#break free from self-sabotaging behavior
draftscyrus777 · 5 months
Conquer Self-sabotage: Overcome self-defeating behavior
Feeling like your own worst enemy? Conquer self-sabotage and unlock your full potential with divine guidance!  Do you procrastinate, struggle with self-doubt, or keep falling short of your goals? You’re not alone. Self-sabotaging behavior can hold us back, but there’s hope. You can finally conquer and break free to achieve your dreams through the power of angelic intervention. Content…
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world-prayers · 5 months
Conquer Self-sabotage: Overcome self-defeating behavior
Feeling like your own worst enemy? Conquer self-sabotage and unlock your full potential with divine guidance!  Do you procrastinate, struggle with self-doubt, or keep falling short of your goals? You’re not alone. Self-sabotaging behavior can hold us back, but there’s hope. You can finally conquer and break free to achieve your dreams through the power of angelic intervention. Content…
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kalki-tarot · 4 months
Pick a pile – How will you meet your divine counterpart ?
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This reading is meant for entertainment purposes only! You are the creator of your own destiny and life <3
Deck(s) used : rws deck, rumi love oracle
Pile 1
Your union is divinely orchestrated by your guides and angels. A female goddess/deity/ancestor is guiding you both towards each other. She is a higher dimensional entity with spiritual knowledge. You will be asked to win over your fears before entering in the union with your divine counterpart. When you no longer self sabotage or say hurtful things to yourself, know that you are about to meet them. You guys play an important role in each other's destiny and life purposes. The place where you meet them can be related to finance, business or study. You can also meet them in a work/group project or meeting.
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
Pile 2
You will meet your future spouse when you will take up an important decision/path in your life. This will be a very divinely guided set of events that will bring you both together. There's also this energy of manifestation here so you may have been manifesting this person for a while or they are manifesting you in their life somehow. You can meet them when the sky is cloudy and there can be a water body near the place you meet them. They will be the first one to approach you and actually talk to you, you may exchange numbers or social media etc. They see you as a queen/king, they get this powerful and bold energy from you even from afar.
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
Pile 3
You will need to break a lot of unhealthy patterns, addictions or self sabotaging behaviors in your life before meeting your divine counterpart. You are someone who is stuck in the past, looks back at ir constantly. Please don't do that, leave everything behind which does not serve you dear friend. You will actually be blessed by someone who truly loves you so don't worry at all. Higher powers have it all figured out. You guys can meet in a social event, concert, dating app or social media. Feel free to dream and manifest your ideal partner cuz you're getting the exact same one love. They can work in finance or may be rich specifically.
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
Pile 4
You can meet your divine counterpart either on a rainy day or a very bright sunny day, you will be going through some emotional breakdown just before meeting them. And when you meet them, your life will change upside down. You will notice how hardworking this person is and I'm also seeing love at first sight. One of you may even imagine having a family with the other on the first meeting itself lol. Very positive energy and vibes from you guys. You both will feel very happy and emotionally connected to each other and you will take that as a sign that this person is the one for you!!
Reblog and claim the energy 💕✨️
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jubileemon · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel: Poison Song
The song became controversial due to the visuals that accompany it were seem as portraying the topic of sexual abuse in an insensitive and some sort of sick fetish, but not from Angel Dust's perspective. Let me explain:
Valentino's Obsession and Control
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Valentino's behavior towards Angel extends beyond professional boundaries, crossing into personal and sexual territory. His obsession with Angel Dust is evident in his relentless pursuit and control over him, which includes forcing himself upon Angel Dust and engaging in non-consensual acts. The series does not shy away from depicting the grim reality of such abusive relationships, challenging the audience to confront the severity of these issues.
Angel's inability to break free from Valentino's grip is symbolized by a contract that legally binds him to his abuser. The series hints at the possibility of escape, suggesting that the contract's dissolution could be the key to the sinner's liberation. However, the power to terminate this contract lies with Valentino, leaving Angel in a state of limbo and dependence.
Coping Mechanism and Self-Destruction
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Angel was bound by a contract to Valentino, faces a harrowing existence under his dominion. Valentino, who is both Angel Dust's employer in the adult film industry and his abuser, employs gaslighting tactics to keep Angel Dust in line. The series showcases the psychological impact of such abuse, with Angel Dust being subjected to poor mistreatment and threats that leave him feeling trapped and hopeless.
Angel Dust's coping strategy involves substance abuse and self-sabotage, hoping to become so broken that Valentino will lose interest in him. This tragic approach to dealing with trauma is a reflection of the harsh reality faced by many abuse victims, who sometimes resort to self-harm in an effort to become unappealing to their abusers.
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It is worth noting that Valentino is the one who should be freaking out in this scene, not Angel Dust, because actually managing to piss off Lucifer's daughter is like a mouse finally poking a lazy cat into action. But Charlie's demeanor is so unthreatening that even when she is clearly going to break Valentino like a twig for his behavior, Valentino isn't threatened and Angel actually stops Charlie from attacking him, seeing her as the one in danger. This is noted to be a favorite tactic of real-life abusers, in which they psychologically bind their victims so badly that they themselves will refuse help from people who would've saved them with little effort.
Angel's meltdown when Husk rejects him one too many times is both this and even more sadder, reminding us that Valentino's abuse has all but fully convinced Angel that his only worth is sex. As well as after Husk called him fake right before the meltdown, his eyes glow magenta and he gets up in Husk’s face.
The Music
The 'Poison' music video serves as a metaphorical exploration of Angel Dust's entrapment and addiction to the toxic relationship with Valentino. Visual elements such as pink smoke-like chains represent Valentino's control, while the ambiguous nature of their sexual encounters raises questions about consent. The video culminates in a scene that encapsulates the fear and distress Angel Dust experiences, highlighting the cyclical nature of abuse.
At one point in the song Angel straight up says that he can only blame himself instead of pinning any of it on "the poisoner" for all the abuse he's being put through. A harrowing reminder of how too many a victim feels like they've brought their suffering upon themselves or, worse, believe they deserve it.
Throughout the sequence, Angel is trying to maintain his "mask" of super-confidence and semi-aggressive sexuality on camera... but the mask keeps slipping. His face flashes from resigned, to frightened, to just plain tired, before he has to fake enthusiasm again. Worse, Valentino appears to be deliberately throwing Angel off his stride whenever he successfully gets into character: for example, when during the dance sequence between Angel and Valentino, Angel's doing a good job of appearing graceful and seductive...until Valentino literally yanks Angel's soul-contract chain to bring him crashing to the ground, a move that clearly startles Angel.
