#page of heart
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xefros-tritoh · 7 months ago
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doodle dump :o)
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starlit1daydream · 2 months ago
Knights & Pages: Deficiency and Exploitation
Well, then... here we are.
A day in delay, I'm aware; but I'm afraid I can't always be accounting for extraneous real-life factors. My apologies.
The Knight:Page class dichotomy embodies deficiency, exploitation and arguably compensation as well. They imbue their Aspect into their fighting prowess, utilise it both as a weapon and a tool, and often use it to constitute a shield as well. (Literally and metaphorically).
The presence of either (or both) of these classes also functions as a signal; as by their very nature, they exist to compensate for a deficiency in their Aspect within their session proper.
Canonical Knight players are Dave Strider (Knight of Time), Karkat Vantas (Knight of Blood) and Latula Pyrope (Knight of Mind).
Canonical Page players are Jake English (Page of Hope), Tavros Nitram (Page of Breath) and Horuss Zahhak (Page of Void).
So, Point A. The narrative function of the Knight.
Narratively speaking, the Knight is one who defends their Aspect; and uses it as a defense in turn. They are defined by maintaining a rigid facade, born of their Aspect and used to hide a perceived deficiency in it. Their Aspect is their sword and their shield, and this oft manifests as a deep-seated insecurity.
Dave's insecurity is with his masculinity, mortality and conception of 'heroism'. Karkat's insecurity is with the colour of his blood, his fear of ostracisation and social exile. Latula's insecurity is less clear-cut, but the most prevalent theory is that the injury that rendered her anosmic also left her with brain damage.
Thus, we see here that their fear comes from lacking in their Aspect. Dave lacks confidence in his ability to face closure & his projections of masculinity (something he misconstrues with heroism). Dave doesn't want a great destiny; he wants to be a normal guy who lives a normal life and dies a normal death. He's essentially a tutorial NPC thrust into plot bullshit after plot bullshit.
Karkat lacks confidence in his sense of self caused by his mutant blood and his persistent fear of social ostracisation and subsequent death should his status be exposed. One could also argue it is a disillusionment with the Alternian social order that he does not fit into by design, but feels he must follow anyways (hence his ass-kissing dreams of threschecutioner greatness).
(Here's where the conjecture comes in...)
Latula lacks confidence in her capacity for rational thought and ability to use logic for her own (and others') defense. If we're going with the TBI narrative for her, she feels as if she lacks intelligence as a result. Tying into Latula's commentary on the misogyny in online gaming circles and we get a girl who is deeply, deeply terrified of rising above her station and displaying an intellect.
So, Dave pretends to be a self-assured, chauvinistic 'cool kid'.
Karkat pretends to be a bossy, self-righteous 'perfect leader'.
Latula pretends to be an air-headed, radical 'gamer chick'.
All of them deny themselves depth and identity for the explicit purpose of denying people the right to know them on a deeper level.
Let's simplify this - Knights feel they lack their Aspect and compensate for it. End of.
Here's where the dramatic irony comes in; Knights are the only people in their session who are proficient with their Aspect at all. Dave is the only Beta Kid concerned with Time management, Karkat is the only Beta Troll concerned with maintaining social order and collaboration, Latula is the only Alpha Troll concerned with logical thought and logical argument.
Because the Beta Kids lack Time on their side, the Beta Trolls lack Blood to bind them together, and the Alpha Trolls lack Mind to... well, to be totally blunt, to use their fucking brains.
(The Beta Kids' lack of Time being tied moreso to the nature of their Game as opposed to the nature of themselves is absolutely a matter of Lunar Sway, by the way).
That's what they need to learn, and subsequently use their Aspect to defend. Dave defending his co-players from certain death and entropy, Karkat defending his co-players from turning on eachother and descending into conflict, Latula defending Mituna from disbelief and abuse through logical counterargument.
Here, we're dovetailing directly into Point B - practical function.
We're all caught up in flowery metaphors and abstract conceptions, but how does this translate to a literal function within SBURB?
Simple. The Knight imbues, exploits and weaponises their Aspect. They don't generate it or control it in any way - that's the caveat of their function. Knights must exploit an already existing well of their Aspect and use that minimal supply to the best of their abilities.
It's the literal manifestation of their abilities for compensation! They have to merely 'make do' with what's available. After all - if there was an influx of their Aspect to work with, there wouldn't be a deficiency to combat.
This journey ties into their narrative function as learning to use it and defend through it also comes with dropping the mask and putting down your sword every once in a while. We don't ever get to see this fully with Latula, unfortunately, but we see Dave and Karkat (through means of eachother, actually) learn to relax in eachothers' presence and drop some of their unhealthy preconceptions.
