#breast cancer mention
"Why would you want to cut off perfectly healthy breast tissue???!!!"
First of all, I don't have perfectly healthy breasts. I haven't had healthy breasts since they started growing. I have macromastia and chronic fibrocystic breast tissue, which means that when I was 14-15 my *doctor* was the one to even bring up the idea of having some kind of breast surgery. She had breast reduction in mind, but the top surgery I want really isn't that much different than the reduction surgery I would have if I didn't have chest dysphoria. I would still likely need nipple grafts, the recovery time would be pretty much the same, the scarring would be pretty much the same. I was always going to remove my breast tissue, it was always on the table for me, the only change is how much breast tissue I'll be having removed.
Also here's the thing: you don't know for sure if breast tissue even is "perfectly healthy" until you do a biopsy. That's why it's standard procedure to perform a biopsy as part of double mastectomy top surgery, just in case there was something like cancer in the breasts requiring more follow-up.
And cis women get double mastectomies, even if they don't have something like cancer. Cis women who've discovered they have a high risk of developing breast cancer might elect to get a mastectomy before any cancer could develop- they were cutting off "perfectly healthy" tissue then. They were getting their breasts removed to improve their medical futures and to put their minds at ease. Are trans men getting top surgeries not doing exactly the same thing?
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viciouslyrobotic · 24 days
Idk where ppl are getting off thinking "zippertits" is feminist praxis cause it's pretty well established that if someone wants to get surgery *for themselves* outside of pressure to conform to patriarchal (unattainable) beauty standards its their body, their choice, and shouldn't be shamed (nor should they be shamed in general regardless).
"Zippertits" How in your head do you have to be to forget breast cancer awareness or were you even in discussions about supporting people who remove their tits or have them removed and get implants later? Were you there for the discussions about how women are shamed for doing ANY alteration to their bodies no matter the reason and that we should support their choice to do so while not conflating personal choice with coercive abuse?
Yeah this particular insult's directed at ppl assumed female at birth (more specifically nonbinary ppl, trans mascs and trans men) and it's so fucking tone deaf? Its giving patriarchy. Its giving "you ruined your natural ~feminine~ body and need shamed for your transgression (which is a decision you made to live and/or to live comfortably)".
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0luna123 · 2 years
I got a stupid idea for a manga/anime, where some guy's house gets invaded by some girl who teaches him (and us) about women's anatomy and stuff
Like, how to detect breast cancer, periods, and stuff. All written in a manner where these parts aren't demonized or something to lust for.
And there's also a message that anyone can get breast cancer, including men
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
Ridley Scott: I made a film about two rival officers constantly duelling throughout and in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, and now I've actually done a film about Napoleon!
Me: Great! Could you also do a film about Baron Dominique Jean Larrey, a vital innovator in European battlefield surgery and triage, often considered the first military surgeon; who pioneered the ambulance volantes ("Flying ambulances") to quickly transport wounded men from the battlefield, effectively creating a forerunner of the modern MASH units; co-led the team that performed one of the first accurately recorded pre-anaesthetic mastectomies in Western medicine; was spotted helping wounded men while under heavy fire during the Battle of Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington who purposefully ordered for his soldiers not to fire in Larrey's direction; and when captured by the Prussians after the battle was about to be executed on the spot when he was recognised by one of the German surgeons, who pled for his life because he had saved the life of Field Marshall Blücher's son some years earlier?
Ridley Scott:
Ridley Scott: Um.
Me: Yeah. Didn't think so.
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corvidaedream · 3 months
me to my coworkers: when you request time off, you should not give the assistant dept head any additional info on why you're requesting it, it's none of her business and may be used against you
me requesting time off after my requests keep getting denied/overlooked the past few months: telling kelly explicitly that this one is an oncology appointment bc i want her to feel bad :)
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whumperofworlds · 3 months
Whumpee has a health scare moment, thinking that they got something that has a high chance of killing them.
But it turns out the symptom(s) was for another, much more mild sickness, and it was a sickness that Whumpee will most definitely survive.
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wiliecoyotegenius · 1 year
It may have been pointed out before, but St. Agatha is patron saint of sexual assault victims, torture victims, and nurses. It may be part of the hagiography going on with the hospital and Sister Agatha.
