blush on his face- they all did really- when he addressed you. 
“Hey baby,” he cleared his throat nervously. 
“Hi guys, what are you playing?” You remained standing in the living room entrance. Jeongin was the only one who wouldn’t meet your eyes, too afraid you would be able to tell how blown out his pupils still were from smelling your arousal in the air earlier.
“Mortal kombat.” Jisung answered, peeping over to you. “Wanna play?” He offered his controller to you. 
You shook your head with a smile. “No thank you. I haven't played in a long time, I wouldn’t be very good.”
“I could teach you, baby!” Changbin offered enthusiastically. 
“No!” Jisung protested. “You’re a cheater! You would turn her into a cheater too!” 
“I do not! You’re just a sore loser Ji!” 
“I am not, you cheater!” 
You were laughing loudly at their antics when you felt a presence come up behind you. Before you could register who it was, the figure lightly spun you around and pressed your back into the closest wall. Your breath caught in your throat at the motion. 
“Hi omega.” He pressed one of his hands to the wall next to your head, almost caging you in. His eyes seemed borderline predatory. Unexpected from a beta, but from what you could tell he was no normal beta. He exudes alpha energy, maybe he was one in a past life. 
“Hi minnie.” You uttered out shyly, not missing the way he smirked at your nerves. What you did miss was how the boys in the living room were latching onto your every move, waiting to see what Seungmin was going to do. 
They knew the beta was mildly sadistic, that he enjoyed toying with his prey. Enjoyed the chase. Not that he would ever do anything to harm you in any way, just play with you a little. 
The hand that wasn’t resting on the wall lifted to your cheek, cupping the soft skin there while he looked deeply into your eyes. His eyes flickered to your lips then back up to your eyes. The beta leaned in slowly and when you made no move to stop him he crashed his thick lips into yours. Compared to the one he gave you this morning this one was sorta harsh. Like he was making a point. Fuck, maybe he was since you had just been with Hyunjin and now you had an audience. 
Seungmin ran his tongue over your bottom lip before he shoved it in your mouth, causing you to let out a surprised squeak into him. He tasted just like he smelled; like petrichor. Fitting given his personality. What really shocked you was when he let the hand cupping your face drop down to your breast, giving it a quick squeeze. Your eyes shot open at the contact, but you didn’t stop him. Just as you had begun to reciprocate his kiss he had pulled away, ending the exchange just as quickly as it began. The beta gave you a wink, then continued on his way to the back doors as if he hadn’t just flipped your world upside down momentarily. So casually. 
You were left in a daze, bringing your fingertips to your lips that still tasted of Seungmin. 
“What the fuck?” It wasn’t any of the guys in the living room who had spoken, it was Minho who had wandered in during the exchange with Seungmin. 
His words brought you back down to earth and you spun to meet his gaze, your face inflamed. Minho came closer to you and gripped your shoulders as he leaned down to examine you, looking for any distress. “Are you ok, Y/n?” 
“Y-yeah ‘m fine.” You stuttered, giving a delicate smile. “It's just been a helluva day, is all.” He didn’t look convinced so you added, “Really, I’m good. Promise.” 
Minho looked at the other guys still in the room, all with eyes still wide. “Ok. Our pretty omega would never lie to us. Anyways, dinner is in an hour. Hope you like fried chicken.” 
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True to his word, dinner was done an hour later. Now all of you sat around the table sharing another family meal. As soon as Hyunjin came down the steps there was a lot of whooping and hollering at him, teasing the poor boy. Thankfully they didn’t do that to you, you were a lady after all. Though that didn’t stop the sly smirks and lingering gazes from around the table. 
This whole dynamic is still so bizarre to you. Not just the sex but the packs relationship as a whole. They all actually want to be around each other. Your own family hadn’t sat down for a meal together in years. You got so stuck in your mind you almost missed your alpha speaking to you from across the table. 
“Everything alright over there my love?” All eyes on you again. 
“Umm yeah, just thinkin.” You took a bite of your chicken. It was delicious. 
“Thinkin about what?” 
“Just..” You hesitated trying to think of a good way to word it. “Just about how different this pack is to my old one.” 
“Different how? In a bad way?” Jeongin sounded worried with his question. 
“No, not in a bad way! I’m just not used to it, ya know, you all being so close.” You gave him a smile to show you meant no harm.
Minho spoke next “Were you not close with your pack?” 
You had told them about you and who you were as a person but you didn’t really say much about your family or pack, it left them all curious. 
“Not really. I didn’t spend a ton of time with the whole pack. We didn’t live together, I only lived in the same house as my immediate family and even then we didn’t spend a lot of time together.” You took another bite. 
“Did you live in a commune? That's what it was in my pack we all shared land.” Jisung asked with full cheeks. “Hyunjin and I are even from the same pack.” 
“Yeah Ji, we grew up with hippies though. Not everyone is into the whole free love thing.” Hyunjin patted the back of Jisungs head fondly. 
“That sounds like it would have been nice.” You answered, “My pack took up an entire neighborhood, about 30 homes. We did have a bi monthly pack barbeque where everyone gathered and my father would bring up any concerns, but I was almost never allowed to go unless I helped the other women serve the event. When I presented as an omega that went to zero so I really don’t know how many people are in it these days.” You shrugged not seeing it as a big deal. 
Apparently it was, as everyone had shocked faces. 
“30?!” Changbin yelled, “That is so many people baby!” 
“And what do you mean you weren't allowed to go?” Seungmin demanded. “My pack was similar to that, definitely a smaller scale but still. We always had get-togethers and everyone went.”
“I don't know, that was my fathers rules. He called it his three outs. Out of sight, out of scent, out of mind.” Their expressions were making you anxious, you started to regret saying anything at all. 
Chan could sense it immediately. He began pumping out calming pheromones to quell your anxiety. “No one is mad at you omega, we’re all a little shocked is all.” You nodded, feeling a little calmer.  
“I had heard of packs like that, where it’s so large they didn’t even know each other.” Jeongin added. 
Seungmin nodded, “Suburban packs are like that. I am from a suburban pack but instead of 30 it was more like 10 houses, still over 50 people and only a few of them were related to me. My father definitely wasn’t the head alpha though, I can’t imagine the toll it takes on someone to have to look after that many people.” 
Felix was sitting next to you and grabbed your hand to comfort you. The beta gave you a kind toothy grin and brought the back of your hand up and placed a kiss there. You gave him a smile in return. Felix always brought you comfort, in a weird way he felt like home.
“My father definitely had his hands full. I know he loves me- or loved me- but he just didn’t show it often or spent a lot of time with me. Or my sister, really. The only one he ever spent time with was my older brother who was an alpha. My father expected him to follow in his footsteps and take over the pack. I think my sister and I were more side characters for him.” 
Felix shared another kiss to the back of your hand, “You’re not a side character to us, baby. In fact I think you’re more like the main character now.” There were nods of agreement all around. “Was your sister an omega also?” Felix's words warmed your heart. He was too sweet for his own good. 
You shook your head, “No, only me. I am the only omega I have ever met.” All this attention on you was making you skittish. It took everything you had to stave off that fight or flight instinct you had as a part of the prey genus, in a room full of predators. “Umm I’m sorry, this is getting difficult for me. Do you think we could talk about something else for now please?” You were practically begging, eyes screwing shut and gripping Felix extra tight. 
The boys could see how this conversation was affecting you and it broke their heart. They couldn’t imagine what it was like to grow up not wanted.
Chan cooed at you from across the table, “Of course baby.”  He looked around for any suggestions. 
Changbin piped up, “It’s supposed to be hot on friday! It’s the first day of summer, so why don’t we have a lake day? All of us.” He seemed excited at the prospect. To be fair he was an excitable guy. He reminded you of a retriever in that way. 
You opened your eyes at his excitement. “I’ve never been to the lake before!” Now you were feeling the energy. 
“Then I think that's a great idea, Binnie.” Chan agreed, he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to make his omega happy. Both you and Changbin squealed in excitement, locking eyes. Then something dawned on you, 
“I don’t have a swim suit.” You had a pout at the realization. 
“Dibs on taking you to get one!” Jisung sprung from his seat with his hand raised, looking so serious. 
Minho scoffed “Are you sure about that? Remember what happened last time you took her shopping Ji?” 
Though it wasn’t on purpose, Minhos comment made you ashamed of yourself. Your head dropped at his words. 
Chan saw you get discouraged and narrowed his eyes slightly at the beta. “That won’t happen again, things are different now.” He was containing his irritation as to not start shit at the dinner table. The alpha wanted you to feel better, not worse. 
Jisung deflated back into his seat after Minhos words but looked hopeful once again at Chans words. He locked eyes with you, “I would love to take you shopping again, Baby.” Jisung was so earnest it made your cheeks flush. 
Seungmin teased the other beta “You only want to see her try on swimsuits, you perv.” 
The table broke into laughter at the jeering. Jisung defended himself passionately, “I am not a perv! You’re the perv!! You can't keep your lips or hands to yourself with her!” He pointed at Seungmin accusingly. 
Seungmin shrugged nonchalantly, not denying it. “Can you blame me?” 
Jisungs cheeks had a dark blush, and he answered a quiet “...no.” 
“Awww Sungie.” Hyunjin pinched his cheek, the younger boy slapping the hand away with a scowl. 
“ I would like you to take me, Ji. Thank you.” You gave him a shy smile. “We can go tomorrow if you would like? Since we’ll be at the lake on Friday and it’s Wednesday now.” 
“Perfect. We will go in the morning.” Jisung couldn’t stop the wide grin that spread on his face, in turn making you have one too. 
“Do you think I might join you guys tomorrow?” Felix asked from beside you. “There’s something I would like to pick up also.”
“I don’t see why not.” Jisung shrugged, looking at you. You nodded, smiling at both boys. 
“I am so excited! I’ve only ever been to the pool in my neighbors backyard! And even then that old bitch only ever let me swim if I did her yard work.” You grumbled that last bit, remembering that ornery old woman. More laughter filled the room with your words. 
“It will be a great time, baby. We’ll all make a day out of it. Bring out the grill and everything.” Chan said, planning it out in his head. 
“Should we make it a camping trip?” Jeongin suggested. 
“Oooooo yes! We haven't been camping in forever! Can we please, Hyung?” Jisung begged, jutting his lip out in a puppy pout. You thought it was a great idea and joined in the pout, batting your eyes at your alpha. 
Chan sighed, wiping his hand down his face. “If everyone else agrees, then yes we can make it a camping trip.” 
You both looked around at the rest of the pack with hopeful eyes. When they all seemed to nod in agreement (really it was they couldn’t possibly say no to you both) you and Jisung both cheered a loud “YAY” and sprung from your seats, leaning over the table to meet for a high five.
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When everyone was done eating you helped clean up the mess, and packed away leftovers. While you were wiping down the table, Chan came up behind you, and nuzzled his face into your hair. “Do you wanna come watch a movie with me in bed, my love?” 
You leaned into him and responded with a “mmhmm. That sounds nice.” 
“Mmm perfect. I’ll go pick something out while you finish up here.” He gave your butt a pat then headed up to his room. 
It only took you another few minutes to complete your task, before you went to wish the remaining pack members goodnight. 
“Goodnight!” “Night baby!” “Sweet dreams.” they responded. Hyunjin got up and gave you a sweet peck before he whispered his goodnight. 
“I’ll go with you, baby, I’m going to go lay down myself.” Felix said as he came out of the kitchen after doing the dishes. He grabbed your hand gently and you both went up together. 
Felix led you to Chans door, and he seemed nervous all of a sudden. It made you worried. “What's wrong Lixie?” 
He looked down anxiously. You rubbed the skin on the back of his hand that was still held in yours. “Umm, would it be ok if I maybe..” he mumbled. “Dammit..” Instead of finishing his sentence he opted for actions, leaning in slowly to give you a chance to deny his advances. When you remained still for him he let his lips find yours, giving you a quick but tender kiss. Felix let the touch linger for only a moment and when he pulled away you found yourself chasing his lips, his overall warmth being intoxicating. 
The beta was blushing bright red all over his face when he pulled back from you, you were sure yours had a matching shade. Felix let his hands fall from yours, one of them coming to rub the back of his neck. “Ummm anyways, goodnight baby.” Just like that he turned on his heels and speed walked to his own door, shutting himself inside. 
Felix was reeling. He could not believe he had done that. Something he had wanted to do since the moment he first saw you. After shutting himself in his room he leaned against the back of his door, his head resting against the wood. He just knew he would be thinking about the taste of your lips all night. 
There was an essence of him left on your skin. Cinnamon. Surprisingly spicey, given how sweet he always smells. 
Chan was already laid on the bed, wearing only his pj pants and sporting his signature smirk. “I laid out some pjs for you, my love.” He gestured to the clothes by the foot of the bed. They consisted of a pair of panties and one of his t-shirts. 
“Thank you, Alpha.” you changed into the laid out items and then crawled into bed next to your alpha. You curled yourself into his open arms, letting yourself relax against him completely. The scent of him-woodsy and earthy- was a welcoming comfort, especially after the long day you had. 
“Did you have a good day, baby?” Chan asked in a low tone as he stroked your hair. You simply hummed and nodded against him. “You were kept quite busy  today huh?” You opted to bury yourself further into his chest, avoiding the question so he couldn’t see how you flushed. He laughed at your actions, making a show at giving your head a big smooch. “You are too precious, baby. Too cute for your own good. No wonder you have all those boys wrapped around your tiny little finger.” 
“Channiiiie” You whined, embarrassed. 
He pulled you closer still chuckling at you, “Ok ok I won’t tease anymore. Are you ready to watch a movie?” 
