#sassy carrie kelley
Did you know you can move onto other brainrots and STILL be stuck brainrotting on the old thing too? My brain is a decaying piece of wood that has become an essential breeding ground for several species of rot. One of them is still the BatFam variety, so onto the next member!
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Initial traces of Carrie Kelley, my child! Be honest, how many of you who have seen the Nightwing and Red Hood posts thought that I was doing Tim next? Well HA! Joke’s on you, I make the rules here! I have a very specific order in my head, and I will stick to that order!
Carrie is technically an elseworld’s Robin from The Dark Knight Returns, but Robin is my favorite superhero, and anyone who has been Robin will get my attention (yes Robin. Not Batman or Nightwing or any of the individual characters who have been Robins. Robin as a hero, regardless of who it is, is my favorite). At this point, she’s actually graduated to Catgirl and then her own iteration of Batwoman, but in my head, she’s the same age as Damian or younger, so she gets to stay Robin in my art for a bit.
I did two traces here because, unlike other Batfam characters, Carrie is in so few comics that I can’t just FIND a perfect, full body action pose from an angle that I like. The first trace is by far the most popular and easy to find picture of her, but it has her hair blowing around in the wind. This is a Problem, you see, because Carrie’s hair is a special challenge for me. In The Dark Knight Returns, she has this very distinctive hair shape that I do not like looking at OR drawing. So I knew the pose I used for my reference was going to need to be a pose where I could update her hairstyle. But, I also needed a full body, and that first photo is iconic, so two for the price of one again.
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Stylization time! Carrie was honestly really easy to stylize, her hair is just a bit of a nightmare for me. I finally got a handle on it after the complete project, but it took a WHILE! Anyway, I more or less just lifted her updated hairstyle from her Batwoman costume and some cosplayers. And no, I’m not giving her pants. Damian and Tim are edgy Robins, they can have pants. Dick, Jason, and Carrie are not edgy Robins, so they get short shorts. I did give up on coloring her sleeves green. Too much of one color for me to effectively handle when her gloves overlap her sleeves. Also, I need to draw more characters with capes. They’re so fun to draw!
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Characterization pose! In the comics, Carrie wears her goggles as a civilian too. I interpret this as her needing glasses, so I gave her regular glasses instead because wearing the same distinctive goggles you wear as a superhero is maybe not the best way to keep your identity secret. Comics Carrie has like one friend that you don’t see after she puts on the costume, and her parents don’t remember they have a kid, so it’s not like she has a whole lot of people to be hiding her identity from, but it’s the thought that counts. Schoolmates and random civilians and nosy reporters and all that.
I put her in a Girl Scout uniform for her civvy outfit because I think that it’s important to her character. The whole reason Batman took her on was because she was 1) crazy/traumatized/determined enough to buy herself a Robin costume, fight petty crime on her own, and follow him into dangerous situations and 2) used her Girl Scout first aid training to save batman’s life and splint his arm after he got his sh*t rocked in an ill-advised fight. I figured a salute, even if it’s a bit of a sassy one, was a good pose for her not just because of this, but also because The Dark Knight Returns is a very depressing comic, and so Batman calls her “good soldier.”
If you saw the first two posts, you may notice that I did not trace the hero text for this one, and that I used the same font for both names. This is because 1) I didn’t feel like the regular Robin font with the spiky R fits Carrie’s vibe, but she doesn’t have any comics covers of her own I can steal from and 2) I feel like Carrie’s personality is the same as Robin and Carrie. Unlike with almost everyone else, there’s no posturing, no distinction, no divide there. So the same font works for both personas.
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
A Little Luck, a Little Courage and a Protective Streak (Lindsey Horan x Reader)
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Request: lindsey horan imagine where during the game r keeps getting fouled and linsey goes after the player who keeps fouling her girlfriend??
Warning: Slight language/ homophobia 
Authors note: Hey dudes, there might be a hint of Soran at the end, because I just couldn’t help myself. Let me know what you think, or if you have any requests or if you just want to say sup. I hope you enjoy!
You glared up at the sun as the coursing pain ran down the side of your leg. You had known that going against your previous team, The NC Courage, was going to suck, but you hadn’t thought it was going to suck this much. 
You and Hinkle didn’t have a great past, hell she had tried to end your career on many occasions, but you had thought that between Crystal, Sam and Abby you would have been safe. But instead of staying in her very avoidable left-back position, she had taken to following and fouling you across the field. 
You had spent more time laying on the pitch then trying to score, and it wasn’t even the first half hydration break yet. It seemed that Courage was going to retain their first place spot by incapacitating the Thorns, literally. 
“You alright babe?” Lindsey asked, jogging up beside you and extending her hand to help you to your feet. She shot a glare over your shoulder at Jaelene Hinkle, as she assisted you to your feet. 
“Fine, just a bruise,” You grumbled into her shoulder as she wrapped a protective arm around you. You felt fist clenched behind your back as Hinkle passed the two of you, sending a wink your way. 
“If she tackles you when you’re nowhere near the ball again, I’m going to lose it,” She huffed into your ear, and a shiver went down your spine. You smirked against her neck. Was it the time to play this game, no, but nothing was going to stop Hingle Jingle from being an ass. So you might as well make the most of a shitty situation, you were always a bit of a brat.
“How’s your hip?” You inquired, running a hand lightly over the body part in question, veering over to skate over the edge of her bottom. Her hand grabbed yours with lightning precision. 
“Don’t get smart with me,” Lindsey growled, her eyes flashing dangerously. You smirked back. 
“What, you going to punish me, Daddy?” You hummed, batting your eyelashes at the woman, who just halfheartedly rolled her eyes at you. 
“I think Mrs. Daniels is doing that enough herself.” She said sternly, raising her eyebrow and sending you her best ‘behave’ glare. 
“You’re no fun,” You wined, pouting dramatically. 
“Whatever you say, babe,” Lindsey smirked, placing a chaste kiss on your lips before jogging off to her spot. 
“You guys are fucking disgusting. At least there aren’t any fans here for you to corrupt,” Hinkle said from where she was marking you 8 feet away, and though you knew it was childish, you stuck your tongue out at her and laughed at her glare. She had nothing on Lindsey. 
Apparently, your sassiness had not been well received, because Hinkle seemed to get even more aggressive with you particularly after the first half water break. Lindsey did what she did best and sent you a beautiful cross, placing the ball directly at your feet, where you did what you do best and fired at the goal. However, you missed Sam Murphy’s diving save because were again brought to the ground by a very late tackle. 
“Fuck,” You yelled out, grabbing the ankle that Hinkle had just taken out. You rolled on your stomach, holding the offending appendage and resting your head on the hot turf. 
“Shit, you ok?” Sam’s voice broke through your internal monologue as a warm hand began to rub circles onto your back, encouraging you to turn over again. You complied with a groan, barely catching a glimpse of blond hair as your girlfriend sprinted past you. 
“Stay the fuck away from her,” Lindsey bellowed, getting very close to Hinkle’s face. 
“Just doing my job,” The woman smirked at your very irate girlfriend. 
“Your job my ass, you’re fucking targeting her,” Lindsey snarled, stepping nose to nose with the errant defender. 
You and Sam shared nervous looks. Sure Lindsey wasn’t opposed to getting cards, but this was a little excessive. 
“Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?” Hinkle spat back, shoving you Blond Middy backward. You watched in horror as Lindsey’s jaw clenched and she rose to her full height, taking a menacing step forward. Sam stood from her kneeling position next to you and rushed to wrap her arms around Lindsey’s middle before she could rip Hinkle's head off. 
“How about I shove my cleat so far up your stuck up-“ Lindsey snarled, fighting against Sam’s hold. You knew that if you didn’t step in, your girlfriend was going to put Hinkle in the hospital. 
“Linds?” You said quietly, but it was enough, her head snapped towards you, her eyes softening. Her entire being relaxed as you approached her, Sam relaxing as well. 
“Watch it,” Lindsey threw over her shoulder before stepping into your embrace. 
“You ok babe?” She questioned, holding you at arm's length, and looking you over. Taking in the way you favored your left leg. You rolled your eyes at her. 
“Yeah, but we need a goal before you get arrested and she gets put in the hospital,” You grumbled under your breath. 
Lindsey’s eyes darkened “Don’t even joke about that,” she muttered. You sent her a half-hearted nod, you weren’t joking considering that was where this whole thing was heading.
You glanced behind your girlfriend watching as the courage reset their defense, a smile stretching across your face as an idea hit you. A crazy idea that would render the Courage's backline useless. 
“Send me a Volley?” You smirked, bumping Lindsey’s shoulder. Her wide blue eyes snapped to meet yours. 
“You’re joking?” She said with a halfhearted chuckle. 
“Nope.” You grinned back, watching the wheels turn in her head. “Unless you’re scared. I’m sure Sonnett would do it if she was here, what until she-“ You started with a taunt. 
“I’ll do it, just don’t miss,” She interrupted, her eyes turning hard, her face stony. You and Emily were the pranksters of the group, and you were always making fun of Lindsey for being responsible. Bringing up your other girlfriend was always a sure-fire way to get Lindsey to try whatever crazy plan you had. Even this crazy crackpot plan. 
“When do I ever,” You winked, jogging off to your position, but not before you heard her mumble a “Cocky little shit,” under her breath. At least you were her Cocky little Brat. 
The ball was perfect. You watched as Britt sent the ball to Lindsey who kicked it high. You were standing just outside the penalty box, when you kept up, slamming your foot into the ball in a perfect bicycle kick, despite the body slamming into your own. 
The next moment, you were laying on your back, staring at the sky and very confused as to how you got there. You placed a hand in your swimming head, rubbing your nose which had begun to throb. Your eyes widened when your hand slipped through a sticky substance on your face, your cheek stung. You placed your sticky hand on the ground in an attempt to sit up, only to be held down by gentle hands on your shoulder. 
“Hey Y/n, try not to move alright?” Sam’s voice was quiet compared to the pounding in your head, her blurred face moved into your line of vision.
Lindsey was furious. Storming across the field when she saw Hinkle's knee landing solidly on your face. You crumpled to the ground, while the left-back stood up with a satisfied smirk, dusting herself off. 
“What the fuck is your problem,” Lindsey roared as she got in Hinkle's face, shoving her backward.  
“Just-“ Hinkle started, only to be stopped by another rough shove. 
“Don’t give me that bullshit, you could have killed her,” Lindsey growled, advancing in the defender. 
“I wouldn’t be so lucky, at least then she wouldn’t be able to spread your disease,” Hinkles smirked. Which both of you out of commission, Portland would be done for. The ref came sprinting over, already reaching into his pocket. It was too little too late for the card to actually matter, considering you had already been hurt. 
