#btw if people want me to tag these things don't hesitate to ask
eliounora · 8 months
The anti ship debate is pointless at best and genuinely harmful at worse. It's a group of people that spend all their time saying that if you explore themes or works they personally find uncomfortable, that you are an immoral criminal that needs to face justice. This often comes in the form of exclusion, harassment, and call outs.
It seems like a perfectly reasonable response to say "I don't support people that engage with pedophilia or incestuous content", but they twist the definitions to include things like shipping a 2 year age gap or """sibling coded""" pairings (aka a ship they don't like but argue they're "like family", because people can't just be friends, and therefore it's morally incorrect to ship it). And even if these same arguments can be applied to their own preferred pairing, it doesn't count. It's very rules for thee, but not for me, and no amount of arguing or thoughtful discussion will make them see differently. These examples seem niche but I was on the wrong side of twitter for too long and can tell you this stuff is a dime a dozen these days. 💀
There are some valid comments on both sides of the argument, but the plot has officially been lost. It's just weaponizing discomfort as an excuse to bully people they don't agree with. Dhip and let ship, tag the freakier stuff and use discretion about where you put it, and then leave each other alone. It's not that hard. 😭
oh yes, the dark side of twitter... the behaviour you describe is not cool! I have seen some posts about the age gaps and minor characters and it does sometimes seem like common sense and practicality has completely evaded these discussions (like a 2 year age gap being called pedophilia or viewing teenagers as completely nonsexual until they turn 18, which, granted, I think is not connected to the pro/anti-shipping discourse alone). I do sympathise if it comes from fear for children and/or their own traumatic experiences, but harassment, call outs, and other malevolent actions towards people who haven't caused any actual harm to real-life people is not the way to go (and if there was, for example, an abuser, even then there should be a more constructive way to go about the problem and helping people who have been hurt).
you worded it really well there at the end, tag the freakier stuff and use discretion about where you put it! thankfully most people have a good head on their shoulders, I believe.
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 months
hi!! just read your cake at the craft store fic and thought I'd introduce myself on here :) you're a talented writer and seem like a lovely person!
oh my gosh thank you so much! that's so sweet of you 🥰i'm so glad you enjoyed my work! (and thank you so much for the lovely comment on ao3!) also love your handles on both ao3 and here, i'm a big fan of herons myself 😊
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iamnmbr3 · 1 month
(First and foremost, pls write a canon-drarry guide so i don't have to ask your opinion every time lolllll)
Maybe you talked about it but What'd you think of Draco's feelings for Harry in 6th (esp when it comes to Harry being reason for his father's imprisonment) and 7th year each and did it change or he always felt that way? You think whatever his feelings were (esp in 7th yr) were one sided (at that time) and Harry's just sort of caring and pitying him cuz he understands him and draco's miserable and there's not much on Harry's side? (It's so many ppl's theory btw)
IMO Draco had some deep feelings - idk whether i can call it love specifically or not but there was some attachment and trust and care for Harry. Even before 7th year not genuine hatred to cause him real harm at all yk....
Hahaha well that's lowkey what this blog is turning into (and I do have a drarry in canon tag). But also I love receiving asks. Neither you nor anyone else should ever feel hesitant to send me questions. It's fun hearing ya'll's thoughts.
As to your question, I think JKR wrote a 7 book drarry epic by mistake. Right from day 1 they were orbiting each other. I definitely think by 6th year Draco has some (probably repressed and unacknowledged) feelings for Harry. Those feelings are of course complicated by the fact that he and Harry are now on opposite sides of the war, Harry is virulently opposed to the ideals Draco and Draco's side stand for, he and Harry have never gotten along, and now Harry is kinda responsible for getting Draco's dad thrown in prison (and for the task of Dumbledore falling on Draco). So yeah there's definitely resentment there.
Some people have argued that Draco's attack on Harry is a way to keep him safe and send him away from Hogwarts. Personally I don't buy it. Draco is scared and angry and upset about the situation he and his family find themselves in and he takes it out on Harry in an act of vengeance. However, although what he does to Harry is violent and cruel, it's really minor given that Draco is a Death Eater. Can you imagine if Harry was left alone and helpless at the mercy of any other Death Eater? Yeah. It would not end well. Draco doesn't take things very far, waits till his Slytherin buddies are gone to make sure he is in control of the situation and things don't escalate (even though this means being left without backup and potentially getting hurt by Harry instead), and never even thinks of trying to kill Harry or turn him over to Voldemort to be killed.
(I also headcanon that while he boasted about breaking Harry's nose, inside he found that it didn't feel nearly as good as he thought it would, and indeed he feels a bit sick with himself though he ignores it. But that's an aside).
I think those merciful impulses are partly due to Draco being much more averse to violence than his family would like him to be, but also due to the complicated feelings he has about Harry. He doesn't really want to hurt him and he certainly doesn't want to see him dead. Even after the Sectumsempra incident, it is Pansy and not Draco who vilifies Harry. Draco doesn't seem to blame Harry - probably partly because he already consumed by self hatred and perhaps guilt over having tried to use an Unforgivable on Harry, and partly because he and Harry can never truly bring themselves to hate each other. Also when Harry pursued Draco and Snape after the Astronomy Tower sequence (well, really he's chasing Snape but it certainly looks like he's going after all of them) Draco makes no move to hurt him.
The next time they see each other is at the Manor in book 7. Despite the fact that last time they interacted was the Sectumsempra incident Draco doesn't hesitate to risk everything to shield Harry and his friends - even though he intimately knows the consequences of Voldemort's wrath and that he is condemning himself and his family to horrific torture at the best and quite possibly death. He doesn't identify Harry or even Harry's friends. He buys them time. He doesn't report when he sees Harry and Ron have taken their bonds off. He barely puts up a fight when Harry takes his wand. And his wand feels friendly in Harry's hand. I think all that is evidence of not just feelings but strong ones at that. What he did was an act of love.