“Mhm what did you pick?” 
“I chose ‘Bridesmaids’, I hope that’s ok? It’s one of my favorites.” 
You beamed, “thats perfect.” 
Chan clicked play on the remote next to him, the opening scene starting on the tv in front of you. A few minutes in you felt yourself start to drift off. “Hey channie?” He hummed in response. “I love you. You are a really good alpha.” 
Luckily you were facing away from him, or you wouldn’t have missed the tear that threatened to fall from his eye. The alpha had not cried in years, but suddenly some sweet - and much needed- words from you almost opened the floodgates “I love you too, my girl.” He pressed another kiss to your hair as he felt you fall into slumber. His life really was perfect now. Chan hadn’t been this happy in so, so long. With that on his mind, it didn’t take him long to follow your lead, falling asleep with you in his arms. 
A/N: Yes I know this was kind of a filler, I felt like it was time to give a little more backstory on our pack and omega :)
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!
Beta read by my wonderful bumble bee @ayejaii
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chessholic · 7 months
 ー Feelings ー
11th Doctor
(feat. 10th Doctor)
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Summary: You didn't expect to meet the Doctor with a totally different face.
Author's Note: Hey! I am not super pleased with this. However I hope you enjoy it. Bare with me, I am getting better at this. :)
You cheerfully exited the TARDIS skipping down the cobble stone street. The Doctor couldn't help, but smile while his eyes shined all the love he held for you. You just didn't see it, maybe you were too afraid to.
"So, what are we doing?", you asked curiously turning to face him. You were in London shopping for something.
"I just need to buy some-", the Doctor came to a stop raising a finger to his chin. He seemed to be in deep thoughts.
It was rare because usually he was all over the place and you needed to watch out his hands that moved almost as fast as his rambling. So this quiet moment was something new.
"Blimey...", he muttered under his breath.
"You forgot again?", you asked smirking at his sarcastic smile to you. You skipped back to him and took his hand.
"Let's explore and maybe it will find us", you told him and pulled him with you.
The Doctor couldn't ignore how nice your hand felt in his, your hand was comforting, you couldn't get lost when you held his hand. And you tried your best to calm your beating heart and thoughts. The Doctor was your safe place, he gave you comfort.
If you only knew that the feeling was very mutual.
You two have dated for a while now, but you both were a bit afraid. The Doctor was already afraid of losing you and you were afraid of the pain it would cause him. You two hadn't kissed yet, the tension and idea lingering in the air, making it thick to breathe.
Sometimes the tension felt suffocating, so many emotions, but no one said anything.
The love you held for each other was evident, but neither of you had said the three magical words.
I love you
You and the Doctor were exploring a huge market that was packed with people. At some point you two got separated. The panic was filling you, suffocating you. People were hitting your shoulders and making you lose your balance. All the sounds and people yelling seemed to quiet down, like the time had stopped.
Closing your eyes and trying to stop hyperventilating you prepared for the fall waiting for the hard ground. However you felt someone taking you in their arms.
"I got you", someone said with a comforting voice. Carefully you opened your eyes meeting warm looking brown eyes that had a hint of concern in them. However the thing that struck you was the fact that his eyes were oddly familiar. The man carefully helped you to your feet.
"Please, can you help me away from-", you quietly asked, but stopped when a person almost knocked you over again.
"Yes, let's get you away from here", he stated determined to get you away from the crowd that seemed to cause you your distress.
Finally you found a quiet sideway and you leaned against a wall breathing still a bit unevenly.
"Are you okay? Can I help?", the man asked awkwardly, you were reminded of the Doctor. Your Doctor always wanted to help everyone, often forgetting himself in the process.
"I need to find him", you muttered closing your eyes trying to steady everything, your body and mind. The world was spinning and you could see black dots.
Why did you agree to this trip? The Doctor was your safe place and only he could get you through these situations.
"Find who?", the man asked and finally you took a good look at the man.
He was wearing Converses. Why? He had a light brown faux-suede duster coat on and he had a tie. Your Doctor always wore bowties. How would he look with a tie?
The man was odd, but at the same time you felt something familiar.
"Thank you so much, my saviour, what is your name?", you tried to joke, but you felt awful.
The man perked up and apparently tried to make himself look important because he raised his chin and pushed his chest out a bit.
"I am the Doctor", he announced flashing a charming smile.
"No, you're not", you said furrowing your brows.
A smile on the man's face faltered and turned into confusion.
"What?", he asked, that was not a reaction he was expecting.
"You are not the Doctor", you repeated nervously and tried to get away from the man.
"You are from the future? Do you travel with me?", the man asked with curiosity, but kept a distance between you two. His eyes were honest, just like your Doctors.
They also held the same wise look in them. Could he really be? He once mentioned something about regeneration.
Carefully you walked closer to him. The Doctor watched curiously what you were going to do.
You lifted your hands up close to his face. You waited for permission. The confused man didn't say anything so you gingerly touched his face. Your face breaking into a toothpaste commercial smile made the man's hearts skip a beat. He could see how much love your eyes hold for the future him, for him.
"So you have always been handsome, but not ginger", you whispered your voice a bit shaky from the unexplainable emotion that was in your throat.
A small chuckle escaped his lips. "And who you might be?".
"I am not sure if I am allowed to tell you that", you answered a bit cheekily making the man grin.
You carefully took your hands away from his face suddenly craving to find your Doctor.
You both turned to see where the shouting was coming from.
"Doctor!", you yelled back tears streaming down your face, however they were happy tears.
Finally down the alley ran a tall lanky man who was nothing like the skinny spiky haired man next to you.
His brown wild hair was messier than usual, probably from him running his hand through his hair in stress. His green eyes were frantically searching for anything that would indicate you would be hurt.
"You are okay, you are okay", he rambled pulling you to his arms. He buried his face to your neck inhaling your scent.
"Blimey, I was so worried. I will never let go of your hand again", he muttered taking your face in his hands.
"I am okay, Doctor. Nothing bad has happened", you reassured him bringing your hands on top of his that were holding your face carefully while his eyes scanned you throughout.
"I love you so much Y/N, I cannot lose you", he confessed voice thicker than usual.
Before you could even answer to him, his lips captured yours. Regardless of the storming emotions the kiss was gentle and loving.
It made you weak in the knees. Oh how many nights did you imagine what this moment would be like, how this would feel. You needed to admit that it felt better than you could have ever imagined.
After a moment you two pulled away catching your breaths.
"I love you too Doctor, with all my heart", you whispered making the Doctor smiling brighter than the sun.
"What are you doing here?", the Doctor asked after a moment of silence.
"Oh you-", you looked where the past version of him used to stand. However the skinny man had disappeared into thin air.
"I just needed to get away from the crowd", you explained, it technically was the truth.
He accepted your answer and took your hand smiling giddily.
"Let's get back to the TARDIS"
"That sounds great", you responded leaning against his side resting your head against his shoulder.
Near the TARDIS you felt eyes on you. Turning around you were met with brown eyes that seemed to shine brighter than the stars you had seen.
You blew him a kiss and winked before disappearing into the TARDIS.
The Doctor watched as the TARDIS disappeared. Oh how he wanted to find you. He didn't know you, but he could already feel how you were a missing piece from his soul.
He really loved you already.
"Why on earth did you wear sandshoes?"
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balancethescales · 1 year
thinking about the specific moments where the berzatto family falls in love with sydney (because of course they do, everyone does).
for richie, it takes the end of the beef and right up till the opening of the bear to happen. he is full of contempt and grief when he meets her and all he knows is that when he looks at her face he is afraid. he doesn’t like that feeling. richie is not a man who finds himself fearful a lot, but she is everything he is not and nothing that he is and he hates himself for it. if she is what it means to be passionate, then what is he? is he nothing but an empty shell of mikey, stuck on earth to shake his fist at passing clouds, because how dare they move and continue on like mikey was nothing to them, as if he wasn’t the very point that the earth revolved around? everyone is leaving him behind, and she is proudly leading the pack. it’s not right. but then— he gets it. he talks to garrett and jess and chef terry and he sees sydney in every corner of that restaurant. the fear slowly is replaced with respect as the week goes on and he realizes that just because she’s good doesn’t mean she’s out to get him. that’s the berzatto upbringing in him doing the talking, but it doesn’t have to, because shes a berzatto now, maybe not officially (not yet, but mark his words, she will be) but she is, and that’s not how she does things. so, he lets her lead them into the future to something good and different and better.
for sugar, it’s instant. she was born to a mother who is triggered by her very existence, and it has hurt her all her life. she is full of love and the one person she wants to give it to the most doesn’t want any part of it. she was born to give but is surrounded by those who are afraid to even take it, to reach out their hand and meet her in the middle. and if they cant take then they themselves have nothing to give, so she gets used to being the one who has to force feed her love down their throats, because if no one does, if no one shows them that they are worthy of good things, then they will crumble (“if i just talked to him more—” “no, nat—” “if i had just—” “it’s not your fault, honey. it’s never been.”). but when she meets sydney, it’s like looking into a mirror. she sees her bright eyes and soft smiles and careful but strong hands and instantly recognizes her for what she is: a giver. and sugars heart swells with even more love than she thought possible, because finally, she’s not alone— there is someone else there to slowly, albeit subconsciously, take care of her crumbling family, to show them that despite what their mother may have taught them, its okay to not be okay (she tries her best not to cry when syd asks her if shes okay, but she does. and syd doesnt grab her face or yell at her or call her stupid. she makes her a meal. and sugar cries some more).
for cicero, the love isn’t instant, and it’s not even entirely love. she is strong and she is assertive, but that also makes her naive and a very expensive risk. she makes him curious for what’s to come, intrigued by the way she doesn’t back down from carmy whose voice so often mimics the berzattos that came before him (“you’re better than this, kid.” “i don’t know what i am.” “whatever it is, it’s not this.”). she's self assured and knows her place in the establishment and is unafraid to let people know it. it’s a refreshing change of pace from mikey, who often resorted to intimidation to get his way, or carmy, who’s anxiety envelopes him and distracts him from what’s right there in front of him. but she is not them. she is focused and on track and is willing to put in the work to get what she wants. he doesn’t visit the bear often, only drops by once in a while to deliver bad news or to fulfill a favour or to just enjoy some good food, but when he does, she is always there, dedicated to ensuring that carmy and michaels, and now, her dream stays alive. she is good for his family, and he trusts her to keep the berzatto spirit alive.
for michelle, it’s quite simple. she always looked out for carmy, their little bear, so when she meets her it’s a family thanksgiving party at the bear and syd stumbles out of the kitchen, obviously frazzled and a little sweaty (“carmy, im not ready, i didn’t even change yet and the turk—” “don’t worry, tina will take care of it, you look great, they’ll love you, they just really wanted to meet you—”), but she’s smiling. she’s a little awkward when she introduces herself, and michelle finds herself endeared by her nervous ramble (“it’s, uh, really nice to meet you guys. sorry, i didn’t know that i was going to be pulled out of the kitchen so soon. uh, im sydney. yeah, i guess carmy already told you guys, huh? um. im sorry, how are you related to the family again? i mean, i dont want to offend but it’s just. uh. well, you guys are just very... normal?”) and she’ll laugh and look at stanley and the two of them will think to themselves, good job carmy, she’s a good one, before telling syd something dumb and nonsensical about a genetic mutation and richie interrupts to tell michelle it’s not a genetic mutation it’s called being boring and syd will laugh and michelle will too, truly happy that their little bear found someone normal, a breath of fresh air within the smoke of their family.
for donna, it’s weird. it’s tense. they don’t meet for a long time. they don’t meet at the bear when it first opens and not at the bear even when it has found it’s footing, but by chance. they are somewhere mundane (a grocery store, a park, or maybe just the street) and there is no other family member around when syd meets the berzatto matriarch. she only knows what donna looks like from photos at sugars house because carmys apartment is devoid of any actual sentiment (although that has begun to change since she made him get an actual dresser and he dedicated one of the drawers to her stuff). she calls out to her by her name, and donna turns around startled. she doesn’t recognize syd, of course, who introduces herself and informs her of who she is to the family. when donna smiles it’s not a real one, and syd knows this, but it doesn’t deter her. she tells donna that her kids love her (“even after everything, nat?” “she’s our mother. its all that we can do.”) and that her kids are great (“carmy, you are not broken.” “im a little broken.” “no, listen to me, the fact that you are still here, means something. its something.”) and that there will always be a table for her at the bear (“chef, someones calling in for a reso for 1 but we’re all full up… except for—“ “yo, dont finish that sentence. table 7 for ms. berzatto is an indefinite booking. is that understood?” “yes, chef”). donnas smile fades and her chest fills with anger but just as she’s about to explode in typical berzatto fashion syd interrupts her. she has faced the bear many a time before and has handled herself with grace and dignity everytime, so this is no different. she smiles brightly and thanks donna for listening to her and hopes she considers coming in, because she’d really like to cook for her. she looks like she needs a good meal. she deserves one. she turns and walks away. donnas stomach growls. that night, table 7 is occupied for the first time since the bear opened its doors.
and carmy? well, there isn’t an exact moment. its a culmination of awkward partnership (“i don’t want to be shitty.” “okay, then dont be.”) and flawless teamwork (“the menu needs—” “already on it, chef.”) and nights unwinding at the bar down the street (“of course you drink an old fashioned.” “what’s that supposed to mean?” “nothing, it’s just very… tortured-chef-from-the-slums-of-chicago of you”) and spontaneous phone calls just to hear the others voice (“why are you whispering?” “i… don’t know. my dads home. its a habit.” “you’re 27.” “and you’re white, you wouldn’t get it.”) till they’re just inseparable (“cousin, wheres carmy?” “with syd, duh.” “why'd i even ask?”). and then, sydney and carmen become something else. something tender and sweet and terrifying and beautiful all mixed together into… something. there’s no word for what they have. but it feels so right; to the guests who taste their food and recognize that the hands who put it together are full of love and care; to the staff at the bear who see the unspoken communication, the lingering touches, and their soft eyes that seem to always be on the other; to the berzatto family who notice that carmy looks a little brighter, and shakes a little less. yes, its love, but its so much more. it’s syd and carmy. it always has been, and always will be.
