#broccoli bar &pizza
leftpanty · 2 years
I think being able to eat pizza when ur drunk is one of the things that makes life worth living bc every slice of pizza u have when ur drunk is the best thing you've ever eaten in ur life
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plastic-rainbows · 4 months
AgeRe/Agedre Food Ideas!
Main courses:
- Grilled cheese
- Wildberry muffins
- Chicken nuggets
- Toaster waffles
- Macaroni & cheese
- Breaded Tofu
- Flavored oatmeal
- Veggie burger
- Hot dogs
- Microwave pancakes
- Pizza bagels
- Fish sticks
- PB&J sandwich
- Noodle cup
- Mini tacos
Sides, snacks, and sweets:
- Apple slices
- Pretzel twists
- Cheddar crackers
- Yogurt cups
- Carrot sticks
- French fries
- Scrambled eggs
- Dry cereal
- Granola bars
- Baby corn
- Mashed potatoes
- Gummy bears
- Pudding cups
- Tater tots
- String cheese
- Green beans
- Frosted cookies
- Mixed berries
- Graham crackers
- Raw broccoli
- Cheese puffs
- Fruit pouches
- Chocolate milk
- Orange juice
- Flavored water
- Homemade lemonade
- Kool aid
- Veggie smoothie
- Apple juice
- Sports drink
- Fruit punch
- Strawberry milk
- Protein shake
- Grape juice
Feel free to customize anything due to allergies, dietary restrictions, or preference. Bonus points if you cut your food up into cute shapes and use little dish sets for toddlers/kids!
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ataraxiaspainting · 1 month
The Floor is Breathing.
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Yan Overhaul x F Reader. 
Synopsis: You feel like both the witness and the victim in an uncommitted crime.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, stalking/non-consensual recording, mentions of binge eating, and some infantilization.
Word Count: 1k.
You can swear that these white walls blink.
Something, somewhere here, has eyes that look you up and down – you feel its breath on the back of your neck when you fall asleep facing a wall, the only decorated wall you have ever seen in this facility, actually. 
You’re not crazy. You have to remind yourself day in and day out of that fact, but you’re not crazy; you know another living being is in here with you, watching attentively.
Overhaul – no, “Kai” is what he forces you to call him now, says that there are no cameras in your room, but your gut screams otherwise.
You asked if he was sure, once, two days or four days, or six days ago – it should still be recent as you did not feel as isolated as you do now – and he responded by saying if he really wanted to keep a closer eye on you, he would just become your new roommate.
You’re unsure as to if that was a threat. He seemed happy when those words came out of his masked mouth, so perhaps it was just some unfunny gest. He made those sometimes, especially when he tries to coax you into taking vitamins every mealtime. Those jokes were as dull as the light brown and white pills piled up in a little cup meant for dipping sauces. Perhaps it was repurposed or Kai had ordered some from somewhere or he has some restaurant under his control somewhere.
Somewhere so dirty and filled with sugar and oils and artificial coloring. You’d die for just a sniff of pizza being served at an all-you-can-eat buffet or deep-fried cakes being served at a pop-up carnival. If health inspectors didn’t approve of such spots, or at the very most give them a C rating, then Kai wouldn’t go within two blocks of them. Much less let you. You’d stuff yourself to the brim like it is your last meal and compared to the boiled chicken and rice and broccoli you were given daily, chips and cookies may as well be.
A call of your name makes reality come back faster than a slap to the face – and hurts just as much.
“I asked you something, sweetheart. What do you want to do today?” Kai asks.
He didn’t seem angry or irritated as he repeated himself. His voice was still soft and the way he taps his foot against the pastel pink heart carpet reflects that. Times like these almost make you wish you were deaf. The words feel rehearsed but also feel as though they are straight from the heart like the actor was passionate enough in reciting their lines or was grossly in love with the story of the show. 
“I don’t know,” Unlike Kai, you forget your script quite often – aside from that one saying.
“You don’t know?” He’s still smiling. You know it.
“No.” You murmur. He puts an elbow on the small white table, stabilizing his head with his gloved hand. “I don’t.”
“I have some ideas,” The feeling of dread makes your stomach drop. Or was it your heart? Lungs, perhaps? You don’t know how to breathe right now, after all.
“I… don’t know, Kai.”
“You said that already.”
For your sanity, you choose to look at your freshly remade bed instead of his eyes. The rabbit plush you were given on your third or so day here lays alone on top of your singular pillow. The bars surrounding the sides reminded you of a crib. You’re only allowed to put your legs over the railing when Kai comes to your room in the morning and you’re not allowed to get out by yourself; he grabs your hand to assist you.
“Do you want to know what my ideas are?”
You’re not allowed to say no to anything Kai suggests. It’s an unspoken rule, unlike the ones for your room. “Um… okay…”
“Well,” Kai begins, his other arm being laid out on the table. His palm is facing upwards and you know what that means.
Your hand moves towards his – you try your best not to flinch this time in response to his slight grip, but you fail.
Kai chooses not to notice it for now. Just a small treat for this morning’s hug.
“I was thinking we could go to my office. Just for a change of scenery.” His thumb moves back and forth across your knuckles. “We could bring your colored pencils or your book if you’d like. It’s still noon, so we have some time before your daily check-in.”
You had opted for your book in the end, although you regret your choice now because two of the four walls in Kai’s office have windows, and just outside of them were uncrowded streets that lead up to small hills on either side. The hue of the grass was off – a dull brown – but considering it was about time for autumn to roll around, you didn’t judge. Not that you could, anyway.
Could you ask to go back and get your colored pencils? You attempt to dismiss the thought by imagining future possibilities. Kai seems to be working on his computer right now though, and the guards outside wouldn’t let you leave by yourself anyway.
To hell with it, you think. It’s fine. He won’t get mad. 
At least… you hope so.
You walk over slowly until you are nearly touching his left shoulder. “Can I please get my colored-”
It’s you, from different angles and at different times of day – even some videos of you before you were kidnapped. They are of you sleeping, of you eating, of you looking under your bed. They are of you putting on socks, of you microwaving dinner after a long workday, of you talking on the phone with friends for hours. They are long and short – you can see some of them even repeat. Oh fuck. Is there a camera in this room too, or-
Before you can continue analyzing, Kai slams his laptop shut.
“Go back to reading, sweetheart.” It’s an order – you know it from the way he does not blink and the way his arms cross. He didn’t want you to see his screen; that fact is as clear as a cloudless sky. “You can color another day, okay?”
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agxos-kai-neyra · 8 months
What I eat in a day: 580kcal ( I added more just to be sure😅)
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Action chocolate bar 86kcal
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Lunch for 170 calories
Barbastathis vegetables 36kcal
1 turkey slice 22 kcal
Tomato 22 kcal
Two corn cakes 42 kcal
12gr Light cream cheese 24kcal
15ml Balsamic cream 20kcal
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Dinner 325kcal
175gr Broccoli 65kcal
Pita bread pizza kinda like 234kcal ( pita bread 122kcal, napoletana sauce 18kcal, cheese slice 74kcal, turkey slice 22kcal)
Royal triangle light cheese 31kcal
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detentiontrack · 2 months
Inside out 1 and 2 imply that emotions know what things taste like (their joy over pizza, Disgust’s hatred of broccoli, Envy saying the granola bars taste like cardboard, the little worker guys drinking coffee, Anxiety’s anxie-tea) which implies either 1. Emotions can eat or 2. Emotions share gustatory senses with Riley and can taste what she tastes.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Happy 2k followers! If it’s alright could I make a request for my birthday using the 2k prompts with Eddie/hellfire room/birthday cake?
