Vintage Lover
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
hello liza! i read your alfie solomons fic “shooting stars” and it was absolutely adorable! i love it so much. you wrote him so well. you’ve now activated a new daydream for me haha thank you for the lovely story, and i hope you’re having a good week so far! 💞💖
Oh this warmed my heart 💕 I’m so happy you liked it, Alfie is in my mind a grumpy softie and I love him so much 😂
I hope you’re having a good week too, dear, thanks for making me smile 💕
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
"he’s a murderer!" to you. to me he’s the love of my life.
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
I loved this so much! I could hear Alfie’s voice in my head as I was reading, and his little comments had me cracking up 😂
Absolutely loved it ❤️
under my protection
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word count - 1682 
Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader
Summary - When Alfie’s favourite employee fails to report to work, the gangster decides to the needful to bring her back. 
requested by @tommydoesntpayforsuits​
warnings - language
A/N - writing for alfie is so challenging. I hope he’s not too OOT 
“Bring (Y/n) in, Ollie. She’s yet to collect her paycheck.” Alfie Solomons calmly told his trusted assistant, when inside he was running out of his usually immense patience. 
“She isn’t here.” Ollie informed.
“Then where the fuck is she?” He almost roared, finally losing his thread-like patience with you and your extended leave. 
“She said she’s sick, Alfie.” His assistant said nervously.
“That was two fuckin’ weeks ago. Who the fuck lives long enough to stay sick for two fuckin’ weeks?” 
“You can always ask her.” Ollie said with a hesitant shrug.
Alfie smoothed his beard, and murmured, “Oh, I will. I fuckin’ will, Ollie.”
Being ill was the worst sort of punishment one could ever get. And if you were poor, it might as well be a life in hell.  
Groaning quietly in the uncomfortable bed of your cramped lodgings, you reached for the faded washcloth which was soaked in now warm water with shaking hands and placed it on your forehead.
A short sigh of relief escaped your dry lips, but it wasn’t enough to lull you into sleep. If only fevers disappeared without the need for hospitals and medicines. 
A loud knock resounded on the door and you groaned, this time loudly. It was probably the landlord, demanding rent and looking for an excuse to trouble you.
At the lack of an answer, the person knocked again.
“Coming.” You forced out as you slowly got up to open the door.
Your tired eyes opened as wide as they could at the sight before you.
“I’m Dr. Morrison. I gather you are Miss (Y/N) .” The man in the white coat said with cool politeness.
You nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t…”
“Because you’re a fuckin’ idiot.”
You knit your brows as your boss moved forward to completely fill your doorway. 
“Mr. Solomons? Uh…Hello.” You said, wondering if it were all a dream. A doctor and Alfie Solomons, both the things you needed but couldn’t have were literally at your doorstep.  
“Fucking hell, (y/n).” Was his form of greeting as he took your sick form in.
“Living in this fuckin’ shit hole.” He muttered to himself, then in a louder voice he declared, “No wonder you’re sick.”
“I’m sorry?”
“All right, now move back. Let the good doctor in. He has a long way to go from here.”
“Yes, of course.” The doctor agreed.
You decided you didn’t have enough to ward off anyone of them.
“How long have you been sick?” Dr. Morrison was asking. 
From your position on the narrow bed, you precisely answered all the questions, too caught up to question the strange proceedings yourself. 
Meanwhile, your boss was perusing each and every knick-knack of your modest lodgings, and passing a derogatory comment about them every now and then.  
“Why the fuck is the kitchen empty?”
“Is that a fuckin’ little mouse near your window?”
“When was the last time you cleaned this shit hole, love?”
You chose to ignore him, because thinking was making your head hurt.
“You have very high fever, miss. I’m prescribing a stronger dose of medicine. It’ll help you sleep and bring the fever down.” The doctor said. 
“Will I be all right?” You asked quietly.
He nodded. “I didn’t appreciate the manhandling, but it’s good he brought me here on time.”
“You have something to say, mate?” Alfie jumped in the conversation at that moment.
“Nothing. I’ve given her an injection. She’ll be all right in no time.” The doctor said with a smile in your direction. 
Alfie read the prescription, then looked at the doctor. “Thank you, mate. Now, fuck off.”