And again in the fiendfyre sequence he completely loses control at the idea that Harry could be hurt and actually tries to intervene to save him. (Full breakdown of that sequence here).
Similarly I think Harry has more than simple pity for Draco. He's also kinda been fixated on Draco since book 1. By book 6 we get stuff like Harry getting distracted by the sight of Draco changing, getting annoyed when a girl pays attention to Draco, ceasing his investigation into Draco just because it put him at risk, lying to protect Draco from blame after the Astronomy Tower sequence, and worrying about him afterwards. And then in book 7 we get more worrying about Draco, Harry not trying to attack or speak to Draco when he comes into the cell at the Manor, Harry learning to block out Voldemort when the alternative is watching Draco get tortured - potentially to death, Harry dropping everything to rescue Draco specifically from the Fiendfyre (x), and much more. So yeah. Not one sided.
I think by book 7 Draco is in love with Harry, and by late in the book he may not even be able to fully deny it to himself. I think they both had feelings for each other - which were very complicated and contradictory and difficult for them given the circumstances, but definitely mutual and not unrequited. It doesn't mean they'd immediately be besties or fall into each other's arms during 8th year. But there's definitely a mutual attraction going on.
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Phil and bagi hcs?
Also these will apply to AMFMN!! Because SURPRISE, if no one has checked the fic tags, her name is listed as a main character. ;) She'll be arriving in Chapter 6!! :D
I cannot fucking WAIT to expand upon their dynamic, which is funny because by the time Bagi shows up, Phil is possessed so it won't be exploration through direct interactions until the recovery period waaay later in the fic. Nonetheless it'll be hype! :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil is a member of the "Bagi can do whatever she wants forever" club. He supports her rights and wrongs and fully believes she could kick his ass no matter how unbalanced of a fight it'd be in his favor (disclaimer I don't actually know Bagi's exact pvp skill level 🤔)
Bagi is a member of the "God I want Phil to take me on a flight some day, I am so sad his wings are fucked up" club. (She would probably be terrified /pos)
I don't know what it is about their friendship but I feel like Bagi is so much more attuned to the way Phil thinks than the average islander. I guess I'd say it's because of how perceptive she is in general, especially with how she's a detective? Whatever it is, Bagi just has this talent for reading Phil like a damn book. And she won't hesitate to call him on his bullshit either. She's much like Fit in that regard. Crow man can't hide SHIT
Like fr if Phil ever gave Bagi reason to be concerned the first thing she'd do is start cornering those closest to him and either ask what's up or be like "hey Phil's on some shit rn, we gotta go force him to confess whatever stupid shit he's shouldering on his own and bottling up"
Phil has definitely been whacked with the frying pan for not venting and acting like he has to brave the horrors alone btw. Bagi's the type of friend that'll kick your fucking ass if you're not self-caring or being mean to yourself. (I am projecting LMAO)
Bagi isn't as Holy Shit We Could Die Any Second about things as Phil, but they're both very protective people, which can manifest in very volatile ways when they're hurt or angered by something (ie: Feds). I would not want to experience their individual wraths simultaneously.
Bagi is one of the top people Phil shows his gift giving love language to. Be it resources she needs, pictures he's taken of her/Em/Tina or of weird island shit, the means to complete cookie tasks, etc. She's one of the first in mind.
GOD Phil wants her to teach him how to wield a frying pan so badly. He's an excellent swordsman and bowman, but PAN?? The enjoyment he'd get out of it would be infinite, he'd love to be kicking ass while getting a laugh out of it bc pan go BONG when it hits a motherfucker.
If one needs something the other says yes no hesitation. They might ask each other a couple questions, but as soon as they have 100% clarity, they trust each other with the rest and know that if something goes wrong, whoever is present at the time will unleash hell on the person or monster that caused it.
I've somewhat already hinted at it but GOD the mutual admiration they have for each other!! Their wits and way with words, their natural sense of leadership, their determination to defend what they believe in, what they think is right, and the people they love, their specific expertise, the list goes on. They just think the other is so fucking cool and brilliant.
Tbh I think in the right circumstances they'd teach each other some lowkey fucked up tricks they have up their sleeves. Like Bagi giving Phil insight on manipulating people into giving the answers you're looking for by asking the right carefully worded questions, or Phil teaching Bagi the best spots to hit/hurt a person/mob to really do some damage just purely as a "hey if you ever find yourself in a Situation, here's a tip" thing
I don't know how better to show this without explicitly saying it: These two are not the other's fucking caretaker. Phil is not Bagi's father figure and Bagi is not Phil's mother figure. Yes, they can scold each other when the other is doing something dumb (cough, 7 hcs ago, cough). Friends do that. They support each other and call each other on their bs. That is not parenting, that's being a good friend. And they are to each other.
On that note, it hasn't come up too much yet but when shit sucks (like when the eggs were lost or lost lives), they're good at distracting each other. But like without halting the process of dealing with their emotions. If they're sad, they'll be sad together, but they're good at picking the right conversation topics to lighten the mood. If they're mad, they'll be mad together, and they'll plan what to do about it with each other.
