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{{ #earlymorningart #collagejournal 📖 #artbeforebreakfast ☕️ }} #somepinkflowers 🌸 #collage “””Who was #borntoosoon ? I will tell you who was born too soon: #francisbacon , #baronverulam …””” 🙄🤭😮 #foundquote by I do t know who⁉️ but I fell in love with it ‼️because how many ppl feel they were born TooLate or TooSoon ? I have no idea🌸 I was born exactly at the right time, IMHO 🌸‼️💕 #spfcreates2015 🌸 #spfcollagejournal 🌸🌸 (at Saint Augustine, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXEVaVcOF5p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Likizo ya uzazi kwa wamama wanaojifungua #mtotonjiti ni siku 84 tu kama wanaojifungua watoto kawaida. @dorismollel kupitia @dorismollelfoundation na washirika kadhaa wamezindua kampeni mahusisi kuhusu umuhimu wa kuwaongezea likizo wazazi wa watoto njiti. Watoto hawa hukaa hospitali wakati mwingine hadi miezi miwili Na mama hurudi nyumbani Na hatimae kazini kabla ya mtoto kupata uzito wa kilo moja na nusu. Pamoja na ukweli kwamba siku 84 hazitoshi kwa mama aliyejifungua mtoto wa kawaida, kampeni inapendekeza angalao miezi 6 kwa mama aliyezaa mtoto njiti, mwezi mmoja kwa baba wa mtoto. Shirima la Kazi duniani (ILO) linapendekeza angalao wiki 14 Na waajiri kufikiria kuongeza hadi wiki 18, wakati Shirika la Afya duniani @who linapendekeza wiki 18. Ziko nchi nyingi duniani zinazotoa muda wa kutosha kwa mfanyakazi akijifungua. Wengine hutoa hadi mwaka Mmoja. Umuhimu wa kufikiria kuongeza likizo ya uzazi kwa kinamama wanaojifungua wakiwa wameajiriwa, ni katika kutambua jitihada zao za makusudi za kujenga taifa letu huku pia wakitekeleza jukumu la kijamii la kuzaa watoto ambao ni taifa la kesho. Jukumu la uzazi sio mchezo, kubeba mimba peke yake ni kazi ngumu. Kulea Mtoto tangu unamzaa hadi anakuwa mtu mzima sio jambo la kawaida. Hata wewe unayesoma ujumbe huu unajua. Tumuunge mkono dada @dorismollel katika kampeni hii muhimu hususani kuwaongezea likizo ya uzazi wamama wliojifungua watoto njiti kutoka siku 84 hadi miezi 6 ili kupunguza vifo vya watoto hawa ambao kwa mwaka wanakufa 11,500 nchini mwetu. #ongezalikizoyauzazi #mtotonjiti #mtotowanesi naunga mkono kampeni hii. #borntoosoon #prematurebabies @womenfund_tz @angella_g_bondo @samia_suluhu_hassan #ummymwalimu @ummymwalimu @wizara_afyatz @ate_tanzania @dr.hmwinyi @kassim_m_majaliwa @bunge.tanzania @ortamisemi @katibanasheria_ @patrobasskatambi_ @ccmtanzania @lemutuz_tv @cloudsfm_ @millardayo @ayotv_ @wasafitv @wasafifm @globaltvonline @globalpublishers @tbc_online @tbctaifa @phillipmwihava @iamrubyafrica @irenepaul001 @stara_thomas @mrishompoto @mcgarab @mcluvanda @mc_linah @mcerickmchome @mc_big_chris @mcpilipili (at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXCyObOIxv4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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WORLD PREMATURE DAY – 17TH NOVEMBER, 2020 Theme: Together for babies born to soon – Caring for the future On World Premature Day 2020 ,here's a shout out to all premature babies, their parents and the incredible teams who care for them. Thinking of all the babies and parents who didn't have such fortunate outcomes. #WorldPrematurityDay2020 #Pretermbirth #Prematurity #PrematurityAwarenessMonth #WorldPrematurityDay #2020WorldPrematurityDay #PrematureBabies #BornTooSoon #ZeroSeparation #CaringForTheFuture Ref: https://www.daysoftheyear.com ------------------------------------------ The ongoing mission of "CHANGING LIVES 1 PLATE AT A TIME" is to contribute to the wellbeing of the vulnerable via giving them access to safe, healthy and nutritious food, ENDING HUNGER! And advocating to develop poor communities, ENDING POVERTY! With your donation and support, you can help provide a meal for a person in need and support the operations of Ending Hunger Ending Poverty with Zero Hunger Ghana Zero Hunger Ghana (ZHG) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of the Vulnerable (mobilised beneficiaries) in society (Ghana, West Africa). -------------------------------------- DONATION