#break. shatter. whatever pretty word describes it
cherrysnax · 10 months
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bambisnc · 6 months
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deja vu (anemoia remix!)
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pairing : choi soobin x reader! genre : fluff n crack cw/tw : use of caps + uneditted wc : i'll update later im too tired to rn !!
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a quiet, peaceful walk was all that you had wanted.
on having recently discovered what you could only describe as the most gorgeous garden you'd seen in your life; it was obvious you would choose its fairytale like setting as the location.
what you had not expected at all though, was to find yourself entangled with a certain someone, who coincidentally, would be a perfect fit for the mystical events which would soon ensue in your so-far rather ordinary life.
you had been busy reading a notice which announced that the anemone flower display would be closed permanently until further information was given; when a shrill voice called out, "soobin?! he was right here- WHERE'D HE GO??"
that's a pretty name, you off-handedly thought to yourself. maybe someone lost a friend, a sibling.
"hey," a voice said suddenly, "you wouldn't have happened to see a rabbit - no i mean, a bunny - around would you?"
obviously, you hadn't. which is what you informed the person who had approached you, as well.
but barely had you politely waved him goodbye did you see a fluffy, white rabbit bound towards you and with a flash of light turn into a boy right in front of your eyes?!
a really, really tall boy, that is.
the innocent disappointment of the expression adorning his adorable features makes your heart physically feel like shattering.
"oh no. oh no oh no oh no-," the boy is looking at his hands, as if he's shocked he even has hands.
right that makes sense; "soobin...? weren't you a rabbit just a second ago-?"
he doesn't question how you know his name.
"i need you to help me hide. the 'timer' won't allow me to turn back to my animal form for some time." he runs his tongue over his lips, probably only a nervous habit, but you can't help licking your own when you notice the boy do so, "please."
you really don't have the heart to say no. but still, you attempt to break it to him, "i'm sure you have your reasons but.. i do not think that would be possible at all."
"what if uh- i tried hiding in plain sight?? i.. i could pretend i'm here with you?? that would throw beomgyu off my trail for some time at least, don't you think??"
"SOOBIN WHERE THE HELL DID YOU RUN OFF TO?!?" beomgyu's near. and soobin for whatever reason refuses to get caught but can also not turn back into a rabbit.
you always knew you were a sucker for pretty boys, but you didn't know to what extent you'd go for one.
well now you do!
it's as if some innate instinct takes over. you place both your hands on soobin's face doing your best to shield it from view, and place a little kiss on his forehead.
and your timing couldn't have been more perfect! you wait, with hushed breaths, only to hear beomgyu walk past the two of you without a single suspicious glance thrown your way!
when you finally move to meet soobin's eyes and apologize for the hasty decision (but it did work!!) you're left shocked. his extremely flustered face completely avoids your gaze as his pretty lips open and shut as if he's trying to say something but the words just aren't coming out.
"i'm so sorry about that it was all i could think of at the mmph-" a hand on your waist pulls you ever so slightly closer and he kisses you.
it's soft, fleeting. barely a featherlight touch of his lips against yours. but it leaves you reeling.
soobin pulls away almost as quickly as he initiated the kiss, eyes wide as saucers. before he can even begin to think of a proper sentence...
...a flash of light. that darned flash of light.
he's a bunny rabbit again.
obviously he's gone immediately. you wouldn't even have had a chance to catch him if you tried.
and as you walk back home that day, the only thought in your mind is him. and, did a were-rabbit (???) really kiss you on the lips?!
also, why is there a dried anemone flower in your pocket..? hadn't the exhibit for those been closed?
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notes : oh man oh god help me i think i started another series. thats what the 4th one so far? #lovethis + lowkey might leave this here tho and focus on roommate!sc plus the otome au + [m.list] song rec : im predicting that it'll be deja vu the anemoia remix and my god will i be sad if the vibes of this dont match the vibes of the song :/
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flowercrowngods · 2 years
“Eddie?” he rasps, unable to even meet his eyes. His heart hurts where it’s beating in his throat, leaving behind a pit in his chest that’s getting deeper and deeper and Steve knows he’s going to fall. He might not get out of it this time.
“Yeah, Stevie? What’s up?” Gods he looks so pretty, his brown eyes so big and concerned instantly — because he’s always concerned about Steve. And that’s the problem. “You okay?”
“No,” His voice is thin, about to break; just like his heart.
Immediately, Eddie is on high alert, approaching him with raised arms, ready to pull him to his chest, and Steve wants to cry. “Whatever it is, you can talk to me, okay?”
Steve shakes his head, taking a step back from Eddie who stops immediately. The worried expression never falls, and Steve hates himself for putting it there. For always, always putting it there.
He hugs himself, looking down at the floor because if he looks at Eddie any longer, he won’t get a single word out. But he has to do this.
“Eddie, I…” He swallows, already feeling himself falling into that pit where once there was his heart. “I can’t do this anymore.” It comes out as a pathetic little whisper, but Steve is glad it came out at all.
He still doesn’t look up. Eddie doesn’t say anything. And since the floodgates have been opened, Steve keeps rambling in tune with his rapidly beating heart that’s making him shake.
“I’m not okay, Eddie. I’m not… I know it kills you to see me like this. Every day, every goddamn day because I’m not getting better. I know it kills you to see me like this because heaven knows it kills me to feel like this. And you love me more than I love myself so I can’t imagine the pain you’re… Eddie, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, but I can’t do this.”
“Stevie…” God, Eddie sounds broken, and Steve finally lets out the sob he’s been holding in. “Don’t do this.” It’s a plea, but there’s no heat behind it. Resigned. That’s the word that Steve would use to describe Eddie’s voice.
He wipes at his eyes. “I love you, Eddie. I love you so, so much. But you touch me, and you love me, and you kiss me, and all I want to do is run away from it, because you shouldn’t. I can’t let you love me when I’m… I’m not okay.”
His voice does break on these three words, and then they’re both crying.
“I know, Stevie,” Eddie says, whispering as he slowly, carefully approaches. “I know. Thanks for letting me try, though. Loving you is, like, really great.”
He pulls Steve to his chest now, and Steve falls against him, crying into Eddie’s shoulder. One last time.
“It’s going to be okay, yeah? You’ll be okay. I know it.”
I love you so much, he wants to say, but all that’s left for him are heaving sobs and tears that drench Eddie’s shirt — no, his shirt. Eddie is wearing his shirt. It only makes him cry harder.
“I’m sorry,” he says, pleads, promises. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Eddie only shushes him, swaying back and forth. Comforting him even now, when he’s breaking both of their hearts.
“I don’t think I can stop loving you, Stevie. Not for a long, long time.” It’s whispered between them, like a confession. “You’re gonna have to forgive me for that, yeah? I’ll try to stop, though, I promise.”
The truth is, as heavy as it is to be loved by someone like Eddie Munson, Steve can’t really imagine a world where he can go without that love anymore. And the fact that it’ll be better for the both of them if Eddie stops is the universe’s cruellest trick so far.
A while later, when their tears have dried and they’re stepping away from each other, Eddie cracks a wavering smile at him and proposes, “Hey, if we’re both single by the time we’re old and 35—“
And Steve is laughing and crying and feeling his heart shatter into a million pieces in the face of that one last smile. Eddie lets him. Eddie always lets him.
“Yeah, deal,” he rasps, and he hopes that 15 years will be enough time to finally be okay.
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picturejasper20 · 2 months
Bismuth is an interesting character to talk about because, in spite of her having just few appearances in the show, she is almost treated with the same importance that characters like Peridot and Lapis Lazuli have, who show up from the first season and their arcs are spread out through the series.
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I believe this comes from how key her introduction episode is, as it mark a ¨before and after¨ in the series, when Steven and the audience begins to learn more about the dark secrets that Rose Quartz kept and how her image of ¨perfect hero¨ for Steven and others starts to break down.
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Bismuth is described as the ¨biggest Crystal Gem¨, in the sense she was very passionate about the cause and she was pretty well loved and respected in her team. She seemed to be one of the closest Rose's friends along with Garnet and Pearl back during the Gem War.
It is unknown how Bismuth met Rose Quartz and decided to join the Crystal Gems but based on her dialogue we can get an idea that she was moved by Rose Quartz's ideas and later became part of the movement.
¨And she asked me what I wanted to build, and I'd never heard that before. And Gems never hear they can be anything other than what they are, but Rose opened our eyes.¨
So Bismuth was sent to Earth and when she met Rose Quartz who was ¨just another Quartz soldier¨, she was asked what things she was interested in building. I assumed that Bismuth was taken out by this and over time started to question what she wanted to do and be.
Based on Unleash the Light, Bismuths as gems appear to have an overall sentiment that they aren't respected for their work and they are overlooked. They seem to be gems that are more likely to rebel or demand proper respect than other type of gems- at least based on the game events. I think Bismuth shared a similar feeling as well that made her become a Crystal Gem not so long after meeting Rose.
The other idea that got her was that she could be something different- she didn't have to only build what the Diamonds told her. She could try building her own things! So she choose to use her own skills to create and make weapons for other gems in the war.
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Bismuth really looked up to Rose- she adored her- so much that she built a statue dedicated to her. She believed in everything that Rose said and she was willing to do anything for her.
This passion and idolization ended up backfiring on Rose Quartz in a way, as her constant words about how terrible Pink Diamond was had a clear effect on Bismuth, thus making her a fanatic Crystal Gem- someone who considered taking some more extreme measures than the ones Rose had been applying so far.
Rose have indirectly created her own enemies, if it could be put in that way.
One day Bismuth comes up with a weapon- which looks more like a torture device than something to be used on battle- and shows it to Rose. She believes that this could change the outcome of the war and maybe lead them to victory. She shows how it works, probably shattering some statue to prove her point.
Then, for one reason or another, Rose didn't seem to be fond of this idea that Bismuth had- perhaps because she didn't want to be shattered herself or she didn't want that for the other Diamonds, maybe she was scared of this being used in more innocent gems or she didn't want to be like the Diamonds. Whatever was the reason, Rose decided to hide the Breaking Point and poof Bismuth, hiding her inside Lion's mane at some point.
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She never told to Pearl and Garnet what happened to Bismuth- not even centuries after the Gem War ended. Probably because she wanted to keep the idea of Pink Diamond's shattering being faked since she previously rejected the breaking point? Maybe it was out of fear of not knowing how Pearl and Garnet would react?
What it is sad is how Bismuth still kept talking good of Rose after being freed by Steven. She went on for a while like she hadn't been betrayed by one of her best friends until she has that fight with Steven near the end of the episode- for what was a misunderstanding and her being too confused at believing that Steven was Rose Quartz for a moment.
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After coming back in ¨Made of Honor¨ having some chats with Steven about what happened and learning that Rose was Pink Diamond, Bismuth changed the way she refer herself to Rose. Based on the interactions she has with Steven, she appears to have changed her admiration for Rose Quartz to looking up to Steven now. She tells to Steven about how he has been able to bring the whole team together and how they are more following him rather than Rose Quartz.
In the time skip both in the movie and Steven Universe Future she is seen helping in Little Homeworld, building it or talking to other gems. There isn't much comment on how she feels about Rose in the scenes she shows up, but the overall feeling is that she is still a Crystal Gem because of her friends and Steven and not so much for Rose. It is unknown if she hates Rose- or if it is more of feeling mixed about her. I want to think it is more the latter, as she still kept talking good about her to Steven on ¨Bismuth¨.
Bismuth and Rose Quartz's relationship is a very sad one. Bismuth was betrayed by someone she really looked up to and was close friends with ( and very likely had romantic feelings for) for reasons that not even Rose herself understood. Fortunately Steven freed her and decided to give her the chance that Rose Quartz didn't after she got bubbled. She remains part of the Crystal gems, but more for herself and her friends than for the gem she once idolized.
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reginrokkr · 13 days
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So I've been rudely woken up and I can't seem to go back to sleep easily again, so I'll be channeling that into an opinion post over a leak concerning Khaenri'ah that made me silently scream in my pillow until this melatonin gummy kicks me back to bed!
If this leak is to have any credence, apparently there was a revolt against the Vinster King —Irmin— for the shit he was meaning to unfold that was described in a couple of ways such as: rocking the foundations of the world and tearing the veil of sin. These point out towards one action which is "breaking the seal of the Irminsul Maze", whatever that is supposed to mean. In any case, I'm not surprised in the slightest that Irminsul is related to this as Teyvat's Axis Mundi, the one tree that feeds the rest of the world with the elements throughout its Ley Lines and a myriad of things more such as being a barrier from the Abyss, carry souls and record the memories of the world. My personal belief with the little information we have so far on this topic is that whatever Irmin wanted to do is to remove whatever protective barrier Irminsul has against the Abyss to throw everything into it, as it's suggested in the statuettes that represent his figure.
To elaborate a little bit more into the rebellion before jumping at the meaty stuff to me, this rebellion not only overthrew King Irmin but the entire imperial court in itself, which does line up with the General Marshal Anfortas taking over as a temporary regent until a different one is chosen. Now, what confuses me about this is if this was the precursor for the cataclysm to take place in Khaenri'ah or if it was a previous disaster. Given Dain's choice of word, it was as if the destruction happened when the gods descended and that it was destroyed by them, so it's possible that even though King Irmin was indisposed and no royal members had any business in the monarchy any longer, that these events may have happened concurrently while the Alberich regent was present. For my little theorycrafting heart and what I do remember having theorized in the past, I was elated to find out about the rebellion as I wondered about the possibility of something like that occurring in Khaenri'ah inspired by the Princess Mina books.
Moving on with what King Irmin wanted to do and what it wound up provoking, what continues is pretty much what Dain had explained in 「Bedtime story」 with a bit more of details. As he said, the five who carried the hopes and dreams of Khaenri'ah that would later be called sinners are described as heroes, and the five of them and Dain were supposed to stop him from rocking the foundations of the world. He doesn't give more details about this, but what follows is that not only they couldn't prevent the disaster that would unfold as a consequence of the king's actions, but that apparently, the five heroes' actions contributed to the cataclysm, the destruction of Khaenri'ah and they didn't raise a finger to do anything about it. Apparently, Khaenri'ah was wiped out in a single night for all of this. As a result, the five heroes, the people who carried Khaenri'ah's hopes and dreams would be deemed as sinners and feared by the people.
Something that confuses me about this whole thing is that it's possible that what Dain described as the five of them succumbing to the Abyss and dividing among them this world-shattering power may have happened during their attempt at stopping the Vinster King, which is... odd to me. Mainly because we know that Rhinedottir has been creating these abyssal beasts as far back in time as the Crimson Moon dynasty, the wolves were used as weapons by a part of the army named beastmaster knights until this fell into disuse and automatons started to be used instead. Moreover, there is something odd about the notion that at least two souls (Durin and Elynas'), who were already pre-existing into some other plane of existence, were given a body that ultimately had the abyss nasties. And this was provoked by Gold herself, however she always gave form to what would be monsters later despite the pure souls of at least these two beasts. Surtalogi is known for being the creator of the Foul Legacy, alternatively translated as a technique of extreme evil and his moral compass seems to be questioning to be kind if we think back at what Skirk described about the Narwhal and what Surtalogi's actions with it were, uncaring of the consequences they would lead. The other one we have a bit of information about is Vedrfolnir, a Visionary and the one who inspired Chlothar to create the Abyss Order (probably as a means for the Loom of Fate creation, as Chlothar was already yapping about it before an even bigger tragedy struck Caribert).