(“can i ask you something? something corny and lame and gross?” “always.” “when did you, like, know?” “know what?” “like, when did you know that you loved me? like, not as a chef or a friend, but as... y'know.” “that’s very middle school of you to ask.” “shut up, i did warn you.” “…” “so?” “its, uh, i don’t, i don’t know.” “well, that’s rude.” “no, i mean, i can’t say its one moment because... it was all of them. together. like, one moment you’re staging and then everything happened and, and, keeps happening but the next thing i knew you were there and you always were there and i just knew that i never wanted you to not be there.” “that’s…. really, really, disgusting, and frankly, a little unprofessional.” “oh, fuck off.” “no, like, i knew you were obsessed with me, but wow, that is a whole new other level.” “fuck you, get off of me, don’t touch me.” “no no no, please—” “i let you into my family—” “let me?” “into my restaurant—” “i think you mean OUR restaurant—” “only for you to humiliate me in my own bed? how dare you.” “…are you sulking?” “…” “…carmy?” “syd?” “me too.” “…heard, chef. now come back here.”)
(and it’s unspoken, but everyone knows that michael would’ve loved her too. i mean, she’s sydney fucking adamu, she conquered the bear. how could anyone not love her?)
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kittenlittle24 · 4 months
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Recently started watching House MD and instantly fell deep into the fandom. Please forgive any mistakes, might be ooc, I didn’t write anything in a very very long time! As well as this is my first time writing a Gregory House imagine! Not good at writing summaries!
Summery: Reader and House used to date, and like a little boy now that someone else has his toy he wants it back.
The door to her office slammed open, she didn’t bother raising her eyes, “Yes Gregory?”
Frowning, “You know I don’t appreciate being called like that.”
She smiled, lowered the file she was reading onto her desk, and placed her hands on it, “Ah. Just like you know I don’t appreciate people barging into my office like that.”
He pulled out the chair opposite of her and sat down, he put his legs on her desk and started to play with his cane.
“Nice bling.”
She sighed and lightly smacked his feet, not wanting to hurt him but signaling to take them off.
“Are congratulations in order?”
She stayed silent for another moment, he wasn’t done, she figured.
“Though I really don’t understand why you would do something so idioti-“ he didn’t disappoint.
“House. Say why you are wasting my time or get out.”
Putting his legs down, he sat up, “5-year-old girl, fever, loss of appetite, irritability, and shortness of breath.”
“Did you run an EKG?”
Hitting himself in the head with a fake gasp, “Why didn’t I think about that?”
She got up and walked around the desk to open the door for him.
“You don’t need my consult, you know what it is. I don’t know what the hell it is you want from me, but I want you to leave.” She told him before returning to her desk and resuming her paperwork.
She heard him get up and limp to the door, only looking up when she heard it close, but just to see he was still there, her door closed once again and he was leaning heavily on his cane and looked deep in thought, eyebrows scrunched together and knuckles almost white from his grip on his cane.
“So expect me to watch you walk down the aisle, wearing all white and what?”
She leaned back in her chair and quietly replied, “I’m not sure why you think you’re invited.”
His mouth opened slightly and his eyebrows raised to a shocked expression.
“My fiancé doesn’t want me to invite an ex to our wedding.”
“Who cares what he thinks?” He yelled.
Getting up and walking to stand in front of him, “I do! And frankly, I understand him. House, you want to be miserable, fine, have at it. But please, leave me out of it! I’m done with whatever this is!” She answered with her hands moving between them.
“I don’t think you can be more done with me than not even inviting me.”
“You broke up with me! Don’t you get it? How could I marry another man when you’re sitting right there? I’m marrying him and then I’m leaving the hospital.”
“Leaving me,” he added defeatedly.
She nodded and looked down. Not able to look at his blue eyes.
“Marry me instead.”
Her eyes shot up to him, shocked and so each speechless.
“You don’t want to leave the hospital, you love me, I love you, I’m an asshole and you could tell me that everyday for the rest of my miserable life. Please, be miserable with me.” He asked in a low voice, half jokingly.
Against her better judgment, as if forgetting the pain he put her through when he broke up with her because she got too close and he was too afraid of intimacy and letting anyone break his walls down, she took his scruffy cheeks in her soft palms, raised his head to lock their gazes and whispered, “I guess I am an idiot.” Before she placed her lips on his, kissing him passionately, feeling his salt and pepper beard scratch her chin in the best way possible.
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things an intimidating/possessive caretaker can say to whumpee
tw: mention of violence, manipulation (depends on how you view it) and ed. scroll past this if it might upset you
“you wanna tell me where you got those bruises from?”
“roll up your sleeve, you know I don’t like repeating myself.”
“I know you’re bleeding. I can smell your blood, and you’re pale. now you wanna tell me what happened and who hurt you? or do I have to find it out myself?”
“who did this to you?”
“I know you and I know it when you lie to me, and you know how I feel about being lied to.”
“no one is going to love and accept you like I do. don’t you understand that?”
“I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at the scum that thought he could do this to you, and I will make him pay for it.”
“stop squirming and it will hurt less.”
“I’m sorry for yelling. I supposed I got so angry that I lost it, but I wasn’t angry at you. I was angry at that sick fuck, and at myself for not seeing the signs sooner.”
“is that really what you think of me? you think I would — you think I would hurt you?”
“you don’t have to be afraid of me.”
“no, I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger like that again. and if I have to tie you up or chain you down to this very bed to make sure you stay put, I will.”
“you can hate me all you want, but I’m not letting you hurt yourself anymore.”
“eat. this is not a question, you have to eat something and I’m hoping that you won’t make me force you.”
“quit your crying, it’s not going to help.”
“it’s okay, you can cry.”
“I am saving you whether or not you want to be saved.”
“you’re a stubborn brat, but you’re my stubborn brat. I will not let anybody touch what is mine.”
“I told you to listen to me. you should’ve listened to me.”
“I don’t want you to apologize to me, I want you to stop doing this to yourself.”
“let me see [the wound]. I said let me see.”
“there’s a reason people are afraid of me. I am capable of the most brutal acts of violence, yes, but I want you to know that you don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not gonna hurt you the way I hurt everybody else. you… I’m not gonna hurt you. you don’t have to trust me, but I won’t hurt you.”
“this is your home now. it’ll be easier if you accept that.”
“everything I do, I do it for your own good.”
“you don’t realize how much you mean to me, do you?”
“I know it hurts, but I need you to be brave for me right now.”
“stop it. stop fighting against me. I am helping you.”
“I’d burn the world down for you.”
“look what you made me do. none of this would’ve happened if you just listened to me.”
“I saved you. all these deaths? it’s worth it. I would do anything and everything to keep you safe.”
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lilbitdepressed27 · 2 months
Can you do a fic where the core four find out Tara is dating a really famous singer (Fem reader) and how Sam would take it?
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
WC: 2.3k
Author’s Note: hope you enjoy, and it’s up to your expectations.sorry for the wait
For the life of her, Tara couldn't understand what or how she got to call you her girlfriend. She remembered meeting you like it was yesterday when in reality it was six months ago. She remembered being in the library trying to study for her final exam, she had lost track of time. When she heard someone somewhat loudly talking on the phone.
The tiredness and the hunger she was feeling (that was making her head hurt) boiled over into anger as she slammed her book shut. Storming up to whoever was talking so loudly. (It's wasn't that loud, it was more of a whisper yelling. But she was irritated.)
"Look Max, I'm in a library. I'm just gonna check some books out and that's it. Oh my god, Rex is outside. Yes I know-Hey, can you talk a little bit quitter some of us are trying to study."
Her irritation was gone the moment you had turned around. Her jaw dropping and eyes widening at the sight of your apologetic face.
You hung up the phone the moment you heard the voice. A wave of embarrassment washed over you. "I'm so sorry that was my ma-mom. My mom. She worries. She's a worrier. Uh sorry I disturbed your study session."
"You're Y/n Y/ln...the singer."
It wasn't long ago that she was literally drooling over a thirst trap about you on TikTok. She gets way too many thirst traps of you on her for you page. Not that she's complaining.
Looking back at that memory, her face still flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't believe she had snapped at you. Although a part of her was kinda glad she did. Cause now here she was dating you. She was happier than ever.
Keeping the relationship a secret was surprisingly easy. With you being on a bit of a hiatus after a long, long world tour. You had so much free time. Time that she loved that you spent with her. Most of the time was spent at your own apartment, she had to lie a few times to Sam. Seeing as Sam didn't know she was dating you.
Being with you had been so freeing. She felt so happy. You made her feel safe, you took her protection very seriously. When going out with her, you always had your bodyguards with you. The men were always prepared and ready. Keeping a good distance to give you both a bit of privacy. Frank and Bill, the ex marine bodyguards were the sweetest but were not afraid to get physical with anyone.
You weren't either, you had gotten verbal with an older woman who wouldn't stop bugging her about the Woodborro's attacks. She had never been more attracted to you, seeing you curse out the older woman. Not even letting the woman get a word in.
"Hey baby, are you done studying now?"
Arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind. The light kisses you placed on her neck. Tilting her head so you had more room as she leaned back in her chair. Gladly accepting your kisses.
"You've been in here for hours, you need to rest. Come on." Moving the chair to face away from the desk. Turning the chair to face you. "Come on. I already got the bath ready for you, I also made us some dinner."
Tara couldn't help but fall more in love. You were always so sweet, caring, just so adorable to her. A completely different person than when you're on tv or with other people. The person in front of her, only she had the luxury to see this way.
"Join me?"
"Without question."
She did more than just relax in that bathtub.
"When am I going to meet the person you've been sneaking out to go see?"
It was late in the afternoon when she had gotten home. You were busy meeting with some people to talk about business, till late. You had wanted to make sure everything was set for your long hiatus that you were going to take. She knew you deserved it. After being on tour for almost two years, your world tour made billions and it was one of the biggest tours in history.
You deserved to rest.
So she had made her way home. Opting to just stay there so Sam wouldn't suspect anything. Clearly she underestimated her sister. Cause she had almost jumped a full foot in the air at the unsuspected voice the moment she stepped into the apartment.
"Jesus Sam. I thought you were at work." She tried to ignore the question as she set her keys and bag down before heading to the kitchen. To her dismay her sister followed her.
"Come on Tara. You know I worry, just let me meet them so I can see if I can trust them, and possibly have Kirby run a background check."
With a shake of her head and a laugh, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Tara you're my sister, I can tell when you're lying." Sam crossed her arms, as she took in her little sister. For the past few months she's seen the change in her sister. Tara seemed more happy, at peace. A complete 180 from how she was when they first moved to New York. Don't get her wrong she loved this change. Tara openly talked about the things that happened in Woodboro with her. Talking about wanting to move on.
But she knew Tara was hiding something/someone. She also saw the love marks on her sister neck that Tara clearly tried to hide.
"It's Y/n Y/ln."
A mock laugh was all Tara got. "Come on Tara seriously. Who's this person."
With a grin in return, "I am serious."
"Fine don't tell me. But I will find out."
You had been messing around with your guitar when you heard your doors lock unlatch and open. Only one person had a key to your apartment. So with you knowing who it was you put your guitar on its stand, leaving your studio to meet the love of your life.
"Hey baby." Seeing her was always such a sight you loved. She was absolutely beautiful. Even when she was clearly overthinking something. She had the familiar furrowed eyebrows and pout when she was deep in thought. Gently tapping her nose, her slight jump didn't go unnoticed. "What's wrong?"
Tara leaned into your embrace the moment you brought her into a hug. The feeling of your hand gently creasing her back. She just loved being in your arms.
"How do you feel about meeting my sister and best friends?" At the sight of your smile, her nerves settled.
"Nervous, but I would love to."
Tara had been pacing the living room for the past ten minutes. It won't be long till you got here. With you being a big artist, you always wore funny disguises to blind in with the normal crowd. It sometimes reminded her of Superman. Everyone knew Superman, but hardly anyone knew Clark Kent. Which also meant you were going to take a bit longer than usual.
"Tara would you relax. It's not like we're meeting anyone famous. We just want to ask her a few questions and then have Kirby run a background check." Mindy said from her seat on the couch, getting a bit dizzy from seeing Tara pacing. Anika was right next to her cuddled up to her.
She was nervous, it'd be the first relationship she'd be in with Sam around. And she wanted Sam's approval. Sam was her big sister after all. Sam wouldn't care if you were a big artist. It would still take her time to trust you.
You were absolutely losing your mind, you don't remember ever feeling so nervous. You didn't know much about the ghostface murders, let alone the stab movies. You didn't really like slasher movies. You didn't do any research, not even when Tara told you what had happened to her. You didn't want to come across any crime photos you were for sure to see. From the scars on Tara's body you knew her encounter with said ghostface (who also happened to be her best friend) had been gruesome.
You also knew that Sam was protective. And you couldn’t blame the sister.
So you wanted to make a good first impression. With a nice bottle of wine. It was also extremely expensive but no one had to know that.