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frodo-baggins · 1 year
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wearily-confused · 4 months
So apparently sloths are good swimmers, poop once a week- a third of their weight, can starve on a full stomach, have good defecation habits and can apparently cure cancer..?
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ombiblombi · 4 months
Okay, serious talk for a minute.
You know how sometimes you rent a house and they have the "check your boobs for breast cancer, make sure they don't have any weird lumps" hung up in the shower? Well. What ACTUALLY constitutes as the difference between regular tissue and cancer? What draws the line between the two?
When I first developed them, I've done this song and dance where I've occasionally proded when they've hurt, and theres always a tough spot that always seemed to line up with the other side. Although it doesn't seem abnormal and I assume thats regular tissue, it'd still be nice to know what exactly that is and where the difference lies if it comes down to it one day. At the very least get to know more about the vessle I've been given 'till my demise.
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obstinatecondolement · 10 months
I've noticed the term 'dugs' sneaking into my inner monologue to refer to those pesky secondary sexual features I'd like some nice surgeon to trim off for me at some point, and I gotta say? Loving dugs. The word, I mean, I am on the record about the actual experience of having them not being ideal for me. But as a word? Love it.
It's archaic enough that it doesn't feel very gendered, and it never seems to be used to suggest this body part in a super sexy light when I have encountered it, so it feels like a neutral and nonsexual way to talk about that part of my body.
I mean, tbf, it's not strictly neutral, I guess, since I think I have mostly seen it used with an implied tinge of distaste, but that's not not how I feel? I have always thought it was kind of distasteful when I would see guys with chest dysphoria talk about their "tumours" because, like, I get it but that's also not what they are and people die from breast cancer every day. But I think "dugs" has enough of an undertone of "ugh, these fucking things" for me to suit a similar purpose descriptively that has the benefit that it doesn't feel callous towards people with actual breast tumours to me.
All in all very happy to have stumbled on this descriptor without consciously trying to find it. I am very much not one of the people whose dysphoria was helped by the trend of referring to cis men's bare chests as tits/boobs/etc. and (while it doesn't really bother me now) it used to make my dysphoria much worse because the message I heard was not "everyone has breasts and that is not gendered" but "men with large chests look like women" because I found those slang words so strongly gendered.
And I feel that there aren't a lot of good alternatives close to hand that don't feel very clinical or, idk, livestock-y (if I never hear breasts called teats again it will be too soon, lol), or just like... too evocative of either people finding them sexy or their intended biological function (mammaries has the one-two punch of sounding too medical and that it brings to mind lactation too much for me).
But dugs! Amazing! Apparently it is considered vulgar when referring to human breasts in North America and it seems to be in use in agricultural settings to talk about milk-producing livestock, but those are not associations I have and, for my mileage, it doesn't feel too gendered, too vulgar, too sexy, too medical, too vague (I feel kind of stupid saying 'chest' sometimes or otherwise talking around things in a 'the secondary sexual characteristics that dare not speak their name aloud' way, and that self consciousness often just makes me resort to using more specific words that I feel uncomfortable with to avoid being embarrassed by being vague), or have any other associations I find uncomfortable or in bad taste.
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realised the reason my heart issues freak me out is partly because unlike any of my pain it’s harder to just deal with it or find ways around it and also it could be a lot more dangerous than most of my other day to day medical stuff and also it was one of my cancer symptoms
#we brought down my medication dose and im still having issues#we could bring it down again but my doctor wants it high to decrease any chance of recurrence which is slightly higher for me#i haven’t had any caffeine amounts other than a little bit of chocolate since 10 am this morning#maybe im just tired or overtired or whatever but if i stand up im immediately tachycardic#it’s. like ive never fainted or anything but im recording higher and higher heart rates in response to exertion that shouldn’t be producing#that at all. like i took it manually so maybe i was wrong but i went up a slight hill and some stairs that usually leave me around 120-125#not great but whatever. and i also used to be a runner so i make sure to control my breathing so that doesn’t have a big effects#this week? went to class up that hill and those stairs. sat down. took my pulse. i recorded 148 bpm#i live in a single room and stuff and im a little nervous about this potentially getting worse#plus like. im usually chill abt my cancer bc all they had to do was whip my thyroid out and that’s been it and it hadn’t been an#easy process per se but it wasn’t as intense as it could have been and im very lucky#but there is a chance of recurrence and treatment decisions were less ‘what will make it less likely the cancer returns’ and more ‘which#cancer chances do i wanna take’#it was between radiation induced bone or breast cancer vs recurrence of my cancer (comes back most often as bone or lung)#and i. would not like to have to deal with that el oh el#im mostly fine it’s just been an off day and simply standing and getting an average bpm of 108 (the thing i use averages it out) is weird#not to mention showering was hellish bc I could feel my heart pounding#vent tw#cancer tw
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methinmycoffee · 1 year
Season 12 Rankings!