All of these evidences point to me that at least three out of the five sinners were already suspicious and yet they were deemed heroes up until that point close to the cataclysm, which is the main point of my confusion. But knowing that part of the populace was also obsessed with the Abyss, it's also possible that, if they had already shared among them the power of the abyss or flirted with it and did questionable things in the past, that these were accepted by those people until it exploded in their face and struck fear in them due to what it can do. This would line up with what Chlothar described as Lumine being Khaenri'ah's hope, the one who was meant to bring prosperity to them because she was viewed as the embodiment of the Abyss, once again nodding towards the collective obsession part of the people had towards it. If maybe this happened a little earlier than the cataclysm did or some people were already fearful of the "heroes" for reasons (all of this is still very obscure for a lack of details) and after having endured the fall of a maddened king, it's little wonder that they would revere Lumine so highly as to make her their princess. Once again, to those who were still obsessed with the Abyss despite what was boiling / caused to Khaenri'ah.
Lastly, on to the part that I feel like connects to Dain even more directly is the part of the Irminsul Maze and... maybe or maybe not the link to one of the titles he holds: Bough Keeper. As if I wasn't elated enough at the even stronger confirmation of his connection with Irminsul, this sealed the deal for me even further. Because what was insinuated was that whatever the five sinners did either backfired terribly and later on they didn't care at all or they themselves snapped and made things worse when they were meant to stop King Irmin. While Dain's actions are obscured, I can't help but be excited at the notion that he tried to do something about Irminsul (either because of his already established connection with it at the time or the newly founded connection after that moment, it's unclear) and that unfortunately it wasn't enough to prevent the disaster nevertheless. Thinking about how irrational Lumine sounded in blaming Dain for failing to protect Khaenri'ah (while, comically enough, being part of Vedrfolnir's project with the Abyss Order and the Loom of Fate and one of the sinners), maybe this could be the reason why she blames him. That maybe he could do something about it, but for xyz reasons he couldn't. Still unfair to pin the blame for the kingdom's destruction on him in my opinion, but at least this would shed some light into this matter. Moreover, if all of this is the way it is (which again, it'd make sense with the shame some Khaenri'ahns seem to bear in other countries to the point of preferring to be seen as evil and not the heroes they were for protecting them, despite the mentality that was present in Khaenri'ah about other nations), it's quite comforting that Dain was seen in such a good light by Halfdan for one, that his last orders and maybe even what he had taught the Black Serpent Knights was kept into their hearts and made them be so honorable as they've been for the past 500 years in other countries. Even though he, ultimately, failed to prevent the disaster in Khaenri'ah / protect it at the end of the day. But I suppose that whenever this happened, those who weren't crazed by the Abyss still appreciated him for his efforts and for at least trying.
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mythvoiced · 4 months
this time, the text from wendy comes in the middle of the day, though it's still being sent from lí chényǔ's phone.
[ text / 徐文哲 ]: winnie-gege ! its wendy on chenchen's phone. guess what !
[ text / 徐文哲 ]: it was "bring your hero to school day" and chenchen actually took a couple hrs off work to do a demo for my class. he wasnt gonna but then i cried and he felt guilty :(
[ text / 徐文哲 ]: look ! its chenchen ! [ tap to view video. ]
in the video, lí chényǔ wields a wooden staff as if it were an extension of himself; he leaps and spins effortlessly, dark hair tumbling into his eyes --- and even smiles briefly when a few of wendy's classmates squeal in awe as the staff swishes through in a graceful, controlled arc. at the end, the children and teachers alike erupt into applause, and lí chényǔ instantly turns tomato-red, holding up his hands as if he means to wave off any compliments, coupled with a shy and sweet, "aiya ... zhēn de ma ? shì ma ? bùxíng, bùxíng ... "
[ text / 徐文哲 ]: incase u wanted to see bc i know he doesnt show off much or at all, hes so shy lol. did u know he trained at shaolin temple before him and mama left china ??? im pretty sure he was there for awhile too. he doesnt talk about it much tho at least to me. but maybe for u he would ???
[ text / 徐文哲 ]: ok gotta go ! have a good day winnie-gege !
[ for wenzhe, from lí chényǔ / @xiianxias ! ]
@xinxiins | ending my life tbh
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It's taking him far too long to start adding numbers again.
His last phone had seen its untimely demise at his own hands. He'd enjoyed the practice in a way human only does when it provides catharsis. Most modern phones don't break from falling alone, oh no. They need to be worked to shatter. You need to put in the effort, the belief, you need to have as much pent up something and everything as Wenzhe had and does, to truly make it unusable.
So he had.
Cathartic indeed.
But this... this is something else.
He doesn't know how to describe it. He's never been a man of words, after all, they stay as firmly lodged in his throat as they do in his mind. It's not an easy feat, describing all the different ways whatever lives inside him overwhelms him.
As he stares at his phone, lips parted around the bite from his crepe he's forgetting to take, he fails. He watches, and he fails. It builds up from within. It's warm and enough to make his chest rise. He's smiling before he can tell he is and feels creepy for it moments later.
No amount of trying to drag the corners of his lips back down helps, though, they keep twitching up, keep trying to lift themselves like a man climbing out of quicksand, over a fence, to run across a plain sea of sand and into his lover's arms.
He flinches at the first crack echoing through the room displayed on his phone screen, and laughs in pure delight. He flinches at that, too.
He crouches down on the floor, aborts the attempt to put his wrapped crepe on the ground a few more times before he finally connects with the reality that he should not abandon food he intends to eat on cement, but he'd so very much like to hold the device with both hands.
Drag it closer to his face.
Make it wider, maybe.
Is that creepy? Is he allowed? Is it okay? Especially considering the slight frown dragging his eyebrows together, all while having no significant impact on his smile whatsoever. He's trying to reconcile the Lí Chényǔ he knows with the one performing here.
They're the same, yet just different enough. The sight of him mirrors what Wenzhe hopes to see occasionally, something prouder than what Lí Chényǔ seemingly allows himself to be. There's pride to be had here, even beyond the video, which somehow Wenzhe replays a few more times before he realizes he should reply.
Lí Chényǔ has so many fucking reasons to be proud. His strength, his bravery, all the many things he shouldn't have to be proud of solely because their existence implies the cough, and the way his hand would fit so easily around his wrist, the dismissal and the sickly skin, the long hours and the bags - under eyes and on shoulders both.
But there is pride. He fights, he thrives, he wins even if the world keeps punishing him for it, even if the world says, good job, you made it out alive yet another day, why don't you do that again, so we can all feast upon the sight and feel better about ourselves?
Judge you from our golden thrones?
The crepe tastes stale, suddenly. He's lost his appetite.
But he watches and listens to the crack, and the video always ends on that same sheepish note, and it twists uncomfortably in Wenzhe's guts.
If Lí Chényǔ found out Wendy'd sent him this, would he instinctively wonder if Wenzhe liked it, or would he instinctively wonder if he found it odd?
Wenzhe doesn't flinch at the crack cracking through the room anymore, but he winces and smiles, grows cold and warm when his mother's tongue rolls off Lí Chényǔ's in notes of embarrassment of, 'gosh' and 'undeserving' and all the ways he thinks dying every day is all right because it's better than Wendy and Michael dying for a second only.
He hovers.
His thumb over the first few letters of his reply, his other hand over the bin. He can't throw the crepe away. It'll clank like coins on a golden throne.
[ text to | 😖😵‍💫🥺 ] thank you for sending me this, Wendy! i loved it, it looks amazing, your brother is very cool
What should he say? What should he ask?
Can I see more? Is it okay to ask? Does he miss it? Is it still home for him? How can I make it better?
But maybe for you he would?
Wenzhe sighs, warm and cold, full and empty. He's in so much trouble.
[ text to | 😖😵‍💫🥺 ] i'm gonna ask him about it. i want to know more. your brother is an incredible person. i know it's not my place to say this, but thank you for bringing him as your hero
He chews on his bottom lip, then on a minuscule bite of his crepe. If he's tearing up, and thinking about brushing some of those black strands out of his face, that's his own business.
[ text to | 😖😵‍💫🥺 ] sorry if i'm speaking out of line. thank you, though. really.
[ text to | 😖😵‍💫🥺 ] do you guys like crepes? they're french pastry. you can fill them with chocolate, strawberries, more flavors i don't know probably haha.
[ text to | 😖😵‍💫🥺 ] if you like them i'd like to treat you guys to some. maybe soon if you have time? or we could surprise your brother at his corner, what do you think? hope you're still getting this. have a lovely day.
[ text to | 😖😵‍💫🥺 ] thank you again
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nihyunluvskookie · 2 years
her last letter
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“Junhui one shot”
Pairing: Wen Junhui x female reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: implied death
A small synopsis: Jun’s lover left only a letter for him.
Word count: 1.1K
Author’s Note: I was confused which member would go with this and then I randomly thought about Jun because my brain just won’t register anyone else than Cheol 🚶🏻‍♀️
I looked at our room, it felt empty. Home didn’t feel like home anymore, it was just house made of bricks and cement. I looked around our room once again. I looked at our pictures, we were smiling, we looked happy. I walked towards the study table and picked up the photo frame, we took this picture on our third anniversary. I smiled looking at the picture.
I still remember that day clearly, she looked so beautiful, “we should actually take pictures on our marriage anniversaries so that we can keep on counting it with every picture. We will grow together.” she looked so happy on the way to studio. The smile on her face, I could never forget, not until my last breath. All the memories felt so fresh with her, I smiled bitterly, remembering how she looked and her endearing habits. She was my home, without her it’s nothing.
That day we clicked picture and went for an ice cream date, she said she was craving for ice cream that day and once I saw her puppy eyes I gave up. How could I not when she looked that cute, pouting.
If only words could describe how much I loved her and I still love her. One day I wish I could tell her how much she always meant to me because all the moments we spent together were never enough for me. I went to sit on the chair near the study table, and looked at the place where the photo frame was kept earlier. I wanted to tell myself to hold back the tears. I felt like my body going numb slowly and my heart was shattering.
If only I could hear my heart shattering, it would make me realize that this is real and I’ve to live like this.
I opened one of the drawer, and saw a blue envelope; something inside me told me, don’t open it because it might break me to that point, I can never recover. But the other side wanted to open the envelop and face the truth. But what was the truth? I’ve already faced it and I was in denial, and I very well know nothing was going to work out if I stay like this.
I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself from whatever was infront of me, this could be something heartbreaking or this could be something that would give me a reason to live like this and there was only one way to know; and that was to open the envelope
I opened the blue envelope and there was a letter, even before I could open it I felt like my eyes tearing up. I looked up so that I could stop my tears but if only that worked.
I opened the letter and it was from her. She wrote in her pretty handwriting and she addressed me,
“My one and only love,
I always wanted to write letters for you with love and now that you’re reading my letter, I wanted to tell you, how much I love you. I loved you and I will always love you.
I don’t know how things will turn out, when you would be reading this, sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t write this to you every time before leaving for my work, but you know if I could tell you how much I loved in person maybe I wouldn’t be writing this letter but one part of me hopes you never get to read this letter because you know what it means now. For last four years, I’ve been doing this, writing letters before I leave and I burn them once I return because I am back; and if I am back I won’t need to write and tell you how much I love you instead I could love you more. That’s why I hope you never get to read this one as well but if you ever do, I really want you to know something.
You were worth my life. So, if I leave someday, never blame yourself, okay? You were the brightest moon of my life. I hope we will meet again but not very soon, later; until then can you live for me love? And be happy? because I can’t be happy if you will be sad. That’s why, please be happy for me Jun.
You gave me the best memories I could ever ask. Those memories always stay in my heart. I can never thank you enough for giving the best to me Jun, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.
Wish there was any way to tell you how much I loved you. You were my world, my own happiness, which I always dreamt of. Thank you for loving me endlessly and I know, you will say you can’t live without me, just the way we tell eachother every day, but today I will request you something, please promise me, you will agree with me” tears were falling, making the letter wet and I was nodding as if I could hear her voice and she was infront of me, requesting me.
“Can you please live for me and be happy? let me go and be happy. Don’t hold onto me for too long, I’ll be watching you, love. Don’t hurt yourself and always remember, I love you so much Jun.
I am sorry to break the promise which I made on our wedding and sorry for leaving you alone. I love you Jun.
With love, Xia”
I felt like I was choking on my own tears and felt like I couldn’t breath anymore. This was more painful than I could ever imagine, this was hurting me mor than I could bear.
How could she request something like that to me, how could I ever let her go? She was my beginning and end, so how could she say that to me. the way my tears were falling, I wanted to cry until my tears dry down and I don’t fee anything anymore.
I felt so lonely without her, how am I supposed to spend a single day without her now, “Why would you break the promise you made me on our wedding to never leave me alone?” I was looking at her letter, how did she feel when she wrote this, “Xia, come here and tell me, how could you do this to me?” my voice broke again.
I couldn’t stop looking at the picture and the letter I was holding, everything reminded me of her. She was my other half.
“Please come back, Xia, I miss you” wish tears could bring her back right now. “Please Xia”
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hertzwritings · 2 years
Captain’s Coffee
A/N: And now to something more… Cute. Sweet. Fluffy. We gotta balance it out, don’t we? I love you all so darn much, thank you for being here! This story is 1000000000 % dedicated to the amazing and absolute sweetheart, @buckyshattergirl​ who makes me get creative with my headcanons and AU’s. I love you.
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one-shot or multichapter fic – the sky is the limit, so go nuts, my loves.
Remember, feedback feeds the soul and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female reader
Contains: fluff, language, Coffeeshop!AU, Barista!Steve  
 Captain’s Coffee
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 When you stepped inside Captain’s Coffeehouse for the first time, you were immediately met with the comforting warmth of roasted coffee beans and a gentle chatter. It was pretty new – or, at least, you hadn’t heard of the place before – and if the coffee was good, you didn’t have to go out of your way for great coffee on the way to the library or study hall.
A smiling redhead with a nametag reading Wanda took your order. “Oh, you are adventurous, I can tell.” She said, a slight accent coloring her words. You grinned and shrugged. “I mean, when you have names as…” You looked to the board where the different special was written out in perfectly, slanting handwriting. “The Winter Soldier, how can I not be?” She chuckled and pulled out a blue and red cup. “What’s the name?” You smiled. “Y/N.” “Well, Y/N, welcome to Captain’s Coffee. I’ll call on you when your coffee is ready.” You smiled and sat down in a plush chair near the window, glancing out at the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a cozy space. Small and quaint, but perfectly in tune with whatever vibes the staff gave out; it felt almost familiar to sit here, mis-matched chairs huddled around wonky tables, that looked somewhat homemade. The walls were painted in a mossy green color, and the walls were covered in pictures of smiling faces, amongst them Wanda from the counter.
You smiled as she called your order, and by the first sip, you were addicted.