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During the final dance sequence, the Angel we see "happily" dancing on stage is contrasted with his "real" self shown on screens surrounding him, going through the agonizing abuse that Valentino subjects him to. When Valentino arrives and drags Angel off to be raped again, it's flipped on its head — now the Angel on stage is fearful and upset while his screen counterpart "happily" continues the dance. "I disassociate, disappear" indeed...
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frogspond200 · 10 months
I love the scarab from Fionna and 🍰 I feel like there’s no posts about them .
Can we please have a yandere scarab oneshot please 🙏
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚋 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Requested by: Anon
Ask: I love the scarab from Fionna and 🍰 I feel like there’s no posts about them. Can we please have a yandere scarab oneshot please 🙏
Warning: General Yandere Behavior
From the moment the scarab sets eyes on the you, it becomes consumed by an overwhelming obsession. It sees you as the perfect one, the one who will complete its life. The scarab's innocent and playful demeanor begins to fade away as it becomes consumed with jealousy and possessiveness.
Initially, you are oblivious to the scarab's feelings. You view it as a charming and harmless companion, unaware of its hidden depths. As the scarab's obsession intensifies, you begin to realize that something is off. You begin to resist the scarab's advances, but your resistance proves to be futile.
Scarab's relentless pursuit of you begins to take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Scarab becomes clingy and possessive, constantly seeking your attention and approval. Your, feeling overwhelmed and suffocated by scarab's demands, you try to pull away, but to no avail.
scarab's jealousy becomes evident as it exhibits signs of insecurity whenever you show interest in other people or activities. He tries to sabotage your relationships, creating tension and conflict.
Despite your best efforts to resist scarab's advances, you find yourself be falling under its curse. scarab's manipulation and charm make it difficult you to see beyond the surface. You become trapped in a cycle of codependency, unable to break free from the grip of scarab's obsession.
Scarab's obsession becomes all-consuming, leaving you feeling isolated and trapped. You long for freedom and independence, but fear the consequences of breaking free from scarab's grip. scarab's possessiveness becomes a source of anxiety and fear, as you questions their own sanity and self-worth.
Ultimately, your resistance is futile in the face of scarab's obsession. You are forced to confront the reality of the situation…
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tjxtron · 3 months
Mid Life Crisis: A Criston Cole psychological analysis
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In the books, Criston Cole is presented as a knight obsessed with redeeming a singular dishonorable act: Sleeping with the princess. This singular focus on redemption ties closely with existentialist themes and shapes the course of every action he takes after. Criston whether you like him in the books or not, does not falter in his mentally after he sleeps with Rhaenyra. It particularly highlights the idea that individuals are fundamentally free and responsible for shaping their lives through their choices. Cole’s singular act, seen as dishonorable, becomes the axis around which his entire life revolves and he eventually goes onto become the "Kingmaker" as a result of this, in his own eyes fulfilling the greatness and honorability he believes he has. He embodies the existentialist crisis where one’s identity and morality are defined by personal choices rather than societal or divine mandates. His quest for redemption in the books is taken with extreme card and is explored in a very traditional lense.
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Contrastingly, the show’s portrayal of Criston Cole as a character prone to multiple acts of oath-breaking introduces a different philosophical discussion—namely, the concept of self-sabotage and the cyclical nature of self-destructive behaviors. This deviation from a one-time failure to a pattern of failures explores themes of fatalism and determinism, where despite the apparent freedom to choose, Cole is repeatedly drawn to decisions that reaffirm his downfall. I think this affirmation of mine is further highlighted due to the fact he's lost his "king maker" title in the show, as his redemption of himself will probably never happen in the show. I think the writers are suggesting a psychological and almost tragic inevitability to his character, mainly using the age old idea between free will and determinism.
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Both versions of Criston Cole explore the tension between individual agency and ethical responsibility. The book version aligns more with the concept of existential redemption—where redemption is a personal crusade to align one’s actions with a subjective moral compass. Meanwhile, the show version delves into the tragic flaw aspect of classical literature, where the protagonist (Or antagonist) is doomed to repeat his mistakes, potentially underscoring a pessimistic view of human nature and freedom.
In my humblest opinion....i fucking hate the show version of Criston, he's so bitchy n hypocritical.
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1galaxia369 · 10 months
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You have been very hard on yourself, I understand the purpose of it but you are doing it all wrong. Self reflection and shadow work is completely different from bullying yourself. You're going through an awakening right now, the universe is calling you out, you guys have a higher purpose in this world. Some of you guys have secret plans that you have been working on and some dreams that you are about to entertain that know one knows. I know you are very protective of your ideas and desires, but being ruled by saturn isn't easy, always working extra hard because the whole thing might fall apart if you don't focus & put your all in oryou'll have to start over. Not to mention having envious people around you that silently sabotage all your projects. Add a mind that is your biggest enemy and you have the recipe for an extremely exhausted human. When will you address that and put an end to it? All those voices in your head, whether it's you valuing your worth based on your productivity or the voices of people who can't see your vision. The best way to stop the noise is by first acknowledging it's there, then you have to find out why you allow those thoughts in, Ask yourself do you think they're right, ask yourself again if you or your talents and skills fit into that low bar that everyone else is setting for you, when did these other people whose drive and skill could never match up to yours have the power to convince you that you can't succeed at all your goals? It's literally judgement time, you are being pushed to cut that behavior out, allowing negativity to cloud your mind and breed self doubt and self sabotage. It's time to become YOU. Reflection, renewal and reckoning is your energy. That plan that you've been working for the past couple of months or years even is finally coming in to play, there's a major turn around coming. You've been tending to your garden well and you'll be harvesting the fruits of your labor very soon.
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Overall, success is coming in whatever field that has been your focus for a while now. If you been waiting on an answer this is it, if you are actually about to start something now is a good time. Plant the seeds and wait patiently, the success is guaranteed with consistent care and effort. Celebration is store for you guys, party and go out have fun, you've been working too hard. You give yourself no breaks and you don't treat yourself enough, there's nothing in this world more important than you. Stop putting yourself last in every situation. There are also people that don't mean you well, as you progress and evolve you'll be removing and rearranging a lot of things in your life and finally setting BOUNDARIES. Them people not gonna like that! You have to stand on business though, NO means NO. You plan out your day, if it ain't life or death then you have to prioritize your self and your projects. I feel like a lot of people who aren't dependent on you, always depend on you to show up regardless of what you got going on. You have to discern if they are more important than accomplishing those daily goals. Procrastination is a big issue for Capricorns, no matter the placement, always allowing yourself to be drawn away from your work routine. You set that plan up so that you can properly show up for yourself and have time to handle your other responsibilities. It's wasted if you keep having to remake your plans and routines to accommodate others, leaving simple work that can be done today for tomorrow, now tomorrow is thrown off and now you're burnt out. This cycle always opens the door for you to start beating yourself up. I understand that people need your help and you're the jack of all trades but it can be done whenever you are free, you don't drop everything to go help someone with something they can wait to do or pay someone to do. All humans were born with their own physical capabilities no need to fuck yourself up to show for them. Have strength and enforce your boundaries and do not waver, they can wait, finish your stuff first.