Very fluffy fic incoming! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none, all fluff!
WC: 1.2k
“Okay, okay, yeah. No, I totally understand,” you say into the receiver, willing your voice not to crack. “I hope everything gets cleaned up quickly.” You slam the phone back on the hook, punctuating your aggravation with a string of curses. 
“That sounds like it went well,” your neighbor, Dustin, quips, munching on a granola bar. Any time he comes to your house, he manages to find your snack stash. 
You bury your head in your hands. “That was Meg’s Café,” you explain. “Apparently a pipe burst last night and flooded the whole place.”
“Shit,” Dustin mutters, taking another bite. There’s nothing more indestructible than a teenager’s appetite. “That’s where you were having Eddie’s birthday party!”
“Oh, really?” you retort, voice dripping with sarcasm. “That hadn’t occurred to me; thanks!” You sigh as Dustin flips you the bird. “Where are we gonna find space to throw him a whole party in…” you check your watch, “...three hours?!” You turn to the younger boy, who’s already moved on from your crisis in search of more food. “Dustin, focus!”
“Sorry, jeez.” He holds his hands up in surrender. “I can’t think on an empty stomach.” 
You roll your eyes and reach into your fridge, pulling out a crown of broccoli and tossing it to him. “Go nuts.”
He takes a big bite just to spite you. “Okay,” he says, “let’s consider our options.” He puts the vegetable down on the counter. “We could have it here.”
You shake your head; the apartment you share with your mom is barely big enough for the two of you. “Too small.”
Dustin nods. “I’m guessing Eddie’s trailer is also out, then.” He sighs in exasperation. “My mom would never let me throw a party, so that rules out my place, too.” He taps his chin before raising his pointer finger excitedly, like a mad scientist with an ingenious idea. “How about the Hellfire room? We can decorate it, order some pizzas, cut a cake—”
“The cake!” you groan. “Meg’s was gonna have one for us!” 
Without saying another word, Dustin darts across the hall to his own apartment. Communication is not his strong suit, you think wryly. He comes back moments later, out of breath and clutching two rolls of cookie dough and a bag of potato chips. 
“Let’s bake ourselves a cake,” he pants, plopping the tubes on the stove. 
“With sour cream and onion chips?”
“Oh, that’s for me. Though the broccoli was much appreciated.”
Dustin quickly recruits the rest of Hellfire Club—and Steve Harrington, their reluctant chauffeur—to decorate, while you two start on the cake. 
“I need a rolling pin,” you tell him as you open the plastic casing. He dutifully hands you the tool. “I hope Eddie is okay with a chocolate chip cookie cake,” you murmur. 
Dustin chortles. “Please,” he says, “that man would eat dirt if you were the one serving it to him.” You feel your cheeks heat up, and you try to focus on rolling out the dough. You and Eddie have been friends forever, but you’ve only been dating for a few months. That’s why it’s especially important for everything to be perfect. 
“Don’t believe me?” Dustin continues. “Ask Lucas and Mike. One time you left him a cute note in his locker, and he kept looking at it during Hellfire. Couldn’t even stay in his DM character. And this is the guy who once puked and came back to finish a campaign like nothing happened.”
“Okay, okay,” you say, placing the dough in the oven. “I’m gonna call everyone and let them know about the change of venue. Just take the cake out when the timer goes off.” He gives you a little salute as you make your way through the guest list. 
“Cake’s done!” Dustin calls out as you wrap up your final call. The smell of freshly-baked cookies wafts through the air. “Just gotta let it cool.” He looks over at you before blurting out, “So, uh, do you love Eddie?”
“I, um,” you choke on your words. “I don’t really know what love feels like. Like, romantic love.”
“Well,” he starts, plopping onto a kitchen chair, “when you get news—good or bad—who’s the first person you wanna tell? When you think about your future, who’s there? Who makes you smile more than anyone else? Whose sadness makes you sad?”
It’s the same answer for all of his questions. “Eddie.”
“So, there ya go!” Dustin exclaims, slapping the table. “Now all you gotta do is tell him.” He says it like it’s no big deal; like you wouldn’t be baring your heart to him. What if it was too soon? What if he thought you were rushing things?
Your nerves are already at an all-time high, but when you hear Wayne and Eddie’s voices traveling down the Hawkins High hallway, your heart feels like it’ll pound out of your chest. 
“So you’re applying to be a custodian?” Eddie’s saying, disbelief tinging his tone.
Wayne coughs. “Uh, yup. Figured you could show me where your club meets before my interview.” His voice is so stilted and awkward; for everything he’s good at, Wayne Munson is not an actor. 
The doorknob turns, and your stomach feels like it’s filled with lead-winged butterflies. “This is the Hellfire–” Eddie stops in his tracks as he takes in the sight before him. All of the club members plus Max Mayfield yell out, “Surprise!”, and you watch as a huge grin spreads across your boyfriend’s face.
“Happy birthday!” You bound over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“Baby,” he murmurs once he wills himself to pull his lips away from yours, “did you do all this?”
“Kind of?” You laugh at his bemused expression. “This was gonna be at Meg’s, but they had a flood, so everyone helped me move the party here.” You glance at the table behind you, where people are already digging into the pizza pies. “I was hoping for more of a sit-down dinner, but we had to make do.”
“Tell him about the cake!” Dustin shouts, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“Cake?” Eddie asks, cocking an eyebrow.
“Yeah…Meg’s was also supposed to provide a birthday cake, so Dustin and I whipped up one using cookie dough.” You’d managed to find a tube of blue gel icing in your cabinet, and you’d written Happy Birthday Eddie with a little heart on top of your makeshift cake. “I know it’s not exactly what you wanted, but it’s all we had on hand…”
Eddie shuts you up with another kiss. “Not exactly what I wanted? Babe, I’m surrounded by my favorite people at a party thrown for me by the girl I love. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
You’re so touched by his words that you nearly miss his confession. “Wait, you…you love me?”
He nods, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I love you so damn much, it scares me,” he admits, letting out a little laugh.
“I love you, too, Eddie.” You’re about to bring him in for a passionate kiss–audience be damned–when you’re interrupted by a certain curly-haired meddling freshman.
“Told you!”
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fandom-junk-drawer · 7 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 15
It started with Jaskier laughing at Yennefer sneezing her mouth full of salad on the kitchen table while he was in the middle of eating. A few bits of his ham and cheese sandwich tumbled out of his mouth, landing in his glass of tea. "F**khh--!"
"Ha!" Yennefer laughed, "That's what you get!"
Jaskier opened his mouth and showed Yennefer the rest of his chewed up sandwich just to be childish. It fell into his glass.
"Godsd*mmit!" He snarled vehemently as Yennefer cackled.
Geralt took the glass, stirred the mess with the straw, then handed it back to Jaskier and said, "I dare you to drink it!"
