#bruce wayne is carrie kelley's parent
Did you know you can move onto other brainrots and STILL be stuck brainrotting on the old thing too? My brain is a decaying piece of wood that has become an essential breeding ground for several species of rot. One of them is still the BatFam variety, so onto the next member!
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Initial traces of Carrie Kelley, my child! Be honest, how many of you who have seen the Nightwing and Red Hood posts thought that I was doing Tim next? Well HA! Joke’s on you, I make the rules here! I have a very specific order in my head, and I will stick to that order!
Carrie is technically an elseworld’s Robin from The Dark Knight Returns, but Robin is my favorite superhero, and anyone who has been Robin will get my attention (yes Robin. Not Batman or Nightwing or any of the individual characters who have been Robins. Robin as a hero, regardless of who it is, is my favorite). At this point, she’s actually graduated to Catgirl and then her own iteration of Batwoman, but in my head, she’s the same age as Damian or younger, so she gets to stay Robin in my art for a bit.
I did two traces here because, unlike other Batfam characters, Carrie is in so few comics that I can’t just FIND a perfect, full body action pose from an angle that I like. The first trace is by far the most popular and easy to find picture of her, but it has her hair blowing around in the wind. This is a Problem, you see, because Carrie’s hair is a special challenge for me. In The Dark Knight Returns, she has this very distinctive hair shape that I do not like looking at OR drawing. So I knew the pose I used for my reference was going to need to be a pose where I could update her hairstyle. But, I also needed a full body, and that first photo is iconic, so two for the price of one again.
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Stylization time! Carrie was honestly really easy to stylize, her hair is just a bit of a nightmare for me. I finally got a handle on it after the complete project, but it took a WHILE! Anyway, I more or less just lifted her updated hairstyle from her Batwoman costume and some cosplayers. And no, I’m not giving her pants. Damian and Tim are edgy Robins, they can have pants. Dick, Jason, and Carrie are not edgy Robins, so they get short shorts. I did give up on coloring her sleeves green. Too much of one color for me to effectively handle when her gloves overlap her sleeves. Also, I need to draw more characters with capes. They’re so fun to draw!
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Characterization pose! In the comics, Carrie wears her goggles as a civilian too. I interpret this as her needing glasses, so I gave her regular glasses instead because wearing the same distinctive goggles you wear as a superhero is maybe not the best way to keep your identity secret. Comics Carrie has like one friend that you don’t see after she puts on the costume, and her parents don’t remember they have a kid, so it’s not like she has a whole lot of people to be hiding her identity from, but it’s the thought that counts. Schoolmates and random civilians and nosy reporters and all that.
I put her in a Girl Scout uniform for her civvy outfit because I think that it’s important to her character. The whole reason Batman took her on was because she was 1) crazy/traumatized/determined enough to buy herself a Robin costume, fight petty crime on her own, and follow him into dangerous situations and 2) used her Girl Scout first aid training to save batman’s life and splint his arm after he got his sh*t rocked in an ill-advised fight. I figured a salute, even if it’s a bit of a sassy one, was a good pose for her not just because of this, but also because The Dark Knight Returns is a very depressing comic, and so Batman calls her “good soldier.”
If you saw the first two posts, you may notice that I did not trace the hero text for this one, and that I used the same font for both names. This is because 1) I didn’t feel like the regular Robin font with the spiky R fits Carrie’s vibe, but she doesn’t have any comics covers of her own I can steal from and 2) I feel like Carrie’s personality is the same as Robin and Carrie. Unlike with almost everyone else, there’s no posturing, no distinction, no divide there. So the same font works for both personas.
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
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wesavegotham · 1 year
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Sometimes you just look at something and it gets worse with every second you think about it.
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
What your LEAST favorite batfam member says about you
Dick Grayson: You think life is over and people become shriveled-up hags at 30
Jason Todd: You're an Arrowfam stan
Tim Drake: Your favorite Robin is either Jason or Damian
Damian Wayne: You call children "crotch goblins"
Duke Thomas: You own something from your childhood that would be worth a lot of money now had you not taken it out of the original packing
Cullen Row: You've spent a lot of your early teens struggling to accept your identity and in doing so behaved like a douche on Roblox
Stephanie Brown: You created a TikTok to make fun of TikTokers but that doesn't change the fact that you're still on TikTok
Cassandra Cain: You were weirded out by the alt kids in school only to realize later in life they had more courage than you by expressing themselves without caring about what others think
Barbara Gordon: You had a college reading level in 6th grade that stopped mattering once you entered college where everyone was the same as you and you're still salty about it
Harper Row: Your parents didn't let you dye your hair
Carrie Kelley: You had an unhealthy relationship with a stranger on Discord where you learned the meaning of gaslighting firsthand
Kate Kane: You didn't like the Barbie movie
Helena Bertinelli: You had a crush on someone who was way out of your league but took a shot anyway and they rejected you and now every time you see someone pretty you seethe with envy
Luke Fox: You think you can take a grizzly bear in a fight when your only hobby is watching Twitch streamers and eating cool ranch Doritos
Bette Kane: You had a Wattpad Mary Sue self-insert who had all the members of One Direction falling for her and was a vampire wizard demigod that won the Hunger Games but that's a secret you plan on taking to your grave
Alfred Pennyworth: Britain fucked over your country
Selina Kyle: You know a lot about sex for someone who hasn't even gone on a date
Bruce Wayne: You stand by your guns when you say eat the rich and don't make exceptions for the "wholesome" billionaires
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to-the-stars8 · 4 months
Warnings: Mention of suicidal thoughts
So, anyone who wants to hear it, here’s how I think the story of Batman and all of his Robins should have gone in terms of just writing it like it was story. Mind you, most of the basic elements of the Robin's backstory are gonna obviously be in here, just fyi if you just see things that you already know. I am would love to hear what you guys think, too!