“Now you pull out a fucking card” Lindsey spat in his direction, shrugging off the yellow he held towards her. She rolled her eyes as she turned to where the medics were helping you sit up. 
“Babe,” she said hesitantly, placing a hand on your back as the Medics decided you could walk off the field. Your face was stained red, and Lindsey couldn’t tell if it was from your nose or the gushing cut on your forehead. 
“I guess we’re both sitting out?” You mumbled groggily and disappointed. The only reason why the Chaos Cup was remotely enjoyable was because you got to play footie. 
“Let’s get you stitched up first before you try convincing Mark to let you play, alright?” She said rolling her eyes. She was going to kill Kelley for teaching you that real players didn’t come off the pitch. 
The Medics helped you stand, and Lindsey supported you as you made the way towards the bench, Sophia coming in for you and Morgan coming in for Lindsey. Mark nodded as you passed him and walked (were carried) towards the first aid room. You were almost there, hobbling along when you froze. You turned to look at your girlfriend. 
“Did I score?” You asked, excitement leaking into your tone. It would be worth it if your Hail Mary scored. Lindsey rolled her eyes. Hinkle had almost killed you, and she had almost killed Hinkle, and all you were worried about was your shot. She sent you a halfhearted nod. 
“I wonder if Sonnett will post about it on the Pride Stan account?” You smiled wide. Emily was for sure going to post about how great of a shot you just made. The world didn’t know that the three of you were a thing, but they for sure knew that Emily loved to complement all your crazy goals, even if they were supposed to be standing the Courage tonight. 
“You two trouble makers are going to be the death of me,” She grumbled, and you laughed. 
“But you love us” you singsonged, and Lindsey’s cheeks lifted automatically. 
“I do. I really, really do.”
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thatqrfanblogger · 5 years
St. Patrick’s Day Fic!
Hamburr- “You know, you don’t have to do this”
They were almost at the door when Aaron stopped, stepped back.  Hesitated.
“You know, you don’t have to do this,” Alex reassured him, wishing more than anything to know what was going on in Aaron’s head.
“Yeah, I know.”  Aaron turned to him and smiled, and Alex relaxed.  It was only a half-genuine smile, half-meant to reassure Alex back, but he’d take it.  Maybe he was nervous, but he seemed sincerely willing to try this out.
He opened the door, and the muffled noise erupted in full, surrounding them before they’d even stepped inside, before Aaron closed the door behind them.  It was harder for Aaron to hide his nerves now, but his smile was every bit as determined as it was anxious as he inhaled through his nose, before turning to Alex to ask, “Where’s the host?”
Sean’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Party.  Unlike most of Alex’s friends, he’d actually managed to get a house on campus, which made his place their go-to for ragers, especially for this holiday.  Alex had never been able to convince Aaron to go before, but this year he didn’t even have to — Aaron had asked him about his plans, and whether his friends would mind if he joined.  Which of course they wouldn’t, but Alex was still worried that Aaron might; parties had never exactly been Aaron’s scene, he’d never been fully comfortable around Alex’s friends, and he’d told Alex on more than one occasion that he found St. Patrick’s Day a little offensive.
But of course Aaron was welcome to come, and he actually seemed to be doing okay here.  He introduced himself to Sean in an oddly formal way that had made the guy laugh, flirted with one of the girls standing next to Sean — Brittany — and then hit the dance floor with surprising ease.  He wasn’t the most comfortable with the large group that was already grinding, but he made do pulling a few girls in here and there, twirling them and teasing them, moves subtle but smooth, not stiff or awkward like Alex had feared.
“You know,” a voice said next to Alex’s ear, making him jump, “you don’t have to chaperone him.”
It was Jason.  Alex was always a little more awkward around him since their hookup back in January.  No hard feelings or anything — Jason was straight and curious, and decided Alex wasn’t his thing, and Alex had kinda figured anyway before they started.  It was just that going back to being friends (or, well, friendly acquaintances; they were never really close) wasn’t that easy after a sloppy blowjob in a bathroom stall, and the fact that it was easy for Jason only made it more awkward for Alex.
(It was stupid, really.  He’d gone back to being friends with plenty of exes just fine, hookups, even some of the other straight guys.  Maybe it was Jason’s misplaced confidence that made it weird.  Sure, it could’ve been the fact that he wasn’t into Alex that had made him an underwhelming experience, but it seemed more likely that he was one of those guys that assumed his good looks would carry him through it, especially since his ex Valerie had complained about the exact same thing in confidence.  He almost wanted to warn the girls he flirted with, but that seemed a little mean, and he’d probably get accused of being petty if Jason or one of his friends found out.)
“I know,” Alex said, perhaps a little too defensive, “I just worry about him, you know?  He doesn’t know any of you guys, I wasn’t sure—”
“Well it looks like he’s doing just fine to me, so.  Why don’t you enjoy yourself?  Grab a few melon balls,” Jason suggested with a shrug.
“Thanks,” Alex said as Jason left, trying not to think too hard about that word choice.
Alex took one last look at Aaron, a small but real smile playing on his lips as he let himself dance like an idiot in front of a girl, making her laugh… and headed for the bar to grab that drink.
An hour or so later, Sean’s girlfriend Casey suggested a game of spin-the-bottle, so the living room dance floor was replaced by a circle of ten, while the dancers moved downstairs. Aaron, to Alex’s surprise, did not go with them, instead opting to join the circle.  Alex was of course going to play, as soon as he poured himself a glass of water to hydrate after his first melon ball of the night; he wanted to pace himself tonight.  Casey decided they should sit boy-girl-boy-girl, so Alex ended up sitting between Casey and Leila while Aaron sat between Valerie and that girl Brittany from earlier, directly across from Alex.
Casey started of course, giving Sean a sassy smirk when she landed on Brandon before she went to town on him, eyes opening intermittently to see if it was getting to Sean.  (It wasn’t.)  Alex got Valerie, who’d apparently put on way too much tropical-scented perfume for his liking, making her smell like a hurricane hit a mango plantation, but she tasted like pizza and Guinness and she didn’t mind his overuse of tongue too much. (He knew he needed to work on that, but 30 seconds didn’t give him a lot of time to adjust his technique.)  Leila landed on Sean, who teased Casey every bit as hard as she’d teased him before; Brandon got Brittany; and Valerie got Kelley, who commented on the scent in a way that suggested she enjoyed it almost as much as Valerie’d enjoyed fondling her rack (not that he blamed her — Kelley was blessed).
Then it was Aaron’s turn to go, and he spun with no hesitation.
“Who are you and what’ve you done with my roommate?” Alex quipped.
Aaron chuckled good-naturedly.  “Told him to lighten up.  Even boring, uptight hermits need to let loose once in a while.”
Leave it to Aaron to quote Alex’s own words back to him.  He had a habit of doing that, which Alex was sure would make him a great lawyer one day, but there was no bite to it; the insults that once littered their arguments were now self-deprecating monikers they’d reclaim precisely for moments like this, where they’d remind each other how far they’d come since freshman year.  Since becoming friends.
Aaron was looking at Alex.
“What?” he asked. Aaron cast his eyes down towards the bottle, then back to Alex, signaling him.  Alex looked down.
“What are you waiting for?” Casey urged, “You wanna play this game or not?”
Aaron looked conflicted, and Alex quickly jumped in before his friends could chime in, “You don’t have to kiss me, Aaron, go ahead and spin again if you want to—”
“What?!” Kelley squawked at an octave that could crack glass, “No, you don’t get to get out of it!  If Val and I had to kiss, so do you two!”
“You’re both bi, though,” Alex pointed out.
Valerie sighed.  “Alexander, I told you, I find our contemporary use of labels divisive and limiting—”
The group let out a loud groan, Alex loudest of all.
“You know what I mean,” he said stubbornly, “Aaron’s straight, it’s different for him.”
“It’s fine, Alexander,” Aaron cut in, “Let’s just get it over with.”  He turned to Casey.  “How long are we supposed to do this for?”
“30 seconds to a minute.  It’s not an exact science.  Just enough to make it juicy.  And it has to be open mouth, on the mouth.  No weirdly-long-peck-on-the-cheek loopholes, ‘kay?”  She winked.  “Have fun.”
Alex’s stomach was fluttering with so many conflicting emotions it was hard to keep track of them all.  Was he excited?  Scared?  Both? A part of him had always kind of wondered about Aaron, but now that they were friends and he was finally comfortable around Alex in a way he hadn’t been when they met…
It was one thing to be uncomfortable around an acquaintance or two.  It was another to be uncomfortable around Aaron, his only real constant at Princeton other than his own drive to succeed.
Was Aaron uncomfortable?
He was inching at a snail’s pace towards Alex, as if approaching a ticking time bomb.  That determined look was back in his eyes again, but it was hard to tell what else he was feeling, his face kept carefully calm and blank.  Alex had always wanted Aaron to fit in with the rest of his friends, but he wasn’t sure he wanted it like this.
“You know,” Alex said softly when their faces were a foot apart, “You don’t have to do this.”
Aaron answered this with one of his softer, kinder smiles, his eyes warmer.  Gentle.
“I know, Alexander. It’s okay.”
Alex wasn’t sure if it was the reassuring tone or that face, but something inside him relaxed, and he dared to hope that Aaron was right.
“Okay,” he breathed.
With that, Aaron cupped the back of Alex’s neck, closed his eyes, and pulled him in.  Their lips met.
Oh no.
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No one asked but my Robin rankings go like this 
1. Stephanie Brown
2. Jason Todd
3. Dick Grayson
4. Damian Wayne
5. Duke Thomas
6. Tim Drake
7. Carrie Kelley
8. Helena Wayne
9. Jarro
Steph is best Robin & best girl not just because she’s my favourite comic character ever that got me into comics but also she’s the perfect Robin from everything from her personality, her background being able to give Bruce a different perspective of crime and Gotham and her design makes her look like a literal ray of sunshine next to Bruce’s shadows. 
Dick and Jason could switch depending on the writer I just really like Jason for the angst potential and also he's very sassy, Nightwing comics are generally better than Red Hood comics but I enjoy fanfics revolving around Jason more than fics around Dick. 
Damian used to rank higher and actually used to be number two above Dick and Jason because I used to really love his sibling relationship with Steph but it’s been over 9 years since DC has let them interact and DC keeps on giving Damian the same ‘will he be good or evil’ arc for the past decade and I’m super tired of it at this point let the boy keep his character development GOD. 
I like Duke especially his We Are Robin design but DC hasn't been handling him well. 