Jaskier hesitated for a second. He'd eaten worse. H*ll, he'd licked a gas station toilet seat once! This was nothing! It was just tea and some wet bread. He drank the soggy mess.
"Meh," he said with a shrug. "Kind of bland, actually."
Geralt took the glass and sniffed the little bit of sludge left at the bottom, then drank it. "I'd give it a 2 out of 10."
Jaskier took the glass back and poured in a little milk, added a handful of crumbled up crisps, a spoonful of mustard, and a splash of orange juice.
And unspoken contest had just begun. Yennefer watched mutely as Jaskier drank half the concoction, then passed the other half to Geralt. They both made faces and gave their opinions on the taste.
"That tastes like a f**ked up Dreamsicle!" Jaskier announced, making a face. Geralt gagging slightly on the crisp mush, nodded his agreement.
The glass was rinsed out, and this time, a soda was poured into it. Geralt added a handful of M&Ms, a piece of leftover fried fish from last night's dinner, mayonnaise, and a scoop of pineapple pieces into the blender. This was then poured into the glass of soda.
Geralt and Jaskier each drank some.
"You're both morons!" Yennefer said, laughing at the faces they were making as they tried to get the taste out of their mouths.
The next 'drink' consisted of spaghetti, grape juice, Lucky Charms, soy sauce, and a Snickers bar. The drink was divided and then consumed. It was chunky, and Geralt was having a little trouble getting it down. He took a breath, and sucked it down in one go.
Jaskier was trying to drink his portion as fast as he could, trying not to think too much about the chunky bits. Yennefer was holding her breath when he gagged and she saw his cheeks puff up before he swallowed heavily with a shudder.
"That tasted horrid!" He said weakly.
"It wasn't that bad," Geralt claimed.
"Bullsh*t, I saw you gag, too! And you cheated! You did that guzzling trick, so of course you didn't really taste it!"
Uh-oh, they were arguing. Yennefer hoped that maybe this whole stupid game was going to end. Unfortunately no, it was not over yet. Her boys were dumber than she'd given them credit for.
"Okay," Geralt said, "Let's just blend them up really well, and drink them with straws."
"How about we each make one and split them?"
"Hm. Good idea!"
Jaskier's creation included broccoli, bacon grease, lemon juice, half a slice of supreme pizza, peanut butter crackers, half a bottle of A** Reaper Hot Sauce, and some crumbled up chocolate cake.
Geralt's mixture contained milk, raw eggs, some kind of powdered fruit-flavored drink mix, mustard, breakfast sausage, and two sardines.
"You're going to get sick!" Yennefer warned as she watched Geralt spoon a heaping mound of chili paste into the blender.
Geralt would probably just get a mild stomach ache, but Jaskier with his acid reflux? Oh, he was going to be hurting.
"Hm!" Geralt grunted dismissively
She tried one more time to be the voice of reason as the two morons divided the Horror Cocktails between them.
"Jaskier, babe, you probably shouldn't drink that. It's going aggravate your acid reflux. Remember what happened with the Firecracker shrimp--!"
"Hush, witch, this is man business!"
"Fine, give yourselves the sh*ts, "
"Where are you going?"
"To the back yard to dig the hole I'm going to bury your stupid a** in."
Jaskier stuck his tongue out at her while simultaneously giving her the finger as she left.
"Mine first!" Jaskier said, pouring half the slurry he'd made into two glasses. He added a straw to each, then pushed one glass over to Geralt. They clinked their glasses together, and seconds later, Geralt and Jaskier were sucking down the liquefied horror.
Their exclamations of revulsion could be heard all the way to Yennefer's bedroom. They were quickly followed by the sounds of two men who were convinced their tongues were on fire.
I'm living with dumba**es. Yennefer thought to herself as she listened to them drink the sludge Geralt had made, then curse and blow and pant and make gargling noises as they chugged milk to kill the burn.
She could picture it so clearly. Jaskier and Geralt dancing around the kitchen, swearing and panting. They would be huffing long breaths in through their mouths to cool the burning sensation. Their lips would be on fire.
Geralt had heard somewhere that hair absorbed the oils that caused the burning, so they would both be rubbing handfuls of Geralt's hair on their mouths and tongues.
The noises died down after a few minutes, and Yennefer went back to her book. Her peace was disrupted about an hour later by the sounds of two jacka**es experiencing stomach issues. Geralt was in the upstairs bathroom, and Jaskier was in the downstairs, both of them sh*tting what felt like liquid fire.
When the smell began seeping out into the rest of the house, Yennefer opened a few windows and shoved some towels into the gaps under the bathroom doors. She felt only a tiny bit bad about trapping her boys in there with the horrible stench, but hey, natural consequences.
Geralt was confused and mortified as he sat on the toilet in an expanding miasma that was making him gag. He was a Witcher, and he wasn't supposed to have problems like this! F**k, he could eat roadkill, or eat out of the garbage and be fine! Witchers were made to survive on anything, they weren't supposed to get the sh*ts from a little mixed up food! His bowels cramped painfully...
Jaskier was shaking on the downstairs toilet. His stomach and his a**hole were aflame. Oh gods, this was worse than the Firecracker Shrimp incident! The heartburn, the acid in the back of his throat, the fire in his guts... This was Hell. He was in Hell. There was no other place he could be. It was pain and misery, and was that brimstone he smelled? Phew! That was rancid! Oh, sh*t, he was drooling...
Geralt: *unintelligeble cursing*
Jaskier: *barfing and sh*tting simultaneously*
Geralt: *terrifying explosive noises*
Jaskier: My a**hole's on fire!
Yennefer did the only thing she could think of to help in the situation. She cranked the volume of the stereo up, and played "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash.
Howls of outrage and distressed digestive noises rang out from the bathrooms.
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klapollo · 1 year
under the assumption that people making those "i forget to eat all day and then eat two blueberries" posts are being earnest and would actually like help for this, here are some calorie dense lazy meals that can help you make sure youre getting enough food quickly from your local eating disorder recovery dude who knows way too much about calories and nutrition
peanut butter sandwich. any variation or any other nut butter is fine, but make sure it's a real butter with oil etc, not the powdered stuff. peanut butter is very calorie dense and has protein and fat. pairings like bananas, wheat bread, and other quick additions can bulk it up
granola. granola is super calorie dense even in small amounts. throw a bunch into some full fat yogurt with some fruit, drizzle honey or maple syrup if youre up to it and feeling fancy. add nuts, chocolate, whatever.
chocolate -- one bar is usually between 250-500 calories depending on size.
nuts!!!! nuts have tons of calories and lots of protein and healthy fats. one cup of walnuts is 500+ calories -- i'd also suggest these w full fat yogurt and fruit for extra bulk/protein.