From best to worst:
Tonsil Trouble (Ep. 1)
Breast Cancer Show Ever (Ep. 9)
Major Boobage (Ep. 3)
Pandemic 2: The Startling (Ep. 11)
Pandemic (Ep. 10)
Super Fun Time (Ep. 7)
Elementary School Musical (Ep. 13)
Britney’s New Look (Ep. 2)
The Ungroundable (Ep. 14)
Over Logging (Ep. 6)
About Last Night (Ep. 12)
Eek, A penis (Ep. 5)
Canada on Strike (Ep. 4)
The China Probrem (Ep. 8)
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universalsatan · 2 months
im reading up on breast cancer metastasis for a paper i need to write and my stupid hilson brain cant stop going “this is so wilson-coded” 🙄 shut UPPPPP
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slut-kiss-g1rl · 5 months
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sophiagallos · 6 months
Tumblr media
Full Name: sophia isabella gallo
Gender & Pronouns: cis female & she/her
Neighborhood: downtown
Occupation: journalist at glacier times
Positive traits: organized, creative & fun
Negative traits: bossy, lonely & stubborn
Length of time in Anchorage: five years
Faceclaim: monica barbaro
TW: parental death, TW: cancer mention, TW: breast cancer mention
The 5th of February back in 1988 was a special day. It was the day that Alexandria and Christopher had welcomed their second child, and second daughter into this World. While their first child, and first daughter named Gianna who was just three at the time waited impatiently for her new sibling to arrive. Sophia Isabella Gallo was born, and she came out kicking and screaming. Beautiful olive skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair she was perfect they thought to themselves, and loved by so many. A little firecracker as Christopher nicknamed her. That’s exactly what she was.
Growing up, life was full of adventure for Sophia. She was spunky, free spirited and fun. Never had a dull moment. Always making things up with her older sister and causing mischief. The two were inseparable, but that changed when Gianna was eight, and Sophia was five when Alexandria and Christopher had welcomed their last child and final daughter whom they named Averie Caroline Gallo. The two older girls made a pact, they made a pact with one another that if anything ever happened to their parents then they’d be the ones to look after the infant. They’d be the ones to protect their baby sister. That’s exactly what they did.
Sadly when Gianna was fifteen, Sophia was twelve, and Averie was just eight their mother was diagnosed with cancer. Breast Cancer, stage four and non curable. It was late, too late in the game and it killed them as a family. It killed the three girls as they watched their mother get sicker and sicker . It killed their father as he became quiet and distant. Not really knowing how to handle three teenage girls as a widow. The man did his best. He did his best and even if Averie was still young after her mother passed, Gianna and Sophia knew that their father was trying.
It was hard, there was no doubt about it. Growing up without a mother especially during your teenage years was never easy. Though their father became their best friend. She tried to be good and do good as her mother would always say when they left the house, but there were times when Sophia would test her fathers limits during her high school years. Partying way to young and falling in love way to young. Though it wasn’t till her Junior year when Sophia realized she didn’t want to continue her bad ways. She wanted to make her mother proud.
So she studied hard and got into Boston College. Sophia decided to take after her father and found a love of writing. The young women studied Journalism and got Straight As while graduating at the top of her class. It wasn't until Sophia was twenty-eight years old when she got a job offer at Glacier Times in Anchorage, Alaska to be one of the lead Journalists on their team. After much consideration, Sophia decided to take it and has been in Anchorage for five years.
Currently thinking about plots for her, but maybe I would like to see her be the owner of Glacier Times at some point in her life? She's been on the team for five years now & she's working her way up.
Maybe she gets back into her bad ways, partying & drinking?
PLEASE bring me her two sisters!! Gianna & Averie. Maybe some coworkers or a male best friend?!
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