Carrie ranks lower than Tim because DC is beating Dark Knight Returns to death & Helena is nearly at the bottom due to the confusion she causes with Bertenelli & also Tom King reasons.
Tim's always been kind of meh to me as Robin itself, he's a great hero & an enjoyable read but meh I like Tim best when he's Steph's boyfriend & is going on about how much he loves Steph, I relate to him most during those times.
Jarro is at the bottom because I resent that people are more willing to include a god damn star fish as part of the Batfamily more than they are Steph, Cass or Duke & also that more people are willing to consider a star fish who has only been Robin in his dreams more of a Robin than Steph or Duke.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Time Travel...
RobRae week should be relabeled DickRae week, the tag is too generic. There are so many Robins! Anyways, it’s not DickRae shipworthy, but it does have DickRae in it, so I hope you enjoy it.
Raven tugged on her hat as she stood in Gotham,  Robin was beside her; no, Damian was beside her and she gasped when he yanked her into an alley as a blimp flew overhead, and they frowned.
“Where the hell are we!?” Damian hissed.
“The better question is when, not where, this is Gotham,” she said and they resumed walking after the blimp flew away.
“This isn’t right,” Damian said as they walked.
“No shit,” she growled.
“You have hung around Hood too much.”
“He’s my fiancé,” she snapped irritably. Really! She and Jason had been practically joined at the hip since they had officially become friends. Since then they had done EVERYTHING together when they weren’t apart; of course she had picked up some of Jason’s more sassy and snappy habits.
Raven picked up a news paper.
“Fuck.” She muttered.
“What?” Damian peered over her shoulder.
“We’re in the future,” she answered as she shoved the paper to him and continued walking.
There was deafening crash in the alley behind them which had her and Damian pausing. She looked at the taller Robin then they both turned ever so slowly around and stared behind them as there was a blur of yellow, red and green, she looked at Damian, and he drew his sword as he rushed to the blur. Raven drew herself into the shadows as she rose.
The fight ended the moment she slammed into it with Damain as she puled shadows around them and slammed them out shoving the attackers off the red, yellow, and green of Robin and dropping them into the ground.
“What the!?” the girl sputtered.
“Enough,” Raven snarled as she opened her four red eyes, which had the attackers scrambling away.
“You’re Robin,” Damian stated as he sheathed his weapon.
“Your… you’re…”
“Robin,” a voice said and Raven looked upwards to where Dick was. “Raven? D… Robin!?” Dick sputtered and there was a crash as Dick landed gracelessly then Raven found herself wrapped up in a tight hug from Batman which had her blinking.
“What…!? No, come on, we’ll talk more,” Dick said and suddenly there was a car pulling around the corner and stopping. Raven stared at it, and Dick pulled Damian and the new Robin to the car, Raven pursed her lips, and folded her arms.
“I’ll meet you there,” she said and walked into the shadows.
“Rae!” Dick shouted, but she had someone she wanted to see, based off of Dick’s reaction. She felt the familiar pull of his emotions, and she walked through the shadows for him, as she focused on him.
“What’s going on Bats’?” she heard his gruff voice when she walked into the Cave behind him.
“Just… remain calm!” Dick’s voice ordered.
“I’m guessing I disappeared on you,” she said softly. And then the world stilled as he turned to her, his eye wide, there were tears gathering in it.
She took a moment to take him in. He had lost an eye, obvious because he was wearing an eye patch, he appeared to also have a prosthetic leg, he was missing a few fingers, a hideous J was carved into his cheek right below his missing eye, and there were new scars. Slowly she walked towards him and his eye pulsed dangerously green, as it shown in the blue light of the monitors.
“Jason,” she breathed as she reached for him.
“You’re… you’re… you’re not real,” he whispered softly.
“I’m… I’m here,” she promised as she gingerly put her finger tips on his scar.
“Wh-Where were you?” he said as he caught her fingers.
“Lost,” she answered.
She gasped as he yanked her onto his lap and his head rested on her chest as he slid his arms tightly around her.
“I missed you,” he trembled as she wrapped her arms around him and she slid her hands through his shaggy hair as she pulled herself securely around him.
“I missed you,” she replied, because she could only imagine what the hell he had survived as she kissed his head and held onto him tighter, his hands fisted in her clothing and she gasped when he pulled away and kissed her hard, and chastely as if it was the Cubs game again.
“Raven… I…” Jason started.
“I’m sorry, and when I get home I’ll never leave you, ever again.,” she promised as her eyes traced over the scars and slowly she sat back on his lap. Jason’s arms stayed around her.
“You…” he started and she felt a pain radiating from his chest, a physical pain which had her looking at him, and hesitantly she undid the first button of his shit, he didn’t stop her, he just watched her face. She slid his shirt open and what she was greeted by were not the usual scars, the autopsy or otherwise. What she stared at was his sigil that was carved into his chest, skinned, and skin grafted, slowly she traced that new mark on him. Her eyes flicked to his, his white streak flopped in his eye and she leaned over him.
“I’m Killing The Joker When I Get Home,” she whispered the promise as the headlights came in, and she used her magic to do up his shirt as she felt his unease.
“I… I love you, little bird.” he said.
She smiled as she yanked him to her as she kissed him hard. “I love you too, handsome,” she promised when she pulled away, and slowly he smiled. Almost shyly.
“Who is that!?” the new Robin shouted.
“Carrie, this is… Raven, Jason’s Raven,” Dick said as he pulled off his cowl.
“And who’s the Robin,” she asked making herself at home on Jason’s lap, her fiancé’s arms slid around her in a familiar way, and she looked at the new Robin.
“This is Carrie, Carrie Kelley.” Dick answered.
The girl stared at her in awe and Damian scowled.
“Can someone please tell me what happened to Raven and I!?” Damian shouted in frustration then.
“I’ll fix it,” Raven said as she pressed herself securely to Jason, not sure if she wanted to let him go, or if he wanted to let her go. But she would not let him suffer, not like this, when she got home she was killing the Joker, because she knew that’s who tortured Jason like this.
Her lover pressed his nose into the crook of her neck and she closed her eyes as she held him tighter and held onto him.
“This is so cool! You’re legendary!” Carrie said as she bounced over to her, and Raven chuckled humorlessly as she looked at the younger girl.
“Carrie, this is the authentic Queen of Hell,” Jason’s voice was gruff and thick with emotions that she could completely label and she carded her fingers through his hair.
“The Raven who saves Robins!” Carrie declared.
“Birds of a Feather,” Raven and Dick mused humorlessly and she felt Dick’s love and sorrow and joy at this moment as she dared to look up at Dick then.
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
List: The Best Chicken Names — A to Z
Dreaming up the perfect baby chick names is one of the most exciting parts of starting or adding to a flock.
If you need inspiration, our readers and fans are here to help. Take a look at these good chicken name suggestions!
If you’ve got your own list of good chicken names, share your fun ideas in the comments below and we’ll add them here.
  GOOD CHICKEN NAMES (in alphabetical order):