I think I've sorta demonstrated it well enough in a couple of these hcs already but AUGH, they're just. So on the same page with each other almost all the time. And when they aren't, they're so good at giving each other perspectives they didn't think of before. Which, I don't mean to compare Bagi to her brother here, but is also how Phil and Cellbit can be with each other too; though they've somewhat fallen out of that sync post-Purgatory. The way the Mystery Siblings are so on the same wavelength as Phil makes me so *slams fist on desk*
Phil is normally a very Just Vibin' kinda guy but Bagi can get him into some really deep intellectual conversations sometimes and it's so 🍿🍿🍿 to watch
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gingersforeverbox · 9 months
Hi, no one asked for this, but have some Nathan Bateman x Reader headcanons/ drabble ideas
A/n: Howdy, I know it's been a hot minute since I posted something of my own, but I've been a simp for this stupid-genius bastard for a while now, and here is just a dump of the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head about Bitchman himself :)
Fem!Reader x Nathan Bateman btw
Content warnings: Nathan for obvious canonical reasons, the good kush🍃, swearing (probably), suggestive material that is +18 (If I find a minor on my lawn I swear to all that's good that I will tell your parents/guardians that you're being inconsiderate of boundaries Ya lil gremlins), that's all I can think of for now, but let me know if I missed anything! <3
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Pretty little homemaker Reader? Yeah. Pretty little homemaker Reader who got to happily retire once they married Nathan and be a domestic, feminine person without care? Even better!
Pregnant Reader where we learn about what it’s like to be expecting with him (spoiler: he is a pain in the ass up until you have to snap at him to be considerate to the person who will give him his child, then he surprisingly gets his head out of his ass to try and be better for you and y'all's child).
Reader and Nate have to go to a gala or some shit for the first time as an official couple then there’s a bunch of questions from the press and coworkers about y'all being together, and he is basically like "Honey, I own the planet, whatever you don't want public won't be public. it's that simple, now let me show you this ice sculpture that looks like a dick if you look at it right >:)"
Stoned Nathan and Reader. She does it for fun, he insists that he’s gonna be chill, but he is such a fuckin nerd that he babbles about how scientifically interesting weed is while Reader is just like “M’kay babe, keep talkin’, you’re cute like this iloveyou” and Nathan kinda just buffers for a minute before then is high as a kite when he realizes "oh fuck this woman makes me feel things and I'm too high to try and hide it iloveyoutoo"
Nathan getting genuinely confused when Reader treats Kyoko with basic dignity despite her being an AI, and Reader basically being horrified with how he treats her and actively goes out of her way to be nice to Kyoko. Does Nathan learn to be nicer to his AI? Does he still treat them like shit and it bites him in the ass? YOU DECIDE!
Bossy!Reader who is one of BlueBook's communications experts, and he can't wrap his head around the idea of Reader, the same lady who doesn't hesitate to call one of his ideas bad-shit crazy, being the same lady who easily schmooses his business partners for him until he sees her in action at a conference they both have to attend. Nathan then realizing that he likes his organic women to be a lil fiesty.
*forewarning that this one is a little self-indulgent:* Nathan and a Psychologist reader? I would pay Money to watch those two bicker about everything. like come on, Nathan's fuckin' nuts and Reader deals with emotionally/ mentally troubled people for a living. Just imagine BlueBook deciding to assign him a psychologist since he lives in the middle of nowhere all the time, and Reader taking one look at him and being like "Oh, he's not just a narcissistic rich man, he's a narcissistic rich man with a literal god complex.... interesting :)))" then proceeding to actually help him regardless. Bbgorl wouldn't know what hit him.
That's all for now folks, as you were 😊
....psst, hey, if anyone is interested in reading something with any of these ideas I would happily see what I can do to make a lil somethin'-somethin'. Also, if you wanna take a stab at writing any of these, all I ask is that you tag me so I can get some credit and so I can see y'all's awesome work <3
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iceman-soup · 10 months
hiii introduction time!! + how my blog is formatted :)
about me:
trans ftm (pre-surgeries :( for now!!)
gay and asexual/ace-spec
adhd and autistic!! :)
CYMRAEG RAAAHHHHH 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
about my blog/fics:
mainly amab reader and masc reader - will occasionally do ftm reader if i feel up to it
i also write gn!reader quite often :D
i will never do fem!reader please don't request it!!
mainly top!reader but every so often switch or bottom reader
i write call of duty and at some point i might post top gun but idk
i am open to requests!! don't be shy :D
i mainly write drabbles or oneshots on here and i have my AO3 account in my bio!
reader pronouns will almost always be second person :)
who am i ok with reading my work?
short answer: most people!!! this is more just things to be aware of:
i write smut. like, almost every fic has smut at some point so. just be sensible judging whether you should be reading that or not
in terms of kinks - i tend to put praise in most fics i think? i also like to write other kinks fairly regularly - check the tagging/labelling subtitle for more info
i WILL NOT write pedophilia, racism, incest (including incest play/kinks), anything against any religion, transphobia, etc. please DNI if you support any of these
DNI if you're fem and read my masc stuff with a fem perspective. you have plenty of fem!reader stuff, plus i write gn!reader often, read that. not the masc!reader stuff.
^ that being said!! feel free to read my amab gn!reader stuff! i know a lot of mtf people might enjoy it and that's fine!! :)
how does my tagging/labelling work?
tags -
i will always tag smut or any kinks!! this will be seen as cw smut, or for kinks cw biting (for example)
don't be afraid to dm me, comment or write an ask if you think any tags are missing/would like something tagged!
ships/pairings will always be tagged
reader gender/agab will always be tagged
please block anything you're not comfy with rather than complaining :)
labels at the start of fics -
these are mainly just pairings and reader info, e.g. amab reader x character
important part! ^ this one means that reader is amab but gender neutral. not masc!
for masc amab reader, it would look like this: amab masc!reader x character
for ftm reader fics, i'll specify if it's pre or post top surgery (and bottom surgery if it's relevant), also masc reader is assumed
if a fic is tagged amab it will likely be smut; ftm will generally be angst/fluff or smut; gn has no mention of reader genitalia if it is smut but it isn't always sexual stuff!!