You were in front of Tara's apartment door a lot quicker than you had hoped. You've preformed in front of thousands of people but these, these was your first serious relationship. Your first time meeting a significant others family. Since the start of your career you had always focused more on your music. Never focusing on the many girls that were basically throwing themselves at you.
Tara though, Tara was different. She made you feel so, special, in love. Cared for. She was your person.
Knocking on the door as you took off your hat, wig, face mask and glasses. The door opened and Tara's beautiful face greeted you. You could see the nerves in her eyes but one look at you and she seemed to relax.
"Hey gorgeous, I brought wine. I wasn't sure what to bring, I was gonna call but I was, I'm a bit nervous-Hey it's okay. The wine is perfect." Seeing how nervous you were she pushed her own nerves down. She knew this was your first time meeting a girls family. Something she found hard to believe. She could have sworn you had been dating Renee Rapp. But the blonde singer was just your best friend.
"Come on. Also they might freak out and stare, so be prepared."
You took a deep breath and exhaled trying to steady your nerves. With Tara's hand in yours. You heard people talking in the living room. With your hand in Tara's she lead you to the living room, the voices quickly stopping at the sight of you. You took in the way their eyes widen and jaws dropped.
"Guys this is Y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n those are the twins, Chad and Mindy. Anika who's Mindy's girlfriend, Quinn my roommate, that's Ethan and this is Sam my sister."
You forced your nerves down, the girl Quinn broke the silence. "You're Y/n Y/Ln." the disbelief was heard in her voice. Her eyes refusing to take her eyes off you. It was starting to make you a bit uncomfortable. The way she was looking at you was menacing in a way. Like you were some type of award that she was dying to have. It was an odd look. One that only made you feel so uncomfortable, a squeeze to your hand took your eyes away from the red head to the brunette standing to your side.
Sam had tried to hide her disbelief as she took you in. She herself had been a fan of yours for quite a while now, remembered feeling a bit of disappointment when you had announced your hiatus after your last world tour show. A tour she had sworn she'd try to go to but with everything that had happened the opportunity never came.
You offered a small smile at the tall brunette. She was taller than Tara which was a bit funny. Tara looked absolutely adorable standing next to her sister. Extremely tiny next to her sister and friends. The uncomfortable feeling you had with the red head being forgotten at the sight of your beautiful girlfriend. "It's nice to finally meet you Sam. Your sister talks highly about you."
At mention of that, it had Sam smiling but yet her eye brows raised. Tara rolled her eye in return but yet she was also smiling. As much as Tara told you, how they butted heads. You knew Tara admired her big sister. And based off the look the older carpenter had casted Tara's way. You also knew that Tara's opinion on Sam mattered.
"Thank you, although Tara hasn't said anything about you-Wait yes I did! I told you about Y/n last time you cornered me."
"I didn't believe you!" Sam quickly responded.
“Dude who would? Tara I’m sorry but holy shit Y/n you are a whole lot hotter in person.” Mindy said her eyes still wide in disbelief. Quickly snapping out of it when Anika elbowed her side.
Chad was the first out of the three to stand up, “It’s nice to meet you Y/n, you think you can get us to meet Beyoncé?” He received an even harder elbow to the stomach by Mindy.
At the sound of your chuckle, Tara felt herself relax leaning into your side. Watching you get along with her friends and Sam was all she wanted.
Getting to know Tara's friends and sister was fun. Even though that red head still kinda gave you a weird vibe. Thankfully she had retreated to her room. With time it had come down to just you Tara and Sam. Tara momentarily leaving to use the restroom.
“Okay so I know Tara is all about independence and her freedom. So all I’m going to say, treat her right, make her happy and we won’t have any issues.” Sam said, although she still planned to have Kirby run a background check. Yes you were a big star, and even though she was a fan. Her sister’s safety came first.
“I will Sam, I love you sister. More than anything. I take her safety seriously as well. And Tara told me you were probably going to have one of your friends run a background check on me.” At the sight of her wide eyed and the slight redness on her cheeks. You chuckled, “Be free to. I don’t hide anything well maybe my once obsession with supercorp.”
Sam let out a small laugh. Even though you were thee Y/n Y/Ln. it would take time to fully trust you.
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cvnt4him · 2 months
Hello!!! I really love your writing style and I want to try out requesting<3 How about IT girl reader in a serious relationship with Izuku in middle school? I don't know if this disobeys your rules, if it does, I'm sorry 😭
Tysm nonnie/nonette!!! I am so glad you actually took the time out of your day to read my rules!! They are a bit outdated to the way that I am/write now but I will do this It just won't be smut I hope that's alright ty for the req and i hope you enjoy<33
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Wherever you walked you left a message. Whatever room you entered, all eyes were on you. You just had an effect on people that made their jaws drop. Izukus however was always dropped the lowest. He was a complete dork. A nerdy adorable dork.
You watched everything very closely. You were an observant person and every time you seen izuku get mistreated it angered you deeply. Your first time seeing izuku get bullied you assumed it truly was a one time thing, but we all know it wasn't.
You watched from behind a door, katsuki and his goons laughing down at izuku ridiculing and insulting him. Izuku tried hard not to cry, tears brimming in his eyes every ounce of strength in his body trying to not let these boys see him cry.
It broke your heart. What else were you to do besides treat them the way they treated him. You called out to them making the goons run away, katsuki rolled his eyes and stood his ground. He was an egotistical, conceited, rich boy who felt nobody could tell him what to do.
"the fucks wrong with you? Why are you treating him like this, dickhead."
You called out to him, the blond scoffed looking you up and down taking you in. The way stood the way you spoke and they you looked, it even flustered him. You walked with your head held high, always and people acknowledged that, he wouldn't admit it but it was respectable.
"just a little joke between friends s'all. What's it t'ya?"
He spoke to you, loud and brass he didn't care who heard him and wasn't afraid to speak. You roll your eyes at the statement, it's clearly obvious they weren't friends with izuku.
"you're not his friend. If you were you wouldn't be treating him like shit, or a two dollar hooker your rich daddy bought for you."
Izuku didn't dare to look up at you or him, he tried hard to keep his head down until the two of you were finished, maybe katsuki would let him go by then.
Katsuki sucked his teeth and looked you up and down once more, your words were off and insulting. He fucking hated it.
"the fuck did y— "
"back the hell off, katsuki."
You cut him off putting your hand in the air ushering him to shut up, he infact did which is what took both you and izuku off guard, himself too. He doesn't listen to anyone yet your intimidating mannerisms were getting to him.
He grumbled and growled at you trying to find words to say, his hands beating and palms trickling with light, you simply brushed him aside and walked over to izuku who looked up at you with wide eyes.
"need a hand?"
You chuckle, with a polite smile and pretty eyes staring down at the freckled boy.
"m- me?!"
You nod eagerly, he was just about to take it before everything went up in explosions. Anger yells being heard from the same blond who you dismissed earlier.
You vowed to stay close to izuku, try your hardest to keep him out of harms way. You wanted him to make it to highschool no matter where that was.
"..oh and midoriya, you wanted to go to UA high as well right?"
The teacher asks unimpressed and surprised, izuku scrunched in his seat trying not to be seen as much as his classmates laughed and ridiculed him. Saying this like he'd never be more than a lowly sidekicks servant and how he could get in the support courses. So many things you didn't agree with.
Yet you also wondered how far he'd get without a quirk.. it's not like you wanted to make him feel bad but you wanted to make sure he was in reality. A lot of people dream big and never reach their desired destination at the end of the road, you don't want that bright light in him to burn out.
"Shut up, all of you! He can do whatever he wants!"
You tried to yell at the laughing students, some of them ceased their noises while others, like katsuki, continued to laugh loudly.
"oh please! Why do you waste your time with him anyways. He's a quirkless nobody, hell, he'd have better luck getting a quirk if he took a swan dive off of the building!"
Laughs erupted from his classmates as he groaned heavily, katsukis volcanic ruby red eyes shot over to the green haired boy with a shit eating smirk on his face. You hated how evil katsuki was, he was shitty and cruel and vile.
By then there was only a month or two left of class before you would all graduate and head on to high school. You were ready you vouldnt wait to get away from katsuki and his evil antics, but you wkrried abiut izuku. He wasn't exactly a social butterfly or anything he was always exiled off into his own little circle writing in his little notebook.
When the two of you would sit together or you would attempt to start a conversation with him he'd just look at you with wide eyes and a red face. So red you could hardly see his freckles. You understand at times you can be a bit intimidating or loud, but you wanted his last months to be memorable. He didn't deserve the hatred and bullying he got.
You ended up giving him your number for whoever he wanted to talk or just rent about something. He took it in silence, flustered face being flushed red as he literally got a nose bleed. It was funny and kind of adorable, you never understood how someone so cute could be treated so shitty.
One Sunday night he texted you for the first time. Your phone vibrated as you picked it up to see a text from an unknown number, you pretty much assumed it was izuku just because he was the only person you'd given your number to first hand.
'hope to see you at school tomorrow. Goodnight. :)"
You hummed at the cute little smiley face at the end of the sentence, it made you feel kind of flustered in a way. Not flustered necessarily just kind of.. excited? You had butterflies swarming in your tummy as you held your phone to your mouth trying to figure out the feeling you felt.
You read the message one more time, butterflies swarming your tummy once again, you giggled to yourself and rolled around in your bed before the message dawned on you in a different way. What did he mean 'hope to see you tomorrow'? Is something wrong? Was he going to...
So many different things ran through your head, you'd always seen those lame little tiktok videos where someone talked about a message their friend randomly send at 3am saying goodbye n shit. You never took them seriously, you just thought they were kind of cringe. It never crossed your mind that you might have that kind of friend.
Maybe izuku was a ticking time bomb. Maybe he'd just finally had enough, so many things raked your mind as your fingers acted on their own. You had called him for fucks sake. It rang and rang and rang, you were terrified. You couldn't believe you had called him and if you hung up now he might think something bad of you, and if he declined the call or didn't answer you would feel so embarrassed.
To your surprise.. he did.
"h- hel- hello..."
His voice was small and kind of cracky, like pitchy. He cleared his throat silently on the other side as you couldn't help but giggle. He heard your sweet voice and basically melted, you laugh triggered his and he silently chuckled underneath his breath. He was the cutest thing ever.
Once he got quite used to you, he got rather chatty. His voice was hushed which you expected, it was night and you were sure his family was sleeping. The more comfortable he got the louder he got, you'd never really heard his voice since every time he spoke in class he seemed to have a lace of fear or regret in his voice. It was always shaky and unconfident.
Hearing him now it was hard to believe that was the same little guy who slouches in his seat to avoid being seen by his classmates in fear he might get bullied.
You guys talked for hours, you explained to him how you thought he would do something stupid that he felt right in the moment. He literally screeched when he heard your assumption.
"you really thought I'd do something like that?! Come on!! Have a little more faith in me.."
"hehe, I'm sorry 'zuku, you're right I shouldn't have assumed like that."
You heard him squeak on the other line, he got kind of silent before stuttering a reply. You hummed at this, taking in every little detail you could of your first call. You had realized you'd called him 'zuku instead of izuku. That clearly was the cause of his sudden change in tone and the little stutters.
Hed never gotten a nickname before or even had much of a friend before. His whole childhood was hanging out with katsuki and just following him around like a lost puppy and sticking to his side like a barnacle on a boat.
You two ended up chatting all night, the both of you were tired out of your minds, lazily talking to one another, little deep breaths coming from his end. He had gotten quite silent besides the little breaths he took. You listened closely to the little hums that escaped him. It sent a vibrating feeling deep inside of you, you but your lip and buried your face in your pillow just listening closely to him before he spoke in a tired and raspy voice.
He whispered through the phone. You were instantly snapped out of whatever little haze he put you in what his breaths. You hummed and he let out a breathy chuckle apologizing if he woke or startled you.
Once you got to school you seen Izuku alone, at his locker, per use. You walked up to him with a wave, once he acknowledged you he was so terribly red, he could hardly even face you he was trying hard not to look at you as he just fiddled with his bag until you made your way over to him.
He was a lot more confident over the phone than he was now, he was trying his hardest to hide his face with his arms as you spoke to him, greeting him and laughing at how tired he looked.
You had a little time before your class actually started so you wanted to get as much time with him as possible before his usual buzz kills arrived.
You two sat on a bench and talked, he showed you little drawings that he was embarrassed of but never really got to show anyone. His artstyle wasn't.. the best, but he had potential plus you'd never intentionally put him down no matter what so you hyped him up and wrapped your arm around him with a smile.
He was extremely red and had a wobbly smile on his freckled face. He felt so comfortable around you, so normal. You didn't see him as a waste of space or a useless nobody. You seen him as a human and that was the greatest thing he could ever ask for. Of course something deep inside of him always tried to put him down, making him think things like 'you must pity him to be friends with him'..
Katsuki and the others might've been his bullies but no one made him feel worse than himself. Sure katsuki knew little things about him and always used that to his advantage but he always knew how to make himself want to actually do something drastic.
Izuku was stuck in his mind so visibly to the point you had to snap him out of it. You gently caressed his cheek and held his face in one of your hands, he jolted back to reality blinking a couple of times before he looked at you, you had gotten quite close and personal.
You had a little grin on your face as you looked into his big wide emerald eyes. They were so bright and hopeful, you could see your entire future in them. So big and radiant, this precious boy with kaleidoscope eyes. They were all you could look at.
Izuku gulped and shook beneath your touch, you were so close and it seemed like you were getting closer. He didn't know what to do or how to react but he wanted to be ready. Izuku had looked up how to kiss long ago. He'd also watched other things.. but that's a story for another time.