• Abby • Abednego • Adele • Aflac • Albert  • Amelia Egghart • Angel • Angelica • Anna • Annie • Antonina • April • Astrid • Aurora • Autumn • Ava Chanel • Avaleach • Bandit • Batgirl • Beaky • Beakster • Bean • Beatrice • Beethoven “Lil Miss B” • Bella • Belle • Belmont• Benipe • Benny & Joon • Bernice • Betsy • Birdie • Billie Jean • Biscuit • Black Beauty • Blanche • Black Betty • Blue • Bluebelle • Bob, Not Bob & Robert • Bongo • Boomer • Bread & Butter • Breakfast • Brownie • Buck • Buffalo Wings • Buffy • Burger • Buttercup • Butterfinger • Buffy • Bunny • Cammi • Caribou • Carl • Caruso • Cecelia • Charlie • Charlotte • Cheek Cheek • Cheeky • Che r• Chickeel O’Neil • Chicken Patty • Chipmunk Extra Toes • Chippy • Chips & Cheese • Cholula • Cinnamon • Cinnamon & Sugar • Clairetta • Clarabelle • Clarisse • Clover • Cockadoodledoo • Coco • Coconut • Colton • Cookie • Cookie & Cream • Cookies & Cream • Copper • Cornbread Jones • Cotton • Cowie • Cracker • Crooked Toes • Crossy Road • Crow • Cupcake • Cutie Pie • Daisy • Daliah • Daisy Duck • Delta • Dixie • Dolly • Dorothy • Dory • Dottie Kay • Drumstick • Duck Duck • Duckie Momo • Duckiegirl • Duke • Dusty & Bunny • Earth, Wind & Fire • Easter • Edith • Edna & Elle • Egger • Eggy Sue • Elphaba • Ella • Elsa • Elvis • Emily • Ena • Ester • Esther • Ethel • Etta-leghorn • Eugene • Fancy Boy • Fancy Feet • Farrah • Featherfluff, Featherball, & Featherywhite • Fiesta • Flash • Fleeker • Fleur • Flo • Floyd Frizzles • Fluff • Fluffy • Fluffy Butt • Flutters • Former Penguin, The • Franchesca • Francine • Frank • Franny • Freckles • Gabrielle • Ginger • Girlie • Gladys & The Peeps • Glenda • Goldiboks • Goldie • Gossie • Gracie • Grace• Grey • Gumdrop • Handsome • Happy Feet • Hartley-Rose • Hay Hay • Heddy • Henny & Penny • Henny Penny • Henrietta • Henry • Honey & Butter • Hoot • Hope • Huey, Duey, & Louie • Inky • Iris • Jacqueline • Jasper • Jewel • Jo • Joan • Jolene • Juan • Judy B Jones • Junebug • Junior • Kate • Katie Scarlet • Katy • Ken • Kiev • Kira • Lady • Ladybug • Larry, Moe & Curly • Lash • Laverne • Layla • Lay Verne • Lemon • Leonie • Lil’ Peeper • Lime • Little Maggie • Littles • Livean • Liza • Logan • Lola • Lorettie • Louise • Lucille • Lucille Ball • Lucy • Lulu • LuluBocko Brahma • Luna & Star • Madea • Madison • Mae • Maggie May • Maisy & Daisy • Maple • Margarita • Marge • Marigold • Marsala • Mary Ann • Mary Poopins • Matilda • May • Meg • Melissa • Memphis • Merecy • Meshach • Michelle • Midnight • Millicent • Millie Justice • Minnie • Miss Prissy • Mohawk • Mohawk Extra Toes • Molly • Moo Shu • Mother Clucker • Mrs. Hughes • Ms. Speck • Muffin • Muffs • Mumble • Meena, Myna & Moe • Nani • Napoleon • Nebucadnezzar • Netty • Nightstorm • Nilly • Nugget • Nutmeg • Nellie Anne • Oakley • Olive • Olivia • Omelet • Opal • Ophelia • Owlette • Pancho & Cisco • Panda • Parmesan • Paula Dean • Peach • Peanuts • Pearl • Pebbles • Pecky • Peckster • Pee Wee • Peep • Peeper • Penelope • Penny • Penguin, The • Petite • Phoebe • Phoenix • Piccata • Picket • Pinecone • Pinky Pie • Pipsqueak • Polka & Dot • Popcorn • Posey • Potpie • Princess Leia • Puff • Pup • Qawi • Reba • Red Wing • Reese & Puff • Remington • Rene • Rhonda • Roberta • Robin • Rose • Rosey • Rosie • RosieLilly • Roxanne • Ruby • Ruffie • Ruggles • Ruth Layer-Hensberg • Salt & Pepper • Samantha • Sand Piper • Sassy • Scarlet • Seven • Shadow • Shadrach • Shirlay • Silky Boy • Skitters • Skittles • Smalls • Snicker & Doodle • Snooki • Snow White • Snowy • Sophie • Spangler • Speedy 1 & 2 • Spitzy • Spice • Spike • Squirt • Star • Stella • Strider • Sugar • Summer • Sunny • Sunshine • Susie Q (Curly) • Sweet Pea • Sweetie • Tamar • Tetrazzini • Three Amigos • Tikka • Tillie • Tinsy • Tips • Tom & Jerry • Toto • Tulip • Thomas Train Engines: Annie, Clarabell, Emily, Henrietta, and Rosie • Vanilla • Velvet • Vera • Veronica • Vigorous • Vinny • Violet • Wickles • Wilhelmina • Wilma & Betty • Winny • Winston • Xana the Warrior • Yeti • Yeti & Yoda • Zigster • Zippy
Fun Comments About Good Chicken Names: 
• My hens will be named after famous chicken dishes: Marsala, Piccata (or Peckata ), Tikka, and Potpie. If I get a rooster, he would be named Kiev. — Evie Kuran Dieck
• We had three chicks hatch a week and a half before Easter, so we call them the Three Amigos. They made for fun pictures of my granddaughter & niece for Easter also. — Jamie N Ryan Debons
The Three Amigos — Jaime N Ryan Debons
  Novalynn, Jadelyn, and The Three Amigos — Jamie and Ryan Debons
• I have about 35 but started naming the most friendly. Right now we have Dempsey, she was injured at birth by another brood hen. Then Dottie, our blue splash Marans. This one pictured is Opal, our little Aloha hen. We also have: Spike, Bongo, Wickles, Velvet, Daisy, Pearl, Peanuts, Violet, Skitters, Ruffie, Puff, Mohawk, Nilly, Fancy Feet, and Littles. — Sheila Bishop
Opal — Sheila Bishop
• Three of the first four I got were named after the Schuyler sisters in Hamilton … Angelica, Eliza, and Pecky (Pecky is a play on the actual name of the 3rd sister, Peggy) and the 4th was named Dawn by my daughter, the next two were named after the Patil twins in Harry Potter … Padma and Parvati, but Parvati was soon found out to be a cockerel, so his name changed to Pavarotti; the next two were named Velma and Daphne from Scooby Doo, but sadly we lost Daphne to a hawk. I’m getting 4 more this Spring to complete my backyard flock and I’m hoping to stick to literary names! — Jessica Lancaster
• I’ve got 13! Amelia, Beatrice, Lucy, Ethel, Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Speck, Dorothy, Blanche, Rose. The other four I’m letting friends and family name and they haven’t decided yet. I’m about to name them after some favorite book characters if they don’t get with it! — Lori Worcester
• Out of 12 we have named a few. We have a Rhode Island Red named Lucy, after Lucile Ball of I Love Lucy, another Rhode Island Red named Ginger who is best buds with a Plymouth Barred Rock named Mary Ann, both named after the lovely characters of Gilligan’s Island. Then there is Nugget, he “or” she is an Ameracauna. — Eduardo Cabello
• Two Light Brahmas named Salt & Pepper. One Black Cochin and one White Cochin named Glenda (the white one) and Elphaba (black one). My Easter Eggers names will be Dorothy and Toto. — Tina Rogers-Higgins
• Chicken Patty, Henny Penny, Mary Poopins, Edith, Edna and Elle. — Corice Boyer
• Princess Leia. She doesn’t lay many eggs but hangs around the nest boxes a lot keeping order so her nickname is “The Janitor.” — Steve Tomashek
Princess Leia — Steve Tomashek
• My dinosaur obsessed five year old named our new three Blue, Charlie, and Delta. He calls them his pack of raptors. — Sarah Goodwin
• This year our new chicks are Shadow, Nightstorm, Angel, Summer, Ginger, Rosie, Bandit, Jewel, Pearl, Ruby, and Franchesca. Last year’s survivors are Anna (Elsa was killed by a neighbor’s dog), Thorn, Blackbeard, and two Barred Rocks with no/super fluid names. Our original flock are Prudence, Goldilocks, Snow White, Perry, Lulu, Henrietta, Napoleon. And roosters are Drumstick and Mr. Wattles. Can you tell I have kids? Ha Ha — Malissa Cline
• Roberta (after my husband), Henrietta, Ruby, April, Amelia, Ophelia, Clairetta, Red Wing, and Matilda who turned into Matthew once we learned he is a rooster! — Jamie Frazier-Olson
• Carl, Samantha, Juan, and Aflac! Juan is in the front. (The only one we can tell apart because of the light beak) Also, Juan might be Juanita! Started to hear quack sounds today. — Ashley Marie Rettig
Carl, Samantha, Juan, and Aflac — Ashley Marie Rettig
• I have three roosters named Bob, Not Bob, and Robert. Only two of the girls have names, Red (my Rhode Island Red) and Black Betty (Barred Rock) all the others are just Hey “Ladies.” — Heather Herendeen
• We have Benny & Joon, Wilma and Betty, Stella, Lola, Miss Prissy, Pj’s, Coffee, Teeth (the last 3 were named by our 5 year old), Yeller and Whitey (both named by our 3 year old). — Desi Becht
• Only named one of the 8 so far. Turns out she is blind. I named her Tillie. — Kelley Jane Kloub
Tillie — Kelley Jane Kloub
• Phoebe, Molly, Dixie, Penelope, Grace, Charlotte, Amelia, Coco, Olivia, Kate, Sophie. — Kathy Hansen Mulready
• My four kids ages 11, 9, 7, and 4 named ours: Vigorous, Peckster, Pep, Pipsqueak, Vinny, Cross Road,  Picket,  Freckles,  Cockadoodledoo,  Tips,  Beakster,  Robin,  Beaky,  Scarlet,  Ruby,  Cowie,  Cheeky, Pebbles, Drumstick, Clover, Mae, Penny, Tinsy, Zippy, Smalls, Merecy, Zigster, And our ducks: Duckie, Momo, Daisy Duck. — Amber Marie Wert
• Ken and Seven (# of toes!) Pictures here. Not seen are Gumdrop, Posey, Muffs, and Belle. — Meg McCreary Youngblood
Ken and Seven —Meg McCreary Youngblood
• Our ducks are Duck Duck and Ginger. Our chicks are Pup, Pinky Pie, Sweetie, Brownie, Sugar, and Spice. Named by my five and six year olds. — Kelly Hughes
• Buff Orpingtons are Bread and Butter. Light Brahmas are Vera and Francine. With my other hens the flock is known as Gladys and the Peeps. — Lucille Gardner
• Fluff, Emily (my 4 year old’s idea), Dorothy, Blanche, Popcorn and Moo Shu. — Emily Powell
• Cookie and Cream, Henny and Penny, Minnie, Daisy, and Clarebelle. — Sharon Krouse Miller
• Snicker and Doodle, Salt and Pepper, Dusty and Bunny, Luna and Star, Honey and Butter, Cinnamon and Sugar, and Sunny … we got a little carried away. — Sherri Grant
• Our Buff Orpington is Sunshine; Blue Ameracauna is Bluebelle; others are Sweetpea & Ladybug. — Gaylene Taylor Davidson
• Napoleon is my rooster, than Xena the warrior, she steals worms from the others, Katy, Gabrielle, Omelet, Annie, Oakley, Laverne and Petite. — Diane Zapka Christensen
• Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Ginger. — Irma Hladek
Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Ginger.
• Judy B Jones and Cupcake, named by my daughter. — Britni Davidson
• We have: Joan, Iris, Ester, Lucille, Ruby, Roxanne, Avaleach, Melissa, and Rosey. — Brenna Nicole
Joan, Iris, Ester, Lucille, Ruby, Roxanne, Avaleach, Melissa, and Rosey. — Brenna Nicole
• My current girls are Ethyl, Veronica, and Buffy. Previously: Biscuit (Leghorn), Cholula, Fiesta, Margarita, (Aracaunas), and Penny (Rhode Island Red)
• My kids named the buff Elvis and the leghorns are Huey, Duey, and Louie.