 After a few weeks, you had met what you assumed was all of the staff – Wanda first, then Sam (who was loud and flirty, but in a very fun way, you didn’t mind at all), then Bucky who seemed like a brooding, hulking man – he was both tall and broad, muscles rippling everywhere, but he made the meanest Black Widow coffee, which you appreciated all too much when you had a late night of studying. Natasha seemed no nonsense, but she was smart and quick-witted, and you learned quickly that she was dating Clint, - they were both sarcastic, but she pulled the rug out from under him constantly. Tony seemed nice, albeit a little aloof and commented that he was mostly doing the accounting, because he couldn’t be assed with coffee. Fair enough. The only way you could describe the buzz-boy, Peter, was jolly. He was flying around and a few times, you wondered if he had superhuman abilities just because of his speed. Vision seemed like he didn’t belong at a coffeehouse, but more like one of your professors. He was smart and apparently, Wanda told you a late night, had recently asked her out. You considered most of them friends – especially Wanda and Nat, and often joined them during their breaks to chat. A few others came and went, Thor and Bruce amongst others, who were just friends but spent a majority of their time at the coffeehouse.
The only one you hadn’t met, was the captain himself, Steve. Military-guy and Nat had grinned at your expression, when she told you that he was bigger than Bucky. That didn’t seem possible.
You had been proven wrong, when you arrived on a rainy Thursday, shaking rain from your hair and found yourself staring at the biggest, most beautiful man, you’d ever seen in your life. Something shattered in his hand, and you both looked down to the ceramic cup that had broken into pieces in his hands. “Oof. Be careful you don’t cut yourself!” You stepped forward, maybe to take it from him, you weren’t really sure. He sent you a bashful smile. “Oh, yeah, I’m, uh, I’m good. Hang on, just… two seconds.” You waved at Peter while Steve cleaned and went to the backroom. “Dude, is that Y/N? Seriously??” You heard his timbre from the closed door and bit your lip to contain a laugh at his tone. He sounded absolutely confused. “Uh…” Bucky poked his head out and waved once, sending you a rare smile. “Hi, Y/N. Be right there.” He disappeared again. “Yeah? What about her?” A smack sounded and a soft ow. “You just neglected to tell me how freakin’ gorgeous she was?” “I hadn’t really thought about it…” A sigh. “Dude, I’m going to end up fumbling around her.” “I can see that.” Another smack and another ow.   “Jerk.” “Punk.” A scuffle and then the door opened again, Steve smiling with red cheeks and a hand rubbing the back of his neck. “So… Sorry about the cup.” “It wasn’t mine, so I think we’re good.” You replied with a smile. “Oh, right. Yeah. Wanda has been very specific about your cup.” He pulled a red and blue cup down from the top shelf and showed it to you. “This one, right?” “You got it.” You couldn’t help but flirt just a little. He was gorgeous, really. “What can I get you?” He smiled and winked at you. “Today….” You glanced at the board. “A Scarlett Witch, please and thank you.” He hummed. “A favorite of mine.” “I have a soft spot for vanilla and spice.” “And everything nice?” He grinned. “I’ll have it ready for you in a few, Y/N.”
And that went of for weeks.
You would come in and Steve would immediately break something. Yesterday he had managed to snap the handle off of the espresso-machine, the time before that, it had been the handle of the broom – there was barely anything left, that hadn’t been replaced once, since Steve began serving you. It was kind of funny, but mostly cute – you barely got served by anyone else (you had seen him kick Sam on the shin, when he tried a week ago), but you didn’t mind. Steve was cute, and the giant man, all muscles and blue eyes, was reduced to a blushing mess every time you call him Stevie. It wasn’t just because it was fun to flirt and make him flustered, but you really liked him; he was a great friend and an even better person, and you enjoyed every second you spent with him. The fact that you could make him break things by flirting, was just an added bonus, really.  
Today had been a shitty day. Your professor had been an ass, your study group unbearable, your bag broke halfway through the day and your hair was acting out. You hated Mondays. You were about to cross the street to Captain’s Coffee, the promise of whatever coffee Steve would make in the forefront of your mind, but you had barely taken a step, when a fucking truck passed you, spraying you with dirty water from a very large puddle on the side of the street.
“Oh, come on!” you groaned and scrunched your nose up, trying to get some of the water out of your shirt. Fucking splendid. You walked with heavy steps to your favorite place, and Steve’s eyes found you instantly, when you stepped through the door. “Holy shit, are you okay? When did it rain?” He asked, taking in your appearance. You scowled. “It didn’t. Some asshole drove through a fucking lake on the road and splashed me. Hence the wetness.” You gestured to yourself. “Shit.” He looked at you with empathy shining from his eyes. “Whatever.” You grumbled, and crossed your arms. Not even amazing coffee could save your day today. “I hate Mondays.” He chuckled and stepped around the counter to take you in fully. His large hands rested on your shoulders. “Alright, Garfield, come with me.” You frowned at him. “Where are we going?” “We are getting you some clean clothes.” He turned around and found Bucky. “Yo, watch the register.” Bucky lifted an eyebrow. “Aye, aye, Captain.” He joked and Steve rolled his eyes at him. “You’re a dick.” Steve led you to the back room, where he opened another door, that led to a staircase. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Do you have like… A secret BDSM-dungeon or something?” His eyes flashed and you bit your lip. Oh, that’s interesting. “No dungeon. My apartment.” He grinned and began ascending the stairs, before looking back at you. “Coming?” you scrambled and followed him up the stairs, He opened a door at the very top of the stairs and you followed him inside to a bright and cozy apartment.
It was so Steve. It was light and airy, but filled with paintings, pictures and mis-matched furniture – almost as if he’d been collecting them through his life and finally had a place to put them. It felt homey and it smelled like pinetrees, which you had come to know as a very Steve-scent. You flashed him a grin when he closed the door and he blushed a little. “Yeah, so… This is my apartment.” “I can see that.” “I, uh… I’ll get you some things.” You nodded, your wet clothes nearly forgotten as you looked around. A painting hung on the wall nearest you, and you looked closely at it; it was a very beautiful painting of a sunset over a field of wildflowers, and you recognized several flowers as your personal favorites. “I, uh, I painted that a few weeks ago.” You loked at him with wide eyes. “You painted this?” He nodded bashfully. “Yeah. It was, uh, the same day you came in and talked Wanda’s ear off about the flowers you had planted. It kind of… Yeah, no, it gave me some inspiration.” He handed you some folded clothes. “You painted this because of me?” You asked, a little taken aback. “Really?” He shrugged. “I did.” Silence fell between you and the air was loaded – it felt heavy to breathe, and you gaped at him, opening and closing your mouth several times without knowing what the hell you were going to answer. “Uh… Anyway, the, uh, the bathroom’s right over there. Just leave your wet stuff in there, I’ll wash and dry them.” “You don’t have to do that, Steve, seriously.” He smiled softly at you. “I want to, it’s no issue.” You didn’t press it, but you did press a hand to his cheek gently. “You’re a really good guy, Steve.”
He blushed.
You quickly changed and reveled in the scent of pinewood and vanilla and the faint scent of coffee, that clung to the lose clothing. You were practically swimming in it – his t-shirt would’ve been more than enough, because it almost covered you down to your knees. The sweatpants were giant compared to you, and you thanked him silently for picking a pair with a drawstring, so you at least didn’t flash half of the coffeehouse, if you made it back down there. You left the bathroom and Steve smiled at you, a flash of possessiveness in his eyes, as they roamed your body. “Looking good.” His voice was a little deeper than normal. You twirled around once. “It’s huge on me, Steve. I feel like I’ve been shrunk.” He laughed. “Well, it looks good on you. Really.” “Sweatpants or your clothes?” “Whatever makes you feel best.” He said, stepping closer to you. “Your clothes it is, then.” He swallowed thickly and pushed a stray piece of hair back behind your ear. “You know, I’ve, uh… I’m shit at this.” He chuckled a little and you looked up at him. “At what, Stevie?” He blushed again and stuttered for a moment before drawing a deep breath. “You doing that. I mean… It makes me, like, uh… I feel all… Smoosh.” He rolled his eyes at himself. “God, I’m an ass, aren’t I?” You laughed and wrapped your arms tentatively around his waist. “Not really, no. I like you flustered and smooshed.” He chuckled and cupped the side of your face. “Would you, uh… Want to… Uh, you know, okay. Okay, yeah, would you like to go on a date with me?” He asked quickly. You grinned. “Well, yes. Of course. Only thing is…” You wet your lips. “We’ve already been on dates, Steve.” “Wait, what? I would’ve remembered!” His other hand cupped your face as well. “We’ve been having coffee together pretty much every day for a month, Steve. Just you and me. To me, that’s dating.” He leaned closer to you. “Oh. Well… Then I wouldn’t be overstepping in doing this.”
He kissed you gently, lips slotting over yours perfectly. It was assured and calm, exactly what you thought Steve was like. It lasted for a lifetime and barely a second all at once. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours.
“So… A date later, then?” “Sure thing.”
You walked to the coffeehouse together, fingers intertwined and it wasn’t missed by the staff – both Wanda and Bucky whooped and high-fived, while Sam called out to Natasha that she owed him 5 dollars. You leaned against the counter, while Steve began making your coffee – a special, he had called wildflowers – and you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. “That took way too long.” Wanda grinned at you. “No, just the right amount of time.” You giggled. “It’s been kind of cute, seeing that big, burly man be all flustered.” Wanda mused, watching Steve’s back. You cocked an eyebrow at her. “Want to see something more fun?” She grinned deviously at you and nodded.
“Hey, Steve…” You called to him. He didn’t turn around, but mumbled a small yeah, babe? “You didn’t say no to the BDSM-thing.” A loud crack sounded and steam billowed out from the machine. Tony groaned.
“Not again, Steve!”
TAGLIST @acaceta @a-skov @angelmather1 @cooldreamlandsandwich @doubletriplepowerbomb @est1887 @enchantedbytomandhenry @fionnthebandersnacc @herroyalbubbliness​ @keiva1000 @kebabgirl67 @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler @pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw​ @sofiebstar​ @summersong69​ @spookyboogyuniverse​ @stardusted26​ @thereisa8ella​ @timetraveller4​ @thatonechickhere​ @themanfromu​ @thelastpyle​ @tragicphoenix13​ @yourlocalhoney​ @wheretheriversrunintothesea​   @avengershoney​ @getthismoose​ @gloriuspurposee​ @sebastianstansassslaps @the-omni-princess​ @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned​@xcallmetaniax​
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Good Little Helper
Pairing: Season 5! Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader gets assigned to be Spencer’s personal assistant of sorts after he gets shot in the knee. Category: SMUT(18+) Content Warnings: fingering (female receiving), blowjob, praise kink, dirty talk, blink and you’ll miss it cumplay Word Count: 4.7k
NOTE: So, remember yesterday when I posted about how I wished new ideas would stop distracting me from everything I’m currently working on? Yeah. This wouldn’t leave me alone, and I couldn’t work on anything until I got it out of my head, so here! Have a fic! (It was supposed to be a blurb, but I got a little long-winded so now it’s too long to be a blurb oops 😙✌) Also, I apologize for any editing mistakes, I just wrote this out in one go, so hopefully it’s alright!
Being assigned to assist Dr. Reid with practically his every need after he was shot in the knee wasn't exactly how I expected to spend the past few months.
And that's, like... a huge understatement.
In fact, when Agent Hotchner came up to me in the break room and said he'd like me to do the job, I dropped my coffee and shattered a mug. I could tell he was a little impatient with me, even through his kind reassurances that it was quite all right as he helped me clean it up and waited for an answer.
In the end I'd said yes to the job, though the more I thought about it the more I wondered how much lust and naivete had clouded my judgement when I did.
Because there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to survive weeks, possibly months, as Spencer Reid's assistant. Not only because he was intimidatingly intelligent and there was almost nothing I could offer him in decent conversation, but also—and more prominently—the fact that I was pretty sure I was in love with him.
Maybe that was a stretch. I definitely had a stupid major crush on him that felt more like we were in middle school, but I could barely look at him without going warm all over. In fact, I think we had only ever made eye contact once and I averted my gaze immediately, afraid I'd give myself away. If I'd have held it any longer, I was positive I'd have burst into flames.
He'd tried talking to me once, a few months after I started working at the Bureau, and it was only to ask if I'd send some files over to their tech analyst, Penelope Garcia, but when I tried answering, I stumbled over my words and ended up only getting out a squeaked, "Uh huh," before taking the files from him and scurrying off.
I almost cried that day.
Basically every time I was in his presence, I was a total wreck. Even more so than I was on any other given day.
Being his assistant did get fairly easy pretty early on, though. I mostly just stayed out of his way while he worked, and if he need anything that he could've gotten himself if not for the injury, it was my job to get it for him. I worked on my own paperwork most of the time, and he was always busy working on geographical profiles and whatever else, we only ever really had to talk when he asked for something. And that only required a, "Sure," on my end, so I could just get up, get what he needed, and then go back to work.
Still, it didn't help that sometimes I'd get distracted.
He was very distracting.
I usually waited until I was sure he was so busy in work that I wouldn't get caught. And that's when I'd peek over my computer or hide behind a book and stare at him. I know that sounds creepier than it is, but if you had to spend almost every hour of the day with him, you'd have done the same. Even though for months he was put on rest from the field, he always showed up looking more like a college professor than an FBI agent. Which, I suppose suited him more anyway. Regardless, it was a damn fine look. His hair was decently long and extremely pretty, and when he got the cane?
I was a goner.
It was at that point, though, when I started to realize that he probably wouldn't need my help anymore. He'd been allowed back into the filed by then, and even when I went with them on cases it still felt like I was more out of place than usual. Sure, I'd picked up on some minor skills that aided in profiling and otherwise, but at the end of the day I was still only a desk clerk. Sooner or later, I knew there would be a time where Agent Hotchner would inevitably tell me that I'd done a good job and could return to my menial day job.
So, even though Dr. Reid and I had gotten into a pretty regular, non-awkward rhythm, I was being a little more squirrely than usual.
And of course, he noticed.
"Y/N, are you doing alright?" he asked, looking up from his stack of paperwork. That was another thing we'd ended up doing— late into the night after everyone had gone home, we stayed late in the conference room and quietly filled out paperwork.
I barely looked him in the eye when I answered. "O—Oh, mhm. I'm fine."
"Oh... You just seem... a little different today."
On any other day I would have freaked out on the inside like a teenager, excited that he'd noticed me at all enough to notice a difference in my behavior. But that was his job after all.
"Actually, you seem rather... sad."
I did look up at him this time, and the soft glow of the table lamp lit up his features— features that looked me over with concern. I could feel my face grow warmer with every second I looked at him, until I quickly looked back down at my paper and shook my head.
"N—No, I'm okay. Promise. Just a little tired, that's all."
Usually he would have left it at that, given we didn't ever really have longer conversations than that that didn't pertain to whatever case the BAU was working on. But he pushed further, and I swallowed.
"Are you sure? Because... You can tell me if there's something wrong. I'm a good listener..."
Did I dare tell him what was really plaguing me? That I was scared I wasn't going to be able to spend time with him every day, thus most likely giving away my crush? That is, if he hadn't already figured it out by this point... Truthfully it wouldn't have surprised me.
The thought made me go warm again, and still, I kept my head down.
"I'm sure..."
And then I did something I probably shouldn't have. I looked back up at him, just a quick glance, but under his intense gaze I crumbled, flitting my eyes back down and playing with my hands.