the colours don't matter btw i just like them :) there aren't enough to assign one to each character so don't overthink them (other than rottweiler!hybrid!soap, that'll always be orange)
sensitive/triggering topics -
i will always both tag these and label them at the start of the fic
please don't hesitate to message me/comment if i miss any!!
please bear in mind that if i'm writing topics like this they are generally from my own past/current experiences. i ask you to be respectful and be mindful of this when interacting with these posts especially :)
^ also please consider this if you want to request a fic with a sensitive or deep topic and forgive me if i feel i am unable to write it properly due to personal inexperience with the topic. thank you!
sorry this is long!! feel free to ask any questions as always :D
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kaijuree · 3 months
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[my beloved partners- @clovergeneral, @tobywizardb]
[pronouns page]
// im in my change era \\
Herez a cool playlist!!! 🪩🗯️🎧‼️
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[❓] What is to be expected here?
[❗️] I'm an artist & writer, so expect mostly that type of content!
I have a tag system btw!! It's fairly new (except for my art tag) so don't expect there to be much on there.
#☆ kais art! ☆ will be used on art
#asks 💭 will be used on asks (i also have an askbox game thing scroll down)
#kaiju posts will be used on normal posts
flavors of posts
🍃 trotting around! // therian stuff
📓 yearbook! // pictures, images, not art
#roleplaying shenanigans 🌀 will be used on me roleplaying...
#kai yaps will be used on ramblings & lore fun facts
flavors of yapping
🍤 shrimp flavor // lore drops, explainations
🍱 bento flavor // updated lore, changes
🍡dango flavor // fun facts, little bits
🍛 curry flavor // lore with designs, art!
🍙 rice ball flavor // just yapping
#kai stinks!! will be used on vents & rants
#announcement! will be used on, you won't guess what (/sar)- announcements.
flavors of announcements
💬 just a heads up... // minor announcements
🔈 /srs // serious announcements
🔔 reminder! // announcement for lore
#reblog!! will be used on- you guessed it! reblogs.
flavors of reblogs
📂 ooh! // will be used on stuff i find interesting
💌 yay! // will be used on stuff featuring characters i like/love
🎉 yippee! // will be used on reblogging announcements with a /pos tone/context
🗯️ frowns // will be used on reblogging announcements with a /neg tone/context
#📊 poll! will be used on polls
#blorbo posting! (+ an emoji for each character) will be used for me yapping & posting about my blorbos
blorbo tags
blorbo posting! 👻 // ghostwalker phighting...
blorbo posting! 🐍 // DARKHEAR...
There will also be a fair bit of me being silly & rambling. I also try to keep my blog free of political & controversial topics. I do not want to be involved, so please keep it away from here.
Alot of my writing & AU stuff contains sensitive & disturbing topics that may make people uncomfortable. I am a proud horror & angst enjoyer- so I tend to get extreme with it sometimes. So please keep that in mind & be cautious if you're triggered by said things.
Adding onto that, please let me know if you don't want angsty roleplays on my blogs. I rarely ever to fluffy stuff, so if you're uncomfortable or annoyed with it please tell me. I do not pick up on hints about that I am so sorry.
Speaking of my au & stuff, I have some ask box games going on!! Here they are!! (Send me asks pls)
[❓] What are some basic things about yourself?
[❗️] First of all, I am a minor. Please keep NSFW & that gross icky stuff away from me. I am fine with suggestive stuff- & there might be suggestive things here & there.
I go by any & all pronouns!! Please use them interchangeably!! I also prefer to go by gender neutral terms & compliments, but I'm okay with some gendered ones. I really don't care
I go by many names!! Primarily Kai, Kaiju, Hexx, or Hexxagon!! But others include Squid, Beetl, Roxx, & Reed.
I am a pretty private person. I have trust issues & therefore I like having my personal life separate from my online life. This does not mean you cannot ask what I did today or how my day was, but just expect me to be vague &/or hesitant.
I'm autistic!! I don't always understand &/or get things so tone tags would be appreciated. I don't fully understand them myself yet, I'm still learning, so I don't use them all the time! Here is a masterpost/masterlist of tone tags if you have trouble understanding them..
[❓] What are your interests?
[❗️] As of right now, I'm hyperfixated on PHIGHTING! My favorite characters are Darkheart, Ghostwalker, & Subspace in that particular order.
I make a lot of OCs for things I'm obsessing over, & that also means making my own AU & writing my own lore for it! Please ask me about it!! It makes me so happy.
I have an unnamed PHIGHTING! fanon that I'm making/have made with one of my beloved partners, @clovergeneral. I have a community for it!! It's here!!
I also have a lot of original stuff that I probably won't talk about much, but I might share it with you guys when I properly write it. I've shared some things about it so far, & it's called 'Glitch! Trio'. I have a side blog about it, @glitch-trio. They mean sm to me....
As for other interests, I'm also interested in Pokemon, Pokepasta, ULTRAKILL, Regretevator, IHNMAIMS (I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream), Project Moon games (more so Library of Ruina & Lobotomy Corporation), Item Asylum, Mandela Catalogue, The Walten Files (TWF), & Jujutsu Kaisen.
Notable mention. I fucking love keytars. They're so fucking cool I love them.
[❓] What are the rules for this blog?
[❗️] First of all, use common sense. It shouldn't be hard in the first place. Think before you speak or ask, that stuff.
I am a person too. I have a life, goals, feelings, etc. So treat me like a person. I'll respect you, please respect me back.
Basic DNIs. Homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, zoophiles, pedophiles/maps, proshippers, comshippers, anti-furries, anti-therians, or any other creeps. I will block you if I feel like it or if I'm uncomfortable.