COOK WITH OIL!! a little goes a long way. butter is also an option.
avocados. avocado toast is the millenial joke but put a thick layer of avocado on a couple fat slices of bread (toasted if youd like) and toss seasonings and whatever youd like on it for a good dose of fat fiber and carbs. if you have the energy, add an egg for extra protein
pasta. cook an entire box of pasta ahead of time and keep it in the fridge, reheat on low energy days. a bowl can give you a good amount of calories, even more if you add sauce/cheese/etc. rice is also a good option -- especially if you Throw An Egg On It(tm) again.
bananas arent super high calorie but they have higher calories than most fruit, so mix them with other things (on toast, in yogurt, etc) to bulk up
mix and match these foods if you want calorie bombs that can make up for a day of undereating, ex: a bowl of full fat yogurt with bananas, nuts and chocolate chips, pasta with olive oil and cheese, avocado toast with thick bread and oil drizzle.
this is just a starting point. go for meals that have a good mix of carbs, protein, fiber and fat. doesnt matter where it comes from, just get it in. pizza. sweet potato with butter. a frozen broccoli bake. canned chili with rice. egg and cheese on a bagel. getting all your calories in one meal is NOT recommended but if you struggle eating throughout the day you can bulk out what you do eat to make sure youre not hurting your body.
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re-bec-ca-ann · 2 years
New Year's Eve, 1986
Summary: Steve cooks dinner for The Party on New Year's Eve while wearing his mother's old "Kiss The Cook" apron.
Read on AO3.
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Artwork by the talented @yendts​!
The apron isn’t even his. His dad had given it to Steve’s mom when he was in grade school as a joke. Cooking was a rare affair in the Harrington household, but when the nanny was out sick or unavailable due to prior commitments, Mrs. Harrington would muster the will to prepare a bowl of cereal or a plate of scrambled eggs and toast for her son before he ran out the door to catch the bus. Regardless of the dish's simplicity, she was adamant about wearing an apron to avoid staining her fancy silk shirts or lace-adorned blouses. Up until a certain point, before Steve was deemed old enough to use a stove or face a full day of school on a single granola bar, she would entertain his insistence at planting a boyish peck on the apple of her cheek when she hooked the apron on her neck and secured the strings around her fine waist. As Steve grew in age, height, and ability, those light and heartwarming moments between mother and son became less and less frequent. By high school, he was relying on chalky protein bars in the morning, school lunches, and cold pizza or TV dinners that required a microwave and a quick stir. 
Things are different now. Hawkins is different. Steve is different. 
The town, while no longer the gateway to hell, borders on desolation. Those wealthy enough to vacate put their houses on the market or took the hit and fled within days and even hours of the supposed earthquake—including Steve’s parents. He came home one day following a shift at Family Video to find a FOR SALE sign pitched in the front yard without a word from his parents. Robin helped him box his belongings and Eddie offered the wide belly of his van to transport his belongings to a two-bedroom apartment in his price range. 
So while many have retreated to supposed greener pastures, The Party remains. Steve’s not certain Hawkins will be his home forever, but for now, it’s where he needs and wants to be. The determination to see Dustin, Max, Lucas, and even Mike fucking Wheeler survive high school and live out their weird, awkward, and nerdy teenage years with some semblance of peace keeps him steady and focused. And the distraction of caring keeps the pain that nips at his heels from rising any higher. 
That’s why tonight, on New Year’s Eve, he isn’t getting blasted at a bar or cozying up with some stranger at a house party. Instead, he’s in his cramped apartment kitchen managing a nearly full stove and a blistering oven while “Manic Monday” by The Bangles plays on the radio. Sweat is beading at his temples along his hairline from the forced warmth the appliances are emitting. He uses the tea towel draped across his broad shoulder to dab the moisture up before snatching the wooden spoon that’s laying across the bubbling water to stir the softening pasta. He’s not sure if everyone even likes chicken alfredo or what teen will stomach a side of roasted broccoli, but he knows Max is hardpressed for a homecooked meal, Robin likes to consider herself cultured and will force down anything, and there’s nothing a quick swat to the side of Dustin’s big head can’t cure. As for Eddie, he seems content to scarf down whatever he happens upon—dry cereal, lukewarm beer, a gourmet meal, a can of cold beans. The guy eats like he’s not sure when the opportunity will present itself again—and doesn’t that make Steve’s insides twist and his heart clench. 
They arrive in a flurry. Cold air from the hallway rushes into the kitchen every time the door is shoved open without a knock. At this point, they all have keys, Steve both desperate to avoid silence and eager to give them all a getaway when needed. Sure, he regrets the decision on the occasion that Dustin uses it to host a game of Dungeons and Dragons without warning, but he doesn’t mind when those impromptu game nights lead to Eddie playing a new record for Steve in the living room after the campaign comes to a close. In those instances, it’s common for Steve and Eddie to doze off on the blue plaid couch given to him by Robin’s parents until one of them jerks awake from a nightmare or a neighbor slamming a door shut. More often than not, Steve is the one to wake, and after he chugs a glass of water in hopes of settling his nerves, he grabs the sherpa blanket from the hall closet and drapes it across Eddie’s prone form.
He doesn’t know who will stay tonight, but he used what was left of his last paycheck to buy a few more blankets and pillows just in case he has a full house of drowsy kids and friends. 
They all greet Steve in their own unique and annoying ways. 
“Is that broccoli I smell? Steve, my mom feeds me enough vegetables, dude.” Dustin complains with a whiny tone. 
Lucas tells him about what basketball skill he’s on the verge of mastering; Erica rolls her eyes with so much piss and vinegar that it has him questioning how she hasn’t lost an eyeball yet. 
Max grunts out a “hey” as she uses a cane to maneuver the small space. 
The carpool crowd of the Wheeler siblings, Byers siblings, El, and Argyle patter in with such a subdued and quiet energy that he barely notices until Jonathan’s pat on the back causes him to crane his neck around. 
Before he can turn back to the simmering alfredo sauce, Robin is lifting herself onto the only space of open, clean countertop next to him. She gives his shoulder a flick, sticks a finger in the sauce, offers a nod of approval, and starts yammering about her day with more details than his brain can compute. Regardless, he does his best to keep up and nods when he loses track of the narrative. 
Eddie is the last to arrive, and Steve certainly notices enough to turn around and away from the steaming stove. The metalhead shoots through the door like a loose canon, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he kicks off his weathered sneakers. They land half on the mat and half on the tiled floor as he announces his presence with an abundance of zest and enthusiasm. Nancy catches sight and bends down to shift them over. Steve laughs and turns back to the sink where he needs to drain the industrial-size amount of fettuccine. 
“Hold up,” Robin quips, voice a whisper but tone alarmed. Against his better judgment, Steve freezes when he realizes that what he’s wearing is the catalyst for her surprise. When he has anyone over for dinner, he typically finishes cooking prior to them entering the apartment. 
Shit, he thinks, glancing down at the apron with a grimace. 
Everyone erupts into either howls of laughter or fake gags. He flicks Dustin’s hat off of his head and scowls at Mike. His middle finger is raising on its own accord, but El shifts into his line of vision and pushes onto her toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek. His hand drops and he smiles at the genuine sweetness he discovers on El’s face. 
“Thank you for cooking for us, Steve,” she says without preamble. 
“Yeah, my perfect-haired dude,” comes Argyle’s deep, drawn-out voice as he steps forward and into Steve’s space. “Many thanks for opening your humble abode up to us.” The kiss lacks the gentleness of El’s, but it’s full of unhindered appreciation. The shock of it brings a warmth to the apples of Steve’s cheeks. 
No one else seems to be getting in line so Steve coughs to clear his head and the air. “Right, uh,” he mumbles out. “Food should be done shortly, so grab a drink and sit the hell down—and try not to break anything,” he finishes with a pointed look at Mike and Dustin.