• My Red Star is Ruby. I have two Buff Orpingtons named Birdie and Betsy. My Four white Plywood Rocks are Ashley, Abby, Madison and Ruth Layer-Hensberg. — Rebecca Joy
• We got two adding to the group. Our first rooster we named Henry and Etta-leghorns (like Henrietta). — Dana Alexander-Brown
• We have speedy 1&2, we also have happy feet (chick was born with a deformed leg) and several others we have not named yet. — Jennifer Thompson
• We just got a Katie Scarlet, BlueBelle, Millie Justice, Effie Mae, and a Liberty Belle. — Shannon Briles Kana
• Dunkin (The Yorkie), Nugget (Top), Gossie (Left) and Bean (Right)! — Nicole Contos
Dunkin, Nugget, Gossie (Left) and Bean — Nicole Contos
• I have Panda, Cheek Cheek (my two year old named her), Nani, Goldiboks, Reese and Puff, and Dory. — Jessica Ogle
• I have four chicks named Jo, Meg, Rhonda, and Clarisse. Our granddaughter loves them! — Julie Sorenson
Jo, Meg, Rhonda, and Clarisse — Julie Sorenson
• Michelle, Junior and Belmont — Suzanne Morrell Crutcher
Michelle, Junior and Belmont — Suzanne Morrell Crutcher
• Miss Prissy, Peepers, Lucy, Sunshine, and Scarlet. We love them. — Glenda Szoka
• I quit naming after the first year. When I have nearly 100 birds… there is no keeping that straight. — Smantha Martin
• Cracker, Muffin, Cookies and Cream, Memphis, Phoenix, Ruffles, Hartley-Rose, Snowy, Black Beauty, GC, and BB. — Alyson Jayne
• Dottie Kay, Nellie Anne, and Ava Chanel (Ava cuz I love my truck – avalanche and both are black). — Robyn Smith-Demeuse
• Named my girls after my great, great aunts… Henrietta (Rhetta), Sophia (Hia), Matilda (Tilda) and Wilhelmina (Mina). — Heidi G. Malin
• Franny, Netty, Junebug, Bella, Winny, Snooki, Chippy and Jacqueline. The whole family got in on the naming process. — Bonnie Rolfes Duffy
Franny, Netty, Junebug, Bella, Winny, Snooki, Chippy and Jacqueline. — Bonnie Rolfes Duffy
• Amiga, Crazy Dot, lil’Peeper, Squirt, and the Barney’s. Who knows if they will stick. — Jody Eubanks
• My son named ours the bantam is flash the RIR is Supergirl and our Plymouth is Batgirl. — Kimberly Flenory
Batgirl and Supergirl — Kimberly Flenory
• Adele…. because she never stopped chirpin. — Aimee McGlinchey
• Amelia, my Cuckoo Maran. — Kathy Hansen Mulready
Amelia — Kathy Hansen-Mulready
• Anna and Elsa…guess who has a  granddaughter! — Rivkah B’racha
Anna and Elsa — Rivkah B’racha
• We have 10 girls, most have boy names though. Our girls are Nebucadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Strider, Hay Hay, Benipe, Hope, Charlotte, and Marge. — Tricia Sengul
• My boys named our Silkie/Sultan X’s (from back to front) Yeti, Cotton, and Lash. Lash had buff colored fluff over eyes at birth. — Jennifer Fox-Malechikos
Silkie/Sultan X’s (from back to front), Yeti, Cotton, and Lash — Jennifer Fox-Malechikos
• Lacey the Golden Lace Wyndotte; Goldie the Buff Orpington; Pearl the Silver Grey Dorking; Easter the Cream Legbar; Chickaletta the Silver Laced Cochrin. — Sarah Haly
• I named each batch of new arrivals out of new friends I had made! But roosters were always Handsome. — Cecile Jordan
• Buttercup and Fluffy Butt, named by a 3 year old. — Linda Terrell Nunes
• Copper, Edith, Bernice, Aurora (after Shirley McLaine’s character in Terms of Endearment), Ella, Pepper, Henry, Olive, and Antonina — Anna Atwell
• My girls are Minnie, Daisy, Clarabelle, Owlette, Dorothy, Rose & Blanche. — Miranda Craig
• Crooked Toes, Chipmunk Extra Toes, Mohawk Extra Toes, The Penguin, and The Former Penguin — Jes Marie Stark
• Rosie and Ginger, RIRs; Summer and Autumn, Wellsummers; Stormy and Puff (Cochins) — Lauren Linares
Rosie, Ginger, Summer, Autumn, Stormy, and Puff — Lauren Linares
• Mary Poopins — Spruce Ledge Farms
• Caruso (may or may not be a pullet), Rene, Leonie and Kira. Have one more opera singer to go! — Judy Biller
• Sam and Ella. (Y’know, “samanella”) — Christie Fletcher Munsell
• Jasper and Cammi — Jim Desjardins
• Sweet Pea — Dana Adkins
Sweet Pea — Dana Adkins
• Belle — Miranda Holland
Belle — Miranda Holland
• We named her Hoot. — Cheryl Foster
• Louise — Jodi Vaske
• Susie Q (Curly) — Eliza Hoffman
Susie Q (Curly) — Eliza Hoffman
• Penelope, Daliah, Marigold and Beatrice — Lindsay Mc
• Chickel O’Neill, Bocko Brahma, Omelet — Sarah Spiegel
• Fleeker, Boomer, Flo, Chips and Cheese — Ang Joh
• Caden’s duckling is named Frank! — Sue McNaughton
• Hens: [Australorp] Madea; [Buff Orph] Girlie; [3 Red Sex Links] Lucille Ball; [Random brown dotted hen] Pinecone; [White something] Snow White; [Bantam Chick ] Cher; [female mallard duck] Duckiegirl; [indian runner duckling pair] Pancho & Cisco. — Carie Jarrell
• Albert
Albert — Nichole Langmeyer
• Our last lot were named Burger, Tikka & Nugget. — Melinda Maclay-Ross
• Inky, Heddy, Cotton & Blue. — Robyn Grace Jennings
• Polka and Dot, Maisy and Daisy, Pearl, Buck, Lorettie, Dolly — Billie Jo Maedke
• My Easter Egger is named Bunny. — Linda Marie
• Mother Clucker, Ruby, Mumble, and Flutters. — Amanda Bland
• My kids named ours Featherfluff, Featherball, and Featherywhite. — Sarah Ritchie
• Olive, Ginger, Sunny, Lulu, Cookie, Gracie, Pearl — Ana Crowley
• Fluffy — Karen Atteberry
• Layla, Jolene, Cecelia, Maggie May, Billie Jean and Roxanne — Jen Next
• Tom, Jerry, Egger, Midnight, Yedi and Yoda — DeeDee Bricker
• My four chicks are, Ena, Meena, Myna and Moe. — Loretta Aranha
• Cecila, Floyd Frizzles — Deborah Young
• Esther, Tamar, and May — Kimberly Gunlock Walter
• Stella, Crow, LuLu, and Clover — Mandy Hopper
• Farrah, Sassy, Spike, and Pee Wee. — Kathy Barnett
• Larry, Moe, and Curly — Donna Grayson
Larry, Moe, and Curly — Donna Grayson
• Maple — Jennifer Orme
Maple — Jennifer Orme
• The Chicken Nuggets: Amelia Egghart, Eggy Sue, and Henrietta. — Emily Samms
Amelia Egghart, Eggy Sue, and Henrietta — Emily Samms
• Chica Poo Poo’s: Dolly, Reba, Lucy, Bella, Violet, Winston, Remington, Caribou, Ruby — Teri Foster
Dolly, Reba, Lucy, Bella,Violet, Winston , Remington, Caribou, and Ruby. — Teri Foster
• First play date outside. Penelope. — Erin Carlson
Penelope — Erin Carlson
• Iris — Angelina Turnbull
Iris — Angelina Turnbull
• Our boys love Thomas the train so our girls are all Thomas the Train engines: Annie, Clarabell, Emily, Henrietta, and Rosie. — Deanna Poehlman
Annie, Clarabell, Emily, Henrietta, and Rosie — Deanna Poehlman
• My 3 girls named Buttercup, Tulip, & Violet.
Buttercup, Tulip, & Violet
• Pekin babies named Little Maggie, and Panda. — Jane Germain
Little Maggie and Panda — Jane Germain
• Easter Eggers for Easter named Sunshine and Lady. Sunshine is the lighter yellow and Lady is the one with her eye liner on, her roots done and her Beak is always yapping! — Stephanie Klein
Sunshine and Lady — Stephanie Klein
• The Newcomers: Eugene a Silkie, Logan a Silkie, Livean a Belgian Mille Fleur, Fleur a B. Mille Fleur, Millicent a B. Mille Fleur, and Spangler a Silver Sebright. — Esther Grummet
• Arg Matey! Bethoven, “Lil Miss B.” — Jamie Schreck
• Owl or chick??!! Meet Hoot. We thought she looked so much like an owl we named her Hoot. — Rachel Lindsey
Hoot — Rachel Lindsey
• Skittles — Brittany Sullivan
Skittles — Brittany Sullivan
Do you have good chicken names? Share them in the comments below!
List: The Best Chicken Names — A to Z was originally posted by All About Chickens
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trell-less · 7 years
In like every Batfam/Voltron comparison I've seen, Pidge is Tim But like Y'all Carrie Kelley Small sassy bespectacled redheads Tim can be Matt idk 🤷‍♀️
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One Room Challenge Week Two :: Layouts & Problem Areas
One Room Challenge Week Two :: Layouts & Problem Areas
you realize while you meet a person in person and they’re just no longer quite as high-quality as you’d was hoping they’d be? That’s form of how I feel approximately our living room. In my online existence there’s fashion oozing from my fingertips. but the fact is that the internal of our domestic isn’t matching that character. allow’s just say that ultimate week’s intro submit to our One Room venture ‘plan’ turned into significantly lacking on in before pics for a good purpose. It’s now not the most appropriate area in the global (manifestly, or we wouldn’t be making it over!).
To quickly recap – apart from some minor updates due to the fact shifting in with my fiancé, we virtually haven’t done lots to this space. Like maximum couples, our modern-day home is a patchwork of leftovers between his and hers, so, brace yourself. due to the fact I suppose it’s certainly critical to get a sense of the format earlier than I begin requesting your advice on a few intricate regions, I need to walk you through the whole space…
One Room assignment - earlier than pix of our Entryway
howdy. Welcome to my mess.
Yep, this is the primary issue you spot while you open the door. A coat rack crammed to the brim with our jackets. there may be no coat closet and no incredible spot for a cloth wardrobe (despite the fact that I do have one idea for that) so right here our coats sit from September through June. And earlier than you ask, no, it’s now not deep enough to construct a closet into. The hangers wouldn’t even in shape. Sooooo… problem number one. We gotta make this entryway extra practical!
One Room assignment - before images of our dwelling Room
To the left of the entryway, we walk into the residing room, and into problem #2 – what to do with those black chests?
here’s the deal: they were here once I moved in, and that i in all likelihood wouldn’t have chose them (when you have doors on a chunk it’s to hide the clutter not to reveal it off), however I clearly do like them. They’re traditional. and i don’t thoughts the black. however as I ask all my layout clients: Are they well serving their feature on this room? no longer so certain about that.
One Room undertaking - before pics of our residing Room
And here’s a respectable huge shot of the distance so you can see what sort of room we've here. The sofa may want to circulate back a chunk if essential – this might be as near as I’d ever want it to the television. speakme of which – that media console is the only piece I invested in for this room, and i love it. We had it custom made through Hedgehouse, and it’s not going anywhere each time soon. The leather-based sling chair is from West Elm and also a fave, so will likely live or get relocated to my workplace.
One Room venture - earlier than snap shots of our dwelling Room
One Room challenge - before snap shots of our residing Room
My love for that sunny corner of the room knows no bounds. In fact, I plan to place a huge cozy chair right there to be able to enjoy it greater! The problem with this space although is that we ordered that console to sit down proper between the 2 black bookshelves. Then it felt too heavy, so we moved the other one to a special corner. Now things sense disproportioned.