"Is it... because of me?"
Afraid suddenly that I'd made him feel bad, I straightened a little. "No! No, not at all I... Um... I—I guess I'm just... A little sad that I'm probably... not going to be of any help to you anymore. You know, now that you're healing up."
A small smile flashed over his face, and I inwardly melted.
"Oh... In that case I... I guess I'm sad, too."
"Really?" I asked softly, my heart jumping.
"Mhm," he answered back in earnest. His features were softer than they'd ever been, eyes wide and kind, smile inviting... "You've been a great help. And you're fun to be around."
I couldn't help but smile shyly at his confession, completely bewildered that he'd think of me as someone he'd enjoyed being around, though I'd offered just about nothing interesting to any conversation we'd had. "Y—You don't mean that..."
"I do."
"C'mon, really? I... I—mean... coming from you that's... that's too generous."
He laughed a little. "How do you mean?"
"I... Well, y—you're you... I mean, you're... smart, and nice, and cu— uh,... n—nice..." I stumbled hard on that last one, squeezing my eyes shut at the thought of almost calling him cute to his face... And then I realized I'd called him nice two times... in a row.
I hadn't even realized he'd gotten up and walked over to me until I felt his cane gently tap my leg. I jumped, looking up at him and almost crumbled again right then and there. He stood over me, tall and clearly amused, and I wanted to just curl up and hide where no one would ever find me.
I also didn't want to be craning my neck so far up to see him, so I stood up, sending my chair rolling back a foot or two. The added height was better, but he was still fiarly taller than me, and with the way were standing so close to each other?
Maybe I'd made a mistake...
"I—I'm sorry," I stammered.
Still amused, Spencer tilted his head a small amount. "What for?"
"I... I don't know, m—making this awkward?"
"It's not awkward."
"It... It's not?"
He shook his head, quiet for a few beats before he nearly whispered. "What were you going to say?"
I paused. "I... What?"
"Before... You said I was smart. And nice... And... What else?"
It sounded like he was trying to get me to confess something, and quite honestly I couldn't tell if it was for humiliation or amusement or clarification purposes. I mean, it was probably safe to assume he wouldn't go out of his way to humiliate me, but... it still made me nervous.
"I—I didn't... I..."
"Y/N... Tell me?"
I'd been cornered. Quite literally, too, as my lower back hit the edge of the table. My hands shook anxiously at my sides as I contemplated what to say. The truth? Embarrassing for me. A lie? I was no good at telling lies, and I'd still end up embarrassed, because he'd be able to tell.
So, after a very long silence in which he waited on me to answer, I blurted out, as quietly as possible, "Cute."
The word sounded juvenile coming from my mouth. Right now, standing under Dr. Reid's intense scrutiny, it didn't even feel like the right word to describe him. Not that it wasn't true... But it just wasn't an elegant enough descriptor for him.
And that alone probably proved just how different we were. How out of my league he was...
"That's what I thought you were going to say," he mused, slightly breaking me out of my self-deprecation.
I would have asked him something then, anything to keep myself from looking like even more of a fool with a childish schoolgirl crush, but all words escaped me entirely. All I could do was look up at him, slowly growing warm under the intensity of his eyes and praying he wouldn't think of me as silly.
Though, it wouldn't have mattered, because he kept talking anyway, his body taking up even more space around me as his arms came around to well and truly trap me against the table.
"You're right, you know... I'm almost completely healed, and pretty soon I think I won't need an assistant anymore."
I was scared that maybe I was wrong before, and he'd actually humiliate me now, though the look in his eyes suggested otherwise. I wasn't sure what to make of all of it. SO I just stood there, trying to breath steadily as Spencer studied my face.
"And I meant it... That makes me sad. You know why?"
I shook my head, afraid to make a sound.
His head dipped lower, close enough that I could feel his breath on my mouth as he spoke. "I probably won't get to see you every day."
"Y—you want to see me?" I couldn't help but ask.
He scanned my eyes, amusement and something else lingering there as he did. "Yes."
And then he kissed me.
It was a short distance, but it felt like we went far. And I hadn't even registered that I whimpered into his mouth until he returned it with a low groan that boiled my insides and absolutely melted me. I was helpless against him as he pressed himself further against me and used his hands to keep my back steady.
The whole time my mind was swimming with dizziness. It felt like my body was covered in butterflies from head to toe, particularly strong where his hands pressed into me and his cane rested firmly along the inside of my thigh.
I leaned forward when he pulled away, because I was afraid that he was saying goodbye. But one of his hands came up to my face and my eyes fluttered open, immediately taking notice of how messy his hair was now that I'd had my fingers in it.
I must have looked scared, because suddenly his eyes changed, and he removed his hands away from me altogether, putting distance in between us. "I—I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you without asking..."
The relief that rushed through my body must have gotten to my head, because I breathed out a demand I'd never have had the courage to get out before.
"Do it again."
One second I was staring at him, admittedly afraid that he'd regretted all of it, and the next I was seeing stars as he came forward and kissed me again. His hands cradled my face as he did so, coming on to me with gentle care while still maintaining that hunger that surprised and excited me.
I hadn't realized how much I missed his touch until he'd given it back to me, my body once again melting into him and allowing him to do whatever it is that pleased him.
Apparently that was lifting my leg off the ground and making me sit on the table.
My body went along with it easily, and I was glad for it because my brain was nothing but mush, unable to process fully how he'd decided that I was worth kissing. All I really knew was that I wanted him. Anything he wanted from me, I was willing to give. And that must have come across very clearly, because when he pulled away and spoke to me, I whimpered at his words.
"Y/N... You've been such a good girl, helping me with whatever I needed these past few months..." Meanwhile his hand danced along the hem of my skirt, the tiny brushes of his skin against mine sending me into a mess of shivers.
"I think it's about time I've thanked you for all your help, don't you think?"
The implications in his tone made me whine again, and I pressed my forehead into his, our noses brushing as I answered. "Please."
I was so taken by the way he groaned as his lips connected with mine once more that I almost didn't realize that his hand was now fully up my skirt, his fingers drawing gentle lines over my panties and practically making me melt again. His hungry kisses contradicted the softness he took to my clothed cunt, a fact that warmed me to my core and made me want him more than ever.
When he slipped the fabric aside and ran the pad of his finger through me, I whined hard against his mouth, something that must have excited him— He nipped at my bottom lip and took a deep breath.
"How long have you wanted this, Princess?"
If not for the kissing and the finger slowly sliding up through my arousal, the nickname would have done me in. By now I was an utter wreck, but I somehow still managed to answer, even through a little stammering. "F—Forever."
It was the best I could come up with.
He breathed a laugh as his finger circled my clit. "That's a long time..."
"Uh huh," was all I could manage in response. My body and my brain were too focused on the things his finger was doing to my body, involuntarily rolling my hips forward for more. I needed more.
Thankfully he picked up on my urgency and reciprocated with slipping his middle finger inside me, one knuckle, then two...
I cried out as my head lurched forward, connecting our mouths once again. My hands clutched around his neck and my fingers tugged at his hair to keep myself from falling, because the slow, searing pace at which he fingered me made me wonder how I'd still been able to breathe.
He added another finger soon enough, picking up the pace and rendering me practically useless in his embrace. Meanwhile I registered the sound of his own little whines, still deeper than mine but little enough to tip me off that he was enjoying this just as much as I was, and that alone helped get me further along in pleasure.
I pulled my mouth from his reluctantly, squeezing my eyes shut as I allowed my forehead to rest against his. "D—Doctor, I'm c... I'm so close."
"His honorific falling breathlessly from my mouth seemed to do something sinister to him, because his fingers sped up and his breathing got heavier.
"Yeah? You gonna come for me, Princess?"
My stomach tightened and I nodded as best as I could, relishing in the sounds coming from below us, wet and downright filthy.
"Go ahead...Be a good girl and come for me... You deserve it..."
Each little sentence was punctuated with a slightly faster pace, each one bringing me closer and closer until I squeaked into his mouth and shook violently around his fingers, my vision going white. My legs had been open wide since he'd started teasing under my skirt, but now they threatened to clamp shut from the intensity. But I wanted nothing more than to be good for him, to make this as easy as possible, so I held out and kept them open as wide as I could stand as my orgasm rocked through me.
Spencer whispered praises into my skin as his hand slowed and his mouth trailed down to my neck. And even though it was more than nice feeling him lick and bite over my skin, I felt rather sad when he removed his fingers from me.
That sadness didn't last long though, not when he pulled back and studied me for a moment, eyes lust-blown and purely ravenous before he brought his glistening fingers up to my mouth.
I didn't even have to think. I brought my tongue out and let him slip his fingers over it, closing my mouth around them and sighing as I sucked them clean. This only seemed to excite him more, his features displaying all sorts of desperation until he couldn't take it anymore.
He kissed me again, bringing both his hands to rest at my waist. And with his hands so low I wondered if maybe he'd take to ridding himself of his own pants, but it never happened. Rather, he pulled away after minutes of more kissing, and sighed quite sadly as his upper body pressed firmly into mine.
Something else pressed firmly against me as well—right along the inside of my thigh—and I gasped, mind running wild through all the possible outcomes of the night.
But Spencer only stood there, occasionally nudging his nose against mine while his hands gently kneaded my sides.
"D—Do you want to stop?" I asked softly, afraid he'd regret what we did.
He proved me wrong. "God, no... It's... It's just that I'm still not cleared enough for any... strenuous activity on my leg, and I don't..."
I didn't want to push him, obviously, but I thought I could make the mood a little lighter. "O—Oh, well on the bright side... I could stay your assistant for a while longer."
The laugh that rumbled in his throat made me smile, though from the way he stood there, I knew he wouldn't risk it.
"Um... Raincheck?" he whispered.
On the one hand, that meant he definitely wanted to see me again, and I was more than happy with that. But also, that meant our fun for the night was done...
Yet... Maybe not...
"Sure," I answered, pecking his lips once more. Then I brought my hand to his chest and slid it down until I reached his belt, and I leaned back to look him in the eye, a boldness I never imagined coming from me in a million years.
"But I can still help you..."
I watched the desperation and disappointment in his features slowly dissolve into a newfound hunger—and an amusement—that grew my confidence tenfold.
"Oh?" Spencer mused. "How do you suppose you can help me this time?"
He wanted me to say it. So, without second guessing myself anymore, I grazed my finger over his erection. "I'm very good with my mouth, Dr. Reid."
He grabbed me by the hand then, dragging me along to the chair I'd kicked back before and sat himself down, one of his hands still gripping the cane. Matched with the desire in his eyes and the swollenness of his lips and the tousled strands of his hair, the sight was truly something to behold. It was something that only ever existed in my dreams, nd now it was real.
Not wanting to waste any time, I sunk to my knees and nestled myself in between his legs. He reached out and caressed my cheek before lifting my chin with his middle finger.
"You like being my good little helper?" he drawled.
I tried to nod, but he clicked his tongue and held my chin in place. "Words, Princess."
"Yes. I—I'd do anything you asked. Anything you want, it's yours..."
He hummed then, removing his hand from my face and moving to undo his belt swiftly with only one hand. The action, the sound, everything... it was enough to make me wet again, and I subtly ground down onto the heel of my foot as I watched him pull himself free from the confines of his pants.
I didn't have time to marvel at him before I was drawn forward like a magnet, my hands crawling up his legs and my eyes batting up at him, ready and eager to please him however he wanted.
"Eager, are we?" he mused once more, gently stroking himself with his hand.
"Yes, Doctor," I breathed, inching closer and kissing the outside of his hand.
His movement stopped then, and it didn't take longer than a second for him to decide to let me work on my own.
"Then have at it, Princess..."
I started by kissing my way up the length of him, taking my time to gauge his reactions as I did so, occasionally darting my tongue out to taste him. Once I reached the tip, I sucked on it gently, using my tongue to swirl around it until I could taste the saltiness of his precum.
And then I started taking him slowly into my mouth, watching above me as Spencer's eyes started to shut, obviously debating whether or not to lay back and enjoy this or watch me intently.
Either way, I was more than happy to keep it up, finally getting him to the back of my throat. I flexed my tongue and held him there as long as I could, promptly gagging over him and blinking tears from my eyes as he let out a loudest sound I'd heard from him yet. His head flew back and his tongue quivered along his bottom lip as he cursed my name.
The act made me proud, so I retreated for air, sucked at his tip again for a few seconds, and then repeated it, taking him down my throat again and watching through teary eyes as he visibly swallowed and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so... Such a good fucking girl..."
The praise caused my insides to burn hot, and I ground down onto my heel again, lifting my mouth to start bobbing up and down.
His eyes opened then, and he looked down at me, using his hand to brush stray hair from my face and the other to grip onto his cane for dear life. I looked up at him the whole time, making sure to convey through not only my actions but also my eyes that I loved this. I thrived off of his praise, I enjoyed the feel of his dick gliding over my tongue and hitting the back of my throat, and I longed to feel him coat the inside of my mouth with his release.
I was so entirely into him in every capacity, it wasn't even funny.
I was so glad he could tell, a smile grazing his features as his hand gently gripped some of my hair. "So eager to please, Princess... And so fucking good at delivering..."
I whined onto his dick as he held me down, rendering me immobile. The only thing I could do was look up at him and choke, and of course, I was more than happy to do it. In turn, I was met with a deep groan and a tug of the hair.
"Hold it, hold it... Atta girl..."
My cunt throbbed at his words, and my throat continued to burn, tears falling down my face at ten-speed until finally, he let up and pulled me off of him.
I coughed a little and blinked away tears as I caught my breath, Spencer's fingers combing hair from my face as he smiled proudly.
He didn't even need to say anything then. I wanted to give him more. So I leaned down again and took him in my mouth, quickly making work of his tip while my hand came up and stroked the rest of him.
"Fuck, Princess, just like that... Make me come just like that..."
Rather than just continuing, I offered him a high whine and a wide gaze, hoping to exceed expectations.
I guess it worked, because he came right then, his dick pulsing over my tongue and in my hand as his warm release shot down my throat and over my tongue. I hummed around him, fluttering my eyes closed at the taste and the feeling, probably enjoying the fact that I'd done this to him more than I should have.
It was worth it to see the look on his face, though, after he'd given me all he had and I purposely spit some of it out onto the tip of his dick so I could lick it up and give him just a little more stimulation after the fact. His mouth hung open, eyes heavy and unwilling to leave me, even as I finished and sat back to wipe the tears and saliva from my face with a satisfied smile.
Though, the longer he looked at me, the more shy I became. Funny when I'd just had his dick down my throat, but I'd never been good with people staring at me for long periods of time.
"Was that... Was that okay?" I asked, suddenly worried I hadn't done something to his standards. "I know I don't do this a lot, so I'm sorry if it wasn't that g—"
I blinked up at him, still on my knees and unwilling to move. Not that I wanted to, but I couldn't even if I had.
"That was fucking perfect... I meant it, you're... so good."
I knew he was capable of better words, but after having the life sucked out of you, I could imagine 'better words' were hard to come by. Still, I laughed a little, playing with the hem of my skirt. "Good. I'm... glad I could help."
He smiled at me, readjusting his pants and then moving to help me off the ground.