Again, please do not bring up political &/or controversial topics. Religion is....okay. I prefer not to speak too much about religious stuff because I myself am an atheist, because I don't know all that much about other religions & I don't want to say anything that will get me in trouble. I respect all religions though.
[❓] What are your other blogs?
[❗️] Here is a masterpost of all my side blogs. I have an addiction to making new blogs to expect the number of them to grow.
[❓] What else do you do here?
[❗️] I do silly stupid shit, & I also roleplay as characters on this blog because I either haven't made a blog for them yet or I just feel like it. Oh also there's some 'events' that happen.
For example- it's kinda an inside joke between me & my partner Clover but I'm gonna explain it real quick. I was keyboard smashing & I accidentally pressed the British flag emoji (🇬🇧) so I thought it would be funny if I pretended to get 'colonized' so. Sometimes I'll do that & british kai will shitpost.
I'm making a tag for it because it's funny. Uhhh uhhh it's #🇬🇧🇬🇧 GOD BLESS THE QUEEN 🇬🇧🇬🇧 (im so funny haha. im funny right. right guys)
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youngdutchishot · 4 months
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This is just some basic info about me!
Ohh man I'm aroace!!/sil But, yeah, won't specify just thought to share (‘-’*)
Eighteen ·
I probably wont post very often! I'm quite silly and the idea of strangers finding my goofy thoughts with such ease is a bit scary
[Oh and please- please, do not feel weary because I mentioned my struggle with socializing. I love when people see my stuff!! Don't feel hesitant or shy, engage!!! <33
You might just see some rdr2 captures from me or random snippets of my head-canons! That is, if I ever get around to posting such c:
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Red Dead Redemption I / II [special interest(?)]
[ i hardly ever acknowledge these but will engage if asked^ ]
idk slasher movies bro
EPIC: The Musical
The Walking Dead
My Little Pony
Stardew Valley
Little Nightmares
Gacha Life II ( not really since I barely even interact with that community :<
fave rdr characters!!! [ you wont believe it../sar ]
Hosea Matthews, Dutch van der Linde!! yeahhh Arthur is up on the list too! And JOHN<33 I also really really loveeee Molly i would do anything for her (��´∀`) AND OMF LENNYYYYYYY!! my pookie baby boah hes very dear to me....
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I'm pretty OK with most things! If you're chill and don't cross boundaries, I'll reciprocate! Unless you're- y'know, the obvious troll, or a complete utter bigot, yeah, I will ignore your existence and block. But other than that, if you're respectful, I really won't mind!!^^
You can definitely ask questions about me! That, I'm very open to!!
act weird / sexual toward me, not exactly comfortable with that. Have some decency at the very least, please. :((
talk to me without tone tags, I struggle heavily with tone through text and if you even know the slightest bit about them, please do use them! If you're confused or don't want to, that's fine!! ( I put a site at the bottom that explains and showcases tone indicators btw!! )
private message!! That's a big no-no with me!!
call me by Edhem or Boris. I prefer Kieran or Stry / Sye(those two>>>), please use those to address me, thank you!!
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here's my ao3 and carrd profile, too! I haven't published on ao3 just yet, but I plan to when I've fully gotten a grip of how the site exactly works.
( obviously the card below's not mine!! rightful credits to the owner that took time out of their day to put this together — i'm certain it's somewhere on the site i am just blind^ )
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that's all ty for reading this (^-^*)ノ
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angelic-brutality · 2 years
hii ! idk if your requests are open atm but if they are then pls ignore this message jfjskkj
i was wondering if i could request for hanma with gender neutral! reader who gets panic attacks from the sound of someone hitting objects? they tend to get moody due to that but this time their hands were all shaky and they began crying
im sorry if this made you uncomfortable pls ignore this if you want to and ty in advance btw
look who's finally writing something again
and hey, anon! dw, ofc i can write that ;) and sorry for the delay :< i was on a trip and had some ""creative problems""
a/n.: i'm brazilian, there are probably some grammar mistakes here. and this is more like a "hanma helping reader with a panic attack" cause tbh i never experienced what you're saying, and i don't wanna mess everything up. still hope you like it!
if you both were in public, he would get you by your arm and head to a place without many people. if you both were at some place with rooms, he would lock you guys inside one so you wouldn’t be disturbed.
at first, hanma would be quite scared. he never dealt with anything close to that, so watching you have a panic attack made him quite hesitant and undecided;
he only experienced panic attacks when he was the person panicking, and he thought “not everything i do to calm down would calm down another person”
if you were wearing a sweater, he would ask you to take it off. one thing he leant is that cold can help in those type of situations
hanma slightly touched your face and lifted it, starting to make eye contact with you
“listen, i might not be the best person to help you right now, but i can try. here, breath with me”
even though you had a runny nose - because of the crying - you began to breathe with him. on the beginning it was quite difficult cause you kept sobbing, but he kept the same pace
eventually he would ask if he could touch you. if you say yes, he’d grab both your hands or even hug you (if you’re the type that likes hugs). if you say no, he would murmur an “ok” and just get his hands off of your face
he would also ask if you want to talk about it. if the answer is yes, he would probably ask why you felt so nervous and started to panic, just so he understand more and try a more effective way to help
if the answer is no, he’d start to talk about something that doesn't relate in any way to that
however, if he thinks you’re getting uncomfortable, he would stop and ask how he can help at that moment
once you’re fully calm down, he would make some stupid jokes, just to try to make you smile - or even laugh
honestly if nothing helps he would offer you a cigarette
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tagging; @shujivenus @drakensprincess @wittykittywoes @drakensrealgirlfriend @rome-alone
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i warned you so don't complain lol
also requests are closed
oki so
Hellooo!!!!! I'm Azrael, He/Him, 20. My main is @bittersweet-zarzamora
i'm mainly into tf2 :3
This blog is for posting and rebloging stuff that's too horny or suggestive for my main.