Before he can spin on his heels and hide his face from view, Eddie’s doe eyes latch on to his. His usual pale skin has a dusting of color that mirrors the blush wine Nancy is uncorking and he’s tugging at the cuffs of his jacket sleeves. The thing that really makes Steve’s stomach swoop, however, is the intensity that’s swirling in the metalhead’s brown irises. They both swallow and drop one another’s gazes. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see that Robin’s mouth is slightly ajar. “Jeez, Steve,” she grits out, this time actually in a whisper just for their ears. “Here I am still working on getting my first kiss from a girl, and you’ve got a freakin’ queue going. Step right up! Take your pick! Come one, come all! The boy wonder is awaiting with his pouty lips and brooding stare.”
Steve chuckles and shakes his head at her antics but his face turns a little sour after a moment. “There’s only one person I’m hoping will be in that line at midnight, Robs.” 
“I know, I know,” she acknowledges. “Don’t play dumb though. Did you see his face? I’m surprised he didn’t lunge like a rabid dog or melt into the floor and become a permanent fixture," she comments. “By the way, very tactile selection of cooking attire.”
Steve scoffs in disbelief. “I didn’t wear this on purpose!”
“Sure, you didn’t,” she quips with an exasperated eye roll. “I believe you.”
“Screw you, Robs!”
Before sitting down at the table, Steve makes sure to shuck off the apron and hang it on the handle of the oven. 
Dinner involves a cacophony of slurping, happy hums of contentment, and the boys discussing what movies they want to see next year and complaining about their fast-approaching return to the halls of Hawkins High with irritated digs from Max and Erica sprinkled in. Throughout most of it, Steve finds himself observing. Robin talks between bites of food to a smirking Nancy. Jonathan and Argyle are looking longingly at the food and savoring each bite—a telling glaze clouding their respective eyes. Eddie seems to be doing the same as Steve. Taking it all in. He knows the metalhead has his bandmates, but this mismatched, makeshift gang takes the cake. Steve doesn’t try to even understand it. He doesn’t know why but it works. They work. 
From across the table, their eyes cross paths once again and pause. It’s always hard to peel his gaze away from Eddie—especially as of late. They’ve grown closer. Spending more and more time in each other’s atmospheres. Sometimes with no real reason aside from having nowhere else to go or not wanting to be anywhere else. Steve’s had friends, mates he’d throw parties with, toss a football around with, grab a burger and fries with. But this is something all its own. 
Robin is his best friend. Someone he spills his guts to on the daily. Eddie is on the cusp of that, but there’s another layer there that Steve is working through at a rate and ease he never expected. He hates Eddie’s taste in music. He hates the volume at which he listens to it. He hates how much his energy never seems to wane. But he also likes Eddie. A lot.
When the realization made itself known, it slammed into his chest and clobbered him upside the head. Another theoretical concussion to really scramble his brain and tear through every belief he had about himself. Robin was there to help him through it. Determined to convince Steve that the same instant acceptance he offered her was what he deserved too. The uncertainty still appears from time to time, but he’s proud of himself. He feels as though the hard edges crafted by his parents and his former coaches and the Country Club of Hawkins have been all but chipped away to reveal someone he recognizes and wants to get to know better. And that someone appreciates and longs for the companionship of a woman or a guy—or at least Eddie Munson.
He knows he’s about to trip face-first over the line between what’s an OK amount of time to hold someone’s stare, but Eddie has resorted to sticking his tongue out in a messy attempt to catch a noodle that’s dangling from his fork. Steve decides it's gross and endearing. He keeps his responding smile small and feels child-like joy blossom in his chest. It begs him to snatch a piece of broccoli from his plate and throw it at the other man. Against his well-trained judgment, he does just that. The floret gets caught in a frizzy curl and hangs mid-air. The look of feigned offense that blooms on the metalhead’s face ignites a chocked-out laugh in Steve’s throat. It’s loud enough to catch the attention of everyone at the table. Moments later, broccoli is catapulting in all directions. It lands on plates, in the sink, down shirts, and on the floor. Steve puts a stop to the chaos when he spots Mike grabbing for a noodle coated in alfredo sauce.
During clean-up efforts, Eddie saddles up behind a kneeling Steve to pluck a piece of food from his chestnut mane and popping it in his mouth. “I’ll give it to you, Harrington,” he comments with a playful husk to his voice, “you make food that’s good enough to eat and wear.” 
“Gross, Eddie!” hollers Mike at the interaction. “You probably just consumed at least half of a can of hairspray!”
Eddie shrugs and says, “I’ve eaten worse,” and saunters into the living room. 
They’ve been doing this for a few months now. Engaging in exchanges that border on innocent and flirtatious. Eddie gives just as good as Steve, if not better if the former jock tallies the number of times he’s left sputtering or with a warmth seeping across the surface of his skin. Steve knows Eddie is gay. Eddie is smart about not letting that flag fly in the “real” world—he has to be in Hawkins—but in the safe confines of The Party or even at The Hideout, Eddie allows it to wave with ease. 
At first, Steve suspected that the metalhead was just a flirt or found joy in making other people squirm. But Robin was quick to correct his thinking. Noting how there was a clear difference. While Argyle loved up on each and every person willing to receive his affections, Eddie reserved his heated lines, looks, and touches for Steve and Steve only. After a while, the former jock couldn’t deny Robin’s observations. And yet, there’s still a doubtful piece of him that wonders if it’s all a joke. A means to an easy laugh at the expense of Steve’s forgotten macho persona. And the thing is, Steve wouldn’t blame Eddie. He gets that he was an entitled, hotshot asshole. But the hurt and disappointment that bubble beneath the surface at the possibility are so very real. 
For the remainder of the night, the group plays board games in the living room, using the wobbly coffee table to roll dice and move pawns. There isn’t enough space for everyone to gather around it, so they team up and take turns. Eventually, Steve exits to the kitchen with Robin and Nancy. They sit at the table, Nancy telling Robin about what classes she’s taking next term at Emerson. Steve tries to listen, but he notices the pile of dirty plates in the sink and the urge to not wake up to them in the morning is enough to pull him away from the conversation. He lets the water heat up and reaches for the apron. He’s taking a chance at being the butt of another joke, but he’s ruined one too many shirts to questionable stains at this point for his minimum wage job to handle. He’s halfway through the stack of dishes when the music sounding from the radio comes to a halt and he hears a cassette being clicked into the tape player. The chords, the bass, the beat—everything is heavy from the start. Steve guesses it’s Metallica, but he knows it’s Eddie at the helm. 
He wants to yell at him to turn it down, fearful of his ancient neighbors, but Dustin’s joyous hoot at the song choice drags the demand back down his throat. It’s New Year’s Eve, he thinks—they can suffer for one night. 
He imagines the pair thrashing around the space, throwing their bodies onto the couch. As they get older, Steve feels more and more like a parent to Dustin. Not a babysitter. They joke about him being the “mom” of the group and to be honest, Steve has stopped fighting the label. He kinda is. He’s not sure where that leaves Eddie. Ever wild and whimsical. He supposes he’s the fun guardian. Who keeps watch but not in a meddling manner or worrying way. They’re a good team when he thinks about it. 
He must get so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t realize someone is next to him drying the clean but dripping plates until an elbow is poking into his side. 