Now, quick disclaimer, I’m just going to go with the four main robins only because I know them best— other robins such as Carrie Kelley or Stephanie Brown I’m not as familiar with. I hope to one day to also extend this to other sidekick/people Batman works with, but that’ll be a separate post. Anyway, one more warning; this will be long. 
Starting off with the death of Dick Grayson’s parents. Bruce sees them die, and instantly makes the connection between himself and newly orphaned Dick Grayson. It's one of the main reasons why Bruce takes him in. After all, he was once a boy so riddled by trauma and pain that he thought (at least in the beginning of being Batman) that violence and vengeance was the only answer. So, when Bruce adopts Dick, he doesn't want him to go down the same path. This is where I want to the conflict between Bruce trying to be not only a better person for Dick, but to also attempt to hold onto the feelings that drive his vengeance. Because, the way I would write it, Bruce is still pretty new at being Batman, he hasn't yet realized his "mission" isn't just getting his revenge on Gotham's criminals—It's creating a better life for the people there so they, too, wouldn't have to go through what he did. Though, another small disclaimer, I'll admit that I am missing a few pieces there.
Back to the main topic, if I lose you at all blame the ADHD, so Dick comes to Wayne Manor where he's angry at the world for what happened to his parents. Bruce, who is probably in his mid-twenties at this point, has no clue how to be a parent. He doesn't want to overstep his boundaries with Dick, but the boy is increasingly becoming angrier and angrier. The idea of Dick becoming anything like Bruce, in terms of being Batman, doesn't cross his mind because, unlike some DC writers, I don't think Bruce was actively looking for child soldiers.
Anyway, there is already the underlying push and pull factor between the two, which I think will probably define the rest of their relationship. And, like mentioned before, this is where I would want Bruce to try to be a better Batman, relying not on violence because he can see how it's affects others.
To further explain in a round-a-bout way, young Dick and Bruce are essentially mirrors of each other. And, I don't think Bruce entirely approves of how he, meaning Bruce himself, acts. Hence, why he begins to change Batman from a vengeful, violent vigilante (say that five times fast) to a hopeful knight of Gotham. Dick is his driving force of change, as well as the other Robins. So, when Bruce finally realized that Dick won't simply stand by and be the little boy that he should be—He gives him a chance to be something better than Batman. To begin his career as a vigilante as a hero with hope rather than rage. He's reluctant to do it, because he loves Dick. (Granted, Dick Grayson's Robin is absolutely filled with rage, but, in my story, Bruce is trying to lead from example)
And, just to move through the rest of it quickly so this isn't the same word count as the fucking constitution, as Dick grows so does Bruce. Batman is hopeful, and Bruce is gaining a family. Granted, it's small, but it's there. Along the way, he makes friends. Dick is the reason for this, though some credit can be given to Bruce himself. Despite being angry, Dick will always be outgoing, it's one of the best traits his parents passed onto him—And, he passes that along to Bruce. He begins to learn how a family functions, even if it's a hint of it. he is starting to realize there is more beyond the mask.
So, when the relationship between them starts to break down I would want to see that opposite reaction in the other relationships around Bruce. Because, before Dick, it was isolation, facade, anger, and Batman. Now, when he leaves, it's just that again.
I want to see this internal struggle between Dick letting Bruce be his father and letting him be his partner. Because, despite being similar, one holds more resent than the other. Dick can't stand that Bruce is trying to parent him because he had family, and now they were gone. He doesn't want to have a replacement family nor does he want to lose it again. With Batman, there comes the difference between ideologies. As Bruce strays away from untethered violence into something a bit more calmer, Dick is still filled with that same anger, causing a clash.
Eventually, it hits a breaking point when Bruce takes away the one thing that Dick himself created, the rope in their game of tug of war breaks. Dick leaves, Bruce isolates, and it seems that Gotham once again dissolves back to how it used to be.