"Hey, uh... Even when you go back to your regular job after I get better, I... I hope you know you're always welcome to come visit me if we're not busy."
The words warmed me in a different way, my heart swelling as well. "You... You mean that?"
Spencer nodded, grabbing my hand and dragging his thumb over my wrist. "Of course. I mean, you're more than just a good helper, you know. You're also kind, and smart, and cute..."
I laughed at his emphasis on cute, heat warming my face. "Ha-ha..."
"I really mean it, though," he said softly, removing his hand from mind and bringing it up to lift my chin, so I'd meet his eyes. They were swimming with sincerity, the epitome of warmth and comfort and kindness— the kind that always drew me to him in the first place. "And... If you'd want to maybe ditch the paperwork one day and grab a coffee or something, maybe—"
"Yes," I interrupted without thinking. My heartbeat picked up upon seeing the look in his eyes when I agreed, a mixture of amusement and relief. "Y—Yes, I'd love to."
"Good. Then it's a date?"
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delimeful · 3 years
failed bounties and fresh bonds
commission for @the-panmixxia! thank you so much for your support! :)
warnings: fear/panic, unintentional child endangerment, pretty bad injury, hypothetical gore/death mentions, remus being remus
Virgil pressed his palm over his mouth, struggling not to make any noise even as his lungs strained for air. There was someone in his forest, and he was sure they were here to kill him or worse.
He should have left before tonight, gotten as far away as possible, but... He’d lived here for longer than any of the other temporary homes he’d found. It was the safest place he’d found.
The trees in the forest were old and huge, enough that they sheltered him from view. The mountain was even more so, with old dragon caves that he could spend hours exploring. There was a little town to the south, but the forest was big enough that no travelers stumbled across the part where he lived.
He’d only snuck down to the town because he’d wanted to see the lights that had been strung up in the streets. He wasn’t sure what they were for, but they were bright and beautiful.
He hadn’t meant to get so close. He hadn’t meant to be caught.
But between one moment and the next, there had been a tiny gasp, and he’d turned his head to see one of the townsfolk, a young woman, staring up at him in frozen terror. The sight of the human had terrified him just as much, and he’d tipped back onto his butt, his hand knocking into a market stall with a crash of splintering wood.
The spell of silence broken, the woman screamed, the alarm spreading as windows began to light all down the street. Virgil had scrambled back like a crab, before turning and fleeing into the woods, leaving behind the distant noise of opening doors and raised voices.
It had all led to this. He’d been seen, and they’d set a bounty on his head, and now there was a strange human in his forest.
Virgil could hear the stranger humming, his tone nasal and low, occasionally straying painfully off key. He’d been using the sound as a guide, creeping away as quietly as he could whenever it came into range, but no matter how hard he tried to put distance between them, the wind would carry that hum back to him the moment he settled down to hide.
The stranger was a skilled tracker, maybe, or had extraordinarily good luck, or actually had seen Virgil that first time and had been following him from a distance ever since, tiring him out like a wolf stalking a deer. He didn’t sound like a knight, didn’t move with the crash of steel or ride a horse. Virgil hoped he wasn’t a knight, almost more than he wished he’d never gone down to that village at all.
He let himself breathe in, quiet and shaky, and then pushed away from the wall of his cave, listening for the stranger so he could try and sneak away once more.
Between the distant trees and night sky, there was silence.
Virgil leaned towards the cave’s opening, scanning the sharp silhouettes and straining for even the most muffled sound of twigs underfoot.
At the lip of the cave, a human-sized figure swung into view upside down, baring bone-white teeth in an unhinged grin. “Boo!”
Virgil couldn’t help the small scream that tore from him, the noise echoing against the cavern’s walls. His heart racing, he bolted back down those familiar tunnels without another thought, fleeing even as the human’s cackling cut off sharply.
“—Hey, wait, get back here! I didn’t spend all night wandering in the cold-ass woods just to have a monster blueball me out of a fight again!”
Shouted into a deep cave, the stranger’s words bounced and overlapped until they were just meaningless noise around Virgil, only propelling him forward faster. He took the corners sharply, scrambling up near sheer cliffs, barely noticing the way sharp protruding rocks scraped against his shoulders or pierced the soft bits of his feet.
He didn’t realize he was cornering himself until he turned into a dead end, the paths somehow warped and unfamiliar under the force of his panic. Quick, skipping steps were pursuing him in the distance, which meant that the human could still hear his footsteps, and so he shuffled into the furthest corner of the cavern and focused on making himself still and quiet, no matter how hard his body wanted to tremble and shake and sob.
There was no doubt about it; the stranger was a bounty hunter, and Virgil was the bounty.
That nasally voice continued to echo down to Virgil as he rambled on, complaining or singing or making jokes Virgil didn’t get, all while steadily pursuing his quarry.
Bit by bit, the noise drew closer and closer, accompanied by the crackle of a merrily burning torch. He seemed to be utterly undeterred by the twisting, unsettling nature of the mountain, and what little hope Virgil had began to fade. There was no way that the stranger would just happen to pass him by.
It would take a miracle to save him now.
A cavern away, a chunk of old stone gave way under an overconfident foot.
“Oh, fuck—,” Remus shouted, his brain nearly shorting out as he tripped directly into freefall.
His divination provided him with a slurry of unhelpful images, each one matching a tiny movement he made while falling: him landing on his legs and shattering both of them so hard he blacks out, him landing on his head and doing a lot worse than blacking out, ragdolling all the way down the crevice below, twisting so that his foot catches on a crack in the wall and wrenches his ankle— That one!
He howled as his foot caught, and then the bitch that was gravity caught up with him and his back and skull slammed against the wall, knocking the air out of him and causing little white flashes to appear in his vision.
It took a long moment to come back to himself through the pain, but when he did, he found himself still dangling in place by a single ankle. He’d lost his torch somewhere in the process.
He glanced down, and knew immediately that the shadowy drop below was fatal, the cracks of potential future bone breaking settling into his brain.
Glancing up, he knew immediately that his ankle was boned, going by the interesting angle it was making with the rest of his leg.
He contemplated reaching up with his other foot and trying to wedge it in another crack. His brain offered him visions of the whole bit of cliff face snapping into brittle pieces, and then more falling to his death.
He crossed his arms, letting all the blood rush to his head in hopes of that generating a better idea. Instead, he got a headache.
“Well, shit,” he said, succinctly.
Something big shifted, just barely in earshot. Remus didn’t bother looking ahead; it was obvious that the giant he’d been hunting had just figured out how thoroughly the roles had been reversed.
Sure enough, the movements shuffled closer, surprisingly hesitant, and then two huge, glowing eyes peered down at him.
“Come to grind my bones into paste?” Remus asked, genuinely curious. “Or squish all my organs out through my ears?”
Those eyes scrunched up a bit in revulsion, which was hilarious coming from a monster about to kill him. He wiggled his limbs around a bit, ignoring the resulting pain and cracking of brittle rock in favor of hopefully enticing the creature to grab him already. Just hanging around was getting boring.
The breathing above him quickened a bit, and then there was a curved, warm surface under him, lifting slowly until his ankle was no longer carrying all of his weight. Remus considered yanking the injured foot free before the monster could do it for him, but before he could follow through, there was the silhouette of large fingers poking and prying at the rock until it really did crumble away.
The cupped thing he was splayed across had to be a hand too, he realized as he breathed through the sharp jabs of pain from his ankle being released. From the way the townspeople described it, he’d expected something less… human-shaped.
Between his ankle and his head rush, it was no surprise that he blacked out a little.
When he managed to wake back up, they’d returned to a tunnel that led outside, going by the fresh air he could feel against his face. It must have taken the creature a lot more time to make the trip while carrying him.
Whatever it wanted him for, he wasn’t sticking around to find out. He cast around for potential futures-- he rolls out of the grip and smacks his head on stone, he lands on his bad ankle and instantly blacks out again, he waits a little longer and is set on the ground outside by--
“You’re a kid?” he blurted, his vision of a distinctly human, distinctly child-shaped face fading away. The hand under him jolted, and the kid made a startled sniffle.
“You’re alive?” he asked in return, his voice deep and big but also rough with… tears? Jeez, had the kid really been that upset about some asshole bounty hunter biting the dust?
The hand curled in a little tighter around him, one fingertip coming to settle on his chest as though to check that he really was breathing. The motion was gentler than he thought possible for a giant, and he realized fairly abruptly that the ‘terrorized’ people in the town below were full of shit.
He’d hunted this kid for a whole night, and all he’d done in return was avoid him and then save his life. Some ‘monster’.
The kid seemed to remember himself, and flattened his hand back out before shuffling forwards more. There was a subtle shaking running through him, and Remus had the feeling that the kid was going to bolt the minute he set him down.
“Anyone else live up here with you?” he asked, flopping back onto the hand casually. He felt that giant gaze drop onto him and continued casually. “I came up here for a bounty but it turned out the townsfolk are dirty liars. I haven’t seen a single monster.”
There was a little surprised inhale from above him.
“In fact, this place is so nice I might camp here for a while,” he added, waving a hand at the forest ahead lazily. “Make sure to send off any other bounty hunters so they don’t waste their time up here.”
“R-Really?” the kid asked, his tone full of doubt and suspicion.
“Yup! I’ve been told I’m an absolutely detestable neighbor, disturber of the peace, totally unrecommended, zero out of ten,” Remus paused. “But I’m great at getting rid of uninvited guests!”
The kid took that last step out of the tunnel, the early light of dawn spilling over both of them. Remus sat up, waving his fingers in greeting as they both took each other in as more than silhouettes.
Apart from the fact that he was giant, the kid looked like... a kid. An long-limbed, underfed, lonely kid. One with distinct cuff-shaped scars around his wrists and ankles.
Remus shoved down his anger, tore his gaze away from the old wounds, and offered the kid a sharp-toothed grin. The kid tilted his head, wary. That was okay. Remus could handle wary.
“So, what do you say?”
“... Neighbors,” he replied, hesitant and hopeful. Remus cheered obnoxiously.
He was going to have fun making those people regret ever putting a bounty on this kid.
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“Love and War - Chapter III” - Luca Changretta x reader
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Summary: You’ve picked a side, and now you have to deal with the aftermath. 
A/N: When I started this fic I had a decent outline what I wanted to happen but my ideas sorta ended with this part. However, I’m loving where this is going and I have some more ideas, so there probably will be a few more chapters 👀  Either way, I want to thank everyone that liked and commented, not only on this fic but in general, it always makes me so happy and it really means a lot 💕
Words: 3.4k
Chapter I Chapter II
Your house was now used to your incessant walking, the wood singing along as you stood on it over and over, pacing from one room to the other, picking the phone up, sighing, falling on the bed for a short moment before starting the routine all over again. 
By morning you had slept for only a few hours, the ghost of Arthur visiting you in your dreams to blame you for his death, shaking you up until you woke up. The sun was now high, making you jump up to reach the phone. You weren’t backing down, you’d have no more deaths.
The phone rang consistently, bothering Ada enough to make her pick it up, ignoring Tommy’s order against it.  “What?” Her tone was annoyed, but she understood once she heard yours, nervous and desperate. “Ada? Ada! I need to know where they are. I’m not having them kill each other.”  “Oh darling, I… I can’t. Tommy was adamant about not letting you know.” Her tone was now softer, having missed your conversations and feeling the desperation in your voice. “Ada, please. I covered you when you and Freddie-“ “Is this a me-and-Freddie situation?” “What?” “Is he your Freddie?”  Your fingers tapped on the table, looking up at the flowers that had started to wither. You had pressed the nicest ones in a book, but couldn’t bring yourself to throw the rest away and, even if dried out, they still somehow looked good, so you kept them.  Was he your Freddie? He definitely felt like what Ada had described all those years ago, the feelings she described so vividly were now also your own. You hadn’t spent long enough with him to truly know, but you didn’t want him to die before you had the chance to figure it out. “I don’t know, Ada. I think so.”  Her sigh was the only sign, along with your impatient tapping, that time was still flowing.  “The distillery. Tommy left not too long ago, so I’d rush there.”  You groaned and ran to get your shoes, running back to the phone to thank her. “You didn’t hear it from me, you hear me! Not from me!” She repeated over and over, hoping that you wouldn’t be the victim of the day. She really didn’t want to lose a friend. 
The roads were deserted as you ran past the first buildings, spotting the distillery in the distance.  You turned the corner, trying not to run the final meters that separated you from whatever was going on inside, thinking it wise to listen to what was happening before jumping into a situation you might not know how to handle, but stopped dead in your tracks. Someone stood outside the door, taking a few steps, listening, scratching his head and checking his gun. Someone that looked a lot like… “Arthur?”  He turned and faced you, smiling but quickly placing a finger over his lips, letting you know to be quiet. You walked fast again, walking over to him and crashing against his chest, pulling him in a quick hug, but freezing when you realised why he was out here. He wasn’t alone, but the men stayed back, leaving you the space to talk, holding their guns in clear sight nonetheless.  “How are you doing, love?” He whispered. “You’re… you’re meant to be dead.” “Hope it’s not too disappointing to see me still standing, dear” he laughed softly, placing a hand on your shoulder, “I’d suggest leaving now, it ain’t gonna be pretty.” he motioned to the gun, glancing inside while focusing for a moment on the voices that could faintly be heard. You stood still, listening along and hearing Luca speak, then the sound of banging and glass breaking, the clear sound of a fight.  It was the vortex of emotions swirling in your steps that kept you there, trying to make sense of the situation. Your image of Luca had been shifted because of Arthur’s death, only to now find him standing there, armed, ready for a fight. And you knew who the bullets in his barrel were for. “Ah, that’s my cue. See ya, love.”  You weren’t sure if it was the sound of your heartbeat or of your footsteps, but before he had time to react you slipped past him, holding your stare straight ahead of you, the colour of blood painting your thoughts. It was rage, that rage that had never been strong, that always came when you weren’t part of Tommy’s plans. When you had to stay behind. When it was better if you didn’t know. You wasted all your tears on a man that wasn’t dead, not an ounce of regret in anybody’s mind when you walked in. 