Now, let's go on to the Pages!
Point C - narrative function.
Pages function in much the same way as Knights on a base level - existing to cover for an existing deficit in their session by virtue of compensation. The difference, obviously, comes in their passivity - and their different manifestation of their Aspect which more directly feels to be a shield as opposed to a sword.
Pages turn the Knights' overcompensation on its' head. Like Knights, they too believe their lack their Aspect, and thus project an image of possessing an influx of it. The difference is that Pages... actually do have that deficiency.
Jake lacks Hope. He lacks faith in himself, lacks the belief in his own capacity to bring a better future and finds it difficult to hold onto his convictions when the going gets tough.
Tavros lacks Breath. He lacks a direction or an objective to follow, lacks freedom by virtue of his disability and Vriska's control of his life. He prefers to avoid things and run away from problems.
Horuss lacks Void. He lacks the ability to cope with imperfection and the fact he doesn't know things. He can't deal with being absent or bereft of purpose.
And, likewise, their sessions lack their Aspect as well in equal measure!
The Alpha Kids lack Hope in the same manner - they don't have the motivation to keep going and find themselves falling into depression and passivity. Dirk even lampshades this!
The Beta Trolls lack Breath - none of them have freedom to choose their own destinies due to oppressive Alternian society and thus fall into the trappings of the roles laid out before them.
The Alpha Trolls lack Void - the teenage echo chamber of drama and gossip denies anybody the right to secrecy or privacy, and their presence in the dreambubbles forces them into proximity and furthers this absence.
Now, it's a common conception that this absence means a Page is weak by default, or outright useless. I absolutely abhor this notion. A Page is not the 'weakling' class - they merely rely upon guidance.
For Jake, it's his fantasies. His masks. His projections of heroism and adventure - and Brain Ghost Dirk is the literal manifestation.
For Tavros, it's his false confidence. It's his assurance that he can stand up for himself and fly to safety should the going get tough - and Rufio is the literal manifestation.
For Horuss, it's his 'renaissance man' projection. It's his showcase of absolute perfection and ideal highblooded taste - and his alters and therian identity are the literal manifestation. (However poorly executed it was, and oh boy was it poorly executed and oh boy was it ableist.)
For this, they're prone to subsequently use their Aspect as a defense mechanism in a more passive manner than the acerbic Knights who prefer to fight with it.
Jake hides behind his fantasies, Tavros runs away from everything he can't face and Horuss pretends he can't hear the sound of Rufioh breaking up with him.
And, of course, as everyone will tell you - this comes with a vast well of potential. Pages are not uniquely powerful or the 'strongest class' like some people would have you believe, but it is true that upon undergoing development, they become incredibly confident in that Aspect. It just happens to be a long journey that no Page fully completes on-screen.
It is learning to accept their own lack of proficiency with their Aspect, drop the mask and begin forging a more genuine relationship with it. Knights must learn to relax, Pages must learn to stop relaxing. It's almost like a little inversion of their active:passive roles, if you want to see it like that!
Point D. Practical function.
Pages... yeah, this is really fucking obvious. Look at Jake. Look at that thing he does. You know? The gigantic shield of pure Hope energy he generates when his full potential is tapped into.
That's what a Page does. They tap into the well of their Aspect to use it as a great shield, making their defense of themselves through their Aspect literal. And, yeah, that's pretty goddamn powerful!
It's like they're meant to embody the little 'sidekick' role in shonen. Koichi Hirose. Koichi Hirose is a Page.
So, there we have it. The classes of compensation. I'll be putting out individual analyses of all of these class combinations soon-ish once the main seven posts are out, so be looking forward to that! I'll be back with you soon wiht the second part of this: Mages and Seers.
And that should be fun, 'cause I am one.
Take care.
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prince-of-time-pt · 10 months ago
The thing with pages is not all of them are immature; relying on Guidance does not equal immaturity. This is probably common sense but I feel the need to say it.
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dinochip · 1 year ago
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Me and a Friend of mine have created a Homestuck server :o)
we would like to invite you to join us! the server is 13+ and free from rudeness and discrimination. We hope you stop by to have fun with us and maybe make some friends along the way!
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highoncatfood · 1 year ago
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Rainstuck 4th and final part of the classpect reasonings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
putting these 4 together bcuz i feel like kurumis and desuhikos analysis dont even deserve their own post bcuz of how unsure i am abt them, halaras too kinda. i also dont have any additional drawings for them so! theres that i guess. more notes in read more if u care...