Then, Bruce meets Jason. And, it's not like with Dick. It's different. Jason wasn't filled with anger or lost hope, he was a happy, hopeful kid. He wanted to be a kid, and Robin just happened to be a good fit for him, too. So, this is really when Bruce becomes Bruce not Batman. Bruce had gotten the taste of that with Dick, but Batman always seemed to have some tug in their relationship. At this point, I want to see Bruce realize just how much that affected his relationship with Dick and feel the remorse over that. I would want to see Bruce reach out to his eldest son, and be rejected because Dick is still wounded. In fact, Dick himself, despite legally being an adult, is a kid. He's hurt over Bruce essentially replacing, in his eyes, and finding a "better" son. This drives in harder the idea of Bruce wanting to not stop being Batman, but put more of an effort of just being Dad/Bruce. Again, Bruce is learning.
Back to Jason. Jason, in this story, would be one of the first Robins to really experience Bruce as a father. And, that turns the relationship of Batman and Robin less into a partnership and more into a father-son duo without one trying to control the other as much. Yet, there's still the distinction of just how different Jason is compared to Dick and Bruce. Jason never had a family, not a stable one at least, nor did he grow up financially stable. Jason was essentially the average poor Gotham kid, which did kick up a lot of backlash between the two. Yet, nothing too serious. In fact, I feel like Bruce would probably start being a lot more lenient with Jason at the beginning with just how easy he was as not just a sidekick but as a son.
And this is what I believe would lead to Jason leaning more into his violent tendencies compared to Dick. Now, before the torches do light, hear me out. I do not think Jason is an outwardly or inherently a violent kid. I think with the innate sense of justice Bruce would instill all of his Robins combined with being exposed to violence socially and now personally, it would lead to Jason seeing some flaws in Batman's logic. He might sense that since one person continuously abuses the system and gets away with hurting/murdering people that it might be better to eliminate the problem all together. This idea growing on Jason would lead to the death of Felipe, causing a huge and sudden rift between the two. Ultimately leading to Jason being kidnapped, tortured and killed all in pursuit of finding someone who might accept him despite Bruce never having rejected for what he did.
Eventually, after Jason died Bruce is in this hole of regret, remorse, and overall probably a bit suicidal. Afterall, he lost his son and feels like because he let Robin be that it caused Jason's death. So, when Dick re-enters the picture with Tim Drake, a boy finding and wanting to be Robin, I can see Bruce absolutely lashing out in grieving anger. Because, again being Robin had killed his son and he would be damned if that happened again. Yet, Tim being Tim was determined to show Bruce that it wasn't him or Robin that killed Jason—It was a mad man and a woman who deceived her son. Kind of playing into the idea it's not Robin who makes the boy, it's the boy who makes Robin. Not only that, but Tim is adamant that he will be Robin to not only prove this but also to show that Robin and Batman are two sides of the same coin. Ultimately, reverting back to Batman and Robin being a partnership instead of that father-son duo. At least, at first.
Bruce is protective of Tim, but there is definitely the drift in their relationship. Because, as we all know Tim's story, he still had parents when he became Robin so there was no need to fill that son position, for the lack of a better term, Jason had left behind. So, in a sense, I can see this relationship between the two starting off more like a boss and worker. Yet, as they continue to work together, Bruce would probably learn that Tim is making Robin, not the other way around. At this point, also, I can see Dick be more involved and bridge that gap with his father after seeing just how deeply he cares for his children.
Then, Tim's parents are murdered and I think the guilt would come back to Bruce, albeit a bit less extreme. He would feel responsible for putting this child in this situation and want to take him out of that. Yet, Tim is pushing against not only as a partner but as a potential son that which would definitely affect their relationship. This is why I personally would think that Tim and Bruce's relationship would be the most strained out of all of the Robins, though the two do share a deep connection it's just not as serious, again lack of a good term, as the other's.
Because I'm slowly getting more tired, I am going to try my best to get through Damian's. Again, guys, feel free to ask questions because this is just surface level stuff. If anyone makes it to this point, anyway or even reads this lol.
Alright, so just jumping into Damian, I think Bruce would treat Damian as he would have Jason. Unlike all the other Robins there's already a establish connection between the two before they even meet. I mean, Damian is literally his bio son and Damian is told that all throughout his life, so it would be a more of a one-sided connection at first then it grow on Bruce. Damian doesn't need training unlike all of his other predecessor's, the boy's already pre-programmed with skill. The major issue would be honing in on the assassination part of Damian and essentially Bruce's trauma from his other children.
So, right from the gate, I think Bruce would try to be a father to his Damian rather just Batman. And, I think Damian, at first, would not respond well to that. For his whole life, it's just been fight or die, nothing in-between. I think it would be interesting to see Bruce fall back into being a father, which, at this point, he already would have been since Dick returned and Tim and him slowly got closer. I think Bruce would be tougher on Damian simply because of how worried he would be for his safety and well-being. Bruce knows the League of Assassins and how it is absolutely no place for a young boy. So, Bruce would try to create normalcy like he did with Jason, but also be tough like he was on Dick. Overall, I think there's the same push and pull with them like with Bruce and Dick, but not to the extent as it was. After all, I would like to think at this point, Alfred convinced Bruce to go to therapy. Though, it can be said the two would also share a close personal relationship like Jason and Bruce.