Within an instant he closed his eyes pursed his lips and began slowly getting closer to you. A small giggle left your lips before you grabbed both sides of his face, you warm palms making his eyes shoot open, a flush of red painting his freckled cheeks. His mouth went into a wobbly frown, he was so embarrassed he assumed you were stopping him because you didn't want to kiss him..
He was slightly disappointed, slightly was quite an understatement. He was very disappointed, he wanted you to kiss him, he wanted you to have his first kiss. He thought you wanted him like he wanted you..
You sigh with a wide smile on your face and pull him into a soft kiss, his eyes blew wide and his whole body shook underneath you, he couldn't believe.. he was having his first ever kiss. Izukus eyes fluttered shut as he let out a whimpery moan, the pitchy sound made you giggle before breaking the kiss.
He tried so hard to hide his face from you but you couldn't help to grab him and hold him close, his face came right up against your chest and he was even more embarrassed, but he was glad he had a place to hide and bury his face facd into.
"can I uh- uhm... be your.. your boyfriend.."
"yes you can, zuzu."
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AN: this took a while to finish gang
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linawritestwst · 2 years
(a very late valentine's day special) how twst characters would fall in love with you!
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okay, so when i created this blog last year, i didn't have much time to write something for valentine's day, but i thought that i should try and write something for it this year!
at first i wanted to write something like "how twst characters would confess their love for you", i wanted it to be a reference to the "how twst characters would react to your love confession" series i made back when i just created this blog and i still only have the heartslabyul, savanaclaw and octavinelle hcs. i am sorry. but to be honest, i didn't have a lot of ideas and it was hard to find inspiration, so i decided to go with something different. but who knows, maybe i'll actually write it one day! also i know that this idea is very basic and i'm sorry.
this post has all nrc students (except ortho) + rsa and nbc characters, so GET READY BECAUSE THIS IS GONNA BE A VERY LONG POST.
also i'm having some really bad internet problems rn and even though i can use mobile data, EDITING ON MY PHONE IS A PAIN. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING. and idk when wifi will start working again and i'll be able to use my computer again, so sorry if this post looks weird, has typos and stuff like that, I JUST WANT TO POST IT ALREADY. I'M SICK OF SEEING IT IN MY DRAFTS.
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riddle rosehearts.
♡ he doesn't understand you at all. you should be afraid of him, you should actually hate him for what he did and how he acted earlier. he was the first to overblot in front of you, he's sure it was quite a traumatic memory from you. and it's not like he treated you better than he treated other nrc students, he was just as willing to punish you for any "misbehavior". so why.. why do you still want you and riddle to become closer? you simply don't think that riddle actually had bad intentions, he just genuinely thought that everything will be okay if he just follows the rules and makes others follow them. so.. you don't think he's a bad person or anything like that. just someone who has a lot of issues and doesn't know how to deal with them properly. and after you say that.. riddle starts feeling very strange.
♡ falling in love with you feels so sudden, riddle doesn't remember being this interested in you when he first met you. he has to admit that he even kind of.. looked down on you back then and didn't think you were that special. though the case of you being the only magicless student here really was special. he also was angry at you because of you being so close with ace and deuce.. but now, he feels different. as he learns more about you and starts getting used to your company, he realizes that he actually likes you a lot. he even admires you, because it must be hard to deal with so much stuff as someone who's magicless he's sorry for being the first to overblot btw. he's always here if you need any help.
♡ why did he fall in love with you? well, you're certainly a very smart, strong and kind person, but the main reason was.. he was just happy to be understood by someone. he didn't expect you out of all people to forgive him, but it sure was a nice surprise. you're always here to calm him down when he's close to using his unique magic or yelling at someone for breaking the rules again, however, you don't blame him for acting like that and you say that his feelings are valid, he just has to find a better way to express them and process them. so.. it probably just feels nice to be seen as someone other than a rose-red tyrant.
ace trappola.
♡ as someone who said some pretty bad things about you and grim when you first met.. wow, it feels embarrassing to admit that he has a crush on you now. imagine making fun of a magicless human and then falling in love with them. yeah, that's ace. so, how did it happen? he's not sure when exactly he got feelings for you, it just.. happened. you two became so close, he actually couldn't imagine spending a day without you. everything just feels so boring when you're not around. pranking you or showing off to you or just talking to you makes his day, even if it's just you going "ACE D:<", he loves seeing your reactions.. and maybe, he loves you.
♡ it's hard to notice him acting any different when he's in love with you, but if you pay closer attention, you can see him blushing after you praise him for something or you can notice him asking you to hang out with him more often. he also sometimes freezes for a moment when you call him your friend, it's almost like he's asking you ".. but are you sure you don't wanna be more than friends?". but right after that, he goes back to his usual behavior and he's surprisingly good at hiding his crush on you.
♡ falling in love with you feels fun and kinda sad at the same time, because even though ace tries so hard to act confident and he claims that you love him just as much, he's actually not sure if you love him back or not. he doesn't mind being seen only as a friend, being friends with you is cool, but also.. yeah, he wants more. and he's not sure if he's ready for a serious relationship, considering what he did in the past to that girl he used to date. he knows that he would never do that to you, because you're so much cooler than that girl and you're much more interesting, but he also doesn't want to let you down. but if you do love him back.. he will try his best to treat you right, though it doesn't mean that you will be safe from his teasing and his pranks.
deuce spade.
♡ out of all the heartslabyul boys, i imagine deuce being the one to get a crush on you earlier than all the others. you're just so nice and sweet and understanding.. you also didn't judge him after you heard about his past and even said that you're proud of him for trying to change and become a better person. after that, deuce couldn't get your words out of his head and became extremely loyal to you, he's always here if you need any help and he feels so happy when you praise him or want to spend time with him.
♡ it's very easy to notice him having a crush on you, honestly. he tries really hard to hide it, but he fails and ace laughs at him every time. he can't say anything properly when you compliment him or smile at him and he starts stuttering, giggling like an idiot or he simply runs away and ends up tripping and falling. it makes him even more cute though and you can give him more attention to get more reactions like that from him or you can pretend not to notice on purpose.
♡ falling in love with you feels like something completely new and that's understandable, deuce has never experienced a feeling like this before. and even though at first it was just a very huge crush, now it actually feels like something more deep, it's like.. he really is in love with you. spending the rest of his life with you sounds scary and he's not sure if he's ready for something like this, but when he imagines it, it makes him feel soft and even kind of excited. he will understand if you reject his feelings, he has not the best past, but if you say yes to him, he will try to become the perfect boyfriend for you. he already knew that he wants to become a better person for his mom, but now he has two people in his life that he wants to change for.
cater diamond.
♡ when cater first met you, he thought you were cute but.. that was it. he didn't think much of you, honestly. don't get him wrong, he thought you were very cute and he would love to be friends with you! but.. he really didn't think that he's gonna fall in love with you later. he just enjoyed hanging out with you, talking to you, he loved the way you smile, he loved the way you laugh and.. wait, that's just him thinking you're cute, right? but not, like, in that way, right? because cater doesn't think he's quite ready to admit that he has feelings for you.
♡ cater is not sure how exactly it happened and why he got a crush on you. it's like.. he just feels more safe around you. it's like he can actually show you his real self and you won't judge him. of course, he's still not sure that you would actually be okay with him acting like his real self and he doubts that you would even like that side of his.. but for some reason he still feels like he can trust you. so he may or may not drop a few hints that make you go "cater. dude. are you okay." no, y/n, he's not okay, this poor man needs a hug.
♡ falling in love with you feels exciting and terrifying at the same time. cater feels truly happy when he's with you, he manages to forget about his problems at least for some time and his smile looks a lot more sincere than usual. but he's also.. scared. he doesn't think that you will love him back once you find out about his real personality, maybe you will accept it, sure, but would you really want a boyfriend like that? honestly, he should be grateful for you wanting to spend time with him even when he's being his "fake" self. he shouldn't ask so much from you, he should thank you for even just being friends with him. so whenever cater hears you laugh at his jokes, he feels genuine happiness but only for a second before he remembers that you will most likely never love him as much as he loves you. or will you?..
trey clover.
♡ just like cater, trey thought you were a nice person, but he didn't think you were.. you know.. his future love or something like that. he thought you were cute and he was always there to suggest his help if you needed it, but he really just thought that you two are gonna be friends and that's all. okay, maybe you two will be close friends. like, very close friends. but that's it. trey gave you so much attention and he had a habit to get a little bit too worried about you for no reason at all, but he thought that you're just.. well.. another younger sibling figure to him (your actual age doesn't matter). why else would he care so much about you?
♡ but oh no. it looks like you're actually something more to him. you're not just another younger sibling figure going "trey, i need your help!! ><". he would seriously think that he just likes you platonically and if it wasn't for cater, he would never realize that he actually likes you romantically. so what if he blushes a bit when you compliment his baking. so what if he thinks about you so often that it distracts him from his vice dorm leader duties. so what if he imagined spending the rest of his life with you- okay. okay, he understands what cater means now. maybe he really is in love with you.
♡ falling in love with you feels confusing for sure, but it also feels soft and sweet. trey may be a local mom friend who's always here to help his underclassmen out, but he has no idea what to do with his own feelings. should he just confess to you already or should he wait a bit? wait, do you even love him back? he has so many questions but almost no answers. but if you do love him back, trey will most likely notice it eventually. he's a smart boy, he had no idea that he actually has romantic feelings for you, but if you have a crush on him, he will definitely find out about it and when he does, he might start teasing you even more often.
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leona kingscholar.
♡ oh boy. this guy definitely didn't expect to fall in love with you. no, he didn't expect to even become friends with you. you were just a weak little herbivore to him, nothing special, nothing out of ordinary. you were very a bit annoying sometimes too. but when you started saying things like "i want to get to know you better" or "i want to talk to you more".. that's when leona got very confused, though he didn't show it. why would you say things like that? what do you even want from him? is it because he's a prince? oh well, sorry to disappoint you, but he's actually a younger- "i just want to know why you're so lazy all the time.".. okay, this wasn't the answer he expected. he will tell you to go away, but don't pay attention to that, he's actually more interested in you now.
♡ leona just can't understand why you're like this. why do you spend so much time with him? why can't you just let him nap in peace? he actually jokes about you having a crush on him once and he expects you to go "h-how can you say things like that so casually!..". but you manage to surprise him again. "well what if i do? what are you gonna do then, huh?" okay, maybe he did underestimate you a little. just a little bit. you're slowly becoming more and more interesting and he hates to admit that he wants to know more about you. why? well.. he wants to know why you're so annoying all the time.
♡ falling in love with you feels weird, but also surprisingly entertaining. leona never knows what you're gonna do next and for some reason he even finds it exciting. he somehow manages to act like a tsundere and flirt with you at the same time. yes, he will go "ugh, why do you have to ruin my day like this" whenever you step on his tail while he's asleep, but he also will say things that make other savanaclaw students think that he's about to confess his feelings for you OR you two are actually already dating. does he know that he's in love with you though?.. he will need some time, but he will eventually realize it. and he's not gonna be happy about it.
ruggie bucchi.
♡ ruggie didn't really pay much attention to you at first, but he has to say that you're really fun to mess with. he never gets bored of seeing your reactions and sometimes he would steal stuff from you just to make you look at him. he knows that it probably sounds weird, but don't worry, he definitely doesn't have a crush on you, haha.. hey, why are you being so kind to him? why do you cook/buy food for him? why do you keep asking him if he needs any help? ah, maybe you just want a favor from him? you want him to help you with something, don't you? why would you have any other reason- "i'm just worried about you, that's all." oh no. oh no he's about to catch feelings.
♡ your kindness scares ruggie a bit, but he also keeps wanting more. he doesn't understand your motives, he doesn't understand why you're so worried about him. you just say things like "oh, i thought you were tired from doing leona's job all day" or "i thought you looked tired, so i just want to help you out, if that's okay". they may sound like nothing special, but ruggie feels weird whenever he hears you say stuff like that. he just jokes about you being too pure for someone like him, but he's actually kind of serious about it. are you sure you want to be friends with him? or.. maybe you're actually in love with him? don't worry, he's just joking around~
♡ falling in love with you feels fun at first, but it slowly starts becoming more and more scary when ruggie realizes just how deep and strong his feelings are. it's not just a small crush, he really is in love with you. he can't stop thinking about you and not a day passes without him wanting to see you. it feels strange to be treated so well without any reason at all, but ruggie just can't say no to your kindness. even though he keeps trying to make it look like it's nothing serious and you're just friends, he's actually this close to crying because he feels like he will never have a chance to be with you and you will never love him as much as he loves you. why would you even have feelings for him anyway?
jack howl.
♡ savanaclaw boys wouldn't find you that special when they first meet you and jack is not an exception. he thought you still have a long way to go and you have to put more effort in what you do. he also thought you looked too weak and "fragile", so he made sure to remind you to train more often, if you can, or to just take better care of yourself. i-it's not like he's worried about you. it just bothers him that you always look so tired all the time and it doesn't look like you get enough sleep too..
♡ however, you manage to impress jack and he's surprised to find out just how hardworking you really are. no matter what happens or how hard your life in twisted wonderland may get, you still try to achieve your goals. sure, you may whine a bit and say that it's unfair for a magicless human like you to go through so much, but you still do what you have to, no matter how weak you look. jack sure finds you more impressive than leona and he doesn't even notice how fast he starts to admire you and even fall in love with you.