CHANNELS FOR ZERO HUNGER GHANA Online Donation Via Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/zerohungerghana Mobile Money Donations: MTN MOMO PAY – 610872 ZERO HUNGER GHANA or MTN MOMO NUMBER - 0247 239 702 Reference: Kindly State Your Name Bank Deposit in Ghana: Account Name: ZERO HUNGER GHANA Account Number: 0100191581900 Bank: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Branch: INDEPENDENCE AVENUE BRANCH Products/Nonmonetary Donations, Contact Lillian on +233 54 012 2720 _________________________ A Charis Jadlen #SocialImpact Project and a #ThinkMahoganyCSR #ZeroHunger #ZeroHungerGhana #EndHunger #EndPoverty #SDG2 #FAO #UNFAO #FAOGhana #WFP WFPGhana #ZHGPartner #ZHGWeMove #ZHGCelebrates2ndYear #ZHGWorldFoodDay #ZHGWorldFoodDay2020 #WorldFoodDay https://www.instagram.com/p/CHssVHYp9iI/?igshid=1sgjehhtwtl1e
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WORDL PREMATURE DAY – 17TH NOVEMBER, 2020 Theme: Together for babies born to soon – Caring for the future It’s World Prematurity Day today - a time to remember all our babies who are born too soon- and their amazing families. We are in awe of you all. #WorldPrematurityDay2020 #Pretermbirth #Prematurity #PrematurityAwarenessMonth #WorldPrematurityDay #2020WorldPrematurityDay #PrematureBabies #BornTooSoon #ZeroSeparation #CaringForTheFuture Ref: https://www.daysoftheyear.com ----------------------------------------- #SickleCellDiseaseAwarenessGhana is a nonprofit project which educates on #SickleCellDisease (#SCD) and focuses on the need for support for treatment in #Ghana. #SickleCell is an inherited condition that currently affects many lives worldwide. #SCDAwarenessGhana because it matters❗️ _________________________ A #CharisJadlen #SocialImpact Project (#SIProject), a #ThinkMahoganyCSR . #SickleCellAnemia #ILoveSomeoneWithSCD #SDG2 HealthAndWellbeing #BecauseItMatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CHsqWulDX-K/?igshid=6txxiuv8h3ug
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⚠️⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️ PHOTO OF MY SON ⚠️⚠️⚠️ When your child becomes 21 it should be a happy event, birthday parties, balloons, getting so drunk they have to be carried home and getting that symbolic key into adulthood... However when your child is no longer with you, it becomes a day of reflection on what could have been, what he would have looked like, what his personality would have been like, what he would have liked to do.... Today Jack you are 21 and for the first time in 21 years I feel a little lost... Tonight your sister and I will spend time together with some good friends laughing and being joyful because I know that is what you would have wanted.... You would of hated anyone being sad about you.... So today for the first time I am going show his picture.. I've never publicly shown his picture and if it upsets you then I'm sorry, but children come to us in all different ways... You never said ‘I’m leaving’ You never said ‘goodbye’ You were gone before I knew it And only god knew why A million times I’ve needed you A million times I’ve cried If love alone could’ve saved you You never would have died In life I loved you dearly In death I love you still In my heart you hold a place No-one else could ever fill It broke my heart to lose you But you didn’t go alone Part of me went with you The day god took you home Happy birthday Jack.... Kisses in the wind until we meet again my darling boy. Jack Luke Angel 19.08.99 Love mummy x x #babyloss #babylossawareness #babylosssupport #babylosssurvivor #borntoosoon #jacklukeangel (at Hastings, East Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEQE8An30y/?igshid=ikdmshbfom4t
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I feel a bit sorry for #Mummy. #borntoosoon
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World Prematurity Day 2019 https://posts.gle/ZpMyq A message map with the benefits of family partnership in care for children, families, parents, health care professionals, policymakers and others.