My final intention is to transport one or each of these black chests downstairs and open up those regions on each facet of the console. Now, of course, I wish the media console had been absolutely taking on a bit greater room! after I show you my format plans we’ll take a better take a look at this place – it’s totally stumping me.
One Room task - Our dwelling Room before
right here’s a observe the relaxation of the space from other angles. That rug at the back of the couch isn't always staying, with the aid of the way. It’s destined for the kitchen however residing here for now even as we finish up the ultimate of that upkeep.
One Room mission - Our living Room earlier than
God assist me, i'm able to’t watch for that couch to exit the door. but the point of this shot is truely to show you two regions in which we is probably using the gap higher. To the left of the huge window, we have a basket for footwear and a stool that I plop my bag down on. now not really first rate or innovative, huh? We’ve been the use of that white console to the left to plop down keys, mail, and so on whilst we stroll through the door. We surely want to keep a place for that, but no longer certain that it needs to be this piece.
adequate. So, now – PLANS. actual ones.
our One Room mission dwelling coco kelley
this is a bit awkward as it’s laid out like a birds-eye-view, however I assume it’s the most helpful in displaying in which all the furnishings will pass. I my thoughts, that is a super blend of relaxed portions so one can please our extra realistic family members and guests, combined with some excessive fashion! And yes, if you’re following along from remaining week’s put up, we ordered that white couch. even as I loved the velvet one, we determined that that is just more comfortable and well perfect for our aesthetic.
What I do like about this layout is that it offers up best tv viewing conditions, presents a comfy chair in my favourite corner, and that i know it basically works as it’s similar to what we've now. What I don’t like is I nevertheless don't have any idea what to do with the empty corners on either side of the media console, and those benches inside the back corners are pretty, however useless aside from filling corners. (For the record, i would be adding artwork underneath the sconces!) perhaps the benches move on either facet of the console…?
Which leads us to option #2:
One Room mission residing Room format choice two coco kelley
again, sorry, weird sideways couch layout second occurring here.
So, right here’s what the benches appear to be moved to either aspect of the media console. They may be without problems pulled out for extra seating when wanted, filling awkward corner spaces while now not. perhaps this leaves opens wall space for a few floating cabinets or art work?
What I do like approximately this format is that it opens the whole room up to the entryway. So, when you’re on foot in, you’re no longer walking right into the back of a settee. What I don’t like is that I hate watching television from this perspective. It’s so awkward. but growing a space that feels extra conducive to verbal exchange rather than the habitual flipping on of the television tube may not be a bad concept.
on this situation, we do two secure chairs in place of two sassy chairs, and we positioned the smaller sassy chair within the nook – possibly with a ground lamp and a few different small antique chest or facet desk to create a little corner of its personal. once more, the chair may want to easily be pulled into the communique region if needed.
thoughts? feelings? thoughts? I’ll take all of them!
My remaining aim for this space is to carry a few sophistication to the sensible way we use this room on an everyday foundation. yes, we’re gonna have a massive ass tv. because we watch tv. sure we want a massive floppy, cozy sofa, due to the fact secure. however when buddies come over and walk into this area I need it to experience like me – the actual version of me. and that i think we’re getting there!
test out what my other ORC’ers are up to this week and notice how a ways they’ve gotten on their plans, too! Rental Designs
0 notes
Welcome to August! Time flies in the Book World! We’re starting our eighth month here  on Books, Boxes, and Baubles, let’s see what books the devilish duo has in store for August…
Currently Reading
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The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley (Physical Book) I know, I’ve been working on this one for a while but I was waiting for my sticky tabs to come in so I could easily make notes as I read.  It’s perfect because it’s small enough to keep in the back of the book until I need them. On another note, does anyone else just love this cover?  This was a total cover buy for me.  Thankfully I’ve loved it so far.
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson (Audiobook) This audiobook is over 24 hours!  I’m down to just a couple hours so this should be done soon!  I can’t believe how much I didn’t know.
Truth Seeker by C.E. Murphy (Physical Book) I’m about 100 pages into this and if these dogs mellow out I should be done today.  We shall see!
To Read
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Radiance by Grace Draven (Physical Book) This was a blind date book I got a while back but haven’t picked up yet.  It’s next on my TBR and I will get it done this month.  I actually know nothing about it but last time that happened I ended up buying the rest of the series just so I could finish it….  Perhaps that’s why I haven’t started it.
You’re Welcome Universe by Whitney Gardner (Physical Book) I got this in a subscription box and it is just such a pretty cover and I love the title.  I don’t know much about it but it feels sassy.  I like sassy 🙂
Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton (Physical Book) Another subscription box book.  I’m trying to get through my backlog of subscription box books to eliminate some of the guilt from signing up.  I really should read them more because most of them have been wonderful.
REWORK by Jason Fried & David Heinmeir Hanson (Physical Book) I actually found this one at a thrift store.  It honestly looks like it never even got opened.  Hopefully not a bad sign but it sounds interesting and with the launch coming soon I’m hoping to learn lots of stuff! We shall see. I can’t wait to review.
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Steel by Carrie Vaughn (Physical) Another BDWAB, last months theme was pirates.
Creativity, Inc. (Physical/Audiobook) To be honest, this was a cover buy.  I saw Buzz and the title and was sold.  I’m going to try to read this as a physical book but may do a combo.  I feel like this might be a good book to take notes in.
I Am That Girl by Alexis Jones (Physical, Library Book) This was on my TBR, I don’t remember why but it sounds interesting and I was able to get it from my library.  If I love it I’ll add to my “to buy” list in the future. If you have KU you can read for free 🙂
Blink by Malcom Gladwell (Audiobook) I don’t know much about this book but this and his other book are on my TBR list. I already have this audiobook so I’ll start here.
Leading Women by Nancy D. O’Reilly (Physical, Library Book) Tell me all your secrets!  I know nothing on who these 20 ladies are but I can’t wait to see what knowledge that they can provide.  Another library book for me but KU has for free!
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Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn by John Maxwell (Physical, Library Book) Guys, I’ve read so many of his books it’s not funny.  I think after actually seeing him live a few times it makes it easy because now I just have his voice in my head when I read these books.  Laugh and all.  I’ve learned so much from the others and I know I’ll learn a bunch here.
Living Forward by Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkav (Physical, Library Book) This popped up as a suggested read I believe.  Total cover read.
Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios (Physical, Library Book) I learned about this when trying to pick a Waiting on Wednesday book and was really surprised to see it available at my library.  Hopefully I just got lucky.
Tricksters Choice by Tamora Pierce (Physical, Library Book) I’m a little ashamed that I have not read this book yet.  It’s been on my goodreads TBR for YEARS.  I love this author, I’ve read quite a few of her books and this is the next generation.  All I can say is it’s finally on my TBR for the month.
Aftercare Instructions by Bonnie Pipkin (Physical, Library Book) Another book discovered by Waiting on Wednesday.  I’m also surprised this is available but I’ve seen mixed reviews.  We shall see!
Ambitious month!  If you noticed I have mostly physical books on here.  That is because I put myself on a buying ban. The idea really was to work on the unread books I own but I got distracted by my library so it’s a combo.  What I want to do going forward is buy books I love and will re-read.  But I love buying books so much!
  Buddy Read
Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid
Currently Reading
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling (Physical, Library Book) Still trudging along the Potter bandwagon! This is probably my favorite of the whole series and I am about to finish it.
Bitten (Women of the Otherworld #1) by Kelley Armstrong (Physical, Library Book) This is another of my Urban Fantasy finds and a very different take on anything I have ever read of werewolf lore. A little slow, but I think that is because the heroine kinda bugs me… But an interesting read none the less!
The Darkest Lies (Lords of the Underworld #6) by Gena Showalter (Physical, Owned) Gideon and Lies are finally up! I’ve really wanted to read his book since he popped up in the series, he is such an interesting character and I love the way he talks. Just started but already 100 pages in!
  To Read
  Harry Potter #5-7 by J.K. Rowling (Physical, Library Book) The last four books of the series are so dark, I really enjoy them but I’ve actually only read #6 two or three times and #7 only once. The last book really dragged on for me so I am curious how I will find it this time around.
Lords of the Underworld #7-13 by Gena Showalter (Physical, Owned) My first foray into Paranormal Romance! So far I have loved it, the demons are a riot, the girls have no problem handling their fierce warriors, the heroes are all well rounded characters, and I’m really enjoying the plot! Strange thing to say about a romance I know but that’s Neko! 🐱
Angels of the Dark #1-3 by Gena Showalter (Phyisical, Owned) This is a tie-in series with the Lords of the Underworld so I figured, since I am almost to their starting point, I would just add them on into the TBR! The angel short story was great and I’m hoping these three will be just as good.
Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires #1) by Chloe Neill (Physical, Library Book) Think I ran into this series on Goodreads and it was Urban Fantasy so I figured why not!
Written in Red (The Others #1) by Anne Bishop (Physical, Library Book) This one I found at Barnes and Nobles while looking for Patricia Briggs books. Sounded interesting and again it was Urban Fantasy.
Half-Resurrection Blues (Bone Street Rumba #1) by Daniel José Older (Physical, Library Book) I’ll let you guys guess why I picked this one… I am so transparent…
Still have some requests to go! So look for them as well!
  What books are you guys reading for August? Reading any of our choices? Let us know in the comments!
August TBR: Come check out our picks for the month! Welcome to August! Time flies in the Book World! We're starting our eighth month here  on Books, Boxes, and Baubles, let's see what books the devilish duo has in store for August...
0 notes
josephkitchen0 · 7 years
List: The Best Chicken Names — A to Z
Dreaming up the perfect baby chick names is one of the most exciting parts of starting or adding to a flock.
If you need inspiration, our readers and fans are here to help. Take a look at these good chicken name suggestions!
If you’ve got your own list of good chicken names, share your fun ideas in the comments below and we’ll add them here.