♡ falling in love with you doesn't feel like something special because jack isn't even aware of his own feelings at first. he just thinks you're very cool and he respects you a lot and wishes to help you whenever he can. he just always wants to be by your side and support you when you need it. you're much stronger than he thought you were when you two just met, but he still thinks that in a world like twisted wonderland.. you deserve to be protected. and he's more than willing to protect you from whatever life throws at you. he realizes that he's actually in love with you when he notices that he feels a bit weird when you're around. this feeling is warm, but also so confusing.. and whenever you say goodbye to him, he doesn't want you to leave. b-but that's just because he admires you a lot, right?
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azul ashengrotto.
♡ azul didn't think you'd be that useful to him at first. it's not like he can make a deal with you or take your magic.. but still, being friends with a ramshackle prefect might actually help him in the future. so yes, he will try to become closer with you anyway. he's sure it will be easy to make you trust him, he just needs to make you believe that you can rely on him and who wouldn't want to have a friend like azul in such a scary world, especially as a human who has no idea how twisted wonderland works?.. well, it's actually not as easy as azul thought it would be.
♡ sure, you do want to become friends with him, but whenever he tries to help you with whatever you're struggling with (for a price, of course) or he tries to make himself seem as a kind person who genuinely wants to help others, you simply go "thank you, but i'm fine".. what do you mean, you're fine, y/n, he knows what crowley makes you do, just ask azul for help already! but as time passes, azul starts to notice that he actually wants to help you not because he needs you to make a deal with him.. but just because he really does feel bad for you and he wants to make your job at least a bit easier.
♡ falling in love with you feels strange and unexpected, azul wasn't prepared for this at all. he didn't think that he would actually become so attached to you, you were supposed to be another student who he can manipulate, so why do you feel like one of the most important people in his life now? he doesn't think that it's love at first, him thinking of you as his actual friend is already too much for him.. but then his overblot happens. and you forgive him for everything. and you tell him that no matter what, you accept him and even though he still has some.. um.. not so good qualities to work on, you'll be there to help him and support him. okay, maybe he actually is in love with you.
jade leech.
♡ jade thought you were an interesting and unique person right when he met you for the first time, but you were just that: an interesting and unique person. nothing more, nothing less. he would love to know more about you though, so don't be surprised if he starts talking to you more often or asking you more questions. this man wants to study you in a lab, okay. oh, and even though he sure does seem suspicious, he actually doesn't have any ulterior motives, unlike azul. he just can't go "hey, i like you, let's be friends', no, he has to act like his usual self that sometimes seems more dangerous than floyd.
♡ he doesn't even notice falling in love with you, but he sure notices becoming more interested in you for some reason. he always wants to know what you're up to, he wants to know more about your interests and he's always here if you need someone to talk to, whatever the topic is. he only starts thinking more about his feelings for you when floyd mentions jade being "totally in love with you". jade thinks floyd is just joking at first, but then floyd says that he was serious and jade's crush on you is more obvious than he thinks. and the funny thing is that.. jade is surprisingly casual about it. he just goes "oh. so i have a crush on them. okay". he never felt like this before, so he's a little confused, but it's not like he's about to have a breakdown because he just realized he's been in love with you this whole time.
♡ falling in love with you feels sweet and exciting. jade just thought you were a fun person when he first met you, but now it's hard for him to imagine his day without you. you've made him feel emotions he has never/rarely felt before. it's so unusual for him to worry about you, laugh at your jokes or be angry at someone who ruined your day. and trust him, all of those emotions are sincere. he's not pretending, you really made him feel all of this and even though he's not used to feeling this way, he can't wait to find out what else you're going to make him feel.
floyd leech.
♡ just like his twin, floyd already thought you were interesting when he just met you. he always followed you everywhere, he kept pranking you just to see your reaction and he thought that you getting annoyed with him was cute. and he found you even more interesting after he realized that even though he kept messing with you, you still let him hang out with you and didn't ask him to leave. huh, so you actually like his company, shrimpy? well, he's glad to hear that~
♡ floyd's feelings for you don't feel like a crush at all at first. he just thinks you're cute and that's it, really. but for some reason, he really hates it when he has to leave or when you don't give him enough attention. sometimes he takes a break (he doesn't tell azul anything though) from his work at mostro lounge just to hang out with you and he feels bored whenever you're not around. he has no idea why he feels like this, but.. who knows, maybe he really does like you, hehe.
♡ falling in love with you feels fun and full of surprises. floyd has never felt this way before and even though this feeling can be kinda annoying sometimes and it doesn't go away, he wants your relationship to become deeper and he wants to have more fun with you. just being friends is not enough for him anymore. you became an irreplaceable and extremely important part of his world and he hopes you feel the same about him.
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kalim al-asim.
♡ kalim is kinda oblivious when it comes to crushes.. no, he's very oblivious. he really does believe he just likes you as a friend and even though it's true at first, as time passes, literally anyone can see that kalim treats you even better than people who he calls his friends. and considering how kind and friendly he is, this guy basically never leaves you alone even for a second and you get gifts from him every single day. he's constantly trying to come up with ways to make you happy and he thinks you have the most beautiful smile in the whole world. but yes, he definitely doesn't have a crush on you <3
♡ you and kalim would most likely have that friends to lovers dynamic. he's very easy to get along with and even though his energetic personality may be overwhelming sometimes, if he sees that you're tired or sad, he will tone it down a bit and ask you what's wrong. if you're not doing so well, he will genuinely worry about you a lot and he's okay with doing anything to make you feel better. he doesn't understand why your happiness matters to him so much, but.. maybe he just doesn't like it when someone is sad. and when YOU are sad, he feels like it's the end of the world and he has to do something about it immediately.
♡ kalim almost doesn't notice falling in love with you. he just thinks your friendship is becoming stronger and that's it. it's okay if he wants to hug you for a little bit longer, that's just because you're his best friend! it's okay if he wants to hold hands with you, he just doesn't want you to get lost and he's worried about you! it's okay if he wants to kiss you- oh. uh.. oh, you know, he means it in a platonic way! it's not like friends can't kiss each other! but if he actually wants to be more than friends with you.. would you be okay with that? wait, what is he even supposed to do with his feelings? maybe he should ask jamil for advice..
jamil viper.
♡ jamil's case is actually even worse because if kalim at least knows that you two have a good relationship and that you are friends, jamil is like "?? idk who you are to me. can i trust you. can i call you my friend". he thought you were okay when he first met you, but didn't pay too much attention to you, though he certainly appreciated you being.. you know, a more "normal" person than most nrc students (especially kalim). he actually feels like he can rely on you, honestly. he won't talk to you too much though, who knows what you're really like jamil if you're hiding something it doesn't mean that everyone around you is like that
♡ jamil doesn't understand why he feels so strange around you. at first he feels like he can trust you, even though he still tries to stop himself and tells himself that you can easily stab him in the back. and why are you so nice to him? you're probably just trying to become friends because you think that having a close relationship with someone like him could be useful, right? well, he's not gonna fall for that. and stop praising him all the time already. he told you that he's just a vice dorm leader and his abilities are not that special- wait, why does he feel good after hearing your compliments. oh no. oh no, he doesn't want you to stop.
♡ falling in love with you feels scary and jamil doesn't want to admit that he sees you not only as a friend (though he won't tell you that), but also as someone who he loves and wants to be with. you actually listen to him, you give him love and attention that he always wanted and you recognize his talents, but you still think that they are not the only good things about him and jamil is also just a very good person who deserves to be loved. jamil doesn't feel like he's ready to open up to you just yet, but he really doesn't want to miss a chance to finally find someone who will care about him as much as he cares about them.
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vil schoenheit.
♡ your relationship with vil definitely had a rough start. he criticized you a lot, he told you to take better care of your appearance, health and all of that. you felt like this guy hates you and tried to avoid him as best as you could. however, you were wrong and even though vil still thought that you could do better and you have some things to work on, he didn't hate you. in fact, he thought you were an interesting person who has their own talents and abilities, but they have to work on them more so that they can achieve their goals faster. so yeah, he basically tried to motivate you, but he probably didn't do a very good job.
♡ other people can notice vil giving you quite a lot of attention but not in a good way. it means that he's especially harsh on you. most students start to agree with you and think that the guy hates you, but his vice dorm leader knows that it's not true at all. rook is sure that vil is being so rude just because he believes you're better than most nrc students and he wants you to reach your full potential. but wow, it really feels like vil is almost obsessed with you. rook mentions that vil almost never stops talking about you lately and vil says that it's not true- no, rook, don't even joke about vil having a crush on you.
♡ even though vil sure has a lot of braincells, he almost doesn't notice falling in love with you as well. he really thinks he's just mad at you for not "trying hard enough", but this guy actually cares about you a lot. it may seem like he's angry at you and he hates you, but he's actually just very worried. what do you mean your sleep schedule doesn't even exist. go to sleep already, don't you know what happens to your skin if you don't get enough rest?? no, he's not worried about your health, it's just. uh. anyway, what about your hair-
rook hunt.
♡ finally. finally someone who actually knows they have feelings for you. though it may take some time for rook to realize that he's in love with you and not just admiring your beauty, he still would understand his feelings for you earlier than most characters here. he understands how romance works better than them, okay. very chad behavior of him sure, he thinks all people are beautiful in their own way, but you feel a little bit more special to him. his heart beats faster around you and he finds it hard to take his eyes off you. he never felt like this before around other students or people in general.
♡ rook would be very affectionate with you, however, he would take his time and wouldn't confess his feelings for you that early. he wants his confession to feel unique and special, he has to be prepared for that moment! he also needs some time to learn more about you. he wants to get to know you better, he wants to know what kind of person you are, how you see the world and he hopes that this way he will be able to predict your reaction to his confession. but of course, he doesn't do it just to earn your trust, he really is curious and wants to know more. you're just so interesting to him, he wants to know what exactly made him fall in love with you this hard.
♡ falling in love with you feels like a fairytale. it's so magical and exciting, rook wishes he never stops feeling this way. you are everything to him, all of his thoughts are about you and he's not complaining. he may joke about you distracting him from everything else, but he's actually more than happy and he doesn't mind being obsessed with you at all. yes, he may still compliment other people's beauty and talents, but don't worry, he has eyes only for you and he's more loyal to you than you think he is.
epel felmier.
♡ unless you make fun of his height, call him cute too often or refuse to take him seriously, epel wouldn't mind your company at all. who knows, maybe you two can actually become friends. and you do become friends! how fun! epel didn't expect to get along with you so easily, but he's more than okay with it. he's glad to have someone he can trust enough to talk about his true feelings and show his true personality to. he's more open and honest with you and he feels like you would never judge him no matter what he does or says.
♡ this feeling slowly starts turning into deep love and affection for you, though epel doesn't seem to notice that and still thinks you're just a friend to him. but he does notice feeling a bit more anxious around you now. why? well, it's like.. he wants to become better for you. he wants to impress you. h-he doesn't have a reason for that, really. he just.. wants you to notice how great and talented he really is. he wants you to praise him and smile at hiim while saying that what he did was amazing. again, he doesn't have a reason for that. totally.
♡ falling in love with you feels sweet and bitter at the same time. epel feels safe when you're around and he feels like he can tell you anything, but he's also scared that you actually don't think he's that special. he does slowly start to realize he's in love with you and that makes him feel even more scared. he needs to become a better person for you, he needs to become stronger, he wants to become someone who can protect you, who can impress you and who you can rely on. so forgive him for taking some time to work on that, he promises that he will tell you the truth when he's ready.
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idia shroud.
♡ idia genuinely doesn't understand why you're so nice to him. it actually scares him a little and he never knows what to expect from you. you're not as extroverted as some other nrc students, like kalim for example, but you still always run to idia whenever you see him and try to talk to him more. what do you want from him? you're just doing this out of pity, aren't you? it's okay, you don't have to give him so much attention, idia loves being alone, also he has online friends, so it's not like he's a complete loner or anything.
♡ you still try to get to know him better. you just want to help idia get out of his shell and become more confident. you don't think that being an introvert is a bad thing at all, but you still think that idia should start socializing more anyway. and you're sure that idia wants to make more friends as well, he's just afraid of being rejected. no, idia, you don't think that all these people are normies, you're just scared of them and trying to come up with an excuse so that you don't have to talk to them.
♡ falling in love with you feels sudden and predictable at the same time. of course idia shroud would fall for a person who's always there to support him and genuinely wants to become friends with him. he's affection-starved, okay? he may say that you can be really annoying sometimes, but he actually waits for you to text him or say hi to him every single day and if for some reason you can't talk to him, he feels lost and.. sad, even? please, don't leave him alone.. he knows that he's most likely too lame or boring for you, but he can't stand the thought of you leaving him.
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malleus draconia.
♡ i wouldn't call it love at first sight, but right after malleus met you, he knew that you're gonna become someone special to him. you didn't know anything about him. you didn't know his real name, status, his real identity. you didn't care about his reputation and you simply thought he seemed like an interesting person to talk to. he also seemed a little lonely too and you really could use a friend in a world like this, so yeah, that's how all of it started. he thought that the nickname you gave him was cute too.
♡ malleus gets used to your company too quickly. in fact, he can't imagine what he would do if you suddenly disappeared or simply lost interest in him. he got used to your kindness, to your smile, to your laugh, to your affection. his world becomes more warm and fun when you're around. but of course, he doesn't want this relationship to be too one-sided. he would do anything to protect you, help you or simply make you smile. you deserve the same happiness that you give him.
♡ falling in love with you feels soft and sweet, but also.. scary. malleus feels so happy when you're around, whenever he wakes up, he immediately thinks of you. you're everything to him. so if he loses you.. he will lose everything. he can't let you leave him. of course, he knows that you come from a different world and twisted wonderland isn't your home. he knows that you will leave him sooner or later. but.. is it selfish of him to want you to stay here for as long as possible? maybe you don't even have to leave?
lilia vanrouge.