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You are safe to move forward with your plans, invest your time, skills and money. You'll have a return on investment WHEN it is successful ( take the word 'if' and change it to 'when'...change 'I think' to 'I know'). Be excited, you escape and find solace in your work and creative endeavors, you complicate that flow by being hard on yourself. You are supported too, remember that. You'll be noticing that all of a sudden you'll have more money in your hands to spend on yourself and invest into you projects. The universe and your spirit guides are handing you support and opportunities, take them and don't hesitate. You know what a good opportunity looks like trust yourself to pursue them and watch the success come true. Movement is happening, this is exciting, changes will be happening all around you! Be happy! Some of you will be travelling really soon, or moving away from where you are or even relocating internationally. Be happy for once and trust that good things can happen for you.
I recommend spending time in nature, you need peace and quiet,observe the animals and the ecosystem. Smudge your surroundings (and yourself) you need to get rid of all that negative energy.(sage,palo santo,sweet grass, incense) Breathing exercises are needed 15 deep breaths for release. Close your eyes and visualize the things you want accomplished, manifest more. Be delusional about your goals.
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brownskinallure · 1 year
Self Sabotage and Perseverance
Self-sabotage is a common pattern that many people struggle with. It is often linked to our fear of being hurt, based on prior experiences, which can lead us to make choices that ultimately prevent us from achieving our goals. Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, self-sabotage can have a significant impact on our ability to succeed.
The fear of being hurt is a natural human emotion that results from past experiences. It can lead us to avoid taking risks, trying new things, or putting ourselves out there. For example, if we have been hurt in a past relationship, we may struggle to trust others in the future, leading us to sabotage potential new relationships by keeping our distance or pushing people away.
Self-sabotage is not limited to relationships either. It can show up in our work lives too. Goals that we set for ourselves are impacted by prior experiences that have caused pain. If we have failed at work in the past, we may feel unworthy or incapable of achieving our current career goals.
The problem with self-sabotage is that it can become a pattern that is repeated over and over again so unaware. We become stuck in a loop, making self-defeating decisions that ultimately lead to more pain and frustration.
To break free from self-sabotage, we need to challenge ourselves to see things from a different perspective. It is important to be introspective and understand the underlying emotions that are driving our actions. It requires taking the time to self-reflect and get to the root cause of our fears.
Healing is another important step that we need to take to overcome self-sabotage. It can be hard to move forward from our past experiences, but acknowledging and accepting them is an essential part of the healing process. We must be willing to seek HONEST help and support, whether it be through therapy, counseling, or simply talking with friends and family.
It’s not enough to only be open about our struggles; we must also make a conscious effort not to make others suffer because of it. When we are caught up in our own emotional turmoil, it’s easy to become self-focused and not consider how our actions might impact those around us. We must strive to be mindful of how our behavior affects others and take responsibility for our actions.
Self-sabotage is a challenging pattern to overcome. We must challenge ourselves to see things from a different perspective, heal from our past experiences, and be mindful of how our actions impact others. By taking these steps, we can break through the cycle of self-sabotage and achieve the success we desire.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Everything Is Fine Character Analysis: Sam's Wilderness
Note: Every time I refer to someone as "the Perfect ___", I'm referring to the false happy persona they put that's mandated by the government. Also I'm about halfway through Season 2, so everything I've put here is based off what I know from where I've gotten so far.
I noticed a consistent pattern when it comes to Sam's behavior that pertains to environmental changes (that being both changes in his environment, and him changing environments entirely). When the series begins, Sam is introduced as a compliant model citizen to the government. We meet him in an almost stuck-up and controlling state, where he was forceful in trying to get Maggie to comply with the system when she wanted to question it and break the rules (at this point only minor rules, which only added to Sam's seemingly controlling nature). In the flashback of them meeting for the first time, Maggie is a free spirit and a wild card, which gives us context to her naturally rebellious nature, while Sam is more passive and go-with-the-flow. The pressure of their daughter's life being dangled in front of them at any moment, as well as Sam's comfort in having adjusted to their new lives, most likely caused him to go from someone who follows the grain, to someone who will assertively try to maintain the status quo.
We see the first break during Linda and Bob's neighborly dinner get-together. Maggie is reaching a breaking point from the restrictive lifestyles they live, and wears a revealing dress, as well as butts heads with Linda and Bob whenever they play the part of the Perfect Neighbors instead of being their genuine selves. Sam tries being assertive, then he tries playing the Perfect Husband, all to get Maggie to play along for all their sakes, but she shuts him down and puts him in his place for the attempted control*. He no longer tries to stop her once she asserts that she will not let him boss her around anymore, as he doesn't have the willpower to fight that due to his more lenient nature. When he finally confronts her about how her behavior can get them and their children all killed, he does so by dropping the Perfect persona and speaking to Maggie honestly. He's practically begging her to listen, to consider the danger they're in, with a very earnest desperation, and only then does she tone it down and comply. From this point on, Sam is less cold-shouldered towards Maggie now that he sees he cannot make her act as compliantly as he does, so he takes what he can get with Maggie at least agreeing to do the bare minimum of staying in line with the government's enforced lifestyle.
Everything gets flipped on its head when Maggie rips the rug out from under Sam by killing Officer Tom. For the first time, Sam spirals, and becomes very compliant with Maggie's plans to get them to Lakeview by sabotaging Linda and Bob (and uh, y'know, hiding a body). He enters a state of shock, panics, and immediately lets Maggie take the lead when he realizes he has no footing in the trajectory of their lives. He momentarily reverts back to that state he was in before the government take-over, a follower more than a leader, and most of all his genuine self over the Perfect persona.