The first thing you saw was Tommy’s expression drop when his eyes landed on you, the only person that could’ve complicated this further. Then you saw Luca.  His face wasn’t the same as when you last saw it. Gashes decorated it, his eye was swollen and his lips hung open, showing you the damage dealt in its full glory. It was a gruesome show, only made worse by the stares that you received for being there.  Tommy was holding him up when you walked in, the faint glimmer of surprise passing through his eyes, expecting Arthur to walk in, not you. But to see you walk over  to the bloodied man… maybe that’s what made him truly speechless. When you reached Luca you stopped, looking at his injuries for only a second before hearing Arthur cock his gun.  “Get away from him, sweetheart. I told you to leave.”  You turned slowly, first meeting Thomas’ cold stare and then facing the gun that was pointed at you, crossing your arms in defiance. “I’m not going anywhere, Arthur. Shoot me, I’m not leaving.”  Luca called your name, pulling you weakly away, trying to get you to stand behind him. He wouldn’t have you get killed over his life. But you didn’t move, asserting your position once more in front of the man, planting your feet harshly against the ground.  You saw Arthur’s eyes wander between you and Tommy, unsure as to what to do. You all waited for the next move, the only sound being Luca’s demands for you to leave as he clung to you, trying to get you to leave. “Go.”  Tommy spoke through gritted teeth, his eyes fixed on your hand, the one that gripped on to Luca’s. He couldn’t watch you, so worried for the life of that man. A person he had considered a friend, a helper, family, even, now standing on the enemy’s side.  You had been Luca’s only request. He didn’t care about the rest, but he wanted you to leave with him, if that was what you desired, and he didn’t want anyone trying to stop you. He wanted you, and that made Tommy’s blood boil, but he played his part, knowing full well that he had the upper hand. He knew that there's no leaving, not for you and not for him. There was nothing to go back to either way. Luca was never going to leave alive in Tommy’s eyes, but when you crossed the threshold the illusion shattered. The way you looked at him made it clear that you’d be willing to risk more than your life for the Italian. He’d been a fool, maybe, but there had always been something about your ways. He knew you, cared for you, and underestimated you all at the same time. In his eyes you’d always follow him like a lost puppy, just like Arthur did, but you were strong enough to break from his spell and get away. “Now!” he shouted, walking over to Arthur and ripping his gun out of his hands, aiming it at you, allowing his emotions to leave him, falling back into his new reality. You were an enemy now too, and he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot.  A small flinch and the beginning of a tear was all that you allowed him to see before you moved, cringing at the sound of Luca grunting in pain at your movement, trying to pull him up somewhat gently, but not allowing him to see that, no matter where you stood now, this still hurt. 
Feeling your heart beat in your chest, you focused on the gun aimed at you for a moment, stopping at the door to look each one of them in the eyes. Tommy’s gaze didn’t falter, menacing and cold, while Arthur couldn’t look at you, moving away from where you stood, realising the side you chose didn’t match his own.  You had often sat with Arthur, the two of you ignored on many occasions and gave you an extra reason to bond, and he cared deeply for you, but he wouldn’t go against Tommy, not even to look at you to show you that he somehow wasn’t mad, just surprised and disappointed at your choice. 
While you walked out of the door, no man followed you, making it clear that Luca’s men were no longer his, Matteo standing still behind you, not daring to look up and meet Luca’s eyes, clutching his rifle tightly against his chest.   “I should be the hero coming to save you, not vice versa.”  “Yeah, well, maybe next time.” You muttered, struggling to walk while carrying most of his body weight.  You weren’t sure what other damage he had apart from his face, but his limping and laboured breathing suggested that other parts of his body had been wounded too. He pretended to be fine, taking steady steps before falling back onto you with a grunt, whispering a mix of Italian swear words and apologies. 
The moment you crossed the threshold of your house you walked him over to the sofa, finding the phone and calling the doctor before gathering anything useful that you could find, cursing at yourself for not being more organised.  “You could’ve died.” he spoke, his voice coarse as you made your way back to him with the various creams. “You’re a goddamn fool.” You muttered, dabbing his wounds, making him flinch and hiss in pain.  “Gentle, love.” He tried to joke, moving away from you, only to stop when the pain between his ribs got worse.  “I wouldn’t have to be gentle if you weren’t such an idiot.” You answered back, scoffing but softening your touches nonetheless. The doctor was going to be here soon, so you decided to focus on the various cuts, moving as gently as you could, wiping away the blood and removing any piece of glass still stuck in his skin.  “Never do that again.” He spoke seriously now, moving ever so slightly while you took care of him, lifting his hand to wipe some of his blood that had gotten on your cheek.  “Never do what again, save your ass?”  “Stand between me and a gun.” It had been a bold move, trusting your gut, knowing that Arthur wouldn’t shoot at you, even when your brain was cursing at you to get out of the way, but you weren’t sure if that made all the difference. You hadn’t thought about it, you just felt the need to stand in front of him, to shield him, whatever the outcome.  “Then next time be on the right end of it.”  Your movements were stopped by his hand gripping yours, holding the blood-stained rag still, some of the drops dripping down your arms, colouring your skin with faint red lines. “That was my intention and always has been, I can assure you, but in no circumstance I want you to take a bullet for me.” His eyes wandered, looking at you while you took care of him. He couldn’t have hoped for a better sight, yet something about the scene before him tugged at something deep within him. The fear of what he thought he could never achieve being right in front of him, maybe.  “Turns out I am here to clean up your wounds in the end, eh?” you joked, trying to wipe the serious look off his face along with all the blood.  “Y’ won’t want to kiss me anymore, with all these cuts. Too many scars.” “Who said I ever wanted to kiss you in the first place?” It was a harmless joke, proved for good measure by the soft kiss you placed on his lips, the meeting of your tongues enticed by both of your lips curving into a soft smile, the feeling of finally belonging somewhere filling your chest. “You never seemed to mind, dear.”  “I’ll always want to kiss you.” You added, letting the truth run free. He laughed, his eyes crinkling as he smiled, gently caressing your face with his fingertips, tracing invisible lines.  “No good came from kissing this old man, sweetheart. You-“ his words were interrupted by the timid knock on the door. He watched as you rose, making your way to the door, welcoming the doctor in and gesturing towards Luca, quickly explaining that you tended his external wounds and needed some help at assessing the internal ones. He looked away, nodding at the annoyance of being interrupted. 
“He’s got a broken rib. It will take him up to two months to fully recover, but in a week or two the pain should lessen. He’s also running a low fever. Everything seems under control, but if it rises you’ll have to monitor his condition.” The small man talked quietly, as if he didn’t want Luca to hear. Timid steps made him grow closer to the exit with each word he spoke, evidently eager to leave. “Thank you, doctor.”  He nodded, turning to walk away, stopping just before the door to glance behind him, looking at Luca, now standing tall behind you. “Is there a problem?” You asked, feeling the tension rise. You knew that Tommy had men all over town, but you didn’t want to believe that the doctor that had been helping you for years might be close to turning on you.  “They told me to deliver a message.”  A message. Through a man, rather than a phone call. Was that too personal for him now? They had no issue telling you about Arthur’s supposed death by phone, but now that he was threatening you, he used someone else’s voice.  “Have they, now?” Luca’s words were raspy, still out of breath from the movement and the pain, but that didn’t make him any less intimidating in the doctor’s eyes.  He was shorter than both of you, a small and round man, and, even with a broken rib and in pain, he knew Luca could easily overpower him if he so wished.  “They… Mr. Shelby said that you’ve got to leave. You’ve got until tomorrow. If you’re not-“ he took a deep breath, trying to steady his trembling voice, “if you’re not on the last ship out of here they’d…” he trailed on, not wanting to anger either of you. A quick glance at you and he nodded, rushing out of the door, closing it behind him in a haste, eager to get away. You turned, letting out an exasperated sigh while Luca stood behind you, considering the doctor’s words. He hadn’t looked at you, only at him, which meant that it was very likely that their appreciation for you over the years had counted for something. They wouldn’t kill you.  “I’ll pack my bags.” It wasn’t a question, there was no doubt that you’d follow him. Life with the Shelby’s had been a blessing, some of the best years of your life, but you doubted Tommy would welcome you back, at least not so soon. There was nothing left for you here, not in the land of Thomas Shelby.  “He’s not after you.” he tried to stop you from grabbing the bag, grabbing a hold of your hand as he spoke, holding you in place. You moved to face him, studying his expression. A lot of Luca came from his eyes, using his words to charm and threaten and keeping his secrets hidden deep inside. “But he’s after you.” “You’ve got a life here.”  “I had a life here.” you answered, feeling the electricity of a new start in the air. “If I stayed I’d have to find a job, and not only are most businesses owned by the Blinders, but those that aren’t wouldn’t welcome someone that got away from them on bad terms. They’re feared, and I’d just make whoever wanted me a target. I made a choice, Luca, and you’re not getting rid of me so easily.” you laughed, moving closer to him and caressing his cheek, gently, avoiding the small cuts. “I get to start over.” He smiled at your words, wishing he had your way of seeing things, the simpler ones, his eyes now trained to see the thousands of possibilities and dangers that his way of life offered him so easily, yet ignoring the other possibilities, the ones that weren’t deadly. You complemented each other, lacking what the other was strongest in. And while he looked at you, all he saw was the image of the wife he never could’ve dreamed of having, hoping that one day you’d be just that. He smiled again at the thought, watching you as you walked back to your bed, opening your bag to pack your belongings.  “America?” you asked, choosing the limited clothes you could bring. You could buy more once you arrived there, but you were sentimental and some had to come; the dress you wore on your first day in Small Heath, the one you had on when you saw Ada’s kid for the first time, and the few dresses you wore with Luca. You placed them all neatly, feeling the soft fabric under your hands, picking a few other items to fill the bag. A photograph of you, Polly and Ada, all smiling proud, a pearl necklace that made you feel like you could rule the world, along with a few memories of your years in England. He nodded, still deep in thought. “Will Matteo be joining us later on?” “Matteo’s with the Blinders now.” “Is he?” you smiled at him, knowing that the truth wasn’t that simple, and when he looked at you, you knew you were right. The mafia didn’t work with money, but with honour. It was a different world from Tommy’s, and Matteo wasn’t going to bail on the Changretta family just for some extra money. “There’s only two ships leaving, one tonight and one tomorrow.” He watched you from the mirror, his fingers lightly dragging over his wounds while he was deep in thought. “They’ll know where to find us.” you spoke the implication out loud, giving you the time to think of a solution. “So what if we don’t go to America?” He stood, his eyes closing at the brusk movements, still not used to the level of care he needed to take when he moved, making his way to the small table where a bottle of wine had been discarded the night before, half of its contents still in it, two glasses lined up next to it but only one used.  “My family needs me.” “Yeah, alive.” “The Shelby’s have fucked with the business, I’ve got to fix their deeds.”  “But you can’t fix anything if they kill us tomorrow.” he opened his mouth, ready to protest, but you continued “I’m talking about one extra day, one stop before heading to America.”  The wine was sweet, calming his nerves in the slightest of ways. “What do you suggest?”  “Call your family, fill them in on what they haven’t figured out on their own. Then we pack our things, spend the night in each other's arms and when we wake up, we leave. The ship sets sail tomorrow at 9am.”  “You’ve planned this.” You nodded, looking at the man that stood before you with a pleased smile. You had spent enough time alone with your thoughts to come up with more than one plan, and this one was your favourite. A simple exit. You picked up the papers, the tickets for your journey, that had been abandoned on the desk, handing them to him with a wink.  “Italy. You’ve got family over there too, right? I’m sure you’ll be able to secure us a place to sleep for the night, and if not I guess we’ll just have to sleep under the stars.” You raised your hand dramatically, moving your fingers around an imaginary constellation. “Then we leave for America. One day, a small change in plan, and we’ll have the Shelby’s waiting for us here. Wrong place, wrong time, but not for us. And once we arrive, you’ll have all the time to fix what needs to be fixed. Deal?”  He took a second to think about it, pursing his lips in thought, watching as you waited patiently, switching your weight from one leg to the other. Then he nodded, your hands lifting in victory as you approached him, softly placing your arms on his shoulders.
“We have a deal.” 
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Kinktober 1/31 : quickie, face fucking, facial.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: smut, explicit language, unprotected vaginal sex, sex in a barn, oral sex, facial, set after the events of CA:TWS.
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Yeah, I actually did it 💀
A/N: day 1 of @itgetsdarksometimes35 spooky challenge + Kinktober.
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Bucky despises you.
He loathes how his heart rate picks up whenever he sees you, or how the pit in his stomach grows larger when he doesn't. He can’t stand the way the other farmers talk about you and look at you, but mostly he hates how you bite your lips and clench your thighs when he catches you staring, the tangy scent that floods his senses when he’s close to you, and how you never question why an American veteran would be picking hayballs in the Romanian countryside.
He hates your kindness, the way you hang onto his every word when he describes the night sky, your stained hands and the flowers you weave in your hair, your nipples showing through your white t-shirts, his blood draining from his brain and shooting straight to his cock just looking at you.
You bring out the beast, the soldat lingering inside some recess in his mind, the side of him that wants to own you, and ruin you for everyone else.
You bother him, talking and being nice. Smiling. Cracking jokes. Eating your lunch with him when the other boys are too afraid to approach him. Filling the silence with your stories while he munches on buni’s sarmalele and merely grunts in acknowledgement. Bringing him water when he sweats buckets under the sweltering sun. Shamelessly flirting like you find him attractive.
As if a pretty girl like you could ever want him, he thinks, with the stench of horse shit clinging to his skin and oozing out of his pores.
He scoffs at himself, and stacks another hayball, willing himself to forget all about you.
You know he hears your steps on the cobblestones before you enter the barn where he’s stacking hay in neat piles, like he always does before going to bed.
“You can continue this tomorrow, I’m sure buni won’t mind if you take a break.” you quip, closing the door and leaning on the wooden stall.
You eye his tanned skin, reddened by the scorching August sun, the strain on his sweaty long sleeved t-shirt that clings to his bulging biceps, the outline of his back muscles as his chest heaves.
There’s something animalistic about him, something that makes your stomach churn and your pussy tingle. When his t-shirt trails up, you can’t help but observe the hard planes of his abs and the coarse, black hair that trail them.
“I’m doing what she pays me for, and so should you.”
He dismisses you with a curt nod as he keeps lifting the hay and stacking it away for the winter.
By that time, you’ll both be long gone, so you might as well make the most of what you have.
“I’m done picking plums, if you must know.” you state, an unimpressed look making its way on your face. “You work twelve hours everyday, and you won’t drink her țuică or smoke the cigarettes she gives the other boys.” you say, approaching him slowly until you’re standing in front of him, so close you can see the darkness in his eyes and smell his pungent sweat, “She worries about you, you know.”
Your eyes stray from his, traveling down to his plump lips. He swallows thickly and inhales a sharp breath.
“I worry too.” you continue, stalking closer.
His manly, musky scent is intoxicating, and you feel short of breath, heat and slick pooling in your panties.
“Always working, never having any fun. Life must be very lonely for you.”
There’s static energy, or maybe magic, between you two.
“My life’s just fine.”
He’s gruff as always, but you hear his voice waver when his eyes drop to your own lips, and he finds them parted, and so inviting.
You shrug, feeling your skin crawl with anticipation, want, need. “I know, I’m just saying, I could make it less… lonely.”
You see him cave. You know he wants you, and he’s never exactly subtle about it. But when your hand reaches for his left arm, the spell shatters, the air gets sucked out of the little barn, and the growl that he lets out terrifies you and excites you at the same time.
“Stay the fuck away from me.” he snarls, snatching his arm away from you. He looms over you, rage burning behind his steel blue eyes. “Or-”
He interrupts himself, taking a step back and restraining whatever wild instinct is clouding his judgement. The veins on his neck swell up, and the smirk on your lips and your tangy smell only add to his irritation.
You know you shouldn’t prod. You know he could crack your skull in half without breaking a sweat.
But you’ve also seen him bathed in spring’s pollen, cooing at newborn chicks and patting their feathers, whispering soft words in a language you don’t speak. You’ve seen him kissed by the summer’s sunrise, leaning his head on uică Dan’s horse while petting his mane, and humming to mătușă Ana’s cow while milking her.