♡ lilia thought you were cute right when he first met you. your reactions to his sudden appearances were so funny, it was hard for him to stop surprising you like this. at first your relationship dynamic was just like that, lilia kept surprising/scaring you, you screamed, he laughed and asked you to not be mad at him, he just likes your reactions too much. but as he started learning more about you, he realized that there are so many things he likes about you and it's not just you being an adorable scaredy-cat.
♡ for some reason, even though you wouldn't be able to tell from his behavior, lilia feels very calm when you're around. it's like his thoughts about his past and everything that he had to go through during his very, VERY long life can finally give him a break when he's with you. he doesn't have to worry about that, he can just stay here in present. and actually, he likes staying in present much more now thanks to you. but you're so naive, so innocent, so fragile, lilia thinks it's cute but he's also extremely worried about you because of that. you weren't made for this world. no matter how much you get praised for your job as a prefect, twisted wonderland is still too much for someone like you.
♡ lilia falls in love with you slowly, but when it happens, it feels so overwhelming, lilia has no idea what to do. he knows that having a romantic relationship with you is probably not the best idea considering that you'll have to leave this world someday and even if you don't.. he also doesn't have much time left. but if it's possible, if there's at least a tiny chance of him being in a happy relationship with you, he doesn't want to miss that chance. he may not have much time left, but he would do anything to spend all of that time with you.
♡ you and silver become friends surprisingly quickly. he knows he can trust you to wake him up when he falls asleep again, even though you think he looks very cute when he's asleep and you want him to get enough rest. whenever silver blames himself for being too lazy or incompetent, you're always here to remind him that he's already doing his best and he doesn't have to be so harsh on himself. he definitely will become a great knight one day no matter what, you believe in him!
♡ your kind words and your support make silver enjoy hanging out with you too much. he lets you watch him train, he finds it relaxing to take a nap when you're there with him and you run your fingers through his hair while he's asleep. even though he seems like a chill guy, he's scared of letting his father and his master down, but he always can rely on you when doesn't feel confident enough and he needs someone to tell him that everything is gonna be fine and lilia and malleus are already proud of him. and you're proud of him too.
♡ falling in love with you feels like a dream that he doesn't want to wake up from. he never thought his life was that bad, but it surely got better thanks to you. he wants to thank you for everything you did for him, he wants to protect you from all the dangers of this world. he knows that he wanted to become a knight so that he can repay lilia and malleus, but now.. he wants to be your knight as well. no, please, don't worry about him, he genuinely wants to do it. you always give him motivation to keep going and it would be an honor for him to become someone who can always protect you.
sebek zigvolt.
♡ yeah, your relationship with sebek wouldn't be that good at first. you two would argue a lot, he would never stop calling you a "lowly human" even though he's a half-human himself. and if you even think of saying anything bad about malleus, that's it, he's this close to killing you on sight. and you did hate sebek for acting like that at first, but as time passed, for some reason you actually started finding it.. entertaining? you loved to make him angry on purpose and then you decided to start teasing and even flustering him. yes, you did flirt with him multiple times just to see what kind of reaction he would give you, so what?
♡ sebek doesn't know how to feel about you. he knows he's supposed to think you're weak and pathetic because, you know, you're a human, but.. why does he feel so weird when you throw your dumb pickup lines at him? and why he feels like he actually wants to be praised by you and he wants you to notice how talented he really is? he knows that you're most likely not being serious most of the time, but he really wants you to be serious for once. uh, he just wants to be praised by you because he deserves it and that's it. it doesn't mean he wants you to be serious when you flirt with him, haha..
♡ sebek really didn't want to fall in love with you and he didn't expect to catch feelings for someone like you, but it still happened. he just doesn't understand why you still hang out with him even though he doesn't treat you that well. and how is he supposed to react when you tease him like that? he knows he should stay serious, but for some reason he just can't control his emotions when he's around you even though he's never that good at controlling them. he also realizes that even though you're a human, you're capable of doing many things and.. ugh, he really doesn't want to say it, but you're actually just as good as some magic users. y-you still have a lot to work on though.
royal sword academy.
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♡ you and chenya first met during that one unbirthday party after riddle's overblot. you were surprised to find out that a guy from a different school (and a rival school too!) was able to get here so easily and didn't care what nrc students will think of him. and also you thought that the way he could easily appear and disappear as he pleases (or he could just stay as a floating head) was funny. so yes, this guy managed to pique your curiosity.
♡ chenya himself thought you were quite interesting and he was even more surprised when he found out that you came to rsa secretly from other students just to see him. haha, you really betrayed your own school like this for him! wow, y/n, that's something only a lovestruck person would do! but he has to admit, he likes you even more now. just what kind of person are you? you're so full of mysteries and chenya isn't sure if he wants to know all the answers or it would be more interesting to keep it this way.
♡ falling in love with you is fun and exciting. you keep spending more time with chenya no matter what other nrc students think and chenya likes to make jokes about stealing you from nrc students so that you never have to leave him. is he just joking though?.. well, it doesn't matter. what matters more is that you both always end up having so much fun and you feel so comfortable with each other that there's been multiple times when one of you was very close to kissing the other. and lately, it's been very hard for you both to control your feelings.
neige leblanche.
♡ when you first heard of neige, you couldn't believe that someone like that actually existed. i mean, someone more beautiful and popular than vil? is that even possible? and when you finally saw him for the first time.. you were a bit underwhelmed. yes, neige is definitely very pretty, he's adorable, actually, but.. is that really it? but when you actually meet each other, you find it surprising just how nice neige really is. he's very polite, he treats you with kindness and makes sure you're comfortable. oh no, he's so cute, you're about to fall in love-
♡ you actually feel kind of pathetic for getting a crush on neige. it's just.. so predictable, you're really not that special and you're not any better than his fans. you doubt that he will ever notice you, you're just a magicless human from a different world, you don't deserve to be with someone like him. but what you don't know is that neige fell in love with you right when he first saw you. not because of your appearance, even though he thinks you're really pretty, but because of your personality, the way you treat other people and stay kind and patient no matter what. it's very impressive for someone who was basically forced to stay in this world against their will.
♡ falling in love with you feels like neige's life turned into an actual romance movie, but this time he doesn't know anything about the plot, especially the ending. he sure hopes you two will get your happy ending though. neige loves his fans and he really doesn't want to make them sad, he knows that dating someone when he's this popular is not the best decision, but he really, really wants to be with you. this is what true love feels like to him.
noble bell college.
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rollo flamme.
♡ you were a bit intimidated by rollo when you first met him, you just.. thought he was a bit scary, haha. but then you noticed just how kind he is to you and that even though he's polite to all nrc students, you're a special case and you certainly are his "favorite". he also was the first person who actually thought you didn't deserve to go through all of this and that it must be very scary and overwhelming for you to have no other choice but to stay in this world full of danger and.. magic. so yes, you got used to his kindness pretty quickly, even though you still had a feeling that something is not quite right.
♡ and yeah, it turned out that rollo really wasn't the best person to trust. he hated magic with all his heart and he wanted it to disappear. and it was hard for him to choose between his growing love for you and his hatred for magic, but then he managed to convince himself that he's doing all of this for your own good and in the end you'll have no other choice but to agree with him. after rollo is defeated, he expects you to hate him as much as others hate him, but to his shock.. you forgive him. you had to deal with six overblots, even though nrc students saved the day this time, it's not like they're much better than him. so yes, you think rollo still can change and you want to give him a second chance.
♡ after that, rollo's love for you becomes even stronger. he can't stop thinking about you and it's hard to tell if he's in love with you or he's obsessed with you. when you have to go back to nrc, it gets even worse and everything around rollo reminds him of you. he really wishes you could spend more time together and he wasn't so focused on his plan. he's gonna be honest, he doesn't really regret doing.. well, all that, but the fact that he could use that time to talk to you more makes him think that maybe.. maybe trying to steal everyone's magic wasn't a good idea. yes, he thinks so only because he could spend more time with you instead of taking everyone's powers. listen, he needs some time, he will change. probably. maybe.
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zoros-bandana · 1 year
Hii, can you write something like angst with Zoro? Y/n an him fight and argue about something but they made up at the end??
Warning: fighting, yelling, swearing, drinking/slightly drunk
Summary: After being with Zoro for a while, the lack of compliments and attention became a nagging point; wishing to feel special. A conversation with Sanji left an unusual sense of fulfilment you had never experienced before, only to later bring it up with Zoro in hopes he would understand your desires.
Word Count: 1,800
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"All I said was that I don't find it fair"
"Yeah, and I know exactly what that means, Y/n!"
You had approached Zoro with the idea this conversation would go smoother, hoping to bring Sanji into conversation after a few drinks would sooth him. It was obvious the mutual displeasure both Zoro and Sanji shared for one another, all the more imposing as you began to date Zoro. It was a taboo topic to even mention a budding nickname for the cook, Zoro shutting down any discussion of him, almost protective in the way of his bitterness.
"Well clearly you don't because you're not listening to me"
Zoro chuckled darkly. "Oh I heard you quite clearly, Y/n. Curly brow had finally gotten to you in his love-sick ways and you're falling for him"
"I'm not falling for him! I'm very much in love with you, Zoro. All that happened was Sanji-"
"Don't fucking mention his name!"
"Well what do you want me to say?"
Zoro grunted, confirming his wish. The bottle of alcohol he held in his hand stayed firm in his grip, once acting as a brace but now as the bottle hit his lips he used it as a distraction. The liquid vanished before your eyes, each chaotic chug intensifying his rage, stewing over exact what Sanji could have said to make you question your relationship with him.
Once of his biggest fears was losing you - an irrational fear in this lifestyle you shared - especially to that of Sanji. Zoro was aware he could be cold and stoic, but never expected you to slip away from him over a short conversation with the cook.
"What did he say to you?" Zoro finally gasped, taking a break from his chugging.
"I thought you didn't want me to say anything?"
"What did he fucking say to you, Y/n?"
A heavy exhale parted your lips, knowing it would fuel the fire to discuss what Sanji had said. Of course you remembered, word for word, replaying over in your head. There was a feeling of utter guilt thinking of someone else instead of Zoro, but the way he spoke, looked at you, even how he leaned into you was enough to make your head spin. It was a softness Zoro had never shown.
At first, it didn't bother you. You knew what exactly who you were dating when you started to crush on Zoro. He didn't appear to have any complex layers, always neutral in his performance and showed no lean for affection or softness around the crew. But as the pursuit of interest happened, and over a long period of time, it was clear just how much you missed something. A part of you craved someone to be vulnerable with, intimate, not afraid to express how they feel about you and make you feel like you mattered. Blame it on your past, or the people that hurt you, but no matter the cause there was always a need for adoration in your life.
Stepping away you calmly took a seat, grounding yourself, your legs buckling under you in a horrendous shake. You could feel Zoro's eye watching your every move, hazed with anger, ready to attack you the second he had the chance.
"I told him I was feeling a little low about myself, and he wanted to comfort me" you began, taking another deep breath. "He told me how incredible I am and that ever since I arrived on the ship I have done nothing but taken his breath away by how beautiful I am. He said he wished he could adore me fully, to look after me and when he made me a cup of tea he remembered how I liked it, even down to my favourite cup..."
You looked up at Zoro, scared to hear the answer, ignoring the blatant anger on his heated face. "What is my favourite cup, Zoro?"
"You don't have one!" Zoro spat, furious you would even ask such a ridiculous question. "You don't even like tea!"
Sighing again you dropped you eyes, hating how the conversation had turned. "I do like tea, Zoro. It's like you don't even know me at all..."
"Yeah, well maybe we should break up then!"
Zoro's words shot through you as a cruel sting, leaving you stunned. You hadn't wished to come to this conclusion, knowing how much you loved and adored your boyfriend, in hopes he would feel the same. But maybe after that, his feelings would never reciprocate your own.
Your hands came up to cover your face, hiding yourself as you sobbed, wailing into your hands. Your body ached forward, curling yourself over into your legs, hiding yourself as much as possible. Every inch of you ached, regretting ever saying anything to him, wishing to just sit on your hurt; anything to have him take back what he said.
"I don't want to break up, Zoro! I just want to feel special! I want to feel like I matter to you and that you find me attractive in some way!"
Zoro furrowed his brows, unsure of how to properly act. The brief intermission of your cries let him breath, seeing you were more upset than angry at him. He was caught in his own whirlwind of anger, blinded by a fog of rage to even consider what you truely wanted; only what he thought he was hearing. His was still furious, but now more-so at Sanji for coming between you and himself, making you feel so hurt and guilty for wanting to express your feelings; and for the way he react to them.
"I do find you attractive, Y/n. I wouldn't be with you if I didn't"
"Then why don't you act like it?"
Your voice cracked, unable to hold back the continued stream you held in for so long. It was unfair how much you felt you had to hold in for Zoro's sake, knowing he wouldn't cope with emotions - your emotions - pushing you away instead. "You have never admitted to how you feel or told me I'm pretty or comforted me and made me feel like everything would be okay"
"I just don't see it as something practical; nothing will ever be okay"
"It doesn't have to be practical all the time. I like affection where I feel seen, and like I feel special to you and not just like I am a friend. You could do this with anyone but I am your girlfriend, I want you to make me feel loved. I don't think that is asking for too much. And I know that not everything has to be okay, but I want us to be, Zoro. I want to be with you"
The heavy footsteps of Zoro came towards you, dragging against the floor. They stopped as his body hovered over you, bending down to see you face-to-face, letting you lift your head to meet his gaze. His face had dropped, neutral as always, giving no indication whether his next words would be insulting or sincere.