Then we get to Lakeview, and Maggie and Sam are adjusting to this new life by simply observing and living along side its residents. At some point, Sam decides its time he made active moves to acclimate to the Lakeview culture, which included him joining in on the Hunt with Gina and Chris, and later enthusiastically committing to the vegetable business (despite knowing how long it will take for that to actually go anywhere) after his talk with Glenn. Both times Maggie questioned him, and he brushed her off, deciding that he would follow his own rules without having any communication with her about what he would do or why. And once again, the only reason this stopped was when Maggie confronted him about this lack of communication, and called his behavior out (which brought us to that conversation about Sam not trusting her anymore, and using that as justification for his actions). This became somewhat rectified only when Maggie announced her connections with the Resistance, and how the two of them could not survive together should Sam continue to act as he does. She calls out Sam, and as a result he goes along with her plan to try and trick Gina and Chris; he complies.
Sam as a character has seemingly been all over the place, but he's actually only been in two; the authoritarian (whether that be over Maggie's life or his own) and the complier. He swings between being controlling and backing down at the first sign of resistance. To me, this shows great insecurity from Sam regarding his place in the world. Its the mark of a person who is easy-going at heart, and feels forced to be the opposite for survival. The issue is that he's allowing these knee-jerk feelings to cloud his judgement, and its starting to drive a damaging wedge between him and the one person he can actually trust to have his back. When the situation changes too drastically, Sam goes into a sort of shock and follows Maggie's lead. As soon as he feels he has some footing, he becomes over-controlling as a way to feel in control of anything.
Maggie loves and trusts Sam, but he seems very willing to abandon that trust/love in favor of feeling like he's got a hold of the situation and his life. If Sam doesn't become aware of these patterns, it will inevitably destroy his relationship with Maggie, and be the push that leads to their downfall.
*Sam is a very nuanced character and he's not really a controlling person at heart, his actions are very much a product of his circumstances, but for this segment I'm talking about his behavior through Maggie's perspective, which is him seeming over-controlling during a period where she's forgetting to consider the consequences of stepping out of line
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ceruleanvulpine · 5 months
ok so. this is gonna be very focused on my girl at the expense of the general plot but pls enjoy
in [redacted larp], the kingdom of vaguely medieval european fantasy is under attack by the evil wizard empire. the evil wizard empire are your traditional mage supremacists with an immortal god-emperor who ban the worship of all of VMEFkingdom's gods.
at my first game, Our Heroes were freeing an island from occupation by the evil wizard empire. they burst into a tavern and start killing the soldiers stationed there, and find a few civilians hiding, including a death priest. there are two death gods in the setting: one loves zombies and necromancy and suffering, and the other is about finality and respect for the dead and things in their right place. the priest, who follows the second, after recovering from getting whacked on the head while hiding behind a counter, introduces herself as Let This Darkness Be A Belltower (bell for short). this is not a normal name in the setting, lmao.
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bell immediately joins in with the forces of the rebellion, mostly following around an elven doctor who becomes her new bff and healing people. by the end of the weekend she has blown up an evil wizard empire warship by sabotaging a laser cannon and helped to free the city.
of course, let this darkness be a belltower... is the name she gave herself after she had a religious breakdown/breakthrough and defected from the evil wizard empire. (a few people know this after her first game, most don't.)
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meruet peitry! her mom is a politician, her brother is a soldier, her younger half-sister is a prodigy necromancer and the golden child. meruet is frankly a disappointment because she has a little mage blood and can't use it at all, but her family is nice about it. she's her sister's confidante/anchor/the person who tells her to take a nap when she's doing too much necromancy and it's affecting her temperament. (meruet haaaates necromancy. unbeknownst to her or anyone around her, this is because of being chosen by deathgod 2.)
she gets shuffled off to the occupied island as part of a political game, mostly as a hostage to ensure her family's good behavior, but she's just happy to not be married off.
she debuted in game in 2022. in the in-game equivalent of 2020, one of the PCs definitely the dastardly evil wizard empire kicked off a necromantic blight that caused all the dead things in a certain region to rise as zombies immediately. simultaneously, someone was fucking with deathgod2, and all his chosen started having extreme insomnia and nightmares. a sleep-deprived meruet has a break with reality and becomes variously convinced that she's dead (she is not) undead (no) and chosen by a higher power (yes.) after some time secretively investigating confiscated materials on VMEFkingdom's gods, she realizes she has some association with deathgod2 and starts spending more time with the locals...
getting us back to where we started. meruet peitry is presumed dead, and bell has new friends! with a certainty born of god visions and a convert's zeal, she resolves to just never think about her family again, and probably that will be fine.
she learns the world is ending and throws her lot in with freeing the old gods to fix it, resolving with that same self-centered moral certainty that she will lie to her new friends if necessary to achieve this (they turn out to agree. but she would have lied her ass off). at one point she gets kidnapped BY the evil mage empire for a month. she becomes frenemies (?) with the atheist goodguy necromancer who, when they met, made a corpse throw itself off a cliff and then told her god was fake. she's doing fine.
one day a skeleton shows up with a letter from her sister mariliz. bell is uhh upset by the necromantic messenger and also stressed. the letter is like "i saw by scrying that you're alive?? have the forces of VMEFkingdom kidnapped you?? please write back!!" bell ignores it. <3
unfortunately, her sister gets kidnapped by bone-eating vampires (?!) on a research mission, which bell learns when her sister's dream bleeds into the dream the PCs are exploring, and she walks into her childhood home with a bunch of her new friends and is greeted by her siblings. then her sister starts screaming, wakes up, and disappears.
a rescue mission is waged. bell continues to maintain the pretense that she is rescuing a random woman who is not related to or known to her in any way to everyone but a few people. she even sends a dream message ahead to her sister to be like "DO NOT say we are sisters when we meet. i love you. don't die"
when they find her sister, though, she is ... in a bad way from having her bones repeatedly eaten and regrown for months. bell takes her back to the clinic where she's living, and as her sister is basically swaying on her feet about to pass out, freaks out about how she's a traitor and a heretic and it would be better if they hadn't met again. (oh, her sister doesn't believe she can do divine magic, because the emperor is the only god. maybe bell has finally learned how to do arcane magic after years of failing to? bell: No!!) mariliz passes out and bell immediately ties her hands and has the local sorcerer cast a spell on the bonds preventing her from using her magic. (necromancy is not ONLY scary, it's illegal here. this is for her own good!)
cue bell's sister living in the clinic as a prisoner for months while they wait for someone who can take her home. bell makes some attempts at de-indoctrinating her, but she's bad at it (keeps getting mad that her sister doesn't believe her god is real). she mostly ends up making weird comments to the two elf doctors helping to treat her and reading trashy novels. god bless the person who played her, who hits the perfect balance of smugly chauvinist, kickable, and deeply unsettled by the changes in her sister and her life.
meanwhile, on a dangerous mission, bell finds out that one of the other PCs caused the blight (when someone casually mentions it). she punches him in the face and resolves she has trusted *too many goddamn necromancers*. that same day, she meets her god inside his nightmare of the time he was fucked with. she tries to look into his eyes as he freaks out and gets an instant "insanity no will save" effect, which was fun as hell to play because i just upped the ante on her panic about the dream and about the people around her being corpse dismembering murderers (this fear was already present). but she does recover and asks her god if he would have her take any action against the other PC. he says no. so now they're... extremely awkward coworkers.