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November 17th - International Prematurity Day Our prayers and energy are with all the #BornTooSoon babies, who are spending their first months in intensive therapy. Unu si Unu NGO is reaching out to mothers all over the country sending out packages of #love, to #encourage them to keep on being #optimistic, to let them know they #donotstandalone in this fight and help them throughout this process. Their babies are #precious to all of us! It’s up to us to #SUPPORT #SHOWUP #STANDUP #GETINVOLVED #MAKEADIFFERENCE #Donate: Asociatia Unu si Unu RO07INGB0000999904198945, ING Bank www.unusiunu.com #volunteer #time #effort #unity #community #preemies #intensivecare #support #awareness #programs #projects #families #standtogheter #mothers2mothers (at Bucharest, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4w1_24nUr7/?igshid=ea02uxyb1fvs
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Happy 13th Birthday Jack! 💙🐘 What I wouldn't give to have 1 more minute with you. I'd tell you how much I love you, how proud I am to be your mama too. How I miss you desperately with my every breath. I love you more than all the stars in the sky, my sweet first born. You will always be my dream come true. What I wouldn't give to have one more minute with you! #MISSingJack #myson #firstborn #bereavedmom #bereavedparents #grief #thirteenth #birthday #missfoundation #borntoosoon #theboywholived #4hours #incompetentcervix https://www.instagram.com/p/B10bfi6AMk7/?igshid=4chde3znmmue
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my #mumsbestfriend bought me this #babypresent at my #babyshower can anyone see why #imnothappy today https://dealm4kers.com/products/god-bless-infant-baby-girls-clothing-romper-set-with-tutu-skirt-and-headband-ideal-for-christening-baptism-sunday-service-short-sleeves-with-glittery-letters-childrens-outfit get your #halfprice deal today @dealm4kers because i surely #dontwant this #mistake #notthatway #swingitordontbringit #themcrorystory #themcrorystorychapter1 #prematurebaby #csection #borntoosoon #microbladingeyebrows #kingsevensunglasses #kingseven #toysoldiers #thinkingshooter #kickthecancrew #ilovemymum #ilovemymummy #ilovemydad #ilovemygrandad #ilovemygranpa #iloveoprah https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGEJdKH7HG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cieyk2ozum18
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“Two of my three children were born prematurely so I know only too well the fear and anxiety that comes with such an early birth. My children are now grown up but it is so frightening that premature birth is still the biggest killer of babies in the UK and that 61,000 babies are born too soon each year. Medical research is so important if we are to change this and that’s why I’m supporting Action Medical Research’s BORN TOO SOON campaign.” We're so excited that Action Ambassador @drdawnharper is backing our #borntoosoon campaign! Together we will find the answers. Find out more and join the fight action.org.uk/borntoosoon #prematurebirth #prematurity #premature #preemies #medicalresearch https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-M4UxlNZe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4js0xyiovm1l
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Wave of light! For all those we never got to meet, born too soon or born asleep. You were loved more than words. You will always be remembered and you touched our lives in ways you will never know. The strength and resilience of those families affected astounds me. Losing your baby is something no one should ever have to experience. Infant loss is something we do not talk about enough. Sending so much love to all 💙 #infantlossawareness #borntoosoon #bornasleep #miscarriage #infantloss #waveoflight #tommys #bornwithwings #angelwings #pregnancyloss #forgetmenot #neverforgotten #loved #lovedwithoutmeasure (at Basildon, Essex) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9rA-Pnc2J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3vn2jjky93k8
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S.C.U.M. #borntoosoon #1985 #punk #rock #vinyl #album #lp at #feelitrecords #sandiego #recordstore #vinyligclub Psyche-Industry #records (at FeeLit)
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Today is #WorldPrematurityDay.
Approximately 1 in 10 of all babies born globally are preterm - born alive before 37 weeks of pregnancy http://bit.ly/2RWokG3 #BornTooSoon
#premature#prematüre#children#child#kids#baby#babies#parent#parents#parenthood#survival#survive#dr. asa don brown#dr asa don brown#asadonbrown.com#asa don brown#psychology#counseling#asadonbrown#counselling#canadian counselling and psychotherapy association#american counseling association#american psychological association#american psychotherapy association#development#develop
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So as a lot of my friend know this month is 21 years since my son Jack was born silent.... Jacks ashes are in this little forever friends box that was given to me by my mum and the plan is that when I go my husband will have Jack buried with me.... Until then though I have bought a necklace from T W Memorial gifts which I can put a piece of his ashes in and carry with me always x x https://www.facebook.com/TWmemorialgifts-102806091426706/ #borntoosoon #bornsleepingbutstillborn #bornsleeping #babyloss #losingababy (at Hastings, East Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDd8i_cHKVr/?igshid=1fj8se2o8rw89
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World Prematurity Day on November 17 raises awareness of this serious health crisis and burden of preterm birth globally. #SundayThoughts #SundayMorning #WorldPrematurityDay #AlphaFortress #borntoosoon #EveryChildALIVE #prematurityawarenessmonth #EveryChildALIVE
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