I would go on, but, right now, I have a huge headache, so might edit later.
That's pretty much it guys. I know there might be some contradictions in this, but, to be fairly honest, this is just a streamline of thought. I think I read over this once, so any inconsistencies are just left. Please ignore. Or point out. It's pretty much either or. Again, I would love to know what you guys think. Hope you enjoyed this rant. I am going to bed now. ❤️❤️❤️
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yuwigqi · 14 days
So: different AU ideas I really like.
Black-Cantonese Tim (inspired by Titans) (adopted by the Drakes)
Carrie Kelley in main Batfam
Black Carrie (inspired by Gotham Knights)
Black Selina (inspired by the guilty pleasure Catwoman movie)
Lady Shiva redemption arc
Tim and Damian being close enough in age that Damian is taller than him as kids
Over 100 Alfred (so he's a WWII vet, and is in such good health for his age none of the kids actually know that or would believe him if he told them)
Bigender Tim (projection (affectionate))
Tiff Fox as Batgirl (probably coming in after Duke is Signal, and being around the same age as Carrie, the 6th Robin?)
Once Tim's 18, and Jon as been aged up to 18, after they date happily and break up with Bernard/Jay, they get together and there is drama with the two Robins and two Superboys (I prefer straight Kon is surprised Tim didn't go for him, and pan Damian is devastated that Jon is out of his age range now)
Talia is...gray. Not an evil rapist, but also not without flaws. Is able to be on peaceful terms with the Bats, not quite as peaceful as Hood, but definitely not a rogue herself. Shiva/Talia (this just became your new OTP after reading this)
Barbara is still disabled, but can stand up long enough to be Batgirl in a pinch. Like, she can regularly stand up to grab things and stuff, but in too much pain to walk everywhere, and if she needs to she can get up and fight, but she'll be fighting in pretty intense pain. (Me projecting my fibro onto her (affectionate))
Jason does stop killing (based on many other universes, but especially the Gotham Knights game)
Tim is a shareholder of Wayne Enterprises (which is canon), and is involved in some decisions, but is instead more prominent in The Martha Wayne Foundation, the Wayne Family's charity organization.
Bruce has a comical number of degrees that the public just like...doesn't know about. Like, completely impossible number. Like 20 Master's in everything from like Marine Biology to Sculpting to Programming to Aerospace Engineering to like Library Science. And like, multiple M.D.s in like Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Pathology, and Pediatrics (to take care of his kids of course).
Again, not purely headcanon since this has a basis in canon, but Janet is quite sweet to Tim. But I AU you here as also being shrewd and competitive, a vicious businesswoman. Jack's level of abuse is at least as it is in canon where he throws things and is implied to have hit Tim before. Whether it stays at that level or goes beyond varies for me on the story.
Tim's parents go into witness protection rather than ever dying (inspired from the New 52) (this could play into adopted Tim, with Tim not even being his birth name)
Duke is a mix of the shy, reserved kid we see in WFA and the silver-tongued ruthlessly confident vanguard we see in Robin War.
Part of Duke's power is brain processing power. He apparently can see light as it moves, and no normal brain could comprehend that kind of information, so logically, his brain should have the processing speed of a supercomputer, probably way beyond his current level of knowledge or even his impressive intellect, so like, if he memorized the formulas, he'd be able to do complex calculus in his head fairly intuitively. With training of course, this would be something he notices later on and has to work to make it useful.
Bette Kane being active in the Batfamily, instead of solely in the Teen Titans. As the Batgirl before Babs, before leaving the vigilante business, and coming back part time as Hawkfire.
Dick only becomes a cop as undercover work to expose corruption, maybe even works in Internal Affairs (though I do like the idea of him being in an SVU for a little bit, but again, this is a temporary thing entirely), but leaves and instead becomes a Defense Attorney (inspired by Earth Two)
NOT an AU, but actually based on canon that DC fucking ignores, but Damian and the al Ghuls have East Asian heritage, as well as Kashmiri heritage (based on Nanda Parbat based on the real world Nanga Parbat, in Kashmir). Generally, a complex blend of Urdu, Burmese, Mandarin, Persian, and Arabic, (since a family-run group that old with still living relatives who are hundreds of years old and new members joining the League frequently and high ranking members from all over Asia teaching their culture would essentially make the League a sort of...small ethnic group itself)
Talia is older than human, probably around 200 or so (actually I think this either is or was canon at one point)
Cass is not invincible. She takes hits and gets disarmed in Batgirl all the time, so why she's been fanoned as being completely untouchable in fights is beyond me. However, because of her poor reading and computer skills, she's actually not a very competent homicide detective at the moment. But she is making progress at a rate consistent with her intelligence and work ethic.
Luke still does MMA professionally and is like...Bellator world champion or something. He's also a U.S. veteran (inspired by the DCAMU), and I'm saying Coast Guard then Navy Seal. I have more exact details about that in my head, but in general, I'm saying he was dishonorably discharged after refusing order to take a shot or something a building with children in, and now is one of those "Veterans against U.S. militarist imperialism" guys.