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incomplete list of. some of bell's other friends (?) (if you're not on here i just couldn't come up with a funny summary)
the elf doctor i mentioned: they love each other. bell is often Concerned about her schemes.
the daughter of blight guy, the second most powerful necromancer in game: now just stares unsettlingly at her whenever she sees her
a younger and, until recently, more powerful priest of deathgod2: why does she remind me of my sister
the token Guy Who Doesn't Want To Free The Old Gods, a former child soldier with a tendency to resort to violence to solve his problems. but he and bell have an awkward coworker relationship and he seems to think she's the only reasonable person who wants to free them, because she'll discuss the possibility of going his way instead.
goodguy atheist necromancer: bell accidentally spent all his money once while buying supplies for him from an NPC played by the same guy
game before last, bell willingly sacrificed her life to deathgod1 to push back the blight. she came back, died in a battle, came back again, but it gets less likely each time, so she's getting more and more frightened.
last game her sister escaped and showed up in town, so bell followed her around going "noooooo" while she (thinking she was being so sneaky) asked questions about life here and why all the mages don't just move to the empire. now she's been safely sent home. so it's fine and bell never has to think about her family again! she also, to her confusion, got to finish the deal with deathgod1 by 1) moving furniture into his temple and 2) peer pressuring a bunch of new characters into getting Agony'd with her to consecrate it. probably fine.
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+ bonus: my fave face NPC (that i play) is a horrid anti-magic cop who just shows up and flatly bullies everyone holding scrolls. twice she has caught people with high level necromancy scrolls. i keep waiting for someone to murder her, i am NOT that hard to kill, but she does have a spell that boils the magic in your blood, which i am waiting eagerly to use <3
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thesmallmeggles · 8 months
*clears throat*
Revised 🟣Violet🟣 × 🍍Zanzo🍍 Lore
In light of new development that came about during RP, I felt it was necessary to create a more concrete story summary to follow.
As a heads up, it's a bummer. CW: Toxic Relationship (Better safe than sorry even if it might not apply)
👇Under the Line Break as per usual👇
Refresher: Violet and Zanzo were friends. :) They first met as cashier and customer, and started hanging out more after Violet got ditched by her at the time boyfriend at a convention.
(Z: "Hey, don't be upset about that clown. Hang out with some cool people instead!")
When Kale takes over Vandelay, he promotes Zanzo, which results in dropped communication with Violet because of growing busyness.
Which brings us to...
Romance Phase One (Pre Canon)
As it turns out, both people's feelings evolved into something more than platonic. (Violet crushed on Zanzo first, but she never said anything because it'd be awkward. Zanzo didn't feel anything romantic towards Violet until this point.)
However, there were three big stumbling blocks:
1. Working at Kale Era Vandelay Technologies has brought out the worst in Zanzo
2. Violet and Zanzo both have residual traumas that neither have worked through yet which affects how they communicate with each other. (Violet has next to no boundaries, Zanzo tramples over them, they both have poor self esteem)
3. 🧜‍♀️Caramel Roscoe🧜‍♀️, Violet's "friend" and roommate, actively sabotages their relationship because she's mad that this anime loving loser stole her favorite punching bag best friend. (Similar to Zanzo and Violet, she also has issues, but is less inclined to self improvement or recognize that she needs to do so in the first place)
Some Notable Events
In the beginning, Zanzo learns through the grapevine that Violet moved to the island, but instead of contacting her as himself, he pranks her by catfishing. When Violet meets up with him, she's more confused than amused. (This incident also kickstarts Mel's dislike of Zanzo.)
When Mel's actions grow too extreme, Violet moves in with Zanzo
Violet injures Zanzo during a sparring match. (He was teaching her how to parry and she struggled to grasp it. Emotions were high.) When Violet attempts to apologize, he rebuffs her
A month or so later, Violet witnesses Zanzo recalibrating SPECTRA on Roxanne. Basically the final straw leading to break up. (She also gets busted by Kale.)
Zanzo decides the most humane method of handling the situation is erasing Violet's memories with this machine he built. It only seems to work because most of Violet's early Vandelay Island memories are stress induced blurs + she's acting (theater kid)
After the break up, Caramel harasses Zanzo, which includes submitting falsified behavioral reports to HR under Violet's name. (But because this is the Kale Era, nothing comes of it.)
Romance Phase Two (Post Canon)
I've explained in an earlier post how Zanzo and Violet reunited, but to summarize: it was completely by chance several months past.
Zanzo sees this as an opportunity to be a better boyfriend this time around. He... kind of succeeds.
Violet is conflicted. She's relieved that her friend's alive but past pain and current guilt prevents her from fully connecting.
They're currently separated again and working on self discovery. (Zanzo's having a harder time with it.)
Some Notable Events
A lot of Zanzo centered schenagians - getting into fights, kissing dudes, that kind of thing. Violet isn't thrilled about any of this.
Zanzo retrieves 💓Shiruko💓 (D0K1-D0K1/Zanzo's Robot GF) from the old labs to supplement the lack of affection he's getting from Violet. This ends in disaster. (Shiruko is mostly fine- she has free will and a girlfriend now.)
Zanzo confesses about the memory erasure in the break-up, believing that Violet didn't know about it. (He had ordered a VA-SER to do the deed.)
A couple instances of Zanzo giving anonymous gifts to Violet post break up - first one was a data share of Phase One photos + videos (gift of memories), second were wigs and outfits for a pair of vandalized (Mel's doing) custom dolls.
Because HR is back in business, they conduct an investigation into the reports and sus out Mel. She gets criminally charged and Violet cuts off ties with her. (Some friends helped Violet find another place to stay in the meantime. Though Mel ends up moving out of their apartment while Violet is away.) She still goes out of her way to harass the pair.