Eddie grins at him.
“Can’t let you have all the fun.”
Steve rolls his eyes and lets a smirk tug at his lips. “Never.”
They finish the dishes in somewhat silence, Eddie bobbing his head to whatever hellish tune comes on next and flicking drops of water at Steve. The former jock is seconds away from spraying the water flow into his face when Mike’s voice screeches, “Ten minutes and counting! Get in here or you’re gonna miss it, losers.”
El shushes him, and Robin and Nancy grab their glasses of either wine or champagne from the table and head to where the group is quieting down to listen to the news broadcast live from Times Square in New York City. Steve from three years ago might have convinced himself that he liked the noise and the crowds and the flashy outfits and expensive liquor, but now, between his abused skull and his cracked-open heart, he’s confident in his whereabouts. 
While Eddie tosses the plates with a carelessness that threatens to make Steve’s eye twitch into the cupboard, Steve dries off his hands and moves to remove the apron. The metalhead reaches out to stop him halfway through, the back undone, but the apron still hanging loosely from his neck. Steve looks down. The hand sprawled out on the center of his chest is adorned with chipped black nail polish and clunky sterling silver rings. The one on his middle finger is of a bat that Dustin and Steve chipped in to get him for a graduation present.
Steve pulls his gaze up to search Eddie’s face for an explanation. The same heat he witnessed in the other’s expression earlier in the evening is back. 
“I never got a chance,” Eddie says softly between them. 
A chance? A chance to what? To kiss the him? 
Steve worries that his own silence is the reason for the hesitation that’s mixing with the heat in Eddie’s eyes now. But what if he’s reading it wrong? The possibility tightens his throat with building pressure. Still, seeing the other man uncertain and unsure reminds him too much of the terrified version he first tangled with in the boat house—so much so that he pushes past it and takes a leap. 
“You don’t need the apron’s permission.”
Eddie blinks, the fearful fog lifting from his eyes. “No?”
Steve’s bravery bounds. “I want you to kiss me, Munson.”
Eddie nods as if to confirm he’s gathering and comprehending what’s being communicated. The metalhead’s hand is still on his chest, and Steve feels the need to ground himself, so he grips the edge of the counter with his left hand and wraps the fingers of his right around the other man’s wrist. Eddie bunches the material of the apron at the touch. 
“Midnight is,” Eddie breathes out, glancing at the clock on the wall, “eight minutes away. We could wait.”
Steve shakes his head, somewhat disbelieving at his own transparency when he replies, “Don’t want to.” 
Their lips meet like a wave crashing along the unsuspecting shore. They move with and against one another, pushing and pulling, trying to claim and be claimed. The heat originally reserved for their gazes has transferred to their mouths and tongues and teeth and hands. Steve releases his hold on the sink and the metalhead's wrist to instead grip Eddie’s hips. Eddie slides his palms and fingers to hook around Steve’s neck and tug at the loop of the apron. 
Without much thought, Steve turns and lifts the metalhead up onto the wet counter. Eddie gasps and scowls before diving back in to reconnect their lips. Steve gets a nip to his bottom lip that he suspects is payback. Payback he’s willing and grateful to endure.
By the time they truly separate and break for intakes of air that are longer than two or three seconds, Dustin announces the start of the countdown. 
“Eddie! Steve! Get in here!”
Eddie hops down from his perch and grabs Steve’s hand and tugs him to follow.
The kiss that stems from the clock striking twelve is gentle in comparison to their first. It happens on the outskirts of the living room, where the kitchen tile transitions starkly into the plush carpet. Those who aren’t cheering, shaking noise makers, or exchanging platonic embraces or romantic pecks, take note of the two men with squeals of surprise and yips of amusement.
When they pull away from each other, they’re both red in the face and laughing. 
“Happy New Year’s, Ed.” 
“Happy New Year’s, big boy,” the metalhead replies, grin broad as ever. “Guess ‘86 really was my year.”
It’s Max who gets the last word in though, gritting out a disgruntled “gross.”
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Delicious Vegan Gluten-Free Back-to-School Lunchbox Snacks
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Back-to-school season is upon us, and that means it's time to start thinking about lunchbox snacks. But what if your child has dietary restrictions, like being vegan or gluten-free? Don't worry, I've got you covered! In this post, I'm sharing 5 delicious and nutritious vegan gluten-free lunchbox snacks that your kids will love.
**1. Energy Balls**
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These energy balls are the perfect way to start the day or refuel after a long morning of learning. They're packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep your kids energized throughout the day.
* 1 cup pitted dates, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes
* 1/2 cup almond butter or other nut butter
* 1/4 cup rolled oats
* 1/4 cup shredded coconut
* 1/4 cup chia seeds
* 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
* 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
* Pinch of salt
1. Drain the dates and add them to a food processor along with the almond butter, oats, coconut, chia seeds, flaxseed, vanilla extract, and salt.
2. Pulse until the mixture forms a sticky dough.
3. Roll the dough into 1-inch balls and store in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
**2. Mini Veggie Pizzas**
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These mini pizzas are a fun and healthy way to get your kids to eat their veggies. They're also a great way to use up leftover veggies from the fridge.
* 1 whole-wheat pita bread, cut into 4 wedges
* 1/4 cup marinara sauce
* 1/4 cup shredded vegan mozzarella cheese
* 1/4 cup chopped vegetables (such as broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, and onions)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Spread a thin layer of marinara sauce on each pita wedge.
3. Top with shredded vegan mozzarella cheese and chopped vegetables.
4. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
**3. Fruit and Nut Bars**
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These fruit and nut bars are a delicious and portable snack that's perfect for on-the-go. They're also a great way to get your kids to eat their fruits and nuts.
* 1 cup dried fruit (such as raisins, cranberries, and apricots)
* 1/2 cup chopped nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews)
* 1/4 cup chia seeds
* 1/4 cup maple syrup
* 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until the mixture forms a sticky dough.
2. Spread the dough into a rectangular pan lined with parchment paper.
3. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before cutting into bars.
**4. Hummus and Veggie Sticks**
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Hummus is a delicious and versatile dip that's perfect for pairing with veggie sticks. This snack is packed with protein and fiber, and it's a great way to get your kids to eat their veggies.
* 1 cup chickpeas, rinsed and drained
* 1/4 cup tahini
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 1/4 teaspoon cumin
* Pinch of salt
* 1 cup chopped vegetables (such as carrots, celery, and cucumber)
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
2. Serve with veggie sticks.
**5. Yogurt Parfaits**
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Yogurt parfaits are a classic lunchbox snack that's both healthy and delicious. This vegan version is made with plant-based yogurt and is packed with protein and probiotics.
* 1 cup plant-based yogurt
* 1/2 cup granola
* 1/4 cup fresh fruit (such as berries, bananas, or mangoes)
1. Layer the yogurt, granola, and fruit in a reusable container.
2. Enjoy!
These are just a few ideas for vegan gluten-free lunchbox snacks. With a little creativity, you can come up with endless possibilities!
Comment below which one you will be trying out
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icleanedthisplate · 7 months
Dine-Out Meals of February 2024, Ranked
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
Of note, I went back to Chang Thai for the first time since the pandemic hit and it was still solid.