  GOOD CHICKEN NAMES (in alphabetical order):
• Abby • Abednego • Adele • Aflac • Albert  • Amelia Egghart • Angel • Angelica • Anna • Annie • Antonina • April • Astrid • Aurora • Autumn • Ava Chanel • Avaleach • Bandit • Batgirl • Beaky • Beakster • Bean • Beatrice • Beethoven “Lil Miss B” • Bella • Belle • Belmont• Benipe • Benny & Joon • Bernice • Betsy • Birdie • Billie Jean • Biscuit • Black Beauty • Blanche • Black Betty • Blue • Bluebelle • Bob, Not Bob & Robert • Bongo • Boomer • Bread & Butter • Breakfast • Brownie • Buck • Buffalo Wings • Buffy • Burger • Buttercup • Butterfinger • Buffy • Bunny • Cammi • Caribou • Carl • Caruso • Cecelia • Charlie • Charlotte • Cheek Cheek • Cheeky • Che r• Chickeel O’Neil • Chicken Patty • Chipmunk Extra Toes • Chippy • Chips & Cheese • Cholula • Cinnamon • Cinnamon & Sugar • Clairetta • Clarabelle • Clarisse • Clover • Cockadoodledoo • Coco • Coconut • Colton • Cookie • Cookie & Cream • Cookies & Cream • Copper • Cornbread Jones • Cotton • Cowie • Cracker • Crooked Toes • Crossy Road • Crow • Cupcake • Cutie Pie • Daisy • Daliah • Daisy Duck • Delta • Dixie • Dolly • Dorothy • Dory • Dottie Kay • Drumstick • Duck Duck • Duckie Momo • Duckiegirl • Duke • Dusty & Bunny • Earth, Wind & Fire • Easter • Edith • Edna & Elle • Egger • Eggy Sue • Elphaba • Ella • Elsa • Elvis • Emily • Ena • Ester • Esther • Ethel • Etta-leghorn • Eugene • Fancy Boy • Fancy Feet • Farrah • Featherfluff, Featherball, & Featherywhite • Fiesta • Flash • Fleeker • Fleur • Flo • Floyd Frizzles • Fluff • Fluffy • Fluffy Butt • Flutters • Former Penguin, The • Franchesca • Francine • Frank • Franny • Freckles • Gabrielle • Ginger • Girlie • Gladys & The Peeps • Glenda • Goldiboks • Goldie • Gossie • Gracie • Grace• Grey • Gumdrop • Handsome • Happy Feet • Hartley-Rose • Hay Hay • Heddy • Henny & Penny • Henny Penny • Henrietta • Henry • Honey & Butter • Hoot • Hope • Huey, Duey, & Louie • Inky • Iris • Jacqueline • Jasper • Jewel • Jo • Joan • Jolene • Juan • Judy B Jones • Junebug • Junior • Kate • Katie Scarlet • Katy • Ken • Kiev • Kira • Lady • Ladybug • Larry, Moe & Curly • Lash • Laverne • Layla • Lay Verne • Lemon • Leonie • Lil’ Peeper • Lime • Little Maggie • Littles • Livean • Liza • Logan • Lola • Lorettie • Louise • Lucille • Lucille Ball • Lucy • Lulu • LuluBocko Brahma • Luna & Star • Madea • Madison • Mae • Maggie May • Maisy & Daisy • Maple • Margarita • Marge • Marigold • Marsala • Mary Ann • Mary Poopins • Matilda • May • Meg • Melissa • Memphis • Merecy • Meshach • Michelle • Midnight • Millicent • Millie Justice • Minnie • Miss Prissy • Mohawk • Mohawk Extra Toes • Molly • Moo Shu • Mother Clucker • Mrs. Hughes • Ms. Speck • Muffin • Muffs • Mumble • Meena, Myna & Moe • Nani • Napoleon • Nebucadnezzar • Netty • Nightstorm • Nilly • Nugget • Nutmeg • Nellie Anne • Oakley • Olive • Olivia • Omelet • Opal • Ophelia • Owlette • Pancho & Cisco • Panda • Parmesan • Paula Dean • Peach • Peanuts • Pearl • Pebbles • Pecky • Peckster • Pee Wee • Peep • Peeper • Penelope • Penny • Penguin, The • Petite • Phoebe • Phoenix • Piccata • Picket • Pinecone • Pinky Pie • Pipsqueak • Polka & Dot • Popcorn • Posey • Potpie • Princess Leia • Puff • Pup • Qawi • Reba • Red Wing • Reese & Puff • Remington • Rene • Rhonda • Roberta • Robin • Rose • Rosey • Rosie • RosieLilly • Roxanne • Ruby • Ruffie • Ruggles • Ruth Layer-Hensberg • Salt & Pepper • Samantha • Sand Piper • Sassy • Scarlet • Seven • Shadow • Shadrach • Shirlay • Silky Boy • Skitters • Skittles • Smalls • Snicker & Doodle • Snooki • Snow White • Snowy • Sophie • Spangler • Speedy 1 & 2 • Spitzy • Spice • Spike • Squirt • Star • Stella • Strider • Sugar • Summer • Sunny • Sunshine • Susie Q (Curly) • Sweet Pea • Sweetie • Tamar • Tetrazzini • Three Amigos • Tikka • Tillie • Tinsy • Tips • Tom & Jerry • Toto • Tulip • Thomas Train Engines: Annie, Clarabell, Emily, Henrietta, and Rosie • Vanilla • Velvet • Vera • Veronica • Vigorous • Vinny • Violet • Wickles • Wilhelmina • Wilma & Betty • Winny • Winston • Xana the Warrior • Yeti • Yeti & Yoda • Zigster • Zippy
Fun Comments About Good Chicken Names: 
• My hens will be named after famous chicken dishes: Marsala, Piccata (or Peckata ), Tikka, and Potpie. If I get a rooster, he would be named Kiev. — Evie Kuran Dieck
• We had three chicks hatch a week and a half before Easter, so we call them the Three Amigos. They made for fun pictures of my granddaughter & niece for Easter also. — Jamie N Ryan Debons
The Three Amigos — Jaime N Ryan Debons
  Novalynn, Jadelyn, and The Three Amigos — Jamie and Ryan Debons
• I have about 35 but started naming the most friendly. Right now we have Dempsey, she was injured at birth by another brood hen. Then Dottie, our blue splash Marans. This one pictured is Opal, our little Aloha hen. We also have: Spike, Bongo, Wickles, Velvet, Daisy, Pearl, Peanuts, Violet, Skitters, Ruffie, Puff, Mohawk, Nilly, Fancy Feet, and Littles. — Sheila Bishop
Opal — Sheila Bishop
• Three of the first four I got were named after the Schuyler sisters in Hamilton … Angelica, Eliza, and Pecky (Pecky is a play on the actual name of the 3rd sister, Peggy) and the 4th was named Dawn by my daughter, the next two were named after the Patil twins in Harry Potter … Padma and Parvati, but Parvati was soon found out to be a cockerel, so his name changed to Pavarotti; the next two were named Velma and Daphne from Scooby Doo, but sadly we lost Daphne to a hawk. I’m getting 4 more this Spring to complete my backyard flock and I’m hoping to stick to literary names! — Jessica Lancaster
• I’ve got 13! Amelia, Beatrice, Lucy, Ethel, Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Speck, Dorothy, Blanche, Rose. The other four I’m letting friends and family name and they haven’t decided yet. I’m about to name them after some favorite book characters if they don’t get with it! — Lori Worcester
• Out of 12 we have named a few. We have a Rhode Island Red named Lucy, after Lucile Ball of I Love Lucy, another Rhode Island Red named Ginger who is best buds with a Plymouth Barred Rock named Mary Ann, both named after the lovely characters of Gilligan’s Island. Then there is Nugget, he “or” she is an Ameracauna. — Eduardo Cabello
• Two Light Brahmas named Salt & Pepper. One Black Cochin and one White Cochin named Glenda (the white one) and Elphaba (black one). My Easter Eggers names will be Dorothy and Toto. — Tina Rogers-Higgins
• Chicken Patty, Henny Penny, Mary Poopins, Edith, Edna and Elle. — Corice Boyer
• Princess Leia. She doesn’t lay many eggs but hangs around the nest boxes a lot keeping order so her nickname is “The Janitor.” — Steve Tomashek
Princess Leia — Steve Tomashek
• My dinosaur obsessed five year old named our new three Blue, Charlie, and Delta. He calls them his pack of raptors. — Sarah Goodwin
• This year our new chicks are Shadow, Nightstorm, Angel, Summer, Ginger, Rosie, Bandit, Jewel, Pearl, Ruby, and Franchesca. Last year’s survivors are Anna (Elsa was killed by a neighbor’s dog), Thorn, Blackbeard, and two Barred Rocks with no/super fluid names. Our original flock are Prudence, Goldilocks, Snow White, Perry, Lulu, Henrietta, Napoleon. And roosters are Drumstick and Mr. Wattles. Can you tell I have kids? Ha Ha — Malissa Cline
• Roberta (after my husband), Henrietta, Ruby, April, Amelia, Ophelia, Clairetta, Red Wing, and Matilda who turned into Matthew once we learned he is a rooster! — Jamie Frazier-Olson
• Carl, Samantha, Juan, and Aflac! Juan is in the front. (The only one we can tell apart because of the light beak) Also, Juan might be Juanita! Started to hear quack sounds today. — Ashley Marie Rettig
Carl, Samantha, Juan, and Aflac — Ashley Marie Rettig
• I have three roosters named Bob, Not Bob, and Robert. Only two of the girls have names, Red (my Rhode Island Red) and Black Betty (Barred Rock) all the others are just Hey “Ladies.” — Heather Herendeen
• We have Benny & Joon, Wilma and Betty, Stella, Lola, Miss Prissy, Pj’s, Coffee, Teeth (the last 3 were named by our 5 year old), Yeller and Whitey (both named by our 3 year old). — Desi Becht
• Only named one of the 8 so far. Turns out she is blind. I named her Tillie. — Kelley Jane Kloub
Tillie — Kelley Jane Kloub
• Phoebe, Molly, Dixie, Penelope, Grace, Charlotte, Amelia, Coco, Olivia, Kate, Sophie. — Kathy Hansen Mulready
• My four kids ages 11, 9, 7, and 4 named ours: Vigorous, Peckster, Pep, Pipsqueak, Vinny, Cross Road,  Picket,  Freckles,  Cockadoodledoo,  Tips,  Beakster,  Robin,  Beaky,  Scarlet,  Ruby,  Cowie,  Cheeky, Pebbles, Drumstick, Clover, Mae, Penny, Tinsy, Zippy, Smalls, Merecy, Zigster, And our ducks: Duckie, Momo, Daisy Duck. — Amber Marie Wert
• Ken and Seven (# of toes!) Pictures here. Not seen are Gumdrop, Posey, Muffs, and Belle. — Meg McCreary Youngblood
Ken and Seven —Meg McCreary Youngblood
• Our ducks are Duck Duck and Ginger. Our chicks are Pup, Pinky Pie, Sweetie, Brownie, Sugar, and Spice. Named by my five and six year olds. — Kelly Hughes
• Buff Orpingtons are Bread and Butter. Light Brahmas are Vera and Francine. With my other hens the flock is known as Gladys and the Peeps. — Lucille Gardner
• Fluff, Emily (my 4 year old’s idea), Dorothy, Blanche, Popcorn and Moo Shu. — Emily Powell
• Cookie and Cream, Henny and Penny, Minnie, Daisy, and Clarebelle. — Sharon Krouse Miller
• Snicker and Doodle, Salt and Pepper, Dusty and Bunny, Luna and Star, Honey and Butter, Cinnamon and Sugar, and Sunny … we got a little carried away. — Sherri Grant
• Our Buff Orpington is Sunshine; Blue Ameracauna is Bluebelle; others are Sweetpea & Ladybug. — Gaylene Taylor Davidson
• Napoleon is my rooster, than Xena the warrior, she steals worms from the others, Katy, Gabrielle, Omelet, Annie, Oakley, Laverne and Petite. — Diane Zapka Christensen
• Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Ginger. — Irma Hladek
Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Ginger.