You’ve seen him sneak outside your room every morning for the past two months to leave wildflowers on your doorstep, and you know he’s the one who carries you to your bed when you fall asleep on the deck chairs outside, after stargazing together for hours, and pecks a lingering kiss on your forehead, whispering to you, his sweet girl, to sleep tight.
So no, you’re not afraid, and very turned on.
“Or what, big guy? What are you going to do?”
Jaw clenched, fists so tight his knuckles are white, nostrils flared. He closes his eyes, heaves a heavy sigh and mutters a ‘fuck that’ under his breath, and in a blur he’s on you.
But he’s not hitting you, no.
Just like you predicted, he goes haywire, feral, his mouth is on yours, his tongue prods your lips, his hands roam everywhere, tangling your hair and kneading the flesh of your ass.
He bites your bottom lip, and you taste metal on your tongue. A moan escapes you when one of his thick thighs comes between your own, and your core rubs against the rough material of his jeans.
“Took you long enough.” you tease him when he allows you to catch your breath.
He’s sweaty, rough, his clothes soiled by the ground he spends his days working on, and you find that you don’t care, that you want him to dirty you and ruin you in this barn, with hay poking your skin and cicadas screaming outside.
You’re staring at each other, panting, eyes swallowed by darkness.
He doesn’t answer, never speaks much anyways. He’s on you again, his hand on your throat, and it doesn’t hurt but it’s tight enough to make its threatening presence known.
Your walls flutter around nothing.
The other hand, splayed on your back, guides you as you grind yourself on his thigh. It’s been two months of sexual tension, and it’s about to explode.
You reach for his t-shirt, eager to feel his skin against yours, but he stops you, and the look in his eyes, hard yet pleading, is enough to make the protest die in your throat.
Your own shirt is discarded, maybe shred to pieces. His touch is bruising and desperate as he explores your body like it’s his last day on Earth.
He nips and sucks your skin, surely leaving dark marks behind, rolling and pinching your nipples between his fingers, swirling his tongue around them until you’re pushing him off of you.
“I need you.” you moan, shrieking when his teeth bite down on your shoulder.
Pain is a bucket of cold water on your burning skin, a contrast to the pleasure he brings you, and yet it doesn’t diminish it, but amplify it until his teeth on your flesh are all you want.
He lets himself fall on the hay, dragging you down with him. It irks you, pokes you, and quite frankly, it doesn’t smell like roses.
But it will do.
He hooks his fingers around the waistband of your leggings and hastly drags them down to your knees, not even bothering to get rid of them.
When he pulls on your hair and spins you around, it’s not romantic. When he forces you face down, ass up, it’s not pretty. When he spits on his hand and roughly shoves two fingers inside you, making you wince, it’s not soft and caring.
“I’ll take care of you later, need to be inside you now, doll. I’ve wanted you since the day I first saw you.” he murmurs.
You hear him fumble with his belt as he keeps rubbing your clit and pumping his calloused fingers in and out of you. “It’s been so long.” he adds, as an afterthought, while he strokes his cock and gets himself ready for you.
The hay scratches your cheeks, and you feel his intense presence as he kneels behind you, ready to take you like an animal in heat.
“Please.” you whine, wiggling your hips and brushing against him, “I need you to fuck me now, James.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, and lines himself up with your entrance, teasing your folds and smearing your arousal on his tip. You feel him prod your tight hole and you brace yourself for the pain, but when he breaches you, your walls stretch perfectly around him, accomodating him, and all you feel is a dull burn that soon gives way to pleasure.
Moaning at the fullness of his heavy weight inside you, you try to bounce on him, but his hands on your hips halt your movement. He's as rough as you expected him to be, and the coil in your core is unbearable.
“Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” he groans, picking up a faster pace, slamming in and out of you. “Made for me, so good.”
He pulls on your hair, and the pain shoots straight to your cunt, making your walls clench on him.
Arching your back you meet his harsh thrusts, feeling his cock hitting that spot inside you, the one that makes the pressure build impossibly fast every time he bumps against it.
It’s all too much and not enough, and when he tugs on your hair again, your eyes roll to the back of your head.
You don’t feel the hay scratching you anymore.
“Fuck me harder.” you plead with tears streaming down your face, revelling in the lewd squelching sounds of your pussy and the slapping ones of his balls hitting your folds.
He never talks, and he won’t start now, you realize. You don’t care though, because all you can think about is his other hand snaking between your legs and furiously rubbing circles around your swollen clit.
You mewl when he snaps his hips and his tip hits your cervix. “I wanna hear those sweet noises pretty girl, wanna hear you fall apart on my cock, only for me.”
He brings you high, and higher, and the pressure grows more and more, until the knot unravels.
“Cum on my cock, fuck, cum all over me sweet girl. I missed this so much.”
When the dam breaks, you feel months of sexual tension release, and the tight coil inside your belly snaps. Your limbs jerk as a hot surge of electricity assails you, and you gush all over his cock, feeling your pussy constrict him in a vice.
He rides your aftershock, pummeling inside you while icy cold claws your every nerve ending. You’re drooling out of your mouth as a man you barely know brutally fucks you like a beast, but in the hazy state you’re in, you couldn’t care any less.
“I’m close.” he gnarls, tightening the hold on your hips, “Where can I-?
“On my face.” You turn and peek over your shoulder just in time to see the shock in his eyes. “I like it that way.” And I’m not on birth control.
When his thrusts become sloppier and his breathing erratic, he pulls out of you and stands. You turn around on your knees and face his thick cock, half wondering how he could make it fit inside your cunt.
“Open those pretty lips of yours babydoll, I want to fuck your mouth too.”
You comply, parting your lips. He shoves himself inside you, clutching your hair and neck as he fucks your mouth relentlessly, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag.
You can’t breathe anymore, but he keeps going, moving your head along his length. You taste him on your mouth, heady and salty, feeling every vein and ridge of him.
You look up, and seeing him all disheveled, hair sticking out everywhere and red faced, lights the fire in your pussy again.
Your hand finds its way between your folds while he holds you down until your nose rubs against the coarse hair on his pubic bones and his balls slap against your chin.
Quickly, he slides out of you, and pumps his cock once, twice. He cums on your face with a moan, painting your lips, cheeks and the tip of your nose with his white hot spurt.
When you open your eyes again, you find him staring at you already, with the most expressive look you’ve ever seen him wear and something akin to a smile dancing on his lips.
“God, doll. I didn’t even know I could do that.” he confesses, all doe eyed. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect, babygirl. I’m gonna keep fucking that tight pussy of yours all summer.”
You let out a giggle when he hoists you over his shoulder and the hay that’s stuck to your clothes flies everywhere.
“Gonna fuck you until you’re sore, until you’re sobbing and you beg me to stop. Fill you up over and over again. Make this pussy all mine. No more other farm boys, you hear me?”
He keeps his word that night, and you keep yours all August long, and you know neither of you want this summer to ever end.
Day 1 of Kintober done. Join my taglist if you want to be tagged in more :) (link on my blog)
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gates-keeper · 3 years
Part 1: “Words of Affirmation” Destiel Quotes & Parallels
I’m sure someone’s done this before me and done it better, but I’m compiling a huge Destiel evidence docket for no reason. Anyone got any quotes to add?
Comments From Outside Characters
To Dean
Uriel: “He has this weakness. He likes you.” (4x10)
Balthazar: “You have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you.” (6x17)
Hester: “The first time Castiel laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost.” (7x21)
Meg: “He was your boyfriend first.” (7x23)
Charlie: “What about Castiel? He seems helpful. And dreamy.” (8x20)
Marie: “Although we do explore the nature of Destiel in Act 2.” (10x5)
Sam: “Shouldn’t it be Deastiel?” He then goes on to tease Dean with “Sastiel” which Dean takes negatively. (10x5)
Dean: “This Cas is looking at me weird.” Sam: “So like the real Cas then.” (15x14) 
To Castiel
Hannah: “We gave you our trust. Don’t lose it over one man.” (9x22)
Metatron: “His true weakness is revealed. He’s in love…with humanity.” (9x22)
Metatron: “Oh, that’s right. To save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but, ultimately, it was about saving one human, right?” (9x23)
Ishim: “I’m going to cure you of your human weakness [i.e. Dean]” (12x10)
The Empty: “I have tiptoed through all your little tulips. Your memories, your little feelings, yes. I know what you hate. I know who you love…There is nothing for you back there.” (13x4)
Demon: “I thought you were joined at the… (looks down) everything.” (14x01)
There are also several instances where other characters try to poke at insecurities regarding their relationship.
Naomi: “You're hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way.” (8x19)
Casifer: “There comes a time when every relationship has run its course.” (11x18)
Michael!Dean: “You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he ‘gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.’ Or whatever.” (14x10)
Comments From Dean
To Cas
“There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. And two, you are not going to die a virgin.” (5x03) 
“So what? I’m Thelma and you’re Louise and we’re just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together?” (5x03)
“You know what? Blow me, Cas.” (5x18)
“Cas, not for nothing, but the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.” (5x18)
“Look, I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I’ve failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don’t need it!” (8x07)
“We need you. I need you.” 
For more on this quote see the “We vs. I” section.
To Other Characters
Bobby: “I think maybe it’s time you made a call.” Dean: “Why does it always gotta be me that makes the call, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude’s busy.” (Cas appears) Dean: “Get out of my ass.” Cas: “I was never in your… (head tilt)” (6x19)
“On my car…. He showed up naked… covered in bees.” (7x23)
While Cas suffered from some mental issues at the time, it seems somewhat significant that he sought Dean out under the circumstances, not Sam, etc.
“There’s things… people… feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.” (10x16)
“My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here” (12x12)
“He came into my room and he played me.” (12x19)
“Let’s see. Crowley’s dead, Kelly’s dead, Cas is—Mom’s gone.” (13x01)
Dean’s inability to list Cas’s death singles him out as the most devastating of the losses.
“We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back.” (13x01)
While some people have heard this as “bring ‘em back”, the Netflix captions and transcripts I have been able to find say “him.”
“And Cas bought it. And you know what it got him? It got him dead! Now you may be able to forget about that, but I can't!” (13x03)
“I have a family.” (In response to John Winchester lamenting Dean doesn’t have a wife and kids) (14x13)
Comments From Cas
To Dean
“I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I've begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt.” (4x16)
“I’m hunted. I rebelled. And I did it—all of it—for you.” (5x02)
“I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me.” (5x18)
“I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call.” (6x21)
“So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord.” (6x22)
Before taking on the role of God, Cas seemed very concerned with Dean’s forgiveness/acceptance/love. It is interesting that, as God, that was the first thing he asked for, turning from Sam (who had just stabbed him) to Dean to ask for love.
“Sam, and everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me.” (10x22)
“I love you. I love all of you.” (Arguably to the group, but the first “I love you” can be seen as Dean-specific, especially since it cuts to Dean after being said.) (12x12)
“You mean too much to me. To everything.” (12x9) (To Mary, Sam, and Dean. However, the camera immediately cuts to Dean specifically, even though he is in the back of the group).
“I’m your Huckleberry.” (13x06)
Cas love confession (15x18)
To Other Characters
“Dean and I do share a more profound bond.” (6x03)
“I won’t hurt Dean.” (8x17)
This is said as Castiel is breaking away from Naomi’s mind control—mind control she fostered specifically by having Cas kill a thousand versions of Dean. This implies she knows that Cas’s strongest loyalty is to Dean, not Sam, or humans in general.
“The point is that they [Dean & Sam] were here at all and you got to know them, you -- When they're gone, it will hurt, but that hurt will remind you of how much you loved them.” (14x14)
“You know, Dean, he... he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known.” (15x13)
Other Comments
Reaper: “How do I start looking for this... Castiel?” Bartholomew: “I got one word for you. Winchester.”
Rowena: “An Angel of the Lord, shattered at the altar of Winchester.”
Use of We vs. I
In the crypt scene in Season 8, Dean tells Cas, “We need you.” This is not enough to stop Cas’s actions. When the language switches to “I need you,” Cas drops the angel blade.
We can clearly see that Dean tries to put up barriers about how he really feels about Cas in his use of “We.” For example, after showing the audience many scenes of Dean, not Sam, frantically trying to call Cas, we get the following lines:
“So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us?”
“With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay.”
It’s clear that these “we’s” are really “I’s”
In the alternate future presented in 15x9, Sam asks Dean, “What’s happened to you Dean… ever since…?” to which Dean responds, “Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we’ve ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy and I had to bury him in a Malak box… ever since then?” While he acknowledges Sam’s losses as well, his switch to “I” in reference to Cas implies that Cas’s loss belongs especially to him.
(Mostly) Verbal Parallels to Other Couples
In 1x01 (start at 2:27), Dean pulls Sam away from a dead Jess in a direct parallel to how Sam pulls Dean away from Cas in 12x23
Following Jessica’s death, Sam keeps seeing glimpses of her as he and Dean travel around in the Impala. Dean does the same in Season 8 following his return from Purgatory without Cas.
David from “Bloodlines” (9x20) tells his love interest, “I was there. Where were you?” which is the same thing Dean says to Cas in “The Man Who Would Be King” (6x20)
When asking Dean whether he’s in love with Cassie, Dean gives a similar response to what he will say in 10x5 when asked about Destiel.
Destiel is paralleled with their counterparts from the Supernatural play who are “a couple in real life” (10x5)
Cain compares himself to Dean in Season 10. He describes the significant kills of his life (The Knights of Hell, his wife Collette, and his brother Abel) and tells Dean that he will follow his same pattern by killing the King of Hell Crowley, Castiel, then Sam. It is also mentioned that all Collette asked of Cain was “to stop,” which is the same language Cas uses with Dean in 10x22.
Dean explains how his parents fell in love to prove his identity to Mary in 12x1, “He was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed.” Later in this same season (12x19), Dean gives Cas a homemade mixtape of his favorite Zeppelin songs.
Ishim fell in love with a human named Lily Sunder who ultimately left him for someone else. When trying to recruit Castiel, he compares Dean to her.
Dean questions how much of their life has been controlled by God. Cas states, “You asked, ‘What about all of this is real?’ We are.” (15x02) Later, they find out that God has been using Eileen to spy on the Winchesters. She says, “After what happened, I don’t know what’s real anymore.” Sam kisses her, stating “I know that was real.” (15x09)
PART 2 “Physical Touch” Now Finished
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celebrationcyanide · 2 years
'Cause I wasn't joking, lol (ALSO: WARNING, it's really fucking long!, I'd like to apologize at the start if it's all totally shit, I took notes while I was blasting it out at like 1:AM instead of sleeping and got weirdly philosophical or nerdy or whatever)
Honestly, how You start a album MCR aside, it sucks You in as Gee & the rest of My Chem lure You into there sick little, twisted badass spell there about to cast on all us listeners & has a weirdly mezmerising quality to it- what with all the humming and whimsical chords!?!? And of course sets a true set-up for the search absolute SCOPE of this album with it's explosive (and iconic) "I encourage your smiles, I expect You all CRY!" + "When I grow up, I want to be NOTHING AT ALL!"
Now with the stage set, My Chem gets to go wild and Holy shit, they do just that, with swaggering guitar work by Ray Toro & Frank Iero, bouncy, hauntingly funky bass by Mikey Way & ethereal vocals by Gerard Way, it almost makes You forget it's a brutal Pop-Punk song all about telling You about how DEAD! You are!