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Shishito Peppers & Sea Salt, Crispy Octopus Fideua, Steak Tartare, Chilled Crab-Stuffed Peppers, Black Cod & Clams, Basque Cheesecake (shared all). Lady Slipper. Bentonville, Arkansas 2.17.2024.
Pad See You w/Shrimp. Chang Thai & Asian Restaurant. Sherwood, Arkansas. 2.13.2024.
Szechuan Eggplant, Beef w/Broccoli, Egg Roll, Egg Drop Soup (shared all) (to-go). Chi’s Asian Cafe. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.2.2024.
Almond Sweet Roll, Fruit w/Granola, Hive Benedict, Smoked Salmon Bagel (shared all). The Hive (21c Hotel). Bentonville, Arkansas. 2.18.2024.
Squash Blossom Pizza, Caesar Salad. Raduno. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.8.2024.
Tom Kah Soup. Bahn Shop (DFW). Dallas, Texas. 2.22.2024.
Local Board (shared), Smoked Chopped Chicken Salad. Whiskey Cake. Round Rock, Texas. 2.20.2024.
Miso Ramen w/Pork. Aji Ramen Bar. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.9.2024.
Chicken Pesto Panini on Jalapeno Cheddar Bagel w/Chips. The Great American Bagel. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.20.2024.
Crispy “Kung Pao” Rock Shrimp (shared), Half Wedge, Everything-crusted #1 Tuna. Local 463. Ridgeland, Mississippi. 2.7.2024.
Roasted Beets, Grilled Cheeses (Duck Pastrami, Roasted Mushroom, Spicy Beef) (Shared All.) Bread Cheese Wine. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.2.2024.
Tacos (Buffalo Chicken, Spicy Tikka chicken, Cuban Pig). Velvet Taco. College Station, Texas. 2.22.2024.
Flash Fried Oyster Shooters (shared), Blue Corn Crust Crispy Salmon. Blue Corn Harvest. Georgetown, Texas. 2.21.2024.
Spicy Bahn Mi, ½ & ½ Fries (shared fries). The Root Cafe. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.10.2024.
Chirashi w/Miso, Salad. Wasabi. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.19.2024.
Dumplings in Chili Oil Sauce (Pork). Three Fold Noodles + Dumpling Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.6.2024.
Chicken Salad w/Cranberry Sauce, Banana Nut Bread. Trio’s. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.7.2024.
Congee. Hail Fellow Well Met. Springdale, Arkansas. 2.17.2024.
Cheesy Figgy Sandwich w/Chips, Garden Fresh Crepe. Garden Square Café. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2.15.2024.
Newk’s Favorite Salad. Newk’s. Ridgeland, Mississippi. 2.8.2024.
Gyro Plate. Plaka Greek Café. Georgetown, Texas. 2.21.2024.
Eggs Your Way. The Bistro (Courtyard Marriott). Georgetown, Texas. 2.21.2024.
Ham & Cheese Croissant. Starbucks. College Station, Texas. 2.22.2024.
Breakfast Buffet. Springhill Suites. Ridgeland, Mississippi. 2.8.2024.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
2 things:
1) What kind of food do you like so I can see if I know any kinda easy recipes that you might be able to use? I know some easy pasta and stir fry recipes, and never underestimate the versatility of a sack of potatoes.
2) I know it's 24/7 Turtles Time, but should you in the future find yourself in need of a new kids media with some "oh, that's fucked up if you think about it", I'd have to recommend Danny Phantom. The show is supposed to be a "comedy" except the main character is dead and at the same time his parent's canonically want to kill him the entire run of the show, on top of that, the fandom has thought about all the other little one off "jokes" that are, in fact, pretty fucked up if you think about it. The show's sexism hasn't aged well, but what's done is done.
processed food, bland stuff, shit you would feed a little kid or someone who has a stomach ache. nothing to complex/with too many ingredients.
I've got like a google doc list about this actually lemme just skim through it-
virtually no sauces. ever. nothing spicy either or I'll die. i like bland noodles and chicken noodle soup and chicken strips and onion rings and popcorn shrimp (though it gives me a stomach ache) and ham & cheese sandwiches and granola bars and hot dogs (but only some hot dogs) and potatoes (but only some potatoes) OH I FUCKING LOVE CORNED BEEF AND CORN BREAD (but not all corn bread) and pizza (but not all pizza) and tortellini and mac n cheese and some common vegetables/fruits (apples, cantaloupe, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower) and hamburgers/basically most plain meats. bacon. taco pizza my beloved. freeze dried apples.
SEE what you might be noticing here is that most of these foods are like. 1 thing at a time or heavily processed. im not even sure how many of these require a recipe, it's like "yeah i'll eat a loaf of bread" so good luck finding something i'm ok with eating.
2. i have seen danny phantom, to be honest i like the fandom art & fics more than the show itself lmao
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incompetentunt · 2 years
“SAFE” foods: (I can eat these any day) grilled chicken, salad, bananas, eggs, plain oatmeal, almond milk, unsweetened tea, coffee, Coke Zero, Pepsi zero, monster ultra zero, bang energy, sushi, mushrooms, crystal lite packets, rice, turkey, salmon, oysters, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, corn chips, protein shakes, sugar-free gum, greek yogurt, miso soup, sugar-free popsicles
“SOMETIMES” foods: (I can eat these 1x per week) cereal, dark chocolate bars, fruit smoothies, turkey burger/veggie burger with no bun, belvita breakfast bars, granola bar, protein bar, cheesy soups
“RARELY” foods: (I can eat these 1x per months) sour candies, ice cream, pancakes/waffles, fried chicken, pizza, Indian food, French fries 
“OFF-LIMITS” foods: (I can’t and won't eat these) cake, pastries, bread rolls, burgers, hotdogs, chocolate candies, fast food, non-diet soda, Frappuccino, milkshakes, potato chips, cookies, sweet candies 
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If I were on the Off Menu podcast:
Still or sparkling water: Still, obviously. Sparkling water tastes rank. One time when I was a kid, a friend's mum gave me sparkling water that had gone flat so I couldn't tell it was sparkling. I couldn't swallow it so I just spat it out all over my pizza.
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POPPADOMS OR BREAD?!?!?!?!: Usually I'd say bread - something a bit oily with olives in it and big flakes of sea salt - but I've got a big meal planned and I don't want to fill up. So i'll have a single poppadom and some mango chutney.
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Your dream starter: This is kind of academic because I'm ordering small plates, but the first proper dish I want going in my mouth is boquerones en vinagre. It's fresh anchovies marinated in vinegar and oil and seasoned with garlic and parsley and the best boquerones are made in Cambio De Tercio, a tapas restaurant in South Kensington. And to accompany that, I'd like a cold glass of gazpacho (cold tomato soup). I had this a lot in Cádiz and it's the most refreshing thing.
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Your dream main course: Ok, deep breath... I want the crunchy prawns we had at my wedding, the potatoes with aioli I ate in Valencia, an Insalata Caprese (tomatoes, mozarella & basil) made by my dad, deep fried courgette flowers, a small ramekin of my partner's courgette carbonara w. homemade linguini, grilled halloumi from Bar Mezze (a greek restaurant in Muswell Hill my family used to go to before it closed), taramasalata, tzatziki, baba ghanoush (cod roe dip, yoghurt/cucumber dip & smoked aubergine dip) and a big Turkish flatbread for dipping and sauce moppage.