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
Aaaah thank youu ❤️ sending this right back to you 💕
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Tagging some people, but this goes to all of my wonderful mutuals 💕
@lizyshores @retromafia @tommydoesntpayforsuits @flysafepapi @mpmarypoppins @beatlebabe1996 @datewithgianni @mrscherry @vintunnavaa @spookyshelby @woman-with-no-name
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Right back at you! You truly are precious, Kiki 💚
Gonna tag some people since its easier for me rn🙈
@elius-learns-to-write @donaweasley @lunalavenderfairy @anonymousfiction211 @lucywrites02 @gaitwae @glacial-snowflakes @funsized-mimi
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
thank you for tagging me <3
you're smart. you know he's coming back. you know it. why bother wasting time thinking about things that aren't going to happen? you'll stall. you'll wait. just weave and unweave. don't think about how he missed your son growing up. weave and unweave. don't think about his dog that still waits for him. weave and unweave. don't think about all the women he could be lying with. don't think about all the men you could be. weave and unweave.
Tagging: @lizyshores @scorsesedepalmafan @whiskeypowder
new quiz for you nerds what ancient greek girlboss are you?
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
Little update ✨
I’ve got a fucked up not so great work schedule for the next month (I start work at 8 am and finish either at 9 or 11pm 🥴  I am free in the afternoon though!)
After yesterday, I’ve deduced that I am, and will be, pretty tired, so I might not be as present
I am working on the requests I’ve received (might be one of the few things that will keep me sane) and am working on them during my commute, so they’re slowly getting there :D
I’ll also read all of the fics that I haven’t had the time to read yet soon! I need a few days to catch up with life lmao 
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
This was so good! Arthur teaching how to throw a punch is adorable, and Mosley getting what he deserved was so satisfying 😌💕
patience runs out
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pairing: tommy shelby x reader (requested by: anon)
summary: while at a gala, Mosley has the audacity to make vulgar comments about you, but instead of Tommy, it’s you who deals with him
warnings: some derogatory language from Mosley when referring to you, the reader
words: 928
a/n: let me start by saying that I am SO sorry it took me this long to get your request out, anon. but I thank you for your patience and I hope that you enjoy this story!! at first I wasn’t sure what direction to take this in, and there were many different drafts, but here is the end result! have a lovely day!! 
There were very few that worked with the Peaky Blinders who dared cross Thomas Shelby. It was like crossing the devil himself and something few lived to tell the tale. However, there was always a man brave (or moronic) enough to push the limits as far as possible, and currently that man was Oswald Mosley. The cocky bastard knew Tommy needed his aid and, therefore, worked to push every button of Tommy’s that he could. 
Although Tommy despised the man with every fiber of his being, he silently endure each jab at his Romani heritage, the business he had built, and even his family. While Tommy wished to end Mosley with a single bullet to the head, he refrained each time and forced a smile for the man. He knew that in the larger picture, Mosley would get his comeuppance. 
But, as with any man, Tommy’s patience on these comments had a limit - you. He was fiercely protective of you, barley letting his own family off the hook for their familial teasing. Even when his Blinders made lewd comments about you, Tommy lept to your defense through both verbal and physical means. When Mosley made such comments, however, Tommy worked to restrain himself for the sake of business.
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
Oh my god thank you so much 😭 I really love writing for him 🥰
Soft Luca is all I want 💕
Day 10: Nightmares - Luca Changretta x reader
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Summary: Each time he walks out the door you fear for your safety, and each time he’s not home for the night, your worries translate into nightmares. 
A/N: thank you @twvstedsouls​ for requesting this, it was lovely to write 💕 Decided to go with Luca bringing comfort because it was cute as hell (+ will be analysing him having nightmares in the alternative fic for today so it felt like the best way to go), also this didn’t help with my crush for this man 😂
Words: 1.6k
September prompts here
Death had never been part of your life, but ever since Luca had come into it you had been more aware of it, knowing that each time he walked out the door there was a chance that someone would get hurt, and you selfishly hoped with each ounce of your being that it wouldn’t be him. 
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
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She was asking about my sapphire. I thought I recognised it. She said it was Russian.
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
reblog this to gently place a comfy flower patterned blanket around the person you reblogged it from
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
Oh no, I was already hopelessly in love with this man before this, but look at me now 😩💕 And to be spoiled and loved by him… where do I sign up? 👰🏼‍♀️
Luca Changretta’s wife meeting his family would include…
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: This made me realize what a dream life it would be… To be Luca’s spoiled, sophisticated and glamorous wifey 😂😌
WARNING: English is my second language.
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
you are literally my friends, I will literally mention in real life conversations an insight or event one of you has shared about as “well my friend said/is/did”
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
⚠️NSFW Tommy⚠️
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Eventually, the tea got cold.
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daisies-and-buttercups · 3 years ago
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my two moods.
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