• Judy B Jones and Cupcake, named by my daughter. — Britni Davidson
• We have: Joan, Iris, Ester, Lucille, Ruby, Roxanne, Avaleach, Melissa, and Rosey. — Brenna Nicole
Joan, Iris, Ester, Lucille, Ruby, Roxanne, Avaleach, Melissa, and Rosey. — Brenna Nicole
• My current girls are Ethyl, Veronica, and Buffy. Previously: Biscuit (Leghorn), Cholula, Fiesta, Margarita, (Aracaunas), and Penny (Rhode Island Red)
• My kids named the buff Elvis and the leghorns are Huey, Duey, and Louie.
• My Red Star is Ruby. I have two Buff Orpingtons named Birdie and Betsy. My Four white Plywood Rocks are Ashley, Abby, Madison and Ruth Layer-Hensberg. — Rebecca Joy
• We got two adding to the group. Our first rooster we named Henry and Etta-leghorns (like Henrietta). — Dana Alexander-Brown
• We have speedy 1&2, we also have happy feet (chick was born with a deformed leg) and several others we have not named yet. — Jennifer Thompson
• We just got a Katie Scarlet, BlueBelle, Millie Justice, Effie Mae, and a Liberty Belle. — Shannon Briles Kana
• Dunkin (The Yorkie), Nugget (Top), Gossie (Left) and Bean (Right)! — Nicole Contos
Dunkin, Nugget, Gossie (Left) and Bean — Nicole Contos
• I have Panda, Cheek Cheek (my two year old named her), Nani, Goldiboks, Reese and Puff, and Dory. — Jessica Ogle
• I have four chicks named Jo, Meg, Rhonda, and Clarisse. Our granddaughter loves them! — Julie Sorenson
Jo, Meg, Rhonda, and Clarisse — Julie Sorenson
• Michelle, Junior and Belmont — Suzanne Morrell Crutcher
Michelle, Junior and Belmont — Suzanne Morrell Crutcher
• Miss Prissy, Peepers, Lucy, Sunshine, and Scarlet. We love them. — Glenda Szoka
• I quit naming after the first year. When I have nearly 100 birds… there is no keeping that straight. — Smantha Martin
• Cracker, Muffin, Cookies and Cream, Memphis, Phoenix, Ruffles, Hartley-Rose, Snowy, Black Beauty, GC, and BB. — Alyson Jayne
• Dottie Kay, Nellie Anne, and Ava Chanel (Ava cuz I love my truck – avalanche and both are black). — Robyn Smith-Demeuse
• Named my girls after my great, great aunts… Henrietta (Rhetta), Sophia (Hia), Matilda (Tilda) and Wilhelmina (Mina). — Heidi G. Malin
• Franny, Netty, Junebug, Bella, Winny, Snooki, Chippy and Jacqueline. The whole family got in on the naming process. — Bonnie Rolfes Duffy
Franny, Netty, Junebug, Bella, Winny, Snooki, Chippy and Jacqueline. — Bonnie Rolfes Duffy
• Amiga, Crazy Dot, lil’Peeper, Squirt, and the Barney’s. Who knows if they will stick. — Jody Eubanks
• My son named ours the bantam is flash the RIR is Supergirl and our Plymouth is Batgirl. — Kimberly Flenory
Batgirl and Supergirl — Kimberly Flenory
• Adele…. because she never stopped chirpin. — Aimee McGlinchey
• Amelia, my Cuckoo Maran. — Kathy Hansen Mulready
Amelia — Kathy Hansen-Mulready
• Anna and Elsa…guess who has a  granddaughter! — Rivkah B’racha
Anna and Elsa — Rivkah B’racha
• We have 10 girls, most have boy names though. Our girls are Nebucadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Strider, Hay Hay, Benipe, Hope, Charlotte, and Marge. — Tricia Sengul
• My boys named our Silkie/Sultan X’s (from back to front) Yeti, Cotton, and Lash. Lash had buff colored fluff over eyes at birth. — Jennifer Fox-Malechikos
Silkie/Sultan X’s (from back to front), Yeti, Cotton, and Lash — Jennifer Fox-Malechikos
• Lacey the Golden Lace Wyndotte; Goldie the Buff Orpington; Pearl the Silver Grey Dorking; Easter the Cream Legbar; Chickaletta the Silver Laced Cochrin. — Sarah Haly
• I named each batch of new arrivals out of new friends I had made! But roosters were always Handsome. — Cecile Jordan
• Buttercup and Fluffy Butt, named by a 3 year old. — Linda Terrell Nunes
• Copper, Edith, Bernice, Aurora (after Shirley McLaine’s character in Terms of Endearment), Ella, Pepper, Henry, Olive, and Antonina — Anna Atwell
• My girls are Minnie, Daisy, Clarabelle, Owlette, Dorothy, Rose & Blanche. — Miranda Craig
• Crooked Toes, Chipmunk Extra Toes, Mohawk Extra Toes, The Penguin, and The Former Penguin — Jes Marie Stark
• Rosie and Ginger, RIRs; Summer and Autumn, Wellsummers; Stormy and Puff (Cochins) — Lauren Linares
Rosie, Ginger, Summer, Autumn, Stormy, and Puff — Lauren Linares
• Mary Poopins — Spruce Ledge Farms
• Caruso (may or may not be a pullet), Rene, Leonie and Kira. Have one more opera singer to go! — Judy Biller
• Sam and Ella. (Y’know, “samanella”) — Christie Fletcher Munsell
• Jasper and Cammi — Jim Desjardins
• Sweet Pea — Dana Adkins
Sweet Pea — Dana Adkins
• Belle — Miranda Holland
Belle — Miranda Holland
• We named her Hoot. — Cheryl Foster
• Louise — Jodi Vaske
• Susie Q (Curly) — Eliza Hoffman
Susie Q (Curly) — Eliza Hoffman
• Penelope, Daliah, Marigold and Beatrice — Lindsay Mc
• Chickel O’Neill, Bocko Brahma, Omelet — Sarah Spiegel
• Fleeker, Boomer, Flo, Chips and Cheese — Ang Joh
• Caden’s duckling is named Frank! — Sue McNaughton
• Hens: [Australorp] Madea; [Buff Orph] Girlie; [3 Red Sex Links] Lucille Ball; [Random brown dotted hen] Pinecone; [White something] Snow White; [Bantam Chick ] Cher; [female mallard duck] Duckiegirl; [indian runner duckling pair] Pancho & Cisco. — Carie Jarrell
• Albert
Albert — Nichole Langmeyer
• Our last lot were named Burger, Tikka & Nugget. — Melinda Maclay-Ross
• Inky, Heddy, Cotton & Blue. — Robyn Grace Jennings
• Polka and Dot, Maisy and Daisy, Pearl, Buck, Lorettie, Dolly — Billie Jo Maedke
• My Easter Egger is named Bunny. — Linda Marie
• Mother Clucker, Ruby, Mumble, and Flutters. — Amanda Bland
• My kids named ours Featherfluff, Featherball, and Featherywhite. — Sarah Ritchie
• Olive, Ginger, Sunny, Lulu, Cookie, Gracie, Pearl — Ana Crowley
• Fluffy — Karen Atteberry
• Layla, Jolene, Cecelia, Maggie May, Billie Jean and Roxanne — Jen Next
• Tom, Jerry, Egger, Midnight, Yedi and Yoda — DeeDee Bricker
• My four chicks are, Ena, Meena, Myna and Moe. — Loretta Aranha
• Cecila, Floyd Frizzles — Deborah Young
• Esther, Tamar, and May — Kimberly Gunlock Walter
• Stella, Crow, LuLu, and Clover — Mandy Hopper
• Farrah, Sassy, Spike, and Pee Wee. — Kathy Barnett
• Larry, Moe, and Curly — Donna Grayson
Larry, Moe, and Curly — Donna Grayson
• Maple — Jennifer Orme
Maple — Jennifer Orme
• The Chicken Nuggets: Amelia Egghart, Eggy Sue, and Henrietta. — Emily Samms
Amelia Egghart, Eggy Sue, and Henrietta — Emily Samms
• Chica Poo Poo’s: Dolly, Reba, Lucy, Bella, Violet, Winston, Remington, Caribou, Ruby — Teri Foster
Dolly, Reba, Lucy, Bella,Violet, Winston , Remington, Caribou, and Ruby. — Teri Foster
• First play date outside. Penelope. — Erin Carlson
Penelope — Erin Carlson
• Iris — Angelina Turnbull
Iris — Angelina Turnbull
• Our boys love Thomas the train so our girls are all Thomas the Train engines: Annie, Clarabell, Emily, Henrietta, and Rosie. — Deanna Poehlman
Annie, Clarabell, Emily, Henrietta, and Rosie — Deanna Poehlman
• My 3 girls named Buttercup, Tulip, & Violet.
Buttercup, Tulip, & Violet
• Pekin babies named Little Maggie, and Panda. — Jane Germain
Little Maggie and Panda — Jane Germain
• Easter Eggers for Easter named Sunshine and Lady. Sunshine is the lighter yellow and Lady is the one with her eye liner on, her roots done and her Beak is always yapping! — Stephanie Klein
Sunshine and Lady — Stephanie Klein
• The Newcomers: Eugene a Silkie, Logan a Silkie, Livean a Belgian Mille Fleur, Fleur a B. Mille Fleur, Millicent a B. Mille Fleur, and Spangler a Silver Sebright. — Esther Grummet
• Arg Matey! Bethoven, “Lil Miss B.” — Jamie Schreck
• Owl or chick??!! Meet Hoot. We thought she looked so much like an owl we named her Hoot. — Rachel Lindsey
Hoot — Rachel Lindsey
• Skittles — Brittany Sullivan
Skittles — Brittany Sullivan
Do you have good chicken names? Share them in the comments below!
List: The Best Chicken Names — A to Z was originally posted by All About Chickens
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