Essentially, all of the Bats' strengths and weaknesses put them around the same level (with the exception of Bette, who is part time, Carrie and Tiff who are brand new), with the sole exception being Dick, Babs, Selina, and Bruce, are who above them, and largely equal, however Bruce's devotion to spending every waking moment planning things and constantly improving tech and stuff means he's in practice above either of them
Bruce was in the FBI for a little before deciding to become Batman (this was canon before the New 52). I'm thinking he bounced around a little, in Crimes Against Children, the Bioterrorism Taskforce, Behavioral Science Unit, and Financial Crimes. Again, I love a Bruce who is ridiculously accoladed (so his kids find these things out later and are flabbergasted)
The thing is, none of these contradict each other. All of these could exist in the same universe. But trying to cram every detail into...there would need to be a fucking soliloquy of exposition in every single chapter. So what I think I'd do is use the first "chapter" just to say: "Here's the things in this universe. Not going to explain it all, just know these things. Enjoy that." I mean, some of that could be "show don't tell" in its own story, like Duke learning about his processing powers or Tim and Jon getting together. But yeah, these are my tastes.
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dotthings · 1 year
Episode 2 of Gotham Knights was highly enjoyable. The cast is getting more and more into their groove and I got even more into the story. Appreciation to this series for giving me heists and sword-fighting and found family and angsty Robin feelings.
Misha Collins is bringing the quiet gravitas and sense of authority and goodness, so Harvey Dent (of all people) is the calm rock in the storm. He's giving this ballast. The kids are terrific and I enjoy the chaotic rag tag, having to rely on each other against all odds story for the fugitives but without a gravitas player like Misha to balance, the thing would lack anchoring.
Unsurprised that Cressida is untrustworthy. Although this was so obvious and revealed so early, I'm not completely convinced we know all her loyalties. And does she actually care about Turner? How did Bruce wind up with a COO person in his employ. Did he have a longer game in doing that?
Carrie Kelley is reminding me of the calm, multi-tasking Robins like Dick and Tim. Also her sad little face when confronted with Bruce's Batman things. Navia Robinson is really crushing it in this role. I also enjoy how Carrie went right for grabbing as much bat-gear from his office as she could and when the group was trapped, zip-lined everyone out. Her hiding those journal pages from Turner--she's trying to protect him from something. And she should have just stolen the whole journal, leaving the ragged torn pages alerts Turner that there's something to be found. The fact this was lampshaded in dialogue, so it's not writers being sloppy, so maybe it's meant as Carrie having a lapse in judgment, or maybe Carrie subconsciously wanted Turner to know pages were removed. She's hiding stuff from him but wants him to find out eventually? We'll see where that leads.
That battle Carrie and Turner had with Talon was awesome.
Very interested in Turner's realization that Bruce was in fact training him, preparing him, after all. Was it Bruce going cautiously to teach another Robin, or was it something else? This entire Court of Owls business has me suspicious and Bruce wanted Turner to know sword-fighting. Maybe not Robin training. Maybe self-defense. If the Court of Owls hunted his parents, his grandparents, if the Waynes have been the prey of the Court of Owls for centuries, he wanted Turner prepared. Maybe he was teaching Turner so he could take down the Court of Owls if he fell.
Cullen, Harper, and Duela debating over whether to just skip town -- what's great about that is I felt sympathy for all 3 of their pov's. Cullen caring about others and why he didn't want to abandon his new name. Harper wanting to look after her brother. Duela, in a way, being both right and wrong. The one sane person in the room because seriously, them going back into Wayne Tower was a stupid plan and them getting jailed or dead won't help anything, but Duela's looking out for number one nihilism and eagerness to abandon her allies wasn't the right move either.
And her allies (tentative friends) came to save her and Duela's brain cannot compute. Turner pointing out to her, she's worth saving too.
I am not trusting Brody. He's going a little too hard on the whole "I am so much nicer to you than that guy, Steph. Look how noble I am. As opposed to that loser. Look at all I do for you, Turner asks you for things." Yeahhhh I'm going to stick with Turner. Turner and Steph's friendship is one of the show's anchoring points and I am enjoying it immensely. It's not going to be without its troubles and complications and strains, but Brody's deliberately trying to drive a wedge and that's highly suspicious.
The belfry set continues to be my favorite.