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
im kinda bummed that i couldnt rlly incorporate their fortes into the classpects in form of powers bcuz that would make this like 3 times more awesome. buuut it would be so hard to try and make it all work in a way that both their personalities And the powers would make sense for them as characters AND the classpects. so i had to choose and i think matching their personalities was more important. idk
im most happy with vivia. i feel like i could find sth better for halara but honestly i kinda dontttt care for halara that much in general so i probably just dont understand them enough to properly analyze them. desuhiko being heart-bound is nearly perfect if u ask me. maybe i could find a better class for him. kurumi as a heir of space is like... fine. i think i made it work and its enough but again theres probs another classpect that fits her better that i just cant figure out! oh well.
i mentioned grimdark vivia but after refreshing my memory on the horrorterrors i realized that they only communicate with derse dreamers. i could go around it somehow and say that maybe bcuz of his connection to ghosts and shit he could access the outer gods DESPITE not dreaming on derse???? idk, its a bit of a stretch. maybe he could have 2 dream selves! a wink towards his forte? this is homestuck we're talking abt. why should i look for logic here.
another idea for his dream self is that i think it would be fun if he could wake up on prospit pre-session despite not being a space player (tho im not 100% sure thats even canonically a space player thing). "hes just special like that" right. lol but yeah this guy would enjoy prospit i think.. snoozing a lot just like jade and escaping into the perfect peaceful moon world... kurumis there too like "how did he GET here" i dunno im just thinking out loud at this point ermmm
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luminous-homestuck-kins · 1 year ago
heart godtier playlists
feel free to recommend songs to add if youd like
for the heart aspect or any other aspect
maid of heart
page of heart
mage of heart
knight of heart
rogue of heart
sylph of heart
seer of heart
thief of heart
heir of heart
bard of heart
prince of heart
witch of heart
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3dcreepen07 · 1 month ago
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How cooked in my friendgroup?
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supyovalk · 5 months ago
"Teen" Is very much a classpect of page of heart.
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Someone with no Individuality or identity due to whatever spell he's under, so he makes up for it by having a over-abundance of personality and passion for witches.
He serves Agatha through his passion for her "the road victory" and had helped convincing the other witches through their own weaknesses.
He seems hiddenly full of potential, considering he has managed to manipulate a spell made by the scarlet witch.
He will probably be a unique and important player in finishing "the road", considering he's not part of the original 5 for the road. probably will awaken some unique hidden powers in him too, given the "Spoilers".
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seldomdrawncherubs · 4 months ago
page of heart here. Among other qUestions, Is it trUe that my classpect means I lack identity?
UU: not qUite!
UU: pages start out with what seems like a lack of their aspect
UU: so yoU woUld appear to lack identity!
UU: this is UnfortUnately trUe for many pages, bUt it may be especially pronoUnced for heart....
UU: yoUr identity woUld be stifled, and yoU might seek it elsewhere in some Unknown caUse or another person.
UU: pages often receive mentoring that can be coUnterprodUctive. dirk's brobot has been a hindrance to jake, and we all know what happened to tavros...
UU: this can be dangeroUs. try to find yoUr own way, and make sUre that if someone is trying to help yoU, they are not actUally hUrting yoUr progress
UU: the page becomes the most powerfUl, like a pawn becoming a qUeen.
UU: yoUr identity will take longer to develop, bUt by the end?
UU: yoU will have the power to bolster heart beyond anyone else, strengthening yoUr caUse. and yoUr own personality will incredibly strong!
UU: yoUr qUest will likely involve finding coUrage. good lUck, page of heart!
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sorinsart · 7 months ago
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finally finished making my trollsona XD
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giftofclasspects · 1 year ago
Hey, if you aren't too busy (and sorry if you are), could you maybe see how my this session would go? Sorry if its' long. Prospit Seer of Void, Prospit Knight of Rage, Prospit Page of Heart, Prospit Knight of Mind, Derse Witch of Time, Derse Witch of Space, Derse Rogue of Light, and a Derse Heir of Hope.