i will also post previews and links to nsft art i've made :D
i'll make text posts sometimes too but keep in mind, they'll be pretty pathetic and sad most of the time lol
↓↓ Tags i use, kinks, dni and some notes before u follow ↓↓
first things first
do NOT flirt with me
i made this blog so i could express myself, i will answer asks related to characters i like and take art requests but that's it, please respect my boundaries. i'm not into rp so please don't try to do that with me either, thank u.
related to requests, they're gonna be closed most of the time and when i open them i'm gonna be kinda picky with them, please don't spam them or i will block you. Also i don't do art for gimmick blogs
when it comes to ship requests it's the basics, no incest and no minor/adult, also just don't send anything that includes characters under 18
also i can draw any kink that is on my list a lil bit below, if u want me to draw something that's not on the list don't hesitate to ask about it :> tho don't forget i can deny any idea i don't like
oki with that out of the way
#me saying stuff :] : Text posts.
#my art : Art tag.
#me rebloging stuff :] : Reblog tag.
#asks :] : Answers to asks.
#not my art : When rebloging other peoples art.
#cw *******: Content warnings
☆Kinks and shit i find hot☆
i'm including these so you know what to expect from this blog :P
there's obvs gonna be lots of vanilla stuff too but these will appear from time to time lol
Omorashi and Watersports
Tentacles and Monsterfucking in general
Size kink
Armpit sniffing and licking
Puppy play
Dom/sub dynamics
Weapon play
i'm a sub btw so if y'all see me talking about these it will be from that perspective :]
i'll try to tag any content that includes kinks, if i forget plz lmk :P
stuff i'm not into: ageplay, ddlg/ddlb, fauxcest, scat, forcefem/forcemasc, detrans, abdl, feederism
Anyone under 18
TERFs, SWERFs and Gender Critical
Anyone bigoted towards the LGBTQIA+ community
If you're a minor i will block you full stop, this is for both yours and my safety, please respect this.
If you don't have your age or age group on your blog and try to follow me i'll either soft block you or send you a message. depends on my mood lol.
Not into pro/antishipper discourse but if ur ok with incest and/or pedo ships please either block me or DNI
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lowkey in the middle of planning an angst Sky fic (sky and warriors centric, ghirahim involved) any advice for writing?
*SCREAMS* that sounds AWESOME my dude!!!
um. uhhhhhhhh shit. writing advice??? i can try????? idk what sort of advice you want or need
what i do is i say "ok heres what i want in this chapter. this is the Big Idea." maybe there's two Big Ideas. maybe there's more. but if i know where i'm going, and i know how the fic ends, then it's easier to figure out how i want to get there. you don't even need a clear-cut ending!! you don't need specifics, you can just say "this is generally how i want these guys to be" but you can't start mapping without a destination, in both a chapter and the fic as a whole. that's pretty much what i've learned
if you want character advice, what i do is break them down into their parts and show myself "this is what happened to them, this is how they reacted, which means that they have this kind of mentality and these attributes" idk also just look at how other people portray them lol. if you don't like that, go hog wild, i guess!
if you're writing a character in pain, i reblogged a post a bit ago about it that i actually found really helpful (it honestly might still be in the queue hold on a sec, yes it was in the queue here ya go) i also have the messiest fucking tagging system, but i might have some stuff in #writing things
and just in general, have fun with it!! don't think that you need to check any specific boxes. say "fuck it" out loud, with a giant smile on your face, and let yourself write. imagine what you want to explain, and then put that feeling, or that place or person or thought into words (just make sure you take care of yourself, especially when writing angst lmao). Seriously!! there is no obligations, it's just you and what you want to create
and don't beat yourself up. chances are, it will be better than you give yourself credit for.
(also btw your fic sounds really really really cool, if you could tag me or send me a link if you publish it, i would be forever indebted to you because that is SUCH a cool story idea and i'm gonna go feral over it, i love that SO MUCH)
if you have any other questions, or you want advice on something else more specific that i didn't talk about, don't hesitate to ask!! idk how valuable my advice is, but i'll try my best if you really want it. a lot of this is just stuff i do, i don't really know if it makes sense or if it's useful or anything, but i like helping, so if this helps, then awesome!
hope you're doing well!!!
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vivelegalite · 2 years
im having what may be the worst week in my whole 20 years on this earth, so here's a few byler thoughts i commented on someone's post and thought deserved their own post!!! if i got some things wrong, sorry im extremely mentally drained and my wifi literally stopped working halfway through this <3 feel free to correct me or join me in my delusion in the comments/tags/asks/dms though!!!! i need a distraction desperately so don't hesitate to interact!!!!
without further ado, here it is:
why the "i told you, joyce has this telemarketer job. mike won't stop whining about it" line is definitely about will, as evidenced by literally what the show tells us.
it's not exactly clear when watching season 3 what el's status is with the us govt following its finale. she's searched for throughout seasons 1, 2 and 3, but it's clear she was discovered following her role in fighting the spider monster and stopping the soviets. it's assumed some sort of deal is made following the battle of starcourt, allowing el to live as a normal teenager after the byers family relocates to california — dr. owens is said to help them settle in lenora, in a house they most likely wouldn't be able to afford without help.
i've seen points made for both will and el being primary reasons for the byers family leaving. will, obviously traumatised by the upside down and thus the whole town of hawkins, most likely wouldn't stand to stay there much longer without his mental health deteriorating. el is very much the same — the lab, upside down, the mall where she lost her dad are still fresh in her mind.