"Tell me then, how do I be better for you? What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do?"
You thought for a moment, wiping at the remaining tears pricking your eyes, wishing to see him more human than before. You felt dizzy with emotions, muddled into a pool of dread flooding you to think clearly. You hadn't pondered on the idea, half expecting him to think about your words and find out himself. But as you looked up at him, the lingering notes of alcohol burning his lips, there was a familiar stance of drunk before you; unbeknown whether he would even remember this conversation.
Deciding to let it out, you confessed, hoping even if it was a minute detail something would get through to him.
"I would like you to try and be more soft with your words. Take my feelings into consideration and not to look at me like... that" you waved at his face, making him look away. "Compliment me from time-to-time, tell me I look nice, or something that I am doing is cute, or you like it when I do something small like laugh at a joke. Give me random gifts for no reason; they don't have to be expensive. Hand written notes, a pebble on the beach that reminded you of me, anything that lets me know you think of me when I'm not around"
Zoro stood back up straight, sighing once more as he cleared his head. He knew he had a decision to make, to put you before himself and his feelings, something he struggled to grasp. It wasn't that he didn't care about you or how you felt, but rather how he saw you cope with emotions differently to him. He wasn't used to this; the crying, the pleading, the reasoning. Zoro knew how to bottle himself, keeping as much of his emotions to the side, finding a relief through training. However, meeting you, he never expected he would have to change, to communicate and cooperate with you. He had never done this - been with someone like this - wishing to spend the rest of his days by your side.
And for that, Zoro would have to put you first.
"Alright" Zoro nodded, his face blushing in a bright red.
"So does that mean you don't want to break up?"
"Of course I don't want to break up" Zoro sighed, realising his mistake. He looked back down to you, softer, his eye still fluttering to meet your gaze properly. "I- I'm sorry I said that to you. I was angry and I thought if I said it you wouldn't have to. I didn't want to keep dragging this out if you wanted to end things with me"
"Why would I wish that? I love you so much, Zoro"
"I know that, Y/n, it's just I-"
Zoro stopped himself, realising the drop in your face, recognising his dismissal as something negative. Your eyes clouded with fear, brimming with a new set of tears, afraid he hadn't changed; caught in the same dismissive tone as always.
He sighed. "I love you, too"
Taking a seat next to you, Zoro flopped down, carelessly leaning towards you. There was an earthy warmth in him, leaning over you as his arm found its way around, holding you close. It was rare he was able to be so still, your chosen time for this conversation finally playing to your advantage. "Ya know I'm still gonna kill ero-cook for this, right?"
"I know" you smirked, leaning yourself against his shoulder. "I wouldn't expect less from you"
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stellar-skyy · 10 months
COURT GOSSIP — Furina x reader.
i. SUMMARY: Fontaine has a lot to say about Furina's lover. (Now with a part two!) ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Very very slight spoilers for the 4.2 archon quest, brief use of pet names (darling). iii. NOTES: Angst, reader doesn't actually make an appearance but they are talked about throughout, gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 2.1k words. iv. A/N: Angst bc i lost the 50/50. This probably isn't as good as I wanted it to be, but I'm tired and I was sick of rewriting things.
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They called the relationship a lot of things. Scandalous, shocking, shameless. Shameless wasn’t the right word. Furina had plenty shame, but the taste of love had left her too excited to worry about repercussions. Careless, was more accurate.
If she had more care, she would be home by then, curled around her lover, laying with her ear pressed to their chest so she could hear their heartbeat. She wouldn’t be pacing back and forth and wearing grooves into Neuvillette’s office’s carpet.
“It is going to be alright, Lady Furina. Sit down.” Neuvillette said calmly. He was sitting still, hands folded in his lap, and to the ordinary eye he looked perfectly at ease. But Furina hadn’t spent five centuries with him without learning his mannerisms. The stiffness in his shoulders, the twitch of his eyebrow, the way his words sounded a touch too sharp; it was obvious he was just as concerned as she was.
“It’s not! Do you know what they’re saying?” Furina hissed. She threw the newspaper across his desk, letting it land in front of him with a smack. The photo of the two of them—her arms wrapped around their neck, while they kissed her cheek—took up almost the entire page, only broken up by the title.
Exclusive: Who is Lady Furina’s secret paramour?
“I must say, this is quite a poorly titled article.” Neuvillette frowned, looking closer. “The word ‘paramour’ is archaic by itself, but more than that it already implies a scandalous relationship. The word ‘secret’ is superfluous.”
“That’s not the point!” Furina practically wailed. “Look at what they’re saying!”
“Hmm… ‘Who is this mystery partner, and how did they catch the attention of the Archon herself? Is this unknown lover strategically targeting Lady Furina to attempt to obscure the justice of Fontaine?’ Ah, I see. They believe your partner to be seeking you out to gain influence of the court system.”
“How dare they! To think they would stoop to such a level to accuse my—”
“It is alright. I have already scheduled an official announcement to acknowledge the concerns and quell the rumours.”
“It’s not only that! The people are losing their respect.”
“…I am afraid I do not understand.”
“For me! They—” Furina halted. “I—I heard them today. They think of me as just some love-stricken girl. Archons above—” Neuvillette chose not to point out that she herself was an archon. “I couldn’t stand it...”
⋆ ✩ 。 ° ✩ ° 。 ✩ ⋆
It had been a pleasant morning; so pleasant that once Furina had detangled herself from her partner’s arms, she decided to take a walk.
As she strolled through the streets, the sounds of the city beginning its day and the singing of birds mingled together in a strangely beautiful symphony. They competed for the attention of whoever happened to be listening, with songbirds chirping and crooning from the tops of buildings, directly above the sounds of vendors and other salespersons trying to sell their products.
“Fresh lavender melons, straight from Inazuma!” A fruit-seller called, holding a basket filled with bright purple fruits.
Ah, Lavender Melons. They were a fairly new sight in Fontaine, only appearing after trade with Inazuma was reestablished. Perhaps she should purchase a bunch.
“Extra, extra!” a young newsboy yelled out, waving a newspaper above his head. “Read all about the latest Fontaine news, from the Fontaine Gazette! Hear about the case that divided the Chief Justice and Lady Furina!”
The newspapers were always embellished, but the Fontaine Gazette was a particularly egregious example. Not a single word in that paper was without exaggeration. Though, it was entertaining at times to look over the stories and laugh about the incredulity of it all.
She strolled over to listen to the boy’s calls, idly looking past the rows of newspapers and magazines. She withdrew one from the stand, a gaudy looking magazine with bright red headlines screaming in her face.  
The Spina di Rosula in shambles! it shrieked. Such a crude form of entertainment, the misery of others. It was good Fontaine had enough reputable newspapers to drown out the crows and calls of garbage like that.
“Extra, extra! Lady Furina has a secret lover? Read all about it here!”
In a second, the magazine in Furina’s hands slipped onto the ground, and she felt her breath catch in her chest.
She had to have misheard him; it must be a terrible mistake. She’d been too careful to hide them from the spotlight, keeping them away from the public’s claws. If they’d been discovered, the media would stop at nothing to tear them to shreds. Not to mention how she’d look if their relationship was found out—the Archon of Fontaine, falling head over heels for a mere mortal.
Furina had snatched the paper right out of the young boy’s hand. As he started protesting, she quickly threw a handful of Mora at him and bustled away to read the paper. Behind her, two ladies gasped and leaned over to whisper to each other.
“Is that Lady Furina?”
“I’m surprised she can show her face… I wouldn’t have the courage.”
Vultures, the lot of them! Had they no shame, gossiping about her from six feet away, like she couldn’t damn well hear them?
Their chatter faded to static and white noise in her ears, as the newspaper unfolded to reveal the story she’d been fearing. In it, the photo showed two lovers were caught in an embrace, one hidden in the other’s shoulder. The other was turned at just the right angle to show herself to the camera, grinning down at her partner with love in her eyes.
Furina stared in horror as her own face stared back at her.
⋆ ✩ 。 ° ✩ ° 。 ✩ ⋆
“Furina—Ahem, Lady Furina,” Neuvillette paused, blinking at his mistake. Oh dear. He must be on the verge of a breakdown, if he was already messing up her name. “We must begin the conference soon. Shall we leave?”
“I—I suppose that would be prudent,” Furina said shakily, straightening her back.
The trip to the Opera Epiclese was filled with silence. Furina stared at her hands in her lap, picking at the edges of her gloves, while Neuvillette gripped his cane tightly and periodically shot her concerned looks. The only words that were spoken were after they had arrived.
“Are you ready?” Neuvillette asked, hand curled around the curtain separating their backstage room to the front balcony.
“No,” Furina whispered hollowly, before smoothing her features into neutrality and stepping onto the stage.
“Hello, my dears.” Her lips moved of their own accord; voice disconnected from her mind. “I am here to address some rumours you may have heard. If you have been following the news, you would know that some pictures have been spreading of me and another individual. Since then, there has been a number of gossip floating around the court, very little of which is based on fact.”
“Tch, she’s already trying to avoid the blame.” A particularly loud audience member commented, loud enough for Furina to hear. She hesitated for a moment, before continuing.
“This person is as many have suspected,” Furina breathed out. “A romantic partner.”
“Ms Furina!” A young man—notebook and pen in hand; a reporter, likely—yelled out. Furina bit back the haughty That is Lady Furina to you on her tongue. Arrogance wouldn’t serve her well in this performance. “People have been saying that this ‘lover’ of yours is a threat to the integrity of the justice system. How do you respond to the allegations that they are using you to sway the court?”
“T-That isn’t true! They—”
“How can we trust the Palais Mermonia if the Archon is being influenced?” A voice in the front row whispered loudly to her friend.
“If she’s that weak to the charm of a random person, then what does that say about her judgement?” Another responded.
“I—” Furina stuttered out. “P-Please, calm yourselves! I can explain myself if you just wait—”
“Is this really what Fontaine is coming to?” That pesky reporter yelled out, only stirring the chaos further. The courtroom erupted into noise, all overlapping opinions drowning out any conscious thought of hers.
“Not fit to lead—”
“—If she’s so distracted by love.”
If the first words were a punch in the gut, the last were certainly a strike straight to her skull. She flinched, her resolve cracking enough to let the throes of panic wash over her face. It was all too much: the lights, the noise, the audience.
But she was used to commotion. She had been acting for centuries.
In the drama, she had almost forgotten her place; the Court of Fontaine was her stage, and she was the leading actress. The citizens before her were the audience to her performance, and she was damned if she wasn’t to put on a show for them.
With a deep breath, she slipped right back into the façade, smoothing over the cracks in her mask with inhuman poise.
“They say the true tragedy of godhood, is one never gets the chance to live like a human.” Furina smiled coyly, playing up the eccentric goddess act that she had been cultivating for centuries. “So many experiences we are robbed of; growing up, falling in love.”
“You wanted to be human?” An audience member called out. Young woman, nervous expression. Perfect extra for Furina’s show.
She turned to stare her in the eyes, coy grin lighting up her features. “Tell me, dear. Have you ever had a lover of your own?”
 “M-me?!” She squeaked. “Oh… I-I haven’t really had a girlfriend. B-But I have been in a… relationship of sorts.” The audience member spluttered and blushed. “A… summer fling, I suppose.”
“Well, wouldn’t I be a fool not to chase a summer fling of my own?” Furina tilted back her head with a laugh, letting her voice boom across the Opera with the confidence that left the audience hanging on her every word. “Oh, my dearest citizens. Do you think so lowly of me to think I’d let a brief bit of romance keep me from my duties? That I would be blinded by something so silly as love?”
“You don’t love them?” Another nervous audience member asked.
Yes, Furina wanted to scream. I love them more than I have ever loved anything in this world.
“Ah, love. Such a novel concept.” She loved them, she did. Oh, how she hoped they would forgive them for this. “The only love I hold is for my people and my nation! I need no lover, when I already have the love of my beautiful Fontaine.”
“I believe we have strayed off-topic,” Neuvillette said, smoothly shifting their attention to him. “The Court of Fontaine retains that this individual carries no influence over Lady Furina, the Palais Mermonia or the Fontainian justice system. This… relationship is something inconsequential that has no effect over Lady Furina’s work, and is not of a concern to Fontaine’s citizens.” Damn right it wasn’t their concern. “To put it frankly, this person is of no significance at all.”
Only Neuvillette was close enough to hear the sharp gasp that escaped her.
“This conference is hereby adjourned.”
They were going to hate her.
How was she supposed to look them in the eyes, after telling an entire courtroom that they were of no importance to her? The love of her life, the one who brought light into the world and a smile of genuine joy upon her face with just their presence. She imagined them watching the court; hearing her words, feeling them strike against their skin like blades.
They were going to hate her, and she would let them.
She would let them hate her, if it meant the public would forget their name. The moment they disappeared from the light, then the rumours would disappear just the same.
And a part of her—a small, barely noticeable, inconsequential part of her, but a part of her nonetheless—breathed a sigh of relief at the knowledge that her balance hadn’t been overturned. It was selfish, she knew that, and the thought disgusted her as much as it brought her comfort. That part whispered that it was for the best, not just for them but for her as well. Her reputation was secure, they were quietly pushed away from the light, and the scandal would die down quickly.
Furina stumbled backstage, stomach spinning. She leaned heavily against the wall, eyes squeezed shut, dreading the moment she would have to go home and face her lover after what she had done.
“Oh, darling.” She murmured. “Please forgive me.”
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