A scene from a Gothic Horror story ripped out of a page & recorded by My Chemical Romance, it has a incredibly heavy & ear-awakening riff compared to MCR's (un)usual, putting You in a fancy, front-row seat to this wild Piss-Kink having, gender & sexuality ambiguous New Jersey flavoured rat show, honestly it's really hard to describe lol, but is has that 'aesthetic' that I just love in some songs, kinda thing You blast at max in your headphones to feel badass a couple of times, AKA lowkey a bad (goth) bitch anthem I'm just sayinggg
The like, all-time deepest song to My 8th grade-self (I am officially a year older than him! GET OWNED!) it starts with a really rad bassline & creepy cool whispers by Gee & Frank speaking like a serial killer in a fucked (and totally epic) gory horror movie, an the speak about burning lights so bright that the sun is ashamed to rise and be. It's pretty much pure badass, a great song to listen to late at night instead of sleeping, imo
The International Anthem. The life savior. The masterpiece. The center of the show. The alpha wolf. The apex predator. The savior of the broken, the beaten & the dammed. This song has saved My life multiple times, I'm willing to bet it has done the same to countless and I KNOW that it will for years later on. It's by far the most amazing piece of music My ears have blessed by, since the very beginning. It's honestly incredible how much a song can mean to so much people- words can barely contain it- and the anthem won't explain it.
Paint it black, take it back, shout it loud and clear and We'll carry on.
This song, it grabs your heart and tears it apart. It creates a moody, poetic, yet oddly beatiful atmosphere, a true story of woe & loss, perhaps the musical equivalent of any good 'aesthetic' movie. It creates it's own world and sticks You in, just for a couple of minutes. It's a great comforter to, for both true heartache & pure teenage lonliness. (Gessus that sounded cringe lol)
It breaks the little spell & pity bubble that I Don't Love You makes and shatters it into Punk Rock pieces, serving as the patient's 1st true glance at hell, it welcomes You with knives hanging behind it's back.
In this chapter of the story, our mc, the patient discovers the pits he's been dammed to & relishes in & against his sins from the living the world.
Musically the song makes You wanna get up, scream, start a riot, summon the devil, sacrifice your BFF under the Norwegian blood Moon, jump on top of a bar and start dancing, become a teenage edgelord OC, all of that shit in one.
The pity bubble strikes back with more raw honesty, emotion & sincerity then either of it's 2 predecessors, set--out to make the "Most emotional song ever" by Gerard & in My eyes he damm delivers.
I remember playing this a lot as a kid, when I was going through a lot of thought stuff, I would sit in My room & cry to this lol. It was beatiful as a 8th grader, and it's more beatiful now.
The trans youth anthem & war agenda all poured into one HELL-ish delite! The guitars are heavier than the 9 circles themselves and You can't but help to picture our protagonist for this song, a War veteran dying in a battle he never asked for, stationed in his place of death. He writes notes to his mother, begging for forgiveness, begging for a apology, begging for any kind of sweet repent. But it's far to late.
Mother War listens to nobody and cares for no-one.
THE true most underrated song on this entire album imo, it paints a not-so pretty portrait of madness caused by rejection, misunderstanding, isolation and a sheer lack if cares, the results of years of suffering and the psychological effects if being sent to the afterlife ain't practically nice for our cancer patient protagonist.
The song is loud, booming, atmospheric & dramatic enough for Broadway.
If re-worked, it could make a amazing villian song but as it is, it remains a strong personal, powerful emotional atomic bomb of fucking song.
Oh and the screams. The fucking SCREAMS at the end are so good I give You no shit.
What may seem like a southern-style catchy hard rock throwdown tells a brutal story about the truth of High School, it tells us about the outcast, the freaks, the kids everyone hates who wear to much black, does to much weird things, rebels to much & is just to EdGy for most people.
At least at first glance- this sing is more than just a Edgy teenager song- it's a SUICIDE song.
"It was always about these kids in the parade who had killed themselves and regretted it" in Gerard's own words, this is what happens when people don't care, when they don't reach out, and when nobody chooses love.
(ALSO sorry if that got weirdly dark lol, I wrote all this shit late at night and just going off what Gee said XD)
Taking a tender-yet strong tug at everyone's heart strings comes Disenchanted.. around the 3rd but still just as, if not more as effective emotional centerpiece of the album, it tells a tale of nostalgia & regret. Our MC, the patient, reflect on his previous (all to short) life and sees that none of it was really spent worthwhile, he breaks down, regretting everything he has done and chose, wishing to have more, wishing to have anything, wishing to live.
Also that sweet guitar solo & Ray's harmonies in this song with Gee's sweet song... oh my fucking god..... this is a musical experience, I love this song SM like deadass fuck it LIVEASS
The true ending and the final battle, after our MC has suffered, suffered & suffered through the afterlife he has finally decided to cling on his last hope, he fights back against the world, he lashes out against defeat- he makes a stand even if it kills him in the inside.
This song means a lot, to a lot of people, not to be a broken (favorite?) Record lol but this song helps Me a lot to this day, it's about never giving up, it's about choosing love over hate, life over death, hope over misery. Hope is not perfect, plastic or overtly preppy, Hope has blood on her hands and revenge in her heart. She carries on living no matter what for herself and what she wants in her life and can not be stopped, and will not stop. (Sorry if that was cheesy asf btw- but also this is MCR I'm writing about, wtf did You expect lol?!?!)
The guitarline is rad, the song is amazingly cathartic, the harmonies are healing, it's all magical!
A bizarrely entertaining ending to a musical masterpiece of a album & a story, it leads a nice fancy old timey style & a ominous ending to our tale.
Anyway, Stay Alive, Never let them take the light behind your eyes & sharpen your knives
Kiljoys, makes some noise
- XOXO P4rty V4mpyre
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
Oo what about G H and S for Childe Kaeya and Diluc for the sfw alphabet if those letters are still available
{ Childe, Kaeya, Diluc x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } SFW Alphabet G, H, and S with Childe, Kaeya, and Diluc (Separately). 100 Followers Special
{ Warnings } Implied Violence, Physical Intimacy.
{ Notes } I’m sorry I took so long, writing is hard. I’m trying to write as much as possible. Masterlist
{ Word Count } 1140
{ Childe }
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Childe is known to be a rough and tumble kind of guy and that doesn’t go away when he’s in a relationship. It’s not like he wants to hurt you or anything, but he won’t hold back any if you agree to spar with him beyond making sure he’s not putting you in any serious danger. Sometimes he gets in his head about his violent aggressive habits and he’ll suddenly become overly gentle. Treats you like you’ll shatter at any moment, almost doesn’t want to touch you. But every now and then he’s very soft with you because he just adores you so much. As for emotionally, he’s very in tune with the emotions of others, it comes with having to navigate his work relations and to some extent his family relations. He’s good at knowing how to respond to your emotional state, knowing when to tease and how far he can push without going too far. As for his own emotions, it’s a complicated topic. Childe is in a bit of an odd position, stuck between his loyalties, morals, and past. It’s hard for him to seriously open up about his negative emotions but luckily he’s often a fairly happy guy, hardly ever getting caught up in the feels.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
A very touchy-feely boy. He loves hugging you, holding you, just generally being in physical contact. If it were left up to him Childe would always have you in his arms, unfortunately, that isn’t the most practical. His favorite thing is to sneak up and surprise you with hugs from behind, laughing in your ear if you get startled. For being such a beanpole gangly guy, Childe is surprisingly comfortable when he holds you. Falling asleep against him is 10/10.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Big strong partner who is very proud about how capable he is of protecting you. He is a warrior and will remind you of that any time any minor inconvenience threat crosses your path. Even if it’s jokingly, he will make a show out of ‘protecting’ you at every opportunity. Loves to show off how strong he is, whether it be fighting to protect you or easily sweeping you into his arms and carrying you away from the person he’s jealous of danger. He does not want you protecting him! It’s his job to be super stronk and reliable! Unless you’re protecting him from having to use chopsticks.
{ Kaeya }
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Kaeya’s touch isn’t what one would consider gentle. He’s not rough but rather he’s very sure and firm in his touches, he’s not at all shy when it comes to touch. If he’s in a serious relationship with someone, he’s passionate and has trouble holding back with his touches. Kaeya is capable of being gentle, sometimes he can be very soft with you but often he just can’t get enough of you. When it comes to emotions, generally he tries to be good about it but his teasing nature sometimes gets him into trouble. He’s not always able to tell if he’s going too far or being too annoying. Telling him if he’s bothering you helps, if it’s something specific he’ll keep it in mind and if he just needs to ease up that’s fine too! Apologizes if he ever upsets you, he doesn’t mean to.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Likes to hold you, likes to be held. Physical intimacy is fairly regular with Kaeya, save for times when he’s busy. It makes his heart so soft if you come to him for comfort and ask him to hug you. You find his hold comforting? No those aren’t tears, he just got dust in his eyes. Kaeya might be a cryo user but his hugs are warm! Leaning your head against his chest is heavenly, especially if he’s laughing and you can feel the rumble.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Your knight in shining armor, as he jokingly describes himself. If you’re an adventurer he always has your back in any fight, no matter the odds. Even if it’s a single slime, he at least has a close eye on you, just in case. Of course, he expects that you have his back in battle, too. Kaeya protects you in other ways too, he’s also keen on making sure you’re taking care of yourself, eating three meals a day, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, the works. Kaeya does this even if he sometimes neglects his own needs, but you can con him into taking care of himself too by insisting he eat with you, take a nap with you, etc. As a bonus, you get to spend more time with him like that. Protect him from his paperwork, please. He will love you so much if you do some of it for him when work gets particularly busy or if you organize a little when things start to get messy.
{ Diluc }
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
So gentle early on in your relationship that he doesn’t even touch you! He’s so nervous about intimacy in the beginning, logically he knows that you’re not going to break if he touches you but that doesn’t stop him from worrying. Eventually, he’ll warm up to you, he is touch starved so it’s a surprisingly simple process. Diluc waits for you to initiate physical touch for the most part and will mimic your actions. Emotionally, he can be a bit abrasive because he’s not the best at handling emotions. As he gets closer to you he’s better about knowing how to respond to your emotions and figuring out how to open up about his own. But early on he’s mostly ‘oh god I don’t know what to do about any of this I am just going to be super chill about it’, except being ‘super chill’ for Diluc includes shoving all his emotions in a suitcase and burying it. Pretty quick at figuring things out if you’re open about it or slightly obvious with your reactions.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Diluc is so touch-starved, please hold him. Will he deny wanting your hugs until he’s comfortable with you? Yes. Does he want them? Yes. His words say no but his eyes are begging you to just hold him and gently pet his hair. Diluc runs hot, even without his pyro vision he is just very warm. There is no explanation other than that’s just how he is.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
The secret protector of Mondstadt includes keeping you safe as part of his job. He might not always accompany you on your adventures but he wants to know where you’ll be and when to expect you back if he’s not going with you. Absolutely does not hesitate about dropping whatever he’s doing if you’re not back by the time you should be. Protect him from himself, don’t let Diluc overwork himself and bring him something to eat or drink every so often. He appreciates it and tries to return the favor in any way he can.
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dave-classpects · 3 years
perhaps an analysis of a session with Just heart players. like one of every class (excluding Muse or Lord). i know that it's a null session but it might be funny to see what happens if you put 12 heart players in a group together. thank you.
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Gods almighty what a session. Void indeed- no way to win, no way to scratch, nothing. Unless for some reason you're pulling some SERIOUS paradox space fuckery(which has sparked one hell of an idea..), well... This session is fucked. But it'll be fun as hell to analyze because this is every single (standard) heart class, so let's go down the list why don't we? It's a mess of feelings for sure.
Heir of Heart: Who changes heart for others. This could be romantic awakenings, it could be affecting how people see themselves. They could also change their view of themselves, and potentially entirely lose their sense of self without meaning to.
Seer of Heart: The seer knows their aspect. Who knows through it for others. They may be able to tell where romantic feelings lie in the group, or tell who in the session would be best for another person. They will be able to see through facades that people are building to see who they really are. They will have the one of the easiest times putting themselves in someone else's shoes.
Knight of Heart: The protector of the session who.. Really has their work cut out for them, good lord. 11 other people to protect.. Less physically, more emotionally. They will be ferrying others around and potentially try to help the others get together, becoming the universal third wheel of the session.
A lot of relationship messing about, huh?
Thief of Heart: One who steals their aspect from others for themselves. Oooh boy.. This person will take parts of others to hold onto them. They will, once they find someone they like(romantically or otherwise!) they may take parts of their persona and general being to hold onto, to keep. Too much of this can and, if taken too far, will irreparably damage their relationship, whatever type of relationship it might be.
Maid of Heart: One who makes their aspect for themselves, and is made of it. They start smothered by their aspect. For the Maid of Heart, this may mean having an extremely overbearing guardian or partner who they must find a way to break away from even slightly. If the overbearing person is in the session, well.. Ask around, you'll find help, good god.
Prince of Heart: Well, we've seen a prince of heart in canon. This player destroys heart in themselves, shattering bonds they have with others. This player will be prone to isolation, and may do miles more harm than good. They may also create a self-destructive relationship with another player in the session to avoid them causing problems elsewhere, even if it is detrimental to themselves. We'll uh. We'll leave that there.
Page of Heart: One that serves their aspect, or serves it for themselves. This player is the opposite of our knight in terms of active/passive. Pages take a very long time to properly come to power, and will need a large amount of help from the others to get there. When they do, they will far surpass any expectations anyone had for them.
Sylph of Heart: A healer! They can do more than that, of course, but they're a pretty good healer. In this context, they will be healing relationships, romantic or otherwise, within the group. They'll be able to patch up rocky relationships, and help people through personal issues, like a therapist.
Rogue of Heart: One who steals their aspect for others. Already predisposed to clinging to those they care for, this player will steal heart from enemies to give to the group- however, they can take it from others in the session to hand it to others in the session. They would be good mediators in a Auspistice, doing a rather good job at balancing things. If they're good enough, or manipulate things just right, they may be able to remove themselves from the situation and make the relationship a stable Kismesissitude(HOMESTUCK WORDS ARE HARD).
Witch of Heart: One who changes their aspect, or changes through their aspect for themselves. This is a dangerous combination, as witches have a very strong power, as displayed by Jade. A Witch of Heart has the ability to change relationships at will, romantic or otherwise. This could entirely make or break the session.
Mage of Heart: One who knows their aspect, or knows through it for themselves. They will have a deep understanding of themselves, and know their feelings very well. They(much unlike my ace ass) will have a very strong knowledge of when they have romantic feelings, and will be able to read the people around them like an open book.
Bard of Heart: One who destroys the aspect for others. This player will be... Well, the best way I can describe it is a love doctor. Shattering bad relationships between players, romantic or otherwise. They will help make sure things stay relatively tame, or could entirely turn on the session and ruin everyone's relationships with ease. Much like the prince, they may become part of self-destructive relationships to help the rest of the session.
Void session, yes. But also this would be one hell of a session to witness. ALLLLLL the relationship bullshit would go down here. There's no way I see this game ending in everyone being happy with everyone else. Literally none.
Thank you for this, though! Genuinely! This wall of text was actually a LOT of fun to write!
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