Under the assumption that Zanzo plans to make an AI clone of her (as if one robot GF weren't enough), Violet confronts him in person to confess that she faked amnesia. Her reasoning being: "okay, this behavior is concerning. I need to come clean about the amnesia thing so he can drop this rose-eyed view of me and move on with his life." Yeah... 😥 This plan didn't work out. (And Violet moved on with this plan knowing that- like, girl.)
The Million Dollar Question: Will/Should They Get Back Together?
Honestly, I'm not sure. 😕
If Mel weren't involved, things might have turned out better between them. Even without her, Violet and Zanzo need to get their acts together for both of their sakes
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yuungmenace · 9 months
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* ◟ : 〔 ARCHIE MADEKEW , NON BINARY + THEY / THEM 〕 BEAUREGARD ADEFOPE , some say you’re a THIRTY YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both INDIVIDUAL and EGOCENTRIC, one can’t help but think of TRUE FAITH by SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR when you walk by. are you still THE GAZELLE / DRUG MANUFACTURER for THE NEON PARIAHS, / SELF-EMPLOYED, even with your reputation as THE AMARANTH? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and LEOPARD FUR COATS FLUTTERING IN THE BREEZE, THE DIZZYING EFFECT OF A SPARKLING PINK PILL, A FACE BURNED INTO MEMORY NEVER FORGOTTEN, although we can’t help but think of DORIAN GRAY ( THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY ) + ICARUS ( GREEK MYTHOLOGY ) + RUBY RHOD ( FIFTH ELEMENT ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
FULL NAME: Beauregard Adefope. Not their real name. NICKNAME(S):Beau, Gazelle AGE: 30 GENDER:Nonbinary PRONOUNS: They/Them BIRTHPLACE: Texas OCCUPATION: Drug manufacturer, previous Anunnaki Pharmaceuticals researcher. GANG AFFILIATION: Neon Pariah’s Gazelle FC: Archie Madekew
HAIR COLOUR: Black EYE COLOUR: Black HEIGHT: 6”5 PIERCINGS?: Both ears, upper lobe, mid & upper helix on left ear, nose ring on right nostril. TATTOOS: Eye of horus on right side of neck, Gazelle skull on right ring finger.
POSITIVE: Independent, Eccentric, Passionate NEGATIVE: Dramatic, Egotistical, Selfish
trigger warnings for child abuse, mentions of homophobia, drug mention, body horror
You’re an outsider, you’ve always been an outsider. You were not your fathers child, when the babe presented your father took one look at you and uttered ‘not mine’. That has been your crowning achievement, even amongst 7 others, you belonged to nobody. Mother was busy with little ones, sisters raising each other, brothers doing whatever they wanted. Left to your own devices you discovered things about yourself – who you were, what you liked, what you were good at. School time was spent playing the fool, acting loud and making others laugh, their attention something you relished. Everytime teachers rang home, the belt was applied to your back legs but you never stopped, for their mirth was far greater than the pain you felt. One Sunday after church, you were caught wearing lipstick and kissing yourself in the mirror. Mother said it was fine, you were pretending to kiss a woman. You were smart enough not to tell her otherwise.
Despite all this, you are intelligent, far greater than anybody ever gives you credit for. Tests? You don’t study much, you just need to remember. Gifted, they call you, gifted. Such a word should’ve never been ascribed to you, its poison corroding your young and fragile ego. It doesn’t matter if father calls you wrong, or mother ignores your odd behavior because you’re gifted and they aren’t. You will die believing yourself to be special.
Except – you aren’t. You are barely above average, a fact that is too much to bear once you reach college. All your teenage awkwardness begins to leak out of you, identity crisis hitting an all time high. You are so easily influenced by others, wishing so badly to escape a spiral you are already trapped in. You’ve always acted out but, now? It grows worse, you spend half your time ingesting something to feel better. It goes hand in hand with your genius, you say, your test scores falling, falling falling down. There is little hope for you now, once a beacon of brilliance now barely scraping by. That is until an opportunity presents itself, one that will allow you to show your brilliance once more; write a 500 word essay for the Anunnaki pharmacy scholarship in NYC! The city calls, the excitement of breaking free from small towns small minds is delicious, the chance to be the center of attention. The best, the brightest, that’s all that matters.
You don’t smash it – in fact, you sabotage one or two other students so you get in, yet you flourish while there. Chemistry is something you can get into, and the social life provided by the city scratches two itches. Anunnaki have you working with their top researchers for months, studying and making notes, testing and trying before you’re asked to present your work. The drug that numbs physical pain, simple at first. A punch amounts to no flinch, a hand on a stovetop, even live surgery yields little feeling. Anunnaki are pleased, and kit you out to be a proper manufacturer. 
They take your work. Anything you had ideas on, for, is confiscated, your name stricken from the records and head of manufacturing put on instead. You hear whispers of the things they’re working towards, begin to do a little digging into the company, and you’re caught red handed. THEY TAKE YOUR EYES and fit you with a rusted pair they make your skin itch, your face hurt, and then you are so easily chucked out by the company who once hailed you a hero. Turns out, your knowledge can help you rebuild. A small chem lab, a couple of meth users and you, all working together to make a product. The product, the one that makes you a rockstar; Slow Tempo.
The Neon Pariah’s catch your attention, and you’re eager to join. To take back your work from Anunnaki, and bring them down. They’ll learn that even a Gazelle’s horns can still gut an animal.
Middle child of 7. Big yikes am I right?
Anunnaki replaced their eyes with mechanical when the scholarship lead to a job. They allowed Beau to read and understand data and substances much faster and be able to work quicker. Think - Techie, from Dredd? Or just how ur eyes work in Cyberpunk 2077. However, after the mild stint of corporate espionage, they were taken out and replaced with older models. This is why Beau wears sunglasses a lot, as the skin around them is often sore / his eyes weep a lot.
Slow Tempo is a drug that essentially slows down the world around you and is taken much like an inhaler. Some gangs buy from him as they give it to torture victims before carrying out the deed. COOL!
They're currently working on drugs 2 give people false emotions / a boost of them. It's not 100% at the moment as it needs more human trials <333
They're larger than life! They're full of stupid nd never shut up!