Steph and Turner's rose window meetings give me joy.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
The Escape
by Youngbountygirl Damian leads the McGinnis family to their escape so they may raise their child in peace. However, upon seeing his mother, he realizes that she had been sobered from the Lazarus Pit with the intention on growing old with his father and passing the League to him. Meanwhile, Amanda Waller gets a visit from a certain multi-billionaire about what it means to be Batman. Words: 4222, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of Project Batman Beyond Possibility Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman Beyond, Super Sons (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Carrie Kelley, Elainna Grayson, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Amanda Waller, Loveless - Character, Talia al Ghul Relationships: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne, Carrie Kelley & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Elainna Grayson, Mary McGinnis/Warren McGinnis, Terry McGinnis & Mary McGinnis, Terry McGinnis & Warren McGinnis, Amanda Waller & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (mentioned) Additional Tags: Damian Wayne is Batman, Jonathan Samuel Kent is Superman Beyond, Carrie Kelley is Robin Beyond, Elainna Grayson is Batgirl Beyond, Baby Terry McGinnis, Warren and Mary McGinnis are alive, Jonathan Samuel Kent is a Ray of Sunshine, Jonathan Samuel Kent is a military soldier, Protective Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne becomes the Demon Head, Protective Bruce Wayne, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne didn't imprison or brainwash villains behind the Teen Titans' backs via https://ift.tt/kQVgBT1
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ao3feed-superbat · 9 months
Jason Todd Out-of-Context
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ACXkThB by Nova_Gibbs Things Jason Todd has said out of context. Words: 990, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Wayne Family, Part 7 of 1000 Words or Less Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Miraculous Ladybug, DCU, Shazam! (Movies - Sandberg) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Jazz Fenton, Koriand'r, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Dick Grayson, Bette Kane, Kate Kane (DCU), Luke Fox, Carrie Kelley, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Jean-Paul Valley, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Elissa Wayne, Helena Wayne, Alina Shelley, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Henry Clover Jr., Claire Clover, Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman (DCU), Mary Batson | Mary Bromfield, Pedro Peña, Eugene Choi, Darla Dudley, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Duke Thomas, Mar'i Grayson, Lian Harper, Selina Kyle Relationships: Jazz Fenton/Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West Additional Tags: not beta read we die like Jason Todd, Jason Todd's Morbid Humor, Jason Todd is So Done, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Have a Good Relationship, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Jason Todd Tries to Be a Good Sibling, Jason Todd is an al Ghul, Jason Todd Is A Diana (Wonder Woman) Fan, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug is Aquaman's Daughter, Good Parent Jason Todd, Step-Parent Jason Todd, Jason Todd Kills Gabriel Agreste, Crime Boss Jason Todd, Jason Todd Takes Care of Crime Alley | Park Row, Jason Todd-centric, Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne are Twins, Good Parent Talia al Ghul read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ACXkThB
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ao3feed-birdflash · 11 months
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darker-dc-dimensions · 10 months
Bruce Thomas Wayne
Fist of Vengeance
Emojis used:♟️🦇
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(placeholder image until i find something better)
General Information
First name: Bruce
Middle name(s): Thomas
Surname: Wayne
Age: unknown.
Date of birth: unknown.
Race: Half Jewish from his mother’s side, white on his fathers side.
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, leans towards men.
Current residence: None, he travels across universes at will.
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Doesn’t have a specific status as he jumps universes regularly, but in the big picture of everything he’s a very big deal as he’s the fist of Khal (An oc of mine, who is the creator of all magic and existence)
Universe (AU universe of origin): Fist of Vengeance
Traits of Voice
Accent (if any): Has no accent in any language, meaning he speaks languages perfectly.
Language spoken: English, the dead language of magic that only ancient magic beings speak.
Other languages known: Knows all languages, thanks to his magic blessing.
Volume of voice: tends to speak in the growly low batman voice, it’s become his normal voice at this point. His voice tends to have an almost ghost like sound to you, like with how ghost voices sound kinda breathy and nonhuman.
Physical Appearance
Height: 6´2
Eye colour: Purple, think a deeper purple. (thanks to Khal’s magic)
Skin colour: Pale.
Distinguishing features: The large number of scars on his body and the way he carries himself in general. His purple eyes. The magic tattoos on his body. His longer fangs, think like a vampire, and his sharp split tongue.
Build of body: broad and muscular.
Hair colour: Black.
Hair style: Short and ruffled, like he’s just taken his cowl off, which is the case most of the time.
Tattoos: Has magic tattoos all over his body, think magic circles, sigils, and symbols. Has a snake tattoo curled over his heart, think ouroboros (Khal’s symbol).
Piercings: Has a couple but doesn’t wear them.
Typical clothing: Wears his batman suit, which is an updated version of his usual one. It’s got a lot of magic worked into it, and it looks more like knights armour with a longer cape than the normal suit batman wears.
Is seen by others as: a myth, a scary figure that you don’t want to meet. Most don’t believe he exists, as only those who are ancient in age or unbelievably powerful in magic know Khal, and by extension his fist, exists.
Sleeping habits:  doesn’t sleep.
Energy level: has all the energy in the world, never gets tired physically, but is exhausted mentally.
Eating habits: doesn’t need to eat but will at times for nostalgia.
Memory: has perfect memory, remembers everything and anything down to the smallest detail.
Any unhealthy habits: probably the way he guilts himself and lets it control his life and his duty.
Parents:  Thomas Wayne (Biological), Martha Wayne (Biological), Alfred Pennyworth (never adopted on paper, but Bruce saw him as his father)
Siblings: none
Any enemies (and why): way too many at this point.