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Your dream side dish: Again, academic because of the small plates but I'll go for the broccoli w. garlic and chilli from Boulangerie Bon Matin in Finsbury park. The broccoli's nicely grilled and not too oily or salty and the chilli gives it a real zing. Also, in my fantasy, my partner's sat across from me eating the wood roasted chicken from Moro in Islington and she's giving me little forkfuls to try.
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Your dream dessert: I'm not much of a dessert person but I'd never say no to a slice of my mum's chocolate birthday cake. It's nothing fancy (though the layer of grated dark chocolate over the top is a classy touch), but it's as delicious now as it was when I was a kid.
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Your dream drink: So before the meal even starts I'd like a Lychee Martini at the bar. Then with my boquerones, I'd like a glass of Pegoes, a Portuguese wine we had at my wedding that has an interesting banana-y taste. When the small plates arrive, I'll move on to a 3/4 pint of Mythos, a Greek beer perfect for hot days and oily food. Then with dessert I want a little glass of Sauternes, my favourite dessert wine. Then, if it's lunchtime I'll just have a homemade filter coffee, with plenty of milk.
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Your dream restaurant: I'll stick with the Mediterranean theme and imagine myself in a seaside town, where it's hot but you're cooled by the breeze and you can see the boats bobbing in the bay. Occasionally a moped revs past but otherwise all you can hear are the other diners and the waves lapping against the harbour. That, but with comfortable chairs!
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 year
Top 3 fave foods?
Best memory?
Beach or ocean?
Salty or sweet?
Emily prentiss or alex blake?
Emily or melissa?
Fave vape flavour?
Oooooo okay okay here we go
Top 3 fave foods? you know my food hyperfixations come and go and nothing lasts but currently it's: plain cheese pizza, I would die for some rn. broccoli, I fucking love broccoli. ummmm, whipped cream?
Best memory? ummmm when I got my dog, I was 4 and the lil man has been with me ever since.
Beach or ocean? I love the idea of the ocean but I am absolutely terrified of it, I am also not a fan of just being on the beach, too much sand everywhere.
Salty or sweet? omg sweet all the way, your girl won't survive without chocolate.
Emily prentiss or alex Blake? Why would you make me make this choice. I'm going with Alex because I am writing a family fic and I LOVE HER there.
Emily or Melissa? ffs katt WHY. ummmmm, Emily? just so you know, making this choice hurt.
Fave vape flavour? NOW WE'RE TALKING! my current faves are fresh menthol mojito and cherry ice, but only crystals, I shall not come anywhere near an elf bar. (currently suffering because crystals are not available here and I'm surviving off of elux)
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healthfitness7 · 2 years
How do I lose weight in 3 steps?
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How To Lose Weight In 3 Simple Steps
“Colorful salad bar with greens, broccoli, black olives, peppers and more” by Dan Gold on Unsplash
I’ve spent the past year losing 40 pounds and getting in shape, and some of you have asked, “How did you do it?”
You wanted to know specific details on what I did to lose the weight.
You wanted to know what I ate…
You wanted to know how and when I worked out…
Well, since you asked.
Here are the step-by-step directions to do everything that I did in 3 Simple Steps.
weight loss supplement  http://getbetabeat.org
1. Eat Real Food
“Cutting back on calories is not the answer to successful weight loss and successful health… you have to increase the quality of what you eat, not just reduce the quantity.”
Joel Fuhrman
The experts have told us that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
But, it this actually true?
Let’s take a look at some facts…
To lose a pound of body weight you need to consume 3,500 fewer calories than you burn.
That part is simple math.
So, how much exercise do you need to do to burn 3,500?
“According to Holly Lofton, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine and director of the weight management program at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, you would need to run seven to 10 miles a day to lose a pound a week.”
I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine myself running 7 to 10 miles a day.
There has to be an easier way…
Well, there is.
Eat better!
The key to your weight loss success is finding a way to eat better foods on a consistent basis.
This should not be a surprise to anyone.
Unfortunately, this was the hardest part for me because I love junk food.
I love pizza…
Ice cream…
It might be the hardest part for you too.
But, to lose weight you will need to change your relationship with food
You will need to stop eating unhealthy processed foods to start healthy foods.
“A healthy eating plan gives your body the nutrients it needs every day while staying within your daily calorie goal for weight loss. A healthy eating plan also will lower your risk for heart disease and other health conditions.”
National Institute of Health
You need a healthy eating plan.
A healthy eating plan is not the same as a diet.
Diets don’t work.
You need a healthy eating plan.
A healthy eating plan doesn’t require calorie counting.
It doesn’t require restrictive meal planning.
And it doesn’t require any of the complicated crap that most diets require.
There are several healthy eating plans available today.
The key is to find the one that works the best for you.
“The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits and vegetables while low in sodium. It is also enriched with olive oil, high in antioxidants as well as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.”
David Perlmutter
One example is The Mediterranean Diet which was recently ranked as the #1 diet.
Whether you choose The Mediterranean Diet or something else doesn’t matter.
The key is to find something that works for you.
Consume more of these:
Whole grains
Fat-free or low-fat dairy products
Lean meats
Consume less of these:
Saturated and trans fats
Added sugars
A healthy eating plan will help you lose weight and improve your long-term health.
“The easiest diet is, you know, eat vegetables, eat fresh food. Just a really sensible healthy diet like you read about all the time.”
Drew Carey
So, the first step to take if you want to lose weight and transform your health is to eat real food.
2. Move Your Body
“Any amount of activity that you can do today that you didn’t do yesterday, you’re probably going to start benefiting from it.”
Dr. Clay Marsh Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Your healthy eating plan will help you reach 80% of your weight loss goal.
But you need to get your body moving if you want to lose the rest.
I am not saying that you need to run 7–10 miles a day or spend hours on a treadmill.
You need to get outside and walk.
If you can’t walk outside because of the weather, go to the local mall and walk.
Walk every day.
Use your phone to track your steps and try to work up to 10,000 a day.
If you can’t do 10,000 steps that is ok.
The important thing is to move more today than you did yesterday.
Walking is something that most of us can all do.
Start walking today!
3. Start Resistance Training
“Strength training encourages lean muscle growth, strengthens bones and decreases body fat.”
Resistance training is important.
“Harvard researchers found men who lifted weights for 20 minutes a day had less stomach fat than those who spent the 20 minutes doing cardio.”
“As for women: This study found resistance training helps women reduce their risk of fat in the belly region.”
Dieting without resistance training will cause you to lose muscle.
This is the opposite of what you want.
Resistance training can mean different things to different people.
Some of you can achieve success doing bodyweight exercises at home.
Some of you will join a gym and use machines or free weights to build muscles.
Some of you will start a Crossfit program.
“The importance of lifting weights is it kind of makes me who I am.”
Rob Gronkowski
It doesn’t matter which one that you choose as long as you choose one and do it consistently.
I try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week and currently limit my workouts to 30 minutes.
I do a simple 30-minute circuit at Planet Fitness.
In just 30 minutes I work all my major muscle groups and I am done for the day.
Can you find 90 minutes a week to improve your health?
weight loss drops http://getbetabeat.org
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