Has their own booth in a few clubs / bars that all dealers to distribute their drug! So kinda in bed with certain gangs to!!!
a fashion icon (my words)
apartment has like 80 half-melted candles
has a sphinx cat named liza
needs some casual flings, som clients, som friends!!! needs someone who can see the insecure little bitch under all that inflated ego bullshit
killed their younger sister in a car accident but i couldnt think how 2 work it into the backstory....
they speak french and r...usually some form of high at all times
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leomonwell · 1 month
7 Key Tips: Unlock A Legendary Life with the LEO Approach
Welcome to the 7 Key Tips to living a 'MonWell' life, where we dive into powerful strategies to elevate your health and wellness, not just to the standard level, but to a ‘MonWell’ level. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to the LEO approach. What’s LEO, you ask? It stands for Learn, Explore, and Optimize. This framework is designed to help you build a healthier relationship with wellness that lasts a lifetime. Watch the full video on YouTube, or continue reading after the thumbnail:
LEO: A Journey Toward Wellness
Learning is where it all begins. It’s about understanding yourself and your needs. Health and wellness aren’t one-size-fits-all, so your journey must start with knowledge. Maybe you’re not getting enough sunlight, or perhaps your sleep habits are impacting your focus. Learning is about opening your mind to these possibilities and taking the first step toward positive change.
Once you’ve started learning, it’s time to explore your options. Wellness is multifaceted—whether it’s holistic methods like herbal remedies, or modern medicine like prescriptions, each has its place. Exploration is about discovering what works best for you, and it’s essential because wellness isn’t a destination; it’s a behavior.
The final step in the LEO approach is optimization. Optimization is a continuous process. It’s about making small, consistent improvements in your wellness practices. If you start walking for just three minutes today, maybe tomorrow you’ll walk for five. It’s about constantly striving to improve, no matter where you start.
7 Key Tips for a ‘MonWell’ Life
Now that you understand the LEO approach, let’s break down the 7 Key Tips to living not just well, but ‘MonWell.’
1. Motivation
Motivation is rooted in purpose. When you’re connected to your purpose—whether it’s as a parent, a business owner, or a student—you’ll find the motivation to push forward. Without purpose, motivation wanes. So, check in with yourself daily and ask, “What is my purpose today?”
2. Optimism
Optimism is the choice to see the glass half full. It’s about viewing the world, and yourself, in the best possible light. But remember, optimism isn’t delusion. It’s a conscious decision to see the good, even when faced with challenges. Plant the seeds of optimism today, and tomorrow you’ll harvest happiness.
3. Nourishment
Nourishment goes beyond food. It’s about what you’re feeding your mind, body, and soul. Are the people and environments in your life positive? If not, it might be time to change your nourishment goals. Be mindful of what you consume in every aspect of your life.
4. Wellness-Focus
Wellness-focused living is all about making choices that improve your life. Whether it’s meditation, exercise, or just taking a few deep breaths to calm your mind, being wellness-focused is a mindset that you can practice daily.
5. Empowerment
Empowerment is a call to action. You have the power within you to achieve your goals—whether it’s starting a business, mending relationships, or pursuing personal growth. Empowerment isn’t just a state of being; it’s an active process of setting intentions and moving toward them.
6. Liberation
Liberation is about freeing yourself from self-sabotage. Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy. By breaking free from habits that don’t serve us, we set ourselves on a path toward success. When you liberate yourself from the chains of negative behaviors, you can only go up.
7. Legendary
When you practice the first six tips, you’re not just living well—you’re living a legendary life. Motivation, optimism, nourishment, wellness-focus, empowerment, and liberation all come together to create a life that is truly exceptional.
Wrapping It Up
The LEO approach is more than just a strategy; it’s a lifestyle. By learning, exploring, and optimizing your health and wellness, and by following these 7 Key Tips, you’re setting yourself up to live a life that’s not just good but legendary. So, go out there, apply these principles, and live your best MonWell life. Stay legendary, my friends!
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negative-speedforce · 6 months
Edgy/misc oc asks for Hyun-Ki, Pyrrha, and Kayla please!
1, 3, 7, 8, 12, 14, 24, and 25?
1: What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Hyun-Ki: The nearly three years he spent under Jessi's control. Technically, he has very little memory of this time, but the memories he does have are extremely traumatic.
Pyrrha: Would prefer to forget the first seventeen years of her life, since she was raised by a deranged Sith acolyte who had her body altered against her will every time she disappointed her.
Kayla: Would like to forget the night that she was captured by HYDRA after her files were leaked and her cover was blown.
3: What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Hyun-Ki's fatal flaw is his naivety, since his tendency to see the best in people is what got him into that terrible situation with Jessi in the first place.
Pyrrha's fatal flaw is her inability to trust others. Because of her highly traumatic background, Pyrrha doesn't actually believe that other people care about her, only that they want to use her in one way or another.
Kayla's fatal flaw is her inability to ask for help. While this has served her well as a double agent, with her needing to keep a lot of secrets, she's ended up in a lot of bad situations because she refuses to rely on others.
7: What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Hyun-Ki was originally complicit in Jessi's crimes, and they were almost like a Bonnie and Clyde crime couple. Then I decided to give him trauma.
Pyrrha was originally from an RP I did with my ex-best friend, but she's changed quite a bit since I originally conceived her, given that she's in a completely different fic now.
Kayla hasn't changed much, since I just recently developed her, but she was initially a much younger character.
8: Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Hyun-Ki: Maybe the initial act, but afterwards, he'd end up turning himself in because he felt so bad.
Pyrrha: Yes, and she has multiple times.
Kayla: Yes, and she has at least once before, though technically it was killing in self-defense.
12: Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Hyun-Ki: Not specifically, but under Jessi he was, since it was one of the only ways he could lash out or break himself free from her spell. He would occasionally do things that would cause him pain- like holding a glass so hard it would shatter in his hands- so he could have a few moments of autonomy.
Pyrrha: She goes through cycles of self-loathing, but she doesn't have any specific self-sabotaging behaviors.
Kayla: Oh, so much. She'll push herself to her limits for her goals, her burnout has burnout and her eyebags are so big she could carry around a chihuahua in them.
14: How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Hyun-Ki: He just wants to be seen as Some Guy. Not an idol, not a celebrity, but a role model and a friendly guy who just happens to have a highly successful music career.
Pyrrha: Pyrrha wants to be seen as a person. After years of being little more than a sentient weapon to most, Pyrrha revels in having her own autonomy, and having that autonomy respected.
Kayla: Wants to be seen as someone who's on the right side of history. Someone who made all the right choices and came out on top because of it.
24: What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they’d made those decisions?
Hyun-Ki: If Hyun-Ki would have found a different artist to collaborate with on that one song, he might have escaped being brainwashed by Jessi and had a much happier life overall.