Children: Dick Grayson (adopted), Jason Todd (adopted), Damian Wayne (Biological, With Talia), Cassandra Caine (Adopted), Duke Thomas (Adopted), Stephanie Brown (Adopted), Jean-Paul Valley (Adopted in spirit but not on paper), Carrie Kelley (Adopted), Jarro (Adopted), Helena Wayne (Biological, with Selina), Ryan Wayne (Biological, With Selina),  Terry Mcginnis (Adopted, depends on universe), Matt Mcginnis (Adopted, depends on universe), Bruce Wayne Jr (Biological, unknown mother), Athanasia Al Ghul (Biological, with Talia), Tallant Wayne (Biological, with Talia), Kull (Biological, with Diana), Harper Row (Adopted, depends on universe), Cullen Row (Adopted, depends on universe), Lance Bruner (Adopted),
Friends: has none at this point, but used to have the league and others.
Best friend(s): has none at this point, but it used to be Clark and Diana.
Important friends/relatives (explain): finds all his friends and family important.
Love interest (if there is one): None, but used to have a thing with Clark, but they didn’t get to make it official before Clark was killed.
Peaceful or violent: Attempts to stay peaceful if it’s possible, but isn’t against using violence and even deadly violence if needed.
Weapon (if applicable): mostly uses batgadgets you’d see any batman use, but has claws and uses swords and guns if needed too.
Style of fighting: can use pretty much any fighting style, just uses the one needed for the situation he’s in.
Occupation: Knight of Khal (an oc of mine, whos the creator of all magic and existence). Gave himself to Khal to be his fist of vengeance after Khal restored Bruces destroyed home dimension. Became something far beyond human after this.
Current home: None, jumps across dimensions at will.
Favourite types of food: Mulligatawny Soup, white chocolate cookies with cranberries, Enchiladas Mole, I think he just enjoys anything Alfred makes, and Bruce enjoys food from a lot of different cultures.
Favourite types of drink: Strong coffees and non-fruity teas.
Hobbies/past times: Writing, Reading, knitting (does this when he has to pass time between dimensions), working out, training.
Guilty pleasures: Nachos, think the loaded unhealthy ones you get at the movies or on the street.
Pet peeves: Finds over arrogant people annoying, or people who think they are above everyone else. Those who treat those weaker than themselves badly.
Pets: Used to have many pets before becoming the fist of vengeance.
Favourite colours: Black, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Purple (think batfam colours.)
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jasontoddsguns · 4 years
A random person: I love Batman and robin
Me: Oh, Which robin is your favorite?
A random person: There’s more than one?
Me: Can I tell you about them?
A random person: Sure!
Me: (deep breath) So dick grayson is the first robin. He’s the one most people think of when someone mentions robin. His parents were acrobats who fell to their deaths. Bruce wayne happened to see this and was like,”huh,I guess I’m a dad now.”Dick is known for being the most social of the bat family. He even formed the teen titans. He later goes off on his own as Nightwing. Jason Todd was the second robin. His dad was an abusive asshole and his mom was a drug addict. His mom overdoses and Jason takes to the streets. He tries to steal the wheels off the batmobile and batman catches him and is like, “huh,I have two sons now.” Jason was violent during his time is Robin and readers generally disliked him. DC did a poll to see if Jason should die or not. Readers decided to kill him. Long story short Jason is brutally murdered by the Joker. He gets resurrected later and becomes the Red Hood, a gun toting antihero. So while Jason is dead Batman has become absolutely brutal on criminals because you know, his son is dead. Rich kid named Tim Drake, who already knew Batman’s identity because he’s a smart cookie, notices this. Tim goes to Dick and he’s like, ”bruh your dad is losing it, be Robin again.” Dick is like, “no you.” After a lot of nagging and blackmail Bruce finally accepts Tim as Robin. Bruce is also like, “huh, I guess I have three two sons now.” Tim later becomes Red Robin because Dick was being an asshole. The fourth robin? (idk timelines are tricky) is Stephanie Brown, a.k.a the first female robin. Her dad was a villain named the Cluemaster and Stephanie was like, “hell no” She breaks into the bat cave and demands to become robin. She later gets fired and goes after blackmask to prove herself. She “dies” but really she fakes her death. She later comes back as batgirl. She also went/goes by spoiler. Damian Wayne is the 5th robin. He is the son of Talia al Ghul and Batman. He really wanted the robin mantle and repeatedly tried to kill Tim Drake for it. In general he’s a little asshole, but he has a soft spot for animals and superboy. He later becomes robin to Dick Grayson’s Batman. Last but not least Carrie Kelly. She’s not cannon anymore but she deserves a mention. She also uses a slingshot and is just straight up a vibe.
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philtatosbuck · 3 years
every day i discover a new bruce wayne child over the multiverse.