(the session is supposed to be rather glitchy, too)
mod jade and i went INSANE over this session we dig it a lot
starting off with individuals before i type out the doubles
the seer is going to be the first one to notice something's wrong with this session. they'll probably have visions of horror terrors and warning signs that this session is gonna be uber fucked.
the page is going to work as an anchor for this group.
the rogue will have no clue how to succeed in this session. they'll probably be close to the seer as well. they're most likely going to assume that this session is futile. HOWEVER, the heir can definitely be of help to them
NOW, this is where we get insane
the witches were very notable to us cause these two are PROBABLY WHY THE SESSION IS GOING TO BE SO GLITCHY!!!! the witch of time is going to focus on "we need to survive, we need to do this, we need to do that," and the witch of space is going to be more focused towards
the witch of time might have a prophecy that one of the witches must die. this leads to them trying to avoid this prophecy, but eventually, it's going to probably end up in the other witch dying.
the knight of mind will probably be close to the witch of space. the witch of space wants them to chill a bit, which might work, it might not. they're going to kind of mirror the seer!!!! they know something is wrong, so they'll be putting their heads together to figure out the glitching and find a solution. but the knight is definitely more concerned than the seer would be.
okay the page and heir are going to be VERY significant players to the game. the page is going to be a bit loud, a bit obnoxious, but they serve a PURPOSE to this game, they just need to find the outlet for this purpose.
the knight of rage would TRY to deny their rage, and try to stay happy throughout this session, but they can't push down their rage for long. their rage would be used as a tool throughout this session. the knight WILL challenge the heir, but this will lead to the heir's development (john egbert style)
we liked this session a LOT this is just too good. there's so much theme going on here so if it's on purpose hats off to you!??!?!
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glitchthedemon · 6 months ago
Homestuck/Undertale fans what do we think about Flowey/Asriel/tGoHD as a Page of Heart? Since Heart links to a persons soul and Pages don’t get super powerful until the end of their journey (Flowey being soulless until absorbing ALL the souls and becoming a literal god, and using the souls of our friends in battle) I’ve seen other interpretations of his classpect but I think Page of Heart could be interesting
Feel free to add ur own input bc I wanna see what ppl think
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starlit1daydream · 14 days ago
reassessed classpects just as a little thing whilst i work on the maid:sylph essay! not sure how many of my followers will know what i'm on about here, but i think this probably works
Bojack F. Horseman is a Bard of Life - the passive destroyer of growth. A man who throws himself back into stagnation time and time again, trapped in a cycle of decaying his own capacity to develop beyond his greatest flaws & worst sins.
Diane Nguyen is a Seer of Light - the passive student of knowledge. A woman whose hollow soul and depressive self is disguised through a relentless pursuit of truth and recognition, desperate to leave something tangible and real in the world behind her; hoping to fill the emptiness with everythingness.
Princess Carolyn is a Maid of Blood - the active creator of connection. A woman who places such great value on family and obligation; worked to the brink of exhaustion by the ceaseless amount of loyalties and false promises in her life, working in a business where making connections is key.
Mr. Peanutbutter is a Heir of Breath - the passive manipulator of freedom. A man whose nilihistic attitude and free spirit motivates him to wander aimlessly through the world, ignorant of anything stable and true in favour of a simple and naive existence; merely moving wherever the wind pushes him.
Todd Chavez is a Page of Heart - the passive steward of selfhood. A man whose insecurity with himself and deep-seated fear of intimacy for reasons he can't pin down leads him to feel loveless; only to learn on his long and arduous journey that he is far from alone in the world, and he is but who he is.
Sarah Lynn I'm not too sure on, but I'm actually inclined to make her a Prince of Void; I'll think more on that one later.
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peachyclown · 1 year ago
Goofy Goober ROCK
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aortaobservatory · 10 months ago
Might I inquire about a Page of Heart?
Page of [Heart]:
Utilize - Too Little Skill with Heart
A player who starts unskilled in [Soul-searching and Personality], but gradually learns to use all of [Identity and Masking] over an extended period of time
A Page of Heart is a beginner when it comes to introspection of their soul and personality, but they repeatedly strive to master it using their identity and masking.
Pages start unskilled in their aspect, learning how it works and how to use it to its full potential over time. In their many attempts to master their aspect, they teach others the value of their aspect, becoming an unintentional source of inspiration. Their challenge is to keep at it, learn from failure, and eventually master their aspect, being able to confidently provide their aspect to others.
Inverse Classpect Analysis of Page
Page of Heart: Heart (Soul-searching, Identity, Masking, Personal) is passive and lacking. Too little skill with aspect causes lack of utilization of it.
Inverse: Thief of Mind
Mind (Rational, Tactical, Impersonal, Direct) is actively taken from the Page as they learn how to utilize Heart (Soul-searching, Identity, Masking, Personal) from its passive presence.
Mind (Rational, Tactical, Impersonal, Direct) values the Page, but is taken away by Heart (Soul-searching, Identity, Masking, Personal) as they learn to utilize Heart (Soul-searching, Identity, Masking, Personal).
The analysis written above is my own writing, analysis, and thoughts. The statements are my own analysis, but they may function as a “fill in the blank” statement for you to create your own interpretation of the classpect as you please.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 1 year ago
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Requested by anonymous!
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