Pyrrha: If Pyrrha's transport ship hadn't crashed, she would have never ended up defecting from the First Order. In that reality, she might have lost her humanity altogether and fully accepted the dog-eat-dog philosophy that Nyx pushed on her.
Kayla: If Kayla wasn't a naturally inquisitive child, she would have never found out about the secret HYDRA base that her great-uncle took her to, expecting her to wait in the lobby with a book. In that reality, she would have never dedicated her life to fighting HYDRA and would never have met Yelena.
25: What is your favorite thing about your OC?
Hyun-Ki: When not under brainwashing, Hyun-Ki is a really great guy. My favorite thing about him is how passionate he is- for his music, his friends, his family, etc.
Pyrrha: My favorite thing about Pyrrha is how everything is a new experience for her- even something as simple as rain. I'm also a huge fan of her capacity for kindness, despite her upbringing.
Kayla: Kayla's moral compass is my favorite thing about her. She will do the right thing, no matter what it takes. Even if doing what she thinks is for the good of others would kill her, she'd make that choice.
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highpriestess13 · 1 year
Collective Reading 10/11
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It’s time to get back to business collective! No more hesitating, procrastination, self-sabotage, distractions, etc.! You’re about to be made aware of something or some things that have been happening to you and/ or around you. Whether this is pertaining to YOU or people around you that have been trying to distract you. There’s work to be done and there are things that need to be handled, I see you coming out victorious. I’m hearing “blind side” make sure you’re being careful on the road too! You’re not just driving for you but you’re driving for other people as well. Something about bright headlights may be significant too. You’re going to feel so good & free very soon and I see a celebration with friends, family and maybe even strangers depending on your situation. Before, you may have felt things weren’t working out for you, you could’ve been feeling tired, irritated and just fed up but that’s coming to an end soon! I’m hearing “down and out”. Some of you are needing to take a much needed break/ vacation from work, go out and have… have a drink or two… maybe three lol or four 👀. I also see a big win for someone, you may have been left with some sort of betrayal but you’re about to experience A LOT of wins! Folks could’ve been gossiping about you too but they’re about to eat their words, this could be a mother figure or a child’s mother (place it where it needs to be for you). Basically people who mistook you and took you for granted and thought it was okay to slander your name or basically going to be seeing your name everywhere lol, it’s giving superstar… you’re literally going to be someone of importance. “Alien Superstar” by Beyoncé is significant or you’re going to be embodying that type of energy. I’m hearing “wish will be granted”! Something is being set free, if this is you, the Universe is setting you free, it’s giving you passed some kind of judgement and you’re being freed. There could be someone that’s getting released from prison, I’m hearing “probation” and “good behavior”. As far as you guys are concerned, this could be how you may feel, like being set from prison, like no more hardships for you, no more battles to fight, no more weird and negative situations and people! Like you’re literally being set free, applaud yourself, you have much to look forward to! Your dreams are literally about to come true, you’re literally going through some type of spiritual renewal, the old version of you is dead and gone, it was a long time coming but you freaking MADE IT!!!! 🎉 🎊🥳 “Celebrate good times!!” Is the song that I’m hearing lmao. There’s no more looking back and look down, pick yourself up! Pick your head up! And walk it like you talk it babes! Put some pep in your step and strut your stuff hunty! 💅🏾 Mice and sirens are your confirmations. Happiness, abundance and positivity is your destiny and birth rite!!! 555 on the clock! Expect powerful but beautiful changes and continue to keep a positive mindset “Work” by Britany Spears is significant! That’s it, that’s all! 🎊
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
The Path to Lasting Love: Healing Toxic Patterns and Effortlessly Manifesting Your Dream Relationship
The only self concept course worth your money.
In just 12 days, this self-paced journey will empower you to identify and address self-toxic behaviors, paving the way for a profound shift in your self-concept and magnetic attraction to the love you truly deserve.
This course stands out as the ultimate investment in your personal growth. Through practical exercises and guidance, you will uncover and dismantle toxic patterns that have hindered your relationships. By embracing a new self-concept, you will effortlessly manifest a dream relationship that aligns with your deepest desires.
Key features of this course include:
1. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Gain a deep understanding of your self-toxic behaviors and their impact on your love life. Unveil the root causes of these patterns and liberate yourself from their grip.
2. Actionable Steps for Change: Receive a roadmap to stop self-toxic behaviors and cultivate a healthier relationship with yourself. Learn transformative techniques to break free from destructive patterns and open yourself to love.
3. Magnetize Your Truth: Discover the power of shifting your self-concept to align with your true essence. Experience a magnetic transformation that effortlessly attracts the love and connection you deserve.
4. Self-Paced Learning: Enjoy the flexibility of a self-paced course that fits into your busy life. Dive into the transformative content whenever and wherever you choose, creating space for personal growth at your own pace.
Through a series of eye-opening classes, we emphasize the importance of self-check-ins and understanding your internal state in various situations. We explore the energetic misalignments that often contribute to this rollercoaster ride, empowering you to recognize and transform the specific internal behaviors that can sabotage your relationships.
Are you tired of the beautiful moments suddenly turning explosive and the same patterns repeating themselves? Even if you’ve successfully repaired relationships in the past, finding yourself stuck in the same cycle can be disheartening. Our course offers invaluable insights and strategies to break free from this pattern, all while fostering a deeper connection with yourself.
While you may have learned how to manifest a positive relationship, maintaining it can be a challenge. However, the first step towards lasting change is identifying self-toxic behaviors. Through our course, you’ll gain the essential self-awareness needed to stop these behaviors in their tracks. Sometimes all it takes is awareness, while in other cases, additional support such as coaching or counseling may be beneficial. We provide you with the tools and guidance to navigate this transformative journey with confidence.
Don’t let hot and cold relationships hold you back from experiencing the love and connection you deserve. Enroll in “Unveiling the Path to Lasting Love: Healing Toxic Patterns and Effortlessly Manifesting Your Dream Relationship” today and unlock the keys to creating harmonious, passionate, and fulfilling relationships. The journey to lasting love begins with self-awareness and transformation. Are you ready to take the first step?
Unleash your true potential and manifest the love you’ve always desired. Join us on this life-changing course and embark on a transformative journey toward healing toxic patterns and effortlessly manifesting your dream relationship.
Enroll now and create a love story that is worthy of your highest aspirations.
After purchase, go to https://livingwellnesscoaching.com/courses/unveiling-the-path-to-lasting-love-healing-toxic-patterns-and-effortlessly-manifesting-your-dream-relationship/
Click the “Start learning” button.
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