however, we also later find out about an apparent divide between the government and hawkins national lab, namely dr. owens and brenner. we learn that el is indeed still a fugitive, and she is still actively being searched for by authorities. that's the real reason for the move.
we've finally arrived at our point — letters, calls, and how mike kept in touch with both el and will.
in seasons 1-4 we are shown numerous times that phones are not to be trusted, and that phone lines are not safe. we know the people who were initially wiretapping hopper's and joyce's phones are the same people who then helped them escape, but after season 3 (timeline wise) and season 4 (when we are shown), this changes. dr. owens and brenner are no longer working with the government, instead operating in secret, meaning the means of communication they used to once take advantage of is no longer viable for el.
although this is only speculation on my part, i would venture to say it's pretty obvious.
government taps phones, it's a thing they do —» can no longer trust government —» knowing they tap phones, you shouldn't use them anymore.
this, however, isn't speculation: el is never mentioned in association with calls, only letters. season 4 opens with a letter from el to mike being read out, when she and mike fight she pulls out a stack of letters to prove he can't write that he loves her, and finally, will's line at the rinkomania:
"you've called maybe a couple of times. it's been a year, mike. meanwhile el has like, a book of letters from you."
will thinks mike is no longer interested in whatever he has to say because mike only called a handful of times within the timespan of a year (actually closer to 8 months, but...). he also pairs that sentiment with the fact that mike does keep in touch with el, exchanging letters regularly.
letters, because of the phone lines not being secure, are an El Thing™. we can gather from this line that calls are a Will Thing™, or at least they used to be before joyce got that telemarketing job (the timeline of which is unclear, honestly, given how the last letter el sends to mike in march mentions the job as though it was a new development, which does nothing to explain why mike failed to stay in touch with will since october. but that's another can of worms we don't have time to unpack now. my bet is on internalised homophobia btw).
thus, the line about mike whining about joyce's job? he regrets not being able to talk to will.
bonus: why doesn't mike want to write will letters, too?
i'd bet on a mix of the fanfiction staple aka "i couldn't write because i would constantly pour too much heart onto paper and/or sign the letter as love, mike" and (arguably more plausible) mike finding will's voice comforting.
i mean, come on, their whole thing is being afraid of losing each other. season 1 and 2 are literally about mike losing will and trying to get him back, first physically then mentally. season 3 is mike losing will metaphorically, growing apart because of his actions. in season 4 they acknowledge this — will saying he'd prefer to rip off the bandaid if he were to lose mike, and mike recognising that he lost will because he worried too much about el.
i feel like after all of this, ESPECIALLY seasons 1 and 2, it would be comforting to mike to actually hear will and know that he's safe and sound. if your best friend disappears for days and his voice is the only thing giving you hope about him being alive, i think it's understandable to prefer being able to hear him when he's gone from sight.
i keep imagining season 1 mike calling out to will on the walkie talkie, and can't help but think letters simply wouldn't cut it for them.
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the name's CakesInOil, aka theguyinthemathproblems, and i'm that one person in your fyp that takes nothing seriously and also the one that you'd realized has the mental capacity of a squirrel and a very very messed up, and an essentially non-existent sleep schedule the longer you get to know me :))
though, in all seriousness, i'm an ongoing genshin writer and yes, lowercase is intended whenever i write, excluding brainrots, drabbles, and possible future fanfics :DD
if you want to request anything, then go ahead :D
(more utc :]])
just note, tho, that the things I won't be doing are:
nsfw (which, yes, does include suggestive themes)
heavy themes of violence (angst ain't just my cup of coffee tbh, but i will try and experiment with it in the coming future),
anything,, yk, disgusting, which i won't be listing as i'm sure you know what i mean by what i said,
and overall ships that just spell "..why on god did he even allow people like you to exist here on earth??" and "i wonder how god hasn't smite you yet" for your entire mindset and existence.
and if you have any questions regarding my "do not request" limits, just dm me or send an ask. don't worry, i won't bite :))
if you don't want to send a request or an ask and just want to send something random, then go ahead, i won't mind :DD
A few things about me!
i may curse here and there but i'll try my best to tone it down a lot ^^""
i like to do little faces like :D, :), >:(, and etc. so that people can somewhat guess the sentence's context/intentions a little better :>
i'll wake up in the middle of the night and write random stuff that i would have no memory of doing (and tumblr will now have to hear every single end of it :))
i considered drabbles as brainrots bc i didn't know what it was called before
i'm under your bed :) /j
i use any type of pronouns (excluding neopronouns) but mostly use they/them to address myself :D
Custom tags :D
# collective reigning recipes ° : cake's everyday quotes (use them if u want lmao)
# fool's flour ° : cake talks/rambles about things that are mostly irl experiences
# sparkling wheat ♪ : cake talks/rambles about things that are related to fandoms, mostly containing content about genshin and hsr