Bio Kids: Tallant (I consider him to be separate from Damian), Kull (A child between Diana and Bruce), Damian, Athanasia (Brutalia Injustice daughter), Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Helena Wayne, Kiki Wayne, Alina Shelley Wayne (Possibly?) and Aion Wayne
Adopted Kids: Dick, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, Duke.
Not adopted kids, but he's a parental figure/people consider him to be?: Barbara, Stephanie, Carrie Kelley, Harper Row, Cullen Row?
That's twenty fucking kids bro
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Carrie Kelley as Robin
The last apprentice Bruce Wayne every took on, their tenure overlapped with Damian’s, though they weren’t as close as some Robin pairings, Carrie’s upbringing under neglectful but otherwise unremarkable lower-middle parents grating against Damian’s conflicted need to live up to both of his parents’ expectations. Damian went rogue and left Gotham, leaving Carrie to do what she could to pull Bruce back into action as the Mutant Gang, a suicidal Harvey Dent, and the “Thin White Duke of Death” Joker converged in Gotham during the hottest summer on record. The deaths of both Dent and this Joker--a previously comatose John Doe who may or may not have been the infamous “True Joker” of Bruce’s heyday--deeply affected Bruce, who fell back into depression.
Carrie struggled to maintain the “Robin” role with the return of this brooding Dark Knight, but they stood by Bruce, joining him during the events of the Crisis. Tim Drake interview Carrie after the fact, but they could do little to explain whatever exactly happened to Bruce during this event, much less where he was now.
Taking some time off to attend Gotham University, Carrie continued operating as a hero, now as “Catgirl” much to Selina and Eiko Hasigawa’s amusement. They would drop this identity as well, spending time as both Batman and Batwoman, developing a friendship with Lara and Jon, and eventually becoming a central part of the superhero community.
They’re always quick to prop up Jace and Vivian, seeing the merit of expanding the Gotham Knights past the more insular post-Crisis Wayne siblings, and working towards honoring Bruce in the way they knew he had always wanted but never really admitted: by building a family again.
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ameba-from-space · 3 years
A short list of Bruce Wayne's aka Batman's kids
1. Dick Grayson
2.  Jason Todd
3.  Tim Drake
4.  Damian Wayne (biological son)
5. Athanasia Al ghul (biological daughter???)
6.  Barbara gordon
7.  Harper row
8.  Cullen row
9.  Helena bertinelli/wayne (biological daughter)
10.  Duke Thomas
11.  Stephanie Brown
12.  Cassandra Cain
13.  Terry mcginnis (biological son)
14. Matthew Mcginnis (biological son)
15. Carrie Kelley 
16. Jarro
17. Alina Wayne/Shelley (biological daughter?)
18. Luke fox
All names in blue are children that bruce has adopted/has custody of in one universe or another, names in red still have living parents (except in bio kids case duh) and see Bruce as more of a father figure that a dad proper
I made this list because Bruce is a kid magnet and trying to keep up with his gaggle of children was very hard
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teentitanimals · 3 years
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The Batfamily Tree.
...or as much of it as I could fit. Which was a surprisingly lot. I’m not even sure what to write! I guess... Some explanations/notes-
Jane and Vanderveer’s parent(s) aren’t stated, but they are on the Wayne side of the family.
Bette’s parent(s) are not stated either, but she is on the Kane side of the family.
It was never officially stated if Alina’s father was Bruce or the Joker, or both, or neither.
Lance was adopted(?) due to an agreement his father made with Thomas Wayne, but he died pretty early into his life with Bruce and Dick.
Holly was adopted by Selina in at least one continuity, and serves typically as a younger sister figure to her. Arizona was brought into Selina’s life after Holly’s ‘death,’ and served as a similar figure, but was not officially adopted I don’t believe.
Stephanie was adopted by Bruce in at least one continuity.
Sasha/Scarlet and Tyler/Blue Hood are not canonically adopted/fostered by Jason, but, come on. They should be! Also, as far as I’m aware, Rose is the only person to be canonically married to Jason. Sorry JayRoy, Jaytemis, Joyfire, etc. shippers!
Charlie wasn’t officially fostered/adopted by Babs, but the Birds of Prey (Babs included) seemed to take on a parental role for her.
Carrie Kelley is Babs’s cousin(?) in some continuities, I think, but I decided not to add that because... there’s too much already okay...
Easter Egg: Warren McGinnis’s family ‘box’ is connected to the Detective/Pizza Club (Maps’s) box because he was a friend of the Detective Club/in Gotham Academy at the same time as them! ;)
I hope people can find this tree useful! And if some of these are characters you’ve never heard of before, well, then you can check out my fic- Alina Shelley-Wayne Meets the Batfamily- to get a look at pretty much all of them! ADDITIONALLY, I’m working on a Masterpost for all Batfam information (timelines, maps, histories, etc.), which you can view what I have HERE. It should not be editable, so please don’t if it is. If you have information for it you want to tell me, DM me here on Tumblr for now.
Please reblog so other people can see this and hopefully learn more about the Batfamily! Especially for those that don’t particularly read the comics, I think it’d be really helpful.
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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