# perilous eggs ° : cake answers asks/reqs/talks from anons or readers/viewers :>
# moonlit hens ♪ : cake answers asks/reqs/talks from their beloved moots :D
# obsidian-hard sugar ° : cake draws stuff :D
# "titan's wrath" frosting ° : cake... vents about stuff. *silently opens and closes vent on the floor*
# spoiled milk ° : cake spoils stuff, mostly about genshin and hsr
# sunlit cows ♪ : cake makes shitposts whether random or fandom related :)
Fic types :DD
# cherry waterfall * : cake makes a fic series
# scaled vanilla extracts ° : x reader fics
# suspiciously shiny mint chocolate ♪ : character x character fics maybe?
# gold coated cocoa powder ♪ : drabbles/short fics, might turn into cherry waterfalls if motivated enough
# silver lined strawberries ♪ : posts about/fics explaining aus, mostly from genshin and hsr
# stellar-borne cookies and cream ♪ : brainrots/headcannons that are more or less gonna turn into gold coated cocoa powder if braincells go boom boom big and loud enough
# sun-kissed sprinkles ♪ : cake reposts about stuff hehe >:]]
if i missed anything, don't hesitate to tell me about it :D
btw, yes, i will post very very very slowly, like even more slowly than a snail or tutrle bc i've unfortunately been very very busy as of late :((
"no no no no no BB by be in the na na na na BB I'll buy by by by" - my goofy ahh autocorrect, nov 15, 2022
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chiefwritesbook · 1 year
Writeblr Q&A
I have been tagged by @scifimagpie (ty for tag) so I shall attempt to answer these questions lezzgo
1. What motivates you to write?
The soup brain has too many thoughts & I have to get them out. Also spite because my asshole 8th grade English teacher said my writing assignment was only worth a C (he was the ONLY one btw I got consistently vv high grades before him) & my Chinese immigrant friend got marked down for not being good at English. Fuck you Mr English teacher
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
(idk have this one from early chapter 2 I guess)
“You mean to say that I was bait,” Talin said.
“Not the word I would use, but in a way, yes,” Red Wolf confessed.
“You have been on the throne for less than a year. If someone wants you dead this quickly, something is amiss. I’d like to find out what.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
My boy Red Wolf. He's just...yes. Autistic werewolf puppy. Could definitely kill me without hesitation or talk me to death with weapons knowledge. I would thank him if he punched me.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
I like not writing.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Worldbuilding, no doubt. I am simultaneously the best and worst at worldbuilding. You want a 2000-word essay on how languages & regional dialects evolved over time? I gotchu covered no problem. Want me to stop elaborating on how Hellhound magic is linked to the moon & actually write my sequels? Absolutely not.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I think the writeblr community is chill. Like y'all are just here for a good time and I can 100% respect that & get behind it. I get to write unhinged answers to these questions & not feel bad about it bc I don't have to self-impose ridiculous societal concepts such as 'maintain a professional image on social media'.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Scrivener? Am I allowed to say Scrivener even though I use at most like 2% of their features. I am the kind of person who if given nothing but a notes app & a two-hour uni class to sit through will hammer out a full chapter in those two hours instead of paying any attention to class. On the other hand if you want me to actually write during my free time I'm sorry I'm too busy procrastinating writing with art & procrastinating art with gaming.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
This is not a wise question to ask me (see: question 5) unless the goal was to make me sit here for ten minutes typing out an entire essay's worth of worldbuilding word vomit, in which case well played. However for the sake of my own free time & sanity:
The legal system in Kies Tor is probably the single greatest thing I've ever constructed & it plays a crucial part in the plot & was built off the early British/European court system as well as my own special interests in law & criminology. In short it's trying its best but it's also deeply fucked up and I love making the fucked up parts fuck up my characters.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Don't feel pressured to write. If you're staring at the same thing for weeks/months on end of course it's gonna get stale. Heck this Q&A post is the most I've written in weeks.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
@witch-king-of-angstmar ofc (no pressure to answer tho) but other than that I never know who to tag. I have social anxiety what is an interacting. If you see this on your dash consider yourself tagged
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bunch-of-kalosians · 10 months
// Btw, I'll update my pinned and say this in a minute, but all of my posts are ask to tag. I have some tags I usually use with certain topics, but if there's something I need to tag for you, please don't hesitate to let me know!
The last thing I want is to make people feel uncomfortable :)
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fiddler-sticks · 2 years
(I’m the “aphobic” anon 🙄) okay maybe ick wasn’t the right word, I apologize for that. It IS a trigger. I was hesitant to use that word because I didn’t want to make a huge deal about it. Btw I’m sending this ask just because I’m very upset at the idea of being labeled an aphobe (I’m asexual), I don’t care anymore about the tagging I’m just going to block you after sending this
Not to air out my drama, but I do kinda feel like I have to prove myself to you because I’ve been following you for a loooong time— as a demiromantic person, I’ve only ever loved one person in my entire life, for years and years. That person hurt me and blamed the fact that they’re aroace (which they didn’t tell me when they asked me out), saying that they treated me badly because they could never in a million years love me and that it was anger-inducing when I expressed my love for them.
Anyway, Cole is my favorite character in any media ever, and is my comfort character. I’m so sorry, but people headcanoning Cole as aroace is a trigger for me and always sends me spiraling remembering that relationship.
Before you yell at me again, I KNOW that that was just one bad experience, and It did not make me aphobic. I’m not uncomfortable or triggered by asexual aromantic people in my life (of which there are many, like half my friend group), just when that label is connected to my source of comfort. I don’t treat my aroace friends any differently; in fact I’ve never spoken to anyone in my life about this trigger of mine. Lol that’s probably another reason I mislabeled it at first, cause this is literally the first time I’ve ever opened up and tried to ask for boundaries regarding it lol
I’m demiromantic and asexual, since you asked, but I identify strongly with a lot of aroace sentiments (hence I don’t wanna block that tag) because I may as well never experience romantic feelings; that one emotionally abusive relationship was my only ever bf and I’ve never loved anyone since
Don't know why I'm responding to this since you have me blocked now anyway.
I never called you aphobic, and I never yelled at you. Reread what I said if you need to. Your experience sounded like it sucked and I'm sorry that that happened to you. I'm also sorry that you felt the need to part ways over this, but Cole being aroace is something that brings me joy and I'd rather not tag every little thing about the headcanon.
Well, I guess all I have to say now is goodbye. Sorry if I sounded over-composed, because if I'm not, I'm going to rage. Just know that I have all the respect for you, and if you feel blocking is the right path, go right ahead. We all have a right to tailor our online experience to our likes and